#wow look at that I'm box office garbage
starset21 · 8 months
A Dark Day
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A/N: Surprise! Here's an addition to the collection with another coming on Tuesday!
Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist 
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents, explosion
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“Please make sure you register at least 30 minutes before the race begins,” the announcer calls over the PA as Matt placed a box on the table. Gabby sighed, “Really? Goat shirts?” Dani brought over another box. “Those are collectors' items,'' Matt defends. “Yeah, garbage collectors,” Gabby laughs. “You guys gonna run the 10k?” Jameson, one of the guys from another firehouse asked. “Uh, Halstead and I are, Casey chickened out,” Gabby told them, high-fiving Dani. “I'm more of a sprinter,” Matt tries to defend himself. “Heard you're gonna introduce the commissioner later,” Jameson teased. “Yeah. Not sure how that fell on me,” Matt grumbled. “Well, a ceiling fell on you while you were saving a baby, baby,” Gabby smirked. Dani pretended to gag. “Hey. It's... it's Kim, right?” Gabby asked, hearing the clattering and turning to see a woman struggling with putting up a display for CPD. 
“Yeah. Hey,” she replied. “Hey, you... you need some help?” Gabby asked. “I... I kind of have no idea what I'm doing,” she admitted with a laugh. “She was part of the team that got Diego back,” Gabby told Matt. “On it. Firefighters bailing out cops is a long tradition,” Matt teased. “Oh, okay. Well, when you need a police officer to…” she trailed off. “Yeah, I've got nothing,” she said and they all laughed. “Who's this?” Matt asks, referring to the young girl digging around in a box next to the table. “Oh, this is my niece Zoe,” Kim introduced. “How old are you, Zoe?” Matt asks, helping to set the frames up for the display. “I'm nine,” Zoe tells him. “Really? Let me see your driver's license,” Matt jokes. “I'm nine too,” another little girl comes up to them. “Wow. Well, uh, you're the designated driver because she doesn't have her license,” Matt tells them and they giggle. “Imogene, don't bother them. They're setting up,” a woman says as she approaches. “Oh, no, it's totally fine,” Dani reassured. “Do you want to go see them unload the animals for the petting zoo?” Zoe asked Imogene who nodded excitedly. “Go ahead,” Kim told her niece. “Stay where I can see you,” the other woman tells the two girls. “Okay,” they call out and run off. “Hey, you're the new pediatrician, right?” Gabby asks. “Yeah, Holly Thelan. Nice to meet you. I’m the new pediatrician, just moved here from New York,” she replies. “Well, welcome. Thanks for volunteering on your day off,” Dani tells her with a smile. “Yeah, my pleasure. I'll see you guys,” Holly tells them. 
“Hey, I guess I'll go get started with registration,” Gabby tells Matt. “You’ll sign me in and we can meet at the starting line?” Dani asked her, stretching out her limbs. Gabby nodded. “Have a good race, I’ll be rooting for you,” Matt tells Gabby, pressing a kiss to her cheek. They finished setting up pretty much everything so Matt offered to walk with her to go find Gabby. The two girls go running past them with huge smiles and balloons in their hands. “Wait for me!” one of them called out. “Hey, I like the balloons,” Matt called out to them. Dani watches them with a smile and goes to nudge Matt when an explosion goes off in the hospital. The blast throws the two friends to the concrete and the world goes black for a moment. Dani’s ears were ringing and she felt someone shaking her shoulder. She let out a few coughs before blearily opening her eyes, spotting Matt checking her over quickly. She pushed herself up so she was sitting and took a moment to take in the chaos. A man with a bloody leg was limping away from the scene, and those that weren’t hurt too badly had already begun helping where they could. She could hear screaming and crying through the ringing in her ears.
 “Danielle,” Matt called again and she could hear him clearer than before. “Oh my god,” is all she says as Matt stood up and grabbed her hand, helping her up. The two of them started walking towards the wreckage. There were cars flipped over and burning as they assessed the scene, a chunk of the hospital gone and crumbling. “Matt, look, the girls!” Dani took off for them. “Girls! Girls, can you hear me?” she asks, sliding to her knees in front of them, “Are you hurt?” “My head,” Imogene groans. “My tummy hurts,” Zoe tells her. “Hey. What's your name?” Matt asks a man who was getting up next to them, a bleeding wound on his head. “Vaughn,” he tells him. “Vaughn. I need you to run around to the other side of the hospital... and check to see if the ICU is intact…” Matt trails off as Vaughn ends up collapsing. “Hey! Hey!” Matt tries to wake him. “Oh, my God! Zoe!” Kim runs over and kneels beside Dani. “Imogene got knocked in the head. Zoe said her stomach hurts. This man just passed out,” Matt tells her, moving to assess the man. “Im? Im, talk to me, sweetheart. You know where you are?” Holly asked as she too kneels with the girls. “I'm at the race,” she mumbles. “That's right, honey. Are you okay, baby?” Holly asks. Sirens blared as emergency vehicles began arriving. “Ow!” Zoe cried. “Oh, my God. I think she might have a cracked rib,” Holly told Kim. Matt looked around for a moment before looking back to the women. “Hey. E.R.'s gone. We'll use that tent as triage,” he told them. “Okay, good.” They all nodded and jumped into action picking up the girls. “Everyone, this tent will serve as triage! Start moving people off the street and out of the rubble! Anyone that can help us, help us!” Matt yells. 
“Can you move?” Dani asked Vaughn who had started sitting up again. “I think so,” he told her and Dani grabbed his arm, pulling him up and helping him over to the tent where paramedics were already beginning to triage people. “Chief! Chief!” Matt called out as he and Dani pushed through the crowd after spotting the trucks. “Big explosion, no idea of the cause,” he tells the Chief. “You okay?” he asks the two firefighters, pointing at Dani’s cheek where there was a thin line of now drying blood. “Yeah, we’re fine,” Matt starts. “It’s just a flesh wound, triage in that tent. E.R. took it hard,” Dani told the chief. “Alright, people are gonna be trapped up on those higher floors,” Herrmann says, stepping beside the Chief. “Okay, you, Otis, and Mouch... you get the aerial moving,” Chief orders. Herrmann nods, rushing off. “Exterior oxygen and fuel tanks are on the other side of the building. This couldn't have been an accident,” Chief begins briefing the situation as Otis and Mouch hand Matt and Dani extra turnout jackets and gloves. “A bomb?” Matt asks. “The structure's unstable. Where's Dawson?” Chief asked. “Oh, God. She went inside,” Matt’s eyes widened. “Dawson's in there?” Severide asks. “We think so,” Dani told him. “We'll get her,” Severide assures Matt. “Go! Cruz, Mills, stay back!” Chief orders and everyone else gets to work.  
