#wyatt warwick
azurecanary · 1 year
The Infinity books have 5 fics on ao3.
What the fuck??
Let's get writing people!!!
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Cover Hits 🎵🎵🎵
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mothhub · 2 years
the dreaded tag dump
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eludin-realm · 8 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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raging-ale · 16 days
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making his way out from warwick's shop, alejandro had a smile on his face, a little dirty from helping the half orc work on a few stuff. it was nice to be lost around the shop, getting closer to warwick has been something he didn't expect but was more than thankful for. rushing back to the phobos cabin, making sure marsh and nox were taking care of and quickly taking a shower, he spent some time with wyatt before telling him he was gonna head out of camp for a bit with calvin.
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getting things ready to bring nox with, he walked up over towards calvin's cabin. nox wagging his tail as he was rushing in a bit faster than alejandro, almost as if he knew he was soon to visit calvin once more. reaching the door, he knocked - adjusting the bag on his shoulder. "come on, let's get as much daylight as we can. chop chop!" he yelled out.
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wyatt-finley · 18 days
W H O A M I ?
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FULL NAME: Wyatt Kane Finley OCCUPATION: Currently unemployed and half-heartedly job hunting AGE: 31 PRONOUNS: He/him SPECIES: Werewolf PACK: Formerly Warwick, currently lone. HOMETOWN: Hammersmith, London — speaks with an rp (received pronunciation) accent and often drops his 'g's because it's comfortable and he's lazy. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single, but he's not really one for labels. SEXUALITY: Frequently internalising romantic fantasies of beautiful men.
(tw: violence, mentions of injuries, mentions of blood)
AGGRESSIVE. Swing first, ask questions later; Wyatt is the kind to resolve most disagreements through a few bloodied knuckles, bruised cheeks, and broken ribs. CHEEKY. He is always pushing his luck. He has one of those smiles that pulls the sun out of hiding and fills the hole he'd been metaphorically digging himself back up with dirt. You can count on him to turn a sentimental moment into a joke because it'll kill him if he doesn't make light of something serious. FLAKEY. Do not trust him with time-sensitive tasks. Don't even trust him to show up on time. He'll show, because he doesn't make empty promises, but you can bet he'll be late. IMPULSIVE. No, he didn't think through the consequences of that run-and-gun decision. Everything seems like a good idea when you're incapable of thinking more than a few seconds ahead on any given day and are prone to making decisions with your heart, rather than your head. LOYAL. He's not great at expressing meaningful feelings, but he can certainly show you. If you've earned his trust, his loyalty is undying and trumps all of his flakey traits — if you need him, he will drop everything to be there for you. Any time, any place, by any means.  RECKLESS. He's a fire guy. He's a booze guy. He's a five-finger-discount guy. He doesn't have any intention to hurt anyone, or anything, in the process, but damn is he charming when he apologises. WITTY. Loves a punchline, and a little attention as a result. Also loves poking fun at those he loves. Gentle bullying is one of his love languages at this point (as is biting, but that's a conversation for a different trait).
Wyatt is the youngest of two Finley boys and grew up in a single-parent household. His father is mystery that he doesn't care to solve beyond knowing that's where his werewolf gene had come from. He's hellishly protective of his biological and chosen families and has a tendency to devote his blind loyalty to those he loves. So maybe he's got a few daddy issues sprinkled in there. Maybe. He is a born-werewolf, much to his dismay, and grew up in London. He found 'home' in a little pack that adopted the Finleys right in after catching word of their dynamic and of boys that would need a safe space to come into who, and what, they were. Raised by his own kind, he learned to play hard, work hard, and fight harder. Something of an athlete and a scrappy wrestler, Wyatt made a living out of it during his adolescent and young-adult life. Mostly because he'd been talked into it by packmates as a means of redirecting restless energy. It kept his knuckles clean and steered the boy away from petty fights. He travelled away from home often — for matches and championships that eventually spurred on an endless cycle of temporary friendships. Ones that blossomed into situationships, and eventually fizzled into early-morning fantasies when he needed to travel again. Learning to deal with the wet cracking of bones and shredding of flesh every time the moon turned full was, in his words, fuckin' grim. It prevented him from joining teams and stoked the isolation that his genetics brought on with a hot poker, which only made his wolf mind froth at the chance to rip and tear, limb from limb. He tried to keep contact with his loved ones as best he could, but Wyatt had always been more of a physical than digital communicator. Sprinkled with a little self-sabotage and self-loathing, he was used to being alone by the time he struck his mid-twenties. Walked through towns with a sour expression, busted knuckles, and his head down. Where no one knew his name, or his werewolf affliction. Life brought him to Port Leiry after a second tear to his MCL in three years and far too many concussions to continue a high-contact sport. He spent most of his recovery befriending a member of the Warwick pack, who quickly introduced him to the rest of the loyalists. God did Wyatt fit right in with most of their core beliefs, and learned new ways to appreciate the brutality the moon granted him. Four years in Port Leiry built him the routines of a new life, and a new outlook. He still travelled for work — commentating sparring and wrestling matches rather than participating in them — but always found his way back to Warwick. Eventually a rift in the pack saw a blowout of snapping jaws and bloodied claws until Wyatt was following his friend away from home blindly. It made perfect sense to him in that moment; Wyatt owed his life in Port Leiry to them. So he left with them. But it became clear it was yet an impulsive decision made with his heart, rather than his head. And one that left him alone when they, too, walked out on him. Returning to Port Leiry, and at odds with the Warwick pack, is probably a mistake. But Wyatt misses home. Misses being part of something bigger than himself. Misses that something, or someone, that could take his mind off the weight of the wolf on his shoulders. The kind hand at the back of his neck and the warm voice that told him everything'd be okay. He misses home.
Hear the dogs howling out of key - Chosen family, for the most part, rather than just pack mates. Someone(s) that will run with him, fight with him, and stand by him the same way he'd stand by them. In the night we'll wish this never ends - Past loves, FWBs, hookups, crushes; He's got a big heart and a cheeky charm that disguises how he loves wholly, deeply, and fiercely. Whether or not he's told you, or himself, that he loves you is another discussion entirely. Or maybe it's just not that deep. He's not much for labels. Now it seems I'm out there on my own - He's probably met you in passing before. Maybe at a championship, or a bar or pub afterwards. Or maybe you crossed paths with him in the middle of his self-inflicted ostracism. Either way, he could use a few friendly faces that accept a different version of him than they might've known before. Could be any frontier, any hemisphere - Was it you he followed away from Port Leiry?** Or you he promised he'd never leave? I said I was the cops and your husband's in jail - Practical joker extraordinaire. Maybe you thought it was funny. Maybe you wanted to beat the shit out of him for remotely flipping the breaker in your house for a week straight. Might want to check those downlights on the fritz.
** part of a more complex WC.
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years
Disney's D23 Expo is taking place this weekend and it's a orgy of content. The offerings from Disney and its holdings so far are:
-New footage from ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMNANIA starring Paul Rudd, Kathryn Newton, Evangeline Lilly, Randall Park and Jonathan Majors. It opens Feb. 17th.
-Friday the late Chadwick Boseman became a Disney Legend and Saturday saw D23 attendees watching footage from BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER. It opens Nov. 11th. On hand was director Ryan Coogler, Leticia Wright, Angela Bassett, Winston Duke and newcomer to the fold Tenoch Huerta who will portray Namor the Submariner.
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-First footage of the CAPTAIN MARVEL sequel THE MARVELS starring Brie Larson, MS. MARVEL's Imani Vellani and Teyonah Parrish who returns as Monica Lambeau.
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-We have new recruits to CAPTAIN AMERICA: NEW WORLD ORDER.. Joining Anthony Mackie is Shira Haas (who was stunning in Netflix's UNORTHODOX) and Tim Blake Nelson who reprises his villain role from THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Reprising their roles from the Disney+ series THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER is Carl Lumbly and Danny Ramirez. The team reports for service in May 3, 2024.
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u-We have director for FANTASTIC FOUR in GAME OF THRONES director (and former child actor) Matt Shakman. The reboot flames on in Nov. 8, 2024
-Casting info the new HAUNTED MANSION. Winona Ryder, Hasaan Minaj and Dan Levy are joining Rosario Dawson, Lakeith Stanfield, Tiffany Haddish, Owen Wilson, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jared Leto (voice only, as far as being reported).
-THUNDERBOLTS casts up. The film is slated to close out Phase 5 on July 26, 2024. Joining Sebastian Stan is BLACK WIDOW's Florence Pugh, David Harbour and Olga Kurylenko; THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER's Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Wyatt Russell and ANT-MAN AND THE WASP's Hannah John-Kamen.
*People are already gearing up to ship Yelena and Bucky. Yucky must not happen!
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-Harrison Ford and Phoebe Waller-Bridge was on-site to excavate the trailer for INDIANA JONES 5 which will serve as a final bow for the 80-year old Ford. The film also stars Mads Mikkelsen, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook and Antonio Banderas.
- LOKI series two got a trailer and a newcomer with Ke Huy Quan joining Tom Hiddleston, Sophie DiMartino, Owen Wilson and the already announced, Rafael Casal.
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*D23 presented the opportunity for Ke to reunite with Harrison Ford. In a recent interview on THE KELLY CLARKSON show, Ke revealed he knows how to swim thanks to Ford.
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-Also revealed: Footage from AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER, sneak peek and title for the LION KING prequel. MUFASA: THE LION KING, which will roar into theaters in 2024. Teaser trailer for the live-action THE LITTLE MERMAID starring Halle Bailey. TLM wades to the surface, summer 2023.
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Also a look at the live-action SNOW WHITE starring Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot.
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-Disney+ fare teased was HOCUS POCUS 2 - which is the origin story of the Sanderson Sisters (airing Sept. 30th) stars Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Tony Hale, Sam Richardson and this babe,
Hannah Waddingham bringing her witchy ways.
