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pollyseraph · 11 months
NEW POST BLOG *BRILLANCIA* por Polly OMG Via Flickr: Look: *BRILLANCIA* - Dress Aiko FULL PACK TP - maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Champagne/78/154/22 VK - vk.com/brillancia Flickr - www.flickr.com/photos/157778862@N04/ Flickr grup - www.flickr.com/groups/14738318@N25/pool/ Marketplace - marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/208881/ My Networks: linktr.ee/pollyseraph Visit this location at Witherwood Thicket in Second Life
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monkey-papermoon · 3 months
Here is the first chapter (I call them Verses to incorporate music terms which has plot relevance later) of my story, of which I have 10 Verses, The first chapter is a bit rough but I gradually learn as I go along and where i'm at in the story now is a lot better in my eyes. Hope you enjoy! any questions please ask :)
The Ballad of Longdead Yuli 
  "I've walked this road for many a year, unsure if I will ever find what I'm looking for, I often wonder if there is anything to look for anymore, or perhaps this world has long since swallowed any hopes of prying eyes ever meeting it again. I have no reason to continue, yet still my body pushes forth, driven by... in search of..." 
  In this world there exists a tree. One whose roots span through every quarter of this planet. Harboring the population within its expanse. A mainstay hardly questioned nor pondered upon as anything but truth... 
This story is one of purpose. Crossing fates; Identity, the indominable human spirit and what it means to be alive. 
Our story could begin anywhere. In the comfort of a home where someone has cracked open a book under some light; on someone's free time away from their busy life; A passing glance from a library visitor and so on. But, for our purposes, we begin with sand blasted wastes, a girl of no name, and most importantly – A Diary of Dust. 
D slid shrewdly down the steep cliff-face, breathing in with a gasp as she reached the foot of it. The desert night was just giving rise to the morning sun, as such it was still frigid. The ringing of gunfire was still in her ears, she had been running from them. Unsure if she stumbled upon something she shouldn’t have or if she simply happened upon some gunslingers too eager on the trigger.  Regardless her instinct was enough to make her not turn back and find out. She was unsure of how long she’d been running, but at this point, she thought, she was sure to have lost them.  
D spent her whole life learning to survive in the desert, the easiest place a vagabond can slip away if they so ever have the need. She had no home to speak of, but she quickly learned the tricks of a thief, such as ways to conceal oneself amongst crowds, and not to seem out of place while stealing one’s needs, or desires. As such, D would be in and out of towns. She may appear one day, scrounge what she could, and be out of sight the next. Avoiding the chance of the local law being tipped of the existence of a thieving vagrant in their midst. Since she could walk and talk, she’d done this to survive, at any cost. Surviving and scavenging was all she knew. All she knows now though, is the Sun is quickly rising upon the horizon, it was going to be very hot very soon, and she spotted shelter. 
The small building, dilapidated and half swallowed by the dunes, was unsuspecting enough. D managed to kick her way inside without toppling the aged wood responsible for sheltering her, which was a win.  
She quickly slung her cloak off and tossed it to the side, nudging her goggles onto her brow. She didn’t realize just how out of breath she was, she slid down against the nearest wall to catch her breath for a minute. It wasn’t long before her eyes began darting around to her surroundings, a scavenger’s curious eye for pickings in tandem with the need to catch her bearings for the coming day. She still had some rations from her time in Witherwood, albeit rot had begun to set in. No big deal, she was no stranger to it, but she needed more food soon. She was doubtful this shriveled shack would have anything, but maybe whoever left this place behind left a can or two of something. She was hopeful, at least. 
As her brain stopped focusing on her breathing and her other senses returned, the musty smell of wood rot nearly took out the breath she had just regained, rot wasn't too common in the desert, as rain seldom fell. Regardless, she covered her face with the cloth around her neck and started looking around. The building was not too large, but there was a lot more to the inside as she initially thought, sand had not fully penetrated what remained, save for the few spots it managed to sprinkle its way inside. Despite the building being submerged in sand, she was able to stand straight up. In doing so, however, she learned the building was tilting on its axis, the furthest wall was at quite a decline, and it wrapped around a corner, but that was shrouded in darkness.  
