#workers compensation law
canadianabroadvery · 1 year
"... While on the job on Aug. 17, 2020, he went to a private bathroom to perform wudu, which involves washing different parts of the body in preparation for Muslim prayer, including the feet. Tufts slipped and fell onto the floor after he finished the ritual, injuring his back. ... a case worker found Tufts was not injured due to his work, meaning the incident did not meet the standard outlined in Section 10 of the Workers' Compensation Act, which states that when "personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of employment is caused to a worker, the Board shall pay compensation to the worker."
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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wow. "chiquita" and "death squads" are not things i expected to see in the same sentence.
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smolsleepyfox · 2 months
I found this in my drafts so enjoy my bitching about the absolute shitshow my first intercontinental flight turned into.
Travelers: smolsleepyfox + mother who doesn't speak a lot of English
The inbound journey: train to Frankfurt > flight to LA (Condor) > ~two hours transit time > flight to Honolulu (Hawaiian)
Estimated travel time: 24 hours
What actually happened: The ICE was late, of course, but we had more than enough buffer regardless. The plane was announced as 45 minutes delayed due to a delayed arrival. Okay, not fun, but doable.
We eventually started with a delay of 1h 40. Refer to the transit time stated above.
The flight itself was cool, I really liked the 3D earth model with our route showing all sorts of background info on sights we were passing. I saw Iceland and the Faroe islands for the first time, and some of Greenland, the Great Salt Lake and Nevada. (Why is the US so big and empty in the middle, it was kind of freaky??)
Anyway. We arrived with a delay of 1h 20 and hastened to get to the connection. As travellers entering the country we had to get our bags and then check them in again when we were connecting, so we did just that.
Because when we made it to the check-in counter of Hawaiian Airlines they told us we'd been rebooked to a different flight with an entirely different airline. At 7am the next day.
Apparently Condor thought we wouldn't make the connection and changed our booking. The very sweet lady at the counter wrote down the flight number for the new booking, and recommended we go ask our original airline to get us a hotel because by that time it was 7pm and we'd been up for about 24 hours.
Guess who does not work anymore at 7pm?
If you guessed Condor's customer service desk, you get a point. What followed should be familiar to people who watched Asterix conquers Rome. I probably spoke to everyone wearing some sort of uniform in the entire building. Turns out social anxiety is only a problem until your stress level hits the roof. And after all of that didn't even work, we got a SMS with a hotel booking and food vouchers.
Note that by that point, we'd been running around for nearly three hours and there's still no information the new flight booking even exists. We have no boarding passes, not even an email saying we got rebooked in the first place, just a hand-written flight number.
To be fair the hotel was extremely nice. There even was a pool in the courtyard - which we couldn't use because as I mentioned we'd checked in our luggage. We didn't even have a toothbrush. Regardless, half of the vouchers were spent on dinner that I thought was stupid expensive (but hey not my money!).
Next morning while waiting in line to get our boarding passes I talked to a dude from Cincinnati checking in a very friendly black Labrador Retriever. I told him I'd love to see the Great Lakes sometime and he said he has a friend who went to Germany with his athletics team and it sounded very fun. I told him we have a lot of big funky churches and he seemed to appreciate it. We also spent the other half of the vouchers on Starbucks.
We did make it to Honolulu airport. Our bags did not. The day before, they'd told us that they'd either transfer our luggage to the new airline, or they'd just put it on their flight to Honolulu that leaves the same time. We waited at the baggage claim for our flight. The conveyor belt was blocked by a large box for like ten minutes. No luggage. We have no flight number for the other Hawaiian flight and none of the screens even show that that plane exists, let alone is supposed to arrive in the span of the next two hours.
After asking five different people and my mom running off on her own, we manage to get to Hawaiian's baggage service desk and one of the crew wanders off with our receipts to take a look. He returns after 30 minutes with a cart. I didn't ask where the hell he found our stuff. He was probably a wizard.
We still don't have a confirmation we ever got rebooked.
This is where I left off, thinking we'd finished the Odyssey. Guess the fuck what! We had not!
