#x: Another Page (Verse Bio)
silvcrignis · 1 year
Hunt A Killer || Verse Bio || Dead By Daylight
“Keira. I’m not pleased. In the slightest,” the tall blonde man suddenly in the doorframe of her office growled.
Green eyes darted up from her pile of paperwork & moving fountain pen as Keira looked back up at Lucifer, head tilted as she thought about what would have Satan seething this way. Both herself & Lucifer had moments where they got very, very angry over the most inconsequential reasons at times but she didn’t think this was exactly that. It doesn’t take her long, both she & Lucifer thought very similarly & her eyes widened as she clicked her tongue.
“You figured out the roster issue? I swear the names that aren’t crossed out on that thing have doubled.”
“Indeed. I have.”
Her next sentence was prefixed by a little cross between a groan & a growl as one hand rose to rub her temple as the other gestured him all the way inside of her lavish working space.
“I know that tone, Brimstone… How bad is it?” she sighed, internally bracing herself as he sat across from her.
Lucifer’s response was a brandished folder which was immediately taken & Keira began sorting through the multitude of photographs (really the Anomalies Department had outdone themselves on this, they needed to arrange some sort of recognition event for that team) & when she had finished she was just as irked as her colleague, her eyes now a flickering orange.
“You cannot be fucking- Something is stealing them?! Why? I don’t even fucking care about how I want to fucking know w h y Morningstar?!”
…Morningstar? She only called him that when she was deadly serious. Good. He needed them to be on the same page, he had chosen her for a reason, but sometimes she didn’t take things as seriously as she should because she knew it would annoy him. Her cooperation was one H E L L of a relief. He could feel the tension melting slightly from his shoulders as he pulled a single folded up paper from his suit pocket, holding it between his index & middle finger as Keira rose an eyebrow at him.
“… Do you want to handle this? I know you’re much better at brokering compromises than I.” he snickered, stretching his occupied fingers towards her.
(He had a point there. She was slightly more flexible though that didn’t mean she was any less ruthless in the end. Lucifer made demands, Keira swathed hers in the guise of a suggestion but they both always got whatever they wanted out of them.)
“Oh. You indulge me far too much sometimes, Your Majesty…”
“We are in Hell, Your Grace,” he reminded her as she took the offering while snickering at his veiled pun.
Lucifer’s naturally hissing voice was coloured with a tone of befuddlement over the phone
“… 500 years? How the fuck did you manage to do that? I figured that slithering sky penis would at least want you for a millennium.”
“Everyone wants me longer but that’s really up to my whims,” she purred back, grinning slightly at Lucifer’s responding snort.
“Anyway, I do have the rest of terms if you are interested. I feel like this is the start of a fantastic working relationship. Honestly a war wouldn’t be worth it. You’ve seen the roster you know our armies would just….”
“Yes, they would. It would be pitiful. But we’d be amused. However the terms would be useful considering the contract delivered to my desk was already sealed.”
“They are indeed going to stop just randomly picking from our roster. In exchange, we’ll make one for them. I actually don’t really mind their little project here besides the pilfering, it looks like something we would do if we had the time, honestly.”
“…Good… Anything else?”
“Pan’s here with me, he decided to tag along. Though there’s no extra stipulations with him, he just wanted to I’m just being transparent.”
“My condolences.”
“Appreciate you for that, I’ll need them. Now on to the best part. It took a little wheedling & eventually I offered the 500 years of servitude before it budged but…”
Lucifer could tell by her tone in her trailing off there was a reason she was saving this part for last & honestly he could indulge her need for begging this time, what she said would be more than worth it.
“Miss Black, if get any closer to the edge of my throne I’ll fall off.”
“Ooh, you’re on the throne right now? Am I on speaker?”
“Of course I am, this is important.”
“Well, in exchange for my good faith offer, if it does get bored of any of its squirmy little toys taken before todays signing… We get them. Not just the ones taken from our roster but their pissy terrified little lab rats too!”
For a moment Lucifer was silent even as the whispers among their gathered subordinates started, a slow, unhinged smile spreading on his face.
“… If I were standing next to you right now, I would kiss you.”
“Hold that thought for five centuries, keeps the euphoria alive. Though. The downside is you will be a solo act for a while again. Think you can handle reclaiming the mantel while I’m gone?”
“I’ll make it. Have fun. Also I know you must be elated sharing a field with Myers but…”
“Yeah. Fucking Ghostface… At least I might get a chance at dropping his goofy ass. Still can’t believe Regina thought I wanted a box set of his shit antics… The first Scream was okay, why the fuck didn’t they stop after that one?”
“To torment & punish you. Specifically. If you need anything…”
“I’ll use the Betelgeuse method, got it. Bye, Lucifer.”
He had already said his own farewell so he was hardly offended when she hung up. As soon as she did she cackled.
“Fucking sucker. I only have to stay in the realm during the trials… I just hate contract duty,” The Hellion snorted, folding her arms behind her head & sauntering off to her own cute little realm lovingly named “The Terror Dome”. Hmmm. She hoped these human fuckbags knew Greek mythology. The Labyrinth would be a GREAT first time theme.
@manufactoredxbyxdesign & @dcmur3 are real ones for liking that post so they get tagged in the l o r e
Also ye das right Albert keep being a bad lad & ur goin to Heck ur ass was on that roster too babyyy 👺
4 notes · View notes
morkleemelon · 4 years
off the ice || chapter 2: heading in
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pairing:  college hockey player! mark x college figure skater! reader
genre: fluff, humor, sports au, college au
warnings: swearing
word count: 7k
copyright morkleemelon all rights reserved
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"And we can see here in the figure that the data currently suggests-"
Your pen flies across the notebook page, desperately trying to capture everything your economics professor said in multicolor vigor. Jotting down the figure frantically, your eyes dart back and forth between the powerpoint screen and your paper, high ponytail bouncing up and down from the motion.
Being on scholarship means that you can never let your grades fall past a certain point or else they'd give the money to someone else. As harsh as it is, without the financial aid, you would not be able to continue to go to school. One of the only things that motivates you to work harder than your sleeping peers, sometimes, is the looming fear of becoming a jobless dropout, never able to achieve your dreams. 
In a lot of ways, not having money is already bad enough, but the thought of not even being able to earn it in the future is even worse.
"Does anyone know how this company should manage production costs?," your professor asks the crowd of tired students.
You immediately shoot your hand in the air. You know it. This answer was in the textbook reading last night it's-
"Yes" Your professor points behind you.
You slowly set your hand down, disappointed, turning around to see who could've raised their hand before you did.
"They should modernize their marketing efforts with more affordable tools and focus on reducing supply costs," the boy answers expertly.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
Examining his face a little more, something about him seems a little familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Looking around at who he was sitting with, you begin to piece it together.
"He must be one of the Lee's if he's sitting between Ten and Jeno" you ponder to yourself, taking one final look at the boy, "is he... Haechan?". Thinking back to last spring, one of your teammates had a huge crush on the one called 'Haechan'. She always gushed about his fluffy brown hair, handsome face, and how he asked to borrow her biology notes once. You weren't exactly well versed with the university's popular people and honestly, the fact that this school has an 'F4' called "the Lees" is pretty funny to you.
This boy's hair is blonde, though, brushed down into a fringe and slightly messy from, you're assuming, taking off the hood of his sweatshirt before class. Glancing down, you take notice of the mess of white bandages wrapped around his knuckles.
