timemasterae · 1 year
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Upgrade your child's vocabulary with Time Master's Phonics & Word Formation activity. Enrol now!
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misledmagiard · 1 month
today in incredible accidental wordforms: "whice"
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dedalvs · 1 year
Just came to ask on an issue I've ran into regarding neography.
People in my circle of conlangers/worldbuilders/neographists say that what I do isn't right and is not to be considered neography - here's what I did:
I made over 500 neographies made since the creation of my Reddit account last year, all documented on @thecrazyneographist
And while some of them are seen as cool and all, most are trash bullshit I throw at the wall waiting for something to stick. I literally have diamonds laying under heaps of crap.
I love neographying, this is out of question. But I, despite making a couple WIPs, cannot make a conlang for every script aesthetic I come up with, thus, 90% of my works are just English ciphers (and a devastating part of them are alphabets).
Am I a valid neographist if most of my creations are nothing more than "children-level ciphers" for English, or not? No matter the answer I will continue making them because that's what I like to do.
Thanks in advance.
Hey, sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, but there are a lot of issues in here, and I wanted to tease them apart, so I can be quite clear on each one.
First, "I am a valid x", where x refers to some sort of artist, is always kind of a sad question to me, because those who ask it are undoubtedly asking it as a result of one kind of gatekeeping or another. For example, fanfic authors who ask "Am I real writer?" are undoubtedly asking it because someone (or several someones) have told them that they're not because all they write is fanfic. There are often a set of assumptions that come with the definition of a given art, such that the belief is if you haven't fulfilled certain criteria, you can't claim to be an artist in that field. For me, I think the definition is rather simpler.
In any artistic field, you qualify as that type of artist if you attempt that type of art. Notice I didn't say finish. This is especially clear for conlangs, as no conlang is finished. If the criteria for being a conlanger is having one finished conlang then there are no conlangers, and there never have been. There's no such thing as a finished conlang. There is such a thing as a finished painting, though, but I don't think you have to have finished a painting to be a painter. You need to be working at, but you don't need to have finished anything.
This doesn't mean that anyone is an anything. For example, to be a novelist, you have to be in the process of writing at least one novel. If all you've ever written is short stories, you're not a novelist. You are a writer, though.
For a neographer (or orthographer or conscriptor or whatever term is in vogue), all you have to do is attempt to create one conscript. That is the only criterion that needs to be satisfied. You've done that in spades, so you are a valid neographer.
Now, when it comes to an invented script, there are a number of elements involved—or that may be involved. They are as follows:
A unique set of glyphs (i.e. letterforms that are crucially different from any other glyphs in any other script—at least partially).
A unique flow (i.e how the glyphs look when lined up to make wordforms).
A specific instantiation or presentation (e.g. the Roman script has a unique set of glyphs and a unique flow, but in presenting a script, Copperlate looks different from Arial, Times, Palatino, Verdana, etc. Each one is a specific presentation or font face or style).
A unique assignment to a set of sounds and/or words/concepts.
Each of these involve artistic decisions, and they all can be assigned different levels of importance/interest. The fourth bullet above seems to be where unhelpful people in your circle are complaining. That is, one thing to do with a script is assign it to, say, the English version of the Roman alphabet. This is a cipher. Here's an example that's used on the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland:
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Let's evaluate this based on the criteria above:
There are a unique set of glyphs—kind of. However, if you kind of stand back and evaluate, you'll see that in fact, every letter is a stylized variant of a letter in the Roman alphabet—with, perhaps, the slight exception of I, which looks like a stylized eye (because this is for Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. It's a theme). So, actually, it's not super unique. Additionally, making each vowel glyph red is rather silly.
When written together, the script has a unique flow, but that flow is actually pretty poor. It's a bit like writing in all caps in English, but even all caps Roman has a better balance than this script. It's honestly kind of tiresome looking at this script on the wall. For an alphabet, the characters aren't distinct enough, so it gets poor marks there.
The style of the swooshes/wedges/talons is nice, for the most part (I and U cause me to raise an eyebrow—O, too). The distinction between the very short wedges (as in A, B, and N) and the dots (as in J, L, and M), and the few characters with an even smaller dot (E, X, S, and Y) is, frankly, baffling. Additionally, sometimes the wedges are balanced nicely (A and N are great examples), and sometimes they're way too close (cf. B and Z). While the line work is clean, this honestly even the best version of this style of this script, which is unfortunate, to say the least.
This is a straight-up English cipher. That can only be evaluated based on the goals of the script designer. If the script creator is doing it for fun, then there's nothing to say. That's their choice. If this were done for an Indiana Jones movie or television show, I'd cry foul (cf. Star Wars and their incredibly lazy work). However, this is for a ride. The intended level of interaction for this script is for fans who are standing in line anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours, depending on the time of year and time of day. There are actual messages written in this writing system that fans are supposed to decode. Given the time allotted, I think a cipher—and, in fact, a cipher that can be somewhat easily deciphered—was the right way to go. It's either do a cipher so park goers can actually read the messages without working at it beforehand and have some fun as they're waiting in line, or go all-out stylewise with the expectation that NO rider will ever figure out what's been written.