We spent a lovely two weeks on O'ahu of which I was sick for most of the first (I blame the AC). Our flight back was at 7.25am.
The plan was for us to go to LA together, where I'd put my mom on a flight back (Condor again) and for me to spend two more weeks in LA. We arrived around 5am because we're German and that's the bare minimum of buffer. Online check-in somehow didn't work for the Honolulu-LA leg but did work for the LA-Frankfurt leg. So we get to the airport, try the kiosks. No luck there either. Go to the customer service counter.
The poor man took about five minutes looking between his PC and our passports before telling us he had to check something and wandering off for a solid twenty minutes. That can't be a good sign.
He returns. My mom's ticket doesn't exist.
What do you mean her ticket doesn't exist, I ask, wondering if I've lost the ability to speak English.
Apparently when Condor rebooked us on the inbound flight, they accidentally canceled both Hawaiian airlines reservations for my mom. So now we have an hour left and my mom doesn't have a ticket and a flight to catch.
Booking another ticket for this specific flight is 2800$ - even if we were willing to pay that (we were not) that is very much above my credit card's limit. The man, who clearly feels bad for us, advises me to call Condor directly.
I genuinely don't want to think about how much money I paid calling the hotline. The entire thing was a disaster - I have auditory processing disorder, it was loud as fuck in the airport and the man on the other end had an accent. At first I gave him the wrong booking number (mine instead of my mom's), then he misunderstood and thought our inbound flights were with Lufthansa so Not His Job. He eventually promised to reinstate the ticket so we should wait a few minutes and return to the check-in. At check-in the tickets did not show up, so I call them back and ask for the ticket numbers to double-check.
Having a pacing man at the airport yell into his phone in German probably fulfills some kind of stereotype.
We went outside so my mom could have a smoke break and I avoided having a meltdown with the help of a soggy Nutella bread, since I hadn't even had breakfast at that point.
At this point, we've missed our flight, meaning my ticket has lost its validity as well. Stakes are high.
The few minutes were apparently enough for the system to catch up though, because when we got back to the check in counter, a very nice lady told us that while it wasn't Hawaiian Airlines' responsibility, they offered a complementary rebooking to a later flight. They wouldn't be able to guarantee we got on if it was full, but chances were good. Very stressful 40 minutes until we were called up by a guy my age who apologized for not knowing how to pronounce our last name.
But wait - my mom had a flight to catch. The stopover time by that point had shrunken to an hour... And our plane was delayed. In all fairness, the cabin crew was lovely, they offered all passengers with connecting flights to get off the plane first, just grab our stuff and run. Which is what we did, running up to the gate and asking if boarding is still ongoing like we were being chased by the mob. This flight was also delayed and I think the stewardess was concerned for us.
But hey, at least my mom made it home. Just to put the cherry on top though, my mom's luggage arrived in Germany five days later.
My own flight from LA to Frankfurt was luckily completely unremarkable. Never again.
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postsify · 8 months
Understanding the Benefits of Hiring a Workers Compensation Attorney in New Jersey for Your Claim
When you get injured on the job, it can be a stressful and frustrating experience. You may be worrying about how to pay your bills, how you'll manage without a paycheck, and how you'll recover from your injuries. The good news is that if you live in New Jersey, you may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits that can help you get through this difficult time. But to ensure that you get the full benefits you deserve, it's critical to seek the help of a workers' compensation attorney. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the key benefits of hiring a workers compensation attorney New Jersey for your claim.
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1. Understanding Your Rights
If you've never dealt with a workers' compensation claim before, you may not know all of your rights as an injured employee in New Jersey. However, an attorney who has experience in workers' compensation law can explain your rights to you and help you understand what kind of compensation you may be eligible for. This can be especially important if you're worried that your employer or their insurance company won't fully compensate you for your injuries.
2. Navigating the Complexities of the Legal System
Workers' compensation law can be complex, and there are many rules and regulations that you'll need to navigate in order to get the compensation you deserve. A workers' compensation attorney can help you understand the legal process and make sure that all of your paperwork is filled out correctly and filed on time. They can also represent you in court or during negotiations with your employer or their insurance company.
