#wonder duo: rising
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
[ cw: nightmares / trauma / ]
Post-invasion, Mikey sneaks into Leo’s room and when asked by Leo what the problem was, Mikey just smiles and says since he’s awake and knew Leo would be too, he didn’t want either of them alone. Leo laughs and lets Mikey stick around, both of them clumped together on Leo’s bed, watching grainy compilations of old Lou Jitsu commercials on Leo’s phone.
Technically, Mikey didn’t lie. He just didn’t explain everything that led him to Leo’s room. He didn’t explain the nightmare of his arms burning up too bright, too fast, destroyed before Raph and Donnie have a chance to help. He didn’t explain how he woke up with a wail caught in his throat, phantom pain in his arms and chest alike chasing away any semblance of exhaustion. He didn’t explain how his mind made sure he knew, vividly, that if one thing went wrong with his portal, then he would have never seen Leo again.
He didn’t explain, and he didn’t have to. Leo knows his brothers better than he knows himself, and Mikey has always been easy to read. So it’s no trouble to let Mikey know that he’s still with them, that Leo is here and alive with everyone else. And when Mikey finally regains his exhaustion and falls asleep leaning against Leo, Leo simply maneuvers him into a more comfortable position and stays by his side.
He doesn’t move, doesn’t go to sleep - not that he could, anyway. He just mindlessly scrolls on his phone, the soft snores of his little brother filling the room. He stays in place, awake, because he wants to be sure that when Mikey wakes up again it’s to the immediate sight that Leo is alive and well and home.
And, if Leo’s bring honest, that’s a reminder not just for Mikey’s sake.
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ilovereadingandstuff · 2 months
A Wonder Duo post appreciation
(because the fucking ending left it half-baked)
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zinzabee · 9 months
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Old art but its still funny and I forgot to post it here, so.
Based on real interactions between me and my husband (we are both on the aromantic spectrum, and so are these two)
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nyaskitten · 9 months
There's something so perfect about the Nya and Sora duo. Both have a strong connection to tech and building their own stuff, and at the start of their ninja training all they ever held in themselves was doubt and uncertainty in their own ability and whether or not they had powers to begin with... god I love them
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chocmuffinsscones · 9 months
Hori is letting us take a break before facing the onslaught of gayness coming next year me thinks
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
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@braveburned asked: “ wait… hold on a second, what year is it? “ // time travel starters
MICHAEL FROWNS AT THE QUESTION, immediate assumption that the kid is fucking with him. He was just going to breeze past after the first weird question: something about the restaurants ( or at least, that's all it could have been, though he seemed to describe it way more extravagantly than Michael would put it ), to which Micheal immediately scoffed at. For someone who lives in a hospitable, social town, he's never been a conversationalist with strangers, especially with some random kid. ... Especially when they bring up the restaurants, and the familiar way the kid looked at a glance.
"1983, di-" -pshit. Cutting himself off ( a rare moment of self control, from what he'll tell himself is not wanting an angry parent on his ass ), but he still scowls, brows furrowed with confusion and annoyance alike. "Look, go get your head checked out or find someone else to mess with." And he's off!— a declaration that he is NOT dealing with this.
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seraphicsentences · 3 months
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you told me your new man don’t make you nut, that’s a damn shame.
closeted/in denial abby anderson x reader
pt.2 here: all mine
tags: internalized homophobia, smut, cheating, tw:owen, fingering (aa!receiving), lowkey sub!aa
A/N: we do not condone cheating here! unless it’s on owen fuck that asshole. sorry i disappeared for 100 years!! hope this is half-decent enough to make up for it. working on reqs i promise!!!! i love you all my sweet angels <333
please click me!!!
it was undeniable— the tension, between you and abby anderson. your queer sexuality was common knowledge amongst the WLF base, and your reputation as a womanizer quite contributory to the hot topic. on the complete opposite of the spectrum stood abby: top soldier, with the highest leading score in kills, and most importantly, dutiful girlfriend to owen moore.
where she stood on the line of homosexuality was made evidently clear. from the way she scoffed under her breath at the sight of your marked-up one night stands, to her weekly mornings at the base’s sunday service, you had found an almost masochistic pleasure in ticking her off to your best efforts.
you would catch yourself throwing offhand comments towards your latest hookups when she was in ears range. “my dick’s better than any man’s, isn’t that right, baby?”
in the mere corner of your peripheral vision you would see abby’s jaw tighten, gaze hard as she refused to look your way— her own sort of defiance to your antics. a haughty smirk threatened to break across your face. you couldn’t exactly place your finger on as to why you were so enamored with her understated reactions, rather than focused on the pretty, blushing girl in front of you. it became a thrill you craved insatiably, and built up as a wall between you two over the years, bound to come tumbling sooner or later.
mid-summer now, the longer days and better hunt called for a compulsory celebration. wlf’s central lounge was buzzing with drunken chatter and alight with the golden hue of mini lamp lights.
your childish bickering with abby hadn’t lessened up any bit, and to much of your delight, had begun to stir up more volatile reactions of hers as they’ve persisted.
you sat across her now, separated by only a couple foot’s distance and a beer bottle, which lay empty and flat on its side.
“spin the bottle? what are we, twelve?” abby scoffed at the idea.
she sat crisscrossed, forearms resting atop her legs, muscles straining against her tight grey shirt, and you couldn’t help but wonder how she, the very picture of masc, was so adamantly straight.
“aw, scared, anderson?” you grinned devilishly.
she physically recoiled, as if the very thought of being intimidated by someone like you burned her mind. haughty self satisfaction coursed through your veins, sick pleasure in knowing you could get under her skin so easily. running your eyes salaciously down her figure, you watched as she shifted nervously. cute.
“es solo un juego, abby,” manny says, shrugging.
“whatever,” she replies, “just get on with it.”
as the rounds go by, you can’t help but take note of the way abby awkwardly averts her gaze from whichever two lucky partakers kiss, no matter the duo. scoffing, she teasingly mouths ‘pendejo’ after manny stupidly grins into his third kiss of the night. you watch her smile disappear in a brief second when the your turn arises.
eye contact unwavering, you stare down abby as the bottle whirls around, waiting for it to select its next target. you can’t quite understand why your heart feels like it’s racing out of your chest the closer the bottlehead gets to nodding the blonde’s direction.
it inches closer. slower now.
a person away— and it stops.
…on the pretty girl next to abby.
abby releases a harsh breath you didn’t realize she was holding, chest rising slowly as she catches some air. you blink.
you cross the short distance between the two of you crawling, abby eyeing you down, before swerving your course of action in the last moment to land yourself in front of the girl next to her. without a moment’s hesitation you tug her in for a kiss, or no, multiple kisses as you tongue the girl down hungrily. she groans into it with a matched eagerness, desperate to get a dose of your infamous mouth.
your eyes flicker open between kisses, expecting to get an eyeful of the top of the blonde’s head, but you’re met with quite the opposite. the piercing stare of none other than abby anderson sends a chill down your spine. her breath hitches— she looks like she’s been fucking caught. and as tempting as the girl in front of you is, you can’t tear your gaze away from her.
you begin to dominate what is now a full-blown makeout session, eyes darkened, breaths unsteady, hands pulling. she just watches, bound to the floor. you watch her watch. and you want her to want it.
you pull away with a final tug on the girl’s bottom lip, feeding off the way abby’s eyes follow the action. someone wolf-whistles in the background, but, even flustered now, you can’t shake the undeniable tension between yourself and abby.
the rhythmic thumping of blood rushing through your skull acted rather as a barrier between your awareness and the continuing rounds. thankfully, you were left as a mere onlooker, free of any further unwanted attention.
abby had gone back to staring at her lap, you discovered, watching intently as she picked a stray hair off her jeans.
“hey anderson,” you called over, her reaction immediate— head jolting up.
her eyes relaxed to a glare once she realized you were the one addressing her, raising an eyebrow in question.
“i think it’s ‘bout your turn, yeah?”
“you fu-“
“solo un juego, abby,” manny cuts in.
with a huff, abby begrudgingly leans over to give the bottle a spin, tapping her fingers against the floor in anticipation.
the bottle stops. so does your heart, for just a second.
you look up. abby looks to owen. the fucking son of a bitch lends no help, smirking, excited that his perverted fantasies have come to life before his eyes.
