realworkerman · 3 months
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Boost visibility, ensure security, and streamline transactions effortlessly. Elevate your website's performance and user experience to attract more visitors and achieve greater success in the digital realm.
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syntheticcharmva · 3 months
What was your favorite weird hotdog out of all of them
I rlly like this one here (the workermans hotdog)
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I think it's mad funny ngl
I wanna know your opinion
first, The hot dog friend, it's horrible, and i love it.
Second... t...to.....to g..... to get m.....
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Today, am a little obsessed with the concept of Cas + cars
The "pimpmobile" as the mark of immaturity & unsettled identity:
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Ah, yes. THE Lincoln V. Very "Tom Selleck." (Magnum PI)
When he steals the Continental "pimpmobile," Cas is symbolically the young buck who hasn't settled down. Indeed, in seasons 9 & 10, Cas is wandering the world in search of penance, inevitably finding himself drawn into another guerilla-angel war. (The new flock with Hannah has all the markings of modern warfare, from the tracking to the maps on the wall. They're just trying to get home, but it's still war.)
In groups, Cas does not drive the car. (Driving is still pretty boring thing to him, and he misses his wings.) So, then, the Continental isn't perfect fit...he just likes it. It's a "searching" car. Cas is trying to find his preferred path.
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1978 Lincoln Continental Mark V. (Image by Mikael.)
But perhaps Cas grows into the retro meaning of the Continental
The 1978 Lincoln Continental V was modeled after the Thunderbird and sold as a luxury item. Popular in its own right, colors like the one Cas drive were referred to as "understated like a diamond solitaire." It's aimed at the idea that "'real' men command quiet power and don't need to throw it around for show."
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(Images by Mikael.)
When Cas is with Hannah, he starts embodying the retro meaning of the car: "Good guy you got there," says the trucker after seeing him interact with her child. Slowly, throughout season 10, the idea of Cas + parenthood is being planted and watered.
At this junction, Cas makes a bold switch to try to appear more human than angel, and among this is doing penance to Claire Novak. Cas learns that being a father fills him with...something. It's a feeling that appeals to him and gives his life a new kind of meaning. He's starting to create a life-framework he prefers.
Yes, the Continental is a "searching" kind of car. Cas drives it primarily when he's without his own grace. (Who ARE you now? Who are you, without "all the bells and whistles?")
When Metatron steals the Continental, thus begins his own dark night of the soul, and we see him struggling with soul-searching up until season 11. Indeed, Metatron has also lost his grace, and he loses his faith in everything, from his father to the very idea of the novel and stories.
When Cas gets the car back, something has changed in him, and it no longer fits. He's got his own grace back, for starters. He also starts staying in the bunker more permanently, the choosing of the human struggle over heaven's war. He's feeling out his human family and finding where he wants to fit within it. ///
The brown truck as mark of family!protectorhood
And post-Continental, it turns out Cas is toootally a truck guy. A few things about trucks:
they sit higher on the road, so the driving experience is totally different than a sedan, or even a muscle car
in terms of handling, you can generally be much rougher with them
that is, they're less responsive to steering, so you can grip and turn considerably less delicately, which might be really nice for someone like Cas
they're less responsive to braking inputs due to their suspension and weight, so if Cas is a lead-foot, this would also be very nice for him
they can carry heavier loads than cars and for greater distances
they're also very reliable and they're less likely to break down
when they do break down, they're easier to work on
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Cas's 1987 Ford F-Series from season 12
In season 12, when Cas steals the workerman's truck, he takes on family protector more overtly (or the "father" role, as Cas conceptualizes it in season 15's Gimme Shelter). The protector!truck is a SPN mode reflected all the way from John's truckzilla to the tan Ford truck (same model, nearly same year) that Dean drives when he's "dad" to Lisa & Ben's family unit. Though perhaps unlike Dean, Cas thrives in this role. It's comfortable to him.
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From SPN 1x21, John's black 1981 GMC Sierra Grande truckzilla, and from SPN 6x21, Dean's tan 1988 Ford F250. Far right is the The Ford of the kind man who offered him water and a sandwich after The Great Fall in SPN 9x01.
