#writing: an ultimatum
bookofbolden · 9 months
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Eleanor's Apartment PARTIES: Farah Bolden-Landry & Eleanor SUMMARY: Eleanor gets a surprise visit from her younger sister who's hellbent on getting her out of Wicked's Rest. WARNINGS: Mention of substance abuse, depression
Farah Bolden-Landry was a fierce woman who had never backed down from any fight and stood firmly upon what she believed in. She wasn’t easily influenced and she spoke her mind no matter how uncomfortable it might make everyone else. She was Eleanor’s biggest role model and best friend, having taken the older girl under her wing almost immediately after she’d been dumped on the Bolden’s doorstep. She’d gladly invited Eleanor to share her bedroom, had made sure that everyone in the intimidating private school all of the Bolden children attended didn’t hurt a hair on her newest sister’s head, and was the first person Eleanor had ever opened up to about her sexuality.
It wasn’t easy for Eleanor to hide how poorly she was doing whenever it came to Farah. It was simple to put on a cheerful voice whenever her parents called or to send a few smiling emojis whenever the rest of her siblings texted, but Farah was different and at times Eleanor wondered if her sister was also an empath because of her uncanny ability to always know when something wasn’t right. She wasn’t used to others being able to pinpoint her emotional state and it made her skin crawl, ironic since she’d been accused of the very same thing her entire life.
It was because of Farah’s immense emotional intelligence that her surprise visit shook Eleanor to the core - she hadn’t even had time to prepare an elaborate speech about how much she loved her new life in her new town.
“Farah?” Eleanor blinked away the last remnants of sleep and stared blankly at her sister. She’d been ripped from her dreamless slumber at the sound of someone banging on her front door, her cotton pajama set crooked and her hair a rat’s nest. She hadn’t even bothered with her glasses which was why the familiar face was somewhat distorted. “Do you know what time it is?”
“Noon, Elle. It’s noon.” Farah responded in her husky voice and took in the dark circles under her older sister’s eyes (which she’d been successful at hiding from everyone else thus far under a layer or two of concealer) and the poor state of the apartment behind her. It wasn't like Eleanor to let her living space become unmanageable, even as a kid she’d been a neat freak and had insisted that everything had a place. “Mom and Dad gave me a big story about how you’re loving it in this shitty town and you're moving on quickly. They said that your therapy appointments are going well, too. I knew it was all a crock of shit. You’re really pulling off the hot grandma look, by the way.” She motioned to Eleanor’s pajamas with a smirk.
Eleanor frowned up at her sister. “Why’re you here?”
“It’s good to see you too.” Farah pushed her way past Eleanor and took a look around the small apartment. “Are you sleeping on the couch?”
Eleanor sighed, closed the door, and turned to face her fate. She’d thought she would have a lot more time before any of her family thought it necessary to make a house call - she’d obviously been letting her mask slip.
Her eyes landed on the couch with its mountain of pillows and blankets. She couldn’t tell the truth that she was terrified of sleeping in her bed because sometimes it still smelled like Lily and other times she would roll over in the dead of night and swear her girlfriend was lying there next to her, softly snoring like she always did.
“It was just one night.” She busied herself with cleaning up the mess on the couch as a way to avoid looking Farah in the eye as she lied through her teeth. “What brings you to Wicked’s Rest? Shouldn’t you be in Canada with your husband?” Farah had married a Canadian businessman and they traveled back and forth often in order to keep in touch with both of their families. 
“He's busy and I wanted to come see my big sister.” The younger woman shared a smile.
“And to check up on me.”
Farah rolled her eyes and flopped down onto the newly tidied couch. “Can you blame me? You’ve been off the grid for a month now and the only things I’m hearing about you are coming from our parents. They’re easy to fool because they want to believe all the things you’re telling them. You know how gullible they are: they gave Dylan another loan two months ago because they still think he’s trying to start up a business even though every time they give him a big chunk of change the local plug gets a new Mercedes.”
Eleanor nodded slowly, her arms crossed over her chest. “So our brother is still struggling with addiction and you've chosen to come here and criticize me because I slept on the couch last night?”
“Not the point and you know it.” Farah responded in a condescending sing-song voice. “Where are all of these friends our parents say you’re making? Are they real or in your head?”
