#would have been to just say clark and lois moved to a different paper early in their careers
cantsayidont · 11 months
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January 1985. On Earth-2, Clark Kent became a newspaper editor in the early 1950s, and soon picked up the "Don't call me 'chief'!" thing.
It's a good bit, although it's muddied by some arbitrary continuity choices: On Earth-2, Clark, Lois, and Jimmy spent their entire careers at the Daily Star, the paper from the earliest Superman comics stories, not at the Daily Planet. As revealed in the "Mr. and Mrs. Superman" story in THE SUPERMAN FAMILY #197, Perry White was a reporter for the Star, but he was never their editor (although he and Clark competed for the job when editor George Taylor announced his retirement), so the "Yes, chief?"/"Don't call me 'chief'!" gag is referencing something that never happened on Earth-2. This also means that while Earth-2 was supposed to be the home of the Golden Age Superman, a lot of Golden Age Superman stories couldn't have happened on Earth-2 unless you mentally substitute the Daily Star for the Daily Planet and George Taylor for Perry White.
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fictionadventurer · 3 years
Second Glance
Or, It seems I’ve written a Superman fanfic
Lois lived for the hustle and bustle of journalism, but she liked the Planet offices best in the early morning, when there was no one around except the janitors. She liked the dim light, the peaceful hush, the chance to gather her thoughts and stake out her territory. Some of the cub reporters said that Lane lived at the office, and Lois encouraged the notion. Other reporters had been here longer, and Perry White ran the place with an iron fist, but let no one doubt that the Daily Planet offices were Lois Lane's natural habitat.
She was only two steps inside before she realized that she wasn't alone. In the middle of the room, lit by the blue glow of a computer screen, Clark Kent was dozing at his desk, forehead against his monitor while his glasses sat beside his keyboard. No telling whether his day was beginning or ending, but it looked like he'd spent the night here. The rumpled shirt and striped tie were the same ones he'd worn yesterday--and she would deck anyone who suggested there was anything significant about her noticing such things. She was a reporter. Noticing details was part of her job.
Lois picked up the glasses and dangled them from her fingers. "Sleeping on the job again, Smallville?"
Kent bolted awake, hands clattering against the keyboard. "Just resting my eyes.”
"You are allowed to go home, you know," she said, a little peeved that he'd intruded upon her morning routine.
"Not when I'm up against deadline," Kent said. "White wants this copy by nine a.m., and judging by his language, I'll have every specter in the Roman Empire after me if I'm late."
He seemed agitated, the lamb, and Lois was moved to give out a rare bit of advice. "Know what your problem is, Kent? You need a backbone. Perry has more respect for people who stand up for themselves.”
Kent shrugged. “I’m not good with conflict.”
It was said that Lois’ sarcasm could dry up rivers. “You don’t say.” How had this paper not eaten him alive? The man didn’t even have the courage to watch a Superman brawl on television. “Only way to get better at anything is to practice.”
“Thanks, but I’d prefer to practice on easier targets.”
“Don’t say I didn’t try to help.” She flipped the glasses around and examined Kent. He looked different without the glasses. Broader. More confident. Nothing like the inexperienced reporter who couldn’t see three feet in front of him without a pair of spectacles.
She peeked at him through the lenses and the truth hit her like a lightning bolt. Her hand flew to her mouth, and she gasped, “Oh. Oh my gosh. You’re...”
Kent sat bolt upright, panic in his eyes. His fingers gripped her hand that held the glasses. “Lois, I can explain...”
Her grin stretched wide. “You’re a hipster!” She yanked her hand out of Kent’s now-limp grasp and looked through the lenses of his glasses, which magnified absolutely nothing. “You don’t need these! You may as well be wearing plastic wrap!” 
Kent had gone red as an International tractor. (You couldn’t hang around this hick for long without picking up farm metaphors). He snatched the glasses from her hand with a speed that surprised her. “I’d prefer you didn’t announce it to the entire city.”
Lois grinned, “Oh, this is front page news. It seems that the entire time I’ve known you, you’ve been wearing these Coke-bottles as a demented fashion statement.”
Oh, he was cute when he was flustered. “That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it? Then enlighten me, Smallville.” She held an imaginary pen and notepad. “For the record, what has motivated you to spend long years wearing these useless hunks of plastic on your face?”
“I really did need glasses once,” he said, fumbling them onto his face. “As a kid. Then my vision improved and I stopped wearing them.”
“So you brought them back for, what, nostalgia?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I moved to Metropolis, started applying for newspaper jobs, and found out I didn’t fit any hiring manager’s image of an investigative reporter. Even in a suit and tie, I looked like, well, Smallville.”
“The farmboy rube.”
He quirked a self-deprecating smile. “Better suited to throwing hay bales than chasing a lead. I thought the glasses could help me look the part. I got hired at the Planet a week later.”
“You could have given them up. Let everyone assume you got contacts.”
“I didn’t dare at first. Needed to prove I belonged here. And then, well, they became part of the identity. Helped me feel like Clark Kent, investigative reporter.”
“Part of the costume,” Lois said. She curated her wardrobe too carefully not to understand the power of a good image.
“I guess,” he said, with a smile she didn’t quite understand.
“Well, that’s only slightly psychotic,” Lois said. “But I’ve got a good psychiatrist on standby if you ever need an outlet.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. But Lois...” His hand was over hers again. Behind his glasses, those blue eyes were disgustingly earnest. “Please don’t tell anyone about this.”
How did a man who had nearly a foot on her seem so helpless? Refusal would feel like kicking a puppy. She pulled her hand back. “Your secret’s safe with me, Smallville. I’d hate to destroy your carefully crafted image.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank you.”
“And it’s always good to have blackmail material in my back pocket if I ever need a favor.”
He rolled his eyes and smiled as he turned back to his computer. “You’re a heartless monster, Lane.”
“I do try. You should have known it’s impossible to keep secrets from me.”
The smile grew. “Oh, I don’t know. I think I’ve done pretty well so far.”
“Are you telling me Clark Kent has even more dark secrets?”
“You’d be surprised. I’m a man of many mysteries.”
The farm boy in the big city. The man who cringed before his editor and was absolutely fearless in chasing a story. The man who missed every second meeting but was willing to work all night to make a deadline. Every time she looked, it seemed that he was hiding a new layer behind those glasses. Including, it seemed, the secret of those glasses.
“That you are, Kent,” she said, as she strode toward her own desk. She found that she was looking forward to solving them.
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ranger-jedi-knight · 5 years
I Thought You Wouldn’t Hurt Me, But You Did
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22839535
So, I saw this prompt on Tumblr, n I just had to do it. Sorry bout delaying the next chap. But I hope you enjoy it!
“Alright, class!” Ms. Bustier started and clapped her hands. The class stopped talking to look at Ms. Bustier. “Two people will be joining us today. First is an exchange student from America. He’ll be joining us for the rest of the school year.” She waved at the door and a black haired teen entered the room. The girls all stared into his emerald eyes even though he was glaring. His face softened though when his eyes landed on Mari.
Mari smiled and waved at him. Chloe and Nathaniel smiled when the saw that from the desk next to Mari’s. “Please introduce yourself to the class.”
“Damian Wayne,” Damian said with a nod then walked up the stairs to Mari’s desk and sat down next to her. She took his hand in hers with a smile, Damian returned it with a soft smirk, placing their hands on the desk.
“Ok, next, I’m being joined by a TA. Please be kind to her,” Ms. Bustier said after a shocked pause with a smile. Next, a woman with red-dyed hair, the same red as Kim’s sweatshirt, pulled into a side braid came in with a smile. She looked to be in her early 20s. “Care to introduce yourself?”
“My name is Lana Grayson. But you are to call me Ms. Grayson,” Lana replied smiling still. “Any questions?”
“Are you dating anyone?” Kim asked and Lana looked surprised at that.
“I was not expecting that, but yes. I have a boyfriend. Any academic-related questions?” she asked and Alya shot up with her hand raised.
“Are you the same Ms. Grayson that’s being mentored by Lois Lane and Clark Kent?” she asked and Lana nodded.
“Yes, indeed I am. Now, I’m sure Ms. Bustier has a lesson to teach,” Lana answered which had Ms. Bustier nodding.
“Thank you. Here are their tests from yesterday, the answer sheet is in the teacher lounge.” Ms. Bustier handed a stack of papers to Lana who nodded and walked out of the room to get started.
A Week Later
“I just don’t understand. I try being so nice to Marinette, but she just keeps being so mean. She pushed me in the hall when we were heading back to class,” Lila said tearing up. The class surrounded the crying girl and offered words of comfort to her.
“Marinette is just a bully. You don’t have to worry yourself over her. We’ll make sure she gets what she deserves,” Alya said and most of the class nodded agreement.
Lana paused outside the classroom’s door holding papers when she heard that. She quickly headed down to Ms. Mendeleiev’s classroom. She had to tell someone about what was going on in the classroom that wasn’t Principle Damocles.