There was still debris falling closest to the collapsed zone. “Fire department, call out!” Severide yelled as the others pushed debris off of people they could easily get to. They helped people up and took trips carrying those who couldn’t walk over to triage. “Gabby? Call out!” Kelly yelled. “Hey! Dr. Arata, right?” Matt yelled up to a familiarish looking man. “Yeah,” he called back. “Did Gabby Dawson come in here? Have you seen her?” Matt asks. “Dawson... I did. I left her at the nurses' station,” the doctor told him. “She on this floor?” Kelly asked but the doctor burst into a coughing fit. “Hey! Casey, there's a ton of pockets in here. We'll find her,” Kelly tells Matt as Dani comes back over. “Hey! If you can move at all, get away from the exposed wall! Move back towards the center!” she calls out, noticing some people dangerously close to the edge of the exposed floors. “Gabby! Anyone! Call out!” Matt yelled.
“Hey! Hey! Seriously? What's your problem?” Matt yells as two men try to push past a man who was on the ground with a gurney. “We need to get this man out of here,” one of them tells him. “Here, take it,” Matt pulls the other person out of the way and he groans. “Hey, listen! A lot of people need to get out of here, all right?” Matt yells at them. Creaking sounded and Kelly looked up at the ceiling. “Casey, get back!” he yells but it's too late and part of the ceiling collapses. Matt coughs as Kelly helps him up. “I'm okay,” he grunts. “I'm okay,” he reassures. “Hey, stand back,” Kelly tells one of the men who was trying to get past Matt previously. “No, you get back! This is Alim Al Safir, ambassador from Syria to the United States. Ambassador Safir was here in your city's protection, and if he's dead…” the man begins. “Capp, Tony, get this guy to the "A" wing,” Kelly ordered. “You got it,” Tony told him, climbing over some rumble. 
“Severide!” Matt yells, standing up from where he had been kneeling looking at the rubble. “Yeah?” he asks. “There's plenty of room under the debris, the way it's fallen. I'm going in. If Gabby's under there…” Matt starts and Dani shakes her head. “Casey, I don't know if that's safe. You guys get stuck under there…” Capp trails off. “We won't get stuck,” Matt tells him. “Casey, Severide, maybe you should have me go, I’m smaller and can fit through gaps easier,” Dani tries, falling back on her training. Matt looked at her with narrowed eyes as he shed his jacket, shaking his head. Dani looked at Kelly, who looked like he was debating it. “Casey, it makes sense, I follow her in,” Severide tells him. Casey still looked reluctant. “I’ll get her Matt,” Dani tells him. “Halstead,” Capp tosses her a flashlight and she sheds her jacket. “Ready?” Kelly asks and Dani nods, slithering down into the hole in the rubble. “Gabby! Hello?” Severide calls out. “Hey! Gabby! Anyone! Call out!” Dani yells. “Halstead,” Severide says from somewhere behind her. “Yeah?” she asks, pausing. “If we don't find a space big enough to turn around, we're going to have to do this backwards,” he tells her. “I know. It’ll be fine,” she tells him, crawling forwards again. “Well, it might not be the smartest course of action,” he tells her. “We're going to be smart about this now?” she asks him. “No,” he responds. “Then we keep going,” she called back over her shoulder. In the world above Herrmann and the rest of the truck's crew finished evacuating people from the floors above and began gathering with the rest of the squad. “Hey, Casey! Tony! Where's Severide and Halstead?” he asks. “Down there somewhere,” Tony told him. “All right, let's spread out. Let's go, guys. Dig 'em out.” 
“I see someone! Call out if you can hear me!” Severide yelled. Dani didn’t quite hear him. “It's not her!” he yells. “What?” Dani yelled back. “She's dead,” Severide yells. “What?!” she yells back. “It's not Dawson!” Severide yells and Dani lets out a sigh of relief. “Gabby! Anyone! Call out!” she yells. “Gabby! Call out!” Severide yells. There is a distant metal clanging. “Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I hear something,” Dani shushed Severide. They froze, listening carefully for the clanging. “Keep going!” he told her and with a renewed vigor the two of them crawled through the dirt and debris. “The space up ahead is too small,” Dani tells him, moving some of the smaller rocks away and trying to make the hole a little bigger. “You can do it. I'm right behind you,” Severide encouraged. Dani managed to make it wide enough for her to crawl through into the next chamber. “Hey, Herrmann? Casey? Can you hear the banging?” Severide radios to the others. “Hey! Quiet everyone! Kill that torch!” Herrmann shouted. They listened carefully for any kind of banging and it didn’t take long to hear the faint metal banging. “Is that you, Severide?” Herrmann asks. “No.” Banging continues. “That's from over there!” Casey yells and everyone jumps into action, moving debris piles. 
“Gabby! Gabby! Gabby,” Dani shouted as she shined the light and spotted a figure. “You came,” the other woman muttered as she quickly moved into a crouch, trying to check her over. “How bad?” Dani asked her. “It's just my head, but I think I'm okay. Matt and you okay?” Gabby asks, as Dani takes a closer look at the large cut on the side of her head. “Yeah, we’re both fine. Matty’s freaking out up there, trying to get to you,” she tells her. “Damn, Dawson. You look like hell,” Kelly says as makes his way into the space behind Dani. They all laugh. “I'm not 100% sure I'm not dreaming,” Gabby tells them. “Hey, guys, Halstead and I have Dawson. She's alive,” Kelly calls into the radio. The guys cheer and applaud. “We're not out of the woods yet, boys! Let's get this concrete off of them!” Herrmann yells. They worked swiftly to uncover them and set a ladder down in. “Drop the basket,” Severide tells them. The two of them carefully place Gabby on it and strap her in. “Ready to get out of here?” Dani asks her. “Yeah,” Gabby nods. “Lift her up!” There was more cheers and applause along with welcome backs from the guys as they helped Gabby free from the basket. Once Gabby was cleared Severide gestured for her to climb up before him. She was clapped on the back as she moved away from the area so Kelly could climb up. Matt was holding Gabby tight, relief evident on his face. The whole of house 51 migrated from the debris to grab water and rest for a moment as another company arrived and took their place. Dani leaned on a barricade, watching the scene when she noticed a blue SUV with flashing red and blue pulled up. Jay Halstead and the rest of the intelligence unit climbed out, looking around. Dani’s green eyes met Jay’s and he gave her a subtle nod in greeting before he followed his unit. “Hey, Chief, commissioner's here,” Severide says. 
The commissioner walks over to them. “Fire commissioner,” Chief greets. “Deputy District Chief just brought me up to speed,” the commissioner tells him. “Dark day, sir,” is all Boden has to say. “That, it is. Listen, I am informed that you and your men from Firehouse 51 were first on scene and saved dozens of lives today,” the commissioner tells him. “Yeah. Plus one of our own,” Boden says. “Well… You can fall back, let some relief do some digging,” the commissioner tells him. Chief Boden looked at the company, everyone had stood, looking ready to get back to work, giving him the impression that they weren’t willing to leave so soon. “We think we'll stay,” Boden tells the commissioner. 
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thunderheadfred · 7 years
If you're looking for a distraction and because I'm also curious, what are your top 5 favorite movies and why?