Right, they just had a hockey game. He doesn't have brown hair so this must be-
"That's exactly right, Mark. Nicely done" the professor praises.
Mark. You note the name to yourself, turning back to the board as the professor continues with the lecture.
"Dude she's looking at you," Ten whisper-yells to his younger friend, nudging him sharply in the ribs.
Mark doesn't dare look down at you yet, already feeling his cheeks grow warmer with each passing second. He feels your gaze pull away from him and finally frees the breath he was previously holding captive. Shoving back at the senior boy, his gaze flutters back to you like it usually does during this class, however much to his strong denial. 
You always sit in the first row, colored pens and highlighters arranged neatly upon your favorite desk. 
Mark watches the way your hair bobs back and forth as you move your head with keen eyes. The delicate gold glint of a necklace clasp at the nape of your neck fascinates the junior boy's attention more than the mundane lecture ever could.
Spotting the slight smile on the older boy's face and the direction of his gaze, Jeno laughs quietly to himself, happy that something interesting is finally happening during the boring lesson. Leaning over behind Mark's back, he gives Ten a silent high five.
"You're a simp" Jeno whispers in Mark's ear, eager to provoke him. Mark slaps the blue-haired boy's face away.
"Fuck off," Mark whispers harshly back as Jeno and Ten laugh to themselves in the lecture hall. He habitually glances back to your focused form. And this is nothing short of how class usually goes for them: Mark fawns over you 'secretly' whilst you haven't the slightest clue. On either side, his friends tease him endlessly for it.
"Yuna and I are planning something for you guys," Ten persists.
Mark's eyebrows scrunch in confusion at the older's ominous words. The professor's voice drones on in the background as his attention shifts to Ten.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't worry about it, man". Ten smirks, smacking a firm hand on the confused boy's shoulder.
"Don't do anything weird," Mark warns, recalling the time when the senior had planned on starting a fist fight outside of your dorm building last semester in hopes to gain your attention and provide an excuse for Mark to talk to you. Although the thought was there, no it wasn't.
The hour ticks by and exhausted students groan in relief as the professor wraps up the stale lesson on fundamental economics. A mass shuffle of notebook pages flipping closed and backpacks zipping up fills the hall as students make their way out, eager to do anything but be there.
The Lee's always gather for lunch at this time at the basketball courts, attracting an impressive crowd of envious guys and adoring girls at the sidelines. Although the place is fairly beaten down and otherwise unimpressive, the Lee's choose to be there which consequently deems the courts the coolest lunch spot on campus.
Putting his things away into his trusty black Jansport bag, Mark gets ready to head down to the courts to meet up with Haechan like they always do until he feels a hand unexpectedly grip his left shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
"Some people are gonna join us for lunch today," Ten discloses casually, keeping his gaze forward as the line of students in front of them slowly file their way out of the crowded room.
"Oh, who?" Mark questions. It's not like it's rare for other people come hang out with them, in fact, it's almost always the case. But the fact that Ten is specifically telling him beforehand feels suspicious. Another strong hand grips his other shoulder as Jeno's navy blue hair comes into view.
"Don't worry about it man. You got meal points left for this week? Lend me some," the younger boy expertly diverts.
"Let's hurry though, Haechan is probably there waiting already. I told the brat to get food for us early today". Ten ushers Mark forward and pushes his way through the herd of people.
"Aight," Mark sighs in confused defeat, picking up his pace to keep up with the senior. There's definitely something weird going on, but he doesn't have the energy to pry further. 
Then again, has he ever lived a day where his friends aren't doing some sort of weird shit?
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"Thank you, professor," you smile and bow politely.
"Thank you, y/n, enjoy the rest of your day," the older man smiles back, waving you off as he packs up his lecture notes. It's small things like this that you always make sure to do to make others' lives a little better.
After all, the best thing to give-better than any monetary gift- is kindness. Right?
Your phone buzzes in the back pocket of your frayed denim shorts and you reach to check the notification.
Der sum hoez in this houz:
Yuna: guys!! Let's grab lunch somewhere new today! :DD
Hope: yassss ;););)
You: oh why? The caf has chicken nuggets today :(
This is definitely suspicious -you, Yuna, and your other friends, Lisa and Hope, always ate together at the round table in the university's better dining hall nicknamed "the caf". It's been your unbroken tradition since freshman year and the lunch lady at the caf even likes you enough to give you extra servings sometimes.
Yuna: we can still have the nuggets but Ten knows a cool place we can sit! He says he already got the food so we don't have to pay today ;)
Free food?
Your inner Mr.Krabs reveals himself as you perk immediately at the mention of her boyfriend paying for lunch. Neither guilt nor modesty had time to catch up as your thumbs rush to type a speedy reply.
You: I'm there. Where at?
Yuna: I'm coming to your classroom rn! We can walk together
Lisa: Hope and I are coming from bio :) excited
You: lol why does everyone know but me
You: is it gonna be weird with us third wheeling you yuna?
You: if y'all start kissy kissy touchy touchy I might puke just saying
Yuna: don't worry some of ten's friends might be there too
Oh. To be honest, you're caught off guard at your best friend's last message. Ten has been over to your shared dorm a few times and you've exchanged enough awkward greetings to call him an acquaintance at least. But generally, his friend group and yours stay separate.
Not that there is any actual beef there, but, no pun intended, nobody's tried to break the ice yet.
Closing the group chat as you reach the entrance of the economics building, you hold a hand up to block the glaring rays of summer sun from your eyes. The sudden brightness harshly contrasts the musty dark of the lecture hall, making you squint in discomfort.
"Y/n!" a familiar voice calls out. A flash of platinum blonde hair and Chanel perfume filled your senses as Yuna throws your smaller body into a crushing, sweaty hug.
"EWw!" you yelp, shoving the taller girl away from you half-playfully, catching the attention of a few concerned passer-bys.
You nod your head at them in a shy apology.
Yuna, seriously.
The guilty party laughs, the musical sound travelling through the humid air like a refreshing breeze. Your best friend sticks out her elbow for you to link your arm through.
Eyeing her with short-lived contempt, your lips break into a smile as you slip your forearm around hers, unable to be actually mad at your best friend.
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"You'll see. It's Ten's spot"
"Hi-his spot?!" You stop in your tracks, wondering why you were going to eat where Ten dealt weed.
Since when did he deal weed though?
"Not that kind of spot!," Yuna cries out, smacking a manicured hand over the top of her forehead as to not ruin her perfect foundation, "he's not like that!".
"Right good," you scoff.
The summer heat swelters as Yuna leads you down campus towards the sports center. It's early September and Seoul is notoriously hot.
Ice cream vendors with big, striped umbrellas litter the streets, calling out for business from sweaty pedestrians who crave a moment of sweet, cold relief. The sky tints a beautiful shade of blue with fluffy wisps of white clouds dotting its never-ending canvas. No matter how hot the weather is, the day is undeniably beautiful.
You don't ask Yuna more about where you're headed, accepting that your best friend likes to be spontaneous and that her boyfriend was paying for your food. This is more than enough for you to follow her down the sketchy alleyway shortcut to the basketball courts. Sometimes you wonder if you'd be really easy to kidnap...
The alley opens up to reveal a worn-out basketball court planted in the middle of a grassy area. Looking around, you noticed there are quite a few people there, most of them unfamiliar to you.
They scatter across the grass in groups, eating and chatting casually amongst their friends atop their patterned picnic blankets. You catch the gaze of a group of girls sitting at the edge of the court; they eye you up and down, taking you aback with their lack of subtlety.
