#with the glitter gel pens i got for christmas
springybreak · 4 months
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more like Quentin “the sun” Coldwater
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birdwithinternet · 1 year
hi! 3, 13, 16, 23, 25, 33, 35, 47, & 49 for the 50 asks? I know it’s an avalanche, so you can skip some if you want!! Drink some water 💜
This got pretty long so the answers are under the cut!
3. Do you like smoothies?
Yes! I haven't had a homemade smoothie in a few years, but my mom used to make delicious banana and berry smoothies! I also love yogurt smoothies.
13. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
Pencil. Hands down. I love how writing in pencil looks, and pencils in my opinion have more advantages than pens. For one thing, you can erase mistakes, which is much better and nicer-looking than scribbling over them like I have to do with a pen. Another thing, whenever I use pens I get ink on my hands no matter what I do! I guess if I had some better quality pens I might be able to keep my hands clean, but I don't. The only exception is the set of glitter gel pens I got for Christmas. And yes, you do have to sharpen pencils, which is a downside, but if you have a good sharpener it's actually really satisfying to do. Also putting a pencil behind my ear just feels cooler than a pen. I'm just rambling now. Anyway, I'm a certified Pencil Lover.
16. Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique?
My favorite hoodie is actually one that my mom gave me that she had since I was a baby! It's light blue with little yellow and red flowers on the front, and she used to wear it all the time. When I was big enough to wear it she gave it to me. It's very special.
23. Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
I don't usually sing in the shower, but if I do it's just whatever's stuck in my head at the moment. I think the last song I sang in the shower was Bridge of Light from Happy Feet 2 (not very well lol).
25. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any that you want?
My ✨fear of needles✨ has prevented me from getting any piercings/tattoos. I don't think I'll ever get any, but if I did I would like earrings.
33. Headphones or earbuds?
Headphones; for the noise-blocking qualities.
35. Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
I have too many stuffed animals to choose one favorite! Of course I have my orange cat that I sleep with, along with a whole plethora of creatures along the wall on my bed, and more in my wooden chest. Some of them include a giant owl that my granny got me, a patchwork snake with sparkly eyes, a blue-footed booby (I know, I know, the name is funny, it's just a bird though) that I got because I donated to the World Wildlife Fund, and the roadrunner from Looney Tunes that my dad won from a claw machine for me.
47. Do you like to go on walks?
YES! Walking is one of my favorite things to do on nice days. I like to bring my camera along sometimes and take pics of birds and plants.
49. What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Watch a movie or read a book, depending on how I'm feeling (if I watch a movie, it's usually one of my comfort movies). I also like to have a warm drink with me.
Thank you for all the asks! These were fun to answer!
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erin-bo-berin · 1 year
What’d you get for Christmas?
Oh man my parents spoiled me so much 😭
I got 19 books, 2 bunny calendars, 2 sets of penguin pajamas and a pair of bunny pajama pants, a bunny necklace, an electric kettle (though for all of us to use to have hot water for tea, coffee, ramen, etc), 2 adult coloring books, a set of 60 glitter gel pens to color with (my inner kid is dying because they’re so pretty and so amazing lol), $325 in Amazon gift cards, Battle Steve funko pop and then Battle Steve and Battle Robin keychain Funkos and two scratch offs that I ended up winning $20 from lol I was so shocked and happy with all my gifts. 🥰
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positivityfortoday · 3 years
☀ PositivityForToday’s 10K Celebration ☀
There are SO many things worth living for and reasons to smile and be happy! With the help of my lovely followers/friends, I have compiled a list of 1,000 things that make people happy, for my 10,000 amazing followers! Hopefully, this list is able to help you, make you feel better, or give you a reason to smile today! 
☀ 1,000 Happy Things ☀
Seeing cows while driving
Moss on really old fallen trees 
Seeing a lil baby you don't know in public, and they smile at you!!!
Parents doing their kids hair or just people doing someone they care about’s hair
Really ragged old and well-loved stuffed animals 
When the dandelions start blooming
Spring blossom
When you're sitting outside your house or something and people passing by wave and say hi
That feeling in the summer when you have your window open and you're listening to your favorite music
When someone does a hobby just because they enjoy it even if they aren't the best at it
Comfort shows and books
People speaking their native languages
When my brother gets something to eat and always gets me something he knows I like
When I finish a crossword 
When I see something that reminds me of someone I care about
My best friend (I love her so much shhhh don't tell her)
My dog! I love him 
My little sisters! Adorable, creative, and very witty. I love them
Music! I get the happy shaky feelings and just,,, y e a h/listening to songs
Singing! Especially for band practice!
Sunlight beams in the morning
The moon
That feeling when you’re with friends and you’re all laughing so loudly, and you just feel complete
Talking to my favorite people/talking to my best friend
Sunrises and sunsets
Seeing the stars
Warm sunshine
Purple gel pens
My children
Sunny days
Beautiful views
Spending time with my family and friends
Playing badminton
Playing with little kids
Playing with dogs
Animals doing daft things 
Talks and walks with my son 
Morning breakfast and coffee 
A good spicy lunch
Laying in my bed at night and just checking on current affairs and news
My boyfriend
My friends 
Voice acting
Petting my dog
Smelling Flowers 
Feeling a cold thing when I’m warm or a warm thing when I’m cold 
Giving and getting kisses
Random texts from friends
Coffee flavored chocolate 
Moths with big white wings
Underdone scrambled eggs
A rainy night
That first warm day of spring
Going on hikes
Being outdoors
The smell of playdoh 
Taking photos
Getting new clothing 
Going on picnics
Writing poetry
Reading books
The holidays
Making people smile/laugh
A nice warm blanket
Eating ice cream
Snow globes
Lightning bugs
Flowers after the snow melts
The smell of rain
Sitting on the steps early in the morning
Being the first to wake up
The feeling I get after running
The comfort of a favorite shirt
My girlfriend 
Random acts of kindness
When I play with my dog by pretending to run at her and she goes crazy with excitement 
My cat 
Piano (playing or listening)
Small flowers
Flowy skirts/dresses
Wholesome romances
Hearing a song for the first time and loving it immediately 
Playing my flute
Listening to vinyls on a record player
When someone remembers a little detail about you
Painting my nails
Doing yoga
Doing exercise
Beating a personal record
Making crafts
Taking a shower after a long day
Going to the zoo
Going on vacation
Being at the beach or near water
Watching Netflix
Going to the movie theatre
Watching a live play at a theatre
Learning something new
Teaching someone how to do something 
Toasting marshmallows and eating S’mores 
Seeing a shooting star
Taking a nap
When someone compliments me
Decorating my room
My favorite band
My favorite celebrities
My favorite actors
Setting a new goal
Collecting rocks
Putting on fresh clean sheets
Seeing Christmas lights
Listening to birds chirping
Sitting by a bonfire
Eating mashed potatoes
Bullet journaling
Driving in the car with the windows down
Looking at pretty pictures
Funny jokes/puns/memes
Pretty clouds
My favorite shoes
Getting new art supplies
Making photo edits
Making gifts for my friends and family
Getting gifts from people 
Playing an instrument
Drinking a nice cup of tea
Iced tea on a summer day
Eating fresh fruit
Getting my hair braided 
Eating at a restaurant 
Being on a boat
Making new friends
Finding an animal in nature 
Pumpkins and pumpkin patches
Carving pumpkins 
Autumn and all the beautiful colors
Acting for theatre
Making video edits
Wearing a costume for Halloween
Dressing fancy
Finding four leaf clovers
Pressing flowers
Scrap booking
Handwritten letters
Eating breakfast 
Inspirational quotes
Wearing my favorite necklace 
Baby animals 
Little streams and ponds
Sun shining through trees
When it’s foggy out and you can see dew drops on plants and spider webs
Being on a swing
Finally accomplishing a goal you’ve been working on 
When a new season of your favorite show comes out
Doing my makeup
Cleaning and organizing 
Taking a bath
Watching funny videos
Wearing sweaters and hoodies
Fuzzy socks
Helping people 
Little figurines and objects
Looking out the window 
Opening a window for fresh air
The smell of coffee 
Watching YouTube videos 
Getting a haircut 
Seeing a deer in the woods 
Watching birds fly
Finding shapes and objects in the clouds 
The smell of fresh laundry
When someone tells me something reminded them of me
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Animal crossing
My switch
Seeing cool cars/old cars
Drawing with chalk on a sidewalk
Going to bed early
Making progress
Checking things off my to-do list
Taking Polaroid pictures
Going for walks
Going to the library
Starting a new book
Finishing a good book
Playing board games
Big trees
Sunlight coming through the windows
Waking up on Christmas morning
Getting book, song, movie, etc. recommendations from my friends
Making music playlists
Finally receiving packages I ordered in the mail 
Baking desserts
When my favorite song comes on
When people make playlists for each other
Finding new characters to ship
Having free time
Sticky notes
Peace and quietness
Alone time
Meeting my step/exercise goal for the day
The people who love me
Coloring books
Getting into bed after a long day
How unique and different everyone is
Getting a lot of work done
Looking forward to my future dream job
Playing video games
Being on Tumblr
Taking time for myself
Practicing self-care
Face masks
Finding money you forgot about
Holding hands
The smell of apple pie
Starting a new tv show
Getting letters in the mail
When the seasons change
Mugs and teacups
Breakfast food
Going into the woods/forest
Trying new creative outlets
The smell of sunscreen
Eating the food you’ve been craving
Knowing and feeling that people care
Telling a good story
Laughing so hard can’t stop and your stomach hurts
Late summer nights
Late night drives
Listening to people I love talk about their favorite things and what they’re passionate about
Listening to podcasts
Turning up the volume of my music
Putting my headphones in
Blasting my favorite songs through my speaker
People accepting and supporting others for who they truly are
Wearing something cozy
Soft light
Warm weather
A well-rested night
Waking up in the morning and feeling refreshed
Knowing that every day is a fresh start
Well written characters
A book I can get lost in
My parents
My siblings
My grandparents
The feeling of sand beneath your feet
Heated blankets
Getting something for free
Mason jars
Practicing a new skill
Finding a new hobby
Lazy weekends
Mac n cheese
French fries
Having deep conversations with my best friend
New jeans
Going to IKEA
When other people are happy (especially people I know and love)
Marching band
Sleeping in
Having the day off
Getting new books
Playing guitar
Playing ukulele 
Random compliments
A change of scenery
Waking before the sun is up
Reading old letters
Building Lego sets
Using photoshop to make edits
Walking along the seafront and breathing in time with the waves
A good rom-com or nostalgic show
Writing lists
Pinterest boards
Looking back at my accomplishments
Talking on the phone with a friend or family member
Wrapping presents
A blue sky
Loving someone 
Washi tape
The color yellow
Cooking dinner
Kind gestures
Inside jokes
Songs that make you feel nostalgic
Seeing other people’s art
Comfy clothes
Wearing pajamas
When someone calls you by your nickname
Going to Target
The first sunburn of the summer
Ramen noodles
Chinese food
Thrift shopping
Flower fields
Flowers growing in random places, like through a crack in the sidewalk
Sparkly snowflakes
When it snows on Christmas
Mixing paint colors together
Perfectly shaven legs
The color red
The smell of flowers
The ocean 
Adult sized onesies
Driving a golf cart
The color blue
Crickets chirping
Seeing everyone’s houses decorated for the holidays, especially Christmas
Other people sharing what makes them happy
Being understood
When someone texts to make sure I got home safely
Iced coffee
Becoming better at communicating with others
Seeing a friend for the first time in a while
Good morning and good night texts
Drinking a cold glass of water
Deep conversations in the middle of the night
Collecting sea shells
Building blanket forts
Tan lines
Being under lots of blankets
Making better health and money choices
Getting chills from a song even after hearing it countless times 
Liking how I look
Hot chocolate
Finding new music
Buying cute things
Wearing an outfit I really like
When someone tells you how glad they are to be your friend
Watching raindrops race down a window 
Trying new food
Finding exactly what I was looking for 
Planning my future
Finding a song that perfectly fits my mood or describes how I’m feeling
Writing little notes to people
When someone tells me I did something good
Eating ice cream on a hot day
Making friends with animals
Going to football games
Seeing people genuinely interested in something
Snow days
The last day of school
Winter break
Spring break
New Year’s Eve
Sitting outside on a cool summer day
Watching rain
Watching the ocean waves come in
Netflix binges
A new movie release I really want to watch
Driving with a window down for the first time in the spring 
Taking a cruise
Giving helpful advice
Getting helpful advice
Doing a favor for someone who needs it
Someone referencing one of my fandoms or something I love out of no where
Learning and knowing stuff
Doing something physically challenging or scary
Listening to my bedroom fan while I fall asleep
Coming up with a new creative idea 
Finding something I wanted at the store on sale for a good deal
Finishing all my assignments on time or even early
Hugging my dog
Taking my dog for a walk
Teaching my dog a new trick
When strangers stop to say hi to my dog
Listening to audiobooks
The weekend
Finding a new flavor of chapstick
Drinking Kool-Aid, it makes me feel so nostalgic
Watching nature shows on a weekend morning
Watching cartoon shows on a Sunday morning
A good TV show, most likely something I've watched before because that way I know it ends well
A good, delicious comfort meal on a Friday night by myself 
A café in the city centre at noon when it's not filled with the morning rush or afternoon coffee breakers
The stars from my childhood bedroom because they're the brightest here
Listening to my favorite playlist really loud on a long road trip and singing to myself loudly in my car
Having an entire day to myself without interruptions from anyone
Opening the curtains first thing in the morning 
A new jacket
Going to the cinema on a first release day because it's always super exciting and full of people anxious to see a movie they've been waiting for forever
Listening to live music
Riding roller coasters
Going to amusement parks
Eating fair food
Feeling an instrument vibrate when you’re playing it
Hearing my dog snore
When my dog dreams in his sleep 
Wearing a new piece of clothing for the first time
Feeling the sun on you
Eyes in the sunlight
Seeing city lights
Singing in the shower at the top of my lungs
Looking at someone and them knowing exactly what they’re going to say
Laughing till you cry
Being under a blanket
Going to craft stores
Watching boats
The idea of traveling the world
When my dogs let me lay my head on them
Listening to an old song and having it bring back memories
Candy corn
Crazy socks
Fall and the leaves changing color and the crisp feeling in the air
Making snowmen
Making gingerbread houses for Christmas
Making videos with family
Burning a candle
Booping a dog’s nose
Getting letters/notes from people; writing them
Snow globes
Dr. Pepper
Doc martens
Fortune cookies
Finishing something
Skipping rocks
Warm rain
When someone opens up to you
Finding the right words to say exactly what you wanted
Animal footprints
Eating outside
Fairy lights
The smell of a hotel
Meeting a new dog
Getting magazines in the mail
Being in the woods as the sun starts to rise and the animals wake up
Warm days
Adirondack chairs
A warm breeze
Clothes and blankets hanging outside to dry
Feeding birds
The color green
Tie dying things
Going to art museums
Going to science museums
New albums from my favorite artists 
Seeing moss in nature
Finding cute little mushrooms 
When a dog wags its tail a bunch and is excited to see me
Playing fetch with my dog
Obsessing over something and having someone to talk about it with
Going on a walk with my best friend and talking about life
Looking at old pictures and reminiscing on good memories
Reading a book that's so good your brain wants to read faster than it can
Laughing with friends about the weirdest things
Being appreciated for doing small things you wouldn't even have thought about yourself because it's something you *just do*
Being creative
Watching animals
A story I can't put down
The moment when you listen to a new song/album by your favourite artist
When you're at a concert and anticipating the moment before the band comes out
When at a concert and they play your favourite song live
The moment when someone compliments your outfit 
When you see someone wearing merch of something you like 
Seeing the sunrise/sunset 
Watching the sun rise out of the water or sink down into it as it’s setting
This ecstatic feeling in general when you're just living in the moment with people who love something as much as you do
Hugging my cat and smelling his fur
Listening to my music by myself and singing to it 
Making edits I’m really proud of 
Losing hours in a good book or fanfiction
Writing sentences that I actually like 
My siblings and my parents when they're being chill and funny
Watching my favorite tv shows and movies and yelling about them into the void 
Finding a new good song 
Fresh out of the shower + fresh clean sheets feeling when you go to bed
When I come downstairs in the morning and my dog greets me right at the bottom step with her lil’ tail wagging
Knowing that if I ever needed someone to chat with, someone would be there to lend an ear
When you shuffle your music and the exact song you want to hear plays
