#and cause issues for overall human/environment health
4kadhd · 9 months
has any vegan protest/movement actually done any good for anything???
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emilybeemartin · 11 months
Inktober Days 25-27
Day 25: Dangerous
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I don’t like this prompt. Every national park can be dangerous, and the deadliest places in parks, hands-down, are the roads, where drivers are distracted by wildlife and scenery. But if we’re going with pure statistics, excluding automobile accidents, then the most dangerous park, according to Backpacker Magazine, is Denali. The main cause of death is exposure, followed by falls. Despite what many folks might assume, there has only been one fatality caused by a bear in the park’s entire hundred-year-plus history.
National parks, overall, are pretty safe places. Park rangers work hard to keep them that way, trying to balance the wilderness experience with the health and safety of the visiting public. We implore folks to follow common safety measures in the backcountry and along the roadways, and there’s a whole facet of rangering called “PSAR”—preventative search and rescue. These folks are usually stationed at popular trailheads, checking that people have the proper gear, water, and footwear to successfully complete the hike. PSARs are your friends! Listen to the PSARs!
Day 26: Remove
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When seasonals sit down for ranger training at the beginning of the summer, there’s one topic that we know we’re going to hear about, no matter which unit in the system we’re in. Invasive species. From lionfish to kudzu to emerald ash borers to toadflax, every park has its problem species that are taking over native ecosystems. Removal is a tricky, labor-intensive process—if they can be removed at all.
The Everglades are a prime spot for invasive species—they’re considered one of the most severely-infested parks in the system in terms of nonnative plants. The subtropical environment, combined with the famous issues of humans releasing exotic pets into the wild and planting exotic gardens, mean that some of these species can multiply rapidly with no natural checks and balances. Rangers work hard to keep invasives from destroying habitat needed by native plants and animals, but the truth is, in many cases the damage is done, and exotics are simply here to stay.
Day 27: Beast
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How fortunate are we to share a continent with bison? Is there any animal more iconic of rolling American wilderness, or more representative of the sins and triumphs of our history? The bison is our national mammal, and the symbol on our ranger patch to represent the wildlife protected by the National Park Service.
Working in parks with bison, like Theodore Roosevelt, always creates an extra layer of excitement to the job. I’ve been late to work because of bison jams along roadways and had to physically move programs because bison were hanging out in the amphitheater. I once couldn’t take my trash out because a bison had bedded down just steps from my door. As a ranger, it’s easy to start thinking of bison as giant, bullheaded nuisances, but then you lock eyes with one outside your car window, and you remember—oh, this beast is the heartbeat of this landscape, my elder and my companion, and I’m dead privileged to wear her image on my chest.
There's still a few more days left to preorder Thirty-One Days of National Parks: The Artbook!
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nerdygaymormon · 7 months
American Psychological Association Affirms Evidence-Based Care for Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Diverse Adults and Children
The American Psychological Association (APA), the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, has adopted what it calls a “groundbreaking” policy in support of evidence-based care for transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse children, adolescents, and adults.
The policy (PDF) was approved by APA’s governing Council of Representatives at its meeting on February 24, with a vote of 153-9 with one abstention. The resolution directly counters the claim that there is no scientific consensus on gender-affirming care.
APA President Cynthia de las Fuentes, speaking of the new policy resolution, states, “It sends a clear message that state bans on gender-affirming care disregard the comprehensive body of medical and psychological research supporting the positive impact of such treatments in alleviating psychological distress and improving overall well-being for transgender, gender diverse and nonbinary individuals throughout their lives.”
The policy includes several findings and resolutions, such as:
Gender affirming medical care is medically necessary - “the APA underscores the necessity for access to comprehensive, gender-affirming healthcare for transgender, gender-diverse, and nonbinary children, adolescents, and adults”
The organization opposes bans on gender affirming care - “the APA opposes state bans on gender-affirming care, which are contrary to the principles of evidence-based healthcare, human rights, and social justice, and which should be reconsidered in favor of policies that prioritize the well-being and autonomy of transgender, gender-diverse, and nonbinary individuals”
Being trans is not “caused” by autism or post-traumatic stress - “legislative efforts to restrict access to care have involved the dissemination of misleading and unfounded narratives (e.g., mischaracterizing gender dysphoria as a manifestation of traumatic stress or neurodivergence, and equating affirming care for transgender, gender-diverse, and nonbinary youth with child abuse), creating a distorted perception of the psychological and medical support necessary for these youth and creating a hostile environment that adversely affects their mental health and wellbeing.”
False information on trans care needs to be combatted - “APA supports efforts to address and rectify the dissemination of false information to ensure the well-being and dignity of transgender, gender-diverse, and nonbinary individuals”
Discrimination, non-affirmation, and rejection risks suicide - “gender-based bias and mistreatment (e.g., discrimination, violence, non-affirmation, or rejection in response to gender diversity) pose significant harm, including risk of suicide, to the well-being of children, adolescents, adults, and families.”
The APA is only one of many professional medical, legal, and child service organizations that have issued formal statements in support of LGBTQ families and individuals based on scientific evidence. 
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sabakos · 6 months
Cannibalism is not illegal, at least not that widely. I mean you can't kill a guy, but if he cuts off some flesh you can eat it (in the US). You can't eat a corpse because that's desecrating a corpse, but you also can't (generally) even taxidermy a corpse; the laws around handling corpses are very strict. I understand this to some degree because it's a public health issue, but the level of restrictiveness is stupid and illiberal. You should be able to get taxidermied if you want to.
In Papua New Guinea cannibalism is per se illegal, and this is explicitly for public health reasons. Funerary cannibalism is traditionally practiced there (as well as head-hunting and cannibalism of POWs), but outbreaks of kuru have been cited as reason for keeping it illegal. I also think this is illiberal and more egregiously so; people should be allowed to eat people especially if it is an established cultural practice. Some have argued that the public health risk is also exaggerated, with the Fore kuru outbreak being an outlier. But I don't know if this is true.
Killing people is bad but eating them is no big deal. To me. I've never eaten anybody though.
Hmm, so what this seems to imply is that if cannibalism, which is only incidentally illegal in the U.S, were to become more commonly practiced by a minority of residents, it might become per se illegal?The incidental illegality is presumably a result of the social values held by U.S. citizens that caused them to make such laws against desecrating corpses, and I believe that those values would likely extend to prohibiting cannibalism. Paradoxically, I think that despite the fact that taxidermy is also incidentally illegal by these same values, that it might become legal if the prospect became popular enough, because I don't generally see people express disgust (rather than bemusement, perhaps) at something like Jeremy Bentham's auto-icon.
I think "illiberal" might be the wrong way to characterize a prohibition on cannibalism, however? The stated object-level concern of kuru/prion diseases seems to take precedence here, and we (or whoever is in charge of such things, really) should investigate that, because otherwise we get nowhere; either side can easily build narratives about how either the anti-cannibals are using public health as an excuse for banning a practice they find repulsive, or that this ritual practice developed in an environment where such outcomes weren't easily tracked and the impact is larger than the people who practice it are aware of. I'd believe probably both of these are true to some extent, but I think that seeing the actual numbers would be more important.