Eleanor scowled and turned to stomp into the kitchen. She needed to keep her hands busy so that she could think through her responses quickly - one wrong word and Farah would have her packed up and on a plane to Canada and there was absolutely nothing she’d be able to do about it.
But her friends were real, she just couldn’t give too much information about them unless she wanted to chance being placed in a padded room while at the same time being specific enough to ensure that her sister knew she wasn’t making anything up. What could she possibly say to Farah? Yeah, my friends are real! And guess what? One of them’s a vampire and the other another undead type. And there was even a water nymph, whatever the hell that is, and she threatened me with a knife before I unknowingly insulted her and she ran off. That wouldn’t go over too well. Her sister knew of her abilities, but she wouldn’t be so open to accepting more than that, even less so if the information was coming from her clinically depressed, recently traumatized sister.
“We’re all adults, they can’t just hang out at my place all day like we don’t have jobs.” Eleanor was surprised to find that her sister was correct about the time but still decided to start making herself breakfast. It was the first time in a week that she’d turned on the stove and let out a deep breath when it went over without a hitch despite being neglected in favor of takeout. “Um… there’s Metzli, we met when they offered to give me some inspiration for my book with their art. They’re an amazing artist, you should see some of their stuff. There’s Ariadne and she’s into ballet like me and she's really sweet.” She was also recently kidnapped, but apparently that’s just something that happens around here from time to time. “Teagan, uh,” although she tried to cover it with a cough the hesitation was noticeable, “Teagan’s here, too.”
“Those names sound made up. Except for Teagan, I kinda like that one. I’m gonna add it to the list.”
At the mention of Farah’s famed list Eleanor spun around and pounced on the opportunity to change the subject. “You two are still trying for a baby? How’re you ever gonna be able to pick a name if you keep adding to that damn list?”
As stern as she was, Farah was unable to stop herself from smiling in response to her sister’s enthusiasm. “Our efforts and the list are still going strong. Mom also offered to get me in touch with all the people they worked with just in case -”
“You’re gonna be able to have your own, sometimes it just takes a little bit of time.” Eleanor interjected when she felt the shift in her sister’s mood turn darker. “Don’t even think about that yet because it’ll just add stress.”
“But we also have to be realistic. And adoption isn’t bad at all, look at how we ended up because of it.” Farah looked over her sister again and Eleanor shifted uncomfortably at the pangs of guilt and pity that were directed towards her. She didn’t want either.
She turned back to the stove and a comfortable silence fell over the apartment, though she could feel that her sister was trying to find something to say that would convince Eleanor to leave with her. It would all be in vain, of course, but she would try as she had multiple times before.
“Elle…” Farah started and Eleanor looked over her shoulder, her jaw set and ready to protest, but she immediately melted when she saw the tired, concerned look on her sister’s face. “We’re worried about you.”
“Don’t be.” She transferred the finished eggs onto a serving plate before she moved to the small desk she’d tucked into the corner of the living room and picked up two large notebooks to show Farah. “I’m working and it’s taking everything out of me, but that’s good! I’m researching and getting out of my apartment and meeting people -”
“For work.” Farah held up her hand to stop Eleanor before she could continue on her rant. “You’re researching and leaving your apartment and talking to people for work. You need to have people over just for fun, or go out and do something that doesn’t involve getting information for your next project. Hell, just go and get some coffee.”
“I’m always getting coffee!” Eleanor felt the frustration bubble up and out of her before she could stop it and she threw the notebooks back onto the table. “I’m always trying but there’s no results so no one sees that, Farah! I leave my apartment and it feels like the entire world is gonna come crashing down on me. I meet someone new and I have to decide whether those feelings that I’m having are actually mine or if I’m just experiencing whatever they’re feeling. I go to get coffee and I have to fight the urge to just drop to the ground because it’s so… loud.” Tears that she hadn’t realized had built up in her eyes spilled over and she swiped angrily at them. “She’s not here to help me anymore. I don’t get to have her around and have her calm me whenever things get bad and I don’t think people understand how awful that is because she’s not just gone, I feel her every single day and she’s terrified and in pain constantly. She’s here, in my mind, but I can’t see her or talk to her, but she’s there just out of reach. Every day, from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. I feel everything! And the only advice I can get is ‘get out of the house’ or ‘make some friends’. I can leave the house, but she won’t be out there, and I can make some friends, but they won’t be her.”
