#wof smolder
confusedlittleguy · 5 months
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ninoxwof · 2 months
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Smolder the Sandwing
[Image Description: Two digital drawings depicting Smolder from Wings of Fire. He's tan, and peanut brown with markings resembling smoke. His underbelly and wing flaps are a cream yellow. He has brown wavy stripes on his face, neck, shoulders and knees. His frill is of the same brown color, with the ends of it being squared in its segments. His claws, horns, tail barb and eyes are all black. He's standing with a goofy and apologetic look on his face, with his mouth smiling open, and his right arm gesturing like he is speaking with his claws to make a point in a conversation. The second image is all the same as the first image except he is now supporting his various chainmail of keys on his neck, with the third one supporting a bell. /.End ID]
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quotidianish · 1 month
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Prince Smoulder + updated Qibli ref!! Yes he’s got a pet dragon named flower
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resident-wof-expert · 1 month
Unsorted WOF thoughts part 2:
Smolder broke Onyx's leg.
He fucking.
He broke his own daughter's goddamn leg while they were taking shelter from a sandstorm and it is never brought up again.
I mean, it was for an understandable reason, but still.
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anonspiceart · 2 months
That time I accidentally jumped on a trend lol
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dragoneyes618 · 1 month
"So let me get this straight," Smolder said. "You can talk. All other scavengers can talk in your own language. All of you are as intelligent as dragons are."
"Yup," Wren said.
"So you mean I've been keeping an intelligent, sentient creature as my pet for the past twenty years?"
"At least you never ate any of us," Wren pointed out.
"True," Smolder muttered. He looked down at Flower, who was watching the conversation avidly, clever dark eyes darting between them. Could she understand them, even if she couldn't speak the way dragons could? "Can you ask her if...if she wants to leave? If she wants to go back to the rest of the sca - uh, humans?"
Smolder hated to lose Flower, but he thought she might want to go home even more. He thought of the burnt-out ruins of the scavenger village, and his stomach flipped over.
Wren and Flower had an exchange in the quick, high-pitched human language. Then Flower patted him on the leg and said something to him.
"She says no," Wren translated. "She says she likes you better than most humans, and she's totally fine to stay with you in the sand palace as long as she can visit her brother and her niece sometimes."
"She has a brother? And a niece?"
"Yup. Those two other people who were with her when-" Wren paused and thought before finishing that sentence. "When, um, you found her. They were her brothers. One of them has a kid. That's Ivy." She gestured over to where Ivy was chatting with Leaf.
Ivy waved.
"All right, I can do that," he mused. "I can take her to visit them whenever she wants, unless I'm in the middle of intertribe negotiations or something, as long as you or Flower make sure they don't try to stab me or anything - wait, is her name Flower? That's what I call her, but it's not her real name, is it?"
"It's Rose," Wren informed him.
"Rose," Smolder repeated. It was a pretty name, but strange on his tongue. "All right. Rose. It's going to feel weird calling you that, Rose," he addressed Fl - Rose for the first time, and she grinned at him. "You know, she pointed at a flower on a curtain to tell me her name...I guess I should have looked at what flower it was a bit more closely, huh?"
"Well, up until recently she thought your name was Ember," Wren informed him. "So I guess you're even."
"Ember?" Smolder repeated. "Really?"
As he wandered off Wren could still hear him saying to Rose, "Ember? For twenty years, you were calling me Ember?"
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hehehheheheh new crackship <3
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ruthofroses · 8 months
Prince Smolder Should Not Be Considered “Good.”
TW: Mentions of p*dophilia behavior, as well as child abuse.
A TL;DR EDIT: Smolder is abusive to his own daughter, displays creepy behavior towards women her age, and is so easily forgiven for doing such awful things, it’s baffling.
Normally I don’t like to do rants, but I’m being so genuine when I say that. Tui seems to be making it so that we’re supposed to like the guy when his behavior is beyond concerning.
The key factor I have against him is that he is a p*do. But since that stuff is just an awful topic overall, I figured I’d start with the other awful things he has done.
