#written completely ooc…
tariah23 · 3 months
This was so sillyksks. The fact that despite all of the horrible things that had been happening around them (this is nothing new for Chaldea/ servants in general of course) and the potential threats of phantasmal beasts gaining intelligence to take over the world, was just as important to Arjuna as being worked up over Karna wearing gaudy sunglasses instead of your standard eyeglasses…
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#Chaldea boys W#I prefer chaldea boys over the Valentine’s Day events tbh#story wise at least#the vday stories always suck so bad and have probably some of the worst introductions to highly anticipated characters man#like I haven’t enjoyed any vday event before and even the characters that you’re aware of get their brains turned to mush and are usually#written completely ooc…#idk whose been writing the Chaldea boy events over the last few years but i remember when they didn’t even use to have stories associated#with them either like no effort would be put into them it’ll just be a simple summoning campaign#but now tbeh actually have stories and I just 🥹#really enjoyed this one!#my fav one so far was probably the Chaldea boys featuring Circe 😭😭😭#i remember crying after reading the storysjsjjs#so bittersweet……….. the fact that Circe was technically the main character of that event despite it being Chaldea boys… ah….!#and I really loved how guda was barely there throughout majority of the story as well it was quite refreshing#guda does not need to be part of every story for any of them to make sense and flow properly#most of the characters are interesting enough to stand on their own and have their own agency outside of guda being by their side and#shuffled lazily#into a story just for the sake of it#that Chaldea boys was the only event in the entire game that ever focused mainly on the servants from what I’m aware of#rambling#also#Karna… are the lights on up there baby-#nvm they’re so funny sjsjs#I really loved their interactions with each other throughout the whole story#cu was amazing as well#this was probably the best written that he’s ever been in my opinion since he rarely makes appearances to begin with and most of the others#have sort of sucked to me sorry#he deserves sm better he’s too cool of a servant to be written like poo
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oathwilled · 3 months
hearing about people having no oc rules in the great year 2k24 isn't even disappointing, it's more like thanks for putting ur blazing red flags up front ✌️
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backpocketkazoo · 1 year
you want a pn request? alright then, write loboto x reader. yeah, that's right, dr caligosto loboto. let the readers smooch that tall fish-loving dentist
🧠Dr Loboto x Reader General Headcanons🦷
You get me so well anon 😋😋😼
Sorry if this shows up in the main tags 💔
Uh as always not rlly sure if yall wanted hcs or what.. so that's what i did.
These are domestic btw guys I say so
🧠LOBOTO IS CRAZY ABOUT YOU. LIKE. Yeah,, he’s crazy either way but. He’s obsessed with you. You make him so happy you don’t get it guys. You’re everything and he’s just ken /hj.
🦷 Whenever you’re gone he’s just :-(
-> He’ll start heavily sighing until someone finally asks what’s wrong and he’s like “I miss my partner </3”
-> Then whenever you come back he’s like a dog when it’s owner comes back from work. He’s so excited!!
-> You will walk into a room and he’ll gasp and make everyone aware of your presence.
🦷 He is so clingy 😭
-> Loboto has a lingering fear that you’re gonna hate him for everything he’s done or that you’ll leave him. You have to verbally reassure him that that’s not true.
🧠 Love language is definitely physical touch. He is so SO touch starved.
-> Loves loves loves hugs. When you walk into the room he’ll pick you up, exclaiming how excited he is to see you, and pull you into a tight hug. He doesn’t care if it’s a room full of people. And honestly? He probably got tunnel vision when he saw you and completely forgot they were there.
🦷Additionally, he loves holding your hand. Tbh. He loves your touch in general.
-> He’s really gentle with you? It’s as if you’re fine china and he’s afraid you’re gonna break if he’s not careful.
-> He’s weirdly domestic with you and it confuses everyone. “This the same man that stole everyone’s brains🤨🤨🤨⁉️⁉️”
🧠 Hehe.. he’s just sooooo tall so yknow you’ll tug him down by his apron so he’s at your level right? And just give him a big ol kiss.
