#wtw ghost gala
nightlylaments · 9 months
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REBIRTH; a playlist for she who owns tragedy
Nezi'a had always known her destruction would be holy, her mama had told her so before she died, but she didn't know how cruel the gods could be.
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owlbearwrites · 9 months
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WTW Ghost Gala - Day 1: Pumpkin Carving
You have to kill off a character: who do you choose?
For this month's Ghost Gala event hosted by @welcometowriteblr, I will be filling the prompts as relates to my WIP Fate is Just the Half of It, a queer post-apocalyptic sci-fi.
Now, let me preface by saying that I don't kill characters off, and neither do I generally 'make X happen' in the story. I'm a pantser through and through, and I let my characters drive the plot, while I take notes in the backseat (and occasionally get yelled at when I point out their bad choices).
That said, for the purposes of this prompt I'm prepared to entertain the possibility of an unauthorized character death, a 'what if' where someone dies before their time. And wouldn't you know it, there can be no better candidate for this than one half of the main duo, Mr. Jack Howard himself.
(Jack says: wait, what?)
So here's the deal. The main body of the story is set some 200 years after a nuclear apocalypse (Fallout stylez), and follows the two main leads, Rowan and Jack, who were together before the end of the world and then find each other 200 years later, two improbable survivors. Except one of them... isn't. Because, you see, while Rowan skipped ahead in time by taking a cryo nap, the Jack he will find post-apocalypse is a sentient android who was given human!Jack's digitally preserved memories and personality. The original human owner of those memories and personality (Jack Howard prime, if you will), did, regrettably, perish on early post-apocalyptic Earth.
He did, however, make it almost a decade, and kept a journal through that time: a document that will Rowan will come across as he searches for Jack in the future present day, after getting a tiny shred of evidence that his man is a survivor like himself.
So, what would've happened if past!Jack didn't spend a decade traipsing through the apocalypse and taking down (mostly very irate) notes? The main difference would be that his diary would never have existed, and Rowan would not find it.
And here's the irony: when Rowan sets out to search for Jack, he's convinced the latter is somehow alive. Except when he comes across the diary, he finds confirmation of Jack's death from the man himself, as in his last entry, Jack writes about being badly wounded and preparing for imminent demise. And if that were not enough, Rowan follows the 200-year-old trail to Jack's alleged place of death, and finds remains and effects that strongly suggest that Jack Howard had, indeed, died there.
So had Jack died sooner, had his diary not existed to fall into Rowan's hands, would it have made Rowan's search for him easier? Yes and no. On the one hand, without Jack's own account leading up to his death, not to mention physical evidence, it would've been a lot easier to keep believing that the man he saw on recent security footage really was Jack. But on the other hand, it was exactly when Rowan was faced with the impossibility of reconciling his burning certainty vs. the evidence in front of his eyes that a new hypothesis re: Jack's survival presented itself, courtesy of another sentient android character who was helping out Rowan at the time. Without having his search for Jack driven into a temporary dead end that inspired this idea, who knows how long it would've taken Rowan to track him down (especially seeing as android!Jack was spending most of his time literally on the moon at the time...)
If asked at the time, reluctant-apocalypse-survivor!Jack would say that it didn't matter at all whether he died one day or ten years after the bombs fell. His world was gone, and he knew he would never see the love of his life again. He had no way of knowing the future. But ultimately, it was his stubborn determination and will to survive that would help Rowan find the way back to him 200 years later.
Because, as so many parts of their story will show, fate is, indeed, just the half of it.
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welcometowriteblr · 9 months
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In preparation for NaNoWriMo next month, WelcomeToWriteblr invites you to join our Ghost Gala! For each day in October, we have chosen themes and prompts designed to help you flesh out your WIP. The calendar can be completed in any order and you’re free to do as much or as little as you want. This event will run for the ENTIRETY OF OCTOBER. 