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Other Disney+ offering is:
-WILLOW: A new trailer for the reimagining of the 1988 fantasy classic was shown, and Christian Slater was revealed as a cast member. He joins an ensemble that includes Warwick Davis, Joanne Whalley, Ruby Cruz, Erin Kellyman, Ellie Bamber, Dempsey Bryk, Amar Chadha-Patel and Tony Revolori.
-Fifteen years after Giselle and Robert found their happy ending in ENCHANTED comes DISENCHANTED. Joining the returning cast (Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, Idina Menzel and James Marsden is Maya Rudolph.
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-PETER PAN & WENDY with Alexander Molony as Peter, Ever Anderson (daughter of Mila Jovovich), as Wendy, Jacobi Jupe (younger brother of Noah Jupe in his feature film debut), Alyssa Wapanatâhk  as Tiger Lily, Jim Gaffigan as Smee, Yara Shahidi as Tinker Bell and Jude Law as a Hot! Captain Hook.
This wasn't the only Disney project Law repped at D23. Law is in the Marvel universe thanks to CAPTAIN MARVEL, Disney Classic universe with PETER PAN & WENDY and now he joins his pal Ewan McGregor 
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in the STAR WARS universe with Jon Watt's series SKELETON CREW about a group of kids who are trying to find their way home after being lost in space.
Is not Disney without animation so there was info about Pixar films ELIO, INSIDE OUT 2, Disney Animation's WISH with the voicework of Ariana DeBose and Alan Tudyk. And STRANGE WORLDS featuring the voicework of Jake Gyllenhaal, the best Twitter troll Jaboukie Young-White, Gabrielle Union, Dennis Quaid and Alan Tudyk.
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-Announced: The casting of Shakira Barrera in IRONHEART starring Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams. Don Cheadle reprising his role as Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes in AMOR WARS.
-Shown: The full trailer for SECRET INVASION starring Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Olivia Colman, Emilia Clarke, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Carmen Ejogo (whose ex-husband Jeffrey Wright voiced The Watcher in Disney+'s WHAT IF?) , and appearances by Don Cheadle, Ben Mendelsohn and Martin Freeman.
The audience was treated to a live performance from the spoof "Rogers" musical from HAWKEYE. Very fitting as there was a special look at ECHO, the HAWKEYE spinoff starring Alaqua Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, alongside Devery Jacobs, Graham Greene, Cody Lightning, Tantoo Cardinal, Chaske Spencer and Jacobs' RESERVATION DOGS costar Zahn McClarnon. 
D'Onofrio was also on hand with Charlie Cox to discuss the triumphant return of Matt Murdock in the upcoming DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN. Production will begin in 2023.
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-Trailer for WEREWOLF BY NIGHT, aHalloween-themed special starring Gael García Bernal as Jack Russell who is not a terrier but a werewolf apparently. It's set to howl on Disney+ on October 7.
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Just as father and son Kurt and Wyatt Russell are in the Disney fold, and buddies Pedro Pascal (whose trailer for series 3 of THE MANDALORIAN was shown) and Oscar Isaac are, Garcia Bernal joins his friend Diego Luna who was on hand to discuss his series ANDOR where he reprises his ROGUE ONE role of Cassian Andor.
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*Many people think Luna and Garcia Bernal met making Alfonso Cuarón's Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN, but they are childhood friends and costars
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whose parents worked together in theater. Their parents were rehearsing and doing costume design for a play while Gael was born and were still doing the play when Diego was born.
Other LucasFilm wares revealed like TALES OF THE JEDI, an animated anthology series, so a Disney Junior animated series STAR WARS: YOUNG JEDI ADVENTURES and STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH whose second season is pushed back from September 28 to January 4, 2023.
-While no word on when the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST spinoff GASTON AND LEFEU will begin production (star Luke Evans promises it will happen), Disney will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the animated film with a special -featuring live and recorded performances - will star Josh Groban as the Beast, Joshua Henry as Gaston and Rita Moreno as the narrator. The choreography will be done by the master, Jamal Sims.
There was also info on the PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS series, the NATIONAL TREASURE series NATIONAL TREASURE: EDGE OF HISTORY, an original series titled AMERICAN BORN CHINESE, a long-from series IWAJU which is described as a love letter to Lagos, Nigeria; comedy series THE MUPPET MAYHEM, series two of THE PROUD FAMILY: LOUDER AND PROUDER, new movie PROM PACT, the original series THE SANTA CLAUSES with Tim Allen returning, short-form series ZOOTOPIA+ and John Stamos was on hand to tease series 2 of BIG SHOT. He also took the time to talk of the last time he spent time with his late FULL HOUSE costar Bob Saget - the two went to Disneyland.
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A Lesson in Drowning with Prophet Delilah Dubois
Adelaide first saw the headlights. The rain scattered their light, diffusing the fluorescent brightness into a hazy glare that consumed the whole world. She was standing square in the middle of the road, but she did not wince as the car beared down on her. She was too busy wondering what it would be like for it to consume her too. Would she also disappear into the white noise? Or would it be more like a classical devouring, replete with metal tongue and a cavernous chrome stomach?
She stood her ground.
Then, the jeep swerved. It missed her by inches, sent a shower of muddy water up her stockings, and rattled to a stop some yards away.
Adelaide’s next instinct was to run. She could sprint between the well-manicured lawns to her right or scale the nearest fence to her left and take her chances with Warwick Lord’s German shepherd howling something pathetic in his yard. But she had barely taken one step toward her escape when the driver’s door swung open. A tall, slender figure stepped out, features obscured in the storm.
Still, she knew who it was.
“Adelaide Lenora Dellouise, just what do you think you’re doing out here?” 
The full name did make her flinch, but Adelaide squared her shoulders and set her jaw, trying to hold herself taut enough that she couldn’t shiver.
As he came around the back of the car, Adelaide caught a glimpse of her father’s dour expression in the red sheen of the tail lights, all furrows from his sandy hairline to the bridge of his nose.
“In the middle of a shelter-in-place advisory? Without so much as a raincoat on?”
For all his exasperation, Wyatt Dellouise didn’t have to strain to be heard over the sound of the raging storm. Then again, he had his deacon voice on. This wasn’t the soft muttering of a man who seemed perpetually ashamed to be alive for risk of deriving some pleasure from the whole ordeal, but rather the preacher’s booming, fit for a pulpit and louder than thunder.
Adelaide responded with a shrug. As much as she tried to hide it, though, she couldn’t ignore how cold and damp she was now that she had stopped moving. The wind ripped through the thin, soaked fabric of her sundress, and she had so much water in her shoes her toes squelched with every slight shift of her body. A moment later, her teeth began to chatter, and they wouldn’t stop knocking against each other no matter how hard she pressed her lips together.
Her father folded his arms and moved between her and the trunk of the car. Shadow eclipsed his face again, and all Adelaide could make out through the sheets of rain was his hazy red silhouette.
“Are you fixing to get pneumonia?”
“I was thinking I’d let the storm wash me out to sea, actually!”
The silence that followed delighted Adelaide so much she almost didn’t care how true her words were or how deep they hurt her. She’d swallow a knife and let it rend her from the inside out if it meant he knew it was his fault she was bleeding.
“Quit this foolishness,” her father said at last, sighing like a tempest gale. “Just come with me, Addie, please. We’ll go shelter together in the church.”
“Just drop me off at home!”
“Get in the car!”
And that was that, as Adelaide knew it would be since the moment the jeep rolled up, an outcome equal measures inevitable and terrifying. Who, after all, could ignore a direct order from Deacon Wyatt Dellouise? The voice of the First Church of Her Will spoke. You listened. That was the way the world worked, as immutable as any law of physics. Adelaide couldn’t fight that, no matter how hard she had tried over the last two years. For as many days as she had spent steeling herself against her father’s influence, in that instant she withered under his ironclad certainty like she was still seven years old and arguing about her bedtime. She could not help but be compelled.
She took a few teetering steps toward the jeep as an arc of lightning split the sky above them. In the crack of white, she saw her father’s face soften.
“Thank you, Addie.”
She shivered, tucked in on herself, and said nothing.
The worst part was that it actually was nicer in the car. Her father had already turned up the heat all the way, opened the passenger-side vents, and switched on the seat warmer. She didn’t want it to feel good. She wanted to resent it like she resented everything her father touched, but her body obviously hadn’t gotten the message. Feeling returned to her slowly, nipping at her numb extremities and stiff joints and hunched, frozen spine.
“Weeeeeell, Lady Dellouise… So kind of you to join us.”
Adelaide bolted upright as a low, smooth voice from the backseat interrupted her involuntary relaxation. She whipped around, damn near relishing her skittering pulse and tight lungs because it meant her defenses were still up, but there was no monster behind her. Just a man. Slimy John, as he was colloquially known, was certainly one of Harborview’s more disquieting citizens, with a penchant for selling knives to children. But he was still just a man, and he gave her a toothy, human smile.
“Johnathon and some other residents will be sheltering in the church with us.” Her father had climbed back into the car. There was a megaphone in the driver’s seat which he rested in his lap as he closed the door, dampening the storm. “Folks who’d be safer there than anywhere else, you understand. The Davises are cooking up dinner for everyone, and the Owens have lent us some camping equipment to help stay comfortable while we wait this thing out.”
“I am much obliged, Deacon Wy,” commented Slimy John. “Y’all really don’t have to go to so much trouble.”
“We’re a community. We take care of each other.”
Adelaide scoffed under her breath. She knew exactly where this so-called community’s care ran out, and it was at crossing her father.
They drove straight back to the church. As they trundled through Old Harborview, her father rolled down the window to blare his pronouncements about the shelter-in-place advisory and the church’s open doors, but he didn’t slow down to accept any other transients. Adelaide could only assume the new haste was for her benefit. The sooner she was locked inside, the better, right?
Adelaide dug her nails into her skin, glanced at her phone, and started counting the minutes til the storm’s passing, just like she and her best friend Nat used to do during Sunday School. Whoever could go the longest without checking the time got the other’s oreos during snack break.
She always lost.
