#wow are people using bots now?
eunzul · 2 years
Dear anon,
✨Fuck you✨
- eunzul
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#just make your own things away from#-endos if you hate us so much#endos/proendos: if antis want their own stuff and spaces away from us then they should make those things#anti endos: *creating atlasduo and the syspunk tag*#endos/proendos: i cant believe theyre actually doing that! wow! lets raid the tag and insult them for doing what we wanted them to!#i know this is a stretch but i cant help but feel reminded of how people would tell me to do things and then get mad at me for following-#-their exact instructions and taking them seriously. because apparently i wasnt supposed to actually do that. except now im not the victim-#-of that. and now the people who are on my side are doing that. i hate it. i hate it so much. dont say ONLY TO INVADE AND MOCK THE THINGS#also: congrats!! you are proving all of them right when they say we dont respect boundaries and crosstag!! you're making it worse!!#i can kind of understand the tag aspect simply because theyre calling themselves “punk” when theyre so fond of the psychiatric field.#but its still a dick move. and its even worse to say that if antis want versions of sp and pk that arent proendo they should make their own#-bot and app only to mock them for doing exactly that. it just reminds me too much of past experiences. i hate people that do that.#i dont care if they hate me at this point im with the anti endos on this one. and frankly im very disappointed that im actually saying this#lol.exe#blackout poetry#pro endo#endo safe#endo friendly#anti rq#radqueers fuck off#this is a new level of syscourse im yelling at my own community now
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notchainedtotrauma · 4 months
On The Subject Of Bots: A Former Bot Farm Operator Speaks On The Process (Also spread this video all over this website. I mean it. Spread it. For a whole set of reasons-one of them being antiblackness)
ID [ Close up of a woman in a car wearing a green shirt. She has a dark brown ponytail. She says: 'I'm a a former tech employee that created and sustained a bot farm between 2015 and 2018 in California USA.
Wanna give you guys some information because American bot farm operators are pretty rare. Most bot farms operate oversea. I don't know if there's anyone like me in the US that can tell you this stuff is what I'm saying.
I'm typically way secretive about this but it's gotten so bad I need to talk about it
So what is a bot farm ? Something that an individual or a company purchases. You get a set amount of bots that look like normal people, go out, and spread your message. And here's the work that goes ino that:
I as a operator have to create each individual fake person. I have to create a bio. I have to create a username, a real name, then I have to generate content that has to be supportive of the message the client is paying for.
Positive opinion of the company or the individual. If anyone has ever tried to create content (you know that) that takes time and also that takes ideas; it's not easy.
Finally you need to program these bots based on activity. Bots respond to what you do.
You think that you going around and liking things is invisible. It's not. You're leaving a footprint across the app. That footprint is tracked by people like me. So based on what other people like or comment on, I program my bot to go and search for those people, find them, and then interact with them with my content that supports the message that I created.
This programming also includes research to find the people that are the most susceptible to believing the message that you're selling, and targeting those people. This is just a scratch on the surface of what it takes to program one of these. And people are buying hundreds of them.
Now here's the interesting part. The software to run all these bots is not free. And the time that it takes to create all the things that I just told you about also not free. All of this stuff costs money.
And it represents money when you see it. If you're seeing non stop videos posted with a certain agenda, someone's paying for that. So when you see a dump/ a ton of media that's telling you all the same message, do not say wow what a thing happening right now.
Please instead say wow who's trying to buy my opinion on this topic ?
End of the video ] End of ID
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
sex work is work, no problem with that, but spamming sex work absolutely everywhere now is not okay. bot or not, it is not okay to shove your probably fake/stolen tits or ass into everyone's face even where kids are. it is absolutely the lowest, cheapest trash doing that. are these people showing their barely covered up pussy to school kids on the street to maybe get a customer? because they are doing exactly that on the internet. if you cant find customers and need to lower yourself to std ridden junkey trash standards who missed the way and entitled themselves to begging for money outside trash town, zero support from me!
Yeah you really sound like someone who supports sex workers. That's what I always think when I hear people using words like "disease-ridden" and "junkie" - 'wow, that person must be SUCH an ally. braver than any US marine, thank you for your service, person who believes sex work is work but thinks STIs or drug addiction are 'trash'.'
So, point by point:
It's not absolutely everywhere. You don't see people trying to link their onlyfans on facebook most of the time (i've actually never seen it but i could believe it is happening, though it's not common because FB has real-name policies that are unfriendly to sex workers). You're unlikely to see fansly links as sidebar ads on cspan. People aren't linking their pages in the amazon reviews. You're seeing it "everywhere" because you're not going anywhere. Tell me you spend all your time on two to three platforms without telling me you spend all your time on two to three platforms. Instagram, tiktok, twitter, and tumblr are full of people who are promoting all kinds of brands and one of those kinds of brands is sex work.
Those are also all platforms that have age restrictions and behavior standards, and of all of them tumblr is the one that has the history of being the most openly sexual and the least connected to legal identities. People are linking to their diy porn because of the culture of these websites both currently and historically. I once posted a video on this website of me bringing myself to orgasm in a public bathroom stall then inserting a dildo into my vagina before I went on stage and performed a set with my band. I did it for free and for fun five years ago, the week before the porn ban hit.
What I'm saying here is that the culture of this website has a much longer history of openness about sex and sexuality and the visual presentation of sex than it does of being full of people who think teens shouldn't see nipples. This is an *extremely* reasonable place to post information linking to porn that you make and to use cute pictures of yourself to do so.
It's also really easy to tell that these people aren't bots or using stolen images because the whole point of the live platform is that you can click through and go talk to them. Strange Aeons did just that and you can see what happened. (click on that video for a fun cameo at 6:04) Turns out live users are just a bunch of people (not networks stealing images the way that actual porn *bots* on tumblr do) and the ones who are trying to do sex work on the live platform itself get banned.
But also kids too young to see the occasional boob shouldn't be on tumblr! (like, seriously, define kids. what age is too young to see the kinds of images allowed by the tumblr live tos? how about the ones banned by the tumblr live tos? How old should you have to be before someone shows you an ahegao face on a hoodie in public? What should the punishment be for the ahegao fashionistas for exposing six year olds to anime tongues? What should the minimum age be to go on the beach and see men in speedos? Fifteen, or is that still abusive to children? Maybe we should make it twenty to be safe, or better yet why don't we make it twenty AND ban speedos? this is what you sound like, you fucking asshole). Tumblr has age limits and people under that age limit shouldn't be looking at most things on this website. A smiling woman in a bikini top or a dude with his abs out are fucking nothing compared to the kind of damage you personally and specifically are trying to inflict with your shitty ideas.
Posting t&a on tumblr is not at all comparable to doing street level work and soliciting children for a number of reasons, but I'd just like to really take the time to point out that you just compared the profile pics on tumblr live to sexually soliciting a child. You literally did the "x group i hate are pedophiles" thing, which is exactly why it's such a huge problem that any and all types of nudity have been stigmatized online. We have created an entirely new paradigm of "pedophile" that means "existed around a child while wearing tight pants." You are such a fucking clueless, sanctimonious pile of shit that you can't even see that that's what you're doing. This is literally, exactly kink at pride discourse.
And that's even if I grant you that these people are posting t&a! Go look at the live leaderboards, you don't have to accept the ToS to see the leaderboards! We are talking about *at most* saucy pin-up levels of eroticism. I have seen fucking holiday cards with more visible cleavage than any of the top 200 tumblr live streamers right now.
The only thing in your final sentence that makes any sense is that you are positioning tumblr as trash town.
Yeah. I'm actually not at all impressed by tumblr recently and that has a lot more to do with the influx or resurgence of nuance-allergic, anti-sex, whiny shits like you than it does with a banner that i can scroll past in a quarter of a second.
I want people reading this to really, really sit down and think about what they're calling assault or hypersexualiztion or whatever. We are talking about profile pictures. You are so offended by a bar of 4 profile pictures at the top of your dash that you're comparing regular ass humans (some of whom are sex workers and some of whom are just streamers who took thirst trap selfies) to the real life solicitation and abuse of children.
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 20)
Getting ready for a party was stressful in it's own right. As it turned out.
After dropping off Tera at the nursery and saying a quick hello to Mrs. Rayn, both drones near sprinted back to their respective apartments, Uzi hadn't brought anything extra accept her pajamas, and needed to find something formal to wear.
The way Thad had described it, he was throwing a do-over Prom. After the official one was accompanied with murder and chaos, so it was encouraged, but not required, to wear formal clothes.
And Uzi thanked her oversentimetal post-prom self for looking for other dresses after the fact. She didn't mind the one she wore at prom, it was actually one of the things her dad had gotten right about her style, but she'd wanted something… more.
So, she dug out her chosen dress and it's accessories and tried it on for the first time in almost four months.
It was a dark purple dress that was a little shorter than the one she'd worn at prom, with a leather lined collar with a black skull sitting right at the center of her chest. It was perfect, especially with the gold that ran through it in subtle vine-like patterns.
She totally hadn't picked it out because the little bit of gold had reminded her of her the golden boy. No, not at all.
She ditched her beanie this time, deciding to actually do something with her hair for once even if that something was just comb through it.
As a final touch, she snapped on a bracelet she'd found that she'd liked, it was spiked, but honestly it fit the asthetic pretty well, and just edgy enough that even though it was jewelry, she didn't mind wearing it.
Looking back into the mirror, she looked… good, and for the first time in ever. She felt that she looked good too, maybe because it was actually something she had picked out this time, or maybe she just felt better about herself now than compared to Prom.
N did not put so much thought into his.
It wasn't that he didn't want to it was just that he only had the one suit. And he hadn't really bothered to go out looking for more clothes. So that's what he wore, and he was thankful that Uzi had patched it up for him after he'd gotten bisected.
He still looked dapper though, so his lack of effort didn't bother him so much.
And then they were both off again, racing to meet each other at the first (or third, as they were inside) door, excitement and nervousness mixing together in an exhilarating combination that seemed to vibrate off N and tighten uncomfortably inside Uzi.
N came to the door first, no doubt aided by his long AF legs and how fast he'd been walking, he glanced around excitedly, but even being able to peer over the several heads of drones that were also making there way outside didn't help him spot her out.