Breaking the awkward eye-contact, you suddenly feel very out of place.
"Hey!" Yuna calls out, slipping her arm out of yours to wave at a group of people sitting at the other side of the court from the judgmental girls.
Her hand slips into yours, snapping you out of your uncomfortable dilemma, pulling you towards the group she waved to. A big willow tree stretches towards the sky and casts a precious spot of shade over the area. Immediately, you spot Hope and Lisa as they wave to you and you let out a breath of relief.
At least I'm not alone, maybe I won't be so awkward now.
You recognize Ten's face and you give him a smile and nod of acknowledgement. Scanning over the rest of the group carefully, you faintly recognize the other boys sitting under the tree.
The boy with the blue hair and the fitted white tee- that's Jeno.
Fluffy brown hair-definitely Haechan.
Your eyes flit to the next boy and you're taken aback when he's already staring at you. His ashy blonde fringe hair, almost grey, seems dearly familiar. His eyes widen before quickly looking away.
He's part of the Lee's... bandaged hands and that hair- that's Mark, the dude who stole your answer from earlier.
The little devil on your shoulder whispers to hold a small grudge. The little angel on the other argues that it was never your question and you shouldn't be so petty. Right, kindness is the best virtue. You will let it go.
You and Yuna reach the edge of their picnic blanket and your best friend immediately goes to sit by Ten who doesn't hesitate to pull her hips smoothly into his lap.
You look away in embarrassment. Good for her for finding love, but by golly are you painfully single.
Eyeing the space on the picnic blanket, Hope and Lisa are almost strategically sitting at the end chatting with Jeno so there is no reasonable way you could sit next to them. Setting down your bag awkwardly, you debate where you should sit, silently cursing at Hope and Lisa for not leaving a space for you. Maybe coming here was a mistake because you feel kind of left out-
"Oh, here," a small voice lets out. You look up to see Mark getting up and moving his stuff out of the way and clearing a space for you next to him.
"Ah, thank you!" You smile, kneeling down to sit in the empty space.
Thank God.
Glancing at his face, a blush even Maybelline would envy rests on his cheeks as his gaze remains glued to the food in his hands.
The first thing you notice is how handsome he is up close. You didn't get a good look at him in the lecture hall, but his face is a perfect mix of feminine and masculine beauty. His eyes are soft and round, but his jawline sharp and angled. The most chiseled cheekbones you've ever seen are handsomely defined under the mosaic of shadows and light created by the branches of the willow tree. A slight, shy smile graced his delicate, pink lips.
He's super cute. I take back everything I thought in lecture.
"Hey, welcome!," a sudden high-pitched voice rips your attention away from ogling the blonde boy. Turning your face, you see Haechan on your other side eagerly holding out a hand for you to shake. You take his hand and he shakes it vigorously, "I'm Haechan nice to meet you! What's your name?".
"I'm y/n," you reply with a smile. He's really outgoing, huh.
"Y/n what year are you?"
"Oh I'm a sophomore this year"
"Ayyy! Jeno and I are sophomores too," the friendly brunette slaps the other boy on the arm, "say hi, Jeno".
"Hey, I'm Jeno". He gives a heart-fluttering eye-smile and you could hear hushed gasps and coos ensue from the onlooking girls across the court.
"Hi, y/n," you respond shyly.
Dang, these guys are all so good-looking.
You always hear about the 'Lees' and their 'godly' visuals, but you never truly paid attention. Yet now that you're sitting with them at their cool-people-only hangout spot, you have no choice but to admit how exactly spot-on those descriptions were.
"Here, y/n" Haechan hands you a paper tray full of chicken nuggets.
"Nice! Thank you," you cheer, taking the food perhaps a little too excitedly. Working out and training nearly everyday means you're inevitably hungry most of the time. Not to mention, your stomach always rumbles at the sight of your all-time favorite food.
Digging into the free food reward, you turn back to Mark who hasn't said anything to you yet.
"What's your name?" you ask. Technically, you already know it, but you don't really know a better way to start a conversation.
Visibly surprised, Mark chokes on his chicken.
You let out a single note of laughter at his unexpected coughing before slapping a hand over your mouth to stop yourself.
"Are you okay?" you ask stupidly.
"Bruh," Haechan teases with a smirk, amused at his best friend's embarrassment.
Mark nods quickly with a hand covering his mouth as he continues coughing. Unsure of what to do, you reach over to pat him on the back firmly.
"Here, dude". Jeno tosses Mark a filled water bottle, the older boy accepting it gratefully, gulping down the water like his life depends on it (which it... actually does).
Gasping in relief as he sets the bottle down, Mark looks back at you with flushed cheeks and wet lips. You realize your hand is still on his back and you quickly snatch your hand away, suddenly flustered by the contact.
"I'm Mark," he finally answers, voice hoarse from the ordeal.
"Hi Mark, I'm y/n" you giggle.
He looks absolutely hilarious with water dribbling down his chin and cheeks as red as fire. There is something intensely endearing about him as he looks down, front teeth biting down on his bottom lip in embarrassment.
"What year are you?," you continue.
"Uh-I'm a Junior"
"Oh nice! What do you study?"
"Uh-business and sports management"
"Wow! Wait you're In Econ31 right?"
"Yeah I am," Mark smiles.
"I thought I recognized you! I'm in that class too," you exclaim. Usually, you aren't terribly sociable with people you just met, but there's something about the softness of his voice that makes him easy to talk to. That and the way he's just choked on a chicken nugget in front of you at your first meeting- you have little to nothing to lose.
"Oh yeah I-I've seen you around sometimes"
"Yeah we've seen you around sometimes," Ten calls out, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. Yuna laughs and hits his chest in warning.
"Shut up!" Mark grabs a nugget from his tray and chucks it at the older boy. Like a slow-motion scene in a movie, Ten catches the piece of chicken between his teeth and flashes a wink back at the flustered junior.
You burst out in laughter at the interaction, slapping a hand onto your knee at the dumbfounded look on Mark's face.
Mark feels his heart clench at the sound of your bright laughter filling the air. You gasp with glee, one hand slapping your knee repeatedly and the other gripping your fork. Truth be told, he is freaking out inside. And this is not how he imagined you would meet. 
All thoughts about Ten abandoned, a wide smile spreads back onto his face as his eyes scan across your laughing form. You sport a casual outfit consisting of a grey t-shirt and denim shorts like you usually do. A simple gold chain hangs from your neck, tucked away under the collar of your shirt. Up close, Mark feels even more drawn to you than ever before.
Beautiful as ever.
"I-I can't breathe," you wheeze, "what just happened?"
"My talent," Ten states, moving his arms from around Yuna's waist to hold them up in a 'well duh' shrug.
"Nah bro, it was a good throw from me," Mark cuts in, holding up a hand to stop the gloating boy.
"Nah bro, it was a good catch from me," Ten sasses back, moving Yuna off his lap to kneel up. You meet Yuna's eyes and you both hold back laughter at the ridiculous argument.
"Nah bro" Mark moves onto his knees as well.
"Nah bro's," Haechan suddenly interjects, "It was me. I have telepathy and I moved the chicken". Haechan promptly stands up and does a body wave, posing with a finger gun pointed over the slope of his nose to his forehead.
You laugh silently between the three boys who are suddenly all standing as they argue over who was responsible for the nugget trick. You had just met these guys a few minutes ago, but you're more confused and intrigued at them than you've ever been with anyone.
