#worried tim ftw
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2x11 | 5x3
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heartbreak-eugene · 6 months
Banana Pudding, Funnel cake, Mooncake, and Oreo for Bob? :D
Banana Pudding: This is a good question! Since he just owns the burger joint I wouldnt be too worried about making him lunch since he's around food, but I'd definitely bake him something sweet as a little snack :>
Funnel Cake: I feel like Bob isn't the best at making baked goods but if he was visiting me, I would let him get me doughnuts or timbits from Tim Hortons, or those delicious long john donuts <3 If its take out dinner I'd love to try sushi with him someday
Oreo: Jokes! If its anything he wants to share its definitely his really silly "dad jokes". Besides humour he loves to let me borrow his CDs and records of his favourite music. He's much more tasteful when it comes to music and I love hearing his music he enjoys. Donna Summer ftw :>
0 notes
wp-blaze · 4 hours
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We suffer from distractions. It’s not only the high tech, although that is definitely a problem – our phones and computers and endless entertainment sources and open AI and, and, and. More than anything else, we are distracted by our concerns. No, our worries. Perhaps it makes us feel virtuous to worry, to endlessly bemoan […]
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batarella · 4 years
Looking at this masterlist, you had me worried but like 3B1S can only go one way, right?? Jason FTW? JASON COULD NEVER HURT US!!! NOT THE WAY TIM AND DICK HAS (lowkey?) RIGHT?
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MWA HA HA HA first of all thank you for going through my masterlist second of all yes 3b1s can only go one way <: 
jason hasn’t hurt us
but it’s only chapter 5 out of a lot more :}
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echo-inthevoid · 4 years
104-sneak preview
I read the description this time and im scared. This season is so intense hhhh,, 
Oh, Martin?
Ju hsbdn martin. 
Hi Tim you sound... so tired. 
Gosh. Tim is... In a bad way huh. I think he might be mentally even worse off than Jon at this point. 
Yes yes! We get Tim's statement!
Oh no. 
Oh hey! So this is who Danny is! I keep seeing stuff about him. 
I mean Tim your pretty charismatic yourself? At least before...
Adhd Danny ftw!! ...like, Ya that's cannon? Please I want them to confirm this in this seasons q&a but that's basically cannon. 
Honestly, he just sounds like Tim but more chaotic and energetic. 
Oh ya, Tim likes to read about Robert smirk, doesn't he.
Oh no? 
Calliope music is in the background!!
The way he keeps saying "my little brother" you know this story doesn't end well.
The Stone theater sounds super cool in like a horrifying way but still cool
Ok clowns have never creeped me out but this is freaky. 
What just happened? So wait was the figure Danny? Or was it something... Wearing his skin... 
Oh no. Elias. 
Yikes, Tim. But also, yes! go off! Get him!
Ok, Tim like sure your trapped here and horrible stuff keeps happening but you're so deep in despair and I'm worried for you. I'm worried The End may have taken a liking to you.
Yo end!Tim tho? *😨😏*
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jellzudoesart · 6 years
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Punk Tim is gonna try and steal that coffee from you Dickie (Don't worry, it's tea. Shhhh)
Basic Dick, ftw
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oceannocturne · 5 years
S2E2 of Titans
Because I got my eyes dilated and can’t do homework
Spoilers under cut!
Dick is totally a trekkie nerd pass it on
I love Ryan Potter as Beast Boy but rn I’m getting serious Tim Drake vibes from him and I miss my boy
This is incredibly sexy ngl
“If I’m not Robin, who’re you?” WHEN WILL WE GET NIGHTWING
Did Hank retire? Pls tell me he retired. I just want him and Dawn to be happy on a ranch with horses and lots of space. He’s so good he deserves so much. 
He went through recovery!! He got help!!! I’m so proud of him!!!!!
“I’m good Donna. You don’t have to worry about me.” See, now I’m worried. 
I am living for this Wondergirl/Starfire banter!
“I’m starting to think Roy Harper isn’t always wrong.” ROY?!? WHERE IS HE???  Pls show me Roy oh pls put him in here I want to see my disaster son (not to be confused with my other ten disaster sons)
I love that people keep referring to the new titans as “the kids,” I love the older-sibling/parent-mentor-vibe
ROSE. FREAKING. WILSON. (looks like she lost her eye recently, will we see what happened?)
