#i need more alt almond
flowery-draws · 2 years
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“Whatever the consequances is, i'll take the risk.”
Professor Almond Cookie
A cookie from the other world who traveling to other world just to make some mess and search a "new" home. At first he's being invited by code name "DEVIL"
Guees who will messing around with Detective Almond Cookie.
(spoilers: next will be Wizard Walnut Cookie. I hope.)
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asexualbookbird · 5 months
Hello! Do you mind sharing the edible cookie dough recipe you tried ? I've been trying to find it on IG but I trust you more than the 500 random videos I've seen.
yeah doesnt help that they implemented the new "ask meta ai!" shit instead of a proper search
this was the video that kept showing up in my feed in fb AND insta. I did see the original vid too but ignored it because fitness bullshit but I stumbled across enough of Liams videos to think hes pretty decent and transparent.
I did not follow that recipe because I hate almond flour and also peanut butter. I used oat flour instead and vanilla protein powder and nestle mini chocolate chips. I tried the m&ms and it was awful do not recommend tbh even if it WAS that our m&ms were Bad the acid in the yogurt melted the dye off the m&ms and made the mixture soooo gross looking (and if you can taste the dye like i can then its also a bad time!)
I also made a batch this morning without any sugar at all and found i dont need it so will be leaving it out in the future. Oh i had been using brown sugar which i think gave it more of that cookie dough flavor than maple syrup or honey would.
I don't pay too much attention to measurements, I go by consistency, but roughly I use
2 cups of old fashioned oats (i use bobs red mill gluten free oats)
2 scoops of vanilla milkshake protein powder (i honestly just grabbed the smallest container my grocer had, but recently bought the quest brand and will try that next time)
fage greek yogurt, plain, 5% fat (because fuller fat yogurt tastes better! fight me! I'm not doing this for ~healthy~ uwu im doing this for Please Get Protein In Your Body I Beg), this is where I eyeball it. I add more yogurt if it's too thick, a large spoonful at a time.
I put the oats and protein in a food processor, and then add the yogurt, but if you use preground alt flour you can jhst use a bowl. I recommend adding everything a little at a time into whatever is thickest (so if you use peanut butter, add yogurt to that, and then the flour and protein).
Also a friend tried this with regular flour and a non whey based protein and a non dairy yogurt and was. Non enthused. I'm sure if you play around with the flavors YOU like you can find something but I don't think this can be made dairy free tbh but I also tried every DF yogurt I could find and they were all disgusting. So. (also ifnyou use regular flour pls bake it first. but tbh i dont really recommend it bc raw wheat flour just. doesnt add the same flavor oat or nut flours do.)
I'm also curious about using chocolate protein powder and nutella I think that'd taste gr8. Outside if the absurd cost of protein powder, this really is a good base recipe to use if you wanna try messing around with recipes you find online. People may give me flack for drastically changing this recipe but pls I based it off my moms oatmeal cookies all it was missing was coconut flakes lol
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dieinct · 1 year
does anyone want my nondairy bienenstich resippy. well im posting it. for me.
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sorry about these janky pictures i promise it's tasty
you will need a kitchen scale, a large mixing bowl, some sort of mixer (i use an attachment on my immersion blender) or a whisk and strong arms, some smallish container for doing the almonds on the stove (probably not a whole pot - a corningware or similar), probably several smaller bowls for prep, a spatula for stirring, sheet sized cake pan (not just a cookie sheet, something taller) (or multiple smaller cake pans), lined with parchment paper. get this all ready and set aside.
first: the topping. you need to make this first so it has time to cool as you make the batter. (unless you're insane and make a yeast dough, then you can do this during the rise. but this isn't a yeast dough. this is my family recipe). the topping is Eyeballable - so where i've given weights, basically what i did was look at the size of the packaging and add about the correct fraction of the total. YOU WILL NEED: honey, margarine (optional), sugar, almonds, nondairy milk, something to heat it in on the stove.
warm 100g honey, 50g sugar, 2-3 tablespoons of oat or other milk, and 100g margarine (optional: if omitting, add 50% more honey and sugar and double the milk) over low heat until melted. mix. add at least 250g slivered almonds (ideally you've chopped or put these through a food processor to break them up further but who has the time), in retrospect i probably could have done more almonds. mix and stir. this needs to come to bubbles and then have time to cool but you can start making the dough as you keep an eye on it, stirring occasionally to make sure it doesn't burn. take it off heat when the liquid mixture is clingier and caramel adjacent. i cannot advise you better than this. it is, again, eyeballable and thus vibes based. you'll know. let sit on the counter. it also takes a long time to cool. if you get impatient you can whack this bad boy on a baking sheet and pop it in the freezer for 5m (this won't do much but it'll make you feel better)
for the dough: this is just a really basic rührteig (stirred dough). but nondairy. YOU WILL NEED: eggs, 1 packet/8g vanilla sugar, 190g sugar (alt: 200g sugar and v small amt of vanilla extract); 125g neutral oil (canola or similar), 1 packet/16g powder, 300g flour, a bit of milk
beat eggs and sugar/vanilla with mixer in a large bowl until light and creamy. add the oil and beat. put the mixer aside and get out a spatula. begin to add the powder and flour, stirring it in. continue to stir until dough is fully incorporated. if necessary add just enough milk to get dough moist (if you want to get really fancy you can separate most of the egg whites and beat them to stiff peaks and fold them in at the end here, but that's a lot of extra effort and i only have one mixing bowl so i usually don't. but that is how my grandma did it.)
pour dough into the lined cake pan (i usually pour up the center of the pan) and spread it into the corners and even it out. check if the topping has cooled (it will not have). add the topping to the top of the cake, distributing it as you go. if it's too hot when you apply it, it'll drop through the dough and there will be bits of honeyed almond throughout the cake but i actually think that's delicious and haven't tried to figure out how to stop this from happening.
bake about 30 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. if you can't find your tester you can wait until the cake is golden brown as pictured and then find somewhere to sneakily insert a fork.
this cake is often served cut in half horizontally with some middle of cake vanilla frosting/pudding or similar, but this is not a part of my minhag. though i will confess it is an effective counter to dryness and the cake IS improved with some whipped cream or ice cream (or pudding) alongside. i bought some vegan gelatin and pudding mix and will experiment and report back.
serve with tea or coffee!
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meg-megbanom-ezt · 1 year
A few days ago I had a dream where Odie (of Garfield comics) has become a GIRL
I don't remember if it was meant to be a retcon or she was intended to be trans, but... Just out of blue, in the newest strip, Garfield referred to Odie as a "she" and when Odie turned up, she was indeed presented as a female character (while doing something typically Odie-ish dumb) and let me tell you, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. There was so much weeping and gnashing of teeth from the alt right / conservative site as you can imagine, but also predictably, a gargantuan flood of essays and analyses from all the bloggers and influencers and youtubers and basically everybody who felt the need to throw in their two cents. And of course, there were those snarky cynics who - regardless of whether they liked the change or not - questioned the intention behind the move and thought it was just an awkward attempt of Jim Davis to Stay Relevant(TM) rather than an honest message.
I was one of those cynical smartasses who didn't mind the gender swap - though important to note, I am not a huge Garfield fan (anymore). And Odie's new design was also cute, nothing radical (eyes turned a bit almond-shaped and eyelashes were added), and besides... does it really MATTER? Odie's personality hasn't changed - she remained the same stupid, naive, happy canine foil of Garfield. And let's admit, the comic is a sausage fest. But on the other hand, to play the devil's advocate: if the gender of the characters is mostly unimportant for the jokes (safe for Jon's romantic escapades), does it really matter, again, if they are mostly males?
disclaimer: yes, I am aware that all of these topics were explored by individuals more capable than me. I was just describing my dream and my feelings in it. Here, enjoy my "artistic" rendition of my dream girl Odie (feel free to make your version):
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vegi1 · 11 months
Why is vegetarian food more expensive than meat
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Food is something we eat to nourish our bodies and provide us with energy. It comes in many different forms and in this post, I will give you helpful tips for cooking delicious vegan food that is both healthy and budget-friendly. I choose not to eat meat, chicken, or fish and I prefer to steer clear of animal products, including clothing and makeup products. We like to support stores that prioritize the well-being of animals.
There are lots of ways to reduce down on animal products. Because of many things, vegan “meat” costs more than meat. The prices for meat go down because livestock is raised on a large scale. One option to limit animal meat consumption is to purchase and consume plant meat, which is healthier and, unlike animal meat, does not contain hormones and antibiotics; nevertheless, why is plant meat more expensive than animal meat? People’s desire to consume animal flesh is high.
Production costs go down when animals live in large spaces and eat food that helps them grow. In addition to animal meat, animal farms benefit from other products such as milk and eggs, which helps to lower production costs.
Large government subsidies lower the costs of making any meat goods, which helps them stay in business and keep prices low. Meat is grown on huge farms, governments consider government subsidies and subsidies to give animal feed and energy consumption, and subsidies assist in keeping costs low, but vegan meats are produced on a lesser scale owing to reduced demand; no subsidies are provided, even though the firm has nearly the same expenses, such as staff costs, leasing, and energy costs. For example, the U.S. government gives $38 billion worth of public money to the meat, dairy, and egg businesses every year.
I think smaller businesses that make meat-like goods from plants just can’t compete with the prices that the animal agriculture industry can charge. Veganism is growing, but its market is small. I think plant-based products like meat substitutes sell less than dairy and meat. Because they sell more animal products, they stock fewer plant-based ones. As a niche market like plant-based manufacturing, they have strict manufacturing facility design and equipment restrictions. Unlike meat companies, vegan brands lack cutting-edge tech. Market share is the only way to improve manufacturing and lower costs as a vegan company. The cost of producing Plant milk is more than animal milk. Because it is subsidized and produced on a bigger scale, the production costs for vegetable milk rise, notably for nut milk, which rises owing to the higher cost of nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds. Animal farming and large government subsidies keep milk prices low. The milk market is well-established because milk has been a staple in the house thanks to calcium marketing for decades. Plant-based must spend a lot of money marketing and convincing customers to buy the more expensive alternatives.
