#womens bootcamp fitness
besimplyawesomeblog · 7 months
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Please tell me you have more headcanons about professor elbow patches with her giant floof baby?
I have a whole lifetime of them 🥹
On the ride home after breakin him loose from that shelter, she just kept looking over at this lil face staring at her
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And it was like "😳.... ok well... I guess it's you and me now, bud."
So after quick trip to the pet store and dropping roughly half her normal food budget on Dog Stuff™, Lexa, ever the studious kind, went home and immediately spent 4 hours straight just researching the breed. Which led to her canceling all her classes the next day and immediately getting him into a vet to start doggie physio for his hips, and then enrolling them both in in-person doggie bootcamp training classes, cuz she realized pretty quickly, "omg, I just adopted a headstrong behemoth" and she needed the tools to be a good dog mom just as much as he did.
Is it shocking she's also drawn to stubborn women as well? A mystery we may never solve.
But anyway, it's worth it cuz his hips strengthen and though he'll always have kind of a funny shuffle/wiggle to his butt when he walks or runs, he's a happy boy who starts letting his playful side out damn near right away (he never quite gets past the stage of accidentally knocking things/people over with said butt tho 😬). He's every bit a gentleman and a scholar, and she realizes he's actually this gentle giant who'd just been a little lonely guy waiting for someone to soak up all the love he has to give.
It's embarrassing to admit that even after having been married for almost 20 years, she can sadly relate 😔
And so they fall into a routine. She trains him to be a proper young man, to wipe his paws on the rug when comes inside and kindly not to clean his penis when they have guests (a stern "Sir ಠ_ಠ, there are ladies present" is enough for him to remember his manners.) He does have drooling issues, extensively so, but they work ~together~ to mitigate that with little towel covered stands placed in every room, so when mom says, "sir, please go fix your face" he knows it's time to dab the jowls. Between that and the fresh supply of bandanas she keeps tied around his neck they keep the splatter-factor to a minimum.
It's never zero splatter or drip, but it's better.
And yes ok maybe she talks to him like a human. More like with respect, is how she feels about it 😤. I mean when he's full grown he's as tall as she is on hind quarters, he's practically his own chonky person. And despite the fact that he can't seem to really grasp the fact that he'll never again fit entirely in mom's lap, he's smart and stubborn about the weirdest things and very, very loving. Not a great conversationalist, but Lexa never thought of herself as the chatty type anyway. He's just his own big personality, and she treats him as such💕
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thelaundrybitch · 11 months
🍪🍰for Buttercup, Drese and Jehannet :)
Hey!!! Thanks for the ask! It took me a hot minute because Drese was being uncooperative, but I sent in the big guns (thanks to Thea) and got answers 😅
Once again, sorry this is hella long 😬
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to your OC?
Her glasses.
Buttercup chooses to wear her glasses whereas Sunshine prefers contacts.
This was majorly because Buttercup was sick of being mistaken for Sunshine.
However, when the Meadows twins were helping their mother clean out their grandmother's attic the summer after she passed away, Buttercup came across a box that said "For my pretty little flower girl". Inside were her Nana's cat-eye glasses from the 70's. The frames were in nearly new condition.
Since she found them at 17, she's had her lenses specially cut to fit the frames. They are the only ones she wears.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Negligence in safety. Particularly pertaining to upper management when they choose to 'look the other way' concerning worker safety. After all, that was the whole reason Sunshine was injured when they were back in college.
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to your OC?
She has a jewelry box her mother made for her. It opens and the ballerina inside that spins to music, is a fairy.
Drese was always upset that she never grew wings like the rest of her elven-fairy relatives. So her mom, being a crafty woman, made her the box and told her she was strong and intelligent, and didn't need wings to fly. But she hoped that this dancing fairy would help to inspire her someday.
Later down the road, after her mother had passed, and she was living with her older sister, Drese came out of her bedroom one day, very upset that the music portion of the box had finally died.
June offered her condolences and left it at that.
However, once Drese was shipped off to boot camp for Ranger training, June had the wind-up music box replaced.
June had planned on giving Drese the box upon her return from bootcamp, but the military had Drese shipped out overseas instead of giving her any time to come home first. So June shipped the box overseas for her little sister's birthday.
Drese opened the box and read June's handwritten note:
"I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of fixing your treasure box. And as your bonus mom, I want you to know that your mother was right. You will never need wings. Because you are the wind that gives us the ability to spread ours and fly."
Winding the crank, the little ballerina fairy spun in circles as "Wind Beneath My Wings" played from the little box that Drese would treasure forever.
Wind Beneath My Wings
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
For Drese, preying on people weaker than them - specifically women and children - will land the bullies in an early grave. She dgaf who it is.
"Oh... and going after your friend's love interest" *Glares at Birdie*
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to your OC?
One of the necklaces he wears was made for him by Michelangelo when they were younger. It was his birthday gift on his 17th birthday, right before he "went missing".
Because he was so much smaller and thinner when it was made. He had to add another chain to it until just recently when Michelangelo plucked it off of him during a training exercise and secretly fixed it for him for his birthday this past May.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Hurting his Buttercup in any form or fashion.
*He will turn into the hulk and annihilate anything and anyone that gets in his way as he tries to get to her*
Thank you! Feel free to send in more asks if any other OC tickles your fancy! 💖
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writinggoesgreen · 8 months
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any story where you have an excuse to make everyone strong as hell and very sweaty is perfect to me. here are some quick inspo ideas for my most beloved au type.
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commercial chain gyms have a pretty standard array of equipment (cardio machines like treadmills, rowing machines), resistance machines, mats, and free weights, and will usually focus on having a lot of machines to sustain a larger, diverse clientele. they also probably run a pretty diverse selection of classes. they may also have callisthenics and body weight training areas.
body building gyms usually look pretty different to commercial gyms - they might be smaller, and a little less shiny, for some reason. as a specialist gym, they tend to be a little smaller in terms of number of stations available. if they're targeted towards strong man competition style working out, you might even have crazy things like huge truck tires to hit with a hammer or throw around. i went to one once that had a busted fiat 500 for people to lift. i dunno. go wild.
boxing/martial arts gyms will vary depending on what martial art they are teaching. they may also teach a variety, or just one kind, depending on the trainers. a boxing gym might have punch bags and a ring, but somewhere that teaches jiu jitsu, which fights on mats, probably wont have a roped ring. there might be some overlap in what is taught (muay thai, kickboxing, and mma have similar skillsets, for example) so they might run different sessions for each. a lot of places run kids and women's classes, too. if you aren't a practitioner of the martial art you're writing, doublecheck things like if they are graded, if there is often a sparring element to training, or if there is a specific uniform, as these things vary massively.
i have never been to a women's only gym but they function pretty similarly to most standard gyms, with the general equipment you would expect. it's only really the people using it that seperates it.
yoga studios can be very small, or very big. they will usually have soft floors and mats, as well as things like yoga blocks, straps, and balls. if they also teach pilates, there might also be some pilates machines. there might also be seperate rooms, for different classes, or meditation spaces.
similarly, dance studios can be any size, and like martial arts gyms, can specialise in a single style, or multiple. maybe it's run by a single dancer who only teaches tap, or maybe there are a few instructors who teach a variety of styles. what it looks like will vary massively depending on that.
swimming pools will usually have... a body of water. they may also a sauna, a shallow pool for kids, and depending on the pool, a play area. these also tend to run classes.
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here is a suggestion list of different classes a gym might run, sorted into categories. these have been pulled from as diverse a group of gyms as i could find in my area, for a more realistic selection:
cardio: body combat, spin, zumba, circuits, body conditioning, bootcamp, HIIT. strength: learn to lift, absolute abs, kettlebells, upper body blast. dance: here is a school in london with a huge variety of dance classes for inspo. martial arts: self defense, boxing for fitness. i wont list every kind of martial arts here because it's pointless, so here is the wiki page for it. note: some of these are closed cultural practices, and would not likely be taught outside of where they are traditionally practiced. misc: personal training.
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after moving to a new city, character a joins a gym class at random in a desperate attempt to make some new friends.
character a starts a new job at a local gym as a personal trainer, and isn't counting on the yoga instructor being quite so... flexible.
after an injury, character a starts doing some physio work at the gym. character b is in charge of their recovery.
character a takes their kid to a swimming class every week, where character b is the instructor taking the class.
despite knowing what a cliche it is, character a develops a humiliating crush on their personal trainer. it can't be helped - character b seems to exclusively wear obscenely tight t-shirts to work.
character a is a lifeguard at the pool where character b swims every morning, and quickly becomes a very strong motivation to getting up at 5am every day.
character a works at a family-run gym, and their bumbling crush on one of the regulars, character b, is becoming increasingly difficult to hide from their nosy siblings.
working on entering their first competition, character a works with character b in some one-to-one sessions, only to find them sitting in the front row come competition day.
character a returns to training after an injury in their last fight shattered their confidence. character b, their coach, helps them get back on their feet.
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mercurygray · 2 years
Dick appreciates being on leave, having a locked door, and somewhat being anonymous in this city. He relaxes, A LOT. Turns out he can be a little talkative, to Joan's delight.😏 “You take me so well.” + “I will never get enough of you.” 
This is VERY thirsty for Thursday. I might even venture to say it's Not Safe For Work.
They already knew they looked suspicious.
How could they not, a young couple, him in a uniform and her in a nice dress, coming from the train station with only his bag and nothing for her?
Let's do something unexpected, she'd said, when she picked him up from the train. Get a room in the city for the weekend. With no clothes? he asked, amazed by her boldness. For the night, then. Like you're a soldier on leave.
Mischief looks good on her. Mrs. Winters, look at you.
There was something delicious about checking into the hotel. It was obvious that the clerk at the desk didn't believe for a moment that they were married, that Mr and Mrs Richard Winters was just for the purposes of the hotel register, or that the rings they were wearing belonged to someone else, that there was something forbidden and clandestine going on here.
Joan practically dragged him by the tie into their room, and it wasn't like he would object, after two weeks away from their bed and her gorgeous thighs. (He's been dreaming about these thighs. He kisses them from knee to crown after she gets her panties off and he's not disappointed at all.)
He's been dreaming, he knows, because everyone talks, over these training exercises - about being away from the wife, or the kids, or the girlfriend. Talked about the girls they'd had in Europe when they had been young, or the secretaries or waitresses they met on the side, the sweet-tight-blow-naughty-dirty-tits-ass-pussy-bar-alley-backseat-desk-lunchhour kinds of women, who made noises and told them they were good lovers and would do the things their wives wouldn't.
Well, I'm in her, right, and she says it's too much and makes me stop. Too much! Can you fucking believe? Debbie never has a problem taking me, you know?
They talk a lot about taking - about taking her, taking me, taking it. It's only normal, to compare. Dick was four years in the army and four years in college sports and he's been in a lot of locker rooms with a lot of naked men and it always…worried him, a little, that he was…larger. Joan's never mentioned it, never, but maybe that's just what women do, because it's pretty obvious from these stories that women don't like to pass comments on…performance. (And why would they, when it's so easy to find someone else who can accommodate, who can take it?)
Two weeks was a little while to be away. Joan is full of beautiful pleased noises and he is full of…words, for her, the dirty talk that men make, yes, Joanie, yes, please, just like that, higher, yes, god. (He doesn't usually talk like this. It's new and strange. This is the man sneaking into a hotel with a woman that isn't his wife, the role he's playing today.)
There's a blissful kind of relief when he comes, panting and relaxing and raising his thumb to thier joined bodies so he can feel her racing pulse, softly feeling her out so she, too, can go over the edge as his heart calms and his body softens. They fit together so well - he is in her, to the hilt of him, her legs spread wide, one hooked over his shoulder, so that they will press together just so.
She withdraws her leg, lets him out - he kisses her calf as it passes by, tickling her a little, and rolls over to lie next to her.
She looks over at him and grins. "What are you thinking about?"
"It's only that you…take me so well."
She looks at him like she doesn't quite understand what he just said, the golden euphoria broken. "That I do what?"
He explains, haltingly, about the bootcamp stories, the words he's never used himself, and Joan's smile begins to widen a little when she realizes what's going on.
