#wow amazying.
anthurak · 13 hours
You know I can't help but think that if we look closely enough at the backgrounds of the 'We Hate Blitzo' party...
We're going to find some random human who wandered in off the street who is now some combination of confused, curious and terrified at what the FUCK is going on XD
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silverskye13 · 2 years
iJevin is one of those people who gets so excited about giving gifts they basically unwrap it for you and I think that's hilarious
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givemegifs · 1 year
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elizabethsnuts · 2 months
Little Surgeon
Alex Karev x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Alex plays pretend surgery with you on his day off.
As Alex walked into the living room, he found you on the floor surrounded by your toys, wearing a tiny doctor's coat that he had gotten you for your birthday so you could match him.
"Daddy!" you exclaimed, your eyes lighting up as you saw him. "Look, I a surgeon just like you!"
Alex chuckled at the sight of you in the miniature lab coat. "Oh wow, I can see that!"
You nodded and put a shower cap on your head, pretending it was a scrub cap. “I boss surgeon and you be helper”
Alex nodded and chuckled as you put the shower cap on your head. “Alright, we can do that, you ready? Surgeons have to be very ready for surgery.”
You nodded eagerly, your head bobbing with excitement. "Yes, Daddy! I ready, I ready!"
Alex settled onto the floor next to you, joining you in your imaginary OR. "Okay, Dr. Karev, let's go over the basics. First, we need to scrub in."
You giggled and nodded, running over to the sink. "Daddy help! I need to wash!"
Alex laughed and got up to hold you up to the sink to wash your hands. "We wash our hands really well to make sure they're clean," Alex explained, turning on the tap.
You nodded and rubbed your tiny hands together as you washed them under the water. "Like this, Daddy?"
"Exactly like that," Alex said with a proud smile. "Now, let's put on our gloves."
You eagerly grabbed a pair of plastic gloves and struggled to pull them on, your small fingers fumbling with the material. "These gloves are too big!"
Alex chuckled and helped you adjust the gloves. "There you go, Dr. Karev. Now, let's get ready to operate."
You nodded and went over to your stuffed bear that was lying on the coffee table. “It okay Mr Bear! We gonna make you feel all better!” You said with a smile.
"Okay, Dr. Karev, let's start with a simple procedure," Alex said, handing you a plastic toy scalpel. "We need to perform surgery to remove Mr Bear's appendix."
You held your toy scalpel confidently as you began your pretend surgery. You mimicked your father's every move with precision.
"Okay, Dr. Karev, we need to make a small incision here," Alex instructed, pointing to a spot on the teddy bear patient.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I know, Daddy. I know what I doing. I boss, you helper."
Alex raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh, you do, huh? Well, let's see what you've got."
With a mischievous grin, you made a swift incision, your movements surprisingly smooth for a toddler. "See, Daddy? I do it."
Alex couldn't help but laugh at his daughter's confidence. "You're a natural, Y/N. But remember, surgery is serious business."
You nodded solemnly, your expression turning serious. "I super duper serious!"
Alex matched your face, trying to suppress a chuckle. "That’s a good surgeon face you have on."
You nodded again seriously and suddenly shouted. “Bandaids! I need bandaids! Right now! Helper I need bandaids! Pink one! Pink one! Pink for emergency!”
Alex laughed and quickly handed you some pink bandaids. “Here! You have to save Mr Bear!”
You put on your concentration face and started to frantically put bandaids on the stuffed bear. You were very focused and determined to ‘save’ Mr Bear.
“He okay! I save him! He not bleeding no more.” You smiled triumphantly and wiped the imaginary sweat off your forehead.
“Well done, Dr Karev! I think you should become chief of surgery.” Alex said with a smirk. “Alright, now close him up.”
You nodded and pretended to stitch up the bear’s belly. “I closing don’t worry.”
You eventually finished your surgery and smiled. “I all done, he all better. I save the day!”
Alex smiled at you, he loved that you wanted to do what he does. “Perfect! I think that’s the best stitching I’ve seen in a long time.”
You giggled and gave Alex a big hug, resting your head on his shoulder. “Thanks for being my helper, Daddy! You very good.”
Alex kissed your forehead and hugged you back even tighter. “Well, I think you were an amazing surgeon.”
As you continued your pretend surgery, Alex couldn't help but smile at you as you played together. He didn’t regret taking the day off at all.
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nikoanesti · 19 days
Double Star Points in a battle I'd defeated an Amazy Dayzee in (and they apparently cap at 100, since that should've been even higher!). That was floor 96 I think of the Pit of 100 Trials, and the immediate next floor had ANOTHER Amazy Dayzee, which I also beat, so I leveled up again, and then I leveled up once more on floor 99, so I went into Bonetail with perfect health haha.