-> My guy short circuits. Literally intoxicated. He has those cartoony hearts floating around him.
🦷 Loboto MAY be a little bit overbearing at times but he’s trying his best. He doesn’t have a history of healthy relationships with people so it’s all kind of new to him. He doesn’t have a proper frame of reference for these sorts of things. But he’s learning;;,
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 8 months
I always smh at people who dub Jason as “whiny” “and therefore ooc” in tt 29. If you died and all everyone did was taint your legacy, and not a single person remembered you fondly or deemed you worthy of commemoration after your death, wouldn’t you be a bit upset too?
#the only thing that was ooc about Jason there was all the shit talking the other characters were doing about him.#and some of the things Jason said about himself because he left whatever small amounts of self esteem he actually had back in his grave#he was very cooperative shy and clever with the titans in the 80s#it’s not enough that his own father told him to his face that he is a product of his own problems#everyone he knew and had good working relationships with just completely shut him out and turned their backs#even if you don’t mean it/it’s more complicated than that#if someone you knew died but now you got a chance to tell them what you couldn’t wouldn’t you at least muster up an ‘I’m glad you’re back’#apparently not lol#kelseethe#it’s the fact that people label him *being upset* as ‘illogical’ or stupid that irks me#I was talking with a mutual about this too but#if a female character did exactly his actions#I don’t think people would be so quick to stomp all over her and call her weak/overbearing/hysterical#or to give her the dismissive patronizing eye roll treatment#even though they deemed her actions to be exaggerated/misdirected/an outburst by any standard#they’d probably say she’s written like an actual human and that she resonates with a lot of people haha#he evaded all their security systems and effectively took down anyone who was present in the tower.#I’d say his skills are pretty in-character.#the idea that men can get emotional is just not palatable to you people just admit it#if it isn’t silent brooding stoic manpain you people will projectile vomit all over it and call it ‘bad characterization’
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yngai · 2 months
actually hate the ressie wiki for adding ada's falsified backstory from the umbrella chronicles novelization to her wiki page because it claims 'the validity of this account is questionable', leaving people who are otherwise unfamiliar with the franchise's lore who naturally peruse the wiki to assume there's a possibility ada isn't lying through her teeth in the novel, or that there's a nugget of truth hidden in her account, despite it being clearly stated otherwise pretty early on. after ada is done reciting facts about the reunification of vietnam & the treatment of the hoa people to leon the narration states succinctly that 'it had nothing to do with ada or her family in the slightest', without even mentioning the amount of times ada is surprised by how gullible leon is
i'm not even sure why they're treating the novel as a source, other than the absnece of a concrete backstory for ada, but it's like adding the dick valentine master thief background to jill's page. it isn't canon owing to the fact that it contradicts the events of the game, given there is no rendition of RE2, not even the darkside chronicles' own retelling, where ada gives her backstory upon first meeting leon in the parking garage. while the wiki does make note of two pieces of information which are true to the novel's version of ada, as they are told through ada's own thoughts about her mission in raccoon city & her work with wesker, that being the migrant workers who died because of her spreading pesticide on a sweet potato farm + her rising through the ranks of a chinese-american criminal syndicate who was crushed by the FBI, ada almost getting caught but being noticed by wesker & given the job to spy on umbrella right after, i feel like whoever's editing her wiki page didn't read the novel all the way through because they don't mention the most insane part of the whole thing, which is that ada was present for the khmer rouge in cambodia & the rwandan genocide
these aren't things i consider in my portrayal both because there's only so much real world suffering in relation to resident evil i wanna discuss on this blog, the war on terror is already so horrible that i am tiptoeing around it sometimes for the sake of not just going on about how much i hate the united states of america, & that these are narrative elements meant to show us how prepared & ready ada was for the outbreak in raccoon city which contradicts my own portrayal & both versions of RE2 where she is very much flying by the skin of her teeth clinging to desperate manipulations & leon's gullibility to make it through alive & finish her mission. it doesn't make any sense for ada to go into raccoon city having been witnesses to this amount of cruelty already, but its also a little strange to equate a fictional zombie outbreak to horrible things that have happened throughout history
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
No offense but I feel like among IDW1 Megatron fans you can lowkey tell who's read multiple series of the comics (namely, phase 1 and early phase 2) and who's only read MTMTE by the way they talk about, headcanon, or write Megatron. And like it does genuinely make a huge difference because I feel like MTMTE Megatron in general is a different flavor of Megatron from the rest of the series..... not OOC, that's the wrong word, but like....... more as if JRO had a very specific vision of him and janked the reins of the series to drive Megatron down a specific interpretation of his character, which is still in-character but is very different from the way he was characterized early in the series.
But in terms of Megatron fans, you can really tell the difference between MTMTE-only readers and other-parts-of-IDW readers.
#squiggposting#not all of them are negative difference but like#for me it seems like the mt/mt/e M only readers tend to have a softer idea of M#or like. they're less willing to accept he did bad things. even though mt/mte HAS some of the worst things M did#like idk sometimes it feels as if that group of readers stans an entirely different idw M and it's hard to put a finger on#it's not even them writing M ooc it's more like. they seem to view his mt/mte self as like the ultimate incarnation#and treat his previous appearances/personalities with disdain or even claiming they're ooc#but like. to me it's mt/mt/e autobot M that's the one that's different and unusual#but ppl literally come into this series with m/tmt/e and god help you if you try to coax them into reading anythign else#plus like no offense but it's my honest opinion that JRO handled mt/mte M with silk gloves on#or like. some kind of gentler treatment and less harsh narrative consequences than he would've gotten if written by say Barber#it's weird to see people sucking JRO's dick clean off about how he wrote M when JRO's style in general is quite flawed#it feels like these people haven't read anything of idw1 and see JRO's writing as like the only valid way of writing M or any other charact#anyways i feel like if you only read mt/mte you don't even get a complete picture of M as a person#like in order to appreciate his heel face turn you honestly have to see him as he was before#otherwise wtf do you think he has to redeem himself from??? being mean to a couple people on the lost light???
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kingspuppet · 7 months
Um...hi I posted a fic for the first time in awhile. It's Shuake with Goro's first snowball fight if you wanna check it out maybe??? ;3; It's here if you wanna read. 🩵
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Double Trouble for the bingo thing.
of course!
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immobiliter · 2 months
it is done, my bg3 playthrough is complete, i now get to finally put the finishing touches to jaheira's page & val's bg3 verse and then maybe hopefully i can come back here to write ?
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xtodohdohdoyd · 9 months
Astv just proves that ONLY Peter David should be allowed to write Miguel
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abyssmalice · 18 days
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(they know who i am......................)
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bolides · 3 months
i will also say something;
i will probably be removing ha/zbin from my blacklist tags because i watched it with my friends (with full intention of riffing on it) and ended up thinking it was actually okay
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tumblr stop suggesting me discourse post where people in the reblogs openly admit to not interacting with canon ever challenge failed
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velcryons · 3 months
I've been on my antidepressants long enough that they've leveled out and i can't muster the feeling or desire to do anything, apologies for lack of activity.
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belliautore · 1 year
A hot take about something that has always irritated me from the moment I started writing here - people will say they support and defend female OCs but only if said OC is that 'badass' archetype, absolutely nothing wrong with loving those types of characters ( I do too ) but that same appreciation is not shown for the soft female OCs.
They're deemed 'basic' or seemingly not as interesting as their counterparts, which is not true at all and you're actually crazy if you think they're inferior.
I struggled with this in the first few years but now I have people who genuinely enjoy interacting with Emily and I. The irritation flares every now and then, though, and I find that if people disagree then they've been guilty of this way of thinking.
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vanaglcria · 3 months
I love all my children equally! Carmilla, Vaggie, Octavia, and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Velveeta.
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