#worst mother of the year award
rosered12 · 9 months
Pjotv spoilers!
Me trying to hold it together when Percy tricks Annabeth to save her and Grovers life while he literally poisoned
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mo-mode · 9 months
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incorrectfatui · 4 months
Crucabena : There's beer in the cooler.  Pierro : …What about for the children?  Crucabena : I guess you can get water from that water fountain and use it to water down the beer.  Signora : Why don't we just give the kids water? Crucabena , angrily: I suppose you could do that!
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cruelprincae · 10 months
all i'm saying is that we could have had asha singing fae lullabies to cardan like aisling sang to philo but no, she had to be a royal bitch.
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
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despite everything its still you…
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wosogwrites · 8 days
You were the best, but you were the worst
Chapter 1
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Captain Lucy Bronze x Captain Ona Batlle
Summary: Lucy Bronze and Ona Batlle are rival captains of the two biggest clubs in women’s football, and they totally, absolutely, utterly hate each others guts
2.2k words
Disclaimer: sorry about the shitty translated spanish and catalan. there are no big plans for it to become 18+ (although i’m not against it) but serious themes discussed and a lot of swearing
The changing room bench was split in two, the wood splintering onto the floor, Lucy Bronze’s cleated foot amongst it.
“For fucks sake,” she groaned deeply, spinning away and throwing her boots to the side.
Sent off because of two yellow cards was never a good look, especially not as the captain and definitely not during the most important match of the season.
They were going to lose she knew that almost for certain. 80th minute 2-1 down and a player down. The glimmer of hope for the game had vanished, along with the hope of winning the league.
It was an awful way to end the season for FC Lleons, having been toe to toe with forever rivals FC Valquíries for the entire year, it all came down to the final match. A draw or a win and the Lleons would take the title, a measly draw was all they needed and Lucy had bottled it.
She flopped down on the bench and raked her blunt nails through her hair, the match day bun she usually found comforting tugging painfully at the scalp.
She’d still be on that pitch if it wasn’t for her. Her stupid face. Her annoying voice. Her horrible personality. Lucy had been told from a young age to never use the word hate, her mum would say ‘Lucy its not hate, you don’t hate, you just dislike’. But at 30 years old, she officially disagreed with her mother, cause ‘dislike’ was no where near strong enough to describe her feelings towards Ona Batlle.
Ona Batlle, the Captain of FC Valquíries and the biggest pain in the arse. Both football teams were located in Barcelona, where Lucy relocated to from England 7 years ago. It has always been a historic rivalry but since the leadership of the two women it has become far deeper and bigger.
Ultimately it had been beneficial to both clubs, they competed in matches, for the league, for the best facilities, for the best most popular players. Consequently, they had both grown exponentially in the past four years, women’s football along with it. The game was dramatic and thrilling and just what was needed to reel the fans in, and Lucy and Ona were the figureheads of it all.
4 years ago
“Oh hi you’re Ona right?” Lucy asked holding her hand out to a younger woman in a Valquíries training kit.
They were standing in the hallway waiting to be called into their first press conference of the season. Coincidentally both teams had lost their captain and both girls had been awarded the new captaincy.
“Si si Lucy I presume?” Ona responded, her voice deeper than Lucy had remembered from the pitch. Their hands met in a firm shake, a warm smile from each of them.
“Yep that’s me,” she paused taking in the rival captain in front of her, “You’re smaller up close.”
Ona’s eyebrows shot into her hairline, “Was that meant to be a compliment?”
Lucy nodded, “It’s whatever you want it to be.”
“Huh misterioso.”
“Eres mi enemigo, tengo que serlo,” Lucy shrugs
“Enemigo? Un poco duro”
“Hm but true”
“Noted,” Ona folded her arms and leaned against the wall. Lucy followed suit copying her actions almost exactly. Their eyes narrowed facing each other, tense, but a certain buzz passed between them.
The door to the side of them swung open with a loud creek, a bald man in a polo interrupting them, “They’re ready for you now.”
“Thanks,” Lucy chimed, but as she bounced off of the wall, a soft hand behind her grasped her tattooed wrist pulling her back.
“It’s our first conference as captains,” Ona stated, their faces so close Lucy could see the freckle on her upper lip, “And I know this whole rivalry is a big deal to you for some reason.”
Lucy nodded slowly, hesitantly.
Ona’s eyes met her’s, “Don’t fuck it up.”
She dropped Lucy’s wrist like it was burning, grinned toothily, and walked calmly through the door.
“Yeah this is gonna be fun,” Lucy muttered.
Nothing about this was fun, she’d ruined the teams chances purely because she couldn’t keep her stupid mouth shut. She’d still be on that pitch now if she’d not let it all get to her.
Interrupted by the click of the cleats down the corridor, she pulled her sweat soaked, grass stained shirt over her head and heard the team begin to file in behind her.
“Fucking hell Luce”
“Ok wow”
“Jesus are you okay”
Words, voices, sounds.
She kept her head bowed and put on a new shirt, she’d shower when she got home the last thing she wanted was to hang about.
“Hey Luce, I know it’s bad but it’s a team sport nothing is solely your fault,” a hand cautiously rested on her shoulder.
Shocker, Lucy Bronze was being a shit captain once again.
She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself out of this haze.
The team relied on her, and there was no way the right back was going to let them see her like this, she had to keep stability in her team if they had any chance of improving next season.
Lucy turned towards the hand, LJ stood there wincing out a half smile, which Lucy shot right back, “Fuck sorry kid.”
The changing room was silent apart from the shuffle of clothes and the knocking of shoes, Lucy interrupted it projecting towards the team, “Seriously guys I’m really really really ridiculously sorry. I let them get the better of me when as your captain I should be the most composed here. I should be the one sticking up for your mistakes not the other way round. I mean shit,” she gestured towards the mess of the bench next to her, “That’s not a captain.”
She sighed deeply, taking in the scene before her, her teammates faces red and tired, hair frazzled and eyes sullen. “I’ve had the pleasure of this position for four years now and I’d understand if you didn’t feel I was the corre—“
“Woah no no no,” Mariona, a star Catalonian forward, spoke over her. “You are this team Lucy, you make it what it is. Who fucking cares that you blew up like that, ets humà no?? You’re bigger than that.”
A chorus of ‘Exactly’, ‘Si’ and ‘mmhmm’ rang out amongst the team.
“We were so close, without you we’d be miles away,” encouraged Patri, a midfielder.
Lucy chuckled lightly, “We said that last year.”
Patri shrugged, “Maybe, but last year was different we came off a convincing league win and then didn’t expect the Valks huge step up, we weren’t ready. We’ve improved and that’s what matters.”
LJ spoke up again, “We’d crumble without you as our captain, I think we can all agree on that.”
There were no objections, only a wave of nods.
“But if you don’t want to be we aren’t forcing you, you can go back to just being Lucy Bronze the defender, not Lucy Bronze the captain.”
Now Lucy’s far from being an openly emotional human, but it felt like someone was twisting a nail into the back of her eyes.
“Wow,” she gasped out finally, “Yeah I’ll get my shit together I can promise you that,” she said earnestly, “You guys have become my family, I never thought when I arrived seven years ago it would be anything remotely like this. I love you all okay.” She gave LJ a strong pat on the back.
“Now vamos!! I’ll see you next week for the end of season party,” Lucy cheered followed with an echo of hollering and clapping from the team.
She slid her trainers on and grabbed her bag, trying to leave as quickly as possible. She’d definitely have to speak to their coach, Sarina, there’s no way she was leaving the rivals stadium without a proper talking to.
She clawed her way out of the changing room and into the hallway, breathing a sigh of relief when she knew she was alone again. The girls had done a good job of making her feel a little better about the situation, two minutes ago it felt like the world was ending and now it just felt like she’d been stabbed in the knee five times. Still bad but an improvement. Lucy just wanted to get the impending chat with Sarina over and done with and get home to her dog.
The hallway was dark, but she could hear the victory chants and songs vibrating off the walls. Lucy just shook her head and picked up the pace ignoring the new sting in her chest.
“Shit ow-“
“Lo siento fuck-“
Lost in her thoughts she’d walked round a corner and straight into someone, their heads knocking in the process. The dark corridor worsening the situation.
“Woah sorry about that are you okay?” Lucy asked immediately whilst rubbing at her forehead, christ why was their head so hard.
“Bronze?” the figure spoke and a light flickered on outside, casting a streak through the window illuminating them.
“Batlle,” Lucy responded dryly taking in the sight in front of her. Ona Batlle stood there in all her frustrating victorious glory, her shirt changed like Lucy, but instead of a plain black top she was sporting a deep red t-shirt that read ‘Campeonas de la Liga’. A pair of ridiculous ski goggles rested above her brown eyes, the culprit of Lucy’s now throbbing head.
“You come to join the party,” Ona began in her accented english.
Lucy was far from in the mood for that right now, especially not with the oppositions captain. But if anything had become second nature to her it was conversing (arguing) with Ona Batlle.
“Not if it means having to wear that monstrosity,” she gestured.
“Yeah I agree I don’t think you could pull it off, red’s not your colour.”
“And cocky isn’t yours, it doesn’t suit you badger,” Lucy retorts, “Now excuse me-“
“We need to talk,”
“No we don’t-“
“Yes we do,” Ona’s fingertips pressed into Lucy’s hipbone forcing her to take a step back into the wall behind her, “We went too far today.”
“No not we you,” Lucy’s finger pointed at Ona their bodies so close it brushed the Spaniards chest, “If this is your way of apologising-”
“I’m not apologising, it was purely tactical.”
“You told me I needed a therapist.”
“After you said,” her fingers formed quotation marks and her voice raised an octave, “Your parents must be disappointed in you, can’t even stop our slowest winger.”
“Oh come on that’s not even bad.”
“Keep my family out of your mouth.”
“Aw is it a sore subject couldn’t help but notice they aren’t here for the most important match of the season,” Lucy taunted.
“You’re a prick.”
“Wow learning british insults just for me, I’m flattered.”
Ona groaned her neck extending in frustration, “Dios, tu cabeza es tan grande que me sorprende que incluso quepas en el campo.”
Lucy smirked, “Huh, nadie se ha quejado nunca de mi cabeza.”
Ona rolled her eyes dramatically, “Go to hell.”
“Only if you come with me,” Lucy searched Ona’s eyes for something, anything, but they remained blank like there was a gate guarding her mind.
The Spaniard seethed, and turned away, letting Lucy breathe for half a second. Ona pressed her blue painted nails into her temple and sighed deeply.
Then she turned on her heal aggressively and breeched Lucy’s space once again.
“I am serious Lucy,” she whispered, the first name striking her in the chest, “We have to remain professional, everyone’s eyes are on us we can’t make a joke out of women’s football.”
“And whose fault is that,” Lucy whispered back harshly, “We agreed we’d never speak of it again, you used it against me professionally.”
“Fuck fine it won’t happen again,” Ona craned her head up slightly, their eyes connecting, Lucy almost believed her.
The air was charged, as it often was between them, Lucy always assumed it was the hatred brewing.
Lucy brought her tattooed hand up between them, reaching towards Ona’s head, who didn’t move an inch, her eyes still locked onto the green of Lucy’s. The british right back pulled the goggles away from Ona’s forehead and up over her messy bun. The shorter woman just stood there watching her.
“Thanks for these,” Lucy finally spoke swinging the goggles band around on her finger, “They’ll look good on me.”
She leaned down her lips brushing against the Spaniards ear, “Your pretty face is gonna get thrashed next season-”
“Lucy,” a new voice boomed.
Ona retreated away from her like she had the plague.
“Sarina Hi,” Lucy said calmly.
“You good for a word,” the Dutch woman asked.
Lucy smiled through gritted teeth, she adored her coach but this wasn’t going to be easy, “Of course.”
She turned away from the Valquíries captain and begun walking towards her coach.
“Oh and Ona,” she looked over her shoulder, “You may want to get maintenance to have a look at your away changing room, the benches don’t seem stable.”
With a furrowed brow and a shake of her head the younger captain waltzed off in the direction of the music.
Dun dun duhhhhhh
sorry guys i’m such a tease and hadn’t realised how long it would take me to finalise
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
From what I’ve know, the fandom mostly dislikes Andrey for reasons related to Chloe (bad mother etc.), but what are YOUR reasons for not liking her?