Look at you go, making new friends and everything!
"Guys..." Jeno tries, but his low voice isn't nearly loud enough to be heard over the chaos.
The boys point accusing fingers at each other like in a Renaissance painting. You scooch your way over to the other girls to get out of their way, bringing your food with you.
"You're dating..." You gesture your fork at Ten who was is caught in a three-way head lock with Mark and Haechan.
"Yeah". Yuna's face remains expressionless as she nonchalantly pops another piece of chicken into her mouth. After dating Ten for almost five months now, she is well aware of what the expression 'boys will be boys' really means.
"Are they always like this?" Hope asks, bewildered. Lisa just laughs on the side, enjoying the spontaneous fight more than she should. Jeno gives up, laying down to stare at the sky and wonder why his friends are like this.
Your ears perk at  strange noises coming from behind you. Turning around, you notice that several of the girls you saw earlier are now pulling large, fancy cameras out of their book bags. Baffled, you watch incredulously as they shamelessly snap photos of the tussling, oblivious boys.
"What the heck?," you gawk. You haven't been here but twenty minutes and it's already one surprise after the other.
"Tell me about it. Those weirdos are these guys' fans, the 'Lovelees' as they call themselves," Yuna explains, "You would not believe how crazy they can get. Remember when I had to put all my socials on private a few months ago? It's because they found out I was dating Ten".
"Right, I remember that" you nod your head sympathetically. Your eyes move between the unsuspecting boys and the audacious crowd of girls. Maybe you haven't known them for long, but the Lees seem like a regular group of guys. Admittedly, they are above average in the visual department (and in the strange department), but the existence of the Lovelees is really unnerving. Is it just you?
One particular girl at the forefront stares you down intently. Her hair is a mousy brown with two striking streaks of bright red down her bangs in a distasteful take on E-girl style hair. Too-light foundation is packed onto her skin and you winced internally at the severe creasing by her nose. Black eyebrows not matching her hair, her fake eyelashes bat at you threateningly.
"What's up with her?". You are genuinely confused. Why does she look like she wants to murder you?
"She's so scary," Hope's eyebrows knit in worry.
"Yeah, what's with her? She's staring at y/n," Lisa suddenly adds, attention turning to the concerning conversation.
"That's Hillary, the club president or something," Yuna confirms with a shudder, "she's super psycho about Mark. Definitely stay away from her".
"Gotcha... but why is she looking at me like that? Is it just me?"
Hillary's creepy stare never leaves your face and you feel chills run down your spine like a thousand invisible spiders. Generally speaking, you sometimes shy from even ordering food over the phone. Being under her flaming gaze makes you want to shrivel up like a raisin.
If someone could write a story about Seoul University campus life, you'd for sure be a background character. Attracting negative attention to yourself for no reason is surely a new feeling and unequivocally uncomfortable... perhaps because there is any attention on you at all?
"Well for one," Yuna smiles, poking an accusing finger into your side, "you seem to be getting along with these guys pretty well. Especially Mark". The blonde wiggles her perfectly threaded brows at you. Flustered, you shove a nugget in her mouth before she could say more.
"What are you even talking about, we literally just met". You fight to keep your voice steady and expression unaffected, but alas you can't stop the heat from spreading onto your unwilling cheeks. Admittedly, it's been a while since you've gone out with a guy. More honestly, you haven't really dated anyone since you came to campus last year. So needless to say, your single self is a little bit flustered to be thrown into the notion that you even have a chance to be with a super popular, charming guy like Mark.
You shake your head to clear the ridiculous thoughts.
Let's not err on the side of desperation today.
Peering back at the crazy fangirl who you now know as Hillary, you're relieved to find her piercing gaze has shifted from boring holes in your skull to her cell phone and she types away at lightning speed.
"I have a feeling that he likes you, y/n," Yuna presses. Hope and Lisa giggle and nod in agreement, exchanging knowing glances at each other. 
You don't have ample time to ponder more as your attention is ripped away by the fighting boys. They've shifted from the shade of the willow tree to the basketball court, disregarding all onlookers and fighting like their lives depended on it.
"Let's go. Rooftop. Right now!" Haechan screeches, taking a leap at Ten while Mark struggles to hold him back.
"Fight me here, bro," Ten taunts, "we all know I'm built different". The sass in his voice gives Haechan the strength to break away from Mark's grasp and tackle the senior boy. All eyes glue to the two boys rolling around on the hot pavement, screaming.
"Yuna, can you-" Jeno starts, eyes closed as he lay on the blanket listening to his friends beat each other up.
"Yeah," Yuna gives the tired boy an apologetic pat on the knee. "Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul".
Her boyfriend's entire body immediately freezes at the sound of his full name. Letting Haechan go from his chokehold, Ten scurries back over to his spot on the picnic blanket to kneel by an unamused Yuna like a scolded dog. "I'm sorry".
You suppress another laugh. This... this is what the cool kids are like? You were really nervous for nothing. Mark shuffles back next to you, supporting a limping Haechan who insists he's fine.
"Sorry girls. They're not... actually no, they are usually like this," Jeno apologizes, "Hope we didn't scare you away".
"No, actually. I think you guys are really... funny. It's cool how comfortable you all are". You smile at the hockey players. Weird as they may be, you don't feel uncomfortable.
"She thinks you're cool!" Haechan cries, slapping Mark on the back.
"Shut up!" Mark smacks the back of the younger's head, ready for another fight already.
"But don't you guys think it's weird we haven't met earlier? We always see the hockey team around our practices but I think this is our first time officially talking," Hope suddenly points out the elephant in the room.
"Yeah I guess that's true," Haechan ponders, "to be honest, we didn't think you guys liked us very much... or let me rephrase that- we were kinda scared to approach you".
"YOU were scared to approach US," Lisa exclaims in shock, "did you forget that you four are, like, the most popular guys on campus or what?".
The four boys look amongst each other blankly. "No, but we thought...," Haechan starts.
"... that figure skaters hated hockey players," Mark finishes. Silent glances are exchanged between all parties as this new information is revealed.
At the sheer awkwardness of the situation, you decide to interrupt the silence with light laughter. "Why would we hate you?"
"You- agh," Haechan's reasoning is cut off by a sharp jab to the ribs from Mark. No way is he going to let the blabbermouth sophomore spoil that they stalked your Facebook last year and found your post.
"I mean you all seem really cool and," Mark saves, looking at you, "I'm really glad we got to meet you today. But we were just... intimidated before".
You raise an eyebrow and your eyes meet Yuna's, Hope's, and Lisa's who shared similar expressions.
"Babe, I'm intimidating?" Yuna asks her boyfriend, peering into his eyes. Ten promptly places a hand at the back of her neck and brings her in for a deep kiss. Everyone in the group groans in disapproval and you hope the sour expression on your face isn't too obvious. Why, Ten. Why.
"Uh.. ok then," you divert, "I was never a fan of hockey itself, to be frank. The sport, not the team. And maybe I've been annoyed at you guys for hogging the ice sometimes, but I've never ever hated you! Don't worry haha".
"Bro what?!" Haechan cries, "hockey is the greatest sport of all time! It's all about strategy, speed, strength, and skills. If anything, figure skating doesn't have a point".
You gasp in full-offense. Sure, you just gave your honest opinion on their sport and it was only fair that they give theirs, but that one burns. Before you can make your counterargument, the boy next to you beats you to it.
Tapping the back of his hand to Haechan's arm, Mark's next words made your heart skip a beat: "dude, you don't know what you're talking about," he turned to look into your eyes, "it's beautiful".