You know, movies used to be like my raison d'être, and in recent years I’ve gotten really cynical about the whole Hollywood machine and just… buhhh. IDK. SO, this isn’t going to be an especially recent or well-researched list (because I haven’t watched many new films recently) but I’ll try to just kinda list them off the top of my noggin, mostly based on how many times I’ve seen them…
Brazil - (dir. Terry Gilliam)It’s beautiful, it’s funny, it’s uncomplicated yet sweeping. Everything I love about visual storytelling wrapped up into one spectacularly cheesy package. And that theme song. Dang.
Beetlejuice - (dir. Tim Burton)This movie is maybe-probably-objectively not that great when you write off its nostalgic value, but the number of times I’ve watched this just as background noise, as comfort food, as something fun and bright and distracting??? that number is frankly… disturbing. Also, this makes for a very close three-way-tie with the Addams Family and Nightmare Before Christmas for all the same “I-was-a-teenage-goffic-girl” reasons.
Titanic - (dir. James Cameron)Celine Dion single notwithstanding, I watch this movie at least once a year. No apologies. Yeah,  the script is trash, but HOMG it’s a costume drama mashed together with a disaster movie and there literally is no better combo in the universe so fuck nuanced dialogue and multifaceted character development sign me THE FUCK UP THE SHIP IS SANKIN’
Star Wars - (dir. *cough* George Lucas)Any of them. Even the ones I don’t like. Throw a dart at a corkboard full of Star Wars movie posters and gratuitous theme park merchandise and I’m already there with popcorn and a ten-hour lecture about how much I love Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Prince of Egypt - (dir. Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner, Simon Wells)This film is a goddamned work of art. All the well-funded bank-breaking 3-D animation in the world can’t change my mind. Give me one more studio-backed 2-D animated film of this caliber before I die and I’ll consider - consider - not permanently haunting the premises of Walt Disney feature animation studios in Burbank. (yes I know this movie was made by Dreamworks that’s not the point)
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sunflowercakemix · 4 years
Chuuya Nakahara x fem/Reader
/ Part 2
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Reader P. O. V
,,..... There's waffles in the air, but flour in my hair.... " I sang softly carrying a large tray of cakes from the oven through the buzz of the bakery kitchen. The warm vanilla scent embraced me from the back as I got further from the oven station just for to quickly be replaced by the crisp air filled with the sound of crackling, wisking and busy foot steps from the main baking area. I change my singing tune happily as I develop a bounce to my step, my happiness blossoming into a little flower in my chest only for it to wither away with a loud yell " OI, L/N MOVE IT OVER THERE! THE CUSTOMERS AIN'T GONNA WAIT THE WHOLE MORNIN'!"
A sour thought and expression follow from me "Wow boss you really know how to motivate, eh?". I wave my boss away placing tray of cakes on a large table and walking out of his sight.
Right as I step back into the main kitchen I go back to tending to my flower of happiness, enjoying the scent playing in my nose. "Back to work Y/N!" I tell myself.
On their own my hands start moving, picking up flower and sugar. Trough my fingertips I let my emotions flow, right into the bowl with the mix. I let the stars of my dreams and lightning of my fear melt away in the bater, just to pour it in the mold to shove it in the oven to settle.
Closing up my first batch of the day I steal a glance at the people at the cash registre. I smile softly wishing I could see their faces or hear their heartbeat when they take the first bite, to see them be engulfed in the world I've baked. A smile tugs on my warm cheek one more time as I go back to baking with a new tune to my lips to my bosses dismay.
Third person P. O. V
Black hallways of the Port Mafia building echoed with the steps of a coat draped ginger wallking through them. The shallow sound following him all the way to large doors to his bosses office.
,,... Boss" the ginger said stepping inside.
,, Ah, Chuuya-kun you're here!".
Chuuya's boss, Mori Ougai, leaned to look at him from his kneeling position from the floor in front of a young blonde girl.
Chuuya quickly bowed ,, My apologies for interrupting you Sir but you quickly requested me to come here"
Mori started getting up from the floor. ,, In fact I did. The situation is rather urgent. Some of our smmuglers have turned out to be in fact another organization stealing from us. They have stolen an impressive amount of our cargo. " He sat at his desk ,, An impressive amount that's worth over 80 000 yen on the black market"
Chuuya nodded to this ,, So what's the plan?"
,, You'll take the Black Lizard on a raid to their hideout, leave the leaders alive and bring them to me. Understood?"
,, Yes boss! "
,, Good."
Chuuya bowed again as he exited the office.
                                 - || -
,, Damn it! The sun is gonna kill me." Chuuya cursed under his breath as he walked in front of a large tunnel. ,, Oya, and underground organization? This just might finnaly become interesting." he thought with a smirk.
Feverish red glow started to appear around him, his footsteps increasing in force 10 times as he started to walk inside of the darkness of the tunel.
,, These fuckers really are about to see what it's like to be crushed by gravity. "
Reader P. O. V
The noons in the bakery were always quiet so it wasn't very surprising to see most of my co-workers lazing around or smoking outside by the park.
These were also the times I used to work on my own recepies and notes since the kitchen was mostly empty.
The soft spikes of silence were scraping on my back as I was measuring honey over a bowl. I was enjoying my peacfull time until an explosion ripped from the park.
Dropping my utencials in shock, I snap my head towards the glass door where I see my co-workers gathering outside. I hurriedly join them, shaking.
They are yelling and pointing to the park near by, all of them soon silenced by another much bigger explosion. This one being followed by a wave of red glow pushing the whole crowd away.
,, Fuck no, I'm not dying today!!" was all my shaken up brain could muster.
My wobbly legs carried me back inside, where it was crammed with people. Both bystanders and workers.
Another explosion roared piercing the glass. ,, GURL get the hell out of here!" my head yelled and I listened. Pushing out through the crowd I found my way to the back ally behind the bakery. Hiding behind old boxes and garbage cans I hugged my knees hoping to calm my heart, wich was about to burst from fear. My hiding spot smelled like shit, but my best hope was that shit was gonna get blown up instead of me.
Third person P. O. V
Chuuya sent another piece of concrete flying ,,Hirotsu, call for back up!! We're losing here!!!".
As he yelled the piece he had sent flying  came back at him full force, followed by a wave of green acid.
,, Damn gifted..." Chuuya wipped the blood of his lip. The boss didn't tell him that the three leaders seem to have very powerful abilities. Two of them being the one he was fighting now.
One of them being able to copy his opponent's attacks the other one being able to control acid. The Black Lizard was currently fighting the third one, who was able to multiply herself.
No wonder they were able to steal so much.
Chuuya kept on attacking trying his best to then dodge his own moves, plus a rain of acid.
,, This is the feared Port Mafia?!?" asked the acid controler mockingly. ,, Im surprised you even figured us out with the weak ass game you showing here!" he yelled walking over to Chuuya who was now laying on the ground. The acid guy smirked and with a whip of his hand sent a hit of acid across Chuuya's chest.
Chuuya yelled from the pain. He tried to attack again, the pain on his chest making him weaker. The acid controler was preparing another hit when a black shadow punched through the air knocking him to the ground.
