#women’s divison
champsamizayn · 6 months
im in love w lash legend btw
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Why?!?! Why would they have damage ctrl lose the titles on Monday just to put them back on them at crown jewel!? 5 days later, cmon now!
Like I enjoy the match but the flop flip wasn't needed. Doesn't make sense, could've let them retain on Monday.
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tonyvasquez · 1 year
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West Chester advances to face Pace in Sunday's NCAA Division II Women's Final
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
I'm happy the transunity blog is mostly dead or inactive. Because it and the theory it peddled was terrible.
Unity in this context was essentially a demand for ideological conformity. And that was to avoid critical scrutiny for the ideology it peddled. A large part of its argument was that all trans people experience misandry, even trans women because we are called men sometimes, and that's why we should feel solidarity with each other. The problem is that misandry is not real, i criticized the transunity blog post about it here. If it was real, cis men would be affected
And the very concept is anti-feminist, as it makes it impossible to talk about patriarchy and male privilege if men somehow experience oppression due to their gender, something I discussed previously here. Trans men experience oppression, but it's due to transphobia and not because men as a class are oppressed. We live in a patriarchy which means men are actually privileged for being men. And claiming transfems experiences of oppression is due to misandry is in itself transmisogyny and misgendering. It is a way of counting transfems as part of the class of men, but instead of arguing we thus have male privilege as terfs do, it makes an outright antifeminist argument that it makes us oppressed.
It's in itself a very offensive argument to transfems, and thus a shitty basis for trans community solidarity. Yet any criticisms transfems had of "transunitism" were seen by proponents as divisive, as undermining solidarity between trans people. The call for "unity" and "solidarity" (entirely divorced from real world organizing and activism too) became a way of dismissing any critical thought. The rhetoric made disagreeing with a transmisogynistic and outright anti-transfeminist ideology cobbled together online an act of community treason. The dismissing of criticism as "divisive" is of course an old one, used by men against all feminists for ages, and against antiracism and disbility rights activism as well. It presumes some kind of pre-existing unity and homogeneity that the critical thinker and activist is disrupting unnecessarily. It's a denial of the differences and divisons that already exist. As Umberto Eco said,"The critical spirit makes distinctions."
I do believe in trans solidarity. And you don't need to make up some new form of theory or analysis to justify such solidarity. It's called transphobia theory. All trans people have a shared interest in fighting transphobia. It's a shared oppression.
For example, the majority of us suffer from denial of healthcare. Many US states are moving towards banning it all together, especially for those under 18, but it's expanding into bans on adult care as well.. The ban on under 18 trans people is also the case in Sweden where I live, and for adults it's gatekept in a way that leads to years-long waiting times.
It's not exactly equal, some trans people don't feel a need for medical transition, and there are meaningful class differences. Wealthier trans people can pay their past medical gatekeeping, and afford procedures other trans people can't. Or access can depend on luck or circumstance in other ways. In Sweden, waiting times are actually growing longer, so someone who applies now will wait longer than those who applied earlier. We shouldn't deny these differences in access.
Yet fighting for healthcare access is a vital goal we can work together for, across many of our differences. My right to bodily autonomy and to transition as a transfem is fundamentally the same as the right for transmascs to bodily autonomy and transition. This means we can cooperate in the struggle for bodily autonomy and healthcare access, because we share an experience of oppression and we all serve to gain from it.
And that same analysis is valid for many struggles against transphobia. We have a shared right as trans people to not be discriminated against and recognized as the gender we are, so we can work together against transphobic discrimination.
We have to recognize the meaningful differences that exist in our community, such as those based on class differences, race, and being TME/TMA. It's not divisive to do so, because those divisions already exist, and fighting against oppression is the only way to end differences in privilege. Denying them only makes divisions worse. And there is no need for acknowledging these differences and fighting oppression within our community to hold back community solidarity in the struggle against transphobia.
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
among thieves ✨ || bts • pjm
- epilogue
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"what even am I to you? your rival, your lover, an obstacle or am I supposed to be your coffin?"
about two thieves who can't live with nor without each other. and a joint past that comes back to threaten them.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, very flirty jimin, friends/rivals/exes to lovers (it's complicated, ok?!) f2l e2l ex2l all members play a role in this story!
several years later
Tainan, Taiwan
Jimin took a sip from his ice coffee and flipped a page in the book he was reading.