When all my family is around the outdoor fire on a summer’s evening
When my nieces and nephews give me squishy kid hugs
Being home alone and being able to cook or bake in the kitchen without disruption
Driving around with a friend in the evenings and just belting our favorite songs
Seaside walks
Disney World
Seeing live theatre
The sun shining on leaves and stone buildings
Dancing when I'm alone
Color-coordinating my outfit
Floating on my back in the sea
The smell of summer nights
The smell of winter mornings
Colorful things/environments
Walking along lakes/rivers/the sea
Spending time in nature
Taking care of my plants
Giving affection to my loved ones
Listening to other people's stories
Reading about people I've never met before or places I've never visited before (especially if they are now just a part of history)
Swimming in a river or the sea
Stargazing (my favorite moments usually happen an hour before sunrise)
Feeling the breeze when I spin and my heartbeat when I dance for an hour at a time
All the wonderful smells of flowers and colours that nature has to offer
Sharing good laughter with someone
Feeling like I belong
Travelling and discovering new customs of different cultures
Hiking or foraging
That feeling when I'm approaching the end of a really good book and I let myself be engulfed by the fact that it's a unique experience, that I'll never experience as the first time again
Observing my local fauna
Petting and taking care of an animal (double the joy if it is friendly with strangers)
Drinking a good cup of honey tea
Finding a perfume that suits me
Eating something sweet
Enjoying a meal with others
Cat paws tapping on the floor
Dipping a biscuit into tea
Trying to catch leaves falling from the tree
Having sunlight hit your face when you’re napping
Objects that cast a rainbow when the sun shines through them
Seeing patterned shadows
Ambient mood lighting
Wearing jewelry 
Playing chess
Fresh air
Going somewhere new
My Mom’s cooking
Being inspired
When someone holding your hand rubs their thumb lovingly in circles
Picking strawberries
Painting the walls of my room
Wind chimes
Seeing that your favorite people are active online
Finally understanding something you were struggling with
The excitement you get when someone reblogs your writing or art
Getting a new notebook or journal
When someone tells you they love you and mean it
The smell of freshly baked bread
When my dog falls asleep on me
Making new online friends
Found family
Finishing cleaning my room
When someone lays their head on your shoulder
Doing something right on the first try
Finally sitting down after standing for a long time
Getting goosebumps from hearing or seeing something you love
Seeing a gorgeous view
Loving someone and them loving you back
Freshly baked gooey cookies
When a song comes on and everyone starts singing
When I’m out for a run and it’s hot and it starts raining. Nothing makes me feel more like a human than getting caught in the rain on a run
Swimming in the ocean
When people are talking about something they really love and get carried away trying to explain it all to you
Being in the middle of nowhere and actually getting to see the whole sky of stars that you never get to see in a city
Finding people that love the same things you do
 When something silly reminds you of someone you love; like every time I see an orange and green gummy worm I think of my sister
When you’re hugging someone and they squeeze you a little bit before they let go
Weather where you can leave all the windows open in your house
Driving with no destination in mind
Falling asleep to the sound of rain
Hearing other people laugh
Laughing only because you hear someone else laugh and it's just so contagious
The first snowfall of the year
Disney movies
Listening to someone tell stories and they have like 15 side stories in between the main one
Romantic movies
Bubble baths
Smiling between kisses
Wearing sweatpants
A clean house
My computer
Cheesy pickup lines
When people tell me they miss me
Cool spring mornings after a storm
My job
New shoes
Oversized shoes
Caramel apples
Running my blog
Finding sea glass at the beach
Getting my nails done 
Planning vacation
Hot cider
Telling people I love them
Writing in my gratitude journal
Eating homegrown vegetables, fruit, and herbs
Remembering a good dream I had
Happy endings
Colored pens
Decorating for the holidays
Finishing a really good tv show
Summer rain
Thunderstorms where I can just open my window to the full extent and just watch and listen
Calls with my best friend
Seeing a meme and sending it to my friends
Getting an email from AO3
That moment when you get an idea for creating something
Walking barefoot on the grass
Sending thank you notes
Writing events I’m looking forward to on my calendar
Dippin' Dots
Spicy food
Seeing a full moon
Eating cookie dough
Eating seasonal food
Bubble wrap
Going to the car wash and getting rainbow soap
Dark chocolate
Soft blankets
Weighted blankets
Soft drinks with crushed ice
When I get an unexpected phone call from someone I love
Wearing flip flops
Longer daylight hours
Having a BBQ
Frosting cookies
Making cupcakes in the microwave
Watching the Hallmark channel during the holidays
Taking selfies or photos with people I love
Putting on lotion
The smell of a baby’s head
The Office
Online shopping
The smell of freshly cut grass
Surprising my family or friends
Looking at the clock when it’s 11:11
Being productive
Doing good on an exam
Someone doing a favor for me (especially when I didn’t ask)
Eating pancakes with syrup
Waving at people
Giving high fives
Complicated Handshakes between you and your best friend
Naps/feeling well-rested
Eating one of my favorite foods
Hearing good news from/about a friend or family member
Looking at nature (these days it's seeing squirrels in my neighbour's garden and looking at my plants and trees)
When make someone happy or feel like I made a difference (including a satisfied client)
Success (good grades, a gifset that does well)
Hugs from my mom
Learning new things
Chatting with my friends because they’re all amazing people
Group watches of my favorite tv show or movie
That feeling when the house has just been cleaned/when I’m freshly showered
Making jokes/laughing with people
Reading fluffy fanfics
Driving on the road to a destination far away, I love the trip as much as (if not more than) arriving at the actual place
Reading affirmations
Green tea
Getting breakfast or lunch from a nice restaurant 
Learning about topics that won’t benefit me; like Chinese history, geography, ancient flora and fauna, etc. just things that I find cool 
The jokes my girlfriend makes, especially when they’re the same ones she always makes
Stories from the past! Stories from history from people who actually lived through it
Stories in general, just hearing the life experiences of people in completely different positions from me. I love hearing people’s stories
Drawing intricate things, like old buildings, landscapes, and plants
Cooking a nice meal
Grocery shopping and farmers markets especially 
My cat! All of her weird little habits too, like how she stands in front of my feet so I’ll push her where she wants to go 
Botanical gardens
State parks
Art galleries
Listening to stories my grandparents tell
When people tell me about their life goals and dreams
Being surrounded by the people I love 
Living the best life I can
Partying hard the night away
Sunflowers always make me smile
Warm tea
Big fluffy clouds in a blue sky
Friendly babies
Hearing a past favorite song
Singing karaoke 
Biking riding
Helping others
Chocolate milk
Sweets and fruits
Having fun doing things I love
Video games
My favorite things
Being on Tumblr
Looking at flowers and plants
Playing with my cats
Chatting with my friends (at the moment it’s through zoom, of course)
Finding new ways to decorate my room
Window shopping
Spending time with my boyfriend
Wearing my favorite outfit/accessory
Eating something delicious
The cool side of my pillow 
Tears of joy
Reading poems
Hugging trees
Tree houses
Playing frisbee
Making sculptures
Puppy ears
The first day of spring
The first day of summer
Sending silly photos to my friends
Building sand castles
Winning prizes at the fair or arcade
Scrolling through my phone
Writing fanfiction
Seeing someone you haven't seen for a really long time
Putting together collages
Printing out photos I love
DIY projects
Listening to steel drums
Haunted houses
Going through a corn maze
Picking fresh fruit or vegetables
Bubble tea
Dunkin donuts
Disney Princesses
Climbing trees
Finishing errands
Rewatching my favorite episodes
Ice cream blizzards
Listening to acoustic versions of songs
Hot tubs
Rubber ducks
Coconut flavored food
Dipping fries in ice cream
Discovering a new type of animal
Seeing hot air balloons
Splashing in puddles 
Having plants inside my house
Teddy bears
Iridescent/holographic things
Bird houses
Breakfast in bed
Dew drops
Glow sticks
Flower crowns (especially handmade ones)
Spring rain 
Watching other people make art
Finding heart shaped things in nature
Thinking of getting my own apartment
Coming up with a new recipe for food
Cookbook recipes passed down through families
Making pretty yogurt bowls
Seaside houses
Flying on planes and being in/above the clouds
Flower bouquets
Looking at and learning about the planets
Fruit snacks
Palm trees
Weeping willow trees
Cherry blossoms
Eating cake
Decorating cakes with eccentric icing designs and colors
Whipped cream
Having snowball fights
Hearing Christmas music
Wearing rings
Green grass
A tidy organized desk with cute desk supplies
My craft room
Little cottages
Cotton candy (and cotton candy flavored things)
Looking at all the paint pallet colors in paint stores
Taking silly photos in photobooths
Going to the mall
Making jam, especially strawberry jam
Reading outside
Finding a bird nest and watching eggs hatch
Looking at photos of my family and friends 
Finding old flora and art books
Eating fresh corn on the cob with butter on a summer day
Lily Pads
Inner peace
Sitting under a tree
Not having to turn on the light in your room when the sun is shining through
When restaurants have patios you can dine at
Fishing on a pier
Seeing old couples in public
Making gifs
Trees swaying in the wind
Dying Easter eggs
Laying in the trunk of a car and watching the clouds or stars
Night lights
Flower shops 
Outer space
PB&J sandwiches
Toasted Cheese
LoFi music
Listening to/watching ambience videos
Turtle necks
Looking at old maps
Figurines of the earth/globe
Honey and bees
Seeing footprints in sand and watching them be washed away by waves
Anything related to the moon, stars, and sun
Reading my horoscope (even if I know it’s not real)
Archways decorated with hanging flowers
Knowing that I’m not alone
Ancient roman sculptures
When someone tells me they care about me
Birthday parties 
My brother
My sister
When my dog leaves his bed to lay in the sunlight
Doing mini photoshoots with my friends
Hand making bracelets/necklaces (friendship bracelets)
When someone calls me darling or honey
Love letters
Game night
Stress balls and squishy toys
Starting something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time
Playing cards
Doing puzzles
Word searches
Ordering takeout
Stepping out into the fresh air
Creating vision boards
Getting a massage
Writing positive affirmations
Lunch dates
Standup comedy
Listening to classical music
Nature/animal documentaries
Having someone there to listen to me
Listening to someone when they need it
Accepting myself for who I am
Looking back and seeing how far I’ve come and all the progress I've made
Doing something my future self will be thankful for
Speaking up for myself
Being near loved ones
Finding time for my hobbies
Giving myself time to rest
Saturday mornings
Marrying the one I love
Discovering new things
Going to new cities
My idols
Feeling the wind on my face on a car ride
The sensation of music in my ears and like nothing else matters
People who have my best interest in mind
Fulfilling my dreams
Discovering a new ice cream flavor
Making myself a priority
Knowing that I am important, and I matter
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Thank you all so much for following me and supporting my blog! It means a TON! I never expected for this blog to become popular, especially because I originally started it to help myself get through some mental health issues. I am so happy to be able to share my journey of healing with you all! It means the world to me to help or make a positive impact on even just one person’s life! Each and every single one of you is amazing!! You matter and you are SO important! Thanks again for your everything! Have a great day!!! Sending sunshine your way!! 
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Incorrect Quotes 4
Errorink (lol I dont have much Errorink in my posts still, sorry)
Geno, to Ink: I dare you to—
Dream: Ink isn’t allowed to accept dares.
Ink: Apparently I have ”no regard for my personal safety”
Dust: Do you miss the imagination of childhood?
Cross: I never had one.
Dust: An imagination or a childhood?
Horror: *accidentally hits Error in the face*
Horror: *trying to decide between saying “I’m fucking sorry” and “are you okay?”
Killer: Do you like my outfit?
Dream: Not as much as I like what's underneath it.
Killer, blushing: I- Dre-  
Dream: I need your chair. Get up.
Horror: Do you know when you know someone, and you see that they have another, like, life away from you and it feels weird?
Dust: Like when you see your teacher in the grocery store weird, or like when someone you’ve known for a long time starts wearing a cowboy hat weird?
Horror: The… The first thing weird
Dust: Oh, that’s good, ‘Cause I was thinking about getting a cowboy hat
Cross: You read my diary?!
Dream: At first, I didn’t know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Lust: Sorry, but you're under arrest for robbery.
Horror: What did I steal?
Lust, trying not to cry: My heart
Dream: Killer and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Cross: *Sighing* What did Killer do?
Dream: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Killer: Who wants a steering wheel?
Dream: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Killer: *chugs entire bottle*
Killer: It’s perfume.
Killer, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today.
Dream: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a jerk!
Killer, tending to Dream's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Dream: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Killer: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Horror, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Dust: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Horror: What did you do!?
Dust, addressing the squad: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Horror: But – that’s just a trash can.
Dust: It sure is!
Dream: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Fell: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Sci: I wake up at 4:30 AM
Fell: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Sci: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise
Fell: I beg to differ
Sci: Then Beg
Dust: You’re a lying, cheating, piece of shit! You’re not the person I married!
Blue: Fine then! We’re getting a divorce! And i’m taking the kids!
Dream, pushing the monopoly board away from them: …maybe we should stop playing…
Dream: I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for who they are!
Ink: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.
Killer: *dials 911*
Killer: hey i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again
Ink: Things have actually been going really well with Error. Our friendship is in a really good place.
Ink: Last week I said, “Did you know the weiner dog is neither a weiner nor a dog?” Instead of saying, “Shut up, Ink,” they said, “Okay.”
Lust: *signs a legal document with a glitter gel pen*
Horror, dumping out a shopping bag full of Lunchables onto the table: Tonight, we feast.
Error or Nightmare: *kicks “G” off Graveyard sign*
Error or Nightmare: Let’s get this party started.
Reaper: Did Geno just tell me they loved me for the first time?
Cross: Yeah.
Reaper: And did I do finger guns back?
Cross: Yeah, you did.
Sci: Name one time I haven’t acted professional
Geno: You’re holding a juice box right now
Sci: It’s to stop me from spilling my juice.
*The Bad Sanses response to I love you*
Killer: Thanks fam!
Horror: oh no
Dust: *cries* I love you too
Cross: Sounds fake but okay
Error: *A flustered mess*
Nightmare: can i get a refund
Sci: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Blue: What if it bites me and it dies!?
Sci: Then you’re poisonous.
Dream: What if it bites itself and I die?
Sci: That’s voodoo.
Error: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Sci: That’s correlation, not causation.
Horror: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Ink & Killer at the same time: That’s kinky.
Sci: Oh my God.
Blue: Truth or dare?
Lust: Dare
Blue: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room
Lust: Hey Ink. 
Ink: Yeah?
Lust: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Geno. 
Killer: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Horror: Okay, but in my defense, Dust bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Killer: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
*The group is getting into the car*
Lust: I’m driving.
Geno, out of view: Shotgun!
Sci, turning to face Geno: Aww! But you had it on the way here-
Everyone except Geno: WOAH-
Geno, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
A random stranger: Go to Hell
Nightmare, tearing up: I wish I could
Error: Dear friends, your Christmas gift this year… is me. That’s right, another year of friendship. Your membership has been renewed.
Blue: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
Dust: My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like.
Killer: You know how I roll.
Killer: And I’m not talking about that time I fell into a pile of dung at the foot of a hill.
Dream: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Killer: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Blue: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Fell: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Horror: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Dust: Oh, I’m always running
Dust: The question is from what
Fell: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Blue, desperately, as Fell bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Fell: Oh! B positive.
Horror: So what’s for dinner?
Dust, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Nightmare: Hey, you want some leftovers?
Cross: What's that?
Nightmare: You've never had leftovers???
Cross: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Nightmare: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Cross: Thank you
Nightmare: I didn't say that was a good thing
Cross: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Sci, pointing: May I sit there?