Nathaniel looked at Chloe and Sabrina worried who nodded agreement. They pulled Rose, Juleka, and Ivan aside when the class left the room. Meanwhile, Lila and Adrien left for a photoshoot Gabriel had planned.
“You don’t believe her do you?” Nathaniel asked the three. “You know Marinette. She hates bullies, and she’s helped us all so much. Why would she do something like that?” Nathaniel looked between them and they each had a thoughtful look.
“She does so much to help us. She did help me with my photo curse,” Juleka said softly which had Ivan and Rose nodding.
“She helped me get together with Mylene,” Ivan added.
“Exactly! She wouldn’t hurt people. It’s not her at all!” Nathaniel said and the three nodded with him.
“It shouldn’t have even been in question. It’s just ridiculous, utterly ridiculous,” Chloe replied shaking her head.
“Ya, definitely!” Sabrina agreed, nodding. That had the three looking rightfully ashamed of themselves. Rose opened her mouth a few times, trying to find the right thing to say when they heard a scream.
A very Marinette sounding scream.
Followed by their classmates laughing.
Dread filled them as they ran out of the room.
Mari smiled as she waved goodbye to Damian as he left the school quickly at Jason’s request. Lana was downstairs talking to Ms. Mendeleiev in her classroom. “Marinette!” Alya shouted and Mari looked back to see Alya heading toward her with some of her classmates following. The only one who didn’t look mad or betrayed was Nino. Nino looked confused.
“What do you want, Alya?” Mari asked looking at everyone warily, crossing her arms.
“How could you push Lila earlier!” Alya shouted and Mari glared at her ex-friend.
“I didn’t push Lila. I haven’t been alone with Lila at all. In fact, I’ve been avoiding her,” Mari explained and Alya scoffed.
“Ya right. How can we believe that?” Alya demanded as the others nodded agreement.
“How can you believe Lila? Huh!? Did she give you proof? No, she didn’t. Yet you demand proof from me!” Mari yelled out angrily. That had some of the students looking less angry, but Alya looked furious.
“Lila wouldn’t lie to us. It’s time you get what you deserve!” Alya shouted talking a step toward Mari. Everyone was glaring and smiling as Alya went toward Mari. Nino started looking worried, right alongside Mari. Mari took a step back, catching herself before she fell down the stairs.
“Alya, what are you doing!?” Nino demanded.
“You wouldn’t,” Mari desperately spoke and Alya just smirked.
“Just giving karma to a bully,” Alya replied stopping in front of Mari. “We will never be your friend again, Marinette.”
“Wait-!” Mari tried but Alya didn’t listen or wait. She shoved Mari hard down the staircase. As Mari screamed going down the staircase, the class laughed while Nino didn’t make a sound. He could only watch terrified as Mari fell down the metal and cement staircase. Alya pulled him up to the library as everyone continued laughing, Alya repeating how she deserved it.
Lana and Ms. Mendeleiev were talking about Ms. Bustier’s class when they heard screaming. “Oh no,” Lana whispered as the two shared a look before running out of the classroom. “Marinette!” Lana gasped out running to her prone figure at the base of the staircase. Nathaniel, Chloe, Sabrina, Juleka, Rose, and Ivan all made different sounds of shock and horror when they saw Mari too.
Mari was more or less on her side. Her torso was turned down to the ground while her left leg somewhat rested on her right. Her head rested on her right arm while her left arm was bent toward her right arm. As they kneeled down next to her, the noticed a few things.
The first? Blood.
Blood was leaving from a couple of scratches on her arms but came mainly from her head and neck.
Second? Her wrist.
Her left wrist was dislocated, possibly even fractured. But they couldn’t be sure until a doctor saw it.
The third? She wasn’t responding.
Ms. Mendeleiev and Lana carefully touched Mari, trying to see what all was wrong, but Mari never reacted. Not even when they touched her dislocated wrist which would have hurt moving even a little. She was barely breathing. “Call an ambulance!” Lana ordered and that sprung the group into action.
Chloe pulled out her phone and called for a hospital while Sabrina called her dad to get police for what happened. After that, Chloe, Sabrina, and Nathaniel all waited at the school’s entrance while the other three waited with Ms. Mendeleiev and Lana. Other students had arrived by then and were looking scared and worried.
Medics finally arrived and ran over to them and kneeled down when they moved out of the way.
Lana sat beside Mari’s bedside with Jason standing behind her. Damian was on Mari’s other side, holding her hand. Different monitors beeped at her side. Sabine and Tom where outside Mari’s hospital room talking to police with Nino and the others. Nino couldn’t believe what the others did to Mari. Fu sat across from Mari, staring sadly as they waited for the doctor. Her wrist was splinted and bandages were wrapped around her.
A soft groan had the three looking at Mari intently. Mari’s hand twitched in Damian’s grip. “Angel?” Damian whispered quietly. Mari groaned as her eyes blinked open slowly. She looked between them, eyes unfocused as she slowly processed everything. After processing, her eyes turned panicked and her breathing hitched. The heart monitor started beeping quickly. “Angel, you’re ok. You’re safe now,” Damian said but Mari didn’t seem to hear. Her splinted hand rested on top of Lana’s.
“I-I can’t-” she started and by then her parents, classmates, and the doctor came into the room having heard talking. The doctor looked nervous and sorry to what could have caused her heart rate to go up. “I can’t feel my legs,” she finally got out and no one dared to breathe or make any sound.
The doctor went to her and started doing a few tests before looking between Mari and her parents. “You had spinal cord damage from falling down those stairs Marinette. We couldn’t know how it would affect you until you woke up. We can now see that it has caused you to become paralyzed. The chances of recovering naturally are very slim. Procedures are being made that could let you walk again. But those are slim chances as well. I’m sorry, but you may never walk again,” he said patting the bed rail before leaving the room.
Tears were falling from Mari’s eyes while everyone around her looked heartbroken. “What-what’s going to happen?” Mari gasped out.
“I don’t know, sweetie,” Sabine said sadly, tears falling as she looked at her daughter. “I-I need to be alone,” she said and left the room. Tom looked sadly between his wife and daughter.
“I’ll be back sweetheart. She needs me,” Tom said and Mari nodded, knowing her mom needed her dad right then.
“We should talk to the police about this development,” Rose said quietly and Juleka nodded. Rose, Juleka, Sabrina, and Nino left the room leaving Chloe, Ivan, and Nathaniel in the room.
“I’m so sorry, Marinette,” Fu said and Mari nodded agreement. No one said anything after as they didn’t know what to say. But then they heard screaming coming from outside. Damian went to the window and his eyes widened.
“Akuma. It’s your mother, Angel,” he said and the group gasped. Mari looked at Fu pained and he nodded.
“Chat Noir has been retired. His behavior was unacceptable. Who do you trust to use the miraculous?” Fu asked and the three looked surprised while Lana, Jason, and Damian nodded understanding. Tikki flew from Mari’s hair and landed on the bed.
“Whoever you give it to must balance each other out, Marinette. Creation and Destruction must always be balanced,” Tikki said and Mari nodded understanding as she took off her earrings and held them in hand.
“No,” Chloe whispered softly and Mari gave them a rueful smile.
“This was why I called Lila a liar. She was never best friends with Ladybug,” Mari explained and the three nodded at that slowly. She then turned to Jason and Lana and held the earrings out to Lana. “You two balance each other out well. I think you’d work well as the new Ladybug and Char Noir,” she said and Lana nodded slowly taking the earrings from Mari’s hands.
“I’ll do you proud Mari,” Lana said putting the earrings in as Fu handed Jason the ring. The ring slimmed down a bit as Jason slid the ring onto his middle finger.
“We won’t let you down,” Jason added with a nod, Plagg floated next to him nodding as well.
“You’ll need help,” Fu said and looked over at the three. “Do you three accept the burden of wielding a miraculous and fighting for the greater good?” he asked and they nodded agreement.”Ivan, I present to you, the turtle, Miraculous of Protection.” Fu slipped off the bracelet and handed it to Ivan who slipped it on. Wayzz went over to Ivan and rested on his shoulder. “Nathaniel, I present to you, the fox, Miraculous of Illusions.” he pulled out the Fox miraculous from the Miracle Box and handed it to Nathaniel. The necklace turned into a chocker for Nathaniel, much like his boyfriend’s, the pendant shrunk down and turned solid gray. Trixx laid on his head after smiling at Nathaniel. “Chloe, I present to you the bee, Miraculous of Subjection.” he pulled the miraculous out and Chloe took it happily and placed it in her hair. She greeted Pollen with a hug.
“Chloe, you will need to change your outfit and name to use the Bee Miraculous,” Mari said and Chloe nodded understanding.
“Tikki, spots on!”
“Plagg, claws out!”
“Pollen, buzz on!”
“Trixx, let’s pounce!”
“Wayzz, shell on!”
Light flashed through the room as everyone transformed and looked at themselves. Lana had a black undersuit with short muted red gloves, a muted red jacket, muted red boots along with a slitted wrap-around her waist with black spots, and a mask that was like Mari’s. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail with two red ribbons coming from it and the yo-yo sat on her hips.
