#wrayth ninjago
reinadraus · 3 months
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Is this a good way of telling people that not only did i make Wrayth's actual name after Ghost Rider, but also that the reason he's in the Cursed Realm is cus he was a slave owner? (Ti prego ask me my lore)
They're friends, btw.
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riptidesblog · 6 days
Imagine how terrible it was for Bansha,Soul Archer,Ghoultar and Wrayth:you're one of the top generals of an eldritch goddess that embodies hell with plenty of skills to match but you're outranked by a kid.A whiny teenager.And said teenager will abuse his power.He canonically had a throne built out of whatever there was in Ronin's shop.He probably had them make it.Grown-ass men and a woman doing arts&crafts bc their boss made a kid the one in charge and kid is pretending that his lame excuse for a 'throne'(really,a glorified chair) is valid.Even if they are used to stuff from the kid, said kid is possessing another kid and they are both little shits.Their prisoner will critique the design and correct them(so what if some things he says could work because he did study at villain school?That's not the point).It was probably miserable
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
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Quick morro angst under the cut for you lot:
Morro was alone. Always was, always will be. It’s how his life has always been, an endless spiral of becoming someone for someone. Yet, every time he tries, he always fails. His determination and stubbornness pushed people away, and he was left as a single soul wallowing in his own grief.
Sometimes, he wonders.
Maybe if he had been softer, kinder, the other kids would’ve loved playing with him, would’ve even invited him. Wanted his company so bad they went out of their way to ask for him to join them. Him.
Maybe, if Morro was more understanding and teasing, the other ghosts would’ve liked him more. Would’ve allowed their shared trauma to bring them together rather than apart. Would’ve helped them all under that they only have each other, in the end. Maybe.
Maybe, if he had listened to the pleas of the Green Ninja, of Lloyd, he could’ve come to an understanding of both Lloyd and himself. Would’ve understood that the universe threw them all into a rotten and rusty can to shake them about, even the ninja. Even Wu. Maybe he could’ve grown, had a chance, a better one, at redemption. To become not only a better student, but a better son. A better teacher. A better brother. A better friend.
But that’s all these thoughts will ever be. Thoughts. Thoughts of possibilities and other lives and other chances and what could’ve been that he did not deserve and did not get.
Morro, sitting on the boat of an old memory, watched the moon get ever so closer to him. At the very least, he had himself.
Morro wished himself was enough for even him, even if it had never been for anyone else.
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Sensei Wu and Hanlon's Razor [Ninjago Theory]
"I see you've found the Allied Armor, Morro, yet you haven't summoned your friends." -- Sensei Wu, Winds of Change (Possession E1)
This quote makes absolutely no sense. Let's break it down:
First, Wu makes it clear that he recognizes the Allied Armor of Azure. This makes sense -- he's been around a long time, for all we know, he was involved with putting it in the Ninjago Museum of History. But wait a second, if Wu knew about the allied armor, why not use it in Season 4? The Greatest Fear of All ends with the Elemental Masters all split up. The ninja spend time recruiting random civilians in The Corridor of Elders. Couldn't Wu have just gotten the Allied Armor and summoned the Elemental Masters along with other allies? And of course, Garmadon didn't need to sacrifice himself since the Allied Armor can summon ghosts from the Cursed Realm!
But fine, maybe he didn't think about it given the limited time, or he didn't know where the Allied Armor was. Maybe it got put in the Ninjago Museum of History post S4. But he could have used it to free Garmadon afterwards! Enough time passes between seasons for Wu to open a whole tea shop. He seriously didn't realize the key to bringing back his brother was just in Ninjago City sitting there? Did he even look? The only reasonable explanation is that he did know, but wanted Misako for himself and then let his nephew's father remain trapped in Ninjago hell!
