#wolva answers
chitownwolf · 2 years
My thoughts on the 9–1-1 Lone Star discourse
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anon911andbuddie · 2 years
Blog Update
Hello everyone! We know it's been a long time since anything has been posted to this account, and we all sincerely apologize for that! Nothing has happened to this, it's just that life is getting in the way of constantly keeping up with these prompts and requests. We are getting them and we sincerely appreciate you and your requests.
I am in the process of updating and fixing a document that will be available to the public where they can see all prompts sent in by everyone and even take one if they choose to.
Please be patient with us as we work to keep giving you Buddie stories!
Much love!
-Wolva 🐺
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 5)
Xanoro rumbled as he went back to eating, his thoughts roaming through many things, one of which being the warrior Piccolo. He had a feeling that the warrior would not welcome his advances if he was caught in heat around him so he figured he should probably run the course of the cycle with his pack. His own pack would be driven crazy around him as their own mating season was near but that would be fine as the younger wolves would not be participating in the fighting matches this year.
He shook his head, muscles rippling smoothly  as he laid down in a heap with the rest of his packmates, all of them done eating for now, still some leftovers to the side to eat on later if they got hungry. His pointed ears twitched as his bushy-looking tail waved through the air from where he lay on his stomach, full moon casting eerie light across them. His dark green skin twitched as he heard the noise again form the nearby forest, catching his attention fully now. He rose to his clawed hands and bare feet, purple eyes narrowed to near slits as he watched Piccolo emerge from them.
Piccolo had managed to locate Xanoro after some time of searching. he stepped out of the forest and into a valley like area, blinking in surprise at the pack of multi-colored, and bloody-muzzled, dire wolves laying near a dinosaur carcass. The biggest surprise came from the crouched Namekian in front of the other wolves though.
Piccolo watched as the dark green Wolvae's claws sunk into the ground lightly, green tail raised in a warning even as his head lowered with a menacing growl rumbling dangerously in his deep chest, purple eyes narrowed up at him. He could see the muscles rippling beneath Xanoro's thick skin, his power rising as the Wolvae's mind said that he was either a potential mate or rival.
Piccolo remembered the information in the book from earlier and decided to put it to use. He gave a quiet non-threatening growl as though to say he was no threat but a friend. He watched as the other being relaxed and sprawled back out with his pack as Piccolo approached quietly, getting a few sniffs and huffs from the wolves as they quickly surrounded the two Namekians, much to Piccolo's dismay.
"I wouldn't try escaping once they've accepted you into their sleeping pile." Xanoro's voice rumbled quietly as his head popped up out of a pile of silver and black fur, a sheepish look on his face. "And, uh, sorry about a moment ago. Instincts speak louder than my mind at times."
Piccolo grunted and crossed his arms as he took a sitting meditation stance. "Yeah, well, keep that temper of yours in check. I'm not afraid to knock some sense into you. Speaking of which, do you know what Namekian Clan you are?"
"Yeah, I'm of the Wolf Clan. Why, what's up?" Xanoro's tail swished through the air slightly in concern.
"Because I learned some rather concerning facts about you Clan that could lead to disaster or good news for either of us. When is your next cycle? Answer honestly." Piccolo nearly growled out.
Xanoro's eyes widened as his highly sensitive nose picked up Piccolo's  swiftly increasing scent. His tail stopped moving as it shot straight up into the air, a slight curl forming in it as he looked at Piccolo. "I can already smell yours fast approaching my friend and mine is a little ahead of yours. Use your senses."
Piccolo stiffened as he realized his companion was right. Both of them would end up in heat within the next day or so. They would have to be careful and stay separated at this point for a week or so until it ended. "S***, you're right. I need to go ahead and set up for the time being then. I'll see you later."
Xanoro watched with growing amusement and lust as the strong Namekian freed himself deftly from his slumbering packmates and leaving silently like a ghost.
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chitownwolf · 2 years
Any new stories coming up?
I’m working on a short one rn, just to try to get back in the swing of things. It’s a Tarlos short story
And I’m high key using it to cope and work through my grief from my grandma.
