holographicai · 2 years
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anunluckyrabbit · 2 years
walpurga-nacht-academy: 👥for Yuri and any of the Chaos Quintet you feel like doing!
Oh boy... @walpurga-nacht-academy
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Cassandra: H-Hey, should w-we try t-to talk our-
Yuridia: Steady! Steady Rosa!
Marcia: Sorry Cass, but peace is never the option when it comes to budgeting!
Agatha: Hehehehehehehehehehe!
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mediaban · 4 days
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nusatimesid · 2 months
Komisi II DPR RI Soroti Praktek Nominee
Nusatimes.id– Praktek Nominee yaitu perjanjian pinjam-nama oleh Warga Negara Asing (WNA) yang banyak dilakukan khususnya di Provinsi Bali. Praktik tersebut bisa menjadi ‘bom waktu’ yang suatu saat dapat meledak jika tidak tertangani dengan baik.Hal tersebut menjadi sorotan Anggota Komisi II DPR RI Ongku P. Hasibuan. Politisi Fraksi Partai Demokrat itu mengungkapkan, menurut laporan yang diperoleh…
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customspediacom · 4 months
Impor Barang Pindahan: Memahami Konsep dan Tata Caranya
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hargo-news · 6 months
Terkait Penindakan 4 WNA di Pohuwato, Disnakertrans Apresiasi Kantor Imigrasi Gorontalo
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Dinas Tenaga Kerja ESDM dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Gorontalo mengapresiasi penindakan terhadap 4 Warga Negara Asing (WNA) yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Imigrasi Gorontalo. Hal tersebut ditegaskan Kepala Bidang Ketenagakerjaan, Sabarudin Daeng Mario. Pihaknya, kata dia, mendukung sepenuhnya tindakan tegas yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Imigrasi Gorontalo terhadap para WNA…
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galapos · 7 months
Berita terkini
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predi04 · 9 months
Prank bule australian
What you doing and comentAustralian humot Gak sengaja mewawancarai bule asal australian di thailand Ternyata dia pernah ke indonesia gays
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baliportalnews · 10 months
Salah Gunakan Ijin Tinggal, Dua Bule Australia Dideportasi Imigrasi Singaraja
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Singaraja melakukan tindak tegas berupa pendeportasian terhadap dua warga negara asing (WNA) asal Australia berinisal PNL (62) dan RAL (60), pada Selasa (4/12/2023). Keduanya dideportasi lantaran melakukan penyalahgunaan izin tinggal. Kepala Kantor Imigrasi Singaraja, Hendra Setiawan mengatakan, sebelumnya kedua WNA ini telah diamankan oleh Tim Intelijen dan Penindakan Keimigrasian (Inteldakim) Imigrasi Singaraja dalam patroli pengawasan keimigrasian yang dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kabupaten Jembrana, pada Rabu (15/11/2023) lalu. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan, dua WNA ini ternyata terbukti telah melakukan penyalahgunaan izin tinggal. Sehingga keduanya lantas dideportasi dengan pendampingan ketat oleh petugas Imigrasi Singaraja melalui Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai dengan menggunakan pesawat rute (Denpasar – Adelaide) dengan tujuan akhir Adelaide, Australia. "Keduanya patut diduga berkegiatan tidak sesuai dengan izin tinggal yang dibawa, karena mereka menyewakan properti berupa villa di Wilayah Kabupaten Jembrana sedangkan keduanya adalah pemegang izin tinggal kunjungan," Kepala Kantor Imigrasi Singaraja Hendra Setiawan, Selasa (5/12/2023). Lebih lanjut, Hendra menerangkan, proses pendeportasian ini dilakukan sesuai dengan pasal 75 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian. Dimana yang bersangkutan dikenakan tindakan administratif keimigrasian (TAK) berupa pendeportasian dan penangkalan. "Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata penegakan hukum keimigrasian di wilayah kerja Kantor Imigrasi Singaraja. Kita harap masyarakat berperan aktif dan melaporkan WNA yang tidak patuh," tandas Dia.(dar/bpn) Read the full article
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pupboyxander · 6 months
“awe poor lil pup, you seem so restless. do you want something, puppy?”