Now let's look at the second part. What friends are Wu referring to? He could have said other ghosts, but "friends" implies a specific group of people. The only people Morro summons later are other ghosts. Was Morro friends with Wrayth, Soul Archer, Bansha and Ghoultar while he was alive? If so, how did they escape the Cursed Realm? Or were they alive as well, and cursed later? But if Wu knew that, how come he didn't know that Morro had been cursed? He says, "I am saddened he was banished to the Cursed Realm" in Ghost Story, not "I was saddened," implying that he only found out upon seeing Morro possessing Lloyd. At no point in the flashbacks in Ghost Story do we see Morro interacting with the living or ghostly forms of his ghost crew. But they can't have first met while in the Cursed Realm, since then Wu wouldn't be asking Morro about them!
The cleanest explanation was that Morro was friends with them when they were all alive, Wu knew them, and then figured that upon returning to Ninjago, Morro would summon his friends (now apparently mortals in their ~60s) using the Allied Armor. A mystical artifact with the unique power to summon ghosts probably wouldn't have been necessary to get the gang together, but I don't see how Wu could have known that Morro's friends are ghosts if he didn't know Morro was one until he encountered Morro at Steep Wisdom!
Lastly, one final question. This is unrelated to the opening quote, but still along the same line of thinking. Why does Wu not tell the Ninja that water can stop a ghost? Yes, I understand why it has to be done for plot reasons. But even if Wu doesn't realize that Morro's friends are ghosts, he knows that a) Morro is a ghost and b) Morro can summon ghosts. He tells Nya later, but not the Ninja? Yeah, yeah, "There's something I never told you" is a common Wu line, but this isn't Wu hoping to avoid unpleasant conversations about his past failures (Morro, Aspheera) or details about villains Wu thinks are either gone (the Overlord) or that he thinks he can fight alone (Acronix). He knows a key weakness of an enemy who has stolen his nephew's body. It's very possible hitting Morro with water would force him out of Lloyd's body. Any ghosts Morro summons can be defeated by water. And Wu says NOTHING????
Hanlon's Razor states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." So which is Wu?
TL;DR: Wu knowingly left Garmadon to suffer in the Cursed Realm, has seemingly impossible-to-know knowledge about Morro's friendships, and forgets(?) to tell the Ninja their enemy's only weakness.
This is mostly a joke, but I'd love to hear some alternate, in-universe, explanations for Wu's actions here!
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bananaplayzz · 8 months
I want more ghost guys Please, I want found family Morro, Bansha, Goultar, Soul Archer and Wrayth. I would like them to be all silly and make fun of each other in a banter kind of way, actually begging
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chaos-doodles-shit · 2 months
Do all Cursed Realm ghosts have titles?
Listen, hear me out here.
‘Soul Archer’ cannot be that mans actual name, it’s obviously a title used to hint at his talents.
Do they all have those?
Soul is apparently the oldest of the group, so are they used as a sign of respect?
The other ghosts in S5 had to be reminded on multiple occasions that Morro was in charge. He doesn’t use their titles because they’re beneath him in rank, and they don’t use his as a kind of ‘you’re not my dad’ situation, maybe? And they all use Soul Archer’s title rather than his actual name because he’s older and he’s respected. The titles are formal/respectful (like using General Sasha or Mx Sasha instead of Richard Sasha) and actual names can either be informal/friendly or a dig at the person in question (like calling your teacher by their actual name).
I imagine they’d be given these titles by the Preiminent once they enter the Realm as a simple skill identification, as she likely doesn’t care enough to learn their actual names. But obviously the Preiminent is very respected, and because she uses the titles, the other ghosts take it as ‘We use the titles as a way of saying we are speaking formally to you, like she does with us.’
Title examples could be something like ‘Storm Bringer’ for Morro or ‘Wail Wielder’ for Bansha.
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dragonerd8224 · 2 days
Ok Wrayth Ninjago fans
so you know how no one really cares about him?(except me)
what if that’s his backstory
he died and no one cared
Morro knew him well enough to summon him, but didn’t care enough to bring him back after he was beaten by the ninja. Did Morro even know he was gone?