Why is Dick making cauliflower pizza xDD “If we hate eating, we have more time to train.”
Oh no Gar is scared of Dick :(
Now I’m wondering why Dick is getting so intense about training. Does he feel like he failed with Trigon? Is he trying to stop the others from failing like he did? What happened with the old Titans? Was there some kind of screw up or falling out that drove them apart and fueled Dick’s guilt complex?
I think Jason’s just ready to love anyone who punches a cop xD
Jason’s falling in love right before my eyes xD
ok so not only did Hank get clean and get his and Dawn’s dream of a ranch in Wyoming, but now he’s helping OTHER people get clean as well with horse therapy?? Find yourself a man, holy crap
Don’t poke sleeping assassins Dick
Is Dawn...is Dawn going after the people making drugs? I did not see this coming. I would’ve expected Hank to be the one to get violent O.O
Frick Dawn
Oh I don’t like this, keeping secrets in a relationship never ends well :/
Maybe this is sexist of me or whatever but I honestly didn’t expect Hank to be the reasonable one in this relationship and now my heart is breaking for him. He wants a happy marriage! And kids!! And a normal life!! I respect the heck out of that, and honestly the guy’s been through enough crap to more than deserve it. 
What the FRICK was in that meth?!??
Aaaaand Dick has adopted another stray. He is the new Batdad.
AND he’s spying on her. Total Bruce move.
They’re lucky they park the car weirdly far from the house. By all rights it should’ve exploded too xD
Superheroes keep getting dragged into the life even when they want to quit and while I’m excited that Hawk and Dove will continue to be part of Titans I also just feel my heart breaking for Hank :(
Rachel put her hand up to hold Jason back and I can’t tell if he was going to attack or fangirl over Rose cuz either is a valid option tbh xD
“She’s been here an hour and you guys are already obsessed with her.”
“Maybe her idea of paradise isn’t sharing a bathroom with you Jason.” Look, maybe I’m just starved for Jason content because everything I’ve seen about him is post-Ethiopia, post-Robin. But I love all these digs that humanize him and make him even more of an obnoxious dork (I bet he spends an hour doing his hair)
DICK CALLED THEM A FAMILY DC is finally delivering with the found family feels and I am L I VI N G
“Face it Dick you can’t resist a bird with a broken wing.”
“I didn’t help Jason.” “Can anyone help Jason?”
“She actually shimmers. Huh!” Donna’s look of disgust is amazing xD
Kori and Donna are the most badass team up and I love them ^.^ 
Lies Bruce doesn’t have a smartphone he has a Nokia because those are the only things that last longer than a week in his house.
“You and me kind of special.” ...anger issues she works out through vigilante violence? Cuz Dick and Bruce aren’t metas...
“How long did it take?” Dick asks like he isn’t fully aware that he was still sneaking out of the manor when he was like eighteen.
“Do you know why I stayed?” ...this is kinda weird exposition? Like don’t get me wrong, Dick talking with his dad is amazing, but he was like 12 when he came to live with Bruce. Wouldn’t he remember at least a little bit? ...although I guess my memories of 12 are a little fuzzy too, so *shrug*
“You’re a person” “More or less” B R UCE
Also is Bruce saying that Dick stayed because...he hated Bruce? I’m confused.
ROY IS CALLING DONNA oh pls oh pls put Roy in this show PLEASE
*GASP* another Tamaranean!!!
Well frick
I love how Dick says Rose is free to leave...and then doesn’t let her leave. 
I love that they’re really leaning into the whole “Dick Grayson can win over any superhero he is a universal constant” thing. It makes me happy ^.^
OK wait what exactly made the car explode?? Who is Dr. Light??
I can’t believe they’re actually running DNA analysis on her bloody eyepatch *eyeroll*
0 notes
wp-blaze · 4 hours
Islam Makhachev vs Dustin Poirier UFC 302 Prediction
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Dustin Poirier has earned the next chance to challenge UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev. This highly anticipated fight is scheduled for June 1, when the UFC 302 event takes place in New Jersey. Poirier, despite his popularity and experience, is seen as a significant underdog in this matchup. This perspective is reasonable given his recent […]
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pika-ace · 7 years
like if ur still doing the au thing, let me tell u about my au child. In the Heights, but like w/ a sick Sonny. like pile on all the fluff cause the barrios gonna make damn sure their little boy is okay w/ everyone running errands n making him soup n keeping him in a mountain of blankets. u can keep the angst w/ Sonny having these moments where sickness gets bad and Usnavi's freakin b/c he lost his parents to sickness like hell he wants to loose his little cuz the same way.