From where she stood, there were cabinets and drawers. She eagerly leapt in hastily swinging open the cabinets and pulling the drawers from their hinges. Nothing, nothing, nothing, and nothing. Defeated, her head dropped, there had been nothing to take save for some old wood for fire, if the rot would even take to burning. Some time passed; she was slumped against the wall with the row of empty cabinets, she took one last bite of a half-rotted apple she had stolen. She started to make her way towards the hole she made to enter. Without trying, though, her body stopped, she looked again at the darkened proceeds beyond the corner of the far wall, something about it was calling to her, and, if just for a moment, she swore she saw a bright flash of yellow as if the sun had burst through the dark for just a second. It was impossible, she thought. Every thought and instinct she had was to turn away and leave, but her body was telling her to move towards it.  
Accept the dark and you will uncover light... The world, entangled in lies, will it accept truth? These thoughts were not hers, and they were oh, so loud, beckoning her closer and closer. Her legs, as if she were a marionette, were moving on their own, they felt heavy, almost unbearably so. She was kneeling now, the room had gotten steeper somehow, as if her being there was enough to tip the house, the corner was inches away, the thoughts, almost desperate cries now, were ringing in her ears. A veil of countless lives... Locked in time, everlasting, unchanging... Will... You...  Question? D winced, her skin felt as if it were burning, her chest felt as if she were pinned, her whole body felt as if it were vibrating intensely. She had no choice but to watch as her body turned the corner, the thoughts, as if a hundred voices in union; SEEK TRUTH. Just then, her vision became overwhelmed with the now almost searing yellow light. Suddenly, she regained control, the light was gone, and her body collapsed under the freedom it once had. 
It took her a minute to regain control, as she did, she peered into a dark room, she knew it was risky in old buildings like this, but she took a match and lit it. She was standing inches from a pool of murky water, a strange sight in the desert but after what just happened, she didn’t question it, she was still breathing heavily and quite confused, but she now knows the source of the rot. The insufferable smell of mold and the darkness was enough to make her want to turn back. But whatever that had been, she felt she needed to figure it out. In front of her was a glint of metal, as she brought the match closer it was a wooden lockbox, the corners of which were ornate with metal. She saw nothing else in the room that had not already been thoroughly devoured by the water. She needed to pull it out of here, but the dark was intense, she struck another match and put it between her front teeth, it slightly burned her nose, but it was enough to get it out and into the first room she entered. 
She anxiously pried the box open, if this was the cause of what happened, she wasn’t sure if she wanted more of it. Her body kept telling her to open it though. The box held three items, a rusted revolver, a knife wrapped carefully in leather, and a book in pristine condition, The building owners' items before leaving, or biting it, she assumed. The gun was in disrepair, a shame because it would be of good help if she ever needed it. She fastened the knife to her beltline and looked over at the book. She couldn’t read very well, what little she did know was from her only real friend Verrill, but she loved stories. She grabbed the book and flipped through the pages with the notion that Verrill could help her read it when she saw him again. But there was nothing on the pages, every page she passed was blank. She pouted and tossed the book over her shoulder.  
She was stumped, there was no clear reason for what happened to her. I really got to stop eating rotten food, she thought. As she was gearing to retrieve her cloak from the ground, she saw something in her peripheral; yellow mist. She snapped her head around at the book laid ajar on the ground, bright yellow lettering seemed to flood the page. She leapt towards the book and picked it up, in doing so, the letters spilling across the pages, rapidly changing. She attempted to fix her sight on the page and began to sit down in hopes of figuring out something...BANG, a shot rang out in the distance, then another, and another. 
