#wow something from Texas that isn’t terrible
lilybug-02 · 2 years
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Happy Spring 2023 - Part 3! 🌺🪴💐
This is a showcase of the Texas Bluebonnet, also known as the Texas State flower. Wild Bluebonnets only bloom in the early spring and find themselves all along highways and pastures across the state in patches that can span acres. Thanks to the Texas Highway Department and many other influential figures, these and other wildflowers are protected by the State. It’s even illegal to pick them without proper cause. Something I found out recently, was that they can come in a variety of colors, such as pink, red, and even strait white, although these are quite rare.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 285: You Looked Like You Needed Saving
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all, “hey guys I’m just gonna fight Tomura one on one and risk my own life rather than risk letting him do the whole Destroying Everything bit again.” Kacchan was all “WAIT NO ARE YOU SERIOUS THAT’S THE EXACT THING I HATE THE MOST” and indignantly launched into his “P.S. I CARE ABOUT DEKU” flashback, which was a revelation in that it proved exactly what Bakugou fans have been saying this whole time, AND YET OUR MINDS WERE STILL BLOWN ANYWAY, BECAUSE HOLY SHIT, HE REALLY WENT AND SAID IT OUT LOUD THOUGH. Anyway, so Deku’s strategy for defeating Tomura is to, you guessed it, break his fucking arms again; and meanwhile a frantic Katsuki is gearing up on the sidelines to do something really awesome and incredibly stupid, probably; and all in all it’s a pretty terrible situation our boys have found themselves in. Terrible for them, but GREAT for me, and I’ve never been so hyped in my life omg.
Today on BnHA: Deku breaks both of his arms like a dozen times over. Like, just pages and pages of arm breaking. Just like in the good old days! Meanwhile Kacchan is all “jesus christ, okay you know what would be a better idea, JUST SETTING HIM ON FIRE AGAIN”, and so he grabs Shouto and Endeavor, and they do a whole Prominence Burn combo thing. The AFO-inside-of-Tomura is all “‘sup it’s me again, but seriously now would be a REALLY good time to let me take over your body”, and so Tomura TOTALLY DOES LET HIM TAKE OVER, WHOOP, and so AFO is all “HELLS YEAH.” And then he STRAIGHT UP STABS MY SON, WHOSE BODY WAS SIMPLY MOVING ON ITS OWN, YOU KNOW, JUST HERO THINGS. Anyway so now Kacchan is fucking dead*, and so if I were AFO I would start putting as much distance as possible between myself and Deku right the fuck now, because boy, IF YOU THOUGHT HE WAS MAD BEFORE? Holy shit. We’re about to see a whole new level aren’t we.
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Deku’s arms should sue for legal emancipation. I think most of us can agree that they’re probably better off without him. sure they’ll have to buy their own food and stuff, but I think the trade-off is more than fair
oh wow that 100% shit really is something though
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too bad it did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! spoiler alert. I don’t even have to scroll to the next page, Deku. we already know
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did Deku really pull off some “three hits in one” bullshit, or is this a mistranslation referring to the fact that Deku’s already hit him twice with his left arm, and so this is now the third 100% hit. kinda hoping for the latter, ngl. either way though, I’m really getting a “Deku’s arms are legitimately done for” vibe from this
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goddammit I’m pretty sure he just Detroit Smashed the last remaining hero brain cell. now they have diddly squat to work with, oh this is bad
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do you guys remember a few weeks back when I was joking about him breaking the rest of his bones and using Blackwhip to move his shattered body around like a grotesque marionette. do you specifically remember the part where that was a joke
holy shit Deku. it’s like we’re all the way back to square one with you. wasn’t that like the first thing Aizawa taught you, not to break your whole body apart? how are you supposed to fight Tomura if you can’t move?? why didn’t you wait for one of your pals who could hit him with an attack from long range WITHOUT BREAKING EVERY SINGLE BONE IN THEIR BODIES. WHERE DID YOUR BIG HERO BRAIN GO
boy you better pray one of those remaining quirks is a healing factor, or else you’re gonna be on IR for a LONG time. anyway. idk why I’m getting so worked up when I already knew this was going to happen lol. it’s just like Katsuki said; he takes himself out of the equation. it’s worth sacrificing his own body if it means he can take out AFO and prevent Tomura from hurting anyone else again. it’s just that... well. you know that saying about taking calculated risks when you are bad at math?
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please ignore all of those worried-sounding thoughts; I think we all know that’s a bunch of bullshit. completely and utterly fine. the only person Deku’s attacks hurt was himself. hip hip hooray
anyway. so now, this!
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pretty sure he can’t use Decay or AFO without at least touching SOMETHING, so I’m guessing this is another one of his new quirks. dammit Tomura why are you so fucking invincible
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if I were you, Deku’s Arms, I would simply detach from his body altogether at this point. cut my losses. mmm
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spoiler alert: again, it did nothing. SORRY TO KEEP RUINING THE SUSPENSE FOR YOU GUYS. is there a single human being reading this who thought for even for the milliest of seconds that this stood a chance of working though
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so Tomura is all “there must be something I can do to stop this fucking kid” and shuffling through his quirk pokedex while he’s tossed around bleeding in the air
hey Tomura I’ll tell you right now that you don’t actually need to do a damn thing except not die for roughly the next thirty seconds or so, and then you’ve got this. the quirk that can stop this kid is called “One for All”, and it just so happens he’s already got you covered bruh
and Katsuki’s realized the same thing, apparently!
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SHOUTO YOU’RE NOT EVEN LOOKING?? wow that is some trust right there. focused on cauterizing Gran and Aizawa’s wounds, I guess
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I like how Endeavor is just SITTING THERE in the background looking all disgruntled. yes, sorry about that sir, this is now Kacchan’s show. he’s in charge now. time for that long-range attack I was complaining about them not doing earlier?? hopefully?? omg
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Kacchan, tired of sitting back watching Deku invent new ways to die, decides to improvise a few of his own. hmmmmmmm
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why does this sound like he’s planning something on his own after the Todorokis have done their part. KACCHAN. EXCUSE ME, KACCHAN
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-- ooOF
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...and we’re cutting back to the action. godfuckingdammit it’s gonna be one of those chapters where the entire thing is just buildup to some huge reveal on the very last page isn’t it
(ETA: [sounds of screaming heard in the distance])
anyway so this next page is just Deku flying in the air, and Tomura flying through the air, and Endeavor+Katsuki+Shouto flying through the air, and everyone’s flying through the air, and we’re all just flying. TALK TO ME MORE ABOUT THE CURSE OF OFA DAMN IT
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guess if it was good enough for Hood, it’s probably their best shot huh. better than whatever the fuck Deku was trying to pull at any rate
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gotta admit, if I didn’t already know full well that Tomura could not possibly die here, I’d have been pretty convinced he was dying here lol
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wait... is that Blackwhip...?? or???
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oh my fresh and citrusy lord. this is it isn’t it. all of my theories converge at once. Tomura being possessed by AFO; OFA is AFO/Deku has AFO; Katsuki does something stupid and loses his quirk. THE PERFECT STORM. THEORY SINGULARITY
oh my lord oh my god oh my lord oh my god honey what are you doing, honey, no
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excuse me, Horikoshi. excuse me, could I just -- could I get. COULD I JUST GET A WORD WITH YOU FOR A MINUTE. SIR
son of a. ...how am I even supposed to wrap this up. just
sob okay. so let’s just. ...
All for One 100% just took Tomura’s body over. like, he was all “Tomura, you’re fucking dying, just give me your body you muppet”, and Tomura couldn’t really argue on account of he really was dying, and so, YOINK. which is the sound that a body makes when it’s being taken over, I think
All for One then activated his forced activation quirk?? which OF FUCKING COURSE he passed on to Tomura as well. so THAT’S JUST GREAT
Kacchan is seriously the fastest character in the series. the reflexes, the sheer speed necessary to intercept that hit? goddamn
every single one of those BakuDeku flashbacks are now wanted by the FBI for first-degree murder of me
this has nothing to do with Kacchan fucking dying and stuff, but is it just me or were there HUGE “Kacchan as Bakugou’s hero name” vibes earlier on in this chapter with the flashbacks to Deku explaining the meaning behind his own name, HMM
and speaking of, this is the first time we’ve gotten Kacchan narrating in the little box panels, unless I’m completely mistaken somehow. Horikoshi really waited almost 300 whole chapters to do that. and it was worth it. holy shit
fun fact, this moment is something that’s been on my wishlist since chapter 12 lol, you can go back and check the recap if you want. back then I called it a long shot. oh how the times have changed
oh my god. and now Deku’s gonna go ham, arms or no arms. AND BETS ON WHICH NEW QUIRK HE’S ABOUT TO UNLOCK? because the last time someone so much as insulted Kacchan in his presence, he SPONTANEOUSLY GREW SHADOW TENTACLES OUT OF THE BLUE AND ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THE PERSON. so if this kid has got ANYTHING left up his sleeve, I have to imagine that SEEING HIS PRECIOUS CHILDHOOD FRIEND TAKE A DEADLY ATTACK MEANT FOR HIM is gonna leave him feeling SOME KINDA WAY. I literally have no idea what’s going to happen next but I would not count this angry little broccoli out yet. not as long as he’s still conscious
anyway. so I wonder what’s the world record for continuous screaming, and whether or not I could break said record by doing such nonstop from now until a week from now when I finally get to read the next chapter
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Kids Of The Future (Chapter 1)
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Summary: After time traveling from the apocalypse in 2019, a surprise waits for Diego and Y/N as they arrive at Dallas, Texas circa 1960.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader, Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Kids Of The Future x Jonas Brothers
Word Count: 1.4k words
Warning: mention of violence
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'Y/N, wake up.'
It took me a while to realize that it wasn't a dream and someone was actually calling my name. Slowly opening my eyes with the energy I had left in me, I woke up in an alley with Diego kneeling right next to me.
Feeling a painful headache shooting through my skull, I squeezed my temples. 'What? What's happening?'
'You were unconscious for a bit.' Diego helped me sit up, 'Five didn't tell us we were supposed to prepare for a dangerous landing.'
All the memories from before suddenly hit me; the apocalypse, our sister Vanya discovering her powers, Cha Cha, Hazel and everything that happened that led us to this moment. Remembering everything made me realize something was missing.
'Where is everybody?' I quickly stood up, turning around every corner as I looked for the rest of our family.
'I don't know- When I got here, it was just us.'
Five always mentioned that time traveling was complicated. It scared me that we were in an unfamiliar alley without the rest of our siblings. Did Five just drop me and Diego off and went elsewhere?
'This is Luther's fault, it's all his fault.' I groaned, panicking about being lost in a middle of an alley where we had no clue where we were. Also angry about how he handled the situation with Vanya, my mind was all over the place.
'It's not just his fault, we took part in it too.'
Raising my eyebrows, I looked over at Diego with a surprised look on my face. 'Wow, did Five take us to a whole different dimension because I swear I just heard you defending Luther.'
'Har har Y/N. You are a comedic genius.' Diego rolled his eyes, 'But I'm serious. Since when did we ever try to build a relationship with Vanya?'
'Uhm I did. While you were too busy looking for Cha Cha and Hazel, Allison and I've been trying to hang out with her more.'
'Ah great. So while I did the busy work, you were chilling and doing nothing. Good to hear.'
'Well, all the busy work didn't matter because Vanya was the bomb this whole time.' I smiled sarcastically, 'Maybe you should've came with us and hung out with Vanya too.'
Diego took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at me with intensity. 'We can't do this 'what if' bull crap. Maybe when we found the file on Jenkins, you could've joined Allison and maybe she wouldn't have had her throat cut off.'
'You know I already feel terrible about that.' Ever since Luther, Diego, Klaus and I drove down to the Jenkins cabin and found Allison lying in a puddle of blood, I couldn't stop thinking about it. 'I thought that you'd needed my help more in jail after you got arrested for Eudora's murder. I was genuinely scared for you.'
'I know, I know.' Diego nodded slowly and walked up to me. 'That's what I mean by not doing the whole 'what if' stuff. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset.'
'No, I'm okay. I thought Allison wouldn't need my help and I just care about you a lot.' I gave half a smile, reassuring him that I wasn't mad about what he had just said.
If I knew that Allison and Vanya seeing each other would turn into an altercation, I would've chose to go with my sister. At the time it looked like Diego needed my help more and I had to stick with him to figure out how to get him out of there.
Maybe it was also the fact that I cared about Diego a lot. We've always had each other's backs since we were little kids and at the time of his arrest, he needed me. I couldn't have him behind bars for something he didn't do.
'Thank you for coming with me, Y/N. I just wish it was a different outcome.' Diego sighed. 'To be fair, if it wasn't for you shifting into a cop to get me out of jail I probably would've died in that apacolypse.'
I smiled as I was happy that Diego appreciated my use of power. 'You know I can't leave without you, Diego.'
Diego eyed me, smiling back and taking a step towards me. He licked his lips, slowly grabbing onto my hand.
'You know I actually stayed with you, for you right? I mean I did think Allison didn't need my help with Vanya bu-'
'I know, Y/N.' He acknowledged my feelings towards him, which everyone knew that I had. 'I'm glad you were with me and it's not only because you helped me out.'
We've always had moments like this where we stared at each other, giving one another cute grins hoping that one of us would make the first move.
Throughout the years, we've both dated different people but in the end we cared too much about each other to let it go. It was perhaps the timing that was bad; maybe this time was the perfect time.
And I think Diego knew as well.
He grabbed onto my hip and pulled me in, slowly leaning in without another word. It was so direct but we've been waiting for so long, there was no more time to waste.
Following his lead, I also leaned in to meet him half way. As I began to close my eyes, something stopped me.
Diego and I both paused, quickly looking each other in the eyes with furrowed eyebrows. 'Uhm, what the fuck was that?'
I knew we were both thinking the same thing as our reaction was the same; some weird noise that came by the dumpster that was in the middle of the alley.
'You want to go check what it is?' I pointed to the direction the noise was coming from.
'I am not going near that dumpster! It can be some weird animal we've never seen.' Diego hid behind me, pushing me towards the noise. 'At least with you, you can shape shift into that animal to blend in.'
'Ugh don't use my powers to excuse yourself from this.' I rolled my eyes, 'But since I'm the braver one I'll go.'
Diego slapped me playfully on my shoulders, 'All I'm saying is that you have an advantage. Nothing to do with bravery.'
I shook my head, ignoring Diego and slowly stepping closer to the noise. Finally getting there, I peeked to see if it was anything harmless.
'What is it Y/N!?'
Tilting my head, I was confused on what I witnessed. As I reached for it, Diego winced. 'W-why are you picking it up!?'
'Don't worry.' I chuckled, carrying it and admiring how adorable it was. 'It's a cute wittle baby.'
Diego scratched his head, 'Why is there a baby behind the dumpster?'
'Just seems like no one wanted it. Poor baby, we should take care of it.' I started patting the baby lightly, 'Diego, check if the baby is a boy or a girl.'
'What!? I don't want to check!' He backed off, as if he was disgusted by it. 'I am not down to play house with this baby. What we need to do is find Five or anyone for that matter so we can go back home.'
I nodded, 'I agree with you but until then we need to find this baby a home.'
Diego looked at the baby, slowly smiled as the baby grinned and giggled. By the way Diego was staring at the baby, I knew that he was slowly giving in.
'Isn't he irresistible!?' I played with his chubby cheeks, making him laugh.
'How do you know it's a he?'
'I don't but whoever is going to change his diaper first will.' I smiled innocently as Diego shook his head. 'Just a guess.'
Diego facepalmed, 'Changing diapers?! How are we going to go from trying to save the world to taking care of a baby?'
'Fine! I'll change his first diaper, can we just please take care of him as we find our siblings?'
He looked at me, then the baby. 'Ugh how can I resist the cute baby face?'
'You're talking about me?' I said sweetly.
'Aha you wish, Y/N.' Diego joked, 'Now come on. Let's see what this place has to offer us.'
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softluci · 4 years
so i wrote something similar (kinda? not really, but in the same vein) on ariwrld, and then something similar (in the same vein) on here, and then i saw these headcanons by @astrablossom (which you should read, by the way) and a few thoughts i had before kinda resurfaced; so this is for poc who play obey me! or people whose mcs are poc, or. really, anyone who’s curious, (is this controversial?? whatever, probably not) but - 
there is a high, high chance that an mc who’s a person of color will not be treated differently because of their skin color, because there is a high, high chance that racism does not exist in devildom because, like,, the concept/construct of race more than likely does not exist there. there’s probably definitely, like classism, because there’s a monarchy, but i seriously doubt that there’s an oppressive system based on skin color, not because dia isn’t white, but because there was probably, like, no way for it to even develop. there is no possible way that white supremacy ever existed there, unless, like . some demons came to the human world during slavery, had no idea what was actually going on or why, found themselves on a plantation and were like “wow why are the humans with darker skin treated so poorly, are they Genuinely inferior?” and then they came back to devildom, told other demons about what they saw, and everyone just collectively agreed that, yes, humans with darker skin Must be inferior otherwise why would they be treated so terribly - see how that’s not fucking likely? and if it did happen, they probably, took into account the fact that humans are notoriously foolish and that what they saw probably had no logic behind it. the only other way white supremacy would make its way into devildom is if the mc’s racist, and, you know what, considering the way i’ve seen some people on here act, that is much more likely, albeit idk how the topic of race would arise, but you get it. 
so, that being said, if an mc’s race were to be of importance, it would have to be, like . it would have to come into play because of the fact that people treat them differently/worse because they’re human (like what i wrote), at which point they would probably have to talk about the way things are in the human world, and i’m willing to bet that Most of them have no idea how shitty it is to be a person of color in a system that was built to prevent you from living, not just because it doesn’t apply to them, but because they’ve just never heard of it. 
i’m imagining, like, mc offhandedly mentioning something about slavery (”oh, uh, my family has lived in the same place for over a century.” “really? that’s so interesting! how come?” “well, once slavery ended, it was kinda,, difficult,, to go anywhere else,,,” “what? why?” “because,, it was really hard,, to earn money?” “why?” [followed by the most exhausted stare]) or sundown towns (”yeah, i can’t go to vidor, texas because it’s not safe for me at night or, like, in general” “why?” “it’s a sundown town.” “a what?” “...a sundown town. like, if i went there i’d probably end up dead.” “you what?”��“you know, because i’m, like, not white-” “what?!”) or something (”i always tell my brother not to speed and he never listens, it’s seriously worrying me.” “that’s fair, but doesn’t everyone speed?” “well, i mean yeah, but i don’t want him to get pulled over.” “why?” “because he might get murdered-” “he what?!”) and dia or luci or whoever, asks them what they’re talking about, and mc just . Stares . and they now have to make sure these men learn just how Terrible things are and have been. 
that, or it would have to be regarding mc’s culture, whatever it may be, or maybe they have an accent or they code switch (like, maybe some characters catch them using aave). 
also, i hate to be rude (tm) but you have no idea how hard it makes me laugh to think about a white mc in devildom getting treated badly for being human, and that is the closest thing they experience to racism, bonus points if they have that epiphany, double bonus points if they realize that it still isn’t anywhere near as bad as what actual poc go through, triple bonus points if they realize that them being white isn’t going to be of any use to them while they’re there. 
