#wizard walnut cookie
flowery-draws · 2 years
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“Whatever the consequances is, i'll take the risk.”
Professor Almond Cookie
A cookie from the other world who traveling to other world just to make some mess and search a "new" home. At first he's being invited by code name "DEVIL"
Guees who will messing around with Detective Almond Cookie.
(spoilers: next will be Wizard Walnut Cookie. I hope.)
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wohacookiesideblog · 1 year
ok here are some old Cookie Run Comic Creator Comics I've made long before I had a Tumblr
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vanillaflowerstuff · 2 years
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i missed drawing these guys so i made a new art challenge :”D template and info under the cut
if you do this challenge, feel free to tag me! c:
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i have a psd version of the template here if you want layers
your guild avatar is just the cookie you’ve chosen to appear at your guild check-in spot, idk if that was clear
if you have the same cookie for two of the spaces (ex. favorite and guild), you can draw whoever you’d like in the second space
a background cookie is like. someone who appears as a background element in a map or a side character in a story or something, like the rambutan villagers
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timekeepertwister · 8 months
Operation: Time Twister - Case 1: Compiled Control
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🥖 Briefing: Support Division, this is your first major case as part of “Operation: Time Twister” and definitely not the last. Unlike the Orientation, which had a set narrative from beginning to end as it was in the past prior to the formation of this task force, you will have your chance to influence the story between posted Files. Likewise, this story will be a lot more complicated as turbulence from other temporal regions beyond Earthbread is to be expected. However, if collateral damage occurs, you will be held accountable for any expenses. Here are the immediate missions that are part of this Case:
Locate Croissant Cookie’s group consisting of her, Walnut Cookie, Almond Cookie, and Roguefort Cookie within the Past Dark Cacao Kingdom and return everyone back to their proper times
Track down the locations of Cinnamon Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Cream Puff Cookie to return them to [12/24/2020 - PET-EB-C/W] safely
Retrieve loose fragments of the Blue Cheese Watch where possible
Follow up on newfound evidence regarding White Lily Cookie, Beast-Yeast, Lilywhite Space, and the Lilywhite Capital
Locate and retrieve any of White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones if possible
🍓🍰 Disaster Response Division Memo: A new time rift has torn open in a far-eastern region of Outer Earthbread within the Primary Earthbread Timeline. Detected temporal signatures suggest that this rift was caused by loose parts of the Blue Cheese Watch, although more evidence is needed. Intelligence reports suggest that at least three people have fallen into this rift. Be on the lookout for these people who may not appear as Cookies and more likely to look like the Witch. We will be sending Strawberry Shortcake Cookie, the High Priestess of the Pomegranate Village, and a staff member of the railway transportation services of the World of Dreams to lead the detachment’s investigations, the latter of whom were commissioned as support. As such, here are the additional missions posed by the Disaster Response Division for your team:
Assist in the gathering of testimonies from local townspeople from the region
Identify any and all immediately misplaced individuals from this region
Locate misplaced individuals that have been sent to Earthbread after entering the time rift
Return all misplaced individuals to their respective region
Create a comprehensive report on how the time rift opened in the region
Stabilize the time rift before it causes additional damage within the region
Record all individuals involved on the Subject Roster
Case Investigations
Investigation A: The Frost Miko Incidents (Active)
Investigation B: Misplaced Magicians
Investigation C: Y3 Intelligence
Ongoing Side Investigation: The Resolvers’ Incident - Courtesy of the Disaster Response Division. Their investigation’s progress will be listed within the individual investigations.
Supervisory Memos
Timeguard Keepers are on standby for dispatch, and we plan to send three of them. Suggest via the ask box a parallel presence of someone whom you want to see from the canon lineup as a Keeper. Selections will happen behind the scenes regardless.
Support has been requested from forward field agents. It is now up to you to service these requests at your discretion. You as the Support Division can now partially influence the story by sending asks between Case Files according to incoming requests.
The pinned post has been updated to organize AU terminology and tags and to add a few more.
The Subject Roster, Space-Time Atlas, and Inquiry Master List are under development. Remaining Subject Records that have not been processed and made available to you during the Orientation will be processed after the publication of the Subject Roster.