Lit beneath by a pair of austere spotlights, the First Church of Her Will surged from the darkness, its single spire towering and curved like a giant rib jutting out into the night sky, a carcass picked clean. As the car pulled up, the wind’s rabid howling grew louder, screaming against the windows. Adelaide, who could finally wiggle her toes again, couldn’t decide which would be worse: braving the storm once more or facing whatever was waiting for her in the cathedral.
“I’ll get the umbrella out of the trunk,” her father announced. “No need for you to get any wetter than you already are.”
He turned off the engine. The car plummeted into darkness, and when the heat cut out, Adelaide shuddered, an ugly, reflexive twitch.
She snapped, “I’m fine,” and reached for the car door.
Before she could open it, however, Slimy John let out a long, low whistle of a laugh.
“Whew! She really got Melanie’s quick temper, don’t she, Wy?”
Adelaide and Wyatt both went rigid.
For her part, Adelaide was rarely ever equipped to talk about her mother, fifteen years gone and mourned more in the last two than at any other point in her life. On that particular day, when she was already hanging on by a thread, just the name was enough to send her trembling. 
Worse than the name, though, was her father, who mirrored her tension in the corner of her eye. The symmetry between them, clamped tight around the same loss, made Adelaide sick to her stomach. Suddenly, she needed to get out of the car as fast as possible. Even the church had to be better than sitting in that moment of connection.
She threw herself out into the storm. It swallowed her up for a moment, but she ran up the slick steps and through the heavy double doors, and in an instant, the hurricane disappeared. In its place, the First Church of Her Will opened up before her for the first time in a year.
And in that instant, Adelaide knew she had made a mistake: this was worse.
Like her dad’s car, like the mansion down the road, like just about every inch of Harborview, it felt so much like it should’ve been home that she nearly burst. The memories slammed into her, cresting and crashing from every corner of the nave: the worn pews where she and Nat used to play hide-and-seek, the glinting prayer candles where she had knelt after her mother’s funeral, the lectern where her father had stood for so many days of so many years still larger than life, the painting behind the altar rendering the church’s founder, Our Lady Prophet Delilah Dubois, in severe beauty, each stroke of her countenance exactly as Adelaide remembered it after spending one too many sermons lost in her oil-slick eyes, each detail another mouthful of saltwater she couldn’t swallow.
And mercy, it was warm like the undertow wrapped around her throat
And it was full. The smiling faces of familiar strangers dotted her horizon, all brought together under the banner of community care and that stubborn, unerring streak of self-sufficiency that defined Harborview, and Adelaide hated it so much she could’ve choked on it. 
The storm surge of her rage broke through its levee, and she was too full too sudden and sputtering for air as her vision blurred white-hot. Her mind churned, dizzy and desperate, around one furious thought: how dare?
How dare this no longer be her home? How dare he spoil that too?
And how dare they abide it? Her so-called family friends, the congregation that had raised her and now sat by twiddling their thumbs while her father drowned her?
In one moment, the entire world was tilting around her, as if she were a liferaft thrown out to the roiling sea. 
In the next, there was a hand on her shoulder. Her focus broke, and everything went still and straight again.
Nat’s father, Duke Owens, beamed down at her and tugged her inside. 
“So good to see you, kiddo. How long’s it been?”
Adelaide blinked and stumbled after him. Sluggishly, the social scripts of polite society and normal conversation came back to her.
“Too long…”
“Well, it’s great you’re here. Sarah Davis is making her famous collard greens, and her, uh, third… the current husband brought over a huge batch of potato salad, and we’ve just put on a pot to cook some corn. We’ve also got water, juice boxes, even a lick of bourbon if you think you can get away with it.” He winked as he directed her down the aisle. 
A shake clearer-headed, Adelaide got a better sense of who else was milling around in the shrine to her poisoned youth. About two dozen of Harborview’s fine citizens sprawled out across the pews. They were split half and half between those who were dispensing the charity and those who were receiving it. Among the latter, Adelaide identified a smattering of residents from the trailer park at the west edge of town, a stoned vanlifer, a young city couple whose car had probably broken down, a handful of farmers who didn’t trust the structural integrity of their houses, and Madame Tilly, the congregation’s oldest and most devout member.
The other half—composed of Mary Owens, her two sons, Sarah Davis, her daughter, her current husband, one of her ex-husbands, and another priest—clustered at the front of the nave. That, Adelaide knew, was her destination: the insufferable snare of small town small talk with people she had known all her life and resented.
The altar and the lectern had been pushed back to make room for a pair of mismatched folding tables. One held the Owens’ camping stoves and large, bubbling stock pots, while the other was attended to by the younger generation, who were setting out plates, bowls, silverware, and napkins. Combined with the drink coolers and the warming tupperwares of potato salad, the spread could have been any church potluck or community barbecue.
Indeed, the only indication of the hurricane was Adelaide herself, tottering to a stop in front of them and once again failing not to shiver.
The fussing began immediately.
“Oh, sweetheart, what happened to you?” cooed Mary Owens.
“Poor thing, you gotta go change!” exclaimed Sarah Davis. “I’ve got some spare stuff in my duffle…”
“Dang, Adelaide, you’re gonna get sick going out dressed like that,” tutted Nat’s older brother, Jack.
“That’s what I told her.” Adelaide felt her father’s hand on her shoulder like a vice. “I found Addie halfway back home. She got caught out in the storm when the advisory went into effect, but, mercy be, we’re all safe here now.”
The others, ever the faithful parishioners, nodded and intoned, “Mercy be.”
Smothering the urge to gag, Adelaide cleared her throat and mustered up her most charming cheerleader smile.
“Mrs. Davis, that change of clothes sounds swell just about now.”
The church’s holiness had never quite extended into the single-occupant bathrooms in the basement. The consecration stopped short at the harsh fluorescents, speckled linoleum tiles, grimy ceramic, and the half-empty trash can perched on its throne of wet, crumpled paper towels. The closest thing to sanctity in the room was the pastel cross-stitch wall art reminding its viewers that Delilah preached moderation in all things… except cleanliness!, and even that couldn’t compel anyone to actually throw their paper towels away.
It was as close to an escape as Adelaide was going to get.
She had to peel her sopping clothes away from her skin, like wearing away the adhesive of a band-aid until she was hunched and nearly naked in the middle of the bathroom with two handfuls of dripping fabric. Her flats were coming apart at the seams, and her stockings were so drenched and muddy that she abandoned any hope of salvaging them. Instead, she threw both articles of clothing in the trash before trying to ring out her dress over the sink. The twisting and squeezing yielded some measure of success, so she stuffed the dress into the plastic bag Jack had offered her.
She then began to rifle through Sarah Davis’ assorted athleisure: a pair of neon pink and green tennis shoes, socks that said namaste, two tight yoga pants, and an assortment of sporty tank tops emblazoned with bubble text that ranged from mere novelty (KEEP HARBORVIEW WEIRD) to outright suggestion (MY EYES ARE UP HERE). Adelaide picked one that said FINE LIKE WINE not because it suited her particularly but because it had the loosest fit. Both pairs of pants, however, were as form-fitting and skin-tight as the wet stockings she had just taken off, hugging every curve and divot of her legs.
In the end, she was dressed but exposed, unable to control something so simple as her appearance, hating the glimpses of herself she caught in the mirror. 
Even her face seemed foreign to her. The rain had ruined her makeup, leaving streaks of mascara down her cheeks and blotchy patches of red lipstick on her mouth. Her hair hung from her in frizzing, ropey strands plastered to the sides of her face and neck. She didn’t recognize the face staring back at her with the tears rimming its wide, desperate eyes.
That other person trapped in the glass snarled, wrenched a paper towel from the dispenser, and clawed the rest of its makeup off. A moment later, it raked its nails through its hair in a biting impression of a brush, gathering the strands together in a loose ponytail with a scrunchie from Sarah’s duffle bag.
At least she had control over something.
At least she could still control the muscles of her unvarnished face, massaging out the furrows in her brow and slackening the tension in her jaw and schooling her lips into an effortless smile. 
When she looked in the mirror one last time, she almost resembled herself again.
Supper was up by the time Adelaide went back upstairs. Townsfolk were gathered at the front of the chamber, salting and buttering ears of corn and taking deep, indulgent whiffs of the collard greens, laden with thick-cut bacon and leftover ham hock. Strains of jovial conversation reached her by the stairwell. How is so-and-so doing? Some weather we’re having, huh. Got any holiday plans? How old is so-and-so now? She’s where? Oh my, but they grow up so fast…
Adelaide heard Nat’s name in the mix—something about an athletic scholarship at Clemson—and felt sick again.
Her empty stomach grumbled its complaints as she turned away, but she ignored it, forcing her attention to settle on Madame Tilly, who had not joined the others for dinner. Rather, the old woman, sporting her trademark purple velvet cap and elaborate gem-encrusted beetle brooch, was still kneeling by a box of candles near the front door, lost to the world as she muttered her prayers.
Adelaide reasoned that that, at least, was a conversation she could handle.
Matilda Lawrence had been just as much a part of Adelaide’s life growing up as the Owens. For as long as she could remember, she and her father had been checking up on Madame Tilly after Wednesday service. It had been Adelaide’s earliest act of charity, a kind deed for a kind elder whose mind had wandered even in her youth. Even longer than those visits, though, Adelaide recalled her unwavering faith. As distracted as she might be elsewhere, in church, Madame Tilly was nothing but resolute and focused. Indeed, her knowledge of canticles, verses, and hymns was second only to Deacon Dellouise himself.
Adelaide used to think it would be nice to grow up and be someone like Madame Tilly: refined, devout, at peace.
Nowadays, she just barely had one of the three.
Adelaide squatted beside the prayer box, three tiered rows of tea lights set in small glass bowls. Only a few of the candles were lit, each a pinprick prayer glinting above a puddle of grey wax. She watched them flicker as she listened to Madame Tilly continue her supplications without so much as a glance in her direction.
