#wow such a gentleman
thebright3ststar · 7 months
sometimes i think about how when richard papen got shot he just sat there politely and waited for everyone to stop yelling at each other before announcing that hey guys I was fucking shot btw
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speargpants · 2 months
Alright now i've finished Azran Legacy, so i feel like i can finally make a side blog for Layton stuff so i can post about it without feeling like im bothering people on my main one lmao Just gonna dump all my recent art here (warning for spoilers for Unwound Future and Miracle Mask sort of)
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And then this Clive i drew after having watched someone play through Unwound Future and realizing Clive is so much worse of a person than what i remembered from playing it when i was younger lmao + old art of him i made from around 5 or 6 years ago, you can probably still find it on the Layton amino somewhere lol
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I'm glad i finally played through the prequel trilogy, because for some reason i just never got around to that back when i was really into the series, AND despite having owned a copy of Miracle Mask for like 3 years since i found it at a con for very cheap
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pistachi0art · 6 months
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I’m not normal I’m not normal I’m not normal- 📂
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chappellrroan · 5 months
people who still hate Joe Alwyn need to get a life asap
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virgothozul · 2 months
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Sparks tour 2023
Posting this close to a whole year after the fact, but a tour this good really takes time for me to process. My chest was constantly exploding with how much I loved it all and I have no idea how to put that into words. (I've fully come to understand why Sparks themselves stick with a lovely audience photo after every show accompanied by a massive "THANK YOU!".) However I do want to preserve my tour memories with more detail as well, so at a risk of terrible writing... here's part one of me attempting to write it all down. I went to 5 shows (Manchester, Royal Albert Hall x2, Utrecht and Brussels) and I'll be making posts for all of them. (...I am unreasonably excited to talk about the show in Brussels, but all in good time.) This first post will probably be the longest one as I will be including my first reactions to all the songs, and will equally talk about Mr. B's set in detail :) (Spoiler alert: he too was absolutely amazing and contributed considerably to how great everything was.)
Show #1: Bridgewater Hall, Manchester (may 27, 2023)
Things had not gone smoothly at all for me with the ticket sale for this show, but it worked out amazingly as the result was that @where-did-the-groove-go got to be my concert buddy which was such an honour! It was her first Sparks show and my first one of the tour and honestly, you can't do much better than to start of with a Manchester show. I had been worried about how far away our seats would be but it was a lot closer than photos of the venue had made it seem and we had an amazing view: we were in the centre of the middle of the first balcony, the seats were on a slight slope so no heads were blocking our view. Both of us had decided not to listen to the album before the show as it had only been out for a day. It was a tough decision to make, but it was absolutely the right one :D Okay, onto the show!!
Opening act: Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer
I was so excited to see Mr. B! I've known about him for years independently of Sparks and had missed out on seeing him with the Hippopotamus tour, so FINALLY I was seeing Mr. B! He came on in an amazing outfit and graced us with the opening lines of... Here Comes Bob?! I was losing my shit! We're not just being treated to Mr. B, but we're treated to Mr. B playing Sparks?! I am not normally one to enjoy Sparks covers, but I was having the time of my life! I love this guy! He then went on to play the Mr. B classic All Hail The Chap! (my sister would be jealous hehe), which I loved so much! The audience was a little slow to catch on, but eventually got there with doing their part which I was happy about. This was followed up by once again familiar notes... Amateur Hour?! MORE SPARKS?? Are you kidding me right now, what did we do to deserve this! IT WAS SO GOOD! After which it didn't end, because then he went on to play Get In The Swing (which is one of my favourite songs of all time - I was being very normal and chill about everything). It took me a moment to grasp the fact we were being treated a full-blown Sparks medley, because it didn't stop there and he just kept going with the Sparks songs. The medley lasted nearly 10 minutes and my mind was blown at many points. He included so many songs that I had only ever dreamed of hearing live. I was having THE BEST TIME. He ended the medley by loudly singing "ALL YOU EVER THINK ABOUT IS SEX!!!!". I was laughing so much, it really was the perfect medley. The next song was one of his own songs that I hadn't heard yet but it had me chuckling so much, a song called Looking Forward To Leaving that he thought might resonate with the Sparks sensibility and their fans. (All too right, sir, all too right.) He finished his set with a cover of Suburban Homeboy and I couldn't have been happier. THE Suburban Homeboy supreme covering that song, Mr.B you have all my love. Sparks had yet to hit the stage but this evening was already made. (@dinkydiamond had seen the show the night before and like a good friend who doesn't spread spoilers, had only told me that at many points she had thought about how much I was going to love it. I hadn't even thought about the fact that that statement would include Mr. B's set to such a degree!)