Subject Roster - Under Development
Space-Time Atlas - Under Development
Inquiry Master List - Under Development
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almond autism hit
ft argan (by @vnillatree) :3
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wishing-well-art · 1 year
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I love best friends
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somewandomnoobtalks · 4 months
one of my favorite genres of posts is a post that is basically a list of things from a specific niche and they make them WOKE.
for example:
WOKE run
strawSAPPHIC cookie
wizMLM cookie
BUTCHnut cookie
alDADDY cookie
ENBYfort cookie
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nightmyst14-blog · 11 months
The Lost Legendary Pt2
*Last post was October 4th* *sighs* FRICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK-
I feel bad for leaving you guys hanging for a whole 2 WEEKS. I meant to post pt 2 last week as like a weekly or bi-weekly thing, but CREATIVE BLOCK DECIDES TO STRIKE ME IN THE FRICKEN KNEES-
Anyways, this will be a double upload to make up for it, I am TRULY sorry guys. This one is a bit shorter tho..
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Setting: *In the Natural History Museum, the group of kids were walking along the dark hallways, looking for the Scuppernong Beast Exhibit. GIngerbrave is leading the way, with Cream Puff making a small light spell so they could see.*
Strawberry: Its dark!
Walnut: ssh!! Hush, Strawberry!!
Straw. Crepe: Are you sure you know where you’re going, Wiz?
Wizard: Its Wizard!! *huffs.* And yes, I am. Papa showed me the other times before.
Strawberry: I-Its dark…
Walnut: Hold my hand!! 
Cream Puff: Me too! *she grabs her other hand*
*They soon arrive at the Dark Beast Exhibit, where the main attraction was covered up. A large coffin made of dark oak was placed there, covered in odd runes.*
Straw. Crepe: Wow!!
Wizard: There. Can we go??
Walnut: Wait, I wanna have a closer look!!
*Walnut soon walked up to it, using her magnifying glass. The runs were etched into the wood, glowing a soft purple.*
Cream Puff: What is it say?
Walnut: I dont know. The language seems unknown to me. Crepe?
Straw. Crepe: *grins, scans it* *waits before speaking.* It appears to be over 300 years old, but the magic within it makes it appear to be freshly made. The data reads that leaks some kind of a old magic..
Wizard: Nonsense. Pap wouldn't be dumb enough to store such an artifact in here. Its obviously fake.
Straw. Crepe; I don;t know Wiz. my scanners ARE sensing something alive in there.
Strawberry; M-maybe its the monster!!
Gingerbrave: Do you think its sleeping in there??
Wizard: *huffs in annoyance* Falsehoods, I tell you!! Its all fake! Here,step aside.
Gingerbrave: WIzard-
Wizard; *climbs up to the coffin* Look, even the runes are fake. Here I’ll read them. 
*He does so, the others getting slightly nervous. Strawberry and Cream Puff were holding into each other, shaking. The runes seem to glow as Wizard read them, but soon faded back to its normal color.*
Wizard; *huffs* Told you. Can we go to bed now?
Gingerbrave: *nervously laughs* Y-yeah…
Walnut: *smiles* You sure showed us ,Wizard!!
Wizard: Obviously.
Strawberry: *yawns* Let’s go, I'm sleepy.
Straw. Crepe; *hops down from the exhibit* Aww, I hoped it was real.. Then I could’ve scanned its dough.
Cream Puff: M-Maybe…*laughs nervously* Perhaps its is a myth like Mr. Tea Knight said…
Gingerbrave: Whatever it is, we should go.
??: Oh?? Leaving so soon?
*The group of kids soon turn around, soon being caught in a magic net.*
Kids: H-hey!! *they wiggle around in the net*
Criminal: *appears out from the shadows with two others* Hello kids. Having a fun late night school trip?
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the update is almost over,so might as well show butterbear relationships.