Chuuya tried lifting his head ,,Aktagawa?". He didn't get an answer just an image of a man in a black coat with a blonde female at his tail shooting.
Explosions different from earlier started forming around, stepped up by gun shots in the back.
Weak from his injuries Chuuya couldn't move until a nasty blast blew him away, knocking him unconscious while the shots contuied in the back.
Reader P. O. V
My knees and my mind kept shaking. I heard screams in the far open. I wanted join them in their demonstration of fear but I also felt like I needed to do something to help. Yet I stayed there quvivering.
I shut my numb eyes, I forgot how to blink in this ruckus, until I heard another blow closer to my hiding spot.
"FUCK I'M GONNA DIE" I thought
A thud followed, I got up ready to run until I saw body of an unconscious man laying in the beging of the ally way.
,, Someone else will help him.... " I looked around for that someone then another explosion came. ,,Aaaand that someone is me!"
I ran over to him and pulled him back to the place where I was hiding.
The bangs and thuds continued to bloom all around us. I looked over at the ginger man I pulled from the street hoping he would wake up so we could run from here.
He was out cold.
I couldn't just leave him there but neither could I run with him like this , so I just hugged my shaking knees again, praying that this would end soon.
Reared P. O. V
The chaos was finnaly cleared when it was deep in the night. The silence following it even harsher then the sounds of explosions before it.
I peeped out of my hidding, I saw police helping the scared or the injured on the streets but avoiding the area of the explosions.
I heard something shuffle next to me I quickly turn to find the ginger man opening his eyes.
With a lot of effort two bule eyes started looking into me.
,, Who the hell are.... You?!?" he snapped through his teeth.
,, Ummm.... Y/N... I'm Y/N!"
He kept panting and staring at me. ,, You better not be... AAGH!!" He yelped mid sentence clutching his chest.
,, Oh my god, are you ok?!?" I ask quickly.
He didn't answer.
,, The police is over there they can help you and.. "
,, NO, not the police! Just..." he went quiet again.
I looked at him worried. "He's not dying. Is he?!" I thought. Back at the street the sight seemed to have cleared. I put his arm over my shoulder.
,, What are you doing?!?" he snaps at me.
,, Sshh I'm gonna help you. Try to stay concious!"
Pulling the man with me through the back door into bakery kitchen I helped him sit on a table and lean against the wall.
,, Where are you hurt?" I ask. He points to his chest. I'm not given a chance to say more because he just started taking of his shirt.
A blush runs to my face. ,,Stop standing there and help me out. Do you have a faucet over here?" he asks. I lead him to the faucet where he washes what I now notice to be a burn. After washing it off he bandages himself up with the first aid kid I dug up from the drawers.
,, How are you feeling now?"
,, It hurts, but I'm better now" he replies. ,,Thank you.... erghh.. "
,, Y/N"
,, Thank you, Y/N"
His head leans against the wall making his hat drape over his eyes. ,, And mind if I ask who are you? " I cautiously break the silence.
He looks back at me,, Im Chuuya. Chuuya Nakahara"
,, Nice to meet you then, and one more thing why did you avoid the police when you clearly need help?" a little bravery awakes in me as I speak.
,, You don't play around, huh? Don't worry about that my boss took care of that" a smirk grows on his lips ,,You should worry about you breaking in here"
,, Hah! Nice try but I work here" I smirk back with pride.
,, What you're a baker?". He winces from pain a little as he speaks.
,, Mhm" I answer ,,Are you sure you are ok?"
A sighs comes out of him ,,I am just... Can you help me with my shirt, I... need to get going"
I sport a faint blush again as I help him with his shirt and coat. ,,You are sure about this? You don't seem ok"
He fixes his hat as he weakly gets off the table ,, I am".
Even with that strong reply I still am not convinced ,, Like 100% sure? "
I hear a light chuckle from him ,, 100% sure, thank you again Y/N" he tips his hat towards me.
,, It's nothing, hope you get back, wherever you came from, safe. Chuuya"
As I watch him leave through the back door with a weak step I try to sink in the strange man I had just met.
Chuuya P. O. V
The plush of the pillow in infirmary supported my head as the doctor tied new bandages to my back. The burn from that acid asshole was sure to leave a scar he said.
,, A-and that should do it" the doctor said. Soon after that we heard the door open.
,, How are you Chuuya-kun?". I recoginsed the voice and got up.
,, Much better Boss"
He nodded his head and as if on que the doctor left the room to us.
,, Im sorry to be the barer of bad news but I have to tell you that the group  got away, and that the most of the cargo was either destroyed or used in the battle"
,, THOSE SONS OF A BITCH" I stumped my fist on the mattress
,, Calm down Chuuya. This is a great loss for the Mafia but if we manage to catch them we will get much more than we have lost"
,, What do you mean?"
,, This organization has been trying to overthrow the Port Mafia by making deals with other groups. If we kill them we will get the money they offered to other groups and get fear in the bones of those who belived they could beat us." he paused to look at me ,, But for that I expect to see you back at work soon"
I nod ,, You will boss"
                                    - || -
I was going back from the head quarters, carrying with me weight of a failed mission. It stung even worse than that burn on my chest.
I started looking around the streets of Yokohama thinking how a nice a bottle of wine will ease my sorrows when I get home.
This was the plan until I noticed a broken glass door. Behind it a familiar sighing sillouet tapping her fingers on the registre.
I decided to drown my troubles with something else.
Reader P. O. V
It's been three days since the bomb attacks and because the bakery was the closest to the scene of crime many people have become scared to come here, and the few gossipers wich did show up were only greeted with broken shop windows.
Guess that was preety flavorless for them since they never stayed long to buy anything.
Ticking of the clock was the only thing keeping me company. For the first time I couldn't wait to get out of here. The closing shifts were never fun.
Ticking then got interrupted by the sound of the bell above the door signaling a customer.
,, Is this still open?" the customer asked.
To my great surprise it was the man I pulled from the street.
,, Oh, it's you!?"
He walked over to the counter. ,, Hello Y/N"
Damn, he even remembers my name. ,,Um, hi! What brings you here?"
I ask.
,, I noticed you on the counter and rembered you work here, so I thought I should try what you gotta offer" he replied now looking at the displayed cakes and sweets.
Light crackles through me. This is my chance. ,,You know these displayed ones aren't the best tasting ones, right?" he raises an eyebrow to this ,,Really?"
,, Yup! Sit over there I'll join you soon". I run towards the kitchen and start cutting up a piece of strawberry cake I baked with my own recepie. The one boss refused to display.
                                 - || -
Carrying my pride and joy back I find the man sitting at a table looking around.
,, Heree you go~" I sing placing the cake in front of him. As he examines the piece I sit beside him placing my head on my hands. Heart thumping in wait to see his reaction.
Chuuya P. O. V
I wanted to grab a pastry and leave and yet I ended up here. Sitting in front of a girl with litteral fireworks pouring out of her eyes.
,, You really love your job, eh?" I ask. She laughs ,, My, my what gave it away!"
,, Your eyes and how you litteraly jumped at an opportunity to give me this cake" I honestly reply, turning my eyes back on the cake.