Mark's eyes are a deep brown color, you notice, and they sparkle gold in the light streaming past the branches of the willow tree. Softly, they peer into yours, bringing with them a rare kindness that pinches at your chest.
"Thank you" you smile at him. Is your face always this warm?
"Okayyy," Jeno finally opts to sit up, "now that we've determined that we don't hate each other and we're all cool, are we good to be friends?". A chorus of "Heck yeah"'s and "duh"'s filled the picnic area and your heart swells with happiness. You look back at Mark and smiled again.
New friends
"You should come eat with us here more often," Mark suggests to you, warm gaze making your heart strain for the hundredth time that afternoon. What is happening? "All of you should," he corrects, looking away shyly.
"Yeah we're here everyday," Ten adds. Looking down to Yuna who had laid her head in his lap, he stroked her hair lovingly. "You should come hang out with us whenever".
"I'd like that," you grin.
"Let's make a group chat. Everyone gimme your numbers," Haechan declares.
While the brunette went around collecting numbers, you chatted with Mark, wanting to get to know him more. You quickly find that he's so very endearing, blushing and fiddling with the bandages on his fingers at your every word. His words are kind and he listens to you thoughtfully when you speak. Talking to him is so easy, surprisingly easy, and you feel the conversation unfold out effortlessly. You hardly notice as the minutes of your lunch break tick to an end.
"That's crazy! There was this one time that-" the jarring sound of your phone alarm cuts you off. Scrambling for your phone, you tap on the screen desperately to shut it off.
"Sorry guys," you apologize, "Lisa, oh my goodness, it's time for us to go to Frankie's".
Lisa checks her own watch and gasps, "Oh gosh! We gotta go guys".
"Who's Frankie?" Mark questions, eyes slightly crestfallen.
"No," you laugh while picking up your bag, "Frankie's. The diner down the street next to the lake. We work there".
Haechan, Ten, and Jeno crack up silently at their sensitive friend. 
"It was nice meeting you all!" you exclaim, "It was nice meeting you, Mark".
"Great meeting you, y/n. Hope to see you around," he waves back at you.
Bidding their goodbyes, you and Lisa make your way down the alley to her parked car.
"Y/n don't you think Mark is super into you?" Lisa says excitedly once the others are out of earshot.
"What are you saying!?" you proclaim, looking back to make sure the Lovelees aren't following you. Seeing the coast is clear, you consider your friend's accusation. So much has happened in the last 2 hours than in your year and a month at college, or your entire life honestly. 
You walked into the alley with no guy friends and are leaving with four. Is it greedy to say that Mark really does stand out to you and you might be starting to like him, or are you just like every other girl who likes him too? The last thing you want is to be like Hillary.
"He's probably just friendly to everyone," you decide.
"No way, y/n, you good in the head? This dude only looking at you the whole time," Lisa retorts.
You shake your head in denial but thinking back, it could be true.
There it is again. That nervous, light feeling in your chest.
Oh, God. What if I like him?
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Mark flops down on his bed, still not down from the high that he's been on all day. No, not that kind of high. Smile plastered on his face, he runs his fingers through his freshly washed hair, recounting your conversations from earlier.
"Dude, you look so stupid," Jeno walks into their shared room, shirtless from just getting out of the shower. A simple white towel wrapped around his lean torso is the only thing censoring the spectacular scene. Messing his hair with a second towel, he chucks the wet fabric at Mark's face.
"Fuck off," Mark swings it back at the sophomore. This year, he chose to live in a suit with the rest of the guys to save some money. Him and Jeno shared a room while Ten and Haechan occupied the other. It's undeniably small and only has one bathroom, but he is grateful he at least doesn't have to room with Haechan anymore.
Mark's phone buzzes with a notification on his nightstand. Propping himself up with his elbow, he checks to see who it's from.
1 new message from unknown
Mark sighs. If it's these crazy girls again he's going to get really annoyed. Today was a really good day and the last thing he wants is another stranger asking him to father her children. 
Maybe: Yuna?: hey mark, it's Yuna. I got your number from the group chat! If you're not too busy I'd love to talk to you about a few things
Oh crap.
Suddenly nervous, Mark scrambles to sit up properly.
"Text from your new girlfriend?," Jeno taunts unknowingly.
"No, dickhead, it's Yuna," Mark rebuts, thinking hard about a good, casual reply.
"Oh, shit," Jeno states, taken aback. The sophomore swaggers onto his own bed, now sporting a pair of grey sweatpants and a fitted white t-shirt. The bare minimum makes him look like a poster boy every magazine photographer would clamber for. The man could put all models out of work if he had the heart for it. Fortunately, he only has the heart for hockey, video games, and pizza.
Mark: Hey Yuna! What's up?
Yuna: Hey :) nothing much! Not to freak you out, but I know all about your crush on y/n from Ten
Mark: ahaha... yeah I figured
Yuna: ok, so as her best friend and someone who cares about her a lot I just wanna put a few things out there
Yuna: is typing...
Mark watched as the three dots of the impending message taunted him. What could she be talking about? What if you have a boyfriend and Yuna's telling you to back off?
Yuna: if you're going to get close with her, you gotta make sure you keep her safe from those crazy fangirls. Y/N is a shy and sensitive girl she'll definitely take the hate to heart and if Hillary and those other crazy bitches come after her, I won't let you live
Hillary? Mark wracks his brain for any memory of a girl with that name. That girl from calc? No, that's Helen. Hillary...
An image of a mousy girl with red bangs comes into his mind. Ah yes, that's Hillary. She sends him love tweets and gave him chocolates for Valentine's Day.
Mark: I barely know Hillary and I'm pretty sure I've told her I'm not into her, but i'll make sure she knows. Yuna I'm serious about y/n
Yuna: as you should be! She's a real diamond in the rough and she's never confident in herself. All she does is work and study and practice. She never does anything for herself but she never complains either. Also, I don't wanna butt in too much, but I gotta you ask one thing
Mark: yeah ask away!
Yuna: y/n says today is the first time she met you but Ten says you've "been simping for like a year". Add it up for me?
Mark: It's kind of hard to explain... it like... do you believe in love at first sight?
Yuna: HA!!! You're too cute omg
Mark: It's like that but I never had the chance to talk to her... it never seemed right idk
Yuna: boy
Yuna: I had to force y/n to go to your game with me and Ten had to bribe Haechan to set up the picnic today early
Yuna: not to mention we made Hope and Jeno sit together even though they're both awkward just so y/n would have to sit next to you. you better make ur fucking move now
Mark curls his fingers into his blow-dried hair, letting out a low, stressed groan. He's gonna owe the guys big time.
Mark: I really appreciate it! :)))
Yuna: oh and one more thing
Mark: yeah?
Yuna: If you hurt her, I will gouge out your eyeballs and stick them up your ass and while you cry, I'll force feed you your own severed balls until you choke and die. Got it? :D
Holy fuck.
Mark: understood
Yuna: Yay!!! Approved :) good night mark! Nice getting to know you today!
Mark: same here. Night!
Mark's thumbs shake as he types out his final message. So this is what your friends are like, huh? It's such a contrast to your easy-going attitude. A smile spreads across his lips at the thought of you again.
Stretching up to shut off the lamp on his night stand, Mark tucks himself into bed. It's finally happening. You're here. You're right within his grasp. And he wants nothing more than to give you everything you need.