“you can look at me and whine all you wanna, i can’t give you want you want til you ask. oh i know it’s so embarrassing having to say what you want, hm? c’mon, speak, pup. i know you can do it”
“good boy! awe did that only make you needier? so adorable, squeezing your legs together because you want to be filled so bad. be good, lay down and spread those legs for me.”
“god you sound so pretty when i slide into you angel, such a pretty little pup.”
“fuck, you’re taking me so well. keep making those pretty noises for me puppy, you feel so good on my cock.”
“you want more? you want me to touch your cock while i fuck you? what a greedy pup. get on all fours for me.”
“such a little puppy in heat, begging so desperately for me to breed you. who am i to deny my pup my cum when he just needs it that badly?”
“fuuck, just like that. oh god, yes, grind against my hand while i fill you up, good boy.”
“getting close, puppy? you want to cum? beg.”
“goood boy, that’s it angel, just like that. god you feel so good, pulling me in deeper, cumming all over my cock.”
hhh thinkin….a lotta thoughts rn…..
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polisi-selebriti · 1 year
Buntut Perlakuan Kurang Baik dari Sang Suami, Polda Lampung Berangkatkan WNA Asal Malaysia
Lampung – Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum (Ditres Krimum) Polda Lampung, sudah memberangkatkan seorang wanita warga negara asing (WNA) asal Malaysia inisial NN bersama anaknya, yang sebelumnya meminta dipulangkan karena diduga mendapat perlakuan kurang baik oleh suaminya. Wakil Direktur Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Lampung, AKBP Hamid Andri Soemantri membenarkan, pihaknya sudah memberangkatkan…
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anunluckyrabbit · 2 years
Incorrect Qoutes: Something Wicked, ParrotParents, etc.
WNA belongs to @walpurga-nacht-academy
Rosalia: Why are you ignoring Yuri?
Agatha: I'm...playing...hard...to...get.
Rosalia: You're already hard to want.
Marcia: Hey, do you think I can fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Blanche: You're a hazard to society.
June: And a coward. Do twenty!
Marcia: So, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
Cassandra: You...you s..should write a l..letter to someone who has a..always been th..there for you!
June: Dear middle finger,
June: thank you so much for always being there for me.
Marcia: How come you've been abnormally nice to me lately?
June: What do you mean?
Marcia: You just seem nicer than usual.
June: I'll punch you in the face if you want.
Agatha: Could...you...guys...at...least...try...to...see...this...from...my...perspective?
June: [crouches down]
Rosa: [kneels down]
Marcia: [sits on the floor]
Agatha: I...hate...all...of...you.
Marcia: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Blanche: How can you still say that?
Marcia: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Vita: I am in need of some advice.
Yuridia: You need some advice from ME?
Vita: Frightening, is it not?
Yuridia: Falling in love with someone means exposing the softest, most fragile parts of yourself to them…and then praying they don't destroy you.
Rosalia:... Are you okay!?
Rosalia: Who hurt you?
Yuridia: Do you want a list?
Rosalia, cracking her knuckles: Yes, I do.
Yuridia: I have met some of the most insufferable people in WNA, but they also met me, so-
[Mason and Martin skipping stones on a lake]
Mason: It's such a beautiful evening.
Martin, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
Mason: I don't think we can manipulate, mansplain, or malewife out of this one
Martin: [cocks gun] Manslaughter it is!
Jamil: [sees a group of people doing something stupid]
Jamil: Great seven, what idiots.
Jamil: [realizes it’s Yuridia and Kalim]
Jamil: Wait, those are MY idiots!
Yuridia: Did your license get suspended for driving all me crazy?
