#ww84 thoughts
redacted-metallum · 9 months
watching ww84 because I heard it was bad and it is but the thing Im currently sitting here stunned by aside from the obvious anti-arab racism in it and the fact that the guy who wished for his homeland back being the Bad Guy (He was also Arabic, Egyptian specifically) and. There's like. Just actual genuine anti IRISH sentiment????
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LIKE THIS IS SOME SHIT FROM THE 1920S HELLO? THIS MOVIE TAKES PLACE IN 1984. like i mean SURE it's the troubles (lady saying that is british) but its like. this would not be out of place in a fucking HP LOVECRAFT story. what was the point of this scene. the irish man wishes her dead (the plot is that there's a guy with wish powers but he needs to be touching people and they did some cia pseudoscience particle ray bullshit about it, dont worry about it) immediately after this and she dies but it's still just like. hello. what the fuck.
like watching this and knowing gal godot is a zionist and had some amount of creative control has me like hmmm interesting how all the arabic-speaking people in this are the bad guys and are wishing for weapons and missiles while all the thin white people are wishing for virtuous things like more time with their families, friends, and loved ones.
Also it's... odd. that the plot of this is that if everyone gets their deepest wish society will collapse. when the people i know have deepest wishes like "I wish my chronic illness was better" and "i wish i could get top surgery" and "I wish I didn't have to live with this abusive household" for the like. self-serving ones. Like ik the wishes are a monkeys paw situation but it's like. hey man. what the fuck.
and this is a minor sin in comparison but the costumes are bad and up until this point the movie was just sort of boring.
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as wacky as the movie was, WW84 was so savage for taking these two characters who love each other against all odds whose friendship was forged in death and glory and witch fire and tested by decades of lonely time and putting them in a horrible agonizing gut-wrenching no-win scenario where we find any hope they could ever have at a happy ending is simply an illusion and a fantasy and never truly real in the first place and something they must sacrifice, something they have no choice but to sacrifice as painful and heartbreaking as it may be to do and for giving them a quiet, personal moment of sorrow a final few traded breaths and shaky smiles and lingering touches so heavy with longing it aches, and to let them cry in utter sadness for the beauty they have seen but will never hold, to tell us without question and break any hysterical denial that this is the end for them, and there is no moving on, no going back, no picking up where they left off, to give the grief of it feeling and reverence, so that when Diana's voice breaks on the words "I'll never love again" we know it's a promise, that happiness has not won the world, that something wonderful and special and lovely and magical is dying in this scene and it's something too beautiful not to mourn
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so, since the DCEU is officially dead after the release of Aquaman 2, and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it and i wanna rewatch Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, i figured i might as well give the whole DCEU a proper shot since i actually haven't seen a lot of it and only bits and pieces of most of the bigger projects. anyway, seated for Man of Steel (2013) rn and little over a minute in and damn, Russell Crowe was in this??????
oh by the way, if you're curious i have seen parts of Man of Steel on TV once like a decade ago but i actually don't know much about the movie at all. i was dragged to BvS in theaters but it was a hindi dub (someone forgot to check which language they were buying a ticket for) and i remember literally nothing about the experience beyond what's become a cultural mainstay bc of the memes and discussions. i saw Suicide Squad at home and actually thought it was like decent. i saw Wonder Woman at home and enjoyed it. i saw Josstice League in theaters and thought it was meh. i saw Aquaman in theaters and loved it. i saw Shazam! in theaters and loved it, beyond the opening which i still think is stupid. i saw Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn in theaters and i still believe its the best thing the DC has done, it was actually my last movie before the panorama set in i believe but it's literally in my top 10 movies of all time rn. i didn't see WW84 or ZSJL bc i didn't have a way to nor any interest in either. i saw Gunn's The Suicide Squad and really enjoyed it but thought the script needed work, especially bc i didn't like how he wrote Harley. i then heard the Batgirl news, got pissed off at Zaslav and haven't made him a cent since nor will i. anyway, onwards to actually watching Man of Steel.
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year
Kindred - Chapter One
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So I rewatched WW84 two nights ago and the next day I had 5k of Max Lord fic written (idk what happened). But anyway, lmk if you want to see a part 2!
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Chapter 2
Summary: You’ve nannied for your share of families including a lot of workaholic parents but never have you met anyone that runs themselves as ragged as Maxwell Lord seems to.
Tonight a thought occurs to you that maybe Mr. Lord just needs to let go, for one night. And maybe you could give that to him.
Maxwell Lord x f!Reader (Nanny)
Word Count: 4.8k
Notes: Takes place a couple years before the events of WW84. Reader has no defined age so it can be whatever you want. I'm not sure how old Alistair is supposed to be in 84, but in this fic he's about 6ish (so no baby talk or screaming toddlers here folks!).
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Smut. Oral sex. Explicit language. Light dom/sub. Light bondage (Max's neck tie comes in handy). Max's hair is it's own warning.
“Hi Mr. Lord” you smile sweetly at your boss as the front door swings open to allow you inside. You’re met, as per usual, by the sight of your employer looking - in a word - exasperated. He sighs when he sees you; in relief you assume, and runs a hand through his golden chestnut locks that constantly fall across his forehead. He’s dressed smartly in a blue pin striped suit with a stark white shirt and navy tie with a gold paisley pattern which hangs loose and slightly askew around his neck. You assume he’s been tugging at it, something you noticed he does when he gets overly stressed which, granted, is pretty often. 
You’ve nannied for your share of families including a lot of workaholic parents but never have you met anyone that runs themselves as ragged as Maxwell Lord seems to. You know why he does it; that he’s trying to build an empire, something to leave to his son (with whom he splits custody of with his ex-wife) and to be able to provide everything for his son that he never had. But spending so much time with his son Alistair, you see the other side of it as well and sympathize. All Alistair wants is for his father to actually get home in time to read him a bedtime story, or go to the park for a game of catch, or show up at school for Career Day like everyone else’s parents. 
