scholar-of-yemdresh · 4 months
This Post.
I'm finally doing it! A list of Adult (20s+) Nonbinary/Genderqueer/Transneutral and Trans men rep in SFF books(no romantasy). This will only be limited to main or major characters.
I've not read everything on this list, so some information could be inaccurate or missing e.g I might not know that a character is actually a POC or 40s+. I will also advise to check content warnings because some of the books listed here can get pretty gnarly.
Will occasional be updated
Keys: 🏳️‍⚧️=Trans Author,✊🏾= Author of Colour,🌈=POC,🧓🏾=40s+, ♂️= Trans man , ⚧️= Nonbinary,🎨=Comic
Claude from The Chatelaine by Kat Heartfield ♂️
Tarquin Mercator from The Devoured Worlds by Megan E. o'keefe ♂️
Yari from Master of Poisons by Andrea Hairston ⚧️🧓🏾🌈✊🏾
Sol Katz from Dead Collections by Issac Fellman 🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾
Rosie from Persephone Station by Stina Leicht ⚧️🧓🏾
Rafe from Viscera by Gabrielle Squailia🏳️‍⚧️♂️
John Wyndham from The Affair of the Mysterious Letter by Alexis Hall 🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Casey Ravel from the Ballad of Perilous Graves by Alex Jennings ♂️🌈✊🏾
Ardent Violet from The Starmetal Symphony by Alex White🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Gyen Jebi from Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾🌈
Shock Pao from Shock Pao by Ren Warom ♂️
Firuz-e Jafari(+ others) from the Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia 🌈✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Iktan from Between Earth and Sky by Rebecca Roanhorse ⚧️🌈✊🏾
Chih from the Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo ⚧️✊🏾🌈
Brennus from Wolf Among the Wild Hunt by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Dex from Monk & Robot by Becky Chambers 🌈(?)⚧️
Anima from In The Watchful City by S. Qiouyi Lu ⚧️🌈✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️
Eolo from The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie ♂️
Ridley from No Gods,No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull 🌈✊🏾♂️
Enae & Qven from Translation State by Ann Leckie⚧️🌈🧓🏾
Penfield R. Henderson, Aiden Chase, Blithe + others from Future Feeling by Joss Lake 🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Ilan from The Faithful Dark by Cate Baumer♂️
Various from The Tensorate by Neon Yang 🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾🌈⚧️♂️
Alex Easton from What Moves the Dead by T.Kingfisher⚧️
Edie from Hammajang Luck by Makana Yamamoto⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🌈✊🏾
Nameless Man from The Four Profound Weaves by R.B. Lemberg🌈🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Arén from A Promise Broken by S.L. Dove Cooper♂️
Erígra Lilún from The Unbalancing by R.B. Lemberg 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Claire|Claude from Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault ⚧️
Dianthus from The Fate of by J.E. Lynn ⚧️
Asa from The Forgotten Lyric by Carolina Cruz⚧️🌈
Sal Hernandez from It Took Luke by Mark Bouchard & Bayleigh Underwood 🎨⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️
MCs from Time Will Devour His Children by Otava Heikkila🎨🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾🌈
Jonah from Dominion of Blades by Matt Dinniman♂️
Tet Sang from The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho♂️or⚧️🌈✊🏾
Marcus from Lesser Known Monsters by Rory Michaelson♂️🌈
Scorn from Emergent Properties⚧️
Misery Nomaki from The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️🌈⚧️
Taigan from The Worldbreaker Saga by Kameron Hurley⚧️🌈
Leiander from The Stones Stay Silent by Danny Ride♂️🏳️‍⚧️
The Plauge Doctor from The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw⚧️🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾
Aleph Null from Test by Christopher Sebela & Jen Hickman🎨⚧️
Joel Lodowick from My Heart Is Human by Reese Hogan🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Jules from Finna by Nino Cipri 🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Dax from Shatter Minds by L.R Lam🌈♂️
Scout from The Last Gifts of the Universe by Riley August⚧️
Avery Ryu from Dead Space by Kali Wallace🌈⚧️
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wynterrolls · 4 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 How long to max upgrade a light cone?
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Answer (Calcs below the cut.)
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Same procedure with what I did in “How long to max upgrade a character?” post. I’ll calculate here how long a F2P player can upgrade a single light cone with their limited resources.
Max Trailblaze Power (TP) = 240 per day
Equilibrium Level 6, Trailblaze Lv 70
Starting from scratch = means no items in bag (broke F2P)
Considering only the low end drop rate @ highest difficulty
Drop Rate @ highest difficulty
These rates are based from the Domain Drop Rate sheet linked below. I just considered the low end to know the max results.