Shit, did they find me? How? She thought; No, the shots are too far, and there's no way they could have tracked me on foot through the sand unless they were right behind me. She knew one thing though, she had to leave before they got any closer, she's not dumb enough to get into a gun fight. Especially not with just a knife. She stored the book in her satchel, grabbed her belongings, fixed her goggles on her eyes and fashioned her cloak into a shawl, before slipping out of the building,  
The sun was in full effect now, from the looks of it, near noon, how long have I been there? She wondered, and took a quick glance back at the building, nothing was visible save for the hole she had made, it was sinking. Shots continued to fire in the distance, and she thought of running the opposite way. Her body, though, had other ideas. Against her will again, and much to her frustration, her body moved towards the gunfight. 
Her legs moved on their own for some time and gave way to freedom as she reached the summit of the dunes, she saw the source of the gunfire, a person dressed oddly fancy for the desert pinned behind a carriage, a barn, and two apparent gunslingers firing back and forth. This was not her fight, but the words echoed in her head again; SEEK TRUTH.  
D slipped down a pit in the dunes and close to the barn. She felt she needed to help the fancy man, so she slipped off her old knife which was too dull to use anymore, and she threw it towards the barn near the 2 gunslingers, yelling “HEY!” before crouching out of sight, which seemed enough to distract the men, two shots rang out, two bodies hit the floor. The fancy man holstered his gun and started making his way hesitantly towards D. 
Whoever he was, he was clearly apt with a gun. She sprang up and raised her hands in the air showing no weapons, the fancy man came closer, taking his hands away from his gun, The bowler hat on his head laid atop long slickened black hair which spilled out like waterfalls on either side of his neck, he looked to have some age on him, there was wispy grey hairs on both sides of his head, his face was clean shaven, He was androgynous, D could believe they were either sex, not that it mattered to her much; She had met all types of people amongst vagrants and wanderers. He was sporting a sand peppered white suit shirt, under grey vest and grey slacks, “I won’t kill you, just keep your hands up for now and come over here” The voice was equally in between, but it wasn’t the time to question that. She started walking towards the fancy man, “toss the knife to the ground and hand over your bag” he said. Great, I help someone against my will and where does it get me? Robbed. She thought, as she complied.  
The person took her bag and started rummaging through it, taking a quick look at every object and tossing it on the ground “Really? Is this all you have for food?” they asked. She replied, “If food is what you want, ask!” She replied, the person ignored her, shaking their head. Suddenly, their face turned pale; a grave expression now painted them. 
 They were holding the book D had taken from the house earlier. “Sit.” he said, “you can put your arms down.” D did as they said, up-close now and the person before them was no more discernable than they had been. Their face was rather round, and they had high cheek bones that pushed outwards from slightly sunken eyes. The person stared at the book for some time, D didn’t know if she should speak up or not. “Can I have my bag ba-” “Where did you get this?” they snapped. D answered meekly “Old house in a dune back that way” she said, pointing behind her. “Dunes? No, that’s not right” he said, looking pensive “That your book?” D asked, Ignored again. “This was buried in Lake Nevorrie, in a house, yes but... that can only mean...” 
 Their face turned from pensive to excited, as they jumped up, their demeanor changed, now sticking their hand out invitingly “How rude of me! The names Coy Allard, what’s yours?” D, taken aback at the sudden change, she reluctantly shook Coy’s hand. She didn’t talk very much, she learned most of what she knew from Verrill, who himself was a quite well-spoken man, but a rather poor teacher. “I don’t know name, but I’m called D” “Dee?” Coy asked, following with “where did you get that from?” D answered by pointing towards the satchel now at Coy’s feet, which had a D engraved on the largest fold. “Ah, do you like it? ‘D’ I mean.” Coy asked. D just shrugged “Don’t pay attention to it much” she said. “Huh, we’ll put that aside for now.” Coy sat again, tossing the book to D. “What did you see?” they asked. “Huh?” D asked. “Did you see anything, hear anything... Read anything?” The memories of the events in the house earlier had started to resurface, despite her usually poor communication, she retold the best she could, the thoughts that hadn’t belonged to her, the blinding light, her lack of control and the dancing Symbols upon the page. 