Jason’s outfit looked like his Red Hood outfit being all black. His black mask made his eyes green and cat-like and along his jacket, green lines appeared. Gloves covered his hands had claws at his fingertips. Cat ears were on top of his head and sash wrapped around his waist and trailed down like a tail. The staff sat in the small of his back.
Chloe had a black undersuit with a yellow jacket over it. The upper arms had black v’s. Black gloves with yellow fingers covered her hands. Knee-high yellow boots with small black heels covered her feet. A black and yellow mask similar to her first one covered her eyes. Black swilled her hair to mimic a bee’s stinger with two black ribbons coming off it.
Ivan had on black pants that were loose, bunching up at the knees where deep green lace-up boots started with black soles. An armored shirt with a light green turtle stomach pattern with deep green sleeves. Black gloves covered his hands and a light green mask covered his eyes while the turtle shell shield rested on his back.
Nathaniel had on a deep orange undersuit with a two-toned vest, the front white while the back was a deep orange. He had loose deep orange pants on that were covered by knee-high black boots. His hands were covered by black gloves too. Covering his face was a black and orange mask and ears were on his head. The tips of his hair were white and around his waist was a sash that looked like a foxtail. Finally, the flute rested on his back waiting to be used.
“What are your names?” Mari asked and the group smiled.
“Renard Rouge.” Mari nodded at the group and they nodded back.
“Let’s go,” Ladybird said walking over to the window and opened it. She grabbed her yo-yo and threw it out the window. With a small salute to Mari, she swung off, quickly followed by Jinx and Bumble. Renard and Tortue jumped out of the window and rushed after the three as they made their way to the Akuma.
The group stopped on a roof near the school, where the Akuma was heading. Lady Justice, as she was calling herself, was glaring at the school. People were scrambling to get away as she raised her scale, sword tip pointing at the ground. After the scale tipped to one side she raised her sword to hit something was when Ladybird moved. She threw her yo-yo down and it wrapped around Lady Justice’s hand, and pulled up, preventing her from continuing her movement.
People stopped running and looked up to see them on the roof. As they watched, the five heroes jumped down in front of Lady Justice. “Who are you!?” Lady Justice demanded as students from the school ran out. Alya as always had her phone out, recording, but she looked angry when she saw someone wearing the Fox miraculous.
“I’m Ladybird and this is Jinx, the new Ladybug and Chat Noir,” she said and people muttered to the sides in their hiding spots.
“And I’m Bumble.”
“And Renard Rouge.” the five heroes glared at Lady Justice as Hawkmoth started talking to Lady Justice.
“No matter, let me take care of the scum that hurt my daughter and give me your miraculous,” she demanded and Ladybird shook her head.
“No can do. They may be guilty, but that doesn’t mean you can hurt them. The police will deal with them,” Ladybird said with a smirk. Lady Justice swung her sword and the five heroes were thrown backward. They either hit the walls of the school or hit the staircase with groans.
“Ladybird, what happened to the original Ladybug? Why did you replace Rena Rouge?” she demanded and Ladybird gave her a short glare before turning back to Lady Justice.
“Keep her busy!” Ladybird shouted as she swung up to the roofs. Jinx turned Lady Justice’s focus back to him when she turned to follow Ladybird. Ladybird looked at Lady Justice intently, trying to see what could be the akumatized object. Sabine hadn’t been holding anything that she was aware of besides tissues.
Holding Sabine’s hair up intricately was a purple ribbon. That was a ribbon from Mari’s hair. With a whistle, the group joined her on the roof quickly and Lady Justice went back to judging people, slowly inching toward the students that ran back inside. Alya’s head and phone could be seen sticking out the door recording still.
“Figured out what the Akumatized object is?” Jinx asked and Ladybird nodded.
“Yes, it’s the ribbon holding Lady Justice’s hair up. It won’t be easy getting it though,” she said and the group nodded agreement.
“How do you suggest getting it?” Renard asked.
“Ok, Bumble, you’ll wait up here. The rest of us are going to distract Lady Justice. Once she’s distracted, you’ll use Venom on her. If we’re lucky, we won’t need to use anyone else’s special powers,” Ladybird said and the group nodded understanding.
“Sounds like a plan,” Jinx said and with one last nod, the four jump back down while Bumble summoned Venom and waited. While Jinx dueled Lady Justice with his staff, Bumble jumped down behind Lady Justice and hit her with Venom.
Lady Justice froze with a shout, positioned to strike Jinx. Ladybird walked up to Lady Justice and pulled the ribbon out and tore it apart. “No more evil for you, little butterfly,” Ladybird said as the butterfly started flying away. “Time to purify!” with a quick swing, the butterfly was caught in her yo-yo. “Goodbye, little butterfly,” she said tapping the middle of her yo-yo letting the now purified butterfly fly away. “Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybird shouted out as she threw her yo-yo up into the air and millions of ladybugs flew out repairing everything.
The group turned to Lady Justice as she groaned and watched as she turned back to Sabine. Ladybird kneeled down next to Sabine who looked at her confused. “What happened?” she asked and Ladybird gave her a small smile.
“You were akumatized, miss. But don’t worry,” Ladybird said and Sabine looked at her hands as Ladybird placed the ribbon in them. “I heard what happened to your daughter, I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you, but I should be the one who’s sorry,” Sabine said and Ladybird placed a hand on Sabine’s shoulder.
“Don’t. Your daughter was attacked and put in the hospital. You have every right to be upset, to want justice. Hawkmoth used your rage against you,” Ladybird said and Sabine nodded at that.
“Hawkmoth seemed pretty nervous when he akumatized me,” Sabine said and Ladybird smirked at that.
“Well, there’s nothing scarier than a mother’s rage,” Ladybird said. By then, they heard cars arrive and footsteps and looked up. News vans were arriving and her team was keeping them back. Alya kept trying to push past them and kept glaring at Renard Rouge. “Bumble, take her back to her family,” Ladybird said and Bumble nodded, walking over to them. Sabine smiled as Bumble helped her up and started walking them back to the hospital. Ladybird watched them go for a little before turning to the crowd. “One at a time please,” she said walking over to them as the others fell back to stand next to her.
“What happened to Ladybug and Chat Noir?” Nadja asked calmly and Ladybird nodded to her as everyone quieted down to hear the answer.
“Chat Noir was forcibly retired, his behavior was unacceptable. Ladybug had to step down. She was...incapacitated sadly. So she gave us the miraculous in her stead,” Ladybird explained.
“What are we to call you?” another asked.
“Call me Ladybird, the new cat goes by Jinx. The others are Tortue, Renard Rouge, and Bumble,” she introduced, pointing to each in turn except for Bumble since they watched her leave with Sabine.
“What happened to Rena Rouge and Carapace!?” Alya demanded and Ladybird narrowed her eyes at her.
“Retired. They didn’t show the capacity to be heroes in their civilian lives so they couldn’t be trusted anymore.”
“Ya turns out they didn’t treat being a hero seriously,” Jinx added wrapping an arm around Ladybird’s shoulders.
“You know who Ladybug is?” Alya asked next, though they could hear the bitterness in her voice.
“That is none of your concern, just know this, she was the best Ladybug there could be and she trusted us to protect Paris,” Ladybird answered looking at everyone. “Only one more question, then we need to leave,” Ladybird said and the reporters shared a look with each other.
“Are you two together?”
“Will we ever see Ladybug again?” Alya and Nadja spoke at once and Ladybird glared at the tabloid writer.
“My relationship with Jinx is none of your concern. Frankly, the way you obsess over relationships is sickening. Ladybug was right in not wanting to work with you again,” Ladybird said and Alya gasped at that while the reporters around her looked smug.
“But, just so no one tries hitting on either of us, we are in fact together,” Jinx said pressing a kiss to the side of Ladybird’s head who was smiling as she shook her head fondly. “Been dating for a while now.”
“As for your question, Nadja,” Ladybird said looking at the woman, “It is highly unlikely that Ladybug will be back, ever. So-”
“What do you mean we won’t ever see her again!?” Alya demanded and Ladybird sighed.
“It means we are the permanent Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous holders. It’s quite simple. Now, we need to head out,” Ladybird said tersely and turned away from the reporters while pulling her yo-yo off. Grabbing Renard Rouge, she swung off, quickly followed by Jinx holding Tortue.
They slip into Mari’s room after finding it empty besides Fu and Chloe and destransformed. Lana sat down on a chair next to Mari’s bed and the others find chairs to fall into themselves. Chloe is shaking her head at them from her spot next to Mari while Damian smirks. “Are dealing with press always that annoying?” Lana asked as Jason went behind her, rubbing his hands over her shoulders. “I hope I did ok.”
“You did fine, Lana. Usually, Nadja and the others are tame. But since everyone was new, they were curious. They’ll mellow out after a bit. Alya though…” Mari trailed off there with a grimace.
“She was...a handful,” Lana said and Jason snorted at that. “Hush you.”
“Handful is an understatement and you know it, babe,” Jason said leaning down to give her a short hug.