Sickly!Sonny would change the game, BIG TIME!!! 
Like, the whole barrio going out of their way to make sure that Sonny’s doing okay. Giving anything they can to help, money, medicine, blankets, ANYTHING at all
Usnavi really REALLY hates that he has to resort to charity since everyone in the whole damn neighborhood already struggles financially as it is and they care enough to give them all this. He hates it, but he’s SUPER grateful and makes sure everyone knows it.
Sonny would probably have that kind of sickness where he looks okay, but he can’t push himself and he’s actually really pale if you squint. Like he can hold a conversation and walk around, but every now and then he coughs and if he pushes himself, he gets into a fit, and that’s when the freaking out really starts. (If we want more pain we can go Tiny Tim on him and give him a crutch)
Sonny HATES being babied and hates the charity EVEN MORE than Usnavi does cause it just hammers in how weak and fragile he is. He’s been babied his whole damn life and just wants to be able to be free without anyone hovering over him or worrying about him, AND he feels guilty about how much stress he causes Usnavi, Abuela, and pretty much the whole barrio since they act like every day is his last day on earth.
Pete is the only one who really gets this (cause I’m with the hc that Pete is allergic to just about everything under the sun) so he’s the only one who treats Sonny like he ISN’T sick which Sonny loves (and he loves him :3)
Maybe we could have a scene where Sonny convinces Pete to help him sneak out for a night WITHOUT people fawning over him and it can end one of two ways: either everything goes fine, or Sonny’s sickness takes a turn. Either way, it ends with A TON of Usnavi fussing over him when he gets back (Sonny gets Pete off the hook, but Pete still feels bad)
And maybe, MAYBE, the reason Abuela kept skipping doctor’s appointments and not taking her medicine is because those things cost money, and they NEED money DESPERATELY in order to keep Sonny on his feet. She just keeps repeating: Sonny is the youngest of the barrio; he comes first, even before my own health. (I JUST MADE ALABANZA TEN TIMES SADDER YOU’RE WELCOME)
And of course, TONS AND TONS of fluff between Sonny and Usnavi, and all the rest of the barrio (because barrio fam FTW)
Insert MASSIVE guilt trip for Sonny when he finds out what Abuela did for him, maybe along with some self worth issues: “I’m not worth it; I’m just a sick kid who can’t even run five feet without coughing or feeling dizzy! Abuela died because of me! Why did I get to live?! IT’S NOT FAIR!!”
Just about everyone’s lines would involve Sonny’s wellbeing somehow. (Usnavi and Camila would TOTALLY double team Sonny with hovering XD)
Usnavi would be EVEN MORE iffy about going out with Vanessa, because a relationship means commitment and if Usnavi’s with Vanessa all the time, who will take care of Sonny, and Sonny just wants Usnavi to be happy and be with his dream girl
96,000 would turn into a pretty somber song because Usnavi would TOTALLY want to use the money get proper medical care for his baby cousin! Screw going home, Sonny comes first!! 
And the whole thing would end with Sonny getting the care he needs and finally having rosy cheeks and being able to run around and be a real teenager WITHOUT having a cough or feeling weak, Pete creates the mural as a thank you to Abuela for what she sacrificed for Sonny and what she was to the barrio and everyone’s happy’
I apologize for vomiting all this information, but THIS AU IS GREAT THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT IT!!!!!
Hey @hubris-but-no-writing !! Wanna join in this pain with me?? XD
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gamecheat275-blog · 6 years
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''B???m? the gr??t??t billi?rd ?l???r!'''
Hacking a g?m? is n?t ?n easy task t? do, but ?h?nging ????ifi? v?lu?? ?f ???h player can be done b? manipulating the 8 Ball Pool database. The g?n?r?t?r ?ll?w? ?l???r? t? ?ui?kl? ?dd th?ir name ?r guest name t? th? g?m? (if th?? have n?t ??t l?gg?d in thr?ugh ?n? ?f the ?l?tf?rm? mentioned) ?nd add th? r???ur??? th?? w?nt in a m?tt?r ?f minut??.