I love organic productions, I tend to eat well, so more than eliminating animal products is needed.Commercially crops are protected from rodents, fungus, mold, bacteria, viruses, and insects by chemical pesticides. Using these chemicals can make people sick. Washing or peeling the produce won’t help because pesticides permeate the skin and flesh of fruits and vegetables. I eat organic produce as a vegan because it’s healthier. Naturally, organics cost more. Without chemical pesticides, insects, fungus, diseases, and other environmental aggressors can attack the plants. Organic products have a lower market share and higher prices due to lower demand. Limiting the “Dirty Dozen” fruits and vegetables and buying commercially grown food saves money and improves health. Pesticide residue is highest in the “Dirty Dozen”—tomatoes, spinach, kale, strawberries, and bell peppers.
Developing and producing non-dairy and non-egg baked goods costs more. To keep using these products, I need more expensive vegan alternatives. If you buy “vegan chocolate chip cookies” or “vegan scones,” the monthly cost rises for sure.
So get to work and make your favorite sweets and breads at home, and instead of eggs and buying egg substitutes, which are often more expensive, use chia and ketone eggs for more stickiness.
In a world where eating healthily can sometimes be expensive, this article reveals vegetarianism’s economical yet nutrient-dense benefits. Here are some ideas on how to get important nutrients into a vegan diet without emptying your wallet, from affordable plant protein sources to rethinking more expensive options.
Some shopping markets promote products through vegetarianism. Under the name of vegetarianism, the items that everyone consumes are marketed and sold at a higher price.
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pochipop · 3 years
HI :D i was wondering if could ask for a birthday hc with zhongli, albedo, kaeya, jean, and ningguang please! thank you hehe <3
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#. synopsis! — they celebrate your special day with you .
#. characters! — ningguang, zhongli, jean, albedo, kaeya .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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Ningguang is as extravagant a gift giver as she is a general presence. Although you tell her you don't need expensive, material things, she insists to you that she wants to shower you in all the glorious things the world has to offer. . . You conclude that, perhaps, gift giving is just part of her love language, and you don't have the heart to deny her that. Besides, it is your birthday, after all, —a day where you can feel a bit freer to indulge yourself in life's more luxurious pleasures.
As expected, Ningguang does not hold back. By morning, she has you draped in the finest silks Teyvat has to offer, and the golden fabric lays gently against your skin like early daylight dewdrops clinging to brilliant blades of grass. You feel like nothing short of royalty. Throughout the day, she presents you with a number of lavish gifts, from a beautiful crystal pendant that glimmers in the sunlight, to a beautiful bouquet of glaze lilies that unfurl in all their glory as the two of you board a ship for a lovely dining experience on the vast, open sea as the sun sets behind the horizon. Sanguine oranges and blushing pinks burn through the sky as Ningguang treats you to a delicious feast of golden crab, sautéed matsutake, rice buns, and apple cider. You're thankful for it all, more than you'll ever be able to express in simple words alone, but as you clink your glass against hers, you can't help but to think that you feel lucky not because of the glamorous gifts, the stunning scenery, nor the scrumptious food. . . Rather, you feel lucky because she's done all of this for you out of the kindness of her heart, as a way to show you that she cares.
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# ZHONGLI !! ♡
Zhongli doesn't get birthdays, if he's to be honest about it. The concept is strange to him, —but he chooses to push the oddness of it all to the back of his mind in lieu of celebrating with you, as he can see how important it is to you. He doesn't need to understand it, just as long as his actions on that special day can make you smile, that's good enough for him. He takes you to the Quince Village in the late evening, which may seem a strange choice at first, but you trust in his judgement more than enough to go along, no protesting, no questions asked. And when you see the shining lanterns illuminated in the setting darkness, you can't help but grin. (Of course, the stomach tingling sight of crystal shrimp and almond tofu certainly don't make for a moment crusher either, but the food is secondary to the setup, to the scenery, and to Zhongli's velvet touch.)
The two of you sit amongst the orange and yellow wildflowers that bristle in the gentle breeze, breathing in fresh air that's thick with the scent of what you can only describe as freedom. Zhongli asks you about other birthdays you've celebrated in the past, —about your family, dreams and worries, deepest desires and darkest fears, and he listens as you speak, hanging on every word that falls from your lips. He's entranced by you, —by everything you are, everything you aren't, and everything you're yet to be. Under glittering stars, he gives to you a finely scented fragrance concocted from silk and sweet flowers. It's both floral and sugary, with a balance between the two. You dab a bit onto your inner wrists and breathe it in deeply. . . It's absolutely lovely.
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# JEAN !! ♡
Jean is busy, incredibly so, and you understand that. You're thankful for the brief morning moment you have together on the morning of your birthday, —she brings you a lovely breakfast of pancakes, which you happily accept, she acknowledges the day, wishes you nothing but luck and happiness, but is on her way far too quickly for your liking. You don't complain, though. It's just how she is, and you knew that from the start. Changing her wouldn't be fair, it wouldn't be right, and in the end, it would probably be impossible anyhow. She loves what she does, (maybe just a little too much,) and you refuse to stand in the way of that. Jean's thankful for that in ways she'll never know how to express. Words haven't always been her strong suit.
Seeing her that morning was enough for you, really, it was, —although you wouldn't have minded more, all things considered. However, you knew that wasn't likely to happen. . . Which is why you were surprised to see a letter, written in Jean's delicate handwriting, waiting for you later in the day. It instructed you to venture to Starsnatch Cliff just before sunset, and so you did. There, at the very peak overlooking everything from Windrise to the city of Mondstadt, you find Jean awaiting your presence. With a shy smile tugging at her lips, a bouquet of cecilia flowers in her hands, and a pale blush on her cheeks, she motions for you to sit alongside her. You do, and she lays the flowers in your lap before pointing off into the distance. Jean points out the places you share connections with, —the tree in Windrise where she would ask to go and rest every now and again, the bridge of Mondstadt the two of you would stroll across so slowly many nights. . . You smile, and chime in when it feels appropriate, but mostly resign yourself to listening and humming along with her sweet words. As the sun sets, Jean gives you one last thing, —a small dandelion tucked away inside a glass bottle. A cork plugs the opening, keeping it inside, and wrapped around the neck is a piece of twine. You slip the necklace on and press it against your chest, just above your beating heart. Jean watches with stars reflecting off her eyes.
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# ALBEDO !! ♡
Albedo isn't, nor has he ever been, the most suave individual. He's charming in his own right, of course, but when it comes to giving gifts, planning things out, figuring out what to even give as a gift in the first place. . . Well, lets just say he's a little out of touch in that realm. But he's certainly not blind, and he knows beauty when he sees it. He also knows you, —what you like, as well as what you dislike. Using that knowledge, he tells himself it can't be too hard to please you, although a prickle of doubt still lingers in the back of his mind, somehow doubtful in himself that everything will suit you perfectly. He can only hope the Anemo Archon is on his side today. . . In the daytime, he treats you to lunch and the two of you chat away about anything that comes to mind. It feels like just another day with him, which you have no complaints about, —although Albedo seems to be slipping in compliments every now and again, which you think is incredibly sweet. He feels as if he's won a grand prize each time he wins a smile from you. . .
When night falls, he makes his move. He takes you to Windrise, and you notice right away the abnormal amount of crystal flies glittering in the darkness. They're even more beautiful like this, more stunning than you'd ever noticed before, and it brings a coy smile to your lips as you watch them all but dance and twirl through the air as if it's all just one big stage for each and every one of them. You're sure Albedo had a hand in baiting them there to the area, but you haven't a clue how, and you're not sure the best solution is to ask for the time being. After all, if it involves him, it's usually complicated, and you're more keen on enjoying the moment for what it is. Later, you'll be sure to inquire about it though. You're so entranced by the crystal flies that you almost miss Albedo ducking off to the side. If not for a yellowy glow, you might not have noticed at all. . . But when you turn to ask him about the object in his hands, you watch as a golden seelie squeezes out from a glass bottle and promptly twirls around you, as if it were saying happy birthday in its own special way. Your eyes widen in excitement, and Albedo watches as you hold out your hand to the little creature. It responds by gliding gently, slowly, over the ridge of your knuckles, feeling ever so slightly warm and airy on your skin. Your voice calls out to the seelie in a gentle tone, asking questions that it doesn't have the vocabulary to answer, as Albedo breathes a sigh of relief. . . Now, he's certain he got this one right.
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# KAEYA !! ♡
Kaeya is nervous, even if he likes to pretend that he's not. Even if he's good at hiding his emotions behind a confident façade, and even if you happen to be fooled completely by the way he laughs and teases as if everything is normal, —that doesn't change the butterflies in his stomach. He truly hopes you'll love his present, and though he'd never dare to say the means by which he obtained the materials to make it aloud, it should be noted that he slayed a monstrous, ice spurting, overgrown weed just to get shivada jade. And he did it all just so that he could present you with a one-of-a-kind gift on your very special day.
In his pocket, he fiddles with the ring he's yet to give you. He's looking for an opening, —for the right time, for the perfect moment to slide in, steal you away from the people he gathered at the tavern in your honor, and slip that ring onto your finger. He watches from the side as you share a laugh with Amber, and when the giggling dies down, the brunette wishes you a happy birthday once more. You thank you, give her a sideways hug, and then excuse yourself from her to make your way over to Kaeya. He steals a quick breath in, knowing this may be his only chance. It's only natural that people gravitate to you today, —it's your day, after all, and he understands that. Frankly, he happens to think it's a rather beautiful thing. Still, he knows it's best to do things now, while he has the undeniable chance, and now, he shoots his shot. You follow him upstairs, and subsequently out the door where the two of you step onto the balcony. It's just the two of you, as of now, and Kaeya requests that you close your eyes for a moment and give him your hand. You're confused, of course, but he's never given you a reason not to trust him, and you do as he asks of you. Pulling the ring from his pocket, the moonlight hits it just right, and he bites back a smile as he tells you to open. Your jaw drops a bit, and you're at a loss for words. You've never seen such a beautiful piece of jewelry, and it fits so perfectly around you finger that it feels almost unreal. In that moment, Kaeya realizes that everything was worth it, and he'd do it all over again if need be, just to see that look on your face.