“You don’t have to be nice about it, Lana. Alya doesn’t get when to stop. And I’m partially to blame for that,” Mari said and Lana shook her head leaning forward.
“Stop that. She was your friend and you wanted to help her. You did nothing wrong with ‘getting her’ interviews with Ladybug. It’s her fault for not learning how to be a proper and real reporter. She talks a lot about wanting to be one but doesn’t do anything to do it,” Lana said with the others nodding their agreement.
“You causing Cesaire to be overbearing is an utterly ridiculous thought!” Chloe added and Mari gave them a small smile.
“But you did do well, Lana. We probably should have come up with a reason for why I’m retired, but we can do that now. The next time you get asked about it, you’ll be ready.”
A few weeks go by slowly for Mari. The doctor didn’t want her leaving the hospital so her parents agreed to keep her there. Lana and Jason kept her company most of the time. Though that was only when Lana managed to get Ms. Bustier to allow her to do some work from home. Damian and her few friends visited whenever they could after class. Her parents had kept the bakery closed the first few days before returning to it. But they visited right after closing the bakery.
Since she wasn’t going anywhere, Fu taught her more about the Miraculous and trained her to be the next Guardian. Depending on who else was there, he’d also teach them. But not as extensively. At the end of the third week, after hearing many tales about what the class was gossiping about, she was let out.
During the time she was in the hospital, Chloe had her father pay for taking care of making their home more wheelchair accessible. Meaning their home moved from the top two floors to the bottom two. Mari’s new bedroom along with the family room, kitchen, and bathroom was on the bottom floor, all modified to be easily traversed by wheelchair. Her parent’s bedroom and bathroom was on the floor above, but they could easily talk to each other when her parent’s bedroom door was open.
They kept most of her room the same, even the same color of pink, she had a window planter where all her plants were. Along the window were her fairy lights along with curtains. Her bed was on the ground next to a window. The rest of her stuff was set up similarly to how it was in her old room. Next to her bed though was a custom pink and gray wheelchair. On different pieces of metal, her friends, Uncle Jagged, Aunt Penny, Clara, and family had signed their names. The wheels had spokes covered in beads making the cherry blossom pattern she uses on her items. The center circle that’s connected to all the spokes had her stylized M on it.
Mari stayed out of school for another week. Her parents and doctor recommended it to get used to moving around in a wheelchair. Once the week was over, she along with her parents and Lana went to the school to talk to Principle Damocles. They were glad that the school had an elevator system to get up to the upper levels. Soon, they were in Principal Damocles’s office talking to him.
Damocles did not like hearing what happened to Mari. “Of course you can transfer out of that class, Marinette. Are there any other students that are being targeted?”
“Well, Chloe, Sabrina, and Nathaniel are being ostracized by the others as well,” Mari said and Damocles nodded at that.
“You may want to consider moving Damian to the same class as Marinette, Principal Damocles. I’ve had to prevent him from attacking any of the students that were involved in this,” Lana added and he nodded once more. He had gotten some reports that Damian was snappier and more willing to start a fight.
“Yes, that would most likely be smart. What class would you prefer to transfer into, Marinette?” Mari shared a look with Lana who nodded.
“Well, Lana talked to the teachers I’d like to transfer into and Ms. Mendeleiev said we could go into her class with ease,” Mari said and Damocles nodded at that as he typed into his computer.
“Ah yes. One student transferred to a Medical focused school and two others have moved out of the country. Only two students would need to move and apparently the two are willing to go to you’re old classroom,” Damocles said and Mari smiled at that. “Ms. Grayson, will you please go tell those students about the change?”
“Of course, sir,” Lana said leaving the room as they finished up. She soon reached Ms. Bustier’s classroom and saw that students were already there. Chloe was talking down an angry Damian while Sabrina and Nathaniel were looking between them and the other students. Everyone looked over at her when she entered but returned to talking as she walked toward the back. “Guys?” she asked quietly and they turned to listen to her. “Principal Damocles has accepted your requests to transfer classes. You’ll be in Ms. Mendeleiev’s class now,” she said and the four relaxed at that. Three looked happy while Damian stopped scowling. “Get your things, the two transferring into this class still need to be told,” she said and the four quickly gathered their things.
To say Ms. Bustier’s class was surprised would be an understatement. They were feeling a lot of things when Ms. Bustier told them that Mari and the others transferred classes and two students transferred into their class. The two were glaring at everyone as they walked to the back and sat down. “First overreacting and going to the hospital. Now transferring? Marinette’s such a coward,” Alya hissed which had the classmates that heard nodding. Except for most of Kitty Section who glared at them. They were the only ones the two transfers would talk to. Once lunch rolled around, the class wanted to give Mari a piece of their mind about what she’s doing. Especially since the whole thing had Lila so down she wouldn’t talk about her amazing weekends.
But that wasn’t the whole reason. Yes, Lila was down about what happened. But it was because of who and how it happened. Yes, Lila was cruel. She threatened and manipulated people. But she didn’t harm them. Hurting people and destroying their personal property was going too far. She wasn’t a monster. Learning that the class, minus Adrien, Chloe, Sabrina, Nathaniel, and most of Kitty Section, had done that to Mari, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue. How could she when she just learned that the class would do that to their ex-friend?
Was it worth it to keep leading the class of sheep around if they would take action on whatever she said? To keep listening to them saying how she’ll get them whatever they needed? To actually always be busy doing the things they asked just to make sure her ruse kept up? To keep listening to them talking horribly about people that used to be their friend? She didn’t think it was. She couldn’t believe it when she heard Adrien reprimand Mari a month ago about outing her. She saw through him immediately.
He didn’t want to make sure she didn’t get Akumatized.
He wanted to stay in school.
He didn’t want to risk irking his father.
He thought she’d actually tell his father what was happening.
And it disgusted her.
At least she was upfront about what she did.
So when lunch finally came around, she was the first one out of the classroom. She wanted to find Mari to apologize. She didn’t think this would happen. It never had before. But when she ran down the stairs into the courtyard, she froze.
A gasp leaving her as her blood froze in her veins.
Blood leaving her face.
Mari glanced over at Lila.
Lila could hear the other students stopping behind her as they saw it too. They put Mari in a wheelchair.
“Marinette,” Lila began walking forward and Mari narrowed her eyes at her. “I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I never thought they’d do this,” she said and Mari looked at her shocked. She could tell Lila meant it. Tears were going down Lila’s face and she refused to open her eyes. The few times she saw Lila’s eyes, she saw remorse.
Whenever Lila lied while crying?
She always had her eyes open, only blinking a couple of times to keep the tears going.
But now?
She didn’t want to look at Mari and tried stopping the tears.
“I forgive you, Lila. I know you didn’t mean it,” Mari whispered and Lila looked shocked at that, as well as her friends. While Lana was shocked, she was happy to see the interaction of Mari not holding it over Lila.
“Mari-” Adrien started but Mari looked up at the class from her chair, a fire in her eyes.
“Don’t call me that. Only my friends call me that. And you are not my friend, Agreste,” Mari said and Adrien froze. Damian, who was sitting next to her staying quiet knowing she needed to do this, reached over and took her hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze which she returned.
“What happened?” Alya asked and even Lila looked at her shocked. Ivan, Rose, and Juleka all paused in their walking up to Mari to look at her. They soon reached Mari and tuned to glare at Alya and the others. Mari squeezed Damian’s hand tightly at those words.
“What happened? What happened!? You shoved me down the stairs Alya. Everyone else was laughing. Only Nino could see how horrible and wrong that was. You shoved me down metal and cement stairs,” Mari shouted, tears forming in her eyes and falling as she continued to yell. “My doctor says I may never walk again! And it’s all because of you! So don’t you dare play dumb and ask what happened!”
Nino stepped forward toward Mari as she yelled and fell to his knees as he pulled off his cap. Everyone else in the class stepped back in shock at seeing Mari so angry. “I’m so sorry, Marinette. I should have stopped them. Should have been quicker. Should have done so much more than just stand aside shocked,” Nino started looking up at Mari, ringing his cap in his hands as his eyes got misty. “I’m so sorry for being such a terrible friend to you. I don’t deserve your forgiveness nor your friendship.”
Mari let Damian’s hand go after a beat then rolled closer to Nino and leaned over. She took his hands into hers and smiled softly at him. “I think I should be the one to decide that don’t you think?” she said softly and Nino gave a small nod, a weak smile touching his lips. “You can still earn it back, you didn’t participate in what they were doing,” she said and Nino’s smile strengthened a bit as he wiped his eyes and put his cap back on. She continued to give him a small smile as she rolled back to the others. Damian immediately grasped her hand in his while his other rested on her shoulder.
“I’ll do everything I can to earn it.”
Mari looked over to the others with a glare while Lila stood to the side. She was glaring at them too. The rest of the school was watching them warily. “Lana?” Mari asked and Lana stepped forward with a smirk.
“Yes, Mari?”
“You have the papers?”
“I do,” Lana replied moving her hand from behind her back to show several orange envelopes.