And that was because she wasn't there yet. She was currently one with a sea of people, getting caught in it due to her size and how quickly the wave was moving through the hall. She was actually getting beaten around a bit, trying to make her way through without using her tail to frighten people away from her, despite the temptation.
Finally, N saw a group of people come around the corner and spit Uzi out of them rather violently, she also didn't look entirely happy about it either, shooting back a glance at the group before looking around and making eye contact with him.
If he hadn't already fallen, he might have in that moment.
She looked gorgeous, the deep purples in her dress combined with the sparkling golden lines cutting through it, the black little skull over where her core would be. Her hair was free of her beanie and a little spiked bracelet rested on her wrist that seemed to bring the whole thing together.
He felt his face heat up before she even reached him. If he thought her Prom dress looked good on her, this was leagues better.
“Oh w-wow. You look really pretty in that…” He said almost the moment she was in earshot, making her pause and a blush to take over her face as well.
“Uh thanks… you wore the suit from Prom?”
She asked back, clearly trying to talk through her fluster instead of stewing in it. She also may or may not have felt a little proud of herself for garnering that sort of reaction out of him.
“Yeah, it's the only thing I had…” He faltered a little, picking on the sleeve of his suit out of nervousness.
“Hey it's not bad! You look just as good!” She hurriedly tried to comfort him but only ended up making them both fluster more, N couldn't help but smile though, and he closed the gap between them, standing at her side.
“Dapper Buddies?” He asked goofily, referencing himself, and holding her shoulder, making her roll her eyes and also reference herself, by elbowing him lightly, although it wasn't even hard enough to knock the wind out of him, much less hurt.
“Come on.” She laughed as they followed another group outside, only for them both to gasp in awe as the scene unfolded before them
If one thing was clear, Thad definitely knew how to throw a party.
There was a huge temporary stage put up, with giant salvaged speakers on either side currently blaring EDM as loud as they could, string lights were hung on the buildings above them, and several tables of bot-safe food framed what was clearly the dance floor, which had been cleared of snow and a thick black tarp laid down to keep the snow melted.
“Holy crap.” Uzi said first, looking over at N who was still taking it all in for a moment before looking back at her, he let out a giddy laugh before taking her wrist and near sprinting into the main party, making her yelp before she was dragged along.
Thankfully N parted the crowd pretty well and when they stopped they were by one of the tables near the stage, they both had to turn down the volume on their audio receptors in order to prevent from damaging them.
Despite not being able to hear each other, they both laughed at how obnoxiously loud the music was, and N looked behind them to the table, where there was a bowl of batteries, small screws and washers, and copper wiring.
Eyeing a battery suspiciously, he popped one in his mouth, where it sparked and popped as his fangs peirced it, the feeling almost made him jump, but it wasn't unpleasant, and the resulting discharge made him feel slightly more energized, even if it quickly faded.
He caught Uzi in one of his visor eyes, laughing at his reaction before thrusting her hand in the bowl and taking an entire handful. She smirked at him before throwing back the whole handful into her mouth and biting down, hard.
The sparking and popping was audible this time, and it nearly filled her mouth with it's intensity, the shock was so great it made some of Uzi's hair stand on end as her eyelights glew a little brighter for a moment as her system absorbed the energy.
To N it was as adorable as it was funny, he laughed as she struggled with chewing the popping snack and tried to pat down her static filled hair, all the while trying not to laugh with batteries in her mouth.
The song died down, leaving only the constant wind that was usually howling itself horse to fill the silence, even if right now it was the equivalent to a light (freezing cold) breeze.
“Hey everybody!” Thad's voice came booming from the speakers as both drones turned their volume back up, he was standing on the stage, looking completely in his element as he gestured the crowd of teens and young adults.
“Thank you for coming out tonight! Hopefully this makes up for Prom yeah?”
Most of the crowd yelled back a “yeah!” And somebody screamed, because somebody always screamed.
“Alright! I got a couple bands to play tonight, and after that, I'll be your DJ till morning!” He said the last part a little louder, pumping his fist up in the air and hyping the crowd up more.
“Let's get this freaking started!” He yelled out, and the crowd vibrated in anticipation as the first band came out to set up, Uzi and N looked at each other in the moment of relative silence.
“Wow, He's actually kinda good at hyping people up isn't he?” N asked, and Uzi smiled back, laughing lightly.
“Are you kidding? This is Thad at his best.”
“Hey M'n’Ms! Zi!” Speaking of, the jock in question came sprinting off steps of the stage towards them, waving with a huge smile on his face.
“You guys made it!” He exclaimed, stopping short of running into the both of them in his excitement. Uzi was right, Thad looked like he was consumed by excitement, the chill persona eclipsed by the side of him that was a party animal.
“Told you we were, even if I had to drag Uzi here.” N replied, earning him a light hit in the chest, Thad only laughed.
“I was a little worried about that after the last time we spoke, glad he was able to wear you down Uzi.” He turned to her with a smile before his face got a little serious.
“Oh! Hey if you guys have any trouble tonight you come get me yeah? There's a lot more people here then I was expecting… so I don't know who you'll run into.” Thad bring any sort of serious about anything was… off-putting, but they both nodded before a voice cut through the crowd.
“Thad! Over here!” He looked up and waved happily at someone in the crowd, and he gave them both a wave goodbye as he sprinted bravely into the mass of moving bodies.
Soon after, the sound of instrumentation started to waft from onstage, Uzi and N moved farther away from the speakers, but still avoided the dense sea of people in the center, moving somewhere towards the back near a keg that said “Oil”
“Oh! What is this?” Being farther away from the blaring speaker allowed them to actually hear each other, but as N reached for a cup to fill, Uzi grabbed his hand and moved it away.
“That's fermented N, it'll get you drunk.” She explained, pointing out the several drones who were already slurring their speech and inventing weird dances on the dance floor.
“That's a thing?”
She nodded before glancing around for anything to drink that wasn't fermented, but found nothing but more kegs that likely all had the same thing in them.
“Looks like thats the only thing that's here… N!” She looked back at N to see him sipping lightly out of a cup filled with the stuff, he looked over at her with a grin.
“Hey I'm just tasting it! Plus it'll be through my system in like an hour anyway… my filters are too strong for it to last very long.” He shrugged as he took another sip.
“It's… really sweet…” He hummed as he seemed to drink from it more deeply, curiosity got the better of her and she got her own cup, filling it up from the keg before taking a swig of it.
N was right, it was sweet, almost too sweet, like someone had dumped five pounds of sugar in it before mixing it. But she still found herself liking it, weather it was because she'd actually liked the taste or it was the solver making it taste better she wasn't entirely sure.
“See?” He chuckled as they both stayed there awhile, not exactly getting drunk but absolutely drinking enough for them both to start feeling it in their processors, Uzi began to laugh lightly at a little bit of everything and N felt his nerves begin to melt away from him, looking at Uzi freely with half-lidded eyes as she giggled at essentially nothing.
A slow song began to play from the band onstage, and the crowded dance floor cleared out a bit leaving only couples that had paired up on it, he looked back at Uzi, face lit up by the string lights she was following with her eyes, and, without thinking;
“Would you wanna dance?” He asked rather abruptly, a fact that normally would have made him cringe and backtrack but right now he stood his ground.
Uzi felt her face flush, wondering if he was serious or not, but the genuine way he was smiling and holding out his hand to her told her that he was, she took his hand and found herself being walked to the dance floor.
“I uh… don't know how to dance.” Uzi admitted as they were now face to face, N was no longer holding her, but they were still rather close, N just smiled anyway.
“That's okay! Let me teach you! Just follow my lead.” He first grabbed her shoulder before blushing a little and looking to the side “Uh… can I?”
Uzi blinked before realizing he was asking for her permission to touch her, because of course he was, he was still N, even if he was being propelled forward slightly by the oil.
She nodded, as words began to fail her. And he gave her another gentle smile before leading one of her hands to his chest, and the other on his shoulder. Before both his hands rested on her hips.
The position brought the nerves back, and N gulped, he'd done this relatively smoothly up until this point, where the oil wasn't really helping his nerves due to the proximity, but he fought through it, he did say he'd teach her after all.
“Just relax.” He said, although if he was being honest it was more for himself then for her, and he started putting her through the steps he could do in his sleep at this point.
A step forward, two steps back, another step forward, all while turning slowly, and he tried to ignore her clumsy footing, he'd done the same thing while Tessa had taught him, and she was rapidly memorizing the steps anyway, each one getting more confident as they swayed together.
The blush nor the smile left either of their faces the entire time, and neither could take long looks at the other without quickly looking away.
When the song ended and they parted, it took a moment for them both to calm their fluttering cores, but N felt Uzi take his hand and lead him off the dance floor again, either not commenting on or not noticing the spark that passed between their hands.
N noticed, and it made him smile to himself, feeling more and more confident that she felt the same way.
“That was actually kinda fun…” She admitted after getting away from the speakers and releasing his hand, her voice had lost any angst or bite to it, even though she was in public. And he couldn't help but feel proud that he was the one who'd done that.
“Yeah! You were getting the hang of it pretty quickly!” He replied, keeping a bright smile on his face that wasn't at all faked, he was so so happy right now, literally nothing could bring him down.
Until something brought him down.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and he whirled around, looking down at a drone with black hair done up in a fancy bun and orange eyelights that was piercing into him rather harshly. She also wore a black dress that completely exposed the glass covering of her core, and a choker studded with orange gems.
“H-hi?” He stammered out, trying to be polite but honestly a little irritated that his conversation with Uzi had been interrupted.
“Hey there handsome.” She hummed in a seductive tone, leaning into him as far as she could without directly touching him, he took a step back, obviously uncomfortable with the proximity. He could hear Uzi make a noise, and he didn't have to hear it well to understand she was upset for him.
“I'm Chloe… N right?” His need to be polite nodded while the rest of his body tried to move to create further distance between them, but she just continued to close whatever space he made.
“You wanna dance? I can keep up with you without tripping over my feet.” She laughed, and it was too high pitched and immediately grated his ears. He frowned, knowing immediately who she was referring to.
