#wonwoo x female reader
nonuwhore · 4 months
em alto e bom som.
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contém: linguagem vulgar; masturbação (f) e fingering; menção a mordidas e masturbação masculina; menção muito rápida ao que pode ser interpretado como free use; wonwoo service top? talvez, eu gosto de imaginar ele assim.  nota da autora: aqui estou eu de novo, me repetindo sobre os mesmo tópicos com o wonwoo. não é à toa o nome desse blog, nunca se esqueçam disso. 
Você passou na frente da TV e um tapa foi desferido na sua bunda, sem dó, sem piedade, com a mão cheia.
“Wonwoo! Que isso?”, riu, segurando a planta no braço e a colocou no lugar de sempre, com fazia toda semana naquele mesmo horário depois de molhá-la. Ele te ofereceu um sorriso meio pervertido sem tirar os olhos da tela e segurando o controle do videogame novamente, apertando os botões com agilidade. “Você não tá no seu normal esses dias, né?”
  E quando você se referia ao normal do seu namorado, dizia sobre ele nunca demonstrar em excesso o quanto era atraído por você. Não que faltasse demonstrações, pelo contrário, Wonwoo era um amante apaixonado, sempre te deixando sem ar e desnorteada quando te beijava e principalmente fazendo você gozar quantas vezes sua baixíssima energia permitisse. Mas você era mais direta e frequente quando se trata de dizer o quanto o deseja, mordendo um pedacinho do pescoço quando tudo que ele tinha pedido era um abraço, dizendo as maiores baixarias no ouvido dele no meio de uma multidão ou se jogando no colo do seu namorado quando chegava em casa, desesperada pra abrir as calças dele e pronta para manifestar toda a saudade que sentiu. 
Essa era uma dinâmica que funcionava e que ambos curtiam. Você gostava de ser maluca por ele, e Wonwoo, na medida do que ele podia e conseguia, te retribuía. Só que você não podia negar que estava gostando desses novos hábitos. Você se sentia desejada e era bom, o jeito que ele te olhava agora enquanto subia a calcinha e colocava o sutiã depois do banho, satisfeito por ter sido que tirou e planejando para os próximos minutos tirar de novo.
Naquela noite, depois de um jantar divertido beirando ao sensual, enquanto ele beijava suas coxas na intenção de alcançar o que elas escondiam, você achou que era importante que ele soubesse disso.
“Gosto quando você me trata assim.”
“Assim como?”, perguntou, mordendo sua pele e em seguida tirando os óculos do rosto, pousando delicadamente na mesa de cabeceira.
“Como se tivesse morrendo de tesão”, respondeu, segurando um gemido enquanto o via tirar o suéter perfumado que te fez sonhar acordada a noite toda.
“Mas eu tô”, brincou, te puxando pra mais próximo da beira da cama pelo tornozelo com um esforço negativo e você riu, animadíssima.
“Eu sei que você sente tesão por mim, dá pra ver”, apontou despretensiosamente pro volume dentro da calça que ele desabotoava, “mas é legal quando você perde um pouco essa sua pose e age como um homem normal com tesão, de um jeito meio… pervertido?”, pensou em voz alta, não achando naquele momento a palavra ideal.
Wonwoo separou delicadamente suas pernas e se posicionou entre elas, os braços apoiando o peso do corpo e o cabelo do topo da cabeça que crescia como grama, tocando sua testa, macio.
“Gosta mesmo?”, perguntou com a voz baixa e você assentiu, presa no olhar dele, no cheiro e a atmosfera que se estabelecia sempre que vocês estavam assim. “Você quer que eu diga mais quanto eu te desejo?”, e beijou diversos pontos do seu pescoço, respirando pesado, esperando sua resposta que veio em formato de gemido estremecido. “Quer que eu diga tudo?” 
“Sim… Por favor”, seu coração batia rápido, ansiosa pelo que ele estava preparando pra você.
“Abre a boca pra mim, amor”, e quando você permitiu, dois dedos longos inspecionaram a cavidade e seus lábios automaticamente se fecharam em volta deles quando você reparou no olhar perdido de Wonwoo pelo contato com a sua língua quente e úmida, a respiração descompassada e todas as coisas que podiam estar acontecendo com você na imaginação dele.
A língua do seu namorado tomou o lugar dos dedos dentro da sua boca, e esses se encaminharam para o centro das suas pernas. Você gemeu e vibrou contra os lábios dele quando sentiu as digitais quentes e úmidas adentrando seu centro e Wonwoo deixou de te beijar para te assistir gemer. 
“Sabia que eu tenho sonhos eróticos com você?”, a informação te pegou desprevenida e seus olhos se abriram automaticamente, se fechando de novo quando os dedos se curvaram, abrindo espaço, em movimentos fundos e dolorosamente lentos. “Já tive vários, inclusive. Mas na última semana eu tive todos os dias, sem falta. E a coisa que eu mais lembro deles é sua voz, assim, toda manhosa, todinha pra mim”, você gemeu mais alto, em resposta, mas também afetada pelo quanto a voz dele era grave e arranhava sua pele por dentro. 
Você tentou enrolar suas pernas na dele, em busca de mais, mais de algo que não sabia o que era, porque Wonwoo já estava literalmente dentro de você, mas algo inconsciente te conduzia. Chamou pelo nome dele em súplica, do jeito que ele queria, você imaginava, e ele chiou de volta, como se entendesse perfeitamente algo que nem você sabia com certeza.
“Esse é o tanto que eu te desejo. Não consigo parar de te desejar nem quanto tô dormindo”, os dentes arranharam seu pescoço e uma das suas pernas foi empurrada para o lado, dando o espaço que ele precisava para retirar os dedos de você e massagear com o dedão o ponto mais sensível, com uma pressão equilibrada, bagunçando ainda mais os líquidos que escorriam de dentro de você. 
Suas unhas se cravaram no braço dele, deixando alguns arranhões que você sabia que seu namorado gostava de ostentar, e deitando ao seu lados, Wonwoo te puxou de costas, te encaixando no colo dele e continuando o mesmo carinho. “Você é tão gostosa e eu tô pronto pra te dizer isso com mais frequência, mas eu também amo o jeito você sempre me diz, em voz alta, que eu posso fazer o que quiser com você. Só de pensar eu fico duro…”, a voz dele parecia um pouco sôfrega agora, segredando, como se estivesse com medo de ter que fazer uma troca.
“Hoje você tá quietinha, né?”, ele riu baixinho e por instinto mordeu a ponta da sua orelha, “tudo bem, hoje eu cuido de você”, e ele te observou segurar o braço com mais força, o corpo se contorceu parecido com um espasmo e ele sabia. “Pronto, pronto. Vai gozar, amor? Vai deixar eu sentir essa bucetinha piscar no meu dedo? Porra, você não sabe o quanto isso me deixa doido. Eu penso em você assim sempre que eu me toco e é tão bom… Não tão bom quanto você.”
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
Whenever We Breathe Part Two
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Summary: Wonwoo knows he's fucked up by avoiding you after you, him, and Seungcheol slept together. He doesn't know how exactly he can fix it, but he figures begging for your forgiveness might be a good start.
Rating: M (18+) | Word Count: ~5.1k (2k plot, 3.1k smut)
Part One
GN version
Warnings: not a threesome, best friends to lovers, swearing, pining, hurt/comfort, angry cheol (hot), shy switch wonwoo, weed mention, lots of talking during sex, grinding, cumming in pants, multiple orgasms, fingering, clit stim, oral f. rec., facesitting, slit/thigh fucking, condomless piv sex, creampie, cum eating, aftercare 
Reader Notes: she/her pronouns used, has vagina and breasts
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Fuck, oh fuck, Wonwoo’s made a terrible mistake. 
He thought that day was the perfect opportunity to get to be with you without having to confess his feelings, but what he didn’t consider is that getting to be with you would make him want to be with you.
Wonwoo isn’t sure why that didn’t even cross his mind. Maybe because it was clouded with smoke and the disbelief you even said yes when Cheol made the offer?
God, it felt like a wet dream, literally, you were so wet, so fucking soft and hot and tight, and Wonwoo still regrets not coming inside you when he had the chance, especially since it was probably his last. 
He hasn’t seen you in weeks, and he misses you like hell. 
He supposes he can’t complain though, considering that it’s his own fault. 
Wonwoo’s been avoiding you, skipping your weekly best friends sleepovers, making up excuses for dinner invites, responding to your texts far too late for a conversation to be possible. 
He feels awful, and he knows you know he’s avoiding you, and he knows Seungcheol knows too. 
He might be ready to beat him up soon, if the glare he’s sending Wonwoo right now means anything. 
They’re sitting across from each other in the diner down the street from his apartment, and Seungcheol has been scolding him for the past seven and a half minutes. He only knows because he keeps glancing at the clock to escape Seungcheol’s glowering. 
Wonwoo honestly feels like he’s in the principal’s office, with the way Seungcheol has his hands folded (clenched) on the table and the way he’s being berated. 
“And if you didn’t think you could handle this, you shouldn’t have participated. You could have just watched, but no, you wanted to join and you wanted to go first, and now you haven’t seen her in weeks.”
Seungcheol takes a deep breath to continue, “Do you know how sad she is? She totally knows exactly what you’re doing, and she thinks it’s her fault. She thinks she did something wrong. We wanted her to feel better but you’re making her feel worse!” He finishes on a shout. 
Diners in the nearby vicinity shoot Seungchheol a look, and he raises his eyebrows in response, staring back until they look away. 
Normally, he’s much more polite, so Wonwoo must have really pissed him off. 
“I’m sorry, Cheol, I really thought I would be okay. I didn’t realize how bad it was until you made her look at me while you were-,” Wonwoo looks around and continues in a whisper, “Fucking her, which by the way, what the fuck was that?!” 
“What do you mean ‘what the fuck was that’?” Seungcheol mocks him.
“That was me making you realize how you feel! I knew you’d be jealous seeing me with her like that and I needed to rub it in so you’d finally fucking understand! You’re in love with her!” Seungcheol’s eyes are blazing, and Wonwoo’s starting to wonder if he should fear for his own wellbeing, but Seungcheol wouldn’t hurt him. He thinks.
He’s not ready to respond to that last part yet, needs some time to admit it to himself, but he knows he can’t just not say anything. 
Especially if he doesn’t want Seungcheol to launch himself over the table and throttle him. 
“I know I fucked up, and I’m sorry. To both of you. I’ll figure out how to fix it, I just need a bit more time,” Wonwoo pleads, trying to implore Seunngcheol to let him deal with this his own way. 
“I don’t know how much longer she’ll wait. She’s talking about joining the dating apps again.”
The food arrives but Wonwoo doesn’t notice. White noise fills his ears, and he feels very dizzy suddenly, bracing his hands flat on the table for strength. 
He tries not to remember all the short little dresses you’d wear on your internet dates, and the way you’d complain about their inability to make you cum, and the way he used to wish he even had the chance to fail. 
But now Wonwoo’s had the chance, and he didn’t fail, he was successful. He made you cum, multiple times, fuck, he even helped make you squirt! 
So honestly, what the fuck is he doing?
He is in love with you, and he can make you cum, and he’s your best friend, and you’re his. 
And now he’s starting to feel like the fuckup wasn’t when he slept with you, it was not taking the chance to tell you how he feels after.
How is he supposed to fix this?
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Wonwoo has come up with a plan, and the first step is showing up at your apartment with your usual from the cafe you always go to together. 
The rain wasn’t part of the plan, but Wonwoo figures his pathetic appearance may actually help his case. 
He’s soaked to the bone, his glasses covered in drops of water, his body shaking like a leaf, his cold hands even colder than normal, but it’ll be worth it if you open the door. 
And that’s a big if, because Wonwoo knows you know it’s him, and he’s honestly not sure you’re going to let him inside.
He wouldn’t blame you, after the way he’s been ignoring and evading you for weeks, but he really hopes you’ll at least give him a chance to explain himself. 
He’s fully prepared to tell you everything, to lay his soul bare at your feet, to grovel on his knees for forgiveness, but he’s not too hopeful when you open the door and shout, “Are you fucking insane?”
You grab him by the collar and haul him inside, pointedly avoiding his gaze as you shut and lock the door before heading to the bathroom to grab him a towel. He drops the food and travel cup in your kitchen and waits for you to return. You stop at your bedroom on the way to get some clothes he’d left here, pointing at the bathroom until he obeys and scurries in, turning on the shower and starting to strip. 
You stand at the door with your arms crossed, glaring into the hallway and waiting for him to hand over his soaked clothes, and he tries to avoid looking at your ass in your little pajama shorts. Now simply is not the time.  
Not when Wonwoo’s never seen you so closed off before, to him at least. He worries he won’t be able to repair the rift he created between you, fears you won’t let him back in. 
He steps into the shower, the heat scorching his freezing skin, and he tries not to shy away from the steaming stream of water, lets it be punishment for hurting you like this. 
He stays until he can feel his fingers and toes again, then just a bit longer because he’s terrified to face you now that he knows you're sad and angry. 
Eventually, Wonwoo gets a bit too warm and knows he can’t put off explaining himself any longer. Shutting the shower off, he roughly towel dries his body and pulls on the clothes you brought him, shaking his hair out enough that it won’t drip onto his shoulders before cleaning off his glasses with the edge of the shirt. 
You’re puttering about in the kitchen, heating up the food he brought you, sipping at the drink, and whispering angrily to yourself, about him most likely. He doesn’t blame you, could curse himself too for mucking everything up this badly, and he can only hope you’ll let him tell you what happened. 
Wonwoo lets himself linger in the hall for just a few more seconds before taking a deep breath and shuffling into the kitchen with his head lowered in penance. He stays silent, senses your eyes on him and hears your movements stop, and almost wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole. 
But, knowing he owes you this, Wonwoo raises his head and meets your eyes meekly. 
Fuck, you look so mad, and so hot. Under the anger and hotness is hurt, and he chooses to focus on that. 
“Well?” You begin flatly. “What do you have to say?”
“Um,” he clears his throat after squeaking on the first attempt, “I want to apologize, and beg you to forgive me, and also I should probably tell you something.”
You squint at him, tilting your head back to stare down your nose, and Wonwoo tries to pretend your derision doesn’t turn him on. 
“Go on, then,” you raise a brow, and Wonwoo lets out the biggest sigh of relief when he realizes you’re letting him explain himself. 
“Okay, apology first. Well, the apology will probably have some of the thing I need to tell you so I hope that’s okay,” you nod slowly in confusion. 
“I’m really sorry I shut down after we slept together. It was everything I ever dreamed of, except not really because I don’t just want to sleep with you, and also because Cheol was there, and I definitely didn’t dream about that. Not that I didn’t like it!” Wonwoo rushes to clarify, “It was great, and kinda nice not having to think for a bit, but when I pictured our first time, it was… just us.”
You stare at him, processing his words, your face softening incrementally, before you ask, “What do you mean, ‘everything you ever dreamed of’?” 
Wonwoo’s eyes grow wide, knowing he’s at the point where he’ll have to explicitly tell you his feelings. 
“Um, so the thing is I might possibly be in love with you and it’s also possible that after I got to be with you, I couldn’t stop thinking about being with you and made myself sad that I wouldn’t get to so I didn’t want to see you because whenever I thought about seeing you, all I could think about was being near you and touching you and getting to actually love you like I’ve always wanted to,” Wonwoo says in a rush, clenching his eyes shut at the end so he doesn’t have to see your face. 
You stay silent for a while, considering his jumbled confession. 
He peeks an eye open to find you deep in contemplation, your jaw set and your arms folded, and fears that he’s officially ruined the friendship. 
“You’ve always wanted to love me?” you ask softly, quietly, like you’re scared of the answer. 
He nods, keeps nodding, biting his lips between his teeth before speaking just as timidly, “Yeah, I’ve always loved you, sorry.”
Your face scrunches, eyes turning to a glare to hold the tears in, and you whine angrily, “Don’t be sorry, you idiot, I love you too even though you’re so fucking stupid.”
Wonwoo’s heart stutters, squeezes hard, then explodes, and he feels like he might pass out. 
“Do you need to sit down?” you ask tiredly, waiting for his dazed nod to roll your eyes and walk over, tugging him by the arm to sit on your couch before crouching in front of him. 
“You… love… me?” Wonwoo asks dumbly, eyes moving up sluggishly behind his glasses to find yours. 
“Yes, Wonwoo, I love you,” you confirm gently, speaking slowly so he can understand you through the fog your confession put him in, grasping his tepid hands with your own. 
“Wow, that’s so crazy,” he breathes, feeling almost as high as he did that day. 
“I know, right?” you agree, pulling him closer until he shuffles off the couch to sit on his knees in front of you. 
“So, what do we do now?” Wonwoo asks, truly having no idea. 
“Um, I mean we should probably date right? And tell Cheol so he’ll stop being pissed at you. And maybe also have sex without him.” 
Wonwoo loves those ideas, all three, but has a request for the order, “Can we do 1, 3, 2? He’s so mad at me and so scary, and I think I’ll have to grovel more for him to forgive me than I did for you.”
“Mmmmm I think you could afford to do some more groveling for me too, though,” you tease, playing with the collar of his shirt and smirking. 
He feels lightheaded again and hopes you’re saying what he thinks you’re saying.  
“Can I kiss you?” Wonwoo asks as he starts to lean in, waiting for you to tell him yes. 
“Yeah, I think that would be a good start,” you mumble as you press your lips to his, your sentence trailing off into his mouth. 
Wonwoo sighs, tracing your bottom lip with his tongue until you open for him, loosening his hands from yours so he can place both of them on your cheeks to pull you closer. You come willingly, climbing into his lap when he sits down and crosses his legs, straddling his hips and grinding down against his rapidly hardening cock. 
Fuck, the pressure and heat of you feel amazing. 
He hasn’t been able to jerk off as much as usual because when he closes his eyes, he can only see you, squirting and crying and writhing, and he cums way too fast for it to even be enjoyable.
He’s a bit scared that will happen with you, but he plans to make you cum a few times before he even gets his dick in you anyway, so it should work out fine. 
Or at least, that’s what he thought before you started touching him, running your fingers up and down his abs, palming his pecs, squeezing his deltoids, and shit your hands are so warm and so soft, and he’s wanted you to touch him like this for so long, and if you keep grinding on him like that he’ll-
“Fuck, stop, stop, stop, baby, you have to stop,” Wonwoo pants, stilling your hips with an iron grip, pushing them away from his dick. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask breathlessly, cupping his face and looking into his eyes even as he tries to avoid your gaze out of embarrassment. 