The words were as familiar as the low, hoarse voice that mumbled them:
“That I may deliver my own salvation, I bequeath upon myself a clear mind and a strong heart. That I may shoulder my own burdens, carry my own weight, and discipline the limits of my own desires, such that I never exceed the boundaries of restraint and propriety. That I may survive the oncoming storm, I pray for clarity, fortitude, and tenacity…”
“And in so praying,” the words spilled forth from Adelaide’s marrow, deep and reluctant as every fiber of her being, “I grant upon myself such virtues as foreseen by our lady prophet.”
Madame Tilly lifted her head, blinking, and smiled up at Adelaide, slow and indulgent.
“Little Addie,” she murmured, gums stretched wide. “How are you?”
“Surviving by someone’s grace.” Adelaide didn’t know if it was her own or her father’s or Delilah’s herself. Probably wasn’t her own. “How ’bout yourself?”
“All is as we will it.”
Typical Order of Dubois bullshit response. Adelaide smiled back.
“Well, it looks like dinner’s up, if you’re hungry.”
“Oh, that’s very kind of you, but I can’t stop praying. There’ll be time to feed myself later. Harborview needs my prayers now. It is as our lady prophet says.” Madame Tilly tapped her forehead with the second knuckle of her right pointer finger, tracing a loose oval between her brows. “‘In seeing clearly, might all the Earth resolve itself in perfect and accurate order.’ Worship is the only way to a clear mind’s eye. A clear mind’s eye is the only way to a righteous world.”
Righteousness seemed a terribly inappropriate framework for understanding a natural disaster, but Adelaide’s good sense told her not to argue. 
Instead, she picked up one of the lit prayer candles and tilted it forward. The melted wax pooled to one side, threatening to drown the pinpoint of light quivering inside the glass. When she narrowed her eyes, the flame blossomed into a thin white line across her vision. Its expansion was an optical illusion, she knew, but if she focused hard enough, she could trick herself into thinking that the glass was heating up, cracking, splintering, shattering…
“We could all use some clarity just about now,” Adelaide remarked as she spun the bowl, watching the silvery wax swirl like wine.
“Don’t I know it… You seeking clarity yourself, little Addie? I haven’t seen you around here in a while.”
“Y’know how it is.” Eyes open, eyes closed, flame thinning and widening and winking like blinding starlight, glass hotter and hotter against the pads of her fingers. “One day, you’re suddenly an adult, and you gotta take some time to figure things out.”
“I’ve been an adult for quite a while, dearie. I did all my figuring out long ago.”
“And how’d that go for you?”
“She simplified things a good bit.” Madame Tilly nodded toward the back of the church, and Adelaide followed her gaze to the oil painting of Delilah Dubois. The prophet’s watchful steely eyes stared back from underneath a windswept cowl. “I was a wild and wayward soul once upon a time, but I wandered back to her eventually, and she set me on the straight and narrow… You could always come back too, y’know. Give it all a second chance.”
Adelaide’s grip on the bowl tightened.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Ah, but showing up is only half the work.” Adelaide glanced back at her out of the corner of her eye. Madame Tilly responded by touching her finger to her forehead again. “You still have to have faith, dearie. Otherwise, it’s only a paper moon.
“That was the first lesson Lady Delilah taught us, after all. She saw the end of days on the horizon, the plagues and the storms and the fires that would burn this world to its core, and she turned to prayer. Not just mumbling a few half-hearted words, you understand, but complete dedication of body and soul to her worship. That was her salvation.
“And it’s saved Harborview dozens of times since then. Right before you were born, actually, we had another hurricane. This one got so close the state put us under an evacuation notice, so your daddy rented a whole fleet of buses and he went out in his jeep with his megaphone to round folks up and make sure they got out safe and sound before the storm got bad.
“But instead of leaving with them, he and Melanie came back here, and the three of us set about doing what Delilah mandated we do in the face of travesty. We dedicated ourselves to our piety. We didn’t eat, we didn’t drink, we didn’t sleep, we just prayed.
“And we were rewarded, as Delilah said we would be. For all those weather boys saying we would be wiped off the map, the hurricane only grazed us. Oh, there was some superficial damage to a few buildings on the Docks, and we lost the old community center to the flooding, but we survived. Harborview survived, as it always has, on the back of its own self-efficacy. 
“That is the power of faith, child: making divine and mortal providence one in the same.”
But much of Madame Tilly’s sermon had fallen on deaf ears, for Adelaide could not let go of the thought of her mother holed up in this church listening to the world end around her. She pictured her crouched before this same prayer box, hands clenched, eyes shut, trembling.
Had she wanted to stay? Or had she been coerced, her husband never being one to let his things wander too far from his domain? She was a devout woman, but did her faith hold? Did she believe Wyatt when he told her devotion was the only way to salvation?
Did she have any other choice but to believe, to paper a smile over the worry and go through the motions of her worship while her fear gutted her from the inside out? How many screams and sobs did she smother because doubt was still the worse sin in the eyes of her husband?
Did she nurse some secret seed of resentment toward him for condemning her to die alongside him?
Adelaide’s own fear spiraled as sudden as a lightning strike. It was an old anxiety at this point, but it hadn’t yet lost its edge or its weight: that moment of feeling the entire ocean bearing down on her chest. Too tight to move, too heavy to breathe, just the water in her lungs trying to drag her down.
The candle holder exploded.
Madame Tilly yelped as glass and wax showered the ground. The still-burning wick hit the carpet. A chorus of gasps and shrieks and questioning grunts surged from the other side of the church.
But all Adelaide knew was the flame. The orange glimmer cut through the fear, and for a blinding moment, she had that holy clarity that the Order of Dubois revered so much: a crystal-clear image of the church reduced to smoldering ash and burning rubble, so real she could taste the heat and smoke sweet on her tongue. If she just focused…
Some smell like ozone and chlorine hit Adelaide square in the nose. Her vision blurred, head swimming as that sublime image warped before her eyes. She tried to hold onto it, but it vanished out from underneath her, like missing the last step in the dark. For a moment, she reeled in the free-fall, stomach plummeting and body lurching, staggering back onto her heels.
Then, her vision settled. She was back in the church. It was normal and whole. The flame was out. And her father was staring hard at her from across the room.
Outside, the thunder boomed as loud as any pipe organ, deep enough to shake the church’s foundations.
The power went out.
The congregation gasped again as the darkness took them. The precious few points of candlelight were quickly joined by the glare of cellphones at the front of the nave. Madame Tilly merely shook her head and resumed her praying, while Adelaide stared at the faces huddled near the altar, cast in a waxy and uneven sheen by the weak flashlights they clutched to their chests. An anxious murmur bubbled up amongst them until their deacon cleared his throat so loud even the rain seemed to hold its breath for him.
“There’s no need to panic, folks.” Wyatt Dellouise only owned a flip phone, so for a moment, his voice seemed to emanate from the darkness itself, ever-present and ever-vigilant. Duke Owens switched on a camping lantern, suffusing the back of the church in a too-white glow. Wyatt appeared, his features ghastly as the light carved steep shadows into his countenance. “We knew this was a possibility, but the church has a generator precisely for this situation. I’ll go out back and turn it on. Duke, you mind if I borrow a flashlight or a lantern?”
“Of course, Wyatt, and if you need someone else to go out with you—”
“I’ll go.”
The glaring cellphones all turned toward Adelaide as she stretched her hand up into the air. A stuttered silence followed. Her father’s thin silhouette shifted.
“That’s awful kind of you, Addie, but—”
“You shouldn't have to go out there alone, Daddy!” Adelaide interrupted brightly. “I wanna help.”
He couldn’t deny her this, not when she was playing the dutiful, smiling daughter he wanted so badly to have back. With a nod and armed with raincoats and a high-powered flashlight, her father led her out the back door of the church.
Stepping back out into the storm, Adelaide’s mind wandered to her other childhood best friend, the one she tried her damnedest not to think about. Once upon a time, before Adelaide had ruined everything, Zak Ibis had been the genderqueer prom king to her prom queen. As the self-proclaimed arbiter of good taste and cultural relevance in a backwater town he resented, Zak could deliver gospel as well as any priest over DairyQueen blizzards or in the Barracuda’s locker rooms. Their vast but shallow reserves of amateurish expertise included computer science, film, sports, economics, and numerous pop science areas like sleep health, fad diets, and wolfpack dynamics as allegories for the human condition.
One such lecture came to mind as the first splash of rain hit Adelaide’s face, turned up toward a patch of clouds where the faint light of the moon filtered through the storm. She remembered one of her many late night break-ins to the lighthouse down the street from the Dellouise Mansion. With Nat giving her a boost, Adelaide would shimmy into the cracked second story window and open the door. Nat provided the snacks, Zak the weak booze, and they’d spend hours playing card games or listening to Zak pontificate.
Over cold, congealed nachos and watered down beer, Zak had once opined about the mammalian diving reflex— in his words, how to trick your lizard brain into thinking the world’s not ending by being in some water about it.
And in the storm’s totality, it did feel like being swallowed up by the sea: the whole world disappeared in the torrent, no ground, no horizon, no body, just the numbness where the droplets pelted against her skin.
Zak was right, it was kind of relaxing.
Would that she actually were in the ocean, sinking into the abyss so that her corpse could give rise to untold and monstrous ecosystems deep beneath the tides. Instead, the swinging of her father’s flashlight, cutting sharp through all that wet nothing, reminded Adelaide of where she was.
“The generator’s just back here.”
“Hold the flashlight, will you?”
Adelaide lifted the light up to illuminate the boxy grey generator on the ground and the paneling in the wall above it, which her father began to fuss with. She watched him work in silence, trying to puzzle out the function of the multitude of switches and blinking lights. She didn’t have the faintest idea what her father was doing with them. 
Then again, that was the way the two of them functioned, wasn’t it? She didn’t have to know much of anything because daddy dearest could always solve all of her problems.
The irony of being dependent on a man who had dedicated his life to preaching self-sufficiency was so bitter that Adelaide drew in on herself, shivering in Mary Owens’ raincoat and Sarah Davis’ yoga outfit and despising the kindness they had shown her.
“What are you going to do if we ever have to evacuate?!” she shouted over the roar of the storm.