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pensoluv · 3 years
@leekfl ily <33 /p so imma re type my hcs
Xiao (and a side of Morax) hcs that I rewrote while listening to I’m Baby by Lil Mariko <3
Special thanks to @xyliope for the hug because I needed that to do this <33 /p
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Xiao was once stubborn as a mule since he picked that up from Morax. Guizhong made him less so, but passed before she could teach him further.
Xiao used to wolf things down as competitions with his pals, but now, he’d eat it slower to truly taste it. Peace is not as plentiful in his life as it was pre-trauma, so it must be treasured.
Xiao would at least like if not love Xinyan. He was an alt kid and I think he still is, just slightly less edgier. He’d work his ways to stray around without getting noticed, so he would’ve probably witnessed that incident of Chongyun being ultra hyper.
Before knowing her, Xiao used to listen to a ton of emo Liyue musicians, with the traditional emo tragic songs. He thought he resonated with it when he was younger, but he knows that he really didn’t in retrospect.
I think that ancient poem by Xin Qiji is very fitting in description of Xiao in such regard.
The actual poem is 《醜奴兒》:
My translation would be:
The young do not know the taste/feeling of sorrow,
(And so) love to visit high towers, love to visit high towers.
Forcing moods of desolation, just to make up sorrowful poems.
Now that (I) know all about the taste of sadness,
(I strangely) couldn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything.
All I can say is “The weather has turned cold, such a fall / an autumn.”
Basically young Xiao going to high levels to get view of mountains and stunning scenery, just to wax poetry of his edgy emo-ness. Now that he has experienced tragedy, on the opposite pole, he couldn’t speak on anything about the topic.
He is low-key jealous of how Cloud Retainer said Ganyu didn’t have an embarrassing phase like the emo phase he had where he acted like the usual young Liyue scholars. By which I’m referring to who’d go to high mountains and sigh dramatically as if they are going through a collective mid-life crisis. Basically pretentious but in an amusing way when they look back. Xiao probably wouldn’t hesitate to strangle his old self-
Xiao is that one emo yaksha who would be the calm and tired one, while his yaksha buddies bicker about who gets to eat the last piece of tofu. Xiao would sneakily eat it while they mew still fighting, and it’s fair play because they do the same to his secret stash of food. One of his calmer yaksha friends would save up their tofu to give to Xiao, and Xiao would silently do the same with their favourite food. Xiao like Almond Tofu partly because it tastes good even after his trauma, and partly because he’s picking up Zhongli’s habit of reminiscing. He would not admit the second part though.
Bonus Morax ocs to go with a plate of teen Xiao ehe~
Guizhong tried to dissuade Morax from letting the baby Yakshas name themselves, but Xiao had already decided on his emo name before Morax took Guizhong’s advice. Morax had a toxic masculinity phase before Guizhong influenced him in her great ways, and insisted that he wouldn’t let Xiao change his name to a sensible one because “a strong manly man has to take responsibility and have wills as strong and unchanging as stone”. Morax had his emo phases and his most stubborn traditional phases before Guizhong. Blockhead era Morax pissed Guizhong off so much, yet she’s persistent enough to surprisingly change his attitude, at the least. Guizhong our beloved <3 ty ma’am!
When Morax is more alike to Zhongli, he still didn’t revoke his old idea of making Xiao keep his name, but added a new name - Alatus, in case Guizhong pesters him in his good conscious again. It’d be too late and Xiao doesn’t respond as quickly when called as Alatus instead of Xiao.
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trouble-in-space · 2 years
Hi! I'd like a stranger things & the outsiders ship pls!
zodiac is cancer I prefer men (no one under 19 pls) I like many different types of music like rock/pop/indie/alt! my hobbies are cooking drawing writing and playing d&d listening to music and reading fantasy books and tarot cards! I like magic n I like collecting random weird stuff from time to time like useful junk or rocks/gems or even flowers about my appearance Im an arab girl so I have black almond shaped eyes I have bushy eyebrows and I got curly black short hair with bangs I have a small cut scar on my upper lip and have two beauty mark on both my cheeks I have slightly higher cheek bones and have wide full lips I'm short n have a big chest I got hip dips I wear sharp eyeliner and dark eyeshadow i wear lots of jewelry n earrings and piercings (like nose rings) my sense of fashion changes a lot so one day I'm a rock punk chick and other I look like a hippie or a witch and sometimes I look preppy If I feel like it! I also wear dark traditional dark henna and have tattoos constellation on my arm n back with a crescent moon on my nape
Some personal stuff! I have ADHD and on the spectrum! so i talk a lot and fidget I need people to be upfront with me cuz I won't get it until you say it I'm sensitive to sound and touch and I'm an emotional person I'm told that I'm super smart and sassy Im also very kind and understanding but ruthless and cold when I'm angry I think I'm funny but I have a strange n dark sense of humor also I ramble a lot about my interests so I infodump a lot but I get insecure about it and stay quiet so I won't annoy anyone or say something I'm not supposed to say... Im not good with people but I'm good with art and writing so I use that to relate or empress people I don't mind being alone I like my own company but I wish I can speak without feeling scared that I might say or do something inappropriate or weird or cutting someone off it's exhausting to not fidget or fiddle my hands or move around and I don't always look people in the eye not out of disrespect but i get distracted a lot but sometimes I can still hear the person even if I don't look at them! Im lazy and sleep a lot but if it's something I care about I get passionate and excited and make weird happy sounds! and jump a lot!
here are some characters I kin to help u understand me more!
(Wanda maximoff/Bruce banner /will byers/jinx from arcane/entrapta from shera/Phoebe buffay/princess bubblegum/Anne Shirley/ Klaus from the umbrella academy) I hope this helps! thank you!
Hi love! I love your style btw!<3
Stranger Things:
I’m getting Steve Harrington vibes! (i’m pretty sure he’s like 19-20?) He would love you’re personal style and the duality of it. He’d ask you to teach him how to cook, it would quickly become his favorite thing to do with you. If he’s out somewhere and sees like interesting jewelry or something else that reminds him of you. he’s 100% buying it for you. Steve’s best friends with Robin so he’s used to rambling and infodumping, he always enjoys listening especially when it’s you. He understands and respects your insecurities and shyness(referring to when you said your not good with people) and he’ll help you work through them but only if you’re comfortable with that!
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The Outsiders:
Darry! He’d just adore you! The Curtis house will be covered with your artwork. You’ll often catch him staring at your henna and tattoos, he just finds them so beautiful. He’s always upfront with you because communication is key to him. Sometimes he might be a little to forward/mean about things but he’ll always come to his senses and comfort you. He’s a quieter person compared to the rest of them so he’ll make sure the boys quiet down some when you’re around. His favorite thing in the world is to see you get excited about something you’re passionate about!
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I hope you like these!!<33
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writingblackpink · 4 years
Coincidence (pt. 1)
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genre: fluff (?)
word count: 3.6k
pairing: rosé x reader
Wherein your friend drags you out to dinner and you meet a familiar face....but is that all she is?
A/N: Hi :) Here’s another Rosé x reader I’ve had in the reserves for a while! A part 2 is in the works, but if you have any suggestions or ideas, drop them in my ask! Enjoy! 
You don’t even know why you’re here. You really, like REALLY, wanted to stay home and call it an early night after the week you’ve had. Your boss seemed to only speak to you to tell you you’d done something wrong, a pipe burst in you and your friend’s apartment causing the both of you to rearrange the furniture once (and then back again four days later once the landlord was able to get someone to fix it.), and to top it all off, you spilled coffee down your white blouse on the way in to work today and didn’t have time to go home to change so you sat in a coffee stained shirt in four meetings enduring your colleagues’ judgmental eyes while you tried to make light of the situation by making fun of yourself for spilling the coffee in the first place. It didn’t help at all - if anything, it just made your coworkers think you were even more strange than they already thought you were. Curse your caffeine addiction. Honestly, you probably need a new job, but that’s an issue for another day. Right now, you just want to be wrapped in a blanket in your cozy bed, blocking out the outside world and getting a good night’s rest but it just seems like nothing can go your way this week.
So, you’re here, in the passenger seat of your best friend’s car, face pressed against the window as you stare up at the city lights. You actually think it’s kind of beautiful, the neon on the signs above you mixed with the light mist on the window causing the color to soften and blur just a bit. The sounds of the bustling city muffled by the alt radio station your friend likes to listen to and the sound of the car driving through the rain kissed streets. It kind of looks like the tumblr moodboards you always see while scrolling your dash late at night. If you were creatively inclined at all you’d probably take out your phone for a picture to post to your small Instagram following, but then you remember that you don’t even want to be here so you’d rather wallow and pout for a bit longer.
“You look like a sad puppy with your face squished against the window like that,” your friend whines out. You peel your face away from the window and turn towards her, not missing the pout across her lips.
“I told you I don’t even want to go out.” You mumble back.
Your friend always has a way of making you do things you’d rather not. And it’s really not like you hate doing them. You do like her company after all and don’t mind spending time together regardless if you’re doing something you personally enjoy or not. Nine times out of ten, you actually enjoy doing whatever she drags you out to do, but you’d never say that out loud. At least not right now.
Tonight was different. She had mentioned that one of her coworkers that she has the tiniest crush on invited her to dinner except it’s not a date because her coworker was bringing a friend and she was bringing you. You tried to convince her to just go herself and tell her coworker she wants it to be a date, but that was more so because you REALLY did not want to go and not because you wanted or cared to see your friend happy. You did care for her happiness, just not in this particular moment. She caught on to the act pretty quickly and wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Just like every other time, you caved.