Cuz she's an asshole? On top of being qualified for the Top 3 Never Should've Been Parents to Begin With Award (next to Gabriel and Tomoe), she's an elitist dick waffle without any on screen talent to back it up. So she's a fashion critic. So what? What makes her qualified, have you seen her outfit? And I just have a special hate boner for people who look down on the service industry, so she already wasn't winning any awards for "firing" people left and right.
Meta-wise, I hate her because she just confuses things. "Despair Bear" makes it out that Audrey abandoned the Bourgeois when Chloe was small, though at least old enough to remember, so maybe at minimum 3 years old, though in a sensible universe, closer to 5 or 6. Yet despite being absent from Chloe's life for about a decade, if not more, we're supposed to believe Chloe is the way she is because she's emulating her mother...who isn't there to emulate? Okay. Sure Jan.
Totally unnecessary, Chloe's personality has a good foundation in the fact that her father is rich, powerful, and ready to drop everything to cater to her every petty whim. What does Audrey even add to Chloe's story as presented? Personally, I would've liked it more if Chloe deeply resented her mother and was determined to prove she was BETTER than Audrey. Then have her be frustrated and pissed off every time the two of them are accidentally in sync. Show me a love-hate relationship, at least that would've been interesting, and better yet, would've had something to say about a parent abandoning their child.
But the show just sorta soft balls it. Chloe and Audrey immediately "resolve" a lifetime of abandonment issues because another 14 year old pointed out that they both suck and the two bonded over the fact that she's...right? Audrey decides Chloe's name is worth remembering, she's worth staying in Paris for, and she's "exceptional" in less than 3 minutes because Chloe yelled at the Butler. And for the rest of the series, Audrey is just another Chloe-Patsy, doting on her like her Dad in "Malediktator", cowering under her outburst in "Sole Crusher", and acting as her enforcer when Andre ever puts up a fight. A duo made in hell, but they ARE getting along.
Which makes the leaks for how they're going to end things for the two are confusing.
I don't like Audrey because she was made to be unlikable, but I also don't like Audrey because of her effect on the story. She's used to excuse Chloe being The Worst because look! An Even Worse person! And she made Chloe sad! So you should ignore those several felonies Chloe's committed because her mommy sucks! Nevermind that Chloe and Audrey get along just fine now!
And on top of that, she's used to excuse Andre. Andre, who spoiled Chloe from the beginning, who acts as her attack dog when Chloe cries wolf, who's taught Chloe how to lie, cheat, steal, and bully her way to the top. Somehow HE is getting off scott-free now because He CaN'T bE a DirEcTor aNd fUlFiLL hiS dReAm cUz HiS wIfe'S a BiG meAnIE. Even though Chloe is mostly his fault.
Why couldn't Audrey just stay in New York so we can pretend she doesn't exist and just let Chloe's behavior make sense like it did back in Season 1?
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mrchiipchrome · 1 year
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W.C.- 3k
Your mother didn’t plan on having you at the young age of 15, but after spending 9 months inside your mother you came out a perfectly healthy baby in the year 2000. She had the support of her parents, your grandparents, the second she told them she was expecting and they helped her raise you.
They took care of you while she was away in school and they helped drop you off at numerous football practices and games. You were there for your mothers graduation from secondary school when you were 3, and then later for when she got her undergraduate degree in nursing. When you were 16, she got her license and could officially begin her practice in the intensive care unit.
Nobody was prouder than you when she got it and you made sure that everybody knew that your mother, the one that had you at 15 had become a doctor.
Still, despite her intensive job she made sure to come and see you play at least once a month, to bring you to practice the days she wasn’t called in and to make sure that she told you that she loved no one like she loved you. When you started to play in the boys teams, ‘cause there weren’t enough girls who wanted to play in your town, she supported you. Everytime you came home with scraped up knees or a sprained wrist, she took care of you like a mother as she joked about you being her first ever patient with how clumsy you are.
When your grandmother died, you were nearly 17 and on the cusp of breaking into the senior national team after having outplayed some of the older players in the U23 camp and playing in the first team for your club. Now everything you did was to make her as proud as you could, her last wish was for you to make the senior teams both club and country. And so when you were 17 years old both her wishes came true when you got selected into the England Euros squad, where you actually got to play some minutes in the group stages and then in the closing minutes of the knockout matches. In the end you got a bronze medal and 2 goals in your resume as a substitute.
At 18 you signed with Arsenal and at 19 you were picked for the World cup squad with starting minutes. Unfortunately, an elbow to the face in the USA game had you sitting out the bronze medal match against Sweden, your eye socket and nose fractured. You had seen how worried your mother looked in the stands as you went down, not just from a mother’s point of view but also a doctors . It looked gruesome. But the worst part, you could do nothing as your team was losing.
But through the experience of the incredible loss you grew stronger, the will to win overwhelmed the little voice in your head telling you that it wasn’t possible or that you couldn’t do it. So you continued to train and get better, all while getting mentored by the Arsenal women and winning award after award along the way.
And now at 23, you’re one of the most accomplished youngsters in women’s football after having won the Euros and the subsequent golden boot. And now there was no one prouder than your mother and grandfather. You knew your grandma was watching over your every move and cheering you on from wherever you go when you die.
Winning the Fifa Women’s best player for the 21/22-season, beating out your teammate and the legendary Alexia Putellas had you shell shocked mouth hanging open like an idiot. But when you went up to accept the award, you credited your grandparents and your mother for your success before thanking your coaches. Now that trophy is located on a shelf at your mothers house like most of your other trophies, the only one that lays at home in your apartment is the medal you got for the Euros win.
People hadn’t really noticed your mother before the closing game against Bayern, where she had gotten a leave of absence from her workplace. She was the first one you went to, nearly collapsing into her arms at the sidelines before returning to your teammates to celebrate. Fortunately, the Arsenal media team managed to capture the sweet moment between the mother and daughter, later posting it to TikTok where they captioned it ‘Like mother like daughter’.
Unbeknownst to you, the video went completely viral with thousands of people simping over your mother. You were much too busy to spend unnecessary time on social media, so you had not seen the people obsessing over your mother or the ones asking if your father could fight. That was before you went on international break, excited to finally meet your girlfriend again after a few weeks of only being able to communicate over the phone.
Stepping out of the taxi, you come face to face with St George’s Park once again. You stand still for a couple of seconds before walking in through the entrance, immediately seeing a member of the media team with their fist up. You spud them before continuing your walk to the front desk where the names of your roommates stood.
Your eyes flit over the paper before you find your name scribbled beside Alessia’s and you do a silly dance in your place, happy that you could cuddle with your girl after weeks apart.
An arm slinging around your shoulder has you coming to your senses, looking to your right you see your girlfriend standing there. You pull her in by the waist as you lean your cheek on top of her head just taking a moment to hug her and relish in her company before everything becomes hectic. What you don’t plan on is one of your bestfriends slamming into you and making all three of you fall to the ground. You hear Ella start to speak loudly in your ear but you can’t focus on anything she’s saying, not with Alessia laying on top of you, her body fitting like a puzzle piece to your own.
Slapping a hand over Ella’s gaping mouth you take a moment to relax in the silence, already knowing that this camp was going to be like hell if it continued like that. Alessia puts her hands on either side of your body before pushing herself up to her feet.
She reaches her hand out towards you but before you are able to grab it, Tooney has. Alessia starts the motion of pulling her up, but as she shoots you a wink you know exactly what would occur. Alessia loosens her grip on Ella's hand before she has time to react, dropping her on her arse. The lobby explodes with laughter before you pull yourself up, walking up to your room before going to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, Alessia joining you after a short time.
The next few days pass unnecessarily fast and before you know it you’re lining up next to Brazil, ready for the first ever women’s Finalissima. You dominated the first half going into halftime 1-0 up, and with your versatility giving you the ability to drive up the field and create chances while being able to also drop back down and help defend.
In the next half it seems like Brazil has woken up from their stupe and they start pressing in a way that has your defense scrambling and you realize that if you want to prevent Brazil from scoring you will have to help out more at the farther end of the field.
When the ball leaves the Brazilian players' feet, you know it is going into the goal and you can only pray for their penalties to not follow the same path.
You find yourself in an incredibly stressful situation as possibly the last penalty taker, it all depended on whether the ball hits the back of the net or not. Feeling strong hands place themselves on your back and a soft whisper of “You’ve got this” from your girlfriend has all your nerves washing away and your senses clear, the only focus on putting the ball in the back of the net.
Looking towards the crowd, you try to spot your mother and grandfather. When you catch sight of them you gain even more confidence as most people in the stadium couldn’t look on, your family just looked on with smirks and knowing looks on their faces.
You place the ball in the penalty spot, completely relaxed and calm despite having run around the pitch for a full 90 minutes plus stoppage time. The goalkeeper tries to distract you, jumping around and pointing at different parts of the net but you see the obvious dread in her face. You’re known for absolutely slamming the ball into the goal with an uncanny precision, especially penalties.
Kissing your fingers before pressing them into the shield resting above your heart, you start your runup. As you strike the ball with a power entirely your own you can feel how it’s going to hit the back of the net, it’s a feeling you’ve experienced many times before so many times that it’s become a staple of your matches.
The roaring of the fans confirm your thoughts and start running around the pitch all while expressing your delight through a loud yell echoing loud over the fans. Soon enough your teammates catch up to you and trap you in a tight embrace that you have no intention of escaping. As they start to depart from the team hug, Alessia and you remain in a tight embrace, covering your mouths when you speak to each other.
Whispers of ‘I love you so much’ and ‘I am so proud of you’ are exchanged before you are interrupted by a staff member informing you that the medal ceremony would take place in a short bit. You go and stand with your team as the shimmering medals are placed around your necks, walking towards the podium set up for you with a smile that could light up the entirety of Wembley.
Watching as Leah and Mary lift the trophy high above their heads has you feeling an immense sense of pride and joy. Proud to be part of this record breaking team.
As soon as you’re done with taking all the pictures needed featuring your medal, you’re off heading in the direction of your mother. Noticing the smile on her face, the one you inherited, has your feet moving faster in her direction. You grip the medal between sweaty fingers and pull it off, putting it around your mother’s neck.
“You’re the real champion here Ma. Thank you so much for being here today and supporting me, I love you” She replies with her own ‘I love you’, putting her fists up and doing your own celebration you made with her as a child by putting your own up and kissing them before double fistbumping her.
Staying with your family for a little longer, you depart from them to go and celebrate with your team. You barely reach your girlfriend before you’re whisked away for an interview with the broadcasting.
Putting on the headset and taking the mic from the staff, you hear the recognisable voice of Alex Scott flooding through your headphones.
“-And now we’re joined by the Euros and Finalissima winner, Y/n Y/l/n. How are you feeling after winning yet another trophy? I imagine you must feel quite ecstatic.”
“Spot on Alex, but yeah I am in disbelief honestly. Brazil were in form today and were incredible opponents. Yeah so this is an accomplishment we’re fortunate enough to experience.”
You spend the next few minutes speaking to the former player, talking about a large range of things before the topic of your mother comes up.
“I saw you were giving your medal to your mother earlier, is that something you always do?” Alex questions you.
“I usually give her all my medals and awards because I don’t have the space for them at my apartment. I've given her all but the Euros trophies as those are on a shelf in my bedroom. A reminder that I can do anything I set my mind to.” Your mother had always been the safekeep of your trophies, even as you reached adulthood she took care of them for you.
“Speaking of your mother, have you seen the comments circulating?”
Clear confusion lays over your face like a blanket, no clue about these ‘comments’ apparently regarding your mother.
“Comments? What comments?”
“You haven’t heard?! Oh boy you’re in for a ride.”
You can feel how whatever’s going to come out of her mouth next won’t be something you will enjoy hearing.
“Before you start, I feel like I won’t enjoy what you’ll say so before you continue I’ll need my emotional support human. Just a second.”
Sticking your fingers in your mouth and blowing, you let out a deafening wolf whistle loud enough to catch Alessia’s attention.
As Alessia turns towards you with her big blue doe eyes, you can’t help but practically melt under her affectionate gaze. Realizing that you are still on national television, you quickly wave her over.
When she stands beside you, the arm hanging by your side instinctively wraps around her waist in a protective grip. The same staff member that gave you your headphones hands Alessia a pair to be able to understand.
“Okay, so now that my emotional support human is here you are allowed to continue.”
Alessia smiles at the cheeky comment, the smile soon turning into a confused frown, not knowing the subject of conversation.