That's how a script needs to be evaluated. Sometimes purpose overrides style; sometimes not. It totally depends.
It SHOULD go without saying that if you're doing this for your own purposes, then no one can say shit about its intended purpose, or lack thereof. I always thought that in fora like r/neography posters share their script for the look of it, unless they say otherwise. There's both positives and negatives to that. Sometimes the way a script is used makes it cool, so presented without that background renders the script a bit less interesting, but other times, as with your scripts, it should be rather freeing. That is, it doesn't matter if the script is a cipher, is for a conlang, or is asemic: The question is, does it look good? If it does, it shouldn't matter what the hell it's for.
I've looked at your scriptwork here, and I've also seen it on r/neography before. Yes, some of it's a little sloppy, some of it's a little basic (i.e. variation on a theme without thought to how the system as a whole hangs together), and the presentation of some of it could use polishing, but a lot of it is quite interesting, quite striking, and presented quite well. Given the volume of work you've done, it's not surprising that some of it isn't as interesting, but by percentage, your work, on the whole, is outstanding. I honestly never noticed they were ciphers because it's, frankly, totally irrelevant. It'd be like going to an art exhibition and complaining that the titles of all the paintings start with the letter s. lol Like who gives af. That level of criticism is uncalled for and plain silly. Unless someone posts and says, "What do you think about this writing system that I created for a conlang?", I don't see the relevance of commenting on how the script ties to a phonology.
I would also like to take a moment to comment specifically on r/neography. I've frequented there for some time now, and I've seen a lot of good work, but the percentage of good work to bad work (or even relevant work) is extremely low. This is why I say so:
My biggest complaint is there are a metric ton of posts that are Romanization systems or Cyrillicization systems or the like. There is absolutely nothing ne about that ography. I joined that subreddit to see some NEW scripts, not already existing ones assigned to some phonology. There can be interesting discussions about that, sure, and I'm happy to see those types of discussions if I go to a forum specifically for those discussions. A place that purports to be about creating new scripts is not that place—period. If I were a mod, I would ban all of those posts as wholly irrelevant—and yet it is the majority of posts there on any given day.
The presentation of scripts is often abysmal. I mean ABYSMAL. For example, take an English-speaking preschooler writing their name. That's an example of the Roman script. Now imagine presenting that—and only that—as an example of the Roman script, which the viewer has never seen before. What would you say about that? I mean, it looks like garbage. You can't evaluate a writing system if it looks like it's written with one's offhand on a crowded train. And yet that is precisely the type of work that is OFTEN presented there. How can anyone expect to have their script evaluated if the way they present it makes it look like someone tried to handwrite "happy birthday" on a card but started too close to the edge? It's embarrassing—or should be, anyway. I couldn't imagine presenting my own work like that to anyone for critique or showcasing.
The scriptwork itself is often poor. Honestly, there's nothing much to say about this. I rarely comment there, because sometimes the most helpful comment I can think of is, "Maybe creating conscripts isn't for you", which is not a comment worth sharing. Part of it is talent, but part of it is patience and knowing (a) what makes a good glyph, and (b) what makes a good flow for your glyphs. A lot of it is subjective, but "subjective" means that there will be some scripts that 90% of viewers will think is subjectively good; some that 60% will think is "good"; some 20%... So even though it's subjective, it doesn't mean that every single script is equal. There's a lot of room for improvement.
Because of the above, the kind of feedback you get at a place like r/neography is, frankly, suspect, and often not worth the effort it took to type. For my own stuff, I respect the opinions of people whose work I respect. If I don't respect someone's script work, their criticism is worthless. For your own work, I'd recommend you adopt a similar approach.
Finally, I'd like to applaud you for the very last thing you wrote—that you were set to continue whatever I wrote. Because if you enjoy it, you should keep at it. There's no other reason to do it.
Thanks for the ask, and keep it up!
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tepat-side · 8 months
Morphology Builder
Does anyone know a good morphology builder for conlangs? I know about phonology builders / generators, that allow you to put out a bunch of random wordforms from a list of phonemes and phonological rules. Is there a similar application that produces a random list of acceptable inflected words from a list of roots and affixes?
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jackhkeynes · 2 years
Brasil [Newfoundland] is an island in the North Atlantic off the eastern coast of Mendeva [North America]. In the Novomund it was both the first location to be temporarily settled by people from the Vetomund and also the inception of sustained contact following the Landfall of 1471.