Fell: That's my lap
Sci: That doesn't answer my question, Fell.
Blue: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Dream: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Blue: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Ink: edible
'Can I copy the homework?'
Horror: I can help you with it!
Killer: Yeah, sure.
Dust: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Error: lol nope.
Cross: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Nightmare: *Read 5:55pm*
Nightmare: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Horror: >:O language
Dust: Yeah watch your fucking language
Error: 'The fuck word'.
Killer: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Dust: Oh my god they censored it
Error: Say fuck, Killer.
Dust: Do it, Killer. Say fuck.
Killer: Croissants: dropped
Horror: Road: works ahead
Dust: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Cross: Shavacado: fre
Error: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Nightmare, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Nightmare: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Horror: Okay, but what is updog?
Dust: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Cross: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Error: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
Killer: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Nightmare: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Cross: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Dust: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Horror: What’s a henway??
Nightmare: Oh, about five pounds.
Killer: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Horror: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Error: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it.
Cross: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Dust: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Nightmare: I have emotional scars.
Killer: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Horror: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
Killer: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Error: Actually I did the math, Horror would have $225, not $0.15.
Horror: Fam I’m right here....
Cross: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Killer: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Cross: Sorry I only have a dollar
Killer: :(
Error: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Horror would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Cross: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Error: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Dust: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Error: Apply juice to what
Nightmare: Directly to the forehead
Horror: Great chat everyone
Killer: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Horror: Have everyone stand.
Cross: Bring three more chairs.
Error: The most important ones can sit down.
Dust: Kill three.
Killer: You're a loose cannon, Horror.
Horror: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Error: I think you play by your own rules.
Cross: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Killer: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Horror: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Dust is a loose cannon.
Dust: *smashes a chair*
Cross: Are we really going to let Error keep Horror?
Killer: We kept Dust.
Killer: Good morning.
Horror: Good morning.
Error: Good morning.
Cross: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Killer: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Horror: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
Dust: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Cross: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Horror: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
Dust: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Cross: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Error, annoyed: You are disappointments
Dust: What’s something you guys are better than Killer at?
Error: Mario Kart.
Cross: Yeah, video games.
Horror: Emotional vulnerability.
Dust: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Horror: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Cross: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Killer: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Error: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Lust: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited
Geno: If?
Sci: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Lust, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Geno: You did WHAT–
Sci: William Snakepeare
Lust: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness.
Geno: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you.
Sci: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Lust: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Geno: You people already know too much about me.
Sci: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Lust: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Geno: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Sci: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Geno: Good thinking.
Lust: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.
Lust: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Shopping with Maxwell Lord
DAY FIVE: Shopping with Maxwell Lord [This is the one I really wanted to write for myself and my own self indulgent needs!]
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes
December Writing Challenge: @mandos-blaster @silent-and-resigned @valentinasubmarina
December Writing Challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Warnings: allusions to sex, mention of orphanages and losing parents, Maxwell really wants a baby...
Word count: 2.7k
Rating: PG-13
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Maxwell stood there, front and centre of the living room, in front of the television, frowning. A crinkle in between his brown eyebrows and his arms crossed over his chest. "Max?" you asked, looking at him with bewilderment. He didn't reply. "Max, can you move? I'm trying to watch A Christmas Carol." Maxwell sighed, moving out the way and slumping on down on the couch next to you. You continued watching the black and white movie for only a few seconds before tossing your head back and pausing it. "What?" you asked Maxwell and he narrowed his eyes.
"What?" he repeated, his tone almost accusing.
"Why are you so miserable?" you asked him and he shrugged, looking away from you and back at the paused TV. "Hello? Cat got your tongue?" you quizzed, causing him to roll his eyes. "Talk to me."
"I just-" Maxwell took a deep breath. "I hate the time of year. I mean, since meeting you, it's been better. It's been so much better but still… it still feels tainted by my past." he revealed. You wrapped your arm around him and lay your head into his lap. He found his fingers smoothing out your hair, bringing him a sense of comfort and belonging. "I don't know what to do."
You thought for a moment, glancing back at the paused television and back up at your boyfriend. "You remind me of Scrooge." you said out loud.
"Excuse me?" Maxwell asked and you giggled, reaching over to grab the remote and press play on the television.
"Ebeneezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol," you clarified, pointing at the character on the television. "He was always miserable around Christmas. He made his business associate work in the cold and he never gave to charity… but then three ghosts came to visit him and he changed into a better, kind hearted and more generous man."
"Wow," Maxwell scoffed. "You really know how to make me feel better." he said sarcastically and you slapped his arm playfully. "I don't see the resemblance. I give to plenty of charities and I never make my employees work in the cold… and what is he wearing?"
"Maxie," you laughed. "It's set like, 100 years ago. Listen, I think you're wonderful. You give so much already. And I love you no matter what but… Christmas in particular is a time for giving back. Helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves. I think it could really bring you a kind of happiness. It'll keep you occupied and-"
"You have something in mind, don't you?" Maxwell sighed and your lips curled into a grin.
"Maybe…." you smirked, your eyes sparkling with excitement and desire. Maxwell loved to see you happy.
"Okay, what is it?" He asked and you sat up, taking his hands and giving them a gentle squeeze.
"When I was in the city the other day, I saw that the orphanage have been asking for donations. They're saying they'll accept anything. They just want the children to have a Christmas they'll never forget." you explained and Maxwell nodded. He was one of the biggest investors for the orphanage in DC. As a child, he knew how it felt to feel left behind. "So Max, what if we give them a Christmas they'll never forget?"
"Send more money?" he asked, already reaching for his checkbook.
"No. No that's...not what I meant." you shook your head.
"Well what do you propose?"
"Shopping!" you beamed and Maxwell sighed. "C'mon, it'll be fun." You grinned, pulling him off the sofa and wrapping your arms around him.
"It's Christmas Eve, the mall is going to be chaos." Maxwell shook his head in dismay.
"We are going shopping Maxwell." you said sternly. "Trust me on this one."
You pulled him over to the lobby and passed him his winter coat, scarf and gloves before swinging on your own faux fur jacket and wooly hat. "You can make up for this tonight." Maxwell told you, playfully smacking your ass as you opened the front door. You laughed and rolled your eyes before taking your boyfriend's hand and pulling him outside.
Maxwell was right. The mall was chaos, but luckily everyone was in a world of their own, too focused on getting their last minute Christmas shopping in before the big day tomorrow. "What's the plan?" he asked as you analysed the map of the mall, trying to figure out the most efficient route.
"We get toys and clothes and…" you looked up at Max. "100 kids live in that orphanage. We're going to do the absolute best we can for them, okay?"
"Okay." Maxwell agreed and you took his hand.
"Okay," you confirmed. "Let's go."
The first stop was a department store. It was bustling like you had never seen before. You and Maxwell both decided it would be best if you split up and went your separate ways before reuniting at the main entrance with your shopping. Taking control, like he always did, Maxwell told you to pick up toiletries while he'd look at the children's clothes.
You found yourself grabbing bubblegum flavoured toothpaste and princess pirate toothbrushes and washcloths, mermaid bubble bath and astronaut shower gel. You were practically pushing everything you could find into your shopping basket, trying your hardest to ignore the heaviness and the way your arm ached from the weight of it. You grabbed some fruity fragranced body spray for the slightly older girls and some deodorant for the preteen boys before heading to the checkout.
Maxwell Lord in the children's clothing section of the busiest DC department store was something else. He was surrounded by pink fluffy cardigans made for two year olds and onesies with little trains printed on them. Maxwell was someone who had a key eye for fashion, and while you were someone who wanted to grab everything you could, Maxwell really valued the quality. He strutted over to the designer brand section and picked out a dozen pairs of cashmere socks, winter UGG boots, Gucci jackets and white, frilly, made in Milan dresses.
But then his eye caught on something. It wasn't designer, it was a small, pale yellow babygrow with the words "Daddy's little princess" embellished in pink glitter writing. It was the smallest thing he had ever seen and he was enamoured. He stared at it for a few moments, before it was snatched away by a middle aged red faced woman with her hair scraped back into a ponytail.
"Hey!" Maxwell shouted, spinning around and pointing his finger at the woman. "That's mine." he frowned, angry that she had taken the last one.
"Finders keepers." she snarled.
Maxwell tore his hat from his head and removed his sunglasses. "Do you know who I am?" he quizzed bitterly, his hand taking place on his hip.
The woman gasped, her mouth parting slightly. "Oh- oh my god," she said with shock dripping from her tongue. "You're! You're Maxwell Lord! The King of Infomercials!!! I just seen you on the television in the electronics department!"
Maxwell smirked, satisfied with his reputation and influence he had over people. "Yeah, that's me. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to need that uh…" he didn't even know what to call the babygrow, instead gesturing aimlessly towards it.
"Okay!" the woman beamed, "But could I get an autograph and a kiss on the lips?"
Maxwell's frown deepened. "What?"
She scrambled around in her purse for a pen and handed it to him, rolling up her sleeve. "Sign me!"
"On- on your arm?" Maxwell asked and she nodded eagerly. Maxwell removed the lid and swiftly signed his name over her skin before handing her the pen back.
"Oh wow," she blushed, fanning herself before pouting her lips.
"Yeah, not happening." Maxwell sighed. "I'm not kissing you." The woman knotted her eyebrows together and straightened herself up, but before she could retort, Maxwell snatched the babygrow from her arms and ran to the elevator. "Nice doing business with you!" he grinned, waving his arms and running away."
After paying for the goods, you and Maxwell met back up and made your way, this time together, to the toy store. "Reminds me of when I was a kid," Maxwell smiled at the memory as he took your hand and looked up and down the shelves in awe. "My dad would take me here every year to pick out a new toy for Christmas. It was one of the only times we got to spend with each other." You hummed, leaning your head into his shoulder. Maxwell grabbed a few stuffed animals and threw them into the shopping cart. "I can't wait for the day I have kids." he announced.
"I thought you didn't want children?" you asked, your voice soft at the thought of your boyfriend being a father.
"I thought for so long I didn't want kids…" Maxwell admitted.
"I think you'd be an amazing father," you told him, squeezing his hand, only making his smile grow further. "Hey, we should get a few of these new electronic train sets! And the new Little Mermaid Barbies! What do you think?"
"I like how you think." Maxwell replied, pressing a kiss into your forehead as you picked out the dolls.
It was around 2 p.m. on Christmas Day. You and Maxwell had just finished your dinner and you had slipped into a fleecy elf dress you had purchased at the mall a day prior. You revealed yourself to Maxwell who was laying on the sofa watching the television has his stomach settled from all the food he had enjoyed.
"Check me out!" you grinned, giving him a little twirl, the bells on your elf hat jingling. Maxwell's jaw dropped as he drunk in your appearance.
"Where on God's great earth did you get that?" he asked, looking slightly mortified.
"The costume department at the mall!" You laughed. "I thought I could wear it for when we visit the orphanage. Don't worry, I got you a little something too so you don't feel left out." You presented Maxwell with a full body Santa Claus costume. "Ta da!"
"Not a chance." Maxwell sighed.
"Come on!" you growled playfully. "I'm sure the kids would love Maxwell Lord giving them presents, they'd be star struck. But Maxie, they're kids. I think they'd love it even more if the presents were delivered by Santa Claus." Max grimaced, knowing you were absolutely right. "Please." you pouted, fluttering your eyelashes.
Maxwell sighed again, this time deeper. He could never deny you. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll get changed and then we can go."
You squealed excitedly, kissing his cheek. "I love you so much Maxie," you said, and Maxwell felt a blush creep over his cheeks. "I just know you're going to be a great dad one day."
"My back hurts." Maxwell moaned as he adjusted the sack of presents over his shoulder. You chuckled, shaking your head as you carried bags of clothes and toiletries of the orphans.
"Proud of you," you assured him. "Almost there."
You practically melted when you saw the delight of the screaming children hurry over to your boyfriend and wrap their tiny arms around him. "Ho ho ho," Maxwell bellowed and you watched with complete adoration as he dropped the sack of presents and interacted with the children. "Have you all been good this year?" he asked and the kids screamed in affirmation.
"Santa Claus!" A little girl gasped, reaching her hands out and making grabby fists. "I thought you weren't coming this year." she admitted, her eyes glossy. Maxwell kneeled down so he was level with the child.
"My elf told me how good you had been this year," Max smiled, pointing at you. "What's your name darling?"
"Maxine," she smiled and you saw Maxwell soften.
"I like that name." Maxwell replied, pulling her into a hug. "Merry Christmas Maxine."
"Thank you Santa, will I see you next year?"
Maxwell looked at you and you nodded your head. "Of course, as long as you be a good girl, I'll come back next year."
Maxine grinned, before hugging Maxwell tighter, refusing to let go. Just then, a boy who you estimated to be about thirteen or fourteen tapped you on the shoulder. You spin around with your best elfish smile, but frowned when you saw the magazine he was holding. It was a tabloid with your face on the cover. You winced at the bad angle. "You look like Max Lord's girlfriend." he deadpanned.
Maxwell's head snapped towards you and the boy and he strolled over. "Well well well who is that beautiful lady?" he asked, taking the magazine from the boy and checking it out.
"Max Lord's girlfriend." the boy replied. "Your elf looks like her."
Maxwell pinched your cheek. "This elf? No, not a chance." Maxwell laughed and you gave the child an apologetic look. "This lady in the magazine is far too beautiful to look like my head elf."
You weren't sure whether you should feel offended or not. Little Maxine gasped, racing over. "You can't say that!" she squealed. "What about Mrs Claus?"
You smirked, leaning into Maxwell. "Yeah Santa, what about Mrs Claus?"
"Uh- well! Mrs Claus… I do love Mrs Claus very much and she's at home baking Christmas cookies so I better be on my way… but it was lovely to meet you all!" Maxwell waved and you stifled back a laugh.
"Please don't go." Maxine cried, hugging Maxwell's legs.
"Be good and I'll be back next year." Maxwell promised, patting her on the head.
"Promise you'll come back?" Maxine begged, tears in her eyes. You wondered how many times little Maxine had asked a parental figure to come back to her and been let down. Maxwell wondered the same, his heart breaking at the thought.
"I promise." Maxwell affirmed, raising back to his feet and placing a hand on the small of your back.
"Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your presents and remember to be good children. We hope to see you next year!" you said farewell with a cheery smile and the children waved back.
When you got home that evening, you slid out your elf shoes and took off your hat. "Can you help me get out of this dress?" you asked Maxwell, holding up your hair so he could reach the zipper.
"Actually…" Maxwell trailed off, biting his lip. "Maybe you could wear it for bed?" he suggested with a smirk.
"An elf? Really Max? You want me to be an elf?" you laughed in disbelief.
"Could be fun." he shrugged and you rolled your eyes, opting to leave the elf dress on as you clambered into the warm king sized bed, watching Maxwell as he got undressed. "Oh I almost forgot," Maxwell said, reaching into the bag from the department store yesterday. "Close your eyes." You followed his instruction as he dived into the bag and took out the pale yellow babygrow he had fought for. He padded over to the bed and sat down, placing the outfit in your hands. "Open."
Your lips parted slightly as you took in the embellished words 'Daddys little Princess'. You glanced back up at your boyfriend and gave him a questioning look. "I'm confused." you admitted and he took your hands, rubbing circles into your skin.
"I really want a kid," he whispered, looking into your eyes. "I know you do too, and when we've talked about it I've always shut you out but… damn it, I really want one. Do you think… I mean. What do you think-"
You cut him off by pressing a kiss into his lips and holding him tight. "Okay," you nodded, your voice croaking with all the pent up emotion, rubbing your nose against his. "Let's have a baby." you smiled and Maxwell grinned, pushing you into the bed and climbing on top of you.
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un-beel-ievable · 2 years
[You got a package! It's a gift box that's wrapped in a cute paw and snowflake pattern print, with a simple white box to hold it all together. Inside is a bunch of knickknacks and what seems to be handcrafted charms, which includes several animals like cats, puppies, crows and even a tiny narwhal. There's also some fancy-looking chocolates and a letter stuffed away in a corner, the envelope itself has doodles of roses and sunflowers scribbled on with glitter-gel pen.]