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Three rarities of light cones are considered in the calcs. Each require different amount of materials, hence the need to consider all 3 rarities.
3-star light cone
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In written format, this is what cogger materials are called as:
LC EXP 4* = Refined Aether
Crimson Trace 4* = Stellaris Symphony
Crimson Trace 3* = Ancestral Hymn
Crimson Trace 2* = Harmonic Tune
Gold Trace 4* = Silverman Medal
Gold Trace 3* = Silvermane Insignia
Gold Trace 2* = Silvermane Badge
4-star light cone
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In written format, this is what 4* DH LC materials are called as:
LC EXP 4* = Refined Aether
Crimson Trace 4* = Arrow of the Starchaser
Crimson Trace 3* = Arrow of the Demon Slayer
Crimson Trace 2* = Arrow of the Beast Hunter
Gold Trace 4* = Silverman Medal
Gold Trace 3* = Silvermane Insignia
Gold Trace 2* = Silvermane Badge
5-star light cone
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In written format, this is what 5* DH signature LC materials are called as:
LC EXP 4* = Refined Aether
Crimson Trace 4* = Worldbreaker Blade
Crimson Trace 3* = Lifeless Blade
Crimson Trace 2* = Shattered Blade
Gold Trace 4* = Immortal Lumintwig
Gold Trace 3* = Immortal Aeroblossom
Gold Trace 2* = Immortal Scionette
In table form, this is what the materials will be called as.
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NOTE: I converted 4* Crimson Trace materials into 3* ones for ease of computation. Since I’m considering the low-end drop rate, I’m not including 4* drop average in the calcs.
Among the items listed here in this table, the Gold Trace Materials are not suitable to farm with TP. [Source: Golden Calyx runs, overworld enemies in map, SU runs, and sending characters in Assignments]
Now, for the calculations, I’ll do same to what I did in the Character Upgrade post.
Explanation: In the drop rate table above, each run gives different kinds of item drops. To simplify the values in order to have uniformity in the calcs, I converted the number of drop items in accordance to the value of the highest rarity drop.
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rate w/r 4* = rate with respect to 4* EXP = EXP / (EXP of 4*)
rate w/r 3* = rate with respect to 3* crimson trace = (2* drop) / 3
rate w/r 2* = rate with respect to 2* crimson trace = (3* drop) * 3
Which leads to this calc:
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NOTE: Runs ↑, Days ↑, and Total TP ↑ are rounded up values.
Last would be the credits. Since the first two runs (LC EXP and Crimson Trace) drop credits as well, I deducted those values and computed the remaining credits needed.
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NOTE: I created two columns for credit values because once you hit Trailblaze Level 70, the Trailblaze EXP is converted into credits instead. Rate is 1 Trailblaze EXP = 10 credits.
I’ve placed the summary above, but if you want a Light Cone Farming Schedule, here.
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Hoyolab Leveling Calculator for HSR Light Cones
Inventory Materials in HSR Hoyowiki
Honkai: Star Rail Domain Drop Rates
Light Cone EXP in HSR Wiki Fandom
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Uploaded on Patch 2.0
➥ Back to my HSR masterlist.
Author’s Note
Ok. Good luck farming. ( •_•)👍
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Update Log
02/17/2024 – Uploaded this post.
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darkhopping · 2 years
hi!!! i just wanted to say that i ADORE the names you’ve given your ocs! if u want you should totally talk about them !!! if not that’s also cool :] have a nice day :D
THANK YOU SNFNNSNFND tbh most of them arent their actual names liek . ok in the case of characters named "fate" and "worldbreaker" those r their names cause theyre way too Cosmic and Ethereal(tm) and way above being named normal people names like Craig but for others like "change" "moonrise" "shimmersea" theyre mostly placeholders until i get off my ass and actually start coming up with proper names but who knos when thats gonna happen LOL
i dont have much to talk abt yet i dont have a lot of things set in stone sorry dude u_u
i do have an oc with a set name not from this wip though :0 there was this oc i made and used her to test a fan design for ardoni characters in songs of war . i named her "imago" after the concept "imago dei" ("So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.") shit like that
i named her that cause like idk it seemed vaguely related to how she was made solely as an ardoni character design test smfnnsnfnsjfjrjf also cause characters like her are usually named greek or latin words/names i guess
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flareondotcom · 3 years
oh man oh boy, personally i recommend omega ruby or alpha sapphire if you haven't played a gen 3 game (ruby, sapphire, emerald), theyre probably the most faithful and visually beautiful remakes ive ever played!!! plus it significantly improves on a bunch of new features introduced in X and Y that came right before it, like mega evolution and pokemon-amie (stupid name, but its the mini game where you can feed and pet your lil buddies!!!) plus the post-game is one of the best!!! it also introduces the DexNav, which lets you sneak up on pokemon you can actually see in the overworld, which at the time was a very big deal. The soundtrack? Fire. The intro sequence when you first start a new game? Fire. the map? maybe a lil too much water in the latter part of the game, but it’s FIRE. gen 3 did so much for the franchise with introducing new landscapes, weather, unique environments not seen in any other pokemon game. people CRIED when OR/AS first came out, because it’s like a love letter to the original games while introducing so many cool new features it felt like an entirely new adventure while DRIPPING with nostalgia, they’re so fun!!!