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*playing the end of Pokémon Scarlet, the game concluding with a cute emotional scene*
"wow this game was amazi-"
*Ed Sheeran starts playing over the credits*
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nr0r · 2 years
trans!Wilson HCs are great and all, but y'all missing out on something fundamental here Imagine a Maxwell watching Wilson and catching onto the fact he's trans right. Dude. IMAGINE the INSECURITY: 1. This man is a GENIUS how is he synthesizing Testosterone so well 2. WOW I'M A FRAUD OF A MAGICIAN HUH I'LL SHOW HIM
Maxwell: THERE that'll show him Wilson, looking at his new dick and no chesticles: THIS IS GREAT Maxwell: YES I'M AMAZI- Wilson: I'M A GENIUS Maxwell: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
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shades4dogs · 2 years
wat if u and i kissd........................kind of crasy
WOW it woud be kind of awsome i tihkn kind of amazy (crasy)?
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Guess you're right.
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Well, I best be going. Can't have Hiro burn my house down. Or I'll burn him down. Litterally.
*They exchange goodbyes with Hiroko then she leaves. Guess they better do the same.*
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Even if the movie ending was the worst thing I ever saw, atleast I watched it with you guys!
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Because if you guys weren't there I'd of set off more fireworks inside! And we know how that went down last time dont we, Fuyuhiko!
*🥲 How could he forget.*
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I should write my own version of that movie, and find the actor that played Anastasia so I can ruin their life. In the movie and in reality!
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Wouldn't that be amazi-
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Did that girl just run into a lamp post..?
*Isnt that.. Anzu?*
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They added new lamp posts! And I just bashed into it! Scientists will find my DNA and make a clone of me in the future now! Wait? Is that a good or bad thing??
*Anzu then stops and leans backwards staring at the five.*
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Hey! You're Hiyoko Saionji! Ranmarus' friend! Wow you look hotter than I remember! Annnnd the boss baby one is that "scary" Yakuza whos actually really soft and cute! And then the creepy guy whos name I never remembered because it was probably too hard to pronounce!
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Wait! I could've sworn there was only one cute chubby chef man! Now there two? I'm scared but also very curious! Did Teru always have a twin?
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Well. It's a bit complicated.
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Hello! I'm Yayoi! It's nice to meet you!
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the-sad-tomato · 1 year
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tramp963 · 2 years
🦖Dinosaur Sound #shorts - roar 🦖dinosaur scary sound #shorts #wow #amazi...
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gho2ty · 3 years
g2 has no ego so he fakes it sometimes and during those times its just me talking abt g2 for him
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ovur · 5 years
The homoerotic subtext between a shoujo protagonist and her romantic rival turned friend....
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kaylovestayy · 4 years
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that was fun
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tragic-shadows · 2 years
Warnings: Making out(?)
Word Count: 2873
Pairing: GibbsxReader
imagine being pinned the wall by gibbs (while undercover, of course) with both wrists above your head as he slides his hand up your thigh until he finds the hidden holster you pack for undercover work and takes the gun to shoot and after you both pretend like nothing happened while something absolutely happened
bonus: the rest of the team placing bets on who’s gonna cave first only for abby to lock you both in the elevator until you talk
“Ok then, we need an undercover team.” Gibbs says, laying out the papers. There was a hit man, Jonathan Robinson, targeting military couples, he had already gotten three and it was NCIS’s job to make sure there wasn’t a fourth.
“Well Tony and I can’t go,” Ziva says. “Robinson has already seen us. McGee doesn’t really fit the type, no offense,” she smirks over at the probe.
“Mkay. I guess it’s you and me, Y/N.” Gibbs turns to you.
“Oh- oh no. Boss- you know I’m not great with undercover work. The stress of it all—“ you laugh nervously.
“Uh boss?” Tony pipes his head up from behind his computer. “We got chatter. Says there’s an event at the Addams house tonight that Robinson’s gonna be at. Seems like a great time to get on the inside.”
“Do it.” Gibbs commands. “Y/N, let’s go get ID’s from Abby."
“Wow.” Tony whistles a few hours later, looking you up and down.
“Like what ya’ see Tony?” You ask. “Too bad it won’t be your hands on me tonight.” You wink, standing in the bullpen waiting for your boss.
“For once I’m jealous of Gibbs,” he says. And rightfully so. You wore a flowing floor-length gown, gold, and covered in embellishments. A slit ran up the right side of your leg to your thigh. The plunging neckline was enough to make even a gay man turn.