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“I still exchange holiday postcards with the first custumer of my shop”
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raineadey · 2 years
ooooooo you want to tell me abt uour oc sooo bad /nf
WAHJ TAHNK U THANK YOU OKAY SO. wow this is long. i divided this into three parts: backstory, main story ( crk episode 16 stuff ), and parfaedia ( what happens after the story, which actually has more in store but ill elaborate on that in another post )
once upon a time, blueberry pie cookie was looking through the wizards journals, until she came across the journal filled with the wizards trials and errors in creating moonlight cookie. it was her favorite book, the one that she read most often by the small moonlit corner.
having gone this far in her duties, blueberry pie thought a bit of company wouldnt hurt.
curiosity winning over herself, she uses the journal as a recipe book to bake her own cookie. thus, bo-berry cookie was born in the image of moonlight cookie (obviously nowhere as powerful though. shes just a cookie thats baked using the wizards recipe)
bo-berry cookie grew up between the high, never-ending bookshelves in the archives, reading anything that caught her interest to pass the time. she was like her mother in some ways — curious and hungry for knowledge.
but the library wasnt enough for her. she wanted to explore the city. though each time she asked her mother, "can i go play outside?" she would always say no.
"we have a promise to keep, a duty to uphold. there is nothing left for you in the city, bo-berry cookie."
(she also mentions those stars roaming the streets. shed turn to crumbs if any of them caught her)
ever since then, bo-berry practiced illusion magic behind her mothers back, attempting to make herself go undetected or even invisible. one day, her hard work and practice came to fruition, and she escaped the archives without her mother knowing — only to find that the city is completely empty of cookies.
she decided it was better than the archives, though. she explores the empty abandoned buildings, scavenging for any interesting magical artefacts to play with. its technically not stealing if the owner left it behind, right?
shes lonely. no one else to talk to or play with. her mother was right, this city has nothing for her. but perhaps somewhere out there..
she joins the main trio and saves them from the biggest golden star from the graveyard while invisible and undetected.
gingerbrave: that wasnt easy at ALL. huh, why do i feel like were being watched?
and as he said that, wizard cookies hat was floating in the air, followed by an air of laughter before revealing herself to her. she hasnt met anyone to interact with for a good while, so she got a liiittle excited.
her mood quickly turned sour when gingerbrave explains that theyre headed to the archives. but ahe agrees to show them the way. she told herself she wasnt going to go in, but once she sees the book worms attacking them, she groans ("i cant let you cookies pathetically crumble here on your mission 🙄") and helps them through to the library.
she knows whats coming. its inevitable that shes going to face her mom again. ( scene in this short video its like 14 secs )
once gingerbrave and co are done with what they came here for, she was about to leave with them when blueberry pie stopped her.
bbp: now, where do you think youre going? are you not staying here?
bb: mother, i cant stay here
bbp: are you leaving?
bb: [ a bit guilty ] i have to help my friends save the city
bbp: i see. [ just as bo-berry was about to leave again, ] bo-berry?
bb: [ stops ]
bbp: when i baked you, i should have known i couldn't keep you within these same walls ive been kept in my whole life. your curios soul knows no bounds, therefore i can not stop you from pursuing your life. [ quiet for a moment ] i love you, my child. i apologise for everything.
bo-berry merely gives her a smile and joins her friends outside.
another thing worth mentioning in this part is when stardust cookie destroyed the city of wizards. everyone was confused bc everything happened so fast, but upon mention of her mother still stuck in the archives, bo-berry immediately hopped on her staff and flew smartly between the falling stars to find her mother.
after the events in the city of wizards episode, blueberry pie decided to let her daughter go. she cant keep her here for much longer, not when her place is out there in the world. so she sends her to parfaedia institute, where she can learn and grow as a magic enthusiast and a young cookie with other students her age.
she soon became friends with cream puff cookie and coffee bean cookie ( @deliberatingwthecookiecouncil's oc ! ). cream puff is an anxiety train, coffee bean is a sarcastic nerd, and bo-berry is a silly little menace. theyre perfect for each other.
such a strong desire for knowledge leads to bo-berry feeling like the structured education she receives in the institute is not enough. she craves for more magic in this world.
thus, she goes out of her dormitory at most nights to explore the magic city, knowing theres way more to this place. she uses her illusion magic to sneak in to houses, rummaging through their treasury for anything of use to her.
this soon becomes a thing she does at night, and more cookies seem to be aware of this mysterious thief. the m.e.h. department is also having trouble identifying the thief responsible for the disturbance. though, one cookie finally caught her in the act.
