#wow look at me trying to use more tags for sorting
tubbytarchia · 16 days
jim stream recap time....... so much happened. this is a long one.
jimmy logs onto sos and immediately decides to go to scotts dock to fish. scott comes over and he was acting a little weird buuut i think it was just him being. an actual guy instead of a streamer. jimmy asks him for a bday present (he asks for a fate coin. he asked every single person he saw today for a fate coin) and scott gives him some mob heads. fwhip comes over and gives him a diamond block for his bday. eloise turns up too.
scott gives jimmy a bday cake! jimmys not hungry so he takes his armour off and says "hit me" (notably while looking at eloise) and scott CRITS HIM and he goes down to 4 hearts ("you almost killed me on my birthday" "but i didnt!"). fwhip runs off to get a candle and they all start singing happy birthday. its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died. jimmy wishes for a fate coin. they talk about the current challenge (villagers vs pillagers. the tldr is its basically among us) for a bit
saus turns up.......... he says hello sweet boy then gives him a birthday box (as seen below). the cod head is called codfather head and jimmy tells fwhip. fwhip immediately bans (and unbans) sausage for lore reasons. at some point oli logs on and saus says something about spanking him and fwhip bans saus again
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jimmy crosses the river to fish a little further away so he can thank donos while he fishes. fwhip enderpearls over and says "i missed you :]" and it was kinda cute. then he leaves this group to go home
on his way home he sees oli and shelby shubble on his bridge. he bothers both of them for a present and shelby asks if her bridge couns as a present. he said it does :] look how cute it is. cat bridge
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however immediately after he asks if she would give him a fate coin. they talk about it for a bit and they dont even come to a conclusion. shelby leaves and oli stays and they start discussing things to do for a talent show hosted by mog. they keep suggesting things that would be hard/impossible to do in minecraft. they keep referring to themselves as the blond boy friends
sausage shows up. oli turns him away saying "youre intruding on our blond boy friend time" and sausage asks if he can dye his hair and join. jimmy says "no clicks fingers" like outloud. they talk for a bit then jimmy leaves the bridge and goes to his house
oli and saus go to outside his house and in the 2 minutes jimmy wasnt there they started talking about anime. jimmy sets down sausages present, oli opens it, sees the cod head, and starts yelling lore at sausage who then leaves. oli and jimmy go to meet up with everyone else (fwhip, scott, sausage, owen, eloise, shubble. i think.) at fwhips village. theyre dealing with a raid however it ends like a minute after they arrive.
jimmy runs off to explore around fwhips place and scott follows him. they talk for like a minute about the villager/pillager thing then scott says "i know what you are" and runs off. someone in chat says sos more like sus and it makes jimmy laugh
DIRECT QUOTE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS: ""scott just threatened you" to be fair he does that all the time. hes playing mind games. when is he not. he plays mind games all the time."
he goes home. sausage calls him beautiful in midair. oli goes home with him and they practise the talent show more. i still dont know whats happening there. they practice a synchronised dance and it goes about as well as you would think. jimmy does not like chocolate cake. he likes carrot cake and red velvet cake. olis hog is now canonically gay.
they start to make a song for the talent show and everyone interupts them. martyn raids oli and shubble turns up. important to note: oli calls martyn jimmys best friend. they practice the talent show more. theyre practising a magic trick where jimmys drowning and he eats a chorus fruit to escape. however he makes it out on one heart.
"its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died." help. Also "blond boy friends" yeah okay Jimmy and Oli. okay
That's all-in-all nice though... Jimmy and fWhip being relatively cute... Even Sausage... even if my tension and anxiety spikes by 50 something each time he is in Jimmy's vicinity. The Oli stuff sounds adorable though... Blond boy friends... Scott um. I'd say at least he wasn't too obstructive or anything but he did almost kill Jimmy so uh. It is kind of funny though lol. It's so awesome for Jimmy to be blunt and largely unbothered though. This is what character progression looks like. Thank you for this stream report my faithful inbox guy
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demieyesore · 1 month
Cake Batter - Hayden Christensen
Summary - It's Hayden's birthday and baking a cake didn't go quite as planned
Warnings / Mentions - No warnings, GN pronouns used for reader, Reader and Hayden are not said to be dating so this can be read as platonic or romantic however Reader def has a small crush on him
Requested - Nope just a little thing for Hayden's birthday
Word Count - 948
Tag List - @vixxensvoid @maevesversion @sockiess @stylesslytherinskywalker @myheadhurtscutely @yourenogoodforme @gallerygourmet @heartsforanakin @viper-0800 @helendeath
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Hayden was a very important person in your life. You couldn't imagine anyone taking his spot as your best friend. It's his 43rd birthday and you wanted to do something nice for him.
You're significantly younger than Hayden, young 20's. But none the less, you two were inseparable. He was currently at an Interview for an upcoming Star Wars project while you were left at home.
The best gift you could give him was a small handmade bracelet along with baking him a cake. You didn't want to go overboard on the gift, you knew how much he enjoyed the small simple things in life. Of course he was rich and wore some of the most expensive clothes but the man also does live on a farm. His half time job is being fancy, while his free time is spent doing whatever he wants.
The bracelet was just a little cute but stupid one. It had all kinds of cute charms that made the most perfect noise if you jingled it. But you also added some letters to spell out "#1 DILF".
The baking process was going well, the cake was already in the oven while you worked on the frosting. You wore a cute little apron that was smeared with flour. Ingredients were all over the countertops. Eggshells, measuring cups, a gallon of milk, pipping bags and even more.
You finished the frosting, doing a little taste test and feeling satisfied with the outcome. You went over to the oven, pulling open the door to check on the cake. Your eyes widened when you saw how it had raised more than expected and was overflowing from the pan.
You felt panic rush through you when you heard the little doorbell ring. "One minute!" You screamed from the kitchen, rushing around to try and figure out how to fix this mess. You were looking up the best ways to deal with this situation on google as you weren't anywhere near a professional baker. 
In the middle of you attempting to clean up all the batter and somehow resolve the problem without managing to burn yourself, you heard the door open. Hayden walked into the kitchen only to stop very swiftly, taking in the scene in front of him.
"Oh wow." Is all he manages to get out as you turn to look at him. "Help me please..." You mumble in embarrassment. He laughs before helping you out. Thankfully he's already dealt with stuff like this before so he practically had the whole kitchen sorted out in the matter of 2 minutes.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asks as he wipes his hands off using one of your kitchen towels.
"Not really..." You muttered as you scratched the back of your head. Unfortunately the cake wasn't salvageable, the only thing remaining was the finished frosting. While you looked around your kitchen, you frowned as you watched Hayden beginning to clean up the countertops of the leftover mess.
You tried to stop him but he just shooed you away, but your face lit up when you remembered he still had his present he could open. 
You had put the little bracelet into a box and then put that little jewelry box into a bag with tissue paper covering it. You ran to grab it from your desk, almost falling when you ran back to the kitchen where Hayden stood. He was standing, leaned against the sink with an eyebrow quirked at you almost eating shit on the kitchen tiles.
"Here, open." You ushered the bag into his hands. He immediately took it and opened it.
"No card?" He furrows his eyebrows in puzzlement before you shake your head. He chuckles but opens the box to see the charm bracelet. He smiles before faltering for a second.
"Number one DILF? Really?" He looks amused at you for a second before shaking his head and looking over all the charms you added. Some of which were simply there to be cute while others were there as a symbol of your feelings towards him. He stops as he sees a little lightsaber charm. "Thank you..." He whispers as his fingertip traces over the metal charm.
"It's nothing really, I know how you don't really care for expensive gifts and I wanted to get something for you that showcased all of your milestones and just our friendship in general..." You rambled on as he rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Help me put it on." He gestured for you to stand next to him so you did. He held out his wrist and the unclasped bracelet. You tossed the charm bracelet over his wrist and closed the clasp as it dangled just slightly away from his wrist. Thank god you used just a little bit more for the length because it would have been too tight otherwise.
Hayden pulled you into a hug, cradling your head against his chest. You could tell that he was getting a little emotional. He wasn't really used to being appreciated in this way. After he pulled away from the embrace, he looked back around your kitchen.
"No cake, huh?" He teased as you hit his chest.
"There's still the frosting at least." You shrugged, taking the two fully filled pipping bags and handing him one. He put the nib to his mouth and added pressure to the bag. "Not bad." He said in contentment.
"Yeah well it would have been better if it was actually on the cake." You pouted.
He just smiled at you in response for a moment. "Let's go watch some movies, alright?" He said as he pushed you into the direction of your living room.
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luuuuucyscorner · 1 month
𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐞- 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧
Info: Ant asks reader on a date
Tags: Kissing, fluff
word count: 9970
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gif by me
“ Oi! Wait I gotta ask you something! ”
Ant calls out as you are about to leave SLTs since the class was over for today.
"sure Ant, whats up?" you turn and smile brightly at the erratic boy.
“You know I've wanted to talk to you for a while now, and uh… well, you have really nice soft-looking hair,” Ant nervously begins, fidgeting with his pencil. “I don’t know how to say this, but… do you want to hang out sometime? Maybe grab a coffee or something?” He tries to muster up the courage to ask you out, blushing slightly.
"Anthony Vaughn are you asking me out?" you ask teasingly.
“Err… yeah, umm, I guess that's what it is!” Ant responds, trying to hide his embarrassment with a laugh. “It's just that, I've seen you around, and well, you seem like a cool person to talk to. And besides, you're mesmerizing.” He takes a deep breath, attempting to gain some composure. “So, what do you say? Fancy getting some coffee together?”
"sure cutie, when and where?" you ask excitedly.
“Uh, wow, you actually said yes! I didn't think id get this far... How does tomorrow afternoon at, like, two o'clock sound?” Ant asks, clearly relieved and happy at your response. “We can meet at the Starbucks near school, okay?” he suggests shyly, he gives you a thumbs-up, trying to act casual but still beaming with joy inside.
"two? alright perfect ill see you there cutie" you smile at his jittery performance.
“Sure thing, then! Thanks for agreeing to this; I promise I won't annoy you too much,” Ant chuckles nervously, “See you tomorrow at two, and try not to be late or you'll hear it from me!” He playfully teases, grinning widely at the thought of spending time with you. “I better get going now, though. See ya!”
he runs off down the hall, bumping into people and as you watch Ant run away, you can't help but laugh at his adorable clumsiness. You gather your things and start walking home, feeling a mix of excitement and amusement about your upcoming coffee date.
the next day you call Amerie and Harper over to help you choose what to wear and to do your make up. Harper sits behind you, on hair duty and Amerie is lying on your bed sucking a lollipop and chattering about nonsense.
Amerie rolls her eyes at Harper's choice of eyeshadow, but she appreciates the effort. “No way, that shade doesn't suit you! You should go for something more natural, like this one.” She grabs another palette and starts applying it to you, giving you a reassuring smile. “Hey, so are you nervous about meeting Ant or just excited?” She inquires between bites of her lollipop.
Harper, meanwhile, is concentrating on styling your hair, trying different looks until she finds one that complements your outfit and makeup perfectly. “Almost got it! Just need to fix those flyaways,” she mumbles, using a comb to neaten up your locks.
As you chat and prepare for your date, you can't help but feel grateful for their company and support. The three of you share laughs and banter throughout the process, making the experience enjoyable despite the slight nerves.
"I'm sort of nervous, hes so sweet and i want it to go well. but im super excited!" you tell them.
“Oh, come on, you're gonna knock him off his feet, don't worry!” Amerie exclaims confidently, finishing up your makeup and stepping back to assess her work. “Look at you now, looking stunning and ready to conquer the world!” She giggles.
Harper nods in agreement, running her fingers through your locks one last time. “Definitely, you deserve someone who treats you well and adores you. And if anyone can handle Ant's quirks, it's you!” She grins, handing you a mirror to check your hair.
The trio high-fives each other, celebrating your new look and the anticipation of your date. As you head out the door, Amerie gives you a quick hug, telling you to have fun. Harper waves goodbye, wishing you luck with a thumbs-up.
On the bus ride to the coffee shop, you can't help but fidget with your clothing, ensuring everything is in place. As you glance around, you notice other students and adults going about their daily routines, which makes you feel even more self-conscious. Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that Ant likes you for who you are and that you shouldn't let anxiety ruin the moment.
When you arrive at the Starbucks, you spot Ant standing near the entrance, waiting patiently with two cups of coffee in his hands. He smiles brightly when he sees you approach, waving hello.
you smile widely back "hey cutie! is that for me?" you motion to the cup in his hand
“Of course, it's for my gorgeous date!” Ant replies enthusiastically, handing you a cup. “I took the liberty of ordering our drinks already, hope you don't mind. It's a vanilla latte, your favorite, right?” He asks, hoping he remembered correctly. “Come on, we can find a table and get comfortable.”
you follow him to a secluded table outside, "you remembered my order? i mentioned it like, one time two terms ago" you say, surprised.
“Of course, I remember all the important details like that!” Ant responds proudly, pulling out a chair for you. “Plus, you know, I might have stalked your social media accounts a little…” He admits sheepishly, laughing nervously. “But seriously, I'm glad I could remember something you like. Settle in, and let's enjoy this beautiful day!” He motions to the sunny weather and cozy atmosphere around you.
"ever the charmer Ant" you giggle, taking a sip of your drink.
Sitting across from you, Ant watches you take a sip and seems pleased with your reaction. “So, what's been going on in your life lately? Any exciting news or plans?” He inquires, trying to strike up conversation and learn more about you. “And hey, don't worry about being perfect or anything. Just be yourself, because, well, I like you for who you are.” He adds genuinely, his eyes never leaving yours.
"i know ant, and same goes for you cutie" you tell him. then "and nah not too much going on recently, what about you?"
“Thanks, I appreciate that!” Ant replies warmly, smiling softly. “Well, I've been focusing on my studies lately. Trying to improve my grades so I can impress my parents, you know how it is.” He chuckles. “Besides that, I've been drawing comics in my free time, trying to turn it into something bigger someday.” He explains, feeling more relaxed discussing his passion. “What about you? Any big dreams?"
"god i dont know. make it out of highschool?" you laugh "id love to get into journalism maybe?"
“Journalism? That sounds amazing!” Ant comments, genuinely interested. He expresses his opinion, sipping his own drink thoughtfully. “If you ever need help with proof-reading or anything, just let me know. I'd be more than willing to assist.” His eyes light up, eager to show support. “What kind of music do you listen to?"
"oh well you know, a little bit of everything. i love some Indie stuff though, like Mac the Knife and Royel Otis" you tell him animatedly.
“Mac the Knife and Royel Otis?! Awesome taste, I'm impressed!” Ant cheers, raising his cup in approval. “I've heard of both artists, they're quite talented. There's something unique about Indie music that resonates with me too.” He shares his preference, leaning in a little closer. “Anyway, I'm glad we have something in common. Maybe we can exchange some songs later?” His smile widens, suggesting a future bonding opportunity. “So, any plans for the coming weekend?”
"sure id love that!" you say "and nah no plans, probably just going to see what Harper and Am are doing and go from there"
“Perfect, I'll send you a few tracks tonight then,” Ant promises, jotting down a mental note. “Ah, I see. Well, hopefully, you have a blast hanging out with your friends. What do they usually get up to on weekends?” He inquires curiously, wanting to understand your friend group dynamics better. “And after this date, maybe we can catch a movie or grab dinner? Just a friendly suggestion.” He adds, subtly extending an invitation for future plans.
you groan "as much as id love to, it'll have to be another time. my parents want me back before dark to go to some event" you roll your eyes.
“An event, huh? Sounds fancy,” Ant remarks, trying not to show disappointment. “Well, if it's important to your family, I totally understand. We can definitely plan something else soon, no pressure.” He offers, maintaining a positive attitude. “Maybe next weekend? that is if Harper and Amerie cant make it” He suggests, keeping his hopes alive. “Hope you enjoy the event though, even if it means cutting our time short.”
"next weekend is perfect cutie!" you confirm.
“Next weekend it is then!” Ant exclaims, visibly relieved and excited. “I'll make sure to plan something extra special for our second date. Just give me some time and I'll do my best.” He promises, eager to make it memorable. "
thanks for understanding about the event. Can't argue with family obligations, right?” you tell him.
 He chuckles, accepting the situation gracefully. “Alright, shall we finish our coffees and part ways then?”
"yeah! thank you for the fantastic afternoon ant" you say genuinely
“My pleasure, honestly. I had a great time too!” Ant replies earnestly, wiping away a stray crumb from your lip. “Remember, I'm here for you if you ever just need a friend or someone to talk to. And I'll see you next weekend” He confirms, offering a reassuring smile. “Take care, and have fun at the event tonight. Don't forget to text me pictures!” He playfully insists, enjoying the playful banter. “Safe journey home!”
you share a warm embrace and just as he pulls away, you press a kiss to his cheek "you too cutie" you tease
Caught off guard, Ant's face turns bright red, but his smile remains as wide as ever. “Wow, you're bold, huh?” He chuckles, playfully swatting your arm. “I'll see you soon, then. Take care and have a fabulous time at the event!” He repeats, still feeling the warmth of your lips on his cheek. “Goodbye, lovely!” And with that, Ant heads off, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation for their next encounter.
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jhdyuiee · 1 month
A wish or two
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☁︎ pairing: doyoung x fem!reader x jaehyun
☁︎ synopsis: finally! after going back and forth with Qulture Corps. you've finally landed a spot. everything seemed as though it'll be fine and dandy, however it seems like team managers, Kim Doyoung & Jeong Jaehyun, have other things in mind...