The tan truck is a positive sign of a healthy father!protector, whereas John's truck represents a crumbling of strength and brokenness, with only the outward signs of being a stable father. The tan truck also has a positive motif of kindness, since it bears a striking resemblance to the truck of the guy who showed Cas compassion when he fell (offering him food and drink).
Cas's taking of this vehicle as he rushes to rescue a kidnapped Sam represents a resolution to offer support as a father figure to Sam, post-Dean's "death." Certainly, Cas is Sam's friend; it's not as simple as Cas being solely his angelic protector figure. But there is an element of "parental" support in how he interacts with Sam, especially in later seasons (Gadreel + grace extraction, loss of the AU hunters + subsequent mentorship).
Stealing the vehicles, though!
Nevertheless, there's something a little dark in Cas stealing the vehicles, subtly reflecting the horror of the taking of Jimmy's vessel in season 4.
However, since his body was restored to Cas directly a la "organ donation" from God, this late-seasons vehicle choice can also reflect a choosing of roles and identity.
Of note, in his later vehicles, Cas usually drives them, even in groups. They are more fully his.
The tan truck + Jack n' Kelly
But oh, back to the tan Ford truck. This little farm truck is cute. It is probably in this truck that Cas first listens to the mixtape.
Cas continues his parenthood journey in it when he spirits Kelly n' Jack away. When Cas is agonizing over whether or not to kill Kelly, his little tan truck breaks down. It reflects his uncertainty to take on this new mantle of mature fatherhood, almost like Jack is pausing the narrative as he considers if Cas will be a good choice of Father. And after this, in the hotel room, Jack indeed chooses Cas.
In doing so, Jack's also choosing the Winchester human family of which Cas is a part. We see this when Jack literally steals Baby, and Kelly waxes poetic about how Cas has been chosen as she drives it. (And Baby does NOT break down. She complies, like she's agreeing that Jack should be born and Cas is indeed the Father.)
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(Images WinchesterFamilyBusiness)
Alas, it ends in tragedy. There's something so achingly sad when we see the abandoned truck in front of this dilapidated lakehouse in the valley. It's a desolate image next to the dusty, dull impala. And unlike with the Continental, which represented a Cas trying to fill a graceless, human role by reflecting Dean, the truck showcases a more integrated Cas with new familial role: spouse. Which is why the widower arc feels like that.
Visually, Cas (the truck) and the house (the family unit) are dead. The war has killed them and left only an orphaned child in its wake. And Dean and Sam are in the valley. (Indeed, when Cas returns, in the script, he's described as long-lost father, returning home from War.)
(Lakehouses have so much spooky symbolism with regards to the interconnectivity of space and time, but that's another tale for another day.)
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The Dodge SRT-10, AKA The Family Truck: renewed faith + fatherhood + retaking of Angelicity
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Ah, the Dodge.
So, I love that Cas has this truck in particular. This truck is legendary, kinda controversial and it's just SO ridiculously overpowered and goes SO fast for a truck, hahaha. It's definitely a family support vehicle.
Originally, it is ALSO the vehicle, throughout multiple versions of the script, that was supposed to have the broken tapedeck. (Which means, since it's a 2000s-era truck, that someone probably had to put in a CD-tape combo. Ahem. Anyway, I prefer these original scripts, because this broken tapedeck mirrors Cas's empty deal wonderfully.)
So, the Dodge. With 500 horsepower and 525 lb-ft of torque, it is the fastest truck available, doing 0-60 in a reported 5.2 seconds. It's just so overkill for a quad family truck. ("Nobody else was making a four-door truck with 510 horsepower, so the Dodge people took it upon themselves to fill the void.")
This looks like a shopped-for truck. You're not just gonna happen across a truck like this. "Less than 10,000 of these were ever produced and with a fire breathing V10 under the hood, they were quite possibly one of the coolest trucks ever made." So, we can guess that yes, Cas does appear to genuinely like trucks, and he definitely seems to have chosen this sledgehammer of a vehicle.
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The Dodge Ram 1500 SRT-10 pickup truck (specifically for work/hunting and family support). It's a stupid lot of power stuffed into a truck, like how Cas is an angel is stuffed into a human.
Also, this hints that Cas likes rapid acceleration and driving fast. This makes sense to me, as he complained about the Impala being slow, and he told Hannah in season 10 that he would take the curves FASTER "to help her nausea." (Oh, Cas...)
For the later seasons, this truck is visually very "Cas," and in scenes and drafts, he's exclusively the one driving it, and he's usually driving it when other family members are feeling vulnerable; ergo, support. (See original draft versions of The Spear.) Like the specter of the double diamonds in 15x09, The Trap, Cas is utilitarian and pragmatic, a divergent-convergent thinker.
In season 14, Cas also drives:
The blue Ford Fiesta
But I'm 99% confident this is Sam's car
Because vintage SPN underlines that blue, nondescript cars are actually Sam's preferred car make and look
It's fuel efficient, so Cas takes it to the shaman
Also, Cas's acting on behalf of Sam's wishes when he goes to see Sergei
Ford LTD Crown Victoria (the bird poop car)
Presumably, he drives the bird poop car in Peace of Mind to be a little more incognito than the big, imposing truck
It also reflects Sam's low state of mind
Sam drives it in Moriah, too, a direct parallel to Sam versus Chuck and Sam versus Mayor Harrington from Charming Acres
The super sexy 1968 Mercury M100
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Another truck Cas drives in late season 15 with Jack is this open-bed teal classic. The incredibly collectible 1968 Mercury M100.
And this M100 is delicious.
It's also, like the SRT-10, highly sought after and not a truck you're going to just happen across. It's another shopped-for truck. (I find it unlikely that it was one of the classics sitting in the MoL bunker, since they were slaughtered by Abaddon in 1958 and this one's make is 1968.)
So, either Cas has gotten into rare trucks (a real possibility since this one is even more challenging to drive), or Dean shopped this one with him, too. It's probably a mix of both, considering that in 13x22's Exodus script, Cas is shown helping with basic mechanics and repair. It's very possible that Cas has developed an interest alongside his newfound interest in human language and metaphors.
ANYWAY, these M100's are as classy as fuck and are actually workhorse trucks, too.
It's got a legendary straight six engine, and again, there weren't many of these vehicles built or sold. (Straight six is a trusty little pump of power, especially for the time. It's also easier to work on than most; would be great for someone who's only so-so at maintenance.)
This truck, unless it's been upgraded, is a little bit hard to handle, too. It takes a firm grip and a heavy foot, because it's a manual through and through. Manual gear shifting and no power steering. It's a two-hander just to go around curves.
In terms of its style, it's a little more laidback than the Dodge, which is probably why Cas is taking it on the murder investigation (i.e. not hunting). It's got an open bed, which means it's probably a little more fun for Jack, too. (Indeed we see Jack enjoying sitting in the truck bed. The green/teal is a symbol of renewal & growth, visually keying into Jack's return and the slow healing of the family unit.)
CASTIEL: My name is, um well, my name's not important. I do know what blind faith is. I used to just follow orders without question, and I did some pretty terrible things. I would never look beyond the plan. And then, of course, when it all came crashing down, I found myself lost. I didn't know what my purpose was anymore. And then one day, something changed, something amazing. I... I guess I found a family, and I became a father. And in that, I rediscovered my faith. I rediscovered who I am.
This is Castiel's preferred answer to season 15's question of nihilism.
This is what Castiel has chosen, and his later-seasons vehicles reflect this desire and this chosen identity. He even walks away from it in 15x06 to meditate on his path, and when he steps away, he sees Chuck for what he is. He chooses to come back specifically to fight Chuck's machinations and protect his family from them. To help them find their way post-existential crises, the way they helped him find his way re:Heaven. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish...till death do us part.