[The handwriting is neat, yet somewhat childish. Emoticons, pencil stars, and sketchy hearts are all over the pages of the letter, alongside the occasional doodle of a certain ginger-haired man and a dark-haired male with puppy ears on him. Overall, the letter is cute and looks like it belongs to some kind of aesthetic board.]
To my dearest "Rain-e" Cloud!
Good morning, sweetheart! (Or, uh, good evening if this package arrives a bit late ^^;;) it's your lovely little puppy here, ready to brighten up your day even when I'm not there! Anyways, how are you? Have you been eating well? Did you get enough sleep recently? Are you going outside more often like I told you to? If you are, then don't forget your mask! I don't want you to get sick. :(
Ahhhh, just listen to me rambling on. Well, you know what they say; like mother, like son. ^^;; But besides that!! I got you something-- actually, um, it's multiple somethings. I don't know how long it would take for the rest of my gifts to arrive, but I sure hope that you'll get this one first! (It would sooo awkward if it didn't..)
Remember the Arts N Crafts class that I took a few weeks ago? Well, feast your eyes upon the fruits of my labor! It's a bunch of cute animal charms!! I, uh, got a bit carried away with making them, but I hope that you'll like it! Look, I even made Childe's narwhal and your little crow friends! ♡
You can use them as whatever you want!-- phone charms, keychain charms, bracelets, and earrings. I made them multi-purpose so you can have a lot of options! Pretty nifty, right? :D
Winter break is almost here, as well as Christmas! Not going to lie, I'm very, VERY excited for the holidays to come! My exams has been tough.. T-T so when I come home to you for winter break, please give me headpats and cuddles~ Save my tired soul, my angelic cutie! ♡
Oh, and speaking of Christmas, Mama Akamiya has been wondering when she will meet you! :0 She wants to know the darling thief who stole her eldest son's heart, and basically demands you to come over for Christmas Eve! Sorry if this is all too sudden, we've only been dating for a while now, but what Mama Akamiya wants, she always gets... T ~ T (Don't worry about it tho! Mom is super sweet, and she's gonna love you! I just know it ♡)
Also.. I know this is a bit silly, since we call each other almost everyday and we attend the same university, but... I really, really miss you, y'know? Sunflower do need sunshine in their lives, but they also need lovely little rain clouds too! (And yes, I will keep making those rain puns. ;P)
So, uh, please keep waiting for me! When I come home, I'll give you many love and kisses to make up for the time I'm not there until you'll get sick of it!! (Not literally tho. Your safety and comfort is always my #1 priority. ♡)
Anyways!! Keep an eye out for the rest of my gifts! Everyone in the Akamiya household went all out for this year. Especially Reina and Rini! I think they might love you more than me LMAO. :D
Your Sunflower Prince,
Akamiya Ren ☆
(PS: I think Xiao's and Julie's packages are next!! I don't know what Xiao got for you, but Julie has been playing with rope and colored beads before exams started, so I think those things are related to her gift!)
(PSS: Also Childe says hi. :D)
[A shoebox sized package shows up on the sender's doorstep several days later. It's wrapped in pastel yellow paper that's been vandalized with numerous doodles of sunflowers and delicate looking finches, and topped with a neat lilac hued bow. The box's contents include a hairclip topped with a crocheted sunflower (the flower has been carefully secured to the hairclip with lengths of yarn in a hue that's identical to the yarn that's been used to craft its petals; it's clearly a handmade gift), a lilac crocheted cat plush that matches the ribbon that's been used to adorn the box, and several packages of konpeito candy. Hidden beneath the plush body of the stuffed cat is a golden envelope addressed to 向日葵王子 (xiàng rì kuí wáng zǐ) (translation: sunflower prince). The letter it holds reads as follows:]
亲爱的向日葵王子 (qīn ài de xiàng rì kuí wáng zǐ) (translation: dearest sunflower prince): If the care package was a ploy to get me to send you your Christmas gift early, it won't work, Akamiya! Bribery doesn't work on me! I won't be bought so easily by your sweet words and heartfelt gifts— ...just kidding. If that were true, I wouldn't be writing to you right now. Damn it, Ren, why do you have to be so sweet? T_T I don't know how you could expect me to not give into you...it's so unfair. Hmph. If it weren't obvious already, your package arrived safe and sound in the mail the other day. I've told you this before: you don't have to give me anything, you know. Your presence in my life is already a gift in itself, and I know I don't tell you this enough...but I really am grateful for the opportunity to love you and be loved by you. ...but don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate the gift or anything. Thank you for the present, Ren...it's really, really pretty. Almost as pretty as you. I can't believe you made all those charms yourself —I would have believed you if you told me they were store-bought. The little narwhal charm modeled after that massive plushie Ajax won at the arcade is really cute...it looks just like the real thing. I still have no idea how he managed to win all those prize exchange tickets...what a showoff. But he did look pretty cool, I guess... The next time you sign up for an arts and crafts class, do you think...you could reserve a slot for me too? The idea of taking a class with you sounds pretty fun... It'll definitely be more fun than attending archery club with Ajax...he's an actual nightmare at it —he was this close to shooting me the other day. How the club president hasn't kicked him out is beyond me... I hope you like the Christmas presents I got...or, well. Made for you. I started crocheting again recently, and Ajax took it as his cue to impulse buy an entire store's worth of yarn. He wants me to knit him a scarf or something...but I thought making you a Christmas gift would be a much better use of the yarn. It's not perfect, —it's been a while since the last time I made anything that wasn't just a sad, unfinished square— I know...but I was hoping that you'd be able to keep me with you whenever we can't be together so let me know if you don't like it, okay? I'll get you something else. The konpeito is for you to share with your family, by the way. I know it's probably not as good as the candy you can get in Japan, but they were selling some at the university's Christmas carnival, and I couldn't help myself... Speaking of your family...you're really serious about me visiting them on Christmas Eve? I...I mean...it's not that I don't want to, I'm just...nervous. I didn't think I'd be meeting your mom this soon, and I haven't even finished getting gifts for all of your siblings yet, and I don't have anything to wear— I'm not sure when you'll receive this...but you're probably done with your exams by now, right? You keep telling me to take better care of myself, but I hope you've been taking your own advice. I'll be really mad if you aren't >:c I'm not there to nurse you back to health if you fall ill...so you have to take care of yourself for me, okay? I worry about you. If I find out that you aren't looking after yourself like you should...I'm not going to give you any headpats or cuddles the next time I see you! That's a threat, Akamiya! I mean it! I don't. Call me when this reaches you! And promise me that you'll come home to me soon...I miss you. Oh, and one more thing... I love you, Ren. Always yours,
P.S. Stop making rain puns, dork. P.S.S. Bye, Ajax.
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stainandscribble · 4 years
Beyond Words(III)
Let Me Hold You Tight
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Pairing: Jongdae (EXO Chen) X Reader
Genre: Jongdae Poet AU; angst; fluff
Summary: A poet reminiscences about his old lover and their relationship in his new anthology, reminding himself of the importance of sincerity, and that love words are just as important spoken aloud as they are printed on paper.
Word Count: 5935
PART 1    PART 2     PART 3
A/N: Love is a blessing everyone is deserving of, and Jongdae has been blessed twice: with someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and a child, who he himself referred to as a blessing. I wish him all the best. In light of this, I will be concluding this short series in the next part. I will not be writing for him anymore. (I know its march but this is set in December because it fits the timeline and plot)
Space was the nothingness between two things, an unspoken barrier, a limitation that kept you from him. You had told him you needed space. You needed time. Jongdae respected that. He didn’t push you. He had given you as much space as you wanted. You didn’t move back into your shared apartment for three months, until November. You didn’t sleep in your shared bed until December began knocking on your windows with frosty fingers and chilly drafts. He didn’t push, and he hoped he didn’t seem uninterested. In truth, Jongdae was captivated. He had thanked the universe every time you walked out of your bedroom to have breakfast together. He had thanked whichever deities looked down on him every time he could hold you in his arms. The soft hues of his eyes never strayed from you. Since you had told him you still loved him you had watched in glee and relief the way his publisher glared at you. This time, you noticed Jongdae had put a lot of effort into making it work. He sat with you at dinner and indulged in your hobbies, not having you indulge in his. He tried painting with you, and you had hung the pieces above the couch; your piece, drawn and painted with skilled hands and sharp eyes, his with the enthusiasm of a beginner. 
“I think this looks quite good, don’t you?” He asked, brown eyes twinkling as he looked over his masterpiece, although incomparable in skill to your own, still in his eyes, it was an achievement. To Jongdae it was a physical manifestation of the fact he was trying, and you had accepted his hard work. He turned his gaze to look at you, lips curled into a Cheshire-like grin, eyes following the trail of yellow paint smeared over your forehead and the pastel pink colouring your right cheek. 
“You should go into abstract painting.” You turned to look at him, lips mimicking his grin as your eyes trailed his clear face, bare of the paint you ended up covered in. He turned away from your wandering eyes.
“What do you want to watch now?” Jongdae turned on the TV and started flicking through the channels. There was a lightness in his tone; one that you had noticed only recently, since you moved your things back into the shared bedroom. It was clear he was happy. You would have been lying if you said you were not sharing in his happiness. 
“It’s winter sports season. I wanted to watch figure skating championships.” You answered, turning your back to the bright paintings that now decorated your living room. The only other decoration this bright in your home was a vase of purple hyacinths standing on the kitchen island. Since you moved back in, Jongdae had brought you a bouquet every fortnight. You appreciated the gesture, but you were also fed up of the unspoken apology. Your eyes fell on his hand curled around the tv remote, free from any stains. Since he apologised you had never seen him with any ink staining his fingers. 
It was something you wanted when you were breaking up because those stains reminded you that you were cast aside and disregarded in favour of his publisher and a pad of paper. It was no longer the case. His clean hand curled around the remote, flicking through channels for what you wanted to watch, and you no longer felt disregarded. You hoped he felt the same way; hoped that he was as happy as you were. 
“They are on today?” He asked, walking over to sit on the couch. 
“Yeah.” You went to sit on the couch beside him, as he sprawled out, leaning against the armrest. Some moments still felt new, as if your relationship was only beginning, and you supposed in some way it was. It was a new start, a chance to fix previous mistakes, give each other a chance to be better. In some respects, after being away from him for so long, you felt a little shy. That was why you sat a space away from him now. 
“Do we have a sport’s channel?” He asked, still flicking through the channels before he handed you the remote in frustration. 
“We should have. I was in our deal.” You told him, looking through the channel guide to find the sports channel. When you finally found it the competition was starting, and the first skater was about to go on the ice. Their dress was beautiful, embroidered with gems and sequins on the delicate fabric, and their routine was breath-taking, along with the scrape of blades against the ice rink. 
Jongdae motioned for you to move closer, his hand outstretched in your direction, intertwining his slender fingers with yours. With his encouragement, you moved closer, comfortably pressing yourself into his side as his other hand reached for a blanket under the coffee table. He wrapped the fuzzy thing around the two of you, keeping you warm and cosy. 
“It’s so pretty.” Jongdae whispered when the skater landed a triple axel. The soft instrumental music in the background was broken by the profound sound of her metal skates hitting the ice. You flinched, and Jongdae smiled, wrapping an arm tighter around you. 
“And terrifying.” You whispered, making him chuckle. 
The two of you continued watching, your cheek pressed against his shoulder, and you wrapped your arms around him, enjoying his warmth, and the smell of his cologne. For a moment, you were completely at peace, right where you belong. In Jongdae’s arms. 
You were so comfortable in Jongdae’s arms, at one point your cheek fell from his shoulder to his chest, his heart beating steadily in your ear. As the warmth completely consumed you, the last thing you remembered was being wrapped up in Jongdae’s arms as the announcer called out a double salchow. You did not remember going back to bed, nor Jongdae carrying you to bed.
I asked you what love is
And you answered,
That love is many things,
And that I must find love for myself.
Because love to me,
May not be love to you.
During December it had been cold and dreary, having you both in low spirits as you counted the days down to Christmas. Over the holiday period, he wrote all notes and lists with glitter gel pens and stuck them around the kitchen. You thought it was endearing, he thought it was hilarious. For the first week of December, the strange process of waking up beside another person was awkward. Sometimes you woke up on opposites sides of the bed, as far away as the bed would allow. Other times, you woke up in a tangle of limbs with your bodies twisted unnaturally, necks and backs aching for the rest of the day. It was pleasant A change you both welcomed because it meant moving forward, and the pace was irrelevant to the goal you sought out in the end.
Today was one of those days you woke up twisted, sweaty from the thick duvet and body heat. Last night you had fallen asleep on the couch, and now you were waking up in your bed, face pressed into the crook of Jongdae’s neck. 
“Mornin’” You muttered. Your eyes, still blurry from sleep, made out the deep brown of Jongdae’s eyes looking down at you, a small content smile curling his lips. 
“Good morning.” He answered, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Jongdae woke up, the soft rays of cool winter sunlight streamed through the window, kissing your face as he watched. Soon, you stirred awake, eyes half-closed as you murmured a greeting. He kissed your forehead, pressing himself closer. 
“I love you.” He murmured into your skin, the confession hung in the air unanswered and heavy as he watched you tentatively, seeing sunlight reflect in your eyes and the morning flush bloom on your cheeks. The split-seconds it took you to answer seemed like an eternity for him, a sweet eternity he was willing to wait every time. 
When you answered, there was no hesitance in your voice, and Jongdae thought he was willing to wait an eternity if it meant that at the end he could hear you say it again.
“I love you too.”
The words rattled his bones, like the shaking of reverberating thunder. He had always thought you were a storm. You had always proven him correct. He wanted to stay like this forever, in this moment, and his fingers ached to feel you against them. He stroked your hair, pulling it out from your eyes, giving him a clearer view of your face. His fingers ached for pen and paper too, and it was almost painful not reaching over for it, lying just on the bedside table. He refrained. 
You began moving, getting ready to stand up, and he followed you, sitting up, letting the duvet fall.
“What do you want for breakfast?” You asked, getting out of bed.
“Cereal.” Jongdae mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he got up. You walked out into the kitchen, leaving him to make the bed. His eyes kept falling on the notebook and paper lying on the bedside table, his desire too strong to ignore, and before he knew it he was sitting on the freshly made sheets, writing away, the pen gliding effortlessly guided by his hand. The words formed on their own, and he didn’t see you walk in, ready to call him over, before you stopped in the doorway, watching with fond eyes as he bent his back over the low surface. Maybe if he had seen you there would be less guilt eating at him later. Maybe if he saw you, you would be able to reassure him. He was not meant to fit into your mould. You were meant to learn to fit together, each a separate piece of a puzzle that together would form a picture. Jongdae had learned from his mistakes, but he had yet to find the balance necessary for both of you.
Once he emerged from the bedroom, he avoided your gaze, and you could not help but feel the need to talk. And so, you did. You too had learned from your mistakes and knew that you had to make your desires clear, more forceful.
“Jongdae,” You called , and he turned his head away from his cereal to look at you.
“Yes?” He gave you a small smile, his brown eyes gazing at you softly as he played with the softened cereal in his bowl.
“You don’t have to hide away and wait until I’m gone.” You told him, referring to the incident that had transpired moments before. 
The spoon he was playing with fell from his fingers. You could see the dark ink on his fingers, small smudges decorating his hands like constellations. A smile formed on your lips, tight-lipped and rueful, but still, it was a smile, and you were both learning a balance and compromise all over again. 
“Just remember you have a life too, outside of pen and paper.” You watched his stare at you with wide eyes, part astonishment and part fear swirling in the kaleidoscope of browns. He leaned back in his chair; the soft smile he wore now replaced with concern. 
“I never asked you to stop writing. I asked you to talk to me.” You reminded him, voice firm but soft, as you gazed at his hands as he fidgeted with his fingers, rubbing against the ink-stained skin. 
“I feel like that was all I used to do.” He confessed, looking down at his hands. You walked up to him and leaned against the table.
