#would fuck up the surrounding environment if they let them free
4kadhd · 9 months
has any vegan protest/movement actually done any good for anything???
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finelinevogue · 1 year
lost n found
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summary - you are lost in italy the night before your wedding
pairing: fiancé!harry x reader
word count: ~2k
You were definitely lost.
Drunk and lost.
To: harry - im so sor:(y
From: harry - Baby, you’re fine❤️ Drop me your location and I’ll come find you. Please don’t move xx
To: harry - okaY.i love you xox
So currently you were sat on a stone wall, somewhere on a random side street in a small Italian village, waiting for your boyfriend to come and pick you up.
Harry had gone out with a few of his closest guy friends for drinks, for one last night as an unmarried man.
You and your girls had gone out for drinks too and you had mentioned to the boys that you would catch them up later.
At some point during the evening, though, you and the girls had all gone to the beach and you had gone to the toilet. It had been a trek to find one, only when you tried to find your way back you took so many drunken wrong turns that you couldn’t tell your legs from rights now.
Reading a map was useless, but sending Harry messages wasn’t.
You originally hadn’t wanted to send him any messages, not wanting to ruin his last night a “free” man but at some point you had become a little too lost to care.
Swinging your legs as you sat on the wall, you watched the birds fly overhead amongst the clear blue sky. You detailed all the cracks in the old buildings and counted twelve windows on one wall alone.
Your brain was fuzzy and your eyes kept on wanting to close from tiredness. You would be blaming a lot of your girl friends tomorrow for the continuous passing of shots your way.
Your phone rang in your hand.
“Yeah?” You answered, not even checking the caller ID.
“Baby? Love? Can y’hear me?” Harry asked.
“You’re not where y’said you’d be.” Harry sounded stressed.
“N-no I am. I sent you my location a-and I haven’t moved.”
You stood up and could feel yourself starting to panic. If Harry didn’t know where you were then there was no way of you knowing. Harry wasn’t ever a big enough drinker to get really drunk, unlike you.
You only ever got drunk when you felt you were in a safe environment, like tonight had been surrounded by all your closest girl friends. Or always with Harry.
Now that you didn’t have anyone and you were still drunk, you were getting anxiety of being alone and intoxicated.
Cue to shaky hands and tears.
“Are y’sure baby?”
“Y-yes. Fuck me. You’re not going to find me. Fuck. I don’t – shit – I.. I’m…”
“Hey, hey. Y/N, baby. Woah, slow down for me, okay? I am coming for you, okay? I just.. It was my mistake and I just need to relocate myself. You’re okay.”
Your phone was shaky in your hands and you started twisting your body around, as if expecting some random creepy guy to come around the corner and take advantage of you.
The twisting didn’t help your head, though, and was making you feel increasingly dizzy and sick.
“Y/N?” Harry asked urgently and you wondered whether you’d missed something he said.
“I-I’m scared.” You honestly said, backing yourself against a wall and trying to let the cool stone calm you down.
Your tears will no doubt have ruined your minimal makeup by now, not that that was a main priority of yours right now.
“Honey, you’re okay. I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
Harry sounded like he was running.
His voice sounded a little breathy and you could hear the fast movement of wind through the speakerphone.
“Y/N, love, turn on your data.” Harry said.
“I ran out.” You banged your head back against the wall, not even thinking about the pain that just caused.
You whimpered as you sank down onto the floor, knees tucked close to your chest and arm wrapped around your legs. Your phone was still to your ear, with Harry’s voice being the only sane thing in this moment.
“Okay, okay.” Harry muttered to himself rather than you. More running sounded from Harry’s end of the phone. “Baby, y’still there?”
Your mind travelled to many worst case scenarios and due to how bad they were your panic only increased.
This was supposed to be your last nights as an unmarried couple and you couldn’t help but feel like you’d ruined that. He must’ve been having such a good night.
You’d seen a couple of photos on his private Instagram story and other people’s Instagram stories. Your fiancé looked divine. He just looked so perfect that it was difficult to believe that he had chosen you and you got to call him yours.
It did make you nearly cry that he was thinking of you, via Instagram, though.
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“You feeling okay, baby?” Harry asked.
“Don’t know. I’m so sorry, Harry.”
“It’s okay. I’m not angry or upset. Just want to make sure you’re okay, my love.”
“So you have to be brave for me, okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
You got stuck for a moment, trying to think of possible ways you could calm yourself down and distract yourself. Luckily, Harry was already one step ahead.
“Hey, baby?” He grabbed your attention.
“We’re getting married tomorrow.”
You couldn’t help but let the smile take over your face. You weren’t scared at all for tomorrow. You had no nervous jitters. All you felt was love in your heart for your husband to be.
“We are.”
“And you’re going to look so beautiful.”
“So are you.”
“I can’t wait to see you in your wedding dress. I bet it looks so pretty.”
You sniffled, building back your strength and overcoming your anxiety. A lot of your strength came from the love you hold for Harry.
You heard a noise from your left and looked to see a cat rustling through some litter.
Your heart deflated when you realised it wasn’t Harry. You knew he was coming though. He was on his way and he would not stop running until he found you.
It was almost like a bad scene out of a romance movie.
The night before your wedding and something terrible goes wrong. It’s a sign!
“I think it’s just perfectly me.” You said, talking about your wedding dress.
“Sounds perfect to me then.” Harry paused for a moment. “Baby, did you walk under an archway, like, uh, a stone archway covered in pink flowers?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t remember.” You ran a stressed hand over your forehead.
“Okay. That’s okay.”
“Everyone’s going to be so mad at me.” You began getting frustrated with yourself. “Fuck.” You breathed in a sob and exhaled with a bigger breath.
“Promise you no one’s mad, baby. Gem has messaged me a thousand times asking if you’re okay. I can’t even answer ‘cause this bloody maps apps is a fucking nuisance. I swear to–”
“Harry?” You furrowed your eyebrows, looking up from your knees to check your phone. He was still on the line. “Hello?”
“Y/N!” Harry shouted your name, but not from down the phone.
You could see Harry walking over to you very quickly, clearly panting from having run street after street.
“H.” You dropped your phone and cried as you saw him faster approach you.
Definitely a moment worthy of a romcom.
Harry was probably living his Ryan Gosling dreams.
“Baby, hey. I’m here. You’re okay.” Harry sank down to the floor and scooped his arms around you, pulling you close and squeezing oh so tight.
He sank down to his bum and leaned against the wall, pulling your entirely onto his lap. Too close wasn’t an option right now.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you sat sideways on his lap. Your face was tucked under his chin and his head rested on top of yours. You cried as Harry held you tight.
You couldn’t see Harry’s facial expressions but he was breathing out sighs of relief, some tears in his own eyes from the adrenaline of trying to find you. He had been just as scared as you, but had to remain strong for you. Now he had you he could let it all out.
“You’re never going to the toilet alone again.” Harry laughed. You laughed back.
“That was scary.” Harry kind of mumbled, but you heard him anyways. He kissed your head a few times and you melted at the feel.
“Yeah, love?”
“My head is so dizzy.”
Harry used a hand to tilt your head up so he could see your face. He noticed your mascara ridden face first of all, but beneath that you were all beauty.
“Tequila is only our friend for two rounds, remember?” He laughed at you. He was able to tell from your eyes that you weren’t exceedingly drunk, but definitely tipsy.
“I did not remember.”
He nuzzled his nose against yours as he shook his head with a grin. “You’re such a handful, you.”
“M’sorry.” You pouted.
“Never said I didn’t love you as a handful.”
“Do you? Love me a handful?” You used a hand to stroke over his cheek that had gotten so scruffy with the stubble he was trying to grow.
“‘Course. Love you every way and anyway. Love you so much. Love you until my body literally decomposes my wedding ring off my finger, and then some more.”
“That was dark, even for a 2AM drunk thought.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” Harry chuckled, noticing that smile on your face becoming more and more permanent.
“But I’ll love you for the same.” You promised.
Harry kissed you then, not wasting another moment of this evening away from you. Well, morning now. His lips were soft against yours and you smiled into the kiss, happy that he was here with you even if it was under really weird circumstances.
“Let’s go, trouble. We’ll go back to the hotel and I’ll kiss you all night.”
“Don’t you want to spend the rest of your night with the boys? You know, last night as a free man?” Even though you were suggesting this, all you actually wanted to do was kiss, kiss and kiss him.
“Free man?” Harry furrowed his eyebrows with disgust, “What are you talking about?”
“You know? People say the last night before they get married is their last chance to be free?”
“Why would I need to be free when I’ve got you? I’m choosing you, like I always have. Never needed to be free.”
You smiled warmly at him. “I’m shackling you to me for life.”
“Too right you are, baby. Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Now, take me home, trouble.” You giggled.
“Oh. So I’m the trouble now?”
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liked by gemmastyles and 682,928 others
yourinstagram tomorrow i get your last name forever <3 p.s. i would like to state that harry bought himself that tshirt :)
view all 78,977 comments
harryfan1 oh to be y/n l/n
jeffezoff Where did you two go?
harryfan2 moustacherry fans rrIISEEEEE
harryfan3 wish my bf supported me with tshirts like that
jamescorden Tequila anyone?
harrystyles I am planning on wearing that tshirt tomorrow.
yourinstagram @/harrystyles the tshirt but nothing else please
gemmastyles @/jamescorden They aren’t coming back for tequila….
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misctf · 9 months
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‘Aren’t personal trainers supposed to be buff?’ Joe thought as he followed behind Richey, ‘Or at least work out a little?’ He wondered as he looked over at the short, skinny blond guy leading him through the gym.
“So we’ll start with some basic stuff just to get an idea where you’re at.” Richey’s high voice caused Joe to wince, “But before we start, I like to know what motivates my What really drives you.” Richey turned and stared deeply into Joe’s eyes.
“Well uh...” Joe averted his gaze slightly, taken aback by the intensity of the stare, “I want to get in better shape.” He chuckled a bit, “I just graduated college and was on the swim team, but two years of working and drinking kinda caught up to me. It’s tough man, ya know?” He adjusted his loose shirt a bit, which hid the slight pudge that covered his abs, “I’ve tried to get back into it but I don’t know...”
Richey nodded, “I definitely don’t think you’re in bad shape.” He winked and Joe couldn’t help but smirk. Was he really getting hit on by his personal trainer? Ashley would get a good laugh at that, “But I can respect that. So you lost your drive. Gave into some unhealthy habits.” Richey clapped his hands together, “Well you came to the right place! I know how to help all my clients reach their goals through both body and mind!” Richey led Joe into a different part of the gym, a private room with a cabinet, free weights, a bench press, and a squat rack.
“From what I’ve heard, if there’s anyone who could its you.” Joe replied, taking in his surroundings, “I’ve heard great things from all the reviews.” Richey smirked as he walked to the cabinet and began to rustle through the contents. Joe raised an eyebrow, “So uh, what’re you looking for?”
“Ah there it is!” Richey said with a grin, turning to face Joe, holding a few candles, “I know this is unorthodox, but I believe creating a peaceful environment while working out is key.” Richey said, placing candles around the workout room and lighting them, “Go on, let’s start with a basic bench press.”
Joe nodded and scrunched his nose at the smell of the candles. He could smell a hint of pine, tobacco, and leather. And it smelled pretty good.
‘Unorthodox, but okay.’ Joe thought, as he sat at the bench and got ready to start his set.
Richey stood above to spot, “Okay now you know the drill, just up and down. We’ll start with a light weight, okay?” Joe nodded and started just as Richey instructed. Up and down. Barely difficult, “You’re doing so well.” Richey cooed, “Remember, deep breaths.” Joe continued, taking in deep breaths, the smell from the candles entering his nostrils, “Wow look at those. What nice pecs you have.” Richey said, grinning down at Joe.
“Uh thanks man?” Joe replied, finishing his set and sitting up, “Appreciate the comment, but just want you to know, I’m not gay.”
Richey chuckled, “Of course, of course!” He held up his hands defensively, “Sorry, I can’t help but admire my work.” Joe raised an eyebrow but before he could say anything, Richey cut him off, “Okay I think we’ve done enough with the bench. Let’s focus on your biceps.”
Joe nodded. It felt odd to move so quickly to the next exercise but his chest felt sore. He chuckled- he must’ve really been out of shape. As he walked over and grabbed some dumbbells for curls, he noticed Richey lighting a few more candles. Again, the smell of pine, leather, and cigar smoke intensified in the room.
“Just some basic curls and transition to shoulder press.” Richey instructed. Joe did just that, curling the dumbbells with ease, a grin forming on his face.
‘Fuck this feels really good.’ He thought, observing himself in the gym mirror, ‘Huh I thought I shaved today.’ Joe could see some stubble across his face. But before he could think more of it, Richey walked over and gave his biceps a squeeze.
“Very good, drop the weights. I think you’ve done enough for now.”
“Hey man, don’t touch...” But Joe stopped before he could finish. As he looked at Richey, his wide blue eyes, tan skin, and cropped blond hair, he felt an odd infatuation for the cute man, “Uh never mind dude.” His voice sounded a little hoarse and he cleared his throat, “Hey its getting a bit hot in here, mind if I lose the shirt?”
Richey smiled, “Oh please do.”
Joe smirked and pulled off his shirt, revealing a pair of nicely sculpted pecs and bulging arms and shoulders. He looked over at himself in the mirror, catching a glimpse of his improved physique.