“c’mon then,” you nod at her, leaning back on your wrists, almost in invitation.
she moves slowly, braid dangling by her shoulder as she scooches towards you, hands coming to a stop on the floor in front of you.
closer now, you can feel the heat radiating off her large figure onto your own, the light brush of her breaths intermingling with your own. yet— she makes no move to get any closer.
you loop a finger around her neckline and drag her in, teeth clashing from the aggression, noses bumping; it’s no fairytale kiss. but then your tongue licks into her open mouth, perhaps merely by muscle memory, or maybe because you secretly want a taste of more, and she fucking whimpers. so quiet, strangled, from the back of her throat, but you hear it nonetheless, and god, you feel it.
the switch up is almost immediate: abby pulling away faster than you can blink, back in her original spot before you know it, wiping at her mouth. but she was too late. you knew what she craved, and you were going to make sure she’d have to beg for it.
the party was in full swing now, majority of the room drunk off of wlf’s own brew, which meant everyone was completely fucked up.
you stumbled over to the serving area, leaning haphazardly over the bar to scan the room without falling over. your eyes caught onto a familiar blonde, seated quietly with a group composed of what you assumed to be her usual patrol friends. she’s seated next to owen, the fucker, who has his arm lazily swung around the skank sprawled on the other side of him. your eyes are glued to the visible scrunch between abby’s eyebrows, fingers itching to reach out and press it away.
“who’s the lucky girl you’re sinking your claws into tonight?”
your head swivels towards the voice, met with a concerned look from alex, wlf’s residential mixologist.
“…you good, babe?”
“fuck— yeah, just got a lit, a little dizzy for sec. the answer to, uh- to, your question is no one,” you hiccuped, grinning up at alex as you rested your head against the cold counter.
“uh-huh, sure. i’ll let you have your secrets. i won’t pry,” she quips.
you laugh, miming an imaginary lock over your lips before tossing the ‘key’ away. “what can i say? i’m a gentleman, alex, no, gentlewoman. i don’t kiss and te-“
you’re cut off by another voice approaching the counter, low and slurring, asking for a glass of straight whiskey.
you roll your head over, faced with the towering frame of none other than abby anderson. she’s closer than you expected her to be, causing you to stumble back a step, and then laugh at yourself, muttering under your breath, straight whiskey for the straight girl.
“i think you’ve had well enough, anderson. even with all the muscle on you, man, i don’t know how you got this hammered. i’ll get you some water, honey,” alex jokes.
abby sulks, spacing out as she begrudgingly sips on her water. you doubt she even notices your presence, using the accidental peace as time to really take in her side profile. she’s stunning, in her own, amazonian sort of way. especially now in the hazy golden light of the lounge, the sweaty blonde strands framing her face made her appear in rather close resemblance to a goddess of some type. and all you wanted was to worship her in that manner, treat her body as your temple and such. perhaps the alcohol really was getting to you.
“what’s got you all pouty, anderson? your little boyfriend not doing you any good?”
it’s so comical, the effect your presence has on abby. her head jerks your way at the first breath of your words, and her pinning gaze blows away any of the fog clouding either of your minds.
her demeanor hardens instantly, as she crosses her arms defensively. “fuck off,” is all she manages to spit out.
you take it as an invitation to continue. “like,” you scoff, “there’s no way he knows how to hit all the right spots. does he even try to? how’s his head game, abs?”
her look away speaks volumes.
“oh? god, what a dick.”
“he-“ she tries.
“-i could show you a good time,” you ramble, “i can assure you that i know how to hit all the right spots. your spots— i mean, only if you want me to.”
she gawks at you, her look half full of disbelief and half full of curiosity. and you can tell that you’ve got her hooked.
“i don’t need you,” she mutters, but a glance at her thighs pressed tight together says otherwise.
you smirk, placing your hand down that just so happens to land on her mid-thigh. her muscle jolts at your contact.
tentatively dragging your fingers higher, you speak lowly, stare locked, “you sure, baby?”
the wall comes crashing.
abby’s snatching your hand off her leg in a heartbeat and dragging you into the closest bathroom, shoving you against the door and pushing her lips against yours.
your tongue is dipping into her open mouth almost immediately, desperate to pull another one of her addicting whimpers out.
“shit,” abby curses in between gasps, before leaning back in to just consume more of you. her hands are searching for any part of you she can reach, grabbing at the meat at your hips, thighs, pressing your waist against hers with a groan.
the feel of your body against her own is so different from owens’, but so satisfying in a way she can’t wrap her head around. you fit into her frame like a puzzle piece, and your touches are needy and selfish, but they don’t feel offensive in the way that owen’s do.
you venture a hand under her shirt, tracing along the ridges of her toned stomach, and abby shudders, breaking your kiss to look down at your moving hand. she’s panting against your neck, heavier now, as you slide your hand up under her bra to cup her chest softly, rolling her hardened nipple between your fingers and watching hypnotically as she gasps into your skin.
with her head down at this angle, her neck is perfectly bared, and you can’t deny yourself a taste, can you? you’re sinking your teeth in before you realize it, soothing the marks with a wet lick over, only to tug the skin in between your teeth to suck at.
the quiet noises abby’s trying to muffle against your shoulder now are sending you into a frenzy, your hands now abandoning her breasts to pull her hips closer against yours.
abby nearly cries at the loss of your direct touches, but stops when your fingers return a place far more rewarding. you’ve unbuttoned her jeans now, your hand cupping her over her boxers teasingly, digits pressing over the damp spot in the fabric.
“bet you’ve never been this wet for owen,” you laugh, running a finger over her soaked core.
“don’t bring him up right now,” she pants in return, hips keening to your touch as she grabs your face to press into a sloppy kiss.
you push her boxers down eagerly, teasing two fingers by her leaking entrance to gather her slick.
god, abby gasps, and it seems to be the winning word of the night when she repeats it as she watches you stuff those same two fingers into your own mouth, and again when you stuff them straight into her pussy.
her pretty eyes are rolling back into her skull farther with every thrust against her gummy walls. “look at me while i fuck you dumb on my fingers, abs, look at me,” you beg.
“i c-can’t,” she whines, blushing a deep red and burrowing her face into your shoulder.
you slow your pumps, using your free hand to grab her by the braid and force her look at you. “awh,” you coo, pouting mockingly at her gaped mouth, “cute.”
your fingers buried as deep into her as physically possible, you curl them to hit that sensitive spot you genuinely believe has never even been touched once. and with the way abby lets out her loudest moan yet, you cannot believe otherwise.
“there it is,” you murmur, massaging your fingertips agonizingly slow inside of her, “see what you’re missing out on?”
her only response is a strangled whimper. baby blue eyes big and pleading as they threaten to roll back with every slight movement.
mhm, you goad her on, “that’s your g-spot, baby, feels real good, huh?”
she nods her head vigorously, quiet mhmmhmhm’s trailing out from her bitten lips.
“now if your little boyfriend’s dick is too small to reach it, i guess he can’t help it,” you laugh. “shame, you make such pretty noises when i touch you here,” you let out an exaggerated sigh, picking up your pace abruptly to slam into her spot over and over.
abby’s nearly gone cross-eyed, tossing her head back now as her pussy throbs almost rhythmically with every thrust. she’s never felt so filled to the brim, so overwhelmed with pleasure, and she’s too blissed out to even care about the stupid fucking smirk you’ve got plastered on your face.
“but his mini- dick is no excuse for not touching you here,” you continue, letting loose of her hair to finally touch her poor, neglected, pink clit, rubbing circles harshly into the button.
abby’s heart nearly jumps out of her chest. she’s moaning nonstop and swearing like a fucking sailor, the combination of your actions almost too much for her to physically bear. after a particularly loud oh god, fuck-please, you have no choice but to stuff abby’s mouth full with the bottom of her shirt. and fuck, was that the right move; the way her ab muscles flex and tighten as she nears her release, glistening with sweat, is enough to make you let out a groan of your own.
“‘m- close,” abby cries around the fabric, hips rocking with your motions as she begins to ride out her high.
“there you go anderson, you got it,” you mutter, circling her swollen clit faster now as you fuck into her g-spot repeatedly.
mmmmph is all you can make out, as abby’s walls clamp down around your curled fingers and she digs her nails into your sides, eyes squeezing shut.
her jerking movements eventually slow along with your own, half lidded eyes staring as you slip your cum-coated fingers into your mouth, sucking them clean. the moistened fabric falls from abby’s open jaw as she attempts to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
before you know it, she’s tugging up her soaked boxers and jeans, shoving past you as she buttons them up and promptly bolts out of that bathroom.
well, that was one way to deal with the tension.
she’ll come running back to you before she knows it.
yikes! i just read that over and yikes! lol uh! sorry guys i’m out of practice!! we love abby anderson though and pray that she gets over her internalized homophobia. she’s too sexy for allat.
send me more reqs!! not that i need any more but send ‘em!
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incognit0slut · 4 months
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
Behind Closed Doors 3
Despite your promise not to sneak behind the team again, you find yourself in a compromising position when you’re forced to ride in the same car as him.