Soul Archer, Bansha, and Ghoultar are all formidable, respected warriors. So why does no one remember him? He’s just as good as them
he’s not even the “fourth Ghost Master”. He’s not even remembered
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st311ar · 7 months
Hey i love all the ghost warriors so i'm giving the main trio backstories.
In order to make these backstories you need to remember all ghosts were either disgraced in battle, Or they offended the FSM.
Motercycle uncle Wrayth
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(First of all)
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Wrayth (r o b e r t) is the most recently died of the four ghost warriors, having died in his late thirties somewhere in the 80's.
In his childhood he was a pretty nice book nerd, and particularly liking older books (thus how he's able to speak like the older ghosts)
Though he had a nice surface life with biker friends, His carreer was a mess. Throughout his time in the army...He had seen plenty of things, escpecially since it was the eighties. With the rising threat of nuclear war, a satanic panic, and everything else, He began to get on edge since he was a biker.
Eventually though, this lead to one of his comrads coming up behind him to scare him. Instead, it panned out like a playful situation gone wrong, due to the assult he committed against his own comrads. Therefore, he was condemed to the cursed realm for his misconduct in his army.
He joined at 24, He was discharged at 35, and he eventually died in a biking accsident at 47.
To no dismay, he is absolutely amazing at being an uncle figure to Morro. He's much more calm, having grown up in the 70's and such when more groups of people were starting to rise and grow. He prefers bikes both in the cursed realm and the living realm just because of how attatched to them he is. Besides, its where he got most of his friends, and was his main way of comuning from place to place.
Since he grew up in the 70's, and is quite the bookworm, he actually informed Morro that he may or may not be Bisexual and nonbinary when Morro has asked him about it. Wrayth is also able to easily connect with modern readings and explain them to the others, since he's only fourty or fifty years from the current day.
Though the cursed realm is inslaved, the higher ups make sure information on the current situation of the living world is always available during breaks.
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
I wanna know more about the Possession AU
Basically, in the episode Winds of Change, Cole goes with Lloyd to the museum, where they fight Morro and Wrayth. Wrayth ends up hitting Cole with his chain thing and Cole is turned into a ghost, while Lloyd gets possessed by Morro
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siren61 · 7 months
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What would happen if one was a hugger in a group of people who hates physical touch?
Morro absolutely HATES (loves) it <333
He’s never been hugged in his life :( , not even his former mentor WHAT⁉️ Well, probably one time if you would consider that one moment when he saved him a hug but y’know
And yeah, Ghoultar sleeps like that please don’t get me
Also here’s some low quality Soul MEWER (i hate you sm rein) memes i hate myself sm for making these AHSHWKJSA
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morroodle · 2 months
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Was this just an elaborate way to procrastinate on making the face on the latest morro plushie? Yes. Yes it was.
