#worst thing is anon didn't even Ask about steve it was supposed to be about bucky but I just went off ig
wenellyb · 2 years
Idk why but i love when tony asked sam if they feed him or not but I guess he just wanted to pretend to Sam that he's good person
Hi Anon !!!
Do you mean in Civil War when he went to visit Sam in prison? I don't remember well, but I think it was just to get Sam to talk and tell him where Steve was...?
I never liked that scene, it didn't sit right with me that Tony would be ok with his "friends" staying in prison, in awful conditions and in one of the worst prison. With all the money Tony has ... He could have easily pulled some strings to get them out or at least helped them get better conditions.
But no, he was ok with Sam being locked up, even though he had been shot at (by Tony) and beaten up.
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He was ok with Wanda being detained like this ....
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Like what the f*ck Tony???!!!
This isn't even about the accords or team Steve vs team Tony. If the roles had been reversed, Steve never would have left Natasha, or Peter in one of the toughest prisons in the World like that ...
The way Tony treated his so-called Friends was the last straw for me (not the accords or anything like that), Tony's behavior was so digusting.
That's why I have a hard time with people who headcanon Tony and Sam being Friends after cacw, especially since Tony never apologized to Sam.
I can understand that you liked the scene where Tony asked Sam if he had eaten but you know what it reminds me of? I don't know if you've seen the movie Hidden Figures, but the actor who plays Sheldon Cooper in the Big Bang theory (don't remember his name) played a character who kept being racist to the protagonist, but at the end of the movie, after she saved the day with her calculations he brought her a coffee. A friend of mine told me after the movie : " See that guy wasn't that bad after all" she excused all the racism because he brought her a Coffee once and I was so shocked by her train of thoughts? Like we are supposed to forgive everything because the Guy brought her a Coffee once?
I sorry for derailing so much but what I mean is one tiny good deed Can never écrasé the all the Bad things done by a character, especially a character who has never apologized like Tony Stark.
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😩 Help I can’t stop going back to the ‘Do you headcanon Bucky as bisexual or gay?‘ Anon to add in more points it’s stupid long it’s now the ‘Steve is not bi because-’ anon 
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k347 · 4 years
Modern Stucky- 'MEETCUTE'
(you could read it as Evanstan as well since I used all the non-mcu gifs🤷)
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It's probably the worst day of Bucky's life.
So bad.
This just got so bad.
Bucky can't believe he has just said that out loud. Well, it wasn't 'really' his fault to be honest. The full beard, long and carefully tended,styled hair, the square jaw, long legs, wide thighs, probably the broadest shoulders Bucky has ever seen. That man's whole appearance screamed 'Daddy' from a mile away! But it doesn't mean Bucky should have said that to his face! Oh God, this is embarrassing. Bucky knows he doesn't always say the right thing at the right time. But this has got to be the worst possible display of his lack of filter and word-vomit. Nat, Becca and Sam will die of laughter if they ever find out about this.
Bucky's eyes are fixed to the ground. He can't even look up at the handsome stranger, Steve (is that what his name is? Bucky can't actually remember because 60% of his mind is flustered +ashamed and the remaining 40% is still processing how unbelievably attractive the man is).
This is awkward. Bucky has made it awkward. For both of them.
Couldn't he just be subtle, say something nice? maybe a sweet compliment about Steve's jacket or shoes or hair? Talk about sports or politics or the catering service in the resort, the fucking weather...Just ANYTHING except for asking Steve whether people call him 'Daddy', within five minutes of meeting the guy!
This is why Bucky Barnes is gonna die a single man. He'll never find someone. Bucky is gonna be alone and miserable. Forever and always. He does not know how to talk to people he likes, has a crush on, without putting his foot in the mouth.
Bucky wants the earth to swallow him whole at this point. If he could just go back in time, two minutes ago... He'd slap himself on the back of the head. Remember to be casual yet welcoming. And NOT ASK stupid questions about personal things. for example- the Daddy kink.
Why do you get all the good ideas after everything has happened? when they cannot be executed and are of no use! Why is Bucky's mind his worst possible enemy?
Speaking of Bucky's mind, it is running 300 mile/hr right now, producing ramblings over ramblings whereas his stupid-ass, involuntary mouth is acting like it's on the longest vacation of all times. Say Something damnit! Just apologize. Say sorry and turn around and walk away as fast as you can. The least Bucky can do at this point is, try to do some damage control.
He's about to start his apology, still not brave enough to look Steve in the eye, when his ears perk up at a sound.
"Uhhum..", Steve clears his throat.
"Hey, you're still here, right? thought I lost you for a minute there"
Oh. Oh. He is speaking to him. The handsome stranger...no, Steve, his name is Steve. And Steve is speaking to Bucky.
Of course he's speaking to you. You guys were having a nice introductory conversation before your thirsty ass ruined it, Bucky scolds himself.
Bucky's ought to look at Steve now. He doesn't want to be rude after his already embarrassing behaviour.
He slowly brings his eyes up to rest again on the face of this actual-greek-god in a human body. He expects... Bucky doesn't know exactly what he expects to see there. Probably a judgemental look, a little bit of pity, maybe even concern for Bucky's state of mind.
But wait. No. Steve doesn't have any of those expressions on his face.
Instead, his cheeks are adorning a light tinge of blush, pink. But he doesn't appear to be as hardly flustered as Bucky feels and for sure looks at the moment. In fact, Steve looks even more confident now. Standing tall in all of his six-feet-glory. Taking over a little more space than normal humans would. Steve's lips are curved in a silent, teasing one-sided-smirk. His eyes are a shade darker than they were a few moments ago. One of his thick eyebrows is raised a bit (suggestively?)!
The piercing blue of Steve's eyes is seeing right through Bukcy.
Bucky has no idea what he was about to say. All of the words have died in his throat. Oh, and He's shamelessly ogling Steve, again.
"No." Steve speaks. This time gazing tentatively in his eyes.
Bucky is surprised at the sudden monosyllable.
"Wh..What?", Bucky is still struggling with words. ( Can't blame himself this time. Anybody try 'not being toungue tied' when the human-Adonis stares intensely at you!)
"The answer to your question. No, people don't 'usually' call me that." Steve's Smirk is wide and impossibly attractive while saying that.
Bucky doesn't know how to respond to that. What is he supposed to say? Is he supposed to say something? He has gotta say something, right? So Bucky goes,
"Oh. Okay. No, I mean... not ok..wait, that's not what I... listen I am so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomf..."
Steve's rich, deep and yet low-raspy voice cuts him off before he could ramble further.
"But I don't think I would mind it, to be honest. I might actually, dare I say 'like it'. Would you? Like to find that out with me, I mean?"
Bucky's mouth dropped open. So wide and so sudden. Seriously, his jaw might've touched the ground. Bucky can't believe this isn't a dream. This is real. The handsome stranger Steve is flirting with him. Steve actually just suggested what he just suggested! Some angel up there decided to smile at Bucky's fate today. This angel right here decided to smile at Bucky today. Even after Bucky had made a 'not-so-good' of a first impression.
"Wow. Uhhh..yeah, I guess. I just..." Bucky can't seem to complete his sentences no matter how hard he tries. There are a thousand emotions and sensations running through his body at this moment. He's pretty sure Steve can see him turning into a burning, melted puddle of blushing-tomato.
Steve probably decides to help him out of that. What a gentleman.
"So, what do you say? Wanna get out of here for a few drinks, sweetheart?"
Sweetheart. Bucky's heart actually skips a beat at that. Steve just called him sweetheart.
Bucky's as widen at the term of endearment. Steve notices. Because of course, he does. Maybe Steve thinks Bucky didn't approve of that, he has no idea how wrong he is!
"Sorry. I didn't mean to assume... It's just that at the start, you didn't...uhh...you never told me your name."
For the first time during their whole conversation since the beginning, Steve appears to be flustered.
Confident and sexy while discussing kinks but adorable and a shy-softie when using daily-life-petnames. Oh. Bucky can tell, this man is going to be trouble. And despite of being famous as a mischief-maker his whole life, Bucky Barnes has never wanted to jump into trouble so fast and so eagerly ever before!
"It's okay, really. Only fair that you call me a name just after I called you one. That's the standard protocol as far as I know."
Bucky sometimes does speak right words at right times. His flirting game is not that bad!
The cheeky comment earns him a smile from Steve. A full smile. Bucky's insides do a little happy-dance at that. He already knows he wants to see so many more of those smiles. Wants to be responsible for them.
Steve looks at Bucky again, tilting his own head.
"So, Yes to the drinks-offer?"
"Absolutely! Yes to the drinks-offer."
This just got so good.
So good.
It's probably the best day of Bucky's life.
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Inspired by an ask of @musette22 's anon!
(someone could write the same trop for Chris/Seb too)
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viperbranium · 7 years
So Seb bulked up right? He said in an interview that it was mostly for his confidence since he's gonna be surrounded by giant dudes in IW. But what if he was partially instructed to do so to feed the no-homo agenda? Like maybe Marvel thought "heh, u can't rly imagine 2 buff af guys kissing now don't u?" I mean, Cap 3's script LITERALLY did everything so every Stucky interaction won't be interpreted as gay. There wasn't even a hug, w/c they didn't have a problem w/ in Cap 1.
I can’t recall if he indeed said that in an interview,and idk if it wasn’t meant to be a joke if he did (which seems likelyconsidering that he’s a good friend of Don and does seem to really enjoy goingto the gym and exercising), but:
I’ve talked about Civil War at length before but I’mgoing to indulge you and do it again. Idk where people got the idea from thatCW was going to be this hella gay movie, but it never wassupposed to be such. Yes, they might’ve shortened a few Steve-Bucky scenes, andyes, maybe it would’ve been nice to get a hug, but I doubt there was any LET’S-MAKE-IT-AS-NON-GAY-AS-POSSIBLEediting process going on and tbh this whole conspiracy theory is getting ratherold.Also, frankly, as much as our fangirl-selves would’ve loved a hug, it makes sense that there wasn’t one. Buckyhad been on the run for 2 years and was practically a human porcupine by thetime Steve found him, and Steve showed up in full Captain America gear at atime when Bucky was just being called a terrorist, which kinda doesn’t make youwanna get all touchy-feely, and it’s not like they had a lot of time formeaningful conversations and bonding after that because Shit. Kept. Going. Down.Strictly in terms of what’s happening in the movie, it’s completelylogical that they’d hug in Cap 1 but not in Cap 3, and I doubt that hasanything to do at all with how buff Seb was or wasn’t.
I think that to imply that someone like SebastianStan, who’s not only played multiple queer characters but also has always beenextremely supportive and kind and more than happy to encourage people shippingStucky, would conform to any kind of ‘no-homo agenda’, is quite insulting tohim. Not to mention that if there WAS a no-homo agenda, Chriswould’ve likely had to be given similar instructions, and considering his ownbrother is gay I doubt he would’ve been happy about it.
I’ve been having the worst past few weeks, and betweenmed school finals and uni administrative stuff and the rbb fic and my dog maybebeing sick and a couple shitty anons and a number of other things, my stress levels are currently off thecharts, and this kind of asks are the last thing I need right now.
Idk if you’rerelatively new to my blog so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt,but for the record, I don’t usually participate in this kind of discourse &speculation re: the actors’ private lives. Please don’t send me these things. Thank you.
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