#wwe contender match
sikoazayn · 8 months
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if you're not watching the kickoff- you just missed the match of the year: wade barrett vs booker t in a trick williams entrance adlib battle
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phantoms-rain · 2 years
This is like a small thing that maybe goes unnoticed
But the fact they are actually doing LEGIT number one contender’s matches right now for the US Title literally means so fucking much to me
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sportsarenanews · 2 years
WWE Monday Night Raw Review: Two #1 Contender Matches
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machobusta · 4 months
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SmackDown General Manager, Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring to announce a match that will determine the number one contender to the WWE Championship. SmackDown! August 28, 2003
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crxssjae · 5 months
Chapter Zero: Know, Not to Know
Sami didn't expect Hunter to reveal who were the current Tag Team Champions.
You can read the other fics from my WWE masterlist here.
"Something About You" is posted on AO3 (here) and Wattpad (here)
Warning(s): 18+
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Current Year: 2014
April 24, 2014
Eleven months, twenty-eight days, a special welcome from the NXT roster with doors wide open to Sami felt nostalgic, devoid of acknowledgment of how the future held within the vision. Those expectations lurked endless, different paths until the bright lights held if the choices were correct.
The month of May, the twenty-second in 2013, debuted on live television. At first, fans gave suspicious glances and arched brows after he stepped into the business, unsure who the man was in the opening match— when he gained a victory against his first opponent. More came about as Sami returned, receiving an impressive promo, speaking in different languages at his second opponent, who finished his match before losing against him later on. Surprise rippled the crowd's expression, opinions changed, and he became their fan favorite.
Such fire of passion outgrew the nerves in his chest. No wonder the fans cherish it.
The first person to give compliments backstage is Cesaro, shortened for Antonio Cesaro. Butterflies ached his stomach, stirring up if the decision of the match was decent or not. Cesaro understood the fear and didn't mind eating the pin for the crowd to appreciate him, filled with gratitude. Nevertheless, Sami will not forget some wrestlers can be cocky and arrogant, taunting their performances and pressuring their self-confidence, leading those to doubt their self-esteem and backstage heat. As for him, he clicked with Cesaro in an instant, becoming friends.
His achievements in 2013 were worth the shot: wins, losses, cheated out, hell, being banned by the former NXT Champion, unable to become the number one contender for the championship. If you ask if he did get banned, Sami will answer yes, crystal clear. He'd even used a mask to earn the chance.
The next time the champion tried to ban him from completing the title shot, Sami could wear it again for emergencies.
Over time, the crowd would get bored of this tactic, bringing up the similarities between the mask change and "Twin Magic" he heard of. Never mind, the strategy is off his list.
Now in backstage's gorilla position, hazel eyes full of enthusiasm and wonder, observing two or three matches on the television monitor— while creating hand gestures of the moves and signatures. Mouthing words is like taking notes in a notebook of his wrestling experience. Sami is lost in thought, no one notices.
He never paid attention to a firm pat on the shoulder, so absorbed in the television.
"Quite in a daze, are you?"
Recognizing the serene voice too well, uttering a high-pitched yelp from Sami and jolts off the chair, turning his attention to the boss who created NXT, Hunter Helmsley. He had no idea how silent Hunter roamed across the hallway, joining conversations with other coworkers and crew members. How did no one see it?
Sami stood his posture and flashed a gentle smile on his face. "Sorry, sir, I was just… amazed by the recent matches you've had paired."
He forgot to keep his energy under control, leading to an ongoing blabber of analysis.
"The way Charlotte and Sasha had this… this good chemistry whenever being placed in a tag team match. Pretty insane, am I right? They did a great job! Oh, and let's not forget about Tyson and Mason—"
"Whoa, whoa, deep breaths!" Hunter cracked up a laugh. "I don't want to send you out there with no oxygen left."
Sami stopped, mumbling an apology, took a couple of breaths, and nodded as he prepared to listen.
"Now listen carefully. Corey and The Ascension are paired for the Six-Man Tag Team Match tonight. Some were a handful— and couldn't come here while, well, you get the point of how they are. Until I finally got one," Hunter grumbled some cursing under his breath so Sami couldn't hear, then cleared his throat. "They're currently in the main roster and are in the RAW brand. A month ago, they became the Tag Team Champions and still are."
Sami blinked with a skeptical stare. "Is it the… the, um, the New Age Outlaws or something…?"
"Lost the titles at RAW. Held them for about thirty-six days," Hunter reminded him. "Surprising, I know."
I am not surprised.