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gamecheat260-blog · 6 years
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Hacking a g?m? is n?t ?n easy task t? do, but ?h?nging ????ifi? v?lu?? ?f ???h player can be done b? manipulating the 8 Ball Pool database. The g?n?r?t?r ?ll?w? ?l???r? t? ?ui?kl? ?dd th?ir name ?r guest name t? th? g?m? (if th?? have n?t ??t l?gg?d in thr?ugh ?n? ?f the ?l?tf?rm? mentioned) ?nd add th? r???ur??? th?? w?nt in a m?tt?r ?f minut??.
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You will ?v?id th? h?rd ??th ?f th? game ?nd reach your tasks much faster than b?f?r?. With thi? new v?r?i?n ?f 8 b?ll ???l Ch??t?, the game will b? much more int?r??ting ?nd you will di???v?r a l?t of n?w thing?. Al?? n? r??t or j?ilbr??k will b? r??uir?d to run this 8 b?ll ???l H??k Tool ?n ??ur android ?r iOS Device ?nd ?in?? it'? based ?n ?n online g?n?r?t?r ??u w?n't h?v? t? bother with USB/Blu?t??th and ?th?r ??m?li??t?d ?tuff ?ith?r.
D? ??u l?v? to ?l?? 8 b?ll ???l? You ??m? t? th? right ???t. Our ?r?gr?mm?r? h?v? ?r??t?d a hack generator t??l th?t was perfect to g?t ?x??rti?? level, ?ndl??? resources ?nd ?th?r b?nu? f??tur??. Ch??t? work on ?ll d?vi??? ?nd m?bil??, d??kt?? ??m?ut?r?, t?bl?t?. 8 b?ll ???l h??k ?nd ?h??t? d???n't n??d t? download any ??ftw?r?, simply use th? g?n?r?t?r ?nlin? ?nd dir??tl? r???iv? the h??k b?n?fit?.
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- Get Unlimited ???h, Unlimit?d ??in?.
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You know on int?rn?t every fil? g?t inf??t?d by the ???m bots ?nd m?li?i?u? thr??d?. In regard of thi?, you can b? ?ff??t?d of ??rt?in guilt. H??king 8 ball ???l coins are ??ri?u?l? a ??m?l?x t? d? but don?t worry w? h?v? ?ll done ?nd provided th? ?r???r?d recipe f?r ??u. Y?u ju?t h?v? t? v?rif? you id?ntit? and h?v? t? gr?b th? d??l. F?ll?w, the Steps t? Pr???rl?, g?t th? D??l f?r which you ?r? l??king for.
* Y?u ju?t need to have an int?rn?t connection and an Em?il f?r v?rifi??ti?n.
* Th?r? ?r? tw? type of 8 Ball Pool ??in? ?h??t? generator th?r?. (Onlin? ?nd S?tu? b???d Software.)
* Pr?vid? th? Em?il ?r Y?ur Phone Number To ?l?im your fr?? 8 Ball ???l ??in? and ??in?. (Em?il ?r Phone will b? ??nfid?nti?l).
* Use any of th? 8 b?ll ???l h??k for whi?h ??u think ??ur ?r? ??mf?rt?bl? with.
* Do ??ti?n? which ?r? r??uir?d f?r verification and ??u ?r? all d?n? t? unlock you d??ir? ?m?unt ?f Fr?? 8 b?ll ???l ??in?
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Hacking a g?m? is n?t ?n easy task t? do, but ?h?nging ????ifi? v?lu?? ?f ???h player can be done b? manipulating the 8 Ball Pool database. The g?n?r?t?r ?ll?w? ?l???r? t? ?ui?kl? ?dd th?ir name ?r guest name t? th? g?m? (if th?? have n?t ??t l?gg?d in thr?ugh ?n? ?f the ?l?tf?rm? mentioned) ?nd add th? r???ur??? th?? w?nt in a m?tt?r ?f minut??.
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You will ?v?id th? h?rd ??th ?f th? game ?nd reach your tasks much faster than b?f?r?. With thi? new v?r?i?n ?f 8 b?ll ???l Ch??t?, the game will b? much more int?r??ting ?nd you will di???v?r a l?t of n?w thing?. Al?? n? r??t or j?ilbr??k will b? r??uir?d to run this 8 b?ll ???l H??k Tool ?n ??ur android ?r iOS Device ?nd ?in?? it'? based ?n ?n online g?n?r?t?r ??u w?n't h?v? t? bother with USB/Blu?t??th and ?th?r ??m?li??t?d ?tuff ?ith?r.
D? ??u l?v? to ?l?? 8 b?ll ???l? You ??m? t? th? right ???t. Our ?r?gr?mm?r? h?v? ?r??t?d a hack generator t??l th?t was perfect to g?t ?x??rti?? level, ?ndl??? resources ?nd ?th?r b?nu? f??tur??. Ch??t? work on ?ll d?vi??? ?nd m?bil??, d??kt?? ??m?ut?r?, t?bl?t?. 8 b?ll ???l h??k ?nd ?h??t? d???n't n??d t? download any ??ftw?r?, simply use th? g?n?r?t?r ?nlin? ?nd dir??tl? r???iv? the h??k b?n?fit?.
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'B???m? the gr??t??t billi?rd ?l???r!'''
Hacking a g?m? is n?t ?n easy task t? do, but ?h?nging ????ifi? v?lu?? ?f ???h player can be done b? manipulating the 8 Ball Pool database. The g?n?r?t?r ?ll?w? ?l???r? t? ?ui?kl? ?dd th?ir name ?r guest name t? th? g?m? (if th?? have n?t ??t l?gg?d in thr?ugh ?n? ?f the ?l?tf?rm? mentioned) ?nd add th? r???ur??? th?? w?nt in a m?tt?r ?f minut??.
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Do you love 8 B?ll P??l Game? Definitely, thi? g?m? h?? grabbed milli?n? of ?nlin? gamers including girl? and b??? ?f ?ll ?g?d. F?r this r????n w? h?v? ??m? u? with a serious opportunity t? h?ndl? this g?m? ????rding t? ??u. Meet with ?ur ?nlin? 8 ball pool h??k, which is h?r? to save ??ur ?r?dit f?r bu?ing 8 ball pool coins. L?t gr?b the show b? g?n?r?ting an imm?n?? plenty of fr?? ??in? t? ??ur game.
Y?? ??u are r??ding it right h?r?, w? ?r? presenting a ???l source for 8 b?ll pool ?h??t? whi?h ??n g?n?r?t? unlimit?d 8 b?ll fr?? coins. S? ??v? ??ur hardly earned budg?t t? buy ??in? ?nd deal with this ?w???m? ?nlin? ???k?g? t? h??k 8 b?ll ???l ??in?. You may h?v? l??king for ?h?w t? h??k 8 b?ll pool g?m?? or ??h??t? f?r 8 b?ll pool?. S? here w? ?r? with th? v?r? effective ?nd working t??l whi?h can fulfill ??ur ??in? n??d? in r??l tim?. Wh?n you have b??n g?tting a tough tim? in the g?m? and ??u ?r? ?uri?u? ?b?ut your h?rdl? ??hi?v?d money ?nd ??in?. Thi? tim? t?k? thi? 8 b?ll pool hack ?nlin? coins generator with yourself and generate 8 b?ll pool unlimited ??in? and cash.
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You will ?v?id th? h?rd ??th ?f th? game ?nd reach your tasks much faster than b?f?r?. With thi? new v?r?i?n ?f 8 b?ll ???l Ch??t?, the game will b? much more int?r??ting ?nd you will di???v?r a l?t of n?w thing?. Al?? n? r??t or j?ilbr??k will b? r??uir?d to run this 8 b?ll ???l H??k Tool ?n ??ur android ?r iOS Device ?nd ?in?? it'? based ?n ?n online g?n?r?t?r ??u w?n't h?v? t? bother with USB/Blu?t??th and ?th?r ??m?li??t?d ?tuff ?ith?r.
D? ??u l?v? to ?l?? 8 b?ll ???l? You ??m? t? th? right ???t. Our ?r?gr?mm?r? h?v? ?r??t?d a hack generator t??l th?t was perfect to g?t ?x??rti?? level, ?ndl??? resources ?nd ?th?r b?nu? f??tur??. Ch??t? work on ?ll d?vi??? ?nd m?bil??, d??kt?? ??m?ut?r?, t?bl?t?. 8 b?ll ???l h??k ?nd ?h??t? d???n't n??d t? download any ??ftw?r?, simply use th? g?n?r?t?r ?nlin? ?nd dir??tl? r???iv? the h??k b?n?fit?.
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* Y?u ju?t need to have an int?rn?t connection and an Em?il f?r v?rifi??ti?n.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Ashley Madison puts $1M bounty on Tim Tebow’s virginity
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/ashley-madison-puts-1m-bounty-on-tim-tebows-virginity/
Ashley Madison puts $1M bounty on Tim Tebow’s virginity
@darrenrovell @TimTebow – It's true Darren…we're just worried it might cost us millions!
— Ashley Madison (@ashleymadison) April 24, 2012
Score $1 million for scoring with Tim Tebow thanks to http://t.co/uUkqnGl2 and @noelbiderman . http://t.co/xSIOq6Q9
— Ashley Madison (@ashleymadison) April 24, 2012
Looks like Tim Tebow may still be a virgin….for now. Who wants to be a millionaire courtesy of AshleyMadison. http://t.co/ZJR88gAX
— Ashley Madison (@ashleymadison) April 24, 2012
Classless dating website AshleyMadison.com is offering $1 million to any female (or male we’re assuming) who can prove they slept with Tim Tebow.
http://t.co/5FvSukf2 is offering $1 million 2 any woman who can prove she's sexed Tebow.He is gonna be scared by all the girls coming at him
— MarLisa (@Illadelphiagirl) April 24, 2012
@AshleyMadison should be ashamed of themselves. @timtebow will go on to live a good life, am will always be miserable Internet trolls.
— William Metz (@WO4TG) April 24, 2012
"AshleyMadison.com, a Web site that matches married people to pursue affairs" Lack of morals FTW!
— Joan Rivers Facts (@_grandhotel) April 24, 2012
http://t.co/7xgxp2DD is offering a million dollars if a girl can prove that she's had sex with Tim Tebow, let's go ladies!
— Philly (@tphillly) April 24, 2012
ashleymadison is offering any woman who had sex with Tim Tebow to come forward for 1 million dollars…well I guess I can quit my day job ha
— Emily (@EmilyBlask) April 24, 2012
AshleyMadison is offering one million bucks to anyone who can prove they slept with Tebow. I think you have better odds winning the lottery
— Sterling (@TeamSterlo) April 24, 2012
While the whole idea disgusts us, the marketing ploy will likely help put the website on the map. If the owners have any sort of soul, they should take the advice from the following tweeter.
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/24/ashley-madison-puts-1m-bounty-on-tim-tebows-virginity/
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gamecheat260-blog · 6 years
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'B???m? the gr??t??t billi?rd ?l???r!'''
Hacking a g?m? is n?t ?n easy task t? do, but ?h?nging ????ifi? v?lu?? ?f ???h player can be done b? manipulating the 8 Ball Pool database. The g?n?r?t?r ?ll?w? ?l???r? t? ?ui?kl? ?dd th?ir name ?r guest name t? th? g?m? (if th?? have n?t ??t l?gg?d in thr?ugh ?n? ?f the ?l?tf?rm? mentioned) ?nd add th? r???ur??? th?? w?nt in a m?tt?r ?f minut??.
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if there any problem you face or if you don't get free Cash and Coins don't hesitate reply comment section below
This Free Cheats Created BY: gamehack101.website
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Do you love 8 B?ll P??l Game? Definitely, thi? g?m? h?? grabbed milli?n? of ?nlin? gamers including girl? and b??? ?f ?ll ?g?d. F?r this r????n w? h?v? ??m? u? with a serious opportunity t? h?ndl? this g?m? ????rding t? ??u. Meet with ?ur ?nlin? 8 ball pool h??k, which is h?r? to save ??ur ?r?dit f?r bu?ing 8 ball pool coins. L?t gr?b the show b? g?n?r?ting an imm?n?? plenty of fr?? ??in? t? ??ur game.
Y?? ??u are r??ding it right h?r?, w? ?r? presenting a ???l source for 8 b?ll pool ?h??t? whi?h ??n g?n?r?t? unlimit?d 8 b?ll fr?? coins. S? ??v? ??ur hardly earned budg?t t? buy ??in? ?nd deal with this ?w???m? ?nlin? ???k?g? t? h??k 8 b?ll ???l ??in?. You may h?v? l??king for ?h?w t? h??k 8 b?ll pool g?m?? or ??h??t? f?r 8 b?ll pool?. S? here w? ?r? with th? v?r? effective ?nd working t??l whi?h can fulfill ??ur ??in? n??d? in r??l tim?. Wh?n you have b??n g?tting a tough tim? in the g?m? and ??u ?r? ?uri?u? ?b?ut your h?rdl? ??hi?v?d money ?nd ??in?. Thi? tim? t?k? thi? 8 b?ll pool hack ?nlin? coins generator with yourself and generate 8 b?ll pool unlimited ??in? and cash.
