#writing this chapter was a battle PURELY because im excited for everything that comes after
goodfellowe · 5 months
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It was nearly impossible to describe the unease that had been haunting her ever since she’d walked home from the manor. It was as if the cold trapped within the estate had managed to latch onto her somehow, wrapping its cold, slender fingers around her spine. “It feels like something followed me home, I guess."
The Queen's Labyrinth (AO3)
Chapter 5: Into the Woods
Bow and Timmy start their journey to Queen Vanessa's manor.
Cover art by @mebssann.
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samanthadalton · 3 years
Slowly falling (part 1)
Pairings: Kamilah x Amy 
This was an idea that came to me a couple of months ago but I’m glad that I finally get to start writing it now. It’s basically a rewrite of chapter 10 of book 1 with the castle attack but I’m putting my own little spin on the story and letting the slow burn unfold more. Hope you guys enjoy ❤️❤️❤️ (also im writing star crossed lovers its just gonna take a few days dw it’s coming) 
tw: mentions of blood and violence so reader discretion is advised 
  taglist: @alleycat97 @cloud9in @avalawrencefl @thedaft1 @mrs-avamontjoy @itszdavenport @iamsimpforpoppy @otakufangirl-12 @orisasay @justavampirefan @manilovshina @waterinathermostat @bloodkueen @sparklesoverlooked (i added people who liked the post about me wanting to write this fic, if you wanna be added or taken off let me know 😊) 
wordcount: 3.4k (its long i know im sorry i was excited) 
Screams fill the room as the first feral crashes through the door, letting out a blood-curdling screech to signal to the rest of the ferals to follow. Within seconds blood sprays all over the walls and floor as the ferals ravenously tear through the sea of vampires, letting their primal instincts out to play. In response, vampires begin running and fighting in all directions, while the humans run to safety, burrowing themselves into the smaller rooms, hoping to not end up as the gory decorations that besiege the room. Amidst all the chaos, the council leaders prepare themselves for battle, Adrian rolls up his sleeves, while Kamilah unsheathes her daggers from her dress. The Baron grabs a huge craving knife from the walls, as Vega stomps on a broken chair using two of its legs as deadly weapons, while Priya seizes a lit torch and begins to intimate the ferals near her,  Lester hisses and bares his fangs as the council members join the fray. Their eyes burn with anger, the redness mirroring the blood spilled as the blur of their bodies move with such elegance and precision slashing through the crowd of ferals. 
Amy watches, paralysed with fear before Lilly pulls her out of her reverie, dragging her away from the confrontation as the roars of both vampires and ferals echo through the hall, the reality of the deadly situation settling into her. Another assembly of ferals breaches through the halls and as Amy and Lily make their way towards the gardens, they lose sight of each other, as the crowds move in all directions, chaos only elevating. 
“Lily! Lily!” Amy frantically looks around the garden, her voice panicked while her breaths come heavy, unable to stop the terror taking over her body. She suddenly stops in her tracks, she slightly narrows her eyes towards the woods to see a lingering figure just standing at the edge before moving into the shadows of the trees and without any hesitation she follows after the figure. Her gaze darts around as she runs through the woods, a dubious feeling in the pit of her stomach but she subsides her doubts and pushes through. It isn’t until she hears a snarl she stops in her tracks, her heart practically leaping out of her chest. 
She slowly turns and sees a feral with blood dripping down its face as it hisses at the girl and leaps towards her. Amy lets out a yelp and leaps to the side, barely dodging its attack. “Oh my god!” The feral advances towards Amy ready to attack again, it manages to shove her to the floor, its slender fingers tightening around her arms, as blood slowly trickles down her arms. Amy lets out a sob as the feral bares its fangs, leaning closer to the girl’s face, ready to tear her to pieces. Drawing on all her strength, Amy attempts to push the feral away, her eyes scanning the environment looking for a weapon to help her. A small branch sits out of reach to her, and after a moment's deliberation, she uses one hand to reach out to the branch, her strength diminishing as she uses her other hand to hold the feral back. She grunts as she stretches her fingers, the feral digs its nails into Amy more and she screams in pain. Motivated by what she thinks are her last few moments, Amy lets out a primal cry and uses the last of her strength to grab onto the branch before plunging it through the feral's chest. The black blood splatters all over her face as she watches the feral turn into dust, the last few embers of it floating in the air as the wind blows it away. She takes a few moments to catch her breath before a resounding series of slow claps cuts through the silent atmosphere. 