Tag your posts as #WTWEVENT and #WTWCOMMUNITY
Format your posts like this: WTW GHOST GALA - DAY #: THEME
Wait for your post to be added to the queue. 
NSFW content will not be posted to the blog. 
OPTIONAL: Join our discord server if you would like to ensure your post makes it onto the blog! Tumblr’s tagging system can be unreliable and we want to make sure everyone’s creations are shared! Please note, you must be 15 OR OLDER to enter our server! 
Pumpkin Carving - You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
Raven - Create a tagline for your WIP
Crystal Ball - Outline a scene, act, or your entire WIP
Fallen Leaves - Create a playlist for your WIP
Jack O' Lantern - Share an interesting fact you found while doing research for your WIP
Vampire - Tell us where you find motivation and inspiration
Skeleton - Have a favorite plot structure? If not, share how you plot!
Trick or Treat - Set some writing goals and milestones for your WIP
Candy Corn - Tell us how you chose the title for your WIP
Witch - Write or brainstorm the opening paragraph
Bats - How would your WIP change if a minor character became the protagonist?
Candles - After naming all of your characters: Tell us the meaning behind their names
Coffin - Where's your favorite place to write?
Haunted Mansion - Describe a setting in your WIP
Black Cat - Flesh out your antagonist: Who are they? What are they? What do they want?
Pumpkin Spice Latte - Write a basic plot synopsis for your WIP
Zombie - Who is your supporting cast and what are their roles?
Spiders - Outline a scene or chapter from the middle of your WIP
Snakes - Plan the plot twist
Apple Cider - What's an old tradition from the world of your WIP?
Werewolf - What was the most important day of your protagonist's life?
Corn Maze - What is a common misconception about one of your characters?
The Woods - Outline your protagonist's development: How do they compare from the start vs the end?
Owl - What are your characters' thoughts on the setting of your WIP?
Graveyard - Which character has a secret they'd take to the grave?
Harvest Moon - Create a timeline for your protagonist
Grimoire - Create comps for your WIP
Hayride - Describe your protagonist's fatal flaw: How will it play out in your WIP?
Final Girl - Write or plan the final scene of your WIP
Bonfire - What changes the status quo in your WIP?
Ghost Gala - Take the day off, tomorrow starts NaNoWriMo!
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sourrcandy · 10 months
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WTW CHARACTER WEEK day 02 ↳ tropes ; relationships
psd template by @notoriousaesthetics
serafine / kit — fish out of water / mentor to bffs :
“Hello, Kit,” she greets, swirling her champagne glass before taking a small sip. The charity gala is an unusual place for her intern assistant to be at, she wouldn’t be surprised if this is his first. “I was wondering if you were coming.” “Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was coming until an hour ago,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck. The bowtie fastened to his white dress shirt matches the royal blue of her dress and he is wearing a black tuxedo jacket that is half a size too big, the trousers are tapered and he is wearing the same oxfords he wears to work. His angular features are softened by the dimpled boyish smile that conveys embarrassment. If he really tried, maybe pick a more suitable, tailored suit and style his hair back a bit more, the boy may be able to pass off as high society one day under her guidance.
aredhel / marcus — lovers to [redacted] :
Aredhel has a vision: a vision of the world as it should be — her world as it should be. Morality is something she cannot afford. Friends, family, relationships, they are all distractions. There is nothing she wouldn’t sacrifice to achieve her means, as long as she gets to her endgame. There is nothing she cannot do, in life or in death. Marcus Bryce may be the only exception.
maribelle / morgan — reluctant allies :
“Well, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” Maribelle notes as she approaches Morgan Van Doren’s cell. There is a spiderweb crack along the back wall of her cell, the tiles cracking lightly. It looks fresh. Still, it is better than being locked up in Montgomery Penitentiary. The woman is crouched in the corner of the room, her short blonde hair a mess as she tugs at it. “Leave me alone,” she mutters, cradling herself. 