"hold on, you're not phantom bleu! but, no matter. i, detective walnut cookie, have caught you in the act, thief!"
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wildshadowtamer · 2 years
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some cookie run family headcanons!
Almond - dating Roguefort and Latte, divorced to Chocolate Bonbon, and had Walnut, Chestnut, Croissant, and Mont Blanc with her. Additionally, Croissant is with String Gummy, and Mont Blanc is with Cranberry. Almond is also the distant cousin of Cheesecake.
Pure Vanilla - married to Dark Cacao, adopted Cream Puff, Cotton, and Snow Sugar. Cream Puff and Cotton are bio sisters, and the cousin of Cocoa
Roguefort - triplet sibling to Eclair and Earl Grey, uncle to the chess twins, although Eclair and Earl are unaware Roguefort is alive
Sea Fairy - married to Moon, mother of Wizard, Sorbet, and Peppermint. Wizard is/will be with Gingerbrave
Adventurer - neglectful parents, raised by Blackberry, then adopted Onion and Pumpkin Pie
Sparkling - son of Custard, brother to Apple and Clotted Cream, dropped contact with father as soon as he got custody of Apple
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sundove88 · 7 months
Heyo! Can ya give me some headcanons on:
1. Dark Cacao
2. Wizard
3. Eclair
4. Dark Choco
5. Potato
6. Vampire
7. Prune Juice
8. Latte
9. Couveture/ Gatekeeper Cookie
10. Pitaya
Dark Cacao is a cat person at heart and always will be- and he also squeals whenever he sees macarons themed around kitties.
Wizard Cookie’s house has magic air conditioning on 24/7, so he doesn’t melt due to the intense heat outside. Because he’s got an ice cream hat.
Eclair has somewhat of a habit for sorting books by their color or topic! Some of his favorites are history books.
Dark Choco signs up for community service regularly- he wants to do everything he can to atone for his actions.
Potato has more than just Pigtatoes on his property. He’s even got a few chickens and maybe some wild rabbits and stuff like that!
Vampire has to always carry sunscreen with him whenever he travels outside- daylight will give him a nasty sunburn, holy water will cause an itching rash, garlic will give him a bad stomachache, stakes will give splinters, etc.
Prune Juice has potions for every occasion- he and Wizard often hold friendly brewing contests to make the most potent and delicious ones.
Latte has kept a picture of every student she’s ever taught, and she sees Cream Puff and Walnut as nieces of sorts.
Couverture will often let the other watchers huddle beside him whenever it’s too cold outside, often bringing massive weaved blankets to heat them up.
Pitaya often gets their belly rubbed by Hollyberry and a few others; not that they mind it- it’s just that they’re so chomnk that it’s a natural response.
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walnutcookiesstuff · 1 year
I have a cookie run AU I want to rant about because it's consuming me. I've posted about this au, which I like to call the TBD au,
warning, there's walpuff in this au
so timekeeper just saw walnut one day and was like "oo child labor" and tried to get her to join the tbd because they saw potential in her, she politely rejected and went to go get a McDonald's happy meal or something, timekeeper just came back when walnut was older, and tried again, and she accepted, basically getting a job. anyways, cream puff isn't too sure about walnut working at the tbd, but walnut is excited because she gets a chance to not be mundane for once, though a bit saddened about not working with the same people she's worked with for years, but figuring she could always go back later. Anyways, it turns out walnut couldn't handle time magic, and now she's a bit silly. (As in, there are swirls in her eyes and a minor inconvenience can make her almost kill people) she's losing her sanity a bit, helping get rid of time anomalies, doing so, she's seen countless timelines of people she cares about getting hurt, which eats away at her sanity more. There's a visual cue when she's about to snap, the spirals in her eyes spinning really fast, or they'll get bigger, taking up more of her eyes, though, because walnut is a huge lesbian, there is a way to prevent it. walnut and cream puff have been friends for a long time so cream puff knows her really well and knows how to calm her down. cream puff is a pretty powerful well-known wizard, but unlike before, she craves to be mundane. croissant is walnut's cousin, so one day she just found her playing uno with timekeeper, timekeeper forgot to tell croissant about walnut working for the tbd, also, walnut is a bit dumber than she used to be, when she'd snap, it used to look like an anxiety attack, and nothing more, but now if it happened in front of you you'd fear for your life anyways my thumbs hurt from typing so I'm gonna stop
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also @ ing people seems to help w some of my posts?? If you want me to stop tagging you, don't be afraid to ask!
@beetsoupxxo @maplepancakezz
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looney-lei · 5 months
Lessons for the Milky and the Dance-less
AO3 Link
‘This is.. entirely too much’ Almond thought, as he gazed at the grand-scale gala event in front of him.
Spiraling white columns that reached towards a sugar glass roof, a polished floor with star patterns, windows that opened up to a whimsical winter wonderland cityscape, embellished by the streetlights and the snow that fell on the pointy roofs, and representations of the celestial custodian of wizards carved on the walls. Every cookie there was formerly dressed, the members of the M.E.H. sported their shiniest coats, while the magicians wore their best hats. He wasn’t different, wearing a lustrous black coat above his pristine white uniform, with a formal hat to match, all of them with golden accents. He had to look his best, because after all..
This was all for him.
Usually, promotions in the M.E.H. Department weren’t that big of a deal, a new badge, people clapping and having some coffee before a new case that merits more attention breaks out and the celebrations have to be cut short. A celebration such as this was practically unheard of, but after his years of service, alongside his involvement in the Beacons of Unity event a few years ago, the Council of Magic decided to make his promotion a special occasion as a way to honor him, going as far as hosting it in the same location where new magicians graduated. Of course, most of his thoughts were set on what Magic mishaps could be going in Parfaedia while he was stuck there. Sure, with the years the department had employed more cookies that helped him be less overworked, however, the magic cases had also gone up with time. For now, all he could do was to try his best to enjoy the ceremony and not dwell too much on it.
’That would be difficult.’
He turned his gaze towards his daughter, who was happily chatting with his colleagues by a corner. Or well, their colleagues, Walnut had joined the M.E.H. as an intern to try to follow his footsteps. He smiled, and decided not to interrupt them, but something caught his attention, among the cookies there was one he was familiar with, Creampuff. Her graduation wasn’t that long ago, but she already was finding herself in the front pages of newspapers because of her innovative research of different combinations for magic styles, under the tutelage of.. Latte.
He spotted the cookie uncharacteristically by herself, seemingly distracted by the musicians, as she bit her thumb with a furrowed brow. Wearing an off the shoulder, cream colored gown with rich brown details, alongside her trusty hat, she looked elegant, yet her posture was a bit slouched and she seemed to be tapping her foot.
Curious by this, he approached his friend. Years ago they had been something closer to rivals, but as time passed they had come to enjoy each other's presence. quite a lot actually. Whenever they found themselves together he couldn’t help but feel at ease, regardless of whatever magical accident had happened nearby, even if it came from her. He supposed it could’ve been her careless smile, or how he had grown used to her insistence on sweetening his coffee with milk.
Friends, they’re friends. No need to ponder on that.
“Nice to see you here, Ms. Latte”
“Ah!” — Latte Cookie jumped slightly, before quickly giving him a smile, albeit a slightly forced one — “Well, if it isn't the cookie of the hour, Detective Almond.” — She tilted her head slightly — “Or should I call you Commissioner Almond?”
The honorific still felt a bit too heavy for him, specially coming from her.
“ Ahem, No, just call me the same as before.”
“Fine then, De~tec~tive” — She overemphasized each syllable jokingly, causing him to feel a bit of warmth on his face.
“Uh, right. Anyways, just a second ago I saw you looking oddly nervous, is there anything going on?” — He then realized he was using his detective voice and he softly continued — “.. as in, are you alright?”.
Latte stared for a second and quickly smiled again, although Almond could tell it was less confident than usual.
“No worries! I was just focusing on the music.” She leaned forward and pointed at his chest. “What you should do is relax and enjoy your special day detective, instead of accusing mages of suspicious behavior”. — Her smile became a bit more sly — “None of us will cause an accident.”