Also as you might expect from what I've said in the past about my own ethics, I would also disagree about the liberality of sanctifying established closed cultural practices. I don't think that the people who perform cannibalism as part of their culture should be allowed to in principle unless I also get to eat people if I want. Not that I particularly want to do so or would go out of my way to, just in the interest of clean jurisprudence I don't like the idea of designating any particular groups as "special" in the eyes of the law.
I agree with the overall liberal value here though; I should be able to designate what happens to my corpse, even if I want to be taxidermied or eaten, and there would need to be some real demonstration of harm to others in order to get in the way of that. I'm just not sure that there isn't.
I do think I would try human meat if offered and I knew there were no significant health risks and the human consented to being eaten by me. It would probably be disappointing, probably it would taste like pork, but at least I could say that I did it.
I probably won't get taxidermied after I die. Other than the fact that there are better options, this is mostly because I don't want people to think I agreed with Jeremy Bentham about philosophy.
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thatonebirdwrites · 18 days
Accessibility and the Rise of Ableism as a buzz word
I really get so angry at people using ableism as a buzz word to ignore the actual needs of my community.
Instead of, maybe asking us, people assert a claim about what they think we need.
The current debate on NaNoWriMo is a good example of that. Their assertion about LLM/Generative AI discussion having ableist undertones is an example of someone using ableism as a buzz word without a proper examination of the actual issues that impact a community.
It makes assumptions about what people with specific disabilities are able and aren't able to do, which is ableist in of itself. It's not meant to actually be helpful for disabled people, but to silence our worries by claiming that a "tool exists already" as if this tool can replace our need for human community and support.
This digs into the much LARGER debate about how tech companies and so-called "innovators" will not listen to the communities they claim to be "innovating for." Thus, they end up making items that don't solve my community's needs. Instead, these devices often cause more harm, are taking funding away from products (or designs we may make ourselves) that actually help us thus causing more harm, and overall makes it more difficult to push for equitable and accessible revamping of ableist systems.
Disabled people are a diverse bunch for sure as anyone can be disabled for any reason and at any time in their life. Disabled people come in all ethnicities, races, classes, genders, sexual orientations, etc.
But there are still some commonalities when it comes to which illnesses and/or disabilities we may be discussing for a specific need.
For example, those of us who use wheelchairs need the environment itself to be built in a more accommodating way. We need more ramps, we need more easily opened doors, we need less hostile architecture.
We Do Not Need A Wheelchair That Can Climb Stairs. Often those things are deathtraps to start, and very rarely include us in the design process. It also disguises the very real problem of hostile architecture by slapping a mediocre and badly designed "tech solution" as a band-aid, as if that will actually solve all our problems. (Spoiler, it won't.) It takes funding away from redesigning architecture in a less hostile way, and it hijacks the discussion away from our needs and toward the so-called tech solution.
Technology can be helpful for us, yes, but what we need requires our input in order to produce a design that can actually assist the majority of us that has that particular disability.
This is where using ableism as a buzz word becomes such a major problem. In order to determine whether a person has engaged in good faith about the claim of ableism, we need to examine the underlying assumptions about that claim and see if they utilize an ableist framework.
To aid us, here's some definitions.
Abled-bodied person is a person who is not disabled. As in they have no physical or mental disabilities. Or they are someone who does not identify as disabled because any mental illness or physical illness they have does not negatively impact their life enough for them to notice (this person may have unresolved internalized ableism).
Disabled person is a person with a physical or mental (or learning) disability. People often identify as disabled. Please do not use “differently abled” as that was a term introduced by abled-bodied people and most disabled people in our community dislike the term as it others us.
Ableism is discrimination, bigotry, infantalism, and prejudice against disabled people.
Ableist framework is a narrative that demeans disabled people and puts them in a lower caste than the rest of society. This is common in a capitalist lifestyle, which is the idea that we can all make it if we work hard regardless of our health or mental wellness. Many a problematic narrative is rooted in this idea of productivity being the sole value of human worth, which is an ableist framing. Some disabled people cannot fit the parameters of what qualifies as “work” in a capitalist society, and thus they are deemed “unproductive” by society. This “unproductive” status puts them in a lower tier, where they are assumed to have no quality of life. Again, this is the root of Ableist Framing.
Now to expand on my examples.
For the wheelchair that can climb chairs, the innovator may claim criticism of the wheelchair has ableist undertones.
However, if we look more closely at the actual discussion about the wheelchair; we'll see very real concerns about how top heavy it is and prone to tipping over, how the mechanical parts can trap limbs and crush them, and other problems that can cause bodily harm to the disabled person using said item. In this instance, we see the criticisms are indeed valid, and that 'ableist undertone' was used as a buzz word to avoid the harm of the "innovation" and to avoid a discussion about what it is that wheelchair-users actually need.
In the case of NaNoWriMo, instead of actually engaging in people's very real concerns about the unethical nature of LLM/generative AI and its impact on the writing community; they used ableism as a buzz word to silence that criticism.
In the case of NaNoWriMo, instead of actually engaging in people's very real concerns about the unethical nature of LLM/generative AI and its impact on the writing community; they used ableism as a buzz word to silence that criticism. In their own words, they call the discussion of "artificial intelligence has undertones of ableism and classicism." When we dig deeper, NaNoWriMo uses ableist claims about disabled and lower income folks to try to defend their generative AI nonsense. The example I'll speak to is one that impacts me, that of people, who are either neurodivergent and/or with brain injuries and/or illnesses that impact the brain.
However, this is rooted in several harmful assumptions about what people with those illnesses and injuries can or cannot do. Thus, in an attempt to stop criticism of their actions, they engage in an ableist framework that presents specific disabled people as being unable to do the act of writing ourselves and thus requiring a novel tech solution to solve our issues.
People with these injuries and illnesses can and often do write, but what they truly need isn't some novel tech solution like ChatGPT.
As a side note, I won't go into the major problems with LLM/generative AI such as their unethical datasets; burying human authors and making it harder to discover us; harmful environmental impact where billions of gallons of water is used yearly and harms watersheds and water access; difficulty in phrasing prompts to get an output that is coherent; hallucinations (as in unreliable output data); misinformation; stealing our works to fuel the unethical datasets; etc. Others articulate that well; I just want to speak to the use of ableism in their statements. (To see a good analysis of NaNoWriMo, see this video by D'Angelo.)
What we need is the support of a human community. Better access to resources in general (such as Internet and/or data plans, which are expensive and a lot of low-income people do not have access to reliable services) or devices that fit our needs. For example, for myself, I often have friends who will help with editing for free or a fee I can afford. I also always use dark mode and text-to-speech software. Others may need software or devices that has dsylexic fonts, high or low contrasts, little to no blue light, dark modes, dictation programs, tablets like Remarkable or Kobo where you handwrite and it transforms it into text, etc.
Instead of discussing it with people within that community, they used ableism as a buzzword to silence their critics and then justify their harmful actions without any real regard for the actual impact to my community.
That is the problem with these people who do not engage in discussions with the communities they claim they are "helping" or "supporting." They instead speak for us as if they know us better than we know ourselves, which is also an ableist framework.
Disabled people are often poor because of how our society's ableist framework makes it near impossible for us to exist in society and receive the care we need for survival. This means we may not have access to reliable Internet or data plans that can handle heavy data loads, so it is classicist to assume we are able to access software that relies on reliable and heavy-data Internet and data plans.
So how can we approach this in a more nuanced way?