“Wait...” Joe said aloud, trying to process his bulging muscles, “That’s not...”
“Let’s get you doing some crunches.” Richey interrupted, “I’ll support your feet, okay?”
Joe was about to interject, but he caught another whiff of the candles and simply nodded. He got to the ground, placing his arms behind his head and began his set of crunches. And with each crunch, the slight pudge that covered his abs seemed to reduce until a perfect set of abdominals graced his features.
“I’m very impressed.” Richey commented, “When I saw your application I was a little worried about you.”
“Yeah? Why’s tHAt?” Joe’s voice cracked as he did another crunch.
“Well men of your age tend to have less exercise capacity.”
Joe chuckled, “I’m only 45.” His eyes widened... why’d he say that? He was 24! He cleared his throat, “I’m 45.” His voice sounded deeper, more gruff.
“Oh exactly. But I think the extra years add maturity. Less excuses, more personal discipline.” Richey replied, “You know how to make a routine and actually follow through.”
And as Joe came up from another crunch, Richey leaned forward and gave the man a kiss on the lips. Joe’s eyes widened and he quickly stood up, glaring at Richey. He wanted to chastise him, to scold him. But the kiss felt kind of nice. And the way the young personal trainer looked... with those blue eyes and fat ass. Joe didn’t know what to say, so he quickly darted toward the bathroom, mumbling that he needed some water. Richey smirked and watched as Joe’s blond locks fell from his head and hair sprouted from his face and chest. He was turning out nicely, but Richey wasn’t done. He grabbed a candle and approached the bathroom.  
When Joe finally got to the bathroom, he ran to the mirror with wide eyes. Staring back at him was an older man- buff as hell but certainly not him. His hands quickly darted to feel his new body, silently confirming it was indeed very real. And when he heard the door shut open and close behind him, he jumped.
“Oh daddy, don’t worry.” Richey cooed, placing the candle down and removing his shirt. Joe watched as the slender twink sauntered up to him. Richey smirked and placed a hand on Joe’s hairy pec, causing the older man to shudder, “You’re soooo perfect.”
“No... this isn’t right.” Joe whispered, feeling blood rush to his cock, “Get away from me.” The smell of the candle made his head spin.
“It’s okay now daddy.” Richey moaned, rubbing his hand across Joe’s pec and abs, and then down his pants, “Mind and body. That’s my mantra.”
Joe moaned as Richey grabbed his fat cock and began to pump it, slowly increasing the speed. Before he could finish though, Joe suddenly pushed Richey against the wall, breathing heavily and looking down at the smaller man. For a brief second, nothing was said before Joe crushed his lips against Richey’s, the two passionately making out. As they made out, Richey removed Joe’s pants and slowly knelt to the ground. He smirked up at Joe before wrapping his lips around the older man’s cock.
“Fuck!” Joe moaned as Richey continued. He couldn’t believe how good this felt. He’d never had a better blowjob. Not even from his... girlfriend? Joe’s head started to hurt as his prior memories came rushing forward, trying to encourage him to resist. To push Richey off of him and escape. But before he could gather the energy to do so, he felt Richey begin to suck more vigorously. And before he could stop it, he came. And with it, Joe felt his desire for his former life fade away until it disappeared. All he wanted now was to be here, with Richey.
“How’re you feeling daddy?” Richey asked, wiping his mouth, “You happy with the results?”
Joe looked over in the mirror, flexing his biceps, “You bet your ass, boy.” He replied, turning back to Richey, “So when’s our next session?”
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neo-percs · 1 year
FACE FUCKING:: ( day 2 )
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WARNING:: Face fucking, hair pulling, marking, man handling, smoking (weed), oral fixation.
SUMMARY:: in which you and your smart ass mouth gets you nothing but put in your place.
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You always run your mouth in the worst moments in time, and if it hadn't been for your loud mouth ex you wouldn't have found yourself like this. It was already past midnight but if it hadn't been for the fact that you had run into him at one of Haechan's parties while you were stumbling out of the packed kitchen while your lungs craved air that hadn't smelled like alcohol, sex, and weed, you wouldn't have been here at all.
You almost cursed at yourself when you had sat down just a few steps on the front porch above a familiar burly figure. When you had perched yourself there you saw the figure turn to you and the burnt orange hue on his skin from the lights had made your heart clench in your chest. Having seen him for the first time in 6 months after your relationship completely blew up in your face, you both exchange casual conversation as if you hadn't last seen each other at your worst.
His eyes sharp and low, glazed over and red as if he had been drinking hard liquor all night. You weren't surprised, you had seen his friends passing around a bottle on the couch deep in the living room corner all on the couch surrounded by many burnt out blunts and cigarettes flicked into vodka bottles and beer cans with barely enough to fill a shot glass. You hadn't caught a glimpse of him until now as you ran with your own crowd around the party talking to who've you grown to know in your towns party environment.
After an exchange of words he could see how tense your shoulders had been as they wrapped around your cold legs, the wind had yet to relent on your bare skin no thanks to your mini skirt. He had eyed your figure once over he meets your gaze. The words "you wanna match?" roll off his tongue like it's nothing. "I can't, my boyfriend and my friends are inside probably looking for me" you answered just as nonchalant as he came off. Only to get a scoff out of his mouth.
"What's a little smoke session here gonna hurt them" he says, but you could only shake your head, just as you stand up finally taking in a deep breath of fresh air around you, you hear the front door open behind you, the bright flickering lights and loud hollering voices spills out past it. Your met with the sight of Yuta, stand with concerned eyes and furrowed brows. "I thought you left without telling me" he walked closer, paying no mind to whoever sat as a bystander on the steps.
You only hum in denial and shake your head "I wouldn't leave without saying bye" you teased only receiving a small grin out of him. The irking voice behind you had reeled you back to earth "she's cool, I was with her. We were gonna match" the voice spoke, you could only let your eyes fall shut as you hoped you would get off scot-free without your ex insisting you stay. "Really, I said I'm good. I just needed fresh air I don't really wanna smoke right now" you turn to him almost rolling your eyes as you see the glimmer of mischief in his eyes as he looks at Yuta with nothing but a low grin.
"She's good" Yuta spoke low yet firmly, you could feel your stomach churn in a way you didn't like, the both of them holding narrow gazes at each other almost agitated by the presence of the other. "Let's just go back in, I wanna chill for a little bit with Jaehyun and Johnny before their out and about trying to get random people to drink bottles with them" you almost smile as you think about your friends habits.
"You know where to find me if you change your mind" the boy behind you spoke up once more making you bite back an irritated groan. Yet once more you hear your boyfriends voice rumble a bit louder this time "she said she's good, so I doubt she'll come looking" he spoke. "This is so stupid" you mumble as you step closer towards Yuta reaching towards you hold your hand out mf or his he grabs it almost tugging you towards him roughly.
"Mhm, right. You look good tonight y/n. I'll see you around yeah?" Your ex says amused at Yuta's tone, you only turn to look over your shoulder just barely paying attention to him you you hum as you pull Yuta along as you tug the door open by the handle re-entering the house that had basically been trashed to the point it barely looked how it did when the party first began.
Almost slamming the front door shut your met with an empty hallway as the party seemed to be mainly in the kitchen and living room. The stairs that faced the doorway with stray people standing there, your poor attempt to pull Yuta along with you back into the living room, your tugs lead you nowhere as he pulls you back. Turning to face him with furrowed brows "what?" You ask your tone filled with attitude that Yuta caught onto quick enough to give you a glare.
"Who was that?" He asks his tone just as stern as before holding the same expression your face held. "Does it matter?" You shake your head. "No. I just want to know, I've never met him before. Is he your friend or something?" He asks pulling you closer. Shaking your head once again rolling your eyes "no, and it doesn't matter who he is because he doesn't matter" you snapped "why are you acting like you can't tell me who he is. It's not like I'm gonna be mad if he's your friend. You know him, so why are you acting like you can't tell me?" He says almost riled up at your words.
"He's not my friend so stop worrying about it" this time you roll your eyes giving Yuta his last straw with your attitude. This time he doesn't tug you a few steps closer, he pulls you chest to chest your face to face with him, his free hand grips your chin between his fingers, the feeling of his warm breath on your skin has shivers sent down your cold skin. "Fix your tone" he spoke grimly as he raised a brow at you hinting you get your act together almost immediately.
You huff as you turn your face away from his narrowed gaze "you first" you snap and almost regret it as it immediately as he tugs your face to turn to him once more "really?" He asks as he looks almost looked like he was fueling at the ears. He was pissed beyond belief. "You wanna show out now?" He asks but you couldn't bring yourself to answer. Letting go of his grip on your face, his grip on your wrist had yet to falter as he drags you up the stairs . Yuta's sense of direction was narrow, the halls are dark yet you've been to enough house parties hosted by your friend to know exactly the location he's dragging you to.
The bathroom. Spacious, the lights are dim in a yellowish color, nobody used it, it was clean the floor not sticky like the one that had been used frequently. "I'm really starting to think you want me to fix that smart ass mouth you got with that attitude you fixed yourself to have" he says slamming the wooden door behind him as he practically shoved you into the bathroom. You can feel slick arousal within you panties begin to sodden the flimsy fabric, fixing your lips to speak once more.
"What attitude?" You ask as the door rattles and the walls shake as the base of rap song plays through the loud speaker downstairs. "So now you don't have an attitude when it's just me and you? Just a minute ago you wanted to show out for your little boyfriend but I don't see him anywhere" he snarked making your head fall back as a groan ripples through your throat. "Why are you so stuck on that? He doesn't matter, like I said I just want to go and have fun" you say your becoming irritated more and more.
"You can go have fun when we're done" he eyes you up. "That why you dressed up all pretty tonight? Got a little attitude to go with it? Hm?" He asks as he nears you with calculated steps. His hands find the loops attached to your skirt pulling you roughly until your hips collide. Gasping as your once again met face to face like you were at the front door. "No" you answer softly "no what? No you didn't get dressed up for your friend? Or no you don't have an attitude?" He eyes your facial expressions "both" you answer shortly.
"No I think you have an attitude, you've been running your mouth a lot since we came in. And I think you want me to fix that" he nods as his eyes flicker between yours holding a strong gaze. Nodding your head, you wanted nothing more than for Yuta to fuck you completely out of your senses you lose your train of thought. He snickers as he watches you look up at him with doe eyes. Humming his hand trails to cup your jaw, his thumb pressing against your bottom lip.
'Smart mouth' he'd said it so you couldn't help but wonder exactly what he had in mind. "Fix my smart mouth" you whisper hoping that would make him snap. And surely it did, the harsh pad of his thumb parts your lips you open your mouth wide enough for his finger to rub flatly against your thumb.
Sucking and licking, he pulls back he groans as he watches his finger slips down your tongue and past your bottom lip, settling on your chin leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. Leaning in Yuta presses a harsh kiss to your lips that you return, your teeth clashing against each other, your tongues meeting past your lips entangling, his tongues pushes further past your lips making you suck down and pull back earning a groan as the both of you meet eyes.
Catching his bottom lip between teeth he holds back a moan his hand trails up your jaw to the back of your neck, the feeling of his long fingers trailing up the back of your neck gripping your hair your hand falls back at the tight grip, you moan at pain and pleasure. "You're so quiet now, what happened?" He coos at your almost quivering form as he takes up at the space between the both of you.
Your eyes snapping shut as an attempt to keep your breathing steady, "knees. Right now" he spoke barely above whisper, yet you didn't want to test his patience in the least. Lowering yourself onto the cold and harsh tiled floor, the stinging in your kneecaps subsiding as the grip on your hair seems to get much more tighter than before. Your hand presses against his against the growing bulge in his jeans.
The pressure and friction between his cock and his jeans earns yourself a hiss from between his teeth. Rubbing over him a few times before deciding he was hard enough for you to get rid of all the fabric and anything else between you. Unbuckling his belt almost ripping it out of the loops in his jeans discarding it with a loud clanking sound, your moves not faltering as you tug open the button on his jeans your fingers hook onto the hem of his boxers as pull them down.
"Gonna put that smart mouth of yours to good use?" He asked as his hand yanked on your hair earring a soft wince, you nod looking up at him with evilly innocent eyes. Pulling his pants over his thighs and down to his ankles you could see the precum leaking through his underwear, your index finger rubbing the spot making the man above groan in sensitivity.You palm him one more time before your fingers dig under his waistband and begin pulling it down, seeing what is past his v-line.
You see his hard dick springing past the fabric his tip was blushed and sticky with precum, you could feel yourself salivating at the thought of taking him down your throat. you wet the palm of your hands with your tongue before taking his dick into your fist, slowly jerking and teasing the tip with your thumb. Your other hand resting on his thigh you feel him twitch the squelching sound of your spit and precum rubbing against his dick makes your thighs clench.
Yuta loved the sight of you underneath him with his cock in your mouth. It was nothing more if not the best sight he's seen in all his years of life. The feeling of you rubbing his tip against your tongue having sent a shiver up his thighs you had a pretty firm grip on.
Puckering your lips you press small kisses and his base and up his shaft until you reach his blushed tip, licking a stripe of saliva against his slit had his thighs quiver "fuck" he groaned feeling your lips envelope his tip slowly taking him in your warm mouth,your hand still at his base jerking him off Yuta closes his eyes as his hand pushes your head down furthe.