“Damn, I was rooting for the feral.” 
The familiar voice brings shivers down Amy’s spine as she lifts her fatigued body off the ground, her voice a low gruff, “you.” 
“Yes, me.” Nicole stands before the girl, a sated smirk on her face as she steps closer to the girl, as she does, the moonlight shines down on her, specifically on the crossbow in her hands as she dangles it by her side. 
“You’re the one behind the feral attack.” Amy’s nostrils flare as she carefully watches Nicole’s grip on the crossbow tightening, slowly biding her time before she makes a move for it. 
“Wow looks and brains, I can see why Adrian chose you as his little pet.” She takes one step closer, all amusement wiped from her face as her gaze intensently burns into Amy��s. “Before I kill you, tell me something. How’d you know it was me?” 
Amy lip quivers slightly before she bites down on it, Nicole finds her display of fear amusing letting out a small chuckle, but she cocks her head to the side, curiosity glistening in her eyes. “Well?”
“You told us you wouldn’t be here tonight. And even though you were in the woods too, the feral only came for me.” 
“Mmm, two and two. I didn’t think you had it in you.” Nicole takes one more step towards Amy and levels up the crossbow to her forehead, “I guess Adrian needs to look for another assistant now.” 
“Why? Why are you doing this?” Amy cries out, she grits her teeth together in an endeavour to stop the tears in her eyes from falling. The corners of Nicole’s lips slightly quirk upwards as her finger hovers over trigger, “this goes far beyond you Amy. You’re just collateral.” 
“Who are you working for because I know Adrian would never want this.” 
“That old prude, please.” Nicole lets out an exasperated huff, “Adrian’s always been such a good boy following the rules, but he played me. Strung me along and made me do everything for him without giving me what I wanted most.” 
“You wanted to turn.”
“And he knew that, and he kept letting me get my hopes up until your idiotic friend had to get herself hurt and took my rightful place in his clan.” The glare in Nicole’s eyes turn to pure hatred, as her hands shake in fury, “but at least tonight I get my revenge.” Just as she’s about to pull the trigger, Amy tackles Nicole to the ground and the two women begin brawling with each other, trying to grab the crossbow. 
Amy wildly swings her arms and knocks the crossbow out of Nicole’s arms as Nicole delivers a sharp blow to Amy’s gut, knocking the wind out of her. The VP begins to crawl towards the crossbow and just as she reaches out to grab it, Amy jumps on her back and pulls her arm away. 
“Why...don’t...you...just….die?” Nicole rolls over, pushing Amy to the ground before wrapping her hands around the girl’s throat. “Guess we’ll do this the old fashioned way.” Amy begins hitting at Nicole’s sides, as her gaze slowly starts to become hazy. She feels the air leaving her burning lungs, as Nicole’s grip only tightens, a malicious smile on her face, contentedly watching as she drains the life out of the girl. A flood of adrenaline rushes through Amy’s body just as her life begins slipping away from her, and she uses the opportunity to gouge out Nicole’s eyes with her thumbs. In retort, Nicole hisses and loosens her grip arounds Amy’s neck. Amy lets out a huge gasp, letting the crisp air infiltrate her lungs and shoves Nicole off her body, reaching out for the crossbow and clamps her hands on it as soon as her hands touch it. Nicole freezes as she’s on her knees, expression startled, she lifts her hands up defenselessly and begins pleading. 