Farah seemed frozen for a moment until she was finally able to get to her feet and cross the room to her sister. She gently wiped the tears from Eleanor’s cheeks and tapped the tip of her nose like she would do when they were younger. 
“Not once have you said her name out loud - you can’t, can you?”
And there was no reason to argue because it was true. She could type Lily’s name while speaking with people online, but she couldn't bring the name to her lips. She thought life itself would end should she call out and receive no response.
“Come back with me, you’ll have your own side of the house with an actual office and everything, you won’t even have to see me and Daniel if you don’t want to. And when we have a kid… I’ll make sure to keep them away from you until they’re able to self-regulate their emotions. A baby would probably be a nightmare for you now that I’m thinking about it.” Farah straightened Eleanor's pajamas and quickly ran her fingers through the mess of hair atop her head, always the caretaker despite being the younger of the pair. “Everyone would be able to breathe a little bit better if they knew you were with us - or at the very least go home, Mom and Dad would probably die of happiness to have you back.”
Could she leave? She wouldn't want to move back in with her parents because she would be smothered. Her parents had always been concerned about her, but Lily’s disappearance had really amped it up. Eleanor knew that she would never know peace should she return to the Bolden household. But she could live with her sister, without a doubt, and happily at that. Farah was good at giving people space because she required a lot of it herself and she wouldn’t feel the need to check in every hour on the hour, maybe once or twice a day if she’d noticed Eleanor hadn’t left her room for food. It had been extremely easy for the two to share a room when they were teenagers and even though Farah was a little messier than Eleanor liked, they compromised nicely and were able to coexist without driving each other insane.
“You won’t be alone anymore.” Farah added, mistaking the faraway look on Elenaor’s face as her trying to come up with some excuse as to why she should stay.
Eleanor shook her head. “I’m not alone.” She was lonely but not alone, and even that could be fixed with a simple message to either Metzli or Ariadne. She knew either one would be at her front door the moment she confessed she needed them. But that was the problem, she didn’t want to bother them.
“Right, your friends with the weird names.” Farah sighed and took a step back. “Just think about it for me? We could have you packed up and out of here before the end of the week, promise. Only the best for you and absolutely nothing less. I really think that you need to get away from everything that reminds you of what used to be - I mean, what're you even doing here?"
Although Eleanor would have loved to say that she hadn’t been swayed by Farah’s promises she had to admit that the woman had offered an appealing deal. What was she doing in Wicked’s Rest? She couldn’t find a missing person all on her own, especially not now that the police would be no help since they’d determined that Lily wasn’t missing at all but had instead just ran off.
She pulled Farah into a hug. "I'm going to stay, even if it's just a little while longer. I promise I'll be in touch more and be more honest about what I'm going through - with you, not our parents. They don't need to be anymore worried."
Farah let out a short sigh and hugged her back. "You have six months, if you haven't gotten better by then you're coming back with me. I'll have it court ordered and everything, don't make me cause a scene."
And if there was one thing Farah didn't joke about it was causing a scene. Eleanor immediately felt the pressure of the deadline: six months to turn her life around, at least enough to trick her incredibly intuitive sister... would she be able to do it?
She had no choice but to try.
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Ok. Ok. Forgive me but this is happening.I have reality TV brainrot and I'm making it everyone else's problem. Blackbonnet but the Ultimatum Queer Love.
Ed's with Jack, he wants to gets hitched but Jack's a whiny POS who couldn't commit to anything more meaningful than a good fart - but Ed's getting on a bit and he knows he should settle down and he's never really met anyone else so maybe love is just settling for whatever works and Jack's fine, I guess, if you like morons. Then there's Stede, and he and Mary are on there because idk she's pregnant or family pressure or w/e and Stede assumed marriage was the next logical step but she's not feeling it, and besides Stede gets a little panicky and fainty when he thinks about marriage (to a woman, but shh he hasn't got there yet). They do the mingling break up thing, Mary gets paired up with Evelyn or Doug w/e and Jack ends up being the last picked because lol fuck you Jack, and Ed and Stede pick each other because they got on, and Stede likes Ed's kind eyes and Ed likes Stede’s fancy manners (he did the whole pulling his chair out for him on a mini-date, wtf does that?). Both assume the three weeks will be a fun easy time while their respective partners realise how much they loved them, valued them, were ready to get hitched etc, but ho-ho, what's this? Someone's catching feelings? On one hand you can do the whole pining while shacked up and not realising reciprocated feelings until the final moment of decision, but tbh I would just like them to fall head over heads insanely fast and never look back. Like Jack loudly saying there was no way that 'big gal' could keep up with Ed in bed, too much of a wuss to do anything, and smash cut to Stede just absolutely blowing Ed's back out on their couch. Cut back to three weeks with their respective original partners and Stede and Mary are delighted to arrange split custody and move on ASAP, and there's a satisfying payoff of Ed dumping Jack when he tries to neg him during one of the group nights, and Stede gets to have the even more satisfying payoff of punching Jack in the face when he insults Ed in front of him. Then Stede tells Ed he would be honoured to treat him as fine as he deserves for the rest of their lives, and then they get married and fuck a lot and it's fuckin' great. And fuck you Jack 👌.
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ride-a-dromedary · 1 month
I continue to think about an underdeveloped AU where Halsin was one of the potential new companions for Baldur's Gate 2 (and by continue to think about I mean the oven is preheated).
Because realistically it would have been 24-ish years before they Shadow Curse, which means he wouldn't have yet been Archdruid - would have been in his 220s about, so would have been out of his cynic phase (and likely post Underdark). He'd probably still be on the cusp of being young and idealistic enough that he'd come across a little more chipper and less even keeled/potentially more risky. His personality/disposition and alignment already seems to mesh pretty well with Minsc and Jaheira (in a way I can't quite describe but he's carried much like a BG1/2 era character), who are heavy returning hitters in BG2, so it would likely mean he'd conflict with companions like Korgan, Dorn, possibly Edwin, etc. He'd get along with Aerie (hearing about a "circus" but not experiencing one, then coming into play in BG3 like oh...OH) and Cernd and Mazzy (and Wilson, obviously), and I can see him coming around to Viconia after an initial icy and distrusting head to head.
It would have had to change how he reacted to BG in the third game if he had previously been there, but that's not a huge leap with some dialogue tweaking with less "first time shock" and more "can't believe this place has gotten worse, didn't think that was possible", but unlike Jaheira who begrudgingly grew to like the city after making it her home because it was her children's home (kinda...sorta...), he would have likely gotten right back out of there and held onto the viewpoint for 124 years, with nothing particularly to challenge that, and a particular wariness now of Reithwin's "little market town" turning into an entire city along with the other druids. So the contempt would be further informed by experience.
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vladdyissues · 19 days
Based on a poll I saw.
What if Danny grew taller than Dan?
I mean, how come Dan's height is based on Vlad when Dan is taller than Vlad?
What if the Vlad part actually held back Dan's growth?
"What if" is the question every fanartist and fanfiction author asks themselves—with the caveat that it's something that compels them, something they're interested in.
Since I have no interest in Danny growing taller than Dan, I would not have ever asked this question. But you're welcome to answer it for yourself and take that first step toward being the change you want to see.
And since I've expressed—numerous times now—that I have no interest in Tall Danny, or Big Dicked Danny, or any other growth-related topics pertaining to Danny, I would appreciate it if you stopped sending me asks of this nature. I'm not going to change my mind, I have no interest in changing yours, and I wish you would extend me the same courtesy I'm extending you.
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wheredoesthegoodgo · 8 months
my friend convinced me to watch the ultimatum: queer love and now I can’t stop imagining a bkdk au. where izuku shows up with todoroki who gave an ultimatum because he proposed months ago and has patiently been waiting for izuku to decide so he can Cherish him. katsuki of course is there with kirishima who also thinks its time for them to get married, he like, wants kids and all that shit with his main man, which katsuki also technically wants but isn’t sure he deserves kirishima.
but now low and behold bkdk both show up to this weird ass reality thing and see each other after like ten years (which the producers totally knew and of course wanted to start drama).
and izuku’s just Shook(tm) and katsuki’s just high key stressed that fucking deku is here. kirishima was amused until he realizes this is the so-called nerd that was bakugo’s gay awakening tween childhood friend/victim and then he stays amused while also trying to be supportive like “maybe apologizing is what you need to make peace with yourself and feel ready for marriage”
and then after their ‘break-ups’ they end up on dates. obviously bakugo’s dates are with icy hot (who is perfectly pleasant but bakugo decides he hates him anyway) and deku. and with deku it starts off awkward and then turns into arguing w ust and then their last date together melts into a heavy apology where bakugo’s explaining “I realized I’d rather be reading all might comics with you than talking about girls or to girls and it was harder to accept than I realized” and “we knew each other for so long I figured you already knew and I was paranoid you were going to say something or do something and that you were looking down on me, pitying me because of it”
to which of course izuku’s like “no I was just kind of oblivious to my own feelings I’m sorry you felt that” and “I forgave you a long time ago but honestly not sure I ever felt there was something to forgive cause I could tell you were going through something”
and suddenly they both feels so much lighter but at the same time its HEAVY between them like What Could Have Been and there’s Something There
but the date wraps up and before ya know its its the time to choose who they are going to “marry” for a week.
Bakugo chooses Deku.
and he reasons fuck, no one knows him like this nerd even if it’s been a decade since they talked. if anyone is going to help him figure his shit out its going to be this man.
Izuku of course accepts. absolutely reverential about being chosen. after all he and todoroki talked it out and both agreed they were going to fully commit to this, so its totally okay he’s 100% invested in being kaachan’s husband for a week.
cut to bkdk having an absolutely xander/yoli of a lovefest week x1000. just meshing perfectly together, and after their first kiss all bets are off and they absolutely sleep together (bakugo definitely gets off on being better in bed than todoroki) (who is absolutely adequate izuku just has a higher libido and more kinks ok) (this definitely came up on their date together much to izuku’s mortification of saying so on camera and bakugo has been thinking about it since) and bakugo is like…all in. he loves kirishima but they’ve been growing apart and he’s all in with deku like fuck. meanwhile deka is also head over heels but having the occasional existential crisis about todoroki. who is perfect and deserves all the love.
and so bkdk end up married and grossly in love; todoroki decides nothing will piss off his dad more than getting engaged to a guy he hasn’t known for more than a week and ends up engaged inasa; kirishima either gets with kaminari or back with mina idk
Tl;dr bkdk love all around #lovewins
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 9 months
‘The point is not “is bftc good Jason characterization”’
Actually the point can be anything that the op of the post wants it to be. Oh you mean that is not your point. Um …. Cool. Nobody asked.
#*​provides canon proof of Jason absolutely traumatizing teens in canon*#/s#*the whopping two instances are titans tower and the Mia Dearden incident*#both of which happened around the same time as uth. effectively making Jason approximately … eighteen or nineteen.#while Mia was 17 and Tim was like 16. wow how could this seasoned old man be so cruel to these literal babies#this is coming from someone who cares deeply about how different authors’ visions for bruce can turn him into a male power fantasy#but according to this person that's technically all fanon because the authors are fans of Batman who write him how they want#<- a needlessly complicated way of saying it doesn’t matter that almost every writer has written Batman as a cop symbol#because they don’t agree with those authors’ visions it’s just bad characterization#not consistency#anyway back to how any Jason fan who doesn't ascribe to your flawless interpretation of these iffy events is actually missing the point#mhm okay ignored winick showing Jason desperately saving children like three times in lost days#and other authors later wrote him being good with kids too#oh but even if he had the same trait in post crisis and n52 these characterizations are actually irreconcilable because they said so#kelseethe#for someone who seemingly cares so much about numbers and patterns#they tend to skip a lot of important panels in their ‘analyses’#like the panels in batman 650 where Jason mentioned the thousands joker killed and the friends he's crippled#and the lost days panels of him being upset about joker going on to hurt more families and fathers and sons#all this to claim Jason’s ultimatum in utrh was entirely self-centered#I guess it just goes to show how much evidence you have to ignore/disregard to come to the conclusion that Jason is a bad person#but yeah your vision is the be all & end all and anyone who thinks otherwise isn’t ~normal~
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crimeronan · 8 months
describing various character arcs in the silt verses to rafi just to watch them go DDDDD:!!!