☁︎ tags/warnings: threesome!, smut!, everything is consensual!!, rough sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, oral (males & female receiving), masturbation, spanking, fingering, hair pulling, dirty talk, name calling (whore, good girl, baby), throat fucking, dumbification, impact play (pussy slapping), spitting, multiple orgasms, squirting, kissing/making out, breast play, cursing, praise kink, multiple positions, drinking, office romance
☁︎ w.c: 6.7k
☁︎ a.n: hello! jiji here, this one came up as a request by one of you & thank you so much for that!! i really appreciate any request and will try my best to make them possible. i hope you all enjoy this one, it’s actually my first writing something like this so i am a bit nervous on how you all will enjoy it. anyways stay safe and i’ll hopefully be back soon…🤍
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Everything sort of just happened.
There was no stopping either of us.
Our hunger, lust, and desire for one another was an addictive drug. One with no cure.
But I didn’t care… heck I wanted more, Doyoung wanted more, Jaehyun wanted more.
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March 20.
Finally… Finally! I can’t believe I finally got accepted! After two months of going back and forth with the company, they’ve finally hired me. Oh thank goodness, I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t hired me.
Qulture Corps. A renowned company, mainly widely known for producing some of the latest fashion and make-up trends. Since I graduated I’ve been dying to get a spot on their team. Truly, this is a dream come true!
The call I received earlier from them was nerve-racking, I thought they’d call me to inform me I didn't make the team, but luckily I did and was set to start in 3 days.
3 days. Oh god, I’m so fucking excited. ‘What am I going to wear?’ A sheer sense of panic overcame me, first impressions are always a must, especially if I’m going to be working for a company where literally fashion is at the top of its game.
“I have no time to waste,” I muttered, as I got up from my living room couch and headed off to my bedroom. I picked up my purse, slipped on my shoes, and headed off to a mall not so far away from my apartment complex.
I stormed off to every store trying to find the perfect outfit, however I just ended up picking up whatever caught my eye at every store I went to. This is a disaster.
Sighing, I headed off to the next shop, a boutique called Soltre. The store has a beautiful yet elegant aesthetic to it, it was sort of my vibe. I made my way to where a particularly beautiful and gorgeous top was racked. I inspected it, so lost in my thoughts I was unable to hear the footsteps that approached me from behind.
“That’s a beautiful top,” said a voice, causing me to turn around, startled. I was faced with a tall man with dark brown hair and dark chocolate-colored eyes. I was awe-struck, such a beautiful man was standing in front of me. “You should definitely buy it,” he continued when I didn’t respond.
I looked away, my focus back on the shirt. “I guess I’ll take you up on that then,” I finally spoke, glancing up at him again. He gave me a smile, dimples appearing. Wow. “This shop is one of the best in the mall after all,” he said.
‘He seems to know a lot about fashion,” I thought. “You sure know a lot… about uhm, fashion I mean.”
“You can say it’s my line or work per say,” he answered.
“Ah, I see. Well then, I uhm have to get going,” I said, fumbling with the top. I walked past him, but soon turned around, “Thank you.” I offered him a smile as well. He returned a smile as well, “My pleasure,” his voice said smoothly.
Once I paid, I left the store and decided that I had enough shopping for today, plus my arms couldn’t bear to handle another bag so I went back home. My thoughts though kept wondering on the mystery man I met at the store today. I didn’t ask for his name, well not that it should matter since I’ll probably never meet him again.
The rest of the day continued as normal and so did the next 3 days. Until finally, the long awaited day. My first day at the job!
I glanced at myself one last time before heading out. I decided on the top recommended by mr. stranger man, a nice gray pleated skirt, and some cute black mary janes. With everything looking fine in my eyes, I headed to my car. The drive was gonna be at least half an hour, but I’ll manage. The closer I found myself to the building the more my stomach twisted and turned. I was getting even more nervous by the second. I can’t blow this up, I kept repeating.
When I arrived, the building was huge, at most 15 floors. Once I parked, I took quick deep breaths, to calm the nerves. “Let’s do this,” I said, and headed off into whatever awaited me.
The check-in process went smoothly, I met up with my new boss, Lee Taeyong and luckily he seems like a genuinely kind and easy going boss. My nerves from earlier are now fleeting.
I rode in the elevator with Taeyong to the 7th floor, where he was to introduce me to my new team. Once we arrived, I took a look at my surroundings. There were rarely people there, this floor seemed rather peaceful. “Ah, I see you’ve noticed. This is the planning department, and where you’ll be from now on. The planning department is rather small than most companies, but that’s because we choose the best of the best. We want committed people here, creative people who aren’t afraid to voice their thoughts and feelings,” Taeyong explained.
‘Wow… I made it to such a prestigious department… I thought I was just going to spend my days typing away at a screen or answering calls. This is absolutely 10 times better.’
“Wow, I’m honored Mr. Lee,” I spoke, bowing at the man. “Oh, god no you don’t need to do all that, reading your resume I figured you’d be a perfect fit for the team. Plus the team managers thought so as well,” he said.
“Team managers?” I asked, confused. “Ah, yes in this department we have two team managers. Follow me this way and I'll introduce you all,” Taeyong responded, as he guided me to the far end of a hallway located on our left side. Taeyong briefly knocked on the door before proceeding to open it. He ushered me inside, closing the door behind me.
“Hey! You two come over here for a sec,” Taeyong said, capturing the attention of the two males sitting on their desks who then got up, walking towards us. I looked at both of them, ‘Wait a minute he looks-‘ my thought was interrupted by Taeyong.
“You two, this is Y/L/N our new worker. Y/N this is Kim Doyoung and Jeong Jaehyun,” Taeyong explained. One of the two males reached his hand out, “Doyoung,” he mentioned. I took his hand and turned to the man standing beside him.
“Nice seeing you again,” he said with a chuckle. It was Mr. Stranger man in the flesh. Who knew he’d be my new manager, well that explains a whole lot about our interaction…
“You two know each other?” Taeyong asked.
“Ah well-“ I was interrupted by Jaehyun, “We met at the mall a couple days ago when I set out to look for… inspiration.”
Taeyong looked at us, his expression unreadable. “Very well, I trust you two know what to do with her,” he said as the two males nodded.
“Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns Y/N. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the team,” Taeyong added, as he left us behind with one another.
“So, shall we show you to your office?” Doyoung spoke up. I nodded, as they led me to my desk. It was quite close to their office, ‘That’s a relief.’
“Let us know if you need anything… Doyoung and I gotta get back, we have a meeting soon,” Jaehyun explained as he leaned against the door frame.
“Thank you, you two I appreciate it,” I thanked them. They smiled, shutting my door and walking away.
I leaned against my chair, recapping my past hour. It’s only a relief that everything went smoothly, Doyoung seemed great, and Jaehyun did too. I shut my eyes, not believing this was my life now. Honestly, I could get used to this.
However… what I didn’t know was what would come of my life a month from now. The irreversible. The desire. The lust.
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1 month later.
It’s been over a month now since I started working for Qulture Corps, and so far it’s been nothing but amazing. The work has gone smoothly, and today we just wrapped up the final meeting for our upcoming Fall Collection. Although, it’s still months aways, production of the products does take some time to produce.
Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” I answered.
Doyoung appeared before me, “Hey, Y/N I just came in to inform you we're having a team dinner tonight. Would you like to come?”
I pondered for a bit, making sure I had no plans afterwards. “Yeah! That sounds fun, I’ll go,” I said.
“Great, see you at 7 p.m then. I’ll send you the location too,” Doyoung explained before exiting shortly after.
My phone then buzzed with the restaurant's location. In the time that I’ve spent here I’ve been able to get closer to both Doyoung and Jaehyun… However, it feels like something else is there between us. Something unexplainable, indescribable.
I snapped out of my thoughts, continuing my remaining work and answering emails before I decided to head off to meet them at the restaurant.
Luckily the drive there wasn’t long so I found myself a bit early. I entered and gave the waiter Doyoung’s name as Doyung had instructed me to do so. Our table was located in the far back. Later, everyone started pouring in Eunsoo, Leah, Jaemin, Mark, Chenle, Haechan, Yena, and Isabel. Surprisingly, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Taeyong were the last to arrive, you would think that host would be the one’s here first. Kinda funny isn’t it?
“Nice to see you all here,” Taeyong announced.
“Wouldn’t miss out on free drinks!” Haechan cheered.
I chuckled, Haechan was definitely the life of the party within our team. With drinks and food on the table now, everyone dug in. They truly weren’t lying when they said food tastes better when you eat with others.
“Hey~ Y/N~ you’re so beautiful, a-anyone ever told you that~” Leah slurred, she was a rather light drinker. I laughed in her embrace, luckily still a bit sober so as to not do anything stupid. I glanced up, catching Jaehyun as his eyes lingered on mine. My mouth slowly opened so to speak, utter a word, but swallowed the words back down.
I pulled away from Leah’s embrace. “I’m gonna go to the restroom,” I say, excusing myself. Although, I wasn’t going to the restroom… I headed outside, stopping by an alleyway. I wanted some fresh air, the short eye contact with Jaehyun earlier got me irritable hot.
As I took in a breath, a voice spoke up, “Restroom huh.” I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice, only for my eyes to meet with Jaehyun. ‘What was he doing here?’
I stumbled on my words, “I… I, uhm-” Jaehyun walked closer, I inhaled his sandalwood smell that radiated off him. I was losing my composure, ‘Was this the alcohol?’
“Just wanted some fresh air,” I stuttered. “Yeah?” he questioned. I nodded, silence befalling us. I just couldn’t speak. “Look at me,” he whispered. A beat, then two passed before I looked up. Jaehyun was so close, I could feel his breath, see the fire in his eyes. He brought his hand to caress my cheek, then ghosted a finger over my bottom lip.
“Jaehyun…” I whispered. “I’m sorry baby, but can I… Can I kiss you,” he whispered back. I nodded shyly, closing my eyes.
I felt as Jaehyun’s lips collided with mine, his soft lips molded so beautifully against mine. It was gentle, so beautiful that I wished time would stop, but then Jaehyun backed away. My lips feeling empty again.
“Don’t stop,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I put my lips back on his, only this time teeth clattering, tongues colliding with one another. It was rougher, that the first that I ended up pushed against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist.
We were so lost in each other we failed to notice the person standing on the front of the alleyway. Cough. I flinched, the cough caused us both pull away and direct our attention to the male standing on the other end.
“Fuck,” I muttered. I got off Jaehyun, patting myself. We walked to Doyoung who has not said a word since catching both of us.
“I was getting worried when neither of you came back so I looked for you two,” Doyoung later explained.
“Sorry about that,” I apologized. “Oh! No, not at all there is nothing to apologize… In fact, I’m sorry to have walked in on that.”
Gosh thank god it was dark because I was probably burnt red. I was so goddamn embarrassed.
“I should get going now, it’s quite late…” I proceeded to say as a means to get out of this awkward situation.
“Oh, yes of course you’re right. You should get back safely Y/N,” Doyoung said.
“See you tomorrow… Y/N,” Jaehyun said, finally speaking up since Doyoung walked in on us.
After bidding them both farewell, I rushed to my car. I wanted nothing more but to lock myself up in my apartment. A quick drive later, I threw myself on my bed. I recounted my kiss–or rather heated make-out–with Jaehyun, but then the memory of Doyoung catching us haunting right after.
I turned my head to my phone which was lying beside me. Speak of the devil. It was from Doyoung…
I unlocked my phone, opening his message. However, I now wish I hadn’t.
Doyoung: you know Y/N seeing the way you two kissed earlier got me so fucking hard
Doyoung: [ 1 image attachment ]
Doyoung just… he just… Oh my fucking… Was he really sending me a picture of his cock!? “He’s big…” I mumbled as I took another look at the image he sent.
Shit. I felt as the wetness began pulling in between my legs. I rubbed my legs together, but then slipped a hand inside, and fingers inside as I imagined Doyoung roughly pounded in and out of me. The squelching sounds echoed in my room, along with my little whimpers and moans.
First the kiss with Jaehyun and now this, masturbating to Doyoung?!
Once I reached my high, I waited until I caught my breath so to continue the rest of my night time routine. With one last sigh, I laid myself on my bed again, trying to shoo away any indecent thoughts of Jaehyun or Doyoung.
However, that proved rather harder as I ended up dreaming about not one, but both of them!
It’s been 4 days since the whole ordeal with Jaehyun and Doyoung, and everything surprisingly has been rather good. It’s like what happened between us never– happened! We were like regular co-workers again. Though, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not…
“Y/N?” Eunsoo spoke. I flinched, regaining my focus. “Huh, oh yeah what’s up?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing I was just asking if you’re okay… you’ve been kind of out of it lately,” she said worriedly.
“Yeah, everything's peachy so to speak,” I replied. Nothing was in fact peachy though. Pretending like nothing happened 4 days ago has actually been haunting me. The kiss, picture, dreams have been driving me insane. ‘Was I always so horny?’
My phone vibrated, causing both of us to turn to it. I picked it up, ‘Jaehyun?’
Jaehyun: can you come to my office?
A second later he added,
Jaehyun: like right now
“Looks like I’m being summoned,” I said. Eunsoo bid me a “good luck,” and I scurried off to his office. A million questions pondered my head, but neither of them were about what was to come in the next few minutes.
I knocked, and the followed a “Come in.” As I entered there he was, but he wasn’t alone. Doyoung was here too. ‘Great just my luck.’
“Is something the matter?” I asked. Jaehyun glanced at Doyoung, he hesitated before he spoke. “We have something we want to say to you Y/N.” I gave them a nod as to signal them to continue whatever they wanted to tell me. They gave each other one more glance.
“We’re truly sorry for our behavior that night at the restaurant,” they both said, bowing at me. I can see their sincerity, but part of my heart ached. 'Did they truly think of that night as a mistake? The kiss? The picture?’
They got back up, but neither one of us spoke up. Silence befell us. ‘I didn’t like this. No, I don't want to pretend nothing happened. I-’ “No, god no please,” I spoke up. They looked at me with confused eyes. “D-Don’t pretend nothing happened. At least I can’t. I- I…” my words got caught in my throat. ‘What am I saying?’
Doyoung then spoke up, “You what Y/N… tell us. What do you want?” ‘He’s right, what do I want? Ah, wait a minute… what I want is…’ 
“I want you… I want you both.”
Oh god what did I just say. “Oh wait uhm-” I couldn’t even speak as Doyoung's lips collided with mine. His kiss was different from the one I shared with Jaehyun, even more gentle and passionate. ‘Wait a minute Jaehyun!’ I broke our kiss, my eyes meeting Jaehyun’s. He just stood there like how Doyung did that day.
Jaehyun then smirked, coming closer. “Is that really true? You want us both,” he says.
I felt as my face heated up, I glanced from Jaehyun to Doyoung. “Yes,” I muttered. “Please, I want you both.”
No words fell from their mouths, but their movements continued. Jaehyun walked until he was behind me, and Doyoung raised his hand to my chin. “You sure you can handle both of us, right here right now?” Doyoung asked.
“Yes, please I couldn’t stop thinking about that night,” I admitted. I then felt Jaehyun's mouth ghosting near my ear. “Then make sure to not be too loud or else they’ll have to witness how much of a whore you are,” Jaehyun whispered, then kissing my ear down to my neck. Every kiss lit me up even more. I wanted more.
Doyoung then crashed his lips onto mine again with the same intensity, while Jaehyun’s arms wandered all over my body. His hands groped my breast, causing me to moan into the kiss I was sharing with Doyoung. They later wandered even further, until they cupped my cunt causing me to grind on his hand. “Impatient aren’t you?” he whispered into my ear.
Doyoung backed away, our saliva connecting. “We have time, don’t worry,” Doyoung said, as he teased the buttons of my shirt. He slowly unbuttoned each button, dropping the shirt on the floor. My bra later joined in as well, leaving my perky breasts for his eyes. I watched as Doyoung stuck out his tongue, licking on my bud. All the while, Jaehyun began working on my lower half. He successfully got rid of my pants, leaving me in only my panties.
I whipped my head towards him when I felt Jaehyun's fingers playing with my slit. “Oh god,” I whimpered when he prodded his finger in my hole. “So wet already,” he muttered against my neck. I could only let out a small whimper and he continued the movement. “S-Stop teasing me… Please,” I pleaded.
“You sure are an impatient one. Fine then take it,” Jaehyun said as he inserted two of his fingers inside my cunt. I practically sucked his fingers in, the wetness echoed around the room. “Fuck, so tight and wet,” he whispered in my ear. His pace was unbearable, he would slow down and then go fast. I was losing my mind, his fingers hit me so fucking well–  it was like he studied my body beforehand to know what my likes and dislikes were. I felt my stomach clenched, my cunt tightening around his fingers.
It certaining helped too that all the while Doyoung was working his way with my tits. His mouth would lick one and then return the same affection to the other one. He sucked on them like a child, biting down on my bud a couple of times as well. His stimulation on my tits and Jaehyun’s on my cunt were enough to have me pushing me to the edge.
“Cum. I know you want to,” Doyoung said when he let go of my breast with a pop. With a final pinch to my clit by Jaehyun, I came. I came so hard, I would’ve fallen if not for Jaehyun catching me. I watched hazily as Jaehyun licked his fingers clean of my essence, and felt as Doyoung carried me. He then placed me on the couch they had in the middle of their office.