“I was just really, really, really close to cumming,” he whispers, pursing his lips and hoping you’re not judging him. 
“Oh. You don’t want to?” you sound confused, your brows furrowed and your hips twitching in his grasp. 
“Of course I don’t want to, I wanna be able to fuck you,” Wonwoo explains shyly. 
“Well, how long does it take you to go again?” 
Wonwoo can feel his ears turning red and his eyes wavering behind his glasses as he stares at you in awe. 
“Maybe fifteen minutes,” he replies, astonished. 
You grin, pull his hands from your waist to slide them up onto your breasts, and dig your hips into his. 
Wonwoo can’t stop himself from tipping his head back to rest on the couch, his neck suddenly too weak to hold up the weight as he feels himself start spiraling again. You’re so soft under his hands, so sweet, and Wonwoo wishes he could see you, starts tugging up your shirt until you get the hint and whip it over your head. 
Fuck, you’re not wearing a bra, just like last time, and he tells himself to surprise you at home more often, then remembers he’s your boyfriend now and he’ll get to see you like this whenever you want him to, and that’s enough to push him over the edge. 
His head spins as his cock jumps underneath you, spitting hot cum into his boxers, and he knows he’s being noisy, knows he’s groaning and moaning and possibly even whimpering your name, but he just can’t shut his mouth. 
It feels too fucking good, the first fulfilling orgasm he’s had since you slept together, and now he knows for sure that cumming by himself could never be as euphoric as cumming with you. 
His brain feels heavy, but empty at the same time, and his head tips forward to rest against your sternum as he catches his breath, air puffing out over your chest and raising goosebumps on your skin.    
“Quick question,” you start with a thready voice. “How did you cum that last time? Both of your hands were busy.” 
“I don’t know,” he tries to figure out how to answer without sounding pathetic. “I just- you- when you squirted, it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I don’t know, it was like I blacked out, and when I woke up, my cum was drying on your stomach.”
Okay, so he still sounded pathetic, but you whine, almost like you… 
“Do you like that?” Wonwoo asks slowly, realization growing, “And you liked making me cum in my pants too, didn’t you?”
You squirm in his lap, and Wonwoo smirks, leans forward until you tip onto your back and he can plank above you. He drops a kiss to your nose and shifts up on his knees to yank his shirt off and push his wet boxers down, trying not to cringe at the cold air on his slick cock. 
“You like knowing what you do to me, huh?”
Wonwoo trails kisses down your neck, letting his tongue dip into the hollow space between your clavicles before grazing his teeth over your skin.
“Well, baby?” Wonwoo waits for you to answer.
You stare him down, biting your bottom lip and squirming slightly, before answering, “Yes, I like it, Wonwoo.” 
“I’ll tell you all about your effect on me then,” Wonwoo begins, nipping the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. 
“When you wear these tiny little pajama shorts at sleepovers, I have to keep a pillow in my lap all night, just because your thighs are out and pressed right up against mine,” he says through sucking kisses along your collarbone. 
He grins at your shiver, continues, “Sometimes, I can’t tell you’re not wearing a bra until you hug me, and when I feel your tits on my chest, I have to pull away because I get too hard to hide it.”
Sucking marks down your sternum, Wonwoo keeps going, “I always take the couch and let you have my bed, even when you offer to share, because I know I’ll wake up hard or with dried cum in my pants if I get to sleep next to you.”
He slides back up to your mouth, swallowing your moan and biting your lip between his teeth before sinking down your body again. 
“If you wake up hard tomorrow, can I suck your dick?” you ask, as if he’d say no, and he has to push his face into your stomach to contain the loud fuck he wants to let out. 
“Are you in my brain? How are you my walking wet dream?” Wonwoo almost sounds annoyed, frustrated, and his kisses turn to sucking bites, leaving indents of his teeth all over your soft skin. 
“Don’t get mad at me because you think I’m hot, that’s not fair!” you whine, arching your back into him and making his focus shift to your breasts. 
“You’re right, baby, I’m sorry,” he lavishes your tits in soft kisses, sucking alternately at your nipples and squeezing the plush flesh with his fingers. 
He presses his face into your chest and smushes your breasts against his cheeks, breathing you in, surrounding himself in you, and realizes there’s another way to be encompassed by you, a better way. 
“Will you sit on my face?” Wonwoo asks, a bit scared you’ll say no.
You look down at him, smile softly, and reply, “Sure.”
Fuck, Wonwoo thinks he might die.
He tries to smile back before laying down next to you, waiting for you to finish stripping and climb on. 
Shit, why didn’t he notice how wet your shorts were? There’s a visible dark patch, and he figures he was messy enough not to notice but fuck, is he noticing now. And of course, of course you’re not wearing panties. Wonwoo honestly thinks you were created to kill him. 
What a way to go though, he thinks, as you send him a shy grin and straddle his hips, shuffling forward on your knees until he can grab you by the hips and pull you up to his face. 
He groans when your scent hits him, groans deep in his chest, and you shiver at the air flowing over your soaked pussy. That makes you rest more of your weight on him, and Wonwoo can’t wait to drown in you. 
You’re still holding yourself up though, looking a bit nervous, and Wonwoo wraps his arms around your thighs so he can smooth his hands up and down the length of them, soothing you slowly until you relax enough for your folds to brush his lips. 
This is already the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and it only gets better when he rubs his nose over your clit and you grind into it. 
Flattening his tongue on your cunt, he drags it from your entrance to the top of your pussy, laving over your bundle of nerves before sliding back down to dip inside you. 
You taste even better than last time, no lingering traces of weed in his mouth to cloud your essence, and Wonwoo already knows he’ll do this every day if you let him. 
It might just become his favorite hobby, if the way his cock is already hardening again says anything. 
He sucks your clit into his mouth, pulling you down harder on his face, wanting to smother himself in you, and slides two fingers inside you from behind. You clench down immediately, whimpering above him and sinking your hands into his hair to tilt his head back. 
He gets the hint, just holds his tongue out flat and lets you do what you want, lets you ride his face and his fingers, feels his cock jumping against his stomach. 
“Wonwoo, another, give me another, please,” you ask breathlessly, crying out when he tucks his ring finger inside of you too, and curls all three into the patch of nerves deep inside. 
He feels like he’s drowning in the best way, partially because you’re so wet, but mostly because he can’t hear anything, can’t see anything. All he knows is your pussy on his face and shit, he could probably cum untouched from this too. 
You break before he does though, bowing over him, and now he can smell your cunt and your hair and your skin, and thank fucking god you’re already shifting away from his tongue out of sensitivity because he seriously could cum right now. 
He helps you lift off of his face, and gazes fondly as you curl up on your side and catch your breath, staring incredulously at him. 
“How are you so good at that?” you demand, eyebrows scrunched and eyes boring holes into him.
“I’ve been dreaming about you sitting on my face for years, that’s probably it,” Wonwoo responds matter-of-factly, dodging the pillow you lob at him in retribution. 
“What, baby, you liked it before,” he laughs, avoiding the finger attempting to poke his belly.
“Yeah, that was before you made me cum so hard I lost all sense of time and space,” you mutter, shifting to rest on shaky elbows, staring at him contemplatively out of the corner of your eye. 
Wonwoo’s still trying to recover from your previous statement when you say, “I think I want you to bend me over the couch and fuck me from behind.”
He chokes, sputters on nothing but air and the need clawing up his throat, forces his eyes shut and curses you, curses you forever, but not really because he loves you too much and he does want to bend you over the couch and fuck you from behind. 
In fact, he thinks he’d both kill and die for the chance.
So he stands on wobbly knees, extends both hands towards you to pull you up, and drags you over to your couch. The arm is the perfect height for him to fold you over, and you pull a pillow to you so you have something to hold onto as he runs his cock up and down your slit. 
“Can I try something first?” Wonwoo asks tentatively, “I think you’ll like it.”
“Yeah, just don’t put anything in my butt, I’m not ready for that yet,” your voice is muffled in the couch, your ass tilted up, and Wonwoo smooths his hands up your back to squeeze your shoulders, then back down to push your thighs together. 
Placing each hand on a cheek, Wonwoo pulls your ass up and apart so you’re spread open, cunt glistening in the daylight, tempting him to take another taste. 
He’s always wanted to try this and never thought he’d have the opportunity, though, so he needs to make the most of it. 
And make the most of it he does, sliding his cock between your thighs and bumping the head against your clit, over and over and over, until your thighs glisten too and his dick is drenched in your wetness, until you’re squirming beneath his hands and whining, until he can see your entrance clench and release, tightening around nothing. 
He thinks he can make you cum like this, but honestly, he’s getting too close, and if he wants to fuck you tonight, he needs to do it now. 
Maybe he can hold out just a little bit longer though, he thinks, rubbing the head of his dick insistently on your clit until you claw at the couch and cum with a wail. 
“In me, get in me, Wonwoo, I swear I’ll-,” your voice cuts out when he sinks into you, stretching your pussy around his cock and bottoming out in one stroke. 
You squeak, and Wonwoo squeezes your ass in his hands before moving them to your hips and holding you to the arm of the sofa as he pulls back and thrusts in again. 
“Good?” he asks, waiting for you to respond, “Yes, Wonwoo, fuck yes,” before starting to pound you into the couch. 
You cry out every time he roots his cock inside you, and he moves a hand to press down on the small of your back, tilting your hips up more and angling his down, giving you searching thrusts until he hits something and you seize up around him. 
Targeting that spot each time, Wonwoo fucks in and out of you at a steady pace, ignoring the way his balls are already full and starting to draw up, wanting to get you there one last time before he cums. 
He knows just his dick won’t be enough, so he slides one hand around your hip and sinks it between your thighs, finding your clit with two fingers and starting the circles you seemed to like last time. 
Fuck, you get even tighter, and wetter, whining and wiggling under him, trying to meet his thrusts but he’s going too fast, too hard, and your walls start to spasm around him, arousal gushing out of you and dripping down his dick as you cum. 
And shit, Wonwoo wants to fuck you through it, he does, but he just can’t stop the tidal wave swallowing him, can’t stop the roaring in his ears or his eyes from squeezing shut, and he definitely can’t stop the way his cock twitches and starts to spurt white hot cum inside you.
It’s so much better than the orgasm he had before, and Wonwoo can’t stay standing, tips over until he’s spread out on top of you, his hip bones digging into your ass and his dick flooding you with what feels like weeks worth of cum. 
By the time his cock has stopped jumping in you, you’re reaching behind to poke at him, whispering in a strained voice, “Wonwoo, babe, can’t breathe.”
He blinks his eyes open, still dizzy from his orgasm, and lets his body melt to lay on the floor by the couch. You stay on the arm for a second, and Wonwoo has to close his eyes again when he sees his cum starting to drip out of you, white globs seeping from your entrance and sliding down your pussy.
“Can I-” Wonwoo starts, but you interrupt him, responding tiredly, “Yes, please do it, whatever it is. I already know I’ll like it.”
He crawls over, trying to steady his breathing, and spreads your cheeks again, opening up your stretched pussy even more. Your entrance is still fluttering, and your walls probably are too, and he needs to feel you on his tongue. 
He licks into you again, gathering up the cum on your swollen clit and guiding it back to your cunt, pushing it inside before lightly sucking at your entrance.
You still taste so good, even tinged with the salty bitterness of his cum, and he knows he’ll never get enough, shoves his tongue deeper, starts fucking you with it, rotates one hand so he can get his thumb on your clit, and with that, you tumble over the edge again.
Your walls weakly contract around his tongue, and he pets your bundle of nerves gently, bringing you down and licking you clean. 
Wonwoo lets you recover for a bit, but eventually suspects you can’t move so he wraps you up in his arms and hauls you off the couch, settling on the floor with you in his lap. 
“You okay, baby?” he asks, only a little bit concerned. 
“Yeah, I just… I think you broke me,” you mumble into his chest, fatigue obvious in your voice, and Wonwoo tries to hold in his giggle, tries to stop the pleased grin from spreading his lips, but he’s not successful, and you swat feebly at his chest. 
You get distracted by his pecs, caressing the firm muscle, and Wonwoo shivers, looking forward to coming up with more ways to distract you.
For now, he just tries to stand, finds his knees too shaky to carry both of your weight, and deposits you on the couch before hobbling away to get you a damp cloth and new pajamas.
He thinks he has another pair of boxers here too, and finds them in your top drawer along with some sweats and a big t-shirt for you. 
He cleans you up, wiping softly between your legs and making you promise to pee soon, before dressing you and himself and plopping down on the couch, pulling you into his arms. 
You’re warm, always so warm, and you smell so good, and Wonwoo loves you so much, and he remembers he doesn't have to hide it anymore. 
“I love you, baby,” Wonwoo murmurs into your hair, cupping your cheek in his hand and rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. 
“Love you too, Woo,” you breathe, holding his gaze and puckering your lips to press a kiss to his thumb. 
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Taglist: @lenireads @confusedbansheee @junhui-recs @burningupp-replies @heeseung-lover686 @favehoshiposts @gyvswhore @jaysawake @1004luvangel @bangchanbabygirlx @baldi-2 @monamonay @dontyouthinkiknowhoiam @just-here-to-read-01 @gaebestie @noryyyyyyyyy @heavenly-mobo @smalliechelle @shuabby1994 @snowgirlfallen @noraehey @swinterr @fr0g-filez @taybabylovesyou @i4kt @dejavernon @onewoowonderboy @awkwardnesshabitat @kpoppingmypussy @coupsgyus @jinsonaz @enhacolor @highkey-fangirling @jaycheoluwu @tinkerbell460 @jihoonliker @aurumness @maybeifyoutrieddd @chwecardcaptor @luvdokja @Itsteiiteii @cokeforcals @callmenev @doitlikehoshi @hwhjsthetic @multi-kpop-fanfics @ahgastayzen @kodzukein
Find my masterlist here
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mingyus-blackcard · 3 months
wonwoo fluff! (he's just looks so fluffy)
Wc: 259
Tw: Just Gamer Wonwoo fluff with a twist
Paring : Wonwoo x female reader
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
You pull the head off the heavy mascot costume, sighing as a cool breeze from a fan chills your flushed cheeks. As you step out of the rest of the costume, you notice one of the basketball players standing behind you.
"I didn't realize you were a girl," he says. "Or pretty."
You turned around and took notice of the guy, Number 6, clearly wearing a black jersey, the opponent school's jersey.
"The guy who does this was down with fever, cliche I know right?"
"Your school is losing the game as well, cliche much?"
You laughed, flaunting the dimpled smile,
“They lose all games at this point, there is no pointing out needed you know."
The guy leaned against the locker, handing you a water bottle,
"Drink up, you need the energy to cheer up the losing team."
You took the bottle from his hand, happily gulping the water,
"I really needed that, my knight in basketball jersey."
"I figured.", the stranger replied before trying to make his out of the locker.
"Hey, dont leave me in the lockers without telling your name."
"Captain of the team you probably shouldn't talk to." The guy just winked and went out of the locker room, the whistle blowing right, indicating that the break had ended.
You sighed and put the mascot head back on, making your way back to the court, taking a glance at the score board, where the score was displayed next to each team's captain, Wonwoo written below the picture of the guy you just talked to.
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
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to the victor (go the spoils) || [part one]
pairing: camboy!wonwoo x camgirl!reader
summary: an unspoken rivalry between the site’s top cam stars goes further than either of them ever thought it would.
warnings: swearing, smut (18+ minors dni)
additional warnings: camming, degradation, masturbation, spitting,
word count: 3.7k
svthub collab: hyung line | maknae line
Wonwoo couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Just last night when he had gone to bed, he had been at the top of the SVTHub page. Now, this afternoon, his latest upload was sitting at number two on the trending tab. He didn’t even have to look at the username to know who had surpassed him. 
Br4ttybaby’s most recent stream had already amassed ten thousand more views than his and she had only posted twelve hours ago. Typical. That was what annoyed Wonwoo the most about you. Every time he thought he’d finally claimed his spot as top creator, you had to go and claim the title for yourself. It was a cat and mouse game between the two of you. A game he was half-convinced was one-sided. 
Wonwoo practically drove himself crazy trying to figure out how you did it. How you managed to manipulate the algorithm in your favor every single time. Maybe manipulate was the wrong word. It wasn’t like you didn’t deserve the views and likes and comments that you got-- you worked hard. Wonwoo knew this from tuning in to your streams from time to time- research and all. 
The thing is, Wonwoo works just as hard as you do and still somehow struggles to keep up with you. He doesn’t want to think it has to do with how much skin you show, but it’s hard not to. 
Wonwoo is just a voice. He hides behind the safety of a black screen or an illustration of an anime dude that doesn’t resemble him at all. 
You on the other hand, you show your viewers everything. Well, everything except for your face. You keep a lace blindfold tied over your eyes at all times. It’s enough to protect your identity and allow you to see your screen so that you can monitor the footage and read the comments as they roll in. How you have the confidence to sit naked in front of your camera for a live audience at least twice a week is beyond Wonwoo. It’s not that you shouldn’t have the confidence... you’re beautiful and he knows for a fact that every single one of your viewers wants to fuck you- all except him, of course, who only watches your stream on the odd occasion out of spite. 
But he has eyes and he can see that you’re attractive. It makes you even more annoying.
Wonwoo contemplates watching the stream just to see what all of the hype was about this time, but he didn’t want to add to your view count, as petty as that sounded. He already had a good idea of what it would be anyway. The thumbnail showed you topless, with your hands covering your breasts- likely to entice viewers in by the promise of more. Only the bottom half of your face was visible and you were smirking like you knew something he didn’t. If Wonwoo didn’t know better, he’d be clicking on the VOD without a second thought and shoving his hand down his pants before you even started talking. But Wonwoo did know better, and you were the competition so he couldn’t give you the satisfaction, even if you’d never be able to know he’d watched it since the viewership is anonymous. It was the principle of the thing. 
With a scoff he shoves himself away from his desk, gaming chair rolling backwards across the hardwood floor. 
His phone vibrates in his pocket, dragging him out of his thoughts. 
Shua: i can see why she got so many views.
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, already annoyed. Still, he has to know. 
Wonwoo: why?
Shua: one of her subscribers sent her a glass dildo.
Wonwoo sighs and throws his phone on his bed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. Of fucking course. You probably made so much money last night. He can almost picture the way all those idiots were glued to their computer screens, watching you fuck yourself with the glass toy. The idea of it was arousing even to Wonwoo— if it was someone else, of course. 
He picks his phone back up and sees that Joshua has sent him a few more messages. 
Shua: you probably don’t want to know how many tips she racked up
Shua: but it was a lot. 