The evening sun was bathing the building in a warm shade, a comfortably mild summer atmosphere being created. Some children ran through the streets to get to the nearest park with lots of laughter and screams. Almost bumping into two women who were chatting while carrying their groceries.
He turned another page when sensing someone taking a seat on the free chair on the other side of his table. He didn't need to look up to know who it was though. The café being not overly crowded, and he had already seen him enter from the corner of his eye.
"You finally found me."
"Who said I ever lost track of you?"
Jimin perked up with a lopsided smirk, arching a brow at him. "What took you so long then?"
Seokjin laughed out, shaking his head. "Choosing a country that isn't an interpol member to settle down.. you knew what you were doing."
Closing the book on his lap, he took another sip from his coffee.
"Oh, is that so? I just came here for the nice weather," he said innocently, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he looked at his former antagonist. It felt strange somehow, having him simply sit there casually next to him without him trying to arrest him. Who would've thought a day like this would ever come. "And how comes you pay me a visit now?"
The older man shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "Been awhile since the last time I saw you, so I thought why not spending my vacation here?'"
Jimin nodded understanding and smiled at him. "And how've you been?"
He shrugged. "Oh, you know.. after you guys became inactive, it became quite boring."
"No, that wasn't a compliment."
"It sounded like one though."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Seokjin sighed, "But you know, it became boring and you know, I ain't getting younger either. So after I got married, I decided to take it easier and stepped down from the leader position. I focus more on paperwork now."
Jimin's eyes widened in shock as he straightened himself. Unable to imagine some random office sitter in the leader position. "And who's the leader in the theft divison now?"
"Oh!" he exclaimed and relaxed into his previous position, "I can see that. She always seemed eager to prove herself to you."
"And she did."
"Kinda sad for Jungkookie though, isn't it?"
"Nah," Seokjin waved at him, shaking his head, "He never was interested in that position. He still works there with her though."
Jimin couldn't keep himself from laughing at the thought of Skylar and Jungkook together and her giving him orders while he obeyed like a good subordinate. "You know, I always felt like the two were into each other and ever since I tried setting them up.."
A teasing grin spread on Seokjin's features. "Since when are you so invested in other people's love life?"
He only shrugged and dragged a dramatic sigh. "Can't help it, I'm such a romantic."
Seokjin laughed under his breath. "To be honest, I sometimes felt the same," he admitted then, "And I still think it whenever I catch them looking at each other. Perhaps it was their professionalism that kept them from going further."
"Or perhaps they're just dating in secret."
He perked up at this, seeing Jimin wiggling his brows at him. "You think so?"
"I might or might not have my sources."
The older man laughed out, nodding. "Well, good for them then."
"But wait!" Jimin exclaimed then, suddenly having processed something else. "You said you got married? To Yongsun?"
Seokjin's eyes widened, realising he had indeed mentioned it. He bit back a smile, confirming it again with a quick nod. "Yeah.."
"And I wasn't invited to the wedding?" Jimin faked offence to which Seokjin grinned.
"Figured you wouldn't have wanted to get arrested."
"True. But since you only met her thanks to me, I still think I deserved it."
"It surely wasn't thanks to you.."
"Now, don't be so unfair," Jimin pouted, "You wouldn't have been at that ship if I hadn't planned to steal the 'black star'." He was referring to the party a CEO of one of the biggest korean companies had thrown for his wife's birthday two years ago. And that wife had happened to own a very valuable black pearl, which she was wearing on a spray brooch and which the gang had been after. "So technically, I deserved an invitation."
Seokjin groaned in annoyance, getting tired of their quarrel. "You know what? I take it back. It's been great since you retired. I finally got some peace."
"Rude considering I practically introduced you to her."
"You didn't 'introduce' her to me!" Seokjin objected with a laugh, "You pushed her on me when I was running after you!"
"Still counts - you're married now, aren't you?" Jimin pointed out with a sly grin.
He wasn't able to disagree with that. So he gave up with an exhausted sigh.
"So?" Seokjin coughen then in hopes of changing topics and looked around. "And where's the rest?"
"Thought you had kept track on all of us."
"I did," he corrected, "But since interpol doesn't have any resources here, it wasn't too easy and there're some gaps."
Jimin hummed, stirring his coffee with the straw.. "Well, Taehyungie and his wife live nearby."
"You mean Cassandra?"
"Oh, you even got her name! Impressive!"