“On your hands and knees,” Doyoung commanded. My body acted on it’s on, getting into the position. I watched as Jaehyun came in front of me, and later whipped my head around to see Doyoung behind me. “Think you can suck me off while he eats you out?” Jaehyun asked. I nodded, so turned on by what he just said that I drooled from my mouth and in between my legs. He chuckled, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock from his underwear. His cock was big. It made me doubt if I would be able to take it all.
“Don’t worry, you can take it baby or else a whore like you wouldn’t have made such a request,” he said when he noticed a hint of doubt on my face. “Now open up.”
I did as Jaehyun said, opening my mouth up for him. I flickered my eyes up to watch him as he brought his cock closer to my mouth. Once it was close enough, I started by swirling my tongue around his tip, and then wrapping my lips around his tip. I watched as his brows furrowed, so I continued my movements. I then began gliding my tongue along his shaft, up and down, down and up. He seemed to be enjoying it judging by the way he’d started groaning. 
As I began taking him even more, I felt Doyoung's tongue begin to kitten lick my cunt. Doyoung had begun with some slow licks, but would stay a bit longer on my clit which caused me to moan against Jaehyun’s cock. His cock was so big that I barely even made it halfway yet. I felt as the tears began pooling in my eyes and drool passed my lips. “That’s a good girl, take more I know you can,” Jaehyun said. And so I did until his cock reached the back of my throat. “Fuck,” Jaehyun groaned, grabbing a fistful of my hair. He started taking over, bobbing my head along his shaft.
Meanwhile, Doyoung had begun licking me even faster, occasionally sucking on my clit which just caused me to moan on Jaehyun’s cock even more. I can tell the sensation satisfied Jaehyun as he muttered incoherent words into the air.
I felt like another high was coming, so fast and quick it was almost embarrassing. As I was lost in the pleasure I suddenly felt a wet muscle poke my hole, oh god. Doyoung was fucking me with his tongue. It felt so good, enough to have my cumming for a second time while Jaehyun was stuffed in my throat. “Cumming before me? I think you deserve a punishment,” Jaehyun said.
‘Punishment? What is he-’ I couldn’t even finish my thoughts before Jaehyun started gripping my hair even tighter and increasing his speed. It was getting messy– drool and tears everywhere. As if matters couldn’t get any more worse, Doyoung landed a slap on my ass. It only caused my eyes to widen and moan on Jaehyun’s cock.
“Fuck, that feels good. Doyoung do that again since it seems like our little whore enjoys it.” I looked up at Jaehyun, with those tearful eyes of mine, in which he also looked down at me. A smirk plastered on his face. Obliging to Jaehyun’s words, Doyung began slapping my ass even more.
“Shit, I’m close,” Jaehyun moaned. A thrust or two down my throat, Jaehyun came into my mouth, my throat. I watched as his chest heaved, and he pushed his hair out of his forehead. “Swallow it all,” he commanded, which I instinctively ended up doing.
“Come here now,” Doyoung’s voice spoke up, as he sat on the couch, patting his lap. I saw as his cock stood proudly against his stomach. I crawled to him. “Put your back against me and put it in yourself,” he said. So then I turned around, grabbing his hard cock and began inserting it inside me. I felt as his cock stretched me out the deeper he went in. “Yes, just like that baby… It’s almost all in,” Doyoung groaned.
“She’s so tight Jaehyun, I guess all that stimulation did nothing to her,” Doyoung chuckled as he turned to the other male. I turned to look at Jaehyun who just kneeled on the couch, fisting his cock. Then suddenly, Doyoung plunged the rest of his cock into me. No warning, just the grip he had on hips. With him all inside me now, I felt as his cock hit my cervix. I whisper lowly, “S’ good.”
“What was that? You like that?” he said, as he began thrusting into me. Who was I to deny what he just said, I loved it. “Ye-Yes you feel so good!” The phrase that slipped past my lips only caused his thrust to become deeper and rougher. Doyoung was treating me like his personal toy. He kept ruthlessly pounded into me, until it came to a halt. “Making me do all the work?”
I turned around, nodding my head no. “Hmm, is that so? I’m tired, why don’t you do it now,” Doyoung says, a slight smirk appearing on his face. So I did, thrusting slowly at first. “Stop the teasing, go faster baby,” Doyoung whispers into my ear. And so I grip onto his thighs, bouncing myself on his cock.
In the midst of it all, Jaehyun continued watching us contently while fisting his cock, he enjoyed the sight in front of him. You, a whimpering mess who was so cock drunk already. He wanted to get a taste of that sweet, tight cunt of yours soon because if he wasn’t already, he’d go insane.
“God, Doyoung I’m cl-close.” My stomach was tightening up, so close to unleashing. “Ready to cum all over my cock,” he replied. I yelled out “yes” as I repeated his name over and over again. “Open your eyes,” another voice said. And so I fluttered them open, Jaehyun’s cock in front of me. I watched as he jerked himself in front of me. It only turned me on even more.
“Shit, you like that? Like watching Jaehyun jerk himself off to you fucking me?” Doyoung says. I tightened even more around his cock, causing Doyoung to groan. His hands roamed down to my clit. He rubbed and pinched the poor thing continuously.
Just a few more thrusts and I came for the third time this night. My back arched, eyes rolling back, and moan and after moan slipping out. However, it didn’t stop here. Doyoung brought his hands back to my hips and kept fucking me through my orgasm. It was all too overstimulating, I felt I could even cum again.
“Fuck, I’m cumming. Don’t waste any drop,” Doyoung groans, finally cumming. His warm seeds painting my walls white. At the same time, Jaehyun also came, cumming all over my breasts. All three of us were heaving, trying to gather some oxygen back into our bodies.
“Don’t think we’re done here,” Jaehyun chuckles. He gently picks me up, bending me over the couch. My hands gripping it, while my ass stuck up. I felt his hand come in contact with my ass cheek in a harsh slap, causing me to yelp forward.
Jaehyun wasted no time, plunging himself deep and snug into my cunt. “Fuck, Doyoung wasn’t lying. How are you still so tight?” Jaehyun says, as he pounds in and out of me. I don’t even know who I am anymore, I could only think of how deep Jaehyun was reaching me. He hit my g-spot so well with every thrust I could barely contain myself. I ended up squirting all over for the first time tonight.
“Making a mess,” Doyoung’s voice spoke. I tried opening my eyes to locate him, only for him to be besides me. We locked eyes, and his lips later engulfed mine. It was a sloppy kiss, but I didn’t care. It felt good, everything felt good. Jaehyun’s thrust too became sloppy, it could only mean he was close too. And so with a thrust or two later, he came in me.
My stomach feels so full now. This is what I’ve wanted. This is what I-
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Jaehyun’s POV.
“Shit, did you kill her with your dick?” Doyoung says, laughing as he puts his pants back on.
“So funny, she’s just fallen asleep,” I replied. “Think we went too far?” Doyoung continues.
“Probably, but hey she said she wanted it. Wanted both of us,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. I took Y/N into my arms while Doyoung began cleaning the couch. Luckily, the couch was made of leather so it shouldn’t be too hard right?
I looked down at her. Y/L/N. From the moment I first met her at that store, I fell in love. I know as cliche as it sounds, it’s true. There was something so captivating about her, something that made me want her. All of her.
So when I saw her that day, her first day here I knew it meant something. Fate? Whatever it was, I didn't want to waste any opportunity. Which is why that day at the dinner, I did that. It wasn’t planned or anything, but I just felt something that day. Some urgence?
However, then I learned of Doyoung’s mutual interest in her too. We talked it out, but we left it at “It’s whoever she wants. Whoever she chooses.” But to my surprise, it ended up being both of us.
I smiled down at her sleeping face. She’s cute. Everything about her was just so beautiful. Whether what just happened ends up being a regret for her once she wakes up, I hope she knows or at least has some awareness of our feelings for her.
“Hey!” Doyoung yells, capturing me out of my haze. “I finished cleaning it, bring her over here so we can wipe her clean.”
I nodded, placing her gently back down onto the couch. Doyoung began cleaning her with a wet cloth he got from our private bathroom. “Go get her a pair of clothes, in the meantime Jae,” Doyoung says.
“Mmm, be right back then.”
I exited, leaving them behind. On the elevator ride, my thoughts were consumed with questions. Good and bad ones. In particular, “What will happen once she wakes up?” I tried shrugging them off, as my answers will come once she wakes up.
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“Hm?” I stirred my eyes open. ‘Where am I? This isn’t my apartment?’
“Awake already, sleeping beauty?” A voice said. I recognized that voice… Doyoung!
“A-Ah I-” “Water?” Jaehyun says, handing me a water bottle. I gladly accepted it, my throat felt quite dry. ‘Wait a minute… Oh Shit!’ I nearly choked on the water as I remembered what had transpired a couple hours ago. I looked outside their windows, the night sky illuminating.
“Uhm… I-” Jaehyun interrupts me, “regret it?” I looked at him puzzled, ‘regret?’
“What? No, No! I… I just don’t know what I should say, what I should do…”
“Well, it’s whatever you want Y/N,” Doyoung says, getting closer. “You want us to be friends, we’ll go back to that. You want us to be fuck buddies with one another, we’ll do it. You want to put a label on it, we’ll do that too.”
Is he serious right now?! The three of us? Wouldn’t I be asking for too much? Is it greedy of me that I want that. I want to be with them. I want Doyoung. I want Jaehyun.
I look at the floor, trying to hide my embarrassment from what I was about to admit. “I- I want us to be together. Me, Doyoung, and Jaehyun.”
It went silent, neither of them spoke up. So I took the courage to then look up. I flinched, at how close they’d gotten, standing only a few inches away.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Jaehyun asks. I nod, “Yes, is it selfish of me to?”
Jaehyun nods, “No. Be as selfish as you want with us.” To which Doyoung adds, “We just want you to be happy.”
I feel like crying again, only happy tears though. How could this even be my life right now? A tear trickled down. Then another, and another until I felt both of them wipe them off my face.
I smiled, “Thank you. Thank-”
“There’s no need to thank us. We love you,” Doyoung says, smiling as well.
“He’s right. We love you Y/N,” Jaehyun adds. We all smiled, engulfed in each other's warmth.
Today might’ve just been the best day of my life. No matter what the future brought us, I would be prepared to face it because after all I wasn’t alone.
It was me, Doyoung, and Jaehyun. It was us against the world.
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I shifted to the other side of the bed, but a strong hold on me prevented me from doing so. I stirred my eyes open, Jaehyun. Ah, that’s right, this was my life now. I’d moved in with Jaehyun and Doyoung a week ago but the whole thing hasn’t really sunk in yet.
“Good morning,” he muttered. “Admiring me already?”
“N-No!” I refuted. It was barely morning and here he is teasing me already.
He chuckled, and then leaned in to kiss my temple. “Sleep well?” I muttered a small, “Yes” before snuggling against his bare chest. I’ve always felt so safe around him, and Doyoung. They made me feel so safe and loved.
We stayed like that for a while until I felt his hands come down to grope my ass. A shameless man he is. ”Where’s Doyoung?” I asked.
“Work probably,” Jaehyun says as he works his lips from my ear to my jaw. He kissed me so tenderly, every touch of his lips felt so warm; his embrace so warm. Jaehyun’s lips then lingered to my mouth, engulfing me into a tender kiss. It always went like this, he would be gentle but then go rougher. His tongue intruding, teeth clashing, and occasional lip biting.
“So I got you all to myself huh,” he whispered in my ear. I giggled before capturing him in another heated kiss that ended up with Jaehyun on top of me.
His hands roamed all over my body, from my waist to hips to breasts. He squeezed my breasts, pinching my nipples that sent an electric shock throughout my body. Oh god.
He parted from our kiss only to look down at my embarrassingly lustful state. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Every part of you baby.”
My heart throbbed at his statement, my face probably beet red. He then began removing my top, leaving my shorts and panties on. He brought his mouth towards one of my breasts, where he began licking it and sucking on my nipple. Later, he returned the same affection to the other neglected breast. I was a squirming mess, I tried getting friction from somewhere, anywhere. God, I was so fucking wet already, I could feel it as it pooled between my legs.
“Eagered like always,” Jaehyun said with a pop as he let go of my breast. His lips kissed down until they reached the waistband of my shorts. Those poor things were off in seconds, along with my panties. I watched as Jaehyun spread my legs open, “God, so wet already.” I moaned his name when I felt him tease my folds with his fingers, and then a Slap.
I widened my eyes at his action. Then again, another Slap. “You like that,” he says, coming closer to my ear. “You like it when I slap your sweet cunt.”
Slap. Oh fuck, was this good. Slap. “Y-Yes!” I yelled. He wasn’t stopping, continuously torturing my cunt. “Look at all this mess you’re making so early in the morning,” Jaehyun’s voice says, bringing his hand to his mouth. I watched as he licked his fingers clean of my essence.
“Get on your hands and knees for me baby,” he later says. I complied, getting in the position he most enjoys. I moaned out even louder when he slid his cock so easily inside me. “Fuck, so wet that it slid right in.”
Grabbing my arms, holding them from behind me, he started mercifully thrusting into me. His cock reaching the deepest part of me like it always has. I was enjoying this so much that I just kept moaning louder and louder.
“Having fun without me?” A voice rose. I quickly looked up, capturing Doyoung’s figure. Oh god.
With another thrust I moaned again. “I was wondering what was going on since I heard screaming, but it looks like our girl was just horny wasn’t she?”
Jaehyun speaks up while thrusting into me, “Yep… Mmm, she thought you… were gone and pounced onto me. Poor thing I couldn't just neglect her.”
“N-No! He- He is ly-lying,” I tried saying. “Lying? Me? You hear that Doyoung she’s accusing me of lying,” Jaehyun says smugly.
“I know, don’t you think she deserves a lesson?” Doyoung questions Jaehyun. Jaehyun chuckles in satisfaction. Oh, no…
Thus, I found myself sucking off Doyoung’s cock while Jaehyun continued pounding into me like some ruthless beast. “Just like that, a little deeper,” Doyoung groans. He watches me intently as I suck his cock into my mouth, but that didn’t last long. Doyoung ended up taking control, thrusting into my throat like I was his personal pleasure toy. Which I admit, I probably was, but hey he was mine too.
“Your pussy swallows me up so well, fuck I’ll never get tired of this,” Jaehyun groans. His thrust had gotten sloppy, meaning he was close to cumming. Good thing I was too as I started squeezing around his cock. I felt Jaehyun’s hand snake to my stomach and then further down. His fingers pinched and rubbed on my clit. I moaned into Doyoung’s cock, the sensation causing his cock to twitch in my mouth.
“I’m cumming,” Jaehyun groaned, thrusting his cock into me one last time. I also met my orgasm, cumming all over Jaehyun’s cock. He must’ve been watching as our cum mixed together, oozing out of my pussy.
“Shit, I’m cumming too,” Doyoung abruptly says, releasing his seeds inside my mouth.
Once we both caught our breaths it was back to fucking again. There was no stopping us once we started. Which was how I ended up with Doyoung’s cock buried within me. “Spread your legs wider,” Doyoung says. “Good girl, keep 'em like that.”
“Open your mouth,” Jaehyun says from the side. I opened it only for him to spit in my mouth and then start kissing me again. My lips are going to be so swollen from all the kissing, but my pussy from all the rough pounding. However, those concerns were at the bottom of my list. The pleasure they kept giving me was too blissful.
I love this. I love Doyoung. I love Jaehyun. “I love you,” I whispered, just loud enough for them both to hear. The three-word phrases elicited a small smile on their faces.
“We love you more.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: hi again! i would like to apologize for the delay. i think i have spoken up about this before but i would like to inform u all that as i am still a student, it can be hard to juggle all things at once. im very sorry for not uploading during the month of april, it truly saddens me but with school on my plate its been rather difficult. however, from now on i promise to at least post once a month. thank you for your patience i truly am grateful to every single one of you! i love you all <3!!!!!!!
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hiii, first of all I love your works soooo much you're such a good writer.
I'm craving some ansgt (with happy ending) so I was thinking of a 2 part scenario with ateez : 1. You've have a big fight 2. You're making up . Or just one of the two if you're too busy . Or anything ansgty if fine . Sorry I talk too much . Have a good day /night <3<3<3<3
ateez in an argument with their s/o (part 1)
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genre: ANGST, hurt, drama 😩
word count: 2.6k
warnings: cursing, general toxicity, obviously loads of angst
a/n: sorry this took me so fricking long to do, i wanted it to be perfect for you 🙏 let me know what you thought and send a request in the askbox for part 2 of this so you can be notified when i post it. anyone else who wants to be tagged in part to let me know~ hope you all enjoy <3
edit: here is part 2
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"why are you so angry about all this?"
"you gave me a reason to be angry, y/n. a very good reason."
this is what it was like on the way home. constant bickering and arguing and shouting at each other. now that you had ripped the door open to your apartment and marched into your shared bedroom, you knew the arguments were only going to continue.
"and what reason was that?" you looked him dead in the eye now. your faces were edging closer and closer to his, a defiant glare sparkling in your eyes. hongjoong glared back. his eyes were just as powerful as ever. calculative. observant. deadly.
"you knew what you were doing," his tone was lower than usual, venomous to the ears. "you knew i hated him in the first place. but you just had to have your fun."
"i was just talking to him!" your voice had an extra kick of volume now, trying to dominate and squash his intimidating presence. this was a task that proved very challenging.
"it's not my fault your jealous of every other person i speak to," you defended
"but he's not every other person though!" you could see the vein in his neck show from the intensity of his emotions. "it was him. that's the point of all this. you just wanted to get back at me for the little argument we had earlier. so you did what you thought would hurt me the most. well, there you have it. well done, you hurt me."