Shua: like. a lot. 
Wonwoo: just for using a glass dildo? lol do dudes really have nothing better to do with their money
Shua: i mean it was hot 
The phone goes flying onto his bed again and Wonwoo groans. He’d enlisted his best friend to watch your streams for him so that he wouldn’t have to but that meant he had to hear Joshua’s unsolicited opinions on the matter, something he preferred not to entertain.
He couldn’t really complain, though. Wonwoo had come to Shua practically begging on his knees for him to watch your streams because he was driving himself crazy doing it himself. He knew Joshua could be objective about it, and wouldn't sugarcoat the numbers just to make him feel better. But the trade off for not having to watch them himself was occasionally listening to Shua’s personal thoughts on your streams, most of which were positive. 
It shouldn't bother Wonwoo that Joshua gets off to your streams. He’s asking his friend to watch literal porn, anyone would get hard doing that. And again, he could admit that you’re hot. It’s just. You’re his competition. But he wasn’t trying to blueball his friend. Not jerking off to the streams hadn’t been part of the deal and it seemed like an unfair stipulation to make after the initial agreement, especially since he wasn’t paying him for his intel. 
When Wonwoo realized that he had basically just delivered you a new fan on a shiny silver platter he couldn’t log into SVTHub for two days, too upset with himself to do his show like normal.  
He thought he had gotten over it but clearly it still irritated him. 
On Wednesday, Wonwoo gets ready for his stream like always. He’s a little nervous after what happened on Sunday night. Of course, it was normal for your positions to alternate on the charts... but it had happened so fast this time. Wonwoo is still one of the top creators of the week so his show will be promoted on the front page as usual but he’s worried that it won’t receive as much attention as your last one and that he’ll be stuck behind you forever. 
It’s a lot of unnecessary pressure he’s putting on himself, but Wonwoo had never been one to half-ass something, even if that something was overthinking. 
He logs in to the SVTHub website- he never stays logged in out of fear of his roommate or friends coming across his page when they’re hanging out in his room. 
Before opening the Stream tab, he spends a couple of minutes doing a bit of housekeeping: replying to DMs, liking comments, organizing donor tiers. He always waits to do these things right before his next stream rather than doing them immediately after the one he’s just done. After his streams he’s usually exhausted and just goes straight to bed. To be fair, most people wouldn’t be in the mood to do any work after cumming all over themselves. 
Eventually, Wonwoo decides he can’t put it off any longer and switches over to the Stream tab. He scrolls through his catalog of thumbnails for something eye-catching, ultimately settling on another one of those illustrations of a shirtless anime dude. The lack of options reminds him to reach back out to his thumbnail artist and commission some more pieces from them. He can’t keep recycling the same images forever, then no one will be able to tell the streams apart, let alone watch them if they think they’re seeing the same thing. He makes a mental note and finishes setting everything up. 
He doesn’t put much thought into the title he chooses, typing unwind with me before bed into the textbox. It sounds classier than watch me jerk off before we both fall asleep in a post-nut haze, at least that’s what he likes to think. 
Wonwoo quickly goes through his pre-show rituals, stripping himself of his shirt even though no one will be able to see him. It makes cleanup easier. He chugs a glass of water so his voice won’t go hoarse and cracks his knuckles, shaking out his hands afterward.
And then at nine o’clock on the dot he takes a deep breath and presses the GO LIVE button. 
Immediately, the viewer counter begins to tick upwards. By the time he’s spoken his first sentence there are already over two hundred people watching. 
“Hey everyone,” he says softly. “How’s your week going?” 
The responses are instantaneous. 
Blindinghalo: only so-so
Floridafreak: bad, i failed my midterm :(
M1dnightdreamer: better now that i’m talking to you ;) 
They go on like that for a while. Wonwoo chooses a couple to respond to, knowing he only has a few minutes before his viewers will start to get impatient. They’re here for one thing and one thing only and he knows that. 
“Just waiting for a few more people to join and then we can get started. Have any good dreams lately?”
It’s a cop-out technique to get his viewers to start talking dirty to him but it works every time without fail. 
“I was there?” Wonwoo asks in response to prettyplease’s comment about her dream. He wonders briefly about what he looked like, how she pictured him. “And what was I doing?” 
He waits for the next comment, reading others as they roll in. 
“I caught you touching yourself without my permission?” he hums in amusement, leaning closer to the mic. “And did I punish you for being a bad girl?” She takes a while to respond this time so Wonwoo has to move on and improvise. “Well, you know I can’t let that slide… even if it was just a dream. I’m afraid everyone’s going to have to suffer because of you, prettyplease. I was going to be nice and let you all start with me but now I’m not sure you deserve it.” He sits back a little and grins as everyone begins to protest. 
One of the reasons Wonwoo loves camming is the power trips it gives him. He gets off on the control. Knowing people are hanging onto his every word, wishing they could be the one to make him cum, wanting him. That, and the money, of course. It’s the best paying job he’s ever had. He originally started doing it to put himself through grad school but now that he knows how good of a gig it is, he’s planning to switch over to full-time after he graduates. It pays better than any entry-level job in his field would— even with the shiny new master’s degree. 
“No, no whining,” he scolds. “Unless you don’t want to be able to touch yourselves at all?”
The complaints die down almost instantaneously, to Wonwoo’s appeasement. He starts to palm himself through his sweats, feeling his dick twitch whenever a particularly filthy comment catches his eye.
“Thank you for the donation, luckylee. Have I had any good dreams lately?” Wonwoo ponders for a moment, grasping for the details of any recent ones that he can remember. He can’t, so he’s honest. “Not lately. Why don’t you inspire me, though? Give me something worth dreaming about.”
He dips a hand below the waistband of his sweats, grunting so that his viewers know he’s making himself feel good. He isn’t stroking himself, not yet— rather, he’s teasing them, dragging it out for them and himself. 
“I want you to spread your legs for me, baby. Can you do that for me? Don’t touch yet, keep your hands by your sides- or on your keyboards. I’m the only one allowed to touch right now.” 
Demons1ut: what about toys? do those count since they’re technically not our hands 😈
“Absolutely not,” Wonwoo growls before realizing the rest of the chat wouldn’t understand what he was referring to. “You’re not allowed to use toys either. I didn’t think I would have to specify that but you just want to be bratty today, don’t you?” 
Truth be told, Wonwoo likes when his viewers talk back. It keeps things interesting. He also finds it ridiculously hot. 
He scrolls through more donations and reads through his patrons’ fantasies, picking which ones to elaborate on. 
“Aw, I bet you are aching, angel. Be patient and maybe I’ll let you do something about that.” 
He leans in close to the mic again and spits into his palm, finally giving in and stroking his cock. He’s almost fully hard now. He pictures the viewers whimpering and pressing their knees together as they listen on, envying Wonwoo whilst simultaneously loving the torture. 
“Fuck, feels good,” he mutters lowly, knowing his tips skyrocket when his voice gets all raspy. “Wish it was your hand. Or better yet, your mouth. I know you’d feel so warm and wet around me.” 
4nalwhore: can we pleaseee touch now? 
Wonwoo laughs. “Such a good girl, asking permission to touch what doesn’t belong to her. How badly do you want it?” 
4nalwhore chimes in along with several others, begging him to be lenient. 
“Fine,” he scoffs. “So needy tonight, aren’t you? It’s okay, baby. You’ve been good. Why don’t you play with your clit for me? If you have a vibrator, you can put it on your lowest setting but no higher.” 
The chat is flooded with tips, making Wonwoo grin. 
He sighs as he squeezes the head of his dick, letting his mind wander to what it would feel like to have someone sitting on his lap warming his cock for him. There’s a silhouette there, a figure that he can conjure up if he concentrates, but no face appears. The entire fantasy dissipates before he can lock it in so with a huff he just continues talking to his audience, hoping that will get him over the edge like it usually does. 
“I bet your pretty pussy is so puffy and drippy for me right now, huh? Does it feel good to finally rub it? I think my hands would feel better, though, don’t you?”
He’s saying all of the things he knows will drive his viewers wild and ask for more and that’s exactly what they do. 
Red-l!ghts: can we go faster?
Demons1ut: i want to cum :((
Bestgirl290: i want something inside!!!
Quickwink: pls say we can finger ourselves now
Wonwoo tsks like he’s surprised, even though it’s exactly what he was expecting. 
“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood tonight. Go ahead and touch yourself how you like it, but don’t cum.” He spreads his legs a little wider, shimmying out of his sweatpants completely. “I’m so fucking hard,” he admits. “Been needing this all day, baby— all week, actually. I’ve been so tense lately… wish you were here to relieve my stress.” His viewers don’t know that this stream is the very thing he’s been stressing over and they don’t need to. Being vague is all part of the job and why would he expose his petty rivalry with someone who’s never acknowledged his existence and embarrass himself like that? 
Publicly pitting himself against br4ttybaby would only tank his ratings. You were too popular, too beloved to overthrow. 
Besides, his dialogue had to play into whatever daydream his viewers had. He had to be stressed for whatever reason they thought he’d be stressed. Working extra hours at the office, family issues, paying vet bills for a sick dog he didn’t have. 
So Wonwoo shakes himself of all thoughts of the little competition between the two of you and focuses back in on the stream. If he’s being honest with himself, he’s a little surprised that he’s still hard. He assumed that thinking of you while jerking off would instantly make him go soft but thankfully it seemed to have no effect. He was able to carry on without having to fake it— which he knew from experience was a lot harder than it sounded. Even if the viewers could only hear his voice, he still found it nearly impossible to make his streams sound believable when he wasn’t turned on. 
“You’d let me use you like a little fucktoy, right?” he continues, clearing his throat. “Yeah? Your legs will be shaking by the time I’m done with you. Just want to bend you over the nearest surface and fuck you like you deserve. You can use your fingers now.”
He speeds up slightly, hissing at the friction created between his hand and his cock. He spits directly onto his dick this time to add more lubrication, that way, his viewers can hear the slick sounds of him working his hand up and down his shaft. 
More comments flood the chat, just like he knew they would, many telling him that they wanted him to spit on them instead. The idea is insanely hot to Wonwoo. Spitting on someone whose name he doesn’t even know, using them as a means to an end. 
He feels himself getting close so he knows he has to wrap it up. He can’t hold off forever and it’s starting to get late.
“Do you want to cum?” he asks into the mic. Obviously, the answer from all of his dear patrons is a resounding yes. “Do you think you deserve it? Have you been good for me tonight? Be honest.”
It’s getting hard for him to keep talking with how close he is to cumming so he squeezes himself a little firmer to keep his cool and get the last little bit of his dialogue out. 
“Fine, cum. I’m right th-there with you... oh fuuuck.”
Wonwoo finishes all over his bare stomach, muscles tensing and relaxing with each spurt of cum. He sighs in relief, eyes already feeling heavy with sleep. 
“Fuck, that was so good. Did you all finish with me like I asked? Good, you deserve it. Wish you were here to clean me up, though. I came so much... it’s all over me. I know you would just lick it all up like the obedient slut I know you are. But then, that would probably make me hard again, so maybe it’s better off like this.” He’s rambling now. He knows the post-nut clarity will hit soon and he’ll realize how gross and sticky he is so he has to shake himself from his fantasies and sign off. “Good night, everyone. Sleep well. I’m glad you could join me tonight and I’ll see you next time.”
He clicks the END LIVE button and immediately grabs a handful of tissues from the box he has sitting next to his computer. He wipes himself clean and deposits the dirtied kleenex in the trashcan beneath his desk, standing and stretching before making his way over to the bathroom. 
After a shower and a glance over his tips, Wonwoo shuts down his PC and goes to bed. 
“I think you need to step up your game,” Joshua says to Wonwoo a couple of days later, over lunch. 
Wonwoo pauses, bite of salad halfway to his mouth. “What do you mean?”
Joshua shrugs. “You know, for your cam shows.”
Wonwoo narrows his eyes at his best friend, wondering why of all places he had decided to bring that up here. He finishes his bite this time before addressing him. 
“Because you’re falling behind... her.”
Joshua doesn’t even have to say your name for Wonwoo to know who he’s talking about. In fact, he suspects his friend didn’t invoke your name on purpose so as not to upset him. 
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Wonwoo grumbles. 
Shua shifts nervously in his seat. “No, I mean... when was the last time you checked your stats?”
Wonwoo hasn’t looked at the site since the morning after his last show. He’d logged on to ensure that his stream had gained enough traction to reclaim his number one spot, which it had, barely scraping past yours with a few dozen more views. He knew that you would surpass him again whenever you decided to upload so he isn’t surprised by Joshua’s update. He’s annoyed, but not surprised. 
“Thursday morning, why?”
“I don’t know why, but some of her older streams are popping off again and are trending higher than your most recent one.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Wonwoo throws his fork into his bowl, scoffing. 
“It might have something to do with her saying that if her streams from the past month all hit a million views by the end of next month she’d let her viewers control a sybian while she sits on it.”
Wonwoo’s head is in his hands at this point but Joshua doesn’t let that stop him. 
“That’s why I said you gotta step it up.”
“How?” Wonwoo groans.
He just shrugs. “It seems like a simple fix to me.”
“Enlighten me.”
“You need to turn your camera on.”
Wonwoo blinks once, twice, three times at his friend across the table from him. Was he joking?
“You’re a good enough looking guy,” Joshua continues with a vague hand gesture, “you don’t even have to show your face! We go to the gym together enough for me to know that you’re pretty fit. What’s stopping you?” Wonwoo opens his mouth to answer but Shua cuts him off. “Is it your dick? Is it small?”
Wonwoo is about to leap across the table and tackle his best friend to the floor. His cheeks are on fire, as are the tips of his ears. He’s sure his entire face is red by now but he forces himself to take a deep breath and quickly look around to make sure no one had overheard the dumbass say that. 
“No. It’s not.”
Joshua looks him up and down from where he’s sitting as if to size him up. “Didn’t think so. You’re pretty tall. Bet you’ve got, what, six-seven inches?”
“I’m not having this conversation with you,” Wonwoo mutters. 
“Why not? I’m just trying to help!”
“I don’t need help. I’m doing fine as is.”
“You wanna tell that to br4ttybaby?” Joshua taunts, smirking like he knows he’s got him cornered. He does, and Wonwoo hates it. He refuses to answer which is an answer in itself. “Then turn your camera on and take your pants off.”
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
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You co-owned a coffee shop with your best friend just a few streets away from Seventeen's building, However, you weren't into mainstream media so you weren't really aware of that. Being in the city centre you knew there were idols and actresses and models galore but never really paid them any attention. You preferred the ordinary people, after all it was them who came into your cafe most often...or so you thought.
You had many regulars but your favourite was the boy with glasses who you'd nicknamed cute gamer guy. He was always polite, quiet and friendly. He'd usually stay for a few hours and he'd either read or play games on his laptop hence the nickname. You liked to read too and often discussed your latest and favourite books. When he played games you'd get stuck just watching him because he was really good. You'd stare amazed and forget you had work to be doing. You figured he must be a student of something as he often came in at odd hours and seemed like he had some time to kill. You didn't know much about him but saw him most weeks and got to know one another that way. He'd always ask about your day which you thought was nice and compliment your baking. He was cute too and your friend had long since suggested you should ask him out. You didn't want to just because you felt it might be weird. "I don't even know him! I only know he’s called Wonwoo because I put it on his coffee cup otherwise I wouldn't even know that! I don't know his age or what he does for a living! He's basically a stranger" you argued when your friend Mari brought it up again but she just rolled her eyes. "You see him pretty much every week of the year, that's more than you see your family! He is not a stranger". "True but I don't know him enough to ask him out! He could be a terrible person, or a sexist jerk or a..." you trailed off to see him standing at the counter. He was looking down at his phone and you prayed you hadn't been speaking loud enough for him to hear. You hurried forwards and smiled nervously "sorry to keep you waiting, what can I get for you?". He smiled "it's no problem, can I please get a chai tea and a brownie please Y/n?". "coming right up" you nodded and got to work. He asked you how your week had been and you asked him about his day then he took a seat with his tea and snack. "Did he hear us?" Mari asked and you shook your head "I think we got away with it". You were wrong.