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” she said, looking at you with a wide smile and pleading eyes. “You always say you need to branch out and meet new people. This is a good opportunity to do so. I mean, you’ve had the same four friends forever. Expand your world!”
She did have a point. When you moved to the city together after college, she immediately met and made a handful of friends. Most of the friends you have currently are people you’ve met through her. It’s been over a year now and you still have yet to branch out. The more you thought about it, the more you were losing your resolve not to go.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go. You can stop pouting. But if this dinner is lame I’m SO calling myself an Uber and getting the hell out.”
You left it at that as she squealed and grabbed her keys, telling you that there were reservations soon and, oh, also that she’s only giving you ten minutes to get ready. You grumbled your way up to your room, cursing under your breath and immediately regretting agreeing to this mysterious dinner.
She pulls into a parking spot and cuts the engine on the car, abruptly stopping the soft sound of the radio and leaving you two in the silence with only the rhythmic tapping of rain drops sprinkling across the windshield. You get lost in the serenity of the moment before your friend rips you away.
“Hey, let’s go. We’re already like,” you follow her gaze to where she glances quickly at the time on her phone, “ten minutes late, thanks to you.” The last part muttered more softly and sarcastically than the rest.
You roll your eyes and go to unlatch the door, immediately letting the cool air slide into the car. It’s a brisk fall evening. Not too chilly, but the quiet mist falling from the sky mixed with the cool breeze makes you want to crawl back into the car and never come out. Goosebumps break out along your skin when the wind brushes against you. You really should’ve brought a jacket, you think. You round the car and your friend immediately links your arm with hers, happily swinging them back and forth.
“I’m so glad you decided to come out,” she says cheerfully, and put that way, you can’t deny that her happiness doesn’t also make you feel glad you decided to come out.
You step into the restaurant together, the change in temperature causing you to briefly shiver as you adjust to the warmth. It’s nothing too fancy, just a casual sushi place across town you’ve been to a few times. The place is modern and open, with tables scattered uniformly around the room. Definitely targeted to people your age. It’s moderately busy for a Friday night, but not too busy, which you appreciate. The last thing you wanted to do was spend the evening yelling at each other over the loud voices of strangers in a crowded restaurant. If you had to leave the house, you decided this was an okay place to be.
“How many in your party?” The server asks. You stay silent while your friend smiles politely and mentions that you’re actually meeting someone here, eyes already scanning the room. The server smiles and backs away, letting your friend search for whoever you’re both meeting.
“Ah, there they are!” She exclaims, her eyes lighting up as she pulls your hand and weaves in between tables to get to your destination. As you follow her gaze, your eyes land on a table with two women facing away from you, one blonde, one brunette. That must be them, you think to yourself.
As you get closer to the table, you hear a fit of laughter erupt from the blonde. The sound is familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. The sound was so warm and inviting, maybe that’s why it seems familiar you think to yourself as you both continue moving towards the table. Your friend rounds the square table and who you believe to be her coworker looks over with wide eyes realizing who’s finally arrived.
“I’m so sorry, we would’ve been here on time, but THIS one took her sweet time getting ready.” She uses her thumb to point in your direction and you immediately scoff, of course going to defend yourself.
“Excuse you, you literally told me ten minutes before we had to leave that we were even coming here, so sorry that—“
“Anyways,” she cuts you off “what’s important is that we made it...eventually. This is my best friend Y/N. Y/N this is Ashley, my coworker.” You immediately hold your hand out for a handshake, but she grabs your wrist and pulls you in for a tight hug. In your peripheral vision you see the blonde facing your direction, but she’s slightly out of focus so you can’t tell if she’s actually looking at you or just in your direction.
“Any friend of Joy is a friend of mine.” And you think that this girl is a little too friendly for your liking. Not that you didn’t like affectionate people, it’s just that, you didn’t like affectionate people tonight.
As you pull away you glance over to the blonde, eyeing you like a piece of meat, eyes lidded and a small smirk gracing her features. She’s really pretty, you think for a moment. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves, each strand perfectly in its place. You take a moment to admire the shape of her eyes, almost almond-like, but accentuated by the light smokey makeup look she was going for. She’s just wearing a simple top and jeans, just like everyone else here, but there’s something about her that captivates you. There’s something in the familiarity of her laugh, the warmth of her eyes that makes you think––
Realization hits you. You definitely know this woman. How, you can’t remember, but she seems to see that spark light inside you as your eyes widen slightly in her direction, and she immediately reaches her hand out to shake from across the table.
“Hi. I’m Rosie. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m so sorry, but have we met before?” You spew out, eyebrows furrowed and looking directly into her eyes before really thinking and she snaps back quickly in her soft voice with “Uh, no. I think I would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours.”
Smooth, you think sarcastically. You’re not really in the mood for cheesy one-liners and her lips ticking up in a closed-lip smile just makes it worse. She moves to shake your friend’s hand too and then her gaze lands back on you. She said she didn’t know you, that you two have never met, however the smirk and quick wink she gives you when the other two in your party divert their attention elsewhere tells you a different story. Sensing some weird tension, you feign a cough and divert your eyes to your chair, moving as everyone decides to take their seats.
As dinner progresses you make small talk with the group, just wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. No need to drag this out when your bed is waiting for you at home. Rosie keeps looking at you with admiration, and throughout the whole meal you’ve been wracking your brain to try and remember where you know this girl from. “Come on, Y/N, THINK.”
Just as you were about to decline on dessert and ask for the check, Ashley and Rosie ask for the dessert menu. The waiter brings over four menus and you sigh, giving in and scanning the items. The table has since gone silent in deliberation, and while you’re trying to decide on the cheesecake vs. the chocolate cake, you feel what you think is someone kicking you under the table. You brush it off as an accident and go back to scanning the menu. Except it happens again, and this time whoever is doing it lingers a little longer at your shin, and yeah, that’s a bare foot. You look up to find everyone else looking down, but you glare at Rosie sitting directly across from you just a moment longer. If only you can figure out where you know her from…
You brush it off a second time, not wanting to make a scene, but it happens a third time, and this time when you look up, you find dark eyes peeking at you suggestively over the menu and it suddenly feels like you’ve been hit by a truck. You’re starting to remember bits and pieces, but you can’t create a coherent memory.
A few weeks ago your friend had convinced you yet again to “let loose” and “have some fun” and go out with her and some other friends to some bar that had just opened. You may have gotten a little too loose, to the point where you can’t remember all the fun you actually had. You don’t even really like to drink all that much, you’re usually the designated driver, but there was something about this night that told you to throw all caution to the wind.
You remember getting into an Uber with your friends and heading to the bar. You remember having a few drinks. You remember meeting who you now know as Rosie at the bar, and then everything after that got fuzzier. You both spent some time whispering in each others’ ears in the darkest corner of the bar, drowning out the pounding of the music and the voices of strangers and their drunken dialogue, and you remember leaving with her and taking her to your apartment, but the next thing you remember is waking up in your own bed with a pounding headache and in nothing but an oversized t-shirt, water and pills at your bedside table and a post-it note left on your bedroom door with a “Had fun last night. Hope the hangover isn’t all that bad. Call me -xx”, followed by a phone number. For the life of you, you couldn’t remember the girl’s name, but you felt warm when you thought about the night before, so you added the number in your phone with the lip emoji next to it for no reason other than you wanted to remember the warm feeling that ignited when you thought of her.
Chugging the water and exiting your room late in the afternoon, Joy greeted you with a “So, you had fun last night, huh? I heard you bring someone home? I can’t believe it!” she teased you, “You are able to have a good time!”
You scoffed it off with a “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” rubbing your temples and trying to ignore the ringing in your ears and the blush rising in your cheeks. Your friend never pushed you more about it, and you were grateful for that. You didn’t really have much to tell her anyways.
You’re also not one to bring home pretty girls from bars, but, again, something about that night made you throw every inhibition you had out the window. Maybe it was Rosie herself (from what you can remember, you liked her), maybe it was the alcohol. You couldn’t know for sure and it didn’t really matter. It wasn’t something you regretted, but you also weren’t super proud of it.
You immediately feel heat rush to your face and you feel her foot move up your leg once again. Just as the waiter walks over to the table, you feel the heat in the tips of your ears and just know you won’t be able to make a viable excuse if anyone catches you blushing THIS aggressively. You shoot up out of your chair so suddenly that it draws the attention of everyone at the table, specifically noting how startled Rosie looks at you jolting away from her touch.
“Um, I’m, uh, going to go to the restroom. I’ll pass on dessert.” With that, you turn quickly on your heels and make a beeline for the restroom. As you make it halfway there, you faintly heard Rosie say that she’s going to make a pit stop as well and you hear her chair move as she rises to follow shortly after.
“Shit...shit, shit, shit,” you curse under your breath as you hurriedly make your way into a stall, trying to think of ways you can avoid this humiliation as much as possible. Your non-confrontational attitude causes anxiety to peak in your chest. That, combined with Rosie’s unpredictable actions tonight, has you feeling a bit light-headed. Your breathing shallows. As you’re pacing in the confined space, you hear the door open and close, but no movement. Is she….is she waiting for you?
You decide to take a deep breath and unlock the door, but you gasp when she immediately puts her hand on your shoulder and pushes you against the cool tile wall across from the stall. There’s no one besides you two in there, and you’re worried she can hear your heart basically beating out of your chest. Hell, YOU can hear your deafening heartbeat echoing in your ears.
She moves in like she’s going to kiss you and you immediately tense up. This was not what you were planning on happening when you agreed to dinner tonight. In retrospect, you really should’ve called the Uber as soon as your friend pulled into the parking lot.
You could feel Rosie’s breath on your lips and it was all too much for you. The way she was looking at you, eyes heavy and lidded and oh, so seductive - her scent, faint vanilla and lavender notes that wafted through your nostrils. You couldn’t decide if you wanted to push her away or pull her impossibly closer. You could feel yourself getting lost in everything that was just her and your eyes screwed shut as everything became too much.