also one of my friends told me that white people don’t exist in obey me and it is making me dissolve
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kyokyo866 · 4 years
Dear Kyo and Lubo, I want to address your most recent game, Hetaculpa. I would like to address various issues that make me and many I have talked to uncomfortable. The way you use the 2ps as a way to, what someone told us in a easy way to explain, represent the main personifications regrets felt very wrong and mildly racist in some way. I’m gonna adress 3 that we’re mentioned through your game making, going from the one I have the least amount of detail to the one with the most. Many of us actually have issues with 2p Veneziano representing what I was told fascism. While I didn’t mind at all (seeing how I thought it was cool to use 2p to represent a side of history that’s opposite of the main characters ideals) many found it offensive. Next was Japan, and from the let’s plays and streams, 2p Japan represents Imperialist Japan. While I don’t remember this ever being said, someone else told my group that Imperialist Japan was due to western influences, and while that might be correct on some aspects, it feels like it’s a way to take away responsibility off of Japan and onto a new character (aka 2p Japan) and it really feels like the characters pushed away that history rather than grow from it. Last was the main issue. CSA. I know you guys have States, so I’m not gonna say anything about Hawaii and Texas some others kept saying. The main issue followed with 2p America’s skin color, and while i don’t know if your using Alex skin pallet or a completely different looking 2p America OC, making viewers assume your using the default 2p America isn’t good. He is a brown character, which usually is taken into the fact that he’s mixed most likely. While he could be seen as racially ambiguous/white passing, he’s not white, which, mostly in Civil War standards, wasn’t something praised about, but was looked down on. This also wouldn’t help if he was mixed black person (they can be brown skin toned) because black people are already portrayed as aggressive and mean and this character isn’t helping those racist stereotypes. And along side the fact that he’s CSA also doesn’t bode well. CSA really shouldn’t be a character choice to make and with many in the Statetalia fandom, like me, CSA OC’s in general, are things we as a fandom want to step away from, but knowing a well known YouTuber and influencer has made one, is really upsetting and it will influence others to do the same. If you want to personify CSA history, then make it a southern rep, not a CSA rep. Mostly this issue is because CSA reps make way to light of that history that still effects POC (mainly blacks) today. While I didn’t want to come off as rude, I personally thought a critique from a POC who loves watching your videos, and a few others within my community, would maybe help. As someone who’s been in this fandom for a long time, it was a surprise to see these coming from you and Lubo. While the game concept is really good, I think fixing the characters (mostly the 2p) would help more colored and non white and/or american fans appreciate this little spooky game. Personally, I look up to you both, and I still will. Just that, the fandom has changed and the collective agreement to avoid these topics unless approach maturely or educationally, has bet a set thing within this fandom. I don’t know about you, but when you did hetaIpseity and said that the fandom has been quite, I thought it was strange that you never learned about the Nazi America Maker, the Racist and Transphobic writer, all these callouts many POC fans have been making just so we get proper recognition and not brushed under the rug. You said about the Canada birthday thing, but ignored that it was also Hong Kong’s birthday. Sorry if I got ranty there but please understand where we are coming from. A place where whitewashed Seychelles is no more, where Nazi’s aren’t welcomed, where other groups aside from East Europe, Canada, America, Japan, and China aren’t the only important characters, where we stop villainizing POC characters. Please don’t take this as hate, but more as critique from a different view point.
holy shit wow this is a lot to take in aight lemme just break this down as simply as I can
1. the 2ps arent the same country but like... evil side. our 2ps in this are parts of the nation who once were yet no more, for example 2p russia being the republic of novgorod, a high standing trade city who was in line to be the capital next to moscow before ivan the terrible slaughtered the whole thing into oblivion. like 2p Italy is the Republic of Salo (Italian Social Republic) which was a puppet nation during the tail end of ww2 while the actual italians gtfo outta there. So it’s NOT italy venecizano but oo evil facist. No. It’s more like.. a region thing. Like picardy or osaka, but having had huge influenctial power at the time of being alive, but it doesnt change the fact he died.
2. there IS NO 2P JAPAN goodness gracious i dont know how this keeps being spread and while it was a concept idea at first if we wanted a cameo or not it was easily dropped a loooooong time ago. Its just Japan wrestling with his guilt over being thrust into a conflict that he as the human man kiku honda wanted no part in.
3. Aighty so. Okay. Alexander (mr csa) is caucasian. he’s white. the brownish tone is from a tan since he’s a farmer for most of his life before joining up with military. I’mma just say that out right. He’s not mixed, it’s just the sun. I’ve gotten a lot of dm concerned about him and rest assured we were going to make that very clear. Despite ya know, all of our concept arts not even having his skin colored in, but I can assure you as one who’s worked on his character sprite, he’s caucasian. So its not ‘oo villainized poc’ oh no, not at all. I apologize if it seemed that way but again, if we need to make it more obvious so not to confuse the audience, we will.
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phantoms-lair · 5 years
MSA Secret Santa
Arthur sighed, leaning against the steering wheel of the van. The bus was a little late, but that wasn’t unexpected. Not out here at any rate.
There was a small selfish part of himself that wished he hadn’t picked up the phone that day. It was selfish - and ridiculous. The call had been at the garage, he needed to answer those calls!
It had been some great Aunt, or far removed cousin. He wasn’t quite sure how they were related. Apparently her son was originally going to spend summer break with one of his friends, but their trip had been cut short. The problem was said parents and their daughter had already made other arrangements and wanted to know if the aforementioned son could stay with Lance.
The problem was, Lance wasn’t there and wouldn’t be for a while. He was off on a road trip with some of his old buddies from his days when he absolutely positively was not a wrestler. It was a well overdue vacation and Arthur wasn’t going to call him back from it.
But something stopped him from just turning her down. It wasn’t her, but… it was the idea that their current plans ‘couldn’t be altered’. Lance had planned his trip to originally be last year, but he’d dropped everything after Arthur had turned up in a hospital without an arm. Also that they were reaching out to family that wasn’t that close at all made Arthur wonder if the closer relatives had also had plans that couldn’t be altered. It stank too much of no one wanting this kid, and damned if he was going to add to that
So here he was, waiting for a cousin he’d never met who’d be spending a month with him. He didn’t think it would matter so much if he wasn’t the age he was - 18. Younger would have been easier to slip into a child-guardian relationship and older meant this wouldn’t have been an issue in the first place. But 18 was an age of feeling you were coming into your own authority, and much more likely to take onus with someone a mere five years older than you being in charge.
The bus pulled up and Arthur braced himself. Two figures got off the bus, his cousin and...a dog? A rather large dog at that. Something else Aunt Wendy had forgot to mention. Hopefully it was good with other dogs and hamsters.
Pushing his misgivings aside, Arthur left the van with a big welcoming smile. No need to borrow trouble till it was here. “Hi, you must be Norville, right?”
The teen winced. “Like, call me Shaggy please. I hate Norville.” 
“Done and done.” Arthur agreed readily. “The name Norville is thus dead and shall never be spoken from mine lips again.”
“Ri’m Scooby Doo.”
Another talking dog, huh. “Just to make certain, you’re not actually an ancient kitsune with an evil Japanese tree after you?”
“Like, not that we know of?” Shaggy looked confused. So did Scooby so Arthur let it slide. 
“Okay, let’s get some food, and we can figure out stuff out.” Apparently he said the right word, because his cousin and dog perked up a lot. “Let me help you with your bags.” “Is your arm metal?” Shaggy asked, surprised.
“Sure is, made it myself.” Arthur wiggled his fingers at him, inwardly bracing himself. “That’s cool.” Shaggy said earnestly, picking up his other suitcase.
No ‘How did that happen?’ or ‘That must be so terrible’? Okay, thus far Arthur was counting this as a win.
“So,” Arthur started as they slid into a booth at Pepper Paradiso, “Let’s go over your options.”
“Options?” Shaggy asked, surprised.
“Yeah, you have two main options, and we can tweak them as need be. The first is what I told your Mom. You come to stay with me and my boyfriend and girlfriend. We’ve set up a spare room for you, and Scooby I guess, sorry no one told us he was coming.” “If you’d prefer not to deal with three people being kinda mushy, or just want more privacy  I’d give you a key to Lance’s place. You could stay in my old room and basically have the house to yourself. I’d still be checking in everyday and making sure you had food and stuff, but other than that, you’d be on your own.” 
Shaggy seemed to think a moment. “You have a boyfriend and a girlfriend? You can do that?” “Yes.” Arthur answered simply.
“Okay, like if it’s all the same, man, I’d rather stay with you. I don’t think me or Scoob want to be alone.”
Arthur tried not to take it as a warning sign. True, most teens would jump at the first chance to be on their own, but that was hardly universal. There was a small feeling that something was wrong, not just parental negligence. What, he didn’t know. And truthfully it could be nothing. Arthur had a tendency to jump to worst case scenarios (catastrophizing, his therapist had called it), so for now he’d wait and see.
“So is this the mysterious cousin?” Mrs Chef Pepper came over, winking .
“Yeah, this is Shaggy. Shaggy, this is one half of the best cooking team in Tempo, and honestly Texas.”
“Flatterer. My name’s Carmella Pepper. My husband’s running the kitchen, so I have the front end today. I assume the usual, Arthur?” “With no Cayenne additions, please.”
“She’s banned from the kitchen after the last hot sauce-strawberry shake.” Carmella assured him. “What about you, Shaggy?”
Shaggy looked at the menu. “Like, could Scoob and I each get a ‘Vivi Special’ “ he pointed to the menu.
She raised an eyebrow. With the exception of its namesake, the Vivi Special was usually ordered to be shared by a family. She’d never seen an order of two of them. “Do you want the plate of spicy chorizo or pancake poppers?” Scooby and Shaggy looked at each other. “One of each please. And, like separate checks? Mom set up an account for me for food and stuff.” Arthur tried to hide his relief. One extra mouth he could feed. Two more Vivi appetites would have strained his budget beyond feasibility.
~ “Lewis, Vivi— we’re home!” Arthur called, letting himself and his two guests in.
“Welcome home, Arty.” Lewis greeted, pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss. “So this must be Nor-”
“The name is not to be spoken. It has been cast into the abyss and replaced with Shaggy.” Arthur said with a completely straight face. “It has become one with the void.” Lewis rolled his eyes. “Sorry for the melodramatic one, I’m Lewis. Lewis Pepper.”
Shaggy shook his hand while Arthur sputtered over Lewis calling him melodramatic. “Pepper, like the people who run the restaurant?” “My parents.” Lewis explained.
“Wow, like they’re great cooks, man. It’s the first place me and Scooby found that we could be full off one thing on the menu.” “If you can call the ‘Vivi Special’ one thing.” Arthur quipped.
“Someone call me?” Vivi slid into the front room, literally, her socks holding no traction on the hardwood floor, causing her to crash into Lewis. “Arthur’s cousin Shaggy is a fan of your addition to my parents menu.” Lewis said.
“Ooooo Did you get the version with the spicy chorizo or pancake poppers?”
“Like, Scoob and I got one of each. I really liked Aztec Chocolate sauce on the sweet chili!”
“I know! And the smoked gouda filled jalapeño poppers!” 
“Arthur, I think our girlfriend just adopted your cousin.” Lewis commented.
Vivi stretched as she got home from her morning shift at the Tome Tomb. Arthur was having a full day at Kingsmen’s, so she figured she’d check in on Shaggy and Scooby before getting in some serious cuddle time with Lewis.
She found them in the living room, Shaggy was looking at a book. Not reading it, but staring at the cover, while Scooby leaned against him comfortingly. “Everything okay boys?” She asked softly.
Shaggy took a moment to answer. “Do you believe in this stuff? Magic and monsters?” “As a matter of fact I do.” She tried to keep the humor out of her voice. Shaggy had no idea he was spending the remainder of his summer with a ghost and a kitsune. “Do you?”
Shaggy didn’t answer. “Doesn’t it scare you?” he asked.
“The supernatural? Not really. Or at least, not more than anything else.” She sat down next to him. “There’s good and bad magic, just like there’s good and bad technology. Some beings are friendly, some just want to be left alone, and some are truly evil, just like people. You always, always, have to be careful. But I’d rather know, you know?” Shaggy shook his head. “Like, I think I’d rather not.” He looked at the book again. “Like, have you ever heard of something called the Chest of Demons?”
“Not off the top of my head, why?”
Shaggy shook his head. “Nothing, like what’s for lunch?” Vivi accepted the topic change, but didn’t forget what she’d heard. This merited some digging into.
Arthur felt dead on his feet (though not quite as much as Lewis, ha!) as he got home that evening.  Working in the garage was one thing, but running it was quite another. He couldn’t wait for Lance to get back.
It was Vivi who greeted him at the door, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him. Arthur melted into the embrace, the warmth he felt in his heart giving him back the strength spent on budget balancing and unruly customers.
But as he felt himself relax, he realized she wasn’t easing up. Something was wrong. “What is it, Vi?”
“Your cousin.” She answered, her head still buried in the crook of Arthur’s neck. “He was looking at my books and mentioned something called the Chest of Demons. I hadn’t heard of it, so I sent out some feelers.”
“Bad?” Arthur guessed, as if the name didn’t give that away.
“Not just the chest itself. I still don’t know what it is, because one of the few things I did manage to learn is it’s protected by near total secrecy. It’s not something he could have just randomly heard of.”
Arthur’s mouth set into a grim frown. He could think of a few reasons, but none of them were good.
“And this isn’t some random client messing with something he shouldn’t, he’s your cousin and I like him, but this is serious.”
“I’ll talk to him.” Arthur promised. 
“No!” Vivi squeezed him tighter. “I don’t want to think he’s up to anything bad, but-” Honestly with how Shaggy had reacted to ‘Magic and Monsters’ she doubted it, but she couldn’t be sure and she wasn’t willing to put any of her boys in the path of danger.
Arthur laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. “You can have one of the Beats watching over us if it makes you feel better, but we can’t leave this alone and he’s nervous enough I don’t want him to feel like we’re ganging up on him.”
“That still puts you at risk,” Vivi argued.
“There’s always a risk, love. And you can’t take all of them for me. And I think this is a small one. Have you talked to Lewis yet?”
“Talked to be about what?” Lewis popped his head in. “You guys were taking a while. Is everything okay?”
“Shaggy may or may not have gotten mixed up in something supernatural and I want to talk to him about it. I want to do it alone so I don’t overwhelm him, but Vivi doesn’t want me to go talk about an evil artifact with the person who brought it up by myself. I volunteered to take a Beat with me.” “Take Mystery too.” Lewis suggested. “Shaggy likes him, so he wouldn’t feel ganged up on.”
Vivi let out a sigh of relief. “I love your Deadbeats, Lew, but I feel a lot better about that plan.”
“Hey Shaggy,” Arthur sat down. Mystery curled up by his feet, looking innocuous, but keeping a careful eye on Shaggy and Scooby.
“Hey,” Shaggy didn’t look up from the video game he was playing. “Like, how was work?”
“Not too bad. Can we talk about something?”
“Sure, man.” Shaggy paused the game. “What’s up?”
So many questions ran through Arthur’s head. Why do you know about the Chest of Demon? How did you find out about it? How much do you know? But there was one question he felt the need to ask above all the others.
“Are you in any danger?”
Shaggy blinked, caught completely off guard. “Huh?”
“You brought up something called the Chest of Demons to Vivi today. She did some digging. It was bad.” Arthur kept it vague to hide how much he didn’t know. “It’s also not a name you’d just stumble on. So, are you in any danger?” Shaggy deflated. “Like, not right now. Probably later. Thirteen seems to be keeping a low profile, but given the other twelve? At least Boggle and Weird are sealed up.”
Okay, Arthur didn’t understand any of that after ‘Probably later’. “Can you start at the beginning?”
“Okay, so like originally the five us were supposed to spend the summer on a global road trip, but Fred and Velma ended up going to camp, so like it was just me, Scooby, and Daphne. And we kinda sorta got lost. We ended up in the place where the chest was hidden. There were these two ghosts, Boggle and Weird. They wanted the thirteen evil spirits in the chest free, but it can only be opened by the living. So they tricked me and Scoob into opening it.and setting their masters free.”
Shaggy then rolled his eyes. “And of course only the ones who open the chest can return them, so like, suddenly we’re chasing down the nastiest ghoulies this side of the River Styx. We got the first twelve and got Boggle and Weird sucked in for good measure but with no sign of number thirteen Vincent cut us loose till he finds him.”
“Vincent?” Arthur inquired.
“A mystic who knows a lot about the Chest of Demon and it’s prisoners. He’s been helping us.” Shaggy shrugged. “Daphne suggested continuing our vacation while we’re on break, but I just kinda wanted to go home.” “Did you tell your family any of this?” Arthur wondered.
His cousin snorted. “Besides you? Like no one would believe me! And Daphne….” Shaggy trailed off.
“And Daphne?” Arthur prompted.
“It sounds weird to say, but this seemed to be, like, good for her? Before she kinda followed whatever Fred said. This summer though, she was taking charge and becoming more confident in herself. And like, I’m happy for her, but it means-” Shaggy seemed to struggle for his words, Scooby putting a reassuring head on his knee. “I’m a coward. I’d rather run from scary things than fight them. And I know I have to get them back in the box, cause it’s my fault they’re out-”
“Rour fault,” Scooby corrected.
“-but I’m scared all the time and I don’t want to be and no one but Scoob seems to get that.”
“Of course you’re scared,” Arthur scoffed. “You’ve had thirteen evil spirits after you. That’s objectively terrifying. You’d be crazy not to be scared.”
Boy and dog seemed taken aback.
While he couldn’t say he had been expecting those details, at least this lined up with what Arthur suspected, that Shaggy had stumbled into trouble, not sought it out.
“Okay, so first things first, what do you know about Spirit #13? What kind of spirit is it?” Arthur’s voice was all business.
“Not yet, Vincent usually tells us about them as he finds them.” Shaggy explained.
“If you can contact him, see if you can find out what we’re dealing with. It’ll be more effective if we can narrow that down.”
“What will be?” Shaggy asked, confused.
“Protective wards. That reminds me. Lewis, Vivi, Shaggy has a potential evil spirit after him. Brainstorming time.” “Huh?”
Lewis and Vivi showed up a bit too quickly to not have been listening in, but Arthur hoped Shaggy wouldn’t notice.
“There’s already some basic wards against hostile entities on the house, Pepper Paradiso, Lance’s, Kingsmen’s, and the Tome Tomb.” Vivi listed.
“I’ve got a few things around town warning me of anything of any level of power entering.” Mystery put forth. “It’s only weak spot is the lake.”
“Which has a protector of its own.” Arthur had a wry grin. “Nothing coming in from that side.”
Shaggy and Scooby shared a confused look. “You guys had this already set up?”
“You get surprised by a Jubokko once, you take precautions.” Vivi said dryly. “But this is all general stuff. The more specifics we know, the better defenses we can make. We can also figure out what places near your home we need to ward, or come up with something portable.”
Shaggy just looked between the four of them, confused. “Why?”
Lewis took a deep breath ( or at least mimed doing so). “Shaggy, you’re Arthur’s cousin, do you know what that means?”
Shaggy shook his head.
“It means you’re family,  you’re our family. And we protect family however we can.” Lewis stated. “And we know monsters exist. We’ll be ready.”
Shaggy seemed at a loss for words. His mouth opened and closed a few times. “Thank you,” he finally whispered, his voice raw with emotion.
Arthur pulled him into a hug. “That’s what family does.”
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breakingsomething · 4 years
october tenth - part three
ok so this one is 8.7k words so be warned. tagging @beebmo for inspiring this idea!
basic summary: aiden takes guitar lessons. jack meets a man in a store. both of them keep secrets and don't communicate, as per usual.
trigger warnings: blood, alcohol, mentions of murder, self harm
aiden hadn't realized just how lacking in social skills he was until he was attempting to make contact with someone other than jack for the first time.
the door of the music store was red, with a small window on the front. it was covered in colourful flyers and newsletters, advertising various events and things aiden knew nothing about. there was a small sign that said "push" in bold black letters. aiden had been staring at it too long to feel comfortable. shaking slightly in his long black coat and beanie. too afraid to step inside.