Mark contemplates Yuna's messages as he lay there in the dark; she said you aren't confident in yourself. This comes as a surprise to him. You're so beautiful, smart, kind, funny, and talented, the last thing he expected was that you didn't know it. You exude put-togetherness and wear elegance like a favorite sweater.
His eyes squeeze shut as Mark replays the first night he saw you in his mind. The image is engraved in his brain as he must have revisited that unintentional performance a thousand times.
This whole time, he never got to know you, but today he dipped his hand in the water. And he wanted so much more, to dive in completely and surround himself with you. All this time, he's only been on the sidelines.
I want her so bad
It's time to stop waiting around and get in the game. He's going to talk to you, walk you to class, make you feel special. So much time has already been wasted due to his own fears and misunderstandings. If it's confidence you need, it's confidence he will give you.
Wait for me, y/n, I'm gonna do it right this time
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fameplagued · 3 years
hey tags 👀 i’m still working on a full doc / rules page for him & fancier stuff like a lore page, making a promo, etc but if you’d be interested in interacting / plotting with my 70’s rockstar-turned-vampire muse (harry styles fc), pls like this or follow me to lmk ! i’m barely converting this blog to indie & have no one on my dash yet, so i’ll likely follow everyone back. i’m interested in having all kinds of different verses for him with a variety of charas (canon & oc), + i plan for this blog to be chill & non-selective. mun is 25, lives in pst, with 10+ yrs experience writing on tumblr (i know, yikes)
verses i’d love to have as of rn:
present day!verses (vampire x human, or vampire x another vampire (or, different species such as witch/warlock, fae, succubi/incubi, etc)
70’s!verses (both in his past human life & after his turning)
verses that take place sometime in a past decade after his turning (80’s, 90’s, 2000’s, 2010’s), either where both are immortal or one is human
AU’s where he was turned at another point in time (i think 90’s & 2000’s could be especially fun)
verses taking place in an AU version of another film or tv show’s canon (i’m super open to possibilities, so if you play a canon character hmu!)
poly ship verses! any time period (if applicable)
human AUs in a variety of time periods (vampire isn’t his only personality trait I promise lmao)
future content warnings (will be tagged for easy blacklisting): sex, drugs, rock & roll, drug overdose (*only mentioned in bio), blood/vampirism/feeding, horror, murder/death mentions & stalking / predator + prey (won’t be crazy graphic, i’ll purple prose that shit lol), some kinks (nothing ‘t*boo’, full list in progress)
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elesmuseshub · 3 years
multimuse blog started on October 28th 2021.
This will be a long post because it's also my Rules Page: I'll try to shorten it as much as possible so if I sound stern it's just because I don’t want to write a billion words, I'm not only friendly but very chill and stupid, no worries!
Some shows I know are at the end of this post, as well as a mobile-friendly link to the carrd with the muses bios, while the thread tracker is here! I added a ‘name of the tags’ line in the descriptions, so for example if the name is ‘princess Emma’ you could look for ‘princess Emma starter’ for opens, ‘princess Emma wishlist’ ‘princess Emma headcanons’ ‘princess Emma thread’ ‘princess Emma plotting call’. 
If you aren't up for reading "long posts" like this consider it a sign we wouldn't have fun and you shouldn’t follow me, no harm done, good luck with your rp!
-I'm Ele, Italian, born in '89, selective especially with smut, most of the time I'll fade to black and if not I use read-more and tags. Mutuals only, won’t follow back for several reasons (like I don't think our muses would work well together, uncut threads, sexual stuff without the ns*w tag) but nothing to do with you personally! Respect it or I’ll block you/ignore your attempts to rp. I’m also all for having multiple threads, dropping them, developing relationships jumping back and forth, and having multiple verses. If we rped before I’m not following you first only because I don’t want to make you feel pressured to keep rping with me! 
-I followed you, you read my pages and followed me back? This is your permission slip to rend memes, reply to things, whatever, and if I have questions I’ll ask, or if YOU have questions go ahead and ask!
-I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH: READ MY TAGS especially under memes, opens and starter calls: if I say "this meme is just for X character" and you send it to another, at this point I will ignore it.
-I have more inspiration for some muses than others, even if I put all the ones I can/could write in this blog, and I’ll give them priority. By the way, if you are a Doctor Who writer and your character is canon, chances are that I’ll love him/her but also that while Rose is restricted to Doctors only, if you are open to write with “oc”s I’ll throw princess Emma/Emma Nolan at you (the very first muse listed here) because I think they could be great friends with any Doctor and companion (and yes, I love shipping, but frankly that’s not a requirement, it’s the friendship that makes it for me, whether it’s a base for more or it stays that way), and that it could make for very funny / hurtful /hurt-comfort themed threads.   -I've rped for 9 years now (hence long rules, I know what puts me off), I never had bad experiences but had to leave because life got messy, now I'm in the calm before the next storm and want to try again. Point is: while I want to rp, it’ll only be like a couple of hours per day and not every day. I'm chronically ill and used to spend 13 hours straight rping, but now I cannot anymore.
-this also means I'm never going to expect you to be fast, to match length of what I write, to forceship even if a couple is canon, especially since my muses take a canon divergent turn at best or are au: basic rules of 'respect people and the fact that this is a hobby and meant to relax us' apply. I’ll post memes and starters etc to help you interact, because I’ll miss most of what’s on the dash. Don’t feel forced to send memes or do anything though! -for the reasons above I do expect you to have read this post and the bio of the character (or multiple characters) you want to play with before we interact. I don't have a lot of time to plot, so even less to re-write their bio in chat. Which is why unless you state in your rules that if I follow you first I should start interactions AND that you read people’s pages before following, USUALLY (unless I have extra time) I will wait for you to approach me, for example by liking starter calls, plotting calls (made specifically so people can tell me that they are ready), or sending memes, and now you also have the option to LIKE THIS POST as soon as we are mutuals to let me know you are ready, so pick your favorite. This way things won't get awkward with me going 'did you already read the bio?' 'nope' 'okay let me know when you do' and then you never contacting me again or having to restart much later. I know it can seem unfair, but 99% of the time people haven’t read my pages, and things only work out when we actually want our muses to interact: we can’t want that, nor rp, if you haven’t read my about because I write au, oc and canon divergent characters only, and you don’t KNOW them. I’ll read your pages before I follow, I always do. 
-oh but I will come plotting whenever I can, especially if we don’t know each other? Don’t take my lack of time for lack of interest: when I can, I happily will!
-If you ask me to plot please either have already some idea OR respond to me with more than one word? It’s totally fine if you have no idea of what we can write and want me to come up with something, but if I start plotting and the answers are only 'haha' 'ok' 'cool' I will lose all that enthusiasm right away. Same if you never EVER start a conversation or try to interact unless I ask you something. It’s embarrassing to be the only excited one! I’m not saying you have to change your entire personality or make a job out of it, obviously, but if it feels like you only send a meme because you “have to” and never continue them into threads, and never have anything whatsoever to say ooc in the tags even if I write something, and always drops threads after two replies, I'll just stop.