Unlike the name Mendeva, it is not known when the name Brasil was first used for this land. What is understood is that it was inspired by the Irish myth of Oil Breasail, a landmass west of Ireland that was said to be shrouded in mist except for one day every seven years. Islands labelled Brasil or similar wordforms appear sporadically on late-medieval maps of the Atlantic coast, usually much smaller and further east than the real place.
The Princess Alexandra of Vascony (sister of Ambrose the Ascendant) was the first Vetomundine royal to set foot in the Novomund, landing in Brasil in 1477.
By the mid-20th century Brasil had been fully incorporated as a region of Ambrosia, retaining only a few vestiges of local political independence. In 1950 the Brasil town of Paratzon formed one end of a new Atlantic link between Ambrosia and Morrack.
Paratzon, a coastal town in eastern Brasil which is home to an observatory
Fabian Mostàf (fl. c19), astronomer at the Paratzon observatory and grandson of mathematician Raymond al Mustafa
Cristòf Unquenjica (fl. 1971), author of popular history text Going to Brasil, an account of the first few Vascon voyages to Mendeva
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Illo #2 - Storm
Here I utilized blur and transparency to overlap my wordforms as the story this is based from comes from within the thoughts and memories of a man who falls in love with a woman he slept with only for her to move away.
Much like faded memories of the man, the type is blurred and overlapped in areas to push that fogginess. The only type that's not blurred is "it's as close as i would ever get," as it's something he constantly thinks about, even now.
Keywords: Passion, Longing, Memory, Confession
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hazlantheelf · 1 year
*has interesting/amusing thoughts to communicate*
*can't shape aforementioned thoughts into wordform*
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Word Formation in English – Variation in Meaning" https://t.co/WJKaPltX3W via @SurveyCircle #EnglishLanguange #suffixes #WordFormation #NovelWords #soscisurvey #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/g6Sxh05sH7
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Oct 16, 2022
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👀👀Don't forget to read the text carefully to decide if the word should be ➕positive or ➖negative. #b2firsttips . . . #b2firstforschools #aprenderingles #aprenderinglesonline #b2firstexam #dicasdeingles #wordformation #useofenglish #english #cambridgeb2 #b2first #firstcertificate #part3 #cambridgeexams #englishlanguage #englishlearning #englishlesson #englishonline #englishschool #examenglish #ingles #examenesingles #miprofeingles #inglesonline #instaenglish #learnenglish #practiseenglishwithpete #speakenglish #studyenglish #wednesdaywordformation (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKKp7-okKK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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english-immerse · 3 years
Wordformation - Słowotwórstwo
Przymiotniki- tworzenie znaczenia przeciwnego ( jaki, jaka)
 - im- przed przymiotnikami zaczynającymi się na literę P, M, B
 •        mature - immature,
•        personal- impersonal,
•        possible – impossible
 –       il - stosujemy zazwyczaj, gdy przymiotnik zaczyna się od litery L
–       legal- illegal
–       logical- illogical,
–       ale: disloyal
 - ir - stosujemy zazwyczaj, gdy przymiotnik zaczyna się od litery r
–       responsible- irresponsible
–       revelant- irrevelant – nieistotny
–       revocable- irrevocable
–       ale, unreliable
   Inne popularne przedrostki
 –       dis 
–       honest – dishonest
 –       in correct – incorrect,    przedrostek in wystepuje też często przed samogłoskami :
–       expensive- inexpensive
–       accessible- inaccessible
–       accurate – inaccurate
 –       un unhappy, unpopluar
 Przymiotniki: generalne zasady tworzenia, typowe przyrostki
–       able
–       fashion- fashionable
–       comfort- comfortable
 –       ible
–       access- accessible
  –       ed
–       tire- tired
–       scare- scared
–       ing
–       interest- interesting
 –       ful
–       wonder- wonderful
 –       ly
–       love- lovely- ładny
 –       ive
–       attract- attractive
 –       less ( negatywne znaczenie)
–       useless- nieeprzydatny
 –       y
–       snow- snowy
–       pick- picky – wybredny
 –       ish – narodowości
–       Pole- Polish
 –       ous
–       fame- famous
 –       en
–       wool- woolen, wood – wooden
 –       ese- narodowości
–       China- Chinese
 Czasowniki : (czynności)
 –       przedrostek en
–       able- enable – umożlwiać
–       rich – enrich – wzbogacać
–       large- enlarge – powiekszać
–       courage- encourage – zachecać
–       vision- envisage- wyobrażać
     –       końcówka- ise ( ize amerykańska wersja)
–       economy- economise - oszczędzać
–       special – specialise
–       modern- modernise
  –       końcówka en
–       deep-deepen
–       wide- widen
–       short- shorten
 –       końcówka – ify
–       pure- purify
–       simple- simplify
–       just- justify
  Przysłówki : (jak )
 •        ly :
•        slow- slowly – wolny – wolno
 •        wyjątki:
•        hard- hard – ciężki- cięzko
•        fast- fast – szybki- szybko
 •        !!! Hardly – prawie nie
•        I hardly know you. Prawie cię nie znam.