"Aish, stop with the sarcasm! Of course I know all your associates! I hunted you guys for years after all." Seokjin rolled his eyes before adding with a smirk, "And I was pretty good at it."
Jimin couldn't stop laughing, finding it always amusing how his opponent reacted when getting upset. "Never doubted your skills."
"So the two live nearby."
He nodded. "Yeah, she works at a hospital here."
"And Yoongi?"
"Right now, he's at one of the temples in the mountains. Meditating, training or whatever," Jimin snorted, drinking the last bit of coffee. He always found it quite lame whenever Yoongi got in one of his 'monk moods' - as Jimin called them - every few years and just disappeared for awhile to disconnect from everything. But perhaps he was just a little envious of that skill, since he himself could never do it. "But knowing him, he'll be back in the city in a few weeks."
Seokjin hummed. The corners of his lips shaping a cocky smile. "Needless to ask where Arabella ended up, right?"
"Right," a grin tucking on Jimin's full lips. His glance falling down to his watch then. "I'm actually waiting here for her. She should come any minute now."
"To be honest," Seokjin began then with a light frown on his soft features, "I always knew you guys would retire some day. I just assumed it'd be along with me."
"Well, you know we aren't in our early twenties anymore and besides.. some priorities shifted with time."
Seokjin hummed. Understanding it in a way. After all, same applied to him by now. Still he couldn't help wondering what priorities had changed for Jimin and why.
A black Harley Davidson came to an abrupt halt in front of them then. Arabella taking her helmet off, her hair swaying as it fell over her shoulders.
"Bella-baby, you're late!"
"I said around six, not exactly. Not my fault you came here too early," she huffed. Her eyes widening when spotting the man next to him. "Pops, you here?"
She was actually quite happy to see Seokjin again, having kind of missed him - as weird as it sounded. She had been so used of having him always on their back, it was weird it wasn't the case anymore.
Seokjin, however, didn't seem as pleased. The old nickname cuasing him to roll his eyes. "Seriously, when will you guys ever quit calling me 'pops'?"
"Probably never, it's your nickname for a reason after all."
He laughed under his breath. "You never told me the reason though."
Arabella and Jimin exchanged a look, giggling. "Isn't it obvious? You were always running after us and scolding us. Like a dad."
"And you're older than us, so it fit."
He was speechless for a moment. In a way that stupid nickname that he had secretly grown fond of, made sense. It was even somehow cute, in a very weird and twisted way. He coughed then, feeling his ears becoming red. "I've got to go now," he announced and stood up, "Can't let Yong wait alone for too long. See you guys." He waved at them as he walked away. Only to shortly turn around then with a smirk. "Oh, but before I forget.. You don't coincidentally know anything about that stolen jade statue that is all over the local newpapers?"
Arabella and Jimin looked at each other, before giving him an innocent shrug. Shaking their heads. "No, why would we? We're retired now, remember?"
"Right. Right," Seokjin let out a loud laugh. Not being convinced at all. "Well, see you then."
As he disappeared around the corner, a frowned settled on Arabella's features. "He didn't buy it, did he?"
"So what?" Jimin shrugged and picked up his book, shoving it inside his jacket. "He can't do anything about it as long as we don't leave the country."
They might've officially retired a few months ago, but that didn't mean they'd be dead. After all they'd never be the kind to be content with a 'normal' life. Even if there was no one to hunt them anymore, neither from interpol nor from any organization - Namjoon and Hoseok having liquidated 'owl inc' and its branches only a year ago  - they still wanted to keep the excitement, thrill and fun. Just in smaller portions here and there.
"Anyway, let's go."
Arabella tossed him the second helmet before putting her own on and he got on the bike behind her. His arms wrapping around her waist, purposely way too high to be closer to her boobs and she rolled her eyes. Already used to his attics.
She switched the ignition button on, her foot kicking up the kickstand. "By the way," he spoke up then, propping his chin on her shoulder with an arched brow as he curiously looked up to her. "Don't you think it'd be better not to drive the bike for now? You know, because of the.." His eyes pointed down at her belly before returning to her.
She kind of wanted to be annoyed at him for even suggesting this, but then again she understood his worries. She pecked his cheek. "When the bump starts showing, I will," she smiled and squeezed the clutch lever all the way to the grip. His arms tightening around her.
And they drove off.
-thank you all for reading this story! it was fun writing something totally new for once, so hope you also had fun reading it!
❗ the sequel a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg is out as well!