if Hoenn doesn't suit your style, or you want to start with something more original than a remake, another good place to start on 3DS is Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!! those are the gen 7 sequels, theyre Very similar to sun and moon but imo enough improvements to cinematics and story (and pokemon available!!!) are made that it would save you the time of playing sun/moon first while still getting the full taste of the alola region!!! you can customize your player character which fuckin rules, AND without spoiling anything, if you play US/UM youll recognize some things from pkmn Black!!! gen 7 is visually stunning and has some of the best NPCs in the franchise, and is just super fun and rewarding to explore every nook and cranny. it's actually worth it to talk to the NPCs you see around bc sometimes it'll trigger little stories to play out or side quests to do, which is pretty unique for a pokemon game!!! it made the world feel richer, and lived in, very cool. BUT the Alola region is unique compared to other regions because they don't follow the Gym League Circuit model all the other ones do, they do what's called the island challenge!!! S/M and US/UM are structured differently (although not TOO differently) than any other game, so it's refreshing, but if you're looking for a more classic experience maybe start somewhere else first.
X and Y are near and dear to my heart, but it was a big transition from 2D to 3D, so they aren't as "polished" as the games that came after. hate to say it, but although X/Y introduced mega evolution in the first place, OR/AS does it better. They're still really fun though!!! they're the first games in the franchise where you can customize your player character, and the Kalos pokedex has a GOURMET selection of pokemon. gen 6 was the first game to really amp up the variety of pokemon available before the national dex is unlocked, mostly because this was the first time people were seeing their favs in full 3D, so they wanted to include as many as possible. the post-game is very lackluster, but the sheer VARIETY of mons makes replayability pretty high and enjoyable. there are 593 different pokemon available in x and y more than ANY OTHER GAME (besides swsh im pretty sure?) like. holy shit, right? you can build ANY team in that game, endless possibilities. plus im really fond of the characters they introduce, they’re so unique and adorable and dare i say..... found family???
i know you didnt ask about this specifically so feel free to ignore this part, but 3DS pokemon games can be pretty expensive, however they are VERY easy to pirate, and run great on most computers!!! you can even play the older games, gen 5 and below, on a non-apple smart phone with little to no issues!!! im pretty technologically inept and even I could figure it out, so if you want tips on emulation to get that sweet sweet pokemon content for free, i can help with that too <3
MANNNNNN im so excited for you, i wish i could go back and experience them for the first time again, how special!!!
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64pxs · 7 years
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chtholly nota seniorious icons! like or reblog if saving
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angel-macabre · 3 years
tagged by @cv-dazzle
last song: i don't remember the exact one but i remember меня здесь нет by MOHOHOKE playing on my drive home today so ill just say that's the last one
last movie: just now finished watching Jane Eyre (1997) with my mom (it was awful omg worst movie adaptation of Jane Eyre i have ever seen. i read this book so many times as a kid, i was enamored with the story of Jane Eyre i know it inside and out. the best one was the one with Mia Wasikowska but i still hold the book above all else)
currently watching: behind the scene clips for the Mia Wasikowska Jane Eyre LMAO
currently reading: Genesis in full and now wanting to reread Jane Eyre too
currently craving: surprisingly, not much. actually yeah a good medium rare steak. maybe a sweet potato on the side. some soft, freshly baked, thick sliced whole wheat bread with sweet cream butter. but mostly just the steak
ill tag @meltingregular @xraychan @medievalpeasantgirl @worldbreake-r @riseofthedruids @christcuck off the top of my head if y'all wanna do this and i will say anyone else can do this but no one ever does that lol even when i see someone do one is these and they say "and anyone else who wants to do this!" and i actually do wanna do it i still never do it. for fear of seeming weird or like presumptuous? idk i guess i am just scarred from when people on here made being rude to friendliness a personality trait, if anyone remembers that time. i forget none of this matters unless i choose it to matter. all that just to say "if you wanna do this still do it because i genuinely would like you to" lol like assume that if you are my mutual and i did not tag you that i actually did. but still thank you for tagging me in this <3
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frankenstudies · 5 years
observation, question, hypothesis.