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chitownwolf · 2 years
I miss your fic updates 😭 😭 😭 I hope you are okay
Thank you so much
It’s been a very turbulent year
I graduated college
I’m working a full time job
And many good things
But I recently lost my grandma
I’ve lost interest in a lot of things
Including writing
But I’ve been getting back into it
I promise I’ll never stop trying
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chitownwolf · 3 years
Got any Buddie fic lined up for the future?
Title: All the time (I go back to December)
“I don’t what to say anymore” Buck says and Eddie nods sadly. “I have to go”
“Im sorry…about that day. On Christmas I mean. Im sorry for dropping that bomb on everyone, I wished I did it differently, but I can’t. I’m sorry I ruined Christmas for you” Buck doesn’t say anything, merely nods and sighs.
“Its…not ok. But what can you do?” Buck says resigned.
“Buck…” Eddie practically whines out in sadness. He reaches out and grips Buck’s hands. “Please I-“ Buck gently pulls his hands out of the grip. To Eddie, it feels like he was smacked.
“Eddie…I don’t know what you want from me”
“I-I want my best friend back. I want us back”
“We haven’t been best friends in a while Eddie. Even before Christmas, there hasn’t been an us in a long time. And I get you had to take a step back, I do understand why you did it. But I just…I wish you let me have your back with this.”
“Eddie…please. I-I need to leave. I can’t be here with you right now”
“Then when? I need to see you, I need to…to make things right with you Buck. I miss you…and that’s the truth. I miss you, even when we were apart, I missed you” Buck looks like he wants to say something, anything. But he just…can’t.
“I don’t know”
“Then can we at least meet later?”
“I don’t know! I don’t know anything anymore. All I know is that seeing you right now? It hurts Eddie, a lot ok? Going from seeing you everyday, working together then not talking as much then to you completely ghosting me? It’s too much for me right now”
“I…understand” Eddie has no one but to blame for the past three months but himself. He says nothing as Buck adjusts the strap of his bag on his shoulder and leaving. Eddie doesn’t look up until he hears a car door close. He watches Buck disappear up the street and swears he feels his eyes on the rearview mirror.
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chitownwolf · 3 years
This might be out of left field, but am I the only one that thinks Buck and Carlos would make the ABSOLUTE most amazing couple? As much as I love Buddie and Tarlos, I can see Buck treating Carlos like a king and vice versa. We haven’t seen any fanfics with them and I really would like to see that.
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But in all seriousness, I would GIVE ANYTHING to see this! I haven't seen this ship in ANY fanfics, so a little sad about that...
- Buck and Carlos would treat each other like KINGS!
- Buck would be there and listen to everything that Carlos has to say.
- I feel like Buck can cook, he just doesn't know a lot and Carlos can be the one to teach him!
- Carlos cooking veggie/vegan meals for him?!
- It may be a little different because Carlos doesn't have any siblings (as far as we know), and he grew up alone, no-one understanding him because he was so different from the rest of his family.
- They would cuddle THE SHIT out of each other (Rafa is presumably 5'10-11 and Stark is 6'2)
- Carlos would SWIM in his clothes
- Buck likes the slightly tighter clothes cause it makes him feel safe
- IDK why but I get touch-starved vibes from Carlos and WE KNOW that Buck is very physically affectionate. Carlos would LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT
Plus I've always wanted to use the song Happier by Olivia Rodrigo in a fic ever since I heard it!
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chitownwolf · 3 years
It’s always SOMETHING with Maddie...I’m sick of her woe is me attitude
First off; she doesn’t have a “woe is me” attitude. She’s been through a lot
Second: it isn’t an attitude, PPD is a very serious issue that affects women today. And the fact that Jee-Yun has colic may amplify her feelings. I really hope she gets the help she needs. And I’m so glad they are talking about it
Side note: I hope the “life decision” isn’t her leaving Chim and Jee-Yun, I hope it’s she gets some help.