storm / blackbird — rivals to allies to [??] :
Not long enough, she wants to admit but she stays quiet. Instead, Storm crosses her arms and looks him up and down, choosing to ignore the alarms in the back of her mind telling her to leave, to go back to her mission. Judging by the way his fingers subtly twitch for his rifle, whomever Blackbird has expected to run into tonight, it certainly is not her. And at this moment, she will take a bar brawl or two over running into him.
gen tag!! (send an ask to be added/removed) @kazino, @halcionic, @cianawrites, @janaisvu, @ninazeniks, @ambrosiadarling, @perditism, @serpentarii, @seasteading, @lasbrumas, @sympathyhouse
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halleyuhm · 8 months
WIP INTRO: NaNo project
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"Your eyes look like tiny Moons: you are missing your pupils, and although the irises are still there, they are... iridescent. Which sounds pretty, but it makes you look dead. This was a misfire, uh?"
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GENRE: Fantasy
AUDIENCE: Young adult / New adult
STATUS: Drafting
COMPS: Cottage core Over the Garden Wall meets The Owl House but the main character is blind. And there is some Full Metal Alchemist looming around.
TROPES: Found family, long lost twin, magical creatures, whimsical scenery, red herrings, elemental powers, the power of love, grief, self-worth, learning to accept one-self...
AESTHETIC: Light pouring through the leaves, walking barefoot, the chirping of birds, the tinkling of stars, the smell of incense and candles, ink and books, whispered spells, butterflies stuck in spiderwebs, refraction in water and glass, flowers blooming on ashes, breath in, nature is telling its secrets.
PLAYLIST(in progress): whimsical nature vibes, witch seances, soft yet powerful female voices...
TAGS: #wip: june, #ghost gala (for a WTW event I joined).
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After losing her sight due to a failed spell, Juniper almost gives up her dream of winning the Witch Trials and becoming a Sun Sage. However, there might be a solution: she could find the Wildfire Hollyhock, a powerful flower said to cure any kind of ailment and that may be able to bring her sight back. Accompanied by her friend Cináed, her not-so-friend Amaya, and her little fae familiar, she departs the Dawn Grove and ventures into a dangerous journey.
However, when she finds a wounded boy in the woods and learns she's not the only one searching for the Hollyhock, June discovers there may be higher stakes at value: new friends, new foes, and a sudden quest to defeat the darkness lurking in the forest. June might be the key to defeating the curses roaming free, and stopping the night from sinking the Dawn Grove into the shadows. That, if she can learn to control her powers, of course.
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Juniper: the blinded witch. Her failed spell sets off the plot, and messes with the balance of the world. For her, healing her eyes is more important than fixing what she broke.
Amaya: the healer with no powers. Living in a world where everyone can reach out to the magic energy, she feels pretty out of place, but she would never admit it.
Cináed: the fiery shapeshifter. Found as a baby in the forest, during the worst Wildfire ever seen, and taken in the Coven for protection. His sense of belonging is a little crooked.
Athame: the vampiric guide. A mysterious individual that, as a payment for being healed, offers to guide the group through the cursed lands. Hides many secrets and knows more than what it seems.
Grian: the fae familiar. They are a support for June during her trip, a light, a beacon. Happy to be here, but has some underlying insecurities.
Elowen: the long lost twin. Communicates with June through dreams, but has an agenda of her own. Probably a ghost.
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I'm a plantser and anything could change at any given moment. Let's hope not, but if it happens, I will update this~
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innocentlymacabre · 9 months
What happens when a bunch of teenagers attain command over the powers of the apocalypse? You get the four horsemen, of course. (Technically, you get the four horseteenagers but that doesn't have quite the same ring to it, and has the nasty side effect of conjuring up an image altogether unrelated.)
~ tagline(ish) for a crack fic idea I'm very excited to work on
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ladyazulina · 9 months
WTW Ghost Gala - Day 10: Witch
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🧙🏻‍♂�� Witch 🧙🏻‍♂️ - Write or brainstorm the opening paragraph.