“We won’t need to evacuate,” he responded evenly.
“Sure, not this time around, but there’s always next time, ain’t there, and the time after that? We have a million fucking storms every summer, what are you going to do when one of them finally threatens to wipe this miserable shithole off the coastline?”
Her father’s hands paused, hovering over some button or another. Adelaide could not see his face, but she watched the outline of his Adam’s apple quiver.
“Watch your language, Addie,” he mumbled at last. He pushed the button, and light flooded out of the stained glass window suspended above their heads.
“That’s not an answer, and you fucking know it! Tell me what you would do!” 
Desperation seized her as he finally turned toward her, mouth set like a tombstone to match the hard granite of his eyes. Adelaide could not feel her lips spluttering around her words, but she tasted the rainwater against her teeth. 
“Would you let me go?!” She came so close to pleading that she wanted to retch. Barely swallowing the bile, she spat, “Or would you trap me here like you trapped Mama?!”
What little color was left drained from her father’s face.
“Addie, don’t—”
“You’d rather see me dead than gone!” The tempest didn’t stop for her like it did for him, but she could match its fury. “You’d let me drown before you’d let me leave!”
“I’d— I’d protect you!” He reached for her, stammering out familiar pleas and supplications. Adelaide shrunk away from his grasp. “I’d keep you safe, like I always have!”
“You’d just keep me!”
He tried to grab her again. Adelaide stepped backwards, slipped on the slick grass, and plummeted to the ground. He lunged to catch her, but she slapped away his hands as she fell. She’d rather have the pain: the sharp ache of a future bruise thrumming through her thighs and up her spine, the scrape of her knuckles against the ground, the twist of her wrist as she held onto the flashlight like a liferaft.
Standing above her, Wyatt’s face contorted, no longer the picture of the austere deacon but of a tired, sad old man.
“Addie, please,” he whispered, extending his hand again, “please just stop this. You’re only hurting yourself.”
In response, Adelaide chucked the flashlight as hard as she could in the other direction. 
Somewhere in the darkness above her came a sigh, followed by heavy footsteps headed toward the flashlight, which had rolled to a stop near the fence of the cemetery. Still, Adelaide made no move to pick herself up. Instead, she leaned back to lay down in the mud, letting the rain wash over her.
She couldn’t see the sky.
She couldn’t see much of anything, but she knew Harborview’s geography well enough to draw a straight line from her outstretched fingertips to her father’s house, less than a block away but lost in the storm. She could extend that same, unerring line through to the lighthouse, that last bastion of unspoiled childhood, and she could stretch it out further to the ocean beyond.
She could feel it out there, roiling just out of sight. And if she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, she could almost feel it inside her too. In her mind’s eye, she saw a wave as tall as the sky cresting over the town, poised just before breaking. It would flood every street, level most buildings, wash away thousands of lives, erase Harborview from the face of the Earth and drag its fractured remains out to sea… and maybe that could free her.
Maybe it would be enough to call her father’s bluff and scare him into breaking the magic that tethered her to Harborview. 
Or maybe the magic would break on its own if there was no Harborview.
As soon as it had occurred to her, Adelaide couldn’t let that thought go. The flood, the catastrophe, the destruction, the death. The horror sunk its fangs deep into her, gnawing the edges of morality and logic alike, and she let that callousness fester because it burned oh so tenderly even as she was slowly losing feeling in her limbs.
Why, after all, should she care about the wellbeing of the people who showed up twice a week to suckle at the teat of her father’s dogma despite everything he had done to her?
Why shouldn’t they drown too?
Who was Adelaide to deny the prophecies of her Lady Delilah?
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kickmag · 5 months
Mary J. Blige To Receive Entertainment Icon Award At Urban One Honors
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Mary J. Blige will receive the Entertainment Icon Award at the 2024 Urban One Honors. The Urban One Honors: Best In Black will premiere on Sunday, February 25, 2024, at 8 PM ET on TV One and will be simulcast on CLEO TV. The award adds to Blige's several accomplishments as the Queen Of Hip Hop Soul. Blige has nine Grammys, an Emmy, two Academy Award nominations, two Golden Globe nominations, and a SAG nomination amongst her achievements. The singer and actress's 15-album discography includes musical landmarks like her debut and sophomore albums, What's The 411? and My Life, which affirmed countless Generation X women. Her musical legacy continues to influence contemporary singers and set the standard for the hip-hop and R&B collaboration. Michelle L. Rice, President of TV One and CLEO TV, says, 
"Urban One is thrilled to honor the incomparable Mary J. Blige as our 2024 Entertainment Icon. Mary’s immeasurable talent and award-winning music has shaped our culture and has had a profound impact on artists and music across all genres, but most notably the elevation of female artists in both R&B and Hip Hop across generations. She fully personifies the ”Best in Black” theme of this year’s Urban One Honors."
Mary J. Blige joins previous honorees: Dionne Warwick received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Chlöe was recognized as the Generation Next honoree, Frankie Beverly was awarded the Living Legend distinction, and Donald Lawrence was celebrated for his inspirational influence. 
Angie Stone, Bebe Winans, October London, Teyana Taylor, Damon Little, Keke Wyatt, Chanté Moore, and Nicci Gilbert are some of the performers and presenters at the event. Singer and actress LeToya Luckett will host the event's Backstage Pass segment, where she will interview the honorees and stage talent. The 2024 Urban One Honors kicks off the celebration of TV One's 20th anniversary. 
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bamboomusiclist · 11 months
7/10 おはようございます。Benny Carter / Further Definitions a12  等更新しました。
VA Bargain Day mg36087Teal Joy / Mood in Mink celp4570Susannah McCorkle / There will Never Be Another You wrs1001Gerry Mulligan / Paris Concert PJ10102Ray Nance / Huffin’ ‘N’ Puffin’ BAP5057Benny Carter / Further Definitions a12Gerry Mulligan / a Profile of Gerry Mulligan mg20453Eddie Heywood / at the Piano mg20590Dionne Warwicke / Then Came You bs2846Robert Wyatt / Work in Progress rtt149Jukka…
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mediadiscord · 2 years
New Comic Book Releases - 7/13/22
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. ABLAZEBelit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover A Sebastian Fiumara), $3.99Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover B Fabrizio De Tomasso), $3.99Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover C Michael Rooth), $3.99Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover D Rodney Buchemi Buchemi Batman #1 Homage Variant), $3.99Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover E Seba Fiumara Virgin Variant), ARBelit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover F Fabrizio De Tomasso Virgin Variant), ARBelit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover G Sebastian Fiumara Black & White Virgin Variant), AR ABRAMS COMICARTSBest We Could Do An Illustrated Memoir SC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), $19.99 AC COMICS21st Centurions #9, $5.95 ACONYTEMarvel Multiverse Missions She-Hulk Goes To Murderworld SC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $16.95Marvel Multiverse Missions You Are Not Deadpool SC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $16.95 ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENTGhoul Agency #4, $3.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICSDogs Of London #3, $3.99Heathens Hunters Of The Damned TP, $16.99 AHOY COMICSJustice Warriors #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Ben Clarkson), $4.99Justice Warriors #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Matt Bors), AR AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONSCarson Of Venus Eye Of Amtor Reader Set, $10.99Grunch Welcome To The Brudderhood #1 (Cover D Puis Calzada Century Edition Variant), $29.99Grunch Welcome To The Brudderhood #1 (Cover E Claudio Avella Kickstarter Variant), $14.99Laurel And Hardy Classics 3 Pack, $9.99Living Corpse Relics 6 Issue Reader Pack, $21.99Oggy And The Cockroaches Trade Paperback And Promo Card Set, $9.99Willy’s Wonderland Prequel #1 (Cover G Puis Calzada Kickstarter Variant With Promotional Trading Card), $29.99Zorro Land That Time Forgot Reader Pack With AM Exclusive Richard Bonk Virgin Art Cover, $17.99 AMULET BOOKSJoJo’s Sweet Adventures Volume 2 The Terrific Time Twist HC, $22.99 ANTARCTIC PRESSExciting Comics #21, $4.99Gold Digger #289, $3.99Spectreman Heroes #2 (Of 5), $4.99World War 3 Battle Over Hokkaido #3 (Of 5), $4.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSBetty And Veronica Friends Forever Summer Surf Party #1, $2.99World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #121, $8.99 AWA STUDIOSNew Think #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Rahzaah), $3.99New Think #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ramon Rosanas), $3.99Primos Volume 1 TP, $9.99Primos Volume 1 TP (Spanish Edition), $9.99 BEHEMOTH COMICSSpace-Lady #1 (Cover A Ashley Warwick), $3.99Space-Lady #1 (Cover B Ashley Warwick), $3.99Space-Lady #1 (Cover C Ashley Warwick), $3.99Space-Lady #1 (Cover D Victoria Douglas), AR BLACK CARAVANShepherd The Valentine #2 (Of 3), $4.99 BLOOD MOON COMICS9 Circles #1 (Cover A Kool as Heck), $4.999 Circles #1 (Cover B Kool as Heck), AR BLUE FOX COMICSGone GN, $17.99Mountains Of Madness GN, $17.99Mountains Of Madness HC, $29.99 BOOM! STUDIOSDune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Christian Ward), $4.99Dune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), ARDune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Andrea Sorrentino Reveal Variant), ARDune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Andrea Sorrentino Reveal Virgin Variant), ARDune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover E Christian Ward Virgin Variant), ARFlavor Girls #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky), $7.99Getting Dizzy TP, $14.99Power Rangers #21 (Cover A Guillaume Martinez), $3.99Power Rangers #21 (Cover B Daniele Di Nicuolo Legacy Variant), $3.99Power Rangers #21 (Cover C Guillaume Martinez Virgin Variant), ARPower Rangers #21 (Cover D Daniele Di Nicuolo Legacy Virgin Variant), ARPower Rangers #21 (Cover E Darya Guryeva), ARPower Rangers #21 (Cover F Jake Wyatt Reveal Variant), ARPower Rangers #21 (Cover G Jake Wyatt Reveal Virgin Variant), ARPower Rangers #21 (Cover H Darya Guryeva Virgin Variant), AR CALIBER ENTERTAINMENTAir Warriors World War One International Aces Volume 2 GN, $14.99 CAT-HEAD COMICSBugHouse From The Top The Complete Bughouse TP, $34.00 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1821, AR COMIXTRIBEDig A Sink Tale #1 (Cover A Alex Cormack), $7.99Dig A Sink Tale #1 (Cover B Franck Uzan Foil Stamped Variant), $9.99Happy Hill #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Joe Mulvey), $4.99Happy Hill #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Joe Mulvey), $4.99 DARK HORSE COMICSBritish Paranormal Society Time Out Of Mind #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Sebastian Fiumara), $3.99Norse Mythology III #6 (Of 6)(Cover A P. Craig Russell), $3.99Norse Mythology III #6 (Of 6)(Cover B David Mack), $3.99Overwatch New Blood #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Irene Koh), $3.99Overwatch New Blood #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Dustin Nguyen), $3.99Tales