During breaks, he watched a few tag team matches on his phone. Some were paired and ended up being over by the fans; however, there can be a higher percentage of choices when the wrestlers are partnered in a random hand with no reason, leading to confusion and no chemistry.
"Let's get back to the topic," Hunter continued. "The Tag Team Champions will be here soon. Hopefully, Breeze and Angelo can hold onto their match to give them extra time."
Oh, the word he despised the most gave the icky feeling: hopefully.
Are the champions good to work with? Will they get along with him, no matter if he's a great person with respect once they arrive? Will they ever visit on time?
"Who are the Tag Team Champions?" Sami questioned in a nervous tone, with determination filled in his eyes.
There can be no regret in asking the boss.
Sami noticed the corner of Hunter's mouth curled into a smile. Some joy danced, no mischief in the slightest.
Biting his bottom lip, when Hunter told him who are the current Tag Team Champions, his eyes blazed in shock.
"The Usos, Jimmy and Jey."
Thank you for reading!
Tagging: @southerngirl41, @coolpandasblog, *@bbkquartz, @rosiel77, *@katiewayne2020
If your username is in bold, it means Tumblr won't let me tag you.
Taglist for samijey/jeysami shippers those who wanted to be tagged for my future fics of samijey-> here
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mjfass · 1 year
This post will be a compilation of all the crazy things that happened in every month of 2023. I’ll go updating it when necessary:
AEW shows up new stage
Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega had a MOTY contender at WK17.
Mercedes Moné (Sasha Banks) debuts at WK17.
Vince McMahon returns to WWE.
Vince McMahon plans on selling WWE.
Bryan Danielson and MJF announce their match at Revolution. It’ll be a 60 minutes Iron man match.
Vince McMahon is the Executive Chairman of WWE.
A class action lawsuit has been launched against Vince McMahon accusing him of using his 81% voting control to illegally control WWE and threaten to interfere with media rights.
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smartycvnt · 6 months
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Title: Butterflies
Pairing: Nikki Bella x Reader
Summary: Nikki tries to get a kiss after Y/n wins her first championship.
Word Count: 420
"One!" Y/n held her breath and pushed her body against her opponent's as the referee slapped his hand against the mat and counted. "Two! Three!"
Y/n's eyes shot wide open as the bell rang. She let the referee help up onto her feet. The crowd was losing their mind cheering for her. It didn't feel real, and a part of Y/n doubted that it ever would. She had worked for years and years at this company, and now she was finally realizing her dream of being the champion.
"And new WWE Women's Champion, Y/n Y/l/n!" Samantha's voice shook a little as she announced Y/n's win. Y/n glanced over at the commentary table and the announcer's area. Everybody over there looked supportive, as if they all undersood the importance of this moment.
Y/n tried to hide the tears streaming down her cheeks, but it was no use. She had just won a championship after fifteen years of coming up short. Y/n glanced over towards the corner where Rhea was huddled up with Judgement Day doting on her. Slowly, Y/n walked over and offered her hand to Rhea. She expected Rhea to smack her hand away, but instead, the younger woman shook it.
"It was an honor, really," Rhea told her. Y/n nodded and pulled Rhea in for a hug. The cameras had cut by this point, and they were being rushed out of the ring. Y/n walked ahead of Judgement Day to find Nikki waiting for her backstage.
"Oh my god, I think that was a match of the year contender," Nikki said. Y/n blushed as she tried to look away. Nikki pouted as she stepped towards Y/n. "Hey, don't go shy on me now. You're the champion."
"I'm still me though," Y/n mumbled. Nikki moved in for a kiss, but the timing was off. Y/n hadn't noticed and tried looking away once again. This time, Nikki grabbed onto Y/n's cheeks and forced the woman to look at her.
"Love, don't hide your face. Don't," Nikki said. Y/n cleared her throat to speak, not trusting her voice to stay even otherwise.
"You make me flustered, I can't help it."
"You fluster me more, sweetheart." Y/n didn't believe it, she wouldn't for a second. Still, she let Nikki end the sentiment with a kiss. It was slow and sweet, and Nikki let Y/n completely melt into it. "You give me butterflies."
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womenwwe · 7 months
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Fatal 4-Way WWE Women’s Tag Team Title No. 1 Contenders Match
Raw: November 20th 2023 - Digitals
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the-wrestling-cave · 2 months
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How did this man get robbed of the title! Seriously WWE have done him so dirty. Then to put him into a no.1 contenders match for the same title? He held it, he gets an automatic rematch!!!
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maineventpapiuso · 4 months
Seth Rollins vs Cody Rhodes for WM does not make sense.
Cody already beat him twice so if Seth faces Cody at WM then we all know Cody is going to beat him again.