Just now I'm noticing that maybe, just maybe, this event is to help start a WIP and not for started WIPs but efe, I will use it to share the first paragraph of my two main projects right now: Mimi & AngelDemon.
The door shakes on its hinges under the force of the blows hitting it from the other side, but I don't even flinch, watching.
Can they see our home from down there? The same way I can see theirs? I know the obvious answer is no because it is said everywhere, it is taught everywhere, but there has to be a reason for the humans to spend that much time looking up here.
Here I am, looking for more excuses to share about AngelDemon
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encrucijada · 8 months
write or brainstorm the opening paragraph
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Piedad watched the dream and waited to wake up. first line of the prologue, aka first line of the book. the prologue is a rewrite of one of the pjo one-shots, originally about piedad examining her place within the titan army and struggling to digest kronos taking home inside luke's body. i think that, for this book in particular with its premise and aesthetic, this opening line is perfect. you watch a dream, you wait to wake up. that is delicious imagery.
here's the actual first paragraph!
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+ bonus!
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The Sun was in Adam’s dreams. if prologues aren't your thing, chapter 1: pointed north (yeah) opens like this. it's not as visceral and gripping as piedad's line but i also love it on imagery alone. you don't know until you read further ahead about the sun, about why it's named the sun, and once again we are sticking to a theme with the dreaming. you're getting what you paid for: some fucked up dreamers.
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author-a-holmes · 8 months
WTW Ghost Gala October 25th
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Which character has a secret that they would take to the grave?
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I mean... I have several characters who have secrets that they would LIKE to take to the grave.
But... I’m not going to let them do that sooo....
Okay, joking aside, probably my best non-spoilery answer for this would be Nameer Khatri.
He and Andric have been friends since childhood, and I’m about 90% certain that at some point in their teens, Andric was Nameer’s teen-crush.
It was never spoken about or acted on, and I’m about 75% sure Andric doesn’t know about it.
And Nameer will never ever tell.
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avrablake · 9 months
You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
BtD Prequel - Syndicate Origins
This gave me ideas so I wrote a snippet. I figured there was going to have to be a shocking death in order to spur Reiji to fight back.
TW: death, blood
Reiji hadn’t believed the reports. The Military wouldn’t go this far, would they? He had joined them. So had countless others, whether they wanted to or not. They’d offered up their abilities and fulfilled their service dutifully. They’d been loyal.
So why was the Military doing this? Reiji didn’t believe it, wouldn’t, until he saw it with his own eyes.
He saw the haze of smoke in the distance but didn’t fully recognize what it was until the sharp smell filled his nose. He sped up his bike, racing across the hard dirt toward the town. The smoke burned his lungs and made his eyes water as he drew nearer. 
The town was silent as the passed through what remained of the gate, the only sound the rumble of his engine as he slowed to a stop. Stones, pots, and even broken pieces of furniture littered the wide street, making driving impractical.
Where had the townspeople gone? Had they escaped before their homes were burned or destroyed? He would expect some to be returning now that the fires had burned down to a smolder. Surely they would want to see what remained and what they could salvage.
He coughed again as the wind changed and he breathed in air heavy with smoke. There was an odd, acrid scent to the smoke, not merely that of smoldering timber or scorched stone. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it against his mouth, trying to lessen the burning in his lungs. As he picked his way past broken doors and windows. A smear of red against a doorframe caught his eye. He stepped over a heap of discarded linen on the ground and froze, realizing the pile of fabric was more than that. He crouched down, his stomach already tightening even before he felt the firmness beneath the cloth.
He rolled the small, stiff, body over numbly. The child couldn’t have been more than 12. The red blood that had poured from the holes in her chest had already dried and faded to a rusty brown. He wiped the dirt from her face with trembling fingers, though it didn’t matter. She was long dead. Several chunks of stone littered the ground beside her and he could only imagine her fear filled attempts to use her ability to protect herself and her home.