He's big. thick. and the stretch that comes along with taking him in your mouth is a plaguing reminder. but you don't mind it too much, you like the thought of him when he's all deep in your throat, and you can feel the tip of him hot and heavy in the back of your throat. it makes you gag, and choke, and your eyes get cloudy with tears to the point they spill over, but it's worth it. It's worth it without fail.
you keep your nose pressed into the skin of his pelvis until you physically can't, pulling off of him with a loud pop. your cheek is wet with tears, and your chin is slick with spit, the two coalescing at the tip into a sticky mess.
the sight makes him twitch in your hand, because this is what he's been thinking about all day. this was his selfish wish, to see you below him with this expression. eyes all doe-eyed and desperate.
he can't help but to reach out and rub the callused pad of his thumb over your parting lips, pressing the salty digit flat against your tongue, and retreating it in the same breath to hook it around your cheek.
Flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick you dragged up against the vein running up to the tip— he let out a rich moan that ended with a groan "shit". His head was thrown back and his breathing was labored.
you rubbed your thighs together as warmth between your legs became stronger and stronger. You could, feeling the tip nudge the back of your throat while your nose was nestled tightly against his pubic bone. While your eyes were closed tight to focus on relaxing  your gag reflex to not ruin the tight feeling for him. Yuta let his hand guide your head to bob while you hollow your cheeks, Yuta was losing his mind at the feeling.
Breathing through your nose you could barely breath as Yuta bucked his hips into your mouth, losing himself in the feeling of your warm mouth. Spitting on his tip you use your tongue to spread it, earning a moan as his pats become tugs when your lips wrap around his and you push your head down relaxing your throat you feel tears well up in the corner of your eyes.
Pushing your head down further you relax your throat taking him deeper until your nose hits his pelvis. Tears cloud your eyes as you almost gag, pulling your head back just a bit you take a deep breath through your nose and begin to bob your head.
You moan as you feel him buck his hips into your throat. "Feels good," he said as you continued to take him in your mouth slurping and bobbing your head, all without hands you were heaven-sent."Fuck- y/n you're so good, don't fucking stop" he cursed while moaned out, you speed up your pace as his balls were greeted with a squeeze from your hand. He was approaching his orgasm as his hips buck into your throat relentlessly you gag with each thrust. Tears spilled past your lashes and down your saliva-covered cheeks.
The groans made your pussy ache so you clenched your thighs closed. Sounds of groans buzzing in his chest you couldn't help but let out gags and moans at the tall man above you tears pricked your eyes again but you blink them away and continue taking him. He felt so good your warm and wet mouth was doing it but when you hollow your cheeks. Your hand that was at his base continued to move leaving him to buck his hips into your warm and wet cavern.
You gag as he repeatedly lets his tip meet the back of your throat yet you never pull away. "You take it so fucking- good" he slurs feeling himself twitch, your moans muffled sending vibrations to his dick making him shutter. a string of profanities leave his lips. he's close, and you can tell by the way he begins to fuck into your face with unparalleled ferocity. to guide him there, you begin to hollow your cheeks and narrow your throat, using a single hand to massage his balls.
he can feel you start to get antsy, and when you start to scratch and claw at his thighs for air, that does it for him. with a final, lazy thrust, he releases the entirety of his load down your throat, keeping you pressed down on him until he's sure every last drop has been emptied into your mouth.
Pulling your head away Yuta looked down at your kneeling figure seeing your spit mixed with his cum on your cheeks, chin and lips, your breathing was in shambles as you cleared your throat letting your hand touch your jaw that had been aching. Yuta's eyes darken looking at you and wiped away all the fluids on your face. You stand up from the floor feeling the ache in your knees.
"All done with your attitude" he eyes you, seeing your face sport an almost submissive and ready for his next direction, you only nod and hum in satisfaction at forgetting completely what happened before. Reaching out to the back of your neck you stumble forward as he presses a kiss to your lips almost immediately your tongue swirls against his as your holding a tight grip on his shirt you pull away gently hearing a soft 'smack' as your lips part, a string of saliva attached to your lips keeping you connected.
"That's my ex" you say finally giving him the answer he was looking for "and no, I won't be looking for him later"
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writtensweethearts · 3 months
Unspoken Confessions
Read part one here: Sweet Nothings Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader Word count: 1k+ CW: Mentions of death, blood, hospitals, etc A/N: Short and sweet, a follow up because as an avid reader myself, I would be hounding for a pt 2 after the last post
The fluorescent lights above flickered, the sharp scent of antiseptic filling your lungs as you rolled your head, taking in your surroundings. The room was empty, you could hear the faint sounds of chatter in the hallway, soft squeaks of shoes on tiled floors. Your eyes adjust, focusing on a crumpled jacket, haphazardly strewn across a chair beside your hospital bed. With a heavy head, you dig your palms into the thick mattress, forcing yourself upright, breathless from the searing pain in your sides. Your mouth tasted like cotton, wincing when you coughed, you stared blankly at the wall, trying to process the unfamiliar environment.
Memories of promises that were too good to be true, the burn of Eddie’s touch as he’d held you close, sobered you. 
Gathering your strength, you push your legs, trying your best to stand up. A clatter followed by a string of curses, halted your movements. Your eyes meet a bewildered pair, wide with a glossy sheen, and a smile dripping in honey to match.
“Come on kid, use the bathroom, grab a snack, take a break.”
Hopper’s voice filled Eddie’s ears, his body aching to do just that, eat, sleep, stretch, something. But the sight of you, all pale and ghostly, eyes closed and machines beeping made him hesitate. He’d been by your side for the past two days, donating blood and waiting for you to awake. Two heart wrenching days. The echoes of your laughter, your sharp tongue and witty banter haunted him. Wilted down to nothing but the machines keeping you breathing, your eyes shut in a soundless state, how could he sleep knowing he’d wake up the next morning, while you may never? 
“Eddie. I’m asking, no, telling you as sheriff to get out. You’ll be here when she wakes up, I promise.”
Jim Hopper was full of shit. 
“Fuck. Fuck.” Scrambling, Eddie bends down, a rosy hue coloring his cheeks. Picking up the, now half empty, coffee cups and pushing them blindly away as he rushes over to your bedside.
“Hey, hey- no you shouldn’t be sitting up,” his hands wrap around your shoulders, urging you to lay down, “let me call the doctor, fuck, how long have you been awake? I-” You grab his wrist, your free hand stretching out to cup his face, “Eds,” More frantic rambling, you put pressure onto his jaw, “Eddie.” 
He blinks at you, eyes filled with worry, gaze roaming your face as if to confirm you’re here, you’re awake, you’re alive. 
“Hey there rockstar.” You grin, voice rough and hoarse.
He breathes out a strangled laugh. He’s watching you, unsure what to say, suddenly breathless as your thumb rubs gentle circles across his cheek. He feels his face heat up under your touch, silently praying it goes unnoticed but the small smirk hanging on your lips and the curious glance you send his way tells him it’s wishful thinking.
You drop your hand and lean back, taking him in. Dark clothes, wild curly bangs brushing his forehead, pink ears and an unsure gaze, Eddie Munson looked like a vision.
“I was out for two days?”
He hums in response. You pat the empty space of your bed, knees pulled up to give him more space as he sits beside you.
“Miss me Munson?” You ask teasingly, expecting a snarky remark in return, an olive branch, a safe territory, to hide behind the familiarity of it all.
But if Eddie learned one thing from his time in the Upside Down it was that he didn’t always have to be a coward.
“Words can’t describe how much.” He replies softly, daring a look at your face. 
The gentle hum from the A/C fills the silence as the two of you sit in a too small hospital bed, hearts racing at the proximity, sharing silent memories of a world unknown.
Eddie reaches out, cradling the hand on your lap gently.
“I.. I didn’t know what to do. When we were all pulled out of that lake, it was a mess. I could barely look at you, I thought we were going to lose you.” He takes a deep breath, turning away, but you could see the unshed tears in his eyes. “Thought I was going to lose you.” You place your other hand onto his, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, a small gesture of reassurance as he shakily continues. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so terrified.” He huffs, a wry smile overtaking his features, “You were out cold, we didn’t know where to take you, it was a miracle we found this place.”
Your silence begins to make Eddie nervous, a quick glance and he sees your cloudy eyes, thoughtful expression. You slip a ring off his finger, pushing it back on, repeating the motion as you find the right words. His eyes shutter, basking in the tenderness of your touch, the warmth of your fingertips above his own. Memories of you, your cold, heavy body, the feeling of bile climbing his throat as he carried your body to safety flee his mind, entranced by the softness of the moment.
“I’m sorry.” His mouth opens to interrupt but you hastily continue, “I didn’t want you to be afraid. I just.. I’m sorry I didn’t try harder, for giving up.” Your hands are shaking lightly, “I’m sorry I didn’t try harder," you repeat, "for you.” 
The blood rushes to his ears, you watch as realization dawns on him. 
He holds your trembling hands, squeezing tightly. 
“It’s okay sweetheart, you’ve got all the time in the world to make it up to me.” He replies playful, a soft smile sent your way, but you could hear the words unsaid.
“Dinner next week? After I get out of here,” You gesture to the hospital gown scrunched around your bent knees, “just so I can start making it up to you, of course.” His smile turns wide, lips pressed tight to hide his excitement, coiled hair shaking as he bobs his head in a nod, you wonder why you wasted all this time not seeing him.
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Ashton and Silence
One of the things that has fascinated me this campaign is how ready-built Ashton is to be a leader, but how Taliesin plays low charisma to constantly stop them from being one.  Ashton has great ideas, and tends to be one of the two most grounded members of the group.   He has excellent moral intelligence (far better than they’ll admit), and one-on-one Ashton excels at talking people down from their worst points.  
But they also are in constant pain, and they’ve spent their entire life being told that they’re worthless as anything other than a slab of muscle.  So they silence themselves.  And the more unfamiliar the environment or the more people around them, the more they clam up.
Last episode was one of the best examples I’ve seen yet.  Ashton was almost entirely silent this episode.  He admitted to hating camping, likely to do with the chronic pain, but also to do with the unfamiliar environment.  Ashton is a city barbarian through and through, and they thrive in cities.  They are far more confident in cities, even when they don’t know them as well as Jrusar or Bassuras.  But the wilderness?  On an unknown continent?  He’s already on the wrong foot.
And then they go to the village, and before they know it things are spiraling.  It turns out this place was a powderkeg waiting to blow, with two factions that are, at least from appearance, both highly suspect.  The Vasselheim faction are clearly outsiders come here to impose their culture on the locals, taking too much from their land, bleeding their farms dry for distant tribute, and recently sending more and more armed thugs and more religious oppression.  Add to that the Flameguide being clearly an asshole who won’t listen to reason (very classic lawful stupid paladin, and I agree with Emily, likely a Conquest Paladin, some of the worst to deal with), and the Dawnfather folks are clearly assholes who aren’t wanted there.
But though the townsfolk in general seem sympathetic and just want to live free and worship as they will, their charismatic leader also seems to be full-on with Ruby Vanguard ideology.  She wants to tear the gods down, mistaking gods who are behind a divine gate and can’t interact with humans without a great deal of faith, with the corrupt religious institutions that sprung up around them.  But at the same time she gives a distinct feeling of hating those institutions because she’s not them.  She flat-out said that she didn’t want to stop with the town.  She wanted her own elemental worship to take over the world.
It’s a great set-up, because the townsfolk just want to be free, so they’re throwing in their lot with someone who has grand and terrible ambitions.  It’s Ludinus writ small, and playing out on an intimate scale.
And the team wasn’t really given any choice.  Once they were exploring the options, they were already sort of stuck with the elementalists.  And they mostly just want to prevent casualties, but the people in charge of those potential casualties have no care for the people who could die.  They see only glory and their own faith.
Orym spoke up, because that’s what Orym does.  But Orym’s confidence has been shaken, and there was little to no way he was going to manage to sway two fanatics.  Denise sort-of spoke up, as did Laudna, both trying but both also failing.  Bor’Dor and Prism were both basically on the side of ‘let’s fuck up the gods, whoo!’ from the off, Bor’Dor because he doesn’t really know what’s going on, and Prism out of academic bitterness.  In another life, she would have been hard-core Rube Vanguard fairly easily.
And then there’s Ashton, silent in the back, deeply uncomfortable, surrounded by an elementalist group that feels a lot like a cult with a charismatic leader.  How much must he be associating this with the Hishari?  Does it have any connection?  Some remnant faction?  Are they fighting on the side of his nightmares?
But they say nothing.  They stay silent.  They are barely noticed, despite being a big rock person in an elemental-worshipping town.  People should be all over them in fascination, but they aren’t, because Ashton has practically vanished.  They needed to speak up.  They needed to stand with Orym to try to de-escalate things, but instead they are sneaking in the background.  Why?  Lack of confidence.  Self-loathing.  Fear.  This is where Asthon’s low charisma springs from: they will never trust themselves to do the right thing, to say the right words, to really step up and be counted.  So they hide, and things crumble.
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w0nd3rplay · 8 months
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inspired by @running-with-the-feels and @laismoura-art. Fuck NRS for not letting their own mascot be happy. @theelderhazelnut @bloody-arty-myths @starneko123
In the new era, the Shirai Ryu is mostly composed of pyromancers and plant magic users as opposed to the Lin Kuei, but their origins on how they came to be are different: the founder was a pyromancer himself and couldn't handle the cold environment, also got homesickness, so the Lin Kuei grandmaster assigned him to start a japan branch but then founder got shipwrecked and met a bunch of plant magic users, who have a redeemed Cetrion as their patron goddess. The island is her blessing towards them.