“Thank you for coming so quickly” Maxwell finally breathes as both his hands reach out and grab yours, gently pulling you inside. “My ex-wife had a family emergency with her mother and needed to go out of town and had to drop Alistair off. I know this is normally your week off, I appreciate you coming”
“Of course, Mr. Lord, it’s no trouble, really” you assure him. Truly you didn’t mind, you could always use the extra money. You liked the schedule with the Lord’s. Two weeks on, two weeks off. In your off time from nannying you peddled beauty products and rented a chair at a local hair salon near your apartment. Giving haircuts to suburban housewives was a great way to boost your side business of selling cosmetics and skin care products. You had clients at the salon who would often hire you to come to small lunches they would host for their girlfriends where you could give a small presentation of the products you sold and it was an easy way for you to make money and add to your growing client list. Mr. Lord had even surprised you by becoming a client. He had come home one night to you filling out orders in a receipt book at the kitchen table, a few skin care products strewn about the table as you readied to package them up and he was instantly curious as to what you were selling. You were embarrassed at first, for technically working for your other job while on the clock for him but he instantly waved you off. Alistair had already been asleep for hours and he assured you that not only did he not mind, but he was impressed by your work ethic. He handled a few of the products, carefully reading the small print on the bottles and you noted his curiosity before pulling out the catalog from your purse and suggesting a few items for him to try.
“Makes you glow like a teenager” You had smiled at him as you explained one of the serums to him and he had his checkbook out within minutes, placing his first order.
You would have to rearrange a few of the haircuts you had scheduled for this week but most of your clients were housewives with flexible enough schedules that you were confident you could rearrange them to times where Alistair would be in school, so you weren’t worried about it. And your cosmetic business was mostly a work from home endeavor anyway, aside from the few weekly home deliveries you made which could also be done during school hours. During your “on weeks” at the Lord’s you lived there. It was just easier due to Maxwell’s ever changing and highly busy schedule. He was out of the house at the early morning hours and typically didn’t return until long after the sun was set. Even most weekends he was in and out of the office, trying to be home whenever he could but with his business still being in the early stages of growth, it was a necessary evil.
You were more than just a babysitter for Alistair. You cooked and cleaned and did whatever you could to make Maxwell’s life easier. In the beginning he tried to insist you didn’t need to do as much as you did, that he knew he didn’t pay you enough for all the work you put in, but you quickly brushed him off, ensuring him that not only were you happy to do it, but it gave you something to do when Alistair was asleep or otherwise occupied. He eventually stopped trying, knowing you’d do it regardless, and every few months (presumably when he’d had a good month at work and could afford it) you’d notice a couple of extra bills in the envelope of cash he’d hand you at the beginning of your work week. It wasn’t much, but you appreciated that he appreciated you. At the end of the day you were both just trying to hustle your way through life; Maxwell was just a more successful version of yourself, in a way. You were kindred spirits, it’s probably why you got along as well as you did.
The fact that you found your boss to be devastatingly handsome didn’t hurt either, you supposed.
“Who is it Daddy?” You heard Alistair's excited voice call out as hurried footsteps came barreling towards the front entryway. He slid to a stop in his socked feet and hands instinctively wrapped around his father’s leg as he peered up at you with the same large chestnut coloured eyes as his fathers.
“It’s our Angel, come to save the day again buddy” Max smiled down at his son, ruffling a hand through his dark brown locks.
“So you’re going back to work tonight?” Alistair’s face fell slightly, along with your heart, as his fingers picked absently at the crease in Max’s pant leg.
“Hey,” You quickly sprang into action, squatting down to be eye level with Alistair and nudging at his chin with your finger to get him to look up at you. “I brought you something” you begin, a grin spreading across your lips as you reach into your purse at your side.
“A present?!” Alistair’s eye’s light up suddenly and it makes you smile.
“Well, sort of, but it’s on loan” you explain as you pull the rented VHS tape out of your bag and hold it out in front of you.
“ET!” the boy all but shrieks. His Dad had taken him to see it at the drive-in when it had first come out and he hadn’t stopped talking about it since. When Raquel, Mr. Lord’s assistant, had called you a couple hours ago to explain the situation and asking if you could step in this week, you knew the boy might be overly emotional; his grandmother being ill and his father undoubtedly rushing off to work the moment you arrived at their doorstep. You had a feeling this would cushion the blow and your instincts were right on the money as he jumped up and down excitedly at you.
“Can we put it on now?” He asked, his excitement barely contained as he bounced up and down on his heels.
“Tell you what, why don’t we order a pizza and we can watch it with our dinner”
“Yay!” Alistair shouts, turning on his heel and running off to the kitchen, undoubtedly to browse the pizza menu stuck to the fridge with a magnet.
“I’m getting pepperoni!” You hear him yell from the kitchen and you huff a laugh at his eagerness as you straighten back up and face your employer once again.
“Thank you, honestly sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without you” Mr. Lord tells you honestly and you smile, placing a hand on his bicep.
“Happy to help” you tell him. And you are. Maxwell and Alistair have become this sort of part-time family of yours and you’d do anything for them.
“I better get in there before he starts dialing and orders half the restaurant” you joke before bringing your hands up to fix Max’s tie around his neck until it’s tightened and straight, your hand brushing down the silken material slightly and then patting your palm against it once.It’s something you’ve never done to him before and you have no idea what came over you in the moment, the act feeling strangely intimate but you quickly clear your throat, take a step back and give him an easy smile.
“Don’t work too hard” you tell him before you brush past him to go after Alistair, knowing he won’t actually heed the advice, but you say it anyway.
You hear the front door open and close as you reach Alistair in the kitchen, grabbing the phone off the wall to place the order and get your evening started.
It’s well past ten when you hear the door open again, signaling Maxwell’s arrival home. You look up from the kitchen table where you’d been flipping through a magazine and watch him as he places his briefcase on the floor before his large frame envelops the open doorway to the kitchen. He leans against the wall, tie hanging loosely around his neck again and hair falling across his forehead.
“Alistair?” He asks hopefully, though you're pretty certain he already knows the answer.
“Asleep” You shrug and his face falls slightly.
“Of course, it’s late” he sighs, pulling his arm up to look at his watch. “Lost track of time I guess” he mumbles and you frown. He looks exhausted, hands running through his hair again.
“It’s getting long” you say, not meaning too it just comes out; occupational hazard you suspect.
“What?” He questions, not sure what you mean.
“Your hair” you nod in his direction. “When was the last time you had it cut?”
“Oh, um, I'm not sure…” Max trails off, thinking. He knows it has been too long. He had to skip his last appointment because an investor meeting had come up and he’d forgotten to ask Raquel to reschedule him.
You stand up, your feet moving of their own accord until you’re standing right in front of him at the kitchen doorway and you bring your left hand up to gently run through the few stray locks that are normally slicked back but have now curtained across his forehead.
“I could trim it for you” you say, your eyes glued to his hair and not even noticing how close you’re standing to him or that his gaze is fixed on you, his Adam's apple bobbing heavy in his throat.
“I… couldn’t ask you to do that” he says finally, running his own hand through his hair as you pull yours away.
“No, really, I insist, come here” you take both your hands and grab for one of his, pulling him further into the kitchen and sliding a chair out.