So, for starters, this guy is an awful father. He apparently tries to connect with her but it feels half-baked. Onyx, his daughter, doesn’t accept this and I don’t blame her considering her father is trying to get with someone only a year older than her. Later, Onyx, goes to challenge Thorn (which she DOES have a right to) and after Smolder finds out she was going to cheat, what does he do? Tell the guards? Apprehend her? Alert Thorn or Qibli? Nope! Why not cripple her! That’s right. Smolder severely breaks her leg to the point that Onyx is disabled, as we can see since she is actually classified under that tag on the Wings Of Fire Wiki. Onyx should have been punished, but not mangled for trying to cheat. Onyx, I would never want to be within a foot of my father if he brought home a woman who was only a year older than me either. While you do so many awful things, sheesh, your father is worse in tenfold.
Secondly, in book five, he lures Thorn and Sunny into the library. It’s a trap but he is later forgiven so easily, including by Thorn. This goes against her character so blatantly; she was willing to KILL DUNE, one of her most loyal and committed soldiers up until he stole Sunny, for taking her daughter. The two no doubt have many good memories as friends, but Thorn still was vengeful to the degree she wanted Dune murdered. Yet, Smolder, who could have gotten Sunny stuffed or killed by Burn is just… instantly forgiven? It makes no sense whatsoever. He lets out another half-baked apology, and while I could see Sunny accepting it… Thorn? Really?
The main issue with Smolder is his behavior with Thorn. He is actively flirting with her, a dragon who is only a year older than his daughter. I don’t blame Onyx for disliking her father; not only is he physically abusive, he’s also a p*do! While I’m by no means justifying or condoning Whirlpool’s behavior, we can at least know Whirlpool was only intent on marrying Anemone for the royal status, not because he wanted to get with her. But what other motive could Smolder have? He doesn’t need royal status, he IS a royal! He’s flirting with Thorn because he’s a p*do. He also, according to the wiki, “Naturally gravitates towards her” which just sends off way too many alarms.
And the fact Thorn seems to reciprocate the feelings is, again, messed up and out of character. To me, I don’t understand why she needs to rule with a king. Nearly none of the other queens do, as far as we are aware. And after her heartbreak over Stonemover I just can’t see her looking for another relationship, let alone one with Smolder of all dragons. Thorn is independent by nature and doesn’t need a man alongside her. We see she is capable of leadership as-is with the Outclaws. If she really needed a love interest, make a new one around her age or maybe have her miss Stonemover and they try to reconnect? Just not Smolder. Three moons no. But seriously, I don’t see the issue in Thorn just being a single mother and queen. She is more than able.
And, a personal opinion of mine, what if Thorn doesn’t find SandWings attractive? There’s nothing wrong with liking someone of another race, and I think it could just be me getting upset about this as someone who is mixed, but adding Smolder in as this “replacement” seems kind of like Tui is trying to “fix” Thorn’s preferences. Again, as someone who is the child of a mixed couple, this makes me frustrated.
I think the thing that gets me the most angered about all of this is that Tui is addressing it like Smolder is this character we are supposed to sympathize with. No, I will NOT sympathize with a child abuser and p*do. I don’t care if his sisters were committing war crimes, at least none of them exhibit p*do behavior. Honestly I wish Burn had killed him.
The fact he’s also alongside Thorn’s portrait in the upcoming guide also just makes me not want to purchase it. To me that just rings so many alarms in my mind.
I know writing is hard and Wings of Fire is still a series I hold dearly to my heart, but the fact Smolder’s p*do behavior is getting glorified by the author just really upsets me. Thorn x Smolder should not be something that could become canon. It’s p*dophilia and obviously unhealthy.
Sorry for such a long post. It’s probably messy too, but I really needed to vent.
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shiftywing · 1 year
Straightest WoF character (and you can’t say Morrowseer or Arctic)
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axolotlhalo · 2 years
I want Onyx to beat Smolder's ass in a winglet book. For the entire book it's just Onyx bullying the mf, and if tui doesn't do it then I will
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amethystroselily · 1 year
Are… Are Thorn and Smolder in their Glory and Deathbringer era???
Thorn must really have a thing for pathetic yet charming men…
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ravewing · 2 months
wof infection au part 7.5 eem more under the cut
im not able to work on it coz the file is damaged or some shit and itll take like two hours to restore it so . heres what i have😞idk if im gonna end up finishing it or not but i wanted to share what i had,, if i ever end up finishing the rest of this there should be a lil card thingy of nautilus and a short 'comic' thingy at the end. cw for gore and whatnot u guys know the drill
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resident-wof-expert · 2 months
Smolder: I say we let the world warm up! We'll grow oranges in the Ice Kingdom.