 •        I hardly learn. Prawie się nie uczę.
•        I learn hard.Uczę się cięzko.
 Rzeczowniki: (co, kto)
•        ment
•        treat- treatment – leczenie
 •        ance
•        appear- appearance- wygląd
 •        ence
•        occur- occurrence- zjawisko, zdarzenie
 •        tion /ation/
•        invite- invitation, exam- examination
   •        er, ar, or
•        drive- driver
•        lie- liar
•        sculpt- sculptor- rzeżbiarz
 •        ian ( zawody )
•        music – musician
•        logistic- logistician
 •        hood
•        child- childhood
 •        dom
•        free- freedom
 •        al
•        refuse- refusal- odmowa
•        deny – denial- zaprzeczenie
•        approve- approval- aprobata
 •        ism
•        tour- tourism
•        terror- terrorism
•        race- racism
 •        ry
•        discover- discovery
 •        ship
•        friend- friendship
 •        ee
•        employ- employee
•        train- trainee- praktykant
•        pay- payee- odbiorca płatności
•        consignment- consignee- odbiorca
•        address- addressee- odbiorca listu
 •        age
•        short- shortage- brak
 •        ness
•        kind- kindness
 •        ity
•        Similar – similarity
 •        ancy/ ency
•        insolvent- insolvency- niewypłacalność
•        vacant- vacancy – wolne miejsce, wakat
 •        acy
•        illiterate- illiteracy – analfabetyzm
 •        ty
•        cruel- cruelty
 •        sion
•        ommit- ommission – pominięcie
strong- strength
high- height
wide- width
deep- depth
 Inne przedrostki zmieniające znaczenie:
 •        dis – negatywne znaczenie
•        agree- disagree
 •        mis- zrobić coś źle
•        behave – misbehave
•        spell- misspell – źle zapisać
•        judge- misjudge – źle ocenić
•        interprete- misinterprete
 •        mal- złe, niepoprawne
•        function- malfunction – awaria
•        treatment- maltreatment
  •        ll- źle
•        ill- prepared źle przygotowany
•        ill- treated – zle traktowany
 •         under - niewystarczająco
•        estimate- underestimate – niedoceniać
 •        semi – pół
•        darkness- semi-darkness- półmrok
 •        re- ponownie
•        use- reuse
•        pre- przedwczesny
•        premature – przedwczesny
Utwórz rzeczowniki od podanych wyrazów.
1.   adult-
2.   exist-
3.   arrive-
4.   cancel-
5.   resist-
6.   inolvent -
 Utwórz przysłówki od podanych wyrazów.
1.     increasing-
2.     shocking-
3.     frank-
4.     happy-
5.     happy-
6.     hard-
 Utwórz czasowniki od podanych wyrazów.
1.     notification-
2.     straight-
3.     survival-
4.     clarity-
5.     pure-
 Utwórz przymiotniki  od podanych wyrazów.
1.     shorten-
2.     deeped-
3.     use-
4.     fascinate-
5.     beauty-
6.     memory-
 Utwórz przeciwności od podanych wyrazów.
1. responsible
2. capable
3. able
4. satisfied
5. justice
6. withdraw
   Określ czy podane słowo to rzeczownik, czasownik, przymiotnik czy przysłówek:
 –       accurately                                                 - consideration
–       persistence                                               - refusal
–       verify                                                       - committment
–       wisely                                                         - dispose
–       wisdom                                                     - disposal
–       nervously                                                 - irregularity
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timemasterae · 1 year
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Help your child improve their language skills with a Phonics & Word Formation activity. Enrol now!
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elzabethwill · 4 years
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Often, we don't get to see what we had asked for in an instant but won't change the fact that God has an answer for us. He'd never leave us in the dark for ones. He won't!!! We however would recieve from Him if we ain't double minded. We'd also hear Him if we are not in doubt before He even start speaking! God would sometimes give an instruction as we seek Him. Bottom line: We must clear our mind from the external noises to receive His answer and never get weary or divert after we have received that instruction. Keep on with your prayer of Thanksgiving as you journey through. #WordForMe #WordForYou https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvfQdrjZML/?igshid=19kn6a7tskuy2
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The SMARTool is a free web resource for L2 learners of Russian that implements findings of a learning simulation experiment and corpus research to optimize the acquisition of Russian vocabulary and morphology. The SMARTool builds on these findings for a basic vocabulary of 3000 nouns, adjectives, and verbs culled from major textbooks and other sources to represent levels A1-B2 (CEFR scale). We have identified both a) the three most frequent wordforms for each lexeme (reducing the target number of wordforms to learn from 150,000 to 9,000) and b) the most typical grammatical constructions and collocations that motivate each wordform. We have also created c) corpus-based example sentences instantiating typical use.                