For one, talk to disabled people from that community and try to include a diversified sample from all sorts of races, ethnicities, classes, genders, etc.
We need ethical and accessible designs that includes us, as well as making these tools cheaper to access. For example, Diction software or Handwriting-to-text can be irritatingly expensive to find ones that are fairly accurate. The licensing of these types of software can be expensive too, so building up accurate, free and open-source alternatives would be lovely. This way we can use our own words spoken by us (or handwritten on the tablet).
We need a community of people that support us through a diversity of ways (emotionally, physically, intellectually, etc.) As in we need to stop isolating disabled people, and instead include us more holistically. To build up communities of care, where human beings work together to swap skills and help one another build what they envision.
We need society/orgs/people to listen to us and respect us as equally valid as their own selves. To stop speaking for us and allow us to speak about our needs. To stop assuming disabled people can't use their brain at all. To stop assuming we have no skills.
We need society to be more accessible and to center accessibility from the get-go. We need to expand the definition of accessibility to include not just physical spaces, but to include information, transportation, justice, sensory, etc.
We need accessible and cheap/free housing. clean water, clean air, and food.
What we do not need is people using us as a shield in order to silence criticism.
I wrote this article on my blog awhile back, but I'll resurrect it here:
when i ask for accessibility as a disabled person, most abled-bodied (as in non-disabled people) assume that means if the ‘physical space’ is accessible for mobility reasons. it’s a common and not entirely accurate assumption of the ask itself. we are taught to view accessibility only as physical space adjustments, but this is not the only meaning of the word ‘accessible’ and it erases the diverse needs within the disability community.
the needs within the disability community can also improve the lives of those who aren’t disabled; accessibility is about justice for all people, where we create an multi-layered environment that is accessible not just transport-mobility-wise or physical-space-wise but also information-wise and multiple-role-wise.
what do i mean by multi-layered accessibility?
accessibility is about movement through the multi-layered spaces within our society. it’s about mobility.
mobility through physical space, information space, community space, intellectual/engagement/labor space, sensory space, transport space, time-independent space, and justice space.
mobility is the way we move in society whether physically through spaces such as buildings or streets. mobility is also how we move figuratively through community relationships.
mobility is how easy it is for us to access information and share information. another form of mobility is the roles we have in a community or in a movement — those roles provide emotional and intellectual spaces where people can exist based on their gifts.
so mobility justice and accessibility is a multi-layered space that exists not just in physical/transport space but also in community-space and information-space and sensory and intellectual/labor space.
we need to be cognizant of these multi-layers when creating events and movements so that we can be accessible to our most vulnerable members of the community.
so when a disabled person asks if something is accessible, we aren’t just asking if we can navigate to and from the event, or if we can understand the information presented (such as is there interpreters, etc), but also if there is a role we can exist within to further the goals of the movement as well as information about the movement and/or event that is easy to access and share.
Community Care and Accessibility
community care is also reliant on accessibility from a mobility justice framework. we cannot care for one another unless we find ways to center accessibility so that all people feel able to access support systems that may meet the multitude of needs in a diverse community.
to build up community care so that these diverse needs can be explored for possible accessible services and care practices is crucial to the goal of mutual aid efforts and the idea of community care itself.
accessibility is a gift not an add-on. it is a gift that provides a multitude of avenues for people to participate in ways that fits their abilities and energy levels.
if we reframe how we view accessibility, where we see it as a gift that creates more depth and space for all to exist and participate, then we can revolutionize our approach to community and building movements. centering accessibility — and its multi-layered definition that goes beyond just physical space — is crucial to liberation of all people.
our most vulnerable populations are Black disabled trans people, and thus accessibility also needs to be examined from their viewpoint in order to best meet their needs.  
when we view and create access with our most vulnerable populations, we are creating a multi-layered space that is accessible for all people, as it is when our most vulnerable populations needs are met that all needs will be met as well.
 that theory of building up has shown to be helpful especially in many Black Lives Matter groups around the country and in Indigenous groups, where their centering of the most vulnerable populations often created a fluid accessible multi-layered space that is held accountable to the needs of those communities. it created a creative and dynamic space for the diversity of people to exist.
to remind, the disability community is a vastly diverse community of so many different genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, etc — to center accessibility and the multi-layered tenants of mobility/disability justice means opening up community and movements to a diverse and gifted group of people. it nourishes and inspires more creative ways of existing in relationship with one another.
may we learn and seek understanding. may we hear the voices of the vulnerable and seek to meet their needs. may we create community systems that are accountable to one another and care for one another as we are. may we listen and grow and uplift one another in the work we do.
Crafting Accessible Spaces: Questions to Consider as Examples
I typed up the following guide for a friend to assist them with what questions to consider when centering accessibility at their event. May it help all of you as well. 
Do you have any questions to add to any of the categories that I may have missed? Is there further details on a suggestion that I could add? Let me know in the comments! I’ll edit this post as needed.
physical space:
is the area accessible for limited-mobility folks? As in can we reach it and navigate through it easily?
Are doors easy to open? Is there ramps? Is there elevators or wheelchair lifts that are easy to access?
Is there benches or chairs or places for people to rest if walking/wheeling is involved?
Is there air filtration units to help clean the air? Is masking with N95s mandatory to make sure immuno-compromised people can attend safely?
If there are speakers, can everyone in the audience hear the speaker? If not, how can the physical space be adjusted so people can hear better or see the interpreter better?  
How do you present any slides — is that easily seen by the entire audience?
information space:
are your materials easy to read? As in avoid jarring color combinations or too small font.
Are there interpreters if there are speakers? (This includes ASL as well as spoken languages).
Do you require everyone to include pronouns in their introductions? (You should.)
Do you have speakers provide a brief description of themselves in introductions for those who are blind? Is there descriptions of pictures (such as those used in slideshows or in videos) that blind people can access easily?
Does your online materials have alt-text and/or captions for those with sight and hearing disabilities?
Is information on accessibility easily available in your event invites?
Is the information translated into a language that is understandable by one’s audience? (This includes adjusting words used based on culture as well as different spoken languages).
community space:
How are you engaging the affected communities?
In what ways are you engaging in mutual aid for those that may attend? (such as meeting their needs in the other intersecting accessibility spaces I listed here).
In what ways are the needs of the community being listened to and addressed? Have accessible discussion spaces for community to provide feedback. Include the community in collaboration on how to create the access they need to fully engage with society and with one another.
Is the community walkable (or wheelable with a wheelchair/mobility aids)? Is the sidewalks easy to traverse? Is needed services nearby? Is there a way to create a mixed zoned neighborhood so that the community can access the food, healthcare, parks, etc to fully engage one another and the city at large? To be able to access events within the town?
Is there pandemic mitigation strategies to make sure people are able to safely convene without large risks to their health? (This means mandatory masking with N95 or better, air filtration units like HEPA filters or Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in each room, good ventilation systems, having the event outside, washing hands and using hand sanitizers. Strategies that are multi-layered are the safest for all people).
intellectual/engagement/labor space:
How are you utilizing/leveraging the gifts of the disabled community?
Are you sharing materials made by disabled people and providing compensation for their labor? Are you compensating the labor of disabled folks advising your event?
Is compensation possible – why or why not? What would compensation look like ideally? Is the idea of compensation preventing you from utilizing the gifts of disabled people? Why is that?