I keep saying Reigns vs Rhodes is a better main event for WM cause Cody was robbed of the championship last WM.
Honestly I'd like to see Gunther dethrone Rollins and then have Punk vs Rollins for a number 1 contender match for a shot at Gunther.
I'm telling you if Cody beats Roman then that will shake the landscape of WWE and it could possibly set up Orton vs Rhodes for a PPV match.
Just my thought tho🤷🏽‍♂️
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sarcasticlcves · 1 year
Dating The Wwe Women Includes
Part 2
A/n~ this is strictly fem x fem
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The sweet couple
Her convincing you to go out and party with her and her friends
Her being clingy af
You loving her sweet innocent personality
Both of you being awkward around other couples
So much pda it makes your colleagues sick of you both
Becky Lynch:
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Gets jealous very easily
Has a hand around your waist AT ALL TIMES
Pda to a certain extent
Sweet cuddly bby
Does not allow anyone to touch you except her
You being great friends with Charlotte and Becky despising your guys friendship
Candice Lerae:
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When candice turned heel it was because of you
You told her that she would never accomplish anything if she did it "the right way"
That caused candice to realize she loved you
You do anything this sweet little bby asks of you
She loves tucking her head under your chin it makes her feel safe
You helping her dye her hair
Working out together
Helping each other win matches
Chelsea Green:
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Let's get one thing straight this woman is controlling as hell
Will make you do anything she asks
You technically are forced to worship the ground this woman walks on
Your forced to hold her hand in public at all times
Help her win matches even though you don't want to
All your colleagues pitying you
A/n~ no hate to chelsea I'm just basing this off her wwe gimmick, and to me this is the vibe she gives off as a lover
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Her being more of a friend than lover
Emma being distant because of how she's being treated at wwe
You trying to help her but she's pushing you away
Only sign of affection is her laying her head on your chest when she's stressed
Her mainly only keeping you around for sex and emotional support
Fallon Henley:
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This girl may act tough but in reality she's such a softie
You helping her in her family's bar
Taking up for her when she ruins brooks and Kiana's valentines day
When Kiana and Fallon won the tag titles you were the one who told her Kiana cheated
Fallon trying to protect you but in reality your the one protecting her
Sweet and soft embraces from both of you
Gigi Dolin:
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When she left the indies for wwe you were her number 1 supporter through all of it
You not being a big fan of Gigi and Darby allin's former marriage
No pda she likes being in private
Doesn't really show her love for you in public, but is a sweetheart behind closed doors
You being her voice of reason
Her being by your side 24/7 but not in a clingy way
Iyo Sky:
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You being very nervous when she goes on the top rope to do her finisher
Being close friends with Kairi and Asuka
Taking trips to Japan frequently
You making fun of her semi short height
Kissing or hugging before the other one leaves a room
You've known each other since the indies
Cuddles every night
This girl may look weak but she strong af and will hold you against your own will
Jacy Jayne:
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Your a face and she's a heel so she has to attack you a lot of times, especially when your number one contender for Mandy's title
No pda for obvious reasons
Gigi supporting your guys relationship
Her moving in with you without Mandy knowing
Very affectionate bby
Liv Morgan:
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You both being former members of the riott squad
Her depending on you more than anyone
Being her number one fan
After she wins matches you take her out to the bar to celebrate
She has trust issues from past relationships so you take it slow with her
Liv being the sweetest person you've ever met
Her hanging off you 24/7 but you secretly love it
Part 3 coming soon my loves!❤
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
Let’s Make a Bet (Part 1) Hook x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Failed attempt at comedy
Summary: Hook wants a Snoop Dogg action figure, but doesn’t believe that it’s worth the money. So, you make a bet with him that he can’t refuse. 
Word Count: 1.734 (bro I could not stop writing)
Supreme Speaks: A huge thank you to @triscillal for requesting this mini-series! I’m starting to get a little more comfortable with writing so I wrote a lot more than I anticipated. I hope everyone enjoys it and it meets everyone’s standards.
Warnings: none….i think…
Taglist (dm if you want to be added/removed): @triscillal @senditsi @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom
Being a great wrestler means winning championships, gaining a large fanbase, making money, and becoming the face of a company
But being Sasha Banks’ cousin means all that with more pressure
Growing up, although you were younger than her, you and Mercedes would continuously dream about your future careers
You two were so different but had the same goals of wanting to stand out from all other talents on the roster and become the best of the best
And you would do precisely that: competing with and against each other, main eventing shows, winning championships, having five-star matches, and creating amazing feuds
Being a part of a family that is known for having well-known names, you wanted to uphold that. And you did as you created a household name for yourself, even managing to be dubbed a future hall-of-famer
However, you wanted to see what more the wrestling world had to offer. 