Coy removed their hat, sliding their hair back and sighing. “Well, that’s that. Fate sure is funny, I worked in the name of that book for ages after its original owner died ‘til I lost hope, I had sworn it was cursed, my goals were fruitless. I’m sure he spites me for it, but I didn’t want my life to be dictated by that book anymore. I guess, though, that book and I are tied by fate.” they laughed, “though, can’t say I didn’t miss the chase” they continued. “What is this? Am I cursed?” D held the book tight to her chest, if this book was cursed, maybe keeping it closed was the best Idea. 
Coy snickered, “poor choice of words on my part, age must be catching up” They sat forward, pointing to the book, a grin stretching across their face. “You aren’t cursed, friend, not unless you lack wanderlust or fight. No, you’ve been chosen by the Augur, and what you have there, is the Diary of Dust. Have you read it?” D shook her head “Can’t” Coy put their hat back on, tilting their head slightly “The words won’t show up?” They asked. “They do, I can’t read, and the letters don't stay the same in this. My friend Verrill helps me read” she said.  “That makes sense, the letters will only show to those blessed by Augur and will change to any language most understood by the reader. If you can’t read, they will rapidly change until you understand.” Coy responded, rubbing their chin “I guess I'll just have to teach you to read”. Not easy to trust, D jumped up defensively “No! Verrill will help!” she said sternly. Coy responded “We can’t just bring along any random guy! You don’t understand, the Augur chose you, you’re a target now. Which means others around you are in danger too.” She clenched her fists, “I’m used to danger! My whole life is dangerous, Verrill is my friend!” Coy took a deep breath, putting both their hands up in front of them in surrender. “Look, I don’t want to fight you, we just met, you don’t trust me. If you need Verrill we will seek his help, but you need to understand, we need to be quick, we can figure it out as we go” they said, pointing at their carriage. D unclenched her fists and nodded hesitantly, Coy handed her satchel to her and she picked up her knife, she put the book into the satchel, as they both topped the carriage. 
It was a long ride with few words spoken, they spoke of location and plan, but no words beyond that. Their goals were the outskirts of Verronas where Verrill sets up cart, he was a snake oil salesman, his trade was dealing in false hope, but the people of Verronas were aware, they’ve long since ran him out of town, everyone knew his products were junk, and his prices too high. It was rare someone was desperate enough to turn to him, and when he sensed a dying man, he’d spin a great comforting story surrounding his product, to ease the customer's mind in his last days, he almost always refuses to take their money He was an interesting man, but not a bad one. The snake oil was a front for his true passion, he loved books, and always had a story to tell. Growing up Verrill was the closest thing D had to a father figure, they’d spent years together running around the wastes, getting kicked out of towns and always getting into mischief. Verrill was her best friend, her only friend. He’d tell tales of his years as a student in the great library of Umbrias far to the east, or his time as a sand raider ruling the dunes, becoming feared and mighty, or his time as a Sherriff’s deputy that took out the infamous Copper-king Lucci Hall. She knew deep down they were tall tales, but she loved them. She had a lot of time to learn from him how to read but her mind was always on other things, and he always said that he hated to see her pout. 
As they neared the city of Verronas they reviewed the plan again, it was to stop by Verrill's cart, asking if he would come with them, or at least say goodbye as their goal would have them travelling, likely to not return. D was used to traveling, but she always stayed within a set radius. After today she’d be leaving it for the first time, which was both exciting and daunting for her. Her emotions were lying between the two, a bittersweet symphony for her last days in the wastes, she just hoped it wouldn’t be the last she’d see of Verrill, he was important to her, regardless of time apart. 