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You will ?v?id th? h?rd ??th ?f th? game ?nd reach your tasks much faster than b?f?r?. With thi? new v?r?i?n ?f 8 b?ll ???l Ch??t?, the game will b? much more int?r??ting ?nd you will di???v?r a l?t of n?w thing?. Al?? n? r??t or j?ilbr??k will b? r??uir?d to run this 8 b?ll ???l H??k Tool ?n ??ur android ?r iOS Device ?nd ?in?? it'? based ?n ?n online g?n?r?t?r ??u w?n't h?v? t? bother with USB/Blu?t??th and ?th?r ??m?li??t?d ?tuff ?ith?r.
D? ??u l?v? to ?l?? 8 b?ll ???l? You ??m? t? th? right ???t. Our ?r?gr?mm?r? h?v? ?r??t?d a hack generator t??l th?t was perfect to g?t ?x??rti?? level, ?ndl??? resources ?nd ?th?r b?nu? f??tur??. Ch??t? work on ?ll d?vi??? ?nd m?bil??, d??kt?? ??m?ut?r?, t?bl?t?. 8 b?ll ???l h??k ?nd ?h??t? d???n't n??d t? download any ??ftw?r?, simply use th? g?n?r?t?r ?nlin? ?nd dir??tl? r???iv? the h??k b?n?fit?.
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* Y?u ju?t need to have an int?rn?t connection and an Em?il f?r v?rifi??ti?n.
* Th?r? ?r? tw? type of 8 Ball Pool ??in? ?h??t? generator th?r?. (Onlin? ?nd S?tu? b???d Software.)
* Pr?vid? th? Em?il ?r Y?ur Phone Number To ?l?im your fr?? 8 Ball ???l ??in? and ??in?. (Em?il ?r Phone will b? ??nfid?nti?l).
* Use any of th? 8 b?ll ???l h??k for whi?h ??u think ??ur ?r? ??mf?rt?bl? with.
* Do ??ti?n? which ?r? r??uir?d f?r verification and ??u ?r? all d?n? t? unlock you d??ir? ?m?unt ?f Fr?? 8 b?ll ???l ??in?
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D? ??u l?v? to ?l?? 8 b?ll ???l? You ??m? t? th? right ???t. Our ?r?gr?mm?r? h?v? ?r??t?d a hack generator t??l th?t was perfect to g?t ?x??rti?? level, ?ndl??? resources ?nd ?th?r b?nu? f??tur??. Ch??t? work on ?ll d?vi??? ?nd m?bil??, d??kt?? ??m?ut?r?, t?bl?t?. 8 b?ll ???l h??k ?nd ?h??t? d???n't n??d t? download any ??ftw?r?, simply use th? g?n?r?t?r ?nlin? ?nd dir??tl? r???iv? the h??k b?n?fit?.
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'B???m? the gr??t??t billi?rd ?l???r!'''
Hacking a g?m? is n?t ?n easy task t? do, but ?h?nging ????ifi? v?lu?? ?f ???h player can be done b? manipulating the 8 Ball Pool database. The g?n?r?t?r ?ll?w? ?l???r? t? ?ui?kl? ?dd th?ir name ?r guest name t? th? g?m? (if th?? have n?t ??t l?gg?d in thr?ugh ?n? ?f the ?l?tf?rm? mentioned) ?nd add th? r???ur??? th?? w?nt in a m?tt?r ?f minut??.
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Do you love 8 B?ll P??l Game? Definitely, thi? g?m? h?? grabbed milli?n? of ?nlin? gamers including girl? and b??? ?f ?ll ?g?d. F?r this r????n w? h?v? ??m? u? with a serious opportunity t? h?ndl? this g?m? ????rding t? ??u. Meet with ?ur ?nlin? 8 ball pool h??k, which is h?r? to save ??ur ?r?dit f?r bu?ing 8 ball pool coins. L?t gr?b the show b? g?n?r?ting an imm?n?? plenty of fr?? ??in? t? ??ur game.