“I have my stuff here, I was going to give Alistair a trim this week anyway” you shrug. “Sit, I’ll be right back” you instruct and he sighs but dutifully does as you ask.
You return a couple minutes later with your supplies and a towel that you secure around his neck. You go to the sink and fill your spray bottle with water so you can mist it through his hair to get it wet enough to cut before you begin your work.
“You have a great head of hair, I see where Alistair gets it from” you comment as your fingers rake through it from the top of his scalp to the back of his neck. It was true. A lot of your male clients around Mr. Lord’s age were already showing a receding hairline and none of them had hair as thick as his. “I don’t think you have to worry about going bald anytime soon” you joke and you hear him chuckle softly.
“Thank you, you really didn’t have to do this” Max says into the stillness of the room while you continue to trim and run your hands through his hair, ensuring all the ends are even.
“It’s kind of fun when it’s not work,” you shrug. Plus you really didn’t mind running your hands through Max’s hair, not that you’d ever admit that to him. You’d been dying to do it since you met him. Soft, luscious locks begging for a pair of hands other than his own to run through them.
You finish the trim, place the scissors down on the table and take an extra few seconds to run both hands through his hair, your nails raking gently against his scalp as you style his hair the way he likes it.
“There” you smile at your handiwork before reaching for the handheld mirror on the table and holding it up for him to take. His hand wraps around yours on the handle of the mirror as he brings it in front of him, his free hand running through his hair to inspect the length.
“It’s perfect, thank you. Feels much better” he beams at you through the mirror with his megawatt smile that makes your knees weaken and you bite your lip, looking away quickly as heat rises in your cheeks.
“Just glad I could help” you tell him before you untuck the towel from the collar of his dress shirt and sweep it off his shoulders, balling it up before any loose hair falls onto the floor and placing it on the seat of a nearby chair so you can take it to the laundry room later. You're standing up straight behind him again and before you can talk yourself out of it, you rest your hands on his broad shoulders and start kneading, instantly feeling the tight knots of muscles beneath his dress shirt.
“Oh, um” Max startles slightly in the chair, turning his head as far to the side as he can to try and look at you.
“Sorry” you quickly pull your hands from his shoulders as if you’d been burned and Max turns his body in his seat so he’s sitting sideways on the chair, his elbow resting on the back.
“It’s ok” Max assures, large brown eyes looking up at you. “But, you don’t have to… I mean I don’t expect…” he trails off and you quickly come to the understanding that he’s not mad at you for touching him or doesn’t even not want you to.
An idea comes to your head as you stare down at the big puppy dog eyes of the exhausted man staring back at you. A man that deserves so much more than what life has thrown at him. It’s a risky idea, sure, and could potentially ruin everything you’ve built with this family over the last several months but something just comes over you and takes hold and you can’t seem to shake it off.
“Turn your chair around to face me, and bring it forward a bit, away from the table” you instruct, taking a few steps back so he has room. His eyes glance over you for a few moments, studying to see if you’re being serious or not before he finally swallows and nods, silently obeying your orders. He turns the chair and sits on it properly again, his hands going under the seat so he can shuffle it forward slightly so it's not backed right up against the table, his eyes never leaving you from where you stand a foot or so away, leaned against the kitchen island in front of him.
Satisfied with where he sits, you take the two steps across the kitchen to reach him again and your hands go back to his shoulders, this time rubbing up and down the material of the dark blue suspenders for a few moments before your fingers hook underneath them and slide them down his arms. You catch the shudder he releases but neither of you comment on it.
“You’re always working so hard” you sigh as you run a hand through his hair again before bringing it to run down the side of his face and his eyes close voluntarily at your touch. “Taking care of Alistair, of your clients, your business” you continue, both hands now fiddling with the tie at his neck, loosening it further.
“Who takes care of you?” You ask, though not expecting an answer, and he doesn’t give you one. Just swallows thickly instead, breathing heavily through his nose.
You successfully loosen the tie completely before sliding it off of him, wrapping the silk around your hands briefly to feel the fine fabric. You put one hand on his shoulder and step around him until you’re behind him and squat down as each of your hands grab for his arms and pull them behind his back until his wrists are together and you lay the silk fabric of the tie over top of them.
“Is this ok?” You ask, mouth next to his ear now and he quickly nods his head.
“Yes” he manages to breathe out and you go back to your task of securing the tie around his wrists, giving it a gentle tug when you're finished to make sure it's not too tight but also that he can’t wriggle free too easily.
You take a steadying breath while still behind him before raising up to your feet again. You’ve never actually done anything like this before and your hands are nearly shaking, your entire body buzzing with excitement but you try to will yourself to relax. Max needs this, and you can do it. You can give him what he needs and what he’d never ask you for.
Settling your shoulders and holding your head high, you finally step back around him until you’re in front of him again.
“Good boy” you praise him once you’re facing him again; hand coming up to rest on his cheek and he closes his eyes at the warmth of your palm against his skin.
“Poor baby, just needs someone to take care of him, don’t you?” you tease, your thumb brushing against his cheek.
“Yes, Angel” Max sighs, his eyes finally opening again to meet yours. You notice the endearment slip, the same one he had used this morning and it gives you butterflies. You take another steadying breath to reign yourself in so you don't end up untying him and letting him do whatever he wants with you. God knows you want to, but you want tonight to be just for him.
“I’m going to take good care of you, aren’t I Maxwell?” You whisper and his eyes close again upon hearing his first name come from your lips. You had always called him Mr. Lord, but tonight, he was just Maxwell.
Placing a hand on each of his shoulders, you lower yourself onto his lap, straddling him with each of your legs on either side of his and you can feel him already growing hard beneath you. Max’s chest is heaving as he tries to maintain some type of control over his body, his heart beating wildly underneath his pressed white dress shirt as your hands glide up and down from the tops of his shoulders to the middle of his chest.
“I think I like you like this” you purr, lower half grinding up against his to create some friction and a moan slips from his lips as he thrusts his hips up to meet yours. “You don’t have to think, don’t have to act, just be free… just be with me, baby” you tell him before you lean forward and capture his lips with yours, both of you moaning into the kiss when your mouths open and tongues meet. His lips are soft, as soft as you’d always fantasized they’d be. His tongue explores your mouth greedily, desperate to taste every part of you, lick into every cavern. You’d always imagined he’d be a great kisser but you had no idea how amazing he’d be. You’re so lost in the kiss you almost forget your plan all together, wanting to just stay in this moment with him for as long as your lung capacities would allow. Your hands are in his hair now, fingers running through the soft waves, and he groans into your mouth before he pulls back suddenly.