DAYTIME doesn’t exist in space. The inky black between stars, where Hulk is now, makes for a perpetual night, and protects him from Banner. This is definitely some archetype Amadeus always talked about, some part of the Hero’s Journey having to do with the quest for self and abandonment of what one has. What complete baloney, the Hero’s Journey. How naive that kid used to be, trying to convince the world that the Hulk is a hero.
Everything’s always easier in space. The Hulk doesn’t need to breathe, doesn’t collapse or boil in a vacuum. He just is, in the dark, as always. He gets left alone. Space doesn’t care whether you’re a hero or a monster.
Space also doesn’t care what things are called, and neither does Hulk. Nebulae, star clusters, empires, crystals, nuclei, wormholes, black holes, matter, antimatter. Hulk would call it all doesn’t-matter. All the things that are important have too many names and faces to keep track of, anyhow. Like the thing Hulk calls The End, and the thing he calls What Comes After/Before. 
When Hulk spoke to Cyclops, he saw all the ugly hidden things inside the undead X-Man. He’s been doing that recently. What wasn’t normal was the blinding light wrapped up in Summers’ boring, pointless facade. So that was a good place to start looking after he saw no blinding light orbiting the Earth. The place where people come back from, and the thing that brings fragile little mutants back.
Hulk knows there are a thousand entrances to the thousand levels of What Comes After/Before. He likes the one he built himself. The desperate child called it the Green Door.* Easiest way in: Hulk aims himself, crushes the limiter on the thruster boots he borrowed from Amadeus, and shoots himself toward Earth’s moon. Normally, this might crack the Moon, or Hulk’s head. But he knows what he’s doing. He keeps picking up speed, craters and pale rocks rushing toward him, and then in a green flash he could easily mistake for refracted evening sunlight the Door opens and slams shut behind him.
In lots of old, old cities that flooded or burned and got built up again one story higher, the original facades of the buildings remain in the underground system. What Comes After/Before has been burned and rebuilt a thousand times, and this is its deepest, oldest sub-level. Or it’s the citadel that contains all others. Depends on whatever hokum you believe in. Point is, he can tell this isn’t a place for anyone to be, or to visit. Here Hulk finds what he calls the Blinding Light.
“I know what you are,” he says.
“And I know what you are,” says what others call the Phoenix Force. 
Hulk grins darkly. “See, I figure there’s not much that understands us like we do. So that makes sense to me.” He sits down heavy on something. He can’t really see much, but he sees what’s really there. “You’re fire. Energy. Some say you’re the fire that created the universe and the fire that consumes it. But you’ve always been like this. You’ll always be like this. I’m just fuckin’ angry. Where’d I start? Some screwed-up science experiment?”
“I hear the scientist in you. Isn’t he a scientist? Your little host, like I have my Jean and my Scott and my Rachel. But he’s more than a host, more than my Jean, even.” It seems to have trailed off its train of thought, so the great firebird shakes itself. Not unlike a disheveled duck or chicken. “It can be hard for me to focus on one thing. I’m everywhere. I imagine it isn’t difficult for you. You’re very solid. I hear the scientist in the questions you ask me, because they are such mortal questions, and so governed by logic and fear. You know the answers, but you wish you didn’t. You are afraid it’s all that simple. You hide them from yourself.
“So I will tell you, and then there is no hiding.
“You began the first time a child of Sakaar wished he wouldn’t have to be afraid anymore. You began in Xirena Awhina’s heart** as she hid in a closet, in the dark, from her parents’ killers. You began when humans first felt rage, white-hot, blinding. When the first stars exploded into existence. You were born to Brian and Rebecca Banner, and you began when your father killed your mother.” Hulk’s eyebrows draw together and he opens his mouth to question, but the Phoenix stops him. “That’s your scientist again. Don’t think of things as so cut and dry. You gave yourself agency in one green blast, and as soon as you were, all the monsters that lived inside all my creatures called to you. Believed in you.
“You were killed and reborn and killed and reborn in the fire at the core of Sakaar in an endless cycle, and you crawled from the depths as something like me. A pantheon unto yourself. You were the - what did they call you?” 
“Grh,” says Hulk. “They called me the Sakaarson. The Worldbreaker.”***
“Oh, yes. I liked that. And you were, literally. You were reborn deep inside Sakaar, because its people needed the world’s greatest monster to save them. You destroyed everything they knew, tore down their palaces and broke open the very earth. Some forests need to burn before their seeds can sprout. You broke their world before it could fall apart.