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steepwysdom · 26 days
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banshatheblademaster · 4 months
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g-ghost swap...? (i don't need to explain to you guys who morro's gonna swap with)
Bansha: - Master of fire. hotheaded, eager to fight, prideful and kinda ruthless, much like her canon counterpart. - does care deeply about her fellow ninja though. feels a bit of a need to appoint herself as the leader and prove she is worth becoming the green ninja. takes missions incredibly seriously, would do anything to succeed - born and raised in a smithery like kai, but starts out with more battle training being the sole overseer of her home by the time shes found and brought to the monastery. likely abandoned by her parents. has the golden blades bc blade master and all. something something 1000° knives - NO idea who nya would be i nthis swap maybe you gyus cna figure something out. - has a soft spot for ghoultar, likes causing mischief with wrayth occasionally and harbours respect (and a bit of jealousy) for soul archer
Ghoultar: - Master of earth. kind-hearted, a bit naive but incredibly loyal. mess with his friends and youre done for. - youngest of the crew. definitely has puppy privileges, but wants to be treated equal to the rest and thus trains harder than he needs to - his family owns a restaurant. his strength came in pretty handy when helping around the place, theyre unsure if his father or mother passed down their powers onto him since he lives mostly with his aunt and uncle. - the sunshine of the monastery. can even make bansha and ghoultar smile once in a while - golden scythe all the way but he is a bit clumsy with it
Wrayth: - Master of lightning. reckless thrill-seeker, kind of an asshole even to his friends. expressing onesself in a healthy and direct manner? dont know her - street kid, probably busted out of the orphanage and got kicked out eventually. wouldnt be surprised if he knew ronin. growing up like this gave him edge and a lot of skills but made it hard for him to trust others. - loves getting into trouble, and specifically getting his fellow ninja into trouble too. its fun for him to pester them, but god forbid they get annoyed, he cant deal with being alone for too long. - golden chains through which he channels lightning. almost as clumsy as ghoultar at first, he only knows how to throw hands. - bandaged face because of a lightning-induced injury on the back of his head
Soul Archer: - Master of Ice. reserved and cold much like his element, only intervenes verbally when he thinks its of upmost importance or when he is asked his opinion on a matter. speaks in a highly proper manner that could even rival their master. - born and raised in a family of high standing, roots able to be traced back to way back before the serpentine war. his mannerisms are a direct result of this environment and only being allowed to speak when necessary - already an archery master when he receives the golden bow. much like zane, he at first prefers to train solo rather than with his team (though its how everyone sans ghoultar handles the first few days aswell) - oldest of the bunch. seems very uninvolved with the others and whats on their mind, but once a connection is formed, he is able to open up a little about his life and his family.
(Bonus) Morro: - a little shit! secretly the green ninja though unbeknownst to anyone. - wu may be swapped with like a creepy gijinka of preeminent, but regardless, morro joins the team much like lloyd did. - him and bansha are pretty much exactly like kai and lloyd but. worse. she cannot stand his guts, as it seems (we know she does care bc hey, abandoned by those who were meant to care? sounds familiar enough) and he plays pranks on her a lot. makes the volcano scene all the more impactful, and they have a sister-brother bond later on - the prank playing means he gets to bond with wrayth first though. neat. until he pulls a prank on him too and its all back to hating the little guy - does this make lloyd the ghost of their masters past? yes! sure why not!
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sepublic · 6 months
Back when S5 aired, I remember having this very out-there interpretation of Morro and his generals as each representing the five stages of grief. It was a HUGE stretch and I was clearly inspired by Matpat's video on Majora's Mask, but for a fanon rewrite, it could be a fun idea?
Morro is Denial, obviously; He's in denial over the fact that he's not the Green Ninja, he refuses to accept this or his destiny.
Bansha is Anger, because she seems the most openly hostile and aggressive of the group, screaming loudly.
Soul Archer is Bargaining, he literally bargained with Ronin for his soul in the past.
Wrayth is Depression, because he was gone for a long while, inactive, only to finally come back from his 'funk'. Which leads us to...
Ghoultar is Acceptance because out of all of the ghost generals, he's actually pretty chill and seems okay with being a ghost.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year
I HAVE AN AU! Again.
Essentially, instead of Morro getting sent back to the Departed Realm, he gets stuck in Ninjago and shares residence of the attic of Sensei Yang's temple.
Cue Cole popping up to just hang out with the two ghosts up there. He eventually befriends Morro, and now Cole has to hide the two ghosts in the attic.
Some months later, there are rumors that say some ghosts from the Stiix Incident lived, and were hiding out in some no-name village near Stiix's remains. Cole volunteers to check it out.
Guess who he finds? Bansha, Wrayth, Ghoultar, and Soul Archer! He makes a deal with them to move into the attic with Morro and Sensei Yang until they find a better place to lie low.
Now he has to hide six ghosts in the attic.
Cue chaos and shenanigans.
Cole should've thought this through.
I will add extra details in a different post if you want?
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bananaplayzz · 4 months
Do we have a name for the ghost generals? I think we need a silly name for them.
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