As much as Mercedes wanted you to stay, she understood that you have to do what makes you happy. 
As you departed from WWE and started to look for another company to call home, one stood out to you…AEW
AEW quickly confirmed to the world that you were “all elite,” even though the ink didn’t dry yet
As three months rolled by, you were happy with your place in the company; you were seen as a leader within the locker room, quickly became the number one contender for the women’s world championship, and start working with people you worked with in WWE
You also quickly became friends with many people like Eddie Kingston, Ricky Starks, Ethan Page, Daniel Garcia, and Nyla Rose
But the one person with you quickly built a stable friendship was Tyler Senerchia, aka Hook
You two couldn’t help but bond as you had a lot in common
And you would be lying if you said you weren’t attracted to the “cold-hearted handsome devil” (it’s a good thing you’re single)
To bond with each other as well as other people, you both were invited to be on Ethan Page’s vlog, where you shop for vintage objects and collectibles
On the vlog, you could be seen always standing beside Tyler in the background; talking about wrestling, favorite action heroes, favorite games and toys, or even giggling at the sentences he would say under his breath
At one point, you noticed that Tyler always had his eye on this Snoop Dogg figurine: “Hey, you keep looking at it. Why not get it?”
While picking it up, Tyler replies: “For $150? I can think of other places to spend $150.”
Ethan was also trying to convince him to get the toy but was scared to be put in the Redrum.
Even though he kept denying it, you knew he truly wanted that toy. As if a lightbulb went off in your head, you thought of something that would make it worth much more than 150 dollars
“Let’s make a bet.” Tyler nodded his head for you to continue, “I bet I can make that toy worth your money if I could get it signed by Snoop Dogg himself.”
Ethan’s face lit up: “Nah, you have to get it now, Hook.”
Tyler’s eyes slightly widened as he scoffed, “How?”
Your eyes widened as well at the fact that he didn’t know your connections
If Sasha Banks is your cousin, that means Snoop Dogg is your cousin as well. The fact that Tyler forgot that, as much time as y’all spend together, was crazy
You regained your posture and gave him a smile, “Don’t worry about that, I have connections. I can get that toy signed by the next show.”
“And if you can’t?”
“Then, I will pay you back double the amount you spent on the toy.” You smirked, knowing this is an offer he cannot refuse
Ethan’s head and the camera kept panning back and forth between the two of you, “I think that’s a great deal! Shake on it.”
You put your hand out first and Tyler, while smirking, immediately shook it
Signifying the bet was legitimate and official
Then Friday came, which meant it was time for Rampage
You walked around backstage feeling good about yourself: you had a championship match for the AEW Women’s World Championship in your hometown, you look great, and, most importantly, you won’t be out of 300 dollars
As you were stretching near the gorilla, preparing for your match, a figure appeared. You looked up to see the FTW champion, in orange shorts and the championship around his shoulder
“Ah, the cold-hearted handsome devil. What do I owe thee?”
He looked to your side where the figure remained unsigned, “Well, I can see that you don’t have the figure. Which means you lost the bet that you made.”
You got up from your stretching position with a smirk, “I didn’t though. Look behind you.”
Tyler turned around to the sight of Snoop Dogg walking towards them with his entourage. His jaw immediately dropped before going stone-faced again
“Hey, lil lady.” Snoop said coming around to hug you. He turned to Tyler, with his hand out. “You must be Hook, right?”
Tyler nodded before shaking his hand. “Yeah, nice to meet you.” 
“Ight, what am I signing again?”
You gave him the figure and he started chucking. “Oh yeah, I remember the screening for this. It was a hectic day man.”
“What was it like?” Tyler asked as he watched Snoop sign it with a gold Sharpie.
As Snoop recounted the day, you couldn’t help but admire Tyler. Both his bright smile and brown eyes seemed to get wider as he was processing that Snoop Dogg was in front of him, signing the one thing he was doubting getting. 
You hope this moment will be one of the greatest in his life, and one he will thank you later for
Just as the conversation got deeper, a stagehand came up and requested both you and Snoop Dogg to the entrance tunnel. 
As you started to walk away, Tyler pulled you back. “How did you get him here and to sign it?”
You were about to answer until you heard Snoop on the mic “Y’all ready to see the hometown hero become the hometown champ?”
“Gotta go, but you’ll see!”