“And then you returned to Earth. They called you a monster, as they always have. They feared you and hated you as they were consumed by pain and anger. They killed you as they started to destroy themselves. Reborn from Gaea’s ancient mourning, you crawled out of the earth you were buried in. Sakaarson and Worldbreaker to Earth too, it seems.
“The word apocalypse comes from the Greeks; apokaluptein, meaning to uncover. Like the Death card, it’s a revolution and a rebirth. Like the Abrahamic devil, you bring the apocalypse. Now you are killed and reborn and killed and reborn with their sun. Your kin become your pantheon. You are made of earth, fire, and blood.”
“Why am I still here?” asks Bruce. “Why won’t I die?”
“You fear that answer more than any other,” replies the Phoenix Force. Hulk finally sees that he’s sitting alone on the edge of a lunar crater, as the Earth rises slowly above the horizon, satellites and cities twinkling, intangible. The voice of the Phoenix follows him for the rest of the night. “It’s just you being you.”
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Rationalism: Pros & Cons
I’ve been toying with both adding “rationalist adjacent” to my Tumblr bio, and attending an IRL meeting – but I’m feeling very two-minded. The pros are so powerful and important – but so are the cons, and I’d venture to say the cons are actually worse.
I think it would be good to come up with a new label for a certain sort of Rationalism. The diaspora is very big, and like many social movements, has a lot of different splinters. I’d like to use a new term for “the bit of the diaspora I like”, because there is so much here I don’t want to be associated with. And so much I do.
I really like what Rationalism means on Tumblr, and how I understand it from participating here. We could call it Handmedown Rationalism, 2nd Generation Rationalism, or maybe there is a term for it that I've not encountered. Maybe the term is "Tumblr Rationalism", although I am not positive that using "Tumblr" as a prefix will communicate kindness and gentility well. "Kelseyan Rationalism", perhaps.
You get a radically different vision of what Rationalism means depending on...
You mostly read EY and Less Wrong
You mostly read r/ssc
You mostly read theunitofcaring
You actually live in San Francisco, and these people are in your social structure, not merely your news feed
It's very important to me to communicate "I believe in a kinder world, and want to be part of making it happen". Rather than "statistically, white people are better, and consent isn't evolutionarily sound" or "The biggest issue of our time is a hypothetical technology's hypothetical behaviour, and if you don't sign your children up for cryogenic freezing you are a lousy parent".
I've been researching and reading for months now, and I don't think I can use the term because there's such an huge iceberg of esoteric ideas below the surface, and too many of them are silly, terrifying or wrong. But I think most people who've encountered Rationalism through Tumblr are in a similar place about what they want to communicate when they say "Rationalist", and what they think "Rationalist" means - or want it to mean.
Is there another word? Can we make one?
Under the cut, long post of my “pros and cons” of adopting the label…
Nice things about Rationalism
1) Discourse norms which make me feel comfortable and supported to participate in discussions. The only people I feel entirely safe around on Tumblr. Both: people I always feel safe commenting on or reblogging, and people who rarely if ever put distressing content or behaviour in my newsfeed. The sorts of complex conversations and big ideas Social Justice promised - but no one is yelling at me or weaponising social shame.
2) Evidence-based reasoning, and a call to be open criticism, change your mind, listen to those you disagree with, and back up your positions.
3) Optimism that we can change the world – much needed, in the face of cynicism and apathy. Beautiful traditions like celebrating the eradiction of smallpox.
4) Social structures offering alternatives to the traditional role of religion: whenever core Rationalist bloggers write about their lives, I am deeply envious. Co-living, people who are united by shared values and vision, social norms favouring neuro-atypical people, etc. I would like this in my life.
5) I really like the idea of stepping away from the “Culture War”, because it generates “much heat but no light”. There’s an important kernel of truth there, about focusing on facts and productive work over clickbait and quick wins.
6) Some of their low-level issues are salient for me. This includes – attempting to have a more generous approach to men as a group, a general fear of Social Justice norms, and a belief in experimental self-care/improvement regimens.
7) I really grok Rationalists. I'm on the same wavelength. They're people I want to spend time with. Rationalism makes people happy and gives them purpose; that's always a good.
I think most tumblr people who use rationalist/rationalist adjacent are primarily communicating 1 & 7. They have discomfort with social justice norms: they want the discussion, politics and tolerance, without the shouting and death threats. And they intuitively see Rationalists and think "ah! my people!"
Unsettling things about Rationalism
Pretty much everything in this category boils down to “it is most rational to act effectively to achieve a stated goal. Too many Rationalist community tropes encourage extremely inefficient approaches.”