-I don’t follow a schedule like ‘I must reply to the first person who replied to me, then the second’, I can’t write on command. Priority will go to people I click with the most and plots/genres I’m extra into at the moment. -if something in a bio triggers or makes you uncomfortable and it’s not in your rules, TELL ME, I’ll do anything to get around it or if it's impossible tell you so. Otherwise I'll assume it's all cool, especially because anything could be a trigger or not be. I’ll tag it as #something tw.  -please tag your gore, sexual images/text, and daddy k*nk references even if ooc? And I keep away from ‘mafia’ aus, mafia is very real and horrible. Imaginary criminal groups are okay. -I adore shipping if the muses click! I don't write toxic relationships of any kind between our characters. Also most of my muses don’t interact with villains unless they are redeeming themselves and haven’t crossed too many lines: it’d be ooc for them to do so. Someone like princess Emma would try to kill the bad guy right away, not waste time chatting, others like Jemma provoke and insult until murdered. And so on.
-I’m character-driven, I can’t plot their specific reactions to everything, because just like in real life the words we choose to say something can change someone’s feelings. Actual dialogue is different from a vague ‘they’ll talk about this thing and then do this’ while plotting.  -Most of these muses had their own blogs running for years so for now I will link their specific About Page instead of rewriting it here, while I slowly work on the blog itself, up to you if you want to read au verses too! In some cases I write muses I only specifically want to play with 1-2 characters, because I'd like to explore those relationships, so when unsure double-check! It will be written in the very first description of the muse. -Some muses will have no icons, sorry! And speaking of icons, just a little thing: please don’t rely on them to communicate expressions to me IF they are very small, or even worse if they only show a BIT of the muse’s face. Like when people use two icons for replies, one with an eye or so, one with the mouth? I really cannot tell what I’m looking at, sorry! 
Some shows, games or movies I will interact with, so it’s easier for you if you have a multi to know; I’ll bold the ones that usually works extra well so you know they are *extra* welcomed lol If you are a multi and one of your shows isn’t here I may not know it or, possibly, dislike it or be legit made uncomfortable by it.
btw when doable I’m always up to rp with the Doctor from Doctor Who, characters from legends of Tomorrow and Galavant. Agents of SHIELD Angel but only the tvshow Avengers movies
BBC Merlin  
Brooklyn 99 Buffy but only the tvshow Captain America - marvel movies Captain Marvel
Community Chuck
Dragon Age - videogame - specifically Origins and Inquisition Doctor Who (only New Who) Downton Abbey
Final Fantasy 8 and 9 though I don’t remember them by heart
Flash but only first seasons 
Friends Galavant   Good Omens   Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2
Hulk - the one present in Avengers 2012
Iron Man - marvel movies IZombie  Legends of Tomorrow  
Loki the series Lord of the Rings   Lost  Lucifer 
New Girl
Once Upon a Time
Parks and Rec Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3  
Spiderman - most Marvel movies? Suits   Supergirl   the 100  
the Falcon and the Winter Soldier
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel  
The Office
The Witcher (only season 1 of the show)
Wonder Woman pretty much any famous sitcom like Friends, the Office, Parks and Rec, b99. 
my mobile friendly bio page
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sphelon8565 · 4 years
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Howdy guys! 01/31/2021
I’m back again, with a bunch of new art posting folks!!
In this Battle Rehime Episode 19 of my fan fiction verse...
Had to timeskip a bit to one of my planned drawings in the last couple of years.
Tidus, Lux and Timbersaw finally got back to their previous members back to Davion and Yuna and their crew with a big new addition surprise...
Janna Windforce!
The Story behind this comic is something I had yet to write about but the idea is just in my head....
The story goes is that while Green Arrow, alongside Lux and her friends, went on another day of adventure, by big surprised they manage to found Yuna, Davion and Company back with a new set of members for Yuna’s  Pilgrimage on their travels.
Much like the Jah Rakal of Dota 2....his set of battle standards are pretty much hilarious...often looks down alot even on his allies through the covers of each members and quick to judgement (even still looking at Lux as a useless magical mage)
as the story goes in my crossover chapters (if you guys browse on my deviantart art page on my fanart characters: Lux is a big fan of Janna much like her older League of Legends Lore) and with one lucky fateful circumstance, Lux finally met one of her dreams to meet her favorite celebrity idol!
Janna Hugs Lux | Janna Bio | Lux Bio | Previous Comics
Except the only member of the team who objects is non other than the Troll Warlord....For the 1st time ever meeting the pristine beautiful and legendary barefoot Celebrity of the League Institute Tournaments (much like those previous and older but now rebooted, League of Legends Lore), He quickly grumbles at his new member and looks at her like All for SHOW “Just Looks” less intimidating warrior” and displeases her appearance all in all. **even with beauty, Jah Rakal is the type of guy who is not interested in fashion so...)
Little did Jah Rakal know, she was the previous Tournament Winner of Last years League Tournament, captivating and powerful and has a big following. and **also little did he know, She is trained by Storm of the X-Men.
Well that goes for this story for now, I may change how it will be written as one of these days but for now I’ll just post my work!
See ya next post folks!
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archivevolcania · 4 years
🔥 + OCs ?
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ABOUT OCs. so i joined tunglr rp in 2015 or so, and ever since i’ve had to see posts that say things like ‘rb if you support ocs’ or that kind of post that basically talks about how they’re still not so well seen or perceived in the general rpc regardless of the fandom. which personally, is something that i just don’t understand simply because, they’re still characters?
and someone else also said this, i believe it was gladi, but canon muses are basically someone else’s oc. so? what’s the difference between a well-known character from a movie, series, videogame, book, comic, etc. to that someone came up with on their own? whether they’re based on a specific fandom or they have their own built universe that they come from, i still don’t think it’s fair to be so damn harsh on them. 
the only reason i can think of as of why someone wouldn’t want to interact with them is because they’re too lazy to read their about. or even skim through it and then look for a verse that could be compatible with your own muse. or just reach out to the mun. and i say this because okay, if characters from bigger media are more popular it must be because there’s more content of them and in general we’re more familiar with them, aka, it’s way easier to assume how your muse and that other canon muse could interact because you kinda know more about them.
and yet with all the effort oc writers put on their about pages, verses, stats... they still go dismissed. i mean fuck, some even have more information than canon blogs cus ‘fuck it i can just link the wiki and call it done’  (hi. a couple years ago i used to do that with ghirahim until i decided to write his own bio. don’t come at me saying ‘but it's just easier, you’re just hatin’ cus uh i’m outing myself rn that i used to be that kind of person as well). plus and here’s a plot twist, even people who write canon muses can have a completely different interpretation from canon, which doesn’t really save anyone from reading their about and/or verses :)) such is my case, for example.
i also really really don’t like when people immediately close themselves to ever interacting with an oc after a few bad experiences. that level of generalizing is kinda dumb and while i understand how bad experiences can affect how you see things, it still doesn’t seem fair for other writers. and don’t even get me started on female ocs :))) it’s beyond stupid how people are so close-minded about female characters in general but that’s a talk for another day, one that perhaps i won’t ever post on tunglr because i might come off a lil too spicy since it’s something that hits too close to home.
final thing im gonna say, i think it’s also important to consider that if someone didn’t follow your oc it might not be because they’re ignoring ocs in general, but (and im hoping) maybe they read their about and still didn’t think of a way your characters could interact. that’s also happened even in my case. i just hope people are not closing off just because ew oc.
long story short, and while yes people are more than free to have their own boundaries in their blog, people should be more open about writing with ocs, less afraid on checking their info and verses and / or talking with the mun. in my experience, i’ve had the most fun writing with ocs and i’ve found a surprising amount of character development in my own muses thanks to those interactions. so i luv them. i might be slow reading everything myself but you bet imma support and love ‘em.