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performativezippers · 6 months
Last line tag meme - tagged by @purlturtle hey buddy!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or the last wip you drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I've started working on the Kacy The Ultimatum AU again, which is so fun and free, and here is the end of chapter 4:
Lucy laughs at that, another loud, braying sound, like she’s startled, surprised, and Kate can’t help but smile. After a moment, Lucy’s mirth softens into something much more tender, melting from a guffaw to something warm and sweet so, so knowing. “Yeah,” she says softly. “I do too, sometimes.”
I'm not counting those words but I'll tag @roadien60 because every word she writes is a true gem and pleasure, and anyone else who sees this please consider yourself tagged
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djbilux · 6 months
Gather round, children, and let me read you a tale,
A tale that shall inflict fear in you with no fail,
It is of addiction, trash, and a corporation so greedy
The frightening tale of Netflix TV
3 years in the past, I was but a child
Stuck in a pandemic, with only my room to hide
When I finished my daily Zoom
The only thing I felt was a chilling gloom
So as per usual, I open Netflix on my phone
To see shows I have not yet watched before
Daredevil, B99, Rick and Morty, all binged
The end of Netflix would make any man unhinged
But thus, stood a show that never popped in my feed
"A Netflix original? Ok, it could be neat..."
Of course, in hindsight it was no miracle
Instead, it was a sphere, a ball, a CIRCLE
I hit play without any second thought to give
The realization of the horror I entered into cut like a shiv
But I was in too deep, I was done, booked
If I were Robin Williams, I'd say I was Hooked
I watched and watched the reality show
When season one was done, the second was ready to go
I wept and I cried day and night about my curse
But little did I know it would only be the first
Because when season 3 was done there was no more
I thought I finally ended my days of horror
I rejoiced in happiness that I was out of this bind
And then a new title showed up - "Love is Blind"
I knew what had to happen, but I tried to fight the need
I threw my phone at the wall with such speed
That not only did I crack my phone and my wall
It opened up the show, audio and all
It was too late now, I had to watch the whole show
2 seasons down the drain of people being stupid from head to toe
And when that ended, The Ultimatum began
The queer season started right after the normal one was done
And so I watched all of them, all of the reality shows
And I'll keep seeing them as long as Netflix will make more
My life consists of looking at these disappointing stories
Only to know that each and every one will fail with no worries
So I warn you children, don't venture through the dark path
You're not as strong as mother nature, and you don't know her wrath
Go watch normal TV, like Scott Pilgrim or Make Happy
Because if you don't, you'll end up just like me
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coquelicoq · 24 days
Speaking of crosswords, I made a new friend that loves them (her personal record for the nyt mini is 13 seconds!!!) and we were doing paper plate awards and I made hers a super basic crossword and she was so excited she cried a little!
Anyways I told her she should start trying to write them, considering she says she literally sees crosswords when her eyes are closed. Just wanted to share since you are The Crossword Person in my brain lol
that's awesome! i hope she tries it out and has fun with it! i think writing crosswords enhances the crossword-solving experience because you better understand what goes into it and can really admire a clever theme or an elegant fill in a way that you might not have noticed otherwise. at least that's been the case for me! it also makes me way crankier now when i see a poorly done puzzle, but you win some you lose some. best of luck to her!! <3
#la times and usa today i am looking at you#usa today doesn't even have rotational symmetry in their themed puzzles 🙄 what is this amateur hour???#i just feel like in a national paper that pays for crosswords there should be some standards#don't get me started on the la times. which is apparently syndicated all over the world?? but it sucks???#again like it's relative. if the la times crossword was written by some rando for his ten friends it would be fine#but that's a paper with a huge circulation...ridiculous#whoops i'm being so negative in the tags lol thank you for coming to tell me this!!! i'm so glad to be The Crossword Person in ur brain#as you can see i have a lot of thoughts about crosswords at all times#i spent like an hour telling my family about my beef with will shortz on vacation#they were fascinated. they just wanted me to talk about something and once they got me on the topic there was a lot to say#(much of it was my grandmother repeatedly telling me to send will shortz THREATENING EMAILS giving him ultimatums that i would#go on FACEBOOK and TELL EVERYONE that he scammed me out of $60 (which is probably not exactly what happened#but the fact remains i paid him $60 and he did not give me the thing that i paid for) if he didn't rectify the situation within#TWENTY-FOUR HOURS#it was so funny i was like grammy you watch too many spy movies...)#cruciverbs#asks#not anon#it was so sweet of you to write her a crossword! i bet that made her feel really special and seen <3
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kingsalvation · 9 months
Merlin fanfiction Idea:
Arthur is desperate to reconcile with his sister — Morgana — and begs her what he could do to make things right between them without the crown being given to her. Morgana then gives Arthur the ultimatum; Sacrifice Merlin and they will reconcile or she will attack Camelot without fail.