More info⬇️
PPD HOTLINE (call or text)
English: 1-800-944-4773 (4PPD)
Spanish: 1-971-203-7773
Need professional help? Search for a trained professional using the PSI directory:
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chitownwolf · 3 years
Pink’s “Just Give Me a Reason” is a perfect song to describe TARLOS
<I'm sorry I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine (oh we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind (yeah but this is happenin')
You've been havin' real bad dreams oh oh
You used to lie so close to me oh oh
There's nothing more than empty sheets between our love, our love
Oh our love, our love
Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again
I never stop, you're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again>
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chitownwolf · 3 years
Chapters: ½ Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: “I’m leaving the 118”
That was three months ago, and Eddie is at a loss. His son is happy, but Eddie can see that it’s fake. He doesn’t like his job at dispatch, and he misses Buck more than anyone. Especially when he knows that he and Buck haven’t talked…at all. Not for a while…not since Christmas. When Eddie dropped that bomb on everyone, when thinking back to December, he wished he could do things differently, but not at the same time.
But now, three months later, he’s desperate to talk to Buck again, mend their broken relationship, and to gain back the trust they lost. And he’s desperate to get his son to open to him.
Three months after Eddie left, he realizes that he unintentionally left some important people behind. He helps them and himself. He just hopes it’s not too late for them. Especially when Buck’s mental health is on the decline
Tag List: @snorlaxishere @trippingonmolly @thegreatgherkin87 @nilshki @chrrlees @theladyandthewolves @netflix-and-chill30 @2manyfandoms2count-love @cirrius-akiyo @justsmilestuffhappens @guamgirl10150 @shadow-fandom @matan4il @impossiblealice
LMK if you want to added to Taglist!
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chitownwolf · 3 years
You know the episodes of Mom where Christy gets addicted to gambling? Love to see a story where TK needs to feel something (after mom) but he refuses to get drugs or alcohol so he resorts to gambling. Starts off harmless but spirals. He ends up needing money so he sells something from Tarlos’ house. Ends up being something very important to Carlos, he has to get it back. U or someone else can write if comfortable.
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My heart!!!
I may write this?
Anyone else feel free to take/write/improve and change.
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chitownwolf · 4 years
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chitownwolf · 3 years
Can I ask? I saw ur Tarlos!AU after meeting the parents. Can I ask how it’s going? And can I maybe ask ur takes on it?
Sure you can ask!! So full disclosure, I haven’t actually written anything yet cause I’m so busy with work! I work from 8-5 then more time on computer checking over all my students! But I already have so many ideas! And more are welcome!
-TK lets his insecurities take over after Carlos introduced him to his parents as his friend instead of boyfriend. Instead of talking it out, he runs. He books a flight to LA where he stays with Buddie for a while. Buck manages to talk to him.
- Buck is flabbergasted at the way TK treated the situation. He then tells TK (trying not to yell) that not everything is about him. TK is surprised at the fact that Buck is not on his side. Buck then points out that TK never stuck around to hear his side of the story.  that instead of listening to his boyfriend, like partners are supposed to do, he assumed and then he just left.
- while buck can acknowledge how the situation may TK feel, he points out that it’s not fair to Carlos either. Eddie then steps in and gives TK another perspective.
- Eddie points out that though he (Carlos) may be out to his parents, his parents may not accept him.  this throws TK for a loop because he never considered the cultural aspect of coming out as a minority. Buck politely but firmly points out that though it’s different for everybody TK, as someone who is not a minority has to acknowledge that it’s difficult for other people to come out. 
- Eddie then asks TK if he’s ever had this conversation with Carlos, and TK can feel the disappointment coming out of buck and Eddie when he shakes his head no. Eddie storms out of the room while saying that “it’s not always about you” to TK before leaving the house. 
- TK wonders if he did something to upset him and Buck reassured him that it’s just the situation. Because he’s had this conversation with Eddie several times and that’s why they work so well together. 
-  before TK has a chance to process everything that just happened, he gets a call from a Texas hospital saying that Carlos is in the ICU. 
-  when TK gets home, the hospital tells him that Carlos tried to commit suicide and Michelle was the one that found him. 
- Michelle verbally lashes out at TK, demanding to know where he’s been and what he possibly could have done to cause Carlos to do this.
