#wordpress recipes theme
titleleaf · 10 months
Experiments In Early Victorian Skincare: Unguentum Resinosum
(Note: since Tumblr seems to be making text posts deliberately inaccessible to anyone not logged into a Tumblr account, I'm still crossposting these posts to the Gallipot Project stand-alone blog over on Wordpress.)
This element of the project I stumbled upon while reading about Royal Navy medicine chests — even in all the excitement and anxiety of the recovery of Erebus and Terror, with plenty of discussion of the potential to glean information from what the crew left behind, it slipped my mind that among the relics recovered from the final Franklin expedition there might be actual medicaments (or at least their residues) left behind. My brain is a thick sludge right now due to a spicy range of events, but I wanted to give a little more detail about this chapter in my experiments.
Unguents Of Historical Significance
The original item that served as the springboard for this was a component of the Victory Point medicine chest recovered by Lt. William Hobson with the McClintock expedition of 1857. The medicine chest and its contents are now in the Royal Museums Greenwich collection. For more on the chest, I recommend this series of posts by S.L. over at 70 North Beset, which includes a wonderful guide to the chest’s cryptically-labeled contents and their uses.
The item we're discussing is by all appearances mislabeled, or rather stored in a repurposed container with a label indicating its previous contents. (If you've ever kept Band-Aids in an Altoids tin or safety pins in a medicine bottle, you're carrying on a proud tradition.) There's no image of the container by itself on the RMG's website, but I believe it's the round black container with the octagonal paper label on the bottom left here, just above the sticking-plaster box.
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Image © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
(so what the fuck is that supposed to be?)
Franklin expedition research frequent-flier Richard J. Cyriax’s “A Historic Medicine Chest”, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 1947, describes the box and its contents as follows:
a circular metal box said on a label to contain ground ginger but actually containing what seems to be an ointment, now dried up almost into a ball. McClintock’s inventory mentions a box containing shrunk ointment, and no other article in the chest agrees with his description. The ointment is of a light yellow colour and possesses no definite odour; it may be “unguentum resinae”, which was very often used in surgical practice.
Okay, great, but wtf is unguentum resinae? I took this recipe from the 1830 Edinburgh New Dispensatory, compiled by Andrew Duncan, professor of materia medica at the University of Edinburgh.
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Presto, salve plus resin.
So yeah, there are a lot of different salves in play in this era, some of them damn close in formulation. As much as I like making funky little unguents, making a full slate of these recipes might be overkill. This same text contains a whole mess of recipes for other liniments, ointments, cerates, and plasters, including a half-dozen variations on the theme of “some proportion of some kind of fat + some proportion of wax, white or yellow”. Duncan’s description continues on the next page:
THESE [presumably meaning the preceding recipes], which are varieties of the basilicon ointment, are commonly employed in dressings for digesting, cleansing, and incarnating wounds and ulcers.
(Basilicon ointments supposedly achieved this effect by, uh, causing pus production. Thanks, I hate it.)
Side note: If a salve is oil-based, how can it dry up, like the sample in the ginger container? This is how my dumb ass learned that oils can indeed evaporate over time. Presumably the inclement weather conditions at Victory Point didn’t help, but it’d be an interesting experiment for a long-haul-minded Franklin enthusiast to keep a tin of this stuff around over the course of years to see how it responds.
What is this salve for? Why carry it all the way to Victory Point? Why abandon it there? Honestly, I find these questions pretty confounding, starting with the first — the use of unguentum resinae appears to have been so wide and unremarkable that I’m not getting a lot of detailed information about how they were meant to be applied, and the information I am getting is very much framed like you (the presumed-medically-trained reader) should know this shit already. The recovered medicine chest also contains a stockpile of materials used for bandaging and dressing wounds: bandages, lint, sticking plasters, and cotton wool. So wound care definitely seems like a focus of this set, and I’d wager this salve’s use fits right into that mix.  One interesting thing that both Cyriax and the writer over at 70 North Beset remark upon is that the Victory Point medicine chest is unlikely to have been a government article issued to the ships’ officially recognized medical personnel; even to my eye, it lacks any obvious broad-arrow branding. Was this some random officer’s personal supply? Was it carried to supplement official medicine chests or perhaps salvaged from a late officer’s belongings? I’m looking forward to more news from the wrecks to see if they shed any more light on the material culture of medicine aboard Erebus and Terror.