3. Obtaining a Fair Settlement
Insurance companies are always looking for ways to minimize their costs, and in some cases, this can mean offering a lower settlement than you deserve. A workers' compensation attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance company or your employer to get a fair settlement that covers your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to your injury.
4. Avoiding Mistakes
One of the biggest benefits of hiring a workers' compensation attorney is that they can help you avoid mistakes that could hurt your case. For example, if you miss a deadline or fail to provide certain documentation, your claim could be denied or delayed. An attorney will make sure that you follow all of the necessary procedures and fulfill all of the requirements for your claim.
5. Focusing on Your Recovery
Dealing with a workers' compensation claim can be stressful, time-consuming, and overwhelming. But by hiring an attorney, you can focus on your recovery and let them handle the legal aspects of your claim. This can help you reduce stress, improve your mental and physical health, and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome for your claim.
If you've been injured on the job, hiring a workers' compensation attorney in New Jersey is one of the best things you can do to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. They'll help you navigate the legal system, negotiate with insurance companies and your employer, and make sure that all of the paperwork is filled out correctly and filed on time. By focusing on your recovery and letting an attorney handle the details of your claim, you'll increase your chances of success and avoid the stress and frustration of dealing with the process on your own. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.
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elitedigitalph14 · 2 years
Personal Injury Claim: Hit-and-Run Compensation
What does a hit-and-run accident injury entail? The law requires that you stop your automobile after a collision to see if everyone is okay. Information sharing with other drivers is the goal. It's time to talk about insurance and make repairs. A "hit and run" is said to occur when this protocol is not followed.
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What should you do after being involved in a hit-and-run accident? 1. Keep records of the hit-and-run incident.
When a hit-and-run motorist strikes you, you should move quickly. Document the hit-and-run vehicle's license plate. Due to how quickly an accident occurs, you might not always be able to photograph the automobile. Instead, document the accident site with pictures. Document the damage to your car, and document your wounds.
2. Find a witness and/or contact the police
Any witnesses who are willing to testify should be noted. Make certain you have their contact details. If the police are not already on the scene of the collision, you should submit a police report and save a copy of it. If the eye witness is willing to file a report, take them with you to the police station. Keep receipts for any expense related to the incident, in addition. Both medical and repair expenses are covered by these. Motor vehicle accident compensation
Your successful compensation claim against the nominal defendant may consist of:
hospital, medical, and rehabilitation costs;
compensation for any economic losses you may have had
if the damage has caused a permanent impairment, payment of any lump sum amount;
payment of a one-time sum in compensation for your suffering; and
payment of the legal fees associated with the compensation claim.
What evidence is needed for a hit-and-run?
income documentation, such as tax returns;
receipts for all medical costs incurred as a result of the hit-and-run accident;
receipts for any travel and other costs connected with seeking treatment;
documents attesting to your inability to work. Examples are sick leave applications and medical certifications;
a letter from your employer, for example, would serve as evidence of your income loss;
Records from your accountant showing that you've missed opportunities to work in case
Who are eligible to claim for a hit-and-run?
Everyone else hurt, excluding the negligent driver of the vehicle
Dependents of a person who had severe injuries in a car accident for which they have no responsibility.
What is covered by hit-and-run accident compensation?
Loss of earnings in the past or future
Psychological and physical harm
Cost of care and rehabilitation
Your reliance (like your spouse or children)
Why should I employ a personal injury lawyer?
Your accident injury lawyer will file a claim on your behalf if the motorist has been named. The insurance company may assert that the motorist is blameless. Things may get complicated. You'll need proof from the lawyer that the driver hit you and hurt you. The driver may be held accountable for your losses and charged with a crime.
If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, a personal injury attorney will also give you advice and support. In choosing the optimal course of action, this is. To obtain any possible damages, a personal injury attorney files a civil action.
To learn more, visit these links! Personal Injury Law Public Liability Injury Claims Workers Compensation Claims Personal Injury Claims
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muirneach · 2 years
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hey @ ford im pretty sure u can’t just be like ‘yeah this law doesn’t actually apply and we can do whatever we want’ i dont think you’re allowed. heres section 104 of that act btw:
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as you can see. considerably less! still not good to pay 2k a day each day you strike but um better than 4k!