“Angel, please. Let me hold you, touch you” he all but whines, squirming underneath you and you almost break, feeling defenseless against his pleas, but you hold steady and straighten up in his lap again.
“Not tonight baby. Tonight is for you. This is what I want, and you want to please me, don’t you Maxwell?”
“Yes” he nods, his voice trembling.
It’s clear that giving up control is not something Max is used to, but you know he needs it, likes it even - if the evidence currently pressing against your thigh is any indication.
“Good boy” you praise again and when his cock twitches against your leg, your eyebrows raise at him in surprise.
“You like being my good boy, Maxwell?” You tease, rewarding him with a forceful press of your pelvis into his groin and he moans, biting his lower lip.
“You feel so good baby” you moan, rocking into him, your hands around the back of his neck now. “So big and hard for me” you praise and a whine escapes his lips as he tries to meet your thrusts with his own as much as he can within the confines of the chair he’s tied to.
You lean your face forward until your mouth is on the shell of his ear and you gently pull the lobe between your teeth before soothing over it with your tongue. “Want you in my hand, in my mouth” you confess breathily against his ear and he whimpers. “Can I take you out baby?”
Max eagerly nods, not trusting his own voice and you nip at his earlobe again. “Words, baby” you remind him.
“Yes” he breathes. “Take my cock out, it’s yours Angel”
He sounds absolutely wrecked already and you love it. You bring your attention to his waist and pop open the button to his trousers, sliding down the zipper before your hand pushes eagerly inside to cup him over his briefs.
“Oh, baby” Max sighs, hanging his head down so he can see your hand rubbing along his shaft covered in expensive soft black cotton.
“Is this my cock, Maxwell?” You ask, feeling more emboldened by the minute as Max turns into absolute putty under your hands.
“Yes. Fuck. Yeah baby, all yours”
You remove your hand from him for just a few seconds so you can tug his pants down to his thighs and then shove the front of his briefs down so you can take him out of the confines of his underwear and see him in all his glory. And what a glorious site it is, indeed, you think to yourself.
Max hisses when you pull his length out and run your hand down it once. He’s long and too thick for you to be able to wrap your hand all the way around it. The head is dark and purple and already leaking precum. “It’s beautiful, just like you baby” you tell him before you lean forward to press a quick kiss to his lips and smile at him. “Gonna make you feel so good” you promise before easing yourself off of his lap and onto your knees instead and Max groans, tossing his head back.
You start with teasing little licks and kisses to the head before going lower and licking a long stripe up the underside of his cock and Max moans from above you. “Tastes good too” you tell him before your mouth closes around the fat head and sucks gently, causing Max to buck his hips up into you.
“Stay still” you scold, immediately taking your mouth off of him to look up at him. “Don’t be a naughty boy” you warn as you grip both of his thighs tightly.
“Oh, fuck” Max groans, eyes closing and head falling back again. It's clear he’s loving this, loving you being in control of him. Another bead of precum dribbles out and slides down his dick and you quickly duck down to catch it on your tongue and lick a stripe up his length again. This time Max remains still, his breaths coming out harder through his nose as he concentrates on remaining still.
“Good boy” you praise before bringing your whole mouth down on him, swallowing down as much of his length as your throat will allow and repeating the process over and over, head bobbing up and down on his cock with enthusiasm.
“Oh baby, shit. Holy shit Angel” Max whines as he watches you choke on his dick. Your eyelashes flutter up at him as you watch him watch you. He looks completely fucked out, his pupils blown wide, shoulders tense under the white dress shirt where he’s pulling against the restraints behind him, desperate to reach for you, to touch you.
You moan into his cock. Watching him completely lose himself in you is doing all kinds of things to your body. You can feel yourself soaking your panties, getting off on the pleasure you’re giving him and you bring a hand up to wrap around his length and work him up and down for what your mouth can’t reach.
When the back of your throat needs a break you focus your mouth on his head instead, swirling your tongue around and underneath the tip while your hand continues pumping his shaft, wet with your saliva and easily sliding up and down the length.
“Oh Angel, you feel so fucking good” Max praises.”Oh fuuuuuuck” His breathing has become even more erratic and you know he’s getting close so you double your efforts, taking his whole length in your mouth again and hollowing out your cheeks as you slide him down your throat and swallow. The sounds of wet saliva and your lips smacking and swallowing his cock are positively sinful as they bounce off the kitchen walls and back to your ears and it urges you on, bobbing faster and faster up and down his cock, your hand pumping and gently squeezing him in tandem with your mouth.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Baby!” Max whines and you know it's a warning. Rather than lifting off of him you moan into him instead and continue sucking and tugging at him, urging him to finish in your mouth.
“Oh Christ, Angel. I’m coming, I’m coming. Fuck!” Max warns before you feel his hot spend hit the back of your throat in spurts and you continue moaning and swallowing around his cock, milking him of every last drop until his hips finally still and you swallow once more before releasing him with a pop and laying your head to rest on his thigh to take a breath.
“Oh my God” Max heaves a sigh and you feel all the tension leave his body and a smile crosses your lips. You move your head forward just a little to press a kiss to his shaft before you straighten up on your knees again and tuck him back into his underwear.
“Angel, fucking untie me, please” he begs desperately and you quickly oblige him, reaching behind the chair to tug at the knot until it comes free, the silk falling to the floor and Max’s arms shoot out the moment they’re free and tug you up off the floor and back onto his lap as his strong arms circle around your back and hold you tight to his chest, hugging you like you’re a life raft and he could just float away into nothing if you weren’t there to anchor him.
“Angel you are so perfect to me” he sighs, nuzzling against the side of your face.”I… didn’t even know I needed that” he admits and you smile, leaning back so you can look at him.
“I know baby” you coo, running a hand through his hair again before resting it on his cheek. “Told you I’d take care of you”
“And… I want to take care of you, too” Max shrugs, his eyes pleading with yours as his hands run absently across your back.
“Another time” you tell him, pressing a kiss to the tip of his strong nose. Max’s shoulders fall but he nods in understanding.
“Do you promise?” He asks, bringing his large hands to run up and down your sides.
“I promise, Mr. Lord” you smile sweetly at him.
Chapter two
Tagging some of my Maxwell girlies @boliv-jenta @suzdin
If you wanna be tagged there is an update, lmk!