Warnings: (18+, MDNI) Nipple/breast play, dry humping, semi public, dirty talk, and technically this isn’t car sex but everything happens in a car, there’s just no penetration. ~2.5k words (not proofread)
A/n: This wasn’t supposed to be in my WIP but… I blame him for looking so slutty in that shirt. Btw, this is shorter because I already have a lot on my plate but I really wanna squeeze this in, so enjoy! If you’ve been following since the first part, our kinky, slightly exhibitionist duo is back
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You liked to think you had a good sense of self control when it came to your sex drive. In your past relationships, you were rarely the one to make the first move. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy sex—far from it, actually—but you didn't see it as the centerpiece of a relationship. Sex was enjoyable, yes, but it wasn’t everything.
At least, that's what you thought until now.
You recently reached a realization that three factors led you to reconsider this long-held belief, and unsurprisingly, they all revolved around Spencer Reid.
The first one was his choice of clothes. It seemed like he had woken up one day and decided that undoing the top buttons of his shirt was the new norm. It was as if he was taunting you, and it was working. The moment you saw him wearing that shirt this morning, all you could think about was dragging him into a storage room and have your dirty, nasty way with him.
The second thing was the way your heart raced when he accidentally brushed his hand against yours as you both reached for the car keys. Emily had asked you both to interview a key witness, and naturally, you assumed you’d be the one driving because Spencer rarely volunteered to take the wheel. But to your surprise, he insisted on driving.
It was strange. You wondered what had prompted this change, but you didn’t protest. In fact, you let him. Happily. Because this set the stage for what became the third significant moment that made you reconsider everything.
Him driving the damn car.
You found yourself unable to keep your eyes off him. The way his hands gripped the wheel, moving with effortless control that hinted at a confidence he rarely displayed. Your gaze traveled up his arm, noting the tension in his muscles, and the way his shirt tightened across his shoulders with each turn.
Then there was his face. Your gaze drifted to his jawline, appreciating the sharp angles and the way it tightened slightly when he was deep in concentration. You had to squeeze your thighs together because watching him drive was enough to make you wet.
It was highly inappropriate, of course. You were both on the job, and there was a witness to interview. So you forced yourself to stay professional. It wasn’t until after you finished, after you and Spencer had informed Emily of what you had found and given her the necessary details over the phone, that your ogling became more prominent on the drive back to the station.
And despite being subtle about it, Spencer seemed to know the effect he had on you.
“Is there something you want to say?” His voice was low, slightly amused, as he spared a quick glance in your direction before focusing back on the road.
You forced yourself to look away from his hands. “What do you mean?”
“You seem… distracted.”
You swallowed, trying to muster up an explanation that wouldn’t give away too much. “Just thinking about the case.”
The corners of his mouth twitched as if he were fighting back a smile. “Really? Because it looked more like you were deep in thought about something else.”
You felt a flush of warmth rise to your cheeks. “Well, maybe the case isn’t the only thing on my mind.”
“Oh? And what else were you thinking about?”
“I don’t know if you’d be interested.”
“Try me.”
You turned your body towards him. “It’s highly inappropriate.”
“Now you’ve really got my attention.”
You hesitated, feeling the car’s warmth envelope you, making the space seem smaller, more intimate. “Okay, but remember, you asked for it,” you said, taking a deep breath. “I was thinking about... how well you handle the steering wheel.”
Spencer laughed, a deep, genuine sound that filled the car. “Is that your way of saying you like my driving, or something more metaphorical?”
“Maybe a bit of both. I mean, a person’s driving does say a lot about them, doesn’t it?”
“It does,” he agreed. “And what does my driving say about me?”
“That you’re good with your hands.”
Spencer’s eyes met yours briefly, and you squeezed your thighs tighter.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said finally, his voice low. There was a brief pause and you wondered whether you had gone too far, whether this wasn’t the right time or place to flirt so openly, but then he spoke again.
“And since we’re sharing, I was thinking about something a bit inappropriate too.”
Your breath hitched slightly. “Like what?”
“Like how it’s hard to focus on the road when you’re looking at me like that.”
“…how am I looking at you?”
He gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. “Like you want me to pull over to the side of the road and kiss you.”
A silence fell between you, and for a moment, you could hardly breathe. You felt a flush of warmth spread through your body, and you bit your lip, considering his words.
“And what if I do?” You asked softly.
You noticed his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard, clearly fighting to maintain his composure.
“Then I’d have to find a quiet place for us.”
Your body responded immediately, a wave of heat coursing through you as your breath quickened. You could feel your pulse thrumming in your veins, an urgent, needy beat that matched the thoughts racing through your mind.
“Pull over.”
For a moment, he didn’t move, his eyes searching yours. Then, without hesitation, he scanned the road for a safe spot. The anticipation was almost unbearable as you watched him steer the car onto a narrow, dark lane shielded by dense shrubs. The path seemed to swallow the sound of the engine as he drove further away from the main road.
The silence that followed was thick as he turned off the engine. You both stared at each other, acutely aware of what you were about to do, about the potential consequences, but everything blurred as you both moved at the same time.
Everything was fast, a rush of motion and emotion as Spencer leaned over the console. His lips met yours with an urgency that left no room for hesitation.
His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, while you clung to his arm. He kissed you hungrily, desperately, as if trying to communicate every unspoken word through the press of his mouth against yours. The more he kissed you, the more you felt the heat between your thighs and you realized that, in fact, you really had no control over your sex drive.
You then opened your mouth, letting him sink his tongue into you, pressing your body against his. But he was too far away, and you needed more of his heat, more of him. So, you undid your seat belt and did the only thing that felt natural—you climbed onto his lap.
You both moaned when his cock finally pressed against your core, and he found your lips again, his hand cradling the back of your head while the other rested firmly on your hips, urging you to move. The movement was instinctive, a rhythm that was driven by desperation.
You felt his mouth kisses trail from your lips down to your neck, marking a trail of heat that had you burning for more. Your fingers found the buttons of your shirt, and before you could second guess yourself, you undid them one by one.
Spencer’s hands followed the path you created, tracing the newly exposed skin. His large palms moved along your ribs before they rested just beneath your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your hard nipples through the fabric of your bra. You gasped, your head falling back in sheer pleasure.
His lips found your neck again, kissing and nipping at the delicate skin. His fingers pulled down your bra, exposing your breasts, and when he quickly sucked on your sensitive nub without warning, you bucked your hips, a strangled moan escaping your lips.
His sound of pleasure vibrated against your skin when you moved your hips at a steady pace, the friction driving you both to new heights. You could feel the material of your underwear sticking between your wet folds, and you wished desperately that there was no barrier between you. But time was ticking, and you both knew you were on the clock.
This had to be enough.
Spencer pulled back slightly, your nipple stretching with him, your supple skin following his movements until he let go with a soft pop. He then turned his attention to your other breast, his tongue teasingly circling your hardened nipple before hungrily engulfing it in his mouth.
Your hands gripped onto his shoulders, your nails digging in slightly as you arched your back. You felt his hands roaming over your waist, holding you steady, grounding you even as you felt yourself spiraling higher into a state of pure ecstasy.
“Spence,” you breathed, your voice trembling with need. His response was to look up at you with those intense, brown eyes as he continued to suck on your nipple.
His mouth moved with deliberate precision, alternating between gentle licks and firm sucks, driving you completely insane. You could feel your control slipping, your body responding to his every touch, and you found yourself unable to think of anything but him. The way he made you feel, the way his touch ignited every nerve in your body.
You tangled your fingers in his hair, urging him on, lost in the overwhelming pleasure he was giving you. His lips left your breast, trailing kisses up your chest and neck until he reached your lips, capturing them in a searing kiss that left you breathless.
The taste of him, the feel of his body against yours, was everything you had been longing for.
“More,” you whispered against his lips, your voice a desperate plea.
“I know, I know,” he murmured back. “I got you.”
You shook your head, breathless. “I wanna feel you.”
He groaned. How he wanted that to happen, but you were both gone long enough and reality was beginning to intrude on your stolen moment.
“We can’t, not here,” he said, his voice strained with desire as he rested his forehead against yours. “We don’t have enough time.”
You bit your lip, trying to push back the disappointment. “I know, but I-I need you.”
“Soon,” he promised. “When we have more time, I’ll give you everything you need.”
Your hips moved faster. “Everything?”
He nodded, his eyes fluttering close when he felt you pressing harder on his cock. “Everything.”
“You’ll finally fuck me?”
His breath hitched at your bold words, his control slipping further.
“Say it. Say you’ll fuck me.”
His self-control wavered, the raw desire in your voice pushed him to the edge as his palms gripped your ass.
“Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you?”
You never thought there would be a time when you’d hear those words from him, and yet here you were, craving for more. You nodded and grinded against him, trying to find that delicious pressure on your clit.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice laced with urgency. “I want you to fuck me hard.”
Spencer groaned, his breath hot against your neck as he leaned in closer. “Then imagine me inside you,” he murmured, his voice low and seductive. “Think about my cock sliding into you, filling you up completely.”
“F-Fuck,” you gasped, moving against him rhythmically. Who would’ve thought he’d be good at this?
“Imagine my hands gripping your hips, pulling you down onto me,” he continued, his breath warm against your neck. “You’d feel every inch, deep and perfect.”
Your heart pounded as his fantasy played out in your thoughts. “Yes,” you gasped, finding it hard to keep steady. “Please, keep going.”
“I’d set a rhythm that drives you crazy,” he murmured. “Fast, then slow, teasing you, drawing out every moan and gasp until you’re begging me not to stop.”
“Oh God…” you moaned. “Please…”
He continued, relentless and commanding. “And when you’re close, when you’re right on the edge, I’d look into your eyes, whisper how beautiful you are, how good you feel wrapped around me…”
“Spencer, I—”
“And then I’d thrust harder, deeper,” he cut off your words, his tone intense. He pressed a hand against your lower abdomen as if to illustrate his point. “I’d fill you completely, over and over, until all you can do is cling to me and take it.”
You were practically trembling now, his words and slight touches driving you wild.
“I’m so close,” you managed to breathe out, your movements becoming less rhythmic and more desperate. His hands went back to your hips. His grip tightened, steadying and encouraging your frantic movements as he felt his own orgasm nearing.
“Come with me,” he whispered, pressing himself closer to you.
His words, his grip, his presence overwhelmed you. You felt the buildup, almost unbearable, as if every nerve in your body focused on the impending release. Then, with a final, mutual push, you felt the wave break.
Pleasure surged through you, intense and all-consuming. His grip on your hips tightened, pulling you down as he drove himself up, his name spilling from your lips in a cry of release. You felt him tense, heard his own cry muffled against your skin, as he reached his climax with you.
Panting, you both slowed, the car filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the soft hum of the engine in the background. Spencer’s hands softened on your hips, caressing now, soothing the spots where his fingers had pressed.
You ran a hand through his thick hair. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a dirty mouth?”
His grin was both sheepish and proud as he met your gaze. “You’re actually the first person to hear it.”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, his hands carefully adjusting your clothes. “It seems you have a way of bringing out a side of me I didn’t know I had.”
You watched him, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. There was so much you wanted to say, so many feelings swirling inside you, but the words felt too fragile for the moment. Instead, you settled for the silence.
Spencer didn’t seem to mind. He tapped your hip gently, drawing your attention. “Come on, I think we need to drop by the hotel before we go back to the station.”
When he caught the startled look you sent him, he laughed.
“To change my pants. Nothing else.”
“You sound disappointed.”
You blushed, caught off guard by his remark and your own reaction. “No, I just—” you started, then paused, searching for the right words. “I mean, yes, maybe a little.”
His smile widened, pleased by your response. “I’ll tell you what,” he began. “After we finish this case, after we fly back, let’s spend time together. Just you and me.”
Your hands pressed against his chest, feeling the warmth of him through his shirt. You wondered what it would be like to have him pressed against you with nothing between you, to feel the rhythm of his heartbeat directly under your palms.
The thought made you both nervous and excited at the same time.
He leaned in for a kiss. “Really.”
“You promise?”
He smiled against your lips.
“I promise.”
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cockkette · 2 months
be mine?
lando norris x famous!reader
warnings - set after lando’s win in miami, down bad lando, a bit short, some swearing, i think that’s it xoxo
face claim - girls on pinterest
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liked by mclaren, landonorris and 170,293 others
tagged: mclaren
y/n.l/n: thank you so much mclaren for inviting me to the paddock this weekend i had the most fun! i can’t wait to see how the rest of the season goes 🧡
mclaren: we hope to see you back in the paddock again soon 👀
y/n.l/n: thank you admin!
oscarpiastri: great to meet you y/n 👍
liked by y/n.l/n
lilyzneimer: you look so gorgeous! (you need to come to another race asap)
y/n.l/n: ahh ily (i really do it was so fun)
user1: a duo i never knew i needed
yourbestfriend: gorgeous gorgeous girl 😮‍💨
liked by y/n.l/n
landonorris: you must be my lucky charm
user2: this is painful to watch
oscarpiastri: tell me about it 🙄
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liked by oscarpiastri, y/n.l/n and 1,765,282 others
landonorris: WE FUCKING DID IT P1!!!
oscarpisastri: well done man 👏👏👏
liked by landonorris
davidbeckham: well done mate
liked by landonorris
user4: rip lando nowins you will be missed
user5: at least we still have lando norizz
liked by oscarpiastri, georgerussell63 and alex_albon
y/n.l/n: what a race!! papaya 4eva🧡
landonorris: glad you could see it 🧡
user6: i bet he's hyperventilating
user7: he aint fooling nobody
alex_albon: congrats!!! 💪💪
liked by landonorris
goergerussell63: congrats mate!! 👏🙌
liked by landonorris
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liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris and 231,072 others
tagged: yourbestfriend
y/n.l/n: in paris with my favourite girl <3
yourbestfriend: i’ve missed you babes 😘😘
y/n.l/n: you mean you missed me being your sugar daddy xoxo
yourbestfriend: shhh 🤫
user8: i swear lando is in paris rn
user9: omg what if they are there together
user10: ur reaching so far rn
mclaren: 🧡
liked by y/n.l/n
user: i need her to come back to the paddock
liked by landonorris
user11: patiently waiting for lando’s comment
user12: not him liking the comment about her 😂
landonorris: pretty girl in a pretty place 🧡
y/n.l/n: that’s so sweet thank you 😊
liked by landonorris
maxverstappen1: bet he’s giggling and kicking his feet
oscarpiastri: probably blushing too
alex_albon: he’s definitely twirling his hair rn
landonorris: actually stfu
user13: i can't-
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liked by user14, georgerussell63 and 14,218 others
f1gossip: lando norris has been spotted outside a paris bar getting close with a mystery woman
user15: lany/n truthers rise
user16: i have been summoned
user17: now why is george being messy in the likes?!
danielricciardo: idk he’s an odd guy
user18: ariana what are you doing here 🤣
user19: it has to be y/n there are too many coincidences like they are both in paris and the drivers other have been getting involved
user20: i’ve connected the dots
user21: you haven’t connected shit
user22: people are so strange he deserves some privacy (i’m praying it’s y/n)
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liked by yourbestfriend, lilyzneimer and 251,948 others
y/n.l/n: lazy days are the best days ☀️
user23: she is so pretty
yourbestfriend: damn somebody stole my bitch 😞
y/n.l/n: you're the only one for me pooks
yourbestfriend: i wonder who that is 🧐
liked by y/n.l/n
user24: lando crying and throwing up rn
oscarpiastri: finally maybe he will stfu about you now
this comment has been deleted
user25: lily is in the likes i still have hope
user26: idk i think they got close after miami so its probs just from that and lando hasn't even liked
user27: i might have to join the lany/n truthers after that
user28: y/n soft launch?!?!
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liked by y/n.l/n, maxverstappen1 and 739,174 others
tagged: y/n.l/n
landonorris: osc ruined her soft launch but look at my pretty girl 🧡
y/n.l/n: you're so cute
landonorris: stop i'm blushing in a meeting
mclaren: 🤨
y/n.l/n: oscar when i catch you oscar
oscarpiastri: please forgive me i'm so sorry i didn't know what a soft launch was 🙏
y/n.l/n: you're on thin ice piastri
lilyzneimer: we need a double date and i'll work on educating oscar
y/n.l/n: we should just go on a date xx
liked by lilyzneimer
alex_albon: SIMP 👉
georgerussell63: SIMP 👉
maxverstappen1: SIMP 👉
danielricciardo: SIMP 👉
landonorris: you're all just jealous
y/n.l/n: SIMP 👉
landonorris: y/n you're meant to be on my side
y/n.l/n: i don't want to lie though
user29: she's so messy
user30: lando has... rizz
user31: this can't be
oscarpiastri: i'm just as surprised as you
landonorris: i'll tell y/n you're being mean
yourbestfriend: she's still mine 🩷
liked by y/n.l/n
landonorris: nuh huh
user32: never beating the babygirl allegations
liked by y/n.l/n
user33: 'my pretty girl'
user34: if you look closely you can see me crying in the background
a/n - thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed any feedback is appreciated <3
973 notes · View notes
youraverageaemondsimp · 9 months
Wishlist. // DILF!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader MODERN AU //🎄 SPECIAL
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WARNINGS: MDNI, smut, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering, lactation kink, breeding kink, fluff, dad!aemond and mom!reader, afab!reader, breast play, nipple play, slight teasing, + not proofread.