“You are a poet. That’s not going to change. I don’t want it to change.” You took hold of his hands, stopping him from rubbing away at his skin. You could tell he was nervous; you did the same thing when you were. You manoeuvred yourself to sit in his lap and he let you, hands grasping firmly to your sides, thumbs massaging soothing circles on your waist. 
“Keep the ink stains.”
His heart leapt in his chest, the strange feeling of guilt, as if he had done something wrong, began to vanish, and with every caress, it lessened as if washed away by water. You pressed a kiss into his hair, murmuring the same thing as before. He reciprocated your affection in kind, kissing you with a newfound enthusiasm as happy tears burned the back of your eyes. 
“Keep the ink stains.”
So, I decided to find it for myself,
What made my heart race,
- beating against my ribs like the bars of a cage. 
What made my breath shake,
- hitch in my throat and never reach its home in my lungs.
What made my mind reel,
- play the film of you frame by frame like old cinema.
Later that day, as evening settled upon the bustling city, Jongdae busied himself pulling out the contents of your storage space. Behind the hoover and various bits and bobs, you had put away all your Christmas decorations, and now it was the time of year again from Jongdae to make a mess in the corridor by taking them out. He succeeded eventually, and you helped him put everything back in its spot. You two had gone out earlier to get a Christmas tree, a small living one that fir in the corner of the living room. 
Jongdae put on the multicoloured fairy lights, as you began putting on various baubles. Some were plastic, others were made of glass, and reflected the light like little mirrors. 
Once you were finished, you lit up scented candles and curled up with a mug of hot chocolate on the sofa. Jongdae sat on the opposite end, typing away at his keyboard as he sent out work emails and drafts. 
He just finished working on a short story for a Christmas special anthology by his publishing company, along with multiple other writers. Despite the workload, he still baked cookies and helped out around the house and went out on multiple errands like the grocery shop and the post office.
In the background, soft instrumentals played through your speaker. After about an hour, the peaceful atmosphere was broken by the sound Jongdae’s laptop falling to the floor. You rose from the couch and picked it up, making sure nothing had happened to it. Taking a glance at Jongdae, you noticed his closed eyes and even breathing. He had fallen asleep with his laptop on his lap, and it had fallen once he started moving in his sleep.
You put the laptop on the coffee table and pulled out the fluffy blanket from underneath, draping in over Jongdae as he slept. You tried positioning him so that he would lay down fully on the sofa. 
“Goodnight.” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his forehead before extinguishing the lit candle and walking back to your bedroom to get ready for sleep.
Once you emerged from the bathroom, you were greeted by the sight of Jongdae smiling sleepily at you as he finished putting on his pyjamas. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” was the last thing he said before climbing into bed. You did the same, curling onto your side, allowing Jongdae to drape his arm over your middle and thread his fingers through yours.
I found what made my heart ache, 
- the look in your eyes when you spoke about the things you love.
What made my breath hitch
- the way your fingers ghosted over my own before your hand found its way into mine. 
What made my mind come to a standstill.
- when the film ended and you walked away, and the flowers on the windowsill withered away. 
A week passed, and Christmas was coming fast upon the two of you. No real plans have been made, and Jongdae’s parents were insisting you both to visit over the holidays. Your parents said nothing, and since they had never explicitly invited Jongdae to visit with you for Christmas, still being stand-offish towards him. You understood them, and he didn’t push to visit them with you. 
Hence why you were now sitting by the table, eating your breakfast and looking over your calendar.
“Are we going to go separately?” Jongdae asked. It was time to decide what you were going to do, as time was ticking, and your parents, both yours and Jongdae’s, had been pestering you for answers.
“I haven’t thought about that.” You spoke, munching on your second bowl of cereal. 
“My parents have been asking if I’m taking you.” He told you, pouring himself milk in his first bowl of cereal. He had just rolled out of bed, hair a mess and coffee in hand. You watched him, the winter sun, bathing him in light, making him look ethereal. His features appeared sharper; a morning blush flushed his cheeks. He smiled softly at you as you watched him. He enjoyed having your eyes on him and the feel of your eyes scanning over him, invisible fingers caressing paths over his features. 
“My parents didn’t ask.” He heard you whisper, and his heart tightened listening to your hushed voice. He smiled at you, trying to lighten your spirits.
“They still don’t like me?” He asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Watching me live at home for half a year wasn’t pleasant.”
“Maybe we can split it up? One day with your parents. Then one day with mine.” Jongdae reasoned, sipping on his coffee. You nodded, watching him, eyes scanning over his face, falling on his Adam’s apple. 
“I’m all yours. No need to stare.” He smiled at you, and you smirked, leaning over the table to peck his lips. 
“Have you gotten presents for your mother yet?” You asked him, returning to your breakfast. 
“No.” He answered, reaching over to fill his bowl with another helping of cereal. You passed him the milk standing on your side of the table.
“Me neither.” You told him. “What were you going to get her?” You asked, wondering whether you should bring a gift of your own if you were going to split your time between both sets of parents. 
“Perfume, chocolates. That is what she likes.” He answered between spoonfuls of cereal. 
“What perfume are you going to get her?” You asked, wondering about your humble gift to your mum.
“She likes Chanel, and I know she is about to finish one of her bottles.” He just shrugged; eyes turned to look at you. Your shoulders were hunched as you rested your head in your hands.
“My mum wanted a new electric mixer. One of the fancy ones, since her one is living out it's last days.” You told him, and he nodded, promising to take you to a store that sells kitchen utensils.
Later that day, he walked around with you, sipping on bubble tea as you browsed through the shopping centre, electric whisk in a bag hanging off your arm as you looked for a perfume shop that carried the fragrance Jongdae wanted.
At one point, he left you alone, telling you to go get cake, as he disappeared in the mass of people doing last minute Christmas shopping.
You were left in a Starbucks, finishing your bubble tea and a slice of cake you ordered. 
 Jongdae walked away, leaving you in Starbucks as he rushed through the crowd of people towards the jeweller. Once he got into the quiet store, he was greeted by the worker, who happily showed him what he was looking for, before packing it in a pretty box. 
Jongdae thanked her, before tucking the box away into his bag, hiding it so that you would not find it.
With a smile on his lips that caused them to turn up at the corners, and turn his eyes into slits, he walked back to where you were waiting, finishing your cake and tea.
You waved at him, ushering him to your table, allowing him to sit down before asking your questions.
“Where did you go?”
“I needed to check if I was getting the right perfume. I didn’t want to get the same one dad was getting her.” He told you, hoping he didn’t look as nervous as he felt. His heart skipped a beat when you nodded your head and picked up your bags. You didn’t question him any further, and he was thankful for that.
“Come, we still need to get her present.”
It was all you. 
How could you say that what is love to you,
May not be love to me,
When my love
Is you.
Christmas eve rolled around, and the next day you were going to spend Christmas day with Jongdae’s parents. Tonight, you were with your parents. Jongdae was slowly making amends with your mother, as your parents accepted that he was back in your life, and you hoped that this time it was for good. 
“Jongdae, would you like some hot cocoa?” You asked, peeking out from the kitchen, watching him set the table as your dad did the last-minute hoovering. 
“Yes please.” He called back, setting another crystal glass in front of one of the four chairs.
You helped your mum, taking the dishes to the table, giving her time to change into more appropriate clothes, before your parents and Jongdae and you sat down.  
The dinner went by smoothly, the conversation flew by, about your illustrations featured in a magazine and about the nomination of your artwork for some type of award; at one point your mother even commended Jongdae for a literary nomination in the poetry section of a country-wide award. You did not expect her to as civil knowing that she could hold grudges, but then again so could you. 
“The spiced cake is lovely.” Jongdae turned to your mother, finishing his last sip of hot chocolate. Your mum smiled at him, turning to look at you, and Jongdae’s arm that draped over the back of your chair, thumb running circles over your shoulder. 
“Y/N is a good baker.” She replied and you hid the blush. Baking was something you could always do, and you had been pretty proud of that. 
“She is.” Jongdae commended, giving you a small smile, eyes twinkling in the bright light, the multicoloured fairy lights of the Christmas tree reflected in his dark irises. Without thinking, you smiled back, oblivious to the fond look your father had been giving you all evening. 
“You are going to your parents’ tomorrow morning?” Your father spoke, and you turned your attention to him, smiling brightly.
“Yes.” Jongdae answered, his arm falling from the back of your chair as he rested it in his lap. 
“Wish them a Merry Christmas from us.” Your dad instructed, and you could see the playful glint in his eyes, making you smile. 
“I will. Thank you.” Jongdae replied, a small polite smile plastered on his lips. 
“Thank you for the flowers. They are lovely.” Your mum turned to him before her gaze fell on the vase standing on the top of the chest of drawers under the tv. It was a bouquet of mixed edelweiss, bluebells and honeysuckle. Silent; Jongdae had told your mother he loved you, and it had brought a smile to your lips every time you thought about it.
“And thank you for the wine.” Your dad added, gesturing to the bottle of red dessert wine standing on the dining table. 
“Why don’t we open it tonight, seeing as you are leaving tomorrow?” he asked, and Jongdae turned to you, silently asking if it was okay.
“Sure.” You nodded, going to get a corkscrew from the kitchen.
 The rest of the evening went by smoothly, with you ending up in Jongdae’s embrace at the end of the night, warm under your blankets in your old room.
And yet, you were right.
Love to me was unspoken
Love to me was a subtle breeze.
Love to you was something obvious.
  Morning came, and neither of you wanted to move. Still, he was the first to get up and shower, and you left to help your mum set up breakfast. Once you finished, you went to shower yourself, leaving Jongdae to talk to your dad over the morning news. 
An hour later it was time to leave, and after a heartfelt goodbye and your parents fretting over if you took everything, you were off on the road, travelling to the next town over where Jongdae’s parents lived. 
“Do you think they will be happy to see me?” You asked, looking over at Jongdae as he focused on the road. You were greeted with a white Christmas this year, and so he was being extra careful whilst driving. Snow was everywhere, and you were thankful the roads were cleared out before you got in the car late in the morning. 
“They call you daughter in law. Why wouldn’t they be happy to see you.” He answered, a smile tugging at his lips, and you gave him a small smile back, on instinct, despite the fact he never saw it. 
The rest of the three-hour journey was peaceful. Jongdae sang along to the Christmas song on the radio, encouraging you to sing along with him as he gave you cheeky smiles and stole little glances your way, doing his best to focus on the road. 
It was a miracle you were not stuck in traffic between towns, so you arrived at his parents’ house around one thirty. 
“We’re here.” Jongdae announced, pulling into the driveway of his childhood home. His mother was the first to get out of the house to greet him, his father following close behind. You stepped out of the car the same time Jongdae did. Almost immediately he was engulfed by his mother’s arms, caught in a hug so tight you could imagine him turning red.
“There you two are!” His mother exclaimed as she let your boyfriend go, giving you a warm smile in greeting. Despite your relationship with Jongdae being repaired, you doubted you would feel comfortable with his mother embracing you, and so you were thankful for her keeping distance. You came to stand by Jongdae, his hand finding yours in split seconds as he threaded your fingers together.
“Don’t they look lovely together?” His mother asked, eyes falling to your joined hands. You blushed lightly, letting Jongdae lead you into his parents’ house.
“Come in, how about some lunch?” His mother asked, leading the two of you to the already set dining table. Jongdae’s dad was already bringing out the tureen for soups. His mum went and got side dishes from the kitchen, motioning for you to sit down.
“I don’t want to bother.” You responded, trying to politely decline, despite the fact you already knew it was useless. 
“Nonsense.” She waved a dismissing hand and went to place the dishes on the table. 
“Sit down.” Jongdae’s dad gave you a reassuring smile as Jongdae motioned for you to sit beside him, his arm draped over the chair you were meant to sit in. You had poured yourself a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup, and so did Jongdae. The soup was delicious, so much so that Jongdae ended up having seconds. Once the food was done, you helped Jongdae unpack your things from the car, and then went to help his mother cooking. The house was spotless, and the only other thing to be done was Christmas dinner.  
You cut up carrots and parsnips as Jongdae peeled and cut potatoes. His mother busied herself with baking a pie.
“I’m glad you two are back together.” She commented over her shoulder as she rolled out pastry. You stopped what you were doing, choosing to let go of the knife in your hand. Jongdae gave you a worried look. He had not told his parents about why you two broke up, figuring that Christmas was not the best time to tell them everything. He had not seen them in a while, seeing as they were away from the country for the last six months because of work. You had agreed to keep your metaphorical dirty laundry private for now.
 “I don’t understand why you two broke up in the first place.” Jongdae pursed his lips, giving you a small smile as he looked at his mum.
 “We thought we needed some time alone to think things through.” You answered for him. Technically it was not a lie, you had done a lot of thinking during the time you spent apart, and you believed, as did Jongdae, that it had done the two a lot of good. it had given you a much-needed break, and it also released a lot of tension between you.
 “I’m glad it all turned out alright in the end.” His mother smiled at Jongdae, and then at you, and you returned the smile, a little less enthusiastically.
 “Mum lets leave this topic for a day other than Christmas.” Jongdae butted in before his mother said anything else. The kitchen fell silent as he resumed peeling potatoes, and you managed to give his free hand a gentle squeeze. 
Night came quickly after that, and soon you were sitting at the dinner table, dressed in one of your better dresses. The dinner had been peaceful, you walked away stuffed and smiling, eyes falling onto Jongdae every once in a while, admiring the golden tone of his skin under the candlelight.
You walked to the lounge; the large living Christmas tree stood in the corner. It was decorated with opulent ornaments and the fairy lights glowed a brilliant red and gold in the dim lights.
“It’s time for presents.” Jongdae’s mother exclaimed once everyone sat comfortably in the lounge. An old copy of The Nutcracker lay on his father's lap, open to the first page.
His mother pulled out some gifts from under the tree, giving the first one to her son.
“Here you go, darling.” She passed over the colourful package. 
“And you too, you are family too.” She said, giving you a serious look as she handed you a small box wrapped in red.  
“Thank you.” You told her, looking over at Jongdae as he went behind his father's armchair, pulling out two boxes and a bottle of wine.
"Here you go." He handed his gift to his mother and passed over the bottle to his father.
"What's the third one?" His father asked, setting the bottle aside.
"Y/N thought you would like this, to put up on the picture wall." He handed the box to his father, and he pried it open, revealing a frame with the magazine article featuring Jongdae and his anthology. It was back from a month or so ago, after he received a nomination for the national poetry award.
"Oh, it's lovely." His mother said, picking the frame up.
"She thought it would be nice for you to have a memento of my first success." Jongdae explained, squeezing you hand as you pressed yourself closer to his side. His mother looked at you, tears brimming in her eyes as she smiled, murmuring a silent thank you. She proceeded to put the frame up on the chest of drawers below the wall covered in family photographs.
Once you were alone in Jongdae's room, you relaxed a little, unaware until now of how much stress this evening caused you.
Seeing your slumped figure, Jongdae smiled, moving closer, until he was right behind you. He could feel the warmth of your skin and smell your favourite perfume. His heart beat faster, straining against its lining in an attempt to escape the confines of his ribs. He hoped you didn't hear the erratic beating, nor the deep breath he took before speaking. Jongdae summoned all his courage, bracing himself against the storm that you were.
“I have another present.” He whispered, arms wrapping around your middle from behind. You threaded your fingers through his, running your thumbs in circles over the backs of his hands, enjoying the comfort of the moment. Jongdae was warm and solid behind you, his presence allowed you to relax as your shoulders fell. 
“Another one?” You asked, and he hummed in confirmation, the vibrations tickling your ear.
“You’ll like it.” He promised, and you could feel the hind of a smile in his voice. He let you go, and you turned around to face him. Jongdae pulled out a small velvet box out of the pocket of his suit trousers.
“Jongdae-” Your breath hitched, but he stopped you before you could say anything more.
“Be mine.”
“I’m not asking you to marry me. Not if you don’t want to.” He told you, close enough you could feel his warmth, could imagine the erratic beating of his heart. Or was it simply the echo of your own heart?
“I’m asking you to stay with me.” Jongdae looked you in the eye, his dark orbs smouldering with intensity like ardent flames. 
“During the last year I have learnt many things, I learnt that I need to be more attentive, and find a healthier way to come with negative emotions.” He told you, voice gentle as he spoke, your eyes never leaving his.
“I’ve also learnt that I can live without you.” Neither of you flinched or reacted when he said that you both smiled, ruefully, but it was still a smile. 
“But I also found that I don’t want to. I want to stay by your side indefinitely. I can live without you, and you can live without me, but I don't want to. I want you. I love you.” He told you, opening the little box he was still holding, revealing the thin band of gold among the dark cushion. A single brilliant pearl sat in the middle of the band, like a moon against the night sky.
You thought back to his anthology, mind catching onto the significance of the ring he was holding. 
“I cannot water you anymore,
And pearls, like dew 
I cannot give you.”
You remembered the passage from his poem, and tears swelled at the back of your eyes, threatening to spill over.
He had finally given you the pearl he always wanted, finally fulfilling his self-made promise. 
“Our love is an inkwell, and I promise to never let it dry again.” He promised, and before you could continue, you pressed your lips to his.
The kiss was sloppy, nothing like the ones on screen, your teeth clashed, and your neck hurt, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was the man in your arms; the man who had decided he loved you more than ink-stained fingers, who had kept his promises. It was the man whose ink-stained fingers you learned to love, the same one who brought you flowers and compared you to spring and flowers and the sun, and made you feel like you were all of those and more. You loved him, and you didn’t want to live without him either.
“I love you too, Kim Jongdae.” You broke the kiss, whispering those words against his lips like a prayer.
“I love all of you.” You told him, eyes looking into his own as you let his fingers, stained a deep blue, slide the ring onto your ring finger as your hands wrapped around his neck, keeping his body close to yours. 
Is this obvious enough?
Loud enough?
Eternal enough?
I hope it is,
because you are. 
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urdamage · 1 year
you find a plastic takeaway container, decorated in sweet little holiday themed doodles done in permanent marker. inside are home-made shortbread cookies, shaped like stars, snowmen and christmas trees, all decorated appropriately with sprinkles and edible glitter. attached is a hand-written note, on special winter-themed paper bought from cupid’s, written in blue sparkly gel pen:
“ dear akito, this year, just like the last, has been incredibly tough on us all. i hope that despite this, you find a little bit of happiness in the holiday season. here are some cookies i made all by myself ! i hope you like them and that they lift your spirits a little bit. 楽しい休日, happy holidays, xo your little sister, momoko noguchi !
PS. there are more in the pantry that you’re welcome to help yourself to, but please save me some ! ”
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               he picked the container up and he grinned , admiring the charming artwork that made it so much more than just a container . though he wanted to pull the lid off and immediately tuck into the treats that were waiting inside for him , he was sure to read over the note first . he didn’t know how he got so lucky as to wind up with the best person as his little sister . he knew immediately that he wasn’t the only person who would be receiving the gift from her , and it warmed his heart to know that even amongst all of the pain in shrike heights , people like momoko were also there , and they were spreading love and holiday cheer to others who likely needed it more than ever . he felt himself beginning to grow emotional as he finally opened up the container to reveal the cookies . he had always done his best to look after momoko , but in turn , momoko had always taken care of him , too , and he truthfully didn’t know what he’d do without her . he loved his little sister more than anything in this world ; far more than the cookies , even , though from the way he shovelled them into his mouth like the cookie monster , it would be hard for anyone to believe so .
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mysticsparklewings · 4 years
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Holiday Card Project 2019
Oh would you look at that; I’m participating in the deviantArt Holiday Card Project again this year! Just like last year, my crafty efforts aren’t really done proper justice by scans or photos, so I’ll be uploading a short video...somewhere (probably Instagram but we’ll see) and then link back to it to hopefully show it off a bit more.   It’s funny though, I’d almost forgotten about HCP until I got the notification that it had opened for this year. And yet I was so concerned about having it in the mail on time that I got this one done pretty much in one day. I think last year's card took me closer to 2 days and I was pushing my luck that it would get there in time.   My process for this year went as follows: I browsed around on Pinterest for a while, as I hadn’t the foggiest idea what to do. During that process, I latched onto a concept I saw a few times; Christmas lights and the phrase “merry and bright,” and so I went with that. Already I had the idea of the lights being across the top of the card, with a real piece of thread (which would later be changed to wire as the idea occurred to me while I was digging for some other supplies) connecting them. After some thought, I decided I wanted to add some cotton to the bottom to add a little more pizzazz. Because if last year’s HCP taught me anything, it’s that I like to go big or go home for the occasion. And I knew where I could get some too; the fields next to the house have already been picked for this year, but there was still a good amount of cotton leftover on the stalks near the edges. Let me tell you, I have a newfound appreciation for whoever invented a mechanical way to take the seeds out of cotton, because gosh darn it if that process is not far more tiresome than you’d think! I think I finally did manage to get them all out, but now I know why it’s probably just easier to buy cotton or polyester fiberfill. XD Anyway. With my mind made up and a handle full of cotton at the ready, I started on the actual card part. In the past, for my card needs I’ve usually used some of the pre-folded & cut cards my mom has on hand, but this time I didn’t feel like bothering her about it. So instead I grabbed a piece of my gold-shimmer cardstock and cut it down so that once I folded it I’d have a 5” x 7” card. (As that’s what Google told me was a fairly common size for greeting cards and would fit comfortably in most standard envelopes.) Then I used my trick from my book-making endeavors of using the edge of scissors to “score” the folding line on one side of the card to make that process easier. In trying to make some stamps I didn’t end up using magically appear from whoever they were hiding, I found some metallic gold stripey paper in my stash and had the idea to cover the outside of the card with it, maybe. At the time I was a little bit skeptical if I wanted to do that, but I pulled it out and set it on the desk anyway so I could have the option if I wanted it. And as you can see, I ended up deciding to go for it, though at this point in the process I simply measured out and cut it as needed; I wouldn’t attach it until later. Then I paused and used the scrap cardstock pieces to test some pens and such, only to find I was only minimally (at best) interested in using any of them. I had some ideas to incorporate certain things but they were things I couldn’t really try out until I had more of the card finished, and some things I couldn’t figure out solutions for until then either. So I swatched out some marker colors and started practicing on some print outs of the Christmas light shape—which is fortunately had the foresight to do the said printing out before I got into the thick of everything else—only to find that I just really was not happy with the blends I was getting.  I think the main problem is that I just didn’t have certain colors I needed, but the glowing/fade effect I was trying to get was also totally new territory for me and I seemed to only get worse the more times I tried it.   In the end, I picked out a “base” shade for each Christmas light color from the markers and then selected a dark, a “true color” and a highlight from my Prismacolor pencils to do the shading instead. There were still challenges to be had, but this system worked a lot better for me. Benefits of being a mixed media artist: if one medium just isn’t doing it for you, you can bring in others to level the playing field   The lights then got bright shine spots courtesy of my white Gelly roll pen and their little silver bits I did with a silver Art Philosophy watercolor. Even though I was already anticipating the silver getting kind of lost against the gold in the background. I had a vision and I was sticking to it. In addition to that vision, once the lights were safe to handle I glued them to a piece of foam and then left them alone to dry, figuring it would be easier and simpler to cut them out if I only had to do it once. As such, the edges aren’t super smooth, but otherwise, I think that was the right call. While they dried, I then attached the gold-stripe paper to the card surface and started thinking about where and how I would implement the text parts of the card. (And at some point I took a break to figure out the full inside and outside please, as originally all I was going on was “merry and bright,” though I don’t remember when exactly in the process that was.) Here, I had the idea that black paper might look cool. The only black paper I have is a pad of Crayola stuff that I think is actually for practicing calligraphy or hand lettering or something? My original plan was to take one of the pages out and use the blank back, but as I filled through I saw some of the cut out frame-y things and took a look to see if any of them would work for what I wanted/needed, and you can see the two I picked out. Though the one on the inside of the card had only the black and gray/silver originally; the colors I added by hand with my gel pens since it felt like it really needed it. The black paper on the inside also needed a little more attention than the one on the outside. I didn’t cut either of them perfectly straight, but there were a lot more distracting elements that were going to be on the outside, so it was far less noticeable there. On the inside, I ended up going around the edge with some gold and white washi tape that when well with the outside of the card to camouflage the uneven edges. By the time I had all the various papers properly attached to each other and the top edge inside of the card decorated with a strip of glitter tape and a repeating stamp of Christmas lights to tie in with the outside, I felt the lights were dry enough to cut out, so I did. And that meant that the /real/ card assembly could begin. I punched little holes in the tops of the lights for the wire I’d add in later and then fiddled with their placement for a bit before gluing them down...which I then I had to wait for about twenty minutes before I could proceed if I wanted things to dry mostly flat.   So while that took its sweet time to dry I went back to the Crayola black paper pad to one of the pages with a grid on it to practice writing out the words for both the outside and inside of the card. In doing so, I discovered that the uni-ball Signo white pen, while bolder and brighter than the Gelly roll, made my cursive almost illegible by virtue of having a thicker tip. Which is why I went with the Gelly roll instead. Just printed handwriting didn’t feel right; I really wanted the fancier look of the cursive. However, I also wanted whoever gets the card to actually be able to read it too. Eventually, the lights, while not fully dry, were dry enough that I could comfortably move on with the assembly. And hindsight, perhaps I should’ve tried stringing the lights onto the wire before gluing them down. The main issue I had was that once I got the wire poked through the hole, it’d bump into the card on the other side and then not want to go anywhere at all. I had to play with it each time to get the wire to come all the way through so I could pull it to the next one. Or maybe that would’ve made the gluing process more difficult than it was worth? We’ll never know. And then I got to attach the cotton. That actually ended up being a much smoother process than I anticipated, as the cotton doesn’t really separate from itself unless you pull it apart, so once I had parts of a clump glued down they were pretty stationary. This was also the first time I dared use my crafting heat gun since I purchased it (which was a while ago; after reading the warnings the first time I’ve been too chicken to use it for fear of catching something on fire by accident ) as I originally thought I’d need more glue and I’d need to glue some clumps on, dry them, and then glue some more. Fortunately, I seemingly put my big girl panties on for nothing as, after the initial layer of glue, I really only needed to glue a couple of other clumps down separately, and as I mentioned the cotton stick to the wet glue well enough on its own. But I had psyched myself up and gotten the thing set up, so once all the cotton was glued down I used the heat gun to dry the glue faster anyway. I was amped up the whole time but I, fortunately, did not burn anything in the process!   I did end up going back and adding some blue gel pen to the black paper on the inside, as that was the only color not there and it felt sorely lacking, giving the lights elsewhere on the card. But other than that, once the cotton was all squared away, the card was done. And I’ll be honest; I still like the card I made last year, but I think I’ve really outdone myself this time. There’s just something about the style of this card I enjoy so much more. 
It’s equally over-the-top (as is my crafting specialty ) but it’s more refined, somehow, I think. Either way, all that’s left to do now is mail it off and hope that the recipient is as pleased with the card as I am. I can’t believe I’ve actually finished with it this early though!  That’s so unlike me; I’m usually the one sneaking things in right on top of the deadline. But hey that means now I have one less thing on my to-do list so I can focus on other things...which may or may not include a holiday-themed kitty drawing in the works... ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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joannaharp · 5 years
I never truly believed in Santa as a kid. I played along with the silly little game for my extended family��s benefit, and what could be the harm in it? So the day my mom told me Santa IS real, I was a little shocked.
She told me that no, Santa isn’t an actual person, but the concept of Santa is very real. After all, someone DOES go out and buy the presents signed under his alias. Someone stuffs the stockings and eats the cookies and reads the letters.
Anyone can be Santa for anyone else. All you have to do is listen carefully and pay attention and you can bring Christmas magic into a family.
My best friends at the time were having a hard time financially that year, and their parents couldn’t afford to buy any presents. These were pretty mature kids so they didn’t tell their parents anything they wanted besides to put up the decorations they already had.
So we decided to be their Santa.
I gathered intel about what each kid REALLY wanted more than anything (they were my best friends after all) and me and my mom put together a team of “elves”. This was a group of families that also knew my friends and were willing to help us in our scheme. Each family put together one or two packages for each person in the house (really not a ton of work considering they were going shopping for their own kids anyway). 
Every day from December 1st leading up to Christmas Day, they got a few presents on their front porch. These were left in the middle of the night or early morning and signed “From Santa”.
The first day it was a pack of glitter gel pens, a Half-Priced Books gift card, and some nice bath salts.
The second day was homemade cookies, with the recipe attached. I hear by the time they found them, they were still warm.
The third day was a Walmart gift card with $200 on it.
This continued all the way up to Christmas. My mom insisted that the whole thing was COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS.
The family was ecstatic! They went out and asked EVERYONE if they knew who the “Christmas Angel” was. The season suddenly went from depressingly empty pantries and no foreseeable celebration to new gifts under the tree daily and home cooked meals just LEFT on the front porch with their name on it.
To this day, they have no idea it was us. They got out of their financial scrape and moved to the country to ride horses everyday. I hear several people in their new town have been visited by the Christmas Angel this year.
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inkabelledesigns · 5 years
2019 has started off as a really good year for art, and I want to show you what I’ve made that I’m so excited about. 
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Christmas was really interesting this time around. My parents were very generous and got me a new phone, as mine had been bugging out and spontaneously dying for about two months. The thing is, it’s the same phone that my dad has, and we needed a way to tell the two apart. So I went digging through my art supplies and found my smaller blending card, cut it to size, made a hole for the camera with my exacto knife, and got to work at designing something to go under my case. This is the result. 
This is Liam, a character I use in a collaborative story universe with @themarginalartist and @cyber-flow . We have a lot of fun with angels and demons. Liam here is the demon of Envy, he’s got the lower half of a snake, he tries to be brooding and dark, but he’s a dork and I loved him. I took some inspiration from a friend of mine that does beautiful zentangle and horror art in my line work, but the colors are more reflective of my usual style, bright and mesmerizing. It was a challenge using alcohol based markers on such a small surface, but I made it work. There’s also a lot of glitter and gel pen all throughout, so it sparkles in the light, which I adore. I’ve made myself a template so I can make more of these, they’re so much fun to do.
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This second piece is one that I’m really proud of. I don’t talk about my family often, but this is actually for my dad. Dad sings in two barbershop choruses and one quartet, and during the Valentine’s Day season, one of the choruses will send guys out to deliver Singing Valentines. I’ve done a little design work for the barbershoppers before, but this is the first time I’ve illustrated anything for them, and everyone I’ve sent this to has had such a positive reaction, generally accompanied by the words, “look at these cute old men.” I’ve never drawn old guys before, but I love them so much and want to use these four in another project down the line. 
But even though everyone was really positive when I shared it in my circles, there was one opinion that mattered more than anyone else: my dad’s. And when I opened up my sketchbook to show him this, the look on his face was one I didn’t see often. He loved it! I should probably explain that my parents don’t really get my style of doing cartoon-esce art, they prefer my photography over anything else, and my figure drawing back when I brought that home. So for him to say he liked this means a lot. It felt fulfilling. They also had some comments about my phone case too, as did my co-workers, and all of them liked it. 
I feel the need to clarify that other people liking my work isn’t necessary to validate it, but it does make me feel good, mostly because I’m now sharing in that feeling. The thing about these two pieces is that I’m finally at a point in my emotional maturity where I feel somewhat confident about them, that I LIKE my own work. I don’t draw a lot of men, I’m normally not satisfied with how I draw men, but here I am, drawing men and being satisfied. It feels nice. I feel free, free to do whatever the hell I want and enjoy my art. And not only that, but for the first time since college, I feel confident about the layout of the rest of the poster this illustration goes too. I don’t have the judgement of any peers or professors, no one that I’m trying to please, the only worry I have is “does this fit my audience,” and that’s the thing I’m looking for feedback on whenever I share stuff. I feel DAMN good, and I’m gonna keep feeling good! 2019 is gonna be my year, whether the universe says so or not, I’m claiming it and kicking ass! Happy freaking new year my fellow artists, may we all flourish together!