NO WAIT, ONE LAST THING. canon x oc ships are the fucking bomb :))) ship whatever the fuck you want, people. if it’s not hurting anyone nor is it an adult with a minor (in that case fuck off and leave pls) then follow your wildest most craziest shippy dreams.
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Writeblr Reintro!
I’ve noticed I’ve gotten a lot of new friends recently, and both my bio and about page don’t really do me justice, so. Here. Have a truly Asena intro!
- I’m a minor! Totally cool with adults, but if you’re an adult and you’re not comfortable, feel free to leave! No hard feelings :>
- I go by she/her pronouns, and you can call me Asena or Cat. Either is fine.
- I love reading! Especially unknowingly reading and loving controversial books/authors but let’s not get into that. Several favourites include the Grishaverse books, the entire Throne of Glass series, and Claudia Gray’s Firebird Trilogy ( I’m still reading this one but boy is it k i l l i n g me )
- And of course, can’t be a writeblr without loving writing! I also run a poetry sideblog over at @/darkmagic-hours, so if you like poetry, feel free to give it a look!
ABOUT MY WIPS ( from most worked-on to least )
- A FLAME IN THE STARS — a novel, most probably a trilogy. science fantasy, with bits of dark fantasy throughout the story. You can search the <afits> tag to pull up any and all posts regarding it!
- CRIMINAL HEART OF BONES — a short story anthology, cowritten with one of my closest friends. historical fantasy with bits of low and dark fantasy woven in!
- UNRELEASED WIP — intro coming soon! high science fantasy, set in the same universe as afits.
- THE QUIET SIDE OF LIFE — a poetry collection, featuring several characters from afits. dark fantasy. can be found on Wattpad and on darkmagic-hours.
- G A L A X I A L — flash fiction collection of myths and lore in the asena-verse! science fantasy, mostly.
- TALES FROM THE DOME AND OTHER SPACES — another short story collection, but also set in the asena-verse! high fantasy, science fantasy.
- that’s about it! feel free to pop into my dm’s to chat, I promise I don’t bite!
- some people I admire & adore: @/saintsorrel, @/inheriting, @/bahay-kubo, @/magic-is-something-we-create, @/sprigofbasil, @/kolyalantsov, @/charles-joseph-writes, @/hannahs-creations, @/sleepyowlwrites, etc. etc.
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rpmemedumpster · 5 years
Hi, I'm an old Role Playing veteran. I've been trying really hard to get back into the semi literate rp world (do people still use these terms??) but all of my old rp sites and forums have been long shut down. Do you have any advice for me on where I can start my rp journey again?
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Hello! I have no experience with forum rp, i only used to rp through private messages on DeviantArt, so if any followers here would like to chime in with more advice that would be superb! I have an rp aid tag that might help as well.
Anyway, tumblr is a pretty good site for rp if you ask me, because of the format. You’ve got your inbox people can send messages to and publish, and the nature of text-posts I’ve always found super helpful. I’m going to go into this assuming you’ve got no knowledge of tumblr rp so I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending or anything but I wanna be thorough!
Firstly! You’ll need info on your character (on tumblr, these are frequently called “muses”). 
A muse can be a canon character from a piece of media, or an original character. This information is best held on some kind of about or bio page, however those who roleplay on mobile cannot edit their blog pages to my knowledge so many have been hosting their bios on google docs, and linking to them in their description! This is the most important thing, because if nobody knows anything about your character, it’ll be hard to rp.
Next, a rules page!
Many will not want to rp with anybody who don’t have one. A rules page includes basically a little bit about your boundaries. Whether or not you rp with ocs, whether or not you engage in sexual rp, if you like to ship your character, things you need tagged, ect. If you don’t know where to start, it might be a good idea to look at some other folks’! I found that very helpful in my start on tumblr.
Get some kind of promotional post, and utilize the tags!
Some people create pretty graphics, I’ve got templates for them in my resources tag. Other people tend to do something a bit more simple, just an icon of their character perhaps and a little short advertisement of their character in a text post. People can find you if you use the tags. Say, if you’re roleplaying as Naruto, you’re gonna wanna tag the post as: #naruto rp, #manga rp,#anime rp, ect. For something like an oc you might want to tag it as: #oc rp, #fandomless rp, and any genres you might want to rp in such as #horror rp, #crime rp, #historical rp
Lastly, reach out! 
Sometimes the tags, especially original character ones, can be super flooded to the point where you might get lost in a sea of posts. Following people in my opinion is a good way to get noticed, because often they’ll check your blog out and maybe follow back. Some people are particular with who they interact with and there are some community specific terms I’ll link below but it never hurts to reach out and ask people if they’d like to roleplay.
Community terms: (some may be missing but i tried my best)
rpc: roleplay community
muse: a roleplay character. Can be an original character, or a character from an existing work. Sometimes real people as well such as youtubers but this is frowned upon generally.
mun or mod: the person who writes the character
ic: in-character
ooc: out of character. Can also be used to say a particular portrayal is poorly written, or not true to canon. (ie: this ___ blog is so ooc)
fc: face-claim, some blogs may used icons of actors or models in place of drawings for their characters appearance. FCs may also be from comics, manga, or cartoons.
mun fc: icons on ooc posts from the mun, different than the blog’s character.
private: (usually) will only roleplay with people who they follow, and also follow back
selective: this person may be choosy with who they chose to write with
semi-selective: this person is more open about who they write with, but will still deny some blogs
nonselective: this person will most likely right with just about anyone
musings: reblogged posts that often are something their character might say or think
thread: whatever particular rp scene that is being written. Usually takes place in the form of a text post.
meme/starters: something to be sent into the inbox for rp. Can be ooc or ic depending.
multiverse: multiple “verses” or timelies. Used for AU’s or for separating multiple ships.
multiship: this blog ships with multiple characters, each existing within separate timelines so that the character is not dating 10 different other characters at the same time.
multimuse: this blog has more than one character.
f2f: face-to-face, the characters are interacting in person
blog or online: a more meta (i guess?) style of rp where the characters are interacting on their tumblr blogs or otherwise online
one-liner: usually just dialogue in a response
para: a single paragraph in a response
multi-para: multiple paragraphs in a single response
novella: very long thread responses
group: a roleplay group! I don’t actually know how these work but that’s what this is.
indie: independent rp, not affiliated with a particular group.
fandomless: usually for an OC, this is an original character not created to exist within a pre-existing piece of media. tldr; not a fan oc/fan chara
self insert: an oc that exists to be the mun within the rp space.
Other helpful stuff:
new x-kit: very very helpful and a must-have as this will allow you to tag asks on desktop, check mutuals right on your dash, and most importantly trim posts so they’re not super long.
sessionbox: if you have more than one character you rp, and have a separate blog for each of them, this extension allows you to be logged into multiple accounts in different tabs
fancy text generator: lets you get text 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕤 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘, just by pasting in the plain text!
BeFunky: collage maker for moodboards and such
I hope this helps, if you have any more questions feel free to send another ask!
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vcdette · 5 years
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⤷ vcdette presents double feature: deck of card
so here’s the second version of DECK with my newest code, CARD. i coded it in align with the deck code which is just a simpler redirect code. you can use them separately even though they were coded with one another in mind. speaking of one another in mind. you can use both version of deck together by adding only a little extra css and changing some of the html.
IMAGE: 250 x 300
(live preview / code)
CARD is a basic bio page that includes a biography, stats, connections, links, a single picture and a name & small description underneath. of course, you can change the name to like a label or something if you prefer that since the stats are included. the connection area could also be used as a verse or timeