siren61 · 4 months
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What would happen if one was a hugger in a group of people who hates physical touch?
Morro absolutely HATES (loves) it <333
He’s never been hugged in his life :( , not even his former mentor WHAT⁉️ Well, probably one time if you would consider that one moment when he saved him a hug but y’know
And yeah, Ghoultar sleeps like that please don’t get me
Also here’s some low quality Soul MEWER (i hate you sm rein) memes i hate myself sm for making these AHSHWKJSA
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sepublic · 3 months
Back when S5 aired, I remember having this very out-there interpretation of Morro and his generals as each representing the five stages of grief. It was a HUGE stretch and I was clearly inspired by Matpat's video on Majora's Mask, but for a fanon rewrite, it could be a fun idea?
Morro is Denial, obviously; He's in denial over the fact that he's not the Green Ninja, he refuses to accept this or his destiny.
Bansha is Anger, because she seems the most openly hostile and aggressive of the group, screaming loudly.
Soul Archer is Bargaining, he literally bargained with Ronin for his soul in the past.
Wrayth is Depression, because he was gone for a long while, inactive, only to finally come back from his 'funk'. Which leads us to...
Ghoultar is Acceptance because out of all of the ghost generals, he's actually pretty chill and seems okay with being a ghost.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
I HAVE AN AU! Again.
Essentially, instead of Morro getting sent back to the Departed Realm, he gets stuck in Ninjago and shares residence of the attic of Sensei Yang's temple.
Cue Cole popping up to just hang out with the two ghosts up there. He eventually befriends Morro, and now Cole has to hide the two ghosts in the attic.
Some months later, there are rumors that say some ghosts from the Stiix Incident lived, and were hiding out in some no-name village near Stiix's remains. Cole volunteers to check it out.
Guess who he finds? Bansha, Wrayth, Ghoultar, and Soul Archer! He makes a deal with them to move into the attic with Morro and Sensei Yang until they find a better place to lie low.
Now he has to hide six ghosts in the attic.
Cue chaos and shenanigans.
Cole should've thought this through.
I will add extra details in a different post if you want?
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st311ar · 3 months
Hey i love all the ghost warriors so i'm giving the main trio backstories.
In order to make these backstories you need to remember all ghosts were either disgraced in battle, Or they offended the FSM.
Of course, Ghoutar (chill uncle)
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We love our uncle with Illeism
Probobly the most relaxed one of the four, Ghoultar dosent really have any affiliations with war, but he does have affiliations with bullying, sickness, and nothing seeming fair.
While alive (refered to as Greg or Gregory) Ghoultar was pretty much exactly like he is while dead. More relaxed, willing to help despite complaints, and of course, foodie and a tad silly.
Though, when he started speaking he could only form speach patterns in the third person. This didn't really bother his birth parents all too much despite how such would be described as a 'curse' in his time.
His father quickly left to (ninjago's version of russia idk it kind of sounds like his accsent) after finding out that he could only form speach patterns in such a way, leaving his mother to take care of him.
His mother didn't mind the so-called "curse" on her child, and simply took care of him as a mother does. Ghoultar is still particularly fond of the memories he holds of her cooking.
When he started school is where things began to go downhill. The kids at school were strict belivers in contagious curses, so likewise, Ghoultar was always getting rocks and crosses thrown at him when he was simply trying to climb trees and such.
He doubt with this all through his school years despite, but only thanks to the help of his mother...Until, she fell ill. She saddly had caught Tuberculosis just as he turned 20, and it was fatal. Since the only thing he had left was his belifs, he was angry.
He spent the rest (10-15 years) of his life searching for the FSM to get answers, but saddly he would be mistaken for an intruder by a farmer, and cut down with a sythe.
In death, he is still the foodie and sillier one in the cursed realm, shocking to the other enslaved souls of how he stays so happy.
Truly, it is because he knows his mother would be one escape away.
one escape.
For now, he simply follows Morro around and helps him out like his mother did when he was upset, in hopes Morro can help him escape and see his mother again.
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xenazaria · 5 months
So the cursed realm is basically hell, right? And you don't just show up in hell, right? So how the heck did someone like Ghoultar get there? Morro, I can kinda understand. Bansha and Wraith, I understand. But Ghoultar? The guy who likes to listen to off brand Ghostbusters songs and eat those things I can't remember the names of? The comedic relief? How the heck did he end up in this universe's equivalent of hell?