As you were getting ready to close up Wonwoo came up to you "thanks for the snack, it was great as usual". You smiled "I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for telling me". He nodded "I also just wanted to say...I'm 26 years old and I'm from Changwon originally. I'm a performer for a local company and I promise I'm not shady or dangerous...". You blushed "does this mean you heard our conversation?". Wonwoo nodded "I didn't mean to but I just wanted to let you know, I've been wanting to ask you out for a while and if the only thing stopping us was you not knowing my age or what I do...well I wanted to correct that". You smiled "consider it corrected". "In that case would you like to go on a date with me?" Wonwoo asked "I'm free this weekend and you can pick whatever we do". You smiled "sounds good". So the two of you exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up Saturday night. Mari was ecstatic and kept jumping up and down on your way home. "So he's 26" she said and you nodded "only 2 years older than me". "Which is an acceptable age gap" she nodded "and what did he say he does for a living again?". "He said he's a performer at a local company". "wait what does that mean?" she asked and you paused "I have no idea...I assumed he's a local singer or dancer or something. I probably should've asked. "Well that's what the date is for" she grinned. You suggested dinner and a movie and Wonwoo agreed to pick you up at your house. Mari helped you put together the perfect outfit and then you waited for Wonwoo. You were early (as always) and were sitting in your living room when a car arrived. An extremely expensive car so neither of you expected it to be here for you. Your friend sighed "I hate when cars just pull up outside our house like that! It's such a fancy car too". You nodded looking at the expensive car and wondered what it must be like to have a car like that. When the car didn't move you paused "why isn't it going? Wonwoo is going to be here soon and it might block him". Mari frowned "let's give it a second and then tell them to move". You nodded when the car door opened and who stepped out of the car but Wonwoo. "Holy shit!" your friend cried and you stared. "That can't be his car" you said but Mari laughed "well it sure looks like it seeing as he's driving it. Y/n if he has a car like that then he must be rich! I thought you said he was a performer not some sort of prince!". "That is what he said" you replied watching him come closer to the door "maybe he just inherited the car or won it as a prize". Mari smiled "well however he got it, it's glorious and you're going to ride in it!". As she said that the doorbell dinged and your friend squealed. You opened the door to find Wonwoo dressed smart-casual in a shirt and some very nice jeans. "Hi Y/n" he smiled "I've got you something" and held out some flowers. You immediately felt touched because nobody had ever bought you flowers before. "That's so kind of you thank you...let me put them inside" you said and opened the door to find your friend standing there where she'd clearly been spying on the two of you. "Wonwoo you remember my friend and business partner Mari" you said and he nodded "it's nice to see you again". "You too" she smiled "nice car by the way". Wonwoo blushed slightly "thank you...I try and take good care of it". "I bet!" Mari nodded and you elbowed her. You placed the flowers in the hall and told Mari you were leaving. "Have fun!" she called waving and Wonwoo led you to his car. You opened the door and were shocked at how nice the inside of the car was. You wouldn't trade your beaten-up old car for anything but this car was amazing! It was so spacious and comfy. You felt like you were in some sort of massage chair and the dashboard was so big and colourful. "If you're cold I can turn on the seat warmers" Wonwoo said and your eyes widened "seat warmers?". He smiled "yeah, want me to show you?". You nodded and he pressed a button "it might take a few seconds to warm up". You nodded admiring the architecture when you felt the warmth and gasped slightly "I can feel it! That's so nice". Wonwoo smiled "the temperature control is just there" pointing to a dial "so feel free to make it warmer or cooler". You nodded "cool" and tried not to act too awestruck with this space-age car. Wonwoo must've sensed your unease because he started asking you some casual questions and as you chatted you felt less nervous. You arrived at the cinema and Wonwoo parked up. As you were getting out a guy gawked at the car and you thought Wonwoo would say something but instead he put a hat on and pointedly pulled it over his face which you thought was odd considering you were going inside. "This way" he said and he led you inside keeping his head down. You bought tickets and snacks but Wonwoo didn't take his hat off until he was in the dark cinema. You chatted until the film started and then watched the film. It was a good film and was good as any cinema date could be. Wonwoo gave you free rein of the snacks and you had a cute hand-brush moment halfway through. Wonwoo laughed at all the same parts as you and you were sat quite close together without actually touching. So the night was going pretty well as you left your screen and headed to dinner. On your way out there was a big group of girls and you saw Wonwoo pull his hat down tighter. "Hey mind if we go out this way?" he asked pointing to a side door away from the crowd and you nodded, exiting around the back of the building. Wonwoo drove you to the restaurant and opened the door for you. "Table for 2" he said giving the waiter his name and the waiter nodded "of course". You'd picked a restaurant you were familiar with and smiled at the familiar sights and smells. "Have you ever been here before?" you asked Wonwoo. He nodded "yes I like it". "Me too" you smiled as the waiter told you to follow him. "My friend and I must've been here 20 times we never get the fancy table" you said pointing to the table behind their water feature which was very private and highly coveted. Every time you came it was taken and you couldn't even book it. But tonight it was empty. "Well maybe tonight will be different" Wonwoo said and sure enough the waiter took you to the table. "Here are your menus and some complimentary waters. I'll be back soon to take your drinks order" the waiter said and you turned to Wonwoo. "How did you get this table? They wouldn't even let me book it for my friend's 21st!". Wonwoo shrugged "I guess we just got lucky". You thought he wasn't telling you something but didn't say anything. The meal continued and everything was still going well. Wonwoo was very interesting and talking to him was so chill but also fun. He had an effortless quality about him, he seemed to look effortlessly good, was effortlessly funny and effortlessly nice but it wasn't annoying or forced. It was just how he was and you felt like you'd known him for ages. When Wonwoo went to the bathroom you checked your phone and saw 20 messages from Mari. You opened your phone and decided to call her instead of texting. "What happened are you okay?" You asked. "Y/n it's Wonwoo" she said and you froze "what is he a serial killer?". "What? No, he's a kpop idol! That's why he's so rich and always turns up at the cafe at odd hours! He's a successful idol and has been for years. I knew I'd seen him before". You pause "no he can't be". "He is, Google Wonwoo Seventeen and you'll see". You did and your phone was flooded with results. "Oh my god..." you said and your friend laughed "see! Y/n you're dating an idol!". You had no idea what to say but spotted Wonwoo on his way back so quickly hung up. Wonwoo smiled sitting down "would you like another drink?". You tried not to let on you knew who he was and it was surprisingly easy. The second Wonwoo sat back down things just felt normal and it made you question if this was the right Wonwoo. Maybe they were brothers or just really looked alike...until you went to leave and Wonwoo's suspicious hiding behaviour kicked in again. There were some men in black coats outside the restaurant with cameras and Wonwoo spotted them putting his hat back on. "You ready?" he asked and you nodded. "It looks a little busy so grab me if I'm moving too quickly" he said and you nodded. The second you stepped outside Wonwoo shot off, head down trying to avoid the cameramen's attention. You thought you'd made it when one of them shouted Wonwoo and they started following you. Luckily Wonwoo was in the car park and the gate closed behind you stopping them. You shot Wonwoo a look and he shrugged "some people know me from my performing". You almost laughed as that was his explanation of him being a world-famous idol. You just nodded not wanting to force him to tell you before he was ready and got in the car. Wonwoo drove you home and pulled up outside. "So I had a really good time tonight" he said and you nodded "me too I really enjoyed myself". Wonwoo smiled "great, so would you maybe like to do this again sometime?". You nodded "I would" and Wonwoo smiled "great so I'll text you..." and then he trailed off. "What?" you asked and he smiled "nothing you just look really nice in this light". You blushed slightly but smiled "you should see my view" and Wonwoo smiled. "Do I get a goodnight kiss?" you asked and were pleasantly surprised to see the boy blushing. "Of course" he nodded and leaned across to kiss you. Wonwoo was clearly a good kisser and given he was a famous idol that made sense. He probably had lots of experience in this area but you ignored that and just focused on your moment with him. When you separated you took in a breath and Wonwoo smiled "that was a pretty excellent first kiss". You smiled "I'm glad you agree, see you later Wonwoo" and got out of the car. You managed not to look back and only when you safely inside did you squeal. Wonwoo returned home to find a few calls from his publicist saying he'd been spotted downtown but they hadn't managed to get any photos. Wonwoo was relieved and his members smiled when they saw him "so how was the date with the mysterious cafe girl?" Mingyu asked. "Ahh yes the place you have banned us from" Scoups said, "it better not have been for nothing!". Wonwoo smiled "it was good...she's so funny and interesting. Not to mention pretty". "Did you kiss her?" Dk asked bluntly and Jeonghan hit him "come on this is Wonwoo we're talking about" before everyone noticed Wonwoo's reaction. He'd frozen and was purposefully staring at his feet to hide his blush. "You kissed her?" Hoshi asked and Wonwoo nodded "she asked for a goodnight kiss so I gave her one". The guys all roared with excitement and began cheering. Once they'd settled down a little bit Jun asked an important question "how did she react when you told her you were an idol". Wonwoo paused "I'm not sure...". "Why? Could you not tell how she took it?" Joshua asked and Wonwoo shook his head "no I just didn't really tell her". "Wonwoo!" Seungkwan cried and Woozi laughed "even after the cameramen chased you down the street?". "I just said people knew me from my performing". "So you didn't tell her what you did at all?" Scoups asked and Wonwoo shook his head "she asked me about work but I managed to be vague". "Well that's not going to work all the time" The8 said "if you want to see her again you have to tell her". Wonwoo sighed "I know but it was nice to date someone who had no idea what I did! A person who I knew wasn't swayed by it". The guys all knew what that felt like so agreed. When you got back from your date you were buzzing but when you woke up the next morning you felt a little different. Last night you'd gone through all the positives but this morning you began to think of the negatives. The cameras last night were just a taste of the harassment you'd receive for dating a kpop idol. There were also stalkers, hate comments on all your Instagram photos and death threats to look forward to. Not to mention you couldn't have a normal relationship. Wonwoo would work a lot and even when he wasn't you couldn't hurt go out in public. Wonwoo had to be careful where he went and you realised last night he probably loosened the rules for you. You weren't sure if that was the life you wanted. Relationships in the public eye were very challenging and that was if Wonwoo ever wanted a relationship. The internet told you the names of many girls who had uprooted their lives only to be used and thrown away by idols. What if Wonwoo did the same? He seemed nice but he was an idol, he wasn't an innocent kid. You didn't know him and he could do that to you. When you came downstairs Mari smiled "so...how does it feel the morning after? You're like freaking Cinderella or something". You chuckled awkwardly "not that great" and explained your worries. Your friend nodded "see I understand where you're coming from but I think you're worrying for nothing. For one thing, we work together so there's no way you're losing your job even if this did get out. For two, if Wonwoo was the type to throw girls away like tissues wouldn't he have asked you out the second he saw you instead of getting to know you for months?". You paused "maybe...". "Plus I've been watching videos of them and he's definitely not like that" Mari said. You frowned "but that's his stage character he could be completely different". "Based on what we've seen in the cafe I don't think so". You weren't sure but agreed to watch one Seventeen video with Mari which turned into several. You saw what she meant. In the episodes, Wonwoo seemed just like the guy you knew. Thoughtful, smart, considerate and...well hot. But you were still more cautious and all day you hovered near your phone, scared anytime it lit up. Part of you thought it would be easier if Wonwoo just bever texted you about your next date but another part of you really wanted him to text you. Your phone buzzed around dinner time and sure enough, it was from Wonwoo. "Hey Y/n I had a really great time last night and can't wait to see you again. How does next Saturday around 7 sound?". You debated over a reply for way too long but eventually just went with your gut. "Sounds perfect! See you then".
For better or worse you wanted to keep getting to know the cute gamer guy who also happened to be a world famous idol. Only time would tell if it was the best decision of your life...or the worst.
This is a three part series and you can read the other parts here: Part Two and Part Three.
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asscoups17 · 2 months
Some of my Favorite Seventeen Fics
s- smut a- angst f- fluff
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One shots ~
Anteric ~ s a f @smileysuh (Mingyu & Wonwoo x afab!Reader) (wc: 16.6k)
Always Only You ~ a s f @honeyhotteoks (brothers bestfriend! Cheol) (wc: 14.2k) (FAVORITE)
Good Luck, Fermata Tower ~ s a f @beefboyandbabygirl (fire-lookout!seungcheol x female!fire-lookout!reader) (wc: 13.9k)
Clowns ~ s a f @smileysuh (S.coups & Jeonghan & Joshua & Wonwoo & Mingyu x afab!Reader) (wc: 13.3k) (FAVORITE)
Creep ~ s a f @smileysuh (Mingyu x afab!Reader) (wc: 9.1k) (FAVORITE)
it’s all fun and games ~ s a f @dontflailmenow (Mingyu x fem!Reader) (wc: 8.9k)
Dare You ~ s f @dontflailmenow (bf!Mingyu x fem!Reader) (wc: 6k)
Fuck, Marry, Kill ~ s @bitchlessdino (fem!reader x ex!mingyu x shitstirrer!seungcheol x innocentbystander!wonwoo) (wc: 5.6k) (FAVORITE)
Vices and Virtues ~ s a f @lovelyhan (bodyguard!mingyu x fem!reader) (wc: 5.4k)
Do I Want to Hit You or Do I Just Want You? ~ s a f @dontflailmenow (Mingyu x fem!Reader) (wc: 3.9k)
The cake in the back! ~ s @toruro (dilf! Cheol) (wc: 3.8k)
Baby Fever ~ s @cheolhub (pussy-drunk-bitch-in-heat cheol) (wc: 3.4k)
Control Me ~ s @duhnova (gamerbf! Wonwo) (wc: 3k) (FAVORITE)
rules! “do i make you horny, baby?” ~ s @teeskz (gamer!seungcheol x fem!reader) (wc: 2.7k)
Practice Makes Perfect ~ s f @wongyuseokie (c.s.cxf!reader, j.w.wxf!reader, k.m.gxf!reader) (wc: 2.6k)
In The Dark Corners ~ s @sanakiras (fem!reader x ex!mingyu x bf!seungcheol) (wc: 2.2k)
gamers do it better ~ s @sluttyminghao (c.s.cxf!reader, j.w.wxf!reader) (wc: 2k)
On My Worst Behavior ~ s @sluttywoozi (rough Vernon) (wc: 0.6k)
Series ~
Challenge Me ~ s a @seokgyuu (Pairing: OT13 x afab!Reader) (All Separate) (Total wc: 94k) (10000/10) (FAVORITE) (Messy to say the least)
ice cold, cabin fever ~ s a f @smileysuh (Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader) (wc: 25.9k) (FAVORITE) (Part 2)
Hits Different (…’cause it’s you) ~ s a f @gyuswhore (brothers bestfriend! Mingyu x Fem!reader) (wc: 20.2k) (FAVORITE) (Emotional to say the least)
Bloodily Safe ~ s a @starlightxsvt (psychopath!wonwoo x fem!Reader) (wc: 18.5k) (Game On! pt2 : 6k)
Push It Down ~ s a f @dontflailmenow (ex bf’s bestfriend! Cheol) (pt 5(last part) (wc: 16.6k)
Getting Closer ~ s a f @milfgyuu (Wonwoo x Fem!reader x Mingyu) (pt 1: 10.8k)
Cat & Mouse ~ s f @wonusite (bad boy au; Wonwoo) (pt 2: 5.6k)
After Class ~ s f @rubyreduji (professor! Cheol) (pt 1: 1.6k) (4 parts in all)
Still adding to this list!
Last Update: 4/12/24
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aclowntiny · 7 months
Hello 👋
Can I pls request seventeen reaction when they have a crush on female reader they haven't confessed yet and gets jealous when we hang out with our guy best friend more than them?
Thank you ❤️
Sure! As a girl with guy friends this is an interesting request for sure hehe 😁 sorry some are simpler than others, I just believe not all of them would be very jealous 😅 & that sometimes situations get misread so I mixed it up a few times! warning: long post ahead!!! hehe
Seventeen's Reaction to Their Crush's Guy Best Friend (F!Reader)
You were the cutest thing Seungcheol had ever seen. The way your lips pressed together when you thought, how wide you smiled when you got a pleasant shock…the way you’d given that same smile when he’d offered you his arm half-jokingly, half-seriously and you’d taken it, walking right alongside him like that.
So who was that guy making you smile and laugh? Why were you always dropping someone else’s name? Was he that dense or was this guy really just a good friend? Seungcheol wanted to be that name. He wanted to have you by his side, have plans with you as often as your self-described “movie buddy” you caught nearly every new flick with. He could feel his brow creasing whenever his eyes fell upon the guy, mostly out of confusion, but a touch out of something else, even though he knew he didn’t have the right.
He just wanted it, wanted it so bad it was practically motivation throughout the day. As if every task, every workout, was saving up more strength to finally have that conversation with you.
It came more quickly than he cared to admit, his feet carrying him right to you of their own accord. You were wearing his favorite color on you, and the smile you gave him when you turned around only spurred him on. He had to know. Had to make you his if there was any chance in the world. If not, that ‘buddy’ of yours had better treat you like a queen.
“Hi, Seungcheol!” You gave him a little wave and he thought his heart might burst. “What’s up?”
“Have you seen that new mystery that just came out?”
“Not yet,” you shook your head, “but hopefully soon, I’d really like to!”
“Oh, you haven’t made plans with your boyfriend for it yet?”
Your gape, the near-horror that crossed your eyes, was priceless in more ways than one. “That is not my boyfriend, that’s just my bestie! He’s my mom’s best friend’s son, and he’s so not my type!”
Passion took hold of Seungcheol, a wave of adrenaline like he could barely describe. “I see! I wanted to respect your relationship to him above anything, but if that’s the case… Can I ask you out to go see it?”
“Of course!” You grin. “I keep telling him to get a girlfriend to take to all these movies anyway! I only like you.”
It took everything in Seungcheol not to kiss you right then and there.
“Well, what am I supposed to think?”
“She said they were just friends!”
“She also sits really close to him.”
Jeonghan was sick and tired of that same old argument. Sick and tired of wondering who that guy you took everywhere with them was, even if he was really nice. The others tried their hands at blind reassurance, but Jeonghan was the type to get information himself, and the way you two had sat so close, chairs pushed nearly as much as possible together and legs brushing, was the final straw.
One conversation and he would know. Would leave you alone and smile through the knowledge that he was too late, come to accept it in time. All he had to do was play his cards just right, and if there was one thing he was good at it was that.
You were happy that night. Having a great time out with Seventeen, laughing at Soonyoung’s antics after he’d had one too many, stealing lots of glances Jeonghan’s way that had his heart leaping and easy smile manifesting. Your ‘best friend’ couldn’t make it, so it was the perfect time to work his hook into the conversation.
“Did you see those little flower stands on the corner?”
“Yeah,” you nod, an eager yet wistful look crossing your lovely features, “the bouquets are so pretty! It’s because Valentine’s Day is around the corner.” And there it was- you had taken the bait exactly. “If only…”
The way your chin fell onto your hand, the little drift of your eyes. Dreamy, all of it. It was enough to make Jeonghan want to spoil you. “You don’t think anyone will get you some?”
Your eyes widen a bit; you take a sip of your drink and shake your head. “No, who on earth would? Unless I had a secret admirer,” you joked, voice truly and genuinely incredulous.
That was all Jeonghan felt too, complete shock at your lack of awareness of what a gem you were. Well, that and the soaring rise of satisfaction knowing how surprised you were going to be on the fourteenth.
Joshua embodied the old “slow to anger” verse for sure. It took a lot to build resentment in him and he truly saw the best in others whenever he could. So the fact that this guy was bugging him? Had to be his problem. I mean, you met in dance class, of course he’d be dancing with you across the practice room floor, but why’d it seem like showing off when-
“Jealous?” Suddenly Jeonghan had appeared at his side, catlike smile upon his face.
Heat crept to Joshua’s face at the single word, furrowing his brows even as his eyes widened. That was all his vocal unit-mate needed, it seemed.
“I knew it. You like her, don’t you? That’s the only reason you’d care if they were dancing, after all we showed them the moves we were working on.”
“I just-” He sighed, unable to defend himself with lies any longer. “Yeah. I guess I just wish that could be me waltzing with her like that.”
“It can be! Watch!” Jeonghan held up a hand. “(y/n), can Joshua try? He’ll be a natural!”
“Of course!” You lit up. Waving away your dance partner, you stepped up to Joshua. “I can see you being a good waltzer, Mr. Gentleman.”
Rolling his eyes at Jeonghan’s smug look, Joshua nervously, gently, gripped your waist, ready to give you the waltz of your life and dip you like your best friend almost did.
He was always teasing you and nudging you, but it was ok, right? He drove you around and bought you food sometimes, too, but that was alright… wasn’t it?
It was natural to want to do those things with you, too, as long as he didn’t let any animosity toward the other guy build up. At least that’s what Jun told himself. Some of the members were whispering suspicions about you just not going official yet, and that was like an arrow straight through his heart. Ever since the day you two had gone to that cat café, after all, his heart had been for you and you alone.