“Please..don’t do this.” 
Amy tightens her hold on the crossbow, trying to stop her shaking hands as she stares down Nicole, “why should I? You almost killed me.” 
Nicole shakes her head, tears falling from her eyes, “please, please.” 
“Stop! Just stop!” Amy keeps the crossbow aimed at Nicole but she doesn’t make a move to do anything. All of a sudden Nicole’s pleading stops as she smugly looks at the girl, a glimmer of gratification in her eyes. 
“You can’t do it.” The smile on Nicole’s face only broadens, she lets out a small devilish laugh as she slowly begins to stand, her hands still held up as she does. 
“Stop! Just stay there.” Amy apprehensively squeaks out, the crossbow still pointing at the VP. 
“You won’t do it. You’re not a killer.” Nicole degradingly pouts, her voice painfully demeaning, “you’re Adrian’s little pet. Too innocent for a world filled with killers.” 
“You don’t know anything about me,” Amy counters. 
“But I know enough. Why did you even agree to stay? You could’ve walked away, you could’ve had a clean conscience, no blood on your hands.” 
“I’ve never killed anyone!” 
“Really?” Nicole raises an inquisitive eyebrow as she slowly steps towards Amy, “tell that to the feral you just killed.” Nicole lunges forwards, trying to grab the weapon from Amy’s hand but the trigger jams and suddenly Nicole lets out a huff before dropping down to the floor, her hands clutching her chest as her clothes begin to soaked in a crimson liquid. Amy gasps, throwing the crossbow to the side as her hand uselessly hovers over the spike in Nicole’s chest before using her hands as a compress to stop the blood flow. 
“No. No. No. No. No.” Nicole’s blood permeates onto Amy’s hands, as she wipes her hands on her clothes before putting her hands back into the same position. “Please,” she whispers pleadingly as Nicole’s breaths come out in short intervals, blood sprouting from her mouth and oozing down her cheeks. When Amy meets Nicole’s eyes she doesn’t see any fear...just acceptance. Nicole laughs derisively, small flecks of blood falling on chin as she does. 
Amy momentarily freezes as Nicole’s words sink in, she realises she has still yet to learn who Nicole is working with but realises it’s too late when Nicole’s body is motionless, her eyes lifelessly hanging open. Amy lets out a choked sob, hands trembling as she glares at Nicole’s body, reality settling in. Her breaths become panicked, as she shuffles herself away from the body, she shields her eyes and uncontrollably breaks down. 
“Amy?” A soft voice calls out to her, and Amy lifts her head to see a worried Kamilah standing in front of her, her own face and hands painted in blood. Kamilah carefully turns her head to look at Nicole’s body before shifting her gaze back to the human, “did you?” she trails off as Amy frantically nods her head, her body still filled with tremors. “Hey.” Kamilah squats in front of the girl and carefully puts two fingers under her chin lifting her head until their eyes are trained on one another. “Take a deep breath in and then a deep breath out.” Amy attempts to follow Kamilah’s advice, inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly until she finally has control over her own breath. She nods in appreciation to the vampire. “Are you going to tell me what happened here?” 
“Kamilah I-” Amy murmurs, her voice laced with pain, “she’s the one behind the feral attack.” 
“She tried attacking me but the crossbow, it jammed and then-” Amy cuts herself off as tears begin brimming in her eyes. “I didn’t mean to” she violently shakes her head, as her body begins to tremble again. 
“Listen to me. You did her a favor.” Amy inquisitively gazes at Kamilah, confusion written on her face. 
“What are you talking about? I should’ve brought her back to her council, you guys should have dealt with it.” Kamilah tuts in response as she turns her head towards Nicole, fury burning in her eyes. 
“The council would have made her suffer for being behind the attack, you did an act of mercy.” 