The matriarch of the plant magic users was the one to become grandmaster, as the founder see her as deemed worthy of the role when she was participating in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
The Shirai Ryu takes on the same role as the Lin Kuei but the difference is they deal with a bunch of external threats towards Earthrealm while internal threats are dealt with by the Lin Kuei. Both clans are on civil and friendly terms. (This may explain Harumi's connection to Outworld and the Umgadi)
There was no massacre that took place, just Hanzo and Harumi living a happy life with their beloved son. As I said, fuck NRS.
Hanzo wasn't a pyromancer after becoming Scorpion, it was by birth, and this goes the same toward Harumi as she's one of the best plant magic users within her clan. Oh, not to mention she's the official grandmistress.
Satoshi was born on October 11, making him a Libra.
In his early years, there were many marks that looked like scars and injuries that made Satoshi look like he grew up in a terrible household much to his parents' concern, they went to see the doctors but it was always concluded that Satoshi was perfectly healthy overall, no serious skin condition going on whatsoever.
Then a psychic came over to the village, they told them that Satoshi has a soulmate, and there was bad energy surrounding those marks because whoever was predestined to meet him must've grown up in a not so pleasant home life. They told his parents that their son must simply wait for his soulmate as that person would eventually find him, assuming around his teenage years.
By the time he was 5, the marks appeared less frequently, then for two months where it kept popping up left and right. Satoshi also had a really vivid nightmare of a village being destroyed with its residents being killed in the most gruesome ways possible, which was very alarming for his parents and that was a time where security measures had to be held up because they assumed it meant something wrong was about to happen to the clan.
Satoshi grew a habit of making up stories about the random scars that appear in his body, thinking they were from other different lives, from the past to the far future. Even his playmates get on the fun. This is because he didn't understand this whole soulmate ordeal at the time until much later in life when his parents sat down with him that day.
Is childhood besties with Takeda, as Kenshi settled down in the Shirai Ryu after freeing his own clan from the yazuka and marrying the love of his life, Suchin. They were practically raised like brothers growing up and liked to push each other's limits to ensure they grew up to be great warriors. Takeda loved being a big brother figure towards Satoshi as they were both only children with no siblings whatsoever.
His favorite pastime was gathering plants in the island's wide variety of otherworldly plants, he lets his parents cook the plants he's gotten during dinner. It even stayed after his childhood.
Another one was catching bugs with his dad, his favorite being those butterflies. He also learned how to paint and was a gifted artist like his mother.
Got a HUGE FNAF phase around when he was like 7-9 years old, his favorite animatronic would be Bonnie (blame @laismoura-art, those headcanons with Bi-han are truly hilarious) and shipped him with Freddy before he even knew shipping meant.
Inherited his father's facial features and resting grumpy face, though that resting face becomes more prominent once he was 11 years. It was also when he started to take on grandmaster training as per the clan's tradition.
He eventually started to learn how to hunt to practice his assassin skills, helping other villagers and members as a way to connect with them. He's now often seen practicing in the Fire Gardens or in the courtyard.
He also took on babysitting duty as well and eventually became like a protective and loving older brother towards the little fellas, he started becoming good with kids at this point too.
Satoshi didn't know about Zhenbing, the son of Bi-Han & Sareena until he began his grandmaster training despite knowing Zhenbing's parents personally due to monthly annual meetings between the Shirai Ryu & Lin Kuei, because he was often sent to Kenshi's home to be babysat while the meetings took place. They bonded over the fact they went through a FNAF phase albeit Zhenbing happened to him pretty early (sometime around 6-7) and the high expectations, pressures that comes with being both future grandmasters.
When he first met Zhenbing's adoptive older sister, Frost, she was responsible for Satoshi's bisexual awakening and had a brief crush for only two months. Currently he's a pansexual in denial.
He started to experience a growth spurt once he was 12 years old, and was 6'0" by the time he hit 13, his current age. (My boy would've been freaking in the NBA with the height I gave him at this point 💀)
He's also gotten more intimidating looking in terms of appearance due to the grumpy resting face that he has, but don't worry, he's a sweetheart but is really omniverted at best.
Whenever he wants to wind down and relax or wants some alone time, he goes to this huge lake with a pretty waterfall hidden within a forest only he knows and even plans to show his soulmate this place once he's trusted and got to know them more. He usually paints or plays with the small animals that come and stop by.
When an Ainu elder joined the clan, he got to get more connected to his heritage since while his father was afraid to pass on the traditions to his wife and son yet due to being disowned after joining the Shirai Ryu, so he takes that opportunity for a nice father-son bonding, since he too wants to take pride in his heritage as well and let his father join on a journey in learning about themselves. This was a core memory during Satoshi's teenage years (I loved the 'Hanzo being Ainu' headcanon from that one anon sent to @running-with-the-feels)
He enjoys reading those old choose your adventure books he'd find in those bookshops as well with some nature books, he's a huge fan of horror and fantasy novels as well.
His music taste consists of 90's japanese hip-hop, along with some from its western counterpart, along with indie rap. He listens to artists like Joey Valence & Brae, MC Hammer, Kid N' Play, and Salt N' Pepa
As Satoshi is now a teenager and now understands the whole soulmate ordeal that he has, he starts to wonder what his soulmate would be like in person, other than being such a reckless idiot as marks resembling external injuries tend to pop up often. He often says to himself 'Oh what they've done now??' or 'Here we go again...', yet beyond those scars, he wishes to meet them but alas, a psychic told his parents that he must wait. For now.......
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uninvitedawn · 4 months
the upper hand
The day was long because the last meeting scheduled ran longer than the norm Minhyun felt the need to just get home and lay his body to rest. The meeting ended and he bid goodbye to his seniors and colleagues. And made his way to the seven eleven close to his home. Completely unaware of his surroundings or the fact that he was being followed.
The drive to was silent which made the perfect environment for unnecessary overthinking, where one thought jumped to another one. He parked his car right in front and made his way to the store, the white background of the red seven beckoning him closer. He had one mission on his mind — to grab all the snacks he loves since the pantry back home was empty. His stomach grumbled stubbornly at the sight of the wide array of options available but he didn’t forget to greet the employee.
Soon his hands were carrying as much snacks as they can hold carefully rolling them on the counter, he waited for everything to be scanned, swiping his card on the eftpos machine. The employee throws in a free Kopiko tablet into the bag and Minhyun makes sure to thank them. He then steps out into the cool air, his mind had already drifted back into the comforts of his home where he could comfortably enjoy his haul. But little did he know fate was not on his side tonight.
Out from the shadows of the night, two figures that were double the size of him lunged toward him with clear intentions of causing harm. Usually Minhyun is on guard due to him being a demigod however, he was distracted and exhausted, he stumbled backward and fell on his back. The bag of snacks flying elsewhere and his heart pounding as adrenaline rushed in, he barely got the chance to get up but the attackers wasted no time. There were on a time crunch they mercilessly rained blows in the form of fists and kicks upon him anywhere they could which told him they weren’t really trained for this.
It seemed to him they would not stop, the pain of the attacks causing dizziness, he could taste the blood coming down and trailing down his mouth. Unable to see all that well and yet he still tries to not do any harm knowing he’s much stronger than them. There was no end and he curled to his side, the anger made his body and head hot.
Who the fuck even called these guys?
The strange sensation that also was all too familiar coursed through his veins, awakening the powers within. A display to the world of what he truly is - not an ordinary human his eyes change to an ocean blue. He hated using his powers but he can’t control his body any longer, something else had taken over him as he taps into his latent abilities with enormous strength he pushes both bodies to either side of him effortlessly. As they scrambled to get up Minhyun had summoned a body of water from the very air around him, a flick of his wrist released a torrential wave and this causes the attackers to fall off their feet yet again. Suddenly, he saw their expressions change from anger to pure fear, he fed off of it, he smirks ever so slightly.
“Run.” But he didn’t even let them take a step, he channelled his fury into action and manipulated the water with such precision and skill, he aims it at the assailants and watches as the water engulfs them. He wanted them to be washed up messes which is the least of what they deserve, they trash and struggle against the relentless water but there was no escape.
In mere moments, everything subsided the attackers lay before him serving as no match for the might of Poseidons son. His chest heaving with exertion and he takes a step back, seeing the wreckage. The feeling of exhaustion even more than before he takes the support of the wall of the store, it’s been a while since he’s used his powers — too long he thinks.
While he proceeds to walk towards his car he picks up the bag of snacks all wet with the water. The water on the ground glows a light blue and he commands it to follow him all the way to the car where he comes to a stop. The water trickles up his body to cover his wounds, he closes his eyes and lets the healing properties of the water repair the damage caused by the goons. He could feel the cuts and bruises heal and the strength of his body return. As he withdrew his hands, the water vanishes and leaves no trace of its existence.
Minhyun spots the employee inside hiding behind the counter and then the two men who lay dead, now he has the task of figuring out who sent them. He already has an idea. Leaving the scene victorious that was soon replaced with guilt, he felt a sinking feeling on his chest that things are going to get worse from here on.
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vampyboys · 10 months
Sonder (Ch 1-3)
Miguel O'Hara x Trans-Masc Reader (Boss & Employee Relationship)
Tags: Fluff, Slow-Burn (Maybe), Eventual Smut, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Soft Miguel, Boss/Employee Relationship, 2nd person POV
Word Count: 6k
Summary: You’ve been working at the Spider-Society for a year now as a Scientist to conduct technological improvements, experiments, and paperwork. Despite the high pay you’ve basically thrown your life away and work 72 hours a week.
Recently a small incident caused you to get closer to your boss, Miguel O’Hara whom you hate. Despite your feelings for him, you find that you’re oddly similar, both major workaholics who are attached to their work. Wanting to regain some of your life back you’ve decided to help each other and maybe fall in love with the process.
Two Overworked Idiots who hate each other become friends with benefits then lovers at some point. *evil chipmunk laugh*
You've been working at the Spider Society for about a year now. Helping Spider people from different dimensions to fix these so-called anomalies which are fractures in some random universe fucking up its environment. You’re still shocked to this day wondering how you managed to even land this job. Constantly being surrounded by people who are far more knowledgeable about tech than you and they’re superhuman beings on top of that. Despite how cool that is, you are heavily overworked constantly working long hours past your shift. Spending countless hours revisioning experiments, devices, and oh god the endless paperwork on hundreds of anomalies that pass through each day. There are many days you want to quit but in this economy, living in Nueva York and with your degree this was the only thing offered to you that paid well. The realization of why it had a high pay started to dawn on you as you typed away the last remaining paragraphs of your report of a recent anomaly that landed this place. 
Finally, pressing the remaining letters you’ve finished your report, stretching your arms letting out a relieved yawn celebrating being free from your paperwork. You open up a new window going to your email and send it to your boss, he’d reply with a quick email on revisions you need to make but lately, it’s been dead silent. You’re starting to wonder if he’s even getting your emails, there has to be some sort of malfunction on your end or his. The last thing you wanted was to hear constant complaints from your boss, so you needed to visit his office to make sure everything was going smoothly; realizing that made you click your tongue in annoyance. You were in such a good mood too, the thought of talking with your boss filled your body with dread, and streams of memories started pouring through your mind of the times he’d talk down to you.
Before your departure, you stretch once more before heading to his laboratory aka his office, if you could even call it that. Each time you visited him he always had some sort of new tech or experiment scattered around and keep in mind his lab was MASSIVE, almost the same size as a theater. To have a room filled to the brim with your creation is incredibly impressive but also concerning at the same time. You were immediately pulled out of your thoughts as some Spider-People would swing by greeting you with a quick hello dashing away to go do their missions.
Navigating the Spider-Society was a bit tough for someone without powers, unlike the rest of your co-workers. At times they’d offer to swing you to your destination but you stubbornly refused wanting to somehow find a way to get there by yourself, most of them were pretty successful attempts but there were certain days where you’d nearly fall to your death. Luckily, being constantly surrounded by superheroes of every dimension has its perks so death hasn’t happened yet... 
After what seems like an eternity of a never-ending hallway with caged villains of a random dimension threatening to skin you, you’ve made it to his lab. Metal doors open as you get closer to it revealing Miguel O’Hara standing engrossed in his work with some videos playing on the side; assuming it’s footage from other universes keeping a constant eye on them. One in particular caught your eye, a video of him playing soccer with a girl who has similar features as he does. He immediately flicks the video away once he takes notice of your arrival and opens up a command to lower the platform he is standing on.
Miguel O’Hara was your universe’s Spider-Man and also your boss. You’ve only ever seen him in his mask until working here, he was surprisingly very handsome. His broad shoulders, tall figure, and if you were fortunate enough he’d turn to look at you with his dark brown eyes that would glow a reddish hue depending on his mood. Miguel had very sharp angular features, a strong jaw, high cheekbones, plush lips, and heavy eyebags from work. Yet, you hated him with every fiber of your being. At first, you admired him, duh, he’s Spider-Man for fucks sake! But the moment he opened his mouth, oh lord. He’d critique you on the smallest things, and yell at you for the littlest mistake, he was a hard man to please. Aside from that, he’s the person who assigns you piles of work having to constantly work overtime just to finish it promptly. Every moment with him was a battle not to strangle your boss to death even though he’d probably pin you down the moment you set your hands on him. Oh, and that stupid platform of his that he puts so unreasonably high up in the air taking years just for him to get down. Your co-workers would joke about how ‘it’s his way to look intimidating because he’s the big mean boss man’ and you’d giggle. When the platform got down to your level he hopped down looking down at you with a heated stare and his arms crossed.