In what ways can you leverage those gifts to avoid tokenizing and/or erasure?
sensory space:
Do you have a space cordoned off for those that may get sensory overloaded to cool down? (This will allow them to “take a break” to cool down and then return to the event. The spot needs to be away from loud noises, dimly lit if possible, and be easily entered.)  
Do you have content notes/trigger warnings written into your scripts? (This allows people who have panic attacks to determine their level of engagement, and if they need to temporary exit to recover).
Do you make sure that no strong scents dominate the area or that there are alternate food or drink that accommodates intolerances/food allergies?
Do you allow adequate time between speakers for people to process what was said? (Having speakers back to back without at minimum a two or three minute break can be exhausting for some disabled folks).
Do you have materials set up for deaf or visually impaired folks to access the materials and understand content?
transport space:
how do people reach your event? Is there an easy to find parking area and accessible walkway to your event?
For those that may not be able to drive themselves, are you near a bus line or have a ride system?
Do you have a way for people to make it safely home if they find they are too exhausted to drive themselves? (Safety drivers – give them a vest to make them easy to see. Give them a short training before the event on how to respond when approached for a ride home, and how to ask consent before offering to assist a disabled person into or out of the car)
Is this information easily available in your event invites?
time-independent space:
Does your event have a way to capture and share what transpired so others can view at a later date?
Is there a way to make breaks and the timing of the event flexible for those with various disabilities?
justice space:
do you have plans on how to adjust your event to meet the needs of disabled people? How can you collaborate with the community to enact these plans? (Keeping the community in the loop, so they can offer insight can avoid harmful blunders/accidents later down the road).
For example, while going through the above questions, if you find something you need to tweak or alter to provide that space for disabled folks, is that something you are willing to do? Why or why not? What is stopping you? 
Did you create take-aways for people to take home that informs them of the event’s goals and aspirations? Is there suggestions on how people can virtually or physically assist your organizations and/or events goals? (Make these easy bullet points. For example, ‘write a letter to x senator. here is a script you can use.’ or ‘donate to z fund to aid political prisoners’)
Is there ways to lead people toward justice and liberation through the above accessible materials, discussions, events, etc?
When you enact the plans for improving accessibility within your city/town/group, do you collaborate with the impacted community and keep them informed? Allow them to assist with enacting the plans?
Bibliography of Sorts
these ideas and definitions are based on the writings of disabled people such as myself, Alice Wong, Imani Barbarin, Matthew Cortland, A. H. Reaume, and other disability activists as well as conversations with local disabled activists.
Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century edited by Alice Wong
Mobility Justice by Mimi Sheller
Care Work: Dreaming of Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space By Amanda Leduc. 
Black Disability Politics by Sami Schalk (free access book)
A People's Guide to Abolition and Disability Justice by Katie Tastrom
Design Justice Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need by Sasha Costanza–chock
Building Access Universal Design and the Politics of Disability by Aimi Hamraie
Restricted Access Media Disability and the Politics of Participation by Elizabeth Ellcessor
Crip Spacetime: Access, Failure, and Accountability in Academic Life by Margaret Price
Accessibility for Everyone by Laura Kalbag
A Disability History of the United States by Kim E. Nielsen
Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies by Scott Branson, Raven Hudson, and Bry Reed
Crisis and Care: Queer Activist Responses to a Global Pandemic edited by Adrian Shanker
Stairs and Whispers: D/deaf and Disabled Poets Write Back Edited by Sarah Alland, Khairani Barokka, and Daniel Sluman
Crip Kinship: The Disability Justice & Art Activism of Sins Invalid by Shayda Kafai
The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes and Mourning Songs by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
On Reclaiming Brokenness and Refusing the Violence of ‘Recovery’ Narratives”
How Colonial Visual Cultures Have Worsened This Pandemic and What Needs to change
10 Principles of Disability Justice by Sins Invalid
Accessible Activism Guide
What to do When Your Disability Keeps You From Writing?
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Hi may I request Pyukumuku? :3
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A pyukumuku would be a great pet for anyone interested in low-needs aquatic pokémon!
To begin with, these guys are tiny! Not only does this mean that a pyukumuku is not too large for a home environment, it also means that the water habitat you need to provide them won’t be as large. Wild pyukumukus like in shallow seas, near beaches (Sun), so when you’re considering a tank or pool for your buddy to live in think something more like a touch tank at an aquarium, or maybe a kiddie pool. It might not hurt to find a way to warm their habitat, since they waters they make their homes in are usually warm as well as shallow (Sword). It’s not clear in the Pokédex what pyukumukus’ diets are comprised of, but we do know that they are hunters that eject their external organs to consume prey (Sun). Hopefully whatever it is this species likes to eat is easy to come by. Wherever you keep your pyukumuku, keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t get stuck on land to dry out: wild pyukumukus have a bad habit of washing up on the shore and needing humans to toss them back (Ultra Sun). Luckily, they can survive for days in this condition due to the moisture produced by the slime coating their skin (Shield).
Speaking of the slime covering their skin, It has surprising benefits for humans. This sticky mucous, as gross as it is, can soothe sunburns (Moon)! It’s also, despite being described as sticky, slippery (Ultra Moon), so handling your pyukumuku may be a little tricky, especially in the water! You want to get some gloves with good traction, as your bare hands may not cut it.
Pyukumukus don’t appear to be particularly violent. If stepped on by accident, they are known to give the stepper a smack, but that is about it (Ultra Moon). That isn’t to say they can’t defend themselves, of course. Just as they can use their expelled internal organs to consume prey, they can defend themselves from foes (Sun). Using their internal organs, pyukumukus can use Counter to fend off attackers. A majority of pyukumukus’ moves, however, are status moves, many of which are of a high concern. Pyukumukus are, apparently, rather toxic, and can use moves like Gastro Acid and Toxic to poison targets, sometimes badly. Pain Split is a highly concerning move, since it evens out the HP of both a pyukumuku and their target: since I’d wager human beings have a lot more health than a pyukumuku, this could potentially be a big problem. It’s not all bad, though: Recover allows pyukumukus to heal themselves! Overall, while there won't be a lot of reasons for a pyukumuku to attack you unless they see you as a threat, it would be important to handle them carefully. Those gloves I mentioned before may do more that protect you from their slippery slime!
All things considered, given their size and ease of care, pyukumukus would make pretty good pets. They could certainly cause a lot of harm to your health if they wanted to, but so long as you understand how to approach them in an unthreatening way, and how to handle them responsibly, this shouldn't be too big of a problem. The only other issue I'll bring up is that their name can be hard to spell sometimes. If you only knew how long it took to proofread this post!
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Anger and the Power of Release Shaina Tranquilino July 28, 2024
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Anger is a natural human emotion, an intense response to perceived wrongs, injustices, or frustrations. However, how we handle anger can significantly impact our well-being and relationships. Traditionally, people might think of channeling their anger into revenge or retaliation, believing it to be a way to restore balance and achieve justice. But this approach often leads to more harm than good, creating an energy of imbalance that can perpetuate a cycle of negativity. A different approach involves releasing anger, which can foster healing, personal growth, and emotional balance.
The Cycle of Revenge and Its Consequences
Revenge might seem satisfying in the heat of the moment, providing a sense of justice or retribution. However, this satisfaction is usually short-lived. Thoughts of revenge can consume our minds, fueling anger and hatred. This emotional turbulence creates an energy of imbalance within us, affecting our mental and physical health. Prolonged anger and resentment can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Moreover, acting on revenge often perpetuates a cycle of negativity, leading to further conflicts and emotional turmoil.