Morgana tells Arthur why she wants merlin dead and Arthur found out that Merlin tried to poison her, making him angry. Blinded by hatred and not knowing the whole truth, he agrees.
A week has passed and Arthur tried hiding his hatred towards merlin, he succeed but his actions were odd to the people around him, merlin is worried but gave his king some space. When the time came for the plan Morgana and Arthur to start, Arthur told Merlin they will go hunting, just the two of them. Merlin thinking non of it as odd agrees, although he say he hates hunting to make his king respond and joke. When his king doesn't respond, he grew more worried but stayed silent. When Arthur told them to stop and make camp, Merlin started doing what he is told. While Merlin is in the middle of light the campfire, the sounds of footsteps can be heard behind him. Thinking it is Arthur, he spoke loudly by saying he's not done with the fire. He only stood up and turned around when he heard the chuckle of a woman. Infront of him is Morgan. With wide eyes, Merlin prayed for Arthur's safety. Merlin speaks to Morgana with a tense posture, it took around 2 min or so of speaking when Morgan chuckle coldly and told Merlin that his loyalty and achievement were wasted. Confused, Merlin is about to ask what she means when he followed her eyesight. Before merlin can even turn around to check, a sharp and agonizing pain erupted on his chest. Looking down, he see the tip of the sword he cleans so carefully, the sword he gave to only one person, the person he love from afar. Weakly turning his head, his eyes met with dark blue eyes, glaring at him with hate he never saw.
Arthur removes the sword stabbed at merlin with a quick tug and merlin sways while still looking at arthur with shock, hurt, and realization.
Morgana let out a giggle which turned into full blown laughter, she looks like she just swan in a juice full of euphoria.
Merlin knees buckles while he contemplates how to keep his king and love safe, for he knew that Arthur was used by Morgana. He then remembers the spell he created for a scenario if he leaves the world before Arthur.
Morgana's laughter echo through out the forest while she berates Arthur and Merlin for being so easy to manipulate.
Arthur grows more and more confused and ask what Morgana means, his dread and realization slowly understanding the situation. Morgana told Arthur the whole truth, that she was the reason Camelot was sleeping and she was the anchor to the spell, if merlin have not poisoned her, Camelot would have fallen.
Arthur stands as the situation sinks in, his heart began to hurt at the onslaught of emotion. But what drew his attention was the man he stabbed, bleeding heavily on the ground, looking at him with sadness and understanding. He sobbed the manservants name.
Morgana bids Arthur goodbye as she prepare her spell, Arthur only stands.
When the spell is about to be fired, Merlin used all of his strength to tackle arthur out of the spells way, moaning in pain as he did so. Arthur holds Merlin and put pressure on tbe wound but blood keeps gushing.
Morgana snarls and told merlin that his loyalty is truly awe inspiring but they will still die. Morgana prepare the spell again and shot it at their direction
Merlin not wanting Arthur to be hurt, revealed his magic by casting a reflective shield with the magic he still have.
The spell got absorb in the shield before firing back at Morgana's direction. Morgana was shocked to see Merlin have magic so she wasn't able to dodge. She got hit by the spell and yelled in pain. She casted a spell of teleportation and yelled at Arthur and Merlin that the fight wasn't over.
With Morgana gone in the area, merlin dropped his shield breathing heavily. He told Arthur that he was born with magic and he didn't regret using his gift fot arthur.
"my existence is meaningless without you. If you have not been born, I won't be alive today. You are the reason I live. You are my king, my life, my destiny, my.... Heart, forever yours."
As merlin say his words, he casted his spell while he lay his hand on Arthur's chest, specifically where the heart is. Getting comfort in the erratic heartbeat and touch.