Some other Cas + cars fun stuff
The broken tapedeck in the script
The Fiesta is totally Sam's car
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hazmatazz · 8 months
[insert me coming back from my mr. big boy workerman job and i am Tired]
honey i’m home :D!!!
hi honey :3333 here's dinner 🍲
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blackmouthdog · 1 year
Esoteric Potems of the Sacred Blood of God
The Family is in simple terms, Christian-leaning in that the believe in the initial teachings of the Bible, the immaculate conception, teachnings of Jesus and the Apostles, and the concept of saints¹. However, their venerated saints are treated more like separate dieties and are known to take the form of various fauna of the area. Creatures like rabbit/hare, dog, snake, crow, etc are pillars that represent various beliefs the Family holds- both with positive and negative aspects included², and all represented by a black animal. Some of these 'Potems' are older than the belief in the Bible itself while some were born from the rise of manmade eras (as the workerman potem of the Caesar Bull³ being born from blood spilled from the industrial revolution).
Tick's immediate family venerated the Black Mouth Dog- an entity that represented the loyalty and zealotry of a well-trained hunting dog, one born from blood, coal and loam. Tick will call upon other Potems with bin'Chib- many of their markings help to negate the need to waste words on such calls. The mark on the back of Tick's hand is a sigil rune for the Great Crow- an Old World God devoted to sight and being unseen. The sigil allows Tick to see entrances and places otherwise hidden from mortal view⁴.
Most canonical beliefs rest in the Old Testament and very little of the New Testament. The Bible used by the Family has undergone numerous rewrites, omissions and additions that it is a belief system nearly on its own.
The belief that no virtue itself can exist in mankind or an individual without its foil opposite at the same time. IE- hard work comes at the expense of stubborness, humility with vanity, etc.
Also known as the Workman, Black Ceasar, Brahmut. Venerators of this Potem are loyal to industrial and capitalist entities like B&L Mineral and Railroad, and are considered Apostates.
Detect traps, see through glamor, withstand several points of chimerstry and obfuscation. Acts partially as auspex.
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martin010 · 9 months
Maximizing Efficiency and Growth with Real Estate BPO Services by WorkerMan
Explore the complete package of Real Estate BPO Services offered by WorkerMan and unlock the potential for unparalleled efficiency and growth in your real estate operations. With WorkerMan, you can reduce costs, boost productivity, and deliver exceptional value to your clients, ensuring your real estate business thrives in today's competitive market.
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valeriolanda · 1 year
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Just Pinned to Design: WORKERMAN on Instagram: "NEW fantastic phantom beads THIS SUNDAY! 👻 Shoe Gum tan ➡️ Army guy green ➡️ Black/white glow 👻" https://ift.tt/sUwyzof
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brandonimhotep · 3 years
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Happy 49th Birthday To Dorothy Smith aka Patra!! 🥳🎉 Please show some L🔥ve for #Jamaican reggae/dancehall singer, @TheRealPatra #Kingston #Jamaica #WestIndies #LadyPatra #FamilyAffair #QueenOfThePack #ThinkAboutIt #WorkerMan #RomanticCall #PullUpToTheBumper #ScentOfAttraction #DipAndFallBack #Freedom #TakeAToke #TheGreatEscape #PressureMe #TwoCultureClash #HowDoYouLove #WhereIveBeen #ManDemThriller #BlackCinderella #RichNice #BadInnaBed #ComeOva #PatraTheContinuation https://www.instagram.com/p/CWlSmTYFG3A/?utm_medium=tumblr
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moaidmk · 4 years
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Fisherman . please follow @moaid_kreash . . . . . . #fisher #fisherman #istanbul #uskudar #photography #oldtheme #posfor #Moaid_Mk #travelistanbul #turkey #travelphotography #tavalifestyle #travelturkey #istanbulphotography #majedphotosf #manwork #worker #workerman (at Üsküdar, İstanbul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPPvwKJYHm/?igshid=1b76ikymltrfu
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realworkerman · 7 months
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In a business world teeming with opportunities, seizing the attention of your target audience and driving demand is paramount. At WorkerMan, we are masters of creating that spark.