Time passed as the rumbling hooves shook the carriage. Coy and D were nearing their goal, they rode up 20 paces away from Verrill's cart, as to make a quick exit once they’re done. Coy stayed on the cart to get going as soon as they could. D quickly grabbed her satchel and eagerly jumped to the ground off the carriage and ran to the cart. She saw Verrill behind his counter, but something was off. Verrill was a burly, olive-skinned man with curly black hair and a beard that rode his waist. He almost always wore thick pin-striped pants and suspenders with no shirt. He was almost always in good spirits and wore a smile more often than not. Though that smile was now a bleak grimace. 
 She always had a way of cheering him up, so she ran up to the cart. “Verrill! I found a cool book, this guy I met said it’s important. We have to go real soon, I thought you’d be able to help and ride with us.” Verrill slammed a book on his counter and fixed his sights to the distance, “No, I don’t want you here, you need to leave.” he said sternly. “B-but you always love talking with me, what did I do? Can I come in?” she stammered. Verrill’s eyes widened, he left his cart to meet her face to face, narrowly slipping out of the door as to not show the contents. “You need to leave D. You’re nothing but trouble! If you don’t leave, I'll make you leave.” Verrill boomed. D began to cry and started punching Verrill in the chest repeatedly. Begging him to change his mind or explain, he did not. With eyes full of tears, she looked up at Verrill, he looked pained, his expression began to distort, his façade was gone, giving way to a face now wet with tears and full of sorrow. He mouthed to her "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. He wrapped his arms around her tight for just a second, releasing what he was really feeling 
D, stunned, saw Coy running towards them in her peripheral, Verrill quickly turned and grabbed the book he slammed on his desk a minute before and shoved it to her chest, moving her back a step. She glanced at the book before looking back at Verrill. He was sobbing now, and he began opening his mouth once more, releasing a bellowing “RUN!”  
Before she could react; the breath was taken from her lungs, she cried out to no avail. As she was tackled to the ground, A pain like she never felt; A shot rang out, Verrill was dead. D’s vision flashed, then faded to black. 
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moondust-bard · 2 years
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~About Me~
• My pronouns are she/they
• You may call me either by my pen name, Moira Bard, or by my chosen name, Luna. I will answer to both.
• I have… four indoor cats. Yes, I know that’s a lot of cats. Taming and caring for the feral gremlins in my neighborhood has become a hobby
• I’m autistic
• I’m also a visually impaired person with albinism
• chronic illnesses? Got those, too. I’m a party, truly.
• I enjoy mythology, folklore, fairytales, and world history
• I identify as queer
• Aside from writing, I enjoy editing fiction, studying herbalism, singing, stage-acting, studying astrology, graphic design, interior design, crafting with modeling clay, sketching, watercolors, practicing tarot, and baking
• Is my goal to traditionally publish? Not sure. Currently, the plan is to do those things which bring me the most joy— and that includes storytelling
• I’m In my mid-20s, but I’m secretly an ancient hermit hidden in a stone cottage, nestled in a dark wood untouched by sunlight and civilization. Through some arcane magic I shan’t divulge there is indeed an internet connection.
I am open to:
character voice-act ✅
Beta-read ✅
Proofread ✅
(Amateur) developmental edit ✅
(Amateur) line edit ✅
Sensitivity read ✅
Positivity pass ✅
Critique swap ✅
Create book and character playlists ✅ (search the tag “songs for playlists” for examples)
Design book banners, covers, and other graphics ✅ (search the tag “my art” for examples)
My asks and inbox are both open!
About My Writing & Related Topics
• I’m a plotter, though I’ve recently been straying from adhering to a strict outline and allowing the characters and my own whims to dictate the story
• I write mostly fantasy and sci fi for adults and young adults
• I would like to indie publish at some point— though I’m in no rush. For now, I write because I can’t not tell stories
• I’m also adapting some public domain works into scripts, mostly because my friends and I need fresh audition pieces
• I draft with scrivener and speech-to-text software
• my pen name is Moira Bard. I chose it because it evokes a sense of ethereal whimsy— two words I feel encompass my energy quite nicely
• I prefer comments and reblogs over likes— but don’t let me tell you how to writeblr. All interactions are appreciated!