He picked her body up gently and carried it into the nearest house. He nearly dropped her when he entered. His stomach heaved and he thought he would be sick. A path of blood streaked the floor from the door to the corner of the room where a mother’s still body draped protectively over the lifeless child in her arms.
Reiji placed the child in he was holding beside them and quickly left the room. He took a deep breath of the smoke filled air and coughed. His coughing turned to retching and he couldn’t hold in the contents of his stomach anymore.
He knew now, without having to see the rest of the village. No one was coming back. There was nothing left to salvage.
They were all dead.
He wiped his mouth on his handkerchief and staggered down the street. He had to see them for himself, all of them. He had to know just how far the Military was willing to go. It was the only way he could stop them.
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veneritia · 8 months
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WTW Ghost Gala - Days 11 - 16
↳ [Day 11] Bats: How would your wip change if a minor character became the protagonist?
Honestly...not that much. What would happen is that the focus of the wip's events would shift to include scenes, events, and plot elements that the current main characters would never know or see. Leda or Sola as protagonists, for example, would showcase more espionage and take a deeper look into their relationships from before the start of the story. Characters like Ambrosius would shift the genre into more romance/tragedy and allow for Charles to have more screentime from the very first book.
But the actual progression of the King's Game and Fenice's fight for the throne wouldn't change significantly in terms of who wins, loses, lives, or dies.
Unless, of course, the protagonists end up being Charles, Isandros, or Aretos. In any other story, they'd be the natural protagonists. Unfortunately, they're in this one.
↳ [Day 12] Candles: After naming all your characters: tell us the meaning behind their names
Yeah, the names in WCTD are a mix of purposefully chosen names, names I picked out of a database without looking into meanings, and names I just made up, so this was...hard.
Let's get started with the only 2 characters whose name I deliberately chose:
Fenice (Italian) - Phoenix (what a shocker, I know)
Carolus/Charles (Latin/German) - Free man
And then the characters whose names I just picked at random:
Isandros (Greek) - Like a man
Leda (Greek) - possibly "Happy/Gladly"? Couldn't find a proper source. Mother of Helen of Troy, Clytemnestra, Castor, and Pollux.
Ambrosius (Latin) - From the greek Ambrosios, meaning "immortal, divine." (hahaha)
Euphemia (Greek) - Well-Spoken
Basil (Greek) - derived from the word Basileus meaning "King"
Konstantine (Latin) - "constant, steadfast."
Nikephoros (Greek) - "carrying victory"
And last but not least, characters whose I just made up
Illysandre -Lady of Illyosa
Meidira - Creation's gift
Eliskander - Defender of Men
Kaelstansa - He who stands ahead
↳ [Day 13] Coffin: Where's your favorite place to write?
I don't really have much of a favorite. I just like writing in places that are relatively quiet and my back is to a wall so I'm not paranoid that people are looking over my shoulder
↳ [Day 14] Haunted Mansion: Describe a setting in your wip
The Imperial Palace in Kaelstanopoli-- often called the Khrysopalati-- is the seat of Aetierian governance and the home of the vi Aetiers."It's a sprawling series of pavilions and gardens, set upon a gently sloping hill that overlooked [Kaelstanopoli] the city proper. In the middle of the palace was the octagonal shape of the Great Hall. It glinted gold in the sunlight, each wall-face masterfully embellished with jeweled mosaics telling legends of the Empire's first ruler."
"It was grand, ostentatious, and decadent in its display of wealth. The perfect nest for the pit of vipers that made up the Aetierian imperial court."
↳ [Day 15] Black Cat: Flesh out your antagonist: Who are they? What are they? What do they want?
Aretos vi Aetier. The ghost of a child long thought dead. Or at least, that's what he's been told he is. He is his mother's son, her legacy, and her vengeance. What exists beyond those truths can be easily twisted to suit his needs. He has as many faces as the thousand-faced god himself, and he'll use whatever is at is disposal to accomplish his goals.