"excuse me, are you going in or not?"
aiden jumped, not turning to look and see who had spoken but instead quickly pushing open the door open and stepping inside. the store was much warmer than the biting air outside, the lights so bright it made aiden wince. there were stacks of records and cds and vinyls, so many vivid colours and patterns and fonts. a loud song aiden didn't recognize blasted over speakers above. aiden felt his lips twitch at the corners. oh, he thought he already loved this place. was it just because it was somewhere other than jack's place? he didn't know. didn't care enough to think about it.
he glanced around for the employee he was supposed to talk to, anxiety bubbling in his chest again. it wasn't just that he was an introvert or antisocial, though he supposed those were supporting factors - but he had literally never held a conversation with anyone other than jack in his life. on a couple occasions he'd spoken a few words to others, but now… now, he was not only going to have to talk, but pretend to be jack at the same time. which he could do. maybe. in front of a camera was one thing, but…
"can i help you, sir?" said a man dressed in all black, with a nametag on his shirt. rhudy, it said his name was. "are you jack? just wondering, you look rather lost."
aiden just nodded, for all his usual cockiness suddenly rendered unable to speak. rhudy smiles, dimples appearing in his pale cheeks. "alright!" he stretched out a hand for aiden to shake. he didn't take it, swallowing hard, and rhudy retracted his arm without changing expression. "come round the back, i'll show you around. we only have a small space for lessons, hope you're not claustrophobic, ha!" he beamed, and turned to walk in the other direction, quickly weaving through the shelves.
no, he wasn't claustrophobic. he was, however, breathing very heavily and feeling rather like he needed to sit down. he wanted jack. gods, he wanted jack. with a shuddering breath - this was pathetic, he needed to calm the fuck down - he followed the other man to the back.
it was small. red walls covered in shelves, stacks of different instruments in one corner next to a large window covered with white curtains. there were five chairs in a circle in the centre of the room on top of an oval crimson rug. rhudy pulled a chair and sat, aiden very slowly following but staying as far away from him as he could. every nerve in his body was screaming at him to run.
"now, jack," the man said, running his fingers though wavy black hair, dyed blue at the ends. "my name's rhudy, pronounced roo-dee, it's great to meet you. you told me you know a bit of guitar already?"
jack had told him that. aiden nodded again, biting his tongue so hard blood welled up in his mouth.
rhudy gave a small laugh, reaching behind him and grabbing a red acoustic guitar, much like aiden's own but definitely in better condition. "do you talk, then? nothing wrong if you don't want to, just wanting to know."
aiden flushed, forcing himself to open his mouth. "yeah, yeah, course," he said, far too quickly. his fingers gripped the underside of his seat far too tightly.
rhudy blinked, then tilted his head slightly. there was a moment of silence before he spoke, his words sending spikes through aiden's heart. "your name isn't jack, is it?"
aiden was going to throw up. "course it is," he laughed nervously, voice far too high pitched. fuck, but he hated this man for making him feel this way. how did he know, how did he -
"no," rhudy said firmly, leaning forward in his seat, guitar on his lap forgotten. "it's not. and you're…" he lowered his voice. "you're definitely magic or something, it's coming off you in waves. what kind of magician are you, then?" he folded his hands. "also, what's your real name? just by looking at you, i think maybe it starts with an a." he started listing off ideas, ignoring aiden's small noises of protest. "andrew? anthony? aleksanteri? antiseptic?"
he then seemed to notice how pale aiden had gone and how badly he was shaking. "oh, oh, i didn't mean to upset you," he said, sitting up again awkwardly.
"y-you didn't," aiden spat, trying to disguise his panic with anger. he wanted to fucking kill this man, he wanted to… oh, this wasn't right, he couldn't be here, he had to go home to jack. aiden stood, pushing past the chairs and making for the door. "i think this was a mistake."
"wait, wait!" rhudy said, setting his guitar aside as he leapt to his feet and stumbled past the chairs to stand in front of aiden. "i am so sorry, i get carried away sometimes and i swear i didn't mean to -" he took a breath. "sorry, really. i'll call you jack if you want."
aiden burned. he wanted to run, he wanted to pull the switchblade from his jacket pocket and rip this man's throat out. "ok," he instead said softly. more blood in his mouth as he sat back down, rhudy following.
he narrowed his eyes, desperately trying to push through his slowly building panic attack and regain some semblance of dignity. "magician," he muttered. "what makes you think i'm a magician?"
rhudy hesitated, reevaluating. aiden hated him. "you're… you smell like magic. harsh, like fire, or an overheating computer." he snorted, trying to keep eye contact with aiden. "do you do magic?"
aiden had come here for a guitar lesson. a fucking guitar lesson. "no," he said firmly. "i don't. do… do you?"
rhudy nodded. "you don't know about… well, suppose it doesn't matter." and before aiden can say a word, he picked up the guitar again. "anyway, let's -"
"hey, wait, you can't - you can't just dump that shit on me and then teach me guitar!" aiden spluttered, throwing up his arms. "how did you know my name wasn't -" shit. he visibly winced. rhudy just smiled, eyes twinkling.
"i know things," he said, tapping the side of his head. "that's one thing i'm good at. knowing things. clairvoyance, it's called."
clairvoyance. wow, everything made sense now.
rhudy absentmindedly plucked a tune on the guitar strings, raising an eyebrow. "so your name's not jack?"
"no," aiden admitted. he didn't say anything else.
rhudy nodded. "ok, i'm calling you antiseptic then. more badass name than fucking andrew. unless that is your name?" aiden shook his head. "ok. anyway. we'll have plenty of time to talk about magic later. for now, let's just… ok. what songs can you play?"
rhudy was odd. rhudy was odd, and aiden did not know how to feel about him.
over the next two weeks, he explained a bit about the magic to him. from what he said, it seemed like magic was slightly more common that aiden had thought, which worried him. surely he would have noticed, surely he would have seen at some point? he'd considered the possibility that jack's creation of his magician had something to do with it, but that seemed ridiculous. bringing to life one person with magic powers was one thing, but a whole group of people? unless… unless jack was one of them. a particularly powerful magician, maybe. ugh, it hurt to think about.
aiden didn't tell jack what he'd learned.
well, he did tell jack some of the things he'd learned. the music related things, at least. jack had commented on how much he'd improved in terms of playing, and despite himself, aiden had swelled with pride.
"thanks. i guess lessons are paying off." he grinned. jack ruffled his hair as he walked by, and aiden attempted to swat at his legs as his friend laughed.
"oh, they are. i can say this now, but you were simply terrible before, aid. completely and utterly horrendous." he smirked and disappeared into the kitchen.
aiden rolled his eyes, zipping up his guitar case and preparing to head out again. "well, that's rude."
"it's just truth!"
aiden followed jack into the kitchen and stuck out his tongue. "ok, whatever. dickwad. what are you doing today?"
jack shrugged. "dunno. i've been watching dude perfect a lot, i was legitimately thinking about attempting to fly to texas and do a collab with them." he laughed at the ridiculousness of it, evidently trying to relieve the tension of making a joke like that. he knew aiden didn't like jack's collabs. "what do you think?"
aiden rolled his eyes, grabbing his boots from the shoe rack. he knew jack was only joking. "alright then, bro average."
"hey, that's so mean!"
"oh, i'm mean? you just told me my guitar was shite!"
"your guitar was shite, past tense!"
"fuck you, i'm leaving."
jack rummaged in the fridge, pulling out a rectangular bottle. "stacy, no, don't take the kids," he joked, twisting off the cap and taking a gulp.
aiden suddenly frowned. "are you day drinking, jay? seriously?"
jack shrugged and sat down at the table, pulling out his phone and adjusting his grey snapback. "this whiskey is nice. don't worry, i wouldn't get drunk without you."
"can't get drunk with me, either, if you don't want to kill me." aiden said as he tied his boots. "are you forgetting i can't drink?"
jack started, blinking like he'd just woken up. "oh… oh, yeah," he murmured softly. "yeah."
aiden didn't move for a second. then he came round the table and hesitantly placed a hand on the back of jack's neck. "jay, are you ok? you've been acting… a bit off, lately."
jack nodded, far too quickly. "yeah, yeah, of course," he reassured. "just a… i'm fine, don't worry."
aiden didn't have time to worry anyway. he was late for his lesson. he just smiled and told jack to take care of himself as he left, half jogging down the street with his case on his back.
yes, rhudy was odd. he talked about magic ever so casually when he was around aiden, and joked with him like he was an old friend. aiden was still debating killing him. but part of him thought… maybe he liked this guy. he was interesting, definitely. and he was good at guitar. and he was nice to aiden despite how rude and snappy he was. aiden couldn't understand him.
"hey, anti!" rhudy greeted him as soon as he came into the store. he had his hair back in the tiniest ponytail, curls hanging down in front of his face. he didn't try to high five aiden, either, which showed he'd at least been paying attention to his touch aversive tendencies. "good to see you, even if it it ten minutes late." he laughed, already starting for the back of the room. aiden smiled slightly. yes, he thought he did like this guy.
there was someone waiting in the back room.
"oh, is someone in here?" said the man who was sitting on aiden's usual seat. he had spiky brown hair and a long beard, a bass guitar resting on his legs. "sorry, bros, lemme move my stuff."
aiden and rhudy waited awkwardly as the man slowly packed up his guitar, chattering all the while. "no one told me this room was being used, rhudy, apologies. i thought it was free, didn't know you did lessons in here on thursdays."
"yep, i do," rhudy interrupted. "it's ok, rory, just remember that for future."
aiden got the feeling rhudy wasn't exactly fond of this man. he shifted from foot to foot, tapping his fingers on his knife in his pocket.
rory looked up at the movement, standing up straight. "well, who's this awkward looking fellow?" he asked cheerfully, and aiden's face burned. the man flashed a grin. "name's rory. rhudy teaches me too sometimes, when i can pay him." he laughed, though no one else did. "so, you any good on guitar? can't be that great if rhudy's teaching you."
"hurry up, rory," rhudy said tiredly before aiden could do anything he wouldn't regret. "we have a lesson to have."
"naturally!" rory chuckled. he clapped aiden's shoulder, causing him to yelp and rory to laugh. "oho, calm down, i won't hurt you. a bit jumpy, are we?" he waved at rhudy as he went out, and he unwillingly waved back. "seeya, lads!"
the man had his phone in his pocket. by the time he'd left the room, aiden had gotten everything he needed. he sat down next to rhudy, shaking with rage and anxiety and disgust.
"sorry about him," rhudy said sympathetically. "he's… a lot to handle. doesn't mean any harm, really."
aiden didn't care. the second he was feeling upset enough to kill anyone again, this man was becoming his first new victim. he had his address now. fuck anything else.
but then rhudy tilted his head, looking aiden in the eyes. "can i touch your shoulder?" and just the fact that he asked touched aiden enough that he nodded, and before starting the lesson rhudy gently pat aiden's shoulder and smiled, and aiden felt strangely warm for the rest of the day.
everything was wrong.
everything was so painfully wrong that jack felt sick. if anyone had asked, he wouldn't have been able to tell them what the problem was, but he knew that something was so off it was making him shake and cause bile to burn his throat. he pulled his knees up to his chest on the couch and took a desperate gulp of his whiskey, hoping that maybe for a second it would burn this feeling away. it didn't. in fact, it seemed to make it worse.
he should be recording. he should be making videos. he shouldn't be shivering in his living room, curled up and drinking an expensive bottle of japanese whiskey. where was aiden? fuck, he needed aiden. he was going to throw up or pass out or something. part of him hoped for the latter if only to rip this strange horrible feeling right out of him.
no keys in the lock. no knock at the door. jack couldn't sit up to look at the couch, but he knew aiden wouldn't be back anytime soon. he let out a shuddering breath and laid sideways on the couch, his bottle falling to the floor. he didn't care. he fucking hated the taste anyway.
"i better go home soon," aiden said, though part of him really didn't want to. he was actually having a good time. he and rhudy had stopped playing guitar long ago - now they were just talking, or really, rhudy was talking and aiden was listening. which he was fine with, really. it was easier for both of them that way.
"aw, man," rhudy groaned exaggeratedly, slumping back dramatically in his chair. "really? come on, septic, stay here, i don't have any other lessons tonight."
aiden shook his head. part of him thought about staying, if only so he wouldn't have to go home and see jack. but he was getting tired anyway. "yeah, i should go."
rhudy made a face and stood. "ok, ok. see you tomorrow?"
aiden frowned as he slung his case onto his back. "i don't have a lesson tomorrow."
rhudy gave an embarrassed laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. "oh yeah, you don't, do you," he murmured. then he raised an eyebrow. "would you like to? maybe somewhere… not here? like… out in the park or something?"
they made their way over to the door, aiden biting his lip. "you, uh, you wanna give me a guitar lesson in a park?"
rhudy nodded eagerly. "uh, yeah. a guitar lesson, yeah. just - yeah. if you want."
aiden shrugged, feeling a grin on his face. "yeah, sure, yeah. if you want."
"if you want."
"if you want!"
and despite wondering if maybe he was missing something obvious, aiden was smiling as he left the store and walked home, feeling light and warm.
that feeling immediately dissipated the second he walked in the house.
it was freezing. the windows seemed to be all open, a cold breeze blowing the curtains out. "bloody hell," aiden muttered, slamming one shut and glancing down the hall. "jack, you up?"
there was a moment of silence before aiden heard a sound that made every hair in his body stand on end. a sharp, pained whimper, coming from what seemed to be the living room.
he bolted down the hall, shrugging off his guitar and tossing it carelessly to the ground. when he came into the room, his heart dropped. jack was curled up on the couch, shaking badly, hands over his ears and blood on his face. his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and he didn't look up as aiden dropped to his knees beside the couch, gasping. "jack! jesus shit, jack!"
jack gave a small, pathetic cry. "no, no, leave me alone," he sobbed, drawing even further into himself. "don't touch, don't hurt, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off!"
aiden cursed, noticing an empty bottle of alcohol on the floor near the couch. "fuck, jay, how much did you have to drink?"
"barely anything, swear, i don't drink, i don't!" jack cried, trying to cover his face and ears at the same time. "leave me 'lone, go away, don't want to hurt anyone, don't want to die!"
aiden's blood ran cold. "jack. jack, what are you talking about? did someone hurt you? did something - shit, jay, did you make another video?"
"no, no, no!" jack wailed, tossing and turning wildly. blood trickled from his eyes and onto the cushions below. "i didn't, aiden, didn't do anything, please!"
aiden couldn't get another coherent sentence out of him for another four or so hours. by the time jack calmed and was able to sit up and speak properly, it was late at night and the room was dark. jack leaned his head against aiden's shoulder, breathing heavily and shakily but still breathing, still breathing. aiden didn't know what to say.
"i'm sorry," were the first words jack said when he could speak. "i don't know what came over me."
aiden stroked his hair, the physical contact making him shiver. "there was blood and shit," he mumbled. "like a creation. but it was - you didn't make a video."
"i didn't make a video for you either," jack said, voicing what they were both thinking.
"i… i'm different," aiden said. "and we both know it."
jack glanced over, his eyes red. "different how?"
aiden didn't want to say it. he didn't want to say anything. so he didn't.
"maybe you have some kind of epilepsy too," he eventually said. "and that's why you have those…seizures."
jack snorted. "seizures that make me bleed from the eyes and create magic clones of myself?"
aiden smacked his chin into his knees. "well, you didn't make any magic clones this time." he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. "you just drank too much, that's all."
"drank one bottle of whiskey and bled like a demon," jack said under his breath, and aiden pretended not to hear him.
they spent the night watching voyager and eventually fell asleep, jack on aiden's legs and aiden slumped over the arm of the couch.
aiden left early the next day.
"who are you texting?" jack teased as he walked past aiden in the kitchen. they had wordlessly agreed to put the events of last night behind them until they had to face them. "and why-y do you have your guitar with you? you don't have a lesson."
aiden flipped him off without looking up. "because fuck you, that's why."
jack frowned. "be careful, aid."
he glanced up, relaxing and shooting a small smile. "when am i not careful, jack?" he furrowed his brow. "don't answer that."
after aiden had left, jack decided to go out shopping. it was early on a saturday, and there were a lot of families with kids and such, who jack carefully avoided as much as he could. he stopped in the sweets aisle, pondering buying aiden some black liquorice. he hadn't been spending a lot of time with him lately, and figured maybe he'd appreciate it. he was just throwing a bag into his basket when someone small bumped into his legs.
he jumped, turning round quickly to face whoever it was. a young girl, no older than six, with brown hair in a ponytail and a puffy pink jacket. "papa, connor's being mean!" she whined, not letting go of his legs. "i wanted to get the tangfastics, but he said he wanted them, but i asked first, papa! i asked first, i called bagsy!"
jack was stunned into silence for a second. "uh," he eventually managed. "uh, kid, i'm not your… your papa."
the girl looked up, bright blue eyes sparkling. "you're silly!" she grinned, then taking a step back. "lift me up, i lost connor and wanna see him over all the people!"
jack was just about to start panicking when someone came through the crowd, tapping the girl on the head. "lou-ise, did you -" he started, then he and jack both looked up and froze.
jack's first thought was - "aiden?" he said, confused. "what are you…"
but no, this wasn't aiden. but the man was jack's exact twin in every seemingly possible way. messy, yellow-green hair, a short brown beard, bright blue eyes, wearing a grey snapback and black leather jacket. he was staring at jack blankly, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open. jack stared right back, mind absolutely racing.
his first instinct was to run. what if this was jackieboy man or the magnificent magician, the ones who had hurt aiden? but before he could do anything, before he could race down the aisle as quickly as he could, the girl next to him spoke. "you're not my papa!" she said, skipping over to her other man and the tiny blonde boy that jack assumed was her brother. she grabbed her papa's hand and both kids joined their father in staring at jack in awe.
"holy sh- my god," the man said after a moment, sounding just like jack but with an american accent. "you look - wow, that's so unbelievably weird. you are… you're like my exact twin. and i found you in an asda. what - what the hell?" he broke into a grin, laughing at the ridiculousness of it. "are you my long lost brother or something?"
jack made several noises, struggling to speak actual words. "i… uh…" he snorted, putting his hands in his jacket pockets. "yeah, this is… weird."
"he even sounds like you, papa!" the boy cried, stepping forwards slightly. he made a face at jack, his sister giggling. their dad shook his head before letting go of his daughter's hand and stretching it out towards jack.
"sorry, uh, my name's chase," he said, still grinning. jack shook his hand, suddenly very aware of how many people were in here watching this go down. "chase brody. it's, uh, nice to meet you, even under these odd circumstances, ha."
jack forced a grin. he didn't recognize the name at all. he couldn't be the doctor either, then, the doctor was german and his name wasn't brody, it had been… schneeplestein? "my name's jack," he said. "yeah, wow. nice to - to meet you, yeah."
there were several seconds of awkward silence after that, until the girl spoke again. "are you our uncle?" she asked. "or papa's brother? why do you look like him? are you twins? do you know each other? are you his clone?"
jack laughed despite himself. "i wish i could answer any of those questions, uh…" he looked at chase questioningly.
"oh! this is louise, and my son, connor," chase introduced, tapping them both on the head in turn. "and, uh, we should probably get going, my wife will be wondering. wait a sec." he pulled a tiny notebook and pen from his pocket, scribbling something onto the paper. "i don't think this is something we can just walk away from and never think of again, so i'm gonna give you my number, maybe we can talk later." he handed the paper to jack, and he took it, both of them smiling awkwardly. "yeah. uh, good to meet you." he grabbed his children's hands again, and they both waved at jack as they turned round and started to walk off. "see you, dude!"
jack waved slowly, staring after them long after they were gone.
it was cold out. so cold out that no children or families were even in the park, leaving it all to aiden and rhudy. they chattered warmly as they crunched through the early september frost in the grass, making their way over to a spot in the field next to the trees and sitting on the freezing ground. rhudy had bought them food from greggs, and they ate as they talked, both guitars forgotten on their legs as they leaned against the trees. despite the chill, this was the warmest aiden had felt in a long time. it felt like easier days, like when jack and aiden had been able to get along and be friends instead of snapping and ignoring each other. it felt good. it felt happy.
this wasn't a feeling aiden was used to, but he wished he could be.
later on, they picked up their stuff and walked down on the beach. the tide was in, so they kept close to the wall, stumbling over rocks and slipping on seaweed, laughing loudly and clinging to each other. for once, aiden didn't mind the unexpected touch that he usually only accepted from jack. it felt happy. everything really did feel happy.
