#woodworking class
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Everybody in woodworking looks at me funny while I drill out my swiss cheese boards
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It's going to be a table, I'm begging you just trust the process, it's going to be so cool I promise
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min-play · 1 year
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banned from woodwork class
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tabooiart · 5 months
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next in line for starlight express-ification is Blinky!! blinky train. blinky sleeping car. i was honestly at a loss to do for him until the image of the sleeping mask, shorts, and giant legwarmers came to me. he's a sleeping car on account of the whole 'don't wake him up' thing watcher world had going on.
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tiredyke · 5 months
that’s why i usually don’t say “cis men” instead of just men because too many trans men on this site have proven over and over again that they are not exempt from parroting the exact same misogynistic rhetoric as cis dudes. that’s cool if your gender is ‘spicy’ but you’re still a guy!
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jabberwockprince · 11 months
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apparently it's way easier to plan scenes and plotpoints for a fanfic if i draw them first, so here we are <3 featuring me rambling abt this scene under the cut!!
i was specifically thinking about Haym and Rikki's entire relationship?
especially very early on, right when Rikki is properly assigned as Neon J's apprentice and whatnot. this was meant to be the moment Rikki realizes they're not coping very well with leaving Ban behind in Beachside Archipelago, and how they're actually gravitating towards Haym because of how similar he feels to Ban - yknow. being the same model and all
cause Rikki has some serious issues with needing absolute control over every aspect of their life. and right now, they're stuck with a job they don't exactly care for, trying desperately to suck up to Neon J so he'll actually promote Rikki to a DECENT job designing security bots for Vinyl City, not BABYSITTING 1010
(which isn't even babysitting, moreso than being monitored 24/7 in a localized space where they can't be shady since Neon J doesnt. trust them. at all. for various valid reasons)
so witnessing Haym pull some stupid but well-meaning stunt to force Rikki show off how good they are at fixing and repairing shit makes Rikki go????
but they only realize this when their body shuts down and cannot act the way they would've wanted, seeing Haym entirely fucking wrecked being very similar to how they found Ban when they first met makes them spiral a little
Haym doesn't even KNOW he's not the original Yellow model, he has his suspicions but is overall kept in the dark. befriending Rikki is something he does entirely out of genuine curiosity, motherfucker has no clue he's in the middle of a 4 year long unresolved break-up between two losers who are constantly pining after each other both romantically and platonically
im thinkingggg Haym might be seeking out Rikki's presence mostly because he's noticed that they treat him slightly different than the others. not necessarily better, just different enough to get him curious. so the need to build an identity away from 1010 as a group/unit and his inherent curiosity just gets him into this mess
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normalpeoplethiings · 7 months
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
remembering that one zoom interview where ashton is like ‘if michael gets into woodworking we can incorporate that, have him building sets or smth’
and now ashton gets to do this for himself. we know how much he loves helping other musicians get into the industry. how he loves trying other genres to whatever 5sos ends up doing for their albums. let’s let him have this and show him we as a fandom are cool with him doing what makes him happy
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theinfinitedivides · 2 months
not HYBE burning to the ground rn bc of MHJ, i—
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cryptid-on-a-string · 3 months
2 years ago, I saw some Guy walking around at school who had an entire tree branch strapped to their backpack, and I thought to myself “oh that’s kinda weird.”
and now 2 years later, that same exact Girl is now one of my longtime close friends. Good for her <3
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sorrcha · 2 years
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my first attempt at woodcarving :0
made this little guy for my boyfriend someone who didn't deserve it.
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
The way Saejima has such a calm, soothing domestic streak to his personality is one of my very favourite things about him.
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flimsy-roost · 11 months
can the art nouveau revival hurry up and get here already please
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waffliesinyoface · 2 months
the reason i enjoy things like carpentry and ceramics and stuff is because i like when art is functional. we have prints of paintings on the walls that i don't even hardly glance at anymore because they just fade into the background, but every time i eat cereal from my cool ceramic bowl with the fancy handle and the spiral pattern that i got at a ren faire, i'm just like "goddamn this bowl is so cool"
i love when art is something that isn't just admired, but gets used for its intended purpose every day
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bonestrouslingbones · 2 months
btw big shoutout to that woodworking class i took in my final semester of high school for allowing me to 1. not constantly sound like i'm talking entirely out of my ass and 2. hide some very niche secrets because of the like 2 full months of paperwork & osha training before i got to actually build anything
#dont click see all on the tags i accidentally went insane over woodworking Its Not Worth it#god that class was such a mess. it took so long bc we couldn't all go to the shop unless everybody passed the safety test#and. well i'm pretty sure only i and like 3 other kids actually wanted to be there . im still a bit angry about it yeah#i wanted to build a table for my mom for mother's day and didn't finish it til JUNE and then it fell APAAARRTTTTTTTT!!!!! but its FINE#I WAS GRADUATING LIKE A WEEK AFTER BUILDING THAT TABLE BUT ITS ///FINEEEEEE////#THE actual knowledge that i still retained from it is really funny tho tbh#the only thing you can call a guard on a bandsaw is the lil 2" radius circle printed around where the blade goes through the table#if you put your fingers inside of that circle they will be Swiftly Removed#i am more comfortable with that fucking thing than a hand drill#however drill presses are fine. kinda fun actually#walnut smells really good when it's being ripped but the dust gets fucking everywhere somehow even more than white oak#that was my last class of the day that semester and i would constantly go home with my black clothes having turned brown#and i'll say. most fulfilling class i've ever taken to be completely honest#ik i am not attending a trade school but WHYYYYYY DOESNT MY UNIVERSITY OFFER WOODWORKING AAAAGGG#WHAT IF I DROP OUT TO BECOME ONE OF THOSE YOUTUBER GUYS THAT MAKES TABLES THAT ALL LOOK THE SAME HUH. WAHT THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!#WHAT IF I WANT TO MAKE 32 TABLETOPS OUT OF MINIMALLY TRIMMED SLABS AND EPOXY THAT ALL SOMEHOW LOOK BORING. WHAT IF I MAKE BANK ON THAT#ITS! BETTER!! THAN ALL THESE ESSAYS!!!!!!!!!#ahegm sorry folks. what i meant to say is that whenever ebony looks like he's creaming himself over furniture that's me talking through him#all that being said if i ever have to look at autocad ever again i will start huffing the polyurethane
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i love you (you did it.) i love you (we did it.) i love you (i'm so proud of you.) i love you (this concert spells out full-time commitments and achieving our childhood dreams.) i love you (thank you for staying by my side for the last sixteen years.) i love you (i love you.)
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miaamezola · 4 months
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"Ofrenda" by Mia Amezola
This assignment was about framing the body in a linear manner. Of course, one of my first ideas was a coffin. I didn't choose it because it was simple (it wasn't), instead, I chose the classical coffin shape and added details of a traditional "Ofrenda." I chose the traditional coffin shape to represent the inevitable that we all reach, Death. I chose the details of the offrenda( such as marigold flowers, candels and a jar wirh offerings.) as a way to show that there is honor and death, and even though you might be gone, your memory lives on. On the inside of the frame I placed paper tape and encourage people to write the names of loved ones who have passed to build on the Ofrenda.
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