Mr. B's setlist
(You may enjoy listening to the medley first before knowing what songs were part of the medley, so proceed with caution. I've added asterisks to the titles of the songs within it that blew me out of my seat the most.)
Here Comes Bob
All Hail The Chap!
Medley: Amateur Hour, Get In The Swing*, Big Boy, Moustache, What Are All These Bands So Angry About?*, Strange Animal*, Mickey Mouse, I Predict, When I'm With You, Missionary Position*, All You Ever Think About Is Sex*
Looking Forward To Leaving
Suburban Homeboy
The music played in the hall was SO TENSE AND DRAMATIC. You just got to love and respect Sparks for their music picks to play in the hall before the show, they really know how to set the scene and get the audience excited and anxious in equal amounts. (A few shows later we learned it was film music by Bernard Hermann, which really was such an amazing choice. I'll come back to this subject later on with a bit more info on the songs in my write-up of another show.)
The big event! ~Sparks!~
HOLY SHIT their entrance music was so exciting and beautiful!!!! Russell's outfit! GOD YEAH. It also immediately became clear this audience was going to be AMAZING, everyone was so ready to go! RON WAS WEARING JORDANS!!!! (A dream of mine to see one day!!!) To a lot of very loud cheering, Russell proceeded to do his famed "So.... Manchester, may we start?" to start things off. Still the perfect opener, and I never tire of when So May We Start kicks off and Russell does the jump. The audience response was amazing, which was really fun to see from the balcony! I was really enjoying the lights, which also were especially great to see from our balcony seats! (Also Russell gets an award for performer of the year for pretending to look at his imaginary watch while singing "it's time to start".)
I loved doing the ah-ah-ah's with the entire audience for The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte, and it was so cool to see it live! The lights were absolutely excellent. But a gif will say what I loved the most about the performance of that song a lot better than words ever could, so:
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Russell was being really sweet about how playing Manchester is always really great and then added it was the "first time we play this ProPEr THeAtrE, but uh we'll try to make due anyway". (Footage of him saying this exists and it's extremely blessed.) He spoke about the new album and asked the audience which number it is. The audience incoherently shouted some things back, to which Russell's response was to roast us all by saying "Clearly you don't know."
Eaten By The Monster Of Love was a totally unexpected treat that blew my mind! It's quite possibly my favourite song from Angst In My Pants and I love the synth line so much! So lucky!!! I loved Russell's dancing during Angst In My Pants, I had really missed his dancing and with that song it's always especially excellent. Beaver O'Lindy blew my brains out! I'd not expected that at all! The lights were amazing (the spotlight for the accordion parts, the portraying of the letters, light flashing on Ron from all sides - I've got footage of this and somehow it looked especially good this night), shouting along to B-E-A-V-E-R, Russell's falsetto... What a perfect song, it's got it all :D "Yes I knooow - WOO!" When I'm With You was so special, it's so blessed that they chose to play it. It's how we all feel about them, and what's better than to sing it back at them while they're playing it for us :) It's also a song that highlights Russell's amazing voice especially well, his voice absolutely kills me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I also loved those swirly lights! And what we've gone on to affectionately refer to as "Russell's swim dance". Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is is an absolute banger and it was my favourite of the 3 singles that had already been released before the album came out - I was so ready to go :D I loved Russell's moves for this song so much! Something that really stayed with me is that he actually spun around for "Take a look around and you'll understand". (Can I love him even more?)