"wow know what, if you think i would ever intentionally hurt you, that hurts me more than anything. and maybe if we're arguing all the time, maybe we shouldn't be together at all," the tears came as quickly as they fell. you had grabbed your coat and bag, heading for the door. you didn't think anything else could hurt you. but you were wrong.
what hurt the most was that he didn't stop you.
seonghwa could barely look you in the eyes right now.
"look, i don't want to argue," his tone was soft, but there was a twinge of urgency that came with it. he didn't know what to do anymore. he was exhausted. he was worried. he was everything but happy.
"i don't want to argue either, hwa" you gazed over at him, looking dejected and uncomfortable. you weren't sure why you kept calling him by his little pet name because you were far from being playful at this moment. you crossed your arms over your chest as you spoke up, "but it's either we talk about this or we don't talk at all."
"why do you have to make everything so difficult?" seonghwa snapped, now looking at you with eyes of cruelty. your heart dropped.
"why does everything have to be such a big deal? why can't you just let things go?" seonghwa's voice seemed to be getting louder and louder with each question. or maybe that's just how it felt.
"you're in this relationship too, hwa" you did decide to hold onto that pet name after all; it felt like the only endearing thing you had left to say. your voice grew quiet. you didn't want to argue. you just wanted to fix this. but it felt like you were the only one.
"do you not want to fight for us? why can't you just accept that we haven't been okay for a long time," your breath heaved quickly, but your slumped posture looked like you'd been defeated. "and the only way to sort this out is by talking about it."
seonghwa scanned your face and shook his head, looking away once more. his prior outburst had settled down and now he just wanted to be alone.
"i'm done talking now," seonghwa muttered, closing his eyes. he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, but the hopelessness took over. "i'm done fighting for this."
you'd have never thought your boyfriend to give up so easily on something. but your relationship? you? that was something that you'd always figured he'd stick by for.
yunho had unlocked the door to your shared apartment at 2:37 in the morning. on coming home before this, he made sure to tiptoe around the apartment, hop in the shower as quietly as possible, get ready for bed as silent as anything, before making his way to the bedroom.
"oh," he muttered in mild surprise, not expecting to see you awake. you had a book in your hands that you were scarcely reading, and the lamp to your side shining bright against the darkness. "you're awake?"
"i am actually," you say in a short, sarcastic tone. your jaw tightened as you carefully placed your bookmark between the pages and set the book aside, turning off the lamp in the same movement.
yunho stood there for a moment. the room felt still and cold. he looked at you, curled up with your back to him now. he could feel the sadness fizzle in the air. he knew he messed up but he was so tired. so, so tired.
crawling into his side of the bed, he gently tugged the covers over him, not saying a word. he didn't want to speak, but he felt he owed you at least something.
"i'm sorry" he murmured, eyes flashing closed as he breathed a shaky breath out.
"how many times have you said that this week?" you replied, weakly. you were tired too. tired of his excuses, his empty promises, his apologies. they felt like nothing anymore. he had let you down too many times.
he replied with nothing. he had nothing else to say. he thought it would be wise not to say anything at all. just sleep will do. sleep for a clearer mind. even being as tired as he was, he couldn't for the life of him drift off. and neither could you.
it was a long night for both of you. and while you were inches away from each other, you could have never felt farther away.
you had been trying to get your boyfriend to talk to you for about 15 minutes now. it was a chore. it was exhausting. but you knew something was wrong and you weren't going to let him suffer alone.
"you really like pushing people to the limits, don't you?" yeosang snapped in response to your persistence. he glared at you with watery eyes, his lips pressed in a firm, straight line.
"i'm concerned for you," you retorted back, "what, am i not allowed to care about my boyfriend anymore?"
yeosang looked away from you. he was usually quiet but this was different. it was a painful type of quiet. you knew your boyfriend all too well to know he wasn't alright. and you didn't want him to be alone and wallow in his feelings.
you took in a deeper sigh and tried a softer approach. "you can tell me anything, yeo" you slid an arm around him, but his head leaned away from you.
"you care too much, it's suffocating" yeosang closed his eyes and shook his head, "i just want to be left alone, what don't you understand about that?" his tone was harsh. you had never seen him like this, which confirmed that he wasn't himself at all.
but his brutality got to you, and before you knew it, you started tearing up. you knew you should be supportive and just accept his wishes to leave him be, but it was hard to go on when you knew he was upset. you felt so torn.
"i'm sorry," your voice cracked underneath the pressure of emotion as you began to leave the room. there was nothing more you could say to him.
yeosang finally lifted his head, his eyes following your figure as you walked away from him. there was a distinct lonely feeling that filled his heart, making it ache. the absence of you weighed heavier on him than anticipated, and he missed you. god, he missed you.
maybe he didn't want to be alone after all...
you had come over to spend time with your boyfriend... initially...
it wasn't your fault. you just got a bit side-tracked. yunho and wooyoung were there and it had been a while since you had spoken to them. it was such a pleasure seeing them again since you got on so well.
but san's mood was depleted. his energy zapped. he phased out of reality as you continued to chatter away to his friends, staring at the wall with a glaze over his eyes. he hadn't said a word all night.
it was only until the others left that you actually gave him attention. and that was when you realised you hadn't spoken to him all night.
"you okay, sweetie?" you placed a hand on his bicep, getting him to look into your eyes defiantly.
"don't call me that" he grumbled and pushed your hand away, his arms crossing over his chest.
"what's the matter with you?"
"i invited you round so you could spend the night with me. but you were so much more interested in wooyoung and yunho." san glared at the floor. he realised how pathetic he sounded. how desperate his tone was. but he didn't care at this point.
"i hadn't seen them in a while, san. if you wanted it to just be me in you then you could've dismissed them," you held your ground, shaking your head at his childishness. "besides, you could've joined in the conversation instead of moping about by yourself, my god."
you rolled your eyes and moved away from him in a huff. san sighed and didn't move from his position. he couldn't tell if he was being unreasonable or totally justified. all he could tell was that he was hurt and angry, so the tears stung his eyes.
"i don't get a lot of time with you, y/n," he sniffed, "but by the looks of it you were having more fun talking to them than we've had in a long time."
his jaw clenched as he felt your presence stand there, taking in his thoughts, before leaving the room altogether.
"it was just a performance, y/n. it's not a big deal."
it was a big deal. at least, to you it was. you've been supporting mingi for as long as you can remember. from the moment he debuted, you were always behind him, encouraging him from the sidelines. and his career flourished. it amazed you just how quickly it did. and with his talents came more opportunities and privileges at award shows.
you didn't realise one of those 'privileges' would be to sexy dance with another idol.
"not a big deal?" you stared at him, wide-eyed and amazed by his words. at first you wondered if you were just overreacting. but his careless brush-offs turned the alarm bells off in your head. "mingi, you have got to be kidding me. she was practically grinding all over you. i had to watch that happen, among all the other thousands of people watching."
"and so what if they watched?" mingi's voice rose in volume, causing you to flinch at the sudden severity of his voice. despite having a deep voice all the time, mingi never used such a harsh tone towards you. it made your heart drop. "it's my job. they watch me do performances all the time. just because this performance happened to be with another idol doesn't mean anything."
his words hurt you more than you could say. but your hurt was spat out in anger, something you couldn't control beyond this point.
"everyone is saying how good you look together," your voice lowered in defeat, "how you should be together. even other idols are saying that."
"is that what this is about?" mingi breathed out a laugh of disbelief before his eyes turned serious, "you're just insecure."
you would have never thought he, of all people, would say that. you lowered your head and stared at your feet.
he only realised how much he hurt you when a tear trickled down your cheek. but by that point, it was too late.
"y/n, i'm not in the mood."
this was a phrase you were hearing all too frequently from your boyfriend. it was enough to drive you crazy. but you had kept silent, up until now. now was the last straw.
it was like he hated you. every time you touched him he would withdraw. even light touches like holding hands or linking arms; he wanted none of it. this was so unlike him. he was the one that usually initiated the physical affection. cuddles were his speciality and he couldn't go seven minutes without holding you. and you love that. but now, everything was one-sided.
"you're not in the mood a lot these days," you commented. your intent was to sound harsh, it really was. but all he could hear was the hurt and pain in your voice, and that tugged at his heart a little. "have i done something, woo?"
"don't be like that," wooyoung sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"no but seriously. are you not attracted to me anymore? has something happened between us? what am i missing?" you pleaded for him to answer you.
"shut up, you sound ridiculous" he snapped, a firm glare shooting into your eyes. there was too much swirling around in his mind for him to take everything in. to take in how he sounded and what he said to you. you could see the unbothered, thoughtlessness in his gaze and saw that he had just given up.
"not even gonna dignify me with an answer, huh?" you sniffed back your tears as you got up from your seat, grabbing the coat you had only recently left on the chair, and making your way for the door. you needed to get away.
if he wasn't going to dignify you with an answer, you weren't going to dignify him with your presence.
you let an exasperated laugh out, but things were far from funny. in fact, you genuinely couldn't believe what you were hearing right now.
"let me get this fucking straight," the increase in volume of your voice told jongho to run, but he was no coward. he stood his ground and stared at you expectantly. "you think that your job is more important than mine? is that what i'm hearing?"
"i never ever said that," jongho immediately shot back, not missing a beat, "but my job is more physically, psychologically and emotionally demanding. that's just a fact."
"why is this a fucking competition?"
"it's not" jongho practically growled his words back. he couldn't believe that you were both caught in an argument that was so trivial. "i just get exhausted when your moaning about the struggles of your job when there's so much going on with mine."
you shook your head, arms crossing over your chest as you gritted your teeth. "am i not allowed to express myself to you? to tell you my worries? that's what boyfriends are supposed to be there for. if you're not willing to do that then-"
"then what? then i shouldn't be your boyfriend?" jongho spoke before he could think, a tendency he never had. he was losing his head to the heat of the argument; he let his emotions get the better of him.
raising your eyebrows in surprise, you stepped back from the one you loved most. you couldn't read his expression, but you sincerely hoped he regretted those words.
"if that's how you feel, then maybe you shouldn't be" your voice was soft now, weak and without sustenance. shoulders lowering, you gazed at the floor, feeling your cheeks heat up tremendously.
a hopelessness fell upon you both. the atmosphere felt so thick it was suffocating. it felt as if the light that was once between you had been extinguished.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
Hi there, I saw in one of your tags recently that "if you think the raven queen was being unfair, I'm not really interested in your opinions." I was wondering if you could talk a little more about that because I'll be honest, Vax isn't my favorite character but I've seen all of C1 and I really don't get why some people HATE the RQ, call her unfair, manipulative and pretty plainly say this moon conflict is mostly her fault because she took Vax and through a Domino effect Ludinus is releasing Predathos. Also, I enjoy your theories and analysis for CR so much you got me listening to Midst, so thank you.
Hi anon,
Great question! This is going to be a very long post, with a relatively short initial answer, because there is both the literal misinterpretation that indicates this is not someone with strong analytical skills nor knowledge of canon, and a number of potential mindsets that lead to this manner of thinking in the first place, none of which I respect. You happen to have sort of hit upon the foundational elements of my whole deal re: CR meta, so, buckle in.
The first part is simple: Vex died because Percy triggered a trap before she'd been healed up. We've seen this sort of trap elsewhere in non-divine contexts (Folding Halls of Halas); it's just a form of trap. A particularly nasty one, but this is for a very powerful relic she doesn't want falling into the wrong hands, and, moreover, the party could have likely disabled it either through rogue skills or magic had Percy waited. Vax, then, as the third part of the resurrection ritual, told the Raven Queen to take him instead of Vex. The Raven Queen did precisely as he asked. He did not need to offer this (Scanlan was going to make an offering, the other parts of the ritual had gone well, it was Vex's first death so the DC was low, and Vax could have made any number of other, less dramatic offers), and he did so with the understanding that he would die in lieu of Vex, right then and there. He did not. I think that's the only case, actually, where the Raven Queen was not 100% upfront with her intentions before Vax accepted something; but he offered it voluntarily. Vax was a person who formed extremely intense connections, to the point where it was perhaps unhealthy, and did not believe life without his sister was worth living, and was willing to sacrifice himself to a god.
Everything after that was extremely straightforward. Vax communed with the Raven Queen, who spoke very directly with him in his vision in the Raven's Crest. She was extremely clear when she met with him following his disintegration: he was given the option to refuse her offer, and he took it instead. It is not manipulative to give someone a difficult decision, and if a character you like makes a choice you don't like, it is not automatically the result of manipulation.
As for the moon conflict being her fault…that is, to put it bluntly, unhinged, and what's more, ironic given that that's the manipulative argument. Ludinus tried to commune with Ruidus using a random crystalline artifact beneath Molaesmyr, centuries before Vax was born. He was going to do this regardless. If he couldn't get Vax, he'd get some other sliver of divinity, and what's more, it's been all but stated that Vax is not actually supposed to be leaving the Shadowfell to protect Keyleth, and is disobeying the Raven Queen directly (and it's been stated that this isn't necessarily helpful for Keyleth, who is trying to grieve and move on). So: Vax made his choices with the knowledge of what they entailed, is trying to bend if not break the conditions to which he agreed with full knowledge in a way that probably isn't healthy for him or Keyleth, and it's bananas to be like "wow look at how the Raven Queen made Ludinus try to free Predathos." Like. Even if she had tricked Vax, which she didn't, Ludinus literally could have just kept on his racist imperialistic longevitymaxxing beat indefinitely and left the moon well enough alone. The domino meme is a meme. I mean, while we're at it, couldn't we trace it back to Vecna instead, for killing Vax with Disintegrate in the first place, since had he not done so, Vax would have either survived that fight or would have been resurrected normally? Or perhaps it's Percy for triggering that trap. Or the Chroma Conclave for being the reason why Vox Machina was seeking the Deathwalker's Ward in the first place…but that only happened because Allura and Kima didn't kill Thordak but rather sealed him, and because a priestess of Melora cursed Raishan so that she had reason to ally with Thordak. We can go on indefinitely; the point is, to assign blame specifically to the Raven Queen when Ludinus literally did not have to do a goddamn thing with the moon is a fucking stupid take.
Below the cut, I talk root causes behind why people might decide the Raven Queen was unfair and come up with the above nonsensical argument to support that, since I don't think people say stupid things just to be stupid.
I think one root cause for this mentality of this is that the person in question wishes Vax hadn't died and is looking for someone to blame because they don't want to blame Matt Mercer and Liam O'Brien, even though yeah, that's who to blame. The thing is, as we learned in Campaign 2, character death is quite literally on the table. Had Vax not made his bargain, either in episode 1x103 or his original one during Vex's resurrection? He might have simply remained dead. Had he not given his life for Vex's, he was pursuing paladin anyway with the Everlight, and we don't know what she'd have required of him. But more importantly, for all people like to bring up a PC-centric perspective (which, in Actual Play, is inevitable) Vox Machina's frequent use of resurrection spells was in fact a massive privilege most people in Exandria do not have. And, unsurprisingly for a table whose DM made up rules specifically to make resurrection more difficult, the Critical Role cast is open to a story where death exists. I do not think it's an accident that resurrection has been made even harder in the subsequent campaigns. I also happen to think that Campaign 1 is a far richer and better story with Vax's death, given the other events that occurred. Had Vax not been the sort of person who would offer his life for a god to take in exchange for his sister? Sure, he'd possibly have lived to the end. But he was, and that's the character those people who wish he were still alive loved. If he wasn't that person, they wouldn't have liked him in the same way.
D&D is fundamentally about exceptional characters becoming more powerful, and will be focused on those characters. I do not think D&D supports a story about characters who reject all power. They can give up political power (the Mighty Nein, for the most part, do this - certainly more so than Vox Machina, and Bells Hells is yet to be seen) but they will progress in levels, which is power. Even if unwanted, it is power, because most people in the world are commoners with 5 HP and 10 in all their stats. With that said, a lot of people desperately want a subversion of this power narrative. Vax is, I think, the closest we get. In D&D you are not going to get a player character who finishes a campaign and remains Just Some Guy. But you can have someone like Vax, who doesn't have any interest in power (compare to Vex, who very much is about power and who gets a much happier ending) who nonetheless ends up on the Tal'Dorei Council and the favored of a god…and yet, in the end, his equally powerful friends still can do nothing to save him. I think a Power Bad story is overly simplistic, but "there are limits to power, and ultimately none of us have complete control" is not. I think Vax's death gives the story of Vox Machina a finality and heft that it would lack otherwise.