❗the prequel "a thief's origin ✨ || bts • kth" along with one shots for jungkook and seokjin are in the works!
- check out my other bts stories, too: here
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magnoliamyrrh · 8 months
dont you think its odd that in almost every single movement or conflict or anything ever, "womens issues" and "womens concerns" are a secondary issue, a issue which were told distracts from the Real issue, how whenever women speak up were told to shut up and be quiet and that bringing up womens issues is distracting, causing unnecessary divison
dont you think that's a bit odd, when women are 50% of any given population
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okinawa-division · 10 months
The day was finally coming to an end in Okinawa. It was also a special day as it was Rashaad Young, Japan’s favorite bartender’s birthday. The man of the hour was getting ready for the evening rush of customers even on his birthday duty called. Then all of a sudden a sharply dressed man with a cane in his hand entered Eagle’s Nest. Rashaad quickly recognized the man as Shinji Aoki, second in command to the Kito-gumi. 
“Rashaad-san,” Shinji bowed, using his cane to help him. “Sorry to bother you before your rush but Sakura and her friends have asked me to deliver you gifts they had all gotten you.” 
Using his cane Shinji tapped the floor, signaling for several men to enter the bar bringing inside several gifts including one in a wooden crate. 
“Now if you excuse us Rashaad. We’ll take our leave now. Have a nice rest of your birthday.” Shinji bowed once again, the men behind him following suit before they all left Eagle’s Nest leaving Rashaad alone. Walking over to the gifts Rashaad picked up the lightest one first and opened it. 
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Inside the first box was a record of the song "Axman's Jazz (Don't Scare Me Papa)" a 1919 song by Joseph John Davilla. Rashaad blinked. Wasn't that song inspired by a serial killer? Shaking his head Rashaad picked up the second gift and opened it.
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Inside the second gift was a gorgeous glass decanter and matching drinking glasses. Red, orange, green, and blue colored the set making it look beautiful when the sunlight hit them. Placing them to the side Rashaad turned to the final gift. 
Rashaad wondered what someone could've gotten him for it to be in a wooden crate of all things. Knowing he would get any answers unless he opened it Rashaad began to open the crate. Thankfully it didn't take much strength to open it. 
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Inside the crate was a wooden pool table. It was gorgeous with the sides of the table expertly carved and a dark emerald cloth that felt soft to the touch. Laying on top of the table were the billiards balls in their rack and matching wooden pool cues. Seeing a note on the pool table as well Rashaad picked it up and began to read. 
Happy Birthday. As thanks for letting us into Eagle’s Nest, we've all gotten you a gift. The record is from Kanon, the pool table is from Reika, and the decanter set is from Sakura. Once again Happy Birthday.
Silent Tragedy” 
In Shizuoka Divison…
“Wait. You actually got Rashaad something too Kanon?” 
“Of course. I’m quite fond of the drinks that he makes. This is just my thanks.”
“Please tell me you got him something normal Kanon. I beg of you.”
“A record.”
“Oh thank god.”
“Okay, that's actually pretty tame.” 
“Why do the two of you think I can't gift someone something nice?”
“Your idea of a nice gift often comes straight out of a horror movie Kanon.”
“That's putting it lightly.”
“My gifts are wonderful.”
“Sentient plant monster.”
“Parasitic flesh-eating bacteria.”
Truthfully, Rashaad wasn't a bit surprised to see Shinji-san. Not that he didn't appreciate the older gentleman's patronage. Believe it or not, Rashaad and Shinji actually had a good relationship with each other. It's just that knowing who Shinji-san worked for, the bar owner assumed that he'd be too busy to stop by, and would have had someone else deliver gifts for him. Gifting him a rare bottle of whiskey before he departed, Rashaad bade the older gentleman an 'until next time' before turning to his gifts.
To say he was surprised at them would be an understatement. Knowing each of the three women of Shizuoka personally, Rashaad did his best to keep them all at arm's length. He was grateful for their patronage, but hearing some of the things about them, he tried to avoid being overly friendly with them. Though they weren't as bad as some of the other customers over the years, he tried to make sure they were as amicable as possible to prevent any... trouble from arising.
Smiling at the glasses the rich socialite, Reika, gave him, Rashaad smiled, placing them in his cupboard, promising to use them only on special occasions. Turning his attention to the pool table, he looked at it, pleased with the gift. He knew Master Ace was an avid pool player, and a couple of other patrons had mentioned before about wanting to play some pool.