The time arrived for the first new song from the album that me and @where-did-the-groove-go hadn't heard yet, which Russell introduced with these words: "This is another brand new song for any of you who feel like maybe you're not on the right course." *small pause* "It's a song that's called 'It Doesn't Have To Be That Way'." ...I was simultaneously having an out of body and in of body experience and already felt teary eyed, and the song hadn't even started yet. It hit me really hard, it was so beautiful and I am so grateful that this was how I first heard this song. "It doesn't have to be that way, OKAY". I was literally holding my heart throughout the whole song (which I was doing quite often during the show anyway but, I literally couldn't do anything else). Absolutely transfixed. "I'll pay for it, I'll pay for it". Thank you so much Sparks for having our backs <3 Genuinely one of the most beautiful experiences and songs ever. (We all spoke about it for many days, for weeks, even months after the show. And obviously I am still talking about it now. I've got my full essay on it elsewhere so you'll be spared of that here - I think you all understand what I mean anyway.)
BALLS hit me in the face like a brick! (Positive. SO VERY POSITIVE.) It's one of my current absolute favourite songs and I had been raving about Balls all the time for the last year or so! I would have never expected to hear it live, AND HERE WE WERE! I was completely losing my shit!!! It was intense, banging, and also beautiful. Also the lights during the instrumental bit?! The way the light filled the hall?!! R&R were both going at it with full energy, I couldn't love it more! Balls and shouting along to it with my fist in the air was one of the absolute biggest highlights of the show for me! (And there were so many highlights.) I am pretty sure there was at least one BALLS [insert fist emoji here] aimed in my direction which I am so grateful for! It was so cool! *synced up BALLS!* Hearing one of my favourite bits of lyrics live, "Do you want to wait, or crash the gate?", was just something else. Balls is one of THE inspirational songs of all time. At least to me. (After the show 3 friends seperately came up to me and shouted BALLS! at me before saying anything else and I love you all so much, you all really know me well [teary eyed smile emoji] That was really special to me. I've made some gifs of some of my Balls footage too, most of my footage of it is rightfully feral but some of it came out well: 1, 2.)
Shopping Mall Of Love remains such a win live, Ron is appropriately intense and cool (not that Ron is ever not cool - Ron is always cool) and I love the way he performs the song. Russell did some great dancing behind Ron too, and also walked around like a badass while singing his "Come, the shopping mall of love, come with me" parts. Award winning! Also THE CLAPS. Always, THE CLAPS. And Manchester audiences know how it's done [fire emoji] Toughest Girl In Town was yet another absolutely amazing and surprising setlist choice, so cool! What I especially liked was that I could see Sarah and Amanda losing their shit to it downstairs in the stalls, dancing so hard in their seats :D That really added to it - some big Toughest Girl In Town fans down there! (I am so proud of my friends.) Also.. THE TAMBOURINE!!! [heart emoji]
The next song that was new to us was Escalator, and I loved it SO MUCH!!! It had me immediately. The driving machine type of sound, the very clear and bright sounding synth sounds, Russell's escalator dance (!!!!! which he did a lot, btw, almost the entire song), the lights! This song just *feels* amazing, the lights going up and down - hell yeah. Russell's escalator dance really is everything to me. I was holding my heart the entire time. I live in this song now, this is now my new home. You can wake me up in the middle of the night for a live performance of Escalator. Any time. (To say it was an instant favourite is an understatement.)
We Go Dancing was similarly new to us, and sadly it felt like it went over most of the audience's head a bit because obviously very few people had heard the album so far and it's a hard one for catching the lyrics live. A very intense experience but also really cool, it's a super blessed thing to be able to hear songs live before hearing it elsewhere. After hearing it I was excited to find out later what the song would have been about.