"come on, anti!" rhudy yelled, racing ahead of him across the rocks. aiden flipped him off, finding solid ground and taking advantage of it to run after him. he was aware of how stupid the both of them must look right now - two men in their late twenties chasing each other like children - but he suddenly didn't care. he didn't care, and he didn't know why. he was having fun. he wasn't feeling depressed, he wasn't thinking about killing himself, he was alive and it felt fucking amazing. he laughed as he tore across the rocks, almost catching up to rhudy, reaching out to grab his arm -
and slipping, falling -
"anti! anti, shit, anti!"
he groaned, bright light in front of his eyes the second he opened them. something digging into his back. sand on his hands, something sharp, his head, his head hurt - "fuck," he mumbled. he felt a pair of hands grab his, helping him sit up. "oh, oh, fuck, ow."
"anti, are you ok? shit, did you hit your head? are you bleeding? your hands are bleeding, shit," rhudy panicked. his hands were on aiden's shoulders, aiden's face. he let out a noise and leaned into the other man, his whole body aching.
rhudy ran his hands over his back. "hey, i think you're ok, i don't - i don't have a medkit, specifically, but we can go to mine and get -"
and suddenly the embarrassment of everything hit aiden all at once. what was he doing, running around like an idiot, getting so close to someone who was still mostly a stranger? he pulled back, cheeks burning in humiliation, struggling to push himself up. "i'm fine, i have to - i have to get home, my - my roommate will be worried about me."
rhudy nodded, too quickly. "oh, yeah, sure," he said. he grabbed aiden's hands again, trying to help him up, but he was suddenly just so fucking angry with everything that he pushed him off, stumbling to his feet himself. it was after he'd done that that he realized that had been a dumb idea - sand had gotten into the big cut on his hand, and it stung. he swayed on his feet, and rhudy helped steady him despite his yelp of protest.
"i'm - uh, i'm sorry you… can i walk you home?" rhudy blurted. aiden started making his way back up the beach, trying to subtly wipe sand off himself.
"i'll be fine," he mumbled. the last thing he needed was for jack to see him like this with another person.
despite that, rhudy walked him up to the gates of the park, occasionally looking at aiden like he wanted to say something but never doing so. at the gates, he stopped walking and hesitated. "anti, uh… sorry this didn't go so great. maybe next time we can go get food or something. less risk of injury." he laughed awkwardly, running his fingers through his hair. aiden eyed him suspiciously, wondering if he was mocking him.
"sure, yeah," he said, having no intention of going out with rhudy again. he'd stick with just the guitar lessons, thank you very much.
rhudy brightened, a smile spreading across his face. "cool!" he beamed. he clapped his hands together gently. "sure you don't want me to walk -"
"yes, i'm sure," aiden interrupted and left rhudy at the gate, beginning the walk back himself in silence.
jack wasn't at home.
that wasn't extremely unusual, but usually he left a note or something. aiden wandered through the house uncertainly, making sure there was really no one there, before collapsing to the couch and staring at the wall, thinking about how much of an idiot he was.
"aid-en. wakey wakey, i got you liquorice."
aiden slowly blinked, seeing a pair of bright blue eyes in front of his own. he didn't even remember falling asleep. "mm," he groaned, closing his eyes again. "thanks."
he felt a hand run through his hair, and he unwillingly let out a small, relaxed sigh. "what's up?" jack said softly. aiden heard him sink down next to him on the floor. "how were lessons with - shit, aiden, what happened to your hand?"
oh yeah. he'd forgotten. "fell," he mumbled, not bothering to elaborate. jack cursed silently.
"and you didn't disinfect it or bandage it or anything?" aiden made another sleepy "hmm" as a no. "fuck's sake. stay there, lazy bastard, i'll fix you up."
it was another quiet night for the both of them, although jack did decide to forfeit recording for a little while so as to sit with aiden, chattering and playing music loudly. and despite how his anger had faded to a soft numb burn, jack's presence was nice, and he felt slightly more alive than usual.
it was the next day that aiden noticed.
a new presence. a new electrical item in the house. that wasn't extremely unusual, but usually jack would tell him something like that, obviously knowing that aiden would recognize the change and wonder. the fact that he hadn't mentioned just made aiden more curious, and he followed the signature through the house, somehow unable to locate it exactly until late that night, when jack was recording and aiden found it in his coat pocket. a new phone. aiden hesitated, knowing he should respect jack's privacy like he'd promised and not look - but what was he doing with a whole new phone when he already had a perfectly good one?
one look. just one look. no harm could be done with just one look.
there was nothing on the phone. nothing but a text conversation to a number aiden didn't recognize.
the conversation had been initiated by jack, at two am that morning. aiden would have been asleep by then, he realized with a jolt.
hey, the message said. figured i'd message you.
the number had responded. hey there! i almost didn't think you'd text me.
who the fuck was this? a girlfriend? but why would jack have bought a whole new phone just to text her? heart racing, he kept looking.
course i did. look, i can't say much over text. can we maybe meet up again, same place we met? i want to talk to you again.
hell yeah, dude. tomorrow at twelve work for you? i gotta get the kids from school, so i can't do later than three.
sure. seeya then.
that was how the conversation ended.
ok, aiden thought. so jack was keeping secrets from him. "i can't say much over text" - hmm, wonder why that was. aiden reassembled and slumped against a wall, breathing heavily through his nose.
that fucking bastard. whoever it was he was meeting, it was someone he didn't want aiden seeing. and that was exactly why he was going to follow him and see who it was.
he thought aiden wouldn't notice if he bought a new phone? fucking idiot. it would have been easier to hide if he had just used his normal phone. did he really think aiden was stupid? he clenched his fists, biting his cheek so hard he tasted blood in his mouth. that asshole. that asshole. that fucking asshole.
by the time jack was done recording, aiden was in his room, pretending to be asleep. but in reality, he was already planning exactly what he was going to do the next day, and how he was going to tell jack what he knew.
"i'm going out," jack said, around eleven thirty the next day. aiden was sitting on the couch on his laptop, eating apple slices, and he barely glanced up at jack's words. "got shit to do. what are you gonna do?"
aiden shrugged, holding up a hand while he finished chewing. "can i hack into police records and find wrongly released criminals so i can kill them?" he joked once he'd finished.
jack rolled his eyes, relieved aiden hadn't questioned where he was going. "oh yeah, absolutely," he chuckled. "have fun with that, dude. seeya." the door clicked as he left and walked down the steps, putting up his umbrella to shield himself from the pouring rain.
he felt kind of bad doing this without telling aiden. truth was, he didn't want him to know about chase because he might think he was bad like that hero and magician. but even that… after leaving asda yesterday, jack had gone to the library and done some researching. the hero had been seen several times around the city, his costume constantly changing but always recognizable. he had become known as "jbm," which jack knew was short for "jackieboy man." how no one else knew what the jbm stood for, he didn't know, but what he did know was that this hero didn't seem evil. he had appeared to only do good things from what he had seen, from rescuing that girl at the beginning to saving a kid who was being hurt by his father. jack didn't understand why he'd hurt aiden like that. it didn't seem right.
he didn't want to say aiden was lying. he didn't.
but there was something more to the story that he was definitely missing.
he saw chase standing outside, a small yellow umbrella with a duck's face on it held over his head. seeing him again was strange enough - it was like seeing himself wearing a stranger's clothes - but that umbrella had to be the icing on this very weird cake. he tried to hold back a laugh as he walked up beside him. "hey, there."
chase jumped at his voice, then jumped again at his face. "christ on a bike, you scared me," he laughed, shaking his head. "i haven't gotten used to - you know." he waved his hand round his face, jack humming in agreement. "so, uh… where do you wanna go?"
jack hesitated. "you wanna go get some food? there's some places just over there, i don't mind where we go."
chase grinned. "hell yeah. you have any preferences? i'll eat anything, i don't mind."
"sounds like a plan."
they walked through the parking lot and crossed the street to the various restaurants across from the asda. they politely chatted the whole way there, ignoring the very obvious elephant in the room in favour of discussing chase's umbrella. "it's louise's, my daughter," he clarified with a chuckle. "i think i've lost my own one. i have gotten several strange looks, but hey, that's how it is sometimes." jack laughed, and chase held the door for him to go inside. they each ordered and sat down, preparing to finally talk.
"so," chase eventually said as they finished a casual conversation about chase's kids. "are we gonna talk about the whole… why we look identical thing?"
jack had been hoping to avoid talking about that for a while, mostly because he wasn't sure how to explain the truth without seeming insane. how do you tell someone you think you might have brought them to life? "uh, yeah. i guess. i mean… i don't really know."
"it's not even a funny "haha we look sort of similar" thing," chase said as he unwrapped his bacon and salad sandwich and took a bite. "it's like - we're literally identical. every last detail. down to the shape of, like, our eyes. and our voices are the same, just different accents." he swallowed and then puts on a very convincing irish accent. "i mean, i can do irish too."
"that is weird," jack murmured. he was starting to feel very light. "how - how did you come to be able to do such a good irish accent if you're american?"
"my family moved us to ireland when i was fifteen," he said, waving his hand in a circle. "i learned to impersonate an irish accent to fit in with my classmates, so they didn't make fun of me. dunno how it got so good." he laughed awkwardly, sipping his coke. "so we both have ties to ireland, too? damn, ok, this is getting… very weird. i think that we genuinely might be related."
jack bit into his own sandwich, at a loss for words. "uh, maybe," he said. had he really created a person with a whole backstory that he didn't even write? "yeah. yeah."
chase hesitated. "think we should do, like… a blood test or something?" he winced. "that sounded dumb. i mean, i - i told my wife about this whole thing last night and she didn't believe me, even when my kids backed me up. this is all so weird." he shook his head again and breathed out a laugh. "but, anyway! we can talk about that kinda stuff later. tell me a bit about you, i've talked about myself enough."
jack did so, avoiding all mentions of aiden and his powers, instead talking about his time in ireland and his youtube channel. surprisingly, chase told him he had a channel too. "it's called bro average," he said, picking at his sandwich and not noticing the shock on jack's face. "i do trickshot stuff, lots of athletic shit. it blew up sometime last year, i've got like two million subs. it's wild, dude, seriously!"
bro average… where had he heard those words? he knew them. he'd heard that name. fuck, but he couldn't remember where. and if it was true, this man had only been in existence for a few days. why could he remember a past, how powerful were jack's powers?
the lights flickered. chase barely noticed. jack did. he glanced up, suddenly desperately hoping it was just a coincidence.
"and you've got a gaming channel?" chase said, oblivious. "how many subs does that have? i haven't heard that name before."
"about four million," he said, face reddening as chase cheered in awe.
"holy shit! that's so cool, dude. i'll have to check it out, i'm surprised i haven't seen it." chase stirred his drink. "i think maybe we're just the same person from different lives, ha." he stilled very suddenly. "i'm joking, but also i'm really not."
the lights flickered again, much more forcibly this time. the woman preparing the sandwiches glanced up, confused.
"so… you wouldn't happen to know any other clones, would you?" chase joked, tucking a strand of hair back into his hat. "you don't seem as… surprised as you probably should be about this whole situation."
jack hesitated. "what would you say if i told you i did?"
chase raised his eyebrows and was about to say something else when he paused, looking behind him slowly. "hey, what's that… can you hear that weird buzzing noise?"
"i have to go to the bathroom," jack said immediately, standing up and nearly knocking over his drink. "be back in a sec."
he didn't even give chase time to respond. just stormed into the bathroom at the back of the restaurant and, after checking there was no one else in any of the stalls, stood in the middle of the room. "what the fuck, aiden?"
there was a loud screeching that immediately spiked jack's tinnitus, and he cried out, clamping his hands over his ears. the room sparked with colour and static, and aiden formed in front of jack, face blank.
"jesus shit, dude!" jack yelled. "what the fuck is wrong with you, are you following me?"
aiden tilted his head and crossed his arms. "you bought a whole new phone just to talk to him?" he said flatly. "and you thought i wouldn't notice? seriously? do you take me for a fucking idiot, jack mcloughlin?"
jack sighed. "i didn't -" he threw up his arms, at a loss. "aiden -"
"what were you afraid of, jack?" aiden said, very quietly. his body glitched, and his eyes melted into a solid black. "were you scared i'd be upset? scared i'd do something? scared i'd try to -" he disappeared and suddenly reformed directly in front of him, causing him to yelp and jump back. "- hurt him?"
"aiden, stop it!" jack cried disbelievingly. aiden stepped back, still glitching wildly, an amused smile on his face. "what the fuck's gotten into you?"
"you were keeping him secret." aiden deadpanned. "hiding from me. lying to me."
"because i knew you'd react like this!" jack despaired, and aiden's buzzing glitches quietened for just a second, his smirk slipping. "i knew you'd freak out and get all possessive, like you always do!"
there was no sound but the hum of static for a long moment.
"so that's how you see me, huh?" aiden eventually said. "just possessive."
jack shook his head rapidly. "aiden, fuck's sake, of course not. you're my friend!"
the smirk came back. "am i really?" the glitching suddenly picked up full force, and even the space around him began to bend around aiden. "am i? or am i just your fucking puppet, jack? here to jump when you say jump, just made to keep you from being sad and lonely?" his tone became mocking and childish at the end, and each word felt like a stab to jack's heart.
"aid-aiden, dude, of course not! what the fuck gave you that impression? i love you, you mean the goddamn world to me!"
the glitching suddenly stopped, leaving a deafening silence.
"i'm sure i do," aiden murmured, and disappeared.
jack just stared at the spot where he had been for a moment. then he splashed some water from the sinks on his face, feeling sick with dread and worry. he had never been good with confrontation, and everything aiden had said just felt… painful. the fact that he thought like that made his head spin. was he really that bad of a friend?
the word "puppet" kept echoing in his mind.
he glanced at his reflection in the mirror. he looked tired, bags under his head, hair mussed from the weather. he didn't bother trying to sort it, just left the bathroom and back into the main section of the restaurant.
chase was gone.
panic coursed through jack's body. he raced outside, swinging round the corner, only to see - his heart dropped. aiden, talking to chase as they walked quickly away from the subway.
"chase!" he called, and they both turned round, chase's eyes widening in horror as he realized. aiden broke out in a huge grin as chase jumped away from him, looking back and forth between the two of them.
"what the - what the fuck, what the fuck!" he stammered, stumbling back into a lamppost. "who - what - i don't -"
"oh, keep quiet if you've nothing good to say," aiden jeered, letting his eyes turn black. chase cried out in shock, and aiden laughed in amusement.
"aiden, get the fuck away from him," jack ordered, pushing aiden back. "this isn't a joke, aiden, stop. whatever you're mad about, don't take it out on chase."
"aw, chase!" aiden sang, rapping his knuckles on chase's head. he shrank back, terrified. "you have a name, how sweet! did you call yourself that, or did jack name you?"
"i - i - i don't know what you're talking about!" chase sobbed. his eyes flickered over to jack, who was dithering helplessly at the side, fruitlessly trying to pull aiden away. "please, leave me alone, i have a wife and kids -"
"a wife and kids!" aide crowed. he turned to jack, eyes comically wide. "you hear that, jack? he has a wife and kids!"
"aiden, stop it. come home, we can talk - i'm sorry i tried to hide this from you, ok? please, calm down, just -"
"can we talk about what the fuck is happening?" chase interrupted, looking like he was about to cry. "i don't - i don't understand, i didn't think there was more - clones, more clones, i don't get it!"
"ohhh, you didn't mention me, jack?" aiden said in an exaggerated, mocking tone, pouty lip and all. "your first creation, too?" he cackled. "why am i not surprised?"
jack covered his face, suddenly too overwhelmed to speak as chase continued panicking. "creation? jack, what - what the fuck are you on about? what have - what have you gotten me into?"
"ah. you haven't told him that either." anti turned to chase, who was trembling enormously now. "would you like me to tell you why you look so much like our jack here?"
despite it all, aiden jumped when jack put a hand on his arm. "please," he said quietly, biting his lip. "go home. or go… somewhere. or stay, if you're gonna stop being an asshole. just - stop this. please."
all the fight seemed to go out of aiden at once, and he practically deflated in front of jack's eyes. he glanced at chase, who was breathing very heavily and scrubbing at his face to try and hide the tears leaking from his eyes. he didn't say a word this time. just vanished into the air, buzzing as he disappeared.
jack and chase were left alone.
"chase," jack murmured. chase was trembling badly, shoulders shaking. "i'm sorry, i - i didn't mean - that was a lot, i'm sorry."
"what did he mean," chase said through his tears. "created?"
jack went silent.
"ok… uh," he started. a couple people walked by, and jack realized; how had no one noticed his and anti's fight? a thing to think about later, he supposed. "i… i have these… these weird abilities. aiden thinks that, maybe, it's like soul -"
"no," chase interrupted. he laughed, almost hysterically, stepping off the curb into the parking lot. "no, don't even try that shit. you're - you're insane, you're fucking insane!"
"chase, wait," jack pleaded. he cursed aiden in his mind. "please -"
chase took off running in the other direction, leaving jack standing by himself.
the worst part was, he couldn't blame him, really. he wished he too could run and never come back.
jack was alone all night.
and the next night.
and the night after that.
he spent the fourth night crying, out of despair, out of anger, out of sadness, out of fear. out of everything. he missed his friend so badly, so badly. but he'd ruined everything. it was all his fault. all his fucking fault.
yep, he was a terrible person.
aiden spent four nights away.
he spent those four nights sleeping in people's attics and such, stealing food when no one was looking and using public bathrooms in shops. he could just go home and listen to jack apologize tearfully and put all the blame on himself, which he thought would almost ne worth it - but really, he was too fucking tired. too fucking angry. he wanted to do nothing but sleep and hate himself and feel angry at everyone around him.
surprisingly, he decided to go back to the music store for his next lesson on friday. he was bored and lonely and, quite honestly, desperate for human contact. rhudy's face brightened when he saw him enter the store, and aiden hated the smile that tried to rise to his lips upon seeing him.
"septic!" rhudy cried, and without warning, threw his arms right around him. and fuck, if aiden didn't sob slightly, practically melting into the warmth. it felt fucking fantastic. he hated it. he wanted it to last forever.
"i'm sorry about the beach," rhudy mumbled into his ear. "i can see so much shit, but i didn't see - i didn't know -" he suddenly pulled away. "are you… ok?"
aiden didn't dare say a word in case he somehow burst into tears right then. rhudy took that as a sign to take his shoulder gently and pull him away from the crowd. "come round the back, you're ok, you're ok."
aiden was dimly aware that he didn't even have his guitar with him. he almost laughed at his idiocy.
"sit down. anti, are you ok? talk to me, man." rhudy opened the back room curtains, and aiden winced in the light. "you haven't been home in a while, have you?"
aiden was confused, before remembering - clairvoyance. he sighed. "no. had a fight with my - with my roommate." a shuddering breath. "i'm fine."
rhudy sat down across from him. his black hair curled round his face, stopping just above his shoulders. his brown eyes were filled with worry. "i'm sorry," he mumbled. "the other man i taught guitar to - rory - he's dead. murdered, they said. he was fucking ripped apart, they wouldn't have known it was him if it wasn't his home."
aiden forced a look of surprise onto his face. "oh, shit. rhudy, i'm sorry."
"don't be," he sighed. "it's not your fault."
aiden swallowed and looked down at the floor, nodding.
rhudy tapped his knees. "you've hurt yourself."
aiden snorted, self consciously wrapping his arms around himself. "jesus, you know a bit too much for your own good, don't you think?"
rhudy ignored him, instead gently taking one of aiden's hands and rolling up his sleeve. aiden's breath hitched at the contact, and he felt almost satisfied with how shocked rhudy looked when he saw what aiden had done. "fuck, anti, did you do this to yourself?"
not intentionally, at first. he'd just scraped his arm against the scratchy, uneven floor, then he'd liked the pain and done it again, and again. grounding himself. "why do you call me that?" aiden said, instead of answering his question.
they stared at each other in silence, rhudy still holding aiden's arm. "i don't know," rhudy eventually murmured, evidently not wanting to leave the previous topic be. "it just seemed like… your name. like it was connected to you. if - if you don't like it, i can call you something else?"
aiden considered for a moment. considered a lot of things. then he gently pulled his arm away from rhudy's and smiled up at him, an actual, genuine smile for the first time in about a week. something about that felt right. something about him felt right. suddenly, everything seemed to make sense.