↳ [Day 16] Pumpkin Spice Latte
Yeah...I'm just gonna use the one from my wip intro
FENICE VI AETIER, a portent of ill omens and the estranged daughter of the Vasilier, ignites a dangerous succession game between her and her half-siblings, where losing means death and winning means an empire.
The end of the Hes-Aei war brings with it a chance to prove her worth to her father. The challenge is simple: bring him the head of the deposed king of Hesperia, and Fenice will be granted an Ascension, marking her as a legitimate contender for the throne. But finding the defeated king in his own lands would prove to be harder than Fenice imagined— especially when the remnants of her father’s last war starts rearing its head.
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nightlylaments · 9 months
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Sky Burial in Tibet
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I came across this while doing research on funeral/burial traditions to give to one of the groups of people in SWOT. It is also known as celestial burials and is a tradition for Tebtan people. After a person has died, their body is cut into pieces by a Burial Master and taken to an area of high elevation. This is because the course is meant to be eaten by vultures. After the vultures have consumed the body, the belief is that they take the body away to the heavens, where the soul of the deceased person remains until they are ready for their next reincarnation.
Hanging coffins in Sagada
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This is the tradition of the Igorot tribe, an indigenous group living in north Philipines. It is over 2000 years old. Sagada people believe that by placing the coffins on the side of a cliff, the deceased would be brought closer to heaven/their ancestral spirits.
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owlbearwrites · 8 months
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WtW Ghost Gala: Day 15 - Black Cat
Flesh out your antagonist: who are they? what are they? what do they want?
Many of the hurdles in the way of Jack and Rowan being together / reuniting are external and impersonal: after all, they are separated by a literal apocalypse. However, once they find each other again, the biggest obstacle in their way is probably Jack's employer and technically owner (this version of him being an android: free-willed, but not emancipated), the Agency, further personified by Jack's direct supervisor Richard Thornbridge.
The Agency is a collective that had grown out of the remnants of pre-apocalypse NASA and denizens of the moon colony who got stranded there when life on Earth went sideways. 200 years post-apocalypse, it's a small society formed by the descendants of the original engineers, astronauts and moon colonists. They’ve done very well for themselves in the past two hundred years, especially after making great strides in robotics, creating increasingly advanced machines to fill in for humans in more hazardous jobs. The Agency’s biggest problem, however, is that they are still stuck on the freaking moon, and the various risks that come with that isolation. Their greatest, yet unfulfilled ambition, is to re-establish a two-way link between the moon and the earth.
Until recently, the Agency's more immediate issue was ensuring the continuing operation of the unique reactor that powers the colony: its design documents had been lost to time and space, and as bad luck would have it, the original population of the colony was sparse on energy specialists. This problem, however, has been addressed by retrieving the digitally-preserved memories of the engineer originally responsible for its creation, one Jack Howard, and implanting them into a lifelike android, who is now employed as the Agency's chief engineer.
Richard Thornbridge, the Agency's head of robotics and its de-facto leader, and the man who gave Jack a second lease on life as a self-aware, free-willed android. More Victor Frankenstein than Noonian Soong, Thornbridge has no love for his creation, and is especially worried about the consequences of Jack having free will. Being aware that Jack's human prototype was a brilliant, ambition and charismatic man, Thornbridge feels threatened, worried that, given time, Jack might decide to challenge him for leadership of the Agency.
(During earlier stages of the project, Richard argued against including that feature in the android's design, but all attempts by the Agency's AI techs to extricate only useful information from the digital backup of human Jack's consciousness have failed.)
As the continued existence of the moon base hinges on Jack's continued cooperation, Thornbridge keeps his true feelings to himself, and takes every opportunity to reassure that, unlike other androids at the base, Mr. Howard is not property, but a highly valued employee. However, he keeps a close eye on Jack's work, hoping to accumulate enough information about the reactor's workings to eventually make Jack obsolete, and decommission him, putting a stop to the fraught free-will experiment.