You were laughing really hard at something he said. Something about raisins that surely needed context. Part of him wanted to scoot in closer. Another part wanted to just leave and move on to another conversation. He settled for quiet, just watching for a bit. Your eyes darted his way and he smiled. You smiled back. You brought up something funny he'd done, asked if he would recreate it for everyone. For you, he would.
The way you laughed was worth it. Lighting up your eyes reminded Jun what was really important- protecting your precious soul. Your friend laughed, too, played off the joke perfectly. He was a nice guy, he really was. Jun still couldn't help feeling intimidated, though, when he went up to get another drink and your best friend immediately followed. Trying to play it cool, he turned his head, gave your buddy a smile.
"Hi. Do you need something? I can get you a drink, or- or-"
"She'd kill me if she knew I was doing this," he blurted out, eyes staring right into Jun's eyes, "but she likes you, man. I wouldn't normally say anything, but... I don't know, I can just see it with you two. I just don't want her to get hurt, so..."
"I don't either." Jun's eyes widened at the revelation, corners of his mouth threatening to tug upward. "I just want to make her as happy as she makes me."
"Believe me, if all her rants are any indication, you do," your best friend teased Jun, elbowing him.
The moment he heard that you, the object of his feelings, had a guy best friend, it set off an insatiable curiosity. Soonyoung had to meet this guy and meet this guy fast. Because if this guy was your bestie, he probably wasn't your type, right? So if he was anything like Soonyoung himself, ouch. Not that it sounded like the guy was a choreographer or anywhere near the tiger aficionado he was. But just as important: did he treat you right? It sounded like he did. Did he set the bar really high? Model how a real man should act or would Soonyoung have to sweep in and take over for the bas-
"I know this is a little silly of a way to spend your day off, so I really appreciate you joining us, Soonyoung. Sorry we're late!"
Your words interrupted his reverie, cutting the blur of his vision back to dial in on your wonderful smile again. In your hand was the box of lego he'd agreed to build with you and the guy he'd been curious about for so long, someone who was really into building sets, apparently. Soonyoung could dig it. A rare respite from the usual chaos he lived in.
"Don't worry," he comforts you, throwing a hopefully-subtle glance your bestie's way. Well, he certainly didn't look like Soonyoung. Whew. "This is a great way to force me to relax. I'm all yours!"
Of course, being a tiny bit more flirty around the best friend may also draw a distinction...better venture putting an arm around you when you sit down just in case...
"Next time I come to Seoul, I'm hoping my girlfriend can make it, too," you best friend suddenly comments as he splits the baggie labeled with a 1 open, "she just had to be in LA this week. We could..." He pauses, glances between you and Soonyoung with a sly smile. "...maybe do a double date or something?"
Oh, he could just kiss this guy! No, wait, you! Soonyoung feels himself flush and grin widely before he can help it, trying to calm his expression as he glances your way. Can you feel his heartbeat against your side?
Your eyelashes flutter. So cute. "I-I'm game if you are," you tell him shyly.
"I am. I so am."
"Well, if it isn't Jeon 'Nerves of Steel' Wonwoo."
"Are you insecure or something?" The bespectacled rapper shoots back, sparing Chan a passing glance.
"No, I'm sane! If I liked someone whose best friend was all over her like that, I’d hardly be carrying on like normal.”
“All over her? They’re just walking up arm in arm! We don’t even know the guy yet,” Wonwoo reminds him. After all, this is the first time they’ll be meeting the bestie they’d heard so much about, so it is still unfair to judge him. Even if Wonwoo does wonder what it would feel like to get to walk with you that way…
“Hi guys! We’re here!”
You exclaim the greeting and your best friend grabs your hand, hoisting them up like you’ve just won the Olympics. The others swarm you right away, members you’re also close with and a few of the elders vibe-checking your friend. By the time Wonwoo approaches, Chan following quickly behind him with a skeptical arch of his brow, Seungcheol is already talking to him about music.
“Of course I’ve heard your songs! (y/n)’s car alone would teach me a lot, but I’m a fan anyway! It must be so amazing, all the different people you guys get to work with and other idols you get to meet! Who’s the nicest?”
He does seem really nice. Chan can keep his immaturity to himself, Wonwoo thinks. Who cares if the guy is- still holding your hand? Ok, a bit suspicious, but he had to swallow that, remembering your happiness was the most important thing and smiling for you.
“Oh my gosh! Wooyoung from Ateez? Good to know, he’s pretty much my ideal type!” Your best friend jokes to Seungkwan, who’s quickly hijacked the conversation about other idols. “Isn’t that right, (y/n)?”
“Save it for your poster,” you joke back before turning toward Chan and Wonwoo with a teasing grin, “I keep telling him his next boyfriend should be a lookalike- whoever finds him wins!”
Ok, now Wonwoo is smiling for both of you.
Oh, man, if Seungcheol found out, he was dead meat. At least that was Jihoon’s guess. His fellow leader could be very intimidating when he wanted to be, and the protective streak Jihoon admired would surely apply to his best female friend. The very same woman he had fallen for.
You were bright, cheery in a way that energized him instead of exhausting him. Just the type he'd always dreamed of. The day you left one of your silly little figurines in his studio "just to keep him company" was the day he knew he'd fallen hard. Seungcheol always beamed at you with pride, and Jihoon could see why. But did your friend see you as his?
“Here, listen to this!” Seungcheol was in the studio, your figurine and Jihoon both watching as he gently dropped a pair of headphones onto you.
Your eyelids fluttered closed; contentment spread across your face, bringing warmth to Jihoon’s heart as he couldn’t tear his eyes away. Gently you nodded to the rhythm, smile growing as your head bobbed. It was like Seungcheol was gloating, torturing him-
“What do you think?” Hands on either side of your head, your friend freed you from the headphones’ grip and peered into your eyes with a smile Jihoon tried desperately to read. Maybe that was the problem: he was trying both too hard and not hard enough.
“I love it!” You burst out, glancing between the men on either side of you from your chair. “Did you write this, or-”
“No,” he shook his head, “Jihoon did. Sounds like someone beautiful must have inspired him, huh?”
Seungcheol’s head turned as he said those last words, nodded almost imperceptibly. Oh. It was that demo. Was he- Was he giving his blessing? Jihoon felt red blooming beneath his cheeks, barely resisted the urge to frown and wave a hand and turn back around from your gaze. Well, the nod- and Seungcheol’s look of amused surprise- would have to do. Jihoon didn’t feel like having a conversation with him about it, but maybe he’d have one with you soon…
You seemed positively giddy to introduce Seokmin and your best friend, probably because he was like the next best thing. Not that that was the role he wanted. It wasn’t besting the poor…well, bestie, it was simply that you were so cute and he just wanted to hold you and sway you back and forth and kiss your cheeks and…
Seokmin really liked you. The fact that you had a guy best friend, though? Easily meant you just clicked with dudes, had a different approach to dating. It wasn’t something he tried to bring up too much. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
Bliss that couldn’t last forever, though, as you dragged your friend forward and Seokmin got ready to study every interaction you had with him. After all, if you acted the exact same way toward that guy it would be obvious. Crushing, pun intended, but obvious.
The guy playfully rolled his eyes as you yanked him over- not by the hand, though, by the sleeve. Interesting. Introductions went smoothly.
“So, how long have you two known each other again?” Seokmin asked.
“Funny, I was just about to ask the same thing to you!” Your best friend replied with a smile.
Was that a challenge? A threat? Was this a how-well-we-know-(y/n)-off?
Apparently not, for all the guy did was nod and say “Ok, cool!” before you guys all headed into the arcade.
Soon you three were having a shoot-off at the basketball game, and when you took second place, you high-fived both of them. Equal treatment? But earlier you had put your hand on his shoulder, oh and you said he looked cute when you guys were messing with the game props and-
“Hey, Seokmin?” Your friend had gone to the restroom, leaving just the two of you pulling aside from the hoops.
“I hope this isn’t a weird time to do this, but, well, I wanted there to be a third person in case things got awkward,” you paused for three, four of his rampant heartbeats, “I just wanted to tell you that I like you.”
His jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”
“Why would I lie about something like that?”
“I dunno, I guess I was just worried you saw me the same as your friend there,” he shrugged.
“Please,” you waved your hand, “love that guy, but he doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body.”
Seokmin grinned. “And I do?”
“Says the guy who always pulls me away from the road and gave me his scarf the other night!”
“Oh,” Seokmin mused, “I forgot about that. But you know what? Keep it.” And with that, he scooped you into a the warmest hug of your life, all the lights and chatter of the arcade fading out beneath the sensation.
Mungyu was head over frickin heels for you. You, the way you smiled, how hard you laughed at his roast battle with Soonyoung (he won), the cute little way you wrung your hands when you were nervous. He couldn’t help but feel jealous of your male best friend, though- that man must have known your lovely brain even more intimately, known every secret to winning your heart. Maybe he already was winning it, the way you always sat by him and dragged him along on your wonderfully silly antics. The most conflicting part? Your best friend was one of his bandmates.
He’d only met you because you moved near Seventeen’s dorms and Seokmin started bringing you around. It shouldn’t have mattered, but the way you laughed together had his chest tightening, wondering why that couldn’t be him. But would saying something upset Seokmin, cause a rift between the two men? That was the last thing Mingyu wanted. If only his heart would dull its ache, quit beating a mile a minute the moment you fell into his sights.
Something snapped in him one day, though, when you fated three made a convenience store run. You were in a particularly good mood, excitedly grabbing your best friend’s hand and swinging your joined appendages back and forth. All Mingyu wanted was closure, and he was going to get it once and for all.
“So, do you two like each other?” The moment Seokmin rounded the corner to find his favorite snacks, the words burst from the tall rapper’s lips. Mingyu’s composure threatened to falter in the seconds before you answered, ticks that felt like minutes.
You giggled, but the sound wasn’t sheepish, in fact it was…incredulous? Not to mention extremely adorable the way you lit up with mirth. “No way! Seokmin is like a brother to me. In fact, the only reason he started bringing me around Seventeen was thinking he was going to set me up with one of you,” you replied.
“Really?” Mingyu can’t hide his gape at that. “Which one?”
At that, you giggle again. “I don’t think it mattered, really! I think he just wants to make a real sister-in-law out of me. I’d probably have my pick,” you rolled your eyes teasingly.
But then your gaze fell from his almost shyly. And there between aisles of foil snack packages, beneath fluorescent bar lights, came a glittering vision of hope. As if all of Mingyu’s dreams were going to come true.
“Well, if you’re taking applications, sign me up,” he tells you, leaning against a cookie display.
His arm slipped and he almost fell, but you said yes, so nothing was going to wipe the grin off of his face as he took your hand, insisted on carrying your bag on the way back to the dorms.
Seokmin just swung his head back and forth between you two. “What happened while I was gone?”
“You’re not jealous?”
“Why should I be?”
Frankly, it blew some of the other more possessive-leaning Seventeen members’ minds how little it bothered Minghao. You, the girl he claimed to have feelings for, to feel differently toward than anyone else he'd ever met.
"Because that guy is sitting awfully close to her!" Mingyu shot back. "You're not upset? At least feeling like you have competition?"
"A person isn't a prize. It's her choice on who to be with, not mine, and besides, they're best friends. I'm not exactly wishing to be in his place, no," Minghao responds, ending his statement with a smirk.
Mingyu shakes his head at first before breaking into an amused smile and laugh. "All right, you got me there."
Before much else could be said, Minghao heard his name, grinned as he turned around and saw you waving him over. "Come play our silly little game with us!"
"Ok," he chuckled, sending one last smile to Mingyu, who mouthed an overly encouraging 'go get 'em, tiger' that had his nose wrinkling.
In all honesty, it made him happy to be included in moments like that one, old nostalgic games with your best friend. Like him back or not, there was a beauty in seeing Minghao as an important enough part of your life and he wouldn't waste that. As a matter of fact, it only encouraged him to get closer to you and your friends and welcome you more into his life, too.
“After this, you get to pick the next game, ok?”
Minghao just smiled. “Of course. I can teach you mine and my mom’s old favorite.”
“Oh, remember at your brother’s birthday party when your mom had the limbo contest?”
“Yes, he just bent his legs so weird!”
You and one of your closest friends are sitting reminiscing on all the things you’d done together. The two of you have, for lack of a better term, history, and maybe that’s something that will never get built up the same with-
Turning his head, Seungkwan responds to his leader’s call with a faint hum, seeing Seungcheol nod toward an empty bedroom and following him in. As soon as he steps through the threshold, he sees the way his elder has his arms crossed and his downturned eyebrows raise.
“Wanna talk about what’s going on out there? And before you ask, yes, I can tell something’s off. It’s (y/n) and her friend, huh?”
Curse his expressiveness. Sometimes Seungkwan feels like he can never keep a secret. Everything is betrayed by his face or the way he acts, but nothing in the world can suppress reflex, pure emotion. At least not all the time.
He sighs. “Yes. I just… I just can’t help feeling like I’ve lost. He knows her like the back of his hand, they have all these memories together… maybe I should just give up.”
“Just because they’ve known each other for longer doesn’t mean anything,” Seungcheol comforts him, stepping forward to rest a firm hand on his shoulder, “in fact, maybe that’s a good sign. If they’ve been friends for years and he’s never made a move, why would he now?”
Seungkwan’s shoulders rise and fall beneath his leader’s warm grip. “Maybe. I guess… I mean, I just worry because she’s spending all that time with him and what am I if not-”
Your voice cuts into the dark, curling clouds of his reverie, fading around the corner as he stiffens and Seungcheol drops his hand again. Shuffling carefully forward, he tentatively leaves the room to find you standing before him, a smile rising gently to your lips.
“There you are,” you breathe, stepping closer, “I was worried when I saw you leave suddenly. Are you alright?”
His heart flips. He nods. “Yeah, Seungcheol just had a question for me. I’m heading back out, in fact,” he adds, shooting Seventeen’s leader a brief look and receiving a nod in response.
“Good. It’s not the same without you,” you tell him, and this smile elicits more than a flip- this time his heart practically explodes.
“Really?” He asks before he can stop himself.
“Really,” you confirm, heading back out into the room. Luckily you don’t seem to notice the very smug, triumphant glance he shoots your best friend’s way.
Vernon isn’t the jealous type. Possessiveness is unnecessary stress, and he feels like if two people truly connect there’s no need.
The problem is he isn’t sure how well you two have connected. Sure you’re friends and sure you guys have hung out, but there’s another guy you’re with all the time- boyfriend? Hard to tell. If so, not officially, not in words. He’s your best friend, your ride or die, so to speak, and Vernon isn’t going to do anything to get in the way of that. Having twelve ride or dies himself, that would be hypocrisy in the highest.
Yet the way his brow furrows seeing you with him, the unpleasant jolt of his heart when you bring up yet another joke just the two of you share, has him wondering if his interest is feckless. It’s not anger, for he had no claim to you, but a strong desire for closure, just one final word to release him from the surreptitious glances at your beauty or jokes made just for you. The thoughts of what sort of stuff you would do as a couple- were you the matching tattoos or matching pajamas type? DIY dates or something bougier? Probably more DIY, you were so down to earth, but Vernon would spoil you if you let him…
“Oh, come off it, bro,” you waved your best friend’s hand off your shoulder, wrinkling your nose at the embarrassing childhood anecdote, “I haven’t done that since I was a kid and you never saw me, my mom just told you the story!”
Bro? Bro! One choice word had Vernon’s ears perking up. He’d never caught you going full bro with your bestie before. Did he have a shot? Involuntarily his heartbeat picked up.
“And I’ll never let you forget it,” your best friend gave you a smug look, crossing his arms.
Your eyes met Vernon’s in a flustered glance. As cute as you looked embarrassed, he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Instead he offered a comforting smile. “Don’t worry, I didn’t really catch it.”
Sighing in relief, you shook your head at your friend before looking once more at Vernon. “You’re so lucky you just have a sister, otherwise this is what you have to deal with.”
Vernon laughed at that, a sound that even surprised him, but such a giddy rush had struck his heart with the hope that came from your revelation. If your best friend was a brother in your eyes, could someone else hold your heart?
Lee Chan was, in a word, not having it.
You were it for him, a girl like he'd never met before, and it had become his newest mission in life to show you how amazing you were. Compliments, small gifts, being there for help or comfort whenever you needed it, all were fair game for the youngest member of Seventeen.
So why were you suddenly dragging this other guy around everywhere?
Chan's heart felt like it was in a vice when you made all the posts taking him to an amusement park, to Baskin Robbins, the park, all the cute places he would have given anything to go one-on-one with you to.
"Trust me, I think you should let this go," Minghao told him at practice one day, "look at his arm around her, nice but so stiff. There's no way the two of them are anything but friends."
Valid point, but who else would take up such major real estate of your time so quickly? Go from zero to sixty hanging out unless you were his girlfriend? Either way Chan wasn't going down without a fight.
The next time he saw you, the metaphorical gloves were off. And by that, Chan fully intended to march right up to you, thundering of his heart be darned, and have his choice words. Well, choice question, really.
"Why are you doing all those things with him and not me?" It wasn't entirely a complaint, not entirely a command or entreaty either. It was everything Chan felt when he looked at you and lit up, then saw someone else basking in that light.
Your brows furrowed at his words, every twitch of your muscle one of true confusion, before you spoke. "Who, my cousin? He's only in Seoul for a few more weeks, so we've been cramming it all in. Do you really want to do all that with me too?"
Cousin! Internally Chan was breaking out into a one-man dance routine. Externally? He had to keep it a bit cooler.
"With you and no one else," he confirmed with a smile, leaning back against the wall with a look of smug satisfaction, even if it did mean Minghao was right.
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svt-rosalie · 15 days
Hiii, I love your writing and was hoping you could write this scenario from the prompt list! "Person One" holds grudges and acts sassy when "person two" talks to them (ex. "Person two" won an arm wrestle, and "person one" refused to drop their attitude until they did a rematch and won)"
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“Okay that’s not fair!”
Rosalie pouted and crossed her arms like she was five years old again and her mom had just beat her again in a game of Tic-Tac-To but this time it was Wonwoo beat her in another game of Fortnite.
Wonwoo shrugged his shoulder carelessly. “Alls fair in when it comes to the crown royal.”
The blonde girl rolled her eyes and scoffed, before walking away. You could feel the subtle childish anger from the girls aura as she walked away, Vernon could especially feel it from where he was sat across from them all on the love seat.