You were surprised when she didn’t kiss you. Instead, you felt her lean towards your right side and bring her mouth so close to your ear it made you shiver. The arm that wasn’t on your shoulder moved to rest her palm flat on the wall next to your face. You opened your eyes, but you could no longer see her face. The hairs on the tip of your ear reach up to meet the warm breath fanning across it. You felt your breathing pick up the closer she got.
“Why didn’t you ever call me, baby? You have my number, right?” she whispers seductively, sending a tingle down your spine. It’s so silent, you almost didn’t hear her with how loud your heartbeat is thumping in your ears.
Just as you open your mouth to stumble out a reply, she takes your ear lobe between her teeth and gives it a playful bite. You let out an embarrassing whimper as she does so, feeling yourself immediately melt into her. As she’s pulling away, the door to the bathroom opens and Joy walks in, but stops in her tracks when she sees the two of you.
You both snap your heads toward the intruder. You’ll admit, you’re in a bit of a compromising position, and you can’t tell right now if it would’ve been better for a stranger or Joy to find you like this.
You clear your throat and fidget away from Rosie, straightening out your shirt and moving to the sink to wash your hands while clearing your throat again. Rosie walks past your friend in the mirror and out the door like nothing ever happened. After washing your hands, you also walk past your friend without saying a word, leaving her shocked in the bathroom.
You walk back to the table and find that Rosie has easily fallen back into conversation with Ashley, while you feel like there’s a permanent blush brushed across your features. You try to ignore that though, and join in the conversation just as Joy is making her way back to the table. She glares at you a moment, still confused, and even though you see her trying to get your attention, you ignore her and hope she just takes it as you being too immersed in the current conversation to notice.
The rest of the evening goes by smoothly. No suggestive touching or longing glances, but you’re now realizing that that was what made this dinner interesting, and realizing so made you sad to see them go.
Soon enough, you’re saying your goodbyes with hugs outside of the restaurant with promises to meet up again soon. Rosie gives you a lingering hug and whispers in your ear once again, out of sight and earshot from the others.
“I’m serious, Y/N, call me. I want to get to know you better.”
She pulls away and you nod, despite still not having made up your mind on whether or not you were actually going to call her. She didn’t need to know that right now. Your mind is a mess and you’re still trying to sort out exactly what happened that night. Even if you weren’t going to call her, it’s not like you’d tell her anyways. Your non-confrontational nature wouldn’t allow it.
You smile and part ways, making your way to the car, hoping your friend wouldn’t question what she saw, but deep down knowing she will. It’s stopped raining now, and all that’s left is the wet pavement reflecting the streetlights above you. You know the barrage of questions is coming, but you’re trying to savor this moment of calm before the storm.
You take a seat in the car and look over to your friend who’s already staring at you. It’s a bit of an ominous scene in the late evening, the only light coming from the minimal street lights outside your window. You stay silent. There’s no way you can really anticipate what’s going to come out of her mouth first. Your thoughts are cut short when she starts speaking into the silence.
“So, are you going to tell me what I saw in the restroom earlier, or am I going to have to pull it out of you?” she asked accusingly.
“Joy,” you responded sincerely, “can you keep a secret?”
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
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sleeping in | 4000 miles!au
wc: 1186
prompt: medtober 2021, day five alt, “sleeping in”
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of birth
Crockett wakes to the sound of a car alarm going off outside, and without thinking, looks over to check on Sarah. She’s still asleep, curled up around the U-shaped pillow that’s been taking up most of the bed for the last four months, and he breathes a sigh of relief. The third trimester has been hell for her, leaving her constantly exhausted, and being woken up early for no reason is the last thing she needs.
Carefully, Crockett pulls the covers back, then gets out of bed and tiptoes across the room to the door. Sarah hasn’t stirred, and for a moment, Crockett just stands and watches her, heart so full he’s sure it will burst. She’s beautiful, and he has to resist the urge to lean down and kiss her. That would wake her for sure, so instead, he leaves, gently shutting the door behind him, then makes his way to the bathroom.
He showers quickly, then, with a towel wrapped around his waist, brushes his teeth and works his way through his morning skincare routine. He’s got it down to a fine art by now, and five minutes later, he’s hung his towel up to dry and is getting dressed. Every night, he leaves his clothes for the next day folded on a shelf in the bathroom, so that he doesn’t end up disturbing Sarah by trying to find clothes while she’s sleeping in (because no matter how quiet he tries to be, something always manages to go wrong).
After opening the window to let the bathroom air out, he heads to the kitchen, pausing outside the bedroom to check if Sarah’s still asleep. There’s no sound coming from inside, and he hadn’t heard the door open at any point while he was in the bathroom, so he guesses that she is and continues on his way.
As soon as he gets there, he beelines for the coffee machine, grabbing a mug and one of the extra strong pods to give him the energy boost he’s so desperate for. He’d planned on going out to buy things to make breakfast for Sarah, but there’s no telling how long it will be until she’s ready to eat, so he rummages in the snack cupboard until he finds one of Sarah’s chocolate and peanut butter protein bars to have with his coffee.
(And of course makes a note on his phone to buy another box of them, just in case.)
He takes the mug and protein bar over to the armchair by the window and watches the city come to life as he drinks. It’s bright outside already, the sky that pale blue you only get in the summer, but there are so few people around. Like him, they’re probably still getting ready for the day ahead, and as he stares at the windows of the apartment block opposite, he can’t help wondering what the people inside are like.
Sarah’s still not out of bed by the time he finishes his coffee, and as much as he wishes she was here with him, he’s glad that she’s finally getting some proper sleep. After the stress of the previous day, when they were sure that the twins were going to be making their arrival, god knows she deserves it.
There’s nothing left for him to do in the apartment, so he puts his mug in the sink to wash later, then grabs his wallet and keys and leaves to go and get their breakfast.
It’s a quick drive to the nearest grocery store, and once he’s there, he easily finds what he needs. There are only a few other shoppers, mostly elderly people, and a couple of parents with young children, who he guesses have been up for hours already. That will be you in a couple of weeks, a voice in his head reminds him, and he’s almost giddy with excitement at the thought of it.
When he leaves the store, everything around him feels more alive. There are more cars on the road, more people walking up and down the streets, and the sun is brighter than when he was having his coffee. Chicago’s a beautiful city, he thinks as he turns onto his street, and he’s so grateful to get to raise his daughters here.
He takes the elevator up to the apartment — walking up all those stairs with heavy shopping bags is never fun — and is about to put his key in the lock when the door opens for him.
“I heard you walking down the corridor. You’re not good at being quiet,” Sarah explains. “Do you want me to take one of those?” She holds a hand out to take a bag, but Crockett just shakes his head.
“I’ve got it. Pregnant women aren’t supposed to carry things.”
“Whatever you say.”
With one hand on her bump, she follows him through to the kitchen, then takes a seat on one of the stools at the island while he unpacks everything.
“So, how long have you been awake, darlin’?” He asks, going back and forth between the island and the fridge.
“I woke up when you were in the bathroom. The twins have been giving me hell all morning.”
Crockett pauses, raising an eyebrow at her. “I thought you were asleep.”
“Well, yeah. That was the point.”
He smiles, then throws a packet of something in her direction. “Almonds. You said you were craving them last night, so I got some while I was out.”
“Have I ever told you I love you? Because I do.”
“I love you too.”
The rest of the food doesn’t need to be unpacked straight away, so he makes his way around to the other side of the island to stand behind Sarah. He places both hands on her bump, and almost immediately, he’s met with kicks against his palms, from what he can only guess is both twins. This is the thing he’ll miss the most when they’re here, although, judging by the look on Sarah’s face, she doesn’t feel the same way.
“This might be a cute bonding moment for the three of you, but right now I’m being pummeled from the inside, so do you maybe want to not be doing this?”
“I’m sorry,” he says, kissing the top of her head. “If it makes you feel any better, your hair smells nice.”
“It doesn’t. Thanks for trying though.”
For a moment, the two of them stay where they are, Sarah leaning her head back against his shoulder, and him still with one hand on her stomach, until finally, she speaks up.
“So… is breakfast happening anytime soon?”
He nods, then pulls away to go back to the other side of the island.
“Avocado toast okay? I know that’s what you’ve been liking recently, but I can do pancakes if you’d prefer.”
“No, that sounds perfect. We still have hot sauce, right?”
“We do…” He lets his voice trail off, looking expectantly at Sarah for an explanation.
“Some people think spice can induce labour, and I’m done waiting to have these babies.”