Here are my 2024 writing goals
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~My WiPs~
Lost Souls’ Night Series
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Genres: mythic fantasy, YA
Current Stage: draft of book 1 shelved for later edits; plotting books 3-5
WiP Tags: wip: lsn
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Cultures Masterpost
Locations Masterpost
Religions Masterpost
Excerpt 1
Potent Poison, Treasured Tonic (Her Enchanted Garden Series, Book One)
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Genres: new adult, urban portal fantasy
Current Stage: world-building, plotting, and character development in progress
WiP Tags: wip: pptt
Character Masterpost
Faerie Courts Masterpost
Faerie Religion Masterpost
Read the wip intro!
The Bloody Divine (Unholy Covenant Duology, Book One)
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Genres: gothic fantasy, horror, adult, romance
Current stage: 2/3 of the first draft written; book 2 is 20% outlined
WiP Tags: wip: tbd
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Religions Masterpost
Locations Masterpost
Shadefyre (Lost in the Witherwoods Series, Book One)
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Genres: new adult, fantasy
Current stage: character development and world building; first 4 books 50% outlined
WiP Tags: wip: ww
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Religions Masterpost
Locations Masterpost
Species Mastetpost
Learn about the covens
Zenith Code (City of Crystal and Chrome Duology, Book One)
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Genres: sci fi, dystopia, YA
Current stage: worlsbuilding, character development; detailed outline 75% done. Two books set in this world are 50% outlined.
WiP Tags: wip: zc
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Hunting Ground (a Noble Dragons novel)
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Genres: romantasy, adult
Current stage: draft 1 is done
WiP Tags: wip: hg
Read the wip intro!
Character Masterpost
Clans Masterpost
Creatures of Fate Series
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Genre: romantasy, adult
Current Stage: drafting book 1
Wip Tags: Wip: CoF
Intro to Book One coming soon!
Meet Book One’s MC!
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~ My socials ~
Find me on Spotify
Find m on Pinterest
Find me on tiktok
Find me on ig under the_moondust_bard
Here’s my “writing playlist resources” Spotify account
Feel free to tag me in ask games and interactive posts!
~Resources I’ve Made~
Songs for playlists masterpost
Blurb Writing Tips
Writer’s Guide to Conquering Executive Dysfunction
I co-run moon+seraph — a blog dedicated to encouraging and supporting the writing community here on tumblr
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that my blindness makes me reliant on screen readers— you might also know this as text-to-speexh software. I use this tech to make tumblr more accessible to ne. One of the limits of the tech I use is that hashtags aren’t picked up and read to me. Please be aware that any messages left for me to read in the tags of a post… well, won’t be. I can’t see them and my tech won’t read them. I prefer feedback be left in comments and the text area on posts and revblogs for this reason.
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sim2goblin · 2 months
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He took her last name Witherwood.
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sinnerclair · 1 year
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the sillies
top right: the merchant
top left: matryoshka starikova
bottom: xavier witherwood
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three-day-monk · 1 year
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たぶんここ>Cerridwen's Cauldron
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おそらくここ>~ Serenity Oileain ~
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きっとここ>The Forgotten
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だいたいここ>The Outer Garden
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なんとなくここ>Witherwood Thicket
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暗くてわかりにくいここ>The Looking Glass
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ainews · 1 year
A rare sight was seen in the sky above the small town of Witherwood this week: a majestic hippogriff in full flight. The majestic creature, with a horse's body and an eagle's head and wings, circled above the town before alighting gracefully on the outskirts.
The locals were quick to recognize the rare animal and took to social media to share the amazing sight. One resident described the hippogriff as being "like something out of a storybook."