“You know she’s gonna speak to you until you offer to play again and let her win right?”
The 96 liner bowed his head and blew a deep breath from his nose mumbling a ‘yes’ before getting up and walking to where the youngest member walked off towards. Most likely the eldest members room.
(They usually sweet talk her and say that she’ll get Wonwoo next time for sure, nobody likes an upset Rosalie).
An hour later the boys in the dorm could hear the high pitched cheers of Rosalie.
“I won! Beat that loser!”
“Hey! I’m still older than you.”
“You don’t have to remind us, your gray hairs already do that for us.”
Next thing everyone knew, the high pitch squeal is not from Rosalie winning but from her being tackled on the couch and sat on by Wonwoo until she apologized for indirectly calling him an old man.
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dirtysvthoughts · 1 year
hi !! for the time stamp event, could i please request prompt 55 and 80 with jeonghan or wonwoo if that’s okay with you ? thank you sm <3
dirtysvthoughts hits 100 followers!
a/n: decided to make this one for wonwoo since i did get a lot of jh requests previously! i hope that’s okay anon! 🤍 also we’re not gonna question kenny on why she always does bratty! reader x wonwoo (which probably stems from a personal desire to have wonwoo blow her back out after testing his patience 🙃)
tags/warnings: hard dom!-ish (?) wonwoo, female! reader, bratty! reader, boyfriend! wonwoo, vibrator usage, petnames (daddy, my dear, sir, baby girl), reader is defiant AF y’all, so bold if you will, oral panty stuffing (?) y’all idk how to explain it lol, but it’ll make sense when you read dsjdjdjdj, i keep writing absolute filth IM SICK 🥹
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
55. “i think i like you better with a gag in your mouth.”
80. “want me to give it back? make me.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
you lay sprawled out on your bed, no comforter, blanket, or duvet to cover up what you were doing to yourself.
“mmmm, w-wonwoo..” you moan out your boyfriend’s name, your eyes tightly shut trying to picture him on top of you. you had your vibrator pleasuring you underneath your lace panties with one hand, and the other hand was on your breast, feeling your nipples perking up.
your boyfriend was out and about and wouldn’t be back home for a while, or so you thought. you were so focused on your own pleasure that you didn’t even hear your apartment door open or keys jangling.
“baby, i’m back,” you hear your boyfriend say from outside your room, but before you could toss your vibrator to the other side of the room, wonwoo opens the door revealing your beautifully fucked-out state to his surprised, yet intrigued eyes.
“w-wonwoo! uh, y-you’re back early,” you try and feign a normal voice, but you knew you weren’t fooling him. he really wasn’t supposed to be back for a while, you think to yourself. what could’ve brought him back ahead of schedule?
“i am.. and i see that a certain someone couldn’t wait until i got back to get her pussy filled,” he crosses his arms and smirks at you.
“well, what do you expect me to do when you’re not here? the temptation-“
“i expect you to follow the rules we have established.. so tell me what rule did you just break?”
you roll your eyes and stay quiet, fiddling with the vibrator that was still in your hands.
“i’m waiting,” he says refusing to break eye contact with you. “don’t touch myself unless i have sir’s permission,” you say quietly but enough for him to hear.
“so if that’s the rule, then why do i see a vibrator in your hands?” he slowly approaches you and sits on the edge of the bed, desire and lust in his eyes.
he takes the vibrator from your hands and you daringly try to take it back. “i wasn’t done you know! lemme finish with that and then i’ll get back to you,” you say trying to gain the item back.
he’s amazed at how defiant you were being today. as much as we wanted to change your attitude, this side of you was always a turn on for him. “heh, want me to give it back? make me.”
the second you try to take the vibrator from him again, he pins both your arms to the bed, causing the vibrator to fall to the floor, becoming quickly forgotten.
“oooh, baby girl,” wonwoo chuckles into your ear as he lays on top of you. you might never admit it, but his deep voice when he whispers always affects you to your core. “you’re so in for it now.”
he roughly kisses your neck, feeling his teeth leaving hickeys into the sides. you push his head in deeper, moaning when the lower parts of your bodies begin to make contact with each other.
“f-fuck, w-wonwoo, i-”
“that’s not my name, baby girl,” he cuts you off. he couldn’t be serious right now.
“s-sir,” you fix your wording, barely getting it out now that he’s moved from your chest. he fondles your breasts as he pulls your shirt up, you help him out a little until he gets it off you and tosses it to the other side of the bedroom.
“that’s better,” he says, cockiness laced in his voice. he works on your lower body, taking off your lace panties and tearing them in the process.
“won- sir!” you exclaim, softly hitting his chest. “ugh, those were new!”
“and? you know i’ll buy you several new ones anyway.”
he continues to play with your breast, but a familiar sensation creeps up and you can’t contain the loud moan you let out.
“you can never get enough of my hands, can’t you my dear?” he laughs, clearly enjoying how frazzled you are. two of his fingers were pushing in and out of you at such a delicate, yet somehow fast pace. you continue to call out of him, extremely sensitive even by the slightest touch.
and normally, wonwoo loves hearing you moan for him, but since you were disobedient, he had to punish you. “bad girls never go unpunished,” he told you once when he caught you touching yourself in the shower and he told you to wait for him.
he finds one half of your torn panties in the comforter, and stuffs it in your mouth. you nearly gag at the feeling of the cloth in between your teeth, eyes blown wide open at how rough wonwoo was being with you today.
“hmph, i see that look in your eyes,” he says as he kisses you from your forehead down to your neck. “this is your punishment, baby girl - you’re gonna be so quiet, the only thing i wanna hear my skin slapping against yours. do you understand me?”
you nod furiously, in hopes that if you follow his directions, the quicker you’d get to make noise again.
he takes of his shirt, followed by his pants, and then he takes his dick out of his boxers, his tip hard and oh so delicious. you whine against the panties still stuffed in your mouth. you had to get him inside of you now.
“besides, i think i like you better with a gag in your mouth,” he smirks as he aligns and enters inside of you in what would be a long night and a sore morning.
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yuusworldd · 7 months
twitter au;
in which jeon wonwoo is a desperate man. thats all. just kidding. wonwoo is desperate to get you to notice him, even if it means lying to you.
warning: kys jokes
check out pt 1 if you havent
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note: very short hehe 😇
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everlyn63 · 7 months
mingyu would literally be the typical golden retriever boyfriend I swear😭
he would try all possible ways to make you smile and laugh when you are having a bad day or any other days, just to see your smile. and one important thing, HE LOVES FEEDING YOU!
feeding you has become his major goal whenever you're alone or with friends and family. once the food arrives and before you could grab a spoon, mingyu would be quick to take a spoon of the dish and direct it towards your mouth. he starts whining with his lips pouted and looks at you with his puppy like eyes if you reject this action out of embarrassment and whatever mingyu wants mingyu gets so in the end you surrender and let him feed you throughout the meal, getting teasing looks from your family and friends.
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☆ my first time so please excuse if there are any mistakes here and there
☆please like, comment,and share......
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nonuwhore · 9 months
Atenção, esse cenário faz parte evento: GRANDE EVENTO DE 1 ANO DE ANIVERSÁRIO DO NONUWHORE!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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WONWOO + 03. "Você não tem ideia de quantas fantasias eu venho tendo com você."  contém: smut; pwp; sexting; linguagem bastante vulgar; menção a: oral (m), facesitting, sexo sem camisinha (não façam isso em casa, crianças), creampie, cumplay;  menção a outros membros do seventeen;  contagem de palavras: 1k nota da autora: por algum motivo o tumblr COMEU a ask de quem fez esse pedido. por sorte anotei todos em um documento. espero que vc que pediu esteja por aí ainda e que goste do resultado 💖 mas principalmente que a mudança brusca de formato não te incomode. 
“Filha da puta…”, riu, se jogando na cama com o celular na mão. Na tela, você via um stories de Wonwoo com uma camiseta usada geralmente por nadadores, colada no tórax do homem, desenhando todo e qualquer músculo que ele tinha nessa parte do corpo, mas principalmente os do peito e dos braços. O rosto estava meio curvado para o lado, deixando o cabelo escuro e bastante molhado cair sob o rosto cheio de marquinhas e aparentemente cansado de um dia de esportes aquáticos. O conjunto da obra, mais os dedos compridos segurando com firmeza o aparelho que mirava o espelho, era o tipo de coisa que você estava se acostumando a visualizar desde que ele tinha te adicionado do closed friends.
você: ???????  
míope gostoso: ??????
você: e aquela foto lá?
míope gostoso: que foto
você: não se faz de besta, biscoiteiro
míope gostoso: ih kkkkkk
você: tá virando o mingyu?
míope gostoso: não posso mais usar rede social?
você: você é muito otário 
míope gostoso: por que exatamente?
você: por que tu me colocou nos melhores amigos?
míope gostoso: ué, porque a gente é próximo…
você: kkkkkkkkk
míope gostoso: a gente não é?
você: a gente se viu tipo umas 3 vezes?
míope gostoso: ao vivo
você: é o que conta
míope gostoso: eu te vejo todo dia nos seus melhores amigos também
você: te adicionei por educação, vc me adicionou primeiro
míope gostoso: é sério? não precisava
você: claro que não kkkkk ótario
você: dito isso, tá de parabéns aí
míope gostoso: pelo que? exatamente
você: você quer mesmo que eu diga?
míope gostoso: claro, se eu tô de te perguntando
você: você sabe…
míope gostoso: mesmo assim, quero que vc diga
você: wonwoo
míope gostoso: se você não disser a gente vai ficar nessa pra sempre
você: o que seria “nessa”
míope gostoso: eu posto foto depois de sair da piscina, vc posta de baby doll na cama, a gente enche o saco um do outro e o negócio não anda
você: você gostou da minha foto de baby doll…?
míope gostoso: tu tá me tirando mesmo…
você: ué kkkkk tô perguntando de verdade
míope gostoso: acho melhor eu não dizer o que eu achei daquela foto
você: tanto assim?
míope gostoso: você quer saber mesmo?
você: uhum
míope gostoso: digamos que ali vc me apresentou lado que eu não conhecia de vc. literalmente e metaforicamente. 
você: tá. 
você: vc ainda não disse se gostou 
você: para de ser misterioso
míope gostoso: vc pode né?
você: posso
míope gostoso: kkkkkk
míope gostoso: então tá. 
míope gostoso: gostei muito da foto 
míope gostoso: tanto que mesmo depois de ter gozado eu só conseguia pensar em como você ficaria linda com seus peitinhos na minha boca 
você: wonwoo…
míope gostoso: muito rápido?
você: perfeito
míope gostoso: ok.
míope gostoso: ou como a visão debaixo de você deve ser maluquice de bom 
míope gostoso: você quicando pra mim enquanto eu beijo essa boca gostosa 
míope gostoso: só consigo pensar nisso desde aquela foto
míope gostoso: tá aí?
você: tô… imaginando aqui.
míope gostoso: vc não tem ideia de quantas fantasias eu venho tendo com vc
você: é mesmo?
míope gostoso: uhum
você: eu também
míope gostoso: sério…?
você: sim kkkk por que a surpresa? 
míope gostoso: sei lá, pessoalmente vc parecia mais… reservada? 
míope gostoso: talvez essa não seja a palavra certa kkkk
míope gostoso: mas tipo
míope gostoso: mais tranquila em relação a essas coisas?
você: sexo? 
você: vc tá querendo dizer que eu pareço ser santinha?
você: que eu não diria que toda vez que vc posta esse tipo de foto eu fico imaginando como vai ser quando vc estiver com o pau enterrado na minha boca?
míope gostoso: como vai ser?
você: ou quando vc me fuder tão gostoso 
você: naquele mesmo baby doll que vc curtiu, sabe?
você: que eu vou implorar pra vc gozar dentro de mim
míope gostoso: vc diria isso pra mim pessoalmente?
você: provavelmente não kkkk 
você: foi mal
você: talvez eu não seja tão pra frente assim como dei a entender
míope gostoso: tudo bem
míope gostoso: eu gosto assim
míope gostoso: fala bastante e na hora se entrega todinha
você: entendeu bem o esquema… 
míope gostoso: nem se eu pedisse pra vc sentar na minha cara?
você: vc quer…?
míope gostoso: porra… e como
míope gostoso: não vejo a hora de tu implorar pra eu te comer enquanto eu testo minhas habilidades de respiração da natação na sua buceta
você: idiota…
você: se eu te fizer uma pergunta tu vai me zuar?
míope gostoso:  a essa altura? acho que estamos nós dois fodidos kkkk
você: hm, tá
você: seria muito estranho se eu estivesse me tocando agora? 
você: imaginando essas coisas?
míope gostoso:  tu tá falando sério?
você: …. tô
míope gostoso:  vc quer me matar de tesão?
você: não sei como responder essa pergunta
míope gostoso: caralho, tu é pior do que eu imaginava
você: de um jeito bom?
míope gostoso: de um jeito ótimo
míope gostoso: coloca os dedinho dentro pra mim, amor
míope gostoso: bem fundo
míope gostoso: imagina como vc vai ficar bem cheinha quando eu te pegar 
míope gostoso: é sério que vc vai deixar eu gozar dentro?
míope gostoso: tô duro só de imaginar
míope gostoso: não brinca comigo
você: do jeito que eu tô aqui…
você: acho que deixaria vc gozar em qualquer lugar que vc quisesse
míope gostoso: se teu objetivo era me deixar maluco por vc tu tá conseguindo
você: eu que tô doida esse tempo todo vendo vc postando foto todo gostoso e não podendo te mamar
você: esses dias sonhei contigo, acredita?
você: vc não tem ideia de como eu acordei molhada
você: as coisas que vc fazia comigo no sonho…
você: droga, tô tão perto…
você: queria que vc estivesse aqui
você: wonwoo?
míope gostoso: 5 min
você: ?
míope gostoso: meu uber chega aí em 5 min
míope gostoso: tá sozinha?
você: tô? kkkk
você: o que vc faria se eu não estivesse?
míope gostoso: a gente teria que pegar outro uber pra minha casa
míope gostoso: porque se não eu não te fizer gozar até tu chorar eu sou uma bicicletinha azul
você: kkkkkkk
você: gosto assim também 
você: cara de atitude
míope gostoso: tu vai ver o que é atitude quando tiver gemendo gostosinho na minha orelha
míope gostoso: abre aqui
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
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Title from James Joint by Rihanna
Summary: Weed always makes you a bit looselipped, especially around your two best friends, Wonwoo and Seungcheol.
Rating: M (18+) | Word Count: ~4.1k
Warnings: weed smoking, shotgunning, swearing, sex while high, best friend threesome, wonwoo’s cold hands, dom cheol, switch wonwoo, fingering, oral f. rec., restraining (they hold reader down), size kink, they both have big dicks (i yam who i yam), finger sucking, cum eating, crying, voyeurism, male masturbation, squirting, lots of fluid talk, unexpected feelings (as in i didnt expect them) 
Reader Notes: she/her pronouns used, breasts, vagina, sub, wap
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“You know what I miss?” You ask rhetorically from your place on the floor, taking a drag and preparing to give them your answer whether they want it or not. “Cumming.”
Their eyes grow wide, Wonwoo shifting in his seat and Seungcheol giving you an appraising look. 
“Do you not do it by yourself?” Seungcheol asks quietly. 
“No I do, all the time, but it’s just not the same,” you sigh as you lean back against the couch, passing the blunt to Wonwoo and missing the trembling of his hands. 
“You miss cumming with someone else?” Wonwoo asks, exhaling the smoke-wrapped question. 
“Yeah,” you sigh dreamily, watching as Wonwoo hands the blunt to Seungcheol, who wraps his plump lips around the tip and takes a deep pull. 
They stare at you, not that you notice, too caught up in precious memories of a time when you weren’t the one taking care of yourself. 
You do catch them sharing a look, communicating silently and coming to some sort of decision just as Seungcheol passes you the blunt. 
“We can do it, if you want,” Wonwoo offers. 
“You can do what?” you ask absentmindedly, blowing out smoke and picking at a loose thread on your pajama pants. 
“We can make you cum,” Seungcheol clarifies, his face straight and serious but his eyes fiery. 
You only need a few seconds to consider. 
“Okay. How do you wanna do this?” 
“Why don’t you let us worry about that, hm?” Wonwoo asks gently.
You nod, tongue tied and a bit lightheaded already, watching as Wonwoo drags the coffee table out of the way and Seungcheol starts rolling up his sleeves. 
You wonder if you should warn them how wet you get when you’re high, but decide to let them find out for themselves, like a little surprise. 
You’re already wet, you can tell, feeling the slickness dampening your panties. Who could blame you though, when Wonwoo’s crouching in front of you, his eyes hazy behind his glasses and his big hands slowly moving toward the hem of your shirt. 
Seungcheol is watching from the side, having moved from his chair to sit on the floor a few feet from you, and you hold his gaze as Wonwoo drags your shirt up. 
You can see his pupils dilate, and you remember you took your bra off before they arrived. 
“Can you guys take your shirts off too?” You ask, lifting your hips so Wonwoo can pull your pajama pants off. “I’m not self conscious, you’re just hot.”
Seungcheol smirks and reaches a hand behind his head, whipping his top off and tossing it to the couch. It lands behind you, and damn, he smells so good, and then Wonwoo takes his shirt off too, and shit, his abs are right there. 
Right there, and already under your hand, and you’re not sure when that happened, but fuck are you glad it did.  
“That’s nice,” you whisper, petting Wonwoo’s stomach and feeling more wetness seep into the seat of your panties. 
You honestly forgot they took off your pants until you hear Cheol groan, and look over to find him staring between your legs with his lip bitten between his teeth. 
His plump, red bottom lip that you’ve always wanted to taste, always wanted to sink your teeth into, and it occurs to you that you can. 
Now, if you want. 
So you reach one hand out, the other still on Wonwoo’s abs, and wait for Seungcheol to shuffle over. 
Your fingers catch in the waistband of his sweats, tugging him closer until you can lean up and capture that plush lip between yours. He groans into your mouth as you dig your teeth into his soft flesh, and you moan when he slides his tongue into your mouth. 
Or maybe you moaned because of the cold fingers on your nipple, tweaking and rolling and pinching. 
You’re really not sure. 
Your mind is foggy with the smoke still floating around the room, and you pull away from Seungcheol to grab the blunt on the side table. 
Taking a drag, you watch as Wonwoo kicks his sweats off, his hard dick pushing against his boxer briefs and leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, thank goodness. 
You lean in, holding your breath, and press your lips to his, exhaling the smoke into his mouth with a sigh. 