“Keep your eyes off my date, DiNozzo,” Gibbs rounds the corner, fiddling with his watch. When he finally gets it on he looks up and you swear he looks a little longer than he needs to. And you stared too. He cleaned up nice. It was a jet black suit with a black tie and the pocket square matched your dress. “You ready?” He holds out his arm.
“Uh huh.” You stick the wig in your ear and he does the same, giving the all clear for McGee to start listening.
“Have fun, kids.” Ziva winks at you. “Don’t get too rowdy.” You flick her off and follow your boss out. The elevator ride consists of awkward glances from both of you until you say something.
“Max Ross. Name.” He shoots back.
“Amber Ross. Age.”
“47. Age.”
“42. How’d we meet.”
“Stationed at Norfolk at the same time.” He grins and you smile back. Oh yeah, this would be a breeze.
“Good evening, Ma’am, Sir.” The waiter offers you drinks and you each order.
“So sweetheart,” Gibbs starts, his hand covering yours. “Do you see anyone you know?”
You look around slowly before shaking your head. “Not that I care to admit. There’s one man sitting behind you who looks familiar.” You squeeze his fingers, the signal that your target had been spotted.
“Before our drinks arrive, how about we dance?” Gibbs stands up and offers his hand. You take it and he pulls you close. A warm feeling blooms in your chest until you realize-
“I can’t dance.” You whisper.
He chuckles lightly. “Just follow my lead.” He places his hand on your hip and the other on your shoulder and you do the same, just opposite. “Make sure we stay in sight of Robinson, don’t want him to watch the others.”
You nod and place your head on his chest, the warm feeling coming back to you as you dance. You watch the floor, counting the steps, one, two three, one two three.
“See, you’re doing fine,” he rubs your back slightly and you smile into his chest. There’s McGee on your earpiece.
“Boss, he’s getting up. Weapon on his left ankle.” McGee says, “Looks like he might reach for it any time.”
Gibbs spins you around gently for you to get a better look at Robinson, you pick your head up and are staring right into your boss’s eyes. “Ya’ look amazing tonight. Case I didn’t say.”
“You didn’t.” You smirk. “But thank you,” You settle back to a soft smile. “And you look great as well. Who knew the boss man could clean up so well?”
“Gibbs, Y/N, Robinson just slipped something in your drinks and he’s headed your way, we have video evidence. Boss!” McGee suddenly yells. “He has his gun in his hand, get out of there, now!”
“Whadda ya’ say we go out back?” Gibbs whispers. “I know a place.” He placed his hand in the small of your back and guides you away from the bar and the dance floor, to a corridor on the way back to the bathrooms. “You have your gun?” He asks. You nod.
“It’s strapped to my thigh. How are we gonna make this work?” You ask. “Robinson’s coming,” you lower your voice.
“You trust me,” Gibbs whispers, and at your nod, “Oh Amber, baby, you need to stop talking like that,” Gibbs says louder, slowly backing you up towards a wall. Without a second glance towards Robinson, he takes your wrists and pins them above your head.
“I..” You whisper breathlessly. His lips come to meet yours with a force you had never felt before, you kissed him back and you felt the same warm tingling sensation once again. Suddenly you gasp, a soft hand touched your knee and made its way up your leg, you could feel the goosebumps crawling on your skin. You kiss him harder. He lets you have dominance. His hand climbs higher and you don’t know if he’ll stop.
You don’t want him to. Your heart is beating a mile a minute and you can almost feel his.
The hand slips under your dress and you pull your hands down on instinct, going to loosen up his tie, you stop breathing as it comes off, your hands work the top of his collar. Then: You hear the sound of velcro. In an instant he’s off of you.
“Freeze! Federal Agent!” Gibbs points the gun at Robinson. “Drop the weapon Jonathan.” He says steadily.
“Now why would I do that, Agent Gibbs?” Robinson moves his finger closer to the trigger. You’re itching to do something but you have no gun.
“Give it up,” you say.
“Or what? You’re just a pretty girl,” Robinson grins. “You gotta get your boyfriend to defend you.” Robinson flicks his finger, pulling the trigger with a bang, but Gibbs is faster. He hits Robinson square in the right shoulder, knocking him to the ground, causing the suspect’s bullet to imbed itself in the ceiling above. Despite it all, Robinson cackles. “You can’t even kill me right!”
“If I’d wanted to kill ya’, you’d be dead. But I’d rather see you rot in prison, lots less paperwork.”
Robinson squirms as you slap on the cuffs, pulling them a little tighter than needed.
“Nice work,” Gibbs smiles, collecting his tie from the ground and rebuttons his top button.