“I don’t feel like I did,” Amy pulls her knees to her chest, hugging them tightly. Kamilah for the first time inspects the human’s, she assesses the mixed colours of black and red on her face and the scratches and blood all over her dress and arms. Kamilah stands and moves towards Nicole’s body and just as she’s about to lift her body Amy shouts out, “no! Please, no one can know about this.” 
“Please Kamilah,” Amy says pleadingly, “Adrian, Lily, they can’t find out, please.” 
Kamilah sighs, before she begins to rub her temples, “okay, wait here.” She wordlessly leaves and a few moments later returns with a shovel in her hands and begins digging in the ground next to Nicole’s body. When she’s created a hole deep enough, she carefully lifts Nicole’s body and lays into the newly dug hole and begins to fill it up again. Amy silently watches the soil hit Nicole’s body as the grave begins filling up until Nicole’s body is completely concealed. Kamilah lets out a huff before looking over to Amy who hasn’t moved from her spot in the last hour. “Amy?” Amy noncommitedly hums in response, her gaze never leaving Nicole’s grave. “Come on,” Kamilah reaches out her hand awaiting for Amy to take it and as Amy’s hands slide into hers, Kamilah effortlessly pulls Amy up, before pulling her hand away. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Kamilah walks out of the woods with Amy trailing behind her and the women catch the train, silence filling up the atmosphere as they wordlessly trudge up to Amy’s apartment. A breath of relief escapes Amy when she comes home to an empty apartment, glad that Lily isn’t here to question the state she’s in. Kamilah promptly stalks towards the bathroom and Amy closely follows behind. Kamilah grabs a towel from the cabinet and begins running the water, dabbling the towel under the water. “Come,” she commands as Amy obediently stands in front of the vampire as Kamilah lifts the wet towel and delicately begins dabbing away at the blood. Amy watches as Kamilah’s brows furrow ever so slightly, a hint of concern in her features as she softly wipes away at the blood. 
Without thinking, Amy lifts her hands to cup Kamilah’s face, Kamilah’s breath slightly hitches as she freezes while the human’s thumbs gently stroke the vampire’s cheeks, surveying the dried blood on her face. “There’s so much blood,” she quietly speaks out. 
Kamilah keepsher focus on wiping away the blood on Amy’s face, unable to look into her eyes, as she responds, “nothing that hasn’t happened before.” Kamilah freezes, her face scrunched up before her hand trails down Amy’s arm. “Take off your dress.” 
Kamilah stares at the human, her gaze serious. “Take. Off. The. Dress.” Amy turns and pulls the zipper down and as she does Kamilah gasps. 
“How did I not pick up on this before?” 
Her fingertip ghosts down Amy’s back as Amy looks over her shoulder, “picked up on what?” 
“You’re- you’re hurt.” Kamilah touches the large gash on Amy’s back and Amy’s recoils in pain. 
“Here, let me heal you.” Kamilah’s fangs descend as she lightly pricks her finger with her tooth and presses the blood onto Amy’s back. “There, it should heal soon.” 
“This is taking too long, you should take a shower and clean off the rest of the blood.” Kamilah turns to leave but Amy grips her wrist slightly pulling the vampire back. 
“Please stay, I don’t want to be alone right now.” 
Kamilah contemplates but as she takes in Amy’s distraught demeanour, her gaze softens and she sighs, “okay.” Amy pushes off her dress, but keeps her bra and panties on as she steps into the shower and begins running the water. A few moments later, Kmailah follows suit, letting her dress join Amy’s on the floor as she steps into the shower half naked. 
Wordlessly Kamilah cups Amy’s face and lets the water begin to wash away the blood, her thumbs tenderly stroking the human’s jaw as she does. Amy, although slightly taken back by the vampire’s sudden benevolence, allows Kamilah to gently caress her face. In return Amy squirts some shower gel into her hands, letting the suds bubble up in her hands before cleaning away the blood on Kamilah’s face. Kamilah tenses, realising her abrupt hesitation, Amy stops but keeps her hands on Kamilah’s face, her eyes searching the vampire’s. When Kamilah doesn’t pull away, she continues rinsing off the blood as the two women soundlessly help each other to clean up, the intensity of the atmosphere being more intimate than any moment shared between them before.