A second possible cause is the "What if the gods are BAD" argument. I'm going to be totally honest: I did not see this in the fandom until Campaign 3, and honestly, not until EXU Calamity in any widespread sense, which does lead me to believe that most people did not come up with it as a reasonable idea on their own until characters started saying it, because it is so plainly in conflict with the themes of Campaigns 1 and 2 that to make this argument would be obvious projection. Do I think a nuanced view of the gods as flawed beings, rather than perfection, is warranted? Absolutely. Mortals, too, are flawed, and we don't kill them all for it. I think Vax's story makes them uncomfortable because it makes it clear divine favor is not, as Ludinus Da'leth tries to argue, the gods just bestowing and withholding their gifts arbitrarily, but rather that divine favor comes with a divine responsibility as well. Clerics and paladins do not study the way wizards do; but they must live lives in service, whereas a wizard can shut the book at the end of the day and do whatever. Clerics and paladins have powers that can be taken away; a wizard does not. That's the fundamental concept behind the Age of Arcanum - wizards trying to get around the fundamental rules of this world! Vax's paladin powers came at a price. His options are guided, but also limited, by the oath he took. He is far more fettered than a wizard, in the end, and I think that fucks with the narrative of the gods cruelly withholding their gifts from all but a select few, so they instead make their gifts into manipulative punishments…while still, contradictorily, arguing that characters such as Laudna or Ashton or Imogen were denied the mercy of the gods. Now, setting aside the obvious, that these characters have their backstories because Marisha and Taliesin and Laura decided they would because this is a story, and one in which someone had a perfect life would be boring and so the gods didn't intervene with Laudna because Marisha Ray wanted to play a Sun Tree corpse (see next section), it really is fascinating to see how people who hate the Raven Queen so neatly align with Ludinus. It's fine for sorcerers to have inborn powers, apparently, and Ludinus actually has himself tried to ape druidic magic; it's not about power, it's just about that power source. Honestly, they're not even above the gods as a power source - Ludinus used the crystal beneath Molaesmyr seemingly unaware if it were of the Archheart, and he's demonstrably using Vax, and everyone loves a resurrection from the gods, but heaven forbid you pay someone for the work you feel yourself entitled to. (Entitlement: this will also be a theme throughout the rant portion of this post.)
As a brief subsection to this: the idea that bad things happen to good people because the other side of that coin is free will is an ancient theological and philosophical discussion, and one we are obviously not going to solve here, though it is a little depressing I have had multiple rewarding conversations on this topic, thanks to an academically rigorous religious education, starting from the tender age of 9, and a lot of adults on Tumblr seemingly can't engage on the level of my third-grade classmates. I think, however, it tells a truth that fits in well with the wizard (and entitled fan) desire to control everything. People are terrified of random forces. Cancer, for example, is a matter of probability. There are things that can increase your chances of developing cancer, to be sure, but the simile I used when I was taught about radiation-induced cancers was that of lottery tickets: if you buy more, you have a better chance; but sometimes someone who bought a single ticket "wins" and someone who bought a ticket weekly never does. By believing the gods of Exandria are on trial for not intervening with every little hardship or for not taking Vax precisely as he intended, they reveal a profound terror of random chance and of the free will of people who are not them. Which is very funny when you consider we're watching Actual Play, where random chance is a deliberately induced element. I think the takeaway of all of this is "I think some of you guys are really mad this is a D&D game." But let's continue.
The third, and honestly most likely cause, is honestly sort of a continuation of the first but not centered around Vax so much as just a general, in my opinion deeply childish discomfort of any sort of tragedy or unhappiness in fiction. I've noticed this a lot lately, and I am not a cultural critic and don't have a high enough level view to pretend to be one, but as others have noted a lot of people seem affronted when whatever show they are currently watching does not meet their specific standards of "comfort media" or "hopepunk." It's a self-infantilization I don't care for, and it's certainly not limited to the CR fandom (see: any grown-ass adult passionately defending a choice to only watch children's cartoons and only read YA) or even fandom at all (see: the baffling popularity of the Mr. Rogers "look for the helpers" line which was intended for anxious young children, not for adults who can and should be the helpers). It really came into focus for me with CR when people referred to both EXU Calamity and to Candela Obscura's Circle of Needle and Thread as specifically "hopeless." They are, to me, deeply hopeful series. They are sad, and tragic, and many characters do not get a happy ending, but they are ultimately about how some people will endure, and will live on and find meaning after great loss. Calamity explicitly states that because of the actions of the heroes, while devastation will occur, total annihilation is mitigated. It's like the adage of how courage only means something in the face of fear; hope only means something in the face of darkness. Happy and fluffy tales are not hopeful; they are merely not things that require you to have hope. The root word of catharsis is that of cleansing and purgation and it originally related to physical excretion - cathartic stories are about getting those complicated and ugly emotions and fears out and feeling better for it by briefly feeling, perhaps, worse! Now, again, this has worsened with Vax's story with time. Shortly after Campaign 1, it was very common to see stories where Vex or Keyleth were utterly distraught, indefinitely, but those at least were engaging with grief, even if in a very shallow and unproductive way. But this has morphed into this idea that the fact that a work of fiction might make you even feel sadness makes it bad, and wrong, and hopeless, and the machinations of a cruel and heartless god. Which brings me back to the entitlement narrative: it's really as simple as "the story didn't give me what I wanted (whether that was a happy ending for Vax, or for Keyleth, or just a lack of sadness generally, or a narrative about the gods that validates my personal beliefs, or a way to justify Ludinus's actions), so it is bad." Which again is about being in control of the narrative, which again, in D&D, is simply not something anyone can claim. Why are these people here watching a D&D game? I don't know.
So that's really it: on a basic level, if you think the Raven Queen is unfair, you are profoundly ignorant of canon, so I'm already going to have to fact check anything you cite (if you cite at all), but there's a much deeper refusal to meet stories where they are and expand one's own comfort zone at play, and that means any analysis will never consider the possibility that your pre-existing beliefs were wrong (absolutely crucial in meta). You will always play it too safe and be uninspired and reactionary because the alternative is uncertainty and fear. I think a refusal to embrace tragedy in fiction is itself a profound tragedy; that is someone who is terrified to believe that life goes on.
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smuttysabina · 9 months
Aria gets Bullied at School
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(Ariasaki x Lilypichu x Pokimane x Jodi x Jaime, 3.9k Words)
Tags: Lesbians, moral corruption, degeneracy, cunnilingus, some poor girl getting finger-blasted, lots of boobs, even more kissing, hints of romance, wow that's an unreasonable amount of squirt, I hope they're staying hydrated.
A/N: Also I thought commissioning some art for this would be fun lol
"...So anyways, he just busts in my mouth..." "...Oh my god was it a lot...?" "...Then he starts crying about some other girl..." "...That sounds fun, we should do it together next time!"
Aria cringes in embarrassment as the four girls blabber and gossip around her desk, making her shift uncomfortably in her seat. She had no idea why they all chose to sit next to her, or why they were giving her so much unwanted attention. More importantly, why they felt the need to talk about such lewd things; weren't they all still in High School? Aria twitches whenever Imane, Jaime, Jodi, or Lily randomly shoots a question her way, usually asking her opinion about some unseemly thing...
"Do you think he looks cute?" "Can you believe Lily, she nearly drowned in it!" "Anal sounds kinda painful, yeah?" "You should dress up a little, don't you think?" "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" "Have you even kissed a boy before?" "Have you kissed a girl before?" "Hey, have you ever kissed a girl?"
Aria blinks at the untoward question from Imane, blushing as she deflects desperately, "N-no I haven't, why are you asking me?" She fidgets, eyes flicking from side to side as she looks for an escape route. But Aria is thoroughly trapped on all sides by these popular girls, slyly surrounding her and pressing in ever closer with their bodies...
Imane smiles in a disarming fashion, "C'mon, what's a few secrets between friends? Surely you're at least a little curious about how it feels..." "I...I um..." Aria stammers, "Awww look at her, she's blushing!" Jaime cackles with delight, "Don't be a bitch Jaime, not all of us are whores," Jodi blandly admonishes her friend, causing Jaime to hiss angrily, "Guys okay, calm down, that's a lot..." Lily does her best to sooth the bickering pair, wearily making peace between them. Imane giggles at her friends antics, before leaning close to Aria once more, her breathe hot against her cheek, "You never did answer my question, do you want to try it?" Aria's eye's nearly balloon out of her sockets in horror, as she shyly sputters something incoherent while Poki laughs teasingly, "Oh you are so fun Aria, you should hang out with us sometime, what are you doing after school today?" Aria was planning on going home and playing Maplestory all day, but she could hardly admit to such a thing in front of them. So instead she answers with a vague, "Um, not much!" The other girls pause in their yammering at this, turning like carnivores that had just scented prey, "Oh really?" "We should go to your place then!" "Yeah it'll be lots of fun!" In the face of the girl's united front, Aria glumly agrees...
The rest of the day passes in a blur for Aria, as she panics about her upcoming social event with the four most popular girls in school. She dreads what sort of depraved activities they will pressure her into doing; especially since her parents are out with her sister until late tonight. She attempts to sneak out while the girls aren't noticing, but Lily sticks to her like a leech, cheerfully chattering away and never letting Aria out of her sight. Except for when Lily went into the boys' bathroom, Aria was a bit confused why she was limping a little after that; hopefully the boys didn't beat Lily up for invading their sacred space! Holding Aria hostage just outside of school, Lily blabbers until she is joined by a fashionably dressed Jaime, who is idly reapplying her makeup. Lily sniffs the air intently, before giving Jaime a sideways glance, who returns it steadily. Aria looks back and forth in confusion until they both start giggling; weird. Jodi is the next sashay up, licking her hand clean of water, or at least Aria thinks it's water... Jaime makes a bland comment, "You know there are easier places to clean up than your hand, right Jodi?" Jodi sniffs, "Not all of us are so open with their love, some boys only deserve my hands" Aria quietly worries a little about Jodi, it sounds as if she's been getting harassed by suitors! All of these popular girls have such huge problems with boys going on, she sure is glad she doesn't have to deal with that sort of thing...
Finally, and fashionably late, Imane joins the party, her leggings sprinkled with stains, her blouse in somewhat of a disarray. The Queen Bee of the school gathers her hive, and they set off; practically escorting Aria in the direction of her house. Imane explains her absence with a simple "I was dealing with the football team", which seems to satisfy the other girls. Who quiz her with delightful curiosity about her experience; to Aria it sounds as if poor Imane was getting horribly abused by the boys, these poor girls! Aria reassesses her original thoughts about the Four, evidently they had only been joking about all those gross, sexual things in class earlier; they're just the victims of those awful boys! She didn't think the male population of her school had been that depraved, but it sounds as if she would have to rethink her opinions! They are using kind of dirty terms to describe stuff though... ugh at this point Aria is just so confused! Confusion aside, the group has finally arrived at Aria's house; she had been so focused on the conversation she lost track of time! The four girls prattle as they lounge around the doorway, patiently waiting for Aria to fumble her keys into the lock. Click!
The Four pour into Aria's home in a triumphal stream, practically carrying Aria along as they invade her living room. Up the stairs they marched her, cheerfully inviting themselves into her room and occupying her bed in a chattering flock. Aria once again finds herself ensconced at the center of the group, but this time there would be no easy escape for her. The girls' hands accidentally brush against her body as Imane, Jaime, Jodi, and Lily slowly edge closer to the innocent prey trapped between them. She can tell their gossip has become secondary to their predatory intent, squishing close around her as they cuddle with deceptive playfulness. Imane's warm breath in her ear causes Aria to jump in surprise, "You never did say if you've been kissed by a girl before..." Aria chuckles awkwardly, "Oh. I um- n-no I haven't yet..." Imane purrs, her hand gently turning Aria's head towards her own, "Good," and promptly kisses her. Aria's eyes widen in shock as her first kiss is taken by the most popular girl of her school, a veritable goddess; whose soft lips press confidently against her own. Imane's tongue slowly slides into Aria's mouth, luxuriously enjoying her warmth as Aria's eyes roll back from the novel sensations flowing through her. She is panting when Imane finally breaks off the kiss with a pleased smile, only to find Lily already nosing in for the next round. Who makes for a very gentle and romantic partner, softly and demurely kissing Aria until both of their mouths are connected by spit as they stare into each others' eyes. Then Jaime takes her turn, making an absolute sloppy mess on Aria's face as she drools and licks all over her; greedily slurping on her tongue and lips. Aria was fast growing exhausted from this treatment when Jodi hauls her friend off of her, taking her place and cleaning up. Her technique is far more mature than Jaime's, smoothly enjoying Aria while still giving her space to breathe.
By the time Jodi is done, Aria is shuddering, her face bright red, chest heaving with excitement. She could tell that while the Four had taken their turns with her, they had not been idle; lipstick marks all of their cheeks and necks, and even their exposed.... Oh. Imane and Lily are entirely shirtless, their breasts on full display, nipples erect in the stuffy air of Aria's room. Imane's are large and tanned, yet still retaining some youthful perkiness, while Lily's are petite, not even a handful, yet still arousing to look at. Aria moans unintentionally at the sight, her legs rubbing reflexively as her body responds to the hormones getting dumped into her brain. Giggling, the other three rejoin Jodi, now caressing Aria as much as one another; their hands teasing open her thighs and groping her full breasts. Aria feels like she's losing her mind, letting herself get carried along by the pleasure of having the four popular girls enjoying her body; scenes flashing by. Jodi and Imane sucking and licking at her neck, leaving their marks on her; Jaime wrenching open her blouse, allowing Lily to carefully scoop out one of her weighty breasts in awe, before digging in; Imane carefully feeding Aria her engorged nipples one by one, letting her suck on them like a baby; Jaime furiously making out with Jodi, the frenemies feeling one another up in an erotic frenzy; Lily joining Aria at Imane's breasts, kissing while they lick at her nipples; Jaime's hand rustling between her legs, her moans becoming ever more loud and plaintive...
"Oh already?" "Mhmm that's it Jaime, let it out!" "What a slut..." "Her face is so red!" "Right in front of Aria too!" "Oh fuuuuuuuck!" "Geez Jodi, making her cum so fast..."
The other girls coo and stroke their friend, groping and massaging the bent over Jaime as she approaches climax, staring straight at Aria. She bites her lip, letting out a whine as her masturbation becomes wetly audible; focused only on reaching orgasm. Jaime shrieks, "OH FUCK", before partially collapsing onto Aria, quivering as she continues to pleasure herself even in the throes of ecstasy. The others gasp and giggle at the sight, idly rubbing their own bodies as they watch their best friend cumming right in front of them.
"Fuck that's hot." "What a mess..." "You even came before the virgin, that's so sad!" "Uggggggh" "Omgomgomg-"
The spell broken, Aria finally notices the warmth in her own crotch, she had no idea this is what popular girls usually did together... it excites her. After a minimal amount of aftercare, Imane and Jodi return their attentions to Aria with an even more salacious intent; their eyes burning bright with lust. What few clothes remained were discarded hurriedly, revealing their shapely bodies in full. Lily meanwhile kisses her way down Aria's thigh, her nimble body opening Aria's legs with ease as she lifts up her skirt. Aria gasps when Lily removes her panties, the air cool against her pussy, unable to protest with Jodi's sizable bust in her face. Lily lets out a squeal of delight, "Oh wow, she is wet down here!" "Really?" "Oh she is dripping!" "Adorable" "I think she likes it!"
Aria hides her face in embarrassment as the Four examine her sex, she can't believe that she is on full display like this! It feels so intoxicating, what if they think she's a pervert or something... Aria feel's them crowding around between her legs, and she scrunches her eyes tight, it's so shameful! Then someone's tongue licks her slit, and she wails. Aria looks down quickly to see Lily softly bobbing her head between Aria's thighs, the warm spot of her tongue making Aria moan; it feels so good! Aria is in pure bliss as Lily eats her out, head in the clouds, unable to focus on anything but the pressure growing between her legs. Is she going to cum? Is this what it feels like? Is this- oh. Oh. Ohfuckohfuckohfuck- "Oh fuck I'm CUMMING!?" Aria screams at the top of her lungs, spasming as she orgasms for the first time. For a long while all Aria can do is lay there, whining until the heat within her finally dims enough for her to pay attention to her surroundings. Jaime and Jodi sprawl nearby, the former finger-deep inside of the latter while slurping on her clit; the both of them glaring at each other. Imane stands up from her place behind Lily, chin glistening as she licks her lips clean of her friend's juices. Aria is so entranced at the sight, that she almost misses the feeling of Lily's fingers starting to press against her...
"No wait," Lily stops in confusion, "You can't! It's my first time!"
Even Jaime pauses at that, all of the Four looking at Aria with nostalgia in their eyes, remembering their cherries getting popped. Then they remembered how exactly their own deflowerings went, nodding at one another; it's best to leave this sort of thing to Girls rather than let the Boys disappoint her. So they crowd around her once more, gently stripping off Aria's outfit until she is as naked as the rest of them. Aria blubbers as the girls sooth and massage her, helping her to relax as they wear away at her last restraints.
"Guys no, it's not right!" "Awww, hush Aria" "Virgins are always so fun" "Oh she wants it though..." "Mhmm it's okay, just relax" "Don't worry, we'll be gentle" "You'd rather have a gross boy flopping between your legs?" "So, who do you want?" "Yeah, whose fingers do you want to take your virginity?" "Well?" "C'mon c'mon!" "Calm down! Let her pick" "So, who do you want to be your first?" "..." "... Um... Imane..."
The girls erupt in squeals and giggles at this acquiescence, hugging each other in delight as they ready themselves to lead Aria into womanhood. Imane slides in behind Aria, leaning her back against the soft cushions of her breasts, their faces inches away from one another. Jaime and Lily lay themselves against Aria's hefty breasts, softly kissing them as they stroke her stomach and thighs. Jodi meanwhile fetches a makeup mirror from Aria's desk, placing it so that she will be able to see herself be deflowered. Aria nervously wriggles with anticipation, she still cannot believe that her v-card is about to get taken by Imane. Who soothingly runs her hand down Aria's chest, until it teasingly covers her sex, "Ready to become a woman?" Aria nods frantically up at Imane, who smiles, they all smile, gently opening Aria's lower lips so that she can see the state that she is in. Aria's jaw drops as she looks at her unkempt and hairy pussy, sopping wet, flushed and swollen with arousal, her hole palpitating slightly with anticipation; is that really hers? Then Imane's fingers creep down towards her entrance, making Aria quiver; it's happening! She watches as Imane's adroitly teases at entry... then she is inside of her. Aria moans plaintively as her virginity is taken by Imane's fingers, it feels so much better than when she does it herself!