“Uh… no-no thank you. I k-kinda came here with someone.” He took another step back and even attempted to turn back towards Uzi, just to make sure she was still okay when a cross between a moan and a pain-fueled growl escaped his mouth, and he turned back to find Chloe with the vial of his tail clasped in her hand, running a finger down it, almost to the tip of the needle before pulling her hand away.
“I always did wonder how it feels to get stung~” N was about to yank his tail away before she gave it another stroke, causing electricity to shoot into his legs and nearly paralyze him. He whined, this really wasn't pleasant…
“Hey! That's not a toy! Leave him alone!” Uzi shouted, rushing forward and trying to snatch the vial out of Chloe's hands, but she moved it put of her reach, also giving his tail a yank in the process, and he winced at the feeling.
Any amount of force he put into trying to pull away was now met with her squeezing it roughly, essentially trapping him with his own tail, he gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, this felt too similar to how J would “tease” him, fiding everywhere he was sensitive and just continuing to touch until it hurt.
“Awww what? He likes it~” She drug the tip of her finger all the way down to the tip of the needle, causing a small drip of acid to get pushed out and onto the floor, N's breath hitched as every single sensor up his back went off unpleasantly. He growled in warning, and one of his hands turned to claws, no, No! He wasn't ever going to be treated like some plaything again!
“Are you serious?! He's so obviously not into it! You can't just-” She was interrupted by her own tail rushing forward to try to bite Chloe, startling her just enough to let go enough for him to yank his tail away, trembling.
Her tail hissed after it missed, creating so much venomous saliva it was eating through the tarp rather quickly, one of her eyes turned to an “x” as she took stance in between them.
“You fucking freak! You have a tail?!” Chloe screamed, jumping back and causing commotion around them, several people turned to stare.
“Yeah I do! Leave him the hell alone! You're the creep who wanted to get stung!” She bit back aggressively, and her tail bit into the air, still desperately lashing out to try and sink it's teeth into Chloe.
“I-uh” Her orange eyelights looked over at the drones who were looking at them, an mandarin colored fluster taking over her face.
“Whatever! At least I'm not his baby-momma.”
Uzi felt a coil snap as she found herself suddenly lunging forward, tiny claws unsheathing from her fingertips as she tried to swipe and leave a permanent mark on her visor, only stopped by N himself, who had caught her mid-launch.
“Woah!” He said as she felt herself struggle against him, still trying to claw the insufferable bitches visor out of her head when someone else seemed to appear beside them.
“What's going on here?” Thad had entered the scene, as by now the situation had garnered quite the crowd, his eyes drifted from Chloe to Uzi, who had finally stopped struggling against N, to N, which gave him an apologetic look, although even behind that look Thad caught the rage, given away his heavy breaths and erratically waving tail.
“She freaking touched- you don't touch people like that!” Uzi yelled, as N put her down, her tail in her hand as she couldn't control it wildly snapping around at the people around them, content to bite anyone if it couldn't reach it's intended target.
Thad suddenly looked incredibly worried, he looked between N and Uzi to figure out which one of them had been touched, before deciding that it didn't matter, and he was ending this.
“You. Out. Now.” He pointed to Chloe who looked shocked, she pointed to herself and almost laughed.
“M-me? You can't honestly believe the freakshow over me?” Thad looked back at his two freinds, Uzi had finally calmed her tail down and was holding N's arm, clearly trying to comfort him, N himself was visibly shaken up, but his tall had begun to wag regardless.
“You heard me. Go home.” Thad turned back to her, putting himself between her and his two friends, she scoffed, although clearly embarrassed, and sauntered off back inside, but not without a final “Whatever, this parties lame anyway.”
He watched her, and made sure she'd actually left before turning to the crowd that had gathered. “Alright, this is over, go back to whatever you were doing.” and thankfully they listened, getting all the attention off the two.
“You guys okay?” He asked, touching the shoulders of both Uzi, and (although he didn't quite reach) N, looking between the two worriedly.
“Yeah I’m- were fine. Thank you Thad.” N replied, holding his tail extremely close to him, almost like it would suddenly come unattached from his body if he didn't.
“No problem, I wanna make sure my two friends are comfortable, and not harassed by… whoever that was.” He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment before starting again. “I can understand if you wanna leave after that, that was… not cool.”
Uzi and N looked at each other, N looking unsure until Uzi took his hand.
“We can go home if you want, we can just spend the rest of the night watching terrible horror movies?” She suggested, squeezing his hand, he sighed softly, trying to shake off the lingering anxiety that remained in him.
“N-no, we shouldn't let that ruin our night. I wanna stay.” He smiled, releasing his tail so that it could coil up behind him, pointing away from others obviously.
“Great! Glad that didn't scare you off!” Thad laughed before yet another situation was brought to his attention.
“Is that a magnet? Oh for Robo-Christs sake!” He ran off abruptly, shouting at another group wildly, trying to get them to put the magnets away before an adult saw them, they were barely getting away with the oil as it was.
“You sure you're okay? I don't mind heading inside.” Uzi double checked, still not quite letting him go, he smiled back, taking a deep breath to dissolve the jitters the situation had caused him.
“Yeah, Can't let some jerk spoil our fun. We were having a good time before that right?” Uzi nodded, but not before pulling him into a quick hug that he eagerly accepted.
“You wanna dance again? The music is a little more upbeat now. I can teach you some more?” He asked, pushing whatever had just happened into the back of his mind for now. He wanted to be here, having a good time. Not to dwell on someone that didn't deserve time in his headspace.
“If you're up for it?” And so he took her hand again, running off onto the dance floor to completely rid the situation from his mind by immediately overwriting the memory with the images of Uzi twirling around him as they did some sort of waltz, always touching in some way but always moving.
She wasn't very good, but that didn't entirely matter, as it made it more fun, he'd correct her trips by catching her into a dip, or guide her along if he felt she was getting lost.
By the time that song was over, he'd successfully gotten over it, and was laughing along with her as she tripped again.
“I'm… not very good at this am I?”
“That's okay. That's my job right?” He replied as the last song actually performed by a band came on, it was lively, with guitar and trumpet and drums that made you want to tap your feet.
“One more, and this time I promise you'll be good at it.” He held his hand out again and she took it without much hesitation, and they were off again, and while he started about the same as the music kicked up he quickly changed gears, his wings unfolding from behind him as he slowly took her in the air.
She was taken aback for a moment, not expecting it, before realizing what he was getting at, she wasn't great at dancing, but she was great at flying. So after adjusting her dress so that it wouldn't rip, and pushing down the anxiety that came from showing them in public, she let them unfurl from her back, following him into the air.
They started flying low, startling several people and making several others cheer for them as they flew through the air, slowly picking up speed as they spun around each other like a pair of dancing dragons. Then as the band spotted them, they began to play faster, either to encourage then to fly faster or to incorporate them into their performance, either could be true, but it did work, they flew faster, N coming in front of her to grip her hand before taking her up into the air.
They rose up into the air, the sound of the music fading behind them as they spun around each other, gravity catching up to them as they slowly began to fall back down, if N hadn't caught her into a dip that was reminiscent of a tango, and bringing her back up to his chest, one of his hands intertwining their fingers and the other holding the small of her back. Her wings folded back into her, leaving them to hover there under the power of N's thrusters, still spinning gently. One of Uzi's hands was on his shoulder, and she laughed airly before leaning into his chest gently, enjoying the feeling of his touch, perhaps it was the oil, or the mood. But she didn't feel the need at the moment to hide any of her affection.
N felt his core start to ache, his grip on her hand tightened as his other trailed up her side and eventually ended up at her chin, gently using his thumb to turn her face towards him. The action was barely an conscious one, he just… wanted to look at her.
Her eyelights were so bright, they almost glimered, a look of mild surprise passed across her visor, accompanied by a small smile. Her deep purple dress billowed around her, the gold seeming to sparkle even more this high up, and her hair, for once, flowed freely around her shoulders instead of being trapped inside her beanie.
“I… have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He asked slowly, his breath threatening to get caught in his throat, his thumb moving up to caress the seam under her visor, the tension in him so tight he could barely contain it.
“N…?” Uzi had been paralyzed the moment she felt his hand start to travel up her side, she could barely believe this was happening, this whole night had been…. something. And despite the part of her that wanted to beat off the cheesiness with a stick. This whole thing was really nice…
“Because you are. Not even just because you're in a dress but… just all the time.” She felt herself glancing down, blushing and trying to conceal her fluster before his hand came back to lift her head to look at him. It was so forward that Uzi couldn't do much but gasp a little and blink rapidly.
The air was thick around them, even through the fermented oil currently clogging his processors he was still nervous, but at this point it was a little late to back out. He'd already spoke his mind, it was time to commit.
“I… I think.” He felt himself heat up underneath her gaze. He had to keep going, the oil doing it's work to keep him from loosing his nerve, but it wasn't lasting very long in his systems, it was starting to wear off. He needed to do this now.
“I think I'm in love with you, Zi.” He finally forced out, voice so low it was barely audible, Uzi felt sparks light up in her core, and although she was silent, the hand she had rested on his shoulder went to the side of his face.
“You're so perfect. A-and smart, and you always know what to do… and you're so soft with me, and-and Tera too. And I just, really want you with me. Just doing… anything.”
Because I love doing anything, as long as it's with you.
Uzi didn't know what to say. Nothing in her arsenal of life experience could prepare her for this, a confession of love that was so sincere she almost felt like she was about to cry. All words within her processors died, even the fiesty ones.
“I… almost thought you felt the same way, but if you don’t I-”
No! He was taking her silence as a rejection! She frantically thought of words to say, anything, literally anything! But nothing was coming to her, her panic worsened until a desperate thought entered her mind.
If she couldn't use words, she could always use action.
The hand that had intertwined in his suddenly and roughly gripped his suit tie, surprising him and knocking him out of whatever sad rejection acceptance speil he was about to go on. Uzi was shaking like a wet kitten, but the look on her face was determined.
In an incredibly quick and not-at-all graceful movement, she slammed their visors together, making them clack together awkwardly and sending N reeling back in slight pain, looking incredibly surprised and confused.
“Uh…” He responded dumbly, and Uzi felt like making herself plumet to the ground so she didn't have to feel the searing hot embarrassment coursing through her, her entire visor was overtaken with blush, and she reached out to try and apologize while also covering her face with her hand.
“I- sorry! I was, gah- why is this hard?!” Words came back but none of them were anything but embarrassed cries and half-apologies, she buried her face in both her hands, hiding herself from him.
“Uzi?” he was so patient, his voice didn't hold any signs that he was upset, and she felt one of his hands pull one of hers away from her face, they were still hovering, thank robo-god, so no one could see her horrible attempt at kissing him.
“You- I'm not rejecting you! I just didn't know what to say!” She finally admitted, shouting because of how uncomfortably small she felt, but with how her visor was still consumed with purple, N could tell she wasn't exactly angry.
“I was uh… trying to kiss you.” She then admitted again, although this one in more of a whisper then a yell, it was N's turn to blush as he looked to the side before looking back into her eyelights.
“O-oh…” She wasn't looking at him, instead nibbling on her knuckles and looking like she'd rather perish then be alive right now, and he smiled, taking her hands and putting them back on his chest.
“Do you wanna try again?” He asked, face lighting up further and causing Uzi to look back at him, surprised, a cheep coming out of her mouth before she slowly nodded, leaning back into him, and feeling one of his hands drift back to the small of her back.
This time they both leaned in, Uzi's hands holding tightly on the collar of his suit and N's other hand coming up to cup her face.
A spark passed between their visors, jolting them both before causing them both to smile softy at the other as they finally closed the gap, soft silicone meeting soft silicone.
It only took a moment for them both to melt. Anime and movies had gotten it wrong, this wasn't a start of a fire or like getting caught in a thunderstorm. It was warm and it was comfortable, like they'd been doing it all their lives instead of right now for the first time. It was pleasant and chaste, and when they parted the warmth between them remained.
N blinked, his core feeling incredibly light like he'd just put down something he'd been carrying for a long time.
Uzi felt dazed like someone had just woken her up from a decade long nap and she wasn't sure where or when or who she was.
N laughed lightly first, mostly at himself but a little at her starstruck expression. Uzi was next, joining him in an expression of how… stupid this whole thing had been.
“When…?” She asked, trying to think back as cuddled closer to him, not feeling the typical complaints from her brain that usually would accompany such an affectionate action.
“We were flying together, and a love song came on… you looked really pretty with the eclipse.”
“That was over a month ago!” She exclaimed, being a little impressed on how well he'd hidden it. She'd still figured it out, but still.
She hesitated, did she really want him knowing how long she'd had feelings for him, Prom had been almost four months ago at this point.
But looking at him… she couldn't lie.
“P-prom.” She stammered out, and he froze, looking up at the stars with bewilderment.
“That was so long ago! Why didn't you say anything?” He asked, a wider smile on his face, it made Uzi fluster again, and she did the stupid girly thing of trying to put her hair behind her nonexistent ear.
“I- I'm me! I'm not exactly ecstatic to voice how I feel. Unless it's angst.” She shouted, leading them both to laugh again, although N leaned it once more, resting their visors together while looking deeply at her.
“You've liked me longer then I've liked you…” He pointed out, making her want to cringe. It wasn't her fault! He was just so… nice!
“Sorry I made you wait so long, I'm not the smartest drone.” He said.
“That's okay… That's my job, right?”
They both leaned in again, enjoying every moment of their time in the sky, being able to pay very little mind to the still raging party below them…
Next ->
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
hellooo!! i want to say your blog and writing are so so soooo wonderful! i love it, haha, and buddy became dear for heart x) aaand!! thanks to you I like family fluff even more, it's my comfort zone now!
can i ask about older seeker, who care about skywarp and thundercracker with star? despite canon and w∆r, it's pretty nice to think that they're actually good with each other 🥺
Thank you for the compliments! I'm glad to hear that The Buddy's are leaving such a good impact on people!
Since you did not specify which continuity this was, I assumed you meant by the IDW continuity. If this isn't what you wanted, please let me know.
Now we've had a Human Buddy senior, get ready for Bot Buddy the senior!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Senior Seeker being a parental figure to Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Starscream
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy was one of the older seekers in the aerial troops.
If fact Buddy was probably the oldest bot in the Decepticon division. But despite being one of the older bots Buddy made it up with being an experienced flyer.
With their results it landed Buddy as one of Satrscream’s right hand assistant /teammate.
This meant that Buddy would be spending a lot of time with the Elite Trine.
“Buddy, reporting for duty, Starscream.”--Buddy
“Finally, someone who has some respect for the future Leader of the Decepticon army.”--Starscream
“Great another suck up…”--Thundercracker
“Well, isn’t that a bit ambitious isn’t it Stascream? Maybe not the future leader of the army—”--Buddy
“How dare—”--Starscream
“Don’t interrupt me Kid.”--Buddy
“Nevermind I like this one.”--Skywarp
“Shush! Both of you!”--Buddy
“I was saying use your position to improve the lives of those who work with you.”--Buddy
“Now why would I do that!”--Starscream
“More kindness you spread the more kindness you’ll receive in the end.”--Buddy
“Buddy you might want to save your energy on that.”--Thundercracker
“Yeah, Screamer here doesn’t do kindness. I don’t think he knows the meaning of the word.”—Skywarp
“Worth a shot.”--Buddy
Enough time the Elite Guard had become too accustomed to the older bot being there all the time. Even after the war the Trine continued to have communication with Buddy.
Starscream wanted Buddy to stay on Cybertron as one of his advisors.
No offense to Rattrap but he isn’t the best bot to always have around. And he refuses to hang out with Windblade anymore than what he has to. Buddy does take time to visit Starscream whenever they are back on Cybertron.
“What are you doing?”--Buddy
“Having the mechs repaint your ship.”--Starscream
“Paint my ship?”--Buddy
“Yes, it was looking rather dull. Your ship shouldn’t have to look like that scrapheap.”--Starscream
“This isn’t a way for you to have me stay on Cybertron?”--Buddy
“Well then since I’m going to be here for a while, what’s going on between you and Windblade?”
Buddy has made their home on Earth. It’s much more peaceful there now that the war is over. Buddy has to schedule meetings with Skywarp as his work has him moving all around with The GI Joe.
Skywarp likes it when Buddy comes over and races them around.
“C’mon Buddy best out of 25?”--Skywarp
“How about we take a breather? I can’t fly like I used to Skywarp.”--Buddy
“Aww! C’mon!”--Skywarp
“How about you tell me about that Rock guy?”--Buddy
“How about we take that breather.”--Skywarp
Buddy has to wait by themselves for a while to see Thundercracker.
9 times out of 10 Buster finds Buddy before Buddy has to try in finding Thundercracker. He gives Buddy a lot of copies of his screenwriting.
“Wow TC! This is a lot of screen writes.”--Buddy
“Yeah! I’m trying to get some of them to be produced soon!”--Thundercracker
“You seem to have a lot of good ideas here. But you might want to go over some of them again. I don’t think human’s have a last name like ‘Boyfriend’.”--Buddy
“I mean you can help me out as my editor. Just as a thought.”--Thundercracker
“Sorry kiddo, not my thing. I am however invested in how this one human having a crush on this other human that sounds suspiciously like Ms. Marrissa Farborne.”--Buddy
“And your love interest here kind of reminds me of y—”--Buddy
“HEY! Buster wants to play with you now! Isn’t that right Buster!”--Thundercracker
Each seeker tries to keep Buddy longer each visit.
None want Buddy to leave.
Buddy never stays, but they always come back at the end of the day.
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tofu83 · 6 months
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Let me introduce the latest high-tech prison in the Republic of All Mankind!
As you can see, it’s not a building or camp but simply a set of body armor. It can limit prisoners' freedom and correct their behavior with minimal resources
Mark, the rebel who encourage young people to engage in destruction, has the honor to serve as an example.
Turn around, Prisoner!
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"What the fuck are you doing to my body!?"
See? Even if he has thousands of unwillingnesses, he can do nothing but obey. That's because this exoskeleton has been connected to his central nervous system. Now he is not able to control his own body, but let the armor in charge.
Oh, that gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket, you have question?
"Why not brainwash the prisoner or implant a controlling chip to make him completely compliant?"
Good question! We intend to keep their mind clear in order to let them understand what we could do to them. Let them know that every single person is just the property of our country. Even you and me both have to admit that the authority has absolutely power over us. Right?
Besides, the prisoners have to learn what is good and what is bad. Take Mark as example. He will join the rebels hunting team working with law enforcers to hunt down his accomplices, and force them into the same kind of prison he is in now.
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"You freaking bustard! I will never betray my allies!"
He is so noisy, isn’t he? No problem! Turn around to show our guest your face, prisoner! Just a click on this button,
the mouth gag and face mask will make him quiet!
Okay, let’s continue. After working for the authority many times, we infer they will finally understand how childish they were and how glory to serve the country. They will submit and be loyal to their country from the bottom of their hearts.
But we know some people are very stubborn and won’t easily be break down. If we need immediate combat effectiveness, they are the best choice because the armor also has the ability to fully control the wearer.
Lets enter the code here…
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You can see that the prisoner stops struggling and stands up straight. His eyes glowing red like robots’ because he is actually becoming a robot.
Their minds would be wiped out in order to be reprogrammed easily.
Only the useful parts of their memories will be retained, and the rest will be deleted.
Now the reprogramming is almost complete.
Hunter bot 001 active and report status!
"Hunter unit 001 is fully functional, reporting for duty."
Let me prove that he is already converted into a loyal servant of our country.
"Hunter bot 001, perform your main mission!"
"Yes sir, this unit will comply. Start searching for potential insurgents…. Target detected! A close friend of the famous rebel, Mark, is in this room!"
Wow, what a surprise!!!
"Rebel, Name: Black. Must be arrested immediately!"
Hey!That gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket!
Congratulations on becoming the second inmate of the new prison!!!
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pascallatte · 1 year
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Actress!reader
Summary: GQ Germany with PEDRO PASCAL aka him fawning over Y/n over a single this or that.