The Power of Releasing Anger
Releasing anger doesn't mean suppressing it or pretending it doesn't exist. It's about acknowledging the emotion, understanding its root cause, and finding healthy ways to let it go. This approach promotes emotional balance and allows us to move forward without being weighed down by negative feelings. Here are some strategies for releasing anger effectively:
1. Acknowledge Your Anger
The first step in releasing anger is to acknowledge it. Denying or suppressing anger can intensify the emotion over time. Recognize that it's okay to feel angry and that this emotion is a natural response to certain situations. Give yourself permission to feel without judgment.
2. Understand the Root Cause
Take a moment to reflect on why you're angry. Is it a specific action, event, or person that triggered your anger? Understanding the root cause can help you address the underlying issue rather than just the surface emotion. This insight can also prevent future occurrences of similar anger triggers.
3. Express Your Feelings
Find a healthy outlet to express your anger. This could be talking to a trusted friend or therapist, writing in a journal, or engaging in physical activity. The goal is to release the pent-up energy in a way that doesn't harm yourself or others.
4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for managing anger. These practices help you stay present, observe your emotions without judgment, and develop a sense of inner calm. Regular mindfulness practice can reduce the intensity of anger and improve your overall emotional resilience.
5. Cultivate Empathy and Compassion
Try to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Cultivating empathy and compassion can soften your anger and help you understand the motivations behind others' actions. This doesn't mean excusing harmful behavior, but it can provide a broader context that aids in forgiveness and letting go.
6. Engage in Physical Activity
Physical activity is a great way to release the physical tension associated with anger. Whether it's going for a run, practicing yoga, or hitting a punching bag, exercise can help dissipate the intense energy of anger and leave you feeling more balanced.
7. Create a Peaceful Environment
Surround yourself with a calming environment. This could involve decluttering your space, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. A peaceful environment can help soothe your mind and reduce the intensity of anger.
The Benefits of Releasing Anger
By releasing anger, you create space for positive emotions and experiences. Letting go of anger can lead to:
Improved Mental Health: Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
Better Relationships: More harmonious interactions and less conflict.
Enhanced Physical Health: Lower blood pressure and reduced risk of stress-related illnesses.
Personal Growth: Greater emotional resilience and self-awareness.
Inner Peace: A deeper sense of calm and contentment.
Releasing anger is a powerful act of self-care and emotional maturity. While it may require effort and practice, the benefits far outweigh the temporary satisfaction of revenge. By acknowledging, understanding, and releasing your anger, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, true strength lies in the ability to let go and find peace within yourself.
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learnwithmearticles · 1 month
RNP on Climate Change
The idea of a Republican winning the United States 2024 presidential election is disastrous for many people. It would result in the loss of human rights, increased violence in many states, and even more deaths from worse public health conditions.
It would also be deadly because of its expected effects on the environment
Both during and in the wake of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential term, we saw numerous violations of policies, demagogy, and loosened regulations. This was even before three Supreme Court Justice seats were filled by him.
Now, the Republican party also has a firmer guideline for their governmental plans called Project 2025. It plainly explains their intentions and how they wish to achieve them. These include measures to end many policies and rules regarding environmental responsibility.
With this solidified roadmap, popular opinion is that these changes will happen much faster and more forcefully if Trump wins again.
The Environmental Protection Agency is the federal agency concerned with environmental policies. When violations of things like the Clean Air Act occur, the EPA works out the relevant charges and settlements, providing penalties to companies that harm the environment.
The actions of the EPA go far in protecting both the environment and human health. They measure greenhouse gases, work with industries to reduce those emissions, monitor water quality, and much more.
Project 2025 discusses reducing the EPA’s control in these areas. This includes repealing the AIM Act of 2020, which works to reduce HFC use and facilitate the transition to alternatives that are not greenhouse gases and not harmful to human health.
Another targeted policy is the Inflation Reduction Act. Specifically, Project 2025 calls for undoing the grants from this Act given towards the development of zero-emission vehicles. The US Department of the Treasury has stated that the Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in reducing carbon emissions in US history.
Plans for the Climate
In addition to affecting the EPA, a Republican presidency would repeal many other important policies.
For example, in addition to HFCs, it would reduce regulations on PFAS, another group of pollutants that cause a wealth of health issues including liver damage, cancers, and birth defects. PFAS can take over 1000 years to begin to break down, and build up in water, food, and many other everyday amenities.
Energy-efficient lightbulbs, household appliances, and showerheads are ways that individuals have been able to make a difference environmentally. They have specific requirements they have to meet in order to be advertised appropriately. Those requirements are also a target of Project 2025.
Many authors of Project 2025 also benefit from the oil industry. In addition to ending clean energy programs and offices, they intend to increase drilling for oil and gas in the US.
Overall, environmentalism is an enemy to the Republican party. They claim that many environmental acts and policies have been misused for political motives by the Left. Regulatory barriers such as the Endangered Species Act would be lowered. Even the most basic policy that took years of fighting to enact, the US Global Change Research Program, responsible for the National Climate Assessment, would be eliminated.
We would see a complete overhaul of current conduct, with many EPA departments being downsized or dismantled. Oil and gas production would increase drastically, and toxic chemicals would become far more abundant than they already are.
These actions are dangerous. Toxic chemicals are banned for a reason. Emission regulations exist for a reason. This plan is constructed by people who don’t believe that climate change or historic damage to the ozone layer are real. They do not understand how the environment works or do not care because profit and power are more important to them than a healthy, long-lasting future for the world.
The Republican party wants to continue -and worsen- our reliance on fossil fuels, claiming that this will make the US more energy independent. It will actually make us far more dependent because of its finite amounts and the damage it does to the environment.
The long-term efforts of the Republican party to build a biased government have created an extremely tenuous situation. The election in 2024 will be catastrophic to the future of this country if Republicans win. If they don’t, it still doesn’t mean the fight is over. The Democratic party also has a lot of work to do and needs a lot of change. Most importantly, we need to maintain momentum for electing officials who will champion the rights of people. If Republicans lose this election, their plans will simply move forward to be tried at the next opportunity. This is a continual fight for a reliable future.
Additional Resources
1. Changes to the EPA
2. EPA
3. Project 2025 on the EPA
4. The Inflation Reduction Act
5. Additional Targets of Republicans
6. Assault on Environmentalism
7. Oil and Gas Drilling Plans
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peeetlovers · 3 months
Top 10 Essential Tips for Dog Owner
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Owning a dog is a rewarding experience that brings joy, companionship, and a sense of responsibility. However, it also requires a significant commitment to ensure the health and happiness of your canine companion. As a pet expert, I have compiled a list of the top ten essential tips for dog owners, supported by scientific data and research. These guidelines will help you provide the best care for your dog.
1.Proper Nutrition Providing your dog with a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), dogs require a diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Feeding high-quality commercial dog food that meets the standards set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) ensures your dog gets the necessary nutrients.
2.Regular Exercise Exercise is vital for maintaining your dog's physical and mental health. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recommends at least 30 minutes to 2 hours of physical activity per day, depending on the breed and age of your dog. Regular exercise helps prevent obesity, reduces behavioral problems, and strengthens the bond between you and your pet.