“You know what to do.” Lana continued smirking as she walked over to the other class handing each of them an envelope before stopping in front of Alya, her smirk turned sharp, shark-like.
“You all have been served,” she said and they gasped or shouted out in shock. Nino and Lila nodded agreement to what Mari had done. Nino knew it was coming since talking to the police. Lila wasn’t surprised. They deserved being sued.
“Y-you can’t do that!” Alya stuttered out and Lana and Damian ‘tsked’ at them.
“You truly don’t know anything, huh?” Lana asked rhetorically at Alya. Alya opened her mouth but stopped when Lana raised a hand in Alya’s face and glared at her. “It’s within Mari and her family’s right to sue all of you for harassment. Especially you, Cesaire. You hospitalized Mari when you pushed her down those stairs. You’re lucky she didn’t die. Otherwise, your penalty would be much worse than it already is,” Lana explained and Alya paled at hearing that.
“You’ll find that you’re also being sued by the Wayne family for slander and using our name to gain things,” Damian added glaring at Alya. After Lila mentioned one time that Damian had accidentally hit her when they were younger while arguing, Alya had soaked it up and changed it to make it worse. Lila was horrified when she saw that and had messaged Wayne lawyers about it. She was glad they didn’t sue her. She did get a warning and managed to get away with paying a fine, which was fair.
Right then, all their parents came in. they looked furious. Lana and the others were looking around the sky as each parent went up to their child and dragged them out of school yelling. Lila’s mom came too and looked sorry and disappointed.  “Lila,” she started and Lila stopped her mom.
“I know. But I never meant it, mom! I swear. I had no idea this would happen,” Lila said and her mother looked over at Mari and her friends.
“She didn’t, ma’am,” Mari said and Lila’s mom nodded at that.
“Surely we can do something to make up for this entire mess?” she asked and Lila nodded agreement to that.
“I’ll need some time to think about that,” Mari replied and Lila’s mom nodded understanding.
“Of course. I’m so sorry,” she said before leaving the school’s courtyard. Adrien could only stare after what had happened. Damian had his arm around Mari’s shoulders. Most of the class had been taken home by their parents. Nino and the others that hadn’t done anything were standing next to Mari. Even Lila was standing next to Mari and talking to her! Adrien started walking over to her only to get blocked by their old TA, Lana.
“What do you think you’re doing, Agreste?” she asked looking down at the folder she gave Adrien. It was the thinnest of the bunch.
“I’m going to talk to Mari. This is ridiculous!” Adrien said and Lana glared at him.
“Oh no, you don’t. She’s allowed to sue. And you are one of the people to be sued too. You may not have done the same thing as the others, but you did harass and berate her for doing what’s right. Not to mention, if you had bothered opening up the envelope, you’d have seen a restraining order. You are to under no circumstances talk to Marinette nor be within 10 feet of her while at school while outside of school you must stay 50 feet away from her. Breach it? You get in trouble. Your father was not happy to hear about what happened. So why don’t you go wait outside at the gate for your father’s assistant to arrive,” Lana said with a smirk on her lips and Adrien glared at her before stomping off.
“Today has certainly been interesting,” Mari said as Lana walked back over to which they all nodded agreement.
“I think that’s an understatement,” Juleka replied softly which had some of them agreeing.
“Since that’s out of the way, how bout after school, I take you all out for ice cream. Sound good?” Lana asked smiling and Mari and her friends voiced their agreement to that.
A scream broke the comfortable silence that covered them. Lana sighed and shook her head as she turned toward the school’s entrance. “I shouldn’t even be surprised,” she mumbled. “I’ll be back. I need to make sure Jason’s ok!” she said running toward the entrance.
Ok, so here it is! This took quite a while to wright I’ll admit. But it was worth it. i had fun writing this. i will apologize thou for any mistakes in medical or law stuff. I did my best. If u know what i did wrong, feel free to tell me n i WILL fix it. Anyways, i hope u enjoyed this slightly(?) angsty piece. I just had to write it after seeing that prompt on Tumblr. Until next time!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter Two
So you all voted and your wanted to read this one more! So I hope you enjoy!
The Master: Master List
No More Second Chances: Master List
When the plane landed, she got off the plane and got her luggage. She entered the main area of the airport, where three people with a sign stood. She smiled and walked towards the group. “Hello, are you Marinette?”
“Yes, are you my host family?” She smiled, holding out her hand.
“Yes, I’m Jon, this is my dad, Clark, and my mom Lois,” Jon said, pulling her into a hug.
“Well it’s nice to meet all of you,” Marinette said.
“It’s nice to meet you too, are you hungry? We were wondering if you want to stop for food on the way,” Lois said, warmly. 
“That would be lovely,” Marinette said, following them to the car. When they were sitting in the Chick-fil-a (love their food btw), Lois informed her that she would have her own room, every other weekend Jon and her will go to either stay in Gotham with friends or Smallville to stay with Jon’s grandparents, and that she will be starting school the upcoming Wednesday,
“We wanted to give you a day to get acclimated to the time difference,” Clark said, throwing out the trash, The drive to their apartment in the city was full of light chatter. She learned that he is a year younger than and even though he lives in Metropolis, he attends Gotham Academy, he takes the early train to school. She also learned that her host parents are none other than Lois Lane and Clark Kent.
She spent the next day sleeping and getting settled. She got up Wednesday earlier than she would’ve at home. Lois was sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee and checking emails on a tablet. “Good morning, Marinette, there’s coffee on the counter. Jon will be out of the shower in a bitf for when you want to get ready.”
“Thank you Lois,” Marinette said, grabbing a mug from the cabinet, before pouring herself a cup.
“Good morning, Marinette!” Jon says cheerfully, skipping into the kitchen, his hair wet, sticking to his forehead. His smile is as bright as ever.
“Good morning, Jon!” Marinette greets back, equally cheerful.
“I can’t wait for you to see the school, it's so nice, there're so many nice people there,” Jon said, grabbing Lucky Charms from the cabinet.
“Ok I’m excited to meet your friends,” Marinette said, leaving the kitchen to get changed. She cringes at the uniform she was told to wear a black skirt, button up white blouse, a red tie, and a black blazer with the Gotham Academy symbol. She brushes her hair out, leaving it semi-wavy, and puts on light make up to cover up her tiredness. She smiled, looking in the mirror, before leaving the bathroom. Jon was waiting by the door, holding her backpack out for her. 
“Merci Jon,” She says, taking her backpack. “Come on! Let’s go catch the train,” Jon said, whipping open the door. He rushed down the hall and pushed the button. The door was opening as Marinette caught up to him.
“How do you have so much energy?” She asks, leaning against the elevator’s wall.
“Sorry, I’m just excited,” Jon said, him rocking on and off his heels.
“For what?” “For you to meet my friends! And of course my best friend,” He said, the elevatoring dinging, they’re on the first floor. 
“How far is it to the train station?” As they leave the lobby.
“Just around the block, we have all year-around tickets.”
“Cool, how long is the train ride?”
“About a half hour,” Jon said, taking a seat. Marinette pulls out her sketchbook, letting herself be inspired by the outfits around her. Jon put on his headphones and just to cut down on the noise of the crowded subway. It was not long before Jon tapped Marinette, drawing her out of her mind and back to reality. “It’s time to get off. School start in half an hour and it's a three block walk.” As they walk, Jon points out things and talks about everything he knows about the place. As they walk up to school, a black car pulls up Jon, runs up to greet the person. Marinette shakes her head before joining Jon.
“Why do you keep doing that?” Marinette asks, reaching the two raven-hair boys. She looked at the new boy, smiled and said. “You must be Jon’s best friend, he’s been really excited for me to meet you.” She holds out her hand.
“I’m Damian, you are?” He asks, taking her hand, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m Marinette, Jon’s exchange sister? Is that how you would say it?”
“We’re hosting Marinette, so host siblings?”
“That works,” Marinette laughs.
“Class is starting soon,” Damian said curtly, ending the previous conversations.
“I have a favor to ask,” Jon smiles, bringing out his puppy dog eyes.
“And what is that?” Damain sighs, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“Since I'm a year younger than Marinette, and you both happen to be the same age. You probably have some of the same classes, would you be able to help lead her around? I really only trust you not to hit on her,” Jon pleaded, smiling widely. “I’ll owe you one, maybe help you get out of a gala or out of one of your family nights.”
“Fine,” Damian grumbles, as Jon hugs him.
“Jon, I can take care of myself ya know?” Marinette sighs, turning to walk away, leaving the two boys alone, or as alone as you can get in public.
“Sorry, I may not know her well but, she’s independent, doesn’t like assumptions, and apparently, hates liars, and will be the crap out of anyone. She’s stubborn but a complete sunshine child, like she challenges my sun shining-ness,” Jon says, quickly. “Bye.” he exclaims, skipping off.
“whatever,” Damian groaned, following the ravenette. When he found her, she was talking to the secretary.
“Here’s your time table, your locker number, and password.” the secretary says, handing her a couple of pieces of paper. 
“Thank you, monsieur!” Marinette exclaims, before turning to Damian. “Are you going to be that slow all day? I don’t want to be late.”