Date: September 2020
Warnings: none
A/N: I love love love this interview, his voice, his hair, the vibes, HIS SMILE!!! Everything, alsoooooooo probably the last one for 2020 for now next one may be a throwback or we’ll move on to ’21 (most probably). SO everyone, happy reading and tell me what you think!! Love lots x
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“Hi, I’m Pedro Pascal I’m here at GQ Germany Cover shoot.” Pedro’s seen sitting in a chair in the set of GQ Germany for this month’s issue. The team decided to get him in to join a quick get-to-know-him-better game, an upgraded version of This or That.
Swimming trunks vs beach shorts
Sucking in a breath when the staff shows him two pictures, ”I would have to go with shorts, because of what I could pull off at my age. Despite the continuous disagreement from someone.”  He smiles.
Sweater vs hoodie
“Hmm I love a sweater though but I really love a hoodie.” Biting his lip, Pedro asks.
“Can any of these be ties?… Really?!” 
“Oh, it has to be absolute. Hmm, this is something me and my girlfriend often debate on, ‘cause she steals most of my tops which makes me buy more but then when I do buy hoodies she tells me to buy sweaters. But since this is my interview hmm…Well alright, hoodie it is. Either way, we take turns using it.” With a very satisfied tone, he explains his side looking at a camera with a small fond smile.
Oberyn Martell vs Din Djarin
Shocked by what he’s been shown, Pedro can only laugh as he responds, “Wow, that is a really hard decision to make.”
“Umm, the armour didn’t work so well for me at the end of Game of Thrones, but it looked amazing,” taking in a breath as the gears in his head takes in the pros and cons of each suit and character.
“That being said the armour in The Mandalorian looks very very good and I'm still alive. So I guess I would have to- you know I can’t I just can’t I cannot betray Oberyn and choose The Mandalorian. But umm let’s just leave it at that being an impossible decision.”
Smart vs traditional watch
“Traditional watch, people who use smart watches are people who can’t tell or read the time. And by people I mean…” Pedro turns to look at the camera and gives it or soon the viewers a knowing look, in hopes that they know what he meant by that.
Fedora vs baseball cap
“Those are my hats!…Oh wow”
“Well clearly since you have a picture of a fedora that belongs to me and a baseball hat that belongs to me… I favour both” he elaborates while raising his hands in a somewhat joking accusatory way to the staff who has asked him to pick one between his favourites. To him, it’s like asking him to pick between things or people he adores.
“I cannot and you cannot make me decide between a fedora and a baseball cap. I love them both equally”
Facial hair or clean shaven
“What? Are you making me choose between clean-shaven or facial hair?” 
“They’re currently showing me two pictures of myself.” He stops for a moment, making his sort of thinking face as he thinks back to 10 or so years ago.
“One that is maybe… 10 years ago, where clean-shaven may have worked.
"Umm, I'm gonna have to go with the very strange patchy facial hair that I am capable of growing on my face.”
Contacts vs glasses
Answering immediately, “Glasses.. what a ridiculous question.” He shakes his head as if telling them the obvious as well as the light tone of his voice.
“Glasses, sticking my own fingers into my eyes? I have yet to cross that threshold.”He continues to shake his head as he explains why he’d chosen it.
Y/n’s sheer 2018 met gala dress or her 2019 white oscars dress
Pedro’s entire face lit up as soon as the staff showed him the choices. “Ohh bot- this is a hard one…I love both of them, and it looks incredible on her,” he emphasizes, adorably staring at the pictures.
Sitting still while continuing to admire his love, “Ahhh would you look at that..."
"She’s beautiful don’t you agree?” Pedro straight away smiles as soon as the staff behind the camera agrees with him.
“The first one makes her look like this mermaid or angel- you know like a fallen angel, just for me, and the other is very- something she would dress herself in with how simple yet elegant it looks. So I would have to go with her Oscars look.”
A voice off cam tells him something that had caught his attention, making his expression turn into shock and amusement, “It’s a wedding dress?! Really?! She wore a wedding dress to the Oscars… hmm” slowly ruffling his hair he sits back after getting a closer look at the picture.
Leather or bomber jacket
“Wow, leather jacket. I have and I think I always will love a leather jacket.” Explaining this with a small smirk that had him explaining his thoughts right after.
“Y/n has bought us a matching pair of these incredible vintage leather jackets and-so basically it’s something that I will never ever lose my interest in.”
Coffee or tea
Nodding his head, he looks straight to the camera, “Coffee. Coffee all the way.” 
Raising his hands up similar to a surrendering position to defend himself, he chuckles before continuing, “It’s not that I don’t like tea but then again coffee is what keeps me up and going other than y/n… who is by the way is also a coffee addict.”
Clasping his hands together, he finalizes, “Coffee, 100%”
"Thank you for watching and click here to subscribe to GQ Germany!"
the dress for reference:
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A/n: so I wrongly timed the post of this one, instead of it being posted yesterday at noon it was set to 12 am today haha, never gonna do that again. Anyways if you're reading this thank you and have a nice day ahead of you!!!
Taglist: @benonlinear @t-stark35 @heyitsme-2 @elleeeee21 @holmesstrange @tagakalat @flyestvenustrap @oldermenaremyreligion @cherryred444 @hobiismyhopeu @ilovehotdadsandshit @djarinsstuff @guacala @avengersheart @pukka-latte @lilvampirina @mmkkzz
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WIBTA if i cut off someone reaching out for help on tumblr? i am a very anxious person. ive been on tumblr a very long time because most all other social media terrifies me as someone who grew up with the wild west internet a decade past (im in my late 20s) so i feel sometimes with how reckless and spurractic people can be online in chatroom and especially clearly public platforms where any stranger, malicious or otherwise can just archive your digital presence for personal use.
more recently as someone who has been here during the pornban and as an asexual really enjoyed the quiet with no drama farming and a slow pace to talk about more unique political topics in a measured way it is something im strangely nostalgic for and a great example of my sensibilities to people when they insist that i use other platforms like discord or twitter or whatever clone for these services comes out of the old guard introducing feature creep to copy everyone else or any other indi "were the anti corporate version" of the endless scroll apps. i just dont want it. tumblr is special because im desktop only, been here for years, and i have kept track of every single change made so i have manually adjusted the change through hacks to evade every bad decision on here and make my set up look identical to how it was in 2010. so let it be understood that i tend to be a loney person because of this stubbornness. web 3.0 is too dangerous to people with addictive tendencies that my adhd brings out and my need to wear my heart on my sleeve. so i hope i defended my personality type enough to show why someone like me would see a post about some horrible abuses they have fell victim to who also share alot of the marginalized status as me and writing depressive things in the replys of others posts as to attention seek about it.
i directly interact with this person, not only to check if they are real (but wow, modern chat bots make this part horrifying for me. we really cant ever know for sure what is real anymore. trying to find warmth on the internet feels impossible now a days) i have multiple conversations at this point both venting and just casually shooting the shit. but the begging for me to constantly repost their paypal makes me so nervous in a way that i feel so guilty for because it reminds me of all the scams that get associated with this kind of ebegging and the reminder that capitalism takes away all warmth from human interaction to make them purely transnational and conditional. but then it just has been escalating where im so scared that now its not enough that im reposing on my 8 follower, all mutual blog, they are asking me to share it on other socials. accounts i do not have i have a flip phone and a laptop and i am tinkering with a windows 7 tower that will never be connected to the internet so i can always have software sit perfectly in its time capsule for when i need it. i do not have a way to help this person outside of what i learned from collage psyche classes. a part of me is so scared to just abruptly cut them off and just delete my entire account like i tend to do often on tumblr for a multitude of reasons, its a part of what lets people survive being here this long but i worry that would crush them if i did that, i dont want to make them feel more hopeless and unwanted then they already talk about. but i am text on the internet through a screen. i can only do so much. so would i be the asshole if i just deleted my account with a "i hope you hang in there, the world is a harsh place but keep moving" to cut someone so similar to me who is struggling out of my life?
What are these acronyms?
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batboyblog · 4 months
It’s not the same. It’s grassroots now.
I'm actually glad to get the chance to address a common misunderstanding of what happened in 2016 (and is happening now)
So people often misunderstand when someone talks about Russian interference with American elections (and its not just Russia and not just the USA to be clear) that what they mean/think is that everyone who disagrees with them on the internet is either a bot controlled by Russia or a Russian agent posing as an American.
No, clearly the vast majority of people posting across social media about US politics in 2015-16 were real American citizens. What I want you to imagine is, what if there was one person who's job, literal paid job, was to log in and just engage with, spread, boost and support one kind of content, now imagine the impact of 2, 10, 100, 1,000 people who clock in every morning and work 8 hours a day every day just pushing one topic, could they get it trending on Tumblr every single day? very likely.
but more importantly how would that effect how everyone sees the thing they're talking about? would more people engage with it? make their own posts about it? content creators are likely to engage with something that automatically gets reblogged/tweeted/shared a lot.
This is what happened in 2016 (and is happening now) in political space it works to reenforce negative views, for example someone posts about how shit the economy is (even though its in fact good) and they get more likes for that tweet than ever before, wow that must mean many people feel this way! and your negative impression is correct! once you put your thumb on the scale it starts to become self reenforcing, political content creators are engagement whores as much as any other kind, journalists hang out on-line in the same spaces, if you have a not very big army of people boosting a certain narrative all day every day it starts to just boost itself after awhile.
so no, its not grassroots, its never been grassroots. They take your feelings of discontent, they take real issues you might have and turn them up to 11 and boost them and boost them and people get suck in an echo chamber because there are a few thousand people who's literal 9 to 5 job is logging on and pretending to be real humans who are upset at Joe Biden and the Democrats. So it's not that all the noise is Russians, its just that the Russians act as a megaphone for it.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/09/2024 Daily OFMD recap
TLDR; Leslie Jones; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Vico Ortiz; Jes Tom; Police Menacing Max; Articles; WBD Q1 Earnings Call; Casey Bloys Excuse Generator; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie Fucking jones will be Joining NBC's 2024 Olympics coverage!! She's gonna be Chief Super Fan Commentator! Fuck yeah Leslie!
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Source: @nbcolympics Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Some sneaky shots with Chaos Dad for Kinga's 41st birthday! Happy Birthday Kinga!