She crooks an eyebrow ,, You really don't miss anything?" she smiles ,, And I gotta say you're absolutely right. But I think it will be even clearer when you try the cake. Now chop, chop!"
I listen to her and place a fork in my mouth.
I feel my eyes go wide. It's like I just swallowed a ball of melted flowers in my mouth.
,, You.. You made this!? " I ask. Her sparkling eyes were on the verge of popping out. ,, I did. Do you like it?!"
,, It's amazing!" I greedily take another bite. A smile rivaling the sun appears on her face. Warming up the room.
The cake soon dissapered from the plate wich her didn't fail to notice.
,, Would you like some more?" she smirks. I cover my half full mouth to answer ,, Yes please!"
A chuckle follows her as she grabs the plate from me.
Soon she comes back. ,, You know I'm really glad you stopped by today! Since that whole bombing incident we haven't had many customers."
Guilt starts to wash over my throat. ,, Really?"
,, Yeah, it's not that fun without customers. Seeing their faces when they eat our treats to me is the greatest charm to baking!" she leans her head back smiling.
I continue to enjoy the cake and Y/N's radiating happiness when she speaks up again.
,, By the way, how did you end up getting caught in that blast back then? If you don't mind me asking."
I choke up a little. ,,I had buissnes there".
Her eyebrow quirks again ,, Some dangerous buissnes, eh? I hope your injury wasn't too bad"
Trying to brush off the conversation I say ,, I'm fine now thank you for asking".
,, You do kinda give me the gangster vibe". I don't think she knew how dangerous those words were.
,, Anyhow, I should get going. How much will this be?" I get up from the table.
,, It's on the house" Y/N says.
,, Hah! Do you do this for all your customers?" I laugh
,, Nah, only for the ones I like and besides" she gets up from her seat ,, You gave me the positive feedback I need to get that cake on the menu so thank you for that!"
The room felt warm again with her words I couldn't help but smile myself
,,In that case I'm glad I stopped by"
I walk over to the door as her voice rings through the room ,, Come again soon!"
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doctorcolubra · 5 years
How about Eleanora or the Fall of the House of Usher for Jarrich? (Fluffy or no, I'm interested in what you do with these!!)
I say that I want to write drabbles or ficlets and then end up with almost 3K, typical. I really want to get better at short-form stuff (still taking prompts if anyone wants to send more). 
I’m in a haunted house mood for fall so here’s Fall of the House of Usher! 
Richard doesn’t like driving, or at least he doesn’t like traffic. The hostility, the birds flipped, the goddamn honking. He’s doing okay out here in the country, on empty roads where no one can take offense at his speed, his signalling, his sloppy lane changes or his occasional hasty U-turns. Jared’s in the passenger’s seat, asleep. Collar askew, hair windblown, lips parted—keep your eyes on the road, Hendricks.They’re driving back to Palo Alto from the Central Sierra Audobon Society Birders’ Convention. “I was going to be Muriel’s plus-one,” Jared had said one day last week. “But I suppose I can go alone. I have my safety whistle.”“For what, bears?”
“Of course. With black bears, your best strategy is to stand your ground, if you’ll forgive an expression sadly tainted by the legal system. You make yourself look as big as you can.” Jared held his arms out wide, hands in his raincoat pockets to make his skinny frame broader. “And that’s where the whistle comes in. Noise frightens the bear off. Those same tactics would probably get you killed if you ever met a grizzly, though,” he added. “But you won’t. In spite of what the state flag would have you believe, the last grizzly bear in California was shot in the ‘20s.”
“Where is this place?” Richard said, and then: “Don’t go alone, for fuck’s sake. Can I go? With you, I mean?”
“Richard…” Jared lit up. “Oh, I would love to take you. But I couldn’t possibly take you away from—you have so many things to think of…”Even Jared couldn’t quite pretend that Richard is still a busy CEO.So they did BirdCon. Richard was wondering if he needed glasses or whether he was just bad at this hobby, because Jared and the other birders kept losing their minds over woodpeckers, warblers, flycatchers, sparrows, raptors and vireos. Richard, once, correctly identified a squirrel. Jared drove here, anyway, so Richard’s returning the favour on the way home.And he’s not lost. He’s not. He’s supposed to be in some town called Confidence on the edge of Yosemite Park, and follow the highway from there to Modesto, and from there he can figure his business out.The Google Maps lady has been giving suspicious instructions for awhile now, though, and Richard doesn’t think he’s anywhere close to Confidence. Which, ha ha, super funny. He’s on a stretch of road that’s…well, not desolate. It’s pretty. Hills, grass, trees. Whatever. But he’s trying to figure out if Google Maps Lady is on the level, and the land around them doesn’t hold any clues.When a cop car rolls up behind him, he’s almost relieved. (Almost. He’s sweating a lot.) Jared jerks awake while Richard fumbles with the window switch.The stocky, brown-skinned cop bends to the window. “You boys looking for the casino?”“Wh—no,” Richard says. They couldn’t have blundered into Nevada somehow. Right? No, absolutely not. “We’re…are we near Confidence? The town, I mean?”“You’re on Miwok tribal land,” says the cop. “Tuolumne Rancheria.”“Oh.” Richard has no clue where that is in relation to Confidence, Yosemite, Modesto, or Palo Alto. Fucking Google. “Um, sorry. Are we allowed to—we shouldn’t be here, right?”The cop avoids a complicated question of colonialism. “You’re not in trouble, just thought you might be lost. Casino’s down that way. Where you coming from, Jamestown?”“We were up in Yosemite, for—for BirdCon—and we were supposed to pass through Sugarpine and then Confidence,” Richard says, disconnecting his phone from the cord and showing the officer the screen. “The GPS voice kept saying to stay on 108, and I was doing that, and then the road turned into the E17…”The cop looks at Richard’s phone and chuckles. “You’re real lost, wow. I don’t even know how you did that.”Between the two of them, they determine that Richard had made some catastrophic error while typing the address into GPS, and Maps is now trying to send them to Confidence, New Mexico. Richard is indignant—the one thing he wouldn’t fuck up is data entry—and blames Google’s shoddy user interface and aggressive auto-correct.“Yeah, maybe,” says the cop with a shrug. “But you’re still going the wrong way.”“Oh,” Jared says suddenly, softly, looking ahead. He’s been quiet and bleary from taking an extra allergy pill, but now the haze has lifted. “Oh, no, I know just where we are.”Richard turns back to look at him. “You do?”“I used to live near here. For awhile. Not on the reservation, naturally. But I know this road. Thank you, officer, we’ll be fine from here,” says Jared to the tribal cop, who wishes them goodnight and heads back to his truck.“You don’t have to drive,” Richard says, plugging his phone back in. “My fuck-up, I got it taken care of.”“No, not at all—I’m so sorry I fell asleep on you, Richard.” Jared is straightening his collar, brushing his dark hair back into place with his fingers. “I should have stayed awake to navigate—”“Come on. It’s the end of the day, it’s my turn.”“Okay. But could we…no, that’s self-indulgent of me…”“What?”“I think—I think I might like to drive past the house. If it wouldn’t take us too far out of our way. We don’t have to stop, even, but…” Jared trails off, looking out the window at the hills. “Only if there’s time. I’m sure there’s not.”