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On Friday, a group of protestors walked on Highway 89 in Cameron, Ariz., protesting Pinyon Plain Mine owner Energy Fuels trucking uranium ore through the Navajo Nation to Utah. Uranium has a long history of impacts on the Navajo Nation and its people since the 1940s. "We've seen the effects of these things in the past on our land, the spills into our rivers, into our communities, the residual effects on our on our health, of our children, our elders," Cameron resident Adair Klopfenstein said. "It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again." The Pinyon Plain Mine, formerly known as Canyon Mine, began mining uranium ore in December and is expected to be actively mining for at least five years. The company had told 12News at the end of June it would start transporting the uranium ore to a mill in southeast Utah in July or August. That hauling appears to have started before the pause was put in place. "I call it illegal smuggling across our border and then through the Navajo Nation," Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said.
And from June:
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How Long Does A Workers Comp Case Take | Will It Drag On For A Long Time? [312-500-4500]
Are you wondering how long a workers comp case can take? Chicago injury lawyer Scott DeSalvo shares valuable insights on the topic. Discover the factors that can impact the duration of your case, such as the need for proper diagnosis and maximum medical improvement. Learn why settling too early can be risky and how delays in the legal system can affect your timeline. A must-watch for anyone dealing with a work injury! Subscribe Now 🙏    / @desalvolaw  
If you got hurt at work, you DO NOT want to be sitting at home with no money coming in and the doctor calling you and asking you who is gonna pay the doctor's bill. That's not a situation you want to be in, but if you are, it is natural to want to know a timetable for a Workers Comp case. In other words, how long is this going to take? We've all heard of cases that seem to take forever. There's really JUST ONE PRIMARY REASON why a case might take a long time.
A workers' comp case cannot be settled until the injured party has completed treatment or reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI), which determines the final extent of the injury. Serious, permanent injuries are valued higher in compensation compared to temporary ones, and settling before knowing the full impact can lead to insufficient funds for future medical needs.
Once MMI is reached, the lawyer can move quickly to either settle the case within 60 days or push for a trial if the insurance company is uncooperative.
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bpp-law · 1 month
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cutcompcost · 1 month
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ogalawfirm · 2 months
Experienced Workers' Compensation Injury Lawyers for Accidents
Construction accident worker's compensation lawyers are experts at navigating the complexity of workers' compensation claims, ensuring you receive the benefits and payments you are legally entitled to. They can help you preserve your rights and optimize your compensation. Visit us!
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Drive Business Success with Premium Auto Insurance Leads
In the competitive world of auto insurance, acquiring high-quality leads is crucial for sustained growth and success. Premium auto insurance leads offer a strategic advantage, providing businesses with targeted, motivated prospects. By investing in the best auto insurance leads, companies can optimize their marketing efforts, increase conversion rates, and ultimately boost revenue.
The Importance of Quality Auto Insurance Leads
Understanding the Value of Premium Leads
The auto insurance market is saturated with providers vying for customers' attention. To stand out, businesses need to focus on acquiring premium leads—prospects who are actively seeking auto insurance and are ready to make a purchase decision. These high-intent leads can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on cold calling and chasing uninterested prospects.
The Impact on Conversion Rates
Utilizing the Best Auto Insurance Leads ensures that your sales team spends their time and resources on prospects with a higher likelihood of conversion. This not only improves the efficiency of your sales process but also enhances the overall customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction rates and better retention.
Strategies to Acquire Premium Auto Insurance Leads
Leveraging Advanced Data Analytics
To acquire the best auto insurance leads, businesses must leverage advanced data analytics tools. These tools can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, helping you to target prospects more effectively. By understanding the demographics, behaviors, and preferences of your ideal customers, you can tailor your marketing strategies to attract high-quality leads.
Utilizing Multi-Channel Marketing
Diversifying your marketing efforts across multiple channels can increase your reach and visibility. Utilize digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and email campaigns. By maintaining a strong presence on various platforms, you can capture the attention of potential customers wherever they are.