She explains, slowly and patiently, about muscles - about pleasure. "If she's…tight, or tense, it's because she doesn't like it - that she's not relaxed, or ready." She brushes a stray hair off of his face. "If he can't get in, sometimes it's because she doesn't want him there."
Blessed relief. "But you'd tell me, if -"
She nods. "I love the man I married because you listen to me," Joan assures him. "And I'd always let you know, if you were too much. But you never are." She leans over, her body heavy over him, and kissed the corner of his mouth. "For you I'm infinite."
Good, he thinks, silently, feeling his body respond again to her touch, her closeness, and watching her smile widen as she moves a hand to touch him again, his body nearly shivering with delight. I don't think I could ever get enough of you.
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msfitcamp · 1 year
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We had an amazing week of classes at the Camphouse! From cardio and conditioning to our signature butt and guts drills, each class pushed us to our limits and helped us feel strong and energized. We love being part of such a supportive community of women who are all working towards their fitness goals. Can't wait to see what next week brings! We would love for you to join us! Your first week is free!! 💖 #fitcampstrong (at FITCamp - Beginners Bootcamp for Women) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqK92WzAqZ7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bavathaarani · 1 month
Weight Loss Plans For Women To Try In 2024
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What Weight Loss Plans Are Available for Women?
There is seemingly an endless amount of weight loss programs available for women, from pre-packaged meal delivery services promising quick results to bootcamp-style workout routines and diet regimens.
Some popular plans, such as the Mediterranean diet, plant-based diet or low-carb diet, provide general guidelines of which foods you should eat and avoid to support weight loss and overall health. Meanwhile, commercial programs like Weight Watchers (WW) or Noom offer a more structured approach to weight loss and provide more detailed guidelines to follow.
With so many weight loss plans to choose from, it may feel overwhelming to find a weight loss plan that fits your needs and preferences. Regardless, most nutrition and fitness experts agree that weight loss plans should pair a nutritious, balanced diet with regular physical activity to maximize results.
“Nutrition is key to seeing weight loss results,” says certified personal trainer and nutrition coach Stephanie Thomas, who’s based in Washington, D.C.. “You can do the most effective workout program out there, but if you’re not eating in a calorie deficit and fueling your body with nutritious foods, it will be really hard to see the results you want.”
However, even with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine, weight loss can still be challenging for many women. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health, men often lose weight more quickly than women because they are usually larger and have more muscle to support, and can eat more while still losing weight. Additionally, women tend to have less muscle mass and a higher amount of body fat, which burns less calories than muscle.
For this reason, Thomas notes that finding a diet and exercise plan that you can stick with is key, as it can take time and patience to see results. She recommends working with a professional, such as a registered dietitian, personal trainer or medical weight loss specialist to help hold you accountable. Alternatively, pairing up with a workout partner or weight loss buddy with a similar set of goals is another option that can help you stay on track for long-term success.
Weight Loss Meal Plans for Women
There are several meal plans for women that can be effective for weight loss. Here are some of the top choices recommended by experts.
Balanced Plate Method
Paulina Lee, a registered dietitian in Sugar Land, Texas and founder of Savvy Stummy, a wellness program designed to support gut health, notes that the balanced plate method can be a simple way to add more variety to your diet. “Instead of counting calories or tracking macros, simply fill your 9-inch plate where half of it is vegetables, a quarter of the plate is lean protein and a quarter of the plate is starch,” she explains.
This diet pattern is sustainable, realistic and effective for long-term weight loss, according to Lee. “Not to mention, rounding out a meal with fiber, protein and healthy fats will keep you fuller for longer, which can reduce snacking between meals and other cravings,” she says.
One review of 23 studies concluded that portion control plates, which incorporate the same guidelines of the balanced plate method, could help support weight loss in people with overweight and obesity or type 2 diabetes. The review also noted that portion control plates were associated with several positive dietary behaviors, including increased fruit and vegetable intake[1].
Mediterranean Diet
Gisela Bouvier, registered dietitian and owner of Gisela Bouvier Nutrition in Punta Gorda, Florida, recommends the Mediterranean diet, noting that it can support weight loss and overall health. According to Bouvier, the Mediterranean diet “encourages intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, such as nuts and seeds and lean proteins.”
One study found that both menopausal and pre-menopausal women experienced significant fat loss when following a low-calorie, Mediterranean diet. In fact, women lost an average of nearly five pounds of body fat over the course of the eight-week study, even with minimal aerobic exercise[2].
Inspired by the traditional diets of Mediterranean countries like Greece, Spain and Italy, the Mediterranean diet has also been linked to a long list of health benefits beyond weight loss, including improved heart health, enhanced brain function and increased longevity. Plus, unlike other popular diet plans, it’s easy to follow and doesn’t have any strict rules, like calorie counting.
However, while no foods are technically off-limits on the diet, several should be limited, including red meat, processed foods, refined grains and added sugar. Other components of the diet often include staying active, sharing meals with family and friends and enjoying red wine in moderation.
Volumetrics Diet
The volumetrics diet is an eating plan that encourages eating foods with a low calorie density, such as fruits and vegetables, to promote feelings of fullness while also cutting calories. The diet, which is outlined in a book by nutrition scientist Barbara Rolls, categorizes foods based on their calorie density and offers guidelines of which foods a balanced meal should include.
“The thing people like most about a volume-based approach is that it makes you feel like you can eat a ton—without constantly thinking about ‘restriction, ’” says Jaclyn London, a registered dietitian based in New York.
London also notes that no foods are restricted on the volumetrics diet and it’s easy to adapt to your needs and preferences. Plus, it may even help improve your relationship with food. “By emphasizing plants, volumetrics encourages a shift in not only what you eat, but how you think about what you eat,” she says.
A study in The Journal of Nutrition found that foods with a lower energy density improved appetite control, curbed cravings and increased feelings of fullness in women with overweight or obesity, all of which could contribute to weight loss[3].
Also known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet, the DASH Diet was originally developed to reduce blood pressure and promote heart health. However, according to London, the diet “can be both an overall healthier style of eating and smart approach to weight loss.”