He blushed a bit and cleared his throat.
“Right, I apologize”
Latte leaned back, content with her little victory.
“No worries! Either way, you probably should go towards the council members over there, I think it’s time for your official promotion.”
“Indeed, let’s get this over with.”
“Come on, don’t be so grumpy, aren’t you excited in the least?”
“It’s hard to be when usually any announcement gets interrupted by some emergency.”
Latte sighed, patting Almond’s back.
“Gee, you can be such a party pooper at times”
“I know.” He said, a smiling growing in his face “you’ve told me.”
After the announcement, the clapping, and the new, shinier badge, Almond went back to absentmindedly walking around the Gala. Besides every so often being stopped by cookies wanting to say their congratulations, he still felt mostly indifferent if not slightly annoyed at the occasion. This feeling became more prevalent after they announced a dance. At this point the event felt less like a promotion and more like a Ball. ‘Did they really intend to honor my work in the beacon accident.. or did they just meant to show off their influence?’. He sighed at his conclusion, but it also made him consider. I guess this is a show of power and influence for the M.E.H department, and it could discourage possible magic attacks through intimidation.. but to do so like this is..’
“Mr. Almond..?“
A soft voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he turned to see Creampuff standing there with a shy smile. He immediately smiled back at the girl, recalling how happy they were at her graduation. — “Congratulations on your new position as commissioner.”
“Ah, thank you. It’s good to see you Miss Creampuff, it’s been a while. I heard you’ve made a name for yourself.”
“Ah, well, the newspapers do exaggerate it a teensy bit… it’s nice to see you again.” — She crossed her arms. — “By the way, have you seen Ms. Latte?”
“I saw her before the announcement, standing near the musicians, did anything happen..?”
Creampuff waved her hands — “O-oh! No, not all, it’s just.. I just wanted to ask her something.” She laughed it off nervously.
In Almond’s mind, it was clear that something was up, but he played it off to not alert the already nervous Creampuff.
“Right, I’ll tell you if I spot her.” — With the pleasantries over, Almond was about to excuse himself until Creampuff spoke again. — “Do you.. know how to dance?”
The question caught him off guard; and he could tell Creampuff also immediately regretted saying it out loud.
“I’m sorry, I misspo—“
“Only the basics, and I haven’t in quite some time.” He turned towards her. “Why do you ask, kid?”
“Nothing, nothing! It’s just that.. this whole ball dance thing didn’t seem like it fit you.. sir.”.
Almond couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “You’d be right about that Miss Creampuff”. He looked towards the side and something caught his eye on one of the balconies. “If you’d excuse me, I need to check something out.”.
After their little chat, Almond headed towards the snow-covered balcony, suspicious of the type of cookie that would go out to take a breather in such bad weather.
Softly opening the sugar glass door, Almond attempted to sneak upon however was there, only to stop at the realization of who this was. A cookie that seemed to be mimicking a dance, although an awkward one, with a floating spoon as her partner, slightly shivering from the cold.
“Miss Latte..?”
The cookie let out a small gasp as the spoon gravitated quickly towards her hand, only for her grasp to soften when their eyes met.
“Ah, you found me, great.”
Perhaps a few years ago he would’ve immediately tried to detain her and question the secrecy of the magic usage when standing next to other magicians. However, as the years hardened his resolve, so did his heart soften whenever he found himself in her presence. He merely sighed, and walked towards the cookie, leaning towards the rail and taking in a huge breath of the cold air. “I do admire your ability to withstand this cold for the sake of..” he trailed off, chuckling to himself a bit. “A dance with your staff..?”
“Don’t laugh!” She scoffed as she lowered her staff and crossed her arms. “I was..” she clenched her jaw. It wasn’t a nervous gesture, but an annoyed one.
“You were…” continued Almond.
“Fine, I might as well tell you at this point” — She grumbled a bit and sighed, before looking at his eyes “I don’t know how to dance, so I was practicing with my staff.”
“…That’s it..?”