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Source: Kinga Malisz's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
So apparently Samba has started his Thirst Trap Era -- none of us are complaining! A lot of the OFMD cast members decided to comment on these as well!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
In case you missed the video on Rita's IG Stories: Peepa Sighting (I don't actually know how to spell this? I see like 3 versions online-- feel free to correct me!)
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's been doing so much voice acting lately! They decided to drop some pics from the booth! Loving all the facial expressions!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
= Date My Abuelita, First! =
New Episode of Date My Abuelita, First! with Vico! Listen here
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Source: DMAF Instagram
= Jes Tom =
Our dear Jes Tom is an honoree of Queerty's 2024 #Pride 50! Congrats Jes! Thanks @adoptourcrew for sharing this!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter / Queerty's #Pride50
== WBD End of Q1 Meeting ==
Today's Q1 Meeting was full of massive BS as you've probably seen from various sources by now. Thank you @ragsandmuffins-ali for live tweeting during the call so we could get an idea of what's going on in their heads.
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Source: @ ragsandmuffins Twitter
== Max Polite Menacing ==
SO MANY OF THE CREW stepped out today and started polite menacing Max again! Excellent job everyone! Thank you @ indarltonitrust for catching the count! I saw it was close to 10K by the time I went to bed!
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Source: @indarltonitrust on Twitter And man oh man, we even got the bots in on it!
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Source: @ragsandmuffins-ali on Twitter Some folks really let loose!
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Source: @ ofmooshd on Twitter @ Seven_Sugars not pulling the punches either.
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Source @ Seven_Sugars Twitter
= Casey Bloys Excuse Generator =
Idk which one of you indestructible little fuckers on this crew created a Casey Bloys Excuse Generator -- but well done! It's fantastic, try it out below.
== Articles ==
Thank you to Adopt Our Crew, Pink News, Never Left Podcast, and everyone else who shared all these articles today! Adopt Our Crew as well as the general OFMD fandom got several shoutouts today in them!
‘Nobody cares about Gollum’: The Internet’s reaction to new ‘Lord of the Rings’ films is anything but ‘precious’ 
‘Don’t Stream on Max’: Why viewers are protesting Max and calling for David Zaslav to be fired
#DontStreamOnMax, #FireDavidZaslav Trend as Warner Bros. Tries to Convince Us Everything’s Going Great
Warner Bros. Discovery Misses Q1 Expectations, TV Ad Sales Down 11% as Streaming Revenue Flat
Warner Bros. Discovery Reports Wider-Than-Expected Loss as Revenue Falls Short
Warner Bros. Discovery Plans Fresh Cost Cuts, Max Price Hike
== Love Notes ==
Wow! Crew, today was nuts! I wasn't even present for most of it, but I poked my head in occasionally and saw so many people Polite and Not so Polite Menacing today! It was fantastic! I want to give a huge shout out to AdoptOurCrew for leading this charge, SaveOFMD Crew for all their support and resources, @sonnetforbonnet for guiding folks, and all the other folks who helped so many people today in menacing Max! I tell you lovelies, it felt really good to see that kind of passion and banding together today. It reminded me of earlier this year when we were all united for one common cause. I realize we can't keep that momentum up all the time, but it was so very heartwarming to see everyone working together today again.
You all are badasses and you should be proud of yourselves. You seriously stepped it up today. I heard there was some drama with some not so kind "max supporters" but if you can, please just ignore those folks. They don't know where we're coming from and they are absolutely not worth your energy if you don't have the spoons <3 I'd like to share another love note I found on Instagram today that's not completely applicable to todays events, but it spoke to me because of the last part. Be proud of yourselves lovelies. No matter what you did today, polite menacing, sleeping, massive aggression, whatever it was. You did great <3 Take care <3
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Source: soulscribbleerr's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is being a boss and dancing, cause yall were BAMF today.
Gifs courtesy of @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ a-man-for-hire-and-his-archives
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nu-carniviva · 1 year
I really wanted a more lighthearted return to this blog but... I really need to talk about this new event
Wow. I just. Wow. They really went all out with serious subject matter for this event. Um, I guess I'll talk about this is order of the characters' memories that were presented
Edit: made some minor mistakes but I'll fix that later
Blade: Blade was a lot from the get-go. I never really enjoy seeing him as his assassin bot self but this was a whole new level of depressing. Blade's memories make it clear that Saia is not a pleasant place. The technology is advanced, but the people are primitive. I believe Blade's story so far isn't exactly about when he was made, but when he became alive.
Blade was designed to behave more human-like in order to infiltrate Klein and assassinate Huey so the continent would crumble. While he was originally just supposed to pass as human enough to mask himself as a trustworthy being, the scientists failed to remember just how complicated human emotions are, and that Blade would be in a continent surrounded by humans away from other automatons/e-droids.
To be a human is to be complex. We are not simple minded creatures with strictly black-and-white thinking. Blade has learned this right away now that observing and mimicking humans is in his programming. His biggest sign of showing his evolution into becoming more human is when he saves the other automaton from dying out on the battlefield. He's seen other humans care for each other and nurse each other back to health when wounded, so he assumed the same would happen for his own kind. Yet, when he brought the automaton to the scientists, they killed him right in front of Blade with no hesitation or remorse. Blade seems to get a moment of realization in that moment. The realization that his kind were made solely to serve and please humans. They truly do not care for him or the other automatons. The humans, or the Saians in particular, see them as disposable things rather than sentient beings.
While in Klein, it's noted that Huey played a massive role in changing Blade to who he is now, but I'm sure he was already starting to rebel against his programming because he had more opportunity to experience a kind version of humanity. The humans in Klein, overall, treat each other kindly and respectfully. Blade has never seen such treatment before, and since that behavior is a part of human nature, he has to observe and mimic it as part of his programming.
Rei: Rei... Experienced a lot. From the very start, Rei shows that he has no issue seducing men to gather information from them. His life is dedicated to research, and he's willing to do anything to gather as much information as he can.
Yet, he clearly wasn't the same type of dedicated researcher he is now. That is shown by the end when he enters his home. His home is a mess, and Rei is surprised to see it in that state, meaning he wasn't always messy. He used to be organized and lived in more of a home than a laboratory that he happens to sleep in. Research was his motivation in life, but it wasn't his life.
While nothing is explicitly stated, it's very very clear that Rei was raped by the man he was talking to at the bar and broke into his house. As he lies there, powerless and corrupted, he snaps. In order to cope, his mind blanks about the events that just happened, and he forces himself to think about his research, hence why he mentions that Saians really do have essence.
Since then, Rei has spiraled into his research. His research became his life. It became his only reason to live. His only reason to keep going. He views life as an experiment to research on. He views his body as destroyed, and now its only purpose is to be a test subject in his research. His house is a mess now too. Papers and products for experiments are scattered throughout the place, and he's protective over each of them. In Rei's mind, his research is all he has control over. It's the only part of him he can protect and see value in. He has no self worth anymore, and I hope we can see that self worth come back as the game progresses.
Kuya: First of all, it's insane how Rei's part ended by dropping a bombshell and then Kuya's immediately opens with dropping a bombshell. This is the absolute closest we have ever seen to Huey's identity. He's masked so we can't see his face, but it appears that his body is very similar to Eiden's. So that alone makes sense why the remaining OG clan members have said he looks like Huey as well as having the same essence.
It's clear from the start that Kuya was Huey's right hand man. He seems to have gone on the most adventures with Huey, and it's most likely from the power that he holds. Under Huey's influence, Kuya was a lot more cynical and apathetic, so it's likely that he viewed Kuya as someone to help him get his way. Kuya also shows to have had a deep loyalty to Huey — a type of loyalty he hasn't shown anyone else. Whatever Huey wanted, Kuya made sure it happened.
The scene at the bar was insane too, and it further proves my claims of Kuya being more apathetic and cruel when Huey was around. While life has always seemed to be a game to him, he played the game with little regard to other lives. The men in the bar were ogling him, and while that certainly is gross and Kuya had every right to be disgusted, he punished them in such an extreme way that we haven't seen him do before. The current Kuya prefers to torment others with mind games and illusions, while this past Kuya preferred to be more physical and violent.
It's also important to note how much Kuya has mellowed out since meeting Eiden. Don't get me wrong, Kuya is still a total sadist, but he has shown to be mindful of the lives of others. He doesn't kill or maim on a whim. Instead, like stated earlier, he's developed a preference for mind games and teasing. His mind games now serve as lessons to those around him too. He pushes others to their limits, but he does it so they can come back stronger. Ever since meeting Eiden, he's found a family. He's found people worth keeping around. It's similar to Blade, in a sense. After being around people who treat him with kindness and respect, he started to change.
This event has been a roller coaster so far and it literally just started. The devs seem to be handling these heavy topics with care as of now and I hope it remains that way.
I think overall the theme of this event is a commentary on humanity, especially in our current day. Saia is technologically advanced, yet the people are heartless and have lost compassion for one another. They're so focused on advancing their technology and destroying people or places lesser than them that they've forgotten their part of human nature to love. If you were to look at any news source right now, you would see very similar themes. Technology is constantly advancing and pushing forward, yet people are going backwards and losing their kindness.
Then again, I suppose humans have always been cruel. History is stained with the blood of others both human and animal. Humans have shown time and time again that they can be just as heartless and violent as more simple minded animals, so it's possible this event is a commentary on humanity as a whole rather than just current humanity.
It's crazy, really, how this game started as something lighthearted and fun and is now full of angst and disturbing topics. That being said, there's still plenty of wholesome and sweet moments. I suppose that's just like real life, huh?
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superbellsubways · 1 month
robor lore time
Showbitz and Heartbreaker stuff (+ a bit of their creator) ↓
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Lets start off with their creator (🙄) Their creator is a young, sad, lonely man named Dennis who spends most of his time indoors working on his own projects and lounging about. He had originally gone to school to become a doctor but instead took more interest in robotics. After graduation, he found a place and experimented with his newfound passion. Bitz would be the first of his bots to be considered a success.