Audio for all sentences and English  translations are available at the click of a button. The SMARTool has filters that facilitate searching by: a) CEFR Level, b) Topic (such as время/time, еда/food, здоровье/health etc.), c) Analysis (such as Ins.Sing, facilitating  grammatical exercises), and d) Dictionary form.
An interesting tool for Russian learners
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the-middling-place · 4 years
Let’s talk words! When I first started searching witchy hashtags, I was struck by certain words, and their slightly askew-of-mainstream definitions. This is one of my favorite features of English – the ability to adapt and change wordforms and meanings to suit the needs of the moment or movement. The witchcraft community is adept at it, to my delight. But, as in all things witch, I eventually needed to parse and un-layer these phrases, in order to gauge their relevancy to my craft. I was inspired to further contemplation by the following blogs: @asksecularwitch @upthewitchypunx and @lazywitchling. If you find this topic engaging, definitely check them out! This will be an ongoing series, with individual posts given to individual words for ease of discussion (also I, ah, have a lot to say). I’ll be tagging these #witch words Now let’s get into some nitty-gritty :)
I’m gonna start with my favorite, and perhaps most contentious? Cleanse
I no longer use the word ‘cleanse’ in relation to my magical practices (and with diminishing frequency in other arenas). On the one hand, it has a new-agey meaninglessness. Cleanse your body of heavy metals! Cleanse your mind of negative thoughts! Cleanse your space of bad energy! Cleanse your life of toxic people! Aside from the impossibility of such goals, ‘cleansed’ becomes an emotional experience that has little to do with the actual state of things. I feel this in the call for a witch to energetically cleanse everything in sight, as if simply existing and experiencing the world makes everything dirty. As if the work that our tools and ingredients do somehow taints them. I never felt so sure that my accoutrement needed to be cleaned after completing every assignment. I’ve never wanted to wash away the knowledge my tarot deck has collected after years of use by myself and my grandmother. What, exactly, are witches trying to be rid of?
What am I doing when I rid myself of energy? What does that mean, what do I intend to accomplish, and what do I actually do? If I decide I need to remove something, is it necessary to cleanse? And what does that entail? Beyond the buzzword, “to cleanse” does have meaning. And this is where we get to the sinister element of cleansing. Think a bit about the word. What does your heart conjure when you hear the phrase “a cleansing”? For me, nothing good. I think of ethnic cleansing. I think of purity culture. I think of Christian dogma and an association with suffering and Godliness. I think of themes which suggest that to be worthy you must be clean, and that cleanliness comes through trial, pain, and acceptance of an oppressive world. Not my cup of tasseomancy.
‘Clean’ comes from Germanic language. In Middle High German, kleine meant fine, excellent, or small. From there it entered Anglo Saxon as clæne or clene, and on to Middle English as clenè or clænè, meaning clear, pure, chaste, or bright. This is what you do when you cleanse: purify, refine, chasten, make small. In my days as a baby witch, I often found cleansed objects to be empty and listless, a husk. I believe this etymology is why.
What words do I use, then? Depends on the goal. If we’re talking objects, I like to use terms like ‘refresh’ or ‘reset’. I want my tools to feel like they’ve been to the spa and been rejuvenated to their resting glory. Notice I say ‘resting’ rather than ‘former’ -- I try not to imply that the work done has lessened them, as experience usually strengthens a being. I acknowledge that it may have tired or otherwise depleted them. A soak in moonlight, soundwaves, or selenite is meant to uplift and restore them.
If we’re talking about my space or person, I usually use ‘banish’. ‘Ban’ is the root word that gives us bandit, banish, and abandon – the themes of outlawry. It has a long and somewhat convoluted etymology that I won’t recount here (see sources below), but it has meant, across various languages: to proclaim, to prohibit, to curse, to exile. There are possible connections to Latin and Sanskrit words for ‘to speak’ and the Greek word ‘I say’. For me, this is pretty powerful stuff. By banishing an entity, I proclaim right of domain, and exile them from that domain. Exile is a permanent and non-negotiable condition, only revokable by the exiler. I may use several layers to aid in banishment (burnt herbs, laid thorns, solid wards for after), but a stong (or strongly felt inner) voice makes it smooth like butter. I believe this etymology, of voice and the power to prohibit, is why so many witches find surprise success when they bang a pot and yell GTFO. (I wanna be super clear here that I have done this in complete silence -- you do not need to speak to have a voice!) I like banish because it is powerful and effective, but also because it is kind. I am removing something from my space, but not with the intent to harm. Banishment is not death, nor assault. It is simply a command to go elsewhere.