“What do you want?” He asked, lifting his brows and tilting his head in curiosity.
“You haven’t been replying to my emails. I came here to check if you’ve received them.”
You chewed the insides of your cheek awaiting his response. Talking to this man was like Russian Roulette. On some days he’d reply in small nods, gestures, and a simple yes or no which was rare. On other days he argues with you yapping on about how you’re wasting his time and the state of the multiverse is at stake. But today, he goes to his holographic monitor to check his emails before turning to you,
“They’re here, I guess I’ve been too busy to check them.” He pauses, “Thanks for letting me know.” 
“Of course,” you nodded, walking back to the entrance with the doors closing behind you. That was surprisingly the most nicest conversation you’ve had! You even pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t in some sort of lucid dream or one of the villains somehow polluted the air with some sort of hallucinogen on your way here. But it was all very much real! You hopped around throwing your fists up in the air grateful that your boss didn’t tear your entire ego to shreds.
Walking back to your office, you had a certain glow about you that made your co-workers turn. Normally you’d walk around like you’ve experienced all 7 layers of hell with a coffee in hand that’s probably your 5th cup of the day. It’s gotten so bad that people would often ask you if everything is okay, other than the endless work you’d have to deal with on a daily basis; genuinely deep down you were fine. But, your face conveyed the complete opposite looking like your childhood dog was killed in a tragic accident. So imagine their shock seeing you strut the walkways wearing the biggest grin they’ve ever seen in their life. They didn’t think it was possible, and neither did you. Of course, you still have some work to finish nevertheless a glimmer of hope twinkled in your chest that you might leave your shift on time.
Shutting off your holographic computer you peeked at the clock hovering above the corner of your office showcasing the time, it was 9:03 PM! Not exactly at 9 PM like you wanted, but it’s still astonishing how you’ve managed to finish earlier than you normally would. With work finally behind you, it was time to celebrate for not only such a productive day but for finishing your work (almost) on time. A lightbulb goes off as you’re wondering of ways to celebrate, nothing hits better than going to a bar after a long day. It’s been a while since you last drank alcohol; it was perfect; exactly what you needed after everything. You quickly clean up your office, turn off the lights, and lock the door skipping out of the building to meet with a car awaiting your arrival to take you to your favorite bar. 
Adalhard’s Hideaway was a bar hidden in an alleyway somewhere in Nueva York, it was a pretty small place where people like you would drown their sorrows away after a long day of being holed up at their job or just hanging out with friends. It was a pretty calm atmosphere, and that’s what you loved about it. Not only that the place had a vintage, industrial look about it. There were random animals and photographs of the owner all framed and dotted around the place with thick bronze pipes that allowed some sort of ventilation. It offered comfy couches, tables holding napkins, potted plants, and high seats.
You always opted to go hang around the bar not because it was easier to get drinks but because there was a small jukebox near it that would play relaxing jazz as you’d drink your margarita. This was truly the first time you’ve felt peace in a long time, you inhale and exhale the scent of strawberry exuding from your drink as you take another sip. As time went by, you tried as many fruity drinks as they could conjure until the bartender had to intervene telling you they couldn’t serve you any more drinks. The bartender takes the empty glass from your hands and goes to attend to the person sitting next to you. Everything was starting to get blurry, despite being disappointed you couldn’t indulge in any more sweet booze they were right; it was probably for the best anyway.
You lay your head against the bar top desperately needing something to rest your head against something, you happen to glance over to the person next to you who is quietly sipping their drink. They wore a simple grey sweater that covered his neck and the palms of his hands, you felt a little creepy adjusting your glasses that were close to falling off your nose just to have a closer look at this stranger. Even though your vision was a bit hazy from drinking a lot you recognized those swept-back brown waves anywhere, although it was a bit messier with strands of hair peeking out of his forehead the last time you saw him. You drunkenly lift your hand and point an accusing finger at him,
“Y-You! Why are you here?!” Miguel side-eyes you for a moment then goes back to drinking his tequila acting like he doesn’t know you. 
“Hey! Miguel!” You continue to call out to him but nothing works. Some people start staring in your direction while Miguel looks at them like ‘Who is this crazy guy?’.
“Hey, I know you can hear me..” You furrowed at him starting to get annoyed. Frustrated, you began to stand up but the moment you did, you felt your stomach churn spewing all those drinks you had to the floor. It was an ugly sight leaving many people gasping and screaming in disgust. Before you can apologize for such an embarrassing scene, and for throwing up all over their carpet your vision starts to fade away. You couldn’t see or feel anything but all you could hear was muffled voices along with a loud ringing in your right ear that soon fades away.
Suddenly light leaks through your eyelids, the sunlight kissing your cheek and urging you to wake up. You jerk awake doused in sweat with your heart palpitating out of your chest, while you scan your surroundings. This was not your apartment, it was a bit more modern and chic compared to yours which was filled with random objects you’ve taken a liking to, hanging lights, and plants galore.
“Have I been kidnapped?” You whispered to yourself, slowly breaking into a panic. Scanning around the area, you were placed in a king-sized bed covered with a grey soft blanket and wearing nothing but an oversized black shirt with your boxers. Everything that happened last night was a blur, you tried to recall everything but it was hard to focus with a throbbing headache that was wrenching your brain.
You thought of the only thing with the evidence laid out in front of you, gasping in the process. “Did I sleep with someone?!” Just as you say that, the bathroom door flies open, and through the steam is a shirtless Miguel O’Hara with grey sweatpants. The feeling of horror washes over you, now you REALLY fucked up! You begin throwing pillows at him as if he were the problem, knowing you were the one who decided to drink irresponsibly that night.
“Why are you throwing things at me?!” He asked confused, hiding behind the bathroom door shielding himself from the things being thrown at him.
“You pervert! How dare you!”
“Wait– it’s not what you think!” As much as you wanted to keep throwing objects at him, you ran out of things to launch at him.
He sighs sitting down across the other side of the bed, you lean back keeping your distance away from him. He sees that, and you watch his brows and lips twitch in response.
“I don’t know if you remember but after your little scene, you fainted.” Miguel stands up walking over to his closet pulling out a shirt and putting it on. Your eyes were glued onto him, as he went to get dressed you couldn’t help but gaze at the way his muscles flexed along with his movements, your face warmed up at the sight of it, you immediately shrugged off the feeling and then returned your focus to his face.
“Not only did you throw up everywhere, but I had to pay the bartender extra for YOUR behavior and clean up your shocking mess mind you.” You lean back against the headboard with your arms crossed avoiding eye contact with him as much as you can while Miguel does the complete opposite keeping his glowing red stare on you.
“I was kind enough to let you stay at my apartment and let you borrow MY clothes. What do I get in return?” Regret started to swallow your heart hole piecing together the events that happened last night. 
“You throw MY things and completely trash MY room!”  Miguel was pacing around with his hands around his waist trying to calm himself, watching him move back and forth. You felt like you needed to do something to repay for not only taking care of you but to apologize for your actions.
“Is there anything I can do to make up for it? I-I can clean the mess I’ve made.”
You get up from the bed quickly organizing all the things you’ve thrown at him and Miguel watches you frantically trying to clean up his room.
He rubs the creases between his brows, “Ay, dios mío, just.. Clean up your mess and get to work on time.”
You smile nodding your head in a fast pace not wanting to piss him off anymore, he leaves the room as his Spider-Suit started to form back in place.
Before departing he looks back at you, “I’ve left some painkillers and water on the counter. Don’t forget to take it before you leave.”
You watch him glide out of the balcony swinging back to the Spider-Society.
That was the last time you’re ever drinking again, memories of last night would come pouring down replaying every single excruciating detail. The facial expression on Miguel’s face as you puked your guts out, the cartoonish gasp that would echo across the bar. You face plant into the your table with a loud thud, hoping these thoughts would somehow magically pop out of your head. Even the floral fumes radiating from your coat reminded you that he took the time to wash your clothes which were covered in puke. Imagining Miguel squeezing a bile soaked fabric makes your body curl in shame wanting to move to a far-away state, maybe Oregon? Fuck it, how about just moving to a whole different country.
You sigh, bringing your coffee cup to your lips taking a quick sip. Having to apologize to Miguel was your only option, besides you owe him after that shitshow in Adalhard’s Hideaway. As you scanned the cafe looking for something else to focus on, you spot a chalkboard in bold letters decorated with little stars on the side and a smile drawn at the bottom as if it were a sign from God himself. 
“NOW SELLING CREPES!” The plan of gaining Miguel’s forgiveness and your pride back was starting to develop. Inspired, you start packing your things strutting up to the cashier in the front.
“Hi! Is there anything else I can do for you?” They greet you with a big smile, fiddling with the screen to prepare your order.
“Hi yes! What are the popular ones? For Crepes please?”
The taste of eggs, avocado, garlic, and salmon coats your mouth, the perfect combination of a nostalgic flavor taking you back to mornings when you used to cook. One thing you loved was making something similar to what you have. A whole wheat bagel combined with eggs and garlic powder on top, adding some tomatoes or salmon if you’re feeling fancy. Now with what little time you have in the mornings, cafe visits are frequent, or whatever food you can get hold of; a single piece of bread, a banana, maybe an apple?
You glance over at the last 2 remaining crepes stored neatly in a brown paper bag for Miguel. One was a banana crepe glazed with Nutella and whipped cream, the other was the same one you ordered. Choosing something Miguel would like was hard. He seems like a guy who would prefer savory foods but who knows? He might have a weakness for sweets too. A thought pops up in your head, what is Miguel O’Hara like? Based on what you’ve gathered from purely visiting his lab from time to time. There’s very little you know about him within the span of knowing each other for a year. He’s very reserved, usually holed up in the office all day. The only time you’ve ever seen him out of his lab was when he was done with a mission or one of the Spider-People would create a mess in the halls. Seeing him at the bar yesterday made you wonder if there’s more to that brooding face of his.
Your brain starts brewing many clones of Miguel each depicting a different personality. Looking over at the crepes once again as you take a final bite of your food. Is he a tough guy who secretly has a soft side? Well, that part you cannot deny; he did recruit a cat and a Lego to the team after all. Images of him saving a small kitty stuck up a tree, or helping an elderly person cross the street pop up in your mind, making your heart flutter at the thought. That feeling instantly dissipates, reminding yourself that this is Miguel O’Hara we are talking about. He has to be a simple guy, enjoying the simple things in life, sitting down to read a novel sipping a cup of coffee watching the sunrise, and long walks on the beach. You don’t know why but it made your face scrunch up, cringing at the entire concept.
The Spider Society building stands tall and proud looking over the city, it’s one of the tallest buildings here in Nueva York. Its metallic pristine exterior illuminates the sun giving it an elegant, powerful feel. Along with the advanced tech flying around the building with portals of Spider-People from many dimensions popping up around the entrance swinging around or chatting with their co-workers. You sit on one of the benches near a fountain located in the front to check the time. Sighing in relief you were right on schedule. Just as you were about to head to the building, a man about the same height, dirty blonde hair with some white streaks on the side, brown eyes, and recently shaved stubble. He wore a pink fluffy coat with his spider-suit underneath and a red-haired baby? You giggle, stretching your arms to greet them.
“Peter!” You squealed wrapping both the child and man in a warm embrace. The Red-Headed baby uses this opportunity to latch onto your chest returning the hug as well.
“And Mayday! How are both of you?” Peter B. Parker is one of your co-workers who you’re pretty close to mainly because of Mayday. Whenever Peter had to do one of his missions, he’d send Mayday your way to babysit since you’re one of the only people in this workplace who could take care of her. He’s tried asking other people but either they were too busy or ended up losing her in the process which his wife wasn’t happy of.
“Oh, we are doing great! Mayday here just wanted to come over and say Hi.” You look over to her whose hair is bundled up in a Spider-Man beanie, glimmering at you with a gap-toothed smile. Your heart melts, hugging her once more making the baby throw a fit of giggles.
“I’m more worried about you!” He says surveying around you in a circle pointing at your bloodshot eyes, and the whisps of hair ready to fly off.
“Jeez, you look like you’ve been run over by a bus on your way here.” You roll your eyes at him giving him a light swat at his hand.
“Ow! Okay, okay, I deserved that. That was very rude of me.” He chuckled nervously rubbing the stinging pain over the area where you smacked him.
“Why don’t we sit down for a moment.” Peter yawns, stretching on-top of the benches. He looks over, giving you a sly look urging to take a seat right next to him.
“Do.. you wanna talk about it?”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Yes! What’s wrong with venting out your feelings? Everyone needs it at times!”
“You know what, fine.” You groaned, defeated sliding over to a spot next to Peter. Mayday was still perched on your lap. This conversation probably isn’t the best to tell around a child. So, you cupped her ears as tight as you could. Making your hands as some sort of barrier to prevent her from hearing what you’re about to say.
“I might have had a little too much to drink last night..” Peter nods, letting out a simple mhm indicating that he’s listening.