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as mentioned in the reference, Bitz was built with the purpose of dealing with heavyweight items and disposing of useless things/trash (crushing with his teeth). During his free time (when not having any orders given to him) he would watch tv or browse the Internet. He learned about the outside world and everything it had to offer this way, and soon he realized he wanted to see it for himself. However, his creator would not allow this in fear that he would get damaged or cause harm in some way. But of course, this wouldn't stop him from trying!
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At some point, Dennis ends up building a housekeeper bot to help keep the place tidy and such. Soon enough she and Bitz became acquainted with eachother, and would hang out with eachother more and more on their breaks 😁 with Bitz showing her his favorite things to watch and look at.
Ok ok Fast forward a bit. The two bots both decide they want to run away to see the outside world. They pack up some supplies (including money they had stolen from Dennis lol) and find a way to leave while he was out for errands, it was the perfect opportunity!. They trainhop a few times till they finally reach close to the big city (very far from their home).
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Here, they would try their best to figure themselves out and what they want to do (along with trying to get a roof over their heads of course). Days pass and their hopes start to dwindle, until suddenly out of the blue, they get asked to be apart of an ongoing tv show, and immediately take up the offer as long as it provided them with a safe place to stay. Bitz would end up becoming the new host for a popular game show (the show having a robot host as it's main gimmick) with the housekeeper bot (now known as Heartbreaker) as his assistant.
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Now, you must be wondering "wow Mari this doesn't really explain why Bitz is the way he is now!" "Why is he passive aggressive nowadays?" "Does Bitz kill people" bear with me Ok.
At some point early into his career he ends up having his trust broken by a Certain Someone. This ordeal causes him to snap and hold a huge grudge towards them. Overtime he would start experiencing hatred for literally anyone he finds even the slightest bit of irritating, including a few of his own contestants or audience members (essentially he becomes corrupt, a Huge Hater, and develops anger issues LOL. You know the "are you tired of being nice don't you just want to go ape shit" meme yea thats basically what's happening).
One day he thought to himself "well why don't I just get rid of these people?" (which would be just. ya know. killing them. crazy i know. but at this point he really doesn't care!). He uses Heartbreaker to do the dirty work for him (hunting them down hitman style) while they're not on the air. She does not mind doing the job, as she does not feel much empathy towards people she doesn't know personally Especially humans (not to mention she also knows how to clean up once its done haha).
Anyways the fame from his show starts getting to Bitz's dumb robot head, which leads to him becoming more egotistical, to the point where he's practically obsessed with himself! He wants everyone to focus on him and him only, it's what he craves most. He would do anything to be the center of attention.
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and that's kinda all I have left to say for now. I do plan to draw a few things I purposely left out + things i mentioned here in the future. I also want to make another post about the other bots at some point. Kudos to anyone that was cool enough to read through this dumb thing. thanks
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 years
Level 8000 (Gavi x Reader)
28 day writing prompt challenge - prompts are here
Day 6: Meeting for the first time
"Alright I'm going to get onto an online server. No one try to reach me for the next several hours."
Your roommates laughed at the warning as you slipped your headset on. You adjusted the ears, bringing the mic over your mouth, and settled back into the couch. Your hoodie and sweats swamped your form, providing maximum comfort for your gaming session. Were you a fantastic gamer? No. But had you fixated on two or three games for long enough to get good at specifically those games? Yes, yes you did. One of those games was FIFA. You had played all the events throughout the World Cup, in between the early morning matches, and late at night when your 7pm Redbull kept you up until the early hours.
This binge playing over your winter break, as well as the game events, lead to you having a crazy stacked team. You had a super high Neymar as your front man, meaning that as long as you got the ball in the last 1/3 of the field, you were almost guaranteed to score. When all your real life friends had grown tired of you winning 7-0, you turned to PS online. People on the internet were ruthless. You played against stacked teams, losing your first dozen matches. But as you practiced and upgraded your players (as well as googling some good team formations), you started to win. Your win-loss ratio improved immensely with the addition of one piece of equipment: headphones with a mic. You started to join the voice chat, and the sound of a woman sent these poor gamer boys into a frenzy, allowing you to score two goals before they could recover.
Now it was your escape. You loved the power of overwhelming men just by saying "good luck", and the profanities that followed when you won. Tonight was no different. You had already beaten four different whiny men, and had tied a game with another girl on the voice chat, who practically squealed with delight when she heard the sound of your voice. Now it was time for match number 6 of the night, and you were sufficiently warmed up, ready to destroy.
[Opponent] - 6avira30
You smiled, thinking to yourself 'Awe, a Gavi fanboy. I wonder if he has him in midfield." The audio connected, and you heard a couple different male voices yell at each other in Spanish.
"Hello?" You said softly into the mic. Couldn't have them think you were anything other than a soft uwu girl using her boyfriend's account. The voices stopped suddenly, with a long pause before the reply: "Are you a girl?" You laughed at the question. It was not the first time you had gotten it, but the utter confusion in the boy's voice caught you off guard. "Yeah, I am. Hurry up and lock in your team so we can start the match." "Ay, be patient. My great strategic mind needs time to work."
You groaned into the mic. These "strategists" often were the most annoying people to play with, and often the one calling you a cheater or a bot or saying that your "man" was playing while you were on the mic. You locked in the same team you always used, and waited for the great mastermind to lock in his squad. The match began a minute later, and you were not surprised to see it was mostly Barca players, old and new.
"Wow a Xavi-Iniesta midfield. It's been a minute since I've seen that." You said, trying to get the ball across the center line.
"They're the best duo in the world. Everyone should have them in the middle." The boy replied, harshly attacking all your midfielders. It had been a while since you encountered someone who played this aggressively, but it was interesting enough to get you to sit up straight.
"Really? Given your tag, I thought you would have Pedri and Gavi in the middle."
The boy got quiet at this, the statement clearly catching him off guard. It was the lapse in focus that you needed, getting the ball to your super-charged Neymar, and slamming a goal in from outside the box.
"What the actual fuck was that?" A yell came in from the other side. You laughed freely now. This was a fun match. You were being challenged in the middle of the field, really having your defense tested. The boy kept you entertained online, asking all the typical questions about how you got so good. The match ended 3-1 to you, and you were about to say goodbye when a notification popped up on your screen.
[6avira30] - Rematch Requested
"You want to play against me again? One loss wasn't enough?"
"I'm not going to lose again. I just have to recalibrate the squad."
You continued playing against the same opponent for 7 or 8 matches in a row, the conversation moving from the game to your lives.
"So you've never been to a football match in person? How is that possible? You live in Barcelona!"
"I'm a university student who is struggling to pay my rent. I don't have the time or money to buy tickets. Well, at least the tickets that I want."
"Well, what tickets do you want?"
"I want the ones that are right up on the field, so at the end of the game I can ask Lewy for his shirt at the end?"
"Lewandowski? Not one of the younger players?"
"Nah, everyone is always yelling for Gavi's shirt. And while it would be nice to see Gavi or Pedri shirtless, I feel like if I was ever lucky enough to get one of their shirts, my life would be in danger. So I would rather get a shift from DILF Lewy."
A loud laugh came in through your headphones. The boy yelled at his friend in the room, "She just called Robert a DILF."
At the end of the match (a 2-1 win for you), it was time to log off. You informed your online partner, bidding him a good night.
"Wait wait, before you get off, could you send your number in the chat? It's fine if not but I'd really like to talk to you again."
"My number? Why not just my Instagram?"
"I... Can't really follow you on Instagram. It's kind of complicated."
You sent him your number and logged off, going to bed with a stupid smile on your face. A boy had asked for your number. Could he be a weirdo in his mom's basement? Absolutely. But you could find that out later.
You woke up to a text that read: Hope you slept well - Lindo from PS Live. The stupid smile stuck to your face all day. For the next two weeks, you texted this boy almost every waking moment. You could not get enough of him, despite the fact that you couldn't get him to tell you his name.
[PS Live Boy]: Want to have coffee with me tomorrow?
The text set the butterflies in your stomach free, the fluttering feeling spreading to every cell in your body. You has said yes embarrassingly fast. He texted you the location: a pretty upscale coffee shop in the shopping district. Like 17 euro black coffee upscale. You now jumped up and down like a giddy school girl - PS Live boy had money.
You walked into the place, the hostess looking over your skirt and sweater with a sickly sweet smile, asking who you were supposed to be there with. PS Live boy had left the table under your name as to maintain his shroud of mystery. You sat at the table, reapplying your lip gloss and checking your hair in the camera of your phone.
[PS Live boy]: you can't freak out when you see me
[PS Live boy]: Because then I would have to leave and block your number
[PS Live boy]: and file a restraining order. and i dont want to do that
You let out a nervous breath, smiling at your screen. Usually when men said not to freak out, it was because they were ugly. The hostess that didn’t like you walked over to the table again, closely followed by someone in a hoodie, hood pulled up to cover their face. She pulled out a chair, and your PS Live boy sat in front of you. He thanked the hostess, before turning back you you and pulling his hood off.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Gavi looked at you with a cheeky smile playing on his lips. You were overwhelmed. Pablo mf Gavi had met you on PS live and liked you, asked for you number, and was now here on a date with you.
“Three weeks of being mysterious was worth the look on your face.”
“As Spain’s youngest player on the national team, how are you so shit at FIFA?”
“Okay okay okay, let’s go back to you being surprised and not talk about me getting my ass kicked 8 times in a row. Pedri still makes fun of me?”
“Dang Pedri was there? I should’ve asked for his number instead.”
“You have me leveled up to like 8000 in FIFA. I know you want to be here with me.”
A/N: this was supposed to be done last night but I fell asleep lol. I love the idea of Gavi being kinda cheeky and self confident. Most talented young boys are (because society inflates their egos). Anyways, see y’all later tonight w day 7!!
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In your opinion, what's the darkest thing in Poptropica?
Oh... wow. You know, some people might be surprised at some of the dark stuff that's happened/implied throughout the franchise. And from such an innocent looking world too :)
I guess I'll make a list of some stuff that stands out to me:
24 Carrot Island 
The 4 children were kidnapped and brainwashed by Dr. Hare probably for months.
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Astro-Knights Island 
Mordred almost died in a crash, and had to replace half of his body with robotics. 
Mordred kidnapped the princess because he wanted to marry her. And her parents most likely thought they were never going to see her again, since they had no way of going after her.