WC: 1.4k
« part one // part two »
A/N: your fav dilf and your children are back in town, tis the season to be jolly 🤭 I really wanted to bring this duo back haha, happy late Christmas, sorry for the await! This can also be read as stand alone but reading the prev two fics might help! // divider credits @cafekitsune
“Aenys! Daenys! Be careful, don't run around or you'll slip!” You yelled as you spotted Aenys and Daenys running around with decorations in their hand around the Christmas tree, trying to hang them up.
Daenys trips over the decoration and starts crying, you immediately put down Aelora, your third child down in her high rise chair before rushing over to Daenys and picking her up, patting her back as she clings onto you.
“Shh, there, it's fine, Mommy's got you okay? Don't run around next time.” You tell her and Aenys immediately rushed over to you, “Is she okay?” He asks and you nod, before leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead.
This year's Christmas was more hectic than before, having a toddler and a kid running around to decorate the tree while managing your one year old isn't exactly easy.
But luckily for you, Aemond had just arrived from work.
“Papa!” Aenys runs over to his father immediately and Aemond picks him up before showering him with kisses, “How was your day Aenys?” He asked him and Aenys started babbling off until he mentioned how Daenys had fallen over just now.
Aemond, being the concerned father he is, immediately rushed to see you holding her in your arms, “You okay darling?” He asks her, holding Aenys up with one arm while caressing Daenys's hair with the other. She looks at her dad before she shifts her weight in his direction, indicating that she wants to be in his arms and Aemond immediately takes her from your arms, carrying both Aenys and Daenys on both of his sides.
You chuckle at how comedic it looks, Aemond was strong enough to carry them both which impressed you, “Aren't they heavy? They're both growing now.” You ask and he smiles and leans to press a kiss to your lips, “Yeah they are, but I want to cherish every moment I can carry them in my arms.” He tells you and you smile.
The evening was spent with giggles and warmth and soon it was time to put the kids to sleep, they kept on babbling about how excited they were to see Santa leave them presents and wondered what they'll get, rambling on how Santa hopefully knows what's on their wishlist and gets exactly them that, you chuckle as you tuck them to bed, placing kisses on their faces and moving to the living room.
You can finally relax, you immediately go into your shared bedroom with Aemond, who already seems to be there, “Aelora fell asleep already?” You ask and he nods, “She seemed very tired.” He tells you.
You sit next to Aemond on the bed, leaning against the headboard as Aemond works on his laptop, you lean your head on his shoulder, watching him work. “Have you gotten the presents for the kids?” You ask curiously and he hums, “Mhm, I can't wait to see their reactions in the morning.” He tells you and you giggle, “I'll place them under the tree at midnight.” You tell him your plan and he closes the laptop, finishing his work and puts it aside on the bedside desk. “What if they catch you?” He turns his full attention to you now, resting his hands on yours. “Oh you know they will not wake up until morning once they fall asleep, sometimes I worry that they're such heavy sleepers.” You tell him playfully and he lets out a small laugh. “Hopefully they like the presents.”
“Speaking of presents, I haven't gotten mine.” Aemond suddenly says and you smile at him, knowing exactly what he wants, “I've even written it down on the wishlist, it seems I was scammed.” He pouts and you chuckle, “Well, Santa can't give you a whole human can he?” You joke around.
When he was asked to put something he wants for Christmas on the wishlist, he wrote down your name on it, making you blush and scribble out that from it.
“Hmm.” He hums as he gazes into your eyes and you look at him back, he leans in slowly before connecting your lips together, they move in passion as the air fills up with tension and desperation, he pulls away breathing heavily.
No words are exchanged as you both hurriedly take off your clothes, and Aemond pins you flat against the bed, showering your face and neck with kisses before gripping your tits with his hand, pinching the nipple.
You gasp when you feel his warm tongue against the bud as he sucks on your breast, he feels your milk fill in his mouth as he swallows it down greedily and pulls away, “Fuck you're still producing milk?” He asks before switching to your other breast and showering it the same attention, “H-hm? Yeah, haven't weaned Aelora off yet.” you tell him and he leaves your breast with a pop, “Not complaining, I fucking love it.” He kisses your lips once again.
His hand caresses and travels further downwards your body to your cunt before dipping into your sweet wetness, “Fuck, you're so soaked, all for me yeah?” He whispers in your ear and you swallow thickly, goosebumps arising when you feel his hot breath near your ear, “Y-yes.” You answer.
His pinches your clit, making you gasp, before slowly rubbing small circles onto it, cause your breath to pick up and pulse begin to race at the arousal. His fingers dip in towards your entrance gently as he places kisses to your neck, “Look how it's engulfing me.” He comments as he watches his finger sink into you before he starts to move.
He curls his fingers before moving them in and out in a certain pattern, hitting your gspot multiple times already, making you wonder if he had its location memorised the way he can find it so easily.
Soon you reach your first orgasm of the night, biting your lip to not be too loud, suppressing your moans in an effort to not wake your baby next room. You should really make your room soundproof, you remember the days when Aemond clamped his hand over your mouth just to keep you from being too loud.
You whine subconsciously when you feel him pull his fingers out and move down, spreading your legs wide before grabbing your calves and placing your legs on his shoulder as he positions his cock against your entrance.
“Literally the best fucking present I could ask for.” He growls as he sinks his cock into your cunt, grunting in pleasure at the pleasure of your walls clamping down and gripping onto him.
He tries to take it slow at first, but it changes the moment you clench around him, unleashing all the frustration he held back and immediately set the pace at a faster rate, causing your body to jolt up and down the bed as you grip on to his hands which were currently holding your waist as in means hold in place securely.
You soon begin to see stars at the way he's moving, your mind spins, feeling the way his cock keeps hitting all the right spots, “Will you give me another?” He asks, panting and you look at him in a daze, “Hm?” You mumble, not understanding what he's asking for.
“Another child, another babe.” He tells you, “You'll let me impregnate you? Fill your womb up with my seed? I fucking love watching you swell with my child, knowing it was me who put it in you.” His words make you more aroused, the thought of having another child with him doesn't bother you and you greedily nod your head, your mind thinking of nothing else besides wanting to be filled up by your husband.
“Fuck—!” He finishes with a grunt, and slowly rides his orgasm out, hitting your sweet spot at the same time, causing you to finish as well.
He immediately plops down next to you and pulls you into his arms, placing kisses on your forehead as you both catch your breath.
“Best fucking Christmas ever.” He pants and you chuckle, “You said that last year too.” You tease and he lets out a loud laugh, “Well, it just gets better every year.” He replies back.
“Aren't we forgetting something?” You question, mind wandering off somewhere else, trying to remember what you were planning on, grabbing your phone and looking at the time, noticing how it said 1AM, you and Aemond look at each other before your eyes widen in realisation.
“Oh right! The presents!”
You both say in unison and rush putting on your clothes just to place the presents underneath the tree.
Needless to say, it was a great Christmas for everyone.
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— !  ݈݇- thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated greatly ♡
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1K notes · View notes
Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder 2007
"Makes Me Wonder" is a song by American pop/rock band Maroon 5. It was released as the first single from their second studio album, It Won't Be Soon Before Long (2007). Upon its release, the song set a record for the biggest jump to number-one in the history of the Billboard Hot 100 chart, rising from number 64 to number one.
It won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal at the 50th Grammy Awards, the band's second song to win the award.
The lyrics have two different meanings. It contains political insinuations disguised as a love song because of Adam Levine's not wanting to be preachy. It combines lyrics about his being in a state of a failed relationship and his "failure to understand or trust" the leadership of his country, and the US's role in the war in Iraq.
"Makes Me Wonder" received a total of 68,8% yes votes!
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Do you think the granny disguises Donnie and Leo wear (at Donnie’s insistence) are more of a Them thing or do Mikey and Raph also have their own granny disguises on hand?
If it’s the former then I have to say those two are killing it, I especially love Donnie’s scarf and old fashioned binoculars, and Leo’s eye makeup and pearls.
If it’s the latter though, then we were robbed Mikey and Raph granny designs. 😔
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aireia · 6 months
holy shit. they're both hopeless. — satoru and shoko suspect that you and suguru have feelings for each other.
tw/cw: gn! reader, a tiny bit angst at the end but overall fluff + crack. angel used as a petname. not proofread + rushed.
note: school sucks, i'm half awake as of typing this, have mercy on my rusty ass writing skills —masterlist
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“so. you like them, don’t you?”
it’s too early in the morning for this. suguru had just stepped foot into the classroom, and he was already being interrogated by his friends. they were eyeing him up and down with suspicion in their eyes, as if it would provide them with an answer.
“who?” the raven haired male feigned innocence. he knew damn well who the duo were talking about, from their not very secret gossiping to spying on him when he spoke to you. suguru was still kind of offended that they thought he didn’t notice them there. just because he didn’t have six eyes didn’t mean he didn’t have good eyesight! he could clearly see satoru’s head peeking out from behind a tree and shoko in the bushes.