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sleepytoycollection · 2 years
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sometimes I try random combinations so see what sticks, because it amuses me 
I didn’t keep this combo, but I thought you all might get a chuckle
head is from a Cutie-Loo figure, body from a WW84 Cheetah doll
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tropes-and-tales · 1 year
Hiiiii! I would like to request <<person b trying to cook person a's fav dish>> with Max Lord please. I can see that flashback scene in WW84 with his business Blacc Gold Cooperative, trying to make everything perfect. Get well soon! Thanks so much!!
A rare Max Lord ask in the inbox!
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Maxwell Lord knows he’s worthless.
He hides those feelings underneath a glib façade, a blustering bravado.  He talks a good game.  He schmoozes with the best of them.  And yet, when he goes to sleep each night, he knows that he’s nobody special.  He’s nobody of substance; he’s just an empty shell in a slick suit.
And if he was nobody before the Dreamstone, before Black Gold went bankrupt, then what is he now?  
He’s less than nobody now.
He lives in a shitty apartment in Baltimore, and he works a shitty job in a grey cubicle.  He sees his son every other weekend.  His nice cars, his private plane, his fancy suits and giant mansion?  All gone.  
Despite it all, he found you:  his neighbor in his shitty apartment complex, a sweet, gorgeous woman who teaches at the nearby university.  You know who he is, what he’s done…and you still seem to like him.  You haven’t broken up with him yet.
Which is why he’s struggling right now.  It’s your birthday, and the old Max would have taken you on a shopping trip in New York, or flown you to Paris, or taken you out to the most exclusive restaurant on the eastern seaboard.  New Max doesn’t have that option, so he tries his best and plans an entire evening in.
The plan?  Cook your favorite meal.  Use your favorite flowers as a centerpiece.  Open a bottle of your favorite wine.  Then watch your favorite movie on VHS before taking you to bed.  It’s all supposed to be a surprise, but when you walk through the door that evening, the plan is in shambles.
Your favorite meal is a charred mess smoking in the sink.  Your favorite flowers—wildflowers he picked along the river—are limp and already shedding pedals.  He punched through the cork in your wine and ruined it.  And Blockbuster was out of their only copy of “All About Eve.”
When you walk through the door that evening, you find Max sitting on the floor of your kitchen, his head in his hands.
He waits for you to break up with him.  He waits for the words—stupid, worthless—to fall from your mouth the way they’ve fallen from everyone else’s mouths.  He waits for cruel laughter at his pitiful attempt to make your birthday special despite having no money, no talent.  It’s just like those pathetic early days with Black Gold, how hopeful and naïve he’d been, how stupid—
“This seat taken?” you ask quietly, and you don’t wait for him to respond before you sink down onto the linoleum beside him.  
“Rough day?” you ask, and your voice is still quiet, but you’re right beside him.  A beat later and he feels it—your hand brushing his hair away from his face, then a gentle press of your lips to his temple.  Then you settle your head against his shoulder and just…sit.  You just sit with him, neither of you speaking for a long moment.
“Just wanted to make it special for you,” he finally says, and his voice is rough with emotion.  Frustration. Sadness.  Everything bubbling up at once, everything he’s pushed down…it’s all threatening to come out now.
“Who says it isn’t special?”
He scoffs, gestures helplessly around you.  
“You know, my last boyfriend never even thought to make me dinner for my birthday.  So, if I say it’s the thought that counts…that’s the truth,” you tell him.
“The thought means nothing,” he snaps.  “It’s action, results…thoughts are worthless.”
This should make you break up with him too:  him getting snippy and edging against an argument.  But you don’t rise to the bait.  You settle your head against his shoulder again, and you tell him a story about your childhood, how your mother had been in the hospital for your eighth birthday, how your father was away for work.  How it seemed that no one remembered your special day until a girl in your neighborhood—older than you, far cooler than you—saw you crying on your front porch.
“She was a high schooler,” you explain softly.  “Literally the coolest girl in the neighborhood.  She dressed like Stevie Nicks and had a voice like Blondie.  I was just a little dork that no one noticed, but she did.  She was driving past in her beat-to-shit Beetle and saw me sitting alone and crying, and you know what she did?”
“She asked me what was wrong, and when I told her, she drove away.”
Max scoffs again.  That sounds right to him.  The world is a cruel place.
“And then ten minutes later, she came back,” you continue.  “She went to Dairy Queen and got me a banana split.  Remember those giant banana splits they used to make?  She bought one and sat on my porch and we ate it together.  She didn’t have a candle, so she held up her lighter and made me blow it out.”
“That’s really sweet,” he tells you, begrudgingly.
You shift your head from his shoulder and you reach out, grip his chin lightly.  You turn his face and make him look at you.
“It’s the thought that counts, Max,” you say, and your voice is more stern now.  “Being seen?  Being remembered?  That means more than any gift or whatever is smoldering right now in the sink.” 
“It’s a soufflé.  Or was.”  As bad as he feels, he can’t help but smile at you.
You roll your eyes.  “Why on earth would you try to bake me a soufflé?  You can barely boil water.”
“I thought—” he starts, and then he catches himself, realizes what he’s saying.  You catch it too, and you grin back at him.
“See?  You thought of me.  You see me.  That’s all I need from you.”
He wants to say that you deserve so much more—diamonds and designer dresses and expensive purses and luxurious trips to exotic locales—but you don’t let him reply.  You lean forward and kiss him, and the feeling of your mouth on his does what it always does:  it pushes the anxious thoughts away, makes the self-doubt melt under the ardor with which you kiss him.
“Now c’mon,” you say once you break away from him.  You stand up and offer your hand, and you help him stand too.  “There’s a Dairy Queen three blocks from here.  You’re buying me a banana split, and you’re gonna eat the pineapple bits because I hate pineapple.”
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
im trying to not with that outfit but I can't
a cardigan, a high hip cut cardigan at that, is an accent piece, not the whole top, am I appreciating the low cut of the undershirt? yes, but I cannot with the rest of it.
the pants are... fine?... I certainly think he looks better with more form fitting pant legs, his silhouette is very boxy. not like, Max in WW84 boxy but it feels close to me.
so i think, with the right top the pants would be salvageable, the cardigan... undo the bottom two buttons, a nice dark undershirt, and form fitting pants, I'd still have questions, but they'd prob be fewer
I'm gonna apologize for the old lady I will some day become because if I'm sitting on my porch and someone walks by wearing that? I can just hear my cranky old self. "This world's goin' to shit."
WARNING: Do not read more. Adira's gonna go flip some tables.
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Transcript: Begin rant.
Listen. I woke up to that monstrosity and had to go to an online meeting and engage for two hours on very little sleep. I went and took a nap and I'm still fkn cranky about it.