“I can see how you’re a bit confused there Alessia, so I’ll catch you up to speed. I was just asking Y/n if she had seen the comments under the Arsenal post, to which she said she hadn’t so I’m telling you both now.”
Judging by the mortified expression that crosses Alessia’s face you deduce that she most definitely knows exactly what comments Alex is talking about. You send her a skeptical look before telling Alex to start telling you about the comments.
“Arsenal posted a TikTok after the game against Bayern of you hugging your mother over the barrier. That video has gone viral, with thousands of people ‘simping’ over her in the comments.”
Even without hearing these comments you’re horrified, people hitting on your mother or thinking she was attractive wasn’t something new. It came with having a young mother but you’d never really been too bothered by them before. But now, knowing that thousands of people have the hots for your mother makes you want to crawl into bed and stay there until your last breath.
“Really?! My mother? That’s so weird on so many different levels bro…that’s just so weird and frankly quite gross. Don’t get me wrong, my mother is an incredible person, but knowing that thousands of people think that your mother is attractive is really unsettling. Now I’m curious about what they’ve said.”
Alessia nods along to your statement, knowing how much you struggled with seeing people on the internet thirsting for her and to now have people thirsting over your mom would make it worse.
“Ready? Okay, ‘Who was supposed to tell me that Y/n Y/l/n’s mom was such a MILF?’” Alex’s reading leaves you dry heaving as you quickly realize your mistake of wanting to hear the comments. Alessia pats your back in a ploy to comfort you all while holding back a giggle at your vivid reaction.
Continuing her assault on your ears, Alex recounts many different comments surrounding your mother and you have an equally vivid reaction to each one. Alessia keeps on rubbing your back in circles, though she can’t hold her laugh back anymore, the brilliant sound your only savior from the extreme embarrassment of the situation. Social media is already flooding with new memes of your reactions and you know that you’re going to be memed for the rest of your lifetime.
“Stop, stop! I tap out! No more. I love you Alex, but enough. Thank you for the interview, I’ll see you soon.”
You remove the headphones from your head and hand them and the microphone back to the staff before making your way back to the locker room, where it seems like people have already gotten a hold of the memes. Even Arsenal’s official page has plastered your reaction all over their social media.
When Alessia and you go and visit your mother a few weeks later, they’re both amused to realize your inability to look her in the eyes. Their apparent shared love for tormenting you makes your life a living hell over the next few hours and as you settle in your car to drive home you tell her,
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“No I’m not” She replies through a smug smirk.
“Yeah you are”
“Unless you don’t want to sleep tonight I’m sleeping in our bed”
You hate how well she knows you and your sleeping habits while she’s near. Your only response is a huff and Alessia knows that she’s won this time. You let her think that for a little before sneaking your hand onto her thigh as you keep on driving, paying little attention to her. When you feel goosebumps rising under your hand and see her shiver out of the corner of your eye, you know that you’re the true winner.
I kind of hate this, but it’s pretty funny so it’s what you get, and I would usually put a read more thingy on longer docs like these but I can’t figure out how you do it on mobile
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scekrex · 6 months
Yk like, reader complaining his issues with them (like fuck bro, he DID NOT get a break from them, even when he got to heaven) to the point where he’s all depressed all over again just like when he was alive, and Adam’s like “Bitch, nuh uh. You ain’t getting depressed from those mfs again 😒” and tries all his best to avoid reader’s parents when they’re walking/flying around heaven together, until they finally catch up and confront reader (in the worst time possible—Adam isn’t there for a few mins) about his mistakes and everything, until our bbg comes to save us and explodes at reader’s parents and hypothetically gives them an award for the worst parents possible to ever get in heaven
have a good day/night 🐴
The Plan (Fuck Parents)
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, shitty parents
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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How your parents had managed to cross the pearly gates had always been a question no one had been able to answer. They had been awful when you had been alive and death hadn't changed a thing about that, so why in God's holy name they were up in heaven with you, you'd probably never figure out. But that was fine - well not fine but you were handling it. And by that you meant Adam was handling it.
“Fuck you,” you yelled at your mother, flipping her off as you were to turn around to leave. Not with her though, she firmly grabbed you by your shoulder, forcing you to look at her yet again. “You don't get to talk to me that way, that Adam guy is no good for you, you even talk like those sinners already,” she tried to sound concerned, she really did, but after spending so much time with her, she was an open book for you to read. So really there was no concern about you, only hatred towards you and your boyfriend. “Don’t you fucking dare to bring Adam into this conversation, you don't fucking like him, fine, but that doesn't mean I have to hate his guts too,” you replied furiously, slapping her hand away and taking a step back, away from her and towards the door. “We can fucking talk when you decide to behave like a motherfucking grown up instead of a five year old,” and with that you finally turned away and stormed out of the apartment, the door slammed shut behind you.
You rushed down the stairs of the building until you reached the exit, there was Adam, already waiting for you. A playful grin was on his lips as his arm wrapped around you and he greeted you with a quick kiss, “You doing good babes?” Fuck no you weren't, you were pretty sure Adam knew that as well as you did, but the brunette always tried his best to keep your mood as bright as possible. “Mom’s acting like a fucking cunt again,” you answered his question honestly. There was no point in lying, you didn't have the energy for that anyways. You were fed up with your parents, and had been ever since they had died. But now you were in heaven too and things got fucking complicated again. First they had complained about your attitude, then they didn't like that you and Adam were dating. They constantly found things to bitch about and it really fucked with your head.
Adam pulled you flush against his side as he guided you down the street, away from your parents’ apartment. “How about I get us both milkshakes and we'll just enjoy the fucking day without her then?” Adam offered and that made you beam at your boyfriend in excitement. He always knew how to cheer you up.
As you stopped in front of the small ice cream parlor you both enjoyed so much, he asked you to wait outside so he could pick up your drinks, you agreed happily.
Big mistake.
Once Adam had entered the building, your father approached you, where he was coming from. You didn't know and you didn't care either, you weren't up for a chat with him and your body language made that crystal clear. Your father, however, ignored that perfectly fine. “You can't walk around with him in this area,” was the first thing the man said to you in a tone that made it clear he was ready for another discussion. “It’s fucking heaven, I can hang out with Adam wherever the fuck I want,” was your reply as you turned away from the man that had raised you with crossed arms. What the fuck was Adam taking so long? “It ruins our image, Y/N.” You shot him an annoyed side eye, “So me dating the first man is ruining your image? That ain't got shit to do with me, dad, and you know it. So quit acting like I'm fucking five and move on with your existence.” That that clearly was the wrong thing to say because as you were about to enter the parlor to follow Adam and get away from your father, he grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from that. “Listen, if you wanna act like a rebelling teenager, do that by dyeing your hair, painting your nails and listening to that trashy music, not by dating Adam,” your father seemed dead serious about it. Did he really think you were dating Adam just to piss him off? “Dad, I'm not dating Adam because you hate him, I'm dating him because I fucking love him,” the little bell above the parlor's door ringed as Adam stepped outside with two milkshakes in his hands, his eyes darkened as soon as he spotted you with your father.
He walked up to you, just catching your last words as he stopped next to you and handed you your drink, “Is there a problem?” Your father looked up at Adam, pure hatred was reflecting in his eyes as he confidently spoke, “Yes. You can't hang around my son in public.” The brunette took a sip from his own drink as he looked down at the man that raised you disinterestedly and hummed, “Mhm, yeah, no. I hang around my fucking boyfriend wherever I want.” “Not if I get to say something about that,” your father disagreed. In God's mighty name, he was truly acting like you were a five year old child. “I’m an adult so you don't get to say shit about it,” you stood up for yourself as Adam's arm lazily wrapped around your waist and he nodded in agreement. “If you don't fucking like it, fine,” the first man clarified as he took yet another sip, “Then look the fucking other way and mind your own fucking business.” And with that, Adam simply flipped him off and walked past him with you by his side, basically shoving your father out of the way. You heard him grumble something about consequences but you really didn't mind. “You’re gonna crash at my place until they pull out the stick that got stuck in their asses,” the brunette simply decided as he placed a soft kiss onto your head. “Now, we'll get your mind to focus on something more fun, how does going go-karting sound to you, babes?” It was yet again something that made you beam at him in delight. Adam truly knew how to get your mind off of your parents. “And after that we're gonna go watch a fucking movie at my place, sounds good?” You nodded, a cheerful smile on your lips, “Sounds fucking good.”
“Tell your dad he can suck my dick if he keeps up his fucking attitude,” the first man spoke loudly enough for your father to hear him and the smile on your lips turned into an amused grin. You loved this fucking idiot so much. “I swear, one word from you babes and I'll beat the living shit outta them.”
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Ooh I'd love to hear 27 for Lena 😂
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
For Lena, the worst gift was no gift at all.
Her first birthday at the Luthors, and the little girl woke up with the first tiny bit of hope and happiness in her little heart.
Her birthdays, as far as she could remember in her young life, were always happy days. Not grand, in any sense. But the tiny cottage by the cliffs would be filled with a warm, rich scent of the sponge cake baking in the oven, and her mother would always let her sneak a small piece before the cake was even decorated. The sponge would be buttery and soft in Lena’s mouth, and when she exclaimed at the taste, her mother would get a soft look in her eyes and cup her cheek gently, wiping crumbs from her mouth.
No matter how lean the year had been, there would always be a present waiting for Lena at the table, lovingly wrapped by her mother's hand in shiny paper. Most times it would be a cheap pair of shoes or a plastic toy or an old book from a thrift shop - all her mother could afford - but Lena would treasure each as if it were gold.
But where were they now? Discarded by the Luthors as cheap trinkets the minute she moved into their household.
But today, she has a little bit of hope. After all, her mother always showed her that birthdays are special days.
Lena waits at the breakfast table. Lex is at boarding school, she misses him dearly. Lionel is already at LuthorCorp. Lillian has spared a rare moment to sip her morning coffee before heading out the door, and Lena's spirits lift in anticipation.
But nothing comes. No acknowledgment as the maid approaches with her lunch box and book bag. It's not even Lillian who bids her farewell, but rather the housekeeper who tells her to hurry along or she'll be late for school.
Breakfast comes and goes, and Lena is ushered into the family limo without acknowledgment.
She keeps her expectations low throughout the school day, but a little part of her looks up each time the door opens. She knows better than to expect any of the Luthors to come in with cupcakes and balloons or anything like that. But a small message, any sort of acknowledgment would be welcome.
Nothing comes.
School is dismissed and Lena is too. She is sent to her room to do her homework and brush up on her reading. Her Latin teacher comes and goes. Her organic chemistry tutor stays for an hour and talks about chirality and stereoisomers, but mentions nothing about birthdays.
Her last hope clings to life at dinner.
She's too scared to bring it up to Lionel. The man who had picked her up and flown her to the States is more interested in the portfolio he's reviewing at the table. Lillian is similarly distracted by some documents at her side. The entire dinner is silent and distracted, work taken to the table just to avoid talking to the people they share a house with. It certainly can't be called a family.
Lionel retires early and the only two people left are Lillian and Lena. The little girl waits as the maid clears the plates and disappears around the corner.
She summons her courage and musters a small smile for her new mother, who doesn't even look up to see it. "It's my birthday today."
Lillian’s annoyed gaze flicks up at her, her grey eyes almost bored. "Is it? And did you expect some sort of congratulations for that?"
Lena's mouth snaps shut, and her eyes lower to her lap.
"Do you suggest we reward something as trivial as being born? Should you get some award for merely existing?" Lillian arches a fine eyebrow. "Accolades are for achievements, Lena. Birthdays are not achievements, and hardly worth any sort of offering. If you're looking for some sort of distinction or praise for merely existing, you're looking in the wrong place. Let me know when you've achieved something worth commemorating."
But you gave Lex his own lab for his last birthday. Lena bites the thought back, knowing better than to say anything. Instead, she turns back to her plate.
The rest of the meal passes in silence.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Genuinely can’t stand the double standards of HB fans. People act like Stella is canonically a horribly abusive mother to Octavia, and although I won’t claim that she’s probably an amazing mom, we don’t see her do anything to Via. On the other hand, people bend over backwards to defend Stolas’s neglectful parenting. It’s just so blatantly misogynistic. But hey, knowing Viv it’s probably gonna be revealed that Stella was like secretly trying to kill Via the whole time.