3.Routine Veterinary Check-ups Regular veterinary visits are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) advises annual check-ups for adult dogs and more frequent visits for puppies and senior dogs. Routine exams, vaccinations, and dental care are critical components of a comprehensive health plan.
4.Vaccinations Vaccinations protect your dog from various infectious diseases. The AVMA highlights the importance of core vaccines, including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus. Non-core vaccines, such as those for Bordetella and Lyme disease, may be recommended based on your dog's lifestyle and risk factors.
5.Parasite Control Parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms can cause serious health issues for dogs. The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) recommends year-round parasite prevention, including regular use of flea and tick preventatives and routine deworming. Regular screenings for heartworm and intestinal parasites are also essential.
6.Proper Training and Socialization Training and socialization are crucial for a well-behaved and confident dog. Positive reinforcement training techniques are supported by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as effective and humane methods. Early socialization helps prevent fear and aggression and promotes positive interactions with people and other animals.
7.Adequate Shelter and Comfort Providing a safe and comfortable living environment is fundamental for your dog's well-being. Ensure your dog has a cozy bed, access to fresh water, and a safe space to retreat. The Humane Society emphasizes the importance of protecting dogs from extreme weather conditions and providing proper shelter.
8.Mental Stimulation Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. The AKC suggests interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime to keep your dog mentally engaged. Mental stimulation prevents boredom and reduces the likelihood of destructive behaviors.
9.Grooming Regular grooming is necessary to maintain your dog's hygiene and health. The frequency of grooming depends on your dog's breed and coat type. The ASPCA recommends regular brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and bathing to prevent matting, infections, and other health issues.
10.Spaying/Neutering Spaying or neutering your dog has numerous health and behavioral benefits. According to the AVMA, spaying/neutering can prevent certain cancers, reduce the risk of infections, and decrease undesirable behaviors such as marking and aggression. Additionally, it helps control the pet population and reduces the number of homeless animals.
Owning a dog is a long-term commitment that requires dedication and knowledge. By following these ten essential tips, you can ensure your dog's health, happiness, and well-being. Providing proper nutrition, regular exercise, routine veterinary care, and mental stimulation are all crucial aspects of responsible dog ownership. Understanding and implementing these scientifically-backed guidelines will help you create a loving and fulfilling life for your canine companion.
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idonttalktopeasants · 4 months
Being black is wrong
HOW DARE YOU, do you have any idea how you make people of color feel you insensitive monster!
Racism is a deeply ingrained societal issue that has caused immense harm across generations and continues to affect millions of people worldwide. It is the belief that one race is inherently superior or inferior to another, which manifests in various forms of discrimination and prejudice. This essay will explore why racism is fundamentally wrong, both morally and socially, and why it is crucial for societies to eradicate it.
At its core, racism violates the fundamental principle of equality that underpins moral and ethical thinking in modern society. Every human being, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background, possesses inherent value and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Racism undermines this principle by judging individuals not based on their actions or character but on characteristics over which they have no control, such as skin color, facial features, or origin. This is fundamentally unjust and contradicts the ethical doctrine that all humans are equal in rights and dignity.
Moreover, racism has devastating social consequences. It divides communities, breeds hatred and violence, and hampers social cohesion. By fostering discrimination, racism restricts access to opportunities for many people. This discrimination appears in various sectors, including employment, education, healthcare, and housing. For example, studies consistently show that in many countries, people of certain races are less likely to be hired for jobs, receive less educational opportunities, and suffer worse health outcomes simply because of their race. Such systemic inequality perpetuates poverty and denies individuals and communities the chance to progress and contribute fully to society.
The social fabric of communities is weakened by racism through the creation of an environment of fear and mistrust. When people are discriminated against, they are more likely to withdraw from participating fully in society or to respond with hostility towards different racial groups. This reduces the overall social capital— the mutual trust and cooperation needed for societies to function effectively. It also leads to political and social instability, as seen in numerous countries experiencing racial tensions and conflicts.
Educationally, racism deprives societies of the benefits of diversity in learning environments. Diverse classrooms, where students from different racial backgrounds come together, have been shown to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and openness to new ideas. Racism narrows this diversity, thereby impoverishing the educational experience for all students and ultimately weakening societal progress.
In conclusion, racism is wrong because it is a violation of the principles of justice, equality, and human dignity. It has pernicious effects on individuals and communities, limiting economic opportunity and social cohesion, and reducing trust among people. Eradicating racism is not just a moral imperative but a practical necessity for societies that aspire to fairness, justice, and inclusivity. Efforts to combat racism through education, legislative reform, and community engagement are crucial in building a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute free from discrimination.
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bharatvarsh22 · 8 months
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One of the best sources of nutrients for enriching the human body is milk. From birth, the body craves milk for its functions and development. Considering its full, balanced meals, milk is suitable for all age groups, including infants and older people.
But first, the basic difference between A2 milk is that, as opposed to conventional milk, it contains a mix of both A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins. The distinction between A2 and A1 milk is the difference in their protein structures. People who are sensitive to conventional milk or mildly lactose intolerant are the ones to benefit the most from consuming A2 milk, as they can derive even more nutrients without having to upset their stomachs. This does not mean that A2 milk is completely lactose-free (the natural sugar present in milk), but just that it has less of it.
To ensure that you, too, receive all the benefits of milk, we are here to introduce you to our A2 Milk and milk products. Only from the color and consistency of this milk will you be able to easily discern its superior quality. It is free from any clumps, proving the absence of additives in it. Farm Fresh Superior A2 Milk is available only in clean and properly sealed containers to ensure its safety and freshness. After you have procured the milk in your hand, giving it a quick sniff will ease away all your remaining doubts, as its slightly sweet and clean smell will give away its pure nature.
When consumed as a part of a balanced diet, there are a variety of benefits that one could enjoy from milk. This is due to its rich nutrient profile and easy digestibility; below are some of the key benefits of consuming good quality Farm Fresh A2 milk:
Bone Health: Being one of the greatest sources of calcium, A2 milk is essential for building and maintaining strong bones. Even the risk of health diseases like osteoporosis and fractures in old age can be avoided with adequate milk intake.
Protein intake: Even as a vegetarian option, A2 milk contains the essential amino acids that are needed by our bodies to perform their intricate functions. Activities like muscle repair, tissue building, and the maintenance of a productive immune system are all functions that require the presence of ample amounts of healthy protein, which is where milk comes into play. A2 milk is also less likely to cause gastrointestinal issues like bloating or diarrhea, which may be caused by A1 milk in certain individuals.
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins such as Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium make the nutrient profile of A2 milk so dense and rare that one should not miss consuming it whenever one can. Roles like energy production, immune function, vision, and overall health require these vitamins and minerals for optimal results.
Gut Health: Milk is also rich in probiotics, beneficial bacteria that can promote a healthy gut environment and microbiome, ultimately aiding digestion and gut health.
Heart Health: Numerous studies have proved that consuming A2 milk and dairy products in appropriate amounts has a connection with lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, as they are quite effective in reducing blood pressure and improving lipid profiles.
Better Digestible: It is considered that A2 milk is much easier to digest as compared to conventional milk, which contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins.
Continue Reading: https://bharatvarshnaturefarms.com/discover-the-benefits-of-farm-fresh-superior-a2-milk-and-a2-milk-products/
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pantherafool · 1 year
Honestly, the 4th of July this year wasn't it for me. Again.
I have a lot of problems with the 4th of July. I don't like that we as Americans like to celebrate how we stole land from the Indigenous peoples that lived here for hundreds of years before us. I don't like how nobody even talks about natives overall, not even during National Native American Heritage Month (November) and all the other weeks and days dedicated to Native Americans. I feel like people only talk about Native Americans when it's some sort of "trend." I saw so many people talking about natives when ICWA was in danger of being overturned, and now everyone's silent again. I may be the only one observing this, but it's like no one cares. I have barely seen anyone talking about how a lot of tribes don't have access to clean water. The government is and has been neglecting Native nations, and I have seen nobody but natives talking about it. I've SEEN people say that "it isn't a big deal" which is so fucking crazy because hello??? Natives are human beings who need to consume water to LIVE?? But of course, some people don't consider natives human and some just don't want them to live at all. It's fucking performative if you're just talking about native issues to seem like a good person. It is performative to just talk about issues like these when they're "popular."
I also have issues with the 4th of July because of... you guessed it, fucking fireworks! I will preface this by saying I am an American teenager who lives in the south and has C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and asthma and is overall disabled. Fireworks. Fucking. Freak. Me. Out. They freak me out so bad. People started setting off fireworks a few days ago, and I have been physically and mentally SICK ever since then. As I'm writing this, I am nursing a major fucking headache. I feel like throwing up. Up until recently, I could not breathe properly because of my asthma. People have stopped setting off fireworks and other annoying "bang" and "pop" and "sshrr!" sound-noise making things because it is 3 AM right now, but. Holy SHIT. The fireworks caused me to have a mental breakdown because of how eerily similar they sound to gunfire. I'm aware that gunfire doesn't echo/linger the same way fireworks do, but it still freaks me out. The fireworks have caused me to have emotional rollercoasters continuously since July 1st/around then. My mental health has literally reached a low point because of fireworks. I'm not kidding.
And you can laugh at that all you want and think of how stupid it is, but I would also like you to take a moment to think about the animals. The animals that freak out every single year because of fireworks. I would like you to think of your dog or your neighbor's dog that cowers under a coffee table or a bed. I would like you to think about how fireworks release smoke and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen, which harm the environment. I would like you to think of the metal and the dangerous toxins and chemicals that linger for days. I would like you to think of the fact that fireworks harm the environment in the same way wildfire smoke does. I would like you to think of the veterans who fought to protect this country that have traumatic flashbacks due to loud noises.
But who cares, haha!! 'Murica is more important than all that! 🤪 🎆💥
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Okay this is so hilarious because I wanted to add the whole “she would rather find out he cheated than this”, but I didn’t know how you would process this and didn’t add it in there. I just find it comical that as girlies who take pleasure in dark fictional men and doing bad stuff but the line is only cross once they cheat, it’s me I’m the girlies 😭😭😭. Yeah it would be so sad, like he would try to convince but she obviously hurting and wouldn’t want to see him, she interrupts him hanging up the phone and just getting up and leaving. While he bangs on the glass door for her to come back. She’s so heartbroken, it would probably take a few weeks until she finds enough courage to see him. He probably explain to her that he felt he was already a scum and a bum especially when he managed to bag her, so to cease his anxiety and insecurities of her realizing it and up and leaving (which in reality he would never let happen) he wanted to provided lavish lifestyle to satisfy her. But the gifts and providing for her wasn’t what her like him (but they did help tho). He was funny and witty, a very good listener and was attentive and overall a good honest man (so she thought). I can the family encouraging her to go see him again, because it’s obvious she still loves him even after this shocking betrayal. And he’s just so excited to see her again, and she demands him to tell her the whole truth while she promises not to up and leave and not to leave him in the dark like that again. He would do anything just to talk to her again. And the kids? She’s so devastated having to tell or lie (whatever you prefer. I would pick lie depending on the circumstances) why daddy isn’t home anymore. It was hard at first but with the support of his family it became easier. I can’t stress enough how I enjoy these little chats we share, I get so excited. I literally refresh your page and checked the time zone in Australia I was like “okay so it’s 11 am so in couple hours, I’ll hear from her again :)”
Same here! I completely will not accept cheating, even in a fictional way. Most of the time if I read it in fiction I want it to be full-on angst and for the reader to completely shut out the cheater and find someone else. I do however like the "I thought you were cheating but you were doing x" trope, the angst and then the relief and then the rebuilding of trust is just *chef's kiss*.
It is so true! I can forgive a lot in a fictional man, murder included, but cheating??? Never. I have literally ended a book, fic, movie or whatever because one of the spouses cheated and then the other one took them back. I don't know but I just can't really forgive it, it makes me feel ewwy.
He would be devastated if she hung up!!!! Yes!!! he would be banging on the screen and the guards try and stop him but he just going crazy cause he was watching the love of his life just leave him, which was his greatest nightmare and the reason he kept robbing and stealing.
I kinda love it when tough guys have insecurities cause it means there are human and are vulnerable like the rest of us. I mean so many male protagonists in media (mainly heroes/superheroes, action guys, tough guys, etc) are only faced with hardships from the external environment and the only time we see men faced with internal battles is related to war, which is still caused by the external environment. I think that sends a twisted message that only men who have been through great trauma (such as war) are allowed to be in mental anguish, that mental illness or insecurities (when men have insecurities in media it is almost always because of scars/loss of limbs, it usually isn't due to weight like it is shown for women) are something that happens to them, and that it is an external force that caused it, and mental health issues that just 'pop up' aren't valid because they don't have a real reason or excuse to feel that way. While mental health issues caused by external trauma are definitely true for veterans who faced combat, when this is the only narrative shown it gives a bad message that other men don't have an excuse to have insecurities or mental health issues. For example, in Australia, a lot of veterans and military personnel who face mental health issues haven't actually seen combat and because of this, their issues are overlooked for not being important and that they should just get over it.
I think the same can be said for this fella. He has (assumingly) grown up in a very masculine environment, so he has been taught that such feelings of insecurities are seen as weakness, why should he complain when there are others worse off?, which is why he buries it and never tells you his insecurities, until its too late, but by having these insecurities and telling you (even if it's behind bars) showcases that he isn't just this 2d criminal character, he doesn't do it for the money, he did it at first because its the only thing he's ever known and it was hard to believe someone like him would be able to overcome that, but when he meets you, its the only way he knows how to get money and he feels like he needs to prove his worth to you, prove he is more than what he was told he was.
I think it also feeds into the old idea that men have to provide for the household, he feels like he isn't a man if he can't do that and therefore desperately tries to provide, I think it would be a point of argument for the reader and him, she never needed all the gifts, it's nice to be given them but at the same time she was falling in love with him, not his money, so she feels like she's been bought when he brings this up like he felt like he was entitled to her presence (he kinda did feel that way).
Once again reader would be questioning all of it, did she actually fall in love with him or the front he puts on for her. Maybe even a small part of her thinks that maybe he only has her around to look the part, a doting father with a loving wife isn't exactly the first suspect for multiple bank robberies. All her own insecurities are rushing through, not only does she have to rethink her relationship with her husband but his family as well, they also lied to her and let her husband keep her in the dark and they never seemed to care or feel guilt.