“Are you going to be rude all day, no? Ok let's go then,” He grumbles, leaving her no room for an answer. He started walking away towards the senior hall, where their lockers are. She stared at his back, shocked, before following him. When she caught up he asked, “what’s your first class?”
“I have business first period,” She answers, quieter than before. He raised an eyebrow and sighed.
“I have that as well, why are you taking it?” He says grabbing his books.
“I want to own a business,” Marinette said, stating the obvious. “What about you?”
“It’s an easy class,” Damian says. “What’s your locker number?”
“358.” (fun fact that’s my locker number cuz I’m not creative.)
“That’s this way,” Damian says, once again, walking away. She puts her things in her new locker, before following Damian to their first class. When they enter the class there is practically nobody. “Mrs. Waters, this is Marinette, she’s an exchange student from Paris.”
“Hello Madame Waters,” She greets, shaking her hand.
“Hello, are you staying with Damian?”
“No, he’s not my host family, I’m staying with Jon… Damian, I forgot his last name.”
“She’s staying with Kents, but Jon is younger than Marinette so he asked me to show her around and probably has something with me being able to speak French,” Damian explains.
“You didn’t really come at a good time,” Mrs. Waters sighs. “I just introduced a project yesterday, Damian you didn’t pick a partner, would you be Marinette’s?”
“Madame, with all do respect, he doesn’t need to help me, just let me know the parameters of the project,” Marinette smiles.
“Nope! I’ve decided, you’ll be partners,” She smiles, adding a clap before walking behind her desk. She opened a drawer and grabbed a stack of papers, and put them on her desk before walking and opening to the cabinets. She pulled out a textbook and also put it on the desk. “This is the material, including your project,  you need for this class, you’re lucky that you’re starting at the beginning of the semester.”
“Is this only a semester class?”
“Yep! Now take a seat next to Damian, and when class starts you can introduce yourself!” She says, enthusiastically.  Marinette takes her seat, groans, and lays her head on the desk. Damian rolls his eyes at her dramatics. He was about to comment, when the bell rang. Mrs. Waters went through role call, Marinette responded when her name was called, and didn’t flinch at the mention of his last name.
“Good morning student, as some of you may have noticed, we have a new student. Ms. Dupain-Cheng can you come to the front?” Marinette drags herself out of her seat, still feeling the anxiety of a new school and the tiredness from the change in time zones. 
“I would prefer to go by Marinette Fu, but you may all call me Mari. I’m part of the exchange program from Paris, my host family are the Kents, and that’s all you really need to know,” Marinette says conscily, before walking back to her seat.
“Perfect! Now moving on,” Mrs. Water says, adding a clap for emphasis. Before starting her lesson plan for the day. As they were leaving Mrs. Waters pulled her aside. “Marinette, I’m excited to have you in my class for the rest of the year, I’ll also be your English teacher. Also if you need any help don’t be afraid to come talk to me!”
“Thank you Madame, have a good day,” Marinette says, waving goodbye.
“Are you quite finished, we’re going to be late for our next class,” Damian says, pushing himself off the wall, where he had been leaning.
“How do you even know we have the same next class?” Marinette asks, adding an eyeroll.
“It was on your desk during first period, after that we have a different class, but it’s back in Mrs. Waters’ room,” Damian says. ��Then we have one different class after lunch.”
“Whatever, I’ll sit with Jon at lunch,” Marinette sighed as they entered the next class. The classes were as good as classes can be. They walked to lunch together, before Marinette was dragged off by Jon, Damian joining, with a sigh, soon after.
“Sooooooooo! What do you think about school? What about Damian?! Has he been nice to you?” Jon say, excitedly, almost vibrating.
“Everything and everyone has been great. Well, Damian is a bit grumpy, but he’s bearable,” Marinette answers with a small smile.
“It’s not like you’re an angel either!” Damian defends.
“Whatever,” She says with an eye roll. “See what I mean.”
“Noo! You two have to get along, I wouldn’t be able to stand my sister and best friend fighting,” Jon whined.
“Speaking of fighting, Damian, when do you want to work on the project?” Marinette asked, ignoring Jon’s complaints.
“You should work on it at our apartment!” Jon exclaims, earning a raised eyebrow from Damian.
“We would get more work done there than at my house,” he agrees with a sigh.
“Ya! Your sibling can be loud,” Jon adds.
“But so can you,” Damian deadpans.
“Jon, as much of a sunshine you are, this isn’t your project, kay?” Marinette cuts in.
“He’s right though, my brothers are unbearable,” Damian groans.
“How many siblings do you have?”
“I had none, now I have Jon around,” Marinette smiles.
“You think of me as a brother!” Jon exclaims, tackle-hugging her.
“Be careful! I need to breathe765,” Marinette said, before opening her mini bag, she lets out a sigh of relief.
“Well then, it’s settled, you’ll come home with us this afternoon,” Jon exclaims, before standing up to throw away his trash.
“I’ll call Alfred,” Damian says. Marinette follows Jon and throws away her stuff. When they got back, Damian was hanging up. “Time for our next class.” He states, standing. 
The last couple of classes were just as boring as the first had been. She had been so happy to leave, just to realize her and Damian had a project to work on.
Next chapter coming soon, don’t be afraid to leave comments, asks, or to chat with me.The support is amazing! (also quarantine is boring as heck)
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spaceshipsarecool · 7 years
Two Words
Happy Birthday @poppyssupergirl​!!! I hope you are having a fabulous day and that you are getting all the cake and ice cream and whatever else you could so desire <3
Here is a little fic for you, I hope you enjoy!
Cat tapped her fingers along the edge of her desk, lips pursed in a thin line as her eyes skimmed over the fresh new Superman interview splattered across the front page. It was aimed at her, of course. Metropolis hadn’t had a major incident in a while and Lois had conducted so many interviews with the Man of Steel over the years that there could be no other reason for another one now.
Normally, Cat preferred to keep up with The Daily Planet from a distance, going so far as to have her IT Hobbit install special software on all her devices that would allow her to surf the online articles without adding to the click count, but every year on the anniversary of her departure from that paper she walked to the corner store and purchased a hard copy. And every year it felt like a victory; knowing that despite all the ‘Good Old Boys’ had done to keep her down, she had risen above. Cat had never had Lois’ charm, that something quality that let Lois smooth her way through the ranks, and in those days the Planet’s newsroom hadn’t been the place for a woman like Cat to charge ahead. So she had left and charged ahead on her own, and every year on this date she bought the paper to remind herself of just how far she had come.
This year should have been another sweeping victory, only she had had one too many martinis at the awards show last month and let the details of her ritual slip to Lois, and now instead of looking down at some mundane, hacked-together article from one of the usual lesser beings the paper employed, she was faced with this approximation of what Lois clearly thought was a good joke. And it would have been, Cat could admit that, if the players had been reversed. But in the months since Supergirl had surfaced, Cat had only managed to snag one interview with the girl. One, as compared to the three, no four—it was right there in the print, the entire article dedicated to Superman’s remembrances of his first year wearing the cape—interviews Lois had had in that same span of time. Those early months had secured a place for Lois’s name right next to Superman’s for the rest of time. And Cat was falling behind.
Her phone rang as she reached the last sentence, and she hit the ‘accept’ button before she fully registered who it was.
“Cat, darling, I wanted to congratulate you on your anniversary. Did you get my present?” There was a smugness in that tone, but something else as well, an almost playful quality that very few people would have recognized.
“Really, Lois?” Cat settled the paper on her lap, pulling off her glasses and tossing them back into the pile with the others. “Were you so desperate for my attention that you dragged Superman out of the sky just so you could get one over on me?”
“Please, I’ve been over you plenty of times in the past. Under you too, if memory serves, and neither of us were complaining then.” Despite herself Cat felt the corners of her lips start to twitch, and she hastily spun her chair around in case any of her employees dared to glance into her office. Most of them could read lips, and she didn’t need it to get out that her public rivalry with Lois Lane was actually based on a private, far less antagonistic relationship born from their mutual love of competition. “Besides,” Lois continued, “I hardly had to drag Superman from the sky. He was perfectly happy to do the interview from my bed.”
“I’m sure,” Cat’s voice was still dry, but her movements were gentle as she smoothed down the edge of the paper with her free hand. “And how is that farmboy of yours? Still glad you took up with him now that his more attractive cousin has appeared on the scene?”
“Clark is fine.” Lois ignored the barb. “He says to let you know the article was entirely my idea and to please not take it out on him next time you see each other. He’s still a little afraid of you after the cheese puff incident.”
Cat hmmed, noncommittal in case Clark was listening in. It was always good to let a little of that fear linger, you never knew when you might need an extra superhero in your pocket.
“But seriously, Cat,” Lois’ voice softened. “Congratulations. I looked up CatCo’s stock price last night and it was almost enough to make me wish I had come with you when you asked.”