“you’re not serious, are you?” satoru asked in disbelief, exchanging a few glances with shoko as if to say, “this guy is actually hopeless.” 
they couldn’t have mistaken the soft glances he shot your way whenever you walked by them, or him lightly brushing his fingers against yours, or the very obvious tint of red on his face whenever he spoke to you for something else right? satoru swore on his six eyes that he wasn’t mistaken.
they decided to drop the topic after a while. if he wasn’t going to give them an answer, they’d just have to ask you instead.
they found you talking to suguru after class, laughing with him over small talk before you waved him goodbye. there it was again, that genuine smile he rarely showed. they approached you to tell you about needing to speak to you, then dragged you somewhere more private to speak. 
“you like suguru right?” wow. direct. that wasn’t a question you expected today. 
“we’re just friends,” you replied them. you could feel the heat rising on your cheeks. you had to change the topic, fast. “don’t you have a mission to get to, gojo? geto left earlier because he thought you were already waiting on him.”
he whispered something in shoko’s ear before darting off somewhere. well, whisper isn’t really the word. you clearly heard him telling shoko to “carry on with their mission and get you to admit you liked him,” and telling him all about it later. now you’re wondering if they secretly have nights where they just spill everyone’s secrets to each other late at night when everyone else is asleep.
shoko eventually turned back to face you after watching gojo run away. she placed both her hands on your shoulders and looked at you dead in your eyes. “are you sure you don’t like him? not even a little bit?” you shook your head, and she sighed. both of you are hopeless. 
“so, what should we do?” shoko asked satoru as she painted his nails. “they’re beyond saving,” she continued.
the snowy haired male thought for a while before responding. “we set them up on a date.” shoko perked up at this. “you think?” “definitely.”
they lowered their voices after that, discussing how they would somehow drag the both of you to a location and ensure that you’d have a nice date and be together by the end of the day. with occasional breaks to gossip about random things and pairing teachers with shitty attitudes together, they finally came up with a plan. 
now, you should have noticed the signs earlier. satoru and shoko were acting weird earlier. not only had they been whispering the entire day, acting like ninjas, but they also completely dropped the topic of you and suguru liking each other, and invited the both of you to a restaurant. satoru’s treat. 
and now, you were standing in front of a restaurant waiting for all three of them. sure, you were a little early, but you didn’t expect no one else to be here. you stared at the group chat, waiting for possibly any type of text to indicate they had arrived, but nothing. 
“y/n? you’re here early.” you could have recognised that smooth voice anywhere. suguru was the second to arrive after you, and the both of you exchanged some small talk before a notification popped up on your phone.
“we’re running a little late! you two go ahead inside!” we? were they together? and they knew the both of you had arrived? suguru sighed at the message. “let’s head inside. it’s hot out here anyway.” suguru ended by extending his hand out for you to take it, and you smiled before slotting your fingers in between his. 
after the both of you were seated, you noticed something. satoru reserved a table for two people. of course he did. somehow, you’re convinced they’re both somewhere in the restaurant, disguised with newspapers and wigs (possibly contact lenses), spying on you and suguru.
another message was sent, this time to suguru. he sweatdropped as he read the message. there was an image attachment of a money transaction to his online banking account, captioned with “go get them!!”
he was going to slap satoru when he got back. 
suguru deeply sighed before putting his phone back into his pocket. “they aren’t coming. i’m guessing they’re trying to set us up.” “obviously. well, since we’re already here, might as well make the best of it?” you suggested, and he agreed. 
maybe dates set up by your friends were better. you ended up laughing with suguru, having a nice dinner… it was quite late when you left the restaurant, but you still ended up walking around with him and exchanging even more words. the walk back to your dorm rooms was mostly silent, though. walking hand in hand while the moon shone upon you, and his thumb lightly brushing over your hand, almost as if he were trying to remember the feeling of your skin because one of you would have to let go eventually. you tightened your grip on him at the thought. 
“y/n, angel, you aren’t usually this clingy,” suguru chuckled when you nuzzled your face into his chest. he wrapped his arms around your body, bringing you closer to him and running his hand through your hair. “everything alright?” you nodded, but your lover knew you better than that. he’d have to ask you about it again later.
“do you wanna tell them we’ve already been dating for a few months?” you asked. the both of you had decided to keep your relationship secret early on, and your friends were starting to catch up on it. you think. 
a brief moment of silence followed your question before he answered. 
“nah. they’ll figure it out eventually.”
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by user @ aireia, do not plagiarize and/or translate.
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01zfan · 3 months
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riize and the trials and tribulations of being in a band and/or being attached to one.
common themes: loss of innocence, toxic relationships, and drug use. specific content warnings will be tagged on each writing.
🎧: the type of music their band makes
FEATURING . . . . . .
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🎧: Punk Girls by The Headcoatees
you have been told you're not cute your whole life. too confrontational, too crass, too scary. on the other side there's shotaro, who has been told he's cute one too many times. maybe opposites do attract . . . . . .
drummer!shotaro x bad girl!reader |
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🎧: Point blank by Nailbomb
when you find yourself talking to the law you're forced to reminisce how you got there and if you have any innocence left to get you out . . . . . .
bassist!eunseok x good girl!reader |
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🎧: Nowhere (feat. The Kickdrums) by DUCKWRTH
innocent and non-assuming, sungchan’s cardinal sin was letting people in too quickly. what will he do when he’s face to face with someone who knows him too well . . . . . .
rapper!sungchan x stalker!reader | 10k words
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🎧: Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino by Arctic Monkeys
an up and coming indie duo are interviewed for the first time. even though they’re shrouded in mystery their complicated history and rise to fame becomes more and more exposed . . . . . .
guitarist!wonbin x vocalist!reader |
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🎧: Welcome Interstate Managers by Fountains of Wayne
dingy dive bars in the abysmal northeast is one place to get discovered or make a quick buck. sohee ends up finding out you can get something else there as well . . . . . .
vocalist!sohee x bartender!reader | 13.8k words
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🎧: Nobody Is Listening by ZAYN
a musical prodigy without a creative bone in his body. at the risk of becoming a one hit wonder anton looks up to venus as a last ditch resort. as if on cue inspiration falls from the sky . . . . . .
musician!anton x alien!reader |
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167 notes · View notes
lovebugism · 11 months
Halloween is not really a big thing in my country so our october is as lame as every other month 😭
What do you think about sunshine/ditzy!reader planning her all on pink Halloween costume and eddie trying to convince her to go as something from one of his fav horror movies, or something silly like as a gremlin.
I love everything you write so I'll be happy with anything really
ily <333
ty angel! hope you like it! — eddie and his ditzy gf have trouble deciding on matching costumes (established relationship, fluff, ditzy!reader, can be read as a modern!au, 0.8k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
“You don’t like my costume?” you wonder, all pouty in your pretty pink leotard and biker short duo. 
You’ve mastered the Barbie look — at least from what Eddie can remember. You’re only missing the neon rollerblades and matching yellow kneepads. You’re the prettiest, most vibrantly colored ball of sunshine he’s ever seen in his life.
“I love your costume, babe, don’t get me wrong…” Eddie assures as he rises from the couch, flashing you a rosy grin as he shakes his head. “But I am not wearing tights.”
Your pout deepens at his refusal to match with you. He was the Ken to your Barbie, after all — even if he wears so much black he basically absorbs all the light in any given room. “But why?” you ask in an unabashed whine.
“‘Cause if I knew I’d be wearing biker shorts for Halloween, I would’ve started doing squats three months ago.”
“But you’d make such a nice Ken!”
Eddie’s chocolate eyes narrow. “Do I look like Ken to you?”
“Well… No,” you answer, faltering only slightly when your gaze darts across the pale features of your wild-haired, metalhead boyfriend. “But it’s not like I look like Elvira!”
Eddie’s face twists like he’s tasted something sour, he’s that offended by your words.
His matching costume idea was the total opposite of your bright pink and sporty one. He wanted you to be a beautiful, shadowy thing hanging on his side in all black — the Mistress of the Dark to his Prince of Darkness. He still gets a little giddy thinking about it.
“Are you serious?” Eddie scoffs, playfully insulted and loud with it. His voice booms across the trailer as he takes you in his arms, curling his calloused fingers around your elbows. “You’re a total smoke show, babe— you’re killer. That’s, like, the only prerequisite.”
You roll your eyes at his compliment, though it has you blushing something fierce. 
Self-loathing was always hard with Eddie around ‘cause he thinks you’re the prettiest thing that’s ever walked the Earth. You’re not quite as certain as he is about it, but he says it with so much confidence that it’s hard to disagree.
“I do have a great set of boobs…” you lilt quietly, eyes flitted to the ceiling as you imagine yourself as the bombshell from Eddie’s favorite movie.
Your quoting of the film, along with your subtle reconsideration, has him grinning. “Yes, you do,” he affirms with a rapid and boyish nod. 
His gaze falls to your breasts, squeezed tight by the spandex fabric clinging to you like it was made to do it. His face heats with embarrassment when he notices he’s all but ogling at you. Then he realizes he doesn’t have to be embarrassed because you’re his girlfriend. It’s his job to ogle at you. It’s fucking metal.
“And an incredible pair of legs…”
“…But I still wanna be Barbie.”
Eddie’s grin never wavers. “Figured.”
“But you don’t have to be Ken if you don’t want!” you affirm quickly, eyes as wide as your glittering smile. “You can still be that weird, freaky singer guy that bit the head off that bat that one time.”
“Ozzy Osbourne,” he corrects.
“Yeah! We can just compromise. Easy peasy.”
Eddie deflates with a dramatic huff. His features twist in a puppy-like pout as he pulls you closer to him. “But you know I hate not getting my way,” he whines, mostly playful.
“I know,” you hum with a sympathetic smile. You gravitate towards him without thinking twice, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you press your chest to his. “But it makes sense, right? I’ve always been like Barbie, and you always liked me anyway… Right?”
He hates that you’re even asking — like he hasn’t been head over heels for you and stumbling all over himself since the day he met you. “I mean, obviously.”
“And you’ve always been a freak! And I’m, like, fucking obsessed with you—” you ramble, as bright as sunshine, until you realize the weight of your words. You grow abruptly serious. “No offense.”
He keeps on beaming like a lovesick idiot. “None taken.”
“And Halloween’s a cool way to represent that, right? Like, yeah, we’re different and we’re hot. Screw couples’ costumes!”
Eddie grows so suddenly fond. His chest warms and sparkles with it, like his dark eyes that melt for you. “Yeah. You’re probably right.”
“I know,” you shrug, still smiling. “I usually am.”
He grins wide before pressing a kiss to your smart mouth. It’s an innocuous peck — a meshing of plush lips and a lingering there. A quiet smack fills the tiny trailer when he parts from you just to pout, “You know I’m gonna have to walk behind you all night to keep people from staring at you, right?”
You giggle when his warm, calloused palms smooth over the outsides of your hips. “You do that anyway, Eds.”
“Well, yeah,” he responds, shrugging like it’s obvious. “‘Cause the view’s so nice.”
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ghostlywhiskey · 1 year
Simon “Ghost” Riley -  Kissing You
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,320
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ☆ fingering, unprotected sex, cussing, chance of being caught - as always if you think I should include something else just let me know!
Summary: After locking eyes with Simon as he dances with someone else, you rush out which causes him to follow you. 
Notes: Inspired by Des'ree's I'm Kissing You. More angst x smut because I hate myself. My condolences once again honestly - stay strong <3
Also, this is the specific room I picture. I’ve thought about this room since I was 16 and was in it. Now it was the main focus of my mind palace as I wrote this.
find my masterlist here
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Pride can stand A thousand trials The strong will never fall But watching stars without you My soul cried
The music filled the venue, but the only thing your ears could hear was the sound of your blood coursing through your body. It was like listening to the sound of a running faucet while you brush your teeth in the morning, or washing dishes. Every beat of your heart amplified, you could have sworn you had a stethoscope in the way each thump echoed.
The happy couple, two of your squadmates, just married as they share their dance. Once it concludes, others join the dancefloor, swaying like boats in the harbor on a quiet night. Eyes focused on a specific duo who just stepped onto the dancefloor, the blood coursing through you now feeling like ice had coated your veins, constricting the blood flow.  
You knew he came with someone. You saw him when you arrived with Soap and Gaz for the ceremony. But, you spoke no words, the only acknowledgement was the makeshift barrier Soap and Gaz acted as by sitting in between you and Ghost. 
Soap came back from the bar, sitting next to you at the table. “Yer lookin’ a bit peely wally, luv.” The Scot spoke, his beer in his hand as he took a sip. Glancing over at him, you crack a small smile. “Soap, you know none of us know what the fuck your sayin’ half the time, right?” You teased him. “I ‘no.” He said smiling as the bottle pulled from his lips. “But I figured you could use the smile.” The honesty from him made you glance back at the duo. “That obvious?” Considering how low you whispered the words, you wondered if you would even get a response from Soap. But, soon enough you heard his response, “Clear as day.” 
The girl reached her arms up, her hands resting at his neck as they swayed. His own hands moved to rest on her waist. The breath in your throat caught itself as he moved his head from nuzzling her neck to look up, his gaze landing at you. The ice coating your veins melting away as he defrosted you with one look, your body felt like it was on fire. The thump in your chest resuming the intensity it had a few minutes ago. But, your breath still felt caught in your throat. The floor gently groaned as you slid the chair back from the table, creating room to stand up. “I’ll be back.” You whispered to Soap, quickly grabbing your dress to tug it up so your heels wouldn’t get caught and cause you to trip as you headed out of the large ballroom. Descending down the stairs, your feet carried you to two large double doors, rushing in as you entered a room. 
Heaving heart is full of pain Oh, oh, the aching
The ability to feel like you could breathe again returning as you paced around the room, hand on your chest as you focused on the rise and fall of it. 
The sound of the doors opening and closing pulling your focus, head turning to see who just entered. Simon. Ghost. Why did he follow you?
“What are you doing here?” The question coming from you is far harsher than you intended. The emptiness in his eyes showed he was unaffected by the tone, hands moving to the pockets of his pants as he stepped closer to you. Must be nice to wear a mask to hide any emotion that decides to show on your face in moments like this. “Why’d you run off?” He asked, his body getting closer to you. “Why did you follow me?” The question retorts as a response, the hand on your chest falling back down to your side. Now, in a response to your question, he just shrugs. Fucking typical. 
“I should know better than to expect an actual answer with words from you.” You mutter, turning away to face him, walking further in the room to create space between the two of you. “What is that supposed to mean?” His voice is slightly louder now, not taking well to the accusatory statement. Turning to look at him, pointing a slender finger at him, “You know damn well.” The hiss coming out of you before your hand drops again to your side, except now hands turn to fists at your side from the frustration brewing in you.  “I didn’t come here to get bitched at by you.” He snapped back, continuing to speak, “I came because you looked like you were gonna pass out or something.” 
“Please, I don’t need you to care about me. You made it clear there was no room for that.” Now, anger is brewing in you, or was it pain that was being released? Pain releasing onto the person who put it there in the first place. Ghost stood quiet, his gaze on you never leaving. “Well, I’m not passed out or anything. I’m standing up and I’m fine. You can go back to your date and dance the night away.” Could he just leave? What was the point of this? 
The sound of his dress shoes alternating between soft and louder clacks against the wood floors as he made his way towards you. Your own feet step back until your back hits the piano place in the corner of the room. Leaving you at a standstill as he stands in front of you, looking down. “I’m not going back yet.” Is the only thing he says, hands still in his pockets.
It was suffocating to have him near. It was like having a pillow pressed against your face, blocking air flow. At one point it was like he was air, giving you oxygen. A reason to exhale because it meant you got more of him. But now? Now he took your breath away in a way that was cruel. As if you suffocating brought him joy. Sadistic. “Can you go?” You tried your best for it to not come out as a plea, but the suffocating feeling left you vulnerable. “No, tell me why you ran out.” He stated, eyes locked on you. Your own eyes locking with his before looking to the side to avoid the intense contact. “You lost privileges to know why I do things. It doesn’t matter.” You mutter, but one hand leaves his pocket to hold your face between his thumb and index finger to force you to face him. “Stop being a stubborn fucking kid.” Now his words are harsh, but he sounds calm. That’s what was scary about him. He could blow a fuse, and you’d never see it coming.
“What do you want me to say?” This whisper leaves your lips as he holds your face. Your own hand moving up to grab his wrist. “Let me go.” It comes out as a plea again, the contact of his skin flooding your brain with unwanted memories of him. Memories buried after months of shoving it all down. Compartmentalizing it into a tiny box you wanted to smash, but found it to be indestructible. “How many times do I need to repeat myself?” He spoke, leaning closer. “You ran the fuckin’ second we acknowledged eachother for the first time tonight by locking eyes after being no more than fifty feet the entire fucking time.” 
He noticed. Of course he did. Who the fuck were you fooling?
Your hand tugged at his wrist, pulling his grasp off your face. “Fuck off, Simon.” You snap, his name leaving your lips like it was venom. His eyes widening by the sudden use of his name. Something clicking in his head as he watched you try to slip past him. A rough hand reaching out to push you back to where you stood, moving up to your neck. “Jealousy is an ugly disease, sweetheart.” He whispered, muffled through his mask. You scoffed, “What are you, a doctor?” The hand not on your neck moved up to the bottom of his mask, rolling it up just past his lips. 