“It happens to the best of us. Trust me, I’ve been there.” “I’m not finished.” You snap, focusing his attention back to you. “Miguel was there and he might’ve been involved.” He juts his head back, eyes widening.
Your brain flashes images of the horrific events last night. Every word that comes out of your mouth feels like you’re being repeatedly stabbed in the chest. Your face starts to feel warm, heat rising on your neck, cheeks then ears attempting to pry the words out of your mouth. After sometime, you were able to blur it out in one quick sentence, “I threw up on him!” Saying it out loud made your heart explode, if it were possible you’d turn into liquid seeping through the benches, turning into a small puddle that would evaporate the moment it touched the ground. In the mists of questioning your life choices, there were felt tiny tugs on your lab coat. Removing your hands shielding your face, you’d spot Mayday with a concerned look. Of course, not wanting to worry her, you scruffle her hair gesturing that you’ll be okay.
“Oh wow! That’s-uh.. Something.”
“I know!” You paused, making sure to cup the small child’s ears before you talk, “I really screwed up, bad.”
“Well, did Miguel say anything about it?” He asked with his back hunched over, interested in what you’re about to say.
“Of course, he scolded me for it, but only because I threw his stuff at him–”
“You THREW stuff at him?!
“Only because I thought we hooked up!”
“YOU WHAT?!” Peter adds his hands on top of yours, as an extra measure to make sure Mayday wasn’t hearing any of this. Meanwhile, the baby just eyed them having no clue what was going on.
“Hold on, pause. Pause! Tell me everything..” And you did, every detail from you trying to consume as many fruity drinks as you can to how Miguel took care of you after puking in his face. All that could come out of his mouth is,
“Wow, just wow!” He sits there in silence trying to process the information you just told him.
“Well, are you planning on talking to him about it?
“Yes, actually, and, I bought these crepes for him on the way here.” You opened up your bag showing him a brown bag of a cafe’s logo.
“Do you think he’ll forgive me?” Peter doesn’t reply immediately, his lips turn moving side to side trying to evaluate the proper words to say.
“Hmm, knowing Miguel. Yeah, I think he would.” Your jaw drops upon hearing that, stuttering in shock.
“There’s no way he would, come on Peter!”
He laughs slinging a hand over your shoulder, “Trust me, he may be rough around the edges but he’s not cruel! Sometimes..”
You lay your head back letting out an annoyed groan while Peter pats you on the back, “I assure you, he’s uh- forgiving guy.”
All you could do was stare at him with a blank face and he’d respond to you with an awkward smile. “Fine, I trust you. But if I get torn to shreds-”
“You won’t, Y/N.” He looks at you with a determined look, confident that everything will work out.
You feel somewhat conflicted about the whole thing but that talk felt surprisingly helpful. Your shift was starting soon, it’s best to call it here.
“Well then, I better get going y’know, get this whole thing over with.” Before heading off to work, Peter stops you in your tracks gently pushing you back down on the bench.
“Wait, let me take a photo of you and Mayday. She looks so adorable here!” Mayday lets out an infectious laughter, making you giggle in return. Peter whips out his phone stepping a couple of steps back to capture the moment with the camera flashing at the two of you. He flips the phone showing you the picture with a big, happy, dad grin. It was a beautiful photo of you looking up at Mayday sitting on your shoulder beaming a bright smile at you.
“Aw, that’s so cute. Can you send that to me?”
After your talk with Peter, you’ve somewhat gained some confidence about your plan. But, anxiety would eat away at every positive thought telling you that everything will all backfire and you’ll leave the building unemployed. You can imagine it now, Miguel's voice would echo across the building making mountains split, the world shake,
“YOU’RE FIRED!” He’d yell on the top of his lungs, hurling an empty box at you to pack your things. Then it’d cut to a scene of an elderly version of you with a beard reaching your toes begging for a scrap of bread. You dust away the thoughts shaking your hands, telling them to go away.
Finally you’ve made it. The metal doors loom over you upon its menacing presence. This was the moment that would make or break your future. You prepare yourself to take a couple of deep breaths before charging to the door ready to finally face Miguel! 
Until your body subconsciously turns the other way.
“Yup, I think that’s it. That was a clear sign that you shouldn't be doing this.” As you were about to leave like the coward you are. The doors open slowly revealing Miguel standing on the platform with light leaking in his direction, as if the spotlight is on him telling you to go speak to him NOW. Oh, right automatic doors.
You have no other option but to face him. Shuffling your way closer to Miguel straightening your posture and glasses. Luckily his platform was already lowered to your level if you had to wait for that stupid thing to go down. You’d probably flee halfway down to its descent. 
“Uh, hey.” You were inside the dragon’s layer, every part of your body wanted to scream, run, hide under a table. OH GOD, YOU’RE DEAD!
He turns around only letting half of his face show, “Hm?”
“I- Uh, I wanted to..” There was a moment of silence before continuing to talk,
“I bought you some Crepes.” You flashed him a plastic smile wiggling your fingers showcasing the bag hoping he’d just take the damn thing. He nods, tapping the only open spot at his desk amongst the empty coffee cups which probably are new and some are a couple days old. You waddle over gently placing it next to him.
“Thanks,” he says before returning to work expecting you to leave. You couldn’t, at least not yet. You clutched onto the fabrics of your lab coat holding a stare at the back of his head,
“I also wanted to properly apologize.” He didn’t show it but you felt like his ears started to perk up in response. “You helped me when I needed it the most and I appreciate it, I do. But I clearly didn’t express it correctly. So, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for throwing your things at you and belittling your kindness, that was such a wrong thing for me to do.”
”Did you take the painkillers before you left?” Miguel doesn’t face you, he even pauses whatever he’s doing awaiting your reply.
”Um.. yes, I did. Thanks.” He hums in approval continuing back to his work.
Oh-kay, is he not gonna acknowledge what you said earlier? You awkwardly stand there awaiting his response, but nothing. He was just tapping away at his holographic screen. The silence was so loud you even started to hear crickets around the corner of the room. Panic starts to flow through you, then anger, sadness, and regret all at once. Though you accepted his answer nevertheless nodding in understanding with his final answer laid out to you. Turning to leave, he tilts his head glancing over to you.
“I forgive you. You owe me a drink though.” 
The unsettling silence between you two was like hours of torture awaiting for something, ANYTHING! But with him finally replying at the last minute, just when you were about to leave feeling humiliated. It did not give you any sense of relief however it did make you furious! Was this some type of joke you weren’t in on for you to treat you like this? To play with your feelings like food on a platter?
You puffed your chest out at him rolling your eyes, “Fine, tomorrow then.”
Stomping out of the building, something glimmered at the corner of your eye you see the bastard smirk! 
“God, I’d do anything for a chance to strangle him.” Mumbling under your breath as the doors close behind you.
Here you are sitting in the corner of the room quietly listening to music as you enjoy your drinks. At least one of us is enjoying it. You glance over at Miguel, who is sipping on the whiskey you paid for, with his arms slinging across the booth. The tips of his fingertips hover over your left shoulder. He wasn’t exactly touching you, but with his finger levitating above your clavicle, it felt like the shadow was prickling your skin. You slowly scoot away, shooting a hot stare in his direction. Miguel was in his own world, watching the people around chatting and reading old albums ranging from 2000s to 2050s sprayed across the walls of the pub.
This time you chose to go to Venandi Coven, a well-known pub around Nueva York that’s close to your apartment.  It had a similar vibe to Adalhard’s Hideaway, a calm, relaxing place. Unlike Adalhard’s more people were hanging about in the bar and booths. You eyed the group of young adults that Miguel was looking over, chatting about how stressful exams are, and would sometimes spill some gossip that you were also shamelessly interested in. Looking at them would bring back the old days when you’d laugh, chat, and drink with your friends being up to no good. Maybe Miguel is feeling that way too.
You hate to admit it, but you share a lot of similarities with Miguel. From being extreme workaholics, being perfectionists, and not socializing with a lot of people. Did he crave the affection of other people like you do? Do you want a place to just relax without your work interfering with your life? A place to get away from it all. 
Swirling your glass, watching the liquid move in circular motions, admiring how the candlelight on your table would reflect with the ice. After you promised Miguel that you’d buy him a drink, you couldn’t help but play out scenarios of what to do. This could be an opportunity to woo your boss, get a raise, or a promotion. Having fun, and just relaxing was also an option too. But with the atmosphere so thick, barely even allowing you to breathe, these goals seem impossible. Maybe some liquid courage should help? You throw your head back, taking a swig of tequila and slamming your glass onto the table, catching Miguel’s attention.
“Maybe you should hold off on alcohol for today,” eyeing you through his glass.
“Oh, shut up.” Okay, maybe adding alcohol to the mix wasn’t a great idea. 
Your face reddens, realizing the harsh tone in your words.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
He sets his tequila down, leaning back with his arms folded.
“I know it might not seem like it, but, I’m looking out for you.”
“Hm, are you now? How so?”
“Every scolding, every lecture, it’s for your own good. It’s for you to improve, get better, y’know? The state of the multi—”
“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” You lowered your pitch matching Miguel’s voice, “The state of the multiverse is at stake, and we need to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible."
Throwing him a quick smirk. "But yelling at a simple mistake isn’t exactly helping, boss.”
He leans forward, observing the way you’re fiddling with your hands. It’s a habit he’s picked up on whenever you’re nervous or anxious. 
“I know my temper can be… a lot. But my reasoning is still justified.”
“Uh-huh, like that silent treatment you gave me yesterday.”
“Oh, come on. You deserved it.”
“So you admit you did it on purpose?”
He chuckles. You admit it was a little strange seeing Miguel break out of his usual pokerface. But it wasn’t an unwelcome sight.
“You. Threw. My. Stuff. At. Me.”
He said each word with a tone that was a bit playful. 
“I already apologized for it, what more do you want from me…” You huffed, slinging your leg over the other.
“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is… Our work in the Spider-Society isn’t exactly easy, especially for someone who isn’t like us.”
Miguel hovers his hands over yours as if he wants to comfort you, but he quickly pulls back, placing his hand next to you.
“It’s imperative we make sure you are in tip-top shape.” You laugh at the irony of it all.
“Miguel, one thing we have in common is that we are burrowed in our work. We practically live at the Spider-Society at this point.”
“I know but, I’m the leader—“
“Are you listening to yourself? How about this, we both need to learn how to take care of ourselves.”
He grumbles, averting his eyes away from you. There’s the Miguel O’Hara you know.
“If we both want to approve our work life. Let’s do it together. It’s nice to have someone with the same struggles as you, right?”
He nods, and you smile in return, coming into some sort of agreement.
“Let’s exchange numbers, if that’s okay with you. Let me grab my phone—“
“Wait, I got this. Don’t worry.” A holographic screen appears through the Gizmo, you watch him press a couple of buttons before your phone vibrates showing a notification to add a number on the screen.
Clicking the green accept button gives you a bubble saying the number has successfully been added.
“There you go.”
“You Spiders and your fancy tech.”
Miguel goes on a rant about how important technology is in his work, missions, and other personal stuff. Even though you were rolling your eyes the whole time, it was the first time you didn’t have the urge to rip his head out.
You’d talk about the crazy things you experienced, complaining about the grueling tasks he’d give you. Instead of his daily scolding, Miguel would listen. Returning the same energy complaining about how many Peters he has to deal with every day and the mess your co-workers would make. You were starting to understand why he’s so grumpy all the time. By the end of the night, you thought.
Maybe Miguel is alright.