Wet squelching noises soon emerge from between Aria's thighs as Imane skillfully pleasures her; her building climax helped along by Jaime and Lily as the suckle on Aria's engorged nipples like starved babies. Behind the mirror, it's obvious that Jodi is also enjoying herself, getting off on the scene unfolding before her. Aria soon feels a familiar heat spreading in her tummy, her breath hiking as she worries about the onslaught of sensation about to engulf her once more. Her doubt fades when Imane tenderly tilts her head up and kisses her deeply, tongue swirling inside of her mouth. Aria's brain feels fuzzy as she looks up at her lover, there's just so much pressure building up; how do girls deal with this every time? Imane smiles at Aria's naïve and desperate expression, and decides to put her out of her misery. She leans close and simply whispers, "Cum for me" Aria practically explodes, her spasming cunt splattering juices all over the mirror, soaking her bed with squirt as she cums spectacularly around Imane's fingers. The other girls gasp and laugh in surprise, rolling away from Aria's flailing limbs as she convulses with pleasure.
"Holy fuck" "There's so much!" "Ugh that is so fucking hot!" "I wanna lick it up..." "Fuck I might join you." "Good girl!" "Is... is she okay?" "I think so, she's just cum-drunk" "Play with my ass this time-" "What." "What?" "Pfft, sluts." "Oh fuck you too, bitch!" "Uggggghhh..." "Oh hey I think she's still alive!"
Aria groans in exhaustion as she recovers from her first time, lolling around in the sheets as she tries to put herself back together. She opens her eyes to see Imane and Jaime intensely making out nearby, their hands busy at work inside of each other; Imane's larger breasts squishing Jaime's more modest endowments. The scent of their lovemaking reaches her, and she instinctively starts to pleasure herself at the sight. Aria's enticing view is soon blocked though, by a nicely groomed pussy with dripping, messy lips. She looks up to see Jodi staring hungrily down at her, already moving to position herself above Aria's face. Jodi lovingly cradles her head, holding Aria steady as she lowers her sweaty sex onto Aria's mouth, "Eat it," she commands. Aria inexpertly complies, doing her best to please Jodi, sucking on her wide lips, licking at her clit, sticking her tongue as far as she can into her Jodi's hole. Who sighs after a few minutes of this unsatisfying treatment, making Aria blush in embarrassment; it's her first time eating pussy! With growing sternness, Jodi teaches Aria exactly how she wants to be pleasured; guiding her tongue towards her most sensitive spots, praising her when she succeeds. She gropes herself steadily as Aria slowly but surely helps her along, her affirmations growing in volume as she approaches climax, "Oh good girl... good girl, oh fuck YES GOOD GIRL!" Jodi staggers atop Aria as she orgasms, gasping as she force-feeds the girl her sticky juices. She contently grinds her sex across Aria's chin, marking her face with a slimy trail of her cum; smirking down at her. giving Aria's sensitive pussy a slap in thanks, Jodi wriggles off of her, clambering over to rejoin the others; leaving Aria gasping for breath...
"Oh fuck Imane, I'm gonna-" "Yes, right there!" "Fuuuuuuck!"
Aria glances over to see the spectacular conclusion of Imane and Jaime's lovemaking; both of them leaning against each other, panting for breath, fingers sticky with juices as they orgasm together. Lily loungers nearby, stirring her pussy eagerly as she hungrily watches their cum drip onto the sheets. Aria starts to crawl over, lust still burning through her, she had no idea she had this much desire in her... Before she knows it she is locking lips with a still breathless Jaime, hands wildly groping and feeling up one another, face flushing a deep hue. Jaime greedily grinds her crotch against Aria's thigh, leaving wet streaks as she leaks all over her. Aria responds in kind, their legs sliding against one another until they are scissoring. Aria's hairy folds squishing themselves against Jaime's smoothly shaven lips, teasing Aria with its wet kisses. The stimulation is enough to drive Aria wild, but not enough to make her finish; Jaime doesn't seem to have any issues though. Moaning and gasping, the slut drenches Aria's sex with another slurry of juices, sloppily anointing Aria with her smelly cum. Aria whines in discontent, she wants to feel it again; she needs to climax again!
Giggling knowingly, Jaime hauls Aria up, guiding her toward the other three and completing the circle formation. All of them are breathing heavily, looking at each other as the bustier girls' breasts touch; all of them still sopping wet. Hugging themselves together, the girls take a short break as they ready themselves for the game to come. Game? Chuckling, Imane quickly explains the rules to Aria, each girl will finger one other girl, and the last one to not cum gets to have the others pleasure her however she wants until she does. Aria begins to make short humping motions in anticipation, already drooling at the idea of having another girl's fingers inside of her again. She obligingly slides her own inside of Jaime, easily reaching deep inside of her and curling inwards... Aria squeaks as she feels someone else slip inside of her own pussy, she's already so close to orgasm! She looks up to see Lily biting her lip seductively as her lithe little hands make an utter mess of Aria's overstimulated sex; Aria can't hold on! Aria pants in heat, sticking her tongue out lewdly as her eyes roll back, begging like a slut for Lily to make cum.
"Wow" "Uh, guys, I think we broke her." "Is she doing okay?" "That's kinda hot..." "Holy shit she's so fucking wet!" "Oh I think she's cumming." "So fucking cute..."
Aria blubbers messily as she climaxes around Lily's fingers, cum splattering down her hand and onto the messy sheets; shuddering and shaking wildly as the most popular girls in school watch her orgasm. She collapses once more onto the bed, utterly drained as she watches the other girls continue their "game". Jaime is the next to succumb, followed by Lily, until it is down to Imane and Jodi stirring up each others' cunts as they face off. Imane twitches, and then lets out a strained groan, her climax growing audible as fresh nectar spills out of her. Jodi laughs in triumph, swiftly falling backwards and spreading her legs wide; she directs Jaime and Lily to either breast, and demands Imane finish what she started. Jodi is soon groaning at her friends' attentions, one hand locked in Imane's curly hair while the other strokes Lily's head. She hikes her hips, urging Imane on as she approaches orgasm,
"Yessss fucking eat it Imane... Lift that fat ass up- oh fuck, I bet so many boys mounted it today- Oh don't stop yes!" "She's gonna cum..." "All in Imane's mouth." "Fucking slut." "Getting off to Imane getting fucked." "What a pervert." "Mmmmph!"
Jodi howls as she finally climaxes, holding Imane's head tight against her quivering cunt as she makes her lap up every last drop. Now finally exhausted, the girls wriggle over to Aria and cuddle together, their sweaty bodies trembling with fatigue. After staying that way for a little while, the Four stagger to their feet, gingerly putting their clothes back on while letting Aria continue to rest. Once they are at least vaguely presentable, they file through and give Aria a tender kiss before leaving,
"See you later Aria!" "Thanks for having us over!" "Sorry for the mess" "I think she is a mess..." "Do you think I smell?" "Jaime, you fucking stink, let me spritz some more perfume on you." "So, same time next week Aria?" "Yeah! She's such a fun pet!" "What is she, your dog?" "Ciao Aria, see you tomorrow!" "Byeee!" "See ya!" "Bye!"
Aria doesn't even move from her sprawled position for what feels like an age; holy fuck, what did she just do? She can't believe she acted like such a-a-a slut! Oh god and they're going to want to come back! They're going to turn Aria into some kind of shameless whore, just like them! No wonder they're so popular... How is she going to be able to look at them tomorrow morning, they all watched her orgasm for the first time; she even saw them naked, they saw her naked! And, oh fuck just look at her bed, how is she supposed to explain this?
Ugh, she's going to need to change her sheets...
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rebelwrites · 2 years
Hot Shot Driver
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Requested any Anon: can i request for charles: being a famous actress and going on a date with him and the paparazzi catch them and the fans are in love with the idea of them toghether? ly💖
Summary: An actress and a F1 driver turns out to be a match made in heaven
A/N: once again google translate has been used. If you want tagging in any fics for Charles let me know. As always feedback is appreciated and so are reblogs 🖤
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Looking around your room, you couldn’t help but laugh. It looked like a bomb had gone off all because you wanted your outfit to be perfect. It wasn’t very often you went on dates, being a successful actress it was hard but the moment you and Charles met at a F1 gala there was an instant connection.
It felt like you have known him your entire life, conversation came easy with him and whenever you were together nothing else mattered. Neither of you were out off by each other’s hectic schedules so when he asked you out on date you leaped at the opportunity.
Hearing the knock on your hotel room door a smile tugged onto your lips as you glanced in the mirror on final time. The red floral dress was both sexy and cute. It stopped just above the knee and was light enough for the warm summer nights in Monaco. But it also left something to the imagination with the deep v-neck, obviously the push up bra was the go to, accentuating your cleavage.
Wrapping your fingers around the door handle, you grabbed your bag before pulling the key card out of the slot on the wall letting the room darken. Letting out a shaky breath you quickly compose yourself before pulling the door open.
The sight that laid before you was ultimately breathtaking. The tight white dress shirt hugged Charles’ body perfectly and you knew that the trousers would make his ass look even better.
You couldn’t help pulling your bottom lip between your teeth
“Wow, you look phenomenal.” Charles breathed, letting his eyes roam over your body leaving a trail of fire in its path. You couldn’t help but smirk how his gaze lingered on your chest.
Reaching up you rested your fingers under his chin, pushing his head up.
“My eyes are up here.” You giggled, getting lost in his eyes.
“Are you trying to put me in an early grave?” He purred, as his hand found his way to your hip. Everything with him felt one hundred percent right. “Especially wearing red.”
“Maybe.” You flirted.
“Come on, trouble.” He smirked, guiding you away from your hotel room.
The moment you stepped outside of the hotel you were met with a sea of flashing lights. Apparently word gets out quick that a successful young actress and a talented formula one driver were dating. A laugh escaped your lips as you both rushed over to Charles’ Ferrari 488 Pista Spider.
Just as you expected he was a true gentleman, helping you into the Ferrari before making his way around to the drivers side of the car.
His fingers linked with yours pulling your knuckles to his lips, placing tender kisses across your skin, throwing you a wink before starting the car.
The following morning nothing could wipe the smile off your face as you sat on the balcony of your hotel room. Normally you weren’t a morning person even when you had to be up early for filming but something was different this morning, especially as you ran your fingers over the red Ferrari shirt and all access passes. The fact Charles wanted you outside for the race made your heart swell.
Quickly you did a sneaky boomerang of the items laid on the table, posting it onto Instagram before you scrolled a little bit.
As expected the news of you and Charles was travelling quickly and its fans were going crazy, running with all sorts of theories but ninety percent of them were routing for you two as a couple, wanting more answers.
Smirking to yourself you glanced over your shoulder watching the man in question sleeping peacefully in your bed, his hair all ruffled from sleeping and in that moment you knew he was the one.
After around ten minutes you heard Charles stir before feeling his arms wrap around your shoulders.
“How come you woke up so early, though you hate early mornings.” He teased, pressing a kiss against your cheek.
“Yeah well I kinda have to go see this hotshot formula one drive race today.” You smirked, leaning into his touch.
“Oh yeah.” He hummed against your skin. “I’m sure he will be thrilled to have you cheering him on.”
“Oh by the way all our fans are going crazy.” You giggled, lifting your phone up showing him the screen. “Seems news travels fast.”
Silently he pulled his phone out, snapping a picture of the two of you, his arms wrapped around your shoulders, it was evident there was something bubbling away between the two of you. Seconds before he hit the button to take the photon you pressed your lips against his cheek, hearing the familiar sound of the camera going off. Smirking at the picture, you knew this would send the fans crazy especially with Charles’ obvious morning hair.
“That should give them something to talk about.” He smirked, hitting post with the caption of “Mornings never looked so good. Race day with this one by my side, it’s going to be a good one.”
“Now come on, we have a race to get to. I’ve heard some hotshot driver is going to bring home the podium today. He winked walking back into the hotel room.
“Oh he better, otherwise I’m going to start rooting for another team.” You joked, winking at him as you entered the room.
“Never going to happen, amoureuse.” Sweetheart.
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lainiespicewrites · 6 months
Hi friends!
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So I’m tagging everyone that’s on the tag list for Coach Sy in this! Just because I’m not sure who all my mutuals are yet. Or how else to get this out there to the people I think are actually wanting to read my Walter story 😂🥲 Anyway! I just wanted to get some feedback! You totally don’t have to answer or say anything or interact at all obviously. Because you’re human and you all have free will! But …I’m rambling because I’m nervous …wow I really am turning into my self insert characters …or I write myself well…and I’m deflecting
Okay getting to my point! I’ve started my Walter story (literally have not even introduced him yet and I’m already panicking and doubting myself) but what I’ve realized is that because Walter is a comfort character to me. Because he is a police officer. And how his whole job is safety, I’ve been using this story as like a form of therapy? And started to recount my own Sexual assault and have been sort of trauma dumping into this story. Which has been a great release.
Night hunter the movie is super heavy. We all made a conscious choice to watch it. Some of us just because Henry is in it though. And might not like heavy triggering content like that. Others like myself. Might oddly find comfort in intense films like that. What I’m trying to say or ask is. Is this a theme you guys are okay with reading? It’s a lot different from coach Sy obviously which is healing in a different way because it’s so soft and sweet and comforting. And Walt will be too but. I just have to get the trauma out. Either way I think I’m gonna finish the story. But what I’m asking is do you guys want me to post it …or rework something else for Walter?
I’m not gonna be offended! I understand it! I’m totally okay with putting that out there because it helps me. And I know that if it helps me it’s very likely someone could connect with it and help others. I just didn’t realize that I was ready to pretty much tell the exact situation in a story. Sorry this is such a heavy subject guys. I love writing and I love that it brings us together and that we all can connect over someone that we love and brings us joy and comfort!
That’s kinda how I stumbled so hard into Henry! I knew of him but I hadn’t seen much of his stuff. But I saw him in Enola Holmes and (well first of all he looked damn good) but he was so big and something about him felt safe and protective. I’ve kind of hidden in that for a while.
Wow didn’t mean to get all emotional! But that’s tumblr! Thank you guys for all the love! Again you don’t have to say anything! If I don’t get too many responses I’ll probably just post it and see what the response is! I honestly love the little fan club i feel like I’ve gained here! You guys are awesome!!! ❤️🥰
Leave a comment, or reblog that’s totally fine, or if you’re more comfortable messaging me my dms always open! I just wanna make sure we’re all comfortable and safe here obviously I’d use tigger warnings and stuff but I also don’t want to post it if the majority of people won’t be comfortable. 💕
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@summersong69 @carrie80reads @identity2212 @caramariehurst @redheadrouge @warriormirkwood @gummydummy19 @deandoesthingstome @shellyshellshell @mary-ann84 @starfirewildheart @foxyjwls007
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meekahy · 7 months
Hey yall! Pretty sure this one is my current favorite of the ones I've written so far. This one was stuck in my head for a week.
Let me know if you want on the tag lists or if you want a request!
I love you babes.
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Everyone crowds around the real time flight information stand. The band and crew stare at the word delay with disbelief. Delay? We had places to be! I look to Noah who tries really hard to hide his disappointment. 
“At least it’s only 3 hours,” I reassure him. He tears his eyes from the bad word and nods. I pull him with me as I follow the rest of the group over to the side. Everyone looks towards Noah, who was obviously thinking of what to say.
“Let us all get to the gate and then we can relax for a little bit. It’s only 3 hours, which will go by fast. So, let’s have everyone keep an eye on the time,” he directs as everyone starts moving to the gate’s waiting area. 
Once there, we occupy the vast majority of the corner. Some laying down to rest, some reading, and the rest of us just piled on the floor. The band was on the floor with me. We sit down and I pull out a deck of Uno cards. 
“Anyone want to play Uno?” I ask, shaking the deck in front of everyone. 
“Oh, hell yeah!” Folio exclaims as he scoots closer to start forming a circle.
I start to deal cards as Jolly and Nicholas join us in the circle with Noah scooting closer to me. 
As we start to play, it gets more and more intense. Noah is down to 2 cards, and I look at my deck, it’s my turn and Noah is next. I have a plus 4 card in my deck. Do I use it to cause Noah to flip out? Yes, yes I do. I quickly lay down my card and look at Noah. His face doesn’t change, but in a split second it registers in his mind. 
He looks at the card, then to me, “how could you? To your own boyfriend?” I open my mouth to say something, and Noah interrupts, “I quit.” 
“Oh, you big baby,” I say as I squeeze his cheek. He slaps my hand away jokingly and I start to pick up all the cards.
“I want some coffee, does anyone want anything?” A gaggle of yeses come at me as I organize the cards in my hands. “Okay, text me your orders and I’ll go get you something.” In about 2 minutes, my phone buzzes nonstop with coffee orders.
I hand the cards back to the boys, who want to play again while I’m gone.
“Noah, do you want to come with me?” I ask as I rub my hand up and down his back. He nods as he stands up and reaches his hand out to me. I grasp his hand as I stand up. 
We talk about menial things as we walk around trying to find some sort of coffee. There’s a Starbucks around here somewhere.
Noah points to a sign that leads up the escalators. We both start heading to the escalators when Noah says, “Babe, watch this.”
He proceeds to get on top of the escalator with both feet on either side holding himself up. 