Kamilah senses Amy’s mind drifting and speaks out, “it gets easier.” 
Amy looks up at the vampire, solemnly, “which part, the killing or the guilt?” 
They continue washing off the blood in silence until Kamilah replies, “both.”
Once they are cleaned up, Amy offers Kamilah some of her newer clothes to try on. Kamilah hesitantly but without complaint puts them on before moving towards the front door, when she turns back to look at Amy, Amy can already sense Kamilah’s walls being built back up as her usual cold demeanour takes over. 
“Right, I should be getting back to the council, Vega’s called an emergency meeting.” 
“Do you know what it’s for?” 
Kamilah shakes her head, her voice devastatingly monotone, “most likely to figure out how to spin this story and clean up the mess back at the mansion. According to Vega, amidst the..” she clears her throat and carefully chooses her words, “events of tonight, Marcel was killed by the ferals.” 
Amy gasps, sadness overcoming her senses, “oh my god.”
“Well, for now you need to lay low.” 
“What about Lily? Where is she?” 
“I’m not sure,” Amy sharply draws in her breath but Kamilah lays a hand on her shoulder, “Adrian told me she’s okay.” Amy exhales elatedly. “You need to find her and lay somewhere safe for now. Something tells me that someone was using Nicole as a puppet and your apartment might not be safe for you right now.” At the sound of Nicole’s name Amy tenses, fear creeping up on her. 
“Are you going to tell them?” 
“I promised you I wouldn’t. I’ll….figure it out but for now lay low okay?” 
Amy nods and Kamilah removes her hand from the girl’s shoulder before giving her a curt nod, leaving the human in the apartment. Amy takes out her phone and texts Lily, a few seconds later Lily responds and Amy pin drops a location for Lily to meet her at. 
Eventually she meets with Lily and Jax and Jax gives the girls a tour of the shadowden where the girls meet members of the clanless and seek refuge in the shadowden for a few hours. Eventually a commotion of voices interrupt the tour as they step out to see Kamilah being held by two clanless as the crowd begin cheering and screaming at her presence. When Amy looks at Kamilah she feels a pang of disappointment in her chest as she sees Kamilah has changed back into her regular suit. After some convincing Jax lets the women go and they all go to Kamilah’s office for some privacy after Kamilah explains there has been a development in the recent attack. 
“Well? What’s going on?” Lily blurts out. Kamilah stalks towards her drinks tray pouring out half a glass of bourbon before downing it in one gulp. “Hello?” 
Kamilah shoots daggers at Lily and the young vampire immediately clamps her mouth shut. “It seems we have an issue.” 
“What’s wrong?” Amy asks and for the first time since Kamilah left Amy’s apartment, she stares directly into the human’s eyes, an unfamiliar glint in her eye. 
“They’re saying it’s Adrian.” Kamilah grits her teeth, her nostrils slightly flaring. 
“What is?” Lily raises an speculative eyebrow at the older vampire. 
“They’re saying he’s behind the attack at the castle.” 
“What? Who the hell is saying that?” Amy speaks out, the anger on her face almost matching the level of Kamilah’s. 
“The council. They’re giving him a trial in a week, to determine if he’s innocent or guilty.” 
“What happens if they think he’s guilty?” 
Kamilah squeezes the glass in her hand, crushing it into pieces as Amy and Lily share a worried glance, “he dies.” 
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magic-marvel · 5 years
Dont Go
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Steve needs him to stop Thanos, but you just can’t let him go. 
Word Count: 596
okay so i know i was supposed to come back in december i even made a hella cryptic post about it but so much came up and life was like “lol you thought” BUT NEVERMIND ALL THAT BECAUSE IM HERE NOW!! and instead of posting a chapter update i wanted to write something to kind of get me back in the game. I also couldn’t finish two other pieces that im really excited about, so expect those soon!