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lasbrumas · 8 months
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WTW GHOST GALA ; days 9-16
this week's prompt wrap-up!
day 9; candy corn ↳ Tell us how you chose the title for your WIP.
The thing to know about me is that I cycle through titles like a washing machine, so Burning of the Apiary might not be the final title. That being said, I chose it because symbolically it reflects on the themes well, I think, especially regarding burning down the old, starting with a clean slate, and the feelings of the protagonist toward the end of the novel.
day 10; witch ↳ Write or brainstorm the opening paragraph.
Notes: Dolores’ mother dies, leaving her with no ties to her home or the land around her. She dies after a particularly rough winter, one full of floods and poor crops and a sickness that swept the valley. Dolores believes the valley is diseased, so she leaves it for the safety of an isolated convent.
day 11; bats ↳ How would your WIP change if a minor character became the protagonist?
For this exercise, I decided to view the story from the point of view of Abadesa/Abbess Ana Isabel, and realized wow it would change a lot. The reason for this is that the Abbess is a minor character because she’s got her own plot going on, technically separate from the main plot, though it is related. From her perspective, she would be less focused on the cult and the well-being of the students (though she tries to remember to ask about them), and she would be more focused on the eerie premonitions that haunt her. Bad news for her, though, because if she’d paid a little more attention to her students, she might have figured out what her visions were trying to tell her to prevent.
day 12; candles ↳ After naming all of your characters: tell us the meaning behind their names.
Dolores - sorrows, pain
Cecilia - Derived from Caecilius, possibly from Latin caecus or “blind”
Camila - Unknown meaning, derived from Roman cognomen
Ixora - A large genus of tropical shrubs or small trees (family Rubiaceae) that have leathery evergreen leaves and terminal corymbs of showy salver-shaped flowers and are often cultivated as ornamentals in the warm greenhouse
Ana Isabel - Anna comes from the Hebrew Channah, which means “favor” or “grace.” Isabel is derived from the English Elizabeth, which itself is a derivative of the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elisheva/Elisheba. Means “my god is an oath.”
Adriana - Feminine form of Adrian, which is derived from Hadrianus, a Roman cognomen that meant “from Hadria.”
day 13; coffin ↳ Where's your favorite place to write?
Thanks to work and having limited access to certain places, I don’t have a favorite place to write. Basically anywhere I can get decent wifi and focus on writing is the best place for me. When I was a student, I often wrote either in my dorm room when no one was around or in the library. Now, I typically write at home, sometimes at work (when I can sneak onto Google Docs) and wherever I go. I’ve even written during a road trip. Fun fact: the year I won NaNo with Saintless, I was writing in the car on my laptop as someone else drove lol.
day 14; haunted mansion ↳ Describe a setting in your WIP.
A short description of the convent from my WIP notion: The Abbey of the Sacred Heart is a small, isolated religious school located in the high mountains.. Girls of all ages and from across the country attend the convent’s school to become proper ladies. It is a combination finishing school and temple to the Mother. Sacred Heart is known for its apiaries and sweet honey, the latter which is used as a source of revenue and sustenance for those who live there.
day 15; black cat ↳ Flesh out your antagonist: Who are they? What are they? What do they want?
Highlights: The antagonist is Sor Adriana. She is second in command to the Abbess and oversees the school. She is also one of the last nuns to have joined this convent and stayed. Her main goal is to serve the Mother, and her surrogate mother, the Abbess. With an unwavering devotion to her deity and the woman who oversees the convent, she is willing to do anything to please them.
day 16; pumpkin spice latte ↳ Write a basic plot synopsis for your WIP.
Using the one I pitched for another server.