The plan recommends filling your plate with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with legumes, nuts, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products. Meanwhile, foods high in added sugar or saturated fat should be limited, including red meat or full-fat dairy, and the plan recommends limiting sodium to no more than 2,300 milligrams a day. The DASH Diet also provides guidelines on how many servings of each food group you should enjoy each day.
Many of the foods encouraged on the DASH Diet are low in calories yet rich in important nutrients like fiber and protein, which can be beneficial for weight loss. Furthermore, foods that are limited, including foods high in added sugar, have been linked to weight gain and obesity when consumed in excess.
“Of great emphasis on this plan (and really, any great diet) is that the diet tells you what to eat, without over-emphasizing a key nutritional component,” says London. Besides supporting weight loss, London also notes that the diet features several key nutrients to support heart health, including omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and magnesium.
Eat Smarter With Noom Powered by technology, coaches and psychology, Noom teaches you tips and tricks to develop a positive relationship with food so you can enjoy the foods you love without guilt or shame.
Weight Loss Workout Plans for Women
In addition to switching up your diet, staying active is another key component of weight loss. Here are some workouts that can help you reach your goals.
Circuit Training
“For women that want to lose weight, I recommend circuit training,” says Marshall Weber, a Boise-based personal trainer and founder of Jack City Fitness. This type of exercise involves cycling through eight to 10 exercises lasting between 30 to 60 seconds each to target different muscle groups.
The National Academy of Sports Medicine notes that circuit training can support weight loss by helping you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. This is due to the shorter rest periods between each exercise, which keep your heart rate up throughout your training session to increase the overall number of calories burned.
“Circuit training has become popular by gyms like Orange Theory Fitness,” says Weber. He also notes that it can be a good way to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously, without adding too much bulk to muscles.
Dynamic Training
If you’re unsure how to get started when it comes to working out, Jill Charton, an Atlanta-based personal trainer and founder of iFour.life, recommends dynamic training.
“You’ll often see ‘dynamic’ in front of strength or stretching exercises, but it generally refers to a specific category of workouts that focus on ranges of motion that recruit more muscle groups for you to be able to stabilize and generate power,” explains Charton. Examples include rotational lunges, kettlebell swings, walking quad stretches and goblet squats.
This type of training is particularly good for weight loss, as it activates multiple muscle groups in each exercise, allowing you to build strength and muscle mass throughout your body, according to Charton. She also notes that this type of exercise can be incorporated into a variety of schedules and routines, meaning it may be easier to stick with long-term in order to maximize results.
“I love dynamic training because it helps my clients learn more about movement within their bodies in an empowering way,” says Charton. “It also helps my clients to learn how to work out more efficiently while gaining strength, speed, agility, coordination, stability and confidence.”
Weight Training
Resistance training, also known as weight training, can increase strength and endurance using bodyweight exercises like push-ups or squats or workout equipment, such as weights. “Over the past eight years of working with women, the most exercise effective plans I’ve seen to work incorporate weight lifting three to four days a week,” says Thomas.
Building muscle may be beneficial for weight loss and metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Interestingly, one review concluded that resistance training could significantly increase resting metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn at rest, whereas aerobic training had no effect[4].
“The simple, traditional exercises work best. Workouts don’t need to be fancy or require a lot of special equipment. Including classic weight lifting exercises will benefit women as they’ll see muscle growth, which can help reduce body fat,” says Thomas.
Pros and Cons of Following a Weight Loss Plan for Women
While following a weight loss program may offer a variety of benefits, sticking with these programs also comes with important drawbacks to keep in mind. Consider the following pros and cons of following a weight loss program:
Losing weight may have a positive impact on one’s body image and overall mental health
Even moderate weight loss (5% to 10% of your body weight) may offer cardiovascular benefits like reduced blood pressure and blood sugar as well as improved cholesterol
Losing weight can help reduce the risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers for those with overweight or obesity
Research suggests that modest weight loss may lead to improved ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Weight loss may reduce the risk of pregnancy complications like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes for women with obesity
Maintaining weight loss and preventing weight regain requires long-term adherence to lifestyle changes like eating nutritious meals and getting enough exercise
Sticking with certain diets long-term may be difficult for some, as some diets may restrict entire food groups or have little food variety, leading to low sustainability over time
Following diets that restrict entire food groups may lead to certain nutritional deficiencies
How Long Does It Take for a Weight Loss Plan to Work?
How long it takes for a weight loss program to work depends on factors like your age, health history, genetics and environment. You’ll generally need to cut about 500 calories per day through diet or exercise to lose one pound per week.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends losing weight gradually (1 to 2 pounds per week) for sustainable weight loss. What’s more, the CDC claims that people who lose weight gradually are more likely to keep the weight off than those who lose weight rapidly.
How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Plan for You
Bouvier recommends assessing needs, goals and preferences to find a weight loss plan that works for you. She also notes that you should look for a program that is easily adaptable to your current regimen, doesn’t leave you feeling hungry or deprived and teaches you healthy habits to help maintain weight loss long-term.
When it comes to exercise, it may be most important to find something that you enjoy and can stick with. “Weight loss is a long-term game, so any exercise approach you take should be something that you can see yourself doing weeks, months and even years from now,” says Alex Parry, a strength, conditioning and weightlifting coach based in Leeds, U.K.
Lee agrees that weight loss should be a slow and steady process and cautions against weight loss programs that promise rapid results. “We gain weight over time and we aren’t going to lose it overnight,” says Lee. “Weight loss plans that promote extreme weight loss in a short period of time won’t help you maintain the weight lost.”
