#wow that backpack is huuuge
marina-the-fisherman · 5 months
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-Hey! Those are my glasses!
-Don't worry, I'll pay you. Thanks!
Ok so I got a new pair of glasses cause I lost my old ones. I also bought a backpack so I can carry everything I find.
Glasses: -10 shrons
Backpack: -15 shrons
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wolviecore · 3 years
Some Riverdale headcanons that no one can convince me aren't canon in a better reality:
Loves Jane Austen, - Pride and Prejudice especially
Dog person to the core but has fostered well over a hundred stray cats in his homeless days
Cuddle bug
Has a sweet tooth - the scene where he stole candy from the therapist makes my entire existence
Clothes thief - half of Veronica’s wardrobe is stuffed in that huge backpack. Archie is hoodieless and dramatic about it
Learned how to braid hair for JB
Doesn't speak sports. *Holds a football jersey* wow I love... Volleyball
Easy crier. Knows how to hide it well- I always thought he was sensitive to specific things. Physical pain? He can deal. Getting yelled at? Well, brace yourself cause you're getting a typhoon of tears
Really REALLY good cook- Pops would not let his honorary nephew walk around without knowing how to fry an egg
Cheryl and him were childhood best friends
Big time smoker- I mean come on. Riverdale is stressful as hell. Who could blame the guy?
Doesn't smoke in front of Fred, tho cause he'll get his ass beat because he knows it upsets him
Had an Eminem phase. Wore baggy shirts, ate only spaghetti, and tried rhyming every sentence for a whole month before he got into Indie (or whatever the hell he's listening to cause imma be honest chief i forgot what genre he's supposed to like)
Not the most academically inclined but is weirdly really good at science? Can he do basic math? No. Can he build a whole iron man suit because he thought it looked cool? Yeah
Everyone assumes his favorite Avenger is Captain America but he doesn't like any of them. He loves the Punisher. Mr. Frank Castle was his bisexual awakening
Uncle Frank took him hunting when he was 5 and made him shoot a deer. He's hated camping every since
Adopted Cheryl when they were 10 during biology class. No one wanted to be her lab partner. From then on It's tradition they're seated together in every class
Actually really mean and funny
Cannot do taxes to save her life and doesn't know how to pay bills.
Knows New York by hand but gets lost in grocery stores
Really bad cook, - burn water and almost sets the house on fire trying to fry an egg type
Cat person but loves Vegas to death. Smithers helped her sneak in a baby kitten when she was 9, raised him ever since, and neither Hiram or Hermione noticed.
Scrunches her nose when confused/mad
Is a hoarder and very protective over items she deems as "sentimental relics"
Has a book club with Jughead. Every Friday night they gather at his and Archie's treehouse and argue over weather or not Lizzie Bennet is gay or bi
Archie singing her lullabies puts her to sleep IMMEDIATELY
Only likes being called "Ronnie" by her friends, family, s/o
Thinks of Fred as a father figure and calls him " Pa" like Archie does
She and Mary don't get along. Ronnie doesn't approve of her absence in her son's life and only inserting herself into Archie's narrative when she's obligated to
The Lodges have Uno game nights and whenever Hiram loses he raises a new disaster. Even so, Ronnie never lets him win
Sweet Pea:
Loves rom coms, cartoons, and Disney movies with a PASSION
DC person but dresses up as Bucky Barnes for Halloween. Every. Single. Year.
Has a personal vendetta againts shirts with sleeves
Artys boiii- has a secret sketchbook drowning in beautiful sketches of flowers, landscapes, and portraits of Toni, Joaquin and Fangs. The ones for Jughead he keeps in a stash under his pillow
HUUUGE momma's boy, - his mom's really tiny and sweet and no one can believe they're related. But then they see her punch his dad in the face and go oh so that's how-
Learned how to throw punches from his grandma. The brass knuckles are passed from generation to generation
Hates Star Wars??
Sweet Pea and Archie strangers to enemies to mortal enemies, 250k words, fastburn. These two see eachother in any situation and it's on sight
When the serpents stayed at the Andrews home he drew hyper realistic dicks on Archie's face when he was sleeping and no one told him to stop because it was funny
Jealous and possessive- not in an unhealthy way but he has the confidence of a soggy biscuit when in a relationship and insecurities make him act up
Sappy and romantic to boot (confirmed!!!)
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