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wangisking · 3 years
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BASICS. FULL    NAME  :  Augustus Alexander Wang  NICKNAME  :  August and Gus ( in general ), Auggie, Ice Prince, and Guggie ( by Aurora ). Aug and Lestat  ( by Jack ),  NAME    MEANINGS  : Augustus is  Latin for  the great / the magnificent.  Alexander is also Latin and means defender of mankind. From what I know, Wang in Chinese means king.  HISTORICAL    CONNECTION ?  : Though, his dad did think of the Roman Emperor Augustus when they named him, they liked the meaning. It seemed to fit him. They weren’t wrong, he was an emperor and he still has that energy.   AGE  :  22. Like Aurora, he can’t age past 22. He wouldn’t have minded either way.    BIRTHDAY  :  5th  April ETHNIC    GROUP  :   Augustus is half Korean and half Brazilian.  NATIONALITY  :   British LANGUAGES  :   fluent  in  English and French. Conversational Latin. Broken Korean. Learning Urdu. SEXUAL    ORIENTATION  :  demi-heterosexual ROMANTIC    ORIENTATION  :  demi-heterosexual RELATIONSHIP    STATUS  :   Single and doesn’t want to mingle. He had only one serious relationship in the past with Aurora Shams from 2017-2019.  CLASS  :  Upper  class,  Wealthy but not private-jet kind of wealthy.  HOME    TOWN  /  AREA  :  London till he was 10 and Vancouver till he was 17 CURRENT    HOME  :  Los  Angeles PROFESSION  :   Drummer, songwriter, model, and student.    PHYSICAL. HAIR  :  long  and  wavy.  Chestnut brown. Here is an example. It goes down his earlobes in length.    EYES  :  piercing, almond-shaped eyes. Naturally brown, but he wears blue or green contact lenses.  NOSE  :   a Greek nose, straight without bumps. FACE  :  Oblong shaped, sharp and chiseled cheekbones, strong jaw. Masculine features. Example.  LIPS  :  not  full  nor  thin, heart shaped.     COMPLEXION  :  pretty pale. Example is same as the face section.  SCARS  :  one on his chest. TATTOOS  :  a very small ‘10/17′ on his left rib.   PIERCINGS:  earlobes HEIGHT  :  6′5″  or  195cm.   BUILD  :  Inverted triangle. Broad, tapered shoulders. Muscular. Defined, sculpted abs. Long limbs. Broad chest. He was naturally towards the muscular side with broad shoulders and chest. He’s never been on the skinny side. Example one and two   USUAL  HAIR  STYLE  :  he lets his hair do their thing, he styles them a little, but he prefers a messier vibe.  USUAL  FACE  LOOK  :  He looks generally bored. His eyes have a piercing look that seem to be drilling into the person before him. Like he can see right through you. There is an insolent smirk tugging at his lips like he thinks you’re amusing. Almost proud, like he thinks he is above you. There is depth and intensity in his eyes that stare skywards in thought. There is also mischievous, radiant glimmer in his eyes.   USUAL    CLOTHING  :  prince charming meets rockstar. Lots of jackets, darker colors, boots, necklaces and rings. Here is his wardrobe.      PSYCHOLOGY. FEARS  :  claustrophobia and the fear of ending up alone. He always had this creeping feeling that he’d be alone in the end and that he was always meant to be alone.  ASPIRATIONS  :   he doesn’t have any set aspirations. They change every now and then. However, his goals are just to keep his found family happy.  POSITIVE    TRAITS  :  extremely charismatic, intelligent,  academic and studious, alluring and attractive, quick-witted, charming and captivating, articulate and eloquent, adventurous, desirable, analytical, brilliant, friendly, enthusiastic, adaptable, observant, kind, mellow, competent, extremely caring and protective over those closest to him, clever, loyal, clear-headed, confident, humorous, courageous, imaginative and creative, a visionary, refined tastes and manners, daring, dignified, ebullient, deep, remarkable, surprisingly he’s very forgiving, forthright, gallant, logical, gentlemanly and sophisticated, perfectionist, popular, self-reliant, shrewd, witty, suave, curious, and resourceful.    NEGATIVE    TRAITS  :  egocentric, self-obsessed, idle, indifferent, selfish, defiant, arrogant, argumentative, rebellious, kinda lazy, stubborn, distracted, doesn’t really care for morals, blunt, can appear insensitive a lot, is insensitive at times, no filters, can be cold for those he doesn’t care for, emotionally immature, deflects emotions, suppresses his feelings, sorta detached, kinda pessimistic, and unknowingly self-sacrificing because he thinks it’s fair and he deserves it.   MBTI  :  ENTP  (  Ne  dominant,  Ti  auxiliary,  Fe  tertiary,  and  Si  inferior  —  this  means  she  can’t  use  Ni,  Se,  Te,  and  especially  can’t  use  Fi). He  perceives  the  world  by  connecting  dots,  thinking  of  never-ending  possibilities,  looking  for  pieces  of  a  puzzle,  and  finding  meaning  in  abstract.  He  makes  judgments  on  if  what  he  perceives  fits  his  internal  logic.          ZODIAC  :  Aries sun, Gemini rising, Sagittarius moon.  TEMPERAMENT  :  sanguine choleric  ANIMALS  :  parrots and cats because they’re both intelligent but little pieces of shit who enjoy making your life hell.  VICE  :   it’s either his ego or how he ends up detaching himself FAITH  :  currently, he’s Mu.slim. He was born protestant, became an atheist when he was 13, agnostic at 14. Bud.dhist at 15. Taoist at 16. Confucianist at 17. Mu.slim at 19. Doesn't practice it though.     GHOSTS  ?  :  yep.. AFTERLIFE  ?  :   yep REINCARNATION  ?  :  he guesses so. Went  through  it, but doesn’t remember. ALIENS  ?  :  hell yeah. POLITICAL    ALIGNMENT  :  liberal. ECONOMIC    PREFERENCE  :   upper class or upper middle class is good with him.  EDUCATION    LEVEL  :   MSci in Physics from the University of Cambridge. Is opting to specialize in astrophysics soon. FAMILY. FATHER  :  Edward Wang, owner of a chain of fine dining restaurants  MOTHER  :  Elisa Violeta Wang, psychiatrist, deceased  STEP MOTHER :  Chaeyoung Wang, lawyer.  SIBLINGS  :  Cassandra Wang, athlete EXTENDED    FAMILY  :  he is not close with his external family and doesn’t know his birth mother’s family at all. They never wanted him.  FAVOURITES. BOOK  :   Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Galactic Dynamics by James Binney, Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Mukarami, Slaughter house Five by Kurt Vonnegut, War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, and Lord of the Flies by William Golding. MOVIE  :  Scott Pilgrim vs The World 5    SONGS :  All You Want - Dashboard Prophets, Tokyo Smoke - Cage the Elephant, Where is My Mind? - The Pixies, Sparks - Coldplay, Lithium - Nirvana, and Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra     DEITY  :  none.  Let him argue with one and ask for proof of their deity-ness. HOLIDAY  :  Halloween. It’s dramatic and fun. MONTH  :   October, because he met Aurora and Jack this month in 2017. SEASON  :  spring  and  summer. PLACE  :  he doesn’t have a specific place, but he prefers European architecture.  WEATHER  :  cloudy and windy. Sunny if it isn’t too hot. SOUND  :  drums and percussions, the sound of aurora and jack’s laugh, guitars, violins, the sound of wind roaring, music boxes, and the clinking of bangles and jewelry.  SCENTS  :  sage, rosemary, and damascus roses. TASTES  :  chocolate, strawberries, chilies, and fried food.       FEELS  :   the feeling of hitting the drums, wind in his hair, the cold night air, warm morning sun, grass against his fingertips, silk, and touching long hair.   ANIMALS  :  cats and dogs. NUMBER  :   8 COLORS  :  white, cherry red, pink, maroon, wine red, black, and silver. EXTRA. TALENTS  :  he is an extremely talented drummer, good at guitar and the piano, he is talented at songwriting, composing music, he’s exceptionally good at mathematics and physics, analytical skills, storytelling, knows a lot of facts, near photographic memory because he remembers all important historical events with dates and details, academic writing, and brainstorming ideas.  BAD  AT  :   cooking, not very good at driving because he gets distracted, doing one task at a time, playing videogames, actually listening to what people say, being humble, and actually being a good leader.  TURN    ONS  :  this is a complicated question. He needs a very strong emotional connection to feel sexual attraction towards someone. And he only felt it for one person in his whole life. But, what sparked that attraction was a brilliant mind and the ability to connect with his mind on a very different level. It’s not going to repeat with anyone else.  TURN    OFFS  :  literally everyone else. He’s not sorry, but I am. HOBBIES  :  playing the drums, writing and composing songs, reading, solving problems, listening to music, watching shows, getting people to do weird shit, and annoying people.      AESTHETIC  :  crowns, drums, broken drumming sticks, abstract art, the vast space, chess boards, album cases, thrones, the echoing sound of pianos, Greek sculptures, galaxies and nebulas, early morning sunrise through curtains, libraries, equations scribbled on napkins, empty museums, unmade white sheets, polaroid cameras, conspiracy theories, VHS tapes, antique books, cobblestone alleyways, night skies, cluttered books, calloused fingers, crumpled composition pages, guitar picks, vinyl, telescopes, and planets.      Basically: abstract, chaotic academia, cryptid academia, dark academia, indie, kingcore, light academia, musical academia, science academia, spacecore,   QUOTES  :   it’s weird but i can’t decide which one fits him.  FC  INFO. MAIN    FC  :  victor han  ALT    FC  :  n/a. OLDER    FC  :  he can’t age past 22, so he doesn’t need one. YOUNGER    FC  :  none  yet. VOICE    CLAIM  :  both speaking and singing (his accent is posh British with a slight hint of Canadian) MUN  QUESTIONS. Q1  :    If you could write your character your way in their own movie , what    would  it  be  called ,  what  style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about ?    A1 :  The same answer as Aurora, The Tale of Solis et Lunae that stars him alongside Aurora, Lunae, Jack, and Tate, plus more. A cosmic adventure / fantasy / coming of age / superhero / the reluctant hero / the chosen one.  His role is of Aurora’s best friend and her greatest support in emotional and supernatural dangers. He is the time traveler who ascends time and space, so he often also gives her insight and information like the sage. It’ll  expand across dimensions, worlds, and different states of existence. The scenes would be cinematic with a strong soundtrack. I imagine him to have some scenes like Quick Silver in the X-Men movies.       Q2  :   What would their soundtrack / score sound like  ?     A2  :   He would have a 90s grunge or spacey dream rock sound. It ties in with the end of the last answer because i see him in one of those scenes with 90s grunge or maybe classical music ?    Q3  :      Why did you start writing this character  ? A3  :    I made Augustus just a bit before Aurora. They were a two part deal. I don’t know when it began, I just had this image of a tall, long haired boy with piercing, intelligent eyes who’s a smart-ass and likes being a know-it-all nuisance. This character has been the same since he began in 2019 and refused to change. He was always a drummer, he always had the same fashion sense, the look, Gus was always half-Korean, he always had long fingers he wore rings on, and he was always Aurora’s best friend/partner in crime. He remains unchanged and that's why I wanted to write him. This very vivid image of this boy was something I had to pen down. And just my luck, I found a fc who looks exactly how Gus looked in my head.   Q4  :    What  first  attracted  you  to  this  character  ? A4  :   Augustus is just extraordinary. It’s something I always felt about him and Aurora and I don’t see any of my other characters coming anywhere close to them regardless of how much I spent time on them. But with Augustus, his entire image and looks and personality — down to his wardrobe and jewelry was always so vivid in my head. Like I knew this very chaotically handsome boy who was going to turn the world upside down.  