*Ron plays piano motif* OH MY GOD BON VOYAGE?! YOU WHAT?!! Russell's vocals were literally everything and I loved all the arm swaying, it was such a sweet experience and another song that so clearly shows how awesome Manchester audiences are when it comes to Sparks. I loved this so much! Russell's moves for the "two of you, two of them" bit were absolutely *chef's kiss* too :D All of this was soon followed by me gasping yet again when the first notes of Music That You Can Dance To filled the hall! My literal reaction was OH MY GOD THEY KEPT IT!!!!! *proceeds to go nuts* One of The Live Songs Ever, a song I already loved before hearing it live, and possibly my favourite live song from the tour the year prior too. (I am pretty sure I screamed quite audibly and notably on the previous tour every time they played it, and I am happy to report I still feel exactly the same.) We all know this gets everyone out of their seats, and with this being Manchester it was especially amazing. It was so great to watch everyone equally going nuts from the balcony, party of all time! Russell's mic stopped working at some point though which was sad, but it only lead to him clapping and dancing harder. So mic be damned, it was possibly even more fun and special because of it.
You know there's little point in sitting down after Music That You Can Dance To (and I don't really want to sit down after that to begin with, if at all, but I am a bit self-conscious about dancing in the balcony), so we leaned on our seats for a second while the opening notes of When Do I Get To Sing My Way were played. It obviously *really* took off again rather quickly :D Unfortunately the mic problem came back but this time it was rapidly solved and Russell got to sing almost the whole song anyway, and I can not overstate how great it was to watch this whole audience dancing.
The party continued with The Number One Song In Heaven which obviously always wins, and of course included Ron's dance - HELL YEAH. However towards the end of the song Russell's microphone stopped working YET AGAIN. He was handed another microphone, which was equally not doing anything, and so he yeeted the mic. (all too right honestly, how many broken mics are you going to hand him?! That was not ok.) Of course this really sucked, especially for Russell, but this man's a true professional and made all of this extra fun for everyone: he went at it extra hard with the clapping and dancing and no one in the audience was going to let this ruin anything either. Russell gestured for the audience to sing the lines and we *really* did our best. ([salute emoji] On it boss!) It ended up being extra special because of it and we all still had the absolute best time. But of course at the same time it was rightfully upsetting. Once Russell had a mic that worked again he expressed his disappointment in not being able to sing the end of the song, which is one of his favourite parts. (Oof tech team, bad job.)
The show went on and Ron did a false start for This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us which is always a great time, people go nuts and then the song doesn't start hahaha. This audience was so phenomenal, it was the best time. And such a party when the song did properly start! Obviously there was a really large applause after that :) Which seemed to only stop because they started playing Gee, That Was Fun. It was so beautiful and touching. And really sad because indeed, noo, we don't want this to end! The standing ovation afterwards was massive and so very love filled. From my perspective even the bouncers seemed in awe with the audience. This audience could switch from going nuts to completely silent to a loving standing ovation in an instant, depending on what was happening on stage. It really was one of the best audiences I've been part of, I loved it so much! ^^ Ron and Russell very sweetly waved before leaving the stage :)
They came back to a lot of cheering to which Russell said "Thank you - THE PARTY IS NOT OVER!" and we all cheered yet again, as A Love Story started. Another new song! WOOOOHH THIS WAS HITTING HARD! I loved it so much! And the lights with the massive X's were so cool! Absolutely a highlight! When My Baby's Taking Me Home started me and @where-did-the-groove-go yelled out in unison which is still so funny to me and also, all too right, all too right!!! It doesn't matter if you've seen it live a couple of times or if it's your first time - it HITS. The audience was once again utterly amazing, really heightening the experience. (ALSO, the rainbow lights that fades to white!)