From Harrow County Lost Ones #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Emily Schnall), $3.99Tales From Harrow County Lost Ones #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Tyler Crook), $3.99 DC COMICSBatgirls #8 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99Batgirls #8 (Cover B Audrey Mok Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batgirls #8 (Cover C Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), ARBatman #125 (Cover F Simone Di Meo Acetate Variant), $6.99Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover A Jim Cheung & Jay David Ramos), $7.99Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover B Gleb Melnikov), $7.99Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover C Sebastian Fiumara), $7.99Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover D Gary Frank), $7.99Dark Crisis Worlds Without A Justice League Superman #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Chris Burnham), $4.99Dark Crisis Worlds Without A Justice League Superman #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Steve Beach), ARDark Crisis Worlds Without A Justice League Superman #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Chris Burnham Foil Variant), ARDC Connect #26, ARDC Poster Portfolio J.H. Williams III TP, $24.99DC Vs. Vampires Coffin Edition #1 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $5.99DC Vs. Vampires Coffin Edition #1 (Cover B Carmine Di Giandomenico Foil Variant), $6.99DC Vs. Vampires Crypt Edition #1 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $5.99DC Vs. Vampires Crypt Edition #1 (Cover B Carmine Di Giandomenico Foil Variant), $6.99Future State Gotham #15 (Cover A Simone Di Meo), $3.99Future State Gotham #15 (Cover B Mike Bowden Card Stock Variant), $4.99I Am Batman #11 (Cover A Christian Duce), $3.99I Am Batman #11 (Cover B Salvador Larroca Card Stock Variant), $4.99I Am Batman #11 (Cover C Rafael Albuquerque Card Stock Variant), ARInjustice Gods Among Us Year Zero The Complete Collection TP, $16.99Naomi Season 2 #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Jamal Campbell), $3.99Rogues #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Sam Wolfe Connelly), $6.99Rogues #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Leomacs), $6.99Rogues #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Max Dunbar), ARSuperman Son Of Kal-El #13 (Cover A Travis Moore), $3.99Superman Son Of Kal-El #13 (Cover B Al Kaplan Card Stock Variant), $4.99Superman Son Of Kal-El #13 (Cover C Clayton Henry Card Stock Variant), ARTeen Titans Academy Volume 1 X Marks The Spot TP, $17.99Wonder Woman #789 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $4.99Wonder Woman #789 (Cover B Paul Pope Card Stock Variant), $5.99Wonder Woman Evolution #8 (Of 8)(Cover A Mike Hawthorne), $3.99Wonder Woman Evolution #8 (Of 8)(Cover B Liam Sharp Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DISNEY EDITIONSArt Of Coloring Disney Villains SC (Revised Edition)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), $12.99 DOWNTOWN BOOKWORKSDC Super Hero Origin Stories HC, $19.99 DRAWN AND QUARTERLYTalk To My Back TP, $29.95 DYNAMIC FORCESSpider-Man Commissioned Ken Haeser Signed And Remarked Sketch Variant, $79.99 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENTArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover B Christopher Mitten), $3.99Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover C Arthur Suydam), $3.99Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover D Stuart Sayger), $3.99Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover E Blank Authentix Variant), $3.99Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover F Christopher Mitten Black & White Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover G Stuart Sayger Black & White Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover H Arthur Suydam Black & White Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover I Tony Fleecs Black & White Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover J Christopher Mitten Virgin Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover K Stuart Sayger Virgin Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover P Ken Haeser), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover Q Black Bag Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover R Ken Haeser Black & White Variant), ARArmy Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover S Ken Haeser Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella Volume 2 #10 (Cover J Derrick Chew Virgin Variant), ARBarbarella Volume 2 #10 (Cover K Carla Cohen Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #4 (Cover K Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #4 (Cover L Josh Burns Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover A Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover B Josh Burns), $3.99Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover C Stephane Roux), $3.99Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover D Jimmy Broxton), $3.99Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover E Ani-Mia Cosplay Variant), $3.99Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover F Jimmy Broxton Black & White Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover G Stephane Roux Black & White Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover H Jimmy Broxton Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover I Stephane Roux Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover M Celor), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover N Celor Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover O Ani-Mia Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover P Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover Q Josh Burns Black & White Variant), ARBettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover R Joseph Michael Linsner Crimson Red Variant), ARBoys Scriptbook Volume 1 SC, $24.99Elvira In Horrorland #1 (Cover M John Royle Premium Metal Variant), ARElvira In Horrorland #2 (Cover J John Royle Virgin Variant), ARElvira Mini Trading Card Set With Envelope, ARImmortal Red Sonja #1 (Cover M Jae Lee Atlas Comics Signature Edition), ARImmortal Red Sonja #3 (Cover K Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #3 (Cover L Nakayama Virgin Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover A Nakayama), $3.99Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover B Junggeun Yoon), $3.99Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover C Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover D Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover E Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Variant), $3.99Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover F Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover G Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover H Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover I Lesley Leirix Li Virgin Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover J Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover M Lesley Leirix Li Ultraviolet Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover N Nakayama Black & White Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover O Junggeun Yoon Black & White Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover P Joseph Michael Linsner Fiery Red Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover Q Nakayama Black & White Virgin Variant), ARImmortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover R Lesley Leirix Li Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #9 (Cover K Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #9 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #9 (Cover M Celina Virgin Variant), ARJennifer Blood Volume 2 #9 (Cover J Tim Bradstreet Virgin Variant), ARJohn Carter Of Mars #3 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARNyx #7 (Cover I Giuseppe Matteoni Virgin Variant), ARRed Sonja Red Sitha #1 (Cover M Mirka Andolfo Metal Premium Variant), ARRed Sonja The Superpowers TP, $19.99Samurai Sonja #1 (Cover O Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), ARSamurai Sonja #1 (Cover P Lesley Leirix Li Virgin Variant), ARSheena Queen Of The Jungle #7 (Cover J Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), ARSheena Queen Of The Jungle #7 (Cover K Rose Besch Virgin Variant), ARSheena Queen Of The Jungle #7 (Cover L Arthur Suydam Virgin Variant), ARSheena Queen Of The Jungle #7 (Cover M Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Purgatori TP, $19.99Vampirella Strikes #1 (Cover L Tom Sniegoski Atlas Comics Signature Edition), ARVampirella Strikes #1 (Cover M Lucio Parrillo Premium Metal Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #2 (Cover K Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #2 (Cover L Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover D Ben Caldwell), $3.99Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover E Ireland Reid Cosplay Variant), $3.99Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover F Mark Texeira Modern Icon Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover G Cosplay Virgin Variant Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover H Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover I Junggeun Yoon Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover J Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover M Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover N 7 Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover O 7 Ben Caldwell Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover P Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover Q Ben Caldwell Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Strikes #3 (Cover R Mark Texeira Modern Icon Virgin Variant), AR FANFARE PRESENTS PONENT MONVenice GN, $28.00 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKSKeeping Two HC, $29.99One Eight Hundred Ghosts TP (Fantagraphics Underground), $14.99Passion Of Gengoroh Tagame Master Of Gay Erotica Manga Volume 1 GN (adult), $29.99Things We Create TP, $24.99 FANTOONSIron Maiden The Official Coloring Book SC, $17.99 HARPER DESIGNGreat Book Of King Arthur And His Knights Of The Round Table HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $32.50 HOLIDAY HOUSEI Like To Read Comics Meet The Super Duper Seven HC, $14.99 HERO COLLECTORDoctor Who TARDIS Console Collection Magazine #8 11th Doctor Junk Console, $39.95Doctor Who TARDIS Console Collection Magazine #9 9th And 10th Doctors, $69.95Expanse The Official Spaceships Collection Magazine #2 Razorback, $54.95Expanse The Official XL Spaceships Collection Magazine #1 Rocinante 325mm, $79.95Star Trek Lower Decks The Official Starships Collection Magazine #1 U.S.S. Cerritos XL, $84.99Star Trek Lower Decks The Official Starships Collection Magazine #1 U.S.S. Titan NCC-80102, $54.95Stargate The Official Starships Collection Magazine #3 Death Glider, $59.99 HUMANOIDSDeluxe Gimenez The Fourth Power And The Starr Conspiracy HC, $79.99 IDW PUBLISHINGG.I. Joe A Real American Hero #295 (Cover A Freddie E. Williams II), $3.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #295 (Cover B S. L. Gallant), $3.99G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #295 (Cover C John Royle & Jagdish Kumar), ARKill Lock The Artisan Wraith #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Livio Ramondelli), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game Opening Moves #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Fero Peniche), $5.