End Notes:
I hope you all enjoy the story! I'm unsure if I'll continue this but we'll see. I'm open to any sort of criticism as long as you're nice and respectful. 💞
15 notes · View notes
lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
ronance circus au
okay guys... i know that this sounds a little crazy... silly if u will... but this au SPOKE to me and i must talk about it right now
for some basics of the au: the upside down does not exist, some ages are messed around with as in how old some of the characters are when certain events happen, and in the present day both nancy and robin are 22. also imagine this circus is cruelty free fuck actual circuses.
okay disclaimers out of the way lets get clowning
starting with nancy: imagine... u ran away at 14 with ur little brother from ur reagan stan parents because they suspected you were a lesbian after ur best friend died (they were right but still fuck them) and always thought your brother was a bit homosexual, they were gonna send you away anyways so you run off to indianapolis and encounter the fucking circus bro! at first them seeking help in the circus almost gets them sent home since this ragtag circus doesn’t want to be responsible for a missing persons report, but they see these desperate kids who just want to be themselves and they let them stay under the condition that they lay low.
originally it wasn’t nancy’s plan to join the circus, just earn some money doing small jobs so that she could support herself and mike, but being surrounded by the world’s miscellaneous treasures tends to get you to reveal any talents you have early. nancy is found to have insanely good aim. she hardly had to practice to nail darts, then throwing knives, then axes, then arrows, and eventually she’s nothing short of a sharpshooter. at this point she’s sixteen, and the circus unanimously agrees that they want her to join the show, but they want her to wear a mask to keep her identity somewhat a secret, and she readily agrees, because masks are cool and she gets to perform.
u thought i was only gonna give nancy one specialty but ur wrong. she’s too awesome for that. this thought was inspired by one thing: nancy using a fucking WHIP. that’s right, lion tamer nancy with a TWIST.
obviously nancy doesn’t want to mistreat animals, it was never gonna be an act she’d even remotely consider before an unseen chain of events. the lions give birth and she takes part in the process on volunteer basis and basically gets imprinted on by the cubs. a male and female, and they latch onto her like nobody’s business. they only let her touch them on a regular basis and eventually, when they’re old enough to, just follow her around. she’s always had a soft spot for animals and having lions follow her around is So Sick, so she accepts them with open arms and they grow up together. at one point, somebody suggests she makes an act out of it. she’s talented at showy whipcracking and has even messed with fire, why not put on a show and pretend to be a lion tamer? it goes off really well, nancy looks awesome and the lions like the attention, and this particular show of hers becomes a fan favorite.
also in general i think nancy is a bit of a different person because of this? as well as mike, she’s way more free with her feelings and who she is, i think she’s way more open to being vulnerable and expressing how she feels than she is in canon because she was freed from such an oppressive household and put into an environment that was nothing but self expression.
the lion’s names are vasir and shiva :)
onto robin! robin is also a runaway, but she ran away at 17 and it took her a few months to really end up with the circus after running away since she wasn’t questioned nearly as much as nancy and mike would have been. robin’s desire to run away is less her strange and dysfunctional parents but more hawkins, this oppressive monster of a small town that she can’t stand anymore. she can’t be anyone she really wants to be in hawkins without being ripped apart. think operation croissant but she sees europe as unattainable so instead she runs off to the big city nearby instead, living very small paycheck to very small paycheck before impulsively joining the circus as a stagehand after seeing they were looking for new help, desperate to travel.
she starts by operating the box office, selling corndogs, working backstage, selling merchandise, sweeping, all supportive stuff, but the career on it’s own isn’t super fulfilling. she actually loves the circus, all of the acts are mesmerizing and it’s probably one of the only places in the world where there isn’t any judgement, where she’s very tentatively herself. she makes good friends, slowly blending more into the performers circle than the other stagehands since the performers tended to be more eccentric. it doesn’t take long for her to be on a first name basis with everyone, except for one performer. the masked lion tamer, with a killer aim and a laugh that lights up a room.
robin has seen her multiple times of course, even been in group conversations involving her, but she’s never spoken to her directly and no one really mentions her by name, and it doesn’t take long for robin to notice that pretty much everyone is keeping something from her. it doesn’t seem malicious, but it’s definitely suspicious, and she settles on finding it out with time, because she’s just been offered to join the show as a background clown after showing interest.
safe to say robin excels, she’s insanely good at physical comedy and is always pretty eye catching for her seamless mesh of actual talent and genuine clumsiness. eventually she’s given more elaborate costumes and makeup and is given more time to solo, she figures out juggling and starts doing more skits in bigger segments of the show, which was actually pretty daunting at first but she quickly fell into it when it was clear people liked what she did.
okay this is so long i’ll get into the actual ronance bits in another post if people are interested???
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maski1 · 1 year
The problem I have with Yurei Deco’s ending
I planned to write this A LOT earlier but I had things to do and honestly? I didn’t want to rewatch that damn episode 12.
Keep in mind it’s only MY opinion. You are free to disagree with me.
So what do I have against Yurei Deco’s ending? More specifically, it’s the fact that Hack takes the place of Injunction Jo that I hate.
Jo should have picked someone else
Jo literally fucking said 2 minutes before that she wanted someone naive, purehearted and self-centered.
Guys. Hack is probably the most selfish, self-centered main character of the show.
Berry risks her life and becomes a Yurei because she wants to save Hack who is accused of being Phantom Zero. She lost her Love, lost the right to see her parents and old friends, lost her comfort. And she never reproached Hack for it. Pup is a robot so he can’t take the job. Finn used everyone but he did so to save the inhabitants of where he grew up. They tossed him and treated him badly but he still spent years planning to save them. The others do nothing self-centered (except helping their found family) but nothing selfish either.
Hack? In episode 1 she saves Berry from Phantom Zero only because Berry has the origami. Given how touching a “0” thingy in a Hyperverse looks dangerous, it seems very risky to leave Berry alone in front of Phantom Zero. Dumps Berry behind as soon as she sees the exit of the Control Center. Her using weird sayings all the time and ignoring when people don’t understand her is also a sign. She doesn’t even try to learn or understand their point of view.
In short, Hack isn’t interested in people unless she likes them or has something to gain from doing so.
Jo sees everything so she knows this. Would you put the lives of the inhabitants of a whole city in the hands of someone who cares only about themselves and their relatives?
Not to mention Jo must have seen Hack ditching everything she doesn’t like without a care for the consequences.
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Giving the Yurei the possibility to gain Love is problematic
Hack doesn’t like what doesn’t exist in the real world. She doesn’t like artificial things. Why would she give people who live in the slums access to Love, that is something that doesn’t exist in the real world?
I mean, it’s a form of freedom and Hack LOVES freedom. But the problem is, giving Finn’s childhood neighborhood inhabitants what they want will not let them reflect on if they truly are right.
What these people need is to understand why the garbage is causing illness (once they do, they will accept that health is more important than Love). Not that they can have all the Love they want. Not that they get Love by cleaning the place. First it’s a short-term solution because they won’t understand that Love isn’t more important than their environment, second they will associate garbage with a way to get more Love. It gives bad morals.
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The end is uselessly sad
Jo stated she was tired of her job and at the end we learn she has decided to leave the island and go see the outside world. This implies that Phantom Zero can’t leave Mark Twain and is most likely surrounded only by robots and AI. It also appears she can’t contact anyone outside the paradise (except for supplies maybe?).
So, instead of trying to change the rules so she is the last one to suffer, Jo simply ditches the burden on a kid… and leave the island once Hack’s training is done.
Not to mention Hack is a girl and a girl staying on Mark Twain behind a “protection system” called “Angel Fish Club” is creepy when you know what the Angel Fish Club truly was.
Luckily, we’re talking about Hack, who ditches things as soon as she’s bored with them (and it seems it’s what happens at the end) or force her way out even if you try to stop her. I don’t know if the purpose of such a setting is supposed to be a simple reference or if it’s supposed to tell us the system ruling the island is the root of the problem. So it appears to me as a uselessly sad fate for Hack, even if she has the nerves to toss her new responsibilities aside.
This end doesn’t solves half the problems and questions
Sure Berry caught Phantom Zero, sure she and Hack and us know who Phantom Zero and the Zero Phenomenons are. Sure they proved their innocence and Berry got her old life back.
Remember episode 6? Remember how it is implied that Hackitt has been killed, or at least sent away in some kind of prison? That he left his precious drone behind so his discoveries on Phantom Zero can be passed on? Remember when Finn said that Hack would probably be sent to a correctional facility after the trial? Remember how the non-Yurei still don’t know about the Yurei?
All the anime shows the problems come from the way the island works. Not to mention you shouldn’t be the only one to rule, the non-Yurei rely on their Deco too much. They can’t see people right in front of them if their Deco is hacked. They need to be popular on social medias to be happy in their life (look at Finn’s old family). They can be tricked into liking food thanks to “Flavor”. They can hide ugly, dangerous garbage with Deco. They are not forced to like with the Yurei existence, they choose to.
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And now that Berry knows about the Yurei, the dirty truth of those knowing too much being disposed of, how they live in a world where everything is real and don’t need to be loved on Twitter to be happy, she does… nothing???
They gave up on the morals they started to show
The anime begins by showing us the problems of a society relying too much on AR and social medias. And about truth (= reality) and lies (= Deco). And about good and bad lies. And about hiding things people don’t want to see/acknowledge it exists because it could hurt them.
And the end is: “put content warnings so people can choose to see only what they want”. … Which won’t solve anything. And it’s the opposite of what Hack says to Jo: people don’t need you to tell them what is wrong and what is right. Putting content warnings is already labeling something as potentially bad for you one way or another.
Now, to some degree, content warnings are a good idea (like hiding R-18 content) … if everyone knows they should go out of their comfort zone from time to time. We don’t hear much about it but social medias and websites that recommend you content based on your tastes have the effect of keeping you as you are. Instead of encouraging you to discover new stuff and grow as a person (which is the morals of The World Ends With You for example).
I really LOVED Yurei Deco at the beginning. I loved that a girl born in an easy-to-live city discovered its dark side, accepted her new life as an outcast, unintentionally made people around her care for others and questioned the society and what she did/thought while chasing a mysterious being in such a bright-looking cyberpunk world using AR. I loved the parallels with the social medias and their critics of the Internet communities. I loved how they presented AI both as robots having an owner and shop owners (for the more advanced ones) without having them give the money to someone else. I loved Berry and Hack.
Which is why it pains me so much that the staff didn’t plan the ending (see Crunchyroll’s Interview again), chose to not use the anime for criticism and went for the easy way by having an ending up to interpretation.
If it was clear it couldn’t have been a hidden gem by the middle of the anime, it surely could have at least ended in a satisfactory way. I’d gladly watch whatever sequel-like thing would show up if it means the characters realize the problem is the system ruling the island itself.
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valleynix · 2 years
I finished the chapter, you're killing me with all the fluff. I almost turned into ashes because of the overwhelming amount of warmth this whole thing was.
This is so funny to me that Reader is so afraid Dimitrescus will be scared/won't love them because of the mutation like they ain't mutated themselves like the sisters ain't a bunch of flesh eating fly mutants with a mama that can turn into a freaking dragon and they think Dimis would be scared of some wings or few additional eyes 😭
“I’m… doing just fine on my own, handling everything on my own.”
Bestie you clearly don't, be for real 😭
“You were right. I’m not her(…)"
“You are quite similar…”
Bela is adorable indeed please, the transition from confident to shy blushing mess is killing me.
Daniela would have a free pass for terrorising me any time she wants.
"You think you see the flickering form of that lunatic walking in a circle around Daniela, almost watching her… curiously?"
"Before you know it, her hand smacks the side of your head hard"
I'm a mess because of the cuteness of the whole scene with Bela, Cass and Dani. How to use words???? I be just giggling.
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“A high concentration of virgin blood makes me a little feral, as you said, but everything else makes me drunk"
What does virgin blood mean in this tho and how is she able to tell the difference. This concept was alway so weird to me. Like is she really able to tell the difference in taste somehow? She just likes her food un-fucked by a man/in general? Why does it matter so much, what's the science behind it?😭
"These women are vile. They are nothing like the ones you know and have come to adore, and you think you’re beginning to understand why your copy doesn’t like spending much time with them"
Damn Lunatic and Reader really are living in such different environments, surrounded by much different people. And it really makes me sad for them :(
No one is giving Lunatic any love or even the simplest affection. Not without a price that is as Miranda may give them a head pat or sth but only if they earn it somehow.
The character is tragic to me, their case. Like, they probably could be so much different if only they were surrounded by people like from Reader's world :(
That's also why I want so bad for Lunatic to experience something nice and unconditional for once in their life with the fluff ball Reader's Dani is 😭
Lastly, I adore how this chapter and the whole work is so full of kisses and simple affection in general. Everyone is getting forehead kisses left and right and I live for that.
Despite the angst it's still so warm and fuzzy, please, might me my comfort fic even with all the bloody events.
I love how each pair goes their own way and has their own pace but all of them do those sweet little things and bond together and have nice intimate moments and it's not banging every five seconds.
Also the Dimitrescus and their bond honestly might be my fav part of it all😭 I adore how they'd protect each other at all cost, their little fights and all the soft moments. I love my platonic/family bonds too, I wish people would explore it more rather than write them doing all sorts of messed up stuff, can't they just let them cuddle or sth 😭
HEHEHEHE, i saw the notification pop up about this ask and just went !!!!!
*Reader: "but what if you don't love me the same if you saw my mutation? :(" // literally any of the Dimis: "...did you forget who we are-"
*Reader try not to lie challenge (impossible)
*Bela is literally the epitome of confidence and authority but loses it so quickly when someone is nice to her. pls i love her
*Daniela could "terrorize" me all she wants, i'd have 0 complaints
*sometimes you just need a hard lil smack to get some sense back in your head <3
*also i literally debated for a while if i should even add in Dani giving them kisses on the cheek 😭 like i know this fandom gets kind of weird sometimes and i was afraid someone would take that not platonically and i'd have to throw hands, BUT I COULDNT STOP SMILING WHEN I WAS WRITING IT PLS, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
*i think virgin blood is just more "pure"? and since they feed on it often, they can tell the difference between virgin blood and non-virgin blood. i literally don't know the science behind it because virginity is like a social construct (i think?) but i assume it's something like that. i might have to go research it to be sure-
*it's been interesting to write Lunatic as this horrible, cruel person in the beginning who we assume is just Like That, only to eventually see all the little pieces that make them who they are. like, yeah, copies are horrible versions of the real ones, but it's obvious they're capable of change and only remain this way because of the environment(s) they're in
i mean, their Dimis obviously hold very little to no love for one another, and being around that dynamic alone is bound to make them a bit bitter and cruel to anyone else because they're not surrounded by any sort of love. and when they're not trapped in the megamycete, they're around Miranda, who only sees them as a tool or a pawn rather than someone who literally has thoughts and feelings
i will say that moment where they were watching Daniela + where they mentioned they'll go easy on her were changes we're starting to see in their character. they see the possibility of what they could have, what life they could live, but it'll take some time for them to understand they're allowed to have happiness
*listen i adore simple affection :'( i think it's way more interesting to write these women as people who are capable of kindness and love, but choose to be cruel and awful to anyone who isn't their family. i don't really like reading anything where they're just horrible all the time and are incapable of even being half-decent to each other
but yes, everyone gets a kiss! you get a kiss, and you get a kiss, and yes, you get a kiss!!