The next two days go like normal, you and Gibbs ignored what had happened, and that was okay.
“Hey Abby,” you walk into her lab three days after the case. “Whatcha workin on?” You raise an eyebrow when she and Tony quickly step in front of her computer screen.
“Nothing,” she lies.
“Nothing?” You ask, pulling something out of your jacket. You kept it around, ever since she had tried to set you up with one of the tech guys down stairs.
“I’m out,” Tony dips his head, “I am too scared of both of you to stay for this.”
“Y/N! No!” Abby grips her table. “Please no.”
“Then what were you looking at?” You hold the feather closer.
“Fine! Fine.” She clicks the picture back up. You watch in horror as it plays out in front of you.
“Abs.. that was just acting,” you assure her, watching the hand crawl back up your thigh you took in a breath. “Sorry I asked.”
“That. Was not acting.” Abby smiled. “That was on its way to becoming something very, very, hot.”
You laugh. “No it wasn’t, believe me.”
“Y/N,” Abby smirked, “He had to pick his tie up off the floor, and fricking rebutton his shirt! I don’t believe you at all.”
“Believe ya’ about what?” Gibbs asks, walking in. You shut off the screen and turn to face him.
“Nothing important,” You roll your eyes, “Abby’s just being Abby.”
“Kay. I need ya’ to do some forms for me, then when you’re ready Robinson’s being processed.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right out, I have to finish this real fast.” You nod and he leaves, you turn back to face the scientist.
“See? He’s ignoring it, I’m ignoring it. Have been for the past three days. There was nothing. We had to make the story sell, and anyways, he’s only into red heads,” you wink. “Nothing happened, I swear. And no way will anything every happen. Keep hoping!” You call, making your way out to the elevator.
Arriving in the squad room, you’re glad to see a case hasn’t popped up, and even happier to see that Gibbs hasn’t. Of course, that doesn’t stop the rest of your team from talking. You dart behind the stairs, listening in on their conversation.
“I say Gibbs,” Tony says, an obvious smile to his face.
“No way,” McGee scoffs. “Gibbs won’t cave under the weight of ten tons. I say it’s Y/N.”
“I don’t know..” Ziva sighs, “They both looked pretty into it.”
“I’m telling you! Gibbs is gonna give in. Y/N’s going to walk in here like only she can and he’ll crack. She’s hot and he knows it. He literally put his hand up her dress!”
“It was to get a weapon!” McGee bangs his head down. “I put 20 bucks on it saying Y/N’s gonna cave first. I’ve seen the way she looks at him.”
“Alright, my 20 bucks says they don’t say anything and we catch them making out one day.”
“Put mine on Gibbs.”
They go back to talking about whatever and you get bored, walking to your desk. “What’ve you guys been talking about?” You ask.
“Nothing important I’m sure,” Gibbs quips, also taking a seat.
“We’re about to go out for brunch,” Tony says. “You guys want to join us?”
You consider it but before you can say no, Gibbs says yes. “But I’m not payin’.”
McGee slips in next to Ziva and Gibbs and DiNozzo sits next to you, you’re facing your boss. After ordering, you make idle conversation, talking about the case.
“I just have to say, you two,” Ziva pointed between you and Gibbs, “Were a fantastic couple.”
“Ah Ziver, nothing better than what you and DiNozzo wouldda done.”
“Hm. Except I would never let DiNozzo kiss me like that.”
“You literally faked banging each other for a case.” You point out. “This was hardly anything compared to that,” you all laugh , stopping when your plates are slid across the table. “Thanks for lunch, Tim.” You say.
“And who said we were faking?” DiNozzo winked, earring a death glare from his fellow female agent.
You feel a buzz and take your phone. “Hey Gibbs, Abby says she needs us back in her lab, something from the Robinson case she needs signed.”
“Gah. I get out for one day..” Gibbs mumbles, snatching his coffee and following you out of the diner.
“Wonder what it is she needs signed,” you say to Gibbs, checking in your badges and heading to the elevator. Gibbs shrugs and presses the button. It dings and you let the Agent inside off before stepping in yourselves. “Squad room first,” you say. “I need to grab a file for evidence.”
It twitches up a floor or two before there’s a soft jolt and the power shuts off.
“Did you do that?” You ask.
“Nope.” Gibbs reaches over and flicks the switch, off and then back on. And again. Nothing. “Call Abs.”
You groan, “No cell service. We must be stuck between the 3rd and 4th floors. How about the emergency phone?”
“Wait a few minutes, hopefully it’ll come back.” Gibbs just leans against the elevator.