Building Strategic Partnerships
Partnering with complementary businesses can also help in acquiring premium auto insurance leads. For instance, collaborating with car dealerships, repair shops, or financial advisors can provide access to a pool of potential customers who are already in need of auto insurance services. These partnerships can create a steady stream of high-quality leads.
Maximizing the Value of Your Leads
Implementing a Robust Lead Management System
To fully capitalize on the best auto insurance leads, it’s essential to have a robust lead management system in place. This system should track and manage leads throughout the sales funnel, ensuring that no opportunity is missed. Automated follow-ups, personalized communication, and detailed analytics can help in nurturing leads and converting them into loyal customers.
Training and Empowering Your Sales Team
A well-trained sales team is crucial for effectively handling premium auto insurance leads. Continuous training programs should focus on improving communication skills, product knowledge, and customer relationship management. Empower your team with the tools and resources they need to succeed, such as CRM software and sales automation tools.
Personalizing the Customer Experience
In today's market, personalization is key to winning over customers. Use the data collected from your leads to offer personalized solutions that meet their specific needs. Tailored quotes, customized policy options, and targeted marketing messages can enhance the customer experience and increase the likelihood of conversion.
Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategies
Analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Regularly analyze KPIs such as conversion rates, cost per lead, and customer acquisition costs to measure the success of your lead generation efforts. These metrics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and highlight areas for improvement.
Adjusting Your Approach
The auto insurance market is dynamic, and consumer preferences can change rapidly. Stay agile by continuously reviewing and adjusting your lead generation strategies based on the latest market trends and customer feedback. This proactive approach ensures that you remain competitive and continue to attract the best auto insurance leads.
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postsify · 9 months
Advocating for You The Role of a Workers Compensation Benefits Attorney in New Jersey
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Suffering a workplace injury can be a harrowing experience, with physical pain compounded by the stress of navigating the complex workers' compensation system. In New Jersey, a workers compensation benefits attorney in New Jersey becomes a crucial ally, playing a pivotal role in ensuring that injured workers receive the compensation and support they rightfully deserve.
One of the primary responsibilities of a workers' compensation benefits attorney is to serve as a dedicated advocate for their clients. They are well-versed in the intricacies of New Jersey's workers' compensation laws and leverage their expertise to guide injured workers through the entire claims process. From filing the initial claim to representing clients in hearings or appeals, these attorneys act as a shield, safeguarding the rights of the injured against powerful insurance companies.
Navigating the bureaucratic maze of workers' compensation can be overwhelming, but an experienced attorney brings clarity to the process. They work diligently to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and ensure that every aspect of the case is thoroughly examined. This meticulous approach strengthens the client's position, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
Furthermore, a workers' compensation benefits attorney in New Jersey serves as a liaison between the injured worker and the insurance company. They negotiate on behalf of their clients to secure fair and just compensation, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. In cases of permanent disability, an attorney ensures that the client receives appropriate long-term benefits, offering financial stability in the face of life-altering injuries.
Beyond the legal expertise, a compassionate and supportive approach sets these attorneys apart. They understand the emotional toll of workplace injuries and provide not only legal guidance but also empathetic support. This holistic approach fosters trust between the attorney and the client, creating a partnership focused on achieving the best possible outcome.
In New Jersey, a workers' compensation benefits attorney goes beyond legal representation; they become a champion for justice, fighting tirelessly to secure the compensation and benefits that injured workers need to rebuild their lives after a workplace injury. Their advocacy ensures that the injured can focus on recovery while the legal intricacies are expertly handled, offering a path forward to a more secure and stable future.
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wowitsverycool · 10 months
legitimately if you think copyright law in any way benefits individual artists over corporations you are. not a fool because that would be very mean to say about someone that's just trying to live in the hellworld nightmare fuckshow that is capitalism. but you are solely mistaken imo
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thomashermanmacon · 10 months
Does Georgia Workers Compensation Law Pay for Pain and Suffering?
Painful injuries happen. You might experience discomfort from a workers’ compensation injury for several weeks or months. Pain from some severe injuries can persist for years.
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