What words do you use? Maybe you cleanse, because it makes you feel clean, fresh, and bright. Maybe you need to wipe the slate clear as an important step in your magical practice or spell crafting. Maybe you restore, because you use the heck out of your tools and they need maintenance. Maybe that word connects you as a builder to your craft. Maybe balance would somehow reflect your values and path. There are so many delightful options! Refit. Treat. Pamper. Reclaim. Soothe. Resurrect. Wash. Train. Retool. Teach. Temper. Fortify. . .
Last thought -- I’ve been asking why I rid myself of the energy that I do. Why I baby certain kinds of objects and not others. Talk of cleansing crystals runs rampant, but rarely do I see suggestions on how to cleanse plants, and never have I seen the suggestion that ribbon or jars be cleansed. We cleanse our wands, but not the pens we write our sigils with. We cleanse our space, but not our food. Why? Why, why, keep asking why! This is what’s great about exploring your word choices – it gets you asking a lot of other questions.
Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, Rev. Walter W. Skeat, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 1999
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jackhkeynes · 2 years
Going to Brasil
extract in translation from popular history text Going to Brasil [Newfoundland], an account of the first few Vascon voyages to Mendeva [North America] after the Novamundine Landfall of 1471. The book was written in 1971 by Ambrosian author Cristòf Unquenjica as part of the quincentenary commemorations in that polity.
Ig degnant nos posseu lon fregn l'origin vecinar por y nom Mendeva (sur un cart surveunt des y veyaç coll'Abanc meðes es scaut terrae mendevalensis, lonc y parol vask mendeval "vest"), While we can confidently pinpoint the first usage of the name Mendeva (a surviving map from the Landfall voyage itself is marked terrae mendevalensis, after the Vask mendeval "west"),
y benoç dy nom Brasil poll'austessem parmy ci gran istr ambrosian possey un histoir magn mattougleressem. the use of the name Brasil for the easternmost of the major Ambrosian isles has much murkier origins.
Certan cos anneyant es y nom adaptau y mythos irðonnesc d'Oil Breasail, un heilant a vest d'Irðon appos star covart d'un vel a nievr jamay for l'un jorn par casc set annað. It is essentially certain the name was inspired by the Irish myth of Oil Breasail, a landmass west of Ireland that was said to be shrouded in mist except for one day every seven years.
Istr stikettað con Brasil ben parol comportant son vis dagaðy sur cart dy rimmot atlantic ny Mitað-Asc aval, cos usual magn picquessem eð austessem ag loy real. Islands labelled Brasil or similar wordforms appear sporadically on late-medieval maps of the Atlantic coast, usually much smaller and further east than the real place.
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imtheperfectvoid · 5 years
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I’ve had this class made for a good while but I finally decided to post it to Tumblr — here’s the cast of my fangan! The story involves a group of Hope’s Peak alumni being gathered for physical and mental examination under the guise of being eligible for a federally-awarded grant for graduates of Hope’s Peak. However, because it’s a DR game, they’re trapped in the facility they’re gathered in and are placed in a killing game.
You can read the bios of each character below the cut!
Hisahito “Hito” Kanbara ♂ 
Height: 5'6"
Birthday: Mar 16
Age: 23
Occupation: Shinist priest
Likes: Astronomy
Dislikes: Lying
(Note: his Name in Kanji is Written as 尚人 meaning “esteemed person” but he calls himself just “Hito” (Person) because humility is one of his largest virtues and feels it’s important to put the good of the world before himself)
The protagonist of the game, and quite honestly the perfect example of “lawful good”. A kind-hearted, genuine boy with a penchant for seeking the truth and attaining growth, he feels that this game is truly going to test his faith and his virtues while being tempted to bring violence and harm to his fellow classmates. His devotion to his “Great Mother” - Shinomoi, a goddess representing truth, faith, and luck - is what keeps him steady and strong during his time in the game, and through her divine power is he able to piece everything together and bring every trial to a complete close... at least, he believes it is her aid that allows him to do so.
Atsuko Kurishita ♀
Height: 5′1″
Birthday: Nov 22
Age: 24
Occupation: Interior decorator
Likes: Glitter
Dislikes: Grapes
A bubbly, excitable girl with a keen eye for decor and design, she’s responsible for refurnishing and garnishing the homes of hundreds of homes across Japan, even many celebrities and well-known figures. She is a very emotional person, and can quickly jump from one to the next - quick to smile, quick to anger, quick to cry. She is also an overwhelmingly positive force in the games, collecting as many “pretty” things as she can find and presenting them with kind words to anyone in need of friendship or care. Her ditzy nature can sometimes hinder trials’ progression, but she can just as easily provide many helpful clues with her 1.5 eyes for detail.