*i do like writing their dynamics a bit different rather than the same thing over and over- like Alcina is a bit reserved because she knows Reader is hiding something and doesn't want to get too close for the sake of her daughters, Daniela is a bit more fast-paced but still very respectful of boundaries etc., Cassandra is coming to terms with the fact she's actually falling in love for like the first time, and Bela is a bit of a mix with her being out of her depth and not knowing how to proceed sometimes but still trying her hardest to compromise <3
like, i feel it makes more sense that way? they're all different people with different personalities, so they wouldn't go about every situation the same way
(also i hate when people write them as horny 24/7- like i genuinely highly doubt sex is even on their list of priorities LMAO. Bela and Dani are probably the only ones to actively seek it out, but even then, i don't think it'd be a regular occurrence like some people think)
*i'm trying my best to not write them as super hostile with each other all the time 😭 like yeah, Bela and Cass have their moments, but it's so painfully obvious they still love each other and would do anything to keep each other safe. i wish we had more of, "yeah, these people are horrible and awful, but here's them in a cuddle pile because it's a cold night <3"
ANYWAYS AAAAA IM GLAD YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER, i have a plan for the next one i think you'll like (something with Red... hmm...) and i'll try to start working on it sometime this week after i get some other projects done <3333 thank you for sharing your thoughts, i literally love them so much 😭💞
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juniper-c · 2 years
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Dwarf Fortress Blind Play Diary: Day 4
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Mistakes Were Made...
So at the end of yesterdays entry I said I was going to reach bedrock, and I did try! I found a weird long tunnel down to a super deep pool of lava with strange gem encrusted volcanic walls and everything.
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Unfortunately, before I could get myself killed by delving too greedily and too deeply I was forced to contend with more mundane matters. Matters that would eventually lead to the abandonment of Bornbeguilled.
It turns out that my farms just haven't been working. Like at all. The produce they make didn't seem to make seeds, planter workers weren't actually assigned, and perhaps most embarrassingly the replacement seeds and interim produce I had been trading vast amounts of gemstones for had never been leaving the damn trading post.
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Now you might look at the image above and ask how I can be low on seeds if the number at the top is indicating that I have 237 of the things. Problem is that those are above ground seeds. And above ground seeds cant be grown, because above ground seeds lead to dwarves getting eaten by giant birds.
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Every time I attempted to setup a farm above ground, or to gather fruit from the surrounding area to get drinks, a giant kia would descend and assault my dwarves. The then enraged dwarves would then chase the Kia into the woods and inevitably die far from home. Leaving a string of sinister bird based disappearances in their wake.
For those keeping track this is the third species of giant bird to assault my fortress. First the bushtits, then the ravens, and now the kias. It is my belief that these birds are simply a native threat of the environment. Specifically, that they live in the feathery trees I may or may not have been cutting down to make furniture.
The problems don't stop there though. The constant death, disappearances, and general lack of food led to one of our necromancers starting a slight zombie battle...
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Im not sure if these ghost goats and sheep and camels were meant to fight their once-friends, or if they were meant to target the kias. They really didnt seem to discriminate. One even got my bone doctor so worked up that he broke all hypocratic bone oaths and started beating up a pile of already-re-dead bones for no reason.
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It was at this point that I started to think that maybe, just maybe, the colony was beyond saving.
With over a hundred dwarves it would be a long time before things fully collapsed. But the place was a mess. Industry all out of whack, farming totally unsustainable, and constant rescue misssions to recover remains from far off corners of the map had me dealing with constant bird murder.
Every dwarf in the place was miserable, and they were fucking right to be.
So! Im starting again! With a few important lessons learned:
Set up with those "burrows" I was ignoring to stop children wandering into the woods to be eaten by birds
Use actual militia patrols to defend the fortress from potential bird attacks.
Fortify the over-ground enough that we can actually have some farms up there.
Expand SLOWLY, if its possible, I guess.
Maybe dont burn so much time polishing every single wall in the place?
Live somewhere that actually has fucking fish so we don't have to rely on farms.
For that matter: keep the peacocks alive and use them for meat!
If you have any other suggestions for how to not die please feel free to let me know em. I want google anything, but im not above hints :P
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gardenofbookworms · 1 month
august's monthly: from bee and rose
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The First Bright Thing by J.R. Dawson
▪︎ fantasy/historical fiction novel ▪︎
there are candle flames, flickering constantly, struggling to stay lit in their harsh environment. there are wildfires, raging on and burning down everything in their path. and then there are sparks. sparks create fire, whether it be the flickering candles or blazing wildfires or something somewhere in between.
no one knows where the spark came from or why, but it did, and it changed the lives of everyone who it touched. rin’s spark gives her the ability to jump to different moments across the plane of space of time. her wife, odette, can heal any injury. their friend, mauve, can see glimpses of the future as it is currently set to play out. together, the three women run the circus of fantasticals, a safe haven for those with sparks. they travel across the country, offering a single night of dazzling enchantment to those who step into their tent.
the world around them is still struggling to comprehend world war i: the great war, the war to end all wars, the war when the widely feared spark made its appearance. but at least it’s over now. there can never be a war greater than that one…right?
most people think so. but one night, while the circus of fantasticals is traveling to its next destination, mauve sees something terrifying: a possibility of another war, one that will destroy the fragile home they’ve built in the circus. at the same time, rin’s haunting past begins to catch up to her. the circus king has finally tracked her down, and now, he wants her back. there is no chance he will let her escape this time.
threats surround the circus from all sides—past, present, future. and although the threesome will try to keep their home standing and its occupants alive and well, there are no guarantees in a game that traverses the boundaries of time and space. there’s no way to know that they can stop the looming war and keep the circus alive. but they have to try. and sometimes, that means going back to where it all began…
from bee
after skimming through this book for the first time in a while, i realized how much of a nightmare edward is. he can control you? huh? huh? huh? like, he could tell you to drop dead (and didn't that happen? or almost?) and you would, no questions asked. nothing’s more fucking terrifying than having your free will manipulated like that. it’s sort of haunting the way dawson takes quiet manipulation and spins it to the extreme with edward’s spark. there’s a lot of things that rin reverts to doing throughout the course of this book because of him—say what you want, but that’s completely justified.
anyway, onto a different (lighter) topic: a circus! the gays! the minorities! and they're all a family! seeing rin slowly try to do her best in the mother role is heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. how do you parent a kid whose personality blazes so bright, like an uncontrollable fire? that’s what she has to figure out. and on a related subject: kell and charles are so fucking cute oh my god—seeing their relationship subtly progress in the background was probably my favorite part of this whole book. what do you mean he saw his face and crashed into a pole and a person? what do you mean he wanted to stay even if it meant dying? what do you mean—
from rose
the first two, three chapters of this book took me three weeks to get through. then, at some point, i ran out of other things to read, picked it up again… and holy shit, i’d underestimated it the first time. the first bright thing is set in a magical circus, which could easily make the whole plotline feel far-fetched and out of touch with reality. but dawson manages to take the people in that circus, and make them feel like any other group of people working together to try to achieve a common goal—in this case, show the audience the night of their lives. add that to the historical aspect, the forbidden romance, and the air of magic and mystery? boom, the deal is sealed for me.
and then, of course, we’ve got what bee just mentioned: the circus. not the magical part, but the complicated relationships, the gay panic, the ringmaster struggling to keep the whole thing together—they are a family. watching relationships develop and shatter, seeing each character figure out where they fit into the fabric of the circus, and all the stolen romantic moments… guys, this is what i live for. and yes, charles and kell are absolutely fucking perfect together.
bonus: spotify playlist!
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angele-mave · 2 months
Diary of Ang Frank
July 19, 2024
Hello, Tumblr readers...
You are my new audience. Because Facebook decided to get an Identity enough to Ask me for my ID. 🤔
I posted a screenshot below to prove it.
"To prove that it is me?"
Weird, man. So now it won't let me back on. Now all 3500 or whatever "friends" I had are now lost. The photos, the discussions, the years and years of time spent on that app, 14 to be exact. Over. Not that much of them mattered.
But it does come out to a few. My people. You know who you are.
Or not?
Anyhow, life here on Earth is not necessarily kind because basically we are surrounded by Martians.
Yes, the Martians are not kind, as a whole.
So anyhow, I have a hard time here on Earth. Lol.
Everything is so Sylphed out. Everyone's heads so fucked up.
And mine is barely making it. Cuz the Martians live to Steal them. Your thoughts. They like to Hurt people.
What a rotten deal, really! To be born as cattle. And treated as such by a bunch of bullies who can also be charming and charm the world with their Mass Media and even the Bible?
It sucks really. So me and these Martians keep going back and forth and back and forth.
They keep Trying to kill me (cuz apparently they write the Bible and all of that, too). So they involve me in all of their rites.
Rituals, rituals, rituals.
All day long. That's what my Martian friends do. They plot and devise schemes all day long.
And I get to do what I can to appease the situation or heal myself from their invisible weapons. Primarily is has been Cancer and Heart Disease.
And who gets to be a lucky recipient of all of this? No one. Because if the Martians pick You, you are the Unknown, the Other, the Uninvited.
So Lucky isn't the appropriate word.
But I read their Bible with them and I try to understand and learn from them.
Because they are insanely clever and amusing! When they aren't absolutely terrifying they are a good group.
To be honest, I don't think all of the Powers that be are Martians, but it is Mostly them. So to understand them is to understand the world. They run the jails, ultimately. (Because they like being mean. They find joy in it.)
So the Martian drug of choice gets to be my Blood so I feel like crap all of the time.
How rotten is that. And readers, that is only brushing the surface of it all.
It is an insanely grotesque situation. There's a lot of rotten things that can be done to people, but the Martians they got me good.
They got me so good that the situation would probably make Number 1 in a comparative study of say, 10 or so. Yes, there would be some kind of a presentation, then a poll or something, and if my situation wouldn't Win?!
And no, I'm not going to get into the Chicken Farm situation today.
And no, I do not live on a farm.
I would like to have a small farm, a real one. A self sustaining environment. Close to a nice shopping plaza down the street also.
I want my farm to be more for love and care than just a killing machine for mass consumption.
Because I like animals and I think they are cute. And I like trees and plants and happy people around to have lovely discussions.
But here in World War Me Hot Springs, Arkansas. This place has literally been (and I pray that it doesn't continue), a type of concentration camp that is prejudiced Against White People.
So there's a lot of Enormous issues that can cause some hairy debates here.
I have always been a free spirit, willing to Love the strengths and weaknesses in all.
These days, being forced into seclusion because of the Malicious nature of fellow beings in my community.
Just plain a bummer. That's all.
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a-confused-magpie · 11 months
Not to take away from or compare to the ongoing nightmare in Gaza, but it sickens me to think of the consequences Arabs / Muslims are going to experience in so much of the world after all this. At least in so-called "Western" societies.
I've already spent literal years trying to get my Egyptian transwoman fiance over here.
I've given her constant disclaimers about what to expect from the police, islamaphobia, healthcare system, transmisogyny, etc, it's still Supposedly safer over here for an lgbt person cause at least she can medically transition.
But I was already terrified how she might be treated as an Arab over here.
I could write a book on the nightmares of the visa system, and how it works so hard against "non-western" countries. Heaven forbid if you're from one and also poor.
What? You think it's safer here, and have a contact willing to fully support you? Do you have on paper what should be a textbook humanitarian asylum case? Nah fuck you until you literally step foot on our soil and first prove in your visa application & appointment that takes months to get how much you love and will totally return to your country after your "visit."
I've talked to 3 lawyers about it and was told the only chance she ever has of coming to the land of Freedom:tm: is by literally marrying her. Don't even try the humanitarian asylum oh fuck don't even HINT at it in anything you send to the government or you're dooming her to never get over here in a million years.
And this is just how much the system hated brown people before all the inflammatory misinfo going on surrounding the Palestinian Genocide.
I don't know if she'll be safer over here. She can transition and be out of the closet, sure. But with the ramping up of anti-lgbt laws and rhetoric, paired with the increasing islamaphobia that's already gotten a US Palestinian child killed, is an Arab transwoman going to be Safer here in any meaningful sense of the word?
I feel it's reductive to be even asking that question. The medical transitioning is unequivocally important to her. And even if I stay physically disabled, to some degree I can still "shield" her with my whiteness now and again.
But at the same time. How hostile is it going to get? How much is the US war machine gonna keep feeding Isr*el money and keep manufacturing and/or supporting thinly veiled racist rhetoric to cover their ass for doing so while the latter continues to find a new warcrime to commit daily?
Suppose some pro-Palestinian countries fight back. How much are they going to put their back into making them out to be the true barbarians somehow? That it's just more proof that brown people can't be trusted and don't belong in "modern society"? How much is the surveillance state going to expand its reach and harassment of them?
I want nothing more than for her to be able to be herself and feel safe. For oppressed minorities in general to do so.
People of color shouldn't fucking need a token white person with free spending money to fight for years to live in a marginally more safe environment. Especially when there's ample evidence when that supposed safe environment is who fucked up their home country to begin with. People of color shouldn't have to fucking lick the shoes of countries responsible for the damage of their societies, who would gladly continue killing or letting them die off in the thousands (if not more), for the tiniest scrap of hope of being treated as actual humans.
I'm so fucking tired.
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