“There’s lots of time, now that we’re not…going to fuckin’ New Mexico. Just—point me where we’re going, it’s okay,” Richard says. Muriel would have stopped for Jared. “We’ll take a look.”The house is low and white and dead, like a broken eggshell lying amid the trees. Peeling paint, windows boarded, a child’s plastic car lying sun-bleached on its side, no cars in the gravel driveway. Jared doesn’t seem disappointed—in fact, he’s quietly elated. “It’s empty,” he says in wonder, staring out the window. “It’s all empty.”“That’s…too bad,” Richard says, but he’s guessing. “Is it? Did you like this place?”“No,” Jared says, the way he always says these things. Light, soft, without rancour. He hasn’t looked away from the shabby house in the trees. “I didn’t at all. Could we—no, I’ve already taken us out of our way…”“You want to get a closer look?”“Maybe. Yes. For a minute or two, Richard, not long.”The grass is knee-high around the front yard, where the trees clear, and Richard can see glimpses of weeds out back that would come up to his shoulders. He’s picking his way carefully toward the door, convinced that he’ll step on a snake at any minute. Poisonous snakes. He’ll get bitten. Richard is not mentally or spiritually equipped to be bitten by a snake, it’s haunted his nightmares ever since he was a reluctant Boy Scout in Tulsa. He’ll end up in the hospital being laughed at by that goddamn doctor. Then a painful death, then—“The door’s off its hinges,” Jared says. “We could go inside.”“Is that safe?” Part of Richard wants to shake Jared out of this reverie: don’t look at this, don’t remember, don’t get lost. But he knows that if he did, Jared would apologise profusely and never mention the house again. And that’s bad, Richard knows. Because something bad must have happened here. “Are you okay with this, man? We don’t have to go in. I mean, I will. I know you came to check out Peter Gregory’s stuff with me, so. Fair’s fair. But…I’m not trying to—to talk you out of it, unless…like, unless you want me to talk you out of it?”Jared has opened his backpack (practical, pristine, everything tucked in orderly pockets) to get out his flashlight. But he looks back at Richard and smiles. “It’s funny,” he says. “I barely remember the year I lived here. The brain is an amazing organ—there we are…” The flashlight’s blue-white glow shivers over the front hall of the house. “Hello? Anyone here?”Silence. The flashlight’s a necessity, but there’s still some sunlight streaming in from outside, and that’s all that’s holding Richard together. It’s not dark yet, but as Bob Dylan said, it’s getting there. Everything’s dusty. Good thing Jared’s already popped an allergy pill.Richard follows Jared, using his phone for more light, looking at the time capsule of a house. Harvest gold and avocado kitchen, landline phone on the wall with its cord a cramped spiral tangle. Warped bookshelves disgorging hoarded piles of magazines. Someone must have tried to clean the place before giving up: there are garbage bags and boxes everywhere, Pine-Sol and Febreze bottles, mops and brooms at rest in the corners. The ceilings are water-stained and in places the paint has buckled away from the wall, bubbling outward in layers that Richard instinctively wants to peel away.“What are we looking for?” he asks Jared.“Nothing,” Jared says, tentatively pushing open a half-closed bedroom door. A teenage girl’s room, walls papered with Tiger Beat and Big Bopper pages. Jonathan Brandis, the Hanson boys, Leo in his salad days, young and green. (Richard knows too much about magazines from this era. But that’s another story.) “Nothing special—oh, Richard, don’t look so frightened, please. We can go back to the car.”“No,” Richard says, stubborn now. “Not until you’re done with…this. Closure. Right? That’s what this is. Isn’t it?”“Maybe part of the process of closure, yes.” Jared moves to the next bedroom door. “This wasn’t the worst place I ever lived. I think I was relieved to get here. It felt safe, safer. Back then. The Alguires were strict, but they didn’t hurt me. Just…I’ve forgotten so much about living here. If you’d asked me yesterday to list all the homes I’ve ever had, I would’ve left this one off the list. But I was here for almost a year. Eleven months, I think.”“How old were you?”“Ten.”“I don’t remember ten either, really,” says Richard, staying in the teen girl’s room and raising his voice a little to be heard. “I mean I know where I was and what I was doing. We never moved, same house in Tulsa all my life. But I don’t remember being ten. It sucked, I know that.”“How come?”“School.” Richard used to rage over this, why did they do it, what was wrong with me, but in Palo Alto everyone else had a similar story, and he got over it. Kinda. “Everyone hated me.”“They just weren’t ready for you,” comes Jared’s voice from the other room, as inexplicably fond as always. “The solitary genius.”Sometimes Richard’s not sure if Jared’s making fun of him or not. Who could actually believe this stuff? What would it even be like to be so earnest? Terrifying, Richard thinks.He’s afraid that somewhere in this house they’ll find something really dark: chains and shackles on a radiator, or a potty chair in a locked closet. The house is depressing, but in an ordinary way. The former inhabitants must have verged on clinical hoarding, but the situation wasn’t bad enough to get on TLC. Just a particularly good archaeological record of the early ‘90s.Richard makes his way further down the hall, still on the lookout for snakes. It’s darker, and then, suddenly, brighter—the back door is gone, open to the audience of Sonora pines. Shafts of slow gold afternoon sunlight break through into the dark little house, nurturing a tidepool of vegetation. Moss is spreading across the rotting wooden floorboards, with leggy weeds crowding in the brightest spots. Tiny green tendrils trace paths from the shadows into the light, breaking into full leaf where the sun hits. The air smells damp, fresh, alive when everything else in this house seems dead. Flourishing.He wanders back to find Jared in the other bedroom. Jared’s poking through a big Rubbermaid tub that seems to be full of toys: headless Barbies and uncanny baby dolls, loose Lego, die-cast cars, green plastic army men, neon water pistols empty of their charges.But then a look of recognition breaks over his face and he reaches in to pull out a recorder, still in its blue plastic sleeve, a sheet of music folded inside.“Mrs. Alguire hated noise,” Jared says. “This was her house, the year I lived here. She used to confiscate inappropriate toys. I don’t mean to say she was unkind—she was a step up from my aunt’s place. But she did like silence. And I…” He slides the recorder out of its plastic sleeve. “I always wanted to play an instrument, or—when I got to Vassar I was allowed to sing. I liked that. But one day I found this in the inappropriate toys box. Even if I couldn’t make music, I thought…I thought I could make noise. Maybe somebody would notice if I was loud. I don’t know what I wanted them to notice. I was already getting as much help as anyone could give me.”“Not enough.” Richard is beside him, digging through the Rubbermaid tub too, examining the Barbies and the Hot Wheels and all the other miscellanea in the pile. “I had one of those plastic recorders for about three days,” he says. “My parents took it away too. Not that—I mean, it’s not the same as your thing.”“Well, some adult reactions become more sympathetic as we get older.” Jared polishes the dust off the recorder with a clean tissue from his pocket. “But the recorder was a very important part of early music, you know. Some beautiful airs were written for it. No instrument sounds very pleasant when it’s made of plastic and costs a dollar.”“Yeah, true.” Richard fishes the sheet music out of the recorder’s sleeve and unfurls it, skimming the notes. He has no talent himself, something he discovered from the childhood piano lessons that he got and Jared didn’t. “‘Early One Morning’—oh, I remember this from an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer…”Jared laughs. “You’re so cultured, Richard.”