I encountered a source remarking that “unguentum resinae” was simply a drawing salve by another name — this assertion gave me pause since I’m used to “drawing salve” itself being another name for black salve, a whole category of corrosive salve used in bogus cancer cures that you should absolutely, absolutely not use on any part of your body. But drawing salves are a whole category of their own in folk medicine (including folk veterinary medicine) and were very much in use during the 19th century, without necessarily entailing the corrosive effect of sanguinarine and its eschariotic sisters.
In turn, what kind of salve did I make? I made two batches, one plant-based salve with more similarities to ceratum resinae, and one pork lard salve more closely replicating the Edinburgh formulation for unguentum resinae/resinosum. The recipe for either salve is pretty damn straightforward, so I didn’t feel driven to document all the double-boilering and pouring here; the only tricky element was sourcing my pine resin. Lots of people go out and wildcraft their own tree resins, which is fully possible but not something I have access to; I bought my resin from a Canadian retailer selling food-grade pine resin for wax wrap-making.
For my first non-lard rendition of this salve (sort of an “inspired by” version) I took cues regarding the proportions of liquid oil:butter:beeswax:resin from modern salving. Folk medicine practitioners still use similar pine resin salves as a topical treatment for minor wounds, an anti-inflammatory joint rub, or a reliever of chest congestion — it’s also a pretty basic emollient for dry skin and these are the uses I focus on when I make salves for myself/my loved ones, rather than dressing more serious wounds. If you tweak your ratios, you can also use the same basic elements to make reusable beeswax wraps for food storage; this is actually the stated purpose behind the pine rein I sourced, since I’d feel some qualms about using resin earmarked for specifically holistic purposes in my silly living history project.
For my second batch, I used the same resin and beeswax but paired them with a pork-derived lard. I put this round off at first due to hesitation around how to best source a non-hydrogenated rendered lard. Since concerns about shelf-stability were the motivation behind my first oil-based batch, I didn’t want to go about rendering my own pork fat au naturel or buy the $25/lb impossibly-bougie Epic lard aimed at keto/paleo people who have Whole Foods $$, but I also didn’t want to go with your Armour lard in a shelf-stable brick — I ended up tracking down a local butcher shop that renders their own.
Honestly this version came together even more smoothly than the previous version — I crushed my resin into smaller pieces rather than waiting for big old rocks to melt down, and the lard gave a more slick, less “tugging” consistency to the resulting balm. It doesn’t smell meaty or pork-like at all; there’s a faint odor of wood resin, but that’s it, and if I didn’t care for that it would be pretty easy to doctor up with essential oils. I will say that at room temperature the consistency seems a little firm for use in a plaster, but I might need to glob it on more generously and allow body heat to soften things up. A little bit of a raw deal for those dealing with polar weather extremes, but maybe unavoidable.
How would you make a natural preparation using approximately 1840s ingredients that remained soft and spreadable at colder temperatures? Honestly, I don’t know if this is something people planned for, since abandoning ship wasn’t anyone’s first choice, but it would have been relatively easy. Increasing the proportion of fats/oils to beeswax is one way to adapt any fat/wax recipe for colder weather use, but another option I can think of could be using fats/oils that solidify at lower temperature points. Some useful data there you probably know off the cuff — if you put olive oil in a cold fridge, it’ll solidify into a chunk; if you keep your coconut oil out at room temperature, you can tell the weather’s warming up when it goes fully liquid in the jar — but for better suggestions than that I had to resort to Modern Science.
I’m based in the US and use Fahrenheit most often but this is a pretty clear case where Celsius is superior. The Franklin expedition crews were dealing with outside temps of -40° and lower, and while interior temperatures (as long as the ships’ heating systems held out) weren’t nearly as nippy, they might well have been in the “your Costco coconut oil remains firm and opaque” range. If they wanted emulsified oil-based salves with maximum spreadability at ambient temperature, something runnier from the low end of the freeze/melt temp scale might have been handy.
[For a table listing different values here, head over to the blog!]
Not all of these are suitable for salvemaking (linseed oil, my old enemy) but castor oil is feasible, for instance. I might make up some compare-and-contrast salves to explore this but uhhhh not any time soon, because I already have so many fucking salves. The plant oil-based salves are up for sale on my Bigcartel site now -- would you be interested in buying a beef tallow-based salve? Speak up in the comments and let me know!
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Overall I’m very pleased with the result of my salve-making, and the smaller or nonexistent amount of butter ingredients like cocoa butter should hopefully prevent the slight granularity that some of my other creations have developed in cooling. I like the tallow-based salve a little better and its emollient consistency is lovely.
How skin-safe is this product? The biggest issue is that pine resin is a well-known trigger for dermatological issues like contact dermatitis. If you know you’re allergic to it, please don’t make this recipe or buy salves containing it! You have way better options for wound care than a stranded Victorian sailor.
How vegan is this product? Well, not at all vegan, in either variation, due to the beeswax. I have gotten my hands on some vegan waxes, so sound off if you’d be interested in a purely plant-based version of this recipe too, or another exploration of Early Victorian receipts adapted to modern methods.
Meanwhile… I get to figure out what I’m going to do with the rest of this lard.
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wrathofbom · 9 months
Sketchy books
Old unused planners, freebie notebooks - they're all sketchbooks to an artist!
I was randomly thinking about Moleskines when I was glancing at the Inktober site seeing as there’s an Inktober themed sketchbook. And I remembered a time when I was really obsessed with them – their marketing was and still is very catchy with their romanticism of documenting ideas, dreams, plans, travels, thoughts, recipes and the sleek design, portability and durability. Basically – “whatever…
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robertawilliams · 2 months
Churro Crack Recipe | The Recipe Critic
This website may contain affiliate links and advertising so that we can provide recipes to you. Read my disclosure policy. Delicious and addicting, Churro Crack is a base of saltine crackers layered with toffee and creamy white chocolate, then topped with a mix of cinnamon and sugar for the most amazing sweet and salty treat.  The theme park inspired flavors of churros with a mix of cinnamon and…
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Cooking With Christie: The Best Compliment my Bakes have Ever Received!
This Week’s Recipe: Lemon Bars Inspiration: Sticking with the recent lemon theme, I decided to make some lemon bars for a going away party. And the recipient, who originally hails from Maryland, gave me the best compliment my bakes ever received by calling them, “Slap Your Momma Good!” She loved them so much that after one taste, she secreted the entire pan away (which was a-o-kay as I’d baked…
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breadandthread · 4 months
Link to follow for the "original" Tiramisu recipe!
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odiafoods · 5 months
Divine Offering: Padma Khiri Recipe for Lord Jagannath on Padma Mukha Besha
Padma Khiri holds a special significance in the rituals surrounding Lord Jagannath, especially during the observance of Padma Mukha Besha, when the deity is adorned in lotus-themed attire. This sacred pudding serves as a reverent offering to Lord Jagannath, symbolizing devotion, humility, and gratitude. The day of Padma Mukha Bessa is marked by elaborate preparations and rituals, where devotees…
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How to sign up for Black Emporium!
Yes sweet nuglets, it's that time of year again: Time to sign up for Black Emporium!
Helpful Links:
How to Guide || Requests on Ao3 || Tagset || Nominations Spreadsheet || Request Database || Parent Collection (All Past Years)
Signups end: July 16, 2022 @ 8:00PM EDT || Countdown
RATINGS: For both offers and requests, you must select the Ao3 rating(s) that you are interested in creating/receiving. Please note you must be 18+ to offer/request Mature or Explicit level gifts.
TREATS: Located in the “Characters” field of your requests, you must decide whether you are opting-in to treats for your requested relationships. This field does not apply to your offers.
A more detailed explanation of the changes can be found here!
1. Sign in to Ao3
If you don’t have an Ao3 account, contact the mods for help!
2. Go to the Black Emporium signup field (link)
3. Scroll to the “Requests” field
There are several different components of this field:
Characters: This is really the TREATS field! Select between one and four of the options to indicate what types of treats (if any) you would like to receive for your relationship(s). 
No Treats: you do not want to have a treat created for you, for this relationship
Fic Treats: you are open to receiving a fic treat for this relationship
Art Treats: you are open to receiving an art treat for this relationship
Multi-Recip Fic Treats: you are open to receiving a fic treat that will be gifted to more than one person requesting this relationship
Multi-Recip Art Treats: you are open to receiving an art treat that will be gifted to more than one person requesting this relationship
You do not have to select the same treat option for all your requests, but keep in mind that whatever option you select will go for all the relationships in that request field (if you are entering more than one).
Relationships: Enter one, two, or three approved relationships that you would like to see in a fanwork created for you. This field will autosuggest approved pairings. If your relationship does not show up, it may be that you have fallen victim to a known bug of Ao3's that we cannot fix, wherein relationships in a tagset do not autofill. If this happens, simply type it in as it appears in the tagset.
Additional Tags: You can request fanfic, fanart, or both. Selecting "any" is treated the same as selecting both.
Ratings: Select between one and four ratings that you would like to have for your gift. 
The four ratings are:
General Audiences - suitable for someone of any age. no violence and/or sexual content (The “G/PG” of ratings)
Teen and Up Audiences - some adult language, and referenced adult themes such as sex and violence is okay. (the “PG-13” of ratings)
Mature - More inclusion of onscreen implicit violence & sex, and adult/darker subject matter. But not explicit gore nor sexual content. (The “R” of ratings)
Explicit - Explicit, on screen heavy violence & gore, and explicitly written sexual acts or nudity in art (The “NC-17” of ratings)
If you’re not sure where your boundary lies, we would encourage you to err on the side of caution. You may also browse past Black Emporium works to see what past participants have done.
Letter: If you have written a letter on an external website (such as Tumblr/Wordpress/Dreamwidth/Google Docs), you may link it here.
Description: Here is where you can provide additional detail about what you would like to see in a fanwork, both in general and for specific pairings. Good things to include (in this box, a letter, or both) are general likes and dislikes and Do Not Wants. Please remember to put your DNW's (do not wants) in the Ao3 sign up form - we can only take action if you put your DNW in your Ao3 sign-up form because it is the only thing we can absolutely guarantee that your creator will be able to access.
Remember that anyone who creates fanwork for you must respect your Do Not Wants. If you do not enter anything into this box, and you do not have a link to a letter, we will assume that means you are okay with anything for the specified pairing(s). If you have any preferences or things you do not want, we would encourage you to add them. It makes the process smoother for all involved.
Here are some things commonly put in the description box:
- Frequently it can be considered helpful to your author or artist if they have some idea of what you like to see, and what you don't. For example:
I love F!Adaar/Sera because I think the idea of them merrily pranking their way around Skyhold is so much fun. Please don't write me something sad about them.
Do Not Wants:
- Stuff that makes you uncomfortable, or just plain stuff that is Not Your Thing. While the Black Emporium does not believe in kink shaming or otherwise insulting people for their own personal taste, we do want people to let their artists or authors know what their limits are. You don't have to give any reasons for this; "no x/y/z" gives your creator plenty of info to discern where your limits are.
We can only take action if someone writes you something against your DNWs if it is in your sign-up.
Prompts can be just about anything, but they're meant to be ideas that you'd like to see that can help give your artist or author something to work off of. Sometimes this can be a prompt or a question you'd like explored (for example: What if Solas found himself falling for M!Trevelyan? How would he feel about potentially falling for a human?) or an idea you'd love to see (Josie and M!Cadash snuggled up in front of a fire, please!) or just a few words of inspiration (Leliana/Josephine - secrets, lies, ravens).
Details about your character(s):
It is fairly common for people to give basic descriptions of their characters if it is a character where their appearance or personality may vary (ex: Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors), particularly if fanart is requested. These descriptions can be very basic indeed (ex: purple hawke), or extremely detailed (ex: This is Celeste Trevelyan, she loves her squad more than life itself, pink hair, dusky-rose skin, built like she could bench press you six ways from sunday).
Things you should not put in the description field:
“I would like anything but nasty [kink]. I think people who write that are gross and nasty.”
Please do not insult people who like something you dislike. It’s Not For You, and That’s Okay. “No [kink]” expresses this much better than a long explanation of why you don’t like [kink].
“I’m only choosing this to get to three nominations. Please don’t write it.”
While we know someone who signs up for a, b and z may want a and/or b more than z, but please don’t scream to your author or artist that what you may well match on is something you don’t want as much as other pairings. Writing something like this also reduces your chance at treats as well.
“Even though I said I wanted M!Solavellan, I’m fine with F!Solavellan too if you like that better.”
Please don’t tell people that you’d be alright with non-nominated pairings, as fics with only non-nominated pairings cannot be added to the collection.
Minimums and Maximums in Requests:
You are required to fill out a minimum of four request fields (Required: Characters, Relationships, Additional Tags, Ratings; Optional: Letter, Description). Remember that you may put between ONE and THREE relationships per request field, so the maximum number of pairings that you can list in this manner is thirty. Remember also that you must fill out at least 3 request fields, so if you fill 2 out with 3 requests in each "request box", Ao3 will still want you to add one more -- it's a good rule of thumb to fill at least three out with one request, then double up as you wish.
4. Continue to the “Offers” field
There are several different components of this field:
Enter one, two, or three approved relationships that you would like to create for. This field will autosuggest approved pairings. If your pairing does not show up, it may be that you have fallen victim to a known bug of Ao3's that we cannot fix, wherein pairings in a tagset do not autofill. If this happens, simply type it in as it appears in the tagset. If it continues to give an error, please drop us a comment with the pairing so we can figure out what's going on. 
You also have the option to select any relationship.
By selecting “Any Relationship,” that means that you are willing to write or draw fanwork for, literally, ANY of the approved pairings.
The only limitation we will accept will be be a limitation of what category of relationship you want to create for: eg, Any F/F, Any M/M, Any F/M, Any Multi, Any Other, or Any Nonbinary. Anything else WILL BE REJECTED. You may NOT use this option to say, for example, “Any Cullen pairing”. This option is for any and all of the approved pairings in your designated category/categories. Do not use this option unless you are sure that any is truly what you want.
Additional Tags:
You can offer to create fanfic, fanart, or both. Selecting "any" is treated the same as selecting both.
Ratings: Select between one and four ratings that you would like to create for your assignment. 
The four ratings are:
General Audiences - suitable for someone of any age. no violence and/or sexual content (The “G/PG” of ratings)
Teen and Up Audiences - some adult language, and referenced adult themes such as sex and violence is okay. (the “PG-13” of ratings)
Mature - More inclusion of onscreen implicit violence & sex, and adult/darker subject matter. But not explicit gore nor sexual content. (The “R” of ratings)
Explicit - Explicit, on screen heavy violence & gore, and explicitly written sexual acts or nudity in art (The “NC-17” of ratings)
If you’re not sure where your boundary lies, we would encourage you to err on the side of caution. You may also browse past Black Emporium works to see what past participants have done.
Comments for mods:
Here is where you can provide additional detail about what you will and won’t create. As with your requests, you can provide general likes and dislikes as well as things that you absolutely will not do. 
If there is someone signed up you absolutely do not want to create for, please write "don't match me to x" here; we won't ask details, we just won't match and this will be a fully confidential field. If you hate nugs, put it here, and we'll make sure you get at least one nug-free prompt and, ideally, a nug-free sign-up. 
We want you to have an assignment you'll be happy about, so if you've got something that would be triggering for you to create for, let us know. We can only take action based on our own knowledge, so the more information we have the better we can try to match you with what you really want. 
If you do not enter anything into this box, we will assume that means you are okay with anything for the specified pairing(s) selected. If you have any preferences or do not wants, we would encourage you to add them. It makes the process smoother for all involved. None of the mods will blab over whatever you write; we just want you to have the best time possible with your assignment.
Minimums and Maximums in Offers:
You are required to fill out a minimum of three offer fields (Required: Relationship, Additional Tags, Ratings; Optional: Comments to mods). Remember that you may put between ONE and THREE relationships per offer field, so the maximum number of pairings that you can list in this manner is thirty. Remember also that you must fill out at least 3 offer fields, so if you fill 2 offer fields out with 2 offers in each "box", Ao3 will still want you to add one more offer field even though you have one over the minimum required amount of offers -- it's a good rule of thumb to fill at least three offer fields, each with one offer, then go back and double up or not, as you wish.
A Note on Matching
Black Emporium runs on OR matching, which means that you will match on one relationship out of the ones that you offer and request. You are guaranteed to match on ONE relationship; you may match on more, you may not. For your assignment, you can create what you matched on OR you can create any other relationship on their sign-up form. You will only have to write or draw for ONE request, not all of them. The minimums will be one piece of artwork or one 1,000 word fic.
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raffaellopalandri · 8 months
GGSC Happiness Calendar November 2023
Here you are the GGSC Happiness Calendar for November 2023. This month’s theme is curiosity about yourself, others, and the world. In the life-long pursuit of happiness, many often find themselves searching for the formula, spell, or secret recipe that will lead to a fulfilling and joyful life. While happiness is undoubtedly a complex and totally subjective emotion, one vital ingredient that…
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i-shen-blog · 9 months
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
Today, we will be analyzing if blogging is still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram and also discuss the reason behind the facts after investigating.
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Blogging started to become a commonplace business digital tactic ten years ago. Before then, blogs about politics, travel, food, and technology were mushrooming everywhere and serving as trustworthy resources for guidance and specialized knowledge. It turned out to be a potent approach to show up in search results and in front of a crowd that was already interested. Additionally, it was a very efficient tool for businesses to demonstrate their expertise and to share expert opinions.
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Instagram started to be used alongside blogs. Most bloggers did want to use it as a way to promote blogs, like on Twitter. But with Instagram not allowing clickable links in captions, that never seemed to happen successfully. You can use the phrase ‘link is in the bio’ but it’s just not the same as clicking a link there and then.
Now Instagram has turned into something that feels like an unstoppable force and now we hear of Instagrammers, Influencers and content creators more than words like bloggers, vloggers or YouTubers. Instagram feeds are no longer snapshots of peoples Sunday roast, but highly curated images, many have images that look like they are straight out of a magazine. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I am often guilty of getting lost in a beautiful Instagram feed.
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In 2019, TikTok was the most downloaded app from Apple’s iOS app store? TikTok seems to have come out of nowhere and is everywhere. It has even infiltrated Instagram – every other food post I see is of a ‘TikTok recipe’ such as baked oats or feta pasta. Not to mention Instagram Reels – which seem to be a rip off of TikTok. Growth is hard on Instagram, but the way in which TikTok works means that anyone can go viral, even if you don’t have thousands of followers.
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Why has these newer platforms become popular? is Blogging dead?
Joining Instagram and TikTok is simple. You simply sign up and you are ready to start publishing. You don’t need to mess around with a DNS server, buy a domain, pay a host then install WordPress. You don’t need to find a theme and fidget with widgets. Now, it’s a lot more mobile-based. We want to quickly scroll, consume and move onto the next thing. This is why Instagram is the go-to for looking at beautiful photos and TikTok is the best place to get short, entertaining videos.
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Nothing has changed since then.
Despite the overwhelming presence of newer social media platforms, blogging is still a powerful tool for marketing. It's actually turbocharged. According to a recent Data Box survey titled "The Shift in Your Content Marketing Mix: 25 Marketers On What's Changed in 2 Years," 68% of marketers now regard blogging to be more successful than it was two years prior as blogging is about building relationships.
It’s about playing the long game.
To conclude, if you Take time to write your posts. Talk to your customers and build conversations. The everyday consumer is smart and has a limited amount of time. They make informed choices, not only about what they want to buy, but what they want to read. It’s only by offering your reader something truly valuable, that you’ll get the conversation started.
Your blog should always aim to answer the questions your audience has. How consumers find your content will undoubtedly evolve, but what they’re looking for probably won’t. We still need the same information we did 5 years ago, but we’re just using different methods to find it. Creating high-quality, original content will go a long way to getting results from blogging.
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vikingcougar · 1 year
Literary Cocktails - Paradise Sauced
I have this amazing book called “Tequila Mockingbird” and it is all literary-themed cocktails.  I have posted some of these recipes over on the Tikkity-Tokky.  However, I never thought about posting them here. Well, that’s about to change.  I am going to try and post as many of them as possible, along with the link to the original video. The first cocktail I’m choosing to feature is the Paradise…
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wonderlesch · 1 year
Best Iowa Themed Cocktails
Best Iowa Themed Cocktails shares cocktail recipes for Templeton Rye on the Rocks, an Oatmeal Cocktail, a Blue Water Margarita, an Iowa Sunrise Cocktail and a Cyclone Cocktail. Cheers to Iowa Themed Cocktails!
Hello and welcome to my Best Iowa Themed Cocktails. This cocktail blog post is sharing recipes for Rye on the Rocks, an Oatmeal Cookie, a Blue Water Margarita, an Iowa Sunrise and a Cyclone Cocktail. So many tasty treats to explore and discover. Cheers to Iowa Themed Cocktails. Please drink responsibly. Rye on the Rocks Rye on the Rocks is just that! Templeton Distillery is located in, wait for…
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darkeraven22 · 1 year
Yen Press She Loves To Cook And She Loves To Eat Volume 1 Review Chapter Eight (Digital)
Grown Up Cooking? Involves PJs And Puddings!But not at the same time. Apparently Kasuga is ready to take this good themed relationship to the next level… Though how the past stuff doesn’t qualify as grown up things? Baffles me. It’s decided that they will make bucket pudding with the help of a kit. Spoiler… An actual bucket is not used for this recipe. Though this is the first time I heard it…
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geekswhoeat · 2 years
Pumpkin Nachos: A Joe Bob's Haunted Halloween Hangout Inspired Recipe
It’s that time of year! Time to return to the drive-in for Joe Bob Briggs’ annual Halloween special on Shudder! Since this year is called Joe Bob’s Haunted Halloween Hangout, we thought it appropriate to come up with a hangout-friendly treat that was still on theme, Pumpkin Nachos! Read on to find out more about the special and this delicious recipe! In Joe Bob’s Haunted Halloween Hangout, “for…
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instaviewpoint · 2 years
Good Morning!  11/20/2022
Today’s Theme: Fields of Gold #photography #weather #jokes #facts #recipes #movies #morningvibes Photo of the Day One man looks at this field and proclaims a waste of land “Fill it with buildings and roads”. Another man looks at this field and exclaims “Food for my brothers. “. Fall in Northwest Indiana. Todays Weather              LaPorte Indiana              Good Morning! Today’s Theme:…
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Cooking With Christie: CAKE!
This Week’s Recipe: Lemon Buttermilk Sheet Cake Inspiration: Recently, one of my husband’s coworkers left for greener pastures, and he asked if I could bake one or two things for their going away party. The theme of the gathering: When life gives you lemons… Not one to say no when given a chance to bake, I hit my cookbook library and found (amongst others) America’s Test Kitchen’s recipe for a…
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mayamaslov · 2 years
Wait. There’s a ‘Hocus Pocus 2’ Cereal Now?!
Wait. There’s a ‘Hocus Pocus 2’ Cereal Now?!
Okay, we just realized something. Hocus Pocus 2 releases on Disney+ NEXT MONTH! ©Disney We are SO ready, too! We’re prepping our favorite Hocus Pocus recipes, downloading Hocus Pocus-themed wallpaper, and sharing our favorite Hocus Pocus quotes (“Ohhh look, another glorious morning… makes me SICK!” But now we have a way to enjoy Hocus Pocus…for breakfast?!?!?! Okay, so here’s the thing —…
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