What would she say to the kids! I imagine the kids to be very young and maybe he won't be in for long, he was only caught planning a bank robbery and they don't have enough evidence to pin him on all the other stuff (how they missed the infamous stolen diamonds reader is wearing is beyond me) so he won't be gone for an "I have to explain" period of time, so yeah I think the reader would lie, maybe say he's going for a trip, or going away from work, either way, she wants him to explain it when they are old enough.
AHHHH! I love our chats as well!!!!!!! They make me so happy! That is so sweet thank you!!!!!! I forgot that not everyone is awake when I am, so sometimes I get a little sad when I post something and its been all day and no one has liked it (I don't do it for the likes! I just recognise some people and it makes me happy to know my mutals like what I write!) and then I wake up and I have over 50 notes :D
(sorry to get psychoanalytic I just find it very interesting! If it was too much please tell me and I can change it! This one was a bit angsty)
Lots of love mae xx
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nature420world · 1 year
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Pawsitive Effects: The Benefits of CBD for Cats
CBD, short for cannabidiol, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits in humans, but did you know it can also offer a range of advantages for our feline companions? CBD for cats has been making waves as a natural supplement that may promote overall well-being and support various aspects of their health. In this article, we explore the remarkable benefits of CBD for cats, highlighting its potential to provide relief, relaxation, and a higher quality of life.
Facts about CBD for Cats:
Soothing Stress and Anxiety:
CBD may help calm anxious cats by interacting with their endocannabinoid system, which regulates mood and stress response.
It can be particularly beneficial in reducing stress caused by changes in the environment, separation anxiety, or fear-inducing situations.
Supporting Joint Health:
Cats, especially senior ones, may experience joint stiffness or discomfort. CBD's anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate these issues and improve mobility.
By promoting joint health, CBD can enhance your feline friend's overall comfort and happiness.
Enhancing Overall Wellness:
CBD's potential holistic benefits extend to various aspects of a cat's well-being, including appetite stimulation, immune system support, and improved sleep patterns.
It can also help maintain a healthy coat and skin, thanks to its potential anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects.
To discover more about the potential benefits of CBD for cats and how it may improve their quality of life, click the link below to read the full article.
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Why Needs To You Think About Employing an Ergonomic Mouse
Ergonomic computer mice are made for individuals, not just computer systems. They are created with the shapes of the human hand in mind. This permits an individual to adjust the mouse in a more natural, virtually handshake placement. Enabling a much more natural hand position eases any kind of unneeded tension as well as tension from your ligaments or muscles. This is the most significant reason for using an ergonomic mouse; yet its relevance is commonly underestimated, unidentified or overlooked. A common computer system mouse puts your hand in a level position where your wrist is a little twisted. This forces wrist pronation as well as stress and anxiety on your ligaments. Long-term direct exposure to this tension may lead to repetitive strain disorder or long-lasting manoeuvrability problems. There are great deals of medical problems that have ergonomic causes in the workplace environment. These consist of nerve, tendon and muscular tissue issues typically referred to as Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD). You might have also listened to the terms 'Repetitive Strain Disorder' and 'Cumulative Trauma Disorder'. These are issues we intend to avoid with our DSE Assessments, to shield worker health and also prevent injury.
This is probably one of the most well-known condition that belongs to the improper or damaging use of your wrists or hands. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an irritability of the typical nerve that goes through the carpal tunnel in your wrist. This can be very sore and might likewise cause tingling or a prickling sensation in the fingers and also thumb. Rep is one of the biggest reasons, especially when there is little break in motion. Extreme pressure, localized pressure and maintaining one position for too long can also have the very same effect.Carpal passage disorder, similar to a lot of MSDs, is avoidable and treatable if caught early sufficient. Early indicators may include pain, tingling, prickling or a burning sensation. Overall MSD prevention involves ergonomics, proper medical management and the right equipment. An ergonomic mouse is just one instance of this!
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Once you locate an input device that meets your needs, you'll be able to help longer periods throughout the day and you will certainly miss fewer days because of mouse- and also keyboard-related injuries. Your muscular tissues won't feel the tiredness and also pains brought on by a traditional mouse, so you can concentrate on the work handy. Despite the fact that you'll be capable of obtaining more done, bear in mind to take frequent breaks and make use of a gel-filled mousepad wrist remainder for best outcomes.
There are even more reasons to select an ergonomic mouse-- such as the quantity of required force. An 10 top computer mice that can elevate wrist pain is designed to need less grasp strength as well as force than the typical equivalent. This creates much less exhaustion as well as less tension or stress in time. What's more-- they look pretty great also! That intends to follow the crowd when you can stand apart from it? Ergonomic computer mice have begun jumps and also bounds over the last few years, not just in visual allure, but in function and also effectiveness too. Don't stick with the out-of-date drop style! Go ergonomic!
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Honestly, one of the reasons I'm 100% intent on going into some form of academic behavioral research is that our system really fucking hates capitalism for both childhood trauma situation and like... being a living human being reasons; and depending on who you ask in this system, we are varying levels of vocal, aggressive and prone to getting a good bit water-shaking as we have a history of "unionizing" formally or not due to our very bad lack of ability to tolerate leaders that don't pass our morality / vibe check (We actually took the job of a professor in our school, highlight of our college career)
And while that is honestly something that could help a lot of people, for our own personal health, we really shouldn't be handling that chronically in the thing that also pays our bill since we are very very bad at being okay with the way things are and inherently, if we have a boss in a capitalistic-driven field of work, we'd probably be chronically feeling the need to dethrone whoever is ahead of us which is bad for reasons of risking job loss at worse and at best putting us in a chronically activated state. We probably could easily get by if we had to, but its something we agree would be a pretty negative environment regardless of the topic.
One of the reasons I REALLY love academic centered research is that I like to half jokingly say it is the most communist sector you can get in America because half the work is begging for money from the government and others as is, you work in large teams of people who are just simply trying to learn more about a topic and discover stuff, and its generally assumed that no one really knows much of what they are doing and thus there is a very very heavy tendency to have an atmosphere that encourages asking advice and help from one another. Deadlines do exist but ore so in ideals and you really just do your part on independent projects that work together to be one whole thing.
It's an INCREDIBLY collaborative work space and while you still have to deal with the capitalist world, you have to deal with it as a group because already, what you are doing, is not going to MAKE money. You have to worry about running out of money, but there is no need to hyper optimize your work and if you DO try to hyper optimize it, you loose quality which greatly impacts how well your data is handled, how accurate your research is, and the overall value of the study which would undermine the whole point of what you are spending your money on and the whole purpose of doing research. You HAVE To be quality > quantity in this field otherwise you are going to get bad data, so there is an inherent motivation within the field to not push people too hard AND to make sure those handling the data are confident and know what they are doing which I think is AMAZING and very humanizing.
I can't say if this applies to not-behavioral sciences because I haven't been in a non-behavioral lab and I DO NOT think this applies to any market-based research or any product-based research because those both are inherently intrenched in capitalist bullshit, but research within academia? *chefs kiss* Beautiful.
It's DEFINITELY not a field for everyone cause while I DO say this, it can get extremely boring and tedious and relies on heavy self discipline and independence when navigating issues and learning new skills, but god there is 0% hesitation in wanting to go into some form of research because I love this work environment.
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