Thorn: Smolder, you camel-head! We live in the Sand Kingdom!
Thorn: It's 110 degrees right now! And if it gets a single degree hotter, I'm going to kick your ass!
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TW: Ableism
I honestly dislike that one ABLEIST quote that Smolder said within Book 5, The Brightest Night.
And if you don’t know what quote I’m talking about, I completely understand why, since it’s possibly and/or maybe quite a minor quote that occurred within the series.
Within Chapter 10 of The Brightest Night, Sunny and Smolder walk next to and see a taxidermy Toothless and Clawless MudWing.
And when Sunny asked what happened to him, Smolder reply to her is…this:
““The seller said his egg was animus touched.” Smolder said. “Or rather, animus cursed. Some kind of vengeance thing maybe.
❗️Who would want a dragonet without claws or teeth? How could he live? He was destined to end up here eventually.”” ❗️-Page 106, TBN.
Like, I get that Smolder possibly has this mindset towards disabled dragons like this MudWing due to the fact that the majority of the dragon tribes probably and/or possibly became a war-based society by fighting within the SandWing Succession War-
But the fact that Smolder stated that a disabled dragon is literally DESTINED to literally DIE and become a TAXIDERMY dragon within Burn’s Weirdling Tower because of the fact that Smolder can NOT image or believe that ANYONE would ever want or love them and that they wouldn’t EVER be able to live a happy life solely because of the fact that they’re disabled, honestly feels quite ICKY and even ABLEIST point of view to have.
And what really upsets me about this is that quote is NOT corrected and/or shown to be a INACCURATE and/or INCORRECT thing to state within the writing.
It’s instead is used as a plot point within Sunny’s character Arc, making Sunny think that she could be “useless” and be destined to become a taxidermy dragon too, and wonder if her being animus touched is the reason why she looks so “weird”.
But it’s written in a way that the character(s) and/or even the writing itself do NOT ADRESS IT as a BAD, or even NEGATIVE thing to state about that - and ANY - dragon with a severe disability.
So the fact that Smolder said a literal ableist quote, that wasn’t addressed by a character and/or the writing as a bad or negative statement, honestly quite irritates me.
Please note though that while I am neurodivergent, I’m NOT physically disabled, so if there’s anyone who reads this who is physically disabled, feel free to inform people by adding your input about this confession and whether or not it’s flawed, bad, or incorrect in any way.
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
What if Katydid, after Malachite was reassigned and possessed and she lost all contact with him, fled Pantala?
Malachite was gone. Her parents had rejected her. But she had her egg, and she needed to make sure her egg would be safe. Which it wouldn’t be, as far as Katydid knew, because she left before Lady Scarab intervened.
So Katydid fled Pantala entirely, and somehow, miraculously, ended up in the Distant Kingdoms-Pyrrhia-alive and well, if exhausted, her egg safe and whole.
She meets Jerboa, and stays with her for a while. She’s found safety and sanctuary in Jerboa’s little hut, and she thinks that she and her egg will be safe.
But then one day Katydid is exploring the desert, and wanders a little too far from Jerboa’s hut, and runs into a group of Burn’s soldiers, who take one look at her and present her as a gift to their queen, as a new addition for her weirdling tower.
Burn plans to have Katydid killed and stuffed immediately. Katydid begs for mercy, showing Burn her unhatched egg. Burn decides that two weirdlings are better than one, and lets Katydid live. For now. After all, she’ll have to take care of her dragonet when it hatches. Once it’s old enough to get along with out she’ll kill her. After a few years, she’ll kill the dragonet too, and have them placed side by side, a matching set.
So Katydid is alive, but imprisoned in the weirdling tower, and knowing very well what her fate is to be.
Her egg hatches into a daughter, and she names her Cricket.
She tells her stories, and sings to her, and spends days at a time just holding her.
Katydid wants to make sure that Cricket will know the name of her father, the only living relative she will have besides Katydid’s own parents. So she carves Malachite’s name into her forearm with her claw. Burn is very displeased about this, since a scar will mar Katydid’s scales, but there’s nothing she can do. What punishment can she threaten Katydid with-death?