1) Missing the wood for the trees. Or focusing so hard on the wood you walk into a tree.
Like: politely playing footsie with fascists. There is such thing as too much civility. It’s good to be open minded and question your assumptions – but life is short. I’m OK with calling scientific racism a settled conversation so we can move on to something more important and productive. Like: a lot of the background noise about women, relationships, and consent. Sometimes things can’t be explained from a pure rational stance, and it’s uncomfortable to watch people try. How comfortable am I being associated with a group which includes Robin Hanson…? His writings about rape are - simply awful.
I do not for one moment wish to be mistaken for a person who agrees with those articles, or believes racism deserves a fair hearing when repackaged to sound sciency.
Every group is like this, right? But it's an odds game. I'm OK with identifying as a feminist, because I know our fringe crazies are safely on the fringe and small in number. With Rationalism...the fringe is putting the best ideas into practice effectively, while the core writings and influential figures are so far out the Overton Window they've actually hit the ground and started walking.
2) There’s nothing more stupid than a man who believes he is very clever.
“My idea is more logical than yours” functions a bit like “I’m more oppressed than you” in Social Justice spaces. If the space holds the value that “the most logical argument is king” or “the most oppressed person is prioritised”, then you don’t actually get rational debate or equality. You get a stick everyone tries to use to get ahead. Too many people presenting themselves as clever, not enough actual humility or uncertainty. When more status is granted for Writing Clever Worldbreaking Things, it encourages overconfident pseudoscience instead of authentic, accurate doubt.  
Also: factoring in emotions, impulsivity, and irrationality is a vital part of getting the right answer when it comes to human beings.
3) Subcultural norm against participating in politics. Political engagement is an important tool for changing the world. It’s not perfect, but it’s what we have – ignoring it is dangerous and daft.
4) Related: subcultural norm for starting from scratch over participating in someone else’s project.
The world is changed by those who do the dishes and take minutes at meetings. Lots of big-scale Rationalist projects attempt to duplicate stuff that already exists, or re-invent the wheel, instead of improving something imperfect and building on work already done. The Libertarian streak encourages this attitude towards government, and the urge to set up parallel agencies and initiatives – instead of working at the grassroots. Which is not glamorous, but it is effective.
5) The wrong goals.
You can change the world at a local level – whether that’s pressuring a local store, supporting local people, writing to councillors, becoming a councillor. Focusing on existential risk is…well, to reuse the phrase, it’s a lot of heat and no light. Masturbation and no money shot. Debates without answers, actions, or measurable outcomes. In short – it’s bad activism. Martin Luther King won by focusing attention on a particular cafeteria protest, a particular bus company.
6) Poor use of power.
Rationalism appeals to some of the smartest and most influential people on the planet – well-paid people in tech, who are ambitious, courageous and motivated. I’m pretty furious and horrified the ideology channels this energy towards AI Risk rather than, say, global warming – something which is definitely happening, hurting people right now, and could absolutely benefit from that passion, innovation, money, and a Libertarian alternative to government dawdling. Tech is – worryingly – powerful in the ways that governments are powerful; if you’ve developed a ideology which connects powerfully with people and makes them believe they can save the world, it’s a crime to then tell them to LARP about with imaginary robots. Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos farting around with Mars rockets instead of nuking wealth inequality, or setting up top-quality schools in deprived areas, or eliminating HIV, or…
7) Feels like a dodgy pyramid scheme.
“We should pledge to give a percentage of our income in effective ways to change the world” – brilliant! “We define ‘effective altruism’ as ‘AI research done by the founder of our movement’ – even though AI research has minimal impact, and our founder has no credentials.” Hmmm. Also "thank you for donating to our group for teaching Rationalist thinking. We have now decided to change our focus towards the aforementioned AI research. Alas, it's so speculative, don't expect measurable results or accountability for this - just know your money has been well spent, saving the world."
I think it’s very ugly to fill people with beautiful feelings, and then channel them into giving you money.
I think it's unsettling that Rationalism provides community for people who are outsiders, who are disabled, and who have scrupulosity issues - then says "good people in our community donate to our founder. It is the most rational action, and the only way to save the world."
Like, you have a captive audience of people who have - at long last - found their tribe. They're very vulnerable to social pressure which may lead to exclusion from the group. They're motivated by the idea of acting rationally, inspired by purpose you gave them to go out and make a difference - and experience acute distress at thinking they are not doing enough good. Do not. Squeeze these people for money. You asshole.
I don't think it's deliberate - but it's still wrong.
8) I like what the Sequences stand for – but not the Sequences themselves.
Learning how to reason, how the mind works, learning critical thinking, developing flexibility and introspection are all excellent. But I want to learn that from original texts by the best thinkers in the world. That is pretty emphatically not You Know Who.