Cat closed her eyes, her fingers tightening almost imperceptibly around her phone. She had broken every other anniversary she had ever had. Not on her own, but she wasn’t blameless in her four failed marriages. Yet for all that, when it came to this job, to her passion, for all the times when it would have been easier to give up and crawl back to The Daily Planet or any other established newspaper, she never had.
“Thank you, Lois,” she finally allowed a smile to blossom fully across her face. “But you know, as much as I appreciate your little joke with the article, if you really wanted to get me something, you should send Supergirl my way. Just tell her not to fly off with my car again. As impressive as that was, I was hardly in a position to watch the show and afterwards I had to drive myself home from that cliff. Do you have any idea how aggravating that was? I haven’t driven myself anywhere in years.”
Lois’s answering laugh was light, and so different from the way most people dared to act with Cat. “So would you rather she just picked you up and carried you bridal style? In all honesty, she probably needed the car as a buffer. You have been known to be somewhat intimidating on occasion.”
Cat’s smile turned smug even as she pushed on. “If you’re trying to divert me with compliments, Lois, it won’t work. Unless you want your Hanukkah gift this year to be tickets to the revival of Jekyll & Hyde, you better give me something.”
There was an audible gasp of horror on the other end, and Cat rolled her eyes.
“Alright, alright, sitting through that monstrosity once was enough. But I can’t just tell her to go see you. For one, she actually liked that show and wouldn’t understand the dire nature of your threat. And two, you don’t really want me to make it easy on you, do you? The Cat Grant I know and love wouldn’t be able to appreciate an interview with Supergirl unless she had to work for it herself. I’ll give you a hint, that’s all.” Lois paused, but Cat stayed quiet, letting the silence carry her waiting judgement. “Ok, then. If you want to talk to Supergirl, all you have to do, is think ‘mushrooms.’”
“Mushrooms,” Cat muttered to herself as she slashed her red pen liberally over the CatCo magazine proofs. It had been a week since the phone call. Seven days, and she had been stubbornly refusing to act on something as ridiculous as the ‘hint’ Lois had so graciously give her. In truth, she wasn’t entirely convinced this wasn’t an elaborate prank, a continuation of Lois’s article joke, but as her pen hovered over yet another secondhand account of Supergirl’s heroics, Cat felt herself wavering.
Sales were still up, but Cat wasn’t so naive as to think that would last. Humans had an unbelievable capacity to adjust and explain away the spectacular, and without regular reminders to stop and smell the roses, as it were, even Supergirl would become old hat. Soon, simply relaying Supergirl’s activities wouldn’t be good enough anymore. Cat needed more.
“Fine. We’ll do it your way, Lois, but so help me god…” Cat put down the pen after one final stroke, already half-regretting her decision even as her mind was moving on to the next step.
It couldn’t be as simple as just eating the damn things, but Cat was hardly desperate enough to dress up in a costume and do some elaborate dance on the top of her building. She could have someone at The Tribune write an article or two about mushrooms, but what if Supergirl went to that person instead of Cat? What was it that would really get Supergirl’s attention? A mushroom garden? A giant mushroom light beamed into the sky like that thoroughly inefficient contraption they used in Gotham?
Two hours, an impulse jewelry purchase, and several google searches on mushroom costumes later, Cat was finally willing to admit that she was overthinking it. Sometimes her own brilliance got in the way when she was trying to function on a simpler level, and when that happened, she was never any good at re-regulating herself. She needed to talk to someone else with a fresh mind. Someone who would think the same way as Supergirl. Someone with that same light and smile. Someone… Cat’s eyes fell across her assistant working diligently at her desk outside Cat’s office.
“Kiera!” The name was out of her mouth in an instant, and it was only another more before the girl was standing in front of her, attentive and eager as always.
“Miss Grant?”
Cat tilted her head, ignoring the small bolt of pleasure that shot through her core at the sight, and she forced herself to assess Kara critically. She really was the perfect person to ask about this; Kara tried to see good in everyone, which in its own way was almost as inspiring as any number of Supergirl’s traits. If Cat thought about it more, she was even sure she would be able to think of several other overlapping qualities… like those arms, for instance, and what Cat assumed they would look like if Kara ever took off those hideous cardigans.
“Supergirl, Cat. Focus!” She pulled her mind back to the task at hand.
“Tell me, Kiera, what does someone like you think of when you hear the word, ‘mushrooms?’”
Kara’s fingers, which had been drifting loosely over her ipad, ready to take notes or call up whatever information Cat might need, froze, and Kara’s eyes widened beyond what should have been humanly possible as a blush started to spread across her face.
Well, that was interesting. Cat leaned in and studied Kara more intently—only to figure out what was causing that reaction of course, not for any other reason. The only thing she could think of was that the fungi might be part of some new slang she wasn’t aware of, but she was at least fairly confident that between the two of them, if either of them was to be out of the loop on idioms it would be Kara. So it couldn’t be that, but then what?
“Kiera, did you hear me. I asked-”
“Noonan’s makes an excellent Three-Mushroom Pie,” Kara blurted out, her blush somehow deepening. “I know it’s not exactly what you’re used to eating, but I would be pleased to procure it for your lunch. I mean…” Kara faltered, ducking her head as she realized that she had cut Cat off mid-sentence. “I-if you wanted, that is, Miss Grant…”
Cat opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in her throat as Kara risked a glance up, piercing blue eyes searching Cat’s face in a mixture of nervousness and hope, and suddenly there was a fluttering butterfly feeling in her stomach and she felt the tips of her fingers twitch with some inane desire to reach out.
“Stop it, Cat. You’re just getting excited about Supergirl. Now focus!” she inwardly berated herself. She was more than capable of admitting that her assistant was beautiful, and even that on occasion Kara seemed to possess an alarming astuteness and competence that was oddly appealing, but Cat was a fully grown, independent woman in complete control of her facilities. And those facilities did not allow for her to get sidetracked when a story was on the line.
“I suppose that doesn’t sound awful.” Cat found her voice, waving her hand dismissively and busying herself by looking down at non-existent work. She would give it a few days. Perhaps she had been wrong about food being too simple after all. So just a few days to try this approach… a few days that had nothing to do with the breathy “Yes, Miss Grant. Thank you!” Kara offered on her way out.
Kara was doing it again, looking at her, and it was making Cat feel both very warm and entirely too frantic at the same time. It was not at all a customary state for her to be in, yet she couldn’t seem to be able to bring herself to do anything to stop it.
In the month since that first meal, Cat had had nothing but different mushroom themed lunches every workday since. She had meant to switch to a new approach after four days, five at the most, but that plan had been thwarted by the growing scourge in her side that was Kara Danvers. When day five had come and gone with no Supergirl, Cat had been on the verge of ordering her customary lettuce wrap the next day, only to have Kara flounce in with her eyes all aglow.
And they had been glowing, or at least, with Kara standing in the light just so they seemed to be, and Cat’s inquiring mind had gotten so caught up in trying to figure out how that was happening, that she had taken the paper Kara had handed her and nodded along with her words without realizing what she was doing. It was only later—once she had firmly decided that it was the light reflecting off the new crystal drinking glasses she had acquired that had given Kara that extra shine—that she had bothered to read the paper and realize that it was a lunch schedule for the next three months.
Which was how she had gotten here, spending another lunch trying to choke down a mushroom souffle, while Kara was once again not so subtly peering at her through the glass walls with a beaming smile painted across her face.
“Just tell her you want something else. She’s your assistant, dammit. It’s easy.” But was it? Because Kara seemed very pleased with herself. In fact, each time she delivered Cat’s lunch tray her demeanor was akin to what Cat imagined a caveman must look like after successfully procuring some offering to bring back to his mate. Not that Cat thought she was Kara’s mate, or that Kara thought that, but Cat was all about encouraging women, and in the age of a female superhero, how could she squash the blossoming confidence that came each time Cat accepted another dish?
Especially because she was getting to see glimpses of a rare pride in Kara as well. Each day the tray became slightly more elaborate, and where once her food was delivered in a tidy, but simple method, now her napkins were folded into beautiful origami birds, and out of nowhere her metal utensils developed unique and intricate patterning that changed every day. When Cat had commented on the beautiful work last week, Kara’s shoulders had pushed back, and instead of the shy blush Cat had been expecting, she had been faced with an almost regal—a descriptor she never would have thought to apply to her assistant before—nod as Kara took the compliment head on.
Not that any of that really mattered. Kara coming into her own was a nice bonus, but Supergirl was the primary objective, and just because Cat had been willing to switch to a new tactic after a few days, didn’t mean this one wasn’t still working in a way that she wasn’t aware of.
Glancing at her assistant again, Cat’s stomach lurched as she realized she had paused too long between bites and a small frown had formed on Kara’s lips. Hastily, she scooped up another forkful and shoved it in her mouth. It did the trick, Kara’s face smoothing out again, and Cat had just a moment to be grateful she had caught it before The Crinkle(™) could make an appearance, when her actions caught up with her.
“It’s just because of Supergirl,” she tried. “Come on, Cat. You know all about displacement. Supergirl hadn’t come yet, so you’re focusing all your attentions on Kara.” She nodded to herself, putting every ounce of her remaining authority into accepting that argument as truth.