No. You know what? I'm REALLY fkn cranky about it. Like, it feels like a personal attack.
I also need to apologize to everyone who has felt this way over Fabio's choices lately. I feel your pain. But I actually love his style and that he keeps our boy comfy and whimsical and up to date (because, let's face it, left to his own devices, Pedro is a teenage boy). I mean, I didn't exactly love the pants for the wine event, but let's not get into that. I got over those. Because you know what? Pedro looks good in everything.
Or so I thought until this morning.
When I woke up from my nap I actually groaned. Not because my back fkn sucks but because I knew this outfit was still out there. That it had happened. That someone whose job it is to dress people found the most beautiful man on earth and did that to him.
How do you pick four colors and not have any of them compliment each other???? And then pick four BLOCK colors, no patterns, but all different fabric textures? And then choose a sweater that's made from something so shiny and synthetic that I can hear it creaking every time it stretches over his shoulders? Like, that's the kind of shit they can't sell at Kohls so they take it off the racks and put it in clothing subscription boxes and try to convince people that "it's not ugly, it's just new and hip and so fashion forward you're not used to it yet." If it caught fire it wouldn't even burn, just melt into a bubbling pool and then cool into a puddle of silly putty.
*screams into a smushmallow*
You know, I'm gonna scoot past the fit of the pants and their zoot-suit pleats and their droopy cuffs and forgive them just so I can concentrate on that sweater. Don't put him in that color!!!! Boy has beautiful undertones and can wear just about anything and you picked the one fkn color that makes him look like an abomination!!!
*throws an arm over my eyes like a drama queen except really not ironically*
There are so many crimes happening here and on a not so cranky day I'd mostly just feel protective that she made him look terrible oh mah gahhhhh
But it's a cranky day. And someone that works in the fashion industry thinks it's okay to pair camel shit plastic with Heinz 57 Stray Cats. If that's what's coming of the runways these days give me two spoons and I'll remove my own damn eyeballs my own damn self--
*takes a deep sigh. tries to forget the pain. lies in an agonized heap*
Did you know edibles are legal in Minnesota now? Yeah. The dems put it on a bill with a bunch of other great stuff and the republicans in the state house didn't read it and signed it into law. It was really great. That was a good day. Legalized gummies.
I'm gonna go get some. BRB.
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perotovar · 11 months
2,3 and 8 ☺️💕✨
Sending you all my love dearest Erin! 💌
EEEEE thank you honey!!!! and all the love back to you, erika <33
2. What character first brought you into the Pedro fandom?
officially, joel. but the first character of his i ever saw was jack. i consider jack to be my first love when it comes to pedro lol
i always liked him from a distance after that; i saw him in ww84 and thought he was the best part of the movie (still think so) so i knew he was an amazing actor. i never saw mando when it came out because i'm not a star wars girlie (gn) but my mom had! and she kept telling me to watch it because "he's a space cowboy bounty hunter, erin, he's your type" (boy, was she right) but i just never got around to it.
then he was cast as joel and i went "HMMM....... he's a great actor, he could probably pull it off" but i was cautiously optimistic because tlou has been my favorite video game for years and video game adaptations are notoriously awful. then he was amazing and after episode 3 i was hooked lmao
3. Max Lord or Max Phillips? Marcus Pike or Marcus Moreno?
ok i know i just posted a max phillips gifset and i'm a slut for vampires in any universe, but i'm gonna pick max lord. i will not hear any slander over his cheesy 80s suits or any shallow opinions on his appearance. maxwell lord is attractive because pedro is playing him and you cannot tell me otherwise. he's a deeply tragic character and pedro SLAYED the acting ok.
and i choose marcus pike. he's such a sweet character and the most boyfriend-coded man he's ever played. marcus moreno is a total sweetie and i love him, but i am not the target audience for that movie so it's hard to watch 😭
8. Be flirted with by Agent Whiskey or Javier Peña?
both would have me on the god damn floor jfc. i legitimate can't pick between the two of them.
on the one hand you've got the charisma and swagger of jack who would give me the sweetest of petnames that would turn me into a puddle.
and on the other, you've got javi who would whisper the filthiest shit in my ear that would have me blushing so god damn hard and giggling like a school girl.
i can't pick. can i have both? (at the same time?)(can i have them kiss each other?)
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troythings · 1 year
recently i started watching MUGEN videos again and came back with a really big appreciation for the custom wonder woman sprite designed by loganir with voice clips from justice league heroes. showcase here:
it has everything!!! there’s like so much attention to detail here. the suplex move, the rucka armor, the screaming chicken armor, the spin transformation, the tiara throw, the invisible jet, and most of all diana’s supporting cast! philippus, artemis, cassie, and donna!!
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the sprite sheet and skins have more ww easter eggs in case it wasnt in the video!! also backstory screenshots!!
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unfortunately this also made me think of the other fighting game wonder woman, the one in warner’s multiversus. note the difference in the design/composition
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dceu-based model, dumb surface-level animation and horrible voice acting. the double standard strikes again. superman gets a dignified adaptation, meanwhile diana gets the gal gadot version because noooo henry cavill cringe!! hopefully the quotes aren’t as ba-
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you can definitely tell who the target audience is.
this is so corporate and half-assed that it should hurt but hey im not surprised anymore. the fans do it better?? omg. who would’ve thought.
imo i think the biggest sin of wonder woman (2017) is that it’s not for the diana fans and it ruined her image. now we have to suffer the dceu wonder woman and all of the weirdos it brought in: people who don’t care for the source material at all and just want their gal gadot fix, the ww84 fans who think maxwell lord is a diana rogue, and the mouth-breathing wannabe comic readers who look at the azzarello amazon reproduction origin as a “gotcha” moment, and ofc wb cashing in because money’s all that matters
hopefully james gunn fully reboots this tomfoolery with paradise lost and we get a proper wonder woman lore in live action dc. he engages a lot with ww fans on twitter so im acc hopeful
i think we’re gonna be ok
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godstaff · 1 year
Wanna hear about superwonder kids, they have a son and daughter:
the son named is Alexander who does martial arts including wrestling, boxing, and karate. He is a introvert but also a warrior like his mom. He got his mother weapons and powers as well.
The daughter name is Sophia who does cheer and book club. She’s takes after Superman gentle and sunny demeanor but also inherit her mother passionate nature. She does train with her parents and aunt kara with her kyptonian powers.
That's great!