Before you could protest and move away, lips pressed against yours.
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh I'm kissing you
Months of an unspoken bond that formed, both of you navigating your own feelings about it at the same time. You and Ghost. You and Simon. The late night knocks on each other's door igniting excitement equivalent to being a child on Christmas morning. Showers after missions when both of you didn’t speak a word, just feeling the other was there, alive. Sunday mornings when you’d wake up, his face buried in your neck and kissing the skin softly which was the reason you woke up in the first place. He was always up first. Hands grazing each other in public, an accident to anyone looking, but intentional between the two of you.
That’s why you got up and left. You shoved these memories into a box, but one look at him with someone else and the padlock keeping it shut was smashed open. 
Your lips moved against his, kissing him back. Your hands moved to his face, two fingers slipped under the mask while the others rested above the fabric. Pulling him down lower to your level, his hand that had rolled his mask up reached for the piano behind you and gripped the edge of it. A soft moan was muffled by his mouth on yours, you could feel his lips curve into a grin for a brief moment. The hand on your neck slipping down as fingertips lightly brushed your arm before he trapped you between him and the piano with both arms now. 
Was it purely sexual for him? Was it a release? A bond where he felt like he didn’t need to open up because it was unspoken, meaning feelings never had to be discussed. Memories of the last time you were intimate clawing at your brain, telling you to pull away. Trying to remind you the relationship was no different than Pandora’s box. Something meant to stay closed, but you didn’t listen. 
You remembered the last time, but you didn’t realize it was the last time.
The two of you were in the shower, the mission from a few days prior leaving him with new wounds that would form more scars that kissed his body. Your own body left in a better condition than his, the only injury to show was your forearm wrapped due to a bullet grazing the skin. Painful, but bearable. As you reached up to scrub the shampoo into his hair, his eyes looked down at you.
You should have known then. The way he looked at you. It was the sadness someone had when saying goodbye to someone, but you didn’t think anything of it. You thought he was tired. Worn out. His arms snaking around your waist, pulling your wet body close to his. His head leaning down to rest his forehead on your shoulder as you stood stunned before your hands abandoned reaching to wash his hair, instead wrapping around him to rest your palms on his back.
The sex that night wasn’t filled with urgency. It was slow, he took his time. Both of you savored each other, but he got to savor it more than you. He knew it was the last time. He was prepared. You were left to your own thoughts the following days, weeks, months. Your brain running through every reason why he fucked you like he would keep you, not toss you aside the following day.
Touch me deep Pure and true Gift to me forever 'Cause I'm kissing you, oh I'm kissing you, oh
Simon glanced back to the double doors as he pulled from the kiss before he looked back down at you. The hands gripping the piano now undoing the belt securing his pants up. The sound of the zipper pulling down tensing your body. “Simon, what if-” Your concerns were cut off by him before you could finish. “Stop.” Was all he said, grabbing your hand as his other held the unzipped pants up. He sat down on the piano bench, his pants slightly pulled to make it easier to pull his cock out. 
His hand pulled you in front of him on the bench. You body now between him sitting on the bench and the keys of the piano. Simon glanced up at you while placing his hands on your waist, running them down your sides as he reached the end of your dress. Fingers pulling the dress up past your knees, thighs, until it reached your waist and scrunched up. “No panties?” His voice was low and rasped. A blush forming on your cheeks. “I just didn’t want lines with the dress.” You said, slightly embarrassed. “I’m not complainin’.” He spoke as his thumb found your clit, rubbing it as he sucked on the fingers of his other hand. Your hands grabbing the edge of the piano keys, ringing in the room out of tune. The two fingers covered in his spit sliding into you. The sensation of him fingering you and rubbing your clit making your head lean back in pleasure. “O-Oh. Simon, curl. Please.” You beg him, your body moving slightly to rest your rear on the keys of the piano. More notes ringing in a mess of a combination.
His fingers curl every now and then as he pumps his fingers a little faster, the thumb of his other hand teasing your clit. “Responding like such a good girl.” He murmured, glancing up at you. Your face twisted with pleasure and anxiety as you glanced at the doors - scared if anyone walked in. “Stop lookin’ at the door. I’m here.” He smirked, his fingers pushing into you hard and holding his hand there as he teased the inside of your walls to pull your attention. Your lips parted as you gasped, looking back at him. “F-Fuck.” You hissed, head looking down where his fingers disappeared inside you. “I want you to drench my fingers in that juice I love so much. Can ‘ya do that?” He muttered, watching you closely as your body and brain reacted to him. “Y-Yes.” You nodded quickly, focusing on clenching your walls around his fingers. A shaky break as your hands lifted from the piano and grabbed for his shoulders. His fingers, those thick fingers spreading you apart only to get you ready for his cock. The thought makes your head dizzy. Your brain knew it missed Simon, but you didn’t realize how deprived your body was as you felt yourself inching towards a climax. 
One last pump and your hands gripped his shoulders, legs shaking as you came around his fingers. The juices spilled down his fingers and out of you onto the floor as his fingers pulled out of you. “Fuckin’ little dripping cunt. You’re so messy, baby.” He groaned, his fingers going back to slip into you. The unexpectedness caused you to whimper, it was like he was digging every last drop out. The fingers retreated again, this time he wasted no time to slip his cock out of the fly of his briefs. “C’mere.” He mumbled, holding his cock up and guiding you to stand over his lap, his legs between your legs but slightly spread. Nails digging into his shoulders, you looked down as you guided your body down over his cock. The tip pressing against your folds as it slipped past, your cunt wrapping around his cock as you fully sunk down onto his lap. The groan forming in his throat comes out as a low growl. “Look how good you still take all of me.” The rough hands grabbing your waist to steady you and help you as you start to bounce your body up and down. 
“Fuck. Good girl, go faster for me.” His hissed, his hands gripping your waist tightly as he helped your body bounce up and down. As you picked up your pace, his hands would hold you down for a few moments every few seconds to have you just feel his cock buried in you. Your walls clenching at the same time he held you down before he would let you resume riding him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you looked at him. His one hand leaving your waist to grab his mask that was rolled up still, pulling it off and shoving it into the pocket of the suit jacket. 
You gasped slightly as you sloppily bounced on his cock, your brain losing its focus on the rhythm as he pulled the mask off. Simon. All of him. Your hands unwrap from his neck, moving to cup his face instead. Leaning in for a kiss, you whimper into it as his hands hold you back down again. Your body is trying to lift back up as you kiss him, but his hands keep you still. So, instead you rolled your hips. He pulled on your bottom lip as he separated from the kiss, moaning as you rolled your hips. “So fuckin’ needy you couldn’t wait to start bouncing so you roll those hips?” He muttered, gripping your waist as his fingers securely held you. He guided you to bounce again, the wet sounds squelching from your previous climax as you would bounce down onto his lip. 
“I’m close.” Simon said through gritted teeth, you nodded in response. “Me too.” You whispered, pushing yourself to go faster, slamming down after you would bounce down. “Si-Simon.” The moans escaping your lips, head leaning down to bury your face in his neck. The second climax gushed out of you as it spilled around his cock, the second he would pull out you were certain you’d drip onto the floor. Simon’s own climax hitting him, his hands moving from your waist to your back as he held you close. His cock jerking in you slightly as he kept you on him until his climax surpassed. 
“Fuckin..hell.” He huffed, coming down from his climax. Simon guided your body off him as he watched the mixture of both of your cum stretch out between the two of you. You shifted uncomfortably, his eyes glancing around for anything that could be used but ended up grabbing the pocket square from his suit jacket to clean you. Once he was done you pulled your dress down, smoothing it out as he adjusted himself to zip his pants back up.
Yeah, hey, yeah Where are you now? Where are you now?
The two of you walked towards the double doors of the room, silence hanging in the air. You heard him mumble something, causing you to stop walking and look at him. He stopped to grab his mask from his pocket to pull back on. Before the mask could cover lips once more, you reached to stop it just above his lips. Slightly trembling hands resting on his cheeks as you pulled him down for a kiss.
It wasn’t long, you didn’t count the seconds, but he pulled back. His hand grabbing the mask to cover his entire face again. He nodded at you, reaching for the door and headed out. But, your feet made no effort to follow as the door opened and closed with you still inside the room.
'Cause I'm kissing you I'm kissing you, oh
The kiss for you opening the floodgates of your brain again. But, he wasn’t there when you kissed him, he detached at the same time your bodies did at the piano bench. 
Was it purely sexual for him? Was it a release? Your brain asked again. This time it was. And it left you grabbing the chair next to you for support to hold yourself up. The other hand moves to your mouth, a muffled sob is expelled from your body.
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