"no," anti said. "i like it. i think i like it."
rhudy smiled back at him, and the world was right again.
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daffietjuh · 5 years
Alex Manes would like you to stop pointing guns at his alien, please
A/N: I’ve had this Roswell/Supernatural thing in my documents for ages, I figured I should probably just put it out there at some point. Seeing as it’s Halloween, why not today. Not that this is particularly spooky or anything, it’s more of an excuse to write Badass Alex. Also, I haven’t watched Supernatural in like.... ten years? 
Alex was just sitting around Michael’s fire pit, it was daylight so it wasn’t lit up, but the heat of the sun felt really nice on his back. Him and Michael had been working on the whole “let’s be friends before we jump back into this cosmic love we’ve got”, that meant hanging out and actually talking to each other. So here he was, watching as Michael tinkered around with an old car and gave oil changes to the sedans and minivans of middle aged house wives. It was his day off and he’d been here almost all day.
It was almost five when a car pulled into the yard. Alex wasn’t an expert on cars by any stretch of the imagination, but even he recognized that this was a beautiful car. Michael whistled at it.
‘Wow.’ He said when two men unfolded themselves from the car. ‘She’s a beauty.’
Alex may not be an expert on cars, but he was an expert on recognizing dangerous people when he saw them. These two, were dangerous. Alex sat up a little straighter in his chair.
‘Thanks man.’ The shorter one of the two was still about 6’1 and build. He carried himself with a dangerous grace and his smile was just a tad too sharp. The taller one, who was at least 6’4 and build like a brick wall, had immediately taken in the surroundings and Alex. Like a soldier would.
They were both armed too. They hid it well, but Alex wasn’t stupid.
‘What can I do for you?’ Michael didn’t seem to notice as he wiped his hand on a rag hanging from his back pocket and he approached the men. Alex wanted to tell him to stop, to not go closer, but he didn’t want to alert them. He wasn’t sure what they wanted, maybe they were just passing through, no need for bloodshed.
‘Her engine has been playing up a little. We can usually figure it out ourselves, but I can’t seem to find the problem. We were told you’re the guy to see when you have car troubles.’ The shorter one said. He’d now also glanced at Alex at least twice.
Objectively, they were both handsome, but Alex was a little too busy trying to figure out how to keep Michael safe to really care about that. Alex decided to head closer. He pushed himself off the chair, his leg protested but he ignored it. The tall one was immediately looking at Alex, his eyes flickered down to Alex’s legs almost immediately. Observant.
‘What kind of car is it?’ Alex asked, it seemed like a good enough excuse to mix himself in the conversation.
‘She is a ’67 Chevy Impala.’ The short one said, bristling over Alex calling the car an “it”. Michael laughed, warm and friendly.
‘Don’t mind him, he wouldn’t know a Mustang from a Volkswagen. It’s tragic, I know.’ Alex huffed and rolled his eyes.
‘Yeah, and you wouldn’t know the difference between a Remington 700PSS and a SVD Dragunov, but you don’t hear me bitching about that.’ It wasn’t particularly subtle, using rifles as an example.
‘I don’t even know what half those words mean.’ Michael grinned at him. ‘I’ll take a look at it.’ Michael said to the guys. He headed over to the car with the shorter one, leaving the tall one with Alex.
‘So, what brings you to Roswell?’ Alex asked, he could do a little digging.
‘We’re just passing through. We’re heading to an uncle down in Texas.’ The tall one said. Alex hummed.
‘Taking the long way there, huh?’ Alex asked. The guy shrugged, shit he was huge, fighting this guy would suck.
‘We’re not in a hurry.’ He said, Alex could see the outline of the gun at his back and the knife in his boot. Alex nodded.
‘So you’re brothers?’ Alex asked. The tall one looked at him from the corner of his eye.
‘Yeah.’ He should probably try to get a name out of them.
‘I’m Alex.’ He held out his hand to the tall one.
‘Sam.’ He shook his hand, they were big and strong and these guys definitely knew how to fight. It was in their entire way of being. Probably raised by someone who could fight.
‘That’s Michael.’ Alex said, nodding at where Michael was leaning over the engine of the car. From what Alex caught of the conversation, Michael had yet to spot anything off.
‘That’s Dean.’ Sam and Dean, alright.
‘So, did you serve?’ Alex asked, and Sam stilled.
‘What makes you ask that?’
‘Just the way you hold yourself.’ Alex shrugged.
‘No, my father was a Marine, but we never served.’ Sam said, he sounded like he was trying to decide if Alex was a threat or not. ‘So tell me about this town, lots of weird shit happens here right?’ Sam asked and Alex looked at him for a second.
‘Alien enthusiast?’ He asked, Sam shook his head a little.
‘Nah, just heard a lot of stories about this place. Unexplained blackouts, disappearances, strange healings and other stuff like that.’ Alex nodded slowly.
‘It’s a small town, people like to talk, everything gets exaggerated by tenfold.’ Alex said. Whoever this guy was he was very well informed. Too well.
‘I don’t know man, I can’t find anything wrong with her.’ Michael straightened up, shrugging his shoulders. He sounded like it pained him to admit it.
Dean made eye contact with Sam something passed between them. Alex narrowed his eyes.
‘That’s alright. We weren’t really here for the car anyways.’ Dean said, a chill ran down Alex’s spine.
‘Michael.’ He said. His tone must have said enough because Michael tensed. He could go for Sam’s gun. It was probably his best bet. He moved the moment Dean did. He was lucky Sam was on the side of his good leg, because it gave him the speed to snatch the gun away before Sam could swipe at him.
When everyone stopped moving again, Alex had Sam’s gun pointed at Sam and Dean was pointing his at Michael. Dean studied the way Alex held the gun. He looked dangerously comfortable with the weight of his own weapon in his hand.
‘Alright. Let’s take it easy here.’ Dean said.
‘You’re the one coming in here armed.’ Alex said, his aim not wavering from Sam’s chest.
‘You’re not really going to shoot him.’ Dean said, with much more bravado and sass than necessary. ‘That’s murder, murder isn’t very nice.’
‘If you don’t put your gun down, I most certainly will shoot him.’ Alex said firmly. ‘Listen buddy, he means the world to me and I left nice back in the Middle East.’ Dean’s eyes flickered down to his leg.
‘Do you even know what he is?’ Michael, who’d been shifting uncomfortably, stilled.
‘What he is?’ Alex asked. He almost hoped this was some kind of racist thing.
‘He’s some kind of creature. We traced all the weird stuff in this town to him and two others.’ Dean said, as Michael tensed even further. They knew about Isobel and Max.
‘How do you even know about the weird stuff, that’s not exactly public record.’ Alex said, still keeping his emotions in check. He didn’t want to shoot Sam, but if Dean didn’t give him any other choice, he would.
‘We got the intel from someone local.’ Sam spoke up. He sounded much too relaxed for someone with a gun pointed at him. So Alex took the safety off the gun. That ramped up the tension.
‘Jesse Manes.’
‘What?’ Alex said. He suddenly felt cold all over.
‘Your dad?’ Michael said, and that had both Sam and Dean look surprised.
‘Jesse Manes is your father?’
‘Unfortunately.’ Alex said. ‘Look, whatever the man told you, it’s probably a lie. He’s insane.’
‘You didn’t seem all that surprised when I said this one was a creature.’ Dean said, motioning towards Michael with the gun.
‘If Michael was a danger to the people in this town, I would kill him myself.’ Alex said, even though it made him feel sick.
‘Really? You just said he means the world to you, that you would kill an unarmed man for him.’ Dean said with a disbelieving look on his face.
‘I’ve killed people I loved before.’ Alex said, and for the first time he saw a hint of doubt on Dean’s face. ‘He’s not the monster here.’ Alex added.
‘Alex.’ Michael sounded like someone had punched him in the solar plexus.
‘Look, if you just get in your very nice car, and get the hell out of this town, I won’t report you to every single agency I have contacts in.’ Alex offered.
‘How do we know you’re not the crazy one?’ Sam asked. He shifted closer and Alex stepped back, making a tutting sound at him.
‘Don’t try anything stupid. I can pull the trigger before you can do any of the things you’re thinking of.’ Alex warned. ‘Look, there’s a reason I outrank my father. He’s a terrible man and he hates anything that different from what he believes to be normal. In my experience, humans are the worst thing out there. We’re the monsters.’
The brothers shared a look. They were having an entire conversation without saying a word. It ended with Dean sighing and going:
‘Fine. But we’re keeping an eye on this town. If more weird shit happens here, we might come back.’
‘It’s Roswell, weird shit always happens here.’ Alex argued.
‘More deadly weird shit.’ Dean rolled his eyes.
‘Alright, that’s fine.’ Alex shrugged.
‘Are you going to stop pointing that gun at my brother now?’ Dean asked, and Alex shrugged.
‘Are you going to stop pointing that gun at Michael now?’
‘Are we seriously going to have to count to ten?’ Sam asked. Michael sighed.
‘On three?’ Alex asked with a smirk. Dean rolled his eyes, but nodded.
‘One, two, three.’ Michael counted impatiently.
Both Dean and Alex lowered their weapons. Sam held out his hand for the gun, but Alex wasn’t about to give it back.
‘No, you can leave that with me.’ Sam seemed to want to argue, but Dean was already heading to the car.
‘Sam, come on.’
Alex kept the gun, keeping his eyes firmly on the car, almost forcing them out of the yard with his glare. They both stayed silent until they couldn’t hear the rumble of the engine anymore.
‘So, what the fuck just happened?’ Michael asked, startling into motion. Alex shrugged.
‘They were here to kill you.’
‘And you saved me.’
‘You could have used your telekinesis, I’m sure you could have handled them.’
‘They could have shot me in the back of the head while I was looking into the car, you saved me.’ Michael repeated, stepping closer with a heated look on his face. Alex swallowed.
‘I care about you Michael, of course I saved you.’ Michael grinned.
‘My hero.’ He stepped into Alex’s space. It was a move so familiar he should have seen it coming.
‘I thought we were still doing the friends thing.’ Alex said as Michael slid his hands up his chest. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off Michael’s mouth or anything, but still.
‘You never said just friends.’ Who was Alex to argue with that?
He let the last of his resolve slip away and kissed Michael. He hummed happily in the back of his throat and Alex was inclined to agree.
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polygamyff · 4 years
57. Part 3
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I wish I could go in with him, but I can’t, I have Reign with me also, and she will not sit still “do you want me to watch you while you go in?” I said trying to supress my smile, Maurice side eyed me not impress with what I said “whatever, I can do this thank you” he opened the car door “what are you doing anyways, while I am here?” he looked over at me, his body half hanging out of the car “erm, Reign and I will spend some mother and daughter time, shopping of course. You will feel better Maurice, this is a good thing, ok?” Maurice nodded his head “well I shall leave you ladies to it, I will miss you all” Maurice pecked my lips “that is me going” he is so dramatic “it’s a blood transfusion Maurice, not brain surgery”  Maurice leaned down looking into the car “you’re cheeky, not having it. Leave me be, this is big for me. You can take your none caring ass somewhere” he closed the car door, shaking my head smiling. He is feeling sorry for himself for no reason at all, it is a simple blood transfusion but Maurice is making sure he feels sorry for himself with this “oh Reign, what you think we should do?” turning in the front seat to look at her, she is so quiet but that is because her pacifier is in her mouth. My phone started to ring in my bag, reaching over on the backseat and grabbing my bag. Reign’ head popped forward “you are so judgemental looking at me like that” getting my phone out, she is thinking why am I getting my bag “oh ok” seeing Leon’ name on my phone, he is calling me. Answering the call “if it isn’t my boo thing” I said laughing down the phone “I had to check on my girlfriend, I am off work now. All for you and your wedding my baby. I actually was going to come to the home but then I remembered that mom is working, and I can imagine you may be out doing something?” he was coming to the home “well for a few hours I have free time on my hands, where would you like to go?” I have free time anyways “first of all, are you wearing heels?” he asked “not today” I wonder what he is thinking “let’s go to Oak Canyon Nature Center, Reign can see some nature and things and also it’s close. Shall I meet you there” that is cute “sure, I will meet you there. Don’t be late” I know his ass is always bad with timing.
Leon gagged, he is gagging but it is me changing this damn diaper, not him “imagine if you got shit on these leather seats” pulling Reign’ jeans up “I am glad she did it now and stop that. You are supposed to be her godparent!?” Leon laughed “well I put your dirty diaper in the trashcan, I did my bit for the day. I love this top baby” standing Reign up on the car seat as I fixed her jeans “baby girl, you are slaying with that Fendi. I love it, Uncle Leon loves it. You have such an elegant pretty face, you going to look like your mother. In school she flourished, I mean when I looked back on the pictures of us, we looked terrible” sitting Reign down “let mommy put shoes on now, I honestly cringe seeing those pictures, I had no right in flaunting my forehead like that. What did anyone see in me, I looked terrible” I do hate putting her shoes on when dressing Reign, it’s the shoes for me, it’s like I feel they don’t fit but they do, that is her size “I mean your genes, you got that beautiful black genes with that hint of Latin, it’s like an added spice” I snorted laughing “added spice, you’re stupid” shaking my head “also, I am glad Thomas is not your dad. He hates gays, he hated me. I spoke on anything he hated. I called him dad he hated it. I think he hated any man near you. I am gay and he hated me. Remember when he blew a fit over the fact I fell asleep in our bed? I was like I am not into boobs and pussy sir, and if he knew I seen your ass naked, what was he going to do. He was weird Robyn; I didn’t like him. Bad vibes for me” I groaned out “I hate these shoes, you got fat feet girl” I huffed out “you never did like him Leon, I did see why” he seemed like he didn’t like gays, I felt it but Leon is my best friend so fuck him.
Leon is so funny; he is embracing the stroller pushing part. Reign is so intrigued by everything but I keep having to stop her from picking things “ooohhh” she pointed at the dog walking by “that is not Khaleesi baby” she started walking towards the dog “Reign, no” rushing over and grabbing her arm “that is not Khaleesi ma’am. Look at this baby, oh wow. Pretty flowers” letting her arm go “she loves to check things out don’t she, it’s so cute to see. Like I wish she lived here because I don’t get to see her like I do. She is growing up so quickly. She out here walking like she got two left feet, love you boo” Reign walked by Leon and to the flowers she seen “Reign is trying to find her feet still, she is getting there but she is nosey. She likes to touch and likes to get to know things” Reign stopped and looked behind “we here girl, you go” Leon said, I am glad she checked before she continued “are you ready for another one? You seem really content, I like to see that” nodding my head slowly “I am happy, I wanted another baby, because I was broody for it so then I knew it was the best time. I am settled now in New York, I am happy to bring another big headed child” Leon cooed out “I am happy for you, it’s what you and Reign deserve, and I see the happiness in you. I feel like I disappointed you, and I probably did but I made a mistake” walking over to Reign slowly “I don’t have friends Leon, you know that so for me. You were that person, so close to meand for you to not be this guy I knew, it hurt. This is the Leon I know, caring. No Reign, you don’t pull flowers” crouching down to her “I get it, and I feel like we do need to work on us but I am still the same Leon, just with added value” I laughed shaking my head.
Reign’ little ass is tired so she is in the stroller and we just sitting down on the patch of grass, when I mean patch of grass I mean Leon taking his jacket off and placing that on the ground so I can sit “you lucky I came with snacks, I ain’t stupid” I am glad Leon did I am hungry “this baby be making me feel a lot Leon, I think I am more emotional with this baby, so much. I just be crying, getting angry so easily at things. And then I am like oh wow what happened, it’s a mess. It’s different so maybe it is a boy? I want a boy, I can then hopefully if Maurice is in a good mood name him Romano, you know if my dad was here and shit was different my name would be Robyn Romano? Like how beautiful is that?” Leon’ eyes widened “it adds a little spice to your name, mhmmm. I like that but it’s a beautiful name. I mean Reign-Texas and Romano Devenport? He can’t deny that” I clapped my hands “see! This is what I mean, that shit rhymes but Maurice. Knowing him, it will be something to do Marquis but I mean we can call him Romano Marquis Davenport but I will need to do the whole discussion thing with him, I have to make out I don’t have my heart set on it. Having a husband is hardwork though. My mom keeps telling me, make the man feel like he has input. It works but when I don’t do it, we argue but honestly if it were up to Maurice my daughter would be called Texas? I mean nigga, the fuck?” rolling my eyes as Leon laughed out “it’s like any man I guess, they love to feel that have that control. They are a weird specious” I chuckled “but Maurice is good, he lets me do what I need but he likes to have his input, which brings me to you and him. I want my friend and my husband to get on. I just, I haven’t told my mom that you both fell out but I just think if I can stop his ego, I can or may be able to get you both to speak if you want that?” I have to ask “he hates me Robyn, I know he does. He’s going to probably make me cry, I know he has mouth on him” I sighed out “he has, I told him you admitted to going out of your way to get back at him” Leon’ eyes widened “oh no, but at that moment I hated him along with you!” he spat, Leon is not happy that I told him.
Leon blew out air, he is not happy “Robyn, he is totally done with me now, I cannot go back. I am not sure if to just leave it. That alone is going to make him hate me, I don’t know” Leon has probably got a point “then let me speak to him and try, please?” Leon nodded his head “fine, I will let you try but maybe it has gone further then we thought now, it’s sad because I did like Maurice. He has made you happy but also sad with some of the things. I will if he decides to let me speak but I don’t see it, he is stubborn of course” nodding my head in agreement, he is right because Maurice is stubborn “he did say if you was around he would walk out, he would keep his distance but I would like to fix that. What hurt me was you didn’t speak to me, why didn’t you speak to me. Why run away from me!? Out of all people, you never left my side and then you did, I was hurt. I was losing my friend but you’re here now and I am happy. Look at us” I chuckled “yes, look at us. But I was scared, call it what you want but I just felt bad about it and then I didn’t want you to say were over in terms of friendship, but as soon as you text me the date, I booked time off. It’s about us, spending time together” Leon held my hand “come to Maurice’ event, I want you to sit with me” Leon looked taken aback “I don’t know how to feel that the same place he had his birthday party and to me, that is bad memories of seeing him and his wife, I was pregnant. But we also had a beautiful dance together, I need you with me. You understand the pain” Leon smiled at me lightly “also we met Beyoncé” I snorted laughing, he would remember that “yes we did but stick to what I felt like, you held my hand then and I just need that support” Leon put his head down “I feel so emotional, you know I will be there with you. I got you” Leon leaned over and hugged me.
Getting a sleeping Reign out of her stroller and placing her over my shoulder “Robyn, look at me” Leon said, turning around “we need a selfie, it’s been a while” I pulled a face looking away “I look terrible” Leon’ eyes bulged out “on your worst days you are bomb as fuck, shut up. Now please” I shuffled closer to Leon “to Robyn Davenport, the queen of the empire” I laughed at Leon being dumb, but he took the picture “oh please, don’t do that!” I spat, Leon turned around “but I love your smile, look” he turned the phone to me “also Maurice hasn’t unfollowed me on Instagram, I still feel like Royalty” smiling at the picture “I look like I am glowing, am I?” looking at him “you been glowing bitch, it looks nice. Reign is serving side profile, simply perfect. My caption will be me and my girl, simple and cute just like me” Leon said “you mean easy and cute” I retorted “girl, fuck you” I laughed as I turned to my car to buckle in Reign, I needed this time with Leon because I needed to see he cared and he made the effort with me.