9) Related: Amateurism.
In theory, I like the idea of teaching individual citizens how to use statistics, analyse scientific papers, how to run experiments, and tailor their own medication etc. In practice, these fields have experts in for a reason. Someone who attempts to use statistics, and does it poorly, is far more dangerous and worse off than someone who does not pretend to know, but trusts a reliable source. Core-Rationalism frequently includes people making definitive statements and presenting themselves as an authority, and being very overconfident about their expertise.
(A lot of this is neurodiverse stuff, right? Setting up your own grandiose project from scratch; being an auto-didact; mistrust of traditional authorities; being very clever etc. I’m too ADHD to function, so I can see where it’s all coming from – but it’s hardly optimised for efficiency or outcomes.)
10) There is no such thing as a safe community, and getting these things right is very difficult.
However, it is discomforting how many people close to the heart of power have credible abuse accusations against them. Also, how one of the key Rationalist organisations responded to an abuse accusation, with an inadequate internal process which concluded everything was fine. They’ve since backtracked. That’s not enough for me, because abuse scandal management reflects your innate understanding, bises, beliefs and background. You can’t backtrack when you realise that it looks bad, because the original misstep continues to reflect your group’s true values.
Also, the wider movement has a lot of beliefs which lay the groundwork for abuse: mistrust of feminism, economic approaches to dating, gender and sex, evolutionary psychology and pseudoscience, key figures arguing that rape is nicer than being cheated on...
11) People who say "I don't like Social Justice", and lowkey mean "I don't like feminism or being nice to transsexuals". Rather than how I mean it: "I don't like being frightened or walking on eggshells, I don't like how rage and shaming are totally OK, I don't like how inflexible and bad faith ideas are, I don't like how I've seen it used in real life as a weapon to gain power and control. I don't like bullies."
We are on the same venn diagram, but not nearly enough of an overlap. (Given the choice between a nasty person who supports my rights, and a kind one who does not, I choose: cutting off contact with humans and never leaving my house again)
12) Rationalism is a mere degree of separation from a lot of online movements and subcultures which are definite problems. The resurgence of polite scientific racism; anti-progressive pushbacks on LGBT rights and feminism; some of the MRA stuff, some of the incel stuff; treating Trump/politics as a dinner party debate rather than an active threat...
Can one promote Rationalism, without accidentally building these movements too...? It feels too close, and wilfully blind.
13) I want what the Rationalists I follow have. When I think about attending the local meetup, I imagine an evening spent with reddit users who think racism is very clever, and use phrases like 'not technically rape". How can I even consider adopting a label when I figure the odds are like...70/30 in favour of the rape Nazis? I do not imagine meeting people I would like to leave my child with. I do not think I will find an IRL mirror of for the cool, compassionate, nerdy people I follow online.
If you even have to ask "what percentage of this group are likely to be rape Nazis?", your have your answer.
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me and my gf have been creating fan clans so far its based in Victoria island and tehre r six clans, the Brineclan,Songclan,Meadowclan,Mireclan,Frostclan and leafclan we kinda made the medicine cats into more spiritual then healers so their called Seers and the starclan is called the Soulclan and there r 6 major gods and a bunch of minor gods too and the "evil" gods r lead by a cat know as the Worldbreaker and the leader of the soulclan is called the Starbinder, its a wip but im so excited
its sounds rlly cool my dude!!! Its a rlly interesting take and branch off from the series I hope u guys have a lot of fun w/it!!!
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iamthemax · 6 years
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Swol'af, the Worldbreaker via /r/Bossfight https://ift.tt/2Cxgad2
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wynterrolls · 4 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 How long to max upgrade a character?
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Answer (Calcs below the cut.)
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I’m curious how much time it is going to take me to grind for the materials to max out a single unit in this game, but I can’t find any post that talks about this, so I’ll create one here. Only their ascension and trace materials in this post.
Since I’m F2P in the game and F2Ps take the longest time to grind for a character, I’ll use this situation to estimate the time needed.
Max Trailblaze Power (TP) = 240 per day
Equilibrium Level 6, Trailblaze Lv 70
Starting from scratch = means no items in bag (broke F2P)
Considering only the low end drop rate @ highest difficulty
Drop Rate @ highest difficulty
These rates are based from the Domain Drop Rate sheet linked below. I just considered the low end to know the max results.
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For 5-star unit, I’ll use Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae as example. Here is a screenshot of his material requirements to fully max him from Lv1 to Lv 80 with Traces 6/10/10/10.