Shortly after Katydid does this (she sensed her time was running out, which is why she did it, afraid that Cricket would be too young to remember anything she told her), when she is ten, exactly a year after Cricket hatches, when Cricket is officially old enough to manage without her mother, Burn kills Katydid and has her stuffed and preserved, yet another addition to her collection of weird dead dragons.
Cricket grows up in the weirdling tower, knowing that her days are numbered; that the day she turns seven and is full-grown, Burn will do to her just what she did to her mother.
She is allowed more or less free reign throughout the stronghold. After all, she can’t flee. Well, technically she could flee, but she knows nothing about the outside world. Also, it would be completely obvious that she was an unnatural creature (Burn’s words) and she wouldn’t get far before someone spotted and reported her. She can’t even blend into a tribe, like a hybrid potentially could. No tribe on Pyrrhia has four wings.
Cricket sleeps right next to the figure of her mother, and will talk to her like she’s alive. When she was younger she used to climb on the thing that used to be Katydid; she sometimes hides or sleeps beneath her wings.
She remembers her mother’s name, and her voice, and the way her eyes looked when she looked at Cricket, not these dead glass orbs that take the place of Katydid’s eyes now. But she knows Katydid mostly as the dead wire-and-metal figure with her mother’s scales stretched over it. But that’s all she has.
Cricket’s love of reading and knowledge shines through, and she reads every single thing she can get her talons on. She takes to cataloging every single item in the weirdling tower, in the hope (that she refuses to admit, even to herself) that if she shows that she’s useful, as the keeper of the tower or whatever, Burn will decide that one four-winged dragon is enough and let her live. It becomes an obsession; she knows what everything in the tower is, where it is, who delivered it, and where it was taken from. She knows almost more about the weirdling tower and its contents than Burn does.
Fortuantely for Cricket and the rest of Pyrrhia, Burn died and Thorn became queen of the SandWings when she was five.
When Thorn demands to see the weirdling tower, the place where her daughter was imprisoned, shortly before ordering it knocked down, Smolder brings her in and introduces her to Cricket. Smolder had acted like a kindly but powerless-to-help guard to Cricket and before her, Katydid, just like he did with Sunny. (Cricket spoke to Sunny and had a disturbing conversation with her [”I’m going to die in less than two years, but at least I’ll be with my mother, right by that wall over there.”]. In fact, Sunny may have mentioned Cricket to Thorn. Cricket might have spoken to Sky as well.) Thorn speaks to Cricket, asks her who she is. Cricket shows Thorn her mother. Thorn then tells Cricket that she can come live in the palace proper and receive a real education with all the scrolls she can read.
She also asks what should be done with the thing that used to be Katydid, since the weirdling tower is being destroyed. Cricket doesn’t know. She doesn’t know her tribe’s death rites, how they bury their dead. She also doesn’t want to be parted with the frame of Katydid. It’s all she has of her mother, the only semi-comforting thing she ever had. So Thorn has it put in a side room in the palace.
Fast-forward a year later, Cricket has begun to adjust well to life amongst normal dragons, considering she no longer has to live with the constant specter of death hanging over her. She’s heard stories of the new continent, and how some of the dragons who came over looking for shelter recently have four wings. She wonders if that’s where her mother came from. None of those dragons looked like she did, but four wings are four wings. All the dragons from the other continent have returned now, since the evil queen they were fleeing from has been deposed, and the weird plant-possessing thing has been destroyed (Cricket has SO MANY questions) but maybe one day soon they’ll send an envoy or an ambassador to Pyrrhia, and Cricket can ask her questions then.
Then one day a youngish male dragon, only a year or two older than Cricket’s mother would be if she was alive, shows up at Queen Thorn’s stronghold. He is the only other of her kind Cricket has ever seen, besides her mother. He has orange scales and red wings, scattered with black spots-just like the black spots Cricket has on her own scales.
Years ago, he says, he loved a dragon. But he was reassigned to somewhere far away from where she lived, and the queen didn’t allow him his own mind for years. Now she is powerless, and he is free, and he has been looking for her. She is gone from her home, gone for years, and she was last seen heading east, farther east than any Pantalan had gone before the flamesilk Luna. He has come to look for her.
His name, he introduces himself, is Malachite.
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human-wof-designs · 1 year
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here he is! the last sandwing on my list :0
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