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omegaplus · 3 years
# 3,789
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Patra featuring Yo-Yo: “Romantic Call” (1994)
The union of hip-hop / rap and reggae / dancehall got sweeter towards the end of the golden-era. I’d say during the first half of the Nineties was when it was commonplace for spitters to invite dancehall artists for complimentary bars on major singles. “Romantic Call” was no exception. Patra scored a hit with “Workerman” (’93) and the following one enlisted West-Coast artist Yo-Yo for their wishlist of their most desirable and ideal other half. Dancehall percussions sprint relentlessly which both Patra and Yo-Yo fire off the top and have no problem running lyrical circles around everyone’s heads. It’s one of many songs that’s part of a personal summer soundtrack; one which happened during a two-week stay in Staten Island with my cousins Criss and Dorona. It still feels like it was yesterday and takes me back when I hear it now.
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questionedturkey · 5 years
My favorite Richtofen quotes about Dempsey from Classified! He talks about him constantly
“Crude and effective. Funny. Dempsey is only one of those things!”
“Stupid Dempsey, showing off his silly weapons. He ruined everything! I should take aim at his giblets and shrink them!”
“You we’re aiming for his dinkleys weren’t you Dempsey?”
“Oh Dempsey! You’re so very big and strong! Do you workout?”
“Look at you Dempsey! Good enough to eat!”
“Are you going to show off Dempsey? If so you should probably start soon.”
“Awww I cant even see Dempsey’s house.”
“Dempsey! Would you like me to warm up your little marshmallows?”
“I will miss you Dempsey... wait it wasn’t Dempsey, it was the other one.”
“Hey Dempsey I’m offering free lobotomies. Obviously i thought of you.”
“A poor workerman blames his tool! Mines called Dempsey. And he’s a complete dummkopf!”
“Don’t forget this dempsey. I will want a favor in return.”
“Don’t you know I wouldn- WOULD. Do the same for you Dempsey.”
“Maybe one day I’ll make Dempsey a real man.”
“Revenge is a dish! A tasty dish.... yum yum.”
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jas-is-jessica · 4 years
Update on bedroom cleaning and life
I stopped cleaning cause christmas and i had to study for my drivers permit test. Well both have came and gone. Christmas sucked thats all I got to say about that. As for permit test I only missed two and passed it. According the dmv workerman and my mom I took the test fast. Idk im a fast test taker. My dad is gonna teach me how to drive I guess.
I plan on working on decluttering and working on my hording issues more today. I wanna get more clothes sorting today.
Thats about it. Its almost 4am and i woke up unable to sleep so here is a life update
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louts732-blog · 7 years
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A day late for #crowonshittuesdays but here it is. One day I’ll get my knees and elbows in more and fly higher. But this is where I’m at with my #Bakasana today, and that’s fine. Also joining in the fun is my husband, Abiz! Hittin that crow like a boss very early in in his yoga practice. #workboots #menwhoyoga #realmenyoga #workerman #crow (at Cattus Island County Park)
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tigerlevel-blog · 7 years
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He must have a HelloKitty living in his heart, he is so cute~#hellokitty #sweetheart #niceman #excavatoroperator #workerman
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jazgotsass · 7 years
When I was growing up, there was nothing like eating a HUGE bowl of cereal and watching your FAV cartoons Saturday morning . . . yet when 12:00pm hits #SoulTrain came on 🙌 The hottest dances, fav songs, & new artists !! This song in particular 😂😂 I was 7 y.o. in #1993 & had NO CLUE what #Patra was singing about. As a little girl I thought she wanted a friend to give her teddy bears & drink juice w| her 😂😂 the innocence of a child. #Patra 🎵 x #Workerman 🎼 #SoulTrain 📺 RIPeace #DonCornelius 🙏 #1993 ⏳ #ThrowbackThursday 😉 #Musicjunkie 💊 #IMissThe90s 😢 #IMissMyChildhood 😭
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