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game Opening Moves #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Kevin Eastman), ARTransformers Best Of The Beasts #1 (Cover A James Biggie), $6.99Voices That Count A Comics Anthology By Women TP, $16.99 IMAGE COMICS7174 Presents 01 (Cover A Ashley Wood), $4.997174 Presents 01 (Cover B Ashley Wood), $4.99A Town Called Terror #4 (Cover A Szymon Kudranski), $3.99A Town Called Terror #4 (Cover B Szymon Kudranski), $3.99Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Hayden Sherman), $3.99Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Blank Variant), $3.99Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Hayden Sherman Black & White Variant), ARAbove Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Hayden Sherman Retro Variant), AREight Billion Genies #3 (Of 8)(Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99Eight Billion Genies #3 (Of 8)(Cover B James Harren), $3.99Impact Winter #1 (One Shot) Stephen Green & Matt Hollingsworth), $4.99King Spawn #12 (Cover A Philip Tan), $2.99King Spawn #12 (Cover B Javi Fernandez), $2.99Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mirka Andolfo), $3.99Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Giuseppe Cafaro), $3.99Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Rodrigo Lorenzo), $3.99Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Jay Hero), $3.99Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover E Diego Garijo), $3.99New Masters #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Shof & Francesco Segala), $3.99Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici Volume 6 TP, $16.99Ordinary Gods #7 (Cover A Felipe Watanabe & Frank William), $3.99Slumber #5 (Cover A Nathan Fox), $3.99Slumber #5 (Cover B Christian Ward), $3.99Spawn Aftermath TP, $16.99Undiscovered Country #19 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99Undiscovered Country #19 (Cover B Dan Panosian), $3.99 INSIGHT EDITIONSStar Wars Galactic Baking Gift Set, $35.00 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENTKung Fu Legume #1 (Cover A Michael Adams), $4.99Kung Fu Legume #1 (Cover B Ben Dunn), $4.99Kung Fu Legume #1 (Cover C Blank Variant), $9.99Kung Fu Legume #1 (Cover D Ben Dunn Virgin Variant), AR KENZER AND COMPANYKnights Of The Dinner Table Bundle Of Trouble Volume 71 TP, $15.99 KODANSHA COMICSAttack On Titan Omnibus Volume 4 TP (Volumes 13-15), $19.99Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Volume 10 GN, $10.99Fairy Tail Box Set Volume 6 (Volumes 44-53), $109.90Gleipnir Volume 11 GN, $12.99Perfect World Volume 12 GN, $12.99Something’s Wrong With Us Volume 9 GN, $12.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOSPotions Inc. #2 (Of 5), $3.99 MARVEL COMICSA.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover A Carlos Pacheco), $3.99A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover B John Cassaday), ARA.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover C Phil Noto), ARA.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover D Mr. Garcin), ARA.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover E Ashley Witter Men Of A.X.E. Variant), ARA.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover F Lucas Werneck Women Of A.X.E. Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #2 (2nd Printing Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99Avengers Forever #6 (2nd Printing Cover A Jim Towe), $4.99Captain Carter #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Jamie McKelvie), $3.99Captain Carter #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Romy Jones), ARCaptain Marvel #39 (Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99Captain Marvel #39 (Cover B David Baldeon Spider-Man Variant), ARCaptain Marvel #39 (Cover C Terry Dodson), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $4.99Daredevil #1 (Cover B John Romita Jr. & John Romita Sr.), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover C Ryan Stegman), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover D David Nakayama Spider-Man Variant), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover E Jorge Fornes Window Shades Variant), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover F Logan Lubera), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover G Peach Momoko), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover H Peach Momoko Virgin Variant), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover I Joe Quesada Hidden Gem Variant), ARDaredevil #1 (Cover J Joe Quesada Hidden Gem Virgin Variant), ARFantastic Four #45 (Cover A CAFU), $3.99Fantastic Four #45 (Cover B Francesco Manna), ARFantastic Four #45 (Cover C Russell Dauterman Hellfire Gala Variant), ARFortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $4.99Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ron Lim), ARFortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Chrissie Zullo), ARFortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Bjorn Barends), ARFortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover E David Nakayama), ARFortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover F Paco Medina), ARImmortal X-Men #4 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $3.99Immortal X-Men #4 (Cover B Phil Noto Quiet Council Variant), ARImmortal X-Men #4 (Cover C Meghan Hetrick Hellfire Gala Variant), ARImmortal X-Men #4 (Cover Read the full article
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ABLAZE Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover A Sebastian Fiumara), $3.99 Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover B Fabrizio De Tomasso), $3.99 Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover C Michael Rooth), $3.99 Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover D Rodney Buchemi Buchemi Batman #1 Homage Variant), $3.99 Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover E Seba Fiumara Virgin Variant), AR Belit And Valeria Swords Vs Sorcery #3 (Cover F Fabrizio De Tomasso Virgin Variant), AR
AHOY COMICS Justice Warriors #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Ben Clarkson), $4.99 Justice Warriors #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Matt Bors), AR
AWA STUDIOS New Think #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Rahzaah), $3.99 New Think #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ramon Rosanas), $3.99 Primos Volume 1 TP, $9.99 Primos Volume 1 TP (Spanish Edition), $9.99
BEHEMOTH COMICS Space-Lady #1 (Cover A Ashley Warwick), $3.99 Space-Lady #1 (Cover B Ashley Warwick), $3.99 Space-Lady #1 (Cover C Ashley Warwick), $3.99 Space-Lady #1 (Cover D Victoria Douglas), AR
BOOM! STUDIOS Dune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Christian Ward), $4.99 Dune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), AR Dune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Andrea Sorrentino Reveal Variant), AR Dune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Andrea Sorrentino Reveal Virgin Variant), AR Dune The Waters Of Kanly #3 (Of 4)(Cover E Christian Ward Virgin Variant), AR Flavor Girls #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky), $7.99 Getting Dizzy TP, $14.99 Power Rangers #21 (Cover A Guillaume Martinez), $3.99 Power Rangers #21 (Cover B Daniele Di Nicuolo Legacy Variant), $3.99 Power Rangers #21 (Cover C Guillaume Martinez Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers #21 (Cover D Daniele Di Nicuolo Legacy Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers #21 (Cover E Darya Guryeva), AR Power Rangers #21 (Cover F Jake Wyatt), AR Power Rangers #21 (Cover G Jake Wyatt Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers #21 (Cover H Darya Guryeva Virgin Variant), AR
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1821, AR
DARK HORSE COMICS British Paranormal Society Time Out Of Mind #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Sebastian Fiumara), $3.99 Norse Mythology III #6 (Of 6)(Cover A P. Craig Russell), $3.99 Norse Mythology III #6 (Of 6)(Cover B David Mack), $3.99 Overwatch New Blood #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Irene Koh), $3.99 Overwatch New Blood #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Dustin Nguyen), $3.99 Tales From Harrow County Lost Ones #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Emily Schnall), $3.99 Tales From Harrow County Lost Ones #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Tyler Crook), $3.99
DC COMICS Batgirls #8 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99 Batgirls #8 (Cover B Audrey Mok Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batgirls #8 (Cover C Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), AR Batman #125 (Cover F Simone Di Meo Acetate Variant), $6.99 Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover A Jim Cheung & Jay David Ramos), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover B Gleb Melnikov), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover C Sebastian Fiumara), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #17 (Cover D Gary Frank), $7.99 Dark Crisis Worlds Without A Justice League Superman #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Chris Burnham), $4.99 Dark Crisis Worlds Without A Justice League Superman #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Steve Beach), AR Dark Crisis Worlds Without A Justice League Superman #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Chris Burnham Foil Variant), AR DC Connect #26, AR DC Poster Portfolio J.H. Williams III TP, $24.99 DC Vs. Vampires Coffin Edition #1 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $5.99 DC Vs. Vampires Coffin Edition #1 (Cover B Carmine Di Giandomenico Foil Variant), $6.99 DC Vs. Vampires Crypt Edition #1 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $5.99 DC Vs. Vampires Crypt Edition #1 (Cover B Carmine Di Giandomenico Foil Variant), $6.99 Future State Gotham #15 (Cover A Simone Di Meo), $3.99 Future State Gotham #15 (Cover B Mike Bowden Card Stock Variant), $4.99 I Am Batman #11 (Cover A Christian Duce), $3.99 I Am Batman #11 (Cover B Salvador Larroca Card Stock Variant), $4.99 I Am Batman #11 (Cover C Rafael Albuquerque Card Stock Variant), AR Injustice Gods Among Us Year Zero The Complete Collection TP, $16.99 Naomi Season 2 #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Jamal Campbell), $3.99 Rogues #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Sam Wolfe Connelly), $6.99 Rogues #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Leomacs), $6.99 Rogues #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Max Dunbar), AR Superman Son Of Kal-El #13 (Cover A Travis Moore), $3.99 Superman Son Of Kal-El #13 (Cover B Al Kaplan Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Superman Son Of Kal-El #13 (Cover C Clayton Henry Card Stock Variant), AR Teen Titans Academy Volume 1 X Marks The Spot TP, $17.99 Wonder Woman #789 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $4.99 Wonder Woman #789 (Cover B Paul Pope Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Wonder Woman Evolution #8 (Of 8)(Cover A Mike Hawthorne), $3.99 Wonder Woman Evolution #8 (Of 8)(Cover B Liam Sharp Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover B Christopher Mitten), $3.99 Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover C Arthur Suydam), $3.99 Army Of Darkness Vs Re-Animator Necronomicon Rising #1 (Cover D Stuart Sayger), $3.99 Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover A Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99 Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover B Josh Burns), $3.99 Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover C Stephane Roux), $3.99 Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover D Jimmy Broxton), $3.99 Bettie Page The Alien Agenda #5 (Cover E Ani-Mia Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover A Nakayama), $3.99 Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover B Junggeun Yoon), $3.99 Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover C Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99 Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover D Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99 Immortal Red Sonja #4 (Cover E Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Red Sonja The Superpowers TP, $19.99 Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes #3 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99