You quickly walked up the stairs and out to the crowd, while Snoop was rapping along to your entrance music
Tyler remained backstage, looking at the monitor in awe. He saw how big your smile got when the crowd started to get louder. He softly smiled at your image, before his thoughts got interrupted by Snoop Dogg saying “Aye y’all, give it up for my lil cousin, the future women’s champion!“
Tyler’s heart stopped pumping for a minute, as he took in the words. How could he not have known?
“How could you not have known?” A voice said from beside him, it was no other than Ricky Starks
“You knew?”
“Yes, everyone knew. I’m surprised you didn’t though. I mean, you knew Sasha Banks was her cousin right? You know how close they are”
“Yeah, I just forgot about her family tree.”
“Dude, you’re an idiot.” Ricky laughed as he walked away
Tyler inwardly groaned before paying attention back to the monitor to see that the match started
He started to focus so much that he didn’t recognize that Snoop was standing right beside him five minutes later. “She’s great, isn’t she?”
Tyler looked up and nodded his head in agreement, “Yeah, one of the best.”
Moments pass by before you hit your finisher and got the victory pinfall. Confetti exploded everywhere, the crowd was on their feet, and you were crying tears of happiness as the referee raised your hand
You looked around, taking in the moment, before rolling out the ring to high-five fans and hug your family members that were in attendance
After a couple of moments, you appeared backstage to applause and various coworkers coming up to you and congratulating you on your victory
Snoop and Tyler high-fived each other before Snoop spoke up again, “Listen, man, you a good-looking rascal. My lil cousin is a beautiful woman. Y’all both champs now, you should get together.” 
Tyler looked across the room at you smiling at everyone. And as soon as the two of you made eye contact, his heart fluttered.
“And” Your cousin started again, “If you need any more reason to ask her, she broke up with her scrub of a boyfriend last month. Completely single.”
Tyler looked up one more time to see the group of people dispersing and you on talking on your phone
Thanks to the encouragement from your cousin, he decided now was the time.
He walked to you and engulfed you in a hug without any words exchanged
“Congratulations” He whispered
“Thank you” You smiled at his neck. He pulled back, making you sigh internally, missing the warmth he brought to your body. “Hey, don’t you have a match soon? You need to go get ready for that.”
“I would, but what I’m about to do is so much more important.” You raised your eyebrow, questioning a statement. He spoke up again before you could say anything, “Let’s make a bet.” 
He took a deep breath before saying, “With my match, if I win, you have to go on a date with me.”
Your eyes widened, “Tyl-“
You were cut off by a screech coming from your phone, you looked to find Mercedes smiling from ear to ear. “Get it girl!”
“Mercedes, shut up!” You quickly hung up and turned back to Tyler, who was smiling and chuckling. “W-What if you lose?”
“As if I would.” He rolled his eyes in a playful manner, “Then, I’ll pay you 300 dollars.”
As you were about to give your answer, you looked over Tyler’s shoulder to see Snoop giving you a thumbs up while mouthing “Go for it!”
You smiled as you told Tyler “It’s a deal.” 
You two shook hands just as his entrance music started up, he smirked before walking to the entrance tunnel
Snoop came up beside you as you watched Tyler’s figure go through the curtain. “You’re welcome.”
You smiled as you looked at the monitor to watch. 
And actually, Tyler’s match finished very quickly, not surprisingly
Needless to say, you now have a date to prepare for
All thanks to your cousin
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ametrinearrows · 9 months
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It was another electrifying night in the WWE arena, and I found myself seated at the commentary table alongside my partner in crime, Michael Cole. The cheers and jeers of the fans echoed through the arena as the superstars made their grand entrances. And there she was, YN YLN, a formidable force in the women's division, making her way down the ramp.
As YN stepped into the ring, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. We had come a long way from our initial interactions. YN and I shared a unique bond, one that went beyond the usual professional relationships in WWE. We had developed a platonic companionship, a friendship that had grown stronger with each passing show.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another action-packed episode of Monday Night Raw!" Michael announced, his voice booming through the arena.
I leaned into my microphone, ready to add my signature touch to the commentary. "That's right, Cole. Tonight, we have a lineup that's bound to keep us on the edge of our seats. And speaking of edge, did you catch the match he had last week?"
Michael chuckled, knowing exactly where I was headed. "Oh, I did, Corey. That was a match for the ages."
I couldn't resist a sly grin. "Well, you know what they say, Cole. Age may just be a number, but it's experience that counts. Speaking of experience, YN YLN is showing us just that in the ring right now."
YN's fierce determination was evident as she took control of the match. She was a powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with, and I admired her tenacity. Our relationship had evolved from mere colleagues to something deeper. We shared stories, exchanged advice, and laughed off the stresses that came with our jobs.
As the match unfolded, I glanced at YN. She caught my eye for a brief moment and gave me a nod of acknowledgement before focusing back on her opponent. That nod spoke volumes; it was a reminder of the unspoken bond we shared.
"Corey, you've spent a lot of time with YN YLN backstage. What do you make of her recent surge in the women's division?" Michael's question pulled me back into the present moment.
I chuckled, a hint of pride in my voice. "YN's a force to be reckoned with, Cole. She's got the heart of a champion and the grit to back it up. I'm tired of answering that question because, week after week, she proves herself in that ring."
As the match reached its climax, YN executed a breathtaking maneuver that left the audience in awe. The arena erupted into cheers as she secured the victory. The energy was palpable, and I couldn't help but join in the excitement.
"YN YLN does it again!" I exclaimed, my enthusiasm pouring through the microphone. "That's the kind of performance that cements her as a true contender in this division."
Michael nodded in agreement, his respect evident in his eyes. "Absolutely, Corey. YN's star is definitely on the rise."
As the night progressed, I continued to watch the matches unfold, my admiration for YN YLN growing with each showcase of her skills. The camaraderie we had built was unbreakable, a bond that transcended the scripted drama of the WWE.
In the world of larger-than-life personalities and intense rivalries, YN and I had found a unique connection, one built on mutual respect and a shared love for the business. And every time I heard that question about our relationship, I couldn't help but smile to myself, thinking, "I'm tired of answering that question," because some bonds are best understood by those who share them, and ours was one of those bonds.
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cowboymenace · 6 months
The So Called Rub of Jericho
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I wasn’t always a full time AEW viewer, in fact I began watching regularly in the summer of 2022. What attracted me was Eddie Kingston. 
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Eddie had the physique of a plumber, the gear of an indie guy who forgot his main attire at home so he scrapped together what he could find, and the speech of an angry New Yorker who spent the days yelling at kids on his stoop. That is what makes him so appealing. At the time, Kingston was feuding with Chris Jericho and his faction The Jericho Appreciation society. This faction had some of the guys from the previous Jericho stable, The Inner Circle, with some new additions in 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. The gimmick: Sports Entertainers who hated wrestling. If it sounds like an obnoxious WWE parody, then you’re right it was. You got the joke immediately and did not have room for expansion, they were guys who dressed in goofy matching outfits and “entertained” that’s really it. Kingston would get back up from the Blackpool Combat Club and LAX (Santana and Ortiz). They would do Anarchy in the Arena and Blood n Guts. The feud had strong moments with Kingston walking down the ramp during AitA, blood on his face, a cold dead stare, and a canister of gasoline and Kingston and Co. winning the BnG match. 
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However it would have the stankest, wettest fart of an ending where Jericho and Kingston would have an abysmal barb wire match that saw Jericho winning with botches a plenty. Kingston would go on to get in a backstage altercation with Sammy Guevara who provoked him. He was in the wrong to get physical with someone who is an aggravating little turd, and he would tell you that himself. A suspension would follow and Kingston gave a half sincere apology on the short lived AEW reality tv show to which I do not care enough to look up the name. 
This is what feuding with Jericho does to an M. F. 
Kingston is not the only victim I saw fall to Jericho, Daniel Garcia is another name that comes to mind. Garcia was the young blood of the JAS. Originally under the tutelage of 2.0 and then absorbed into the JAS. He’s a gifted technical wrestler, but was a SANADA type, who did not really have any personality but was good at the graps. The goal, at least what we the viewers assumed was the goal, was to make Garcia a new bright star. He became the center of the JAS vs BCC feud, with Danielson wanting him to join their stable as he saw the potential in him. Garcia would get a clean win over Dragon and even went after the ROH Pure Title. The Dynamite where he challenged for the belt saw him get a special entrance coming out to DR BIRDS by Westside Gunn (the Jack Nicholson of Wrestling [thanks Olly!]).
 This was in his hometown, and he got the victory, this should’ve been his star making moment. Until the swerve happened. What we thought was going to be him breaking away from Jericho he would continue to be his underling, he lost the belt back to Wheeler Yuta, his momentum came to a screeching halt, but hey at least he dances funny now! Garcia has been mostly another guy with a dumb gimmick that makes him meme worthy. This misusage can be pointed at Jericho, but Tony Khan is equally as guilty.
Jericho would also go on to win the ROH World Title. Weirdly, he would have straightforward clean wins over previous ROH champions/regulars and one Tomohiro Ishii. Among these matches Jericho would have another worst match of the year contender with Colt Cabana. One that is meant for the boys.