Arthur seeing Merlin's eyes slowly closing begs Merlin to stay awake, to stay with him, to live with him. Tears that Arthur tried to stop began to flow without fail. Begging the gods that he doesn't even believe to not take Merlin.
It was no use.
Merlin's eyes closed with a peaceful expression, as if he has done what he could. Arthur holds Merlin's face still begging for his eyes to open.
The weather began to stir, lightning flashing, the winds began to howl, the animals began to cry, the trees bending at their direction as if bowing to a king
Arthur didn't pay any attention to what's happening around him, only focused on Merlin.
It was until he heard large flapping wings then did he looked up. He saw two dragons, one was the one who attack Camelot and the other is small but pure white as snow. He tried getting for his sword but was instead blown back by magic. Groaning, he hurriedly trued to stand but cant. Its like magic was forcing him to stay down, he looked at Merlin only to find the dragon carry Merlin in his claws and flied towards the fisher king's castle (not that Arthur know)
This is just the idea but I turned it into a small bundled badly written fanfic.
Pls make this fanfic into a reality, i beg of you. Im not a great writer.
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What I want to happen vs what I think we’ll actually see for each partnership in the Ultimatum: Queer Love finale
Sam & Aussie: I want them both to be SINGLE && I think we’ll see that. Sam is done with Aussie walking away and I honestly think they’d be better off apart. Aussie needs therapy before a relationship rt
Tiff & Mildred: I want them to both be single but they’ll end up together. They are toxic and I’m not sure they’ll break the cycle
Lexi & Rae: I want them both single but i they’ll end up together. I think they’re both too immature right now to be in long term relationships. I think if they took time to themselves they would find each other again but maybe they can work through it
Vanessa & Xander: Vanessa single, Xander with Yloly. Vanessa isn’t ready to settle down if she’s honest with herself. I think she loves Xander but they’re not right for each other. I love Xander & Yloly. I think Xander needs someone who is on the same page marriage and kid wise and who connects with her & is a 50/50 partner.
Mal & Yloy: Mal single, Yloly with Xander. I feel bad for Mal but I think it’s too little too late. It’s messy and I love Mal but I think she will find someone more on her wavelength. Yoly should choose Xander imo bc they to have a strong connection and I think it’s worth the risk.
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scare-ard--sleigh · 11 months
what should be my real housewives of beverly hills replacement once i catch up? keep in mind that this is to fill a reality tv specific hole in me and i watch that show bc i love Mess !!
#silver jelly#going back and forth and back and forth lmao bc like#new york was orginally definitely my next but it has 13 seasons and that feels like A Commitment after 12 seasons of rhobh#potomac only has 7 and it has the bonus of being in maryland and that's really fun for me#i'm open to rh shows taking place anywhere else but if it's not one of those 2 i'm leaning toward something 8 seasons or less#ideally 5 or less tbh unless the drama is REALLY REALLY good.#also for people wondering i'm almost done with s9 and lisa rinna is my FAVE rn but eileen davidson & adrienne maloof are my all-time#faves. erica would be up there but acab. hatedddd brandi but i thought the season with carlton was particularly juicy.#let's see; rhobh did a vanderpump rules 'crossover' event for the brandi/scheana confrontation and to be totally honest i did not enjoy it#but i'm willing to give it another chance if it's good. i don't know anyone irl who watches this stuff lmao#so i've got like no point of reference.#i was super obsessed with project runway growing up and did a partial rewatch like 5 years back#and i still absolutely lovedddddddd it despite not being fond of michael kors or nina garcia#js and ultimatum are explanatory; i'm here for The Drama tbh#it's maybe fucked up but shows about other people's interpersonal conflicts are really good escapism for me#it's why i was so into succ lmao#i need like A Problem To Solve even when i'm in rest mode plus it's really inspirational for writing effective conflicts/misunderstandings#(these are very scorpio sun/gemini rising things to say ooooops)#anyway vote away even if you've never seen any of these !!! i also love controlled chaos !!!!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
📝 💐 🛼 💔⏪️💭🧊🌄❤️‍🩹
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
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infernal-fox · 1 year
Need to get rid of my writer’s block so screw it: for every like or reblog this post gets im adding 100 words to my current WIP. No time limit on this.
Current total word count accrued: 1800
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dreampearls · 1 year
myyyyy goodness. that nahida quest
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