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link to the song is HERE
A/N: Christmas is in 8 days... (one week for me hehehe)
Sam Wilson x reader
Word count: 950
Summary: despite being over the age of 6, you still believe in Santa Claus.  Your boyfriend Sam is a bit frustrated and confused...
Warnings: Sam being a bit mean (it gets fluffy)
(GIFs not mine)
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Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus Lane
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeers pulling on the reins
Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright
So hang your stockings and say your prayers, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight
  Christmas music softly played in the background as you stitched Peter’s name into his stocking.  Everyone else had a stocking, even the “Guardians of the Galaxy” had stockings that you made for them.  Peter had one at his and May’s apartment, but he needed one here too.  Needless to say that the mantle was full. You even made Wanda a Hanukkah stocking… in the shape of a mitten.
“Hey Sam!” you called as he walked out of the kitchen, eating his usual ham sandwich on rye for lunch, “I need you to find the stocking I made you last year, it wasn’t in the bin,”.
Sam nodded, sipping at his protein shake.  “It’s just in my closet,” he said, “I’ll hang it after lunch,”
“Good- because otherwise Santa won’t know where to put your treats,” you grinned, tying off the knot on Peter’s stocking.
Sam just chuckled, “yep- that creepy, old dude breaking into our high-security tower and leaving us gifts we could have bought ourselves,”.
You frowned.  “Be careful Sam, you might end up on the naughty list…”
 He's got a bag that's filled with toys for boys and girls again
Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle, oh what a beautiful sight
So jump in bed and cover your head, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight
You sat on the big couch by the fireplace, writing on your very decorative piece of paper, using your favorite gold, glitter gel pen.
“What are you up to, (Y/N)?” Sam asked, coming up from behind you on the couch.
You grinned, “hey sweetheart,” you greeted, looking up at him and grinning, “just writing my letter to Santa,”.  You hummed, sighing the letter at the bottom.  “I asked for new boots, and that weighted blanket I saw online”
Sam frowned.  “I love you… but you are not twelve…” he sighed frustratedly, “why are you writing to a fictional character?”
You turned up your nose and puffed out your chest.  “For your information, Samuel, I happen to have the Christmas spirit,”
“That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard,” he huffed, walking away.
 He doesn't care if you're rich or poor, he loves you just the same
Santa Claus knows we're all God's children, that makes everything right
So fill your hearts with Christmas cheer, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight
“This is so HARD!” Peter cried, struggling with the wrapping paper and tape.  To be completely honest, it was hilarious watching him.
“Here, let me help you,” you chuckled, placing another perfectly wrapped package back in the pile.
“Why are we wrapping so many presents?” Sam asked, trying to tie a good bow.
“It’s for the Santa visit at St. Jude’s,” you said, “and we’ve got 600 presents to wrap- we’ve only wrapped 236,”
“I thought Santa was supposed to bring these?” Sam taunted, wrapping gift number 237.
“We’re Santa’s little helpers,” you responded as Peter stuck a ribbon to a big present.
“Yeah- Tony’s donating to the unfortunate kids because Santa prefers the rich brats…” he muttered
“Y’know, Sam, Why are you so irritated by this?  I’m just trying to have a good time,” you huffed, slamming tubes of wrapping paper down, “I just want to have a hope in something,”.
“Smooth, Romeo,” Peter said
 He'll come around when chimes ring out that it's Christmas morn' again
Peace on Earth will come to all if we just follow the light
So let's give thanks to the lord above, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight
Tony bit his lip as you sighed.  “What do you mean Rhodey can’t do it?” You asked, trying to stay calm.
“He’s flying out to see his family earlier than I thought, I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” he explained.
“Who’s going to play Santa now?  Those kids are depending on him…” you whined, slumping.
“Santa?” Sam asked, butting into the conversation
“Yeah- the trespassing nationalist…” You sassed, not wanting to deal with him.  You groaned, stomping to your room to calm down.
 “Rhodey usually plays Santa for the kids at the children’s hospital,” Tony explained.
Sam frowned.  That’s why you believed in Santa.  Not because you thought he was real, but because the children needed him to be...
 Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeers pulling on the reins
Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright
Hang your stockings and say your prayers, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight
You smiled as you watched the children laugh and play games.  Some of the team was visiting and taking pictures with them.
Steve And Bucky were there, Tony, Carol, Wanda, T’Challa and Okoye even came!  Hopefully that would make up for the fact that Santa wouldn’t show up…
“(Y/N), where are the gifts?!” Peter whispered in a panic.
Your stomach sunk.  “They’re not in the hall by the exit?!” You asked, trying not to let the kids hear
“No!” He cried quietly
 “Ho ho ho!” You both heard, surprising you and Peter into silence.
“Santa!” The kids cheered
“Santa?!” The team gasped
“Merry Christmas!  I see you’ve all been good this year!” The Santa Claus grinned, pulling out his long naughty and nice list, “I see Sarah, Ellen, Gene, Barry, Clyde, Tessa…”.
You looked at Tony with a quizzical glare.  He just shrugged.
“Wait…” You hummed, seeing red wing drag the big bags of presents in.
You and Sam-ta Claus’s eyes met and he winked.  Your boyfriend was a keeper.
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crayonurchin · 5 years
Simple Christmas Gifts
“Aaaaand there! Anoth’r done!”
Applying a croissant sticker over the seal of the envelope, Sandy placed the letter on the steadily growing pile, and crossed another name off the list. Over halfway done! Another couple hours and he’d be ready to go-
Sandy’s turned towards the voice, and saw Crayon, in oversized hand-me-down pyjamas, standing in the doorway next to the clock. Which read 11.43pm.
“Aw heck, didn’t mean ter wake ya, Bumble Fluff! Y’all need anythin’?” The blond queeried. The redhead shook his head, pushing the orange waves out of his eyes with a curled hand, rubbing his tired eyes in the process.
“Are you coming up soon?”
“Just as soon as ah’m finished up with these here cards. Nothin’ better than wakin’ up on Christmas mornin’ to a fancy new card just for you!”
“Soon as I’m done, cross m’heart”
Drawing the little little cross symbol on his chest seemed to satisfy Crayon, who after checking that the milk and cookies were still perfectly place on the windowsill for Santa, pattered back up the stairs.
Sandy smiled in the quiet serenity, before turning back to the pile. The window rattled slightly as the wind outside picked up, whipping the snow around with it.
There really was something truly special about waking up to a fresh and personalised card on Christmas morning, and by golly he wasn’t going to leave anybody out!
Determined, he grabbed a blank card with the empty ice cream container of various craft items, and opened a scented gel pen with his teeth.
Years of practice had taught Sandy how to open and close doors without making a sound. Even with the wind against him, the house stayed as silent as the street around him as he made his way to his first destination. The Sandy Chores canvas bag, with a plastic shopping bag around it for water safety, flapped at his side as the gale had its way with every loose piece of clothing about him. His scarfed danced, his bobble hat threatened to fly away, and his hoodie strings somehow always managed to flick into his left eye.
The street lamps had already been on since 4pm, but hours past the witching hour they seemed to get lost in the blackness of the night. The sky was starless, thick with clouds that dispensed the diagonally blowing snow, and where people had shovelled their pathways had already filled almost completely in.
Heck and beans, it sure was a cold night.
Thankful he had the sense to don his wellingtons and not his trainers, he trudged his way as quickly as he could to the first house, thankfully not too far away- Merriweather’s Cafe.
Fumbling to get his gloves off, he found the croissant sticker envelope, and gently slid it under the door.
Warmth blossomed deep within his chest, spreading into his limbs and un-numbing his nose and ears. Thinking of Merriweather come morning, coffee in hand, doing that smile with the cocked eyebrow she always did at him as she read the paragraph of Christmas spirit he’d written all about her and little Meadow Lark. How she’d not say much, but put it up by the cash register, making sure it didn’t fall throughout the day.
One down. A heck of a lot more to go.
The snow had calmed by about 5am, making it much easier to walk about, but having the downside of not keeping him as awake as it had. Sandy’s jaw clicked with yet another yawn, as he finally turned back onto his street.
He paused at a public bin, and turned out his canvas bag. A few pieces of litter fell out- with it empty of all cards, it didn’t hurt to tidy up where you could.
A few homes had been a little tricky- While it was technically Christmas morning, it just didn’t feel like morning had properly come until you woke up. Pelagosa and her dad had still been up, as had Solo Act and a couple others, so he’d had to deliver to a few others off the route plan before doubling back and seeing if their lights had finally turned off, and sliding the cards under door frames and through letter boxes.
While the sun hadn’t risen just yet, a glow was beginning to peak over the hills, and the first hints of orange were making their way into the sky.
Sandy sleepily smiled.
Merry Christmas.
Sure, cards weren’t big shiny toys, but his ma had always told him it’s quality, not quantity that counted. Folks that liked things bookish got themselves a big ol’ paragraph, the sillier ones got piles of glitter and scented stickers. Folks who weren’t too good with words got themselves magazine cutouts of things they liked.
Crayon was going to love all the cat pictures he’d found and carefully tucked into his card, already under the decorated bonzai tree in the main room-
Aw heck, the milk and cookies! They were still on his windowsill, untouched!
Now much more awake, Sandy picked up the pace, kicking up snow and speeding towards his home.
Almost skidding on the ice, he rounded the corner to his drive, and collided with a cloaked figure.
Landing hard on his rear, Sandy continued backwards, and all but buried himself in the fresh fluff of the new snow. Thankfully his face was near numb by this point, though the cold still came as a shock.
“Oh gosh- sorry!! I didn’t see you- what are you doing outside?”
A hand grabbed his, and yanked him up with considerable strength, fast enough to dizzy him a little. Shaking his head of spins and snow, he looked at the stranger’s concerned face
“Ms Lilyfeather??”
His face stopped being cold very quickly.
“W-what are you doin’ here? Lord above- you must be freezing! Here come on inside, I’ll whip you up some hot cocoa-”
“No no, thank you Sandy but no I can’t stay, I just came to drop off this- I was going to leave it on the doorstep as a surprise but- here.” She reached behind her and pulled a lidded basket out of the snow, brushed off the most offensive of it, and handed it to him.
“Oh uh- uh uh- uh thanks Ms Lilyfeather, that’s ah- ah awful kind- you sure you can’t stay for some hot cocoa?”
Lilyfeather giggled (that darling, sugar sweet giggle..) and shook her head.
“Sorry, there’s prep to be done for Christmas dinner- Oh! Oh you two should drop by for it! I insist, 4pm, sharp!”
With a quick, tight hug, she adjusted the bow of her cloak, and made her merry way back onto the street
“You can bring by some of your cocoa!”
And she was gone.
Stunned, Sandy blinked a few times before registering things.
He looked down at the basket. Her best picnic one, with the red and white checkered ribbon around the handle.
Santa’s Cookies and milk.
As quick as quiet allowed, Sandy slipped back into the house, and almost melted at the change in temperature, audibly sighing in relief. He stripped the dripping scarf, hoodie and boots, darted to the plate and glass and artfully cleared both, then set the basket on the table and grabbing his pyjamas off the kitchen chair.
There. It never looked like he’d left the house!
Perfect timing, the sound of creaking floorboards sounded above him. Crayon would be down soon.
The prospect of spending Christmas morning sleepless wasn’t super appealing, but Sandy couldn’t help but feel giddy; the magic of the day was already filling the room.
His eyes turned back to the basket. Pressing the kettle on and readying two mugs, he lifted open the lid and peered inside.
Wrapped daintily in a checkered cloth that matched the basket’s ribbons, were 10 sugar cookies. Simple circles with royal icing. And writing.
Sandy picked them up, one by one, gently between his thumb and forefinger, and read the sugary messages.
“You’re doing a great job!”
“I’m happy we’re friends!”
“Your laugh is infectious!”
“You bring me up!”
“I want to hang out!”
“You’re so funny!”
“You’re an inspiration!”
“You bring out the best in people!”
“I’m glad you’re here!”
“You deserve great things!”
“Sandy! Sandy look, Santa came!”
Quickly drying his eyes on his sleeve, he watched Crayon all but bounce about, holding the half empty glass and plate, face stretched in a huge grin.
“Merry Christmas Sandy! Uh, my present isn’t done yet, can you open it later? Oh, what’s that? Is that what Santa brought?” He pointed to the basket at Sandy’s side. Sandy looked at it for a moment, then with an equally giant smile, grabbed Crayon’s hands and bounced with him.
“Yes, it is!”
(HUGE THANK YOU TO @neverstopsreading for editing the spelling and grammar of this)
((feel better soon, pirate man :D ))
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gigilberry-wips · 5 years
20 Facts About Charlotte (and family) That The Readers Will Not Be Given In The Story
So here I am trying to organize my thoughts and do some character building in order to answer some questions about my oc that someone was very nice to ask and which I still need to come up with answers for, carry on with your business don’t mind me
(for those who’re sticking around to read this, a warning: this is long as heck)
1. Charlie was known as that kid who’d always be full of questions and giving the adults a run for their money “Why do crocodiles have big noses?” “Where does the moon go?” “Why don’t humans have claws? Aren’t they more useful than fingernails?” “Why do people sleep?” “Why are we supposed to do this? Why can’t we do that?” “Why can’t we ask questions? How would anyone learn things if they don’t ask questions??”
2. In her family she’s closest to her older brother. She doesn’t always share her concerns with him but when she comes to him with her thoughts and questions she trusts his words.
3. One time she read in a book where a meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup was described so delectably that for one entire month she insisted on having that at least once a day (it’s like what happened with me and when I read about the ‘bread and butterflies’ from “Through The Looking Glass” and now if anyone ever offered me a towering stack of heavily buttered toast with an ocean of horrifically sugary milk tea I swear I will devour the whole thing no hesitation). She stopped being so vocally fussed with them after that but she never really got over it. So if, whenever she might see either one of those two (or both!!) in the wilds, be it in person or on television or if she just catches the smell of it, and if you happen to be looking at her already then you just might catch her making The. Biggest. Heart Eyes. Like the love of her life has appeared before her and she is going to run into their arms and both of them will head off into the sunset.
4. Her favorite things to get on Christmas and her birthday are “fun science projects for kids”, or puzzle and strategy games, or books that had riddles, secret codes, recipes, more experiments, and especially made-up languages in them. She’s filled entire notebooks with the languages that she’s learnt from books, from Morse Code to Tolkien elvish, and she can easily recall many of them from memory. She knows a lot of the most common kinds of numerical puzzles and algorithms that have been used, and partially due to that and partially because of how good she is in math she frequently makes computer related jokes about herself.
5. Charlie’s brother is doing an internship at a nearby aerospace museum and planetarium. He’s currently studying for a degree in astronomy and engineering and works as one of the technicians there, and about once a month Charlie’s family goes to visit and have a picnic nearby and spend the day there. Since it’s so close, her brother is able to go from home and usually drops her and her friends off to school in the mornings in his old, beat-up car because he’s a good brother and he loves his sister.
6. One time when Charlotte was little (about 7-8) she was loaned a textbook from her school about famous people that she had to do her homework from. Her brother caught her scribbling in it with a pencil one time and found out that she was replacing all the pronouns of the historical figures in it (Mr. Miss Alexander Graham Bell, he she invented, Mr. Miss Albert Einstein, he she discovered, etc.).
(She didn’t really have the words for it back then but essentially she was doing this because all of these Oh So Important People Of History(TM) Who Did Oh So Important Things(TM) were different from her and she was very strongly aware of that and it made her really, really angry. She thought that if the only thing anyone was ever going to teach her was White Man History(TM) and that’s the only thing that ever existed since the dawn of time and that’s the only thing she’d ever learn then she wasn’t just gonna sit there and swallow that like the rest of her classmates, thank you.)
The next day he bought her a book about famous women in history from all around the world. She read it cover to cover and has kept that book with her to this very day. It’s got pictures like this in it too :D -
Tumblr media
[image description] Three women (left to right: Indian, Japanese, and Syrian) who graduated from the Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1886
This is also one of the reasons why she likes Star Trek so much, and why she wants to learn so many languages.