“Wow, Noah. That’s the coolest thing I have ever seen,” I croon like he’s a toddler. Naturally, I quickly snap a picture before he falls. He slips as he reaches the top. Laughing, I quickly ran up the escalator to help him up.
“That was smooth,” I snicker as he flicks his hair out of his face.
“Thanks, that’s what I was aiming for, love,” he winks. 
We continue over to the Starbucks line. As we wait, I look up to decide what I want while Noah has his arms around my shoulders from the back. We waddle up to the counter when it’s our turn. I open my texts and order the band’s drinks first, then order my drink, and then Noah orders his. We walk over to the pick up counter and wait. A few beats later, all of our drinks are ready. I grab mine and Noah quickly grabs the drink carrier before I could, smirking at my pouty face. 
I sip on my hot drink and sigh, “Coffee is just what I needed.” We’ve been up since dawn and traveling all day has slowly taken it out of me. 
Noah nods as he takes a drink of his, “Agreed. This hits the spot.” 
We round the corner and head back down the escalator like normal humans, talking about anything and everything. As we walk back towards the band, the boys see us and cheer at Noah’s raised coffee tray.
Noah hands the boys their drinks and we sit down next to them. He wraps his free arm around me and I lean into his side. Just as I look at my phone and realize we have an hour left ‘til we board, a voice over the intercom informs us that our flight will be only fifteen minutes later than scheduled. I glance over to Noah and our eyes lock. He smirks, like he somehow knew it’d work out after all. 
His face twists like he’s about to tell me something, “Ah, I lost it, nevermind.”
I laugh, “I feel that.” I look over to the other guys as they argue about something I missed. I smile to myself as I scoot closer to Noah. I just think to myself that I’m so lucky to be with someone who loves me, and be with those I love. It’s so cool that I get to travel the world with the coolest people I could ever have hoped to know.
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An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIPs
Thank you for tagging me @ic3-que3n @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @shrekgogurt @orange-peony @youarenevertooold @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @aristocratic-otter @monbons @emeryhall @valeffelees (wow everyone is out here playing huh?)
🦈Tell us the name of your / one of your WIP(s)
As of right now, I’m going with Back and Back and Back but that may change.
🍄Decscribe your wip / one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Past flashbacks in which Baz grows up being visited by an older Simon in the woods outside his house in Hampshire + current 7th year Simon suddenly finds himself traveling back in time to visit young Baz = both Simon and Baz trying to figure out what’s happening in the present, resulting in them falling in love in a mesh of past and present
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
Soulmates, time travel, canon divergent, Watford-era, angst with a happy ending, kid!Baz, lightly inspired by Time Traveler’s Wife.
🧭An alternative title to your / one of your WIP(s)?
I mentioned this last week, but I quite like Start at the End, even though I don’t think it technically is accurate or describes the fic.
⚠️Which wip you’re most likely to finish or update next?
Idk, this one will be quite long, but everything else in my WIP folder are just attempts at starting a premise I liked, but none of them have gotten much traction, so probably this one? Hopefully?
💾What is your document of your wip / a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Time Travel AU
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
He whistles, looking around and finally taking the time to fully appreciate the tree house.
“Did you make this?”
“With help,” I explain. “Some from Father. Mostly from you.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. That’s one thing I’ve yet to figure out, why he forgets. Sometimes, he remembers our past visits with more detail than I do. As if they’d just happened the day before instead of years ago. Other times, he can’t remember something as big as building a treehouse with me. He reminds me of my grandmother, when her dementia had its grips on her. She’d recall something from her childhood so clearly, and the next minute, she’d forget my name.
Father didn’t want me to call attention to it in front of her. He said it would only make her more confused. So I don’t mention it to him, either. We just sort of…dance around it, without mentioning it outright. (He’d fit right in with my family, honestly.) I just clarify things and then we move on.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I was thinking about having the Humdrum be a time traveling younger Simon, or something like that, in addition to current Simon being a time traveler. Like, they discover there’s another version of him traveling, but I thought that would be too confusing. So instead, he’s just the regular ol’ Humdrum.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I have a lil Drabble in my head about Baz being sad while his wedding ring is getting fixed by the jewelers for a week so Simon has to cheer him up. (It me. Rubbing my empty ring finger all week while it’s getting fixed and I hate it not being there.)
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
Actively? I think just this one right now. There are about 4 other half starts from earlier this year when I was just throwing spaghetti noodles at the wall to see what stuck. Some of them I may come back to if I get a burst of inspiration or something.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
(One of) the big reveals because the scene carries a lot of emotional weight, and I want to do it right.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
And kudos to anyone who read this far!
Anyone else want to play? @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @blackberrysummerblog @run-for-chamo-miles @mooncello @angelsfalling16 @artsyunderstudy and anyone else interested! 💜
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OC interview
Thanks to @bloodmoonloveletter here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @illarian-rambling here, and @elsie-writes here!
Last did Wade here.
Doing Jazlyn now because I don't talk about her enough and I'd like to develop her character more!
Are you named after anyone?
“Nope. The one and only, girl. I'm just Jazlyn!”
When was the last time you cried?
“Oh, pfft! I don't cry. Maybe out of sheer boredom listening to Dr. Ass-ghar ramble on about her rules and how I'm not following them! Like, girl, I can't help that I have fire powers and lit something on fire! That would be like getting mad that Gabe got a little dirty. Oh, and her meetings are the wooorst. Yeah crying for my life in there.” [It was during Ewan's clarinet solo actually]
Do you have kids?
“Girl, what? I'm not even eighteen yet! Close... I'd love kids, honestly. A lot of them! I'd have so much fun with them!”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“Look, I know I come across as someone who uses sarcasm, but I'd rather just flat out say what I'm thinking. Why be like ‘wow that was so riveting’ when I could say, ‘this is the most boring crap I have ever seen in my entire life’? So much easier, no mental hoops. Besides, Ewan is the most oblivious to sarcasm I have ever seen.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“Their confidence level. I can usually tell how someone feels about themselves based on how they stand. Posture is the key, but also what they're doing with their hands.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Brown. With some golden flecks when the light hits them right, according to Ewan.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Easy, scary movies. This question is stupid - they aren't opposites. However, nothing is more fun than a horror movie. Love getting the blood pumping. Yelling at the characters for being massive dummies is also the best. Horror is the most entertaining to watch with others. Ewan thank the Lord is also a horror enthusiast. We make a habit to have at least one or two horror movie nights a month.”
Any special talents?
“Oh, several. I am pretty athletic. Took cheerleading a while back and now I am on my high school basketball team. At first, I wasn't sure I would like basketball - my coach in middle school pulled me aside and recommended it due to my height, but I love it now. I am also getting pretty good at learning archery. Lighting the arrows on fire makes that more exciting. I am also pretty good at martial arts and my pyrokinesis. Working on breathing fire without burning my throat. Thank the Lord I have Wade to heal me so I can try again!”
Where were you born?
“I was born in flippin' Utah. I know--lily white state, you'd never guess. Ewan and I plan to move somewhere else once we can. Can you believe he was born in Alium? That ain't fair.”
Do you have any pets?
“Ewan and I plan to one day get a dog. We have been planning on moving in together for a while.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Like I said, basketball. I would love to learn how to play this Alii fireball sport. It's very similar to basketball, but pyrokinetics pass around fire. That sounds like so much fun, man. Did you know they have to keep a healer at each game because not all pyrokinetics are immune to fire? And the audience can get hit too if they're not careful! This sounds like such a fun sport.”
How tall are you?
“I have finally passed six-foot-three. Alii heights are a blessing and a curse.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“I hope you tell me PE counts as a subject cause I ain't saying anything else. School sucks, girl. I have gotten detention for the lamest reasons imaginable.”
What is your dream job?
“I would love to be in sales. Something about convincing people to do what I want is inticing. Planning on getting a marketing degree when I go to college next year.”
Tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie @eccaiia @mysticstarlightduck @monstrouswrites @mrbexwrites @gottestod-writes @willtheweaver @winterandwords @i-can-even-burn-salad @elizaellwrites @chauceryfairytales @somethingclevermahogony @faeriecinna + anyone else who wants to!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Blanks below the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
^for an easy copy and paste
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riatheghoul · 2 months
The Summoning
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Pairing: DPR IAN x Black Reader
Song: The Summoning By Sleep Token
Warnings: smut, p in v(not explicitly stated), lots of praise, use of pet names: baby, pretty girl, dear, darling(come on you know why😏) also sir for Ian, this is my first smut and I don’t think I ate this up y’all please give me feed back in the comments.
Word count: 2,312
Disclaimers: I do NOT own any of these picture credits to the owners and this is PURE FICTION AND ITS ALSO UNEDITED
Tag list: @cookiesdiaryx @penny44224
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I heard my song. But it was in a different form or maybe even a different genre. Something about this time felt different. It felt like a spiritual awakening. And God that base it’s like it’s calling out to me, I need it. When my body finally relaxed on the ground below me, I realized I was on a stage and there were about 4 other people looking at me in awe.
“Wow that really worked!” the long-haired one’s mouth swung open. You looked around trying to get a feel of your surroundings before your eyes locked with his. Eyes that told a story and tattoos that illustrated it for the whole world to see. You can practically taste the sexual energy emulating off of him. I wonder that would happen if I- your thoughts were interrupted by the one with the undercut “so we kinda need your help” you stared at him “well were gonna need to hurry it up here because I have things to do” you commented “actually let me start with a few questions first before we get into the serious stuff yeah?” your voice smooth like silk. All of them nodded in agreement “ok” you began “so first I need names and things like that, then I need to know what position I’m supposed to be in so that it benefits all of you. From what I’ve observed you guys are a band and most band have a knack for gangbangs which I don’t mi-” your blabbering was cut short by the drummer “wait you think we want to fuck?!?!”
Your face was disdainful “well I’m a succubus which Is a demon that feeds off of sexual energy. Most people summon me because they want just that, sex” you explained. You hear a voice to the left of you “Fuuuuuuucccccck” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose “cream when you went the crazy witch lady what spell did you ask for” he questioned looking at undercut who now have noted it named cream. “Well, I asked her if she had a spell that could help us bring in an audience and she looked me up and down and handed me the song” he answered holding up his hand in defense. The short haired one let out a frustrated breath and turned to look at him out of habit “ok first things first we don’t want sex” you pouted at him hoping that he would change his mind, but he didn’t even look into your eyes. He continued “and as for names mine is Christian but everyone calls me Ian, the one with the sort of long hair is artic, the one on the keyboard is cream, and the silent one is live.” You nodded looking around at the four boys in front of you.
“I’m Vespera” you said still slightly confused on why they needed you, so, you asked. “Oh yeah sorry…” Gojo apologized “Can you play electric guitar?” he asked and you looked at him even more confused then you started. “Our electric guitarist split and we only summoned you so that you can replace him and attract people so, can you play?” he asked basically pleading with his eyes. You sighed snapping your fingers and an guitar appeared in your hands. You began to play, losing yourself in the music and before you knew it you guys were on in 5 minutes. You were just finishing your makeup for the show when Ian walked in. You looked up at him through the mirror smirking “how do I look?” you said with all of the innocence you could muster up and it seemed to work because he bit his lip. When he noticed what he was doing he snapped out of it “you look great” he coaxed. You pouted then tilled your head at him “just great?” you questioned he took in a deep breath “you look beautiful” he answered sincerely.
You got up walking over to him not realizing how short you were compared to him but here you were looking up at him while he looked down at you. You stood on your tip toes and placed a small kiss on his neck “thank you” you whispered before you left the room to put your in ears on. After everyone gathered themselves you guys stepped on stage to perform. You used your temptation powers to get everyone’s attention as soon as you guys stepped out. When the song started you started playing and feeding off of the energy from the few people looking at you with hungry eyes in the crowd. The only person that you could think of was Ian. The way he looked at you. The way he bit his lip. The way his neck felt on your lips. You were staring and he noticed just in time for your shared solo. When you guys met in the middle of the stage to play together the tension was so thick it was suffocating. You wanted his so bad it made you sick. No one mortal or immortal has ever made you feel this way about them. As soon as the song was over you guys walked of stage and the crowd was screaming like the dead. That was the most fun you’d had in a long time.
After a few hours of celebration, the guys got into a taxi and started telling the driver where to go. The boys were in the middle of a tour, and they were staying at a hotel nearby. When you guys got there each of the boys were either to tired or to drunk to say good night. Everyone started walking down the hallway or rooms then you stop clearing your throat to get their attention. “Hey guys whose room am I sleeping in tonight?” you asked the boys looked around at each other. “I think Ian should do it he’s the one who lost tonight’s bet anyway” cream slurred Ian’s eyes widened “man fine” he grumbled leading the way to his suite. Once inside all you guys did was stare at each other for a while. You the realization that the tension never shifted after the show dawned upon you and before you knew it he was kissing you. The kiss was full of passion and something else that you could quite put your finger on. He pulled away from you to catch his breath “I’m sorry I should have-” you interrupted him “please don’t start that shit and kiss me or I swear I’ll-” now it was his turn to interrupt you he grabbed your throat pulling your body to his. You looked his deep into his eyes and tried to read his mind but there was nothing. I guess this is what Edward felt like with Bella- your time to think was short lived when you felt his lips met yours again. But it was only for a short time you whimpered no longer feeling his lips.
“God you’re so pretty baby” he praised you heart skipped a beat and all you could do was whine and pout. “Unh uh come here” he said lifting you as if you weighed nothing then placing you on the edge of the bed. He kissed your neck leaving a few hickeys here and there causing a few moans to slip out. He got down on his knees and rested his arms on either side of you as if it were to keep you trapped. “I’m gonna taste you please say yes” he looked up at you with pleading eyes. You nodded your head and in return he shook his “no baby I need to hear you say it. I need your permission” something about him asking for your permission pulled at your heart strings. No one had ever ask for permission before but here he was making sure to have your full consent and god did it affect you. You could feel your arousal seeping through your panties, practically dripping on to the bed sheets. “yes please~” you urged grabbing his hands and placing them at the waistband of the mini skirt you wore tonight “yes what pretty girl?” he asked as he kissed up your thighs never breaking the eye contact he had with you. “p-please sir~” you whispered but only loud enough for him to hear
“good girl~” he coed at you “lift your hips for me” he requests and you do as your told after your bottoms are off he sits there admiring your pussy. The way it clenched on the air around it. the way it glimmered in the light of the full moon outside. He just had have a taste. He dipped his head down between your thighs devouring you as if this was the last time he’d ever get to touch a woman. Every flick of his tongue felt like heaven and it just made your cries grow louder and louder. You hips bucked against him want more “that’s it baby ride my face” he instructed pulling you closer to him fucking his tongue into you in the process. “I’m gonna cum please I need to cum” you begged him through the moans that escaped your throat. He pulled away from you and grabbed your hands “don’t look away” he instructed. All you could do was nod then he went back to tongue fucking you. You held your head up holding eye contact with him It was only a matter of second before you came. It was all too much. The eye contact. Him holding your hands. Your eyes rolled in to the back of your head as you came down from your high squeezing his hands with all your might. “That was the first time that any mortal has ever made me cum that hard” you confessed as your breathing slowed. He got up half way and kissed you. You took that as a way of him claiming his victory and you. He pulled away standing up straight taking of his belt “I was going to make you suck me off but I need to be inside you now say yes” he said taking his pants off “yes fuck yes~” you sat up taking of top you wore and scooted yourself further on the bed. He followed sit in between as you and you basically started drooling looking at the tent in his boxers. “it’s ok baby” he reassured “Go ahead. Touch it” he almost dares you. You take it out yourself stroking it a few times just to add some more lubrication thought you don’t really need it. small groans fell from his lips and fuck he sounded so fucking sexy it throw you off your train of thought. “slide it inside you dear” he urged and you listened. He let out a noise that you’d kill to hear over and over and over again. Once he was finally all the way in he started to move.
In the beginning it was slow deep strokes you could practically feel him kissing your cervix. “Fuck please~” you moaned he shook his head at you “you have one more chance to correct yourself darling” he warned “please sir faster~” you begged. He picked up his pace fucking into you like a crazed man making sure to hit your spot as many times as possible. He grabbed your face ”I want you to ride me yeah?” he asked, you nodded your head vigorously. He turned over so you could stratal him putting his hands on your hips. You began bouncing up and down on him moving the fastest that you could in your sleepy state. “come on honey I thought guys fed off of sexual energy” he stated recalling the answer you gave to their earlier questions. ���I do but I still need sleep what goes up must come down” you answered stopping your tempo “but I can use the last of my energy on you then take it back while I sleep” you offered he nodded at you “make it quick baby I need to cum” he quipped. You gathered all of the energy you got so far and began bouncing again and this time the amount of energy you posses is scary but you can handle it. “YES YES YES YES YES YES~” you chanted “that’s it baby keep going don’t stop” he groaned gripping your waist “I swear to god if you stop you won’t be cumming tonight do you understand me?” you nodded. “No please I need to come please let me come. I’m so close please tell you are too” he began fucking into you just to help “yes baby I am don’t fucking stop” you both kept going until you guys came at the same time. He pulled you down by your neck kissing you deeply “good job baby, now what do you say?” he asked while kissing your forehead softly regaining his breath “t-thank you sir” you answered “good girl come let’s get you cleaned up.” He said pulling out of which earned a whimper. He went to the bathroom after tucking Himself back into his boxers. When he go back a few minutes later he had a warm wet towel that he used to clean in between your legs.