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systemtek · 1 month
Gender bias and lack of encouragement blocking girls from tech careers
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- New BT Group research shows school girls are still half as likely to actively pursue a career in tech than boys due to gender bias concerns and a lack of encouragement. - Only two thirds of girls are encouraged by their families and teachers to consider a tech career, compared to more than three quarters of boys. - 22-year-old Aayza from Ealing, London, spent years feeling like she didn’t belong in the tech industry before trusting in her skills and landing a job as a data consultant. Londoner, Aayza, has bitter sweet memories of her A-level computing classes – while she adored the subject and excelled at it, she felt out of place. “I often felt like I didn’t fit in in a classroom full of boys,” said Aayza, who became the first woman in her family to go to university and land a professional job. “When there’s nobody that looks like you in a room, it’s natural to doubt yourself and question whether you belong.” Aayza was among thousands of young women bucking the worrying trend of avoiding a career in technology when she signed up for the FastFutures and BT Group Data Bootcamp – designed to develop skills in demand by employers, such as data analysis. New BT Group research of 11 to 17-year-olds in the UK shows nearly double the number of boys described themselves as ‘very well suited’ to a career in tech compared to girls (25% vs 13%). Girls were twice as likely to say they were ‘not very well suited’ to the industry (14% vs 26%) and half as likely as boys to desire a career in tech (30% vs 15%). Girls were also far less likely to believe there is nothing holding them back from a tech career (36% boys vs 23% girls).  When presented with a list of career options, the majority of children who took part in the study chose stereotypically gendered jobs. Girls gravitated towards nursing and fashion careers, while boys tended to pick video game design, software engineering and sports-related careers (see chart). The research confirmed that these stereotypes are being reinforced at home and, more importantly, school. Just two thirds of 11-17 year old girls said they had been encouraged to work in a tech career by their families and teachers, compared to more than three quarters of the boys who took part in BT Group’s study. Aayza added: “My family emigrated from Pakistan and I’m the first to go to university and get a professional job that isn’t skilled labour. It's not really common for women to go to university back in Pakistan. “At school, wearing a hijab in a classroom of mostly white boys meant I felt even more out of place. Although tech was my passion, I ended up studying maths in university with the goal of becoming an accountant. “I did modules in AI and, even though I was still in the minority, I learned to trust in my own skills to overcome the feeling of not belonging.” After graduating from Kingston University in Surrey, Aayza joined the FastFutures and BT Group Data Bootcamp offering practical data analysis skills and employability support.  “I didn’t really have anyone to go to for practical advice about starting a career - it was just me trying to figure things out myself which was a bit scary. The BT Group programmes were a massive help and they gave me the skills I needed to land my first job as a data consultant,” she said. The study also found that over half (51%) of girls think tech careers are advertised more to boys and nearly eight in 10 (78%) said there are not enough female role models in the tech industry.  Victoria Johnson, Social Impact Director at BT Group, said: “In this research and in the workshops we run in schools across the country, the trend is clear – when compared to boys, many girls feel like tech careers are not for them. “This isn’t to say they are uninterested, or even that they are less confident with tech. To a lot of girls, careers in tech feel exclusive to men. "Our research reveals there is still a lot of work to be done in supporting girls to thrive in the world of tech. It is critical we get this right now, rather than having to try and undo the problems it may cause in the future. “Initiatives like our 'Work Ready' events are crucial to changing perceptions among young girls, providing them with the necessary insight and support to instil in them a confidence to chart their path into the world of work, unrestricted by outdated gender norms.” It comes as BT Group delivers its Work Ready programme in schools across the UK to prepare students for the world of work, connecting their STEM curriculum learning with skills that are in demand by employers. The programme aims to bridge the digital gaps for young people including girls and people with disabilities. These events are taking place in schools across the UK in June and July including Belfast, Birmingham, Darlington, Gosforth, Manchester and London. They are part of BT Group’s response to the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, supporting young people in gaining tech skills for the workplace. Job preferences for girls and boys aged 11-17:  GIRLS  BOYSNurse19% Video game designer33%Fashion designer17% Sport27%Lawyer14% Software engineer26%Entertainer/influencer14% IT manager20%Video game designer13% Entertainer/influencer13%Beautician/hairdresser13% Builder12%Doctor12% Data scientist11%Social media manager11% Doctor10%Sport9% Lawyer9%Software engineer8% Architect9%IT manager7% Social media manager9%Data scientist6% Pilot8%Architect6% Banker7%Secretary4% Fashion designer3%Pilot3% Nurse3%Banker3% Beautician/hairdresser2%Builder2% Secretary1% Read the full article
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besimplyawesomeblog · 8 months
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eazy-group · 3 months
LaKesha lost 129 pounds
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/lakesha-lost-129-pounds/
LaKesha lost 129 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LaKesha shares how she lost 129 pounds. This proud mom is determined to live a long, healthy life for her son. She also wanted to prove to herself that she could reach her wellness goals. She has achieved impressive results by working with her trainer and committing to a healthy lifestyle.
Social Media: Kesha Marie on Facebook @keeshmarie83 on Instagram @mbakeesh on TikTok
What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? My motivation has always been my son. He is the reason why I keep going. I would never want him to have the burden of losing me early in his life. I want to do this for myself as well, to prove to myself that I can do it and overcome the struggle.
How did you change your eating habits?  Sugar has always been a huge problem for me. I love pizza, pasta, and bread. This is not my first time on this journey, so I know what to do. It’s just a matter of telling myself daily that I have to do it. Eating more protein and getting the right amount of healthy foods is still something I find myself struggling with, but I’m better than I was before. That’s what makes me confident that I will reach my goals. 
I know that food intake is the biggest part of weight loss. I realize that my meals have to be filled with fruits, veggies, and lean meats if I want to see real results. 
What is your workout routine?  The first time around, I did it on my own. I lost motivation and found myself regaining 60 lbs of the 80 lbs I lost. 
I realized this time I needed help. I work out with a trainer (Brianna CroMartie of CroMartie Fitness) which was the best decision I made for myself. We come across trainers who are there but not there, if that makes sense. She really cares about every single one of her clients – Not just our physical health but our mental, spiritual, and emotional health. It all plays a part in our success. 
How often did you work out? Bri offers 1:1 sessions online and in person. She also does three weekly boot camps (please get with her if you are ready to change your life). 
I work out six times a week, depending on my schedule and my son’s schedule. I do three 1:1 sessions with Bri and three Bootcamp sessions with her other clients. She recently started offering a Saturday circuit Training session that I attend as well. I also work out at Planet Fitness to get some extra work in sometimes. 