IDW PUBLISHING G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #295 (Cover A Freddie E. Williams II), $3.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #295 (Cover B S. L. Gallant), $3.99 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #295 (Cover C John Royle), AR Kill Lock The Artisan Wraith #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Livio Ramondelli), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game Opening Moves #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Fero Peniche), $5.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game Opening Moves #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Kevin Eastman), AR Transformers Best Of The Beasts #1 (Cover A James Biggie), $6.99 Voices That Count A Comics Anthology By Women TP, $16.99
IMAGE COMICS 7174 Presents 01 (Cover A Ashley Wood), $4.99 7174 Presents 01 (Cover B Ashley Wood), $4.99 A Town Called Terror #4 (Cover A Szymon Kudranski), $3.99 A Town Called Terror #4 (Cover B Szymon Kudra+D1065+A1063:D1068, $3.99 Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Hayden Sherman), $3.99 Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Blank Variant), $3.99 Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Hayden Sherman Black & White Variant), AR Above Snakes #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Hayden Sherman Retro Variant), AR Eight Billion Genies #3 (Of 8)(Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99 Eight Billion Genies #3 (Of 8)(Cover B James Harren), $3.99 Impact Winter #1 (One Shot) Stephen Green & Matt Hollingsworth), $4.99 King Spawn #12 (Cover A Philip Tan), $2.99 King Spawn #12 (Cover B Javi Fernandez), $2.99 Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mirka Andolfo), $3.99 Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Giuseppe Cafaro), $3.99 Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Rodrigo Lorenzo), $3.99 Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Jay Hero), $3.99 Loaded Bible Blood Of My Blood #5 (Of 6)(Cover E Diego Garijo), $3.99 New Masters #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Shof & Francesco Segala), $3.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici Volume 6 TP, $16.99 Ordinary Gods #7 (Cover A Felipe Watanabe & Frank William), $3.99 Slumber #5 (Cover A Nathan Fox), $3.99 Slumber #5 (Cover B Christian Ward), $3.99 Spawn Aftermath TP, $16.99 Undiscovered Country #19 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Undiscovered Country #19 (Cover B Dan Panosian), $3.99
KODANSHA COMICS Attack On Titan Omnibus Volume 4 TP (Volumes 13-15), $19.99 Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Volume 10 GN, $10.99 Fairy Tail Box Set Volume 6 (Volumes 44-53), $109.90
MAD CAVE STUDIOS Potions Inc. #2 (Of 5), $3.99
MARVEL COMICS A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover A Carlos Pacheco), $3.99 A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover B John Cassaday), AR A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover C Phil Noto), AR A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover D Mr. Garcin), AR A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover E Ashley Witter Men Of A.X.E. Variant), AR A.X.E. Eve Of Judgment #1 (Cover F Lucas Werneck Women Of A.X.E. Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #2 (2nd Printing Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99 Avengers Forever #6 (2nd Printing Cover A Jim Towe), $4.99 Captain Carter #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Jamie McKelvie), $3.99 Captain Carter #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Romy Jones), AR Captain Marvel #39 (Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99 Captain Marvel #39 (Cover B David Baldeon Spider-Man Variant), AR Captain Marvel #39 (Cover C Terry Dodson), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $4.99 Daredevil #1 (Cover B John Romita Jr. & John Romita Sr.), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover C Ryan Stegman), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover D David Nakayama Spider-Man Variant), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover E Jorge Fornes Window Shades Variant), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover F Logan Lubera), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover G Peach Momoko), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover H Peach Momoko Virgin Variant), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover I Joe Quesada Hidden Gem Variant), AR Daredevil #1 (Cover J Joe Quesada Hidden Gem Virgin Variant), AR Fantastic Four #45 (Cover A CAFU), $3.99 Fantastic Four #45 (Cover B Francesco Manna), AR Fantastic Four #45 (Cover C Russell Dauterman Hellfire Gala Variant), AR Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $4.99 Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ron Lim), AR Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Chrissie Zullo), AR Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Bjorn Barends), AR Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover E David Nakayama), AR Fortnite X Marvel Zero War #2 (Of 5)(Cover F Paco Medina), AR Immortal X-Men #4 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $3.99 Immortal X-Men #4 (Cover B Phil Noto Quiet Council Variant), AR Immortal X-Men #4 (Cover C Meghan Hetrick Hellfire Gala Variant), AR Immortal X-Men #4 (Cover D Betsy Cola Pride Variant), AR Legion Of X #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Jan Bazaldua), $4.99 Marauders #4 (Cover A Kael Ngu), $3.99 Marauders #4 (Cover B Russell Dauterman Hellfire Gala Variant), AR Marauders #4 (Cover C Eduard Petrovich), AR Marauders #4 (Cover D Luciano Vecchio Pride Variant), AR Moon Knight #13 (Cover A Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Moon Knight #13 (Cover B E.M. Gist), AR New Mutants #27 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99 New Mutants #27 (Cover B Betsy Cola Pride Variant), AR New Mutants #27 (Cover C Russell Dauterman Hellfire Gala Variant), AR New Mutants #27 (Cover D Marcus To), AR Punisher #3 (2nd Printing Cover A Paul Azaceta), $4.99 Punisher #4 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $4.99 Reign Of X Volume 12 TP, $17.99 Savage Avengers #3 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99 Savage Avengers #3 (Cover B Giuseppe Camuncoli Teaser Variant), AR Savage Avengers #3 (Cover C Mirka Andolfo Predator Variant), AR Spider-Man 2099 Exodus #4 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Spider-Man 2099 Exodus #4 (Cover B Ken Lashley 2099 Frame Variant), AR Spider-Man 2099 Exodus #4 (Cover C Ron Lim Connecting Variant), AR Spider-Punk #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Takashi Okazaki), $3.99 Spider-Punk #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Audrey Mok), AR Star Wars Bounty Hunters #25 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Star Wars Bounty Hunters #25 (Cover B Chris Sprouse Choose Your Destiny Variant), AR Star Wars Bounty Hunters #25 (Cover C Ken Lashley), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover A Adi Granov), $4.99 Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover C Declan Shalvey), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover D David Aja), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover E Leinil Francis Yu), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover F Phil Jimenez Pride Variant), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover G TBD TV Variant), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian #1 (Cover H TBD Concept Art Variant), AR Wolverine #23 (Cover A Adam Kubert), $3.99 Wolverine #23 (Cover B Kyle Hotz Predator Variant), AR X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover A Carlos E. Gomez), $7.99 X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover B Carlos E. Gomez Promo Variant), AR X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover C Adam Hughes), AR X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover D Nick Dragotta), AR X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover E Arthur Adams), AR X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover F Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 (Cover G Stanley Artgerm Lau Virgin Variant), AR
MYMOVIEMONSTERS.COM Scary Monsters #127, $14.99
ONI PRESS Season Of The Bruja #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Sara Soler), $3.99
OPUS COMICS Bill And Ted Roll The Dice #2 (Cover A Lukas Ketner), $4.99 Bill And Ted Roll The Dice #2 (Cover B Photo), $4.99 Bill And Ted Roll The Dice #2 (Cover C Wayne Nichols), AR Bill And Ted Roll The Dice #2 (Cover D Troy Little), AR Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #3 (Cover A Paul Renaud), $4.99 Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #3 (Cover B Frank Frazetta), $4.99 Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #3 (Cover C Stefano Martino), AR Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #3 (Cover D Frank Cho), AR Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #3 (Cover E Frank Cho Virgin Variant), AR
SCOUT COMICS Broken Eye #4, $3.99 By The Horns Dark Earth #2, $4.99 Cities Of Magick #3, $4.99 Mullet Cop The Flavor Of Danger #1 (One Shot), $6.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Archer And Armstrong Forever #3 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $3.99 Archer And Armstrong Forever #3 (Cover B Nick Robles), $3.99 Archer And Armstrong Forever #3 (Cover C Ted Brandt Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Nathan Gooden), $5.99 Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Richard Pace), $5.99 Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Corin Howell), AR Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover D John Bivens), AR Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Ben Hennessy), AR Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Leila Leiz), AR Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Joshua Hixson), AR Barbaric The Harvest Blades #1 (One Shot)(Cover H Darick Robertson), AR Quests Aside #3 (Cover A Elena Gogou), $4.99 Quests Aside #3 (Cover B Michael Dialynas), $4.99 West Of Sundown #4 (Cover A Aaron Campbell), $4.99 West Of Sundown #4 (Cover B Jim Terry), $4.99 West Of Sundown #4 (Cover C Tim Seeley), $4.99
VIZ MEDIA Dragon Quest The Adventure Of Dai Disciples Of Avan Volume 3 GN, $19.99 Kaiju No. 8 Volume 3 GN, $9.99 Mao Volume 6 GN, $9.99 Pokemon Journeys Series Volume 3 GN, $9.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Man Goat And Bunnyman Green Eggs And Blam #1 (Cover A Al Barrionuevo), $5.99 Man Goat And Bunnyman Green Eggs And Blam #1 (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Man Goat And Bunnyman Green Eggs And Blam #1 (Cover C Riveiro), $5.99 Man Goat And Bunnyman Green Eggs And Blam #1 (Cover D Paul Green ), AR Van Helsing From The Depths #1 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Van Helsing From The Depths #1 (Cover B Harvey Tolibao), $5.99 Van Helsing From The Depths #1 (Cover C Vinz el Tabanas), $5.99
TOYS T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES FigBiz Creepshow Creep 5 Inch Action Figure, AR FigBiz Frank Frazetta Death Dealer 5 Inch Action Figure, AR FigBiz Highlander Connor Macleod 5 Inch Action Figure, AR FigBiz Highlander The Kurgan 5 Inch Action Figure, AR FigBiz Joe Satriani Crystal Planet 5 Inch Action Figure, AR Godzilla Gallery Godzilla 1993 PVC Statue, AR Marvel Animated Scarlet Witch Statue, AR Marvel Museum Collection #6 Iron Man Infinity Gauntlet, AR Marvel Museum Collection #7 Iron Spider’s Mask, AR Marvel Premier Collection Colossus Statue, AR POP Deluxe Marvel Hall Of Armor Iron Man Model 1 Previews Exclusive Vinyl Figure, AR POP Deluxe Marvel Hall Of Armor Iron Man Model 4 Previews Exclusive Vinyl Figure, AR
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poisonouspastels · 5 years
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folaireamh · 5 years
bluecoys replied to your post: what the FUCK was my EMAIL FOR MY GOD DAMN...
Just go super far into your internet history to find it /s
i would do that if i hadn’t deleted my shit on my laptop a bit ago because i am a moron!
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hayleysmuses · 5 years
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I already mentioned him, but I’m about to fucking murder Neil.
Aside from him, I still haven’t forgiven Wyatt for shooting me.
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