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Counterfeit Island 
It's implied that Black Widow was gonna torture the player in order to get answers. 
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Reality TV Island/Wild Safari Island 
Villains allowed to be on reality tv… and being treated as celebrities... WHAT.
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Skullduggery Island 
Captain Crawfish probably killed a lot of people. Cause… pirate.
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Steamworks Island 
The entire backstory of this island: the people were doing experiments on plants, when the plants mutated and tried to kill them. The only way they could survive is by freezing themselves.
Captain Ziggs sacrificed himself to hold off the Plant Monsters. Mayor Crumb must be feeling pretty depressed now that she's free and forced to live without him.
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Red Dragon Island  
The Shogun being a pretty terrifying tyrant. 
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Shrink Ray Island  
POV: you're an elementary school student and your teacher's star pupil. You trust him, because he's a nice teacher. And then he goes crazy and kidnaps you.
Mr. Silva threatens to shrink CJ and the player to the point where they can't be seen by anyone, which is kinda dark honestly. 
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Blimp Adventure 
Dr. Cumulo Nimbus sets fire to the rain to all the islands. 
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Game Show Island  
Robots take over and enslave humanity. 
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Ghost Story Island  
A really depressing murder mystery/ weird love triangle story that involves several character's deaths.
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S.O.S Island  
The ship sinks and everyone inside almost dies. Also a child.
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Vampire's Curse Island  
Count Bram outlives his wife, and goes crazy. And he kidnaps a child due to insanity. 
Cactus von Garlic has killed many vampires. But not all vampires in Poptropica are evil (if Haunted House is any indication). 
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Twisted Thicket Island  
The forest creatures turning into stone. I'm not 100% sure if they're still alive in there or not...
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Poptropolis Games Island
The island sinks back into the ocean, with people still on it. Some of the ancient islanders are waterlogged (but still alive, for some reason).
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Lunar Colony Island (Book)
The PASE workers are oddly sociopathic to Glen John's situation, only caring about Glen helping them. Glen is 13 btw.
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Super Villain Island  
Zeus almost winning. He blew up the world for no reason. Also, there's something really scary about the way he blew up his own island.
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Zomberry Island  
Zombie apocalypse. 
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Virus Hunter Island  
A pandemic almost happened. 
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Monster Carnival Island 
Ringmaster Raven's backstory: Pretty messed up. 
Edgar is an orphan who ran away and joined the carnival. He put a lot of trust in the Ringmaster and seemed pretty happy… and then the Ringmaster hypnotizes him and uses him for his scheme. Pretty messed up. 
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Survival Island 
Myron Van Buren. Enough said.
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Mission Atlantis Island 
The alien was trapped underwater for years and died.
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PoptropiCon Island  
Omegon taking over the convention center, and turning the people into Hench-Bots.
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Arabian Nights Island 
Scheherazade attempted to steal the player's soul… what the heck.
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Graphic Novels
The kids almost died… several times. (A Saber tooth tiger and polar bear almost maul them, they almost fall to their deaths, they almost freeze to death, they are almost stabbed to death by Lieutenant Rogers, they almost got erased from history on the Ancient Egypt Island, they almost burned alive in a volcano eruption, etc)
The ancient Egyptians are erased from one timeline, and a bunch of people on earth died... and it's unknown if they were brought back, or what.
When Spencer Albright is murdered, Jonas is so overcome with grief that he completely loses it and becomes murderous like Octavian. Jonas is 18-20 btw.
The backstories for the main characters (Octavian is forced to let Paulla die, Mya's mom abruptly dies and she goes through depression, Oliver’s dad walks out on the family).
Octavian's fate at the end is this: he accidentally jumped through the portal before the universe he wanted to go to fully formed. Because of this, he jumped into the in-between point of universes, and was split into an infinite amount of versions of himself. Sounds complicated, but is incredibly messed up.
Mya was seriously considering leaving her own timeline, even though she would be leaving her family and friends behind. Whether or not she knew this is unknown, but if she did... kinda messed up.
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And… that's it. No more dark things that stick out to me after that. Probably because after this, they fired the writer who was responsible for most of the dark undertones in the franchise. OOPS!!! >:(
I think the darkest stuff comes from Monster Carnival, Survival, and the graphic novels.
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orphiclovers · 2 months
Not orv related but kinda new to Tumblr so like what is the behaviour 101 on Tumblr , can I get a few tips , i desperately wanna interact but idk
Okay, I knew I would get something like this. You're already doing pretty well, in that you have a profile pic and have figured out the ask function, so good job. 
Orphiclovers’ guide to Tumblr 101:
1.The number one crucial step that EVERYONE should do, even if you don’t care about the rest. CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PIC to ANYTHING that's not the default one (Though not your face. We don’t generally do that here.) The reason to do this is because it’s almost impossible to tell apart a just created blog from a porn bot. If you haven’t encountered one yet, you will. They're a big thing on tumblr, a completely blank blog created by a bot (sometimes with an attractive woman as the profile pic) that follows you and and sends you ‘hot singles in your area’ type scam messages. If you get one, don’t click any links! Under the message there will be a prompt saying ‘mark this as spam?’ click that and tumblr will automatically report and block the blog.  Some people with huge bot infestations automatically block any blank blog to be safe, and you don’t want that accidentally happening to you, so CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PIC!
2. The other essential blog customization thing is go to Blog Settings>turn off ‘share posts you like’ and ‘share the tumblrs you’re following’. This will hide your likes and the people you follow from every other user. Basically everyone turns this off to have privacy. Otherwise noisy fucks like me can come to your blog and look at all that.
3. You ALSO need to go to Settings>Dashboard>scroll to Prefrences> disable ‘Best Stuff First.’ Having your dashboard (that’s what we call the “Following” tab on Home where you see all the posts) be in chronological order is objectively the best way to be on Tumblr. This is the one social media that doesn’t shove the algorithm down your throat, enjoy it to the fullest. I have never in my life clicked on the ‘Explore’ tab except by accident, and the ‘For You’ tab is also controversial. I don’t recommend it. You can learn to use tumblr with no algorithms and you will feel better.
4. Okay, but there’s like two posts on my dashboard, what do I do? You need to follow people, friend. Go to the search bar and enter a tag for a fandom or character you like. That’s ‘#kim dokja’ or ‘#honkai star rail’ - unlike instagram, you can put spaces between words. It’s not case sensitive, so #Kim Dokja #kim dokja and #KIM DOKJA is all the same to tumblr. I recommend going in tags and not just ‘kim dokja’ because tumblr’s search system is often wonky.
5. Now, scroll through the posts and follow the blogs. That’s it. Now their new posts will show up at the top of your dashboard. Currently, I follow 119 blogs and that’s a pretty decent number. I get new posts every couple of minutes, and if there are no new posts I exit the app. No endless doomscrolling. Also, all the people I follow actually post stuff I want to see.
6. You mentioned wanting to make friends and that brings me to my next tip: Reblog. Reblog, reblog, reblog. Every post you want to click ‘like’ on you should reblog instead. Everytime you want to comment you should reblog instead (and put the comment in the tags).
7. This will put their post on your blog. Most of the posts you see on your dashboard are posts the people you follow have reblogged. It’s hard to wrap your head around, but it’s essential tumblr stuff so I will try to explain it in detail.
Reblogging etiquette
8. Blank reblogs are fine.
9. If you want to say something like ‘good art!!’ or ‘wow I love this theory so much’ put that in the tags of your reblog. The original poster will see the tags you have added, and also anyone who follows you will see the post + your tags. But if they reblog a post from you, your tags don’t come with unless they decide to manually copy them (which people don’t usually do unless they want to respond to something you said in the tags. Then they will copy the tags and put <- prev as in ‘previous’ and respond to them. This is like a whispered conversation you have on op’s post but they will still be able to see all of it so be mindful.) Some people also use the tag system to organize their blogs.
For example, if you reblog art of kim dokja, in the tags you can put ‘#wowowow I’m drooling thank you op, #kim dokja, #orv, #orv fanart’. Theoretically now when you or anyone else goes to your blog’s search function can search #orv fanart and see all the original posts you have made and the stuff you have reblogged with the tag #orv fanart.
Now I will address some common concerns people have before reblogging. “Am I reblogging too many posts in a row??? Won’t the people who follow me get annoyed???” No, they will not 99% of the time. And if they do, they can unfollow you. But okay, if you’re worried about this you can put your reblogs in a queue. Here’s how tumblr themselves describe it: ‘The queue lets you stagger posts over a period of hours or days. It's an easy way to keep your blog active and consistent.’ Basically if you tell it to it will automatically post the stuff you can put in the queue every hour or 15 minutes or whatever you want the interval to be. Check it out.
“Won’t reblogging posts bury my own posts and prevent them from being seen???” No. All the posts you reblog are probably long buried in the OP’s blog too. But as long as they get passed around in reblogs they will get new eyes on them, forever. Also, you can reblog your own posts if you want them put on your followers dash again (usually tagging this as #srb or #self reblog). They will also still be in the tags you put on them originally. Myself, I tag all my posts as #my posts or #my art so anyone visiting my blog can easily check for those specifically (though I don’t know if anyone does…lol. Lmk.)
 “Okay, but I have so many different interests, won’t people hate seeing random reblogged posts about stuff they’re not interested in?” They can deal or unfollow you. But okay, some people create ‘sideblogs’ for every fandom they’re in. This functions as almost a fully fledged seperate blog. For example, you can’t easily tell if a blog you follow is a main one or a sideblog, or what their main blog is (unless they tell you). You only can’t like or follow or send an ask from a sideblog.
In general you don’t add stuff to the text part of a reblog unless you have something significant to add and/or are mutuals with the OP. Mutuals is when you both follow each other. I’m guessing you’re asking me how to get people to follow you back and to that I say idk man. Make posts and talk to them in reblogs and it will naturally happen. 
Also, asks are fun, send people asks (and enable them in setting on your own blog.)
10. Also, give your blog a description and a title. It’s just nice customization. The title can be a quote you like and the description anything you want to tell someone about yourself. Look at how other blogs do it. I think nickname/pronouns/list of fandoms is pretty standard.
Let me know if you want to ask anything else :)
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