[Edit: if anyone’s wondering, her brother’s the one who erased the pencil marks from her textbook. He told her since she’s the one who did it then she should be the one to remove it. But she refused to do it and she did not say sorry either. He knew she’d get in trouble if he told his parents or anyone about it, or if it was left alone, so he sat down with an eraser and methodically went through the book with it himself.
Charlie neither offered to help nor stopped him (she could’ve if she’d wanted to, she had cheeto crumbs on her fingers and she could’ve smeared them in the book or poked her brother with them but she didn’t); she just attached herself to his side and quietly glared because that textbook is Enemy #1 and no one should touch it as his hand patiently went through page after page and removed all traces of her vandalism]
7. Charlie loves her hair. When she was little one of her favorite shows was My Little Pony (don’t tell anyone but she still has a soft spot for it) and she wanted to have bright, colorful hair just like the other ponies did. One of her cousins was very fashion savvy and when she told her this, her cousin showed her all the fun hairstyles she could do with her own hair instead. She’s been growing out her hair ever since. Now Charlie and her brother are Long Hair Siblings(TM). :D
8. On the other hand, Charlie despises make up. When she was little she noticed that almost the only people that were on make up advertisements were white women, so in her head she thought that meant those pretty women owned the make up companies, right? Well, she looked it up and learned that the people who really owned the companies were not those women but instead ugly old men and that was when she came to the conclusion that advertisements are all full of lies and not to be trusted (also she learnt later that silicone rubber is used in making water proof mascara and her brain is forever scarred with that knowledge and now so is yours :DD)
9. When she got her first loose tooth she heard about the tooth fairy and how she takes teeth and leaves money. So her natural course of action was to look up the price of human teeth online. Then she took the case up with her father and told him all about her findings and how the tooth fairy was basically scamming everybody and should not be trusted. He found this entertaining enough that the morning after she lost her tooth she found a 2 dollar bill under her pillow. She kept it away safely and once she had enough “tooth money” she bought a whole set of glitter gel pens with it.
10. The number of times Charlie’s gone to a party can be counted on one hand, and that’s only because she was forced to go. One such house she’s frequented is one of her aunt’s and after all these years the only name she knows from there is the cat’s, whose name is Toast but she thought that was boring so in her head she renamed her as Clementine. She hasn’t told anyone else that she’s never learnt anyone else’s name but she has the feeling her brother knows.
11. She loves cats. She loves them so much. She was always such a solemn and serious little girl but the moment she saw a cat it’s like watching a toddler wandering after a butterfly. Abso-lutely adorable. She has these knitted cat socks and 2 cat plushies (one more worn than the other) and when she was 11 her parents let her and her brother adopt an orange kitten and she got to name it Tigger after one of her favorite childhood characters. In her friend group there are so many cat puns surrounding her. So many. (half of them are her own btw)
12. Charlotte is bisexual. I remember reading somewhere that it’s unrealistic to just have one lgbt kid all by their lonesome in any story worth telling and I agreed with that. I’ve also heard about the “disaster bisexual” troupe. In my cast of characters the one that fits it the most is Josie, so me being myself I flipped that troupe and instead made the most calm and collected one the bisexual kid (so instead of a disaster bisexual(TM) what we have is a distinguished bisexual(TM), thank you and good night). It’s not mentioned in the story because this story is told from Laila’s point of view and Charlie hasn’t told anyone about her sexuality, not her friends, not her family, not anyone. She learnt about it earlier than Laila did (when she was 13), but like it’s said in her intro she’s a very cautious and private person and it’ll take her a long time to think about something so personal openly let alone talk about it with anyone. I want to talk about this more in a separate post, and I’ve got a one shot planned that’ll focus on this too.
(Edit: so it turns out Charlie is in fact a bit of a disaster human and when I told her she comes off as smart and polished and good at judging people’s intentions she turned around and told me she also hisses under her breath at things she doesn’t like, lives in her room like it’s one giant nest, and sometimes forgets to eat and i find it too annoying to argue with my strong willed daughter so here we are goddamn)
13. For Charlie, feelings are ... awkward. They’re messy and confusing, and when she’s feeling too many things she needs a lot of alone time to sort through them and understand them. It’s not that she doesn’t feel anything, it’s just that she can’t usually identify what she feels from the whirlwind in her head in any proper way. And when people need comforting she doesn’t feel like she’s the best person for the job. But that’s not going to stop her from trying to help; if one of her friends comes to her with a problem then she’s going to help them find logical solutions to those problems. She knows her strengths and she tries her best to use them.
14. She finds it hard to cry. Even when she’s feeling too many things and she really wants to cry (because she thinks maybe that’ll help her, at least it’s scientifically proven to help) the tears won’t always come. Aside from early childhood, she can count on one hand the number of times she’s cried, and half of them are from when she was exhausted or shocked with sudden feelings. The other times feel random to her and often at odds with each other. (She can’t force herself to cry, she can’t fake her own emotions.)
15. One of the few times she remembers crying was the first time she saw the Aurora Borealis. She saw it in a movie theater, not in person, but to her it was like seeing the real thing. She was little at the time and when she saw it she was just - she was overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed with so many feelings, like happiness and beauty and wonderment. When they came out of the theater and her family saw her still crying they all started freaking out, until she tried to explain it to them (she was really choked up but she tried). She remembered describing it something like, “It’s like seeing music ... Mama, I think I saw music.” she counts this as the one time she expressed her words so artistically she doesn’t know how but she did. it was also one of those rare times she was envious of artistic people for being able to express human emotions so well (there’s that part in The Tale of Despereaux when he said that he “heard honey” when what he’d really heard was music that comes to my mind). Later, she was told what the lights were called and she decided then and there that if she ever had a daughter then she’d name her Aurora (no papa, not from Sleeping Beauty, this is different!). It was also around this time that she really got into learning about space.
16. Charlie’s a night owl. She loves being awake when all the world is asleep. She loves the silence and the clarity she feels in her thoughts when there is no one else around.
17. Charlotte has an “all things pink and glitter” obsession that she never quite grew out of and never really plans to. Her room is pink, her glasses are pink, her stationary is pink, most of her clothes are pink, and her favorite Care Bear and My Little Pony characters are also pink.
18. She got her glasses when she was around 10, and she even got to choose them herself. :D The sad thing was that she was only one of 2 kids in her grade who had glasses and the other one was who she considered to be an annoying prat, but the good news was that at least 3 girls in her year got braces and one of them was nice and called her glasses pretty and also she was the only one who’d done her braces sparkly so there.
19. Most her life she never had close friends. She was always considered too smart and aloof for them. She had her nose stuck in books and she always got the best grades in her year. She was also really good at chess and strategy games and not to brag but she’s even one a few awards for this and this quality was always something that alarmed and frustrated people to no end (read: boys who wanted to prank her and various arrogant, would-be bullies) when she would know all sorts of things about them that they never remembered telling her. What they didn’t know was that she gathered all that information just from observing them and listening to what they said. She’s a strategist and a planner and she delights in knowing more than everybody else, making it so that when she wasn’t purposefully faded into the background, she came off as intimidating and scary, and rightly so. You cross her or try to pull any nonsense around her and she’ll make you regret it.
20. Contrary to what I feel might be predictable for her, it wasn’t Hailey (the friendly and cheerful one) or Josie (the smart and sociable one) that pulled Charlie into Laila’s friend group, but instead it was Laila herself. Charlie might not be good when it comes to feelings, both hers and other people’s, but she’s an excellent judge of character. She doesn’t talk to her peers because she’s categorized them as not being her “type”. She sees them and thinks they’re silly and petty and loud and annoying. She gets impatient with how childish and flighty and apparently short of memory they are, how they haven’t yet decided what they want with their life, how they’re all sooooo fussed about what other people want them to be and how they haven’t made up their minds about who they want to be. Dealing with them is boring and somehow oddly exhausting, so she doesn’t waste her time with them.
She and Laila met through circumstance. And what she immediately got from Laila was that she was someone who was filled with something akin to gentle warmth. She saw someone who didn’t judge or expect things from her. Someone who didn’t raise her hackles or crowd her space, both physically and mentally. She saw a person who didn’t pretend to be something she wasn’t, who didn’t really have anything to hide. Most of all, she saw in Laila someone who went about her day with honesty and good will in her actions towards others, who was genuine and caring. Those are things she’s not often found in other people, no matter their age. It’s something that she’s come to appreciate and respect in the rare, rare instances when she does find it. It took a while, but as she got to know Laila and her other friends better and hung out with them more often, she saw that she found a place where she felt like she could breathe.
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phdmama · 6 years
A Tiny Little Drarry Christmas Drabble
This is just a silly thing that came to me today, and since I’m barely writing at all right now, it felt good to get something down on paper! This also goes out as a thank you to some of the Drarry writers that I’ve followed and loved for so long now. (I hope it’s okay to dedicate a Christmas-themed drabble to you all!). @femmequixotic @noeeon @bixgirl1 @firethesound @lqtraintracks @dictacontrion Thank you so much for the hour and hours of enjoyment your work has given me!!
Draco makes his way through the crowd in Diagon Alley. It’s packed, which is only to be expected this close to Christmas. It’s the 24th, mid-afternoon, and Draco has finished his shopping, but restlessness has sent him from his cozy flat a few blocks away to brave the madness that is wizarding London on Christmas Eve. He wanders down the cobblestone street. It’s snowing lightly, and the lamp posts lining the street are draped with evergreen garland and red and gold bows. Fifteen years later, he thinks, and we’re still decorating in Gryffindor colors.
He runs over his gift list in his mind, thinking of the variety of things he’s picked out for the random assortment of characters who’ve found their way into his life. Like everything else about it, nothing is like what he thought it would be, and he gives thanks for that daily.
He notes the mood of the crowd, mostly festive with an undercurrent of stress, mainly heard in the voices of the mothers as they shepherd their children past the tempting window displays.
“For the last time, Alex,” one exasperated witch says firmly to her son, who cannot be more than five, “I am not buying that organic crup food.” Her voice fades into the crowd as Draco hears, “We don’t even have a crup,” over the wails of her devastated offspring.
He smiles, and decides to head into Flourish and Blotts, as they can always use some last-minute stocking stuffers.  He’s looking over his choices in color-changing ink gel pens, and contemplating whether the hassle of glitter getting everywhere (absolutely everywhere, he remembers with a grimace) is worth the joy that he knows a certain child will feel at having the latest iteration of these monstrosities, when it happens.
He glances up to see a familiar tousled head of a man standing a few steps away, looking at the decorative mug display, and as if drawn by a magnet, green eyes meet his own, and narrow.
“Malfoy.” Potter’s voice is flat, even. “Last minute Christmas shopping?”
Draco narrows his eyes in return. What the hell? What has he done now?
“Actually, my shopping’s been done for ages. Everything’s even wrapped.”
Potter frowns. “What are you doing here, then?”
Draco sighs, “Always so suspicious, Potter. I’m soaking up the festive atmosphere, of course.”
Potter looks around at the crowd, and they both wince as a toddler, somewhere in the depths of the store, winds up for what sounds to be a truly righteous strop. He glances back at Draco and lifts one eyebrow. “Really?”
“Well,” Draco concedes, “I might be thinking of a couple of last minute additions. You?”
Potter shrugs. “Same.” He seems to come to a decision, grabs a couple of mugs off of the display, and as he brushes past Draco to head to the counter to pay, he says, “See you.”
Draco sits curled up against the plump cushions that line the window seat that looks out onto the lane. It’s dark and outside the snow is still falling gently, shimmering in the glow of the street lamps. The fire is burning, the sparkling lights of the tree behind him are reflected in the glass of the window, he’s got a glass of wine and the latest paperback from his favorite author, and almost everything is right in the world. There’s only one other thing he needs.
He hears the sound of footsteps in the hall, and the door to the flat opens, and a voice calls out, “Draco? Where are you, love?”
“In the living room,” Draco calls back, feeling the missing piece slot into place as Harry drops several bags by the front door and makes his way into the room.
He smiles up at his partner of ten years now, and wiggles closer to the window to make room for Harry to slide onto the seat next to him. Harry wraps his arms around Draco and buries his nose in Draco’s neck.
“Fuck’s sake, Harry, you’re freezing.”
“It’s cold out,” Harry says, unrepentant, “And you might not have noticed, but it’s snowing.”
“I could hardly not notice,” Draco grumbles, “Since you’re rubbing snow all over me.”
Harry pulls back to give an exaggerated leer. “That’s not all I could rub all over you, if you were up for it.”
“Harry,” Draco says, exasperated, “You know there’s no time. We’re due at the Burrow in thirty minutes. I’ve finished all the wrapping, so all you have to do is shower and change. But you need to go now, you know what happens if we’re late.”
Harry tightens his hold on Draco for one more moment, and then sighs. “Fine. I’ll go get ready.”
He stands and as he makes his way down the hall, he calls over his shoulder, “I do think you’re severely underestimating us both though.”
“Well, I’ll have to live with that tragedy. Anyway, ” Draco says, knowing Harry’s penchant for long, moody showers, particularly around the holidays, which can be hard for both them, though ten years of new memories have helped to ease the pain of all they’ve lost, “You need to move it along. If we’re late, you’re wearing the hat.”
Somehow, over the years, a tradition has been born that the last person to arrive for the annual Christmas Eve family celebration has to wear the Santa Hat, complete with reindeer horns which moo for some inexplicable reason, and Draco’s had to wear it for the last three years, and he’ll be damned if he’s wearing it again this year. It’s itchy.
“Fine, I’ll wear it if we’re late,” Harry says as he heads down the hallway to their bedroom. “Can you help me figure out which jumper to wear?”
That’s the other Christmas tradition, everyone finds the ugliest Christmas jumper they can, which are then ceremonially switched out for the annual Molly handknit gift during the present exchange portion of the evening.
“I got you a new one,” Draco calls and he hears a delighted cry from the bedroom.
“Oh, that’s hideous. Thanks, love.”
Draco grins to himself as he stands and follows Harry into their bedroom. The jumper is spread out on the bed, as garish a thing as Draco has ever see. It’s a rainbow pattern, and there is a festive, bare-chested Father Christmas riding a narwhalicorn, who leaves trail of sparkles from its horn. Draco snickers and smooths his hands over his own jumper, which has a naked elf, bits strategically covered by ornaments, dancing around and occasionally shouting out “Got balls?” It’s horrendous and he loves it.
He wanders into the bathroom, where the air is thick with steam and redolent with Harry’s pine-scented shower gel.
“I got those glitter pens for Rose, since we were one gift short for her,” he says.
“Ahh, is that what you were doing?” Harry replies, gurgling a bit under the force of the shower.
“Yes, I meant to ask you,” Draco says, “What was all that ‘Malfoy’ stuff about? I mean, you know I don’t mind a spot of roleplay here and there, but it seemed a bit out of the blue.”
The water turns off, and Draco grabs a towel, casts a quick warming charm and hands it to Harry as he steps out onto the bathmat.
“That,” Harry says in a tone of immense satisfaction, “Is dinner on Ron next week when we go out for New Year’s Eve.”
“What?” Baffled, Draco stares at him and then it hits him. “Oh good lord, you’ve been betting again, haven’t you?”
Harry towels off and grins. “Yeah. He bet me that if I called you Malfoy in public, you wouldn’t go along with it. I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity. He thought you’d get confused and ask me what the hell I was doing.”
“You’re idiots, the both of you,” Draco opines as he heads back into the bedroom. “How did you know I wouldn’t, then, anyway?”
Harry follows him back into the room, towel slung low around his hips, and Draco takes a moment to admire the broad chest and toned arms. Even after ten years together, there are still these moments that make his heart race.
Harry shrugs, and pulls on his pants, and then a pair of well-tailored woolen trousers. He grabs a t-shirt out of his drawer and yanks it over his head, then picks up the jumper from the bed.
“I know you. You’ve never backed down from a challenge in your life, have you? I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist it.”
“Fine,” Draco sighs. “I do wish you’d leave me out of these ridiculous bets, though. One of these days you’ll get it wrong.”
Harry moves over and yanks Draco into a quick kiss. “No, I won’t. Not when I’m betting on you.”
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