Vox Stratos ♂
Height: 5’11″
Birthday: May 1
Age: 24
Occupation: LARPer
Likes: Wind chimes
Dislikes: Sour candy
Being very soft-spoken and gentle, it’s clear that this delicate man is very deep into his self-assigned role as Vox Stratos, an Air Genasi bard that is set on a mission to travel the multiverse and bring peace to his own lands. He can be very dramatic and overzealous in his endeavors and mannerisms, but his intentions are pure and his words are always genuine. However, he tends to be quite dim in terms of piecing together the overall mystery of a trial, and will usually have to be guided by another’s explanations to fully grasp the situation. There can only be speculation as to what kind of person he may really be beneath the guise of Vox Stratos.
Noburo Himura ♂
Height: 6′8″
Birthday: April 25
Age: 30
Occupation: Gravedigger
Likes: Rabbits
Dislikes: Heavy rainfall
A quiet, scary-looking guy like him is definitely someone everyone feels wary of; in truth, it’s not like they have much to be concerned with. Outwardly, his appearance would not leave you surprised to know that he’s responsible for plotting mass graves in no time flat. Despite this, he can be quite the gentle force. His heavy spirituality and desire to keep the worlds of the living and the dead in peace make him a rather benevolent person behind the mask. He may be quiet, but he can offer some solid arguments and points during a trial, and it only aids his usefulness to the group.
Minoru Kurosawa ♀
Height: 4'5"
Birthday: Aug 31
Age: 28
Occupation: Dentist
Likes: History documentaries
Dislikes: Loud music
Despite her stature, she is renowned as a superb force in the dentistry community - having single-handedly performed dental miracles on even the most disastrous of teeth. She is quite like a stern mother figure of the group, always keeping everyone in line and providing herself as a means of support whenever necessary. Her mind is tough and she can be very no-nonsense, but she does mean well in the end. A rather neutral force in trials and investigations, she tends to shine more outside of them and in the element of simple social contact between murders.
Takumi Achikita ♂
Height: 5′7″
Birthday: Feb 8
Age: 25
Occupation: Keysmith
Likes: Sunflowers
Dislikes: Annoying people
Famous for his ability to craft keys that open any and all locks, this cold boy is certainly a foil character of the group. He’s cocky, arrogant, and manipulative - and his only goal for this game is to escape, whatever that may mean for him. His uppity, loner behavior is backed by cold outbursts and isolation from the rest of the group, with hardly any empathy or show of concern for others’ wellbeing. Despite this, he does provide excellent talking points and arguments during trials, making him an unfortunately helpful force during investigations.
Sayuri Akashi ♀
Height: 5′3″
Birthday: Jan 2
Age: 28
Occupation: Biochemist
Likes: Renaissance art
Dislikes: The ocean
This mysterious lady is one of the most analytical and logical minds of the group, her forward-thinking mindset being a key part in how effectively she’s concocted several “miracle drugs” that have successfully aided in the world of eradicating/improving mental health. Her sharp eyes are a blessing for investigations, able to latch onto any minute detail and provide ample evidence into a trial. However, her logic cannot help but cripple her in terms of social understanding and communication with the group.
Habiki Bando ♂
Height: 5′9″
Birthday: July 7
Age: 25
Occupation: Drummer
Likes: Frogs
Dislikes: Serious conversations
This upbeat boy has a passion for drumming and an even bigger passion for making people smile. He’s the drummer for a ska band so successful and well-adored, he’s considered as “The Boy Who Made Ska Actually Cool”. His joyful nature and his constant joking (despite the fact that his humor tends to fall flat and not work) creates a very friendly appearance for him. Unfortunately, his cheeriness cannot overshadow the fact that his usefulness in trials and investigations is less-than-admirable. However, some of his capabilities may have some sort of merit down the road, if he keeps his ears open.
Koya Hamasaki ♂
Height: 5′11″
Birthday: Oct 11
Age: 26
Occupation: Sea captain
Likes: Letter-writing
Dislikes: Clowns
This foul-mouthed guy has the capability to successfully and efficiently man the wheel of any sea vessel put in front of him, and this notability is something that has built up his status as the Ultimate Captain. He’s quite the loud, rambunctious party type, and his dirty humor and sly comments are a large aspect of his outward, confident appearance. This confidence also drives him to assert control and act as the head of the party, despite most everyone’s protest. However, this confidence is faulty in trials, leading him to be more hasty in judgement. Perhaps something lies beneath that confidence that he works to hide?
Tetsuya Yomohiro ♂
Height: 6′0″
Birthday: May 15
Age: 27
Occupation: ???
Likes: Gin
Dislikes: Insects
Waking up with little to no personal memory, he doesn’t let this sway him in his endeavors to focus on the game and protect himself from certain death. Although he may not know much of his own life, he certainly knows how to throw around wit and banter and talk his way around any situation thrown at him. He’d prove helpful as an ally, but he could become quite the bother as an enemy. Despite his quiet charm, it’s easy to see he harbors a lot of natural sadness and pessimism, always looking to stifle his emotions with a drink or a cigarette. Whoever he may be, he clearly has a lot on his mind, even with the amnesia.
Yama Ryumine ♀
Height: 5′10″
Birthday: July 24
Age: 28
Occupation: Rock Climber
Likes: Alternative music
Dislikes: Economics
Famous for scaling mountainsides in record times with relative ease, she’s cocky and brave, always needing to be moving and cannot sit still to save her life. She’s a bit dense in terms of putting things together, but her bravery is always much appreciated in terms of bringing others to justice and understanding. All about fairness and equality, she is quick to defend others and give the benefit of the doubt.
Masumi Ichino ♀
Height: 5′3″
Birthday: Sep 18
Age: 23
Occupation: Calligraphy teacher
Likes: Video games
Dislikes: Yelling
This studious girl has been deemed her talent based on her superior capabilities to mimic most handwriting styles and can craft the most eloquent-looking calligraphic wordforms, even being so skilled as to personally pen the lettering of notices from high officials of Japan (the irony is that her natural handwriting is garbage). She’s quite docile and easy to startle and fluster, but her good-hearted nature and her clever mind makes her a valuable ally during the killing game.
Riku “Rick” Ushinōka ♂
Height: 5′5″
Birthday: Mar 2
Age: 24
Occupation: Farmer/”Cowboy”
Likes: Origami
Dislikes: Dark chocolate
This quiet boy, given the official title of Ultimate Farmer, is largely responsible for creating one of Japan’s highest-grossing farmlands in the nation’s recorded history, producing mass quantities of produce and farm life that has kept Japan strongly powered. His entire life has been in moderate isolation, having been homeschooled up until being brought to Hope’s Peak, so his communication skills amongst people his age leaves a lot to be desired. Though he lacks a fair amount of common sense and intelligence, what he does provide is a sharp eye for detail and order, and his capabilities to notice details will prove useful in his time in the killing game.
Yuriko Iwasaki ♀
Height: 5′7″
Birthday: Oct 29
Age: 25
Occupation: Chess player
Likes: Sudoku puzzles
Dislikes: Working hard
This proud girl has countless trophies, plaques, and awards recognizing her as the world’s most proficient grandmaster of chess. Her mind is sharp and her tongue is equally so - she has quite the sense of self-importance, believing herself to be the strongest asset in the killing game and talking down to anyone who views otherwise. Despite her rough, callous nature, she does provide quite the analytical perspective and holds the potential to be incredibly useful during trials and investigations.
Rei Obara ♀
Height: 5′7″
Birthday: Jan 18
Age: 26
Occupation: Cutler
Likes: Horror films
Dislikes: Cuttlefish
This girl is cold and aloof, her notoriety as one of the most gifted knife-makers in the world certainly affecting this reputation; she holds the capability to craft a razor-sharp blade from nearly any material given to her (see kiwami japan). Her humor is dry and her wit is endless, and she has little interest in making friends or growing close with anyone, fully understanding the severity of the situation and knowing that her status as a cutler certainly paints her as a threat, pushing her to further distance herself from the group. Despite this distance and her lack of ability to pick up on the nuances of the game, perhaps she can still prove useful in defending the rest of the group from whatever ultimate evil their captor has planned.
Jato Wakashira ♂
Height: 6’1″
Birthday: Oct 1
Age: 26
Occupation: Fashion designer
Likes: Summertime
Dislikes: Rough textures
This vivacious, lively man is the creator of some of the most trendy, in-style clothing collections, achieving international success and fame early on in his solo career and attained a celebrity status and amassed a huge social following. His flirtatious charisma and cheery attitude make him incredibly amiable, and his passion for clothing is unrivaled. Though he works hard to try and get along with everyone and get in the good graces of everyone in the game, he can’t help but form a bit of a wall with everyone and keep people at arm’s length throughout the events - a natural distrust lying beneath the surface. He fears anyone getting too close and discovering what he’s really like behind all the charm and sweetness - not fear for himself, but fear for them.
Kana Jikiba ♀
Height: 5’5”
Birthday: Feb 27
Age: 25
Occupation: Ceramicist
Likes: Raspberries
Dislikes: Loud noises
This bizarre girl has a lot of strangeness and uncertainty about her character - not many people are sure of her background, her nationality, or anything of that sort. However, what most people do know about her is her incredible aptitude for crafting some of the finest porcelain pieces to ever be made; everything from plates to tea sets to decorative pieces to even her own mask has the careful touch of a genuine artist behind them. She may be proficient in the art of ceramics, but she seems to struggle to effectively communicate and connect with other people - her mannerisms, way of speaking, and overall demeanor radiates an aura that makes most people wonder if she’s even human underneath that mask. Despite this, she’s a pleasant force with a surprising amount of intellect that always tries her best to maintain the peace.
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