Sitting outside the hospital waiting, not a place I want to see for a while. I have used every holiday I got for this, when I go back to work I have no holiday hours left. I am going away for so long, then wait for the added bonus of this baby, oh they are not going to be happy. Looking in the rear-view mirror to check on Reign, she is tired. I made that poor girl walk a lot, Maurice would have picked her up, she is getting spoilt. Looking back at my phone, the picture Leon took I look good, he right as fuck that I am glowing. Scrolling down and tapping on the comments, there is a lot of comments on this picture “I would wife that” I read out smiling, that is cute. Let me reply back “I would too” I read to myself as I replied back, I mean I would marry myself also. The knock on the car window made me jump, looking up and seeing Maurice. Unlocking the car door for him, Maurice dragged open the door “I am back, where is my hug?” Maurice said as he got in the car “just reading comments of marriage proposals, don’t mind me” Maurice huffed out sitting into the car “it’s all about you when I had to go through that?” locking my phone as I looked over at Maurice “ok, here is the attention you wanted, how was it?” Maurice closed the car door “it was a little painful thank you, I have a booboo” he held his arm out “ok, so?” looking at his arm “I am joking” leaning over and kissing his cheek “do you feel good? You look refreshed” he really does “I feel better, it’s just a weird thing to go through. They thought I was getting ill at first, I sneezed and they panicked, but it was just some dust probably irritating my nose” poking my lips out “you are so adorable, I am very happy you did this off your own back, you learning. You saw the issue and you fixed it, so suit shopping now? I don’t get it though; you have the entire catalogue of suits? I mean they all look the same” he could just use them “I mean you have an entire catalogue of weaves that look the same but different colour, but you still buy?” my mouth fell open, I was not expecting such a come back “wow!” I spat “we are going to argue Maurice, wow!” I was not expecting that “but am I wrong? You judge my colour and name coordinating ways, not my fault you’re jealous of it” putting my hand in his face “you are just a bitch” I can’t believe it, it was funny but I need to be fake mad.
I am not angry with Maurice; it was actually funny what he said. He shocked me because I wasn’t ready for that, he is so rude questioning my weaves “you been hanging with Leon then?” peaking over at this phone “looks like it, don’t you think I look nice? Like the picture for me, tell me I am beautiful too” I smiled to myself “I can tell you that in the car, how come you went with Leon? I wasn’t asked” I guess we might as well discuss this “well he called as soon as you left the car, he said let’s go for a walk. We just spoke on things, it was nice to have my friend with me, the friend I know. I did say I would watch his behaviour and that I wouldn’t chase him but we spoke, he has taken a week off for me, and that I wanted to ask you something” I mean I am asking him but I have already told Leon “someone in his comments said your coochie looks like it tastes nice” I laughed out looking at Maurice “is he wrong though? Is he cute?” Maurice frowned at me “I am joking, but is he wrong?” he is so moody and I am smiling “awww come on Maurice, I am joking” he is funny “you best not be liking any other man Robyn” pulling a face as I stared at the road “I mean Quincy is cute” Maurice is going to be annoyed and now I won’t be able to speak to him properly “then marry him” I pointed at Maurice “say that and I will stop this car” I know how his mind works “well! Don’t say that to me!” he half shouted “because I know that will annoy you, I love you pootie” stopping at the red light “look at your pootie face” Maurice is not happy at all “come on now” poking my bottom lip out at him “this coochie is yours, is it not? I am just joking with you, to annoy you. You make it so easy for me to do it too” Maurice rolled his eyes “your forehead is shining in that picture so there” I chuckled, he is childish.
Parking outside an apartment complex “you know where this is?” Maurice pointed “uhm no, what is it?” I hate parking, I can’t do it for shit “Davenport apartments, this is yours and Reign’ thing. This is under you, I have been too busy to really look at it but it opened up and the apartments were already fully booked” my eyes widened “oh wow, baby!? This is wonderful but what we doing here? Awww you really getting into the housing thing aren’t you?” Maurice grinned “you know it but I wanted to bring you here, show you the building that is finally done. I am proud of it, it’s the first to finish and yeah” I cooed out “it has security in there too?” I think I can see the guards “it does, twenty four hours, we have some famous people here. Some are like influencers that live here but just know your portfolio is coming together, I am always working on it for you and Reign but are you impressed?” opening the car door as I unbuckled the belt “impressed, baby I am amazed like what the hell” stepping out of the car, looking up the apartment complex “it’s a perfect place to be at too, wow. I am a little shocked” I didn’t expect this, I didn’t really remember this or him telling me “pass me my phone” I said to Maurice, I have to note this on my Instagram. Aiming my camera up at the building as I took the picture “thank you so much Maurice, like I never remembered” captioning the picture as I sat in the car ‘Building for the future, my husband surprised me with ‘The Davenport’ which is the very first apartment complex under the Davenport name. First of many to come, thank you baby’ I mean if anyone wants to hate me even more, they can now “I am so happy Maurice, like wow. It’s actually beautiful” closong the car door as I pressed post “well it took time but here we are” leaning over the panel and kissing his cheek “oohhh kisses now, so I did good?” he turned to look at me “you did amazing” pecking his lips “I posted on my social so if you would like to add to that” I smiled wide.
I am enjoying driving this Bentley, maybe I need to convert to a Bentley now “Robyn” Maurice said “mhmm?” I hate traffic here “look here” turning my head “oohh, you doing selfies now? You want me in your selfie, baby you can’t take pictures for anything but because you are doing it. I will take it” shifting closer, I mean we are in traffic so it’s ok. Maurice smiled which made me smile and then he took the picture “nope, that is a no. You smiled” hitting his shoulder “another one please” Maurice sighed out “fine” he shifted in his seat as he held his phone up, sitting back a little “ok, you done moving your head?” he said watching what I was doing which made me laugh “I am keeping it” I gasped “oh please! No!” reaching over to snatch his phone but the traffic started to move “I hate you” he is so annoying “Robyn, you look nice. Just give me a moment” rolling my eyes, I look awful when I be laughing, I don’t like it but he’s not stopping. I need to add the part of Leon coming to his event but like I don’t want to ruin the mood either, I need to word it right first. Putting my indicator on and waiting to go into the left lane, I am in the wrong lane to beat traffic but now I have to go into the lane that has traffic. Putting the window down so I can poke my head out, smiling at the guy in the car hoping he lets me in. The car ahead moved forward, hearing a honk and I looked back at the guy, he smiled and gestured for me to go into the lane. Waving my hand at him as I drove slowly, catching him blowing a kiss at me “well ok” I mumbled to myself “what?” Maurice mumbled “nothing, just trying to beat traffic” looking in my rear view mirror as I got into the lane, the guy is smiling at me looking at the rear view mirror “what a creep” I said to myself “so, you ready. I finished typing” looking at Maurice, he is so cute and none the wiser “I am listening pootie” trying to peak over at his phone “I am not poetic, I don’t do this but I try” furrowing my eyebrows at him “is that what you put?” I am confused “no, just telling you I tried. I am trying” letting out an oh “go on then, I am excited” I want hear what he wrote down “Robyn didn’t want to smile, she wanted me to delete this picture but she doesn’t know that her smile is the smile that lights up the room. Money, and buildings is nothing to me, I would make you a building in every city for you, I have never been so happy, it’s not perfect and I wouldn’t give that false persona but this is our perfect, with the doubters around we still made it through and now we about to be married, our souls connected and now our names will be connected. I have never been so happy, thank you for loving me when I didn’t think I could be loved” wiping my tears and then laughing at Maurice looking at me crazy “you made me cry, oh my god. Maurice, you really posted that?” I sniffled trying to not wipe my make up off “yes, I mean it. I just wanted to post something sweet about you” I want to hug him so bad “god, I love you. Maurice, that is so sweet. Thank you” I was not expecting that.
As soon as I got out of the car I ran around the car “what are you doing?” Maurice said as he got out of the car “I want to hug you, pootie that was so sweet. Why don’t you see that” wrapping my arms around Maurice’ body “you think? I thought it was corny” Maurice wrapped her arms around me “I miss that booty though, when you going to let me have some” Maurice gripped my butt, I giggled at him “I was feeling horny actually but then I am trying to stop myself, I think it’s best to wait it out” looking up at Maurice “I love you Bonita, I really do even though you spoilt as shit. I’m honestly so excited for this baby, even though Reign is my number one forever, she my twin for real” I gasped “I am not, just spoilt sometimes. I can never amount to what you ever give me, makes me sad but I will give you all my love” I grinned “mhmmm, sure. I want it all every day” Maurice pressed a kiss to my lips “I should have wrote more, damn. Imagine what I would get if I wrote a long ass paragraph” I chuckled moving back “I would be on my knees sir, you missed out” I said laughing.
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter: 4 Truth Or Lie
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The next morning
Knock knock
I groaned hearing the knock on my door. "Ya."
Tamara opened the door. "Hey honey I'm heading over to management for a meeting I should be back by 6 or 7. Will you be ok?"
"Yup, oh do you mind getting me cranberry juice while you're out pleeeeeease?" I asked with a big grin on my face.
"Sure be good, and we'll probably go out later." She shuts the door and leaves.
I got up gave my family a call, then made breakfast, and showered. I thought back to yesterday when I had told Nikki that I would meet up with him. Should I go or no I thought to my self. I mean, I don't really like him. But then again, I don't know him. Which was why he was saying we should see each other again so I could get to know him.
Meh I think I'll stay in doors. Plus when Tamara gets back were going out so that will be fun. Great I made my decision. That was easy.
3:35 pm
Ring Ring Ring, Ring Ring Ring
Oh man I fell asleep while watching TV, guess I was really tired. I ran to the phone and quickly picked it up. "
"Hi miss Darlington we have a guy downstairs here who says he knows you and he's trying to barge into the building."
All of a sudden I hear swearing and yelling in the back round.
"Fuck you man get the fuck outta my way. Were suppose to meet up."
"Miss Darlington were going to call the police this man clearly dosen't know you."
Oh my God why the hell did Nikki come here! He can't just leave me alone, ughh.
"No dont I'll be right down." I say hanging the phone up.
I ran to the elevator and went downstairs. When I got there security guards were holding onto Nikki. But they were doing a terrible job because Nikki was fighting them back. And there's 2 of them, can you imagine.
"Get the fuck off me before I fuck you up." Nikki shoved one of them.
"Woah calm down Nik. Hey you guys can let him go." I ran up to them.
"What the fuck Iman?" He yelled walking straight towards me. Jaw clenched, fist rolled in a ball, and a face that was probably redder than the colour red.
"Nikki calm down I'm sorry, I fell asleep."
Which was half true.
"Bullshit, you had me there waiting for 30 fucking minutes like an asshole. If you knew you didn't want to come you should have just say so." He shouted pointing his finger in my face.
Boy was he angry. And I could see the guards tense up ready to grab him especially with how close he was getting to me.
"Nikki I'm sorry ok. Please calm down, let's go upstairs and talk. Please." I whispered placing my hand on his cheek.
Nikki eased up a bit, thank God. I guess a womans touch really does help.
We reached up stairs and I let Nikki in. He walked around the condo and saw all the antiques that were in the home. He could tell that this was an expensive place.
I also looked at what Nikki was wearing the usual black leather. Leather pants with a black T-shirt and a leather jacket over it. Does he ever change?
"Do you want something to drink?" I asked walking in front of him.
He turned to me. "Did you stand me up?" I want the truth Mani." He asked as he looked in my eyes.
I could see the look on his face. It was mixed with hurt and a bit of anger. Oh God do I tell the truth or lie.
"Nikki I fell asleep watching TV ok, I'm really sorry."
Well I also wasn't going to come, but I think I'll leave that out. I mean after all I did tell truth about sleeping.
"I meant what I said Mani. I'm not that guy you saw in New York and if you give me a chance I can show you."
So my nick name is "Mani" now alrighty.
"Look, Nik I don't doubt that you're a nice guy I just have alot of things going on with me right now. And Tamara will be back soon so you can't stay long."
"So then let's head over to the cafe and talk about what's going on with you. I mean.... you said you just fell asleep. And you still owe me a date. Or I can just stay here and we talk instead." Nikki stated with a smirk across his face.
God I want to slap that smirk right off his face. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows he cant stay here I'll get into all kinds of trouble.
"Alright let me get dressed and we'll go." I huffed.
I decided on a flowy yellow dress with platforms. I did my make up and teased my hair a bit. I put on burgandy lipstick. I wanted to look simple but classy. I grabbed an expensive handbag and headed out to Nikki.
"Wow you look gorgeous doll." Nikki bit his lip when he saw me. "But princess were just going to the cafe." Nikki stated as he got up.
"Well I like to dress classy and nice where ever I go Nikki. You should try it. Leather isn't everything." I responded while picking up the keys to the condo and heading out the door with him. ___________
"Nikki where are we going?" I demanded as we passed the cafe.
Don't worry." Nikki turned to me and smiled. God I should have just let the security guards take him away.
I started to fidget with his radio. Prince's song When the doves cry came on. I started singing loudly to the song.
Nikki then switched the radio to a different station. A rock station. I glared at him as he started singing some song.
Oh it's been getting so hard Living with the things you do to me My dreams are getting so strange I'd like to tell you everything I see
Oh, I see a man at the back as a matter of fact His eyes are as red as the sun And the girl in the corner let no one ignore her Cause she thinks she's the passionate one
Oh yeah! It was like lightning Everybody was fighting And the music was soothing And they all started grooving
I switched the radio back to When the doves cry and turned up the volume even louder and started singing at the top of my lungs.
How could you just leave me standing Alone in a world so cold Maybe I'm just too demanding Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold Maybe you're just like my mother She's never satisfied Why do we scream at each other This is what it sounds like When doves cry
Nikki then slammed on brakes and I flew forward then backwards hitting my back on to the chair. "Nikki what the hell!" I shouted holding my chest.
He turned the car off and pulled his keys out laughing like what he did was funny.
"Come on PRINCEss we're here" emphasizing on the "Prince." And laughing again.
What a jerk! He could have seriously hurt me.
We arrived at a house, Nikki opened the door and the smell of weed and alcohol hit my nose right away. We walked in and I saw half naked woman all over the place making out with guys, plus beer bottles on the gound, men passed out on the floor, and people doing drugs. Is this where he really wanted to bring me?
"Eyyy Sixx is finally here, and who do you got there with you, you dirty fucker?" The guy came running with his hands out and scrawny legs tripping all over each other.
"Woah T- bone settle down this is Iman Darlington." Nikki points at me with one hand while placing the other on this T- bone guys chest.
"Hey there Iman nice to meet you, I'm Tommy Lee drummer for Motley fucking Crue." He wipes his hands on his pants and brings it up for me to shake.
I really didn't want to shake his hand, only God knows what kind off diseases were on it.
"Hi nice to meet you Tommy" I shake his hand reluctantly.
"Actually." I yelp as he picks me up with my feet dangling off of the ground into a big hug. "I'm a hugger." He puts me back down and takes my hand and pulls me towards the couches.
"Have a seat doll." He points at the... is that a couch? I was absolutely not going to sit on that disgusting thing. Who knows what was on that couch.
"Geez you really are a fucking princess." Nikki rolls his eyes as he takes off his jacket and puts it down on the couch for me to sit on.
"Hey you look familiar." Tommy glares at me with a grin.
"That's because she's the chick from the diner that got splashed in the face by Nikki." A short blonde guy responded while walking out of a room laughing and pulling up his pants.
What a prick.
"Hi I'm Vince Neil lead singer of Motley Crue." He extends his hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Iman Darlington" I give him my hand to shake with a fake smile.
Could this day just be over.
I listen to the guys ramble on and on about their tour with Ratt and Ozzy Osbourne. A whole group of people surrounded us where we were sitting and they were laughing at the stories the guys were telling. I personally didn't think it was funny especially the way they treated some of the woman.
Nikki had his arm placed around my neck tightly like he owned me. It was a little uncomfortable.
"After the concert at the Bronco Bowl Dallas, Texas, a blond and a brunette don't know their names and I don't give a fuck." Nikki stated. "Came back stage and wanted to fuck all of us, so Vince and I told them that they had to work for our dicks. We told them they had to sit on a champagne bottle until we get back. And if they were still on the bottle by the time we got back they could fuck us." Nikki laughed and so did every one else.
"Oh shit the fucking best part was in the hotel room when we shoved a phone up the blond ones pussy, and.. and what else." laughed Tommy.
"Toothpaste!" Yelled Vince.
"And fucking made her friend call her mom hahahahaha yeah dude." Tommy yelled while throwing up the rock and roll sign.
I was mortified by some of the stories they were telling. I mean Nikki even went on to say he got into a knife fight with a bouncer, Ozzy sniffing ants and licking pee off the ground. Who are these guys rejects from hell!
"Alright guys you ready for the main coarse." Some guy says bringing out 2 silver platters. He was about to open them when Nikki cleared his throat nervously and glared at him.
"Hey Sixx we're not snor..."
"Tommy shut the fuck up." Vince interrupted him.
"I'm a... I'm gonna take you home ok princess." Nikki rubbed my arm then kissed the top of my head.
I said my goodbyes and we left.
We reached back at the Condo and I got out of the car.
"Where you going?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
"I'm walking you up." Nikki laughed getting out of his car shutting the door and walking in with me.
"No you can't Tamara will see you." I place my arm on his chest to stop him from walking.
"Princess, I either carry you up or we walk up. Pick one." He smirked.
I didn't bother to argue he looked serious. We got into the elevator and as soon as the door closed he moved towards me. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled my body towards his.
"Nikki." I gasped putting my hand on his chest to push away.
He took my arms and put them around his neck. I pulled one of my arms off his neck and used my hand to move the hair out of his face. I looked into his eyes and they darkened to a deep shade of green. I bit my lip and he licked his lips and leaned down to.....
Oh thank God... the elevator door opened. Nikki groaned as I slipped passed him into the hallway.
"So can I at least have your number to call you?" Nikki asked leaning on the elevator door.
"Do you have a pen?" I turned and asked.
I sighed. "Meet me at the Diner tomorrow for 3." I smiled.
"Mani don't play with me." Nikki chuckled.
"I'll be there I promise." I winked.
I went inside and thought to my self. What am I doing? This guy is no good for me. He's dangerous. He could never be the type of guy you bring home to your parents. Plus I wonder what was in that silver platter?
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parismemes · 5 years
“i need to sleep eventually.” “this is one long, long drive. but it’s okay, because i have a good story to tell on the way.” “let me tell you about how we broke into a police station.” “i’d been on the road for hours and i was so hungry.” “nothing casual about the two of us.” “i’m gonna need you to make a distraction.” “i need to do something very stupid and very loud. so i need you to do something stupider and louder than me.” “oh man, don’t tell me. i’d have to try and stop you.” “what is it about texas that makes them want their flags so big?” “texas is nothing if not performatively loud.” “i’m not in america right now. i’m in texas.” “a kid in a place this dangerous.. the one thing they know more than any other thing is how to not be noticed.” “you can probably see the problem, here.” “wow, those cactuses.. no, cacti, right?” “let go of the old mess. embrace the new mess.” “i avoided getting *completely* skewered.” “hey, assholes, how’s your front window?” “start driving!” “and that’s how we broke into a police station.” “do any of these places seem important to you?” “that’s as good of a next step as i think we’re gonna get.” “i had never met anyone so dedicated and brave.” “you and i, we can’t not do it.” “i am a foolish, foolish person.” “i need you to be smarter than me.” “let me be the fool. you be the one that lives.” “what is hidden here? or what is hiding?” “everything eventually is fatal.” “i don’t like to sit down, even for a little while, if i can avoid it.” “i’ll just sit here. uncomfortable and guilty about what happened in victorville.” “who’s thinking that far ahead?” “what other town?” “it’s right there, you know. the other town.” “you leave it alone.” “you and i only ever took one road trip together.” “sometimes it felt like i couldn’t breathe the air everyone else was breathing. that oxygen had stopped working only for me.” “i always travel, but i never get to travel with you. let’s just drive somewhere.” “jeez, dude. you can’t just talk about the other town.” “oh, shit. you need to hide right now.” “if i’m told that i need to hide, i hide.” “seen anyone like that?” “isn’t that the kind of thing that would stick out in your memory?” “yeah, screw you. just get out of here.” “i was terrible at being on a road trip.” “you were gone for a long time. a very long time.” “i need to sleep, i think.” “i’m not sure if i’m legally allowed to sleep here, but.. i’m too tired to care.” “we are a country defined as much by distance as by culture.” “here is beyond the glamour. here is only the machine.” “it was terrifying, but also felt peaceful and quiet.” “then you did come back.” “only the gas station was open, so i got us a feast of gas station snacks.” “that’s one of my favorite memories of you, actually.” “i am always afraid, but i do what needs to be done.” “it would have been so easy to circle around behind me.” “i’d lost him. there was nothing.” “this is beyond me.” “i’m sorry. i’m sorry that i failed you.” “i’m giving up. i’m going home.”
