#wyatt hart
jamespotterthefirst · 2 years
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Listen, I know we love to talk about how "ugly" Wyatt is but hear me out
He's not that ugly
He looks so much better with a hat. Which makes me think it's mostly the hair
He's still not my type looks-wise, so I'm just gonna picture Chris Evans in the 30 💎
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findingdrake · 5 months
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
“Oh, good. You’re finally waking up,” Montrose said, tilting his head to the side with a smile. His mask was nowhere in sight and the aperture that housed the prism for it was missing from his person as well. It wasn’t certain if Hank had the same control over hard light that Emerich possessed. If that was the case, better safe than sorry. It was prudent to keep in control of his own actions in this delicate affair.
“Now, Mr. Hart, you have made an insurmountable transgression against me and mine. And for that I’d like to have a little pay back. It only seems fair,” he said, his smile turning sinister.
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tommy-end · 10 months
Fireflies fly forever.
House of Black entrance at AEW All In.
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milesworld96 · 10 months
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Such a small yet beautiful tribute to Bray, how lovely❤️❤️
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xmanortiz · 10 months
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Buddy Mathews carrying a lantern paying tribute to Bray Wyatt
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windhamsrotunda · 1 year
***windhamrotunda's most popular fics masterlist***
author's note: I promised you all a most popular fics masterslist, so here it is. Please note that there are a few smut fics in here, so the "*" symbol after the link will be marked as nsfw! There will be the names of the characters right before the link. Also, if you have any questions / or just want to show your support (reblogs help a lot but I don't mind the likes!), that would be great! P.S. let me know in a dm if the links do not end up working and I will get right to fixing this post! - shar?
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/691686296826052609/only-hell-comes *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/706662486289563648/pairing-christian-cage-x-female-reader-in-her *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/697041469565976576/kinktober-day-2-thigh-riding-edge *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/692599148356239361/pairings-edge-x-female-reader-x-christian *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/688048831216140288/can-you-do-a-soft-but-dominating-edge-smut *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/680481982208147456/dream-of-me-edge-wwe-pairings-edge-wwe-x *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/684256194092744704/can-you-do-brood-edge-smut-x-reader *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/680839272661696512/daddy-issues-christian-cage-pairings-christian *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/681613545986768896/edge-wwe-short-headcannon *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/685186227378503680/i-only-have-eyes-for-you-bret-hart *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/658276073142976512/my-boyfriends-back-and-hes-cooler-than-ever *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/660237165575520256/now-playing-romans-room-roman-reigns *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/702112416203489280/yours-truly-roman-a-roman-reigns-oneshot *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/685913142791946240/red-roman-reigns-headcannon-pairing-domroman *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/649559300566581248/roman-reigns-you-look-even-better-than-the *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/690238247877640192/short-ass-imagine-i-suddenly-made-up-in-my-head *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/688156808176664576/with-those-angel-eyes-chris-m *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/687458524444409856/car-rides-at-midnight-with-chris-from-love-chris *
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romangoldendreams · 2 months
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Highlander (1986)
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These are the things I think about.
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straightedgesavior434 · 10 months
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Besides being a lovely story, the phrase “the stitches are worth the stories” encapsulates professional wrestling in a sublime way.
Rest in peace, Bray.
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Happy birthday Windham, it's still very hard to believe that hes gone... Hes shares a birthday with my little brother who actually has the name "bray" in his middle name because my other brother loved bray wyatt so much, so it's really cool coincidence yknow <3 today is also the anniversary of Owen harts death, also very hard to believe that it happened, and in such a tragic way too. Rip Windham & Owen, we miss you❤️🕊
Happy birthday to my little brother, I love you🫶
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ribbles · 1 year
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avengerphobic · 1 year
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
what's your opinion on Henry's "other" illegitimate children? not fitzroy or the careys, but fitzroy's sister and stukeley?
I don't think Stukley was, Elizabeth Norton, however, has made salient arguments for Elizabeth Tailboys being the second child of Henry and Bessie Blount. I won't repeat her points, but anyone that is curious can read that article here.
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
Random post! (things I'll NEVER get over / never stop thinking about).
Windham (Bray Wyatt) in his half fiend mask. Wardlow wearing glasses. Brodie Lee not being here with us </3. Bret Hart aging.
Should I continue?
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romangoldendreams · 2 months
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Heather MacLeod & Brenda Wyatt.
MacLeod´s two only wives in 467 years, they are two fascinating characters. (The sequels and series are from a kind of AU, never existed)
Because they represent women in two different periods, what is changing, their rights and opportunities, but they also represent what does not change, the concept of love.
And looking at these two magnificent women, the great forgotten secondary characters of this film (one of the best of all time), and analyzing the aesthetics of her scenes with Connor, you can appreciate the social status of the woman with respect to the man.
But let's go further. Heather is the devoted wife (as God intended) in 16th century Scotland, she is the damsel in distress, and the burden of her well-being falls on the husband she loves so much. She leans on him.
From her image it is clear how Heather in exchange for taking care of the farm chores, for always having everything in order for her man, she is everything to him, but he is more to her, he is her economic, emotional, universal support. Without him she couldn't survive. Only if she got another husband. That's why Heather is so pure, so beautiful, the ideal woman, the one any man would want, Connor loves her and desires her intensely. Physically Connor holds Heather's burden lovingly, in the first photo. He is the active part and the pillar.
And we have my favorite, the glorious Brenda. The only police officer with the brains to unravel who Connor MacLeod really is, and in fact the only one among all the idiots that Captain Morán commands who succeeds (I certainly get the feeling that Brenda had something with old Morán romantically, even if it is platonic , but it didn't work, before she met MacLeod).
Brenda represents the woman of the 20th century, almost 21st, with a successful career, published books and an intrinsic value in being a researcher, a thirst for ambition for her development of professional progress, thus pursuing the trail of Connor's katana. Basically she falls in love with the professional opportunity that Connor would give her by teaching her his katana, upon making a discovery. Yes, Brenda is selfish & interested while he stares her with dreamer eyes, i´m sorry.
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That is why in their aesthetic together, at the end, when MacLeod is finally mortal and receives his prize, he has telepathy, he feels that he can finally rest from caring for others after 467 years, that is why he is the one who takes the passive part that before occupied by Heather, it is Brenda who will support him emotionally now. She's the strong one, MacLeod has been strong for too long already.
MacLeod has loved Heather dearly. With her he knew the true love & the passion. With Brenda he has discovered the game of cat and mouse, he has been dazzled by her tough game, with her beauty even more emphatic than Heather's, she seems to almost not reciprocate his love in more than one of their scenes in the film, until she does. MacLoud psychologically suffers more with Brenda on a day-to-day basis. Because it seems like unrequited love at first.
Sexual desire and the need to feel loved are brutal with Brenda. Rachel always knew it. The shock after their encounter is so great that both are physically and mentally attached to each other.
In this case, the pillar is and always will be Brenda. She will emotionally protect MacLeod. She will give him whatever he needs even if it is money (which will never happen since he has much more, valuable possessions, she pays for it).
That's why MacLeod rests on his own pillar (Brenda) like in the photo, on someone who will take care of him, after a long time. Here Brenda is the one who takes the masculine role and MacLoud the feminine role, many would say, but in reality it is nothing more than a change in heart and circumstances, it is a total healing of a love wound that lasts almost 500 years.
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