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight? My highest weight was actually 387 pounds. The first time around I lost over 80lbs. I went from 355 lbs to 275 lbs. I gained weight back and found myself back over 300 lbs when I started training with my trainer. I am currently down over 125 pounds and my current weight is 258 pounds. 
What is your height? 5’8″ 1/2 
When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take? This is my second time at this, so it has been a journey for me. I am years in the game but I’m determined to finish this up in 2024. Losing weight and then gaining it back after a few years was one of the hardest things ever. Putting all that hard work in and then seeing myself slip and gain it back wasn’t easy to accept. 
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? No, weight loss surgery is not a part of my journey. 
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? This is an ongoing process; I have to make a conscious effort daily to make the right choices/decisions. Some days, I pass, and some days, I fail. It’s not about perfection. It’s about progress. That’s the biggest lesson I’m learning as I continue on this journey. 
If I want to truly reach the best version of myself, I have to understand that every day will not be easy, but it will be worth it.
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Get ya mind right! Mind over matter is a huge part of the journey and one of the biggest struggles to overcome. Deep down we know what we need to do to be the healthiest version of ourselves but we have to get our mind to follow. 
Many of us also struggle with self-discipline. Once the motivation to keep going is gone, you have to have self-discipline to carry you through.
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Book on and join us TOMORROW 14th Mar
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Every Thursday @ 7pm
Sweaty Bootcamp is a female only, fun and feisty workout for all women to enjoy.
Suitable for all levels of fitness we undertake effective, varied game orientated sessions.
Continually varied and fun workouts to keep you on your toes, Sweaty Mama Bootcamps are an ideal way to workout in a safe & friendly environment with the girls.
Motivating each other to work hard all whilst having a laugh and seeing great results*
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BOOK NOW to hold your place
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kicksaddictny · 4 months
Nike x Megan Thee Stallion: Hot Girl Systems
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At Nike, our mission is to support athletes and sports enthusiasts in feeling confident and comfortable in their bodies, blending style, movement, and self-expression. We excel in merging sports and culture by partnering with women and supporting them every step of the way.
We collaborate with cultural icons who share our passion for promoting movement among the next generation and inspiring others to embrace the joy of movement while staying true to themselves.
In 2021, we teamed up with Megan Thee Stallion to celebrate the power of movement and encourage her fans, known as Hotties, to train like her. Now, we're joining forces again with Megan Thee Stallion to empower the next generation to define fitness and wellness on their own terms. Our goal is to foster a more inclusive and accessible wellness and fitness community for everyone.
The Nike x Megan Thee Stallion collaboration kicks off with the launch of her first-ever apparel and NBY footwear collection: Hot Girl Systems. This collection is designed to be bold and versatile, featuring dynamic pieces suitable for all body types and movement styles.
The second phase of the collaboration, rolling out in early March, includes two new NTC digital workouts and in-person experiences, along with a campaign to inspire Hotties to embrace a Hottie State of Mind.
So, what exactly is a Hottie State of Mind? Megan Thee Stallion explains: It's an energy, an attitude, and a new approach to movement. It's about showing up for yourself and others, prioritizing your physical and mental health, and always carrying yourself with confidence — because Hotties understand that being your best starts from within.
The Nike x Megan Thee Stallion Hot Girl Systems apparel collection will be available on her birthday, February 15, on megantheestallion.com, and will hit Nike, nike.com, and select retailers on February 20. Please note that the apparel collection is only available in the United States.
The NBY Air Max 97 by Megan Thee Stallion will be released globally on nike.com starting February 20. The new Hottie Lower Body and Hottie Core workouts will be available on the NTC app from March 4.
To participate in IRL Hottie Bootcamps and other Nike Experiences in your city, check out the Nike website for more information.
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gutundgesund · 5 months
Was Sie von einem Fitness-Bootcamp erwarten können
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Ein Fitness-Bootcamp ist eine hochintensive Trainingsart, bei der ein ausgebildeter Fitness-Coach eine Gruppe von Menschen über mehrere Wochen fit macht. Das Training findet in der Regel im Freien statt und beinhaltet Ganzkörper-Workouts, Partnerübungen und verschiedene Fitness-Aufgaben. Bootcamps finden oft morgens statt und bieten intensive Workouts, die die Grenzen der Teilnehmer erweitern sollen. Schlüsselerkenntnisse: - Fitness-Bootcamps sind hochintensive Trainingseinheiten mit Ganzkörper-Workouts. - Sie finden oft im Freien statt und beinhalten Partnerübungen und Fitness-Aufgaben. - Bootcamps bieten intensive Workouts, um die Grenzen der Teilnehmer zu erweitern. - Das Training wird von ausgebildeten Fitness-Coaches geleitet. - Bootcamps können eine sportliche Herausforderung sein, um neue Fitnessziele zu setzen. Fitness-Bootcamps: Was ist das? Ein Fitness-Bootcamp ist eine Trainingsart, die von den Ausbildungsprogrammen für US-Soldaten inspiriert wurde. Es findet oft im Freien statt und beinhaltet intensive Workouts unter Anleitung eines Trainers. Beim Fitness-Bootcamp stehen nicht die Geräte eines Fitness-Studios im Vordergrund, sondern der Einsatz des eigenen Körpergewichts und natürlicher Elemente wie Bänke, Geländer und Treppenstufen als Trainingsgeräte. Diese Form des Trainings wird auch als Outdoor-Fitness bezeichnet. Das Besondere an Fitness-Bootcamps ist die Gruppendynamik, die durch das gemeinsame Training entsteht. Die Teilnehmer motivieren und unterstützen sich gegenseitig, was zu einem intensiven Trainingserlebnis führt. Durch die abwechslungsreichen Übungen und den Einsatz verschiedener Trainingsmethoden wie Hochintensives Intervalltraining (HIIT) werden Kondition, Kraft und Ausdauer effektiv verbessert. "Fitness-Bootcamps bieten die perfekte Möglichkeit, dem Alltag zu entfliehen und sich sportlich herauszufordern. Das Training im Freien sorgt für frische Luft und eine energiegeladene Atmosphäre. In der Gruppe macht das Workout gleich doppelt so viel Spaß!" - Fit Women Bootcamps Ein Fitness-Bootcamp ist ideal für alle, die gerne an ihre körperlichen Grenzen gehen und sich nach einem effektiven Ganzkörper-Workout sehnen. Das intensive Training kombiniert Ausdauer-, Kraft- und Koordinationsübungen und fordert den gesamten Körper heraus. Ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener, durch die individuelle Anpassung der Übungen kann jeder die Herausforderungen des Bootcamps meistern und seine Fitnessziele erreichen. Der Mix aus intensivem Training, frischer Luft und der Motivation der Gruppe macht Fitness-Bootcamps zu einer beliebten Trainingsalternative zum klassischen Fitness-Studio. Probieren Sie es selbst aus und lassen Sie sich von der Energie und Dynamik eines Fitness-Bootcamps begeistern! Sport wie beim Militär: fit wie US-Soldaten Fitness-Bootcamps sind nicht nur ein aktueller Fitness-Trend, sondern haben ihren Ursprung in den anspruchsvollen Ausbildungsprogrammen der US-Soldaten. Das intensive Trainingsprogramm wird jedoch in abgeschwächter Form durchgeführt, um es für verschiedene Fitness-Level geeignet zu machen. Bei einem Fitness-Bootcamp werden die Teilnehmer dazu ermutigt, an ihre Grenzen zu gehen, wobei jedoch individuelle Grenzen respektiert werden. Das Training bietet ein intensives Workout-Erlebnis, das die Teilnehmer fit wie echte US-Soldaten macht. Um Ihnen einen Eindruck von der Intensität eines Bootcamps zu vermitteln, denken Sie an das zielgerichtete Training der Soldaten, bei dem Ausdauer, Kraft und Koordination gleichermaßen gefordert werden. Diese Herausforderung wird in den Fitness-Bootcamps aufgegriffen und in einem abwechslungsreichen Trainingsprogramm umgesetzt. "Bootcamps gehören zu den beliebtesten Fitness-Trends der letzten Jahre. Sie bieten eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, seine Grenzen zu testen und die eigene Fitness auf ein neues Level zu bringen." - Fitness-Experte Markus Schmidt Mit einem intensiven Trainingsprogramm, das die Grundlage des militärischen Trainings widerspiegelt, bringt das Fitness-Bootcamp Sie an Ihre körperlichen Grenzen und ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Fitnessziele zu erreichen. Gleichzeitig fördert die Gruppendynamik und der Zusammenhalt in der Bootcamp-Gemeinschaft eine motivierende Umgebung, in der Sie sich gegenseitig zu Bestleistungen anspornen. Bootcamp-Fitness: Wie läuft es ab? Ein typisches Fitness-Bootcamp besteht aus verschiedenen Phasen. Zu Beginn gibt es eine Aufwärmphase, gefolgt von einer Power-Phase, in der intensive Übungen wie Kniebeugen, Liegestütze und Burpees durchgeführt werden. Diese werden immer wieder durch Sprints oder andere Fitness-Wettbewerbe unterbrochen. Am Ende gibt es eine Cool-down-Phase mit Dehnungsübungen, um den Körper zu entspannen. Da Bootcamps oft im Freien stattfinden, ist die Dauer einer Session in der Regel eine Stunde. "Das Bootcamp-Training ist eine intensive und effektive Methode, um den Körper zu trainieren und die Fitness zu verbessern." Was #gesundheit #fitness #lifestyle #beziehungen #achtsamkeit Original Content von: https://www.gutundgesund.org/ Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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edanjoygelt · 8 months
Edan Gelt is Back | Navigating Aging Fitness and Wellness with Grace
In the distant past of 2017, I embarked on a challenge that saw me sweating through 30 unique workouts in 30 days, all while diligently chronicling my fitness journey on a blog. The motivation behind this endeavor was twofold: to test my physical limits and to generate content for a fledgling fitness app that had me hooked on the thrill of the challenge.
Fast forward six years, and that blog page still exists, patiently waiting for fresh content. Why, you ask? Well, because fitness has become an inseparable part of my daily routine, and as I approach the big 5-0 in a few short years, it's more than just a workout—it's my mental and physical sanctuary.
My weeks are peppered with bike rides, covering up to 60 miles, weather permitting (and my neck cooperating), and bootcamp classes at the local gym a few days each week. Yet, something interesting has happened over the years. I've evolved into what I like to call the "modifier." You see, I used to look at those individuals who modified exercises during workouts and wondered if I could avoid going down that road. Spoiler alert: I couldn't. Now, lunges and squats tend to leave me with a knee the size of a grapefruit for the following week, my shoulder occasionally stages a protest, and every so often, I find myself pulling something I didn't even know I had.
While it might be a sign that high-intensity bootcamp sessions may not be the ideal fit for my body anymore, I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet. In fact, this year, I'm pursuing certification as a personal trainer. My passion for exercise has evolved into a desire to help other women who, like me, are gracefully navigating the seas of aging. While it won't be my full-time profession, I foresee my newfound skill set as a delightful hobby.
Now, let's get down to brass tacks. Exercising as you gracefully age is a bit like a well-choreographed dance—one that requires careful attention to avoid stepping on your own toes. Here are some tips I live by, and I hope they serve you well on your fitness journey:
1. Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Always, and I mean always, consult with your healthcare provider before diving headfirst into a new exercise routine, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or lingering concerns. Their insights are invaluable.
2. Baby Steps: If you've been somewhat inactive lately, start with gentle exercises and work your way up gradually. No need to rush; your body will thank you for the patience.
3. Warm-Up and Cool Down: Just like a fine wine, your muscles need a warm-up to get the juices flowing before you dive into the workout. Likewise, cool down to gracefully ease your heart rate back to normal and prevent those post-workout stiffness surprises.
4. Balance and Flexibility: These are your new best friends. Embrace exercises like yoga, tai chi, or balance training to boost stability and reduce the odds of unplanned acrobatics.
5. Strength Matters: Maintaining muscle mass and bone density should be a priority. Use light weights, resistance bands, or your own body weight to sculpt those muscles. Start gently, and let the resistance grow as you do.