- Peacock anon
Exactly. I doubt she's winning any Mother of the Year awards anytime soon, but Via's always staying over with her mom. The worst thing we've ever seen her do is tell Stolas to deal with it when Viv cried out for them, but that's more or less how The Lion King opened.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
Good to be Bad - jww & kmg
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title: good to be bad pairing:  jeon wonwoo x gn!reader, kim mingyu x gn! reader genre: fluff, minor angst, descendants au (child of hades reader) warnings: mentions of violence, stealing, bullying, and canonical bad parenting w.c.: 10.2k summary: moving to auradon brings many new things, good and bad a/n: this will follow almost none of the canon descendants universe lol. if i make someone mean its for the plot i promise i dont think they’re actually like this
here's the list of everyone's parents too if you're curious
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You’re sitting on top of a warehouse roof when you hear footsteps approaching.
“Are you going to apply for the proclamation?” Wonwoo always seems to know just where to find you. He takes a seat next to you on the ledge and you scoot over a bit so your thighs are touching.
“It’s just charity to make them look good. They don’t actually care about us.”
Earlier in the morning, the royal palace released a proclamation, stating the royal family are going to sponsor six villain kids and bring them over to Auradon to help ensure a “better future”. Every child on the Isle of the Lost will send in an application and the six best candidates will be chosen to move to Auradon. 
You don’t believe it though. It has to be a big set up. There’s no way the people in Auradon actually want to help, or they would have done something a long time ago. 
“It sure is a unique opportunity. To go and live on the mainland, get to attend Auradon Prep.” Wonwoo is trying so hard to come off as nonchalant, but you catch the wistful air of his tone.
“You’re going to apply,” you say. It’s not a question. “They’ll pick you for sure. You’re not like us Wonwoo, you don’t belong here.”
“None of us belong here,” Wonwoo mutters.
“Maybe…” You’re quiet for a moment before you continue. “But you’re the one who deserves to get out.”
Wonwoo doesn’t respond. You two sit in silence, staring out at the Isle. It really is an ugly sight to behold. Even in the worst of places, you can find beauty, but not on the Isle. It’s ugly on the inside and out. 
Eventually you get up and Wonwoo follows, still not saying anything. You two start to walk to your place, the unspoken agreement that Wonwoo will spend the night. The walk is far, considering you live in an underground lair on the edge of the Isle. Your father likes to be far away from people and to live underground, seeing as he is the God of the Underworld.
Your dad…well he’s not winning any Best Dad of the Year awards anytime soon, but he’s not near as bad as he could be. Sure he’s a bit negligent, treating you more as a lackey than his child, and he likes to remind you how much of a mistake you are and how you will never live up to him, but why complain when other kids have it worse.
Like Wonwoo, who’s mother is the literal most evil woman alive. She’s always been disappointed in him, seeing as he takes no interest in any villainy. That’s why Wonwoo sleeps at your place.
When you get inside the lair you and Wonwoo quietly navigate the dark rooms until you get to your bedroom. You two flop down onto your bed, squished together on the twin size mattress. You and Wonwoo have been sharing the same mattress since fourth grade, so the proximity of your bodies is normal at this point.
You’re not tired, but you know if you’re too loud your father’s going to yell at you in the morning, so you lay quietly staring up at the ceiling. You can tell Wonwoo is still awake too because you haven’t heard him taking his glasses off yet, and you know he hates sleeping with them on.
“Y/N-ah?” Wonwoo’s already soft voice is even softer as he whispers out to you.
“Come to Auradon with me.”
Your breathing freezes for a moment before you gain your composure again. “I can’t.”
You and Wonwoo aren’t the same. By the time you and Wonwoo got close, you were already corrupted into the Isle’s ways. Besides Wonwoo, you have one of the most influential, evil parents on the Isle and whereas Wonwoo tries to ignore that part of him, you lean into it.
“You deserve to live a good life,” Wonwoo says. “You can’t do that here.”
“There isn’t a place for me in a world like Auradon. All they’re gonna do over there is try and ‘fix’ us so they can rub in our parents’ faces,” you say. “And all the while they try to fix us, they’ll just villainize us.”
“So we’ll just prove them wrong. I can’t live my most fulfilling life if you're not there too. So please, just think about it.” You’ve never heard Wonwoo ask for anything in his life, let alone beg.
“I…I’ll consider it.”
And consider it you did. Which is why you’re now standing at the bridge with Wonwoo, waiting to be picked up to go to Auradon. If you’re being honest you still don’t really want to go. The choice between going to Auradon with all of the prissy princesses and stuck up princes, or staying at home with your homebody dad who tries to get rid of you at every opportunity possible, was definitely a tough one. To you, it sounds like a lose-lose situation, but while you were going over the pros and cons you were hit with a tie breaker.
As much as you don’t think Auradon is for you, there’s only one reason why you even considered it to begin with. As hellish as it sounds to go to Auradon Prep, there’s one pro that outweighs everything else.
You were sure of your decision when you told Wonwoo and his whole face lit up. It’s rare to see that cute little smile spread across Wonwoo’s lips but whenever you do see it, you’re reminded why you’d do anything in the world for him.
“Well isn’t this a sight to see?” You hear someone approach the bridge before you see them, but you don’t have to turn around to identify who it is.
Jeonghan, son of Mother Gothel, is probably the only other person you trust who is not Wonwoo, and with Jeonghan you only trust him as far as you can throw him. He’s the one friend you have who you can get into mischief with. He’s manipulative and sneaky and quick witted and can talk himself out of nearly any situation he gets put in. If you and Jeonghan weren’t friends, you’d be a bit concerned with how similar you two are.
“What are you doing here Han?”
“I’m here to catch my ride to Auradon.” Jeonghan grins at you. He strolls up to you, slinging an arm around you when he gets close. “So nice of you to come see me off.”
“Yeah right, try again.”
“You're going to Auradon? You practically run this place, why would you give that all up just to be surrounded by a bunch of assholes?”
“I should be asking you the same thing,” you scoff.
“I’m going so I can wreak havoc and cause chaos. Why would I stay here when I can mooch all of the premium stuff off of the rich bitches while torturing them with my presence?” You don’t miss the way his eyes flit over to where Wonwoo is standing. “Oh I get it, your reason has more to do with lover boy and less to do with villainy.”
Jeonghan and Wonwoo are on…neutral terms, but then again, most people are with Wonwoo. People are more scared of his quiet, polite demeanor than they are of the kids who can do any actual damage. Jeonghan likes to tease you for the close nature of your relationship with the other boy though.
You’re about to retort back to Jeonghan when the next VK walks up, his always present companion slinking behind him, and anger flares up in you.
“No. No, fuck this. Living in Auradon is bad enough, but now I have to do it with him there as well?” You glare over at the boy who just walked up.
Minghao, son of the Evil Queen, just stands and stares with a disgusted look plastered on his features.
You and Minghao hate each other, and you have since kindergarten. At first it was just stupid little kid fights, and then petty middle school arguments, but as you’ve gotten older the disdain for one another hasn’t gone away. In fact it’s probably gotten worse.
His little pet, Junhui, son of Cruella de Vil, is never seen more than a few feet behind Minghao anywhere he goes. You don’t have anything against Jun per se, but by association with Minghao, he’s just another enemy.
“That’s only five, where’s the sixth VK?” Wonwoo asks.
With impeccable timing to Wonwoo’s words, the final VK strolls up. Rather than the anger you felt with Minghao, annoyance takes over that feeling. The sixth and final Villain Kid who was chosen, is Chan, son of Gaston.
You don’t have a direct reason to dislike him, other than the fact he has an affinity for getting on your last nerve. Just like his father, he loves to boost his own ego and you can’t help but puke your mouth a bit every time you hear or see it.
You wonder briefly if you still have time to back out. As much as you love Wonwoo and tolerate Jeonghan, you don’t know if they outweigh the other three companions you’ll have. You don’t have time to deliberate though, because soon the barrier is opening and a long black car is pulling up.
A man steps out from the car and greets you all. He quickly confirms your identity before ushering you all into the car. In the back it’s like a lounge area. You could combine all of the Isle and it still wouldn’t be as nice as this car.
The car takes off and soon you guys are on your way to Auradon. You’re staring out the window as you start to leave the Isle when all of a sudden a shiver runs through your body and you start to heat up. You’ve never felt so hot in your life and then you hear Chan scream. You look back at the others in the car and they all look at you terrified.
“Your, um, your hair is on fire,” Wonwoo tells you. You reach up and touch your hair only to realize there’s flames in its places.
“Oh.” You do your best at concentrating to make it stop and soon everyone in the car starts to look calm, so you assume it went away. “Well that’s new.”
“It’s probably because of the barrier,” Jeonghan says. “You get to use magic now.”
“Woah, lemme try!” Chan shouts before Minghao smacks him on the back of his head.
“You don’t have magic parents dumbass.”
You sigh and really hope that coming to Auradon isn’t a mistake.
When the car finally pulls up to Auradon Prep, there’s a few people standing at the front. The six of you climb out of the car, taking in your surroundings. The mainland is definitely a lot…brighter, than the Isle.
You squint until your eyes adjust to the lighting. When you can finally identify what you’re looking at you wish you could go back to not seeing. Standing in front of you is the royal family. You watch the way the future king, Seokmin, flicks his eyes from you to Wonwoo to Minghao to Jun. It takes you a moment to realize what he’s doing but he’s looking at your hair. You and Minghao both have blue hair while Wonwoo has purple and Jun has white hair with black stripes. To you it’s never been anything out of the ordinary, but apparently it’s just an Isle thing.
The queen not so subtly nudges Seokmin and he stops his staring. The King smiles at you six as he approaches you.
“Welcome to Auradon! We are so happy to have you here!”
You all stare at the King, not saying anything. He comes to that realization only after he’s looked at you for too long.
“Well, I’ll leave my son here to give you the tour of Auradon Prep. We hope you enjoy your time here, and have a successful future.”
Seokmin steps up and greets you all. “Let me bring you on a tour.”
You and Wonwoo glance at each other before you follow behind the prince. He takes you through the halls, explaining everything as he does, but you’re not paying much attention. It seems the only person who really is paying attention is Wonwoo. Minghao and Jun keep whispering to each other and Chan keeps trying to touch things he shouldn’t. You and Jeonghan stray at the back of the group, bored more than anything.
It isn’t until you approach your first group of AKs that you have full attention. An unsettling feeling creeps down your spine.
“Jihoon, Joshua!” Seokmin calls to them before turning to the group. “Guys, these are my best friends, Jihoon, son of Ariel and Eric, and Joshua, son of Snow White and Ferdidnand.”
“Woah, that’s a lot of leather,” the boy named Joshua mutters. The other boy sizes the VKs up before turning back to Joshua, totally ignoring your presence.
You don’t miss the way Minghao stiffens, his eyes focused on Joshua. It never really occurred to you, but now that you’re in Auradon, you’re going to be meeting the kids of the heroes who your parents were villains to. Well that’s another thing to look forward to.
At the awkward tension in the air, Seokmin bids his friends goodbye and continues with the tour.
“Here at Auradon Prep, everyone has a dorm room. You’ll occupy these three rooms so pair up and feel free to get settled into your rooms or explore around.” With that Seokmin leaves, and you all pair off. You and Wonwoo pair off, to Jeonghan’s demise (who ends up with Chan), but you just brush him off.
As soon as you walk into the room, your nose upturns. You quickly move to shut all of the curtains. “Why is it so goddamn bright here?”
“You grew up underground, everywhere is bright for you,” Wonwoo teases. “You better get used to the light, this is our new home now.”
“As long as they don’t ship me back off to the Isle,” you mutter under your breath. Wonwoo still hears you though.
“That won’t happen, because you’re going to behave yourself. Right?” He gives you a pointed look.
“Yes, sir!” You jokingly salute at him and he rolls his eyes but accepts your answer.
“Just think Y/N, this is the start of our new lives. We’re Auradonians now, and get to go to Auradon Prep. It’s going to be amazing, I can just feel it.”
Despite the growing nerves in your gut, Wonwoo’s upbeat attitude helps soothe them down, just for now at least.
“First day of class, are you excited?” Wonwoo asks as you two get ready for the day.
“It’s just school,” you answer, shrugging noncommittally. The whole week Wonwoo’s been excited to be in Auradon. He’s been in a happy mood, happier than you've ever seen him before. Happier than you’ve ever seen anyone before (you didn’t even know people could be that positive). He even went as far as getting a new wardrobe and a haircut. He looks like a completely new person.
He looks…good.