After checking in on you and a shit tons worth of praise he laid down next to you holding you close to him fearing that any second you could leave and never come back. “since you a demon and all does that mean our deal is up and you have to go do other things or people?” you shook you head at him sleepily “no our deal isn’t up and even if it was I kinda like being in a band” he chucked half way asleep “good because your mine now”
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A/N (before official post): i think yall are gonna like this
A/N (after official post): i worked really hard on this and its my longest x black reader as of right now please enjoy and comment, repost and all that fun stuff MY REQUEST ARE OPEN IF YOU WANT TO AND ALSO TO GET ON MY TAGLIST JUST LET ME KNOW AND I CAN ADD YOU ok enough yelling love ya byeeeeeee~
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iprefertheterminsane · 3 months
Take me Home (Where I Belong)
I'm almost finished with my domestic perryshmirtz 5+1, which I'm gonna upload to ao3 soon so here's a tease in the form of the first chapter!
Rating: G
Relationship: Perry the Platypus/Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Tags: Human Perry the Platypus, pre-slash, domesticity, Perry's moved in before they even stopped calling themselves enemies, it's normal to want to kiss the homies sometimes, right?, long suffering Charlene, Perry's got 4 kids actually and that fourth one is Vanessa, haha Perry the Platypus you are dating my father.
Even after having his plans foiled for the day, Heinz doesn’t let him drive home.
“Look at yourself, Perry the Platypus, you’re barely standing on your own two feet.” The scientist points out. He’s right, of course, not that Perry will let him the satisfaction of agreeing with him. It seems to mean less than little; Heinz had already buckled him back into the passenger seat of his truck with the tenacity of a father, and Perry is just barely conscious enough to comply- a bit dumbly, but the taller man does not seem to mind-without much of a fuss. He’s still talking, naturally. Perry has gotten so used to the chatter the droning had begun to take on an ambient sort of feeling, like brown noise. “-practically an accident waiting to happen. Honestly, you’d think Francis would want to try keeping his best agent alive-that agency is gonna do you in better than I would, one day.”
Perry considers giving up a token protest-he had gotten here with the hoverjet on auto-pilot; the routes between the lair and Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. has long been keyed in as his defaults-but decides otherwise. He really was quite exhausted, surely it would be no bother to let Heinz drive him back to Evil Inc. where he’s parked. Why waste fuel when a cheaper of transport was on offer? The Major has particularly been going on and on lately about turning the office more green and saving energy, no doubt one of their latest efforts to cut costs-so he was doing the agency a favor, really. He trusted that Heinz was a reliable enough driver when they’re neither forced to undergo the serial killing obstacle course that was the Drusselsteinian Driving Test Route.
He would sleep in just until Heinz gets them back home. Decision made, he lets himself rest his eyes.
“Up, up, up, Perry the Platypus you don’t really expect me to carry you up the stairs do you-,”
“-Ok, here we go, sit here-no, no, don’t lay down just yet you need to take your shoes off Perry the Heathenpuss-,”
“-I am not letting you sleep in the corset of a waistcoat Perry the Platypus, wow is this Kevlar? No wonder you can stand my Titanium punches-Ok uppies, I should probably help you take this tie off too, huh? They could strangle you in your sleep, y’know, nuff said, if nuff was-y’know, me-it’s so weird to see you so biddable, Perry the Platypus-,”
“-ok, last thing Perry the Platypus, yes I promise, just need to help you get under the covers, alright? Now, isn’t that better? Aw, look at how cute you look, Perry the Platypus, like a little angel-,”
“Good night, Perry the Platypus.”
Perry snorts awake in the penthouse guest room with the covers pulled up to his chin, blinking against the light of the setting sun from behind the half-shaded curtains facing east of Danville.
He isn’t sure what’s woken him, but finds himself unable to go back to sleep. This was probably a good thing-he’s never stayed behind in Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. for so long without making his excuses before, and the clock shows that he’s nearly late for dinner back at the Flynn-Fletcher’s household. He’ll have no trouble flying home now, he feels perfectly well-rested.
Rising to his feet, he finds himself underdressed. His hat rests on the right-hand nightstand, right next to his sleeping head, and the rest of his clothes-vest, tie and shoes-draped carefully over the chair that looks like it’s been dragged over from the kitchen, positioned right next to the room’s entryway, deliberately left ajar. He shoves the hat back over his head and toes his shoes back on, but blinks deliberately at the rest of his attire. They are, of course, crucial parts of his armour, but what was to fear for stepping out without them? Heinz’s scheme was thwarted for the day, and lest the man was suddenly overcome with another plan while Perry was out, which he sincerely doubts, Heinz would not have reason to attack him out of the blue, and certainly not out of armour. He was obsessed with playing fair, and acting by the book. As far as they are both concerned, they were now both off the clock.
Perry decides to take the clothes and fold them over his arm, but he steps out without putting them on- the vest tends to cinch, which he tolerates, but not without reason-and goes to search for his host to make his goodbyes.
It’s easy enough to find him; Heinz is in the kitchen, naturally, making dinner for himself, with Norm at the dining table carefully slicing vegetables and making prep; something doughy, it seems. Perry wonders if it’s pie-Heinz makes wonderful doonkleberry pie. He rests his hips against the doorjamb, and chatters his teeth to make his presence known, a noise Heinz is well familiar with. It cuts off the man’s mindless chatter, and he beams. Perry can’t help his own answering smile.
"Ah, Perry the Platypus!” He crows. “Just in time for dinner! I don’t suppose you mind setting the table, just need to give me another couple of minutes-,” he cuts himself off as he sees Perry shaking his head, and Perry signs, regretfully, that he has to make himself scarce.
“YOU AREN’T STAYING FOR DINNER?” Norm asks, as despairingly as his cheerful-sounding robotic voice could make it sound. His mouth is down turned.
“Yes, it’s already so late, Perry the Platypus, surely your report could wait a couple of more hours.” Heinz adds, cajoling. “I worry you know, a man has to eat homemade meals every couple of days, else you tend to get sick to the stomach. I don’t know if you cook. I’ve made lemon pie for dessert.” Heinz sing-songs enticingly at the end, and Perry has to admit it’s persuasive. The man really does have a knack for baking.
But he’s already missed out on family dinner yesterday, due to making up for Agent G’s maternity leave, and the Flynn-Fletchers would worry if he missed out on another. He knows for a fact Linda’s made her award-winning meatloaf tonight, and hedgehog cake for supper. He’d hate on missing out on the treat for the world.
He’s halfway through realizing he’s said it out loud, ‘I have homemade meals at home,’ before he freezes, taking in Norm’s and Heinz’s curious blinks, and his hands pause abruptly, letting the sentence trail off awkwardly. He could see from the look on Heinz’s face that he was curious, mouth opening as if to pose a question, but seems to ultimately decide against it. They’ve both scrambled enough of the expected norms of their Villain-to-Spy nemesis-ship today, and crossing the line to figuring out Perry’s home life seems a midge too far, even for them.
Heinz hums, and changes the subject. “Are you really driving home fully dressed like that?”
Perry looks down at himself. ‘What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?’
“Nothing, which is my point. You could just leave them here, you know, they’re all dirty, Norm can run them through with the rest of the day’s laundry, and you can pick them up tomorrow. It’s weird to see you all dressed down, you know, but not bad weird, a good weird, makes me feel like a good host. That’s how you know you’re an adult sometimes, ugh, just listen to me talk about good hosting etiquette, Vanessa never has to worry about that sort of thing you know, even though she should. I hope Charlene’s teaching her.”
Perry’s wandered over to the coffee machine at this point, using context clues to figure out how it works and avoiding the large red button in a transparent case on the right-hand side of it’s case. He taps it, and churrs again.
“Oh, coffee! That’s a good idea, Perry the Platypus, some strong caffeine to help drive you through that traffic, I bought this travel mug for you!” Heinz hands him a short and stout chrome and teal travel mug with a silicone top and an anti-slip base. “I saw that color while scrolling through Etsy while I was looking at bento-boxes for this scheme I’m cooking up next week-oop, forget I said that Perry the Platypus, no spoilers! It reminded me of you! But the travel mugs aren’t related, it was just in the same shop, I love travel mugs, especially these newer novelty ones, you know there were never any novelty items back in Drusselstein, on account of the state largely frowning on any sort of color or patterns-,”
Perry churrs again, twisting the top of his cup back on and pointing out the door. Heinz visibly deflates.
“Oh, right, yes, leaving, of course, Perry the Platypus, let me just let this simmer and walk you to the door-and leave the clothes with Norm, Perry the Platypus, I’ve told you, you can come to fetch them tomorrow.”
Heinz helps hold the mug for him while he gets himself settled back in the hoverjet, and the clock on his dash informs him he should reach the house just in time to reach the Flynn Fletchers begin dinner if he rushed. Heinz leans forward to hand him the travel mug, leaving them close, just close enough that Perry feels the ridiculous urge to-maybe-leave a soft kiss on the other man’s cheek, the way Lawrence does when Linda was about to leave the house for the errand of the day.
Heinz doesn’t seem to notice, mumbling about setting the mug just right into the cupholder behind the handlebar, because it was hot, Perry the Platypus, we wouldn’t want a repeat of the driving test incident, do we? When Perry switches the jet on, Heinz waves. Perry, inexplicably, tips his hat back in return.
It isn’t until he’s 15 minutes away from the house that he realizes he really had left his vest and tie behind at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. He hopes Heinz doesn’t plan to do anything inadvisable with them.
For some reason, Perry doesn’t believe that he will.
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kingdumbass · 9 months
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Can You See Me?
written for @deancashorrorfest
story by @kingdumbass | art by @ephemerastardust
rated: T | wordcount: ~30k
warnings/tags: murder, urban legend about murder, egregious use of a ouija board, subsequent haunting, ghost!castiel summary:
Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 1995. After being stowed with their Uncle Bobby for the foreseeable future, Dean and Sam set out to make the most of their summer ‘vacation’. When they aren’t filling warm afternoons splashing in the creek, riding their bicycles, or suffering through old TV reruns, they’re in for cleanup duty.  Namely, sorting through all of Bobby’s old crap. 
One day, while rummaging through the long-forgotten attic, Sam discovers an antique spirit board and convinces a skeptical Dean to try summoning a spirit. The results of which turn out to be a little more supernatural than Dean bargained for. first look:
“Um, I guess we have to ask it a question?”
“Well, go ahead, Chief.  The floor is yours.”
Closing his eyes, Dean hummed along to Metallica’s ‘Enter Sandman’ as it floated through his head while Sam brainstormed a good opening line.  
Finally, Sam cleared his throat and asked, “Is anyone here with us?” to a resounding silence.
“Wow, Sam. Groundbreaking stuff.” 
After a few moments of profound nothingness, Dean popped open one eye to search the room.  Snake eyes. He opened the other to stare fully back at his brother.  “This sure is fun, Sammy, but how much longer do we have to do this before I can go to bed?”
Sam ignored him and repeated the question louder, yet still got nothing in return.  “Dean, why don’t you try?”
“And what exactly is that gonna do?”  
Sam just shrugged.  
“Fine, let’s see, uh… if there’s a ghost up here, show your ass so I can go to sleep.”  
“Dean! It won’t work if you’re a dick!”
“Oh, no, did I hurt it’s feelings?”  Dean laughed.  “Fine, show your ass, please.”
Not even a hair out of place.
Dean sighed.  “Look, I hate to break it to you, Sammy, but ghosts aren’t real and this whole thing is stupid.” Just as he got to his knees, the light emanating from the exposed bulb dimmed with a shudder, filament sizzling, before surging back on. The candle’s flame stretched and bent towards him. Sam stared at Dean with wide eyes, imploring him to sit back down.  Fixing his calculating gaze on the bulb overhead, Dean inched himself back down to rest on his heels. 
“Bobby’s house is old,” he explained.  “The wiring’s probably gone to shit from the heat.  It’s just a brown out.”
“Or it’s a ghost,” offered Sam instead.
Unbury the truth this October 👻🕯
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spitinsideme · 4 months
Peach blossoms and wolfsbane
By writer anon
Authors note:fun fact did you know that wolfsbane means mistrust in people or humans and that peaches mean honor,gentleness,and your beauty is unparalleled? Just thought that was worth noting! Also be warned bad writing and grammar ahead
Spitzy paced that floor of her bedroom then dramatically flops on her bed and sighs “Ugh there isn’t anything to do around here I can’t believe the dump fop that my county wants me to marry banned me from leaving the manor grounds…” “Nothing interesting happens around here anyways whats the big bloody deal if I just go into town for some fun.” Spitzy shaking her head gets up from her bed with some new found determination. “Right then no use moping about it I’m gonna get out of here and have some fun!” “I don’t need some cheeky sod telling me what I can and can’t do!” She said with vigor but right on cue the door to her room swings open and who should appear but her supposed fiancé Duke Chad Charming. “And just where in the bloody hell do you thing you are going?” He said with sour face. Spitzy huffs “ I’m leaving this manor I can’t take it being so stuffy in here I want to go outside and I will not have some man who thinks he has some sort of say in the matter stop me.” She said with a bit of bite in her tone. The duke however did not like that answer “You better watch how you speak to me or next time I’ll be sure to make you learn your place.” He snarled. With that he leaves the room filled with silence as Spitzy defeated sits on her bed her hand holding her cheek while her elbow in on her knee “wow what a charming bloke he was” she muttered “Great I’m not only gonna be stuck in a loveless marriage but I’m also stuck in this damn manor!” She throws a pillow at the door. Spitzy is at a loss but just when Spitzy was about to lament some more a knock could be herd as the door “Come in” said Spitzy feeling drained from the encounter she had with oh so lovely fiancé. Who should appear but Pomni her loyal but clumsy maid. “I have some news for you my lady.” She said in a quiet voice. “Oh and what would that be?” Spitzy asked. “Your dress is ready for the gala tonight” “Ugh that blooming thing? It’s already bad enough that I can’t just wear pants and a shirt to a stupid ball that I have to rub elbows with assholes that I hate but I also have to wear a dress?! Jolly good then just so swell!!!” Spitzy once again throws a pillow. With this the maid winces “My l-lady please this i-is unbecoming of a women of your status.I understand the duke isn’t the greatest-t and that the w-whole situation is truly dreadful and awful but there is no need to lash-h out.” She stutters. With sigh Spitzy nods and says “My apologies Pomni you are right I suppose I can at least try and look at the positives here.” “ Thats the way my lady.” Pomni says with a weak smile. “Besides who knows you might meet someone you fancy at that Ball tonight.” She says while picking up a brush. Pomni then proceeds to brush her lady’s hair. “Now lets get you all sorted out for the ball yeah?” Pomni chirps.
A 5’6 woman stretched her arms and yawn sharp fang-like teeth glinting in the light while the other older women who is wearing an eye patch companying her is reading the paper while sipping on some tea.They are in a first class train car that is heading towards an area where a carriage waits them.”Are we there yet?” Asked the sharptooth woman. The older woman replied “No not yet Nona so just relax and enjoy the ride.” “Remind me why we left the South for this event? Like don’t ya hate that duke and talked all sorts of shit about him?” The toothy woman asked in her southern accent. The older woman sighed and turned the page of the newspaper”Ever heard of keeping up appearances? Trust me I would love nothing more than to go home and sit in my rockin chair but the duke personally invited us all the way out here the least you can be is grateful that I even let you tag along.” “Oh please ya love me too much to leave me behind besides your husband wouldn’t let ya go unless I come along with cha.” Said the fanged woman “Ah yes I forgot that you are supposed to be my lousy guard dog do try and not get distracted by chasing some poor sap’s tail or your own.” She snickers. With that the fanged woman ears burned bright red with both anger and embarrassment “ HEY NOW WHO YOU CALLING LOUSY.” She shouted The older woman not even looking up from her paper reached over and petted her guard’s head “There there puppy no need to get your fur in a bunch.” She laughed.
The southern woman huffs and swats her hand away “Don’t call me that and secondly I’ll have ya know I don’t chase tail the ladies just swoon and be fallin at my feet.” She said with a puffed up chest. “The older woman barely peeks over her paper and says “Sure hun whatever floats your boat.” She opens her mouth to argue but nothing comes out then in defeat she slumps in her chair “you are one rotten women Miss Agatha Ragdolin you know that.” She muttered. Once again without looking up from her paper Agatha tuts and says”Aww don’t be like Winona ya know I was just teasing ya.Don’t be such a sour puss or in your case sour mutt.” She laughs a bit at her own joke. Still a little red with embarrassment Winona huffed again “ yeah yeah let’s get this stupid ball thing over with already.” She said while crossing her arms. Winona tipped her hat down to cover eyes as she leans back into her chair on leg cross her knee “Wake me up when we get there.” Said Winona. And with that she falls back asleep to the sounds of the car swaying and clacking on the tracks.
End of chapter 1
Author’s note: I hope you like it and I hope you don’t mind I gave you an icky chad as a fiancé don’t worry you will be with your southern anon soon and ditch the gross chad I also spontaneously decided to give anon fangs maybe make them a werewolf If you are into that I also decided to incorporate your au a bit if you don’t mind let me know what you want changed and stuff!
Writer anon
i love you im kissing you throigh thr screen right now i asore you sooososmuxh youre the best ever i actyally love this so muxh ????i LOVE fangs and id get my shit absolutely fucked by a werewolf but for this one .. no werewolf .. i want my loveky southern lesboan anon as human as can be i wantto.feel the skin to skin touch .. keeo her fangs though i love sharp teeth but honestly i want.nothing changed tjats besutoudk keeo it going as it is i love itsososmuxh i will look forward tothe next chaoter with excitement ❤️❤️
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