“Okay, that, right there, that was making fun of me,” Richard says—he’s grinning, not even mad, just relieved that he finally caught Jared just teasing him for being an idiot, the way a normal person would. “You know goddamn well that’s not cultured.”“I would never judge you for—”“You should, though, Jared. You should judge the hell out of me. For everything.” Richard bumps his arm gently against Jared’s, one of the few tactile gestures of friendliness that he’s learned how to use properly. “You’re gonna blast some ‘Early One Morning’ right now, aren’t you?”“I shouldn’t.”“It’s your moment, c’mon.” Richard likes to tempt Jared—sometimes to make him do things he needs to do for his own good, sometimes for more selfish reasons. To enjoy Jared’s purity, and to feel it crumble. “We’re a million miles away from anything. You’re not gonna bother anybody.”“Well…” Jared looks down at the recorder in his hands and smiles. “A little bit. Okay.”They walk out into the sprouting back hall, over the crumbling floors, where the weeds are winning in the sun. Richard gets his phone earbuds out of his pocket and puts them in as makeshift earplugs.Jared takes a deep breath and blows the recorder like a shofar, a raucous high-pitched whistle. Not playing any note in particular, just blasting it as loud as he possibly can, with all the air in his lungs. Not music, only noise. Serious noise. Richard can hear it even through his earbuds. It echoes through the pines, loud enough to frighten off a black bear.It’s a silly, childish sound—it brings back memories for Richard too. He used to annoy his parents with plastic recorders and cheap harmonicas and the repetitive sounds of Bach’s French Suite No. 3 by way of Tetris on his GameBoy. He’d had the freedom to bug people without having to worry about whether he might lose the roof over his head for it.When Jared stops, he looks satisfied for a brief moment, then guilty. “I feel so foolish,” he says. “I don’t know what I was expecting. We came so far out of our way just for that.”“You were trying to remember and you did. And we’d already gone out of our way, right?” Richard smiles at him. “I was trying to take us to Confidence, New Mexico. I’m the foolish one here, I’m Boo Boo the Fool.”“Never.” Jared reaches out for Richard, almost aimless: straightening one of the strings on his hoodie, fingers brushing over Richard’s shoulder.Jared starts to say something, and Richard is afraid that it’s thank you, which is bullshit—I’ve given him nothing, I’ve done nothing but take—so he leans in to wrap an arm awkwardly around Jared’s waist. “Let’s go home.
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workersolidarity · 5 years
Wow. Just wow.
For anyone who wants an answer to why intelligent, educated younger generations are rejecting the various Christian Churches, organized religion and Christian Fundamentalism en masse, look no further than this ludacris response to a thoughtful Christian with doubts about the more extreme interpretations of Christianity.
The moron who runs this website (I'm not going to include his name and give this dickhead even more attention than I already am by writing this) authors various books rejecting modern science and theories such as Evolution, and who also preaches intolerance to his readers is a superb example of the idiocy that taken over modern Christianity.
It's people like this that are single handedly responsible for the demise of their own Religious beliefs.
I came across this little gem right here while looking up something about the Indus Valley Civilizations and Hinduism.
When I first saw the link I was curious. Perhaps a Christian leader with a sizeable following had thoughtful answer to one of his readers?
Fucking Hell was I wrong to imagine modern Christianity had even one sane leader in it's midst.
The question from the reader was to get the author's thoughts that perhaps Ancient Religions far older than Christianity may have been endowed with correct teachings until the time Jesus came along.
The author begins his answer in typical Evangelical fashion, filled with the author's obvious disdain for Religious tolerance.
He starts by commenting that the suggestion that any part of Hindu beliefs could contain correct teachings to be "Nonsense", immediately insulting over a Billion Hindus alive today.
This response (amazingly) took my breath away. Even myself, one of the most cynical human beings on Earth when it comes to how low Christianity can go before it bursts into flames and (hopefully) disappears all together, couldn't believe how quickly this little bit of Q&A turned into a screed against tolerance of Eastern Religions.
I stopped reading after that, so forgive me if the author showed a hint of humanity in any further part of his Salem Witch Trials, 17th-Century antiquated style response to his thoughtful reader. But I wasn't capable of digesting anymore garbage from another Right-Wing Christian nutcase.
Instead I clicked on the Website's menu and spent a few seconds exploring the site. I was trying to understand what kind of appeal this Fire and Brimstone idiot could possibly have that his Website popped up near the top of Google's listings when I had been searching for the completely unrelated History of Vedic Literature.
First thing I saw was that the Author has written multiple books about the Christian Fundamentalist view of modern Science and the Theory of Evolution.
Now, there's nothing unusual about Religious leaders twisting themselves into pretzels to fit their views into our modern understanding of the Universe around us. Every Religion does this to a degree. What's breathtaking about this guy is the audaciousness with which he attacks modernity in Science. He sounds more like a 16th-Century Daemonoligist than a modern Religious thinker.
And a quick scroll through the Website's main Menu immediately reveals the man's obsession with "Apologetics" among Christians. Clearly this guy really believes that Christians are running around apologizing for their beliefs, like they probably should be but that's for another time. Just that word, "Apologetics" pops up (no joke) SIX TIMES in the Main Menu ALONE! (This guy's obsession is already creeping me out and I haven't even clicked on anything yet!)
The obsession with "Apologetics," as he calls it, is so top of the guy's mind that he includes Podcasts on the subject and EVEN A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION ON IT!
At this point I just wanted to confront the guy about his extreme obsession and his seething anger with Religious tolerance, but quickly realized this Website of his, with all his books, audio files, PowerPoints, and Q&A screeds curiously doesn't include any possible way to contact him. Unlike most Religious websites, no Email address, phone number, office address or anything else is listed on the Website. Clearly this man has interest in having his views challenged by outsiders. In fact his Q&A response makes it quite clear he has no appreciation for even his fans thinking outside the box.
It's people like this that make America such a scary place for logical thinking, educated young people these days. And is a big reason why our Generation and younger upcoming Generations show little interest in Organized religion at all. Even among deeply Religious young Evangelicals, large portions are rejecting the organized Churches and Religious Organizations.
This rejection isn't because of "Leftists" poisoning their minds with tolerance of Transexual bathroom usage. It's the fact that these organized Religious institutions can barely disguise their hatred for tolerance and Science.
If Religious folks who have kids or grandkids who no longer attend Church and they're wondering why, they can look no further than Men (and it almost always is White middle aged Men) who espouse antiquated ideas that have no place in a modern culture.