WARNING: sadness.
“Please, don’t leave me.”
You were struggling to hold on, grasp an arm that tried desperately to pull away.
“I have to.”
The tears welled up in your eyes began to fall. Salty trails fell down your cheeks with no remorse, stinging the very skin it touched. Your nails dug into metal, scraping away at fabric in a poor attempt to pull back the one person you didn’t want to lose.
He tried not to look at you for fear of changing his mind. But he knew that he was needed, the fate of the very world around him depended on it.
Your nails felt pain that you choose to ignore, instead clinging even deeper into the crevices of vibranium plates. You dropped to your knees, attempting to use the weight of your body to hold him back.
He only stopped in his steps, giving your fingers relief for a brief moment.
“I’m doing this for you.”
A choked sob ripped through your chest and out your throat, tearing away the very aura of the room. It sounded savage, pure primal. A sound that he never wanted to hear, and yet you cried and cried until your throat was raw and the tears ran out. But you still held on while he stood in silence wishing for your release. He didn’t have the heart to tear himself away from you.
“I just got you back… I just got you back!”
You looked up at him, and for once he had looked back. Red, puffy eyes stared into watery blue ones, pleading from the very depths of your soul for him to stay with you, put everything down and just stay.
Sirens began blaring outside, the shrieks of the horns signaling for him to leave.
“Bucky, no… please…”
You dug in further, your knuckles white from holding on and your knees sore from the ground, but you held on.
“I love you.”
These words hurt you, made another desperate sob come from your body without permission. You couldn’t say it back no matter how much you wanted to yell and scream that you loved him. But saying it back meant goodbye, a simple farewell to a trip never returning, it was the final words to someone you might never see again. So you refused, you held those words close to your heart and kept them there, not allowing him to hear them from you.
A gentle tug was all it took for you to collapse, his new vibranium arm slipped between your fingers leaving a cold nothingness instead.
You stayed on the ground, watching as he walked out the door, refusing to even look back at the one person he felt safe with, felt at home with.
The click of the front door closing sent you in a frenzy of cries and screams. You wanted to run out there, rip him off the battlefield yourself and keep him home where he would be safe. But you knew he was right, you knew he was needed, yet it didn’t make it any easier watching the love of your life leave to a battle in which you didn’t know if he would return.
When the firing of weapons and explosions soon came to a stop, you realized the fight was over. It was only a few moments later, when the bodies of those around you began to turn to ash and disappear without a trace, did you realize Earth had lost.
One more moment after, you realized you lost him, and that’s the moment you felt your heart stop.
Permanent Taglist: (unlinked names are either broken links or mispelled, please message me for any corrections)
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momtaku · 7 years
SnK Chapter 91 Poll Results
The chapter 91 poll closed with 473 entries.
“Utter Garbage” or “I trust Isayama”?
We’ll start with the scale questions. The range was 1-5, from “utter garbage” to “I trust Isayama”. I realize that isn’t an accurate scale, but “I trust Isayama” is the comment I hear most when discussing Isayama’s more questionable decisions.
RATE THE CHAPTER (451 responses)
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The reaction to the chapter as a whole was pretty positive. Only 23% of people ranked it towards the “utter garbage” side of the scale. A majority were  optimistic and almost 23% of respondents were downright confident Isayama is going to pull it off.
This chapter has really grown on the more times I read it.
[It] seems so naturally easy for a group of teens to gain success, while  the character we learned to appreciate experienced nothing but death. it feels unfair [...] but if Isayama is doing this, there must be a reason.
While there were definitely aspects that deserve creation (for instance we all know the amnesia thing was lazy writing) but overall I don't think the chapter was bad. I think the kids' unrealistic attitudes in battle was purposeful juxtaposition to the way our main cast has experienced war--it shows the extent of the brainwashing ...