You don’t want to forget about Seungcheol, so you break the kiss and take another hit, sliding your fingers into his hair and pulling him close to give him the same treatment. 
His groan rumbles deep in his chest and vibrates against the hand you place on it, his skin warm and toned under your palm, and you bite his lip again before breaking away to take one final drag. 
The blunt’s almost done, so you pass it to Wonwoo, who takes a hit and closes his eyes before handing it to Seungcheol, who breathes the smoke in deep and leans in to blow it into your mouth. 
You feel like you’re swimming, high from the weed and from their hands on you, and you let out a contented sigh as Wonwoo starts tugging your underwear down. 
His eyes track the fabric as it slides over your skin, and you suspect he may not be ready to look at you bare yet. You pull him into a kiss so he doesn’t have to, one of your hands on his chest and the other playing with the waistband of Seungcheol’s sweats, and you feel more than hear Wonwoo ask, “Can I?” as his hand trails up your leg. 
You breathe out a yes against his lips, tilting your hips into his touch when his fingers tentatively slide along your slit. 
Wonwoo works you open slowly while Seungcheol kisses your neck, drifting lower and lower, pushing Wonwoo’s head down when he gets in the way. Wonwoo takes the hint and slides down to lay on his stomach, pushing your thighs apart so he can fit in between, and you gently pull his glasses off and set them on the couch so they don’t get wet. He thanks you with a kiss to your inner thigh and leans in until you can feel his breath on your pussy, before looking up at you. 
The look on his face, open and wanting and reverent, steals your breath. You’re starting to wonder if maybe there’s something he’s not telling you, but you can’t find it in yourself to care when he finally licks into you. 
Fuck, his tongue is perfect, so good so so so-
You can feel Wonwoo and Seungcheol laugh, and realize you’d said that out loud, but now that you’ve started, you just can’t stop.  
“Wonwoo, yes, fuck, please can you-,” you suck in a gasp as two long fingers sink inside you, clenching around them already and bucking your hips into his hand. 
“You really did miss this, huh?” Seungcheol chuckles, wrapping those plump lips around your nipple and sucking until you squirm. His fingers play with the other, tugging harder than Wonwoo did, and you arch your back, pressing into his warm touch. 
You’re close already, opening your mouth to warn them but whimpering instead when Wonwoo curls his fingers inside you and suctions his mouth around your clit. 
Your hips jump when he works in another finger, colder and thicker and longer than yours, and you love it, you love it all. 
“So good, Wonwoo, you’re so good,” you whine, pitch raising when you feel him groan into your pussy. 
The vibrations feel incredible, and you can feel your clit starting to pulse under his tongue, sending your hips into his face again. 
That begins a delicious feedback loop of you grinding against his tongue and him moaning into you, and with a long, hard pinch of Seungcheol’s warm fingers around your nipple, you fall over the edge. 
Fuck, it feels like you cum forever, wave after blissful wave of sensations hitting you, and you know you’re crying, know you’re babbling, know you’re near sobbing their names, but you can’t stop. 
You’ll never be able to stop if Wonwoo keeps his tongue on you and his fingers curled like that, and you sigh gratefully as he helps you ride it out and then slowly pulls away. 
Your face crumples when you see him suck your wetness off his fingers, and scrunches further when Seungcheol replaces him between your legs. 
“Mind if I have a taste too, baby? Think you can cum again?” he asks softly, lips hovering a few inches from your pussy. 
“Can we rearrange a bit first?” you ask, voice a bit raspy from smoking and then moaning so much. 
They nod, waiting for you to tug them into place. 
Your second orgasm always hits harder than your first, and you know you’ll need Wonwoo to ground you when Seungcheol starts, so you sit up and bring Wonwoo behind you, pulling his hand until he settles at your back, his legs stretching out alongside yours and his arms wrapping around you. 
You feel safer like this, pressed up against his chest and cocooned in his arms, able to feel his lungs rise and fall and his heartbeat against yours.  
Keeping one of his hands beneath yours on your sternum, you let the other wander, and it immediately finds your breasts again, testing the softness of them and exploring how the flesh dents under his fingers. 
Seungcheol’s just been watching this all unfold, sitting on his knees and waiting for you to give him the go ahead. His thighs look so thick, his hard dick trying to push through the fleece of his sweatpants, and you almost want to keep him like this just so you can look at him. 
“You’re so pretty, Cheol,” you whisper, tilting your head back onto Wonwoo’s shoulder and squeezing his hand with yours. 
Seungcheol blushes, face remaining stoic but the tips of his ears turning red, and he waves you off as he lays on his stomach between your thighs. He grunts when he realizes the angle isn’t very good with you sitting up, and you can see the gears turning in his head as he figures out what he wants to do. 
“Baby, hold your legs up so Wonwoo can cross his,” he waits for you both to move before pulling each of your legs down to hook over Wonwoo’s knees. 
You’re fully spread out like this; you can feel the air on your wet pussy, feel Wonwoo’s hard cock pressing into your back, and you should feel exposed, but you just feel dizzy with need instead. 
Seungcheol tugs you closer to his face, making your thighs strain as they spread wider over Wonwoo’s legs, and you try not to pant as he sucks kisses into your hips. He chuckles when you whine and try to get closer to his face, unable to get far with your legs spread as they are, and finally decides to have mercy, pulling your lips apart with his thumbs and licking a broad stripe up your cunt. 
He swirls his tongue over your clit and you want to buck into him, but you really can’t move, especially as Wonwoo holds you tighter against him, so you talk instead. 
“Cheol, please, can I have your fingers? I feel empty,” you moan, near ready to give up all your dignity and beg. 
He pulls away, and through lust gritted teeth grinds out, “Aw, our baby feels empty? Wonwoo, should we let her have what she wants?“ 
You shiver at the depth and tone of his voice, and it becomes a full body shudder when Wonwoo answers, “Of course we should, she asked so nicely. Said please and everything.” 
His words trail off at the end, whispered into your neck as he lays kisses over your skin, bites his marks into your shoulders. 
Seungcheol hums around your clit, brings a hand up and sinks three thick fingers inside, pushing through your tightness to curl into your g-spot. 
You keen through the stretch, your heart thudding harder against Wonwoo’s hand, and Seungcheol grins into you, watching as your pussy opens up to take his fingers. 
“So fucking good for us, aren’t you?” Seungcheol breathes, licking your wetness off his lips before diving in to paint them with you again. 
“So good, baby, taking it so well,” Wonwoo sighs against your throat, his lips drifting up and down your soft skin. 
“She tastes fucking delicious, doesnt she, Wonwoo?” Seungcheol goads, reminding Wonwoo he’s not the one with his tongue on you, and Wonwoo glares at him, pushes him away from you by the forehead, and slides his fingers onto your clit. 
You jump at the feeling, his calluses dragging on your skin as he rubs circles into you, and Seungcheol just shrugs before sinking down further and shoving his tongue inside you with the next thrust of his fingers. 
Crying out, your hand shoots down to fist in Seungcheol’s hair and pull him closer to you. He follows, spreading his fingers so he can get as much of his tongue in you as possible, groaning when a fresh wave of arousal hits his face. 
You’re close again, so close already, and you don’t think you can speak, can barely even move, enough to tell them before your vision blurs and you cum with a wail. 
Your hips jerk uncontrollably, into their touch and then away, and Wonwoo holds you down through it all. Your body squirms in his arms, but he’s too strong for you to get anywhere, and you have no choice but to take the pleasure they’re giving you. 
You cum for what you fear might be hours, shivering in Wonwoo’s arms and clenching down tight around Seungcheol’s fingers, and you can feel the tears streaming down your face, dripping into your open mouth. Your wail cuts out, taken over by a gasp as Seungcheol curls his fingers into your g-spot again. 
You can tell he wants to go for a third, but as you regain your breath and your capacity for complex thought, you realize you have something else in mind.
“I want you to fuck me,” you plead weakly with a pout. 
“This was supposed to just be about you, baby,” Seungcheol reminds you. 
“Yeah,” you say, confused, “I want you to fuck me, how is that not about me?” 
Wonwoo shifts to sit in front of you, glancing at Seungcheol out of the corner of his eye before his gaze lands on you, “She’s got a point.”
“You’re only saying that because you’ve wanted to fu-“ 
Wonwoo clears his throat, glaring sideways before smoothing his hands down your body in contemplation. 
“Me first, then you?” he asks Seungcheol absently, his eyes caught on your curves. 
“Fine, but you can’t cum inside,” Seungcheol stipulates firmly, to which Wonwoo nods in all seriousness. 
“Deal,” they voice in unison with a shake of their hands. 
You stare incredulously, but suppose you shouldn’t be surprised they’re approaching this like a game between friends. 
Because they are friends, best friends, and you’re their best friend too, and this is all just a game, a game that you definitely won’t think about in the shower, or on the way home from work, or when you’re lying in your cold bed alone at night.
Definitely not. 
But maybe every once in a while, as a treat, you think as Wonwoo tugs you down to lay flat on the floor and starts pushing inside of you, his size a shock to your system even though you literally saw his massive dick with your own eyes. 
You stretch around him, cringing slightly at the sting, and he pulls your ass to rest in his lap, fucking into you slowly until he bottoms out. You jump when you feel a hand snake between your legs, not realizing you closed your eyes. 
You open them to find Seungcheol staring at you with his fingers on your clit. He holds your gaze, lip pulled between his teeth again, and circles over your swollen bundle of nerves with warm, sturdy fingers. 
“You good, baby?” Wonwoo asks gently, waiting for your nod to pull his hips back until he can see his cock glistening with you. He slides back in gradually, giving you time to adjust, though you can feel his fingertips digging into the flesh of your hips and know you must be tight around him. You squeeze down, just for fun, just to hear him moan, and he does, curling over you and dropping his face into your neck. 
The space narrows between you, pressing Seungcheol’s fingers into you harder, and when the new angle forces the head of Wonwoo’s cock into your g-spot, you yelp and writhe beneath him. He soothes you with his hands running up and down your sternum and breathes,”I know, baby, I know,” into your throat before straightening up again, pulling back, and thrusting in a bit harder.
It’s like you can feel Wonwoo’s cock in your throat, he’s so big inside you, but you love it, can’t get enough, buck your hips into his until he’s really fucking you, fucking you like he wants. 
You want it too, you realize, have wanted it for months, years, maybe the whole time you’ve known Wonwoo, and it’s that realization that makes you break, back arching, cunt throbbing around his length and pushing him into his own orgasm. 
He pulls out just in time, his hot cum shooting out onto your pussy and dribbling down to your ass, Cheol’s hand flying back to avoid being covered. 
You jump at the movement, and Seungcheol smirks, “Yeah, baby, I’m still here.”
You bite your lips sheepishly, honestly having forgotten about him, and as Wonwoo pets your hips, you whisper a timid, “Sorry, Cheol.” 
Seungcheol just shakes his head in bemusement and tugs off his pants, waiting for Wonwoo to get out of the way before claiming his place between your legs. He gathers up the cum on your pussy, showing Wonwoo his fingers, and slides them inside of you, smirk growing when he catches Wonwoo’s harsh glare. 
“You wanted to go first,” Cheol teases Wonwoo with a tilt of his head, pulling his fingers out and bringing them up to your mouth, waiting for you to close your lips around them and suck before sinking his dick inside you. 
Wonwoo’s cum is still warm, tinged with your wetness and a bit salty on your tongue, but you can’t say you hate it, can’t say you wouldn’t mind another taste, maybe from the source-
“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” Seungcheol whispers, leaning down close to you to hide the movement of his lips. 
You cringe, nodding apologetically and gasping when his hips meet your ass, his cock huge and hard inside you. 
“Why don’t you look at him then, baby? Look at Wonwoo while I fuck you,” Seungcheol commands, gently taking your face in his hand and turning your head until you catch sight of Wonwoo. 
He’s flushed, panting, glasses back on and near fogging up with how hot his face must be. He holds your gaze as Seungcheol pumps into you, his hand wandering down to his half-hard cock, his mouth opening on a moan when he sees the way your breasts bounce as Seungcheol rocks into you. 
It’s hot, so fucking hot, having Wonwoo watch you like this, seeing the look on his face as your shared best friend fucks you into the carpet, and it only gets hotter when his hand wraps around his dick, squeezing at the head, moaning when precum dribbles out. 
Seungcheol roots his cock deep inside and you moan too, trying to turn your head to look at him, but he holds you in place, makes you watch Wonwoo jerk himself off, makes you watch him watching you, and you can feel the knot tying up in your stomach again. 
With every thrust of Seungcheol’s hips into yours, every groan he lets out, every clench of his fingers on your hip, the knot gets tighter, and you can feel your cunt getting tighter too, your walls hugging his dick, swallowing it deeper every time he tries to leave. 
Eventually, he stops trying, just fucks himself deep inside you and stays there, glancing over at Wonwoo and smirking before beckoning him over. 
Wonwoo shuffles to you on unsteady feet, hand leaving his cock as he walks, and you’re nearly entranced by the way it bobs heavily between his legs. You’re still stuck on how big he is, so much bigger than you thought he’d be, and it’s not like you thought he’d be small. You just didn’t expect… this. Him. And his massive fucking cock. 
You want it in your mouth, you think, but Seungcheol has something else in mind, stilling his fingers on your clit and waiting for Wonwoo to kneel next to you before telling him, “Make her cum.”
You and Wonwoo both look at Seungcheol, confused, until he shifts the hand between you to your hip, freeing up space for Wonwoo to fill. Wonwoo sucks in a broken gasp, slides his hand between your legs, and rubs his rough fingers over your clit insistently.
He curves his palm around your cheek, pressing his lips to yours and exhaling a sigh into your mouth, and you return it on a moan, weaving a hand into his hair to pull him closer to you. You arch into his touch and try to grind against him, making Wonwoo groan raggedly and press harder on your clit, swirling precise circles, over and over and over until you shatter with a cry. 
You can feel yourself gushing around Seungcheol’s cock, feel it seeping out of your entrance and coating Wonwoo’s fingers, making them glide on you as you clench. Seungcheol’s head is thrown back, his eyes scrunched closed, his plump lips stuck open as he starts to cum inside you. 
His cock jumps as it spits hot cum into you, making you whine in Wonwoo’s mouth when you feel it flood your insides, and he pants as his fingers speed up on your clit, sending you spiraling into another orgasm. This one hits different, your vision whiting out and a buzz filling your head, and you squirm in their hold as wetness splashes out of you, soaking Seungcheol’s stomach and Wonwoo’s hand. 
You can’t stop clenching and you can just barely hear Seungcheol whining in overstimulation over the roaring in your ears. You feel something warm on your stomach, break away from Wonwoo to blearily look down, and find his cock resting on your abdomen in a pool of white. 
You’re a bit confused, because Wonwoo’s got one hand between your legs and one cupping your face, so how did he just cum? 
You look up at him again and, through blurry eyes, see his cheeks redden, his hand leaving your face to push his glasses up and cover his mouth.  
You’re still staring at him, dumbfounded, as Seungcheol starts pulling out, and even soft, his cock drags against your walls. Your hips jerk with residual waves of your orgasm, stoked by the friction of his cock leaving you, and you can’t hold in the whine or the wriggle when his fingers find your pussy and push his cum back inside. 
You try to catch your breath, and Wonwoo’s eyes, but he’s avoiding your gaze. 
You’re not really sure why, but you decide to let him take his time, smiling sleepily at Seungcheol while he tugs his sweats up and scurries off to grab you a damp washcloth. 
Wonwoo looks like he wants to die, crouching on the floor next to you with his hands hovering above your stomach, as if he wants to scoop the cum off of you but wouldn’t know what to do with it. You can tell he wants to say something, but he seems frozen in place, tongue tied. 
It’s hard, realizing you didn’t really think this through. You didn’t have any worries about your friendship with Seungcheol, that’s always been solid as a rock, even through you accidentally sending him your nudes and you walking in on him with your roommate. 
Wonwoo, though, Wonwoo’s always been different. 
You wouldn’t say your friendship is precarious, but it’s… delicate. Special. Something you’ve nurtured and grown over time, and now you sit here, his cum drying on your stomach and his eyes avoiding yours, and you wonder if you’ve just undone it all. 
Seuntcheol comes back before you can spiral too much, swiping at the puddle with a washcloth then helping you stand and hobble to the bathroom, shower already running and your skincare set out. You can hear towels tumbling in the dryer, and over the water, you think you just might hear Seungcheol say, “If you wait any longer, you’ll ruin everything.” 
You just close your eyes and sink into the steam, letting this be a problem for future you. 
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AN: thank you to the anon who brought this to me and the other anon (same maybe?) who reminded me of it!! and also thank you to @sluttywonwoo for reading this over for me 🫶
Part Two
Find my masterlist here
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mingyus-blackcard · 1 month
ੈ✩‧Ur existence is a meme (svt texts) ੈ✩‧
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Genre :- annoying seventeen by sending them memes
Pairing :- Seventeen x gender neutral reader
A/N:- This post is might be a little suggestive ! Feedback is much appreciated! Requests and questions are always open!
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
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whiteteadreams · 4 months
hihi everyone! long time no see! i think i'm gonna rewrite some of my older fics, including both chapters of you're not too bad once i finish the wips that i have going lolz but i have been writing and that's what's important!
new wips
-cow hybrid barista!reader x businessman!johnny
-witch!reader x witch hunter!wonwoo
-tutor!reader x "student!"jeno
old wips
-church basement romances with mark
-florist!jaemin x baker!reader
-my lovely roommate mark request
i am going to continue yntb since i'm getting back into my enhypen era, but i might wait to publish chapter 3 after i rewrite 1 and 2
as always, please let me know your thoughts and/or questions!
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kimbappykidding · 9 months
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Part One and Part Two.