"Maybe I'll ask Master Ace for a game when he is free."
Looking at the last gift, the record Kanon gave him, Rashaad, though a bit skeptical, decided to give it a play, inserting the disc into his jukebox. Listening to the first few seconds, a smile plastered onto the bar owner's face. A spooky undertone could be heard as the music blasted out of the machine.
"Maybe I should use this for Halloween night in a few months..."
Thanks for the gift!
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regalityandcoffee · 3 months
It's a shame aew hates their women's divison and intergender wrestling so much because a mixed tag tournament like wwe did would eat down
Hook and Willow Nightengale vs Chuck Taylor and Ruby Riott
Maki Itoh and Eddie Kingston vs Red Velvet and Wheeler Yuta?
Get random with it! Get fun with it damn it!
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champsamizayn · 2 years
funniest part of those “separate the wrestler’s character and irl personality” people is that, even ignoring the fact that ronda is a terrible person, she fucking sucks at wrestling and cutting promos. theres nothing about her on-screen persona thats even interesting, much less redeeming of her irl beliefs
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frentique · 2 years
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TK teasing a Women’s tag divison, then announcing the always popular trios titles.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 2 years
The Raw women’s divison is literally at the best it’s ever been.
Suck it AEW
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uenodivision · 2 years
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 2 (Cont.)
The Four Guardians
Kisouna "Verdict" Yuzairu
Shisuta "The Saint" Heisha
Kotono "Shiki" Ohara
Aira "Nightingale" Otonashi
Never Deviate
Dec@yed 0ri9in5
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Nikki "1-Up" Yoshie
Criss "Paradox" Hiromi
3nd 0f b361nn1n6
Anger & Fury
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Wet Em' Up (Pow, Pow!)
Black Cherry
Suzuki "KiraKira" Kirara
Miyazaki "FASHIONISTA" Aimi
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Aikawa "Helios" Maki
Shine Brightly
The "New" Yozakura
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Sumire "Diabla" Shinomiya
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
License to Kill
Chuohku's Jinchū
Ritsuko "Strychnine" Okada
Ryoko "Orion" Minamoto
Ayama "Amaryllis" Miyazaki
Keiko "Mangaka" Yumi
Message to All Divisions (Don't Fight Us) (Femme Fatale, Starlight Specters, Cherry Go Round!, & Oculus Diss)
Light & Dark
Asato "AR Master" Rikiya
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Kensaku "Dr. K Tone" Morimoto
Silent Tragedy:
Hojo "Mz. Hyde" Kanon
Aichi "Belladonna" Reika
Kito "Renegade" Sakura
Vivid Angels:
Aira "Nightingale" Otonashi
Mitsuru "Odette" Tenjo
Katsumi "Espada" Kenzaki
Tetsuya "FЯE4K" Yashiro
Min "F4NXY CH!LD" Jinwoo
Minato "MIN-K" Kanzaki
Pride for the Mic (Outro)
Bonus Tracks!
The Brotherhood
Ryuūnosuke Sekiguchi
Yuki Kuraokami
Asato "AR Master" Rikiya
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
Haruto "Phoenix" Hirabayashi
Akira "Poisonous Petal" Arai
United Emceez
YWIA (Young Women in Action)
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Lana "Facade" Alarie
Yuriko "Black Dahlia" Kuromiya
Kiera "Freyja" Yoshioka
Anika "Rush Hour" Kiyozaki
Queen Card
United Emceez (The Response) (Chuohku Diss)
Femme Fatale
Sayaka "Rhopalocera" Miyuki
Lola "Aphrodite" Takahashi
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
The "Real" Femme Fatale (CodeX & Chuohku Diss)
@sendaidivision @nerima-division @saitama-division @akihabaradivision @suginami-division @edogawa-division @urayasu-division @shinagawa-division @takatsuki-division @sumida-division @toyama-division @shizuokadivision @kagoshima-division @naha-division @sapporo-division @nagasakidivision @chiyoda-divison @kyoto-division @miraiodawara @minato-division03 @akihabara-division03
Most of the costumes used in the music videos were designed and created by Ramuda "easy R" Amemura, with assistance from Evelyn "SPIRIT" Rose.
The dance scenes in "Words I Couldn't Say" & "You Are (My Bright Star)" were choreographed by Yeong "9-Dan" Hajoon.
The rap sheets shown before "Revenge (This Is How We Do)" were all fabricated. Probably.