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riptidesblog · 2 months
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Ghost generals
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g-ghost swap...? (i don't need to explain to you guys who morro's gonna swap with)
Bansha: - Master of fire. hotheaded, eager to fight, prideful and kinda ruthless, much like her canon counterpart. - does care deeply about her fellow ninja though. feels a bit of a need to appoint herself as the leader and prove she is worth becoming the green ninja. takes missions incredibly seriously, would do anything to succeed - born and raised in a smithery like kai, but starts out with more battle training being the sole overseer of her home by the time shes found and brought to the monastery. likely abandoned by her parents. has the golden blades bc blade master and all. something something 1000° knives - NO idea who nya would be i nthis swap maybe you gyus cna figure something out. - has a soft spot for ghoultar, likes causing mischief with wrayth occasionally and harbours respect (and a bit of jealousy) for soul archer
Ghoultar: - Master of earth. kind-hearted, a bit naive but incredibly loyal. mess with his friends and youre done for. - youngest of the crew. definitely has puppy privileges, but wants to be treated equal to the rest and thus trains harder than he needs to - his family owns a restaurant. his strength came in pretty handy when helping around the place, theyre unsure if his father or mother passed down their powers onto him since he lives mostly with his aunt and uncle. - the sunshine of the monastery. can even make bansha and ghoultar smile once in a while - golden scythe all the way but he is a bit clumsy with it
Wrayth: - Master of lightning. reckless thrill-seeker, kind of an asshole even to his friends. expressing onesself in a healthy and direct manner? dont know her - street kid, probably busted out of the orphanage and got kicked out eventually. wouldnt be surprised if he knew ronin. growing up like this gave him edge and a lot of skills but made it hard for him to trust others. - loves getting into trouble, and specifically getting his fellow ninja into trouble too. its fun for him to pester them, but god forbid they get annoyed, he cant deal with being alone for too long. - golden chains through which he channels lightning. almost as clumsy as ghoultar at first, he only knows how to throw hands. - bandaged face because of a lightning-induced injury on the back of his head
Soul Archer: - Master of Ice. reserved and cold much like his element, only intervenes verbally when he thinks its of upmost importance or when he is asked his opinion on a matter. speaks in a highly proper manner that could even rival their master. - born and raised in a family of high standing, roots able to be traced back to way back before the serpentine war. his mannerisms are a direct result of this environment and only being allowed to speak when necessary - already an archery master when he receives the golden bow. much like zane, he at first prefers to train solo rather than with his team (though its how everyone sans ghoultar handles the first few days aswell) - oldest of the bunch. seems very uninvolved with the others and whats on their mind, but once a connection is formed, he is able to open up a little about his life and his family.
(Bonus) Morro: - a little shit! secretly the green ninja though unbeknownst to anyone. - wu may be swapped with like a creepy gijinka of preeminent, but regardless, morro joins the team much like lloyd did. - him and bansha are pretty much exactly like kai and lloyd but. worse. she cannot stand his guts, as it seems (we know she does care bc hey, abandoned by those who were meant to care? sounds familiar enough) and he plays pranks on her a lot. makes the volcano scene all the more impactful, and they have a sister-brother bond later on - the prank playing means he gets to bond with wrayth first though. neat. until he pulls a prank on him too and its all back to hating the little guy - does this make lloyd the ghost of their masters past? yes! sure why not!
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threemoonwatchers · 30 days
Wrayth: 🎶When I was🎶
Soul Archer: 🎶A young boy🎶
Bansha: 🎶My father🎶
Soul Archer:
Ghoultar: 🎶to see a marching band🎶
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nyaskitten · 1 year
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WHOA! IT'S GHOULTAR AND *checks smudged writing on my hand* uh.. uhm... yeah I have no clue who the fuck this m-shaped hairline bitchass is can someone tell me, please?
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So very recently I discovered that I’m actually a Demigirl and idk that just spiraled into me drawing this. (I headcanon Ghoultar as nonbinary btw)
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juniperjellyfish · 3 months
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siren61 · 6 months
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They’re sooo silly I love them
I imagine them as those- goofy ah villain groups and it’s been living in my brain rent-free, and I don’t mind that
I might draw more of them,,, who knows—
(yes ik i spelled Wrayth wrong please don’t come at me)
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morroodle · 2 years
Morrotober day 14: crew
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I usually like to post earlier in the day but due to "unsupported file format" (screw u too clip studio) I wasn't able to get it done early and just now finished. Anyway never doing a 5 character drawing again this was a pain in the ass
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fruit-coded-ninja · 1 year
Nonbinary Ghoultar?
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
it’s October, you know what that means
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It means I’m watching Possession for the millionth time
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realityandrebirth · 1 year
I can't wait until I write [REDACTED] and I can show everyone how I characterize Ghoultar.
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