6. Cardiovascular Love: Show your heart some love with aerobic activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Shoot for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week.
7. Listen to Your Body: Your body is a wise sage. Pay close attention to its signals during and after exercise. If you experience pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath, don't be a hero—stop and seek advice as needed.
8. Stay Hydrated: Hydration is your secret weapon. Drink water before, during, and after workouts to keep your body in top form.
9. Form Matters: Learning the right form is like learning the steps to an intricate dance routine. It's crucial to prevent strain or injury. Consider working with a certified fitness trainer who can be your dance partner.
10. Mix It Up: Variety is the spice of life. Keep your routine fresh and exciting by incorporating different types of exercises to engage various muscle groups. Your body will thank you for the entertainment.
11. Joint Care: As you age, your joints can become a tad finicky. Be mindful of any joint discomfort, and adjust your exercises accordingly. Low-impact activities like swimming or stationary biking are often joint-friendly alternatives.
12. Stretch it Out: Embrace the art of stretching to maintain or enhance your flexibility. Stretch both before and after your workouts to ensure your body moves like a well-oiled machine.
13. Rest and Recovery: Your body isn't a perpetual motion machine. Give it the rest and recovery it deserves between workouts. Overtraining can lead to injuries and burnout, and nobody wants that.
14. Footwear Wisdom: Proper shoes are like your trusty dance shoes. They provide support and stability, reducing the chances of embarrassing slips and falls. So, choose wisely.
15. Stay Informed: Lastly, stay in the loop. Keep abreast of the latest exercise recommendations for the gracefully aging. New research and guidelines can be the North Star on your fitness journey.
In conclusion, aging gracefully doesn't mean giving up on exercise; it means embracing it in a smart and tailored way. Your fitness journey is unique, just like you. So, take these tips, put on your workout shoes, and let's continue dancing through the beautiful symphony of life.
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fit4mii · 10 months
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Achieving a bikini body fast is a goal many people have, and there are several tips and strategies that can help you get there. Here are 10 tips to help you achieve your desired bikini body:
1. Incorporate full body workouts for women into your fitness routine: Full body workouts are a great way to target multiple muscle groups and burn calories efficiently. They can help you tone your entire body and achieve a balanced physique.
2. Try beach body workouts: Beach body workouts are specifically designed to help you get in shape for the beach season. These workouts often focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and incorporate exercises that target the core, legs, and arms.
3. Follow a balanced and nutritious diet: Achieving a bikini body requires a combination of exercise and a healthy diet. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your meals. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.
4. Consider a bikini competition diet: If you’re aiming for a bikini body for a competition, it’s important to follow a specific diet plan. Consult with a nutritionist or fitness coach to create a meal plan that suits your goals and needs.
5. Incorporate weight training into your workouts: Weight training is essential for building lean muscle mass and increasing your metabolism. Include exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, and bench presses in your routine.
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6. Stay consistent with your workouts: Consistency is key when it comes to achieving any fitness goal. Make sure to stick to your workout schedule and stay committed to your fitness routine.
7. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial for overall health and weight loss. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated and support your body’s natural detoxification processes.
8. Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a vital role in weight management and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your body’s recovery and rejuvenation.
9. Incorporate cardio exercises into your routine: Cardio exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, or dancing can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week.
10. Stay motivated and positive: Achieving a bikini body takes time and effort. Stay motivated by setting realistic goals, tracking your progress, and celebrating your achievements along the way. Surround yourself with positive influences and remember to enjoy the journey.
Remember, achieving a bikini body is not just about appearance, but also about feeling confident and healthy in your own skin. By following these tips and staying consistent, you’ll be on your way to achieving your desired bikini body in no time.
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5 Home Workouts to Achieve a Bikini Body Fast
1 Month Workout Prescription Guide 
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Get great fitness training guidance to help you build muscles, raise your metabolism and burn fat in  4 weeks bikini  weight loss programme.
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28 Day Nutritional Cleansing Program
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The 28 day Nutritional Detox and Cleansing program will enable you to make vast improvements to your health during this 4-week long bikini detox program
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Live Virtual Fitness Bootcamp 3x per Week
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This live Virtual Fitness Bikini Bootcamp class will help you to make a huge step towards your Weight loss goal -even in the first month!
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3 / 12 Week Month Beach Body Workout Program
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Start the 3 Month Beach Bikini Body Program and make huge steps towards your weight loss goal within the first 28 days of weight-loss. 
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10 Monthly Personal Training Sessions
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Workout online or in-person with the Fit4Mii Personal Training Team. We will match you to a trainer to achieve your bikini weight loss goals.
Book Consultation
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theembcnetwork · 11 months
How To Fall Back In Love with Your Body with Author and Body Love Educator Rachel Lavin from THE EMBC TV NETWORK on Vimeo.
Rachel Lavin is a Published author of The Doughnut Diaries, Professional Speaker and Body Love Educator, Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Health Coach. Rachel Lavin is a Published author of The Doughnut Diaries, Professional Speaker and Body Love Educator, Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Health Coach. She grew up in Northern California and has lived in Hawaii, Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon and New York City. She currently lives in Greenville, South Carolina with her Partner.
In 2000 Rachel began her career as an ACE certified group fitness instructor teaching a plethora of classes such as Aqua Aerobics, Bootcamp, Jazzercise, Dance Aerobics, Stretch and Chair classes. In 2007 she was certified as an ACE Personal Trainer working at big box gyms in NYC and becoming an independent trainer in 2012. Rachel wanted to take her passion for helping people to the next level and became an ACE certified Health Coach in 2018.
In 2020 Rachel wrote her first book "The Doughnut Diaries" about her own struggles with her weight and restrictive diets which lasted for over thirty years. As Rachel turned forty the expression I got sick and tired of being sick and tired hit home and she made a decision to take her power back and heal from decades of negative thinking and self sabotage. Rachel began to do the work on my mind, body and soul. Writing her book was her way of sharing my message to women and men alike that you are not alone! Now using her book Rachel wants to help people who have had or a still experiencing negative body image. By using what she now refers to as my three pillars of fitness; Nourishment for both the mind and body, Movement & Rest. rachellavinwellness.com/
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