The 'as you wish' and 'yes sir' parts of the chorus on the song, "Obey Us" were delivered by Miho "Iron Maiden" Kobayashi's butler, Goro Eguchi. He went uncredited in the album credits.
Due to high approval from the first shuffle album, more songs were included, along with more artists from different divisions.
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writer-of-various · 1 year
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Name: Rebecca Miller
Age: 27
Rank: Sergeant
Occupation: US Navy Nurse, Combat Medic for 1st Marine Divison
Affiliations: 1st Marine Divison, Miller (younger brother), Angels of Baaton
Height: 5'7
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Build: Skinny
Rebecca Miller was born on May 27th, 1925, in San Francisco, CA. She is the older sister of Christopher Miller and was part of the United States Navy Women Corps. She volunteered to be a Combat Medic for the US Marines after the US declared war on Japan, where she was stationed on Pearl Harbor and survived, under the disguise as a male. Both Miller siblings joined the 1st Marine Division and are to fight in the Pacific.
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wweassets · 1 year
Wasn’t surprised that Rhea won I more importantly surprised that Asuka was still in there they have a history of doing sis dirty. Anyways though I want them to send Nia, Piper, Chelsea, Dana, & Mia to SmackDown. & maybe send Emma & Naomi (when & if she returns) to Raw I say this because they kinda do a better job showcasing the women when they want to unless they are Dana & Tamina. 🥴 & I say send Dana to SD because she really thrived over there like yeah we got her Vs Bayley a few times but her SmackDown run ate! Overall though I just want them to shake the SmackDown women’s division like give us a big women’s brawl leading to something or a battle Royal or something down the line like 😭 I wanna see Charlotte Vs everybody this reign.
agreeed with the divison move abouts needed
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bewitchingbooktours · 2 years
A Bewitching Thursday A Round-Up of Daily Tour Stops INTERVIEW - YA FANTASY - THE INKED by Kristina Streva #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/m62j50KrZIN EUPHORIC WONDERLAND BY RYAN M. BECKER - BOOK TOUR #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/cYSW50KrZGP The Inked by Kristina Streva #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/2w6E50KrZW3 The Girl From Saint Petersburg by Joyana Peters #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/Zjfc50KrZUb Not Well Behaved Women: A Steamy Romance Anthology - Romance, Romance Anthology, Charity Anthology - She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to take it. https://jbbookworms.blogspot.com/2022/08/not-well-behaved-women-steamy-romance.html Euphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the Mind by Ryan M. Becker #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/oQ3050KrZFM *****Enter the Rare Finds Giveaway***** Good Luck Socks, Women's Space & NASA Socks,   Siver-toned metal  Irish Celtic Knotwork designed Bookmark, Ice -Planet Barbarian-inspired soy vegan candle, Silver Toned Goddess Pendant on chain, Siver Toned metal Star Trek Starfleet Divison Badge – Engineering, Autographed copy of Rare Finds Enter Here: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/ba112ffc2130/ Oracles by Violette L. Meier [Tour with Excerpt] #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/7IKK50KrZS1 Not Well Behaved Women: A Steamy Romance Anthology #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/4nno50KrZM7 SPOTLIGHT - Ghosts and Legends of Genesee and Lapeer Counties (Haunted America Series) by Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/lV6c50KrZK7 Oracles by Violette L. Meier #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/H6Nl50KrZQm The Inked by Kristina Streva #YAFantasy #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/MlNY50KrZV8
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I chose to discuss the Beguinage in Bruges because it further proves the existence of major Catholic dissent before the Reformation officially began. A beguinage is a community of women called beguines who agreed to live a monastic life without taking official vows. The refusal to take vows allowed the town to be secular, or separate from the church, while also practicing religion.
The beguines were persecuted and tortured by the Catholic church beginning in the fourteenth century. The pope saw the beguines as a threat to his power and wealth, for religious divison would cause chaos throughout Europe. What the Catholic church did not realize is that their obession with repressing heresy was what led to their detriment in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. The early uprisings against the Catholic church paved the way for the Reformation to occur.
I admired the beauty of the architecture and garden in the beguinage. Despite it being built in the medieval era, the beguinage's buildings and walls looked advanced and well kept. Plenty of space existed inside the main garden square, which allowed all of the beguines to coexist. The white paint on the buildings surrounding the garden stands in contrast to the dull gray colors of medieval castles or palaces.
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