His story is interesting, but what interests me more is his perspective on his story. The way he looks at his life and how he is quiet and doesn’t show his pain. How confused he always is. How much he aches but never seems so. The way he loves but doesn’t say even a quarter of the intensity he feels. And how sometimes he believes he deserves suffering because it makes sense to him. I also love the connections he makes and the way he loves so deeply and profoundly but underneath the surface. His connection, love, fears, and hopes with Aurora and Jack for their respective reasons are extremely beautiful.   Q5  :      Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.  ? A5  :  Augustus is unknowingly self-sabotaging. He let go the only relationship / love in his life that made him feel like real love just because he thought he didn’t deserve it. And because when he was provoked, it made “sense” to him. He bottles his emotions and pain so much despite their intensity. He never shows how much he really cares and really hurts. And how sure he is that he’ll end up alone without friends and that it makes sense to him. Q6  :      What    do    you    have    in    common    with    your    muse  ?   A6  :    Here’s a fun answer, because I bottle my emotions like him. I also interact with the carefree way he does even if I don’t feel peachy. He’s smart and witty and really hot and I don’t even have that going on for me. So, yikes. Only of Gus’ bad things I share.  Q7  :      How  does your muse feel about you  ?   A7  :  Gus loves interacting with people so he’ll definitely show up to annoy me. Maybe, he might think I’m fun to annoy? Or maybe, we’ll have a similar sense of humor. I think he won’t dislike me. Not sure if he’ll like me. I think he’d think I’m funny in a strange sort of way.  Q8  :      What    characters    does    your    muse    have    interesting    interactions  with  ? A8  :    Aurora, first of all. They have this same brain wave-length thing going on where they’re partners in crime and bffs forever more. He knows how she is feeling and what she’s thinking even before she utters it. If she is about to sneeze, he’d get a tissue ready. He can tell if she is hungry or sleepy with one glance. She can do the same, so they sorta have this weird understanding of each other.  Jack is this older brother figure Augustus loves. He won’t admit it, but he kinda wants to make Jack proud of him. He also wants to provide love and care to Jack that he thinks he deserves but never got. They’re his family now and he’ll never be alone or sad again. He annoys Jack a lot but behind it all, he just wants Jack to think he is needed and he belongs. That if he thinks Augustus is reliant on him, then he has this family he has to protect and care for. He can’t stand the thought of Jack feeling unloved, forgotten, alone.  Tida is another one. There’s this great respect and adoration Gus has for him. Almost like he looks up to him in some ways  He also has a lot of hopes and expectations attached. He feels Tida is everything that Gus himself lacks. He is the ideal boyfriend, kindest person, shows his emotions vividly, and is like a warm and cozy blanket personified. He is probably Tida and Aurora’s biggest supporter and first one to know. He can’t be happier than he is that Aurora found someone as good and perfect as Tida.   Taewon is one really fun character. Their two-way frenemy jealousy spans over years and started in Cambridge when they were both in love with the same girl they claimed to be best friends with. Though, trying to be calm, Augustus was constantly provoked and hurt, made to feel inferior and constantly in fear of his relationship being broken by Taewon’s schemes that he couldn’t say out loud. This dark period ended with a fist fight and baggage of guilt they both carry to this day for hurting each other and the one they claimed to love. Today, they’re way past that and frenemies who have funny quips and arguments for each other. They say they dislike each other. But if the lighting is good, one would be the photographer of the other. Q9  :      What    gives    you    inspiration    to    write    your    muse  ? A9  :  Music  helps  me  imagine  scenes  with  perfect  visual  details.  Any  scenes  from  shows  that  remind  me  of  my  storylines. Q10  :      How    long    did    this    take    you    to    complete  ?   A10  :  I don’t remember. It was many days and I didn’t count because it was in bits and pieces.
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Space Barbie updates, sale edition (1/2)
Thanks to collection unlocks sale (and I would say armor sale as well, but I wasn't able to get anything), I got a couple of outfits (and color crystals) for the whole account. Didn't get too much stuff bc I only had CC from subscription, but I should be able to get more until sale ends.
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First, may I show off her cute blue jacket once more (bc it's so cute)? Secret Agent set is now unlocked for all characters (which also means I could put theron in it on any alt hehe).
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Second, I though one cold-weather outfit wasn't enough for Ixess, so here's another one (for more cold planets loke Hoth and Ilum). Plus, thanks to collection unlock sale, I got Polar Exploration set (what Akaavi wears) for all characters, so this is going to be basic clothes for Hoth for most companions and some characters (and it dyes well!).
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I also wanted to give Xaetel a purple lightsaber, not the one from crafting, but a lighter one (derelict purple crystal in this case). Went to GTN to check the price... something around 17 mil? Yeah, not doing that. Changed server, checked the very same crystal on GTN and yay, it's only 1 mil! So I bought it, equipped and then unlocked for like 60 CC (instead of 240). It also looks surprisingly good with copper color crystal.
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Not related to sale, but thanks to double xp event and crew skill missions I got Val to the required level for the third outfit (51 or something like that) and Light II for the last outfit, so their collection of outfits is almost complete (only cold weather clothes remain).
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Also, look at this color! I love it so much! (it's almond-blue crystal, if anyone is wondering).
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And finally, after so long, Infamous Bounty Hunter set is available for all characters, which means: 1) cool bracers and helmet for everyone who needs them, and 2) I have an excuse to replay Jett again because this outfit better reflects what I have in mind than her previous set for chapter 1.
There were a couple of less important unlocks too (emotes, weapons or clothes for companions).
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brettyimages · 3 years
anyway i was off work last week for the suede tour that didn’t get to happen and on sunday night i decided to relieve the pain of going back with some discogs shopping and i found a place with v cheap 7″s that did free postage on £15+ orders so i got a box of 48 7″s this afternoon and i only vaguely remember what i all picked so i’m going through them one at a time and not looking at the rest and i keep being surprised so here’s what i’ve played so far under a read more
The Associates - Party Fears Two: an 80s alt classic, i was shocked that we didn’t already have this 
ABBA - Money, Money, Money: no comment needed
Bananarama/Fun Boy Three - Really Saying Something: when Bananarama were good
Sophia George - Girlie Girlie: I saw this on an 80s TOTP and it’s cute so i bought it
Isaac Hayes - Theme From Shaft: tbh this just makes me laugh
Snap! - The Power: 90s eurodance good
Lil Louis - French Kiss: sluttiest dance song ever maybe?
Shakespear’s Sister - You’re History: love those goth bitches also Marcella looks like Brett Anderson on the sleeve
Lil Louis - I Called U: the record on my discogs wishlist that started this haul, the bored valley girl voice on dance/industrial records is the one for me
Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately: because she’s an icon
Sylvester - You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real): the ghost of a gay man from the 80s took over me and added this to the cart
Joe Dolce - Shaddap You Face: look, i know this dumb song from a countdown of the worst songs ever i saw on vh1 as a kid and it’s part of me now
Piero Umiliani - Mah-Na, Mah-Na: i have no excuse for this i just said fuck it
Fun Boy Three - The Telephone Always Rings: not as good as Ain’t What You Do but Terry Hall is a legend so
Lene Lovich - Say When: i know of her, hadn’t heard her music, took a chance, not really a vibe but it’s ok
Shaggy - Oh Carolina: again i just thought this would be funny to own
The Supremes - Baby Love: a must for any collection, credited to Diana Ross & The Supremes but she can check herself
Jona Lewie - Kitchen At Parties: deadpan banger, outdoes Stop The Cavalry in every way
Shakespear’s Sister - Stay: as i said, love those goth bitches
Elvis Presley - Can’t Help Falling In Love: no explanation needed
Soft Cell - Torch: honestly Marc Almond cannot sing but he’s seedy and that’s good enough
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk: they’re one of those bands who i will buy even when i have the albums
Alisha’s Attic - Alisha Rules The World: not Aleka’s Attic, i am dumb, i didn’t hate it though
DJ Miko - What’s Up: club mix of the 4 Non Blondes song because i was curious
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Mama Logan's Cherry Bakewell Thumbprint Cookies!
(Egg and dairy free!)
- as explained by the Little Prince and transcribed by Papa Patton
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[Image ID in alt text]
¾ cup / 160g softened vegan butter
½ cup / 100g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp almond extract
½ teaspoon salt
2 cups / 250g plain flour
2 tbsp almond milk
A jar of very yummy cherry jam (Dad made his own but you can buy some instead!)
(Optional) Almond flakes for decoration
First make sure Mom and any pyrophobic babies are still asleep!
Get Dad to preheat the oven to 350 F/177 C and put that weird greasy paper (baking parchment) on two baking trays.
In a big bowl beat the butter till it's all creamy and fluffy! You need big strong arms like me!
Add the sugar to the creamy fluffy butter and beat it again like the evil plans of your enemies! (It should all be mixed together well by now, kiddos!)
Then put in the nice smelling liquids (vanilla and almond extracts) and mix it all in good.
Add the salt to the sugary buttery stuff and a little bit of the flour and stir it in! Then a bit more of the flour then stir it in! Than a bit more of the flour then stir it in! Then a bit - (Gonna cut him off here, but make sure you add the flour slowly and mix it in well!)
It gets really hard to stir it after all the flour is in so I started squishing it with my hands! But remember to clean 'em first! Then Dad added the almond milk cos it makes it softer and nicer to squish.
Then you have the cookie dough! You gotta roll it into small balls, like the size of a big grape but not as big as a strawberry (About ½ tbsp of dough for one ball) and put them on the greasy paper on the baking trays! I made 36 balls cos that's Mom's birthday today, but Dad said you might get a different number and that's okay! As long as they're roughly all the same size!
When all the balls are done Dad let me squash them BUT NOT LOTS! You gotta push your thumb in the middle of the ball and make it squash a bit but you only wanna push about halfway through the cookie dough! Don't push it all the way through!