“R-Right, I had meant to ask someone to dance but I couldn’t manage to get the time to properly learn due to grading all my students' work and..” She paused as Almond put his coat on her shoulders, not realizing he had been this close. “It’s cold” he murmured “And why would you need to know how to dance now either way?”. She looked to the side, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Mages don’t often reveal their secrets, Detective.”
“Hah, I know that all too well.” He sighed, and a thought formed in his head. Scratching the back of his head, he leaned on the railing. “I could teach you.”
“To dance, it’s been years since I’ve done so, but the basics are hard to forget.”
She looked at him with even more bewilderment before breaking into laughter. “I’m sorry I’m sorry, out of all cookies you knowing how to dance is..”
“Out of character?”
“You could say so, but..” she turned and made a little bow towards him. “It’s better than nothing.”
Almond hummed in thought “First of all, straighten your back for me.”
He slid one hand on her waist and interlocked fingers with the other one. “It’s been years since I’ve done this so I’m sorry if I’m a little.. rusty”
“You say that as if I had a way to tell” she sighed.
“Right, put your face on my shoulder, and..”
He could smell the fragrance of the drink she was named after, and being so close to her made his cheeks flush a bit, as he tried to push away any thoughts aside from the dance lessons from his past.
“..and?” Latte’s rich brown eyes reflected his dull ones.
“.. and I’ll be the lead, follow my footsteps.” He half-smiled, and began to move towards the side, as the orchestra inside of the building started to play their instruments. “One-two-three, one-two-three..” he muttered to himself, trying to keep their movements consistent with the tempo. But it’s only so she can understand it easier.
“I didn’t know you had the capacity to have other talents aside from detective work” Latte chimed in, almost in a whisper.
A little twirl and then it was back to one-two-three, one-two-three
“Gee, I’m glad you think so highly of me.. I don’t have much time to pursue any other hobby, to be fair.”
She almost unintentionally stepped on his foot, but he managed to fix the position before.
“Right, well, the M.E.H has been getting more cookies right? That must mean that your workload could be more manageable.”
Forwards, backwards, sidestep, sidestep, forwards, backwards, sidestep, sidestep..
“As the new Commissioner, it would be a disservice to my colleagues if I don’t do as much as possible to help”
A little twirl, better than the first, she was also more relaxed.
“If you ever do need help with a magic-related case, at least you know you can rely on me ..as long as it’s not during the Institute’s midterm season.”
For such a bitingly cold night, his face felt pretty warm.
“Seems like I’m not the only one with a busy schedule, Professor”
She seemed to get it now, but something kept him from letting go, was the music still going?
“Indeed.. but even outside of any case, if you ever found yourself with time to spare, I’d love to have a cup of Latte with you.”
Their noses were almost touching, something neither of them seemed to realize until she finished speaking. He felt his heart racing at that moment, but he still didn’t want to let go.
“I..” he began, as he started to get even closer, before a noise made both of them jump. Recognizing it, Almond grabbed a Walkie-talkie from his pocket.
“So Miss Latte, did you manage to..”
“Yep! Although not in the way I quite intended to.”
Creampuff trailed behind her mentor as they headed home since the celebration had been postponed by a M.E.H emergency. A shame they didn’t want any wizards to help.
“I.. wanted to be the one who asked him to dance, although.. ehem, either way I feel like I’ll be meeting him again soon.”
“Oh? Did you guys plan something..?”
“Not exactly.” Latte smiled slyly, as she adjusted something over her shoulders. “But he did forget his coat”.
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timekeepertwister · 11 months
Case 0 Type P - Miscellaneous Case Notes
Note 1: Stability of Timeline PET-K, post mission
The Dark Flour War came to an end in the year 1945 with White Lily Cookie’s help, as seen in part of Timekeeper Cookie’s plan for “Operation: Time Twister”
Interference detected in timeline “PET-K” as a result of Croissant Cookie’s group’s actions has been classified as “Minimal”. Interference received was reported to stem from removing a Cake Hound from its time period in the Vanilla Castle. However, the explosion that occurred minutes after it was discovered by the group would have originally crumbled the Cake Hound if it was left as is, so its prolonged existence is inferred to not have a significant impact on the timeline. No follow-up action is required for this time period concerning this mission.