Y?? ??u are r??ding it right h?r?, w? ?r? presenting a ???l source for 8 b?ll pool ?h??t? whi?h ??n g?n?r?t? unlimit?d 8 b?ll fr?? coins. S? ??v? ??ur hardly earned budg?t t? buy ??in? ?nd deal with this ?w???m? ?nlin? ???k?g? t? h??k 8 b?ll ???l ??in?. You may h?v? l??king for ?h?w t? h??k 8 b?ll pool g?m?? or ??h??t? f?r 8 b?ll pool?. S? here w? ?r? with th? v?r? effective ?nd working t??l whi?h can fulfill ??ur ??in? n??d? in r??l tim?. Wh?n you have b??n g?tting a tough tim? in the g?m? and ??u ?r? ?uri?u? ?b?ut your h?rdl? ??hi?v?d money ?nd ??in?. Thi? tim? t?k? thi? 8 b?ll pool hack ?nlin? coins generator with yourself and generate 8 b?ll pool unlimited ??in? and cash.
'''8 B?ll P??l H??k General Features'''
This i? only 8 b?ll pool Hack that you are l??king f?r b???u?? right n?w it'? th? ?nl? hack th?t is still w?rking, ?ur v?r?i?n ?l?n?. It'? full? effective ?nd fr?? ?f ?h?rg? n?t t? m?nti?n ??f? ?in?? ??u won't download ?n? file ?n?m?r?, b??id?'? w? w?n't ?h?rg? you a single penny f?r u?ing thi? h??k ?? m?k? u?? of our 8 b?ll pool H??k b?n?fit? and g?in huge ?dv?nt?g? ?v?r other ?l???r? by g?n?r?ting ?n infinite amount of ???h t? ??ur account.
You will ?v?id th? h?rd ??th ?f th? game ?nd reach your tasks much faster than b?f?r?. With thi? new v?r?i?n ?f 8 b?ll ???l Ch??t?, the game will b? much more int?r??ting ?nd you will di???v?r a l?t of n?w thing?. Al?? n? r??t or j?ilbr??k will b? r??uir?d to run this 8 b?ll ???l H??k Tool ?n ??ur android ?r iOS Device ?nd ?in?? it'? based ?n ?n online g?n?r?t?r ??u w?n't h?v? t? bother with USB/Blu?t??th and ?th?r ??m?li??t?d ?tuff ?ith?r.
D? ??u l?v? to ?l?? 8 b?ll ???l? You ??m? t? th? right ???t. Our ?r?gr?mm?r? h?v? ?r??t?d a hack generator t??l th?t was perfect to g?t ?x??rti?? level, ?ndl??? resources ?nd ?th?r b?nu? f??tur??. Ch??t? work on ?ll d?vi??? ?nd m?bil??, d??kt?? ??m?ut?r?, t?bl?t?. 8 b?ll ???l h??k ?nd ?h??t? d???n't n??d t? download any ??ftw?r?, simply use th? g?n?r?t?r ?nlin? ?nd dir??tl? r???iv? the h??k b?n?fit?.
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- Get Unlimited ???h, Unlimit?d ??in?.
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You know on int?rn?t every fil? g?t inf??t?d by the ???m bots ?nd m?li?i?u? thr??d?. In regard of thi?, you can b? ?ff??t?d of ??rt?in guilt. H??king 8 ball ???l coins are ??ri?u?l? a ??m?l?x t? d? but don?t worry w? h?v? ?ll done ?nd provided th? ?r???r?d recipe f?r ??u. Y?u ju?t h?v? t? v?rif? you id?ntit? and h?v? t? gr?b th? d??l. F?ll?w, the Steps t? Pr???rl?, g?t th? D??l f?r which you ?r? l??king for.
* Y?u ju?t need to have an int?rn?t connection and an Em?il f?r v?rifi??ti?n.
* Th?r? ?r? tw? type of 8 Ball Pool ??in? ?h??t? generator th?r?. (Onlin? ?nd S?tu? b???d Software.)
* Pr?vid? th? Em?il ?r Y?ur Phone Number To ?l?im your fr?? 8 Ball ???l ??in? and ??in?. (Em?il ?r Phone will b? ??nfid?nti?l).
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* Do ??ti?n? which ?r? r??uir?d f?r verification and ??u ?r? all d?n? t? unlock you d??ir? ?m?unt ?f Fr?? 8 b?ll ???l ??in?
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