On the same day that the Valley’s eligible debutantes arrive for their first term at convent school, a young woman arrives begging to be taken as a novitiate prospect. Isolated and far from home, the young woman has no choice but to befriend the seemingly vapid group. But as she develops feelings for the top debutante, something dark lurks in the corners of the abbey. The Valley’s daughters have brought their world of secret societies with them, and soon, the novitiate may be forced to choose between destroying them or succumbing to the terrifying, yet seductive, realm of the elite.
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sourrcandy · 9 months
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WTW GHOST GALA ↳ week 01 ; knights
psd template by @destimnesia
day 01. pumpkin carving ; you have to kill off a character, who do you choose?
marcus bryce. for obvious reasons.
day 02. raven ; create a tagline for your wip.
Only in death can one take the mantle.
day 03. crystal ball ; outline a scene, act, or your entire wip.
a sneak peek into chapter 15 (stolen from my outline): following cordelia's announcement, sera goes to maverick to look for aunt regina, who holds the most shares in clemonte corp. we find out that she is an infamous Knight and the hitwoman of the Round Table with high af body counts. she gives sera a warning: with arthur gone, the underworld will only fester and grow more rotten, only when there is a power above to keep them in check will the district run smoothly
day 04. fallen leaves ; create a playlist for your wip.
tide by niki , daddy issues by the neighbourhood , battle royale by apashe and panther , super rich kids by frank ocean , that bitch by bea miller , dictator by rei ami , glory by the score , ain’t it funny by danny brown , kingdom by jaxson gamble , eye for an eye by rina sawayama , don quixote by seventeen , smoke by dynamicduo and lee youngji (watch swf2)
day 05. jack o’ lantern ; share an interesting fact you found while researching your wip.
i am now a botanist /j. but i found out that foxglove flowers (aka digitalis) are poisonous and fatal when ingested. they look pretty but damn, they're deadly.
day 06. vampire ; tell us where you find your motivation and inspiration.
by consuming a ton of media. also when i brain dump on my friends and talk to someone about my wip!! right now, inspiration for knights comes from kdramas ballerina and my name, as well as narcos and mission impossible.
day 07. skeleton ; have a favourite plot structure? if not, share how you plot!
i used to be an pantser, but i have gotten better at outlining. you can say it has become a motivation for me lmaoo. 
day 08. trick or treat ; set some writing goals and milestones for your wip.
the knights wc goal is 150k and i've already only 39k on the doc :( you can tell i've been very slow in progress but hey, we're getting there!! my earliest chapters are like 4-5k average which is a little out of hand BUT i'm hoping to spread out the scenes more and slow down the main 4 protagonists' stupidity lol
gen tag!! (send an ask to be added/removed) @kazino @halcionic @cianawrites @janaisvu @ninazeniks @ambrosiadarling @perditism @serpentarii @seasteading @lasbrumas @sympathyhouse
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void-botanist · 8 months
WTW Ghost Gala - Day 15: Black Cat
Black Cat - Flesh out your antagonist: Who are they? What are they? What do they want?
There are three antagonists in AOM: Sid's parents, Donovan and Emma, and Avis, who is mostly an antagonist to herself and Sorian. Emma and Donovan are all about keeping Sid just under their thumb. Specifically, they want him to get married and move into his own place in Nicha Cove, and if he was so inclined (read: he better be inclined), to give them grandchildren. They're not really picky about how, but they are enamored with the possibility that Sid ends up with a trans guy like Colin who could hypothetically give them biological grandchildren. Either way, the one thing he must never ever do (aside from break out of the control they will never admit they have or want) is leave the Cove to go back to his first home on Rade. Too bad that's the main thing he wants to do.
Meanwhile Avis is extremely hung up on the fact that to get what she wants (the marriage and the husband that she actually quite liked before she found out he cheated) she has to accept that A) things have changed and B) she has to trust her husband again, even if it's hard. She understandably feels very betrayed about the cheating (and this whole situation of having bad emotions tbh) and is high key making it Sorian's problem. But for some reason being constantly nasty to him isn't helping??? Did someone accidentally change the settings for revenge?????
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