The hippogriff had been spotted earlier in the day by a local farmer, who had seen the creature flying over his fields. He quickly spread the word, and soon the whole town had come out to witness the majestic creature.
The hippogriff's visit to Witherwood was short-lived, however. After only a few hours, it took off again, heading further into the countryside.
The visit of the hippogriff was seen by many as a sign of good luck, and as a reminder of the values of courage and honor. After all, the hippogriff is a symbol of strength and loyalty, and its appearance was seen as a sign of hope and promise for the future of the town.
For the residents of Witherwood, the appearance of the hippogriff was a reminder of the values that they hold dear: courage, honor, and loyalty. It was a reminder of the power of hope, and of the importance of living life with a sense of dignity and respect.
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memetrain420-artcar · 3 years
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“A loyal soldier, an unwilling martyr” More edgy hare art (with multiple colors cause’ they all looked cool). Also a little lore? Still workin’ on this story
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pollyseraph · 11 months
NEW POST BLOG BEEAUTY SHOP por Polly OMG Via Flickr: Ear Accessory: Beeuty - Mandala Ears Tattoo EvoX BOM Contacts & Links: linktr.ee/beeuty.shop LM: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kitsune/218/46/2002 Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/biancaerin/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/eivor.erin My Networks: linktr.ee/pollyseraph Visit this location at Witherwood Thicket in Second Life
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moe-bow · 5 years
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monocrew group dynamic
also known as the baby protection squad
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acnhadopt · 4 years
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Game: New Horizons Villager name, personality and species: Sylvana, normal squirrel In boxes: Monday 6/22 Time zone and town/island name: ET, Witherwood Tumblr URL: dwarfstar IM or ask: IM please!
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kat-of-the-night · 4 years
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1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
“Projects” is a strong word but sure let’s go for it!
A world/story initially inspired by the Fire Emblem series. High fantasy focused on a young kingdom called Icaes, following the stories of the royal family and their knights. Magic, swords, and ancient beings abound. Heavy emphasis on fairy tale motifs because I’m a sucker for those.
Progress: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I love most: I have put so much time into mentally developing the different relationships, taking into account personalities and backstories and ambitions and everything and just…. It all falls together so perfectly inside my head. The characters are all so very, very broken. But not beyond repair, never beyond repair.  Love, cooperation and forgiveness is the underlying theme of it all, and I’m just… ugh I love it.
Mountain Child
Folk tale adventure heavily inspired by European tales. A shy herbalist ventures to the far north to find a rare medicinal flower, and instead stumbles straight into a mountainside haunted by grotesque creatures. 
Progress: Comparatively the most likely of all my WIPs to get finished but still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I love most: Honestly, the vibes. It’s essentially a combination of folk tales, fairytale horror, and a dash of Ghibli whimsy. 
Witherwood Mysteries
Plucky girl detective turned financially frustrated investigator. Taking place in a retro 50s city, Witherwood Mysteries focuses on former girl sleuth, Molly Maes, as she struggles to kickstart her private investigation agency while pursuing her true (and not very secret) passion; paranormal investigation. 
Progress: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I love most: The main character, Molly, initially bored me as a protagonist. But as I developed her more, she became more and more entertaining for me. She’s so different from my usual protag, and I find myself excited at the idea of exploring her. She’s so ambitious and confident, yet she’s just… terrible at being a functional adult. And that’s the whole point of her character! It’s fun and different for me.
Self-indulgent 80s space adventure. Human girl who is the reincarnated entity of destruction? Check. Alien thief who had no idea what he was signing up to when he broke into a high-security space vessel? Check. High-speed space chases while Whitney Houston blasts in the background? Check. It has it all.