Although there are a lot of cool elements, it's all just handled so badly and doesn't flow well at all. I hate just about all of the new characters. Everything about it feels lazy, rushed, and badly developed. Though the war stuff and new tech is cool and refreshing to see.
I always enjoy seeing what outsiders think of Paradis and the main characters. I appreciate how Isayama handles themes such as government propaganda and the way each side in a war can see their cause as righteous and just.
I thought this chapter was actually pretty cool. I've fallen hopelessly in love with Gabi! Fingers crossed that Annie gets the f*** outta that crystal soon though!
Seeing the extent of Marleyan brainwashing was exceedingly well done.
The random amnesia thing was really lazy and half-assed.
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 I’ve never seen a scale so evenly divided. Opinions about the time skip are all over the place. A slim majority picked the safety of the middle option.
The time skip is perfect and Gabi is the best.
The time skip was needed for story progression but a lot of important questions and interactions were skipped in terms of character development. I just hope we get some of them in flashbacks and not have them completely disregarded
Timeskips should be illegal
After reading the full chapter and talking to someone else about it, I feel better about the timeskip. This chapter made me feel for RBA more, because they must've started out like Gabi and the rest.
Timeskips are cheap ?? Theres so much plot you could throw in there but noooooo
I believe there is no time skip but the chapter takes place during chapter 1-90 of the manga. So its showing a different perspective on the manga
Time skip means we will see older version of the main characters and that's both exciting and terrifying af
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Feeling about the direction of the story are almost a mirror image of the "Rate this Chapter” question. Despite disagreement over the time skip, confidence is still relatively high.
Love the story right now so much. The mix of ww1, fucked up war morals, fantasy is a personal favorite.
I will like this chapter, but only if Isayama concludes this story with a good twist, that is. If not, chapter 91 will in my opinion be the beginning of the end (end in a bad way).
Isayama fell asleep at the wheel
It's definitely not how I thought it would go, and it seems like it may only pay off if we exceed the previous 110 prediction for chapters. I've seen a couple of theories about the new characters and parallels between the Trost days for our characters. I will be extremely disappointed if we get no answer on what happened during the lost year of chapter 90. Or the lost 3 years between that and 91.
i think the story has potential still, and im interested to see how it will work out. im also just hoping this flash to the marley side isnt gonna be too long. 
I think this is going to be really interesting and we get to see the other side of the fight and their perspective.
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The reveal of the Jaw Titan was completely overshadowed by the brief glimpse of Reiner and insight into Marley. 57% of the vote focused on those two things.
Imagine how the poor kid that inherited "Cartman" felt like upon learning that that thing was their award for winning the marleyan hunger games.
I thought this was a pretty good world building chapter (despite the jarring time skip), especially since we've been waiting many chapters to see this place.  I don't ADORE these new characters, I'm more intrigued, which is better then hating them.  This is also a good set up chapter.  I'm interested to see if Reiner will interact with these new characters.  Since they look so similar to the 104th (design and personality), will he constantly be reminded of his past relationships with them?  Plus, will he see some of himself in them (specifically Gabi) and through them reminding of himself we'll see his backstory?  And is he going to just except his fate and get eaten, or be like "Screw this, nope, not dealing with it."
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Support for Gabi is simply overwhelming. Gabi (38%) and Jerwin (25%) were our favorite new cast members. 
Gabi is such a badass, omg, do you see it Eren? This is how you getting out of horrible situations!
Dammit you Gabi! Fresh Face, Fresh Outlook in Life and Cute! I want to cosplay as her!
i feel like i'm the only one who doesn't  like the new characters
I'm so confused but Gabi is fantabulous
Gabi is such a ray of sunshine
my orphanage is full i already have too many kids to adopt in this series
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Another close poll, Reiner keeping his titan form narrowly edges out Gabi as the armor recipient.
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If respondents have their way, Zeke’s short term future is very secure. 