Then we got a tiny baby spoon (¼ tsp) and filled the little thumbprints with cherry jam! They should be full to the top but not spilling over otherwise they get messy in the oven.
I was supposed to press little almond flakes on top of the jam too! But we couldn't find them so we think Mom ate them already. He really likes nuts!
Then I licked my fingers clean from jam while Dad put the trays in the oven! He put the timer on for 10 minutes to check them just in case, but said it should take 13-15 minutes to bake. When they're done they still look kinda white but they're a tiny bit golden on the edges, and Dad said if you check underneath a cookie it should be a little bit golden and not soft!
Then Dad took them out the oven and left them on a wire cooling rack! He said you can eat them after they cooled for 15 minutes, but we're gonna wait for when Mom wakes up!
And then enjoy your yummy cookies and share them with your friends and family! - 👑
We hope you enjoyed our little recipe book segment! It was a lot of fun! - 🐶
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vegi1 · 11 months
Why is vegetarian food more expensive than meat
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Food is something we eat to nourish our bodies and provide us with energy. It comes in many different forms and in this post, I will give you helpful tips for cooking delicious vegan food that is both healthy and budget-friendly. I choose not to eat meat, chicken, or fish and I prefer to steer clear of animal products, including clothing and makeup products. We like to support stores that prioritize the well-being of animals.
There are lots of ways to reduce down on animal products. Because of many things, vegan “meat” costs more than meat. The prices for meat go down because livestock is raised on a large scale. One option to limit animal meat consumption is to purchase and consume plant meat, which is healthier and, unlike animal meat, does not contain hormones and antibiotics; nevertheless, why is plant meat more expensive than animal meat? People’s desire to consume animal flesh is high.
Production costs go down when animals live in large spaces and eat food that helps them grow. In addition to animal meat, animal farms benefit from other products such as milk and eggs, which helps to lower production costs.
Large government subsidies lower the costs of making any meat goods, which helps them stay in business and keep prices low. Meat is grown on huge farms, governments consider government subsidies and subsidies to give animal feed and energy consumption, and subsidies assist in keeping costs low, but vegan meats are produced on a lesser scale owing to reduced demand; no subsidies are provided, even though the firm has nearly the same expenses, such as staff costs, leasing, and energy costs. For example, the U.S. government gives $38 billion worth of public money to the meat, dairy, and egg businesses every year.
I think smaller businesses that make meat-like goods from plants just can’t compete with the prices that the animal agriculture industry can charge. Veganism is growing, but its market is small. I think plant-based products like meat substitutes sell less than dairy and meat. Because they sell more animal products, they stock fewer plant-based ones. As a niche market like plant-based manufacturing, they have strict manufacturing facility design and equipment restrictions. Unlike meat companies, vegan brands lack cutting-edge tech. Market share is the only way to improve manufacturing and lower costs as a vegan company. The cost of producing Plant milk is more than animal milk. Because it is subsidized and produced on a bigger scale, the production costs for vegetable milk rise, notably for nut milk, which rises owing to the higher cost of nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds. Animal farming and large government subsidies keep milk prices low. The milk market is well-established because milk has been a staple in the house thanks to calcium marketing for decades. Plant-based must spend a lot of money marketing and convincing customers to buy the more expensive alternatives.
I love organic productions, I tend to eat well, so more than eliminating animal products is needed.Commercially crops are protected from rodents, fungus, mold, bacteria, viruses, and insects by chemical pesticides. Using these chemicals can make people sick. Washing or peeling the produce won’t help because pesticides permeate the skin and flesh of fruits and vegetables. I eat organic produce as a vegan because it’s healthier. Naturally, organics cost more. Without chemical pesticides, insects, fungus, diseases, and other environmental aggressors can attack the plants. Organic products have a lower market share and higher prices due to lower demand. Limiting the “Dirty Dozen” fruits and vegetables and buying commercially grown food saves money and improves health. Pesticide residue is highest in the “Dirty Dozen”—tomatoes, spinach, kale, strawberries, and bell peppers.
Developing and producing non-dairy and non-egg baked goods costs more. To keep using these products, I need more expensive vegan alternatives. If you buy “vegan chocolate chip cookies” or “vegan scones,” the monthly cost rises for sure.
So get to work and make your favorite sweets and breads at home, and instead of eggs and buying egg substitutes, which are often more expensive, use chia and ketone eggs for more stickiness.
In a world where eating healthily can sometimes be expensive, this article reveals vegetarianism’s economical yet nutrient-dense benefits. Here are some ideas on how to get important nutrients into a vegan diet without emptying your wallet, from affordable plant protein sources to rethinking more expensive options.
Some shopping markets promote products through vegetarianism. Under the name of vegetarianism, the items that everyone consumes are marketed and sold at a higher price.
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getreadytosmash · 3 years
][For Jen][ Almond Chocolate Coconut || Black Raspberry Cheesecake || Chubby Hubby || Cotton Candy Explosion || Death By Chocolate || Devil’s Food Chocolate || Ginger Crème Brûlée || Heartbreak Healer || Lemon-Lime Sorbet || Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet || Neapolitan || Orange Pineapple Whip || Phish Food || White Raspberry Truffle
Ice cream headcanons
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon. Jen often likes initiating contact! It's a big thing that helped when she was a kid and Bruce would come over, bruises and beaten from his father, and it helped even more as she got older and things got rougher. Physical contact is one of the best ways to help Jen calm down and out of everyone, she's most likely to hug you.
Black Raspberry Cheesecake: a sexuality and/or romanticism headcanon (romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc). After becoming She-hulk, Jen is both more open and more reserved about who she dates and has sex with. Being big and green and gorgeous did so much for her and helped Jen in feeling more confident to go after what she wanted, but it's also come to a point where it's harder for Jen to form relationships over the whole "I'm She-hulk" thing and the longer lasting issues of gamma not always being perfect. She's found herself leaning more into the demiromantic side of things over the years.
Chubby Hubby: a body image/self esteem headcanon. Jen considers becoming She-hulk to be the best thing that's ever happened to her body tbh. It allowed her to transition in the most perfect way, it gave her fame and power and it took away any chance of being scared again when it came to any violence. She's hot, she's strong and the fact that she gets asked to be on magazine covers and signing autographs by some people really helps make her feel better than ever.
Cotton Candy Explosion: a childhood/child(ren) headcanon. As a kid, Jen was really set on being a dancer, mostly a ballerina. She quit the dream for being a lawyer instead when Bruce's mother was murdered. It seemed like a better cause to want to learn to help people, especially when Brian Banner was merely trialled for insanity rather than facing a murder charge.
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon. Jen likes those FANCY baths with the best smelling bombs and flowers, champagne and fruits/chocolates to nibble every Friday or every other Friday. She deserves it and everyone in the base knows to NEVER disturb Jen when she goes off for her Friday baths. Rick still has nightmares.
Devil’s Food Chocolate: a vice headcanon. I suppose wanting to BE She-hulk is a vice?? It was actually a big part in her early storyline where she was supposed to stay human when at work and she struggled so badly, as well as hulking out as soon as she got out of work. Jen kinda,,,never wants to be human again and this can cause some issues at certain points.
Ginger Crème Brûlée: a gender headcanon (gender identity, gender presentation, butch/femme, gender feels, etc). Jen was VERY feminine presenting as a child/teenager when she had begun her transitioning and had been worried over how others saw her and a lot of Jen's gender experience relied on how she was perceived by those around her and what women should have looked like. Being green did a BIG boost and at first, Jen was a Typical Summer Body Model,,,just 6'6 and green with big hair for a period of time before she started to find what SHE wanted in herself.
Now Jen is a lot more confident and happy in how she presents herself because all that matters is how she sees and what she feels like. That includes being 7'7-8'2, ripped and being happy to either wear a suit or dress to stun people with.
Heartbreak Healer: a sad/angsty romantic or queerplatonic headcanon. No one ever really stays with Jen as a hulk and part of that is from how hectic her life can be, her physical body and the fear that a good majority of people can't cope with the sheer stress of a media life AND a hero life. That, and Jen's immortal, who's going to be able to stay with her? Can she really keep on living and loving people when she knows that they'll all just leave her in some way?
Lemon-Lime Sorbet: a sexual/NC-17 headcanon (alt: a secret(s) h/c). Her libido is INSANE. Jen can go almost ten rounds and only needs five minutes before she's up for another round. It acts up if she hasn't got anything else to direct her energy towards, but sometimes Jen likes to let it build up purely for how good it feels to spend as long as she likes, especially if she wants to tease a partner and wear them out.
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon). She's scared of the cold because after coming back from death when she had been shot and other times, the cold reminds Jen of dying and how it felt, the fear that she might never go back and she's always going to be stuck in that hellish landscape, with Brian and shells of people she knew...best to keep Jen warm.
Neapolitan: an intimacy/vulnerability (or lack thereof) headcanon. Out of everyone in he hulkfam, Jen is the most willing to be vulnerable I'd say. And it's more important on the fact that she's had the most normal childhood out of everyone and KNOWS that vulnerability is important. She has a harder time herself with showing the same intimacy when it's bad, but she tries to get the people around her to be more open, especially since all she wants to do it try and help the people she loves.
Orange Pineapple Whip: a kinky headcanon (alt: an eccentricity h/c). Jen sometimes risks wearing lingerie under her clothes on days that she feels a little playful with a partner. There's more of a chance where she gets into a fight and maybe her clothes get a little ripped up and shows some of her lingerie, which...maybe Jen likes when she gets to see their cute faces when they flush at the sight of her underclothes.
Phish Food: a music headcanon. She can play the piano! It's faded somewhat over the years from lack of practice, but Jen can still do "Part of your world" just fine.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon. At the end of the day, it's always going to be Jen's own fear that makes her weak. She's scared of what people think of her for so long, scared of the cold, scared of death, scared of her family being hurt...Jen may be stronger than anything and sensational, but she's still scared that one day her power will run out and she'll be overtaken by her fear.
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