Progress:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I love most: The aesthetic of it all. Like it says on the tin, this is basically a dumping ground for all my self-indulgent, wildly out-there ideas. Alien snake people? Hell yeah. Giving the proverbial middle finger to all those terrible “is your OC a Mary Sue” quizzes by making a character that checks all their boxes? Absolutely. I can go crazy and I love it.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
(An excerpt from a short story set in the Mountain Child universe, slightly abridged gbfhfbhfd)
“With the boundary stones far behind them, it was another world. An unfamiliar sort of chill hung in the air and strange murmurings could be heard, as if the trees were whispering between themselves. Even the snow shifted differently beneath his feet, as if it had fallen untold ages ago. The mountain loomed closer and closer the further they strayed from the stones. Every step filled him with terrified wonder. His legs carried and supported him when his mind could not, and the scenery and sounds blurred together. When he finally stopped to drag the breath back into his lungs, Kalt realized his heart had been racing with him.”
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Ooh, good one. I can’t say I have one favorite. But dialogue-wise, I really enjoy writing for my chatterboxes? Stoic or shy characters are wonderful, but nothing beats writing a line for someone that rambles on for a mile and is full of senseless, character-rich filler.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
I’d say so, yes! I’m a fan of many different genres, but I think my writing is directly inspired by my absolute favorites, if that makes sense?
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moondust-bard · 9 months
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Luna’s 2024 Writrblr Reintroduction!
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My name is Luna— pen name: Moira Bard— and this is my writing blog. I’m a disabled and chronically ill queer writer from the U.S. i also co-run the blog, @moon-and-seraph — we focus on supporting the writeblr community. I also offer my amateur graphic design skills for those wanting book covers, banners, icons, world-building elements, moodboards, etc— simply send me an ask or direct message!
What I tend to write about:
Fantasy — gothic, portal, high, retellings, romantasy
Soft sci fi — mostly dystopia
All age categories (YA, NA, and adult)
Spunky, tenacious magical girls
Ambitious, morally grey magical girls
Charismatic, mischievous villains and antiheroes
Vivid world-building
Fun magic systems
Themes relevant to my life and our world
Large, diverse casts (characters who are disabled, queer, poc, chronically ill)
Found family
Complex family dynamics
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~ My current projects ~
Creatures of Fate
• urban fantasy
• Romance
Searchable tag
wip: CoF
• classic urban fantasy romances
•. DnD
• every romance trope ever
Drafting, world-building
2024 Goals
World-building to my heart’s content, start drafting
Her Enchanted Garden: Potent Poison, Treasured Tonic (book #1)
New adult
urban fantasy
Portal fantasy
Searchable tag
wip: pptt
12 Dancing Princesses
2024 Goals
Continue world-building, character development & outlining
The Bloody Divine (Unholy Covenant, Duology, Book #1)
gothic fantasy
Searchable tag
Wip: tbd
enemies to lovers
Found family
countdown to destruction
demon countess of Anjou
The European witch hunts
Underwritten draft 1 complete
2024 Goals
Edit and add length by writing draft 2
Lost Souls’ Night Series
Mythic fantasy
Searchable tag
Wip: lsn
Found family
Friends to lovers
Grumpy + sunshine
Xena: Warrior Princess
magical girl tv shows
Editing underwritten draft of book 1
2024 Goals
Continue plotting books 3-5
Lost in the Witherwoods Series
new adult
Searchable tag
Wip: ww
enemies to lovers
found family
mmortals After Dark
Character development and world-building
2024 Goals
Finish outlining the series
Zenith Code
sci fi
Young adult
Searchable tag
Wip: zc
found family
Grumpy + sunshine
The government is Bad
Greek mythology
World-building and character development in progress
2024 Goals
Finish outlining
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~ Resources I’ve Made ~
Playlists organized by theme, character archetype, and story genre
A Writer’s Guide to Conquering Executive Dysfunction
Tips for Writing A Blurb
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auries-by-leah · 5 years
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Hey y’all. Check out my Witherwood accent! Made for Greenskeeper. Let me know if you’re interested in it, if it doesn’t win I’ll be printing it!
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© Flight Rising
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