I've already had my version of the kids: the elder is called Selene, She's a very tall girl, she reaches 7' as an adult and has blue hair (I took that detail from Frank Miller's Lara. I found it interesting, but they are not the same) and is 12 years older than her brother, Aster, who's height will be 7'4" (An entire foot taller than his dad). Coincidence: the initials of each name are the same as yours, S for the girl and A for the boy. Due to their uniqueness and towering above every other kid, they don't have a secret identity, because it would've been impossible to sustain. Their parents ditched their own secret identities a few years before having kids, because it seemed ridiculous and a waiste of time and effort. Besides, Clark Kent and Diana Prince together looked an awful lot like Superman and Wonder Woman together. No matter how much they hunch.
The children look more or less like this:
Selene (kryptonian name Lena-El. Lena: 'full moon' in Kryptonese)
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Aster (Kypronian name: Ter-El. Ter: 'morning star' in Kryptonese)
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Those are their "working" attires as Suprema and Starburst. Their birth was possible, in part, thanks to magic, because Diana is a being of magic, that's what made them so special. They don't have magic powers, even though Selene inherited her mother's universal empathic abilities.
Note: I've chosen the name Aster for the boy before we all knew of a hero named "Asteria" in Themysciran history, thanks to the WW84 movie. I'm glad everything clicked in the end.
Both kids practice martial arts. Terran and Kryptonian: Kung Fu, Karate, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu jitsu, Grecorroman wrestling, Torquasm Vo, Horu Kano and Klukor. Their mother insisted on it. They also have weapon training: sword, spear (hand held and throwing), bolas, knife (hand held and throwing), axe, etc. Diana wanted them to be prepared for anything in case they adopt their parents responsibilities as protectors of the planet and solar system. Kal thought it would be a wonderful and useful idea. Same as Cato Fong, from "The Pink Panther" movies, Diana suggested they engage in surprise attacks of each other, to test their readiness for any eventuality. She herself surprises her kids every once in a while. The children found this game hilarious and adopted it gladly.
The children embraced their parents protective tasks, because they fell in love with the planet. No so much with people, but they could see the potential of humanity. The words of grandpa Jor resonated in their ears: "They are good people. They wish to be. For this reason, above anyother else, I sent you, my only child to them. In time, they will meet you in the sun." The children wanted to honor their grandpa words. As their parents, they think of themselves as a team. Even with the difference in age, family and friends started calling them "the Star Twins".
Their uniqueness made it difficult to find couple. They found themselves looking for companion from other worlds. In one excursion to outer space, the now 18 years old Aster crossed paths with Queen Maxima. She hasn't aged a day since the days she made his father's life hell. She looked at the boy admiringly. He just saw a very beautiful ginger who seemed to be slightly older than him.
Maxima: My, my...you must be Kal-El's son. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. It became a taller tree, I see.
Aster: Hi, I'm Ter-El. I'm the son of Kal-El and Diana, now Queen Diana of Themyscira.
Maxima: Yeah, yeah. The Amazon. I hope they are alright -She added devoid of sincerity.
Aster: My dad told us about you. You were a bad kitty back then, weren't you, your Majesty?
Maxima: There's some truth in that. I'm not proud of my behavior in those days. I was a young, spoiled new queen. Smitten by your handsome father. I can admit it now.
Aster: I've done some searching. As it appears, you are a good queen for your people...
Maxima: I'd like to think so. I would invite you to Almerac to see for yourself, but I doubt your parents would aprove.
Aster: I can make my own decisions. And I find it interesting the chance of an alliance between our planets.
Maxima: Oh! How so?
Aster: Your Majesty: my sister and I now happen to be the appoined protectors of our solar system . With all the threats coming from everywhere in space, say...Darkseid, Mongul, Imperiex, Braniac (Dad deactivated him last time they fought, but with his ability to transfer his program and intelligence to any AI in the vecinity, you can't be absolutely sure).
Maxima: Good thinking, young one. Better safe than sorry. The invitation remains open. You can come to visit...with your sister, if you want.
Aster: I'm making a mental note of it. I can't say how good a monarch you are, but I can see that you are a very charming one, Majesty.
Maxima: Stop with that Majesty nonsense! Your family and I have history! Your father was part of the nobility of Krypton, the twelve important families. Please call me Maxima. Ter-El, right?
Aster: No, no! My father was the son of a farmer on Earth...
Maxima: I'm not talking of his life on your backwater planet. If Krypton would still be here, Kal-El would be attending meetings at the Supreme Council, like his father. How do you think he got the means for an interstellar ship to save your father? When I wanted to have an offspring with Kal-El, I did some research also.
Aster: That's certainly something to consider, Your Ma...xima.
Maxima: "Your Maxima..."? Crude, but it's a start.
Aster: Sorry for asking, Maxima: Did you solve the matter of your offspring and heritage?
Maxima: Yes, I have a son. About your age. One of my suitors, Saphron, son of High Father, made that gift to me before he passed away in an attack by the Furies. The name of my son is Taximon. Autentication of his lineage was a complete nightmare. High Father wanted me to renounce in his name to any claim to the throne of New Genesis. He's a strong an intelligent young man. I'm very proud of him. He's pretty much like you...not as tall, though.
Aster was watching every curve of Maxima's bodacious anathomy. He was familiar with the term "cougar". The queen filled all the specifications and his hormones were running rampant.
Aster: Maxima: I won't take much more of your time. It was a pleasure to have met you, and I'll serously consider an educational visit to Almerac when possible.
Maxima (seductively): Education may take many forms. It could be surprising. I will strive to surprise you. She made a gesture for him to bow and planted a kiss on his cheek. The scent of her skin was intoxicating. Aster almost pass out but managed to control himself.
Aster: I'm looking forward to be surprised by you, my queen.
Maxima: I'm sure you have in store some hidden gems yourself, Ter-El. Be seeing you soon.
Aster (mesmerized): Soon...
On the opposite side of the trading hall where the guests mingle, Selene was trying to get to know people of other worlds in order to struck deals and forge alliances. She was fascinated by the diversity, but she didn't see anyone of her liking to bond more closely. Unlike her baby brother, she wasn't a newbie in relationships. She still remembers her first time, during the 18th birthday of Billie Batson. She was 20 at the time and the young Shazam made quite an impression on her. He kept calling her "Glamazon", which, for some stupid reason, amused her. He wasn't too tall, but tall enough, she thought. In the apex of the party, they disappeared, to come back 45 minutes later, with their hair all messy and not looking at each other for a while. They repeated their encounters for a while, until the novelty wore off.
She descarded to find a Billie in all this alien multitude, but she was hopeful and open to possibilities.
