#without short film
goryhorroor · 9 months
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on my knees in appreciation for my short haired horror girls
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meteorherd · 3 months
candyman's such an anomaly of a slasher villain honestly he's more of a tragic vengeful ghost from a gothic romance novella than a Slasher. one of horror cinema's specialest little boys
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iconsfinder · 2 years
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iconpsds · 1 year
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All Too Well : The Short Film
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screensland · 1 year
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Kennedy Walsh as Noa in From the Flesh, 2023.
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shitedits · 2 years
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thistransient · 2 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers 🎶✨
ooh "songs u like to listen to" is very broad, I will go with some recently played stuff:
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gikairan · 5 months
Everyone taking the Steamboat Willie design and making it do things Disney wouldn't sanction like....
you could have done that anyway. Disney would not have sued you for that. He didn't need to be in the public domain for you to do that.
Disney would have had a problem with you if you tried to sell Steamboat Willie. Not that you made him swear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Public Domain is about being able to sell your version of the character, not "do whatever you like with it for free". You could do whatever you like with it on the internet anyway, you will not face consequence. Just as long as you didnt try to make money off of it - no one was going to come after you.
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90staylor · 2 years
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sadie sink icons.
— please like or reblog if you use them.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 10 months
Hello!! I'm really sorry, but could you do a summary of the Krone and Isabella light novels? I can't find anywhere to read them. thank you so much!!
No need to apologize, happy to help!
I've talked about the contents of the first light novel here. Almost all of it is available either translated in text or via sound dramas with English subtitles. The exception is the "NER in Bird Cages" story, which is only available in English as a summary.
I've provided a general overview of the second light novel here, as well a link to the masterlist of TPN content for the English-speaking fandom. The first half is dedicated to Isabella, and the second half to Krone, though if you've read chapter 181.2, you'll already be familiar with most of it.
If one of the stories is part of the content of a post, I'll usually tag it as light novels, the title of the light novel in question, and the title of the specific story. (e.g., TPN Light Novels + Moms' Song of Remembrance + The Starry Sky and Leslie's List)
Here's all the light novels laid out with their story tags (with the exception of the fourth one because I've only read the half that's translated):
Light Novel 1: A Letter from Norman
• "The Ghost Incidents at Grace Field House" - Norman reminiscences about his earliest memory with Emma and Ray, when they were about three or four, trying to solve the mystery of the spooky occurrences around the house. • "The Day Emma Cried" - Norman recalls an incident when he was about seven and became terribly ill retrieving Emma’s handkerchief during a rainstorm. Thinking he’s on death’s doorstep, with Isabella’s permission (to both appease Emma and test Ray’s loyalty), Emma and Ray go out to find the miracle cure, a white flower that only blooms at night. • "NER in Bird Cages" - Norman muses how he's never seen Ray cry before he remembers the incident where they rescued an injured bird sometime after Emma's ninth birthday. Ray deals with the grief of not being able to save his beloved older sister, Susan, if he wants to save Emma's and Norman's lives. • "A Gift from the 39th Girl" - The Grace Field kids secretly work on putting together a gift for Norman’s eleventh birthday.
Light Novel 2: Moms' Song of Remembrance
• "The Starry Sky and Leslie's List" - Isabella's story where she remembers helping Leslie with a list of goals he set out to accomplish over the course of two days before he's shipped out. She also reflects on her relationships with Ray and Sarah. • "Searching for the Skies of Freedom" - Krone's story; chapter 181.2 is a retelling of this.
Light Novel 3: Records of Comrades
• "Two Paths" - The story of how Lucas and Yuugo's group acquired the tea set we see Yuugo with in the bunker, interspersed with scenes of Lucas interacting with Emma and Yuugo interacting with Ray during the present timeline. • "Two Wills" - Gillian and Nigel's story of their earlier days at Goldy Pond when they both lost their sisters, Lala and Emilia. • "Two Destinies" - The story of how Mujika and Sonju met and how Leuvis inadvertently ended the farm system and thousand-year promise because he was bored.
Light Novel 4: Films of Memories
• "The Days to Celebrate" • "Operation Stormy Night" - The Grace Field children reminiscence about the night their older siblings helped them feel safe during a particularly bad storm. • "Ray and Conny" - The Grace Field kids are telling Emma about their life at Grace Field house when Conny comes up. Ray recalls to himself how he helped three-year-old Conny adjust to sleeping in the larger shared bedrooms with some indirect help from Susan. It's a story only he and Norman know now. • "The Chess Proverb" - Ray teaches Norman how to play chess, and Emma and Norman join in a match with Ray against Isabella. Serves as a metaphor for how each of them approaches a problem and how they balance each other out when they work together. • "Don and Gilda" • "The Guiding Star" - The story that explains how the trio got on the roof for the chapter 119 cover art and the comfort they each draw from the stars.
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Finally, here's my general tag navigation page that's hopefully accessible on mobile as well as desktop.
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Most Famous Short Film of All Time by Tucker Lieberman
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Ghosts and goddesses beckon Lev Ockenshaw. Oh, bother. Fortunately, he’s got a pill for that. In 2014, Lev is happily telling campfire stories in Boston with his longtime friend, Stanley, and his coworker, Aparna. One day, he receives an anonymous, threatening email referring to the company where he and Aparna work. He reports the threat to his boss, but is not believed. Most Famous Short Film of All Time is a non/fiction-hybrid philosophical novel about belief, prejudice, perception, ethical action/inaction, undoing/redoing decisions, trying harder, being excellent to your friends, being a fictional character, being trans, the nature of time, and burning things that do not serve.
Mod opinion: It took me three months to finish this 800 page behemoth, but it was worth it! This book is super interesting and I love trans temporality lot <3
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maggiecheungs · 1 year
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coming out (2000) dir. kim jee-woon
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deanpinterester · 5 days
it's that time in production when i'm seriously considering quitting my job again 🥴
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
also since i've basically been live blogging watching this i'm going to offer up an unpopular opinion. so pls if you are my mutual and have seen this do not hate me if you haven't avoid this post but uh. Ballerina could have been better than it ended up being and i don't know how to feel about that
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writingpun · 10 months
I have to go through the living room but I am minorly concerned about running into God there. I do not want to meet him
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lupismaris · 28 days
Tbh there's nothing quite like getting roped (pun intended) into watching a truly mediocre show that can only be described as a Trainwreck fueled by racism and abuse.
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