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 1999
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A list with quite possibly the most embarrassing #1 yet, and considering some of the previous ones, that’s really saying something.
Also, a very, very long list of honorable mentions.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
This could have almost been a top fifteen, because holy f█cking shit look at this list of honorable mentions. I might eventually make a top 15 for some years (gosh I just finished my 2013 top and it’s a massacre of good songs, an absolute disaster, and I’m seriously considering making it a top 15 or 20 I swear), but for now, it’s still manageable.
Summer Son (Texas) - Why is this so hot. The lyrics aren’t even hot in the first place. What the hell.
That Don’t Impress Me Much (Shania Twain) - Not my favorite song from her but still very good. Fun fact, one of my English teachers was using songs as dictation exercises and that was the hardest one he ever used for that. I don’t think any of us got the Elvis line right. Also he’s solely responsible for me loving The Cure because the second song he used for this kind of exercise was Boys Don’t Cry. This has nothing to do with Shania Twain but I thought it was a fun little story to tell.
Jusqu’au Bout de la Nuit (Emile et Images) - Two French bands from the eighties team up and release a song which is composed of every single one of their hit songs from the eighties, with each chorus sung one after the other, and... it sounds great? And it charted?? My brother absolutely loved them, too. The only reason it’s not on the list is that it feels like cheating, in a way. I mean, half these songs could top some of my lists on their own. Putting them together is a dirty trick, guys! Oh well, I love you all anyway.
Baby One More Time (Britney Spears) - I really love this song and it was on the list at first, but overplay played a big role in its removal from it.
L’Ame Stram Gram (Mylène Farmer) - Has the privilege of being the first Mylène Farmer music video I ever saw in my life. Was incredibly confused but also fascinated. The song isn’t her best though, and she’s on so many of these lists that I claim self care on its removal from this one, especially because, uh... she’s still gonna appear on it anyway. Damn it.
Move Your Body (Eiffel 65) - I told you I loved stupid dance music didn’t I. Unfortunately things aren’t gonna get better as years pass. I just made a list (which is gonna be posted muuuuuuch later) where I put David Guetta six places higher than Adele. This isn’t a joke.
Save Tonight (Eagle Eye Cherry) - I genuinely love this song and it’s kinda sad I couldn’t fit it on any of the two lists where it was elligible.
La Manivelle (Wazoo) - This would NEVER have charted if La Tribu de Dana by Manau hadn’t been such an enormous hit the previous year. Not in a million years. And if it hadn’t, the world would have been a little less fun. So I’m glad. I love it and it was one of the last cuts from this list.
Kiss Me (Sixpence None the Richer) - Was also on the list at first. Was removed because it never ended on any compilation I made and that’s the only reason.
Well, that was long. Here’s the proper list.
10 - Crazy (Britney Spears)
US: Not on the list?? I was very surprised / FR: #14
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So I dug up the first cd compilations I ever made for the previous list, and look what’s the first song on the third compilation I ever made!
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Relistened to it, still love it to bits, put it on the list. Sorry Kiss Me.
9 - All Star (Smash Mouth)
US: #17 / FR: Not on the list
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I know it’s impossible to listen to it with fresh ears after something like 15 years of memes. But it’s still damn good and a ton of fun to sing along with it.
8 - Ma Baker 99 (Boney M)
US: Not on the list / FR: #66
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Where’s that photo of the cd compilation I mentioned in the previous list?
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There it is.
Yep, it’s a remix, but it charted here, and it sounds and looks absolutely fantastic. I had never heard the original at the time for some reason, and that song sounded so badass. I could only understand isolated bits of the lyrics (like “she was the meanest cat in all Chicago town”, “the cops appeared too soon they couldn’t get away”, “she never could cry”) but it was enough to get a general idea, and that was back when I was starting to realise than most of the dance songs I enjoyed as a kid didn’t tell stories and weren’t about wizards and magic. So, a song about a mean woman who’s also a gangster?? I was like, wow, nice, a song I like with an actual story, give me twenty.
7 - Boom Boom Boom Boom (Vengaboys)
US: Not on the list / FR: #20
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Told you I loved Vengaboys! It’s also on that third cd compilation I ever made!
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Fun fact, at the time, for a while I didn’t know what the lyrics were and since I only knew a couple of words of English I was convinced a “broom” was somehow involved in the lyrics instead of a “room”.
6 - Souviens-toi du jour (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #73
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again ; I used to be a huge fan of her as a teenager and my brain somehow links her and her songs in general to some dark times in my life - and so, every single time she appears on one of my lists, I feel like I’m texting an unstable ex and that things will end horribly and I probably shouldn’t do that but, ugh, can’t help it, love her too much.
Ok so the first seconds are actually painful to listen to but holy shit, that’s a beautiful, beautiful song. When the chorus swells near the end, so full of hope and light? Amazing. Chills on my arms every single time. That’s from one of her best albums, too. I have nothing more to say about it.
5 - Better Off Alone (Alice Deejay)
US: Not on the list / FR: #30
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I don’t have anything to say about this one apart from the fact one of my friends around 2005 thought the lyrics were “do you think you’re better? rofl lol” and I think that’s hilarious.
Moving on to- oh shit oh no not that song
4 - Je te rends ton amour (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #97
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What I said in #6 also applies here and this song is so dark it feels even worse. That song used to be very important in my life. Bad memories, bad times. Really, really bad times.
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So. Uh. This is a song about a woman in a painting, who’s despising her creator, and possibly (that’s very, very open to interpretation, here’s a translation) coming out of her frame to kill him. That’s quite possibly the weirdest story I’ve ever heard in a song, and I love it. And it sounds so sinister. God, the first notes. They are so ominous. And that brief moment of silence after the bridge, right before the guitar explodes again? Horrible chills. I’m not sure who killed who or what actually happened in the story but press F to pay respects.
Also the music video has nothing to do with the lyrics and it’s absolutely terrifying and I shouldn’t have watched this at 14 because it’s kinda burned into my mind now and it will never go away and you probably shouldn’t watch it either.
If it wasn’t so inextricably linked to bad memories, this song would be #2. I still love it and listen to it but I kinda jump like a scared rabbit whenever I hear it by surprise and it should come with its own trigger warning as far as I’m concerned.
3 - Narcotic (Liquido)
US: Not on the list / FR: #99
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This is barely elligible. But I’m so, so glad it is. These chords right there? Love them. Love. Them.
Also here’s a fun story about this song and me. At first, I was like “oh wow, I can only understand one word out of five, but this sounds badass.” Then a couple of years later I was like “oh. Oh no. It’s about drugs.” And THEN a few years later I was like “oh shit oh no. It’s about sex.” But no, now that I can understand everything, it’s just a breakup song. It’s okay.
2 - Where I’m headed (Lene Marlin)
US: Not on the list / FR: #24
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Ok so. Uh. I just realised this song was called Where I’m headed and not, as I believed for literally 18 years, “Pass By”. I had never checked. I have it on several tapes and several cd compilations, always labelled Pass By. It’s also called Pass By on the mp3 I still have in my playlist. I know I’m in the wrong here and probably never checked what the title was but I still feel like there’s been a glitch in the matrix. What happened.
Anyway. Fantastic song. Love it.
Now let’s embarrass myself beyond all hopes of redemption.
1 - Blue (Eiffel 65)
US: Not on the list (...yet. #49 in 2000) / FR: #2
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So. Uh. Yeah.
Blue by Eiffel 65 was, for a long, long, LONG time, my favorite song ever.
See? This is one of my oldest lists of favorite songs.
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Another one from several months later.
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A cd compilation of my favorite songs ever, which I made around 2003 or 2004 as well, with a booklet with lyrics entirely copied by hand and with every page painstakingly illustrated with panels and characters from my favorite comic at the time, Horologiom.
You open the booklet, and look at that, Blue is the second song right after Children.
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This silly song which lists blue things and has a nonsensical chorus and one of the dumbest music videos of the entire 90s was, indeed, for years, my favorite song ever. Why. How. Well, first, please remember I am, in fact, a sucker for dance music and electronic music ESPECIALLY when a piano is involved, but this isn’t at all why this song was special to me (and still is, actually).
As I already mentioned, music has colors to me and guess what’s the dominant color of this song? Yepppppp. This is one of the bluest songs ever made even if there’s a little black, yellow and green here and there - the only song I can think about right now which out-blues it is Derezzed by Daft Punk.
And I can’t even begin to explain how SATISFYING a blue song called “Blue” listing blue things and which has an extremely blue music video is.
I know. It’s an embarrassing #1 even for 1999. It took me a long time to post this list partly for this reason. But I wouldn’t be honest if it was placed at any other position. It’s stupid, it’s repetitive, it’s meaningless. I absolutely love it and I’ve loved it for twenty years.
Deal with it.
Next up: the year when I actually started to buy cds with my own money, with debatable results.
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ldybluerse · 5 years
My Heart and Head Hurt.
So Very, Very Much
I am Asexual. I like cuddling, kissing, loving touches, I even love to make inappropriate sex jokes. Okay, I can make some pretty lewd sex jokes but that’s what happens when like 90% of your friends for the past ten years identify as pansexual. I just don’t feel sexual attraction and I am mostly repulsed by sex (ehhh it’s too much to explain).
At the first of the year, I moved to Texas from Michigan. Leaving behind all my friends, which with the internet isn’t terrible... but also my friends are shit at peopling on the Internet. Not angry or blame, they all have depression and anxiety. I get it. Just saying it’s hard to pretty much completely lose that connection with my friends. My friends are also the type where we would all pile into my bed and watch videos while cuddling with each other and my dogs. They spent so much time caring for me after my surgeries.
Being handicapped, and still learning how to live with it (it’s a relatively recent thing and takes relearning how to live life in a way that works for your limitations) I live with my parents. They are great but... they have their own mental health issues that really fucked me up as I grew up. It means that I don’t feel like I can open up or talk to them about anything because of what happened back then. I love them and I know they would do anything for me, but it’s just this thing I have. Heck, I have trouble opening up to my therapist for a long time. My therapist, who I also had to leave in Michigan. And Texas Medicaid? Kind of non-existent. Plus, I’m too old for my parents to be taking care of me, you know western standards and all, so I can’t have insurance through them.
Basically, I ran out of some of my medicine months ago, which means I live in near constant pain too. I can’t go see a therapist, because I can’t afford it. I haven’t run out of my depression medication yet, so there is that.
Since my accident (I will do another post on that later, because that will take a while), I haven’t been able to work. The accident was in December 2011, since 2013, I have had ten surgeries. I started back to school because it doesn’t seem like I’ll ever be up for any type of manual labor. But it also means I feel useless because physically I’m limited and mentally I am so fucked up I can’t do what I can handle doing. I graduated with my Bachelor (really proud of) but Texas has some different requirements that will add a lot of time towards getting my Masters, because Michigan didn’t have those requirements. This means I am going to enroll in an accredited online program, hopefully. Have to get accepted, fingers crossed.
To summarize, for ten months I have been isolated in a different state, dealing with body trying to adjust to different weather and medicine changes. Self isolation isn’t helping but the other problem is when I do reach out, there isn’t someone there...
Background info done, now to what’s troubling me:
My best friend and girlfriend is also Asexual. We’ve been together for almost eight years, but it’s always been long distance (we’re Ace, it doesn’t bug us too much) and I have gone to visit her. We started “talking” through Role Play and until recently, whenever there was lulls in life when a lot wasn’t happening, we could lean back on the Role Play to stay connected. There wasn’t a day when we didn’t talk to each other, even during the hospital visits we both went through, we stayed connected in some small way. And we talked about everything and anything. Our fandoms didn’t always match up, but it was fun listening and learning... I thought...
She was dealing with a lot of stuff, and for a few years was out of work, probably why she had so much time and energy for me. It was really bad for her for a while, where she even verbally attacked me on a few occasions. I know it wasn’t her but her mental illness, so I forgive her for it. But it was bad.
She was raised super Christian (DONT celebrate Halloween because it’s evil type Christian), and she has always been Christian even if she yelled at God a lot in her low days. Yeah, the good Christian girl is dating the Goth Pagan Celtic Witch... whatever you will call me. I’ve been Pagan for about 2/3rds of my life by now, so it’s not like she didn’t know she I was one. She’s never tried to shame or convert me.
My Bachelor is in Religious Studies, I know how good a religion can be for someone’s mental health if they are religious. I would talk to her about rekindling her faith. Finding a church she could at least go sit and listen to, so she could reconnect. She did! And it’s been amazing for her mental health. She has held a steady job for a while, actually is the poster child for the program that helped her move foreword and get her life back in order. I am so very proud of her and I do love her so much.
I just think... she’s outgrown me. The only fandom she talks about anymore is... Christianity. She doesn’t talk about LoZ anymore. She doesn’t talk about Tolkien. She doesn’t watch anime or cartoons anymore. She has no interest in Role Playing, as I said a big part of staying connected.
She talks about work, her cats, crocheting, and her religion. The thing is, I can’t fault her for any of it if it’s what’s best for her. She deserves happiness and stability. But...even when I’m back in school and when I get a job I don’t think I could leave the world of fantasy and fiction behind.
I grew up going to Ren Faires, my dad wearing tights. My first boyfriend I met at Ren Faire, while he was in tights. Labryinth and The Last Unicorn are still my favorite movies of all time! I collect Dragons of all sorts. I’ve watched the whole series of Fraggle Rock a few times, because it’s just wholesome and sweet.
My parents are Trekkies, my mom has had some of her fanfiction a published in old Starlog Zines. We watch fantasy, fiction, actions, cartoons... my mom has always loved the world of books, especially fantasy. She collects unicorns, so many unicorns. When I got into Anime, so did my mom. Kenshin is still her favorite, although to be fair she loved Ultron and Speed Racer when they first came to the states (she says Speed Racer was her first ever crush).
My brothers love the same thing, my oldest brother still fans for Jason David Frank. My other brother, well, he named his cat Pandea after WoW, we have his LotR sword collection, all his movie memorabilia...
We’re nerds and dorks and not afraid to be so.
Since the move the only thing making me happy has been my animals (Gods and Goddesses the fluffy bastards are clingers and just want to love you and be loved which is something I need) and fantasy. I’ve watched several animes I just want to gush about, but if you don’t have someone who is watching it too... you don’t want to ruin it. I want to just talk someone’s ear off about Steven Universe or Miraculous the Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Hell, even Ducktales and Tangled. Do you know how AMAZING they have made Ducktales?! I watched the original series when I was younger but...! And all the inside jokes!!!!
The books! I probably read about thirty or forty in one month when I went on a book binge. They were all trashy romance novels, and admittedly the sex scenes were... meh... I’m Asexual, what do you expect?! Okay... some Aces like sex and stuff. It’s not that important to me. What is, is the connection two people have to each other. The love. And trashy romance novels aren’t the best at giving that... but it’s something.
Oh and the Webcomics. I have always, always loved Webcomics. I used to have the folders on my old computer organized down to the day of the week the comics updated because I so many, that I had to organize them just to get the right updates! Right now Lore Olympics. OMG Lore Olympics. Be still my heart! I am reading several on WEBTOON. I have a few I follow through DeviantArt; Erma is so frikken cute! Daughter of the Lilies, ahhhhhh so amazing and the artwork!!! Pincushion! Constructs will always have a place in my heart!
I just got into the Good Omens fandom, because I’m a Whovian and Tennant is defiantly one of my most favorite of Doctors. He was just so beautiful in it. And when I took my Shakespeare course my teacher had us watch Hamelt and ohhhhh Tennant. Ohhhh you really can’t tell if Hamlet has gone crazy or it’s an act (which he claims it is!!). Sir Patrick Stewart was also just... oh!!! I entered Good Omens because my Instagram was all Ineffable Husbands (I think because of my Doctor Who love). Finally, finally i watched it.
That was like three weeks ago I got into Good Omens and I still am completely in love. The tenderness, the loving looks. I have to read the book! And the script book! (Depression, yay!). I need to listen to the radio adaptation and revisit Queen (I was raised on rock’n’roll. And I mean, David Bowie has probably been the only Rock Star I ever went heart-eyes for... also kinda sad he wasn’t mentioned in Good Omens because he did work with Queen and let’s face it, Bowie was so gender-nonconforming!). I just want to ramble and babble on and on about the series with someone. About all the hidden bits and pieces and theories and things in my head!!!
But... I don’t have anyone. My girlfriend sort of shuts down when I talk about any of the fandoms I like. She will just skip those parts of the conversation and comment on the animal videos I send her or something else. She will talk about work or God. Again, I’m know Religion and people. If there is something I know best is you can’t dictate what someone else’s beliefs are. So while I know the Bible and Christian theory, when she talks about it and tells me stories I can only “nod” and “smile” because if a persons religion isn’t harming themselves or others, and it’s helping them, I don’t think it would be right to argue theory and philosophy with them over what is mostly fairytale stories in a book. I’m not saying their isn’t a Christian God, or many Gods, or things in the Bible didn’t happen, but not all of it is factual nor was it ever meant to be seen as strictly factual. I try to show I am at least paying attention to what she says.
At the same time, with the state I have been in, I probably haven’t given her what she needs when she is telling me about stuff.
Fantasy and fiction has been the only thing keeping me afloat. Religion and work has been helping her. I just can’t see a world without the magic of make-believe but that’s not where she is anymore.
So... I’ve been thinking for a bit now maybe we’re no longer what we need for each other in our lives. Not that we don’t love each other, and not that we can’t still be friends... but maybe it’s time we adventure out? We were what we needed from each other for years... maybe we just aren’t that anymore.
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duncanwrites · 5 years
All the books I read in 2019, reviewed in 2 sentences or less.
The annual tradition returns! These are all the books I read in the last year, and how I felt about them in two sentences or less.
Blue Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson: This was the final book of the science fiction trilogy that exploded my brain at the end of 2018, and the after-shocks lasted well into 2019. These books capture something essential about the relationship between place and politics that you can only do with science fiction.
Bark - Lorrie Moore: A thoroughly uneven book of short stories - when they were good, they were great, when they were bad, they were bumbling takes on the domestic side of the war on terror.
Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway: Maybe it's just my mood in the forsaken year of 2019, but I just have no tolerance any more for works of art that aestheticize the degradation of the human spirit. This book made me feel near constant disgust.
Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf: In contrast, I think you can create works of art that dignify people even in their darkest moments, and offer a bridge into the experience of others that can be a passage into becoming a better person. It's always nice to read a book for a second time and realize you can keep reading it again for years to come.
The Asshole Survival Guide - Robert I. Sutton: We all have assholes that we have to work with, and sometimes it's necessary to have some external validation that it's not all your fault, and that establishing distance between yourself and said assholes is a good idea.
My Invented Country - Isabelle Allende: It took me until the very end of this book to realize there was a different memoir by Allende that I meant to read instead. This one was not so great.
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller: Gonzo literary comfort food.
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker: I found this book charming enough, but it never totally wowed me at any particular point. I think it showed that the concept of two magical creatures from different cultural contexts meeting in turn of the century New York is an interesting thought experiment, but a struggle to land as a full narrative.