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 A rib directed to a extremely disgruntled CM Punk. To be fair, Cabana was wearing the wrong socks which messed up his flow (be patient he’s only been wrestling for a few measly decades) but for Jericho what was his excuse? Jericho would get a “win” over Danielson, Castagnoli, and Guevara at Full Gear (140,000 buys) but then unceremoniously lose it at ROH Final Battle (25,400 buys hm wonder why he would drop it on such a low buyrate) to the guy he beat for it rather than put over someone new. Going by Cagematch Jericho would only lose 4 singles matches. Sure you want to keep someone like Jericho strong, especially since he's a former world champion. However, that number is insanely protective of a 53 year old guy who’s at the tail end of his career. 
Jericho would try to make up for this, spending 2023 losing more than winning. It was not great. 
Right after losing the ROH belt, Jericho would put over an unknown Action Andretti in a shocking upset.
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 Action Andretti in 2023 is 10-16 and most of his matches are in ROH. Ricky Starks would have an amazing showing in his world title match, and to follow that up he would have to do his time with Jericho. He would beat Jericho on his first encounter and then go on to beat him once again at Revolution. It felt like a waste of time, the matches were not spectacular, Ricky was going downhill and thankfully Collision would save his heat, but there’s strong rumors regarding his departure for the WWE. 
His next victim was Adam Cole, and Keith Lee who already struggles to get on booked on TV had to lay down for Jericho to sell this program. Jericho would team up with (read: try to get in on Saraya’s heel turn heat) The Outcasts to beat up Britt Baker to give Cole some character motivation.
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 The segment where The Outcasts and JAS hate-crimed Baker and Cole was strange to me, because the JAS have two female wrestlers in their ranks. It is as if Jericho simply forgot about them. To give Cole and Jericho’s matchup more juice, TK brought in Sabu and the match was made an unsanctioned match (but was aired on PPV?). The match was bad, and the feud forgotten. Luckily for Cole, he is so over that he moved onto to have one of the best programs with MJF. 
Following this Jericho would face off against Sting for a mini feud, but the Jericho Rub could not harm Sting because he is Sting. Simple As.
Enter Don Callis. He betrayed Kenny Omega during the BCC vs Elite Feud and replaced him with Takeshita as the wrestler he would be the personal manager to. He became the most hated heel in the company and having personally sat in the crowd where he had his first town hall as a heel, I can confirm the boos were deafening. Callis would then reach out to Jericho to join the Don Callis Family faction and Jericho was going to join. Jericho would team up with Takeshita and cheat to beat Guevara and Garcia. This would lead to the break up of the JAS, where all members sans Jericho and Guevara would continue to team with each other almost like they just became the *AS. 
Then Callis saw his cronies give a beat down on Jericho, which I must applaud Jericho’s ability to find himself working with the most over acts in the company, he always finds a way to involve himself. Hell he even pitched a program with a returning CM Punk which I no do not doubt would have been the worst wrestling match ever put on American broadcasting! Jericho is a shark and if there’s blood in the water he will find it. Jericho joined the Elite vs Callis feud, and even faced a Will Ospreay at All In. The build to this match was baffling. Ospreay is practically a heelish face in NJPW. He was the face in the match against Kenny at Wrestle Kingdom, and mostly works face. However he’s heel in AEW. Sure he worked heel vs Kenny at Forbidden Door since Canada, but the build to All In saw him be a heel. Then at All In he’s a face since London! What is going on! Jericho just turned face! Now he’s doing heel tactics and even said at the aftermath Dynamite he should have cheated??? Who wrote this?? At least Ospreay went back to NJPW and is finishing up his run there.
Jericho and Sammy would have tension teasing some kind of split. Now before I go any further, I must preface: I do not like Sammy Guevara. He is an overused, overexposed, mishandled and misbooked worker who represents zero IQ wrestling psychology. He’s a terrible promo and has terrible character work. He has attempted to turn face only to go back to heel because when he tries cutting a face promo and you can hear the simultaneous clicks of remote buttons to change it to Family Feud. 
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Having said that, even I thought it was egregious for Jericho to beat Sammy. How does one man spend all year losing draw the line at his understudy? Guevara suffered a concussion during this Jericho and Kenny vs Don Callis, and is out on paternity leave. Who knows when Jericho will do him right, perhaps never. 
Jericho and Kenny have been teaming, they beat the Young Bucks for their Title Contendership and are now facing Ricky Starks and Big Bill for the Tag Team Championship. Starks and Bill have been giving beatdowns to Kenny and Jericho to build for the match. They even had the worst, and I mean this with all my heart, the worst in ring promo battle I have ever seen. Awful jokes, no selling insults, and doubling down on lines that did not land with the crowd. The look on Kenny’s face screams that he is checked out. 