During the band introduction Ron was still clapping for the other band members when Russell went "oh yeah..." and went to stand beside Ron and did a cheesy grin, "the guy who writes much of what you've heard this evening and what you've heard on albums 1 to 26", *Ron does a Ron-cringe*, "my big brother, Ron Mael." This started a RON RON RON chant which made me so happy :D When it seemed to die down just a tiny bit, Russell interrupted and said "He says thank you." asdjhds, sir XD He also added that Manchester shows are always amazing but "this one tops them all". [insert teary eyed smile emoji] (True though, it really was one of the best shows I've been to, if not the best one!) After that, All That was such a smiley lovely performance and I did quite a bit of internal screaming with how lovely exactly it all was and had been. (When I watch footage back I can't help but say "aww" out loud quite a few times. It really was so sweet.)
Something I hadn't realised as it happened but learned about later was that they were so happy with their bow - which was so fun. I had avoided spoilers of course but I learned that there was a bit of bowing-chaos in Oxford. So in Manchester there was a 'Wahey, we nailed the bow!!' moment after bowing XD (I made a post about that, it's too good.)
MASSIVE STANDING OVATION. Russell forced the microphone on Ron, saying "Here! He hasn't spoken on the tour so it's only cos it's Manchester", as he proceeds to evily walk away. This moment was so funny to me because Russell clearly knew very well what he was doing and Ron was just standing there smiling looking at this happening, with no chance of handing the mic back. His speech was wonderful and really sweet, starting off with saying that the citizens of other cities were going to hate him for this XD The audience was so silent while he spoke and didn't start cheering until he had actually finished speaking which was real nice. Russell wanted to grab the mic back after that but Ron didn't want to let it go yet, which was another moment I really enjoyed witnessing. Ron introduced Russell as the vocalist of the band, which had Russell standing there smiling really wide, after which Russell quickly grabbed the mic back. (I love them so much hahaha.) Russell asked to take a photo with "all of you fine people" (I am normal about this) and happily bounced after the photo was taken. The applause got going again and it was just the best. Russell blew kisses to people and the amount of love in the hall was just so damn high.
It felt like they didn't want to have to leave that stage and obviously we didn't want them to leave either. Everyone was just so happy to be there. What a show. What an audience. It really was the sweetest :)
Sparks setlist
So May We Start?
The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte
Eaten By The Monster Of Love
Angst In My Pants
Beaver O'Lindy
When I'm With You
Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is
It Doesn't Have To Be That Way
Shopping Mall Of Love
The Toughest Girl In Town
We Go Dancing
Bon Voyage
Music That You Can Dance To
When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'
The Number One Song In Heaven (featuring Ron's dance)
This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us
Gee, That Was Fun
A Love Story
My Baby's Taking Me Home
All That
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(I did not make it into the photo as I am behind Ron's head, but @where-did-the-groove-go and some other friends did make it in ^_^)
~ Bonus: post show shenanigans ~
After the show we were hanging out with a little group of us in the entrance hall of the venue, quite a lot of our tumblr people and even some of our friends from Japan were present which was so cool! It was so very nice to see everyone, whether it was seeing again or for the first time! I went to say hello to Mr. B who was manning his own merch table to let him know how much I'd loved his set, and that covering Sparks isn't easy to do in my opinion but that he truly nailed it. He said he had been nervous about it and only had had 2 weeks to prepare. (Sir that's incredible!) He was really lovely. He said he hoped to see me again and I gave him the cringiest: "Oh, you WILL!" (With fingerguns.) (...I really am like this.)