Stranger: Hello. My name is Abar-tos. I'm from Daxam. I believe you are Kryptonian, aren't you? (looking at the symbol on her chest) Ah, House of El. My planet and that of your ancestors used to trade in goods and technology. We knew Jor-El very well as a commerce representative. He was honest and friendly.
Selene: He was my grandfather. Unfortunately, he passed away when the planet blew, but managed to save my father as a baby on a ship to the stars. I always wanted to know what happened to the rest of the system where the star Rao was the center, when Krypton blew.
Abar: It was a disaster!! The gravitational forces were all askew. For a while it was hard to tell up from down. The debris impacted Daxam causing earthquakes and tsunamis. thousand of lives were lost. Fortunately, our leaders were levelheaded and acted swiftly. Ironically, we used the same technology we aquired from Krypton to minimize the damage and shield Daxam from the pieces of Krypton. It took twenty years before the orbit became stable again. There was two more planets between Krypton and Daxam. One was completely destroyed, the other broke orbit and became a rogue planet. Those worlds were uninhabited, but their loss messed the situation of the system. Our scientists developed solar sails to stir the globe In the right direction. The molten core rotation was restarted to correct the magnetic fields. It was an enterprise of planetary proportions. I'm making it sound easy, but it's been decades of struggle and uncertainty. We had the help of many of the worlds which's ambassadors you can find here today. We still can't believe it. For a while my people even considered moving to another planet, but the Daxaforming of another globe would take generations to be viable.
Selene: Are you conscious that, if Rao wasn't a red star, you may have developed superpowers like we both have here, under a white star, and solve the problems with your own hands.?
Abar: We discovered the beneficial effects of a yellow or white sun too late. We consider ourselves lucky of still have a homeplanet. We are continuously working to solve the problems that still exist. I promise I stop talking about Daxam. Sorry, I didn't hear your name, miss...?
Selene: Forgive my lousy manners. (extending her hand) Lena, Lena-El
Abar (smiling and shaking her hand): A pleasure to meet you, Lena. Can I buy you something to drink so we can continue our talk and get to know each other better? Not always I have the fortune of encounter a beautiful girl who towers a head above me. Can we go to another place? Here, near the landing docks there's too much lead from the ship's fuel. We Daxamites have low tolerance to lead.
Selene: I say we go to grab something to eat and drink and go for a pic-nic in the surrounding parks. If you have time, that is.
Abar: Magnificent idea! Love a woman with beauty and brains.
And just like that they lift from the ground together and flew to their destination.
She couldn't help feeling butterflies in her gut. She thought: He's probably ten years my senior, but he'scute, articulate and has a mellifluous voice. Score, Lena!
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redacted-metallum · 9 months
the only people who can act in this movie are chris pine and pedro pascal and chris pine cant act very well he just has big eyebrows and big blue eyes and is a white man i am attracted to
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
So apparently everyone in the Pedro fandom is scared of/hates Maxwell Lord from Wonder Woman 1984. Thoughts?
I had no idea 😂 He was the best part of WW84 for me!
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Here's a funny thought, In the DCEU timeline Bruce Wayne's parents died in 1980. During WW84 Bruce would have been 12. Imagine a 12 year old Bruce Wayne wishing his parents back, meeting them for a few hours, then having to wish them away again.
See, this is one of the huge plot holes of the film. WW asks everyone on earth to renounce their wish to defeat God-Emperor Pedro Trump, but… so many people have wishes they wouldn’t renounce because it would be too hard or ruin their life or whatnot. Do you think a literal child would give their parents up? Come on.
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persephone-sails · 2 months
Thoughts on dceu?
I am glad it's over (mainly bc the controversies were getting way too out of hand and it was just painful being in the fandom post zsjl oscar win). I didn't like most of its movies (bvs, black adam, birds of prey, Shazam 2, Aquaman 2, ww84 etc).
That being said, it had a lot of potential which, if snyder had sustained a more talented team, could've turned out amazing. I really like how it looked at MCU and said "nope, I'm not doing that". Maybe because I've always been more of a dc fan than marvel XD
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bearsbeetsbeskar · 8 months
This is the scene before the kissing. And honestly, the movie SUCKS but he looked like he was having fun making it so if you have some time to throw away go for it!
That’s what I thought!! And yeah I’ve heard that about this one, but hey if I can make it through the bubble then I can kill time with WW84 LOL
That scene where he’s running his hands all over her body just makes me fucking lose it 🫠🫠🫠
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random-movie-ideas · 1 year
Wonder Woman Villain Movie Ideas, Part I: Cheetah
Since the only Wonder Woman villain I considered to have been done and done well, and not just an afterthought to a plot about another villain, whose becoming said villain was the result of a convoluted and weirdly worded wish, we won't worry too much about saving any until the end, except for Ares.
Barbara Ann Minerva AKA the Cheetah started out as a friend of Wonder Woman, an archaeologist who helped translate for her when she first left Themyscira. Her obsession with ancient relics and desperate lust for power led to her become the champion of the fictional (non-real-world, more accurately) African plant god Urzkartaga, who transformed her into a half-human half-cheetah monster consumed by bloodlust.
Origin Movie: The difficulty with doing Cheetah in an origin movie is that there's a pretty wide gap between Wonder Woman's origins and her own, making it so that the movie would probably end up convoluted and overstuffed. You could mess with the shared "champion of Gods" angle, but I think the best way here would be to do a campy 50s style movie with Priscilla Rich just being a spoiled heiress jealous of Wonder Woman stealing her spotlight.
Sequel Movie: This is the more natural way to do Cheetah right, and in that way, WW84 was at least on the right track. She just deserved the full focus. If I were to do it, Barbara would be part of the first movie, part of that same team alongside Steve and Etta, with seeds sown of her obsession and yearning for power. Then in the sequel, have her researching African gods and ending up becoming the Cheetah. (Maybe introduce Nubia? I'd have to do more research on her before I can say for sure).
Finale Movie: I can't say that I totally see Cheetah being a good fit for finale villain, as she more fits well into the "rival" category than "big bad." One thought could be to switch her Godly patron from Urzkartaga to Ares, having her be the champion of Wonder Woman's ultimate nemesis.
Supporting Villain: Well, we've seen that. It wasn't very good. That said, Cheetah is always one of the expected regulars whenever you see some form of "Legion of Doom" or "Injustice League" or something like that, and she works well in the role.
Here are my rankings of them:
Sequel Movie: Clearly the best way to do her story.
Supporting Villain: For the "Legion of Doom" angle.
Origin Movie: Best way to do the Priscilla Rich version of the character.
Finale Movie: While it could be an interesting twist, I'd rather not just turn her into a servant of Ares.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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