“The camera!” You say, pointing to the little box in the corner of the big box. Gibbs makes a few taps, an SOS. After a couple minutes, and trying the emergency phone (which wasn’t working,) you slump against the wall “This sucks.” Gibbs nods in agreement.
“Wanna talk about something?” He asks.
“The case was pretty wild. Robinson will get at least one life sentence, no payroll or good behavior.”
“Pretty nasty all the things he did.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle.
“Great acting by the way,” he smirks.
“Acting? You mean the undercover work?”
“For someone who said it stressed you out, ya’ handled it well.”
“Yeah, well…”
“Well what?”
“You know, it wasn’t the undercover work that was worrying me. It was the whole, being undercover with you. It sounds stupid, believe me I know. But I guess I was just afraid you’d think I wasn’t good enough.”
“Not good enough? One of the better undercover ops I’ve worked. You’re good, Y/L/N.”
“Huh, thanks.” You slide down the wall and plop on the floor. Closing your eyes, you reflect back on the moment, Gibbs hands where they shouldn’t have been, your lips where you never thought they would go. Before you know it, you’ve drifted off into dreams you shouldn’t be having.
You awake with a soft hand on your shoulder, you look to your watch to see it’s been a little less than an hour.
“Got a bar and texted Abby. She’s workin’ on it. Said it might be awhile, has to call a guy.”
“Oh, great.” You smile and stand up, your legs a little weak from sitting for so long. “Say, can I ask you something, boss?”
“How did you come up with a plan so quick to get my weapon? I mean, I could have just grabbed it.” It was something you had been trying to ignore but it had been nagging at the back of your mind since it happened.
Gibbs shrugs, “Spur of the moment, had to improvise.”
“Yeah, but I could have just pulled it out. That’s why I have it so easy to reach.”
“Don’t know, Y/N. Just did. Sorry if I made ya’ uncomfortable. You played it off well.”
You sigh, tired of all of this. “Thanks. So we agree nothing happened?”
“Did ya’ want something to happen?” Gibbs asks, you can tell he’s slightly irritated.
“Did you?” You fire back.
“That wasn’t the question.”
“Did you.” You state it this time so he can’t say it wasn’t an answer.
“Not gonna say you didn’t look good that night.” Gibbs says.
“I know you like those kinds of dresses. That’s why I wore it.”
You sigh again. “Gibbs listen, if you had wanted to kiss me that night we could have done it so many other ways that would have worked to better the case, so why did you choose that? It just doesn’t fit.”
“Listen, Y/N.”
“No. Why did you kiss me?” You demand. “I have the feeling we’re not getting out of here until you tell me the truth.”
“Why do you say that?”
You pick up a post it note that had fallen on the floor, neither of you had noticed it.
“Sorry for this but you guys need it. Love, Abby.” You read it and crumple it up. “Really?”
Gibbs smirked. “Then I guess we should talk.”
“Well, guess I kissed you..”
“Cause you wanted to?” You lean back and cross your arms.
“Oh don’t do that,” Gibbs snaps. “Yes.” He finally admits. “Didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did, kinda ‘spur of the moment’ thing. If it made you uncomfortable..” He suddenly looks guilty and you feel terrible.
“No,” you say softly, “Not at all. I was ready to go as far as you needed me to. Why do you think I let you? I knew it was more than just undercover work.”
“But it wasn’t. Never thought about you like that till I kissed ya’.”
“And now you haven't been able to think anything different?”
“You always had a crush on me, didn’t ya?” Gibbs reaches over and brushes your shoulder.
“Yeah. I did. I wasn’t going to say anything, rule 12 and all.”
“Rules are made to be broken.”
“Yeah.” He tilts his head waiting for you to do something.
“So you did like me until we kissed?”
“No,” Gibbs corrects. “I never thought you liked me until we kissed. Should have noticed you always undressing me with your eyes.”
“Wha- I didn’t—“
“I know, I know. Well, you kinda were.”
“So where does this leave us?”
Gibbs doesn’t answer, instead, he pulls you in, kissing you on the forehead before pressing his lips once again to yours. You melt in with a sigh, this time giving him all the power. "Y/N," he says in a husky tone. You reached up and pulled at his tie again, but before you were ready, the elevator clicked on and the doors opened, leaving you all open to the eyes of three very unsuspecting NCIS agents and one very happy forensic scientist.
“Abby,” Gibbs growls into your mouth, making you melt more. He steps away, “You’re not getting any Caf-Pow for a week.”
“I think I deserve extra? Don’t you?” She asked, bouncing up and down.
“Oh and I believe I won 40 dollars?” Ziva smirks.
TAGS: @aleck-cross @ah-blossom
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