Our little group decided to check out the artists entrance, but there were so many people there and so when Ron and Russell actually *did* come out me and another friend both instinctively hid behind a wall. (Normal behaviour. ...but we just really don't want to crowd them.) There was another round of applause, which was really lovely. I was very busy hiding behind that wall though so I am not the most reliable person to say what happened next, but Ron and Russell kept their distance and stayed for a little bit to wave and smile at people which was really lovely. When they entered their car to leave, the fans instantly parted like the sea to clear the road for the car and I love that our fandom is like that :) We all waved as they passed by, and then ...the car had to immediately stop in front of a red traffic light 5 metres away. I absolutely lost it, you just can't make this up XD (We left immediately.) It was so hard for our group to then have to split up after such a lovely evening, but attempts to sleep needed to be made and there was the journey to London the next day. (Not that we slept much at all, there was a lot to discuss and think about.) Luckily a lot of us would be going on to London so at least we'd all be seeing each other again soon :)
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spaciebabie · 10 months
William Afton Springtrap himself strolls up to you and asks "wut you got there, luv?" And you shakily hand him the tales from the Pizzaplex leaks in rage and tears. He gives them a read over.... Gives a hearty chortle and throws them into the fireplace.
"wouldn' spend too much time readin' the tabloids of a complete lunatic.... Come-on luv, let's get you a nice dinner."
....this ask is very comforting thank you
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Round 1, Match 11
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[Image description: a versus graphic of the Thief/Tia from the animation Diamond Jack and Arsène Lupin from the Arsène Lupin books. Tia has short black hair and is wearing a suit with a red tie and is jumping out of a window with a wide smile. Lupin is depicted with a top hat and monocle. /End description]
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allenanix · 6 months
Alexa......... I too want a setup like this 🗃🔫
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himbo-buckley · 26 days
Anthony Bridgerton, I am so sorry for shit talking you be these past few weeks you are so correct in Season 1 you are not in fact a failcore king you are trying your best dealing with your 19 year old brother who thinks himself in love and is ready to marry and your 18 year old sister who dates your best friend who you‘ve probably watched lose his virginity my god I am so sorry you deserve so much better wow
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deermouth · 7 months
It's so funny how polarizing the end of ch36 was for people. Let's all just revel in how good the gay sex episode was.
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or-ng-c-ss-dy · 1 year
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rosianna78 · 4 months
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birthday ougaishige i drew for @spiritlullaby a while ago!
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petrifiedcrange · 8 months
Stede Bonnet is not a human.
You're a monster.
A plague.
You defile beautiful things.
You've even managed to bring history's greatest pirate to ruin.
Chauncey's seemingly long forgotten words echo in his head, suddenly so loud and clear and true, when Stede, exhilarated from how well his plan, their little fuckery, was going, glanced back and saw Izzy stumble as he tried to keep up, saw his hand pressed to his side, saw blood glistening on the leather of his vest.
Izzy was hurt.
How did neither of them notice?
Stede stumbles himself, nearly tumbles down the hill, and turns around, away from the sea, to hurry back to Izzy's side, to support him and help him limp along even as Izzy tries to wave him off and push him away, telling him breathlessly to fuck off, he's fine, but he's not and they both know it.
None of this is fine.
Stede doesn't even notice the figures of their crew dressed in Naval uniforms up ahead change into actual Navy before it's too late, too focused on supporting Izzy's increasingly dead weight, on keeping pressure on the wound, on Chauncey fucking Badminton of all people breathing down his neck every step of the way, whispering into his ear foul and thruthful things about how he destroyed everything he touched.
They are captured.
Surprisingly, Stede doesn't feel anything regarding the fact, not when they are ushered to another ship, the Naval one, not when Ricky meets them on deck, so damn pleased with himself.
Stede can't feel anything regarding those facts because all his thoughts and emotions are already swirling around Izzy, who rapidly loses consciousness despite his best efforts to keep him awake, bubbling some nonsense, and slumps alarmingly against his side.
The Navy are lucky they didn't try to separate them, let him help Izzy along to their ship.
Because if they did, then Stede would feel something over than increasing panic and helplessness and fear and guilt. Then he would fight and he would kill until Izzy was back by his side.