[Timeline Maintained]
Note 2: White Lily Cookie’s Whereabouts
White Lily Cookie’s whereabouts since the Dark Flour War are unknown, as the surrounding Vanilla Kingdom fell to ruin in the wake of the battle when she and the other Ancients vanished in the explosion that overtook the castle.
🥖 Temporal location efforts hypothesize that White Lily Cookie has retreated back to Lilywhite Space to find new help in recovering the fragments of her fractured soul, as well as the missing pieces of the Blue Cheese Watch.
Assistance from our anonymous source of the Saint Pastry Order has been requested regarding how to contact White Lily Cookie in this state. Timeguard Keeper agents are to be dispatched as mentioned in File 2.
[Subject Unresolved]
Note 3: Status of Temporally-Displaced Cookies following the actions of Subject C/L-33
Croissant Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Almond Cookie, and Roguefort Cookie have been displaced into another coordinate in time due to their Timecraft being thrown off course by the explosion generated by Pure Vanilla Cookie and Dark Enchantress Cookie’s climactic struggle, marooning them somewhere in time.
Cinnamon Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Cream Puff Cookie have marooned themselves in a different set of temporal coordinates since they jumped into a time rift whilst escaping from Dark Enchantress Cookie in the City of Wizards.
Everybody else who attended the holiday gathering on [12/24/2020] survived Dark Enchantress Cookie’s advances in the City of Wizards in the time that followed her shattering the Blue Cheese Watch and were mainly unaffected by this event. Dark Enchantress Cookie’s current location is unknown to us at this time with no leads to her current position following the encounter.
☕️🍬 We can’t quite determine where in time either displaced group landed right now. Action on behalf of the Time Twister Support Division and Time Analysis Division has been requested to help us locate them, but we did receive signals from both groups stemming from standard issue TBD agent radios.
[Action Requested - Delay]
Note 4: Recovery Protocols in relation to Subjects R-II/T-22 and S/A-95
The Blue Cheese Watch has been shattered into an undetermined number of fragments. Prior interactions have noted the fragmentation of White Lily Cookie’s soul and the perceived priority in the collection of said fragments in the familiar form of Soulstones.
🥖 Recovery procedures written as part of the “Operation: Time Twister” master contingency plan are to be followed as acknowledged in File 4. Any of White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones that are recovered during this process will be held by the Relics Management Division until White Lily Cookie comes to claim them. Recovered parts of the Blue Cheese Watch will be held to reassemble the watch where possible.
Time Twister Support Division Post-Case Memos:
A select group of Timeguard Keeper agents are to be dispatched to locate both displaced groups and fulfill other tasks necessary to ensure the success of “Operation: Time Twister”. Your role in this operation allows you to nominate agents of your choice, or to choose from a group that the Clerk has assembled. Suggest canon Cookies to be introduced as AU Timeguard Keepers in the ask box or wait for a poll to be posted.
Temporal location assistance has been requested from your team and the Time Analysis Division at a later date. Be ready to respond. Polls regarding future cases will go up at a later date where YOU will get to choose the subject from several choices.
Triangulation of Croissant Cookie’s group’s location [FINALIZED] Dark Cacao Kingdom; 2017
Await a working master list of Cookies open for questioning. This will be a general list of who will respond to asks as they are introduced into this AU.
The anonymous source of the Saint Pastry Order is open for questioning. Ask them stuff in the ask box, addressing them as an anonymous source. Their name will not be tagged or mentioned until their identity is revealed.
Cinnamon Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie, Almond Cookie, Walnut Cookie, and Roguefort Cookie are all open for questioning despite being lost in time. Ask them stuff in the ask box, addressing them by name.
Croissant Cookie has been displaced into a set of unknown temporal coordinates with Almond Cookie, Walnut Cookie, and Roguefort Cookie. The nature of her responses to asks may change as a result of this for now.
Subject Records of all Cookies and other pertinent subjects in this case will be posted over time by the TTSD Supervisors before your next Case is presented.
[Case Closed]
A hiatus will follow after the mentioned notes are accounted for to ensure everything is organized properly and to answer any questions you may have.
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i dont care if valentines day is over i needed to draw them immediately
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