#i kept my mouth shut
clonehub · 1 year
when tbb was airing and when tm was airing and people were constantly harping about filler vs episodes that moved the plot forward and there were ppl like. Genuinely of the opinion that Plot Episodes don't develop character and Filler Episodes do, but they can't relate to the Plot at all. Oh those were dark times
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sittinwithyou · 1 year
Well, I've finally been cornered and I'm being coerced into it... I have to go to the post office. If I don't come back in three days, tell my family I know where they buried it. And I never told anyone.
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uselessgaywhovian · 9 months
sorry, saw someone on reddit talking about how they "had" to kill shadowheart because they were playing a "good" character and she was "evil" and i'm like
not to make her too much of a little meow meow, but this little bitch wants to be good so much that Shar had to put a shock collar on her when she was like seven and like 40 years later it's still not working great
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
god this will probably be the only time I say this because I don't like using the tag to begin with but if you want to tag #radiosilence for one-sided radiostatic, PLEASE, at the very least, don't include a space. type it as one word: #radiosilence. I already take issue with the tag as it is but in tagging #radio silence, with the space, you're using and flooding the main tag that is supposed to be for the alice oseman book "radio silence" (which also has a canon aspec character apparently!)
please let people from that fandom have their tag without being flooded with hazbin hotel I am begging you
EDIT: made a more visual/eye-catching post addressing this! spread it around if you can!
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 7 months
For Mod Bee : We'd actually like to see these doodles of yours! (Mainly cause i'm desperate for more content) but it's alr if you don't wanna! Just a suggestion
// i suppose i can put out some of them ! okay my children here's your dinner ^^ //
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hyper-yamahano · 4 months
Me choosing a danger floor: It should be fine. It's just an easy objective, so as long as it's not a dark floor, I should be fine :D
Splatoon: *gives me a dark floor*
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miqotepotatoe · 2 years
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You know FSM damn well, ghost boy
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marlshroom · 8 days
one of my mutuals on instagram posted something about walkability and car infrastructure and i responded to their story with “when you are walkable-citypilled living in arizona” and they responded with “im sorry i dont know what this means and also i cant drive” and then i had to explain to them what i meant.
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Autistic people as a community have really fought well against person-first language and the implications it brings and I feel really sorry for people with ADHD who as a community don't seem to have followed the same road at all
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fungh0uls · 1 month
have i Said this before?? correct me if i have. but 13 and 16 is NOT an okay age gap. i don’t care if you’re how many years apart you actually are, dating a child when you’re almost an adult is fucking disgusting.
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bigmammallama5 · 2 months
Sometimes there are just some conversations you can never have with a parent without them getting defensive, no matter how even and calm and passive you try to keep your voice. Sometimes you just have to decide to lock away certain parts of your life from your loved ones for your own mental health, and that’s okay as long as you don’t bottle it up.
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sapchats · 3 months
I see so she only accepts a private dm from him if its an apology to her specifically but she ignores and deletes dms if they are about her son being rude and them having to apologize i see ahahahah yes how old is she again? This is humiliating for her
fine i'll say it IT'S CRINGEEEEE
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tokenducks · 2 months
It is so wild that like a year or two ago (I cannot remember) I watched old audition taps for Edwin Charles and Crystal (from people who didn’t get casted) so I know plot points in the show and I’m just sitting here like oh boy just wait
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useramor · 4 months
first day of my english class today and i announce to the group at large that i write fanfiction. why. who possessed me. why would i do that. jesus fucking christ i can never step foot there again.
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strqyr · 10 months
since i'm on the topic anyway, there's been something that's been... bothering is not really the right word but it's the closest i can get, with raven in V9. like they've definitely tweaked (which doesn't come as a surprise when erin winn has already stated that they've done some minor tweaks esp on taller female characters) her face—most notably her lower lip is like twice the size of summer's and tai's in the same flashback and has basically quadrupled from her V5 model like it's so pouty now i love it lmao—but it was today that i figured out what probably should have stood out to me much much earlier:
they nicked her lower eyelashes
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