You always thought back on the Isle that he was just quiet and reserved, but you’re starting to think that was just how he had to be to survive. He’s been more open and active, like he’s found the life inside of him.
You on the other hand, you’ve been dreading being in Auradon since you stepped foot in it. You thought you could do it for Wonwoo’s sake, and it does warm your heart to see him so lively, but you can feel your own self starting to deteriorate. That’s just while you’ve been staying in your room, now you actually have to go to classes filled with all of the Auradonians. You can already feel the snide remarks and the accusations and normally that wouldn’t bother you, but you’re worried about how it will affect Wonwoo’s mood. Back on the Isle you could protect him from anything, but here it’s a whole new playing ground.
“It’s not ‘just school’ it’s proper school now. We get to actually learn from people who want to teach! Why aren’t you more excited?”
“I just don’t want you to get your hopes up too high,” you tell him as you pull on your jacket.
“It’s going to be great Y/N, just you wait.”
You can’t do anything but hum at Wonwoo as you sling your bag over your shoulder and head towards the door. Wonwoo is quick to follow and as you two step out of the room, Minghao and Jun are doing just the same. You and Minghao tut at each other before heading off into different directions.
“Even in a new place you’re going to hold the same sentiments to Minghao?”
“Just because we’re in a new place doesn’t mean he’s a whole new Minghao. If you’re that concerned about it, you befriend him first.” Wonwoo doesn’t say anything. “Exactly.”
You walk out of the dorm area and into the classroom part of the school. There’s already a large group of kids wandering about to their classes. When they catch sight of you and Wonwoo they’re quick to give you a wide berth. You don’t pay them mind as you continue walking through the halls.
You and Wonwoo have different first blocks and you two split off, but not before you remind him to come find you at lunch. After Wonwoo leaves you start to navigate your way to your first class. When you walk in there’s already a handful of kids sitting at desks and they all stare as you walk in.
You send a hearty glare in their direction and they all quickly look away. You walk through the desk, noticing the way a couple of the students flinch away from you, before you take your seat in the back of the class.
It’s not long before the whispering starts up. You’re not stupid, you know it’s about you, but you can’t be bothered to listen. You knew it was going to happen, you know they’re not saying anything nice, so why listen to things that are just going to annoy you even more than you already are.
As you were getting up this morning you told yourself that you can’t pay mind to anyone who has something to say about you, no matter how hard they stare or sneer or whisper, you can’t do anything about it. You have to focus on being good now, be the bigger person, so you can stay here with Wonwoo.
That’s what you keep repeating to yourself as a group of guys snicker at you and a few girls start to obviously stare at your hair. It’s going to be a long day.
It’s not just the day that turns out to be long, it’s the whole week. Wonwoo seems oblivious to it all claiming “everyone just needs time to warm up” but you also have a suspicion people are either being fake nice to Wonwoo, or not giving him the same treatment as the rest of you due to his new look. Whatever the reason is, Wonwoo doesn’t seem to be aware of the comments and glares you and the other boys have been on the receiving end of. 
It’s strange, everyone seems to be scared of you, but at the same time they have no problem making under the breath comments on your upbringing. You’ve definitely been called a ‘freak’ a couple of times and one guy even tried to trip you in the cafeteria. He immediately cowered back when you raised your fist him, but still.
You’ve found a particular enemy in a boy named Seungkwan, the son of Cinderella. He makes the most comments about you and the other VKs and you think you may hate him more than Minghao. You have your third period science class with him and rather than listening to the teacher, he likes to focus his attention on you instead.
“Better watch out with this one, you don’t know what kind of potions they may brew up,” Seungkwan sneers.
“You wanna say that again?” You growl.
“What are you going to do? Light me on fire? They’ll just ship you right back to that slum you call a home. Actually, maybe you should do it. It would get rid of at least one of you vermin.”
That whole interaction happened in front of a teacher, who didn’t say anything. You’ve noticed that’s a recurring theme as well. Teachers love to look past what the Auradonians are saying, but as soon as you glare at someone, you’re the one being told off.
The issue is that Wonwoo has barely been experiencing any of this, and he’s off doing stuff during his free time. He’s found new hobbies and has been practicing his magic with Fairy Godmother and over all soaking up all of the Auradon goodness, which leaves you to spend time with Jeonghan or yourself.
You stand at your locker, wondering if maybe it would be a good thing if you got sent back to the Isle, when a giant body slams into you, shoving you into the lockers.
“Watch it, asshole,” you growl.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I-” The guy’s words cut off when he gets a good look at you. “You’re one of the Villain Kids.”
“And you’re a giant dumbass who can’t watch where he’s walking.”
“Oh right, I’m very sorry about that!” The guy quickly bends at the waist in a bow. When he stands, he stares at you expectantly. “So how are you enjoying Auradon?”
“I don’t remember agreeing to talk to you.” You close your locker with a loud slam. You turn to leave but the guy is in your way. “Move.”
“No, wait-”
Without meaning your hair bursts into flames as you glare at the guy. He jumps back, his reaction causing your hair to go back to normal.
“You’re…you’re the child of Hades…”
You glare up at the tall guy. “Yep. Now if you’ll very kindly move out of my fucking way.” You shove your way past him, surprised at how easily he moved despite his stature. You can’t focus on that though, rather trying to focus on just getting away from him.
“Wait, no! Come back!” The guy grabs your arm and spins you around.
You stare between his frantic face and his hand clamped around your bicep. “I would advise you to let go if you favor that hand.”
He’s quick to release you. “I’m sorry! I just…wanted to talk. I know you uh, Isle kids probably don’t wanna talk to us, but I just want to get to know you guys. This can’t be easy for you and I want to try and get to know you guys before I judge you.”
“So when you do get to know us, you’ll be free to judge?”
“No! That’s not what I meant! I just meant, ugh, that like…it’s unfair for everyone to be saying what they are when they don’t even know you. That’s all.”
“Have you ever considered that maybe we don’t want to talk to you?” With that you turn away again, this time more prepared to deck the big oaf if he touches you again.
As you walk away, he calls to your retreating back, “The name’s Mingyu by the way! Son of Hercules!”
And as much as that interests you, you continue to make your exit, filing that information away for later.
You’re not exactly sure how you ended up in this situation, but sitting across from you in your dorm is the son of Hercules. It seems after your first encounter he’s been partial to seeking you out as much as he can. You were just walking into your dorm when he bombarded you and all but forced his way into your dorm. So here you are, sitting on your bed, staring at where he sits at your desk.
“You’re here so you can what? Run back to all of your little friends and tell them all about me?”
“Oh no, I actually uh…this is kind of embarrassing, I don’t really have any friends.”
“You live in Auradon, how the hell don’t you have any friends? Aren’t you guys all about friendship and kindness and all that crap?”
“Yeah, we are, but I don’t know. Most people see me as some clumsy, annoying guy.”
“You are a clumsy, annoying guy.”
“I know that, but it’s different when they say it. I don’t know, none of them really like me that much. They don’t even pretend to like me like they do with some of the others.”
“I don’t get that. If you’re not going to like someone, don’t hide it. Honestly, it’s better they don’t fake it with you. I’d rather have a million enemies than one fake friend.”
“It’s different here,” Mingyu says. “Everyone does what it takes to get them higher on the totem pole.”
“And being fake does that? I’ve always openly hated Minghao and I’m the highest on the damn totem pole.”
“Oh no. We’re not allowed to hate anyone. Well I guess, unless it’s me.”
“Why do they even hate you? From what I can tell you’re smart, and strong, and…nice,” you force the last word out. “Sounds like everything everyone here values.”
“I may be smart, but they still think I’m stupid. I probably am sometimes. I guess when you have to be nice all the time, you need someone to be the punching bag to get all of your anger out on. I just happened to be that person.”
“Why don’t you do something about it? Your grandfather is literally Zeus. The Zeus. They should all be bowing to you, not walking all over you.”
You’re not sure why you care so much. Maybe it’s because Mingyu is the only person who hasn’t sneered at you. Maybe it’s because he knows what it’s like to get sneered at.
“What am I supposed to do? Rain lightning bolts down on them? Beat them up with my strength? I can’t do stuff like that, that’s villain stuff.” Mingyu glances over at you, like he said something wrong. Like he’s not supposed to bring up villainy around you. You barely pay attention to him though.
“Hell yeah it is! What’s wrong with a little villany? Beats being a punching bag for the rest of your life.”
“I would be hated even more than I already am,” Mingyu says.
“Villains aren’t even the bad guys. They have good views, people just get mad because they didn’t think of it first. Honestly half of the villains wouldn’t even be villains if it wasn’t for your parents! The two strongest villains on the Isle, Hades and Maleficent, wouldn’t have even become villains if they just got a goddamn invitation to begin with!” It’s something you and Wonwoo have discussed before. The coincidence of your parents path to villainy. “If you ask me, the real villains are the good guys. Real heroes don’t bully others.”
“You know you’re…not nearly as bad as the others make you out to be.”
“Yeah well, I was a lot worse on the Isle. I just know I’ll get shipped back if I do any of my normal activities, and I can’t leave Wonwoo alone here like that.”
“Wonwoo…Maleficent’s son. He’s not like the rest of you guys is he?”
“No, but he’s not like the Auradonians either. He’s probably the only good guy I know. Well I guess, you count now too. But Wonwoo’s a whole different thing. Despite who his mother is, he’s never given into any of it. He couldn’t even hurt a fly, and his conscience keeps him accounted for everything. Even that time he accidentally borrowed a pen from me and forgot to give it back.”
“You really love him, huh?”
“Of course, he’s my best friend.”
“No I mean like…happily ever after love. Romantic love. I can tell by how you talk about him. It’s the same way my mom talks about my dad.”
“You’re mom…Megara.” You decided to change the topic. You don’t want to think about your feelings for Wonwoo, especially now that it seems like he’s ignoring you.
“Yeah…she wasn’t exactly a hero to begin with either. She doesn’t talk about her time with Hades much, but sometimes she brings it up in passing.”
“He’s…something.” You roll your eyes. “Let’s change the topic now.”
“Right…so back to Wonwoo.”
“Or maybe you can just leave all together.” Mingyu grins at you but you keep your face deadpan.
“Okay! No talk about Hades or Wonwoo. Good to know.” Mingyu doesn’t say anything for a moment and you’re about to ask him to not so kindly fuck off when he speaks up again. “So do you have any hobbies?”
“There’s not exactly a lot to do on the Isle and I doubt you’d consider stealing a hobby.”
“So there’s…nothing you like to do? What have you been doing in your free time? Haven’t you thought about trying new things?” Mingyu spitfires the questions at you, something you’ve noticed he does a lot.
“In my free time I sit in my dorm or spend time with Jeonghan. There’s nothing here I want to do. Why try new things when they all sound awful?”
“You’re pretty pessimistic, you know that?”
“Yeah I do, it’s almost like I was raised by villains.”
“Well let me show you fun things to do! I promise it will be worth your time. Meet me at the front of the school tomorrow after class!” With that Mingyu gets up and leaves. You just stare at the space he was sitting in, trying to process his words.
For some reason you find yourself in front of the school after class the next day. You’re not sure why. Curiosity? Boredom? Some kind of pity for the kid with no friends?
“Y/N! You’re here!” The big guy runs up and attempts to give you a hug but you dodge him before he can. “You won’t be disappointed!”
“I better not be, or I’ll set you on fire.”
Mingyu laughs, not understanding you’re being completely serious. “Let’s go.” He starts to lead you to another part of the school you haven’t explored yet. “I thought I could introduce you to a bunch of things that you may enjoy. Cooking, art, music, reading, sports, gaming. Stuff like that.”
“I know what all of that is, I just don’t have an interest in it.”
“Do you not have an interest in it or are you just afraid to participate in something that’s not villainous?” You don’t answer. “You can’t tell if you don’t like something if you don’t try it! You live in Auradon now, you don’t have to be evil all the time. And don’t think I’m trying to change you from who you are, I’m just trying to…expand who you could be.”
“You’re cheesy, you know that? You sound like Fairy Godmother in Goodness Class but less stuck up and more puppy-like.”
“Puppies are a good thing!”
You just roll your eyes as Mingyu guides you into a room. There’s a bunch of equipment inside and a large mirror on one of the walls. There are a few people inside, using the equipment and it takes you a few seconds to piece together that it's a fitness gym.
“Why did you bring me here?” You turn to look at Mingyu.