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In written format, this is what DHIL’s materials are called as:
Character EXP 4* = Traveler’s Guide
Stagnant Shadow Drop = Suppressing Edict
Echoes of War Drop = Regret of Infinite Ochema
Crimson Trace 4* = Worldbreaker Blade
Crimson Trace 3* = Lifeless Blade
Crimson Trace 2* = Shattered Blade
Gold Trace 4* = Immortal Lumintwig
Gold Trace 3* = Immortal Aeroblossom
Gold Trace 2* = Immortal Scionette
Tracks of Destiny
For 4-star unit, I’ll use Dan Heng as example. Same procedure to his 5-star form done above.
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In written format, this is what his materials are called as:
Character EXP 4* = Traveler’s Guide
Stagnant Shadow Drop = Storm Eye
Echoes of War Drop = Destroyer’s Final Road
Crimson Trace 4* = Arrow of the Starchaser
Crimson Trace 3* = Arrow of the Demon Slayer
Crimson Trace 2* = Arrow of the Beast Hunter
Gold Trace 4* = Squirming Core
Gold Trace 3* = Glimmering Core
Gold Trace 2* = Extinguished Core
Tracks of Destiny
In table form, this is what the materials will be called as:
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NOTE: I converted 4* Crimson Trace materials into 3* ones for ease of computation. Since I’m considering the low-end drop rate, I’m not including 4* drop average in the calcs.
Among the items listed here in this table, these items are not suitable to farm with TP:
Tracks of Destiny [Source: Simulated Universe (SU) weekly rewards, monthly shop item, and from events]
Gold Trace Materials [Source: Golden Calyx runs, overworld enemies in map, SU runs, and sending characters in Assignments]
Now, for the calculations, the easiest to calc first are the Echoes of War drops and Stagnant Shadow drops. These two have constant drops so no need to explain.
NOTE: Runs ↑, Days ↑, and Total TP ↑ are rounded up values.
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Next would be Character EXP and Crimson Trace materials. In the drop rate table above, each run gives different kinds of item drops.
To simplify the values in order to have uniformity in the calcs, I converted the number of drop items in accordance to the value of the highest rarity drop.
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rate w/r 4* = rate with respect to 4* EXP = EXP / (EXP of 4*)
rate w/r 3* = rate with respect to 3* crimson trace = (2* drop) / 3
rate w/r 2* = rate with respect to 2* crimson trace = (3* drop) * 3
Which leads to this calc:
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Last would be the credits. Since the first four runs (Echoes of War, Stagnant Shadow, Character EXP, and Crimson Trace) drop credits as well, I deducted those values and computed the remaining credits needed.
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NOTE: I created two columns for credit values because once you hit Trailblaze Level 70, the Trailblaze EXP is converted into credits instead. Rate is 1 Trailblaze EXP = 10 credits.
I’ve placed the summary above, but if you want an Ascension and Trace Farming Schedule, here.
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Hoyolab Leveling Calculator for HSR Characters
Inventory Materials in HSR Hoyowiki
Honkai: Star Rail Domain Drop Rates
Character EXP in HSR Wiki Fandom
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Uploaded on Patch 2.0
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Author’s Note
Similar post to this one but for light cone here. Ok. Good luck farming. ( •_•)👍
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Update Log
02/17/2024 – Uploaded this post.
02/20/2024 - Added the link for light cone post.
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angel-macabre · 4 years
i was tagged by @seabeam (thank you this is perfect to fill some time on a late night road trip)
tea or hot chocolate | cozy books or Halloween movies | plaid or corduroy | foggy mornings or twinkly nights | orange or black | pumpkin or apple pie | wool or velvet | picking fruit or carving pumpkins | libraries or coffee shops | cinnamon or peanut butter | spooky or cozy Halloween | candles or fairy lights
i tag @xraychan @worldbreake-r @beekeep because i know y'all on here <3 and anyone else that sees this just tag me if you wanna answer these because it'll entertain me to see y'all answer too
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angel-macabre · 4 years
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@worldbreake-r it's this right here :)
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angel-macabre · 6 years
@worldbreake-r I used this recipe for the chicken, I just tweaked it a little by using chicken breast rather than wings, doubled the garlic called for in the marinade, used the double dipped method (I coated the marinated chicken with the flour mixture, fried it for a minute or two, then coated it again and cooked it the rest of the way) and I also made my own sauce to go with it since I'm watching how much sugar I eat but I know that if I hadn't changed a thing it would've been just as good
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angel-macabre · 6 years
@worldbreake-r my favorite smoothie has to be frozen watermelon, mango, mint, and part pineapple juice part oj but my most frequently made smoothie is frozen berries, banana, and oj so cheap and quick, very classic
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