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breakingmllc · 4 years
Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt
CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS GOING THIS IS WATER ON ALL THE Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt PLANETS ARE ALL THE MOONS IT’S VERY VERY PREVALENT SO THE OPPOSITE THAT WE’VE BEEN TAUGHT THE WATER DOESN’T EXIST IS WRONG SO I THINK THIS’LL BECOME MORE MORE MAINSTREAM INFORMATION AS TIME GOES BY NIGHT I SINGLENESS OUT THIS TIME I CAROL BECAUSE. Victory how would his relationship with Dr Melfi play out what he walk away from the life altogether we get answers to some of these questions Dr Melfi cut them off when she realizes Tony is a lost causeand Tony does not walk away from the life the final scene in the show takes place at a diner where Tony scheduled to meet his family for a regular dinner Carmela shows up his daughter has some difficulty parking we noticed that several of the other patrons in the diner are acting kind of suspiciousand giving Tony decide I journeys don’t stop believing increases in volume to the point that it’s almost overwhelming is really dissonant dark comedic tone seen as buildingand building intentionand then cuts to blackand that is the end of the Sopranosand as came from 12 years later the loss will be one angry creator David Chase knew how is going toand for a while saying no one was trying to be audacious honest to God we did what we thought we had to do no one was trying to blow people’s minds are thinking wow this will piss him off people get the impression that you’re trying to fuck with themand it’s not true I actually really like the ending of the Sopranos I think it works both thematicallyand dramatically Tony might’ve died in a moment cut black or he may just have had a boring dinner but as long as he stuck in that life he’ll always be living on a knife’s edge going to do differently with the little things but the Sopranos set the stage for memorable endingand another lesson was learned here the wrong one in my opinion a memorable even controversial ending is the same as a good one service also merits discussion here because fans in recent years have had a much more active role in shaping media typically the longer thing goes the more fan service gets jammed in the keep people engagedand not all fan services bad one of the positive changes from the books of the fight between Breannaand the hound in season 430 to what she in the book the hound goes down from blood raising from a stupid wound he gets in a bar fight but in the show you have two characters both care about fighting over aria to the death Lake was involved in a big no no my children screaming so click gain bull dog nightand best gain bowl is was abandoned the that combine both bookand a lot of Internet mean cultureand the burning desire to see this giant man to be asked of this other giant man revenge fight so epic that it would rock the foundations of Western’s itself you will see the hound looks the way he doesand is afraid of fire because brother the mountain shoved his face into a fire when they were kidsand ever since then he’s wanting some revenge for thatand some other things all about that revenge is really really needs that mountain that ride Satan is a live eights in the hound for memorable list once revenge yesterday itself was a lot of fineand we got everything is a plot point it down through down one not only is the mountain functionally dead by this point like overand Martel killed himand what we have now is basically just a mindless zombie that does whatever Circe says but to the books make it pretty clear that Sandor is finally at peace with himselfand his need for revenge Georgia room being mistaken for justice is a big thing in the booksand we will get to that later his art wasn’t about getting revenge it was about moving past the show. On the masses they are the same as the same yes now the so called Iris didn’t bonding America day ago people this is okay gonna do it is divide and conquer as his finest the oldest trick in the book Anatolia America is all about that that’s what they about that you don’t have to ask when you see the callout of flags what’s wrong to be fair is what works for tourism is not here we go with our service is a look at these people and they gonna bring that all your people you never get it to Seth Scholl daft to bring the so called black people to talk about it because a so called Iris is black and these people is fighting for black people you believe it on TV fake that if you take them as black people are fighting for you dumbass tall steel is like she was born American dream is born in Oakland California and how stainless work bloodstream MRI to the bloodstream and pay attention people remember the election is so called November watch out for the drama that gonna come with it under divide and conquer what
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I love a Sharks I'M Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry Vintage T Shirt couple of them in a different attorney I was presented the hike across the modulesand now you chop a sheet tool to have Sal down almost hundred 30 confronting his faceand boosting his confidence will finding new ways to get highs wanting the minister to in Tony Strickland. WARNS OF THE HUNDRED AND 11 PRICE INCREASE FOR CALIFORNIA AND THIS IS BECAUSE IN CALIFORNIA THEIR DRIVERS ARE BEING RULED AS EMPLOYEES IN THE NEXT AND GOOBER WANTS TO BE THE NEW AMAZON OF TRANSPORTATION AND THIS IS OBVIOUSLY AS SOME OF THE STUFF FOR THE PANDEMIC IS WIPED OUT A LOT OF THEIR CORE BUSINESS. There there there rate like a furiousand fast seminar now that in the top six highest grossing all is called the dominating meaning I am not going to the moon anybody that loves these movies they don’t do it for me but hey there making me a ton of money they’re gonna keep coming great prior to the Caribbean guilty pleasure mine wanted to see this weekend that I have to pirate my own Duffy ship insteadand I have some wine on that little vesseland not an crap line like sharks out there he goes back painfullyand I’m in the bayand so I did see some seals because I think the running away or so tell no tales it’s going to make its moneyand a lot of money I think they watch with you that they watch as I think it’s good you well overseas because of the brand Baywatch was like I was more popular overseas they watch was David Hasselhoff treasure all over the worldand in Germany ready toand then you have the rock so I think it’s going to do well the rock took on moving man’s on Twitter insane is such an obvious the movie man’s going in with his box office a report in the rock said listen brother we still have some international markets is going to open a lot like all over the world see how it does for me know it is a lean covenant dropping 71 I wonder now if Ridley Scott is going to get to finish his he is swinging for the fences with this thing I really admire Prometheus I really enjoyed the movieand I admired that he was still going for with alienand that’s where that movie fell apart for me because shoehorning those aliens in there with that story he’s telling the creation datedand what he’s doing there with Michael Fassbender’s character I’m very interested to see the conclusion that story the box office results tell me that might not happen bummed out about a lean covenant you know I’m I’m sorry that all of you sci fi horror fans are not going to go see this movie because it really is worth seeing in the theater mean what whatever you care about whether you hated Prometheus or like you don’t like alien love alien I think it’s a fun horror film I think is a lot of the things that Scott Mr like he doesn’t deal enough to cover the bases for the people who loved Prometheus he drops a lot of those thingsand brings back a link is if you like however was crying about alien I thought that thing was you know what I like to say was toaster burnt his way like saying I is a very weird way of freezing it on but the look at to see a drop 71 is kind of a bummer because the movement takes risks sound afraid to be differentand has a very cool storyline I thinkand there’s a lot of you know there’s some holes as Pottle’s guess what this bigger plot holes in the fastand the dumb thing you could possibly ever imagine I just made 1 billion does kind of embarrassing that the movie going public is so constantly cracking on a garbage he type of film which really literally is just like a bunch of cool starts in some dumb guysand family 1 million times nothing meaninglessand stupid it was of the tries to make something that has a little bit of some kind of storyline was up low visit everyone who complained pride about that movie I think Matthewand now I need to fasten See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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