Jamil: Are you trying to insult me or flirt with me?
Yuridia: Both if you're feeling adventurous.
Jamil: Yuri...
Yuridia: Oh no, 'Yuri' in b-flat.
Yuridia: You're disappointed.
Jamil: This is a mistake.
Yuridia, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Jamil: But not today.
Yuridia, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess!
Jamil: What are your goals?
Yuridia: To pet all the birds.
Jamil: No, fitness goals.
Yuridia: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the birds.
Yuridia: Do you wanna hear a chemistry joke?
Yuridia: ...Is that...a no?
Jamil: I'm sorry. Were you expecting...a reaction?
Yuridia, wiping a tear from her eye: I love you.
Yuridia: Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you!
Jamil: Yuri, you stole an enchanted broom!
Hanayu: I’m trying to learn from this painful rejection, and what I’ve learned is, never open yourself up to anybody, ever.
Hanayu: I hadn’t planned on going for a run today, but those cops came out of nowhere
Hanayu: I'm just such a horrible horrible person
Hanayu: "No Hana, we love you Hana"- Thank you guys so much!
Marisol: Oh hey, you guys are back early!
Yuridia: Moon's haunted.
Marisol: What?
Yuridia: [loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship] Moon's haunted.
Marisol: I want to bury myself alive.
Yuridia: Hey, are you good?
Marisol: No.
Marisol: I wrote cringe fanfics.
Marisol, whispering: My past haunts me.
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pwinkprincess · 4 months
gettin high w geto :3 ( do what you will w that info hehe)
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u get me so high ୨ৎ
you’ve never been a chronic smoker, unlike your boyfriend who can’t go a day without rolling up. for him, its a requirement to smoke. he can’t start his classes without hotboxing his car first, he can’t eat his lunch without taking a few hits, he can’t even have a good nights sleep without smoking.   
even though he denies with every fiber in his body that he isn’t addicted to weed, and he could stop whenever he felt the need to. you knew deep down, his words were ignored.  
suguru is also a hypocrite. he smokes all day but when it comes to you, he tends to be strict.   
“don’t smoke. that shit fucks with your brain.” suguru told you one day when you reached for his blunt that sat in the black ashtray. you wave him off and bring it to your lips.  
he observes you from his position on the bed, right beside you, his back leaning against the headboard. as you take inhales, you could feel yourself feeling lighter and lighter. "suguru teach me how to ghost." you tell him. you were trying to teach yourself, but every attempt ended with you either simply failing or you are getting choked up on the smoke. you were beginning to get dizzy from all of your failed attempts, a clear sign that you need to slow down and drink water.  
"chill." he mumbles, taking the blunt from you. he sets it on the bedside table. he picks up a half full bottle of water, unscrews the cap, and hands it to you. you take quick gulps; you didn't realize how dehydrated you became until you seen him holding water.  
he picks a movie for you to watch. once the movie begins, he's quick to pull you beside him. in your relationship, some might assume you're the clingy one due to how stoic suguru looks, but if only they knew he's the cuddler.  
you try to tune in with the movie, you really do. but for some reason (you choose to blame it on the weed), suguru suddenly smells so good. and just his body heat has your pussy leaking. you keep throwing subtle glances in sguru's direction, only to see him intrigued with the movie he picked.  
with a sigh, you lay your head on his chest and throw your leg over his. he wraps his arms around your shoulders, hugging you closer to him. you lay still for a few minutes until you calm your nerves.  
slowly, you snake your hand to the band of his sweatpants. you bite down on your lip as you past through the elastic and reach for his dick. with gentle touches, you softly grope it through his boxers.  
"babe." suguru sighs. a warning to stop? a confirmation to keep going? you don't exactly know. you respond with a soft hum as you grip his length, coaxing it to harden. 
“you do this every time you get high.” suguru tuts.  
your hum merges into a whine at his observation. “can’t help it, sugu. you’re jus’ so sexy.”  
he only lets out a playful “mhm” as he lifts his hips so that he can pull his boxers and sweatpants off. once his cock is free, you’re instantly drooling. you’re quick to latch onto his cockhead, hungrily licking up at the salty beads of precum. 
suguru’s low moans echo throughout the room as he looks down at your ass. you were arched so perfectly for him on all fours. unfortunately, with him laying down in front of you he couldn’t see your wet pussy dripping from how needy you are for him. 
his long arms reach to your panties, he blindly thumbs your clit through your thin panties. soft little moans escape through your mouth as you bob your head around suguru’s dick. he is so thick, it’s almost a challenge for you to wrap your mouth around him fully.  
“c’mere, come sit on your dick, baby.” he coos at you.  
you’re quick to remove his dick from your mouth. your lower face is all messy and there’s remaining bits of drool seeping through the corner of your mouth. you scramble on top of him. you choose to do reverse cowgirl. you’re so desperate for him, you don’t even wait to take you panties off, choosing to just slide the fabric to the side. 
your head feels like it’s spinning, and you cannot tell if it’s from the weed or from suguru’s thick cock stretching your pussy to the max. when your ass smacks against suguru’s pelvis you let out a hiss.  
suguru bites down on his lip. he raises his hand and gives your right ass cheek a hard slap and follows up with your left cheek as well. “ride this dick, sexy.”  
“mmmhmm.” you already feel yourself becoming dick-dumb. you begin bouncing yourself on his thick dick, you’re so wet your pussy is already making a mess all over him. 
everything feels so hazy. you’re moaning and letting out cute mewls every time his cock brushes that spot in you that makes you see stars. 
“s’ big.” you pant. you straighten your posture, your hands come up to fondle with your own nipples. you pinch and twist them, adding more to the sensation. 
“fuckin’ squeezin’ me.” suguru groans. he tries to focus on lighting the blunt you had started a few minutes ago but it proves to be more than hard when a wet tight pussy is clinging onto him. 
“feel good, papa?” you ask. you seek out reassurance. you want him to feel as good as you’re feeling. you tilt your head so that you could look at him to the best of your ability. 
seeing suguru low lidded, and a fat cloud of smoke escaping his mouth has your pussy clenching around him even tighter. arousal drips onto his cock like an upcoming wave.  
“feelin’ so good, sexy. so fuckin’ good.” he breathes out. “keep going, yeah just like that. mhm, pussy’s gushing all over me. you gonna clean your mess up when we’re done?” his mouth is sooo dirty and it has you panting out inaudible promises. 
his dick and the weed mixed has you on a different high. a high a strain itself couldn’t bring you on. 
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hanjuang-id · 2 years
RI Luncurkan Second Home Visa
RI Luncurkan Second Home Visa
RI Luncurkan Second Home Visa, WNA Bisa Tinggal 10 Tahun Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia resmi meluncurkan kebijakan visa rumah kedua (second home visa). Kebijakan tersebut tercantum dalam Surat Edaran Nomor IMI-0740.GR.01.01 Tahun 2022, yaitu tentang ‘Pemberian Visa Dan Izin Tinggal Terbatas Rumah Kedua’ yang terbit Selasa (25/10/2022). “Menjelang…
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hargo-news · 6 months
Empat Warga Sri Lanka Dideportasi Pekan Depan
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Kantor Imigrasi (Kanim) Gorontalo menggelar Konferensi Pers terkait keberadaan 4 WNA Sri Lanka di Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I TPI Gorontalo, Kamis (14/03/2024). Friece Sumolang, Kepala Divisi Keimigrasian Kantor Wilayah Kemenkumham Gorontalo dalam keterangannya mengatakan, keempat WNA tersebut telah melanggar UU keimigrasian. “Keempat orang tersebut telah melanggar peraturan…
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notsoskinnyyet · 4 months
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