As it is, they are ushered below the deck and into the brig, Ricky taking one long look at Izzy and calling for someone, then diving straight into his evil monologue about how he is going to get revenge on all the pirates that escaped, dared to defy him, in one fell swoop with Izzy's and Stede's unwilling help, and Stede for the first time regrets not shooting Ricky back at Spanish Jackie's, regrets his stupid idea to take a royal hostage which seemed so clever in the moment, because if it wasn't for him, Izzy wouldn't be bleeding out in his arms and they would be back on Revenge, safe and sound, and that deranged minor Prince wouldn't be targeting everyone Stede loves once again.
But those thoughts go straight out the window when a man Ricky called for — apparently, some very expensive medic of his — enters the room and Stede has one unhinged, feral moment when he wants to curl around Izzy and snarl at the soldiers that reach to take him away but he forces himself to let Izzy go instead because Izzy needs medical attention and fast and if it comes from a man on Ricky's payroll because Ricky needs both of them alive to use as a bait for Edward and the crew... well, first thing's first — he needs Izzy to survive, and then they can make a plan to defeat Ricky for good and save their loved ones in the process.
Stede watches the medic examine Izzy with keen eyes, hoping, praying for some subtle gesture or expression on his face to show that Izzy is going to be alright, but the man's frown only deepens the more time passes and then he's turning towards Ricky with a grim, uncertain look and tells him quietly but loud enough for Stede to hear, for the ghost of Chauncey to repeat to him in a nauseating echo, that he lost a lot of blood and the odds are not good and there's no way of telling if Izzy will make it through the night, let alone survive in the long run.
Ricky pursues his lips and tells him to do the best he can and once the doctor is finished with the wound and Izzy is bandaged up, he is finally returned back behind the bars, back to Stede, and they are finally left alone for the time being, even Chauncey's ghost flickering out of existence for the time being.
For a moment, Stede just sits there on his knees on the wooden floor, breathing heavily, looking at Izzy, so still and pale he would look already gone if it wasn't for the shallow rise and fall of his chest, and willing a breakdown he can feel coming away.
He cannot afford to break down now.
He needs to take care of Izzy first.
He needs to get him warm.
It's a silly thought that's for some reason stuck on the loop in his mind since the moment he touches him, taking his hand, finding the rapid and too weak pulse, and feels how cold and clammy his skin is.
A small rational part of him knows that Izzy's cold from the shock and the blood loss and there's nothing Stede can do about it but he ignores that part of himself because he needs to do something or...
He doesn't want to even think about what would happen if he has nothing to do but sit and think and stew in his own guilt, so he gathers Izzy up, careful not to disturb his wound as he pulls him halfway into his lap, where it's softer, more comfortable than the hard wooden floor, and wraps his arms around him, trying to will his own warmth into him, and he doesn't know how much time passes, minutes or hours, but he thinks he feels Izzy's chest move even more shallowly and slowly against his own chest from where they're pressed together and he finds himself beginning to talk, pleading with Izzy to keep breathing, to stay with him, to not leave him there alone, tears welling in his eyes and threatening to fall because he never should have come back to Revenge, he should have died there in the forest and not Chauncey, because he only ever ruins everything and everyone he touches, even those he loves and tries so hard to protect — especially, them — and now Izzy is dying in his arms and Edward and the whole crew might die if they come to their rescue and it's all his fucking fault.
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[ OPEN for Izzy that is based on this AU idea but can also work for other characters that might be on Ricky's ship at the time or, hell, Ed and the Revenge's crew who could catch up to this ship and take it with brutal force in the meantime because their captain and beloved unicorn are in danger; most of this is a set up so don’t even think about matching length ]
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
The one thing I'll never recover from after Deflagration is that Adrien basically confirmed that for a while he thought Marinette is a whore
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respondedinkind · 7 months
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Bold = Definitely Italics: Sometimes / depending on the situation or partner
holding hands (in public) ·buying flowers· cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws & one straw · offering their jacket when it's cold ·kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them ·handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
tagged by : @darehearts (thank you ♥) tagging: @ssolessurvivor @whydotheykeeptakingmine @spacesk1pper @onlybonesleft @nursc @noblehcart @sxbaist and you ♥
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