“Well you seem to have a lot of pent up feelings and this is a great way to get them out. You can get swole while doing it too!” Mingyu flexes his arm and you try to not show how impressed you are at the size of his bicep. Stupid Hercules kid.
“So what? You just want me to lift weights?”
“Well…more like hit things. C’mere.” Mingyu takes you over to another part of the room where there are large bags hanging from the ceiling. “Punching bags. Just put the gloves on and go at it.” He hands you a pair of large gloves.
“You know on the Isle when you punch someone you don’t wear gloves. Seems like a sissy thing to do.”
“It sounds like protecting your hands from getting hurt. Just put them on.” You do.
You think Mingyu is about to say something else but you ignore him and throw a punch at the bag. You continue to throw punch after punch, working up a sweat and getting out all of your frustrations. The bag swings all over, probably due to your demi-god strength, but you don’t stop.
You don’t stop, until you hear someone cackle behind you. You step back from the bag to turn around and see two people staring at you and Mingyu. One is the small guy you met on the first day, Jihoon maybe? And another guy.
“Look Jihoon, it’s a delinquent and the dumbass,” the new guy scoffs. “Why don’t you two get out of here before you stink up the place.”
“Don’t even bother with them Cheol, they’re probably too stupid to understand what you’re saying,” Jihoon says.
This ‘Cheol’ doesn’t seem to listen to his friend though. “You know you have no right being here. Not just in this room, but at this school, on the mainland. Go back to the Isle where vermin like you belong. And you Mingyu. I knew you were fucking pathetic but hanging around low-lifes like them? You really are the biggest fucking loser in this school aren’t you?”
“Watch your mouth.” You throw the gloves off and start to walk towards the two but you feel a strong hand on your shoulder, stopping you.
“Don’t. C’mon, let’s just go. It’s not worth it.” You glare at the pair as Mingyu practically drags you out of the room. He doesn’t say anything else after you two get out of the gym. 
“Hey,” you break the silence, “you said you were going to show me a bunch of things. What’s the next one?”
Mingyu perks up a bit at your enthusiasm and starts to guide you to a new part of the school. When you get there you realize it’s the art wing of the school. You’ve walked through it before but never stopped to look for too long.
You two walk in through the door of a room and to your surprise, Minghao and Jun are in there.
“Nope, we’re leaving,” you tell Mingyu. You try to drag him out of the room but unfortunately for you, he’s a lot stronger than you are.
“Why, what’s wrong? Aren’t those guys also from the Isle?”
“Yeah that’s the problem. Just because we’re from the same place doesn’t mean we’re friends, that’s an Auradon thing. It’s actually common to have a lot more enemies than friends on the Isle.”
“They’re your enemies?”
“Yes,” you hiss. “So let’s go before they see us.”
Mingyu finally seems to understand you and you two silently sneak out of the room. The sad look is back on Mingyu’s face. “Well that’s a two for two bust.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m supposed to be the pessimistic one, remember? There has to be more than punching things and half assed art.”
“Fine, fine. The final thing today is actually my favorite thing to do, so don’t be too harsh on it okay?”
“No promises.”
Mingyu ignores your last statement and leads you to your final destination, the kitchens. “My favorite thing to do is cook!”
You don’t have much time to protest before Mingyu is handing you an apron and getting right to work. You find that you don’t want to protest much anyways. Mingyu seems genuinely excited as he bustles around the kitchen and you may be evil, but not evil enough to kill his happiness. You do as he says and you two talk about your childhoods and yourselves as you work side by side. You find that you’re enjoying yourself, and that maybe you do like Mingyu’s company, just a little bit.
The food also comes out…really good. Better than the dining hall food and way better than anything you’d ever had on the Isle. You and Mingyu sit on the counters of the kitchen as you eat your meal and continue your conversation.
You stare at Mingyu as he goes on a story about trips to Mount Olympus and you decide he’s pretty. Objectively. He has good facial structure and tan skin and nicely styled hair.
“Mingyu,” you cut him off.
“Yes?” He stops his story to look up and stare you in the eyes.
“For what?”
“For…this? For you know,” you struggle to get the words out, you’ve never been the best at showing emotions, “for being my friend.”
Mingyu lights up at this and you think that his smile might be the prettiest thing about him.
“You and Hercules’s kid?” Jeonghan drawls and if you weren’t used to much scarier things creeping up on you, you would have jumped. 
It’s been a few weeks since you admitted to Mingyu that you guys are friends and you’ve been spending a lot more time with him lately. He just left your dorm when Jeonghan approaches you.
“What do you want Jeonghan?”
“Oh nothing. Just interesting seeing you all buddy-buddy with the big guy. Especially given your parents and the fact you yourself said you’re not gonna be making any friends here.”
“Oh shut up. Don’t act like you’re not always with that pretty boy all the time.”
“Pretty boy? You mean Josh?”
“Josh? A nickname? Really Jeonghan? And you want to try and judge me?”
“Joshua and I aren’t friends. He’s just in like all of my classes and has taken to hanging around me, not the other way around.”
“The Jeonghan I know would have told him to fuck off. You really wanna be with someone who keeps shooting glares at Minghao whenever he can?”
“I guess that makes us even, given he’s the one hanging around Rapunzel’s kid. And anyways, since when are you sticking up for Minghao? You two are sworn enemies.”
“We are, but unlike on the Isle, there are much greater enemies to worry about around here. The Auradonians have it out for all of us, no matter how ‘buddy-buddy’ we get with them,” you say. “You guys can make all the friendships you want, but in their minds, we’re still just villain scum.”
“You’re one to talk. I just saw the son of the guy your father tried to kill walk out of your dorm!”
“He’s not like them!” You argue. “He’s more like us than anything else. He listens and understands when I tell him things. He gets bullied by the kids here, and he’s one of them.”
“You have always been soft for the underdogs haven’t you,” Jeonghan says. His tone is condescending and you know he’s referring to Wonwoo.
“I’m just saying you can’t judge me when you’re doing the exact same thing. If you want to judge someone, maybe start with the people who are the actual enemy.” With that you slam your dorm door in Jeonghan’s face.
A few minutes later you hear a knock on the door and you all but growl. You storm over to the door and throw it open, expecting to see Jeonghan, but instead you see Wonwoo, his hands full of books. It really shouldn’t surprise you to see him, considering he lives here, but in all honesty you haven’t really seen him in a few days.
“Thanks Y/N, I couldn’t really open the door with my hands full.” Wonwoo walks into the room and dumps the books on his desk.
You stand at the door, staring at your best friend. You’re not sure what you’re feeling. Relief to see your best friend. Anger because you haven’t seen him in a few days. Sadness because you miss him and even though he’s right in front of you, you still miss him.
Wonwoo turns to look at you. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Uhm, uh…no,” you admit. You finally close the dorm door and trudge over to Wonwoo’s bed (it’s closer) before flopping down. “It’s like…too much has changed since coming here. I don’t see you anymore and Jeonghan and I got into a fight and everyone here sucks.”
Wonwoo slowly crawls up onto his bed as well, and draws you into his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry we haven’t seen much of each other lately. I’m sorry you don’t like it here. I shouldn’t have forced you to-”
“No don’t,” you tell him. “I made the choice to come here, don’t blame yourself. I just wish…I wish it wasn’t like this. That’s all.”
“I know,” Wonwoo murmurs. “How about this…you’ll have me this whole weekend to yourself. Just us hanging out. How does that sound?”
“Wonwoo I would love to, but I…kind of have plans?”
“Yeah…Mingyu’s supposed to be taking me to town to go shopping? Or something like that?”
“Mingyu…that’s…Hercules’ son?”
“Yeah…we’re kind of friends? He’s like the only person here I like, but that’s only because he’s not an asshole. He kind of reminds me of you, but he’s like a total extravert.”
Wonwoo chuckles at that. “Well I’d like to meet this Mingyu who’s been keeping you company. Maybe we could all spend time together?”
You bury yourself further into Wonwoo’s arms and smile. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
You’re not sure how it’s happened but Wonwoo and Mingyu get along really well, maybe a little too much, because now your days are spent with both Mingyu and Wonwoo, to the point where you don’t get a break from them. Like three peas in a pod, or whatever Fairy Godmother said to you. You don’t mind, you’re actually happy that Mingyu and Wonwoo get along so well, but it doesn’t cover up the fact that Auradonian’s have gotten worse, and now that Wonwoo is actively hanging around you again, he’s started to become at the end of their insults as well.
You can take the insults, but it makes your blood absolutely boil hearing them thrown at the two boys. There’s been plenty of times where they have to pull you away from the AKs, saying how you can’t turn into what they want you to. You really don’t care what happens to you, as long as they leave Mingyu and Wonwoo alone, but they do care what happens to you so you have to stay at least somewhat under control.
You’ve recently realized that you’d do just about anything for Mingyu and Wonwoo and as much as that scares you, it also doesn’t. You love them and they mean the world to you and as long as it took you to admit that for Mingyu, it’s true.
Which is why you’re here, standing at the Parents’ Day event, even though your dad is back on the Isle, most likely sitting in his chair and watching TV. Mingyu asked you to be here, so you came.
You, Mingyu, and Wonwoo are standing at the edge of the set up, staring at everyone else. You watch everyone with their families, smiling and hugging and laughing. You’re rightfully uncomfortable, but you try not to show that to Mingyu.
Your eyes sweep over the crowd again when they stop on a large figure at the entrance of the garden. You take a deep breath before exhaling slowly, breaking the silence that you, Mingyu, and Wonwoo were standing in. “I didn’t know your dad would be making an appearance,” you mutter under your breath.
“Neither did I,” Mingyu responds.
Your hand automatically reaches for Wonwoo’s and he accepts, holding onto you tight. Mingyu excuses himself, telling you two not to move, before he moves to greet his parents. It looks like the three have a brief conversation before they start to make your way towards you and Wonwoo. You quickly avert your eyes so it doesn’t look like you were blatantly staring.
“Well son, let’s meet these friends of yours.” You hear Hercules’s booming voice before you see him, but it’s not long before Mingyu and his parents are standing in front of you.
Before anyone can say anything, Megara gasps. “You look…just like him.”
“Uh, Mom, Dad, this is Y/N and Wonwoo.” Mingyu shoots you an apologetic look.
“The…villain kids…” Hercules mutters.
“Nice to meet you sir,” you stick your hand out and you don’t miss the way Megara flinches a bit. Hercules wraps a large arm around his wife. You lower your hand.
“Hello Mr. Hercules, Mrs. Megara. You have raised a wonderful son. He’s been nothing but kind and accepting since we’ve met, and he’s shaped up to be a phenomenal friend,” Wonwoo says to the couple. They look less…on edge talking to Wonwoo. Maybe because he’s in an actual suit and you couldn’t be bothered to put on something nicer than a slightly wrinkled button up shirt and your nicest leather bottoms.
“Let’s meet some more of your friends, son.” Hercules claps a large hand onto Mingyu’s back and he stumbles a bit.
“Dad, I told you, I don’t have very many friends here.”
“Sure you do! Who couldn’t love this face,” Megara coos before pinching Mingyu’s cheek.
“A lot of people,” Mingyu mumbles softly so only you and Wonwoo hear.
“So Mingyu? These other friends?”
“I don’t have any other friends Dad!”
“You’re only friends are…the kids of the two worst villains of all time? No you’re lying, no son of mine would be friends with such degenerates!”
“Don’t call them that,” Mingyu growls. “Dad you’re being unfair.”
“Unfair? You’re friends with the children of Hades and Malficent.”
“So what? They are amazing people and you can’t judge them just because of where they come from. What makes them any different than Mom-”
“MINGYU!” Hercules booms. “That is no way to talk about your mother. Son, we’re very disa-”
“When are you not! Why did you even show up today? You’ve always been too busy for me and when you do pay attention to me, it’s to tell me how much I don’t live up to your expectations. Just leave already,” Mingyu spits out. “I don’t know why any of us are here, let’s go.” Mingyu roughly grabs your arm and tugs you away, Wonwoo following.
Mingyu storms all the way to the dorms before he calms down. He’s still grabbing onto your arm tightly and you gently try to pull your arm out of his grip before he realizes.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry Y/N. Did I hurt you?”
“No, I’m fine. High pain tolerance.”
You three stand in silence as Mingyu sighs. “I’m…I’m sorry about them.”
“It's not your fault,” Wonwoo is quick to assure him.
“I should have known-”
“You couldn’t have known anything. It’s fine, nothing we’re not used to,” you say softly. “Let’s just…go back to the dorm, yeah?”
It’s somber as you walk back to the dorm, and nobody says anything as you crawl into your bed, Mingyu and Wonwoo following, sandwiching you in the middle. The silence continues as you hold each other, until you eventually drift to sleep.
You’re rarely guilty about anything, but you are a bit guilty for not seeing Jeonghan in a while. He is, admittedly, your friend, and you haven’t seen much of him since Mingyu and Wonwoo have gotten close. You blame yourself, but you start to rethink that thought when you catch him all but sneaking out of Minghao and Jun’s dorm one day.
“What the hell are you doing hanging around those guys?” You confront Jeonghan. He doesn’t look surprised to see you, but his face is somber.
“Listen Y/N, this might be something you want to stay out of.” Jeonghan’s tone isn’t threatening like it normally would have been. He is giving you a warning. He pushes past you.
“Jeonghan.” At the call of his name he stops, but doesn’t turn around. “When have you ever gotten into mischief without me?”
You see Jeonghan’s shoulders rise and fall before he turns back around. “We can’t talk about it here.”
He takes you to his dorm. You sit down at his desk, noting the way their room still looks the exact way when they moved in.
“You can’t tell anyone about this. Even if you don’t approve, you can’t stop us. You have to promise me that Y/N.” Promises are a big deal on the Isle because they’re enforced. You break a promise, and you’ll get your arm broken in return.
“...I promise.”
“Minghao, Jun, Chan, and I are gonna take down the crown. We’re tired of the way we’re being treated. They promised a better future and all they’re doing is making us want to go back to the Isle, which is saying something.”
“Take down the crown…?”
“Yeah. We’ve already started a plan. We’re gonna make all of Auradon pay, and then maybe we’ll even take over the world.” Jeonghan shrugs his shoulders.
“Woah, wait, hold up. What?”
“Y/N. C’mon dude you’re like…one of the evilest people I know. Don’t you get it? We’re gonna break into the Museum of Cultural History, get Fairy Godmother’s wand, and finally do what our parents couldn’t all those years ago.”
You wonder how long the boys have been planning this. You wonder if they would have told you if you didn’t catch them before they executed the plan. Knowing Minghao, probably not. 
“We’d actually really appreciate your help if you’d like to give it. Wonwoo’s too, but I think he’s put all the villainy behind him,” Jeonghan scoffs. “Waste of potential. The son of Maleficent, and all he wants to do is read books.”
“What are you going to do when you do take down the crown?” You ignore the dig at Wonwoo, because if you don’t Jeonghan would be sporting a black eye.
“Not sure yet. If you’re worried about us hurting your precious little Wonwoo, don’t worry. No matter how much of a goody two shoes he is, he’s still one of us.”
“And everyone else in Auradon?” You think that if Jeonghan lays even a finger on Mingyu that you’ll castrate him.
“They’ll bow to us now, and do what we say. It doesn’t matter what happens to them, it will be us who have the power. So are you in or what?” Jeonghan stares back at you expectantly.
“I-” You contemplate your options.
You think about every Auradonian who’s scoffed at you and whispered behind your back. You think about the condescending remarks on teachers' tongues and the shifty looks the parents keep sending you. You think about your father who scoffed at you everytime you tried to tell him about your newest villainous act. You think about Wonwoo and Mingyu whose safety needs to be ensured.
You look back up at Jeonghan. “I’m in.” 
“Nice to have you,” Minghao drawls as you walk into the next meeting with Jeonghan. “Finally came to your senses?”
“Just figured you’d need a lot more brains to counteract your stupidity,” you retort.
“Whatever the reason is,” Jun butts in, “we’re happy you’re here. Besides Minghao, you’re the only one of us who can use magic.”
“Technically, Wonwoo ca-” Your glare cuts Jeonghan off.
“What even are all of your powers?” Chan asks you.
You give them a run down of all of your powers. Fire and smoke manipulation, like your dad. High pain tolerance and increased strength because of demi-god powers. Manipulation of souls and the dead. All the basics.
“Yeah…yeah we can work with this,” Minghao mutters. “With the plans we have…we could put them into action by the end of next week.”
“And you’re 100% in?” Jun questions you.
“Yeah…of course. We’ll make them all pay.” Pay for how they treat you. Pay for how they Wonwoo. Pay for how they treat Mingyu. Pay for all of it.
“Well then, it looks like we have a team.” And something about that excites you.
A week after your first meeting with the other VKs you guys have a solid plan of action, and you’re ready to execute it. It’s a bit strange to actually be getting along with Minghao and Jun, but you decide they’re not as bad as they used to be. Or maybe you’re just finally giving them a chance. Either way, you find that you can stand to be around them for prolonged periods of time.
They’re not the only ones that you’ve had new revelations for. Sitting in the meetings, planning to take over Auradon, you think about how you’re doing it all for Mingyu and Wonwoo. Your boys. You’d honestly go to war for them if they asked. You think you may love them, but then again you’re not exactly sure what love feels like. Nonetheless, they mean the world to you, and so you’ll do everything in your power to give them what they deserve.
You hate to admit it, but you’re also a bit excited to get back into villainy. You know it’s the morally wrong thing to do, but when have you ever cared about morally correct? You miss the thrill you get from plotting something and carrying it out. The only time you ever feel a bit bad about it is when you come home to see Mingyu and Wonwoo waiting for you in the dorm.
“Where have you been going the past few nights? I miss you.” Mingyu pulls you into a hug, resting his head on yours.
Your heart swells. “I’ve just been with Jeonghan. I feel bad for leaving him out to dry lately. You know I do have other important people in my life than just you two.”
“When has anyone ever been more important to you than me?” Wonwoo questions and well, he’s got you there.
“We are still your favorites though, right?” Mingyu looks at you with his big puppy dog eyes and you roll your eyes but inside your stomach flutters with butterflies.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” You push yourself out of Mingyu’s arms so you can start to get ready for bed. “Are you spending the night again Mingyu?”
“Can I?” He looks at you hopefully and grins wide when you nod.
You crawl into bed and Mingyu follows after, and even though Wonwoo was on his own bed, he makes the short trip over to yours so he can crawl in too. Snuggled in between both of them, you think about how there’s nowhere else you want to be. Even if you don’t have a label, you sleep peacefully knowing that everything you do, it’s for them.
You’re nervous, but only because you want things to go well. You don’t think you’re going to fail, but if you do, you just want to make sure your boys are okay. Minghao has decided that today is the day you’re going to execute the plan and then after this, everything will be over. You guys will finally be safe, and happy, and together.
The plan is to meet up at the museum where Jeonghan and Minghao will steal the wand while you, Chan, and Jun will do damage control. From there you will storm the castle and capture the royal family, before finally taking over all of Auradon. There’s a lot that could go wrong, but in turn there’s a lot that could go right which is a risk you have to take.
You quickly crawl out of bed, through the foot of the bed so you don’t have to crawl over the body on either side of you. You slip out of bed and start to pull off your pajamas to grab your clothes.
“Y/N?” The soft, sleepy voice stops you in your tracks. You don’t want to turn around, because if you do you’ll be tempted to just crawl right back into bed with your boys, but you have to do this, for them. “Y/N what are you doing? It’s late.”
“I have to go. I need to go do something right now,” you say as you continue to pull on your clothes.
“What could you possibly have to do at 3 am?” The other tempting voice in your bed sounds out. Great now they’re both awake.
“I have to go meet with Jeonghan, it’s very important and I promise I’ll tell you everything later, but just know that everything that happens has a reason. If things seem wrong, don’t freak out, it will all work out.”
“What are you talking about?” You hear shuffling in bed, meaning that most likely Wonwoo is sitting up.
“Just explain to us where you’re going, Y/N,” Mingyu says. “Why are you meeting Jeonghan at 3 am? You two have been very suspicious lately.”
“...If I tell you something, you have to promise you’ll keep it secret, okay?”
“Oh this is serious,” Wonwoo mutters.
“We promi-”
“We promise to our best ability to keep it secret,” Wonwoo cuts Mingyu off, having more experience dealing with Isle promises, “but we cannot promise our full secrecy if we deem fit to bring others in.”
That’s a good enough answer for you, and you finally turn around to face the two boys. They’re both sitting up, staring at you with half-tired looks on their faces. “The past couple weeks I’ve been meeting with Jeonghan and the other VKs. They’re planning on stealing Fairy Godmother’s wand and taking over Auradon, and I’m going to help them.”
“What!” Wonwoo roars, fully awake now. He quickly climbs out of bed to approach you. Mingyu hastily follows, a more concerned look on his face.
“Are you going to be safe? Did the others force you into this?” Mingyu, always the caretaker, rushes to make sure you’re okay.
Wonwoo, on the other hand, does not share the same sentiments. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how risky and stupid this is?” 
“Yes I know how stupid this is, okay, but it’s just something I have to do. I can’t give you all the details right now, but you guys just have to trust me.”
“Trust you? You’ve been off planning world domination with Minghao,” Wonwoo says.
“I know, okay, and I’m sorry and I promise we’ll talk about it later, but I really have to go.”
“What are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait while you just take over the kingdom?”
“Y/N, I don’t like this. What if you get hurt, or caught? Do you trust the others to have your back?” Mingyu asks, your safety still being his biggest concern. “Why can’t you just stay here?”
“I have to do this Gyu…I can’t keep living here like this, but I can’t go back to the Isle. Things won’t get better unless we make them better.” You grab his hand in yours and squeeze tight. “You have to understand what I mean.”
“I’m with Mingyu on this one Y/N. I don’t want you doing this without any kind of back up.”
“Then join us,” you blurt out. Both of them look like they want to say something, but the words die on their tongues. “Everyone here treats both of you like shit. Don’t you want to do something other than sit back and let them? You two both deserve the world, so let me give it to you.” You reach up and cup both of their faces one hand each.
“Wh-what about-”
“We’ll figure it out. We’ll figure everything out. But I need you both to be with me.” You recall the words Wonwoo told you long ago. “I can’t live a fulfilling life without you two in it.”
“Okay,” Mingyu breathes out. You’re a bit surprised he’s the one who responded first.
“Okay. I- I love you. If this is what you choose, then I’ll follow you to the end of the earth.”
You ignore the way you feel your stomach flutter at his words. You instead face the other man standing in front of you. “Woo?”
“You trust those four?”
“I trust they’re doing what’s best for us.”
“And we’ll be free?”
“No evil parents. No royal bullies. We make the rules now.”
“And it will be us together?”
Wonwoo’s eyes search your face to make sure you’re sincere, but you both know you’ve never lied to Wonwoo a day in your life. His eyes flick over to Mingyu before looking back at you. “Okay.”
Relief surges through your body and you don’t think you’ve ever felt so powerful in your life. Mingyu pulls you into a hug and you snuggle into his large chest. You feel Wonwoo wrap himself around your back, once again sandwiching you between the two men.
The others can wait a few minutes, you think as you relax in their arms. You relish in the comfort of their warm bodies pressed into yours, enjoying the calm before the storm. You’re not worried though. You’re not worried at all. You have your two boys by your side and a plan to take over the world, what else could you need?
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igotanidea · 1 year
Essay : professor!todd x student!reader part 1
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A/N: this is a completely new verse, I just couldn;t stop myself, so if you ever get ideas for that one I'll take them in a heartbeat.
A/N 2 : I was wondering whether to finish it here of give you more spice, but decided to just whet your appetite for part 2 ;)
Do you know how they used to call her in high school?
The unsullied.
Like in a freaking “game of thrones”
All because while her friends were partying, getting drunk and scoring, she was far more focused on her education and school work. And damn, that girl was sharp. Her writing and literature skills and instincts were something people would admire if they weren’t shallow and judgmental.
Instead she got the teasing nickname and all her peers treated her like she didn’t exist.
And of course it hurt, not having girlfriends or anyone who would even try to understand why she would rather spend her time in the library in the company of Shakespeare or Emily Bronte or Charles Dickens instead of drinking and having accidental sex. It was painful to admit that she never had a boyfriend or that she lacked experience in so many social areas. But she just clenched her teeth and pushed through, telling herself that she didn’t have to have all the answers at the age of 17.
She worked hard for a couple years and that got her a scholarship and entry to the college of her own choice. And while her parents and family were pushing her to choose something big, like New York or other big city, much to their surprise and displeasure, she decided to stay in the state and attend Gotham University.
“Why?” her mother almost got a heart attack upon hearing the revelations, choking on the fancy cake served at the tea.  (one more word about the girl – she came from the really fancy, new-money family, where she never fit, being way to feisty and fiery. She could never be described as a lady despite her mother’s best efforts).
“Just because” she shrugged
“watch your tone, girl.” Her father warned “never speak to your mother like this.”
“sorry, sir.” She smiled apologetically, but it was meant more like a sarcasm then a real word of remorse “ Gotham has one of the best university literature program. And since it’s something I want to pursue….”
“I think we should let her make her own choices, father. Y/N knows what she’s doing.”
Thank god, for her older brother, Tom, who always had her back. He was the only person she was going to miss when leaving. But he was right. She knew what she was doing. And Gotham did have the best literature course. And that was because of one of the professors, Jason Todd.
At the young age of 26, being only a couple years older than her, he managed to finish his studies summa cum laude and having a few awards on his account decided to dedicate his life into teaching and shaping young minds. Y/N couldn’t wait to attend one of his classes.
Yeah, college was going to be life changing for her.
Only she didn’t know how much when she first stepped into the hall of residence.
Soon enough she found out that first years were not supposed to attend Todd’s classes. Apparently something about heavy and mature content on different levels.  To put it simply, no one below 21 were allowed to engage in those discussions.
But Y/N was sly and determined enough to sneak into the evening lectures, making notes to herself and being an original thinker she got so much ideas and inspirations just by sitting in the corner of the classroom and listening. It went like that for half a year and she believed herself to be clever enough to not get notices, but apparently professor Todd was even better in the art of deception. And it all started when she lost her notebook while leaving and figured it out on the way to her room.
“Shit!” she hissed turning around immediately and looking for the lost item on the way. If it were to get into unfit hands, in the worst case – dean’s – and her secret would be uncovered , she would be expelled immediately due to not abiding the rules “Fuck!” she whispered-yelled again, having reached the classroom and still not finding it.
“don’t creep there, miss Y/l/N, come on in.” Professor Todd’s voice echoed through the empty hall and she shivered. How the hell did he know she was there? And more importantly, how the fuck did he know who she was?!
“I’m sorry to interrupt professor.” She started “I’m just …. I mean, I…..”
“Lost something?” he asked, his green eyes meeting hers and it was like a spark of electricity through her. God, was he handsome. Only now, she understood  the rumours on the campus, something about girls attending his course just for him, not really for the books and stories. Shit! She didn’t really have much opportunities to watch Todd while sneaking out and watching her every step.
“Yeah, I …. I mean, I…..” she stuttered “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even be here, and what I’m writing there is just stupid and …..”
“The only thing stupid here is that no one under 21 can join my class.” Todd laughed sonorously “come here, miss Y/N, please, sit, I won’t give your secret away.”
“You won’t?” hypnotised by his voice and eyes she took a few steps forward and perched on the first desk, out of instincts waving her legs in the air in a child-like manner.
“No. Sure not. I read some of your notes, forgive me that” he apologised quickly seeing the terror on her face “and those are good. Like really good. I don’t think I have such an original thinker here in like …. ever, to be honest” he smiled brightly “how old are you again?”
“almost 20 now.” She sighed in frustration. Here she was, sitting in front of her idol, unable to get full advantage of his knowledge.
“such a shame. Would love to know your brain more.”
“Can I just have it back and be on my way? I won’t bother you anymore, I promise I don’t want any trouble." she reached for her notebook, but did it so clumsily that it made her lost her balance in the process and she started falling to the ground, when her weight overbalanced the desk. She would probably end up on the floor, if it wasn’t for Todd’s reflexes. His strong arms found a way around her waist holding her tight, her hands locking on his arms and all of a sudden feeling safe and not so eager to leave.
“You good there?” he asked as their gazes met.
“Yeah…. I…..” once again the spark flew between them. Maybe it was just her imagination but she saw something predatory and …. lustful(?) in his eyes. “I… I really should be going now, professor. It’s late and after curfew and ….. sorry.” She grabbed the book from his hands, fixed her shirt and bag and rushed out the door.
“Miss Y/L/N?” he called after her and the girl spun around to face him.
“You can keep coming to my classes. Like I said, it’s a stupid rule and your secret’s safe with me.’
“Um, yeah, sure, professor, thank you.” She mumbled and practically took off running to her room, having absolutely no idea what was happening to her .
She didn’t get much sleep that night, instead taking care of the urge and itching between her legs, imagining green orbs and silky voice calling her good girl and a one particular man touching her. Good thing she had a single room with pretty thick walls.
It became pretty clear that classes were not enough for either of them. All things considered they kept it professional for a long time, only meeting in public places, discussing some teacher-student stuff, not really making any of the stuff suspicious. Apart from some additional rumours, nothing new on the campus, they were extremely correct and hesitant to do anything stupid.
Literature talks and exchanging beliefs and ideas quickly led to getting to know each other on way more personal level. She learnt about his family, his adopted father and brothers and he got the whole story of how she was treated in school and why she chose to specialise in literature.
They were getting close.
Arguably closer than teacher – student should, but the more time they spend together the less they cared.
Soon enough their meetings moved from the classrooms and campus to the outside places. And from the days to the nights, always being careful not to get caught. But the urge and the sexual tension between them was making them slip.
It was only a matter of time before someone would lose the war of nerves and needs.
Since the dean was tuned in to everything that was happening on the uni ground, after a couple of months Todd was called into his office and had to some heavy explanation of why he was doing nothing less but hanging out with a student that was still under the legal age.  Barely, but sill.
And with the natural ease and smoothness the young professor talked and talked about y/n’s talent and insight and how she was wasting her potential while waiting to be admitted to his classes. He used some pretty convincing arguments about the fame and reputation the uni would get if she becomes the exception to the rule and get the permission to attend despite her age.
And all that seemed to convince the dean.
Y/N was allowed to attend Jason’s course.
And that meant more time spend together.
“I almost forgot. I got your essays graded.” He stated one Tuesday evening almost ending the lecture,  holding a bunch of sheets of paper in his hands and waving it around “as usual, most of you should have read between the lines, but apart from that it’s better than before. I see some progress to some of you.” He started walking around, giving the papers to the students.
Was it her imagination again or did he really brushed over her shoulder while passing her? If it was a dream she didn’t want to wake up, feeling that familiar aching in her body. God! She was still at class, acting like a horny teenager! About the teacher! That was completely inappropriate!
“That would be all for today.” Jason stated “class dismissed.”
“But….” She objected. She didn’t get hers back.
“As for you miss Y/L/N….” he trailed, waiting till everyone left  “We need to talk about your thesis. But we’re gonna need the library to prove the point. Meet me there in half an hour, all right? Take your coat with you, the night is going to be cold.”
“but…. But it’s like 8 p.m.” she frowned “I thought the library was closing at 7?”
“I got a special pass. Now go, Y/N.”
Something was telling her that this was not going to be about her writing. And she couldn't wait to discover the double meaning.
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So your au little demons reminds me of my au called dear mother. Where all the beasts are reborn as kids shadow milk is 2 years old, Eternal sugar is 4 years old, Burning spice is 6 years old, Mystic flour is 8 years old and silent salt is 10 years old. The ancients know that white Lily's kids are the old beasts. The beasts hate the ancients [except white lily because she is their mother]. And the beasts made it the job to get rid and Torture the ancients
Shadow milk
After being reborn he found himself a baby in a forest and was soon found by DM! lily and was adopted after. He hates when he sees pure vanilla try to get all lovey-dovey with his mama [DM! Lily] shadow milk will start wailing until DM! Lily pays attention to him and only him. He is a very needy baby and wants to be held all the time by his mama
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Eternal sugar
When she got reborn she found that she was born into and abusive family that had her chained up outside and the town would bully and hurt her because she was born with wings and for her those were the worst 3 years of her life but she got sent to foster care and got adopted by DM! Lily. She hates when hollyberry comes over and try to get alone time with lily but that will never happen because in this life she has insomnia and is always next to lily until she falls asleep and holly gets pissy about it
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Burning spice
The day he got reborn he was born into a very neglectful family, they would never pay attention to him and treat him like shit, but one day he met lily as she was holding sugar and shadow milk was in a stroller and he got clingy to her and he ended up getting kidnapped [not really she adopted him but his bio parents wanted him back but lily didn't want to]. Whenever he sees golden cheese talking to much, he will walk over and ask DM! Lily for help on something he knows but act like he doesn't because he was neglected
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Mystic flour
She was really reborn in the snowy Is mountains of the cacao kingdom. She would almost froze to death if it weren't for DM! Lily finding her in the snow, sooner or later Mystic flour got adopted. When dark cacao talks about his kingdom and warriors too much Mystic flour will run into the kitchen with a new award from school to tell to her mummy but if cacao talk over her she will cry until cacao bribes her with money to stop crying
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And now
Silent salt is the only reborn that is biologically Lily's kid so all of the other kids are jealous but the good thing about being the counterpart of your mom is that you don't need to fight for affection but you have to deal with your crazy siblings
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Here are the little demons!
White Lily gave them new names to make them feel comfortable.
SM, ES and MF were in the same adoption center and WL legally adopted them.
BS was on the streets when WL found him.
And SS was rescued from an abusive home by WL.
SM is 6 years old.
ES and MF are 7 years old.
BS and SS are 10 years old.
Soon I will upload a small graphic about them, the ancients and White Lily.
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nightshadehoney · 2 months
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Alicent Hightower Worst Mother of the Year Award
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiii,i really really love your work🫀Can you do something with Pecco cuz He’s winner today🇮🇹✊🏻
exist for love | pecco bagnaia
i’m going to do half social media and half written on this one :) thank you for the request!!
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“Y/n! Pecco is on the phone!” Y/n heard her mother say as she started walking away from the grammy stage. She had just won producer of the year and all she wanted was to celebrate with her boyfriend, but he was on the other side of the world racing.
“Thanks, mom.” Y/n said and grabbed her phone from her mother’s hand to see Pecco on the screen. “We did it!” She yelled and held up her award for Pecco to see.
“I’m so proud of you, amore. But that’s your award, you did it.” Pecco replied.
“Francesco! You put up with me when I had the worst writers block of my life. And you did help with some lyrics so don’t discredit yourself.”
Pecco laughed. “So I’m a grammy winner too?”
“Only if I can be the motogp world champion too.”
Y/n heard someone in the background say that Pecco needed to hang up the phone. She understood that their time was limited since the start of the race was soon. It wasn’t long until Pecco and Y/n would reunite.
“I love you more than anything in the universe.” Pecco said.
“Wow, that’s a lot. I don’t think I can compete with that.” Y/n teased.
“I’m hoping one of these days you’ll make me a song with my words.” Pecco said sarcastically. What he didn’t know what that Y/n was already writing a song with words that Pecco had told her on their anniversary. Her songs were always seen as the sad songs that you would put in a playlist and title it ‘crying at 3 am’ so many fans were confused as to why she would call Pecco her muse for sad songs.
“I’ll write all the songs you want, Pecco. Bye, good luck and be safe.”
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Liked by pecco63, taylorswift and 4,273,278 others
y/nmakesmusic week after grammys and we’re back to work 🫶🏼 i even got some guy who drives a motorcycle in the studio and we made a pretty song. ‘exile’ featuring bon iver is out soon! (pecco suggested the bon iver feature🥰)
pecco63 you have a lovely voice ❤️
y/nmakesmusic love you, my muse ❤️
boniver you amaze me! it is truly an honor to work with you!
y/nmakesmusic no, YOU amaze me
taylorswift can’t wait to hear your beautiful voice, y/n!
y/nmakesmusic thanks for the lessons😭❤️
taylorswift ‘lessons’ she says but they were really an excuse for us to reunite and gossip
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Liked by fabioquartararo20, pecco63 and 647,839 others
y/nmakesmusic surprise! i made this song after our fourth date. i knew francesco was the one i would make my first love song about so while he was away, i wrote a little song for him and recorded it and now i want to share it with you all! ‘exist for love’ is my baby and i hope you love her. and to pecco, here are you pretty words turned into a song that you waited for.
pecco63 you’re incredible, amore. i love you forever❤️
y/nmymother imagine being the first person y/n wrote a love song about😭 pecco is winning fr
carolabagnaia love you and your amazing talent❤️
pecco63 what about me?
carolabagnaia did you write the song? no.
pecco63 but it’s about me 😌
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