You were at work and things were completely normal until two young girls approached you as you cleared a table. "Does this guy come in here often?" one of the girls asked and she showed you a photo of Wonwoo. You froze wondering what to do before figuring you should just deny it. "I don't think so...why do you know him?". "Kinda...we're friends with him" the other girl replied. Considering they were a good 10 years younger than Wonwoo, you figured they were lying and were just really passionate fans. "Ahh well if I see someone like that I'll let him know his friends are looking for him". The girls ordered drinks and took a seat, clearly in no rush to leave. You figured they were deciding to do a stake out and snook off as soon as you could to try and call Wonwoo but he didn't pick up. He was due to come over after work too and you texted him trying to warn him not to come but got no response. As the time got nearer you began to panic until your friend suggested you just go tell him in person. "You know where he works" Mari said but you hesitated. "Isn't that too full on? I just show up?". "Considering you're telling him there are fans sitting here waiting for him I don't think so". You frowned "you think?". She nodded "what else is the plan? Try and notice him before they do?". You knew she was right but paused "what about you? Will you be okay?". Mari smiled "it's 7:30, I think I can handle the one or two customers so go! I'll close up and sort everything". "You're the best!" you cried and then rushed to go tell Wonwoo before he left to come to find you. You made your way to Wonwoo's building quickly but slowed down when you saw the entrance. You’d never visited before and it looked so fancy you worried they wouldn't let you in. If you'd known today you'd be coming to Wonwoo's work you'd have worn something nicer. You pulled self-consciously at your top and walked inside. There was a huge elevator on the other side of the room and a man at a desk who you apparently had to go through to get there. You walked over to him and asked which floor Seventeen were on. He asked who you were and you explained you were Wonwoo's partner and there were some fans waiting for him at your cafe where you were due to meet. "If you can't let me up I understand but if you could just get a message to him that'd be great". The man shook his head "no you can go see him" and gave you the floor number and some directions. All you had to do was sign in and then you were on your way. The elevator doors opened and you made your way down the hall but didn't know where Wonwoo would be. There was a receptionist's desk but it was empty given the time. You walked down a corridor but needed passes to get into most rooms so you were stuck. You tried Wonwoos phone again but got nowhere. You were wondering what to do when a nice woman appeared. She was apparently a make-up artist and when you explained you needed to warn Wonwoo about something she led you to him. He was in dance rehearsal and she told you to just go in. "But can I disturb him if he's in rehearsal?". She smiled "don't worry they're never too formal. Just go on in". You nodded and looked through the door. You couldn't see anyone but could hear voices and with a sigh you pushed the door open.
You blinked as the studio was a lot larger and brighter than you expected. There were lots of guys in the room and they were all doing slightly different things. Some were dancing whereas others were just sat down talking. Several paused as you walked in and stared. Luckily you spotted Wonwoo straight away and awkwardly pointed to him in explanation to the guys staring at you. Wonwoo had his back to you and was talking with another member with long-ish hair. As you got closer the man next to him paused and said something. Wonwoo turned and saw you. He looked surprised but automatically smiled when he saw you which was nice. "Y/n!" he said "I didn't get the time of our date wrong did I?" hugging you. You shook your head "no I just came to warn you, some of your fans are at the cafe". "What?" he asked "did they bother you?" taking your hand. You shook your head "no they didn't seem to know about us they were just looking for you. So I didn't want you to just walk into that! I tried calling you but got no response". "That's my fault I'm afraid I called no phones" the guy next to you said and Wonwoo smiled "Y/n this is our leader Scoups, Scoups this is Y/n". "Lovely to meet you Y/n" Scoups said shaking your hand and you smiled "lovely to meet you too wow so you're in charge of everyone huh?". Scoups laughed "kind of. I don't get to make big decisions or anything, I mainly just keep all of them in line" he said gesturing to the guys. You turned to look at the rest of the members and they rapidly all pretended like they hadn't been staring at you. You smiled "that sounds like a full-on job". Scoups smiled "a little and your boyfriend is the worst!". Wonwoo objected, bickering with his leader and you laughed seeing the interaction. "Thank you for coming all this way to tell me" Wonwoo said turning back to you and you shook your head "no problem, I was actually pretty nervous to disturb you at work". Wonwoo shook his head "not at all you're welcome here any time...speaking of do you have to get back to work or would you like to stay here a wait for me?" Wonwoo asked "we only have 30 minutes left and we have a pretty nice break room". You paused "would you mind if I stayed?" and Wonwoo shook his head "of course not! Let me take you to the room". He led you from the studio and across the hall into a nice room with sofas and games. Three guys were in there chatting and they all froze when they saw you. Wonwoo led you further into the room towards them "hey everyone this is Y/n. Y/n this is Joshua, Jun and Vernon". They all said hello and you smiled at them trying to memorise names. You could tell they already knew who you were by the excited looks on their faces but pretended you didn't notice. "Y/n is going to chill in here for a bit while she waits for me" Wonwoo explained and the trio nodded "cool, it will give us a chance to get all the dirt on you" Joshua said and Wonwoo shot him a look before turning back to you. "Okay so there's a coffee machine right there...wait let me make you one". You laughed "it's okay I can do it myself". "Are you sure?" Wonwoo asked "because you are my guest and I don't want to...". "Go!" you told him laughing "I don't want to get you in trouble with the choreographer". Jun laughed "Hoshi? He's a softie, you just give him a cookie and all is forgiven". "Really?" you asked Vernon looked at Jun “what sort of special treatment are you getting?” which made you all laugh."Are you sure you don't want me to do it?" Wonwoo asked adorably and you gave him a light push "go! I'm literally a barista so it will be just fine" and reluctantly he left. Promising you he'd be back soon. You smiled at Wonwoo's members feeling slightly awkward before going over to the coffee machine. You managed to work it out and found Wonwoo's members waiting for you. "Hey, so you work at the cafe around the corner right?" Vernon asked. You nodded and Joshua smiled "I know they broke the rules recently but Wonwoo scoped that out as his place ages ago". "He did?" you asked and Joshua nodded "he said it was his place to go unwind so none of us were allowed there". You laughed "no wonder he came in so often". "To be fair I think we can safely say it wasn't the peace and quiet that kept him coming back" Joshua said with a smile and you blushed. "So are you from Seoul originally Y/n?" Vernon asked and you all chatted, getting to know one another. You were very impressed to learn Vernon and Joshua were both half-American and that Jun was Chinese. You'd always wanted to live abroad but had never been brave enough. You were just discussing your different school lives when Wonwoo and all the other members appeared, clearly all getting ready to do home. Not all of them had spotted you yet and two were messing around pulling at each other's shirts when they spotted you sat there and froze. "There a girl" one of them said and Jeonghan laughed "yes Dino, that's Y/n". "Wonwoo's Y/n?" he asked making you and Wonwoo blush. "Yes" Wonwoo said coming to stand behind you "if anyone else hasn't met her yet this is y/n, Y/n this is...everyone" he said looking at the room. All the guys turned to stare at you and you laughed "I will do my best with names". "Don't worry about it" Scoups assured you when Joshua shrugged "we should probably introduce ourselves". A cute member you learnt was called Seungkwan declared it a wonderful idea and had everyone go around the room and say their name. It was a lot to take in but they all seemed so friendly and nice that you appreciated the gesture. Afterwards, they all broke off to get their stuff and Wonwoo reappeared beside you "ready to go?". You nodded and he led you from the room, your hand lightly in his. "See you tomorrow" he called and you nodded "bye everyone". "Bye y/n!" several of them called in unison making you and Wonwoo blush all over again. On the way out Wonwoo turned to you "so...was that okay? I was worried about overwhelming you with all the members but you did amazing". You smiled "thanks but they were all super nice and welcoming...Joshua mentioned you banned them all from coming to my cafe huh?". Wonwoo looked down "I might've...". You tutted "do you know how much money 13 coffees comes to?" making him laugh. "I'm kidding of course" you said "but did you really do it just so they would leave you alone?". Wonwoo paused "I might've also done it so they'd stay away from you...I know it's immature but I didn't want any of them meeting my crush in case they beat me to asking you out or something" Wonwoo admitted "plus I was worried you might like them better than me". You shook your head "impossible! You'll always be my favourite customer" and Wonwoo stopped walking and turned to you "I will be huh?". You stared up at him with the height difference but didn't let that make you falter. "Of course" you replied gently grabbing his coat and Wownoo smiled "I like being your favourite" and kissed you. Later that night you were sleeping soundly next to Wonwoo but he couldn't sleep. Already fans had connected him to your cafe, how long before they connected the two of you? Carats were pretty good but what if they decided to boycott your place to punish him for dating? Or if tons of people swarmed to hear about him? This was your business and he didn't want you getting hurt for dating him. The obvious thing to stop that from happening was to break up with you but he didn't want to do that. He was really enjoying his time with you and could see this going somewhere. So he decided to ask for some help from his publicist. "How long have you two been together?" his publicist asked a few days later. "Well I've known her for just under a year and we've been dating for nearly 4 months". The publicist froze "that's it? You're looking for protection for a girl you’ve only been with for 4 months?". Wonwoo nodded "I know it's a little sooner than usual but like I said fans are working it out and I really likely Y/n. Plus her business needs protecting so it's not just her but her livelihood too". The publicist sighed "fine, ill draw up a contract and bring it to you later this week". "Thank you!" Wonwoo said and immediately felt better. Now he just had to explain it to you without coming on way too strong. Wonwoo used to meet you after work but he hadn't been near your cafe since the fans went there. He missed it because he'd obviously been a regular at your cafe for a while. You brought him snacks and the coffees he'd missed but it wasn't the same and he missed it...but he liked you coming to his work. He felt like a kid but he got excited when he saw you walk past the window and felt special having you waiting for him. He'd always come straight to you for a hug and kiss after training and was surprised because he never usually liked pda but with you, he didn't care who was around. Today he was a little nervous because he had the contract in his bag. He walked into the break room and saw you sat there with a coffee and one for him. You'd also brought brownies which the guys were happily tucking into. Scoups saw him first and smiled "Wonwoo on behalf of everyone I want to thank you for dating Y/n". You looked around for him and then smiled when you saw him which melted Wonwoows heart. "The pleasure is all mine" he said wrapping his arms around you and you put your hands on top of his. You looked up at him and smiled again "hi". "Hi" he said and leaned down to peck your lips. "I need to grab my stuff and then I'll be ready" he said and you nodded "take your time". Walking home Wonwoo was chatting with you but he was also worrying about how to bring this up. How to mention to you just a few months into your relationship your identity had to be protected? You never really asked him about being famous and when he was with you it was like he was normal. He thought he was hiding his worry well but apparently not. The first thing you did when you got home was look at him and frown. "Are you okay?' You asked and Wonwoo paused "what why?". "You just seem...nervous" you said. Wonwoo laughed "how can you do that?". You shrugged "I guess I just know you so well" smiling before going serious "so you're not?". "It's nothing to be worried about I just have something to discuss with you" he explained and you nodded leading him to the kitchen. You sat down at the table and Wonwoo got out the contract. "So I know you don't think it's a bit deal but those girls coming to your cafe to ask about me got me worried" Wonwoo said. You sat forwards "aww Wonwoo you know we'd never tell them anything about you" you replied and Wonwoo paused. You thought he was worried about himself? "Y/n I don't care if they find out things about me but I don't want them to hurt you. That's what I'm worried about". You paused "hurt me? What makes you think they will?". "Well if they've spotted me there then they might work out we're together and start behaving badly. Harassing you or even targeting your cafe". You frowned "okay..." a little concerned and Wonwoo hurried on "that's why I got my publicist to draw us up this agreement. What it means is if any of the big magazines get photos of us or any rumours they won't publish it for 3 years. It basically protects us and keeps up quiet from the public. They can't touch your identity and it's not everything but it's something". You nodded "and you really think I need this? People will really care about me and my store?". "Definitely" Wonwoo said "the more I can protect you the better" and you blushed "okay then where do I sign?". Wonwoo felt so much better after you signed the contract but now you were the one who couldn't sleep. You called your friend Mari on the way to work not able to wait until she got in and explained the situation. "That's so sweet" she said and you nodded "it is but this has never happened to me before, I've never dated someone famous...is this a big deal or do all partners sign this sort of thing? I just can't work out if it's a big step and I should make a bit deal out of it or if it's nothing. Is it something Wonwoo does for all his past girlfriends?". "Why does he have a lot?" Mari asked and you pause "no he only had 2 before me but still". Mari frowned "I'm nearly here so hold on". Wonwoo had given you a copy of the agreement and even emailed it to you so you'd have it. You showed it Mari and she nodded "yeah this is way more than that one law lecture I attended but there's a name and number at the bottom right". "Yeah his publicist". "Well just ring her up and ask" Mari said. You paused "what just ask her if my boyfriend had done something super cute for me?". "Well not in those words exactly, maybe just ask if this is usual for celebrity romances and if there's anything else you have to sign. Make it sound like you're just being diligent". You weren't sold but as you had no other ideas by the end of the day you decided to go for it. You called the publicist and she explained this wasn't usual but Wonwoo had been adamant at protecting you. When you hung up you were super moved and were so touched Wonwoo had gone out of his way to protect you...however Wonwoo's publicist also rang him after your talk and he was having a different reaction. "I've totally freaked her out" he panicked. "Getting her to sign a contract when we're not even 5 months? What was I thinking?" he cried. Joshua and Mingyu tried to calm him down. "You don't know anything yet, this might all be okay" Joshua said and Mingyu nodded "yeah just wait to speak to her before panicking. Worst comes to the worse you just explain you wanted to protect her that's all! Y/n's not unreasonable you won't lose her over this". Wonwoo nodded but he was still nervous. Wonwoo wasn't due to see you until late the next day. He didn't sleep at all that night and knew he couldn't wait until the evening to see you. So he woke up early and walked to your work which he knew was reckless and silly but he also knew you got in before 6 am every morning and hopefully nobody would be around. The door was obviously closed so he went around to the side and knocked. It opened a few seconds later and you were there in an apron covered in flour. "Wonwoo?" you asked "what a nice surprise! I'd hug you but I'm covered in flour". "It's okay" Wonwoo said going in for a hug anyway. You pulled him inside and smiled at him as you towelled off your hands "so what brings you here? Want a coffee before work?". Wonwoo shook his head "no actually I've got something to ask...Y/n did I scare you off?" Wonwoo asked and you paused "what? Why?". "With the contract" he said "I know you rang my publicist". You paused "yeah I did...". Wonwoo stared at you "and? I know a contract seems like something huge at 4 months but I promise I was only trying to protect you". You shook your head "woah Wonwoo I wasn't scared by the contract". "You weren't?" he asked and you shook your head "no, I rang your publicist because I wanted to know if it meant something". "Meant something?" Wonwoo asked and you nodded "I've never dated anyone like you before and I didn't know if this was standard procedure or something really sweet. Turns out it's the latter". Wonwoo paused at the way you were looking at him and nodded "oh...". "Oh" you smiled "she said she'd never written one that early before but you were insistent I had to be protected. That you really fought for me". Wonwoo blushed "I...don't want to hurt you in any way". You smiled "I believe you and want to thank you" you said wrapping your hands around his waist "I always felt safe with you Wonwoo from the very start and I really like you". Wonwoo smiled "I like you too...that's why I was so worried that I'd messed this up". You shook your head "not at all and I'm sorry I made you worry". "It's okay" Wonwoo said but truth be told when he was this close to you nothing bothered him. You were looking up at him with so much admiration and care Wonwoo sighed "I think I'm in love with you". You blushed but the smile that quickly spread over your face put Wonwoo at ease almost instantly. "I love you too" you said and kissed him. You'd felt strongly for Wonwoo for a while but to actually hear him say that he loved you was insane. You'd never fallen for someone this quickly and considering everything crazy surrounding the two of you, this just felt perfect. You never wanted to stop kissing Wonwoo and the feeling was mutual. Wonwoo picked you up and held you closer to him. You wrapped your legs around him for support and were both completely lost...until the door Wonwoo was leaning you against flew open. He only just managed to gather you into his arms and stop you from falling. You gasped and turned to see Mari there. "Ew Y/n right in front of my breadmaker?" she cried. Mari grinned to let you know she was joking "so you two look happy". You both blushed "yeah we are" you smiled and Wonwoo nodded slightly telling you, you could tell your best friend. "We just said I love you for the first time" you explained and Mari screamed running to hug you both. "That's amazing I'm so happy for you! Also Y/n I totally knew you were in love with Wonwoo". You gasped "what? how?". "You always paused and did a small sigh just before you said his name which is totally your tell. She acted like she was in some k-drama" she told Wonwoo who smiled. "I see you got far with the cupcakes" she smiled looking at the half-filled cupcake cups "I'll finish these off for you" and with a wink she left the two of you alone. Wonwoo smiled watching her go "is Mari dating anyone?". You smiled "no why? Are you interested?". Wonwoo chuckled "no I was just thinking she'd be great for Mingyu" and you grinned "funnily enough one of the first things she told me about your group was omg Y/n there's this 8-foot god in his group! So I think she'd be up for that". "Good" Wonwoo smiled and then he started staring at you with a knowing look on his face. "Don't give me those eyes, if you kiss me again I'll never open on time". Wonwoo nodded "fine I won't tempt you" with a smile "I should probably get off, it was risky for me to come here". You shrugged "I don't care, you're welcome here anytime you want" and Wonwoo blushed "thanks Y/n, we still on for this evening?". "Of course!" you cried and Wonwoo smiled "okay I'll see you then, bye...I love you" making you beam. "Bye I love you too" and you waved to him as he left. The second he'd gone you let out a happy sigh. The hot gamer boy loved you and you loved him...things were good. That night was Joshua's birthday and you and Wonwoo arrived at the party together. The boys welcomed you warmly and kept teasing Wonwoo making him blush adorably. "Did you draw up a contract that stops us from going to Y/n's cafe so you can have her all to yourself?" Hoshi asked and Wonwoo went pink. "No but don't tempt me" he replied and you laughed. "I get you can't go in case people figure you're dating but doesn't that mean we're fine to go?" Scoups asked. The8 nodded "yeah and if anything that wouldn't take the heat off you two so we should all start going to Y/n's cafe!". "Then it's decided, Monday lunch we head to Y/n's" Joshua said before winking at Wonwoo "only joking". The guys began to chat with you and Wonwoo tuned out just enjoying everything. He felt really happy. He was healthy, he was a good job, he had amazing friends and he was in a stable relationship with a woman he loved who loved him back. He suddenly felt like he was in some sort of fairytale and he never thought his life could feel like this...that everything would just slot into place so perfectly. When he tuned back in you seemed to be having some sort of test. "Okay and what's my name?" Woozi asked and you nodded "Woozi". "And mine?" Jun asked. "Jun" you smiled and went down the whole line correctly naming them all. The boys cheered when you finished and you blushed adorably. Wonwoo took your hand and pulled you into his side "okay yes she's amazing not leave us alone...you're hogging her attention!". The boys laughed but left you alone. You looked up at Wonwoo "thanks for coming into my cafe, I have no idea what made you choose mine out of all the ones on the street but you've made me really happy". Wonwoo smiled "are you kidding me? I should be thanking you! It was the best decision of my life...you're the best decision of my life" he said and you blushed. "The feeling's mutual cute gamer guy" you said and kissed him just as the fireworks went off but neither of you noticed. You had one another and that was all that mattered.
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