I also believe that Zeke will keep the Beast Titan (at least for a while), but ultimately Colt will be the one to inherit it. Zeke story is far from being over.
If Levi is taking down the beast titan and he finds out that not only is Zeke already dead, but his replacement is a weak-brows version of Erwin, I really hope it gives him pause.  That could be such a heartbreaking, earth shattering moment for him and I hope Yams handles it right.
  Attack on Clones
New character, same face. Most of these are self explanatory, but clearly I asked the wrong question with Falco since the majority picked “Other”. Grisha’s friend and fellow revolutionary Grice should have been an option.
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Strong resemblance confirmed! I was especially please that the majority agree that Colt most closely resembles Erwin. Since I passionately hate the name “Colt”, I see this as permission to call him Erwin, Jr, or “Jerwin”. 
Zophia is clearly the traumatized medic who inventoried dead!Marco)
I don't really see a strong resemblance between the new cast and the old.
When I saw the new characters I thought: would the children of our main cast look like them?
Part of me wants to say that some key characteristics about Gabi not only resemble Eren or a younger version of him, but may also express some of the characteristics Isayama originally wanted to use for Eren when he considered making him female
Colt=Commander Handsome 2.0
Colt looks like Kenny tbh
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Ya’ll know these questions are unscientific and purely for my amusement with questions like this. I thought Nick’s live chapter reaction (soundboard) summed things up perfectly. At least one respondent disagreed.
theleapingtitan's reaction wasn't that funny, and for a SNK Chapter poll, seeing stupid stuff like this just takes away the authenticity of the poll
who tf is nick (jk lol praise the walls)
"WHAT" was legitimately the keyword for this chapter but I trust Isayama with the story and with our heroes+ I hope we'll get to see the Jaegers reunion before anything bad happens to Zeke tho
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This question is nearly identical to the scale question at the top of the poll, but it’s nice to see the information presented in a different way. It’s obvious to me that while the majority still have faith in Isayama, people are hesitant to fully embrace his storytelling.
I was waiting for the story to explain what's going on the other side of the ocean. But not from these "copy and pasted" brats. Reiner is seen in just one panel and Zeke is barely mentioned. That's a shame.
I'm interested to see where this goes but a good 75% of my thoughts are concentrated on what the main characters possibly look like after the time skip.
I honestly dislike how Isayama uses these new characters to show us what Marley and being a warrior is like, instead of showing us RBA and Zeke's past :(
Really enjoyed the way the characters were presented. It gives the reader the chance to see Marley's side of things without being forced to have a story-generated opinion on them (aka screaming at us to hate them) because quite frankly, I was rooting for those Warrior kids to succeed with their plan!
Very unexpected change of character view from our beloved heroes to their"enemy"'s point of view. But I also think it's come at a good time in the overall SnK storyline.
It's disappointing. There's so much potential in the series but I feel like Isayama just wants to get the series over with.
DO YOU THINK YMIR IS DEAD? (445 responses)
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Clearly, we’re keeping the faith until we see a corpse.
In reference to Ymir, I don't believe she'd dead because unlike the Zeke and Reiner, no warriors are competing to claim her power, so unless they already dealt with the one to claim her I think they've kept her alive for now.
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I’ve asked this question with each poll and in the past “The Vets” have had the edge. That changes now. I suspect many of Erwin’s fans are no longer interested in the series and certainly not interested enough to take a poll. This number may continue to decline since “The Vets” now consists of only Levi and Hange. Fans of the “The Warriors” remain consistent in their dedication.
Final thoughts
There were more chapter thoughts in this post. Fandom hope for ponytail Levi is strong!  “Where’s Levi”, “Where’s Ymir” and “Bring back Annie” continue to be high on everyone’s mind.
Compiling this takes forever but I love getting a glimpse into what what others are thinking. If I didn’t publish your comment, please know that I read it. Thank you again for the support.
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