But she still needed to get through the rest of the meal. While objectively she could admit that the dish was good, her body was craving variety, and there was no way she could finish this. And then Kara would think she didn’t lik- and then that could throw off the Supergirl plan.
“Kiera!” Cat yelled the name before Kara could frown again, and used the second it took for Kara arrive in front of her to compose herself.
“Miss Grant?”
“There’s another plate around somewhere, isn’t there?” She had a nagging feeling she was about to make things worse, but Cat brushed it aside. Logically this should work. And Cat always went with logic over something as flawed and misleading as emotion. “I need you to work late tonight, but we may not have time for a dinner break later. I’ve seen how much you eat, grab a plate and take some of this so I won’t have to listen to your stomach growl later on.”
Ok yes, Cat saw it now. It was definitely a mistake. Her words, while they did get her out of eating the entire thing, could almost be construed as caring, and Kara was… Kara was… Cat swallowed. Kara was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars, and for a brief moment, that expression was almost enough to make Cat believe that she was.
Cat’s initial assessment that it had been a mistake turned out to be true, only somehow it was a mistake Cat kept making again and again over the next two months. Because Kara was smart, and caring, and funny. When Kara laughed, in the almost privacy of what had become their shared lunch ritual, it reminded Cat of Lois; the kind of carefree laughter she shared with her once lover, now closest friend, that was without fear or ulterior motive.
But Kara was also shy, she still blushed if Cat caught her at the right moment. And she was strong, standing up to Cat and pushing back more than she ever had before as she soaked in all Cat had to teach her. And she was hurt. Cat didn’t know how she hadn’t seen it before, the sadness that lurked behind Kara’s eyes, echos of a loss Kara could never quite get over. Each time she saw it, it pulled at Cat, part of her wishing Kara had never had to experience whatever it was that had caused her such pain, while another part, the selfish part, was almost glad for it because of the role it had played in turning Kara into this complex, utterly astonishing person she was today.
Which was why Cat had to let her go, because clearly Kara was ready for bigger and better things than being Cat’s assistant. It definitely wasn’t related to the way Cat’s heart fluttered when Kara graced her with a smile, or the very unprofessional thoughts that had recently had the audacity to invade her dreams.
“And it’s distracting you from Supergirl,” she reminded herself, watching impatiently as the numbers on the elevator panel rose, bringing her closer and closer to her destination. “You remember Supergirl, don’t you Cat? Alien from another planet? Flies around? Still hasn’t given you a second interview?”
Cat did remember Supergirl, for all that nowadays Cat couldn’t help but think that perhaps it was Supergirl that shared some similarities with Kara, and not the other way around.
Because it was Kara’s smile on Supergirl’s face that news cameras captured after an incident. It was Kara’s kindness that Supergirl shared when performing the more mundane tasks, such as rescuing a lost puppy or helping someone with their groceries. And it was Kara’s determination that Supergirl copied when she threw herself into a fire or chased after a rogue alien.
The elevator dinged and Cat stepped off, ignoring the sudden burst of activity in the bullpen and zeroing on the empty desk where Kara was usually waiting to greet her when Cat returned from these early afternoon board meetings. Frowning, Cat stepped closer, heels clicking slightly faster than normal along the office floor.
Today was the last day of the three month schedule Kara had so carefully put together, and while it was possible that Kara had another three month plan ready to go, somehow Cat didn’t think so. The day was marked with a red ‘X’ on the list, the only day without a clear description of the meal, and when Cat had asked, Kara had just offered a small grin and told Cat she would have to wait. And Cat had waited, so where was Kara? Surly she wouldn’t…
“I’m on the balcony, Miss Grant.” And yes, there she was, peeking her head around the balcony doors just as Cat reached her office. “I thought we’d eat out here, it’s such a beautiful day.”
“It is,” but Cat wasn’t looking at the sky, her vision entirely taken up by the sight of Kara in a sleeveless blue dress. Had she changed for this lunch? Cat would have remembered if Kara had been wearing that this morning. Cat always remembered when employees violated the dress code, and for all her musings about getting rid of Kara’s cardigans, there was no way those arms were legal.
While she had been thinking, her feet had chosen to continue carrying her forward. Kara, however, waited until the last moment to move back, bringing Cat close enough to brush against her chest, and ‘brazen’ flashed through her mind.
Rather than comment, Cat pushed on, accepting the seat Kara pulled out for her and looking down at the ornate table setting and covered dish on her plate.
“Last one,” she reminded herself, as out loud she asked, “what’s on the menu for today?”
Kara bent over Cat’s shoulder to lift the lid and Cat bit her lip, refusing to give in to the sudden impulse to turn her head and lean into Kara’s side.
“This is something from my home, or as close to it as I could make with… local ingredients.”
“You cooked for me?” Cat barely registered that Kara hadn’t given her the name, or that the strange meal in front of her wasn’t anything she recognized. Except for the mushrooms. Those were distinct. They were always so distinct.
“I did.”
Cat felt a smile forming, and she shoved it back down before it could reach the surface, gesturing almost frantically to the seat across from her and blurting out, “I have something for you!”
She breathed a sigh of relief when Kara moved to comply, the space giving her just enough fresh air to clear her mind. Reaching into her purse, Cat pull out her phone and set it on the table when it got in her way, noticing as she did that she had several missed calls from Lois she would have to return later.
And when she did she would have words for Lois. So many, many words.
It took another few seconds of fumbling, but then Cat’s hand closed around the item she was looking for and she lifted it out. She hadn’t meant to do this, had been planning on talking to Kara about a promotion in a week or so once she had time to find an appropriate appreciation gift, but Cat needed it to happen sooner.
Because Kara looked gorgeous, and happy, and she had cooked for Cat, and all of that was causing Cat to have some very un-boss-like feelings that had no business being a part of her ‘nab-a-Supergirl’ plan.
So Cat was lucky that the impulse buy—the jewelry she had custom ordered a little over three months ago—had finally arrived, and that because she had been in a rush this morning, she had simply shoved the box into her purse to do something with later. If everything had been made to her specifications, it would be a small silver bracelet with the Supergirl crest inlaid delicately in the metal, interspersed with the CatCo logo and a number of mushrooms from around the world, each one unique and different. She had been planning on wearing it herself on her balcony when working late as a call sign for the hero, but right now it was all she had, and after all Kara had done for her, she deserved something to mark her promotion.
Besides, it would look beautiful on Kara. In fact, now that Cat thought about it, the understated jewelry was almost perfect for her, and Cat almost couldn’t believe that she had ever thought it could be for anyone else. Kara followed Supergirl just as closely as Cat, and while Cat still didn’t know what mushrooms were supposed to mean to Supergirl, they clearly did mean something to Kara. And then there was the CatCo logo, and well, that was obvious.
“Miss Grant?” Kara tilted her head, watching Cat with an intensity that made Cat’s hand almost falter as she handed the box over.
Not trusting herself to speak just yet, Cat tore her eyes away before the deliberate movements of Kara’s fingers could pull her in deeper. Her gaze fell across her phone just as a text message from Lois came in, and she read it with the sound of the box opening in the background.
Lois Lane: Answer your damn phone, Cat!!!! I thought Kryptonian mushrooms were used to symbolize friendship, but Clark just corrected me and apparently they’re romantic! To anyone who actually grew up there, they would be…
The message preview ran out of space, but Cat didn’t need to open it up to read the full thing as the pieces fell into place. Because this had started with Lois. With Lois and her insufferable hint, and ever since it hadn’t been Supergirl who had become closer to Cat, but Kara who had been bringing her food, and sharing her meals, and treating Cat almost like a partner rather than a boss.
It was also Lois who had given the world most of the known information on Kryptonians, and Cat had read every single thing Lois had ever written. Like the interview where Superman explained that in Kryptonian culture, once an acceptable mate had been identified, it was customary to enter into a courtship period that lasted approximately three months. How that ritual often involved showing each other ways in which you could provide for one another, such as through the giving of food or knowledge, and how eventually the goal was to share in those things equally. And how when a successful courtship period ended and the two houses joined, they exchanged bracelets instead of rings.
Bracelets, exactly like the one Cat had just given to Kara.
All Cat had to do was act like she didn’t understand what she had just done, was go on with her promotion speech and have that be the end of it. It would be simple, a misunderstanding, but when she lifted her eyes and took in the sight of Kara holding the bracelet in her hands, lips parted slightly and face flushed in wonder, everything else mentled away.
There were denials, and half-formed arguments, and all the other lies Cat had been telling herself for much longer than just these past three months. But looking at Kara now, with the weight of all of that pressing against her, Cat knew that underneath it all there was only one truth.
“Kara,” she said the name purposefully, hearing the sharp intake of breath as Kara looked up at her. Slowly, carefully, Cat picked up her fork and speared the largest mushroom she could find on her plate. “Thank you for this meal. In return, do you accept my offering, Kara, Last Daughter of Krypton?”
There was no pause, only a single, blinding smile that Cat returned with one of her own.
“I do.”
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