#womans rights march
zebracorn-chan · 7 months
💕♀️Happy International Women's Day!♀️💕
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paperglader · 1 year
I’m a little obsessed with hsr’s mc so far cause she literally only has two modes:
1) imma smack you with this cone thing I just found
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2) Literal wet dog. Dead in the eyes. Just done with everybody else’s shit from minute 0. Got dumped in the middle of a spaceship with no memories, no past or explanation, and now everyone’s trying to kill her at every turn. Just straight up not having a good a time.
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+ she has a girlfriend
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(She’s actually really funny too, and snarky, but I’m too lazy to find those screenshots)
Edit: I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT SHE HAS LIKE A BOMB IN HER CHEST. So. Like, the whole thing makes sense if you think about it.
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idgafak · 2 years
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“there's no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
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lemonkris1 · 7 months
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Happy international women's day girls!
Let's make the patriarchy burn heheheee
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fer3112 · 4 months
I’m genuinely so annoyed about the international coverage and misinformation about the New Mexican president. Where the fuck did they get she’s pro Palestine, feminist, ecologist, and pro lgbT (big emphasis on the t) and a leftist? Are we seeing the same thing? I’m begging leftist from other countries to talk to other leftists before being like ‘omg Mexico sooo jealous’ stfu honestly. We knew we were going to be fucked up no matter who won but I did not expect the dishonesty from the international press tbh
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guilty-feminist · 2 years
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lokisam83 · 7 months
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March 8th -
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hjellacott · 7 months
If real women putting themselves first bothers you, perhaps you shouldn't invade women's pubs, bars, dating sites, bathrooms, locker rooms, swimming pools, prisons, schools, competitions, institutions, organisations...
I mean, I don't like spiders, so I don't go around poking spider-webs and then complaining the spiders bite me and don't want me to bother them.
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attractthecrows · 8 months
entertaining myself by inflicting bastard children on my faves
#its fun#warthrop and will henry go to the gulf coast for some reason#COINCIDENTALLY to the same shitty little seaside town that alyne's mom moved to when she left boston#shes like dropping hints that she fucked pellinore at least one time and he does not notice#until little alyne bursts in carrying a bucket full of sea water and some weird thing she found in the bycatch#marches right past all of them to dump it into a fish tank and starts poking it with a swizzle stick#(i cant decide if this is like a sea star or an urchin or some sort of cephalopod. or maybe a lionfish)#pellinore's like Who The Fuck Is That and alyne's mom goes My daughter! I had her after a rather interesting night with you in Boston#you should introduce yourself :3#oh who's the father? you're the father you forgetful tease. altho i suppose you were drunk enough not to remember our tumble#and pellinore is like THIS CLOSE to blowing up on this woman for lying but now alyne's noticed and is staring silently#with her dark owlish eyes#just WATCHING. analyzing.#and he goes What?????? no. no it cant be. are you certain????????????? No I refuse to believe it come along will henry#alyne's mom is like NO YOU PRICK COME BACK HERE and alyne just goes They'll be back. dead certain#but more importantly look at this fucked up fish i found mom i dont think its native. the fishermen said they're poisonous#does that mean their skin is poisonous or is it just the spikes???#the fishermen said they're more common in the caribbean than in the gulf but now they're in the gulf more#so they're spreading!! isnt that cool???#and alyne's mom cracks open a beer because that encounter was fucked up.
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In Hindsight That Lady At The Store Was Sketch As Shit. I Think I Just Had A Close Encounter With A Karen™
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guilty-feminist · 2 years
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amikye · 7 months
Overheard some lads discussing how Dua Lipa sampled Your Woman by White Town. I’ve no idea which Dua Lipa song it was, but the tune they were humming was definitely from Your Woman. The funny part is that they also thought that was sampled from the Imperial March in Star Wars. Yeah it’s the same rhythm, but not the same notes
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cloud-somersault · 8 months
the fact that i'm just sitting on the next two chapters of the epilogue doesn't sit right with me, but not everyone's read it and also like...................i literally have not heard from some regulars since constellations chapter 3, are they just gone forever
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 years
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#8DeMarzoDiaInternacionalDeLaMujerTrabajadora! Homenaje a las mujeres que lucharon...
“Por un mundo donde seamos socialmente iguales, humanamente diferentes y totalmente libres.”
Rosa Luxemburgo
Via Teresa
"For a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free."
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
I'm gonna scream it and shout it from the top of my lungs today! Women are WONDERFUL.
We go through pain and discomfort every single month, we carry children, we birth children, we are expected to not only be a good mother, which is hard enough- raising a human into the world. But we are also expected to clean the house, cook the food, get jobs and make money, but to also deal with the everyday thing a woman deals with everyday already. Perverted looks from men, feeling smaller because we are women, feeling like we're less, even things as small as grocery shopping, it's hard- not only that, but we're called unclean if we don't shave, or are thought of as gross when we talk about our periods.
If we don't have clear skin, we're looked at as imperfect. We're expected to have a small waist and big tits, pretty thighs and a perky ass. We're taught to PICK. APART. OUR OWN. BODIES. To fit today's "standards".
"Don't wear that, you look like a slut. Don't wear that, you're not showing enough skin, you look like a prude. You can't wear that, people will be perverts. You're not wearing enough makeup. You're wearing too much makeup. You have too much acne. Your skin is too clear, it doesn't look natural. Don't drink, you could get drunk and get the wrong attention from men. Why don't you have a drink? Don't be boring. When are you having kids- you're pregnant already?? Whore. You're too fat, have a salad. You're too thin, have a burger. Oh, your knees hurt? What'd you do last night? You're still a virgin?"
The work of a woman NEVER ends.
We need to be PROUD of being women. We need to stick together and RAISE EACH OTHER UP. Women need to be there for each other. I'm there for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. If YOU are a woman and you want to come talk with me about your problems no matter WHAT THEY ARE, COME TALK TO ME. I have NOTHING but endless support and love for my fellow women, I LOVE us, and I'm so PROUD OF HOW FAR WE'VE COME.
Women are so powerful and amazing. On this day, not only do you need to honor all the amazing women around you and in history, but you need to honor YOURSELF, girl. YOU are amazing. YOU deserve to be lifted up and praised and honored. YOU deserve all the love in the world.
I'm proud of you. I love you. I love women. I thank all the strong women around the world that I look up to for forming me into the strong, passionate woman I am today.
Thank you.
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
It's becoming just.... blatantly obvious that all this GOP posturing on transgender individuals being about ~protecting women's rights~ is just them trying to save face after they got Roe overturned and that has since backfired massively for them. Like it's so clear they think this is somehow gonna win points with women 'see we really care abt ur rights! We're trying to protect you!' while they still try to pry those rights from our hands not to mention there's no danger cis women face from trans people anyway
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