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami: Prior to this, the only Murakami I had read was What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, and it's safe to say that did not properly prepare me for the surreal darkness of Kafka on the Shore, which seems to never stop going deeper into the abyss.
God Save Texas - Lawrence Wright: There are very few books about modern Texas that don't try to valorize it, or douse it with excessive nostalgia, and this is one of them. A politically-astute, funny meander through the state as it is, not as it might have once been, or never was.
M Train - Patti Smith: Patti Smith is obviously a genius, but this one didn't leave a great mark on me. Worth revisiting some other time, I think, since it's my girlfriend's favorite book.
Working - Robert Caro: I am shamefully still putting off my years-old plan to read Robert Caro's LBJ series, and finish his book on Robert Moses. In the meantime, this is a thoughtful reflection on how and why to tell stories about power.
Feel Free - Zadie Smith: I love Zadie Smith, and if you haven't read her non-fiction essays, you are missing out on some of her most exciting and moving writing. This is her second collection of essays, and you can tell how much the decade since the first has taken its toll - so many more of the pieces are about fear and frustrations, and the language is much wearier, even while it is still penetrating and beautiful.
The Telling - Ursula K. Le Guin: A slim, late novel from one of the best to ever do it, this book projects the sense of engrossing calm that reminds me most of all of listening to a story well-told - not incidentally, an experience that is a key theme of the plot itself.
Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang: On the other hand, the short stories in this book all came off as one note thought experiments that failed to build compelling worlds.
The Overstory - Richard Powers: Not just my favorite book of the year, but also one of my favorite ever, The Overstory is the book I talked the most about, and told the most people to read in 2019. The best way to explain it ('it's a book about people who become obsessed with trees') really undersells things, because it's also about forest ecology, generations of trauma, the terror and clarity of radical thought, and a soul-splitting vision of hope. It receives the coveted 3rd sentence in the review, because I just need to emphasize again that you should read this book.
The Flamethrowers - Rachel Kushner: Maybe it was the fate of any book that I read after The Overstory, but The Flamethrowers left me feeling cold. It wandered off into too many fanciful-seeming plot arcs that didn't develop all the characters to the depth they needed.
What is Populism? - Jan-Werner Müller: I re-read this book because I wanted to revisit his ideas about the strengths and weaknesses of populists ahead of the next election, and whether there is ever a version of populism suitable for the left agenda. I finished worried, and skeptical, respectively, on those two points.
The Great Derangement - Amitav Ghosh: I don't read many books about climate change - I find there are very few things that I really feel like need saying in the face of the obvious and overwhelming - but I'm glad I made time for this one, which focuses on both the global north-south dynamics of the issue, and the inability of storytelling to capture the problem in full. It's profoundly difficult to sum up in two sentences, but it's worth a full read.
There, There - Tommy Orange: I think this novel asks too much of characters that are too thin to hold what they are made to bear. Too busy at the same time as it's too ordered to be fully credible.
The Slynx - Tatyana Tolstaya: I somehow convinced myself that I had read this surreal post-apocalyptic novel set in Russia 100 years after nuclear winter, but not only had I not read it, I haven't read anything like it before. A wide-ranging nightmare about authority, literacy, and the power of fear, set in its own vernacular and kaleidoscopic distortions of our authoritarian world today.
The Iliad - Homer: I wanted to re-read The Iliad because I find the idea of a hero felled by a single, discrete flaw to be a fascinating allegory, not realizing that Achilles' fatal flaw is not his heel but his anger.
Ecology of a Cracker Childhood - Janisse Ray: There isn't much widely-read nature writing about the US South, and I think Janisse Ray's book dignifies and mourns the overlooked parts of the country that may not be wilderness but still contain bits of natural grace.
Sundiver and Startide Rising - David Brin: These two novels follow the same premise of humanity entering a universe of intelligent life as the only species to reach consciousness without patronage of, and servitude to, an elder species, and the power struggle that ensues. Sadly, the premise writes a check the execution can't cash, and while the first book, leaner and more focused, is solid, the second is over-long and distracted from what made the first fascinating.
Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry: It took a lifetime of seeing this book (a signed first edition, from an Austin bookstore that has left no digital trace) on my parents' shelf to finally read Lonesome Dove, and it was a fitting welcome back to Texas. McMurtry's characters are fully-grown from the beginning, made of both broad archetypes and fine detail, and the narrative gives them the journey they deserve.
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt: There are very few novels that convey big ideas in balance with pot-boiler plotting, but this is one of them and my only regret is not reading it sooner. How dare anyone blight this novel with a terrible movie.
The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin: What makes this book special is not that it's speculative fiction about a world with unique gender arrangements; that's been done before by many other authors. What makes it special is that it investigates that world with tenderness towards its inhabitants, and an understanding of how gender weaves its way into institutions besides the family or the bedroom
Gun Island - Amitav Ghosh: I had high hopes for Gun Island, but felt it never quite rose above being a thought experiment carrying out his ideas from The Great Derangement.
The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P - Adelle Waldman: Your opinion of this book will probably hinge on how important you think it is to read books about writers in Brooklyn hanging out with other writers in Brooklyn. If you think that's still a useful world to explore, you will like that this book is merciless towards its characters, and startlingly accurate - but if you don't think that's important, you will be frustrated for the same reasons.
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia - Mohsin Hamid: A gloriously rich experimentation in genre and contemporary global politics - playful, infuriating, and heartwarming, really everything you could hope for from a short novel. This is the second book by Hamid that I've read, and I'm going to set out to read all of them as soon as I can.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
58. Part 2
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My dad got up from the grass “you like my flower bed boy?” my dad said, nodding my head “very nice of you” he walked over to me taking off his gardening gloves “didn’t think I would see you in this place, it’s been a while” clearing my throat “I can’t choose my family but I am here, I am going away for a while. About two weeks, I think. I’ll be out of the country” I ain’t speaking to my mom so I might as well tell my dad “really? With Myles?” shaking my head “Sofia dad, but if you need anything I can always make it happen you know me” my dad placed his hand on my shoulder “if you happy then go for it” I chuckled “not being mom’ little bitch in the corner. You wouldn’t say that in front of her” my dad pointed at me laughing “you will soon see, when you love it’s a different feeling. To not hear an argument you just stay quiet, you will understand. I am not a little bitch. I have my own ways to get to your mother” I sighed out, he lied to me about being happy for me. He was more hating the fact I was happy “Cassius, would you like to share your thoughts” I don’t do this group thing, I just sit here and daydream about things and events that have happened “nope” I said shaking my head “you never share anything?” one of the people in the group said “you right, why should I?” I retorted, fuck them “we barely know you, it’s nice to feel as one with everyone” I shrugged “Google me, there will be police reports. There you go” the lady doing the session sighed out “you will open up soon, everyone likes to speak on it differently, isn’t that right Mr Warren?” smiling at her “and for now, I am in my own thoughts” closing my eyes smiling, I prefer to be this way “up to no good again Cassius” my eyes shot open, looking towards the door “Henry? Yoo, where did you go?” getting up from the chair “I had a day off yesterday” I swear he said he was here “is it ok for me to take him June?” Henry asked, dapping him “Cassius is a free soul, he does what he likes” she ain’t wrong “I was about to walk out anyways” I said as I walked off.
Walking back to my room “you didn’t tell me you was off at all? I was like where you at? I asked your office, and they said he off. I was like oh wait, yeah you off” I laughed “I forgot then” unlocking my room door “you being good with this? No locking your door from the inside anymore?” shaking my head “ask them night staff, I don’t. I am good” turning to Henry “you are in a good mood today? We left on a balanced mood, I see you are in high spirits” I grinned “I guess” nodding my head “is it because of your family coming? You mind if I sit?” he pointed at the seat “yeah, you can” sitting on the edge of the bed “erm, kind of. I ain’t seen Kyle in a while, it’s good” Henry chuckled “you need to be accepting of people, also love from these people. You deserve to feel it, so with you having time off, with me being away and I know you don’t like speaking to others. I did hear that you spoke to June alone? I am happy about that” I shrugged “she came to my room, she respects me, I give it back. So we spoke on some shit, I just asked her a few things” she came up to me “that is good Cassius, progress is good. I wanted to say it to you, how do you feel that Sofia is not bringing Cartier. Is that something you are upset with?” frowning a little “nah” I said in a whisper “Sofia knows best” Henry nodded his head “good, well I am optimistic for today. Move you in the right direction with your support network” I am excited.
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Cartier stared at me and then touched my cheek with his chubby little hand “you done playing around?” he is playing around with me feeding him, he whines when I put the bottle near his lips, he just smiled at me “stop it” I said looking down at him “ba” clearing my throat, he is always so damn vocal, probably being cheeky in baby language to me “maybe he want the breast” Amira said as she sat down across from me “breast is best” Kyle added “I am trying to not do that for him, I want him to you know. Stop that” I just wish he would have his damn milk, maybe it is me and with the way I am so anxious. I have not spoken to Cassius at all, like nothing and then Henry said come and see him, he wants it but he doesn’t want to speak to me, so I am nervous “shall we try again” picking his bottle up and then placing it near his lips and he latched on “thank god” he is such a pain when he wants to be, we got the jet on the day of the meet because yesterday I went to see my doctor. I just feel like shit, I really do and I am so confused and stuck between a lot of feelings “how you feeling? To see him you need to be ok too?” Kyle said “fine, I guess. I will be strong for him, I will be fine. It’s just, to get clarification on what I knew is a little like great, had to be that. I should have taken something but I was so busy on this, I really wish I did because I’m just not ready” I don’t feel it “ok, let’s say the truth. It happened on the night you wish it didn’t, but would it make a difference if it happened on any other night? It’s still Cassius and nothing else, I think if he remembers then you will see it on his face. I can’t say what to do but it’s what you and him want, so it’s good you both seeing each other” smiling at Amira faintly.
I didn’t know what to wear, so I am just wearing a pair of jeans and a top. Cartier is still asleep so I can sneak off and leave him with Amira, I don’t want to stay in Texas any longer then I should but I mean we will see how this meet goes “you think I look ok? I don’t want to go looking over the top?” Amira laughed “you say that but no matter what you wear you look it, you just sexy girl” rolling my eyes smiling “god, my friends are driving me crazy. I have been hiding and not speaking to them. They think I fell out with them and then I cancelled wedding prep and they are blowing a fit, I get it. How many times we stopped but I just need the time, I think this meet will determine a lot of things on what is next. I am nervous” I admitted “I don’t blame you, when I saw Cassius I was like wow, who are you? He may talk some shit, negative shit or he may be different with you but it’s the first meet so I don’t blame you” taking in a deep breath “just be you, go in there and take your damn tupperware. I am cackling thinking on how you bought Cassius food from home all on this jet. Just take your damn things and go” I laugh at myself but I want to know he is eating “I have to look after him” shaking my head at myself.
To be back at this place is a weird feeling, it’s also a weird feeling to know Cassius is here but I am so damn happy with him, he stayed “you bring the whole tupperware range? Shit is heavy?” Kyle said, pressing the buzzer for him “I just need to see he is eating, I can’t help it. I stayed up cooking all the good food, I made him dessert too. I am sure they got something to put this away for him. He can eat good” Kyle rolled his eyes “you crazy” Kyle and Amira ain’t shit, they been making jokes about me, saying that I am being such a mother “Kyle and Sofia” Kyle said as the door opened, it is an unknown female I haven’t seen “oh yes, come in. I see you bought things” letting Kyle walk in first “it’s Sofia, it is all her” this place is beautiful, I mean it looks like a mansion, it doesn’t look like a place for rehab but with the price tag, I expect it. I mean dealing with the payments I was like sweet chile I could buy myself a few homes with this in Texas “Hello! Nice to see you both again, June can you take these things for us” that is Henry, I know from his voice “was your flight here good?” he asked “erm it was ok” I said “I just cooked Cassius some things”I pointed out as the lady was taking it “the whole kitchen” he said laughing “I suppose but yeah” I am just looking around, I am waiting to see Cassius anywhere.
Henry sighed out “I am sure you are thinking, Cassius. Where is he, he is here not to worry” I was about to say, I am feeling nervous. I feel the butterflies, maybe it’s the baby I am not sure “well Cassius has been all morning, in a good mood. Excited I would say, but his mood has slightly slipped. He must have been thinking on negative thoughts, which I have told him to stop. He daydreams a lot, but we shall see what he is doing. I don’t think he will deny seeing you both, follow me” looking at Kyle, I will just walk in where ever he is and drag his ass out. I came here to see him and I want to see him “don’t mind them, there is also other people here getting treatment, they are all ok to be around. We keep the serious clients elsewhere” they seem ok, normal people I would say “you said Cassius slept a lot?” I asked “he had to sweat it out Sofia, he needed to get those drugs out of him so we had to help him with that” that must have been terrible for him “just around this corner, we do have an upstairs but we wanted to keep Cassius here. He likes to wander off a lot, the amount of times I have caught him in the yard at the back when I thought he left.” I am guessing that is Cassius room, the end room. I know he will like to be out of the way, I am just so excited to see him “let me knock, he said he likes manners” Henry rolled his eyes, he knocked on the door and then opened it “hey, they are here” I want him to widen the damn door, Cassius is saying something “what do you want me to do Casssius, you tell me. You are the boss of you” Kyle turned to me “I would whoop his ass” he said to me “and you will come and join us? Cassius, don’t hide here. I will take them there and you come” Henry said and closed the door, I feel deflated “I believe he will come, let me take you to the meeting room so we can talk” he isn’t going to come out “can you tell him that I love him” Henry looked back into the room “he nodded his head, he heard you. Let’s go” he closed the door.
What if Cassius has changed his mind and he doesn’t want to see us, I will be so upset. I want to see him so much “take a seat, please” Henry said as I sat down “you think Cassius will see us? I came here wanting to see him so please tell me he will? Why has his mood changed, did someone upset him, what is it?” I have so many questions, Henry smiled and then laughed “I know you got lots of questions and I don’t blame you, it’s hard” he said “it seems like such an easy task to do, right? Come out here and see you, I mean how easy is that for anyone but it’s hard for a person to see a loved one once they have been in that state. It’s probably one of the hardest things, he speaks so highly of you both. Cassius sees you both so high and then he is below. We are working on this a lot, it’s a slow process because Cassius is a closed book. This book he is keeping stored away that is repeatedly stopping him from progressing, he has it firmly closed and he is only letting bits of this out. Now this is a great thing, he is trying and he is opening up. The worst thing we can do is rush him, he rushed last time. It seems like a long time to you both, but it’s a long process. He spent most of it sleeping and getting the drugs out of his system. Cassius mood changed once it settled in, I have pushed him to do this because it’s a process that needs loved ones around. He can’t shy away from it, I want him to accept what has happened and get the real help when he is out, that means with the help of you all” I feel bad now, maybe I am rushing him “will he be ok, I mean like is he still him?” I don’t know how to explain it “he still has this don’t mean to be funny persona, he has these one liners that are funny. He will be fine but he needs to open up. A lot of his issues is childhood, seeing him now. It maybe just me thinking this, but he’s like a kid all over again. He’s got that lost childhood soul that he is exposing because he didn’t get to complete that section of his life. But moving forward, do I think Cassius will go back to drugs. Yes it can happen, can he control himself. He can, with the right help. I think I have spent most of my days with Cassius” smiling a little, it’s good to hear that he will be ok but I just want to see him, I want to baby him.
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heroacademiasstuff · 5 years
Also available on my ao3 account dolphins.
Hours had passed. Seconds and minutes accumulating up, sand hitting the bottom of the hour glass until it was all stuffed up. Teeth cracking together, breath coming out like dragon's smoke, goosebumps that had goosebumps. Oh God, Yagi had been in some situations before but this took the cake- he was going to die of hypothermia. Shiver his last breath away, regrets trickling through his frozen brain. Chipping away at the frozen wall, Aizawa panted dryly, coughing and spluttering in vain.
"Stop sulking," he had shouted over. "We aren't going to die like this."
Yagi wasn't sure if his friend shared the same sentiment now. Young Midoriya was going to suffer the same fate as Yagi had... losing his mentor far too early, not being ready for what was spread out in twisted lines of fate. No, no, no. Blood splattered in front of his eyes. Nana. Inko was never going to forgive him for wasting away.
All of the things he could have done differently unravelled in front of him like a rusty, old, tape player. 
"The other pro-heroes have probably dealt with that villain by now," Aizawa sat down on the ice beside him. "It shouldn't be too long until they come and find us." Lies, of course. With a swarm of ice villains raining down torment on the city, the last thing they were going to do was focus on a random boulder which just so happened to have trapped them both. "You are shivering," Aizawa frowned. It was obvious- his true form could barely retain heat on an average day. This was positively torture. "You may as well start cutting me up to eat," Yagi let out a breathy chuckle. 
"You would make a disgusting meal," Aizawa noted. Unfortunately, his quirk was deemed useless in the situation too and the glassy, ice walls were too thick to break with physical force. Thankfully, though he had wrapped up well that day. "Come here," Yagi blinked at his outstretched hands. "What? Do you want to freeze to death or something?" 
"I-" Yagi began to stutter, positively blushing like a schoolgirl. "Get over here," Aizawa rolled his eyes as he pulled the other man to press against his chest. "I am not covering your classes if you die," he snapped out, using his quirk to wrap them both up in scarves. So close he could practically feel the blood flowing through his friend's veins; hear the gush of cold oxygen diffusing in his lungs. Oh wow. Heat began to drip, drip, drip into Yagi's cheeks. Perhaps it would embarrassment he would die from instead. "Relax a bit," Aizawa choked out. "Tensing all your muscles is only using up energy you should be conserving."
Flushing again, Yagi pressed his face against Aizawa's neck, burying his face and wrapping his arms around his waist like rippling vines; they were entangled. It was oddly comforting, the heat from a close body removing the pain scorching his bones. "It could be worse," Aizawa muttered into his hair. "-Could have to strip down to conserve heat." Yagi spat out blood. "Your jokes are terrible, Shouta-kun."
"I never said I was joking," Aizawa felt the lanky man wriggle against him. "Everyone would laugh when they find us though, cuddling up naked... might give the wrong impression, I suppose." He kept talking, muttering silly little things until the blue tinge left Yagi's lips, colour returning. Keep conscious. You can't leave me. Odd feelings grew at the pit of Aizawa's tummy. Was he coming down with a stomach bug? A heart attack? Something worse? It was almost like snakes were hatching there, crawling around and up his chest, teeth spluttering venom into his veins. "I appreciate this," Yagi said softly. "I know."
Around them the sky was growing darker, therefore light inside their prison was reducing. White, white, white everywhere. Night was only going to reduce temperatures more. Where were the pro heroes? Maybe no one was coming to save them after all. A knot wedged itself in Aizawa's throat.
"I am so tired," Yagi trembled against him, staring up with glassy eyes. "You can't sleep- try to stay awake. It shouldn't be too long until someone comes to get us." He hoped 
Drip, drip, drip. Little dribbles of water collected close to the ice wall. Was it melting? A distance voice was shouting, muffled heavily behind the other side. "Do you hear that?" Yagi hissed. The small puddle of water was growing rapidly, rush of liquid flooding around their feet. "Texas.... smash!" A fist burst into their view; an outstretched hand releasing thick, smokey flames. Green curls and a red/white mop. A sudden gush of wind nearly took them off their feet as their two students cracked open their confines. 
"Todoroki? Midoriya?" Yagi's face lit up in surprise and for a second Aizawa fixated on the gentle look dancing across his features, almost forgetting the position they were in- wrapped up with Aizawa's scarves in a tight embrace. Releasing his quirk, the two heroes ran towards them. "This ice structure isn't safe," Todoroki gushed suddenly, "We need to leave!"
Taking that as a good cue to leave, they ran for safety out of the hole carved in front. It should have been embarrassing to be saved by their students but Aizawa felt a strange bit of pride. They were going to make great heroes in the future.
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