I can’t reveal too much, but sometime in the aftermath:
- TK is terrified for so many reasons. He’s afraid of what happened to his boyfriend when he was gone, he’s mad at himself for leaving when he shouldn’t have in the first place, and he’s  devastated when Carlos doesn’t want to see him while he’s in the psych ward. 
-  but most of all, he’s terrified that he lost and ruined the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him.
So while this is the Carlos centric story, I am going to be focusing on TK’s emotions in the aftermath. If anyone has more ideas on this and you please send it my way and I hope to actually start writing it soon! It’s hard being an orientation leader for over 15,000 new students! 
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chitownwolf · 3 years
It’s the first day of August and I’m sitting in bed crying at the fact that TK didn’t even stay to let Carlos explain why he introduced him as his friend.
And even when Carlos said that not everyone is as supportive as TK’s parents…HE STILL LEFT
“The self-centered caucacity of this bitch…don’t you think as a gay man, he would have understood why he was introduced as a friend instead of boyfriend?”
-bestie in bed next to me
*finds out Alex (TK’s ex) is black”
*I tell her about The Big Heat*
“So we just ok with physical violence?”
*learns that there are people defending TK’s actions in that episode*
*we both relate to Carlos more than TK as queer Latinx people w/parents who don’t talk about things like being queer. And we feel safer not coming out rn*
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chitownwolf · 3 years
Can we get a preview of your LS coda?
Sure! Here’s what I have for one part
“How could you?”
“How could I what TK?”
“How can you still want to be with someone like me? I hurt you...I’ve been hurting you so much in our relationship. When we first got together, after the farmers market, and now I’ve put my hands on you. I shoved you. I’ve hurt you emotionally and now I’ve hurt you physically...and you’re still here. How can you still be with me after everything I’ve done to you?” TK asks, out of breath, hands shaking and his eyes bright with tears.
“You want the honest answer?” Carlos asks, looking up to TK, who nods.
“I don’t know...maybe there’s something wrong with me. That I can forgive you so easily. I know you hurt me, you didn’t let me explain anything about my parents before you just left...You said you weren’t sorry about how you reacted, it made me think that you weren’t sorry about hurting me. For saying something so hurtful. I thought we can move past it, but that along with you shoving me? I would have left a long time ago...but I can’t. Because I still care about you, because I still love you...no matter how much you’ve hurt me in the past” Carlos gets up from the chair and leans on the balcony, his back turned to TK.
“You shouldn’t be with me Carlos-”
“I know I shouldn’t...I can’t help but keep coming back to you, I know you didn’t mean to shove so hard, but I’m still here. You’re one of the best relationships I’ve had in a long time TK. I still want to be with you...maybe it’s because it’ll hurt more to lose you than to keep hurting me.” TK hesitantly stands up and goes to stand next to Carlos, looking out at the distant skyline of the city.
“Carlos...I’m so sorry for how I acted at the firehouse...I promise that-”
“Don’t!” Carlos exclaims suddenly, taking a step back from TK. “Do-you cannot promise that you won’t hurt me again”
“W-why not?” TK asks desperately.
“Because that’s what they all say. They promise not to hurt you again until it does happen again. Then it’s I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean to shove you, I didn’t mean to break your arm...I didn’t mean to hit you! Y-you can’t promise something like that to me...I can’t go through broken promises again.”
“W-what do you mean again?” TK asks in quiet alarm.
Carlos can’t meet his gaze.
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chitownwolf · 4 years
Going gaga bored. Any chance of a sneak peek of whatever you might be working on?
“What else is there to say?”
“Sweetheart-“ Eddie tries again but Buck shakes his head at the nickname. And Eddie is terrified that this is it, the final straw. He’s let down Buck so many times, and he’s afraid this is it for them. 
But he has no one to blame but himself 
“Eddie…look right now we have a job to do. We came here to do it and we should finish it. I don’t have time to think about what this means for us”
“A-are you breaking up with me?” Eddie asks, tears now rushing down his face. 
“No…I just don’t know what this means for us. I don’t want to break up but…I’m just hurting right now” Buck says wiping the tear on his face away.  
“I’ve always had your back Eddie. And it really hurt knowing you didn’t have mine” 
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