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However, as of writing this, Kenny is now out on injury for an indefinite amount of time. Jericho is now lost in the wind and I imagine both Starks and Bill are relieved. 
Jericho has proven this past year to not be any benefit to anyone he works with. He finds out who is the most over and tries to get in on their overness despite it making sense. All of his programs seem slapped together, as if Tony allows him to plan out his angles without any pushing back. I imagine he pitches these to guys who may want to have the opportunity to work with someone with decades of experience, but they do not see through him as a clout vampire. The goal of Jericho is how can I keep myself on TV, he has DEMO GOD plastered on himself for crying out loud! 
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His character is supposed to be an aging rockstar who desperately clinging on for dear life, but it does not help when that is just who he is in real life. With Kenny out, what is next for Jericho? Hopefully retirement. 
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Ah crap how did this get here how do I delete pictures.
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated, May 2006
The Wrestling Forecaster: Melina
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(@blowflyfag for you my man)
Melina Perez came into 2006 on a low note. She had attempted to use her “feminine wiles” to persuade Batista to refuse to take a match against M-N-M, only to have Batista succumb to her advances and then go on to take her team’s title. Melina threatened a sexual harassment lawsuit against Batista, but then went one step further and brought in Mark Henry to physically punish Batista for “having his cake and eating it too.” So far, it looks like Melina’s plan has paid off as Henry has put Batista on the shelf and M-N-M has their belts back. But there’s one other goal that Melina still desperately wants to achieve, and that’s to beat Trish Stratus for the women’s championship. She may not be as good a wrestler as Trish, but with M-N-M (and possibly even Henry or Kid Kash) running interference for her, we think she’ll manage to win that title soon. While her powerful friends might help her win the belt, they won’t be able to help her keep it for long. One of her first challenges will come from Mickie James, who will be determined to win the title to show up Trish. Melina will lose the belt at Backlash, and then will go back to her true passion–managing Nitro and Mercury to another great year as WWE’s premier tag team.
M-N-M will run out of gas after a year or two and–like most rule-breaking tag teams–will probably end up at each other’s throats. Melina will stick with Johnny Nitro and help him develop into a U.S. title contender. She will also sign hot prospect Ken Doane, who will become a top contender for the World championship. Melina will continue to draw heat, despite her extremely popular ring entrances. In 2011, she and Doane will be the hottest couple on Smackdown.
After giving his nod of approval to the relationship between Melina and Doane, Nitro will be furious because he feels Melina is spending more time promoting Doane than him. Nitro will slap Melina and spark a bitter feud with Doane and Melina, which will miraculously turn Doane and Melina into fan favorites. After the feud ends in 2013, Doane and Melina will be two of the most beloved figures on the Smackdown brand. In 2016, Melina will be WWE’s top manager. She will win the 2016 Woman of the Year award with a landslide vote.
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ambreignsfan4life · 7 months
My SS Predictions
So I have decided to do my Survivor Series Predictions I am also predicting Heel and Face turns at or after Survivor Series
So let's go
Match 1
Women's Wargames Match - Damage ctrl vs Shotzi, Charlotte, Bianca & Becky
My Prediction- I am gonna go with the babyface team with Bayley taking the pin and getting kicked out of the group
Face Turn - Bayley - Heel Turn after SS Bianca
Match 2
Rhea Ripley vs Zoey Stark
My Prediction - This one is a no brainer there hasn't really been a lot of build for this one and in my opinion I think they are picking random contenders for Rhea until she faces Becky at Mania so my pick for this one is Rhea
Match 3
Dragon Lee vs Santos Escobar
My Prediction- With him just turning heel I think they will keep his momentum going and could debut a couple of new allies for him so I am picking Santos
Match 4
Gunther vs The Miz
My Prediction - I would love to see Miz win a title again but I think WWE will want to keep building Gunther up and a win over a top star like Miz will be good for him so I am going with Gunther
Match 5
Men's Wargame Match
Judgement Day & Drew vs Cody, Seth, Sami, Jey and Randy
My Prediction - So after 18 months on the shelf The Viper is back and I believe the focus will be on him and what he will do now in my opinion everybody thinks he is going to go after Jey but I think that will be to obvious and I believe he will turn on Cody after the match setting up a feud between the 2, also if any other heel turn was gonna happen I think it could be Sami he's the dark horse in this so unless someone turns I am going with a babyface win
So those are my Predictions for tonight what are your's and what do you think of mine
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