#wt shitpost
Less "ive been struck by a truck and now i'm reincarnated as the lead/villain of a fantasy romance!!", more "ive been struck by a truck and now i'm in the office of a 1920's private detective helping him with paperwork".
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fraudulent-cheese · 2 months
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did the thing i said i would do @tpher
Based on this post!
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wonderful-magician · 3 months
I had a dream that I posted about CB and Dinah having romantic tension, and then the entire internet told me to shut up. And that upset me so bad I woke up.
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otakusparkle · 17 days
Hmm... I was wondering if I can sold (or maybe someone will buy) my Nikke account
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Everyone is still build-able because I only play for the event story
I rarely play champaign if it's not for diamond
I have almost everyone, Nihilister is still on the way (like really close, just do her daily mission and you'll get her)
I have everyone in the Abnormal except for Power CSM. The reason is because I don't really like her that much, I prefer Makima 😔
I have everyone in Pilgrim except Dorothy because I waste all of my ticket and diamonds for Nero 😭😭😭
Nikkes are very easy to come home (except Nero 💀, unfortunately my waifu)
It's veteran account because I play it since beta and the first release
The level are already 200+
I never even once pay for the game, the Nikkes come easily (except Nero)
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The reason why I want to sell it, is because I'm already busy with irl and also IDV have way too many event nowadays so I will only focusing for Identity V (especially Eli Clark). Also most of my friends are in Honkai and Genshin fandom so... Yeah. It's not that fun when I can't ramble about Nikke 😭😭😭
Also because I need money for my college, helping my parents 🙏 (Don't worry, me and my parents are okay. I just wanna help them paying my tuition and such)
I play in Japan server because they have more free diamonds code there 🙏
I'll be selling my account with $500 and I'll be using PayPal for the payment
Thank you in advance and for anyone who bought my account, please take care of all my girls there 🥺🙏🩷
(Reblog and share are very appreciated 🙇‍♀️)
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jdms-flat-ass · 10 months
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Trading my entire collection for the Jdm pc he’s holding 🥹🥹🥹 also someone made fan pcs… sorry i only want album pcs no non albums 🤑
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misinininining · 2 years
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dabi 🤝 hawks gaslighting people into thinking enjis headstone is pink
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promisinininining · 2 years
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genericpuff · 13 days
WTs behavior sure is... *something* to watch as a latecommer. you've covered it all better than I can articulate but damn does it ever haunt that they've essentially tripled-down on Rachel as the winning racehorse, someone who's historically been the most "go girl give us nothing" (if not worse than nothing) of all their past bigshots even w/o the trust in the show sinking lower and lower day by silent day.
It's not a profound remark but I stand in the on going scene like "This is it? Your plan?" as they keep digging. They desperately need something new to have breakout popularity, but they can't do that if they don't take in new blood, which they won't because new blood is a risk, etc. And so the scene is damned anew.
look, off the non-existent record that is my shitposting blog, as someone who just spent half an hour listening to their recent conference call with Goldman Sachs... in my very humble opinion, there is allegedly a metric FUCKTON of copium being huffed and I don't think the Goldman Sachs rep even realizes how much he's being talked down to. It's actually fucking hilarious. And I'm just a dweeb on the Internet, I shouldn't be sitting here picking up on the condescending vibes for what they are throughout a meeting that talks about shit like investment opportunities and quarterly returns and advertising metrics but... let's just say, WT's CFO David Lee's statement, "...proof will be in quarters I release, and I'm humbled by the reaction to my Q2 release which, again, I have to say, I thought I over delivered every single metric... but here we are, and I just have to continue to post results I guess to help educate all of you on the business I think we have" is even more passive aggressive to hear than it is to read, soooo here we are. Like, the chirpy tone in his voice just makes me think of this:
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and yeah at this point they're beating the dead horse that is LO harder than the critical community is because even the critical community has largely moved on with their lives and only talk about it casually with other critical readers; meanwhile Webtoons is seriously over here trying to sell people on LO as if it's still 2021 and they're not years late to the party 💀 Even that quote I included in my last post saying that Rachel got started "4 or 5 years ago"... Lore Olympus launched in the Canvas section in 2017 and then as an Originals in March 2018. It's been longer than 4 years, Mr. Lee, and at this point the amount of time that's passed since selling its TV rights to Jim Henson Company will exceed the amount of time it took to even complete the comic in the first place 😭😆 The time to capitalize on LO's success was when it was successful, not 3-4 years after the fact.
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profewriting · 2 years
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19 yo gang!!
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Annabel Lee: claims to be refined. *eats scones with blueberry jam*
sorry i can get the ghosts the creepy twin deans, the limbo afterlife, but eating scones with blueberrry jam? suspension of disbelief utterly broken
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willbedumped · 1 year
Mr plant during Halloween
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Did these up yesterday! I know it's kinda odd including four ships that involve the same bloke in the head-cannon/ shitposts. But I figured it'd be worth it! These are traces from the actual show, with expressions changed up, so it could look a bit more romantic.
The Noah and Bridgette (nodgette) shot is from Bridgette's elimination episode from World Tour, when Noah tries to give her a hug, which goes over poorly. It was that bit that actually made me ship these two, which I think is kinda rad.
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The Noah and Eva (Nova??? Is there even a ship name for these two?) is from the between Island and Action special. Probably watching Izzy do something completely mental. I don't, admittedly, really watch island or action. But I'm a big fan of Eva, so, fair is fair.
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The Noah and Sierra (Noerra) shot comes from the second episode of WT, when Sierra is going on and on about being a 5th/? generation basket waiver. I've always kind of had mixed feelings on Sierra, I just think her stalker schtick got kind of old. So, I think having her get with Noah, rather than Cody, would be really fucking funny.
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Noah and Izzy (Nizzy.. Kinda sounds like a slur) came from... I don't remember which episode, but it was the german one, where Noah mocks Cody's team for having a 'tiny sausage' which could absolutely just be a dick joke. I adore the idea of Noah just tolerating Izzy (Kind of like he does with Owen.) but somewhere along the line, the two become really close. And the next thing you know, sparks.
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This last one was made by my brother, the reason I actually did these ones! Think of this as a commision. Not much to say, aside from it's my banner. Might make this an actual fanfiction, idk yet.
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celestial-cookie · 3 years
if you told me five years ago that hyuse blowing up a toaster oven would be made canon in the year 2021. i never would’ve believed you. look at how far we’ve come
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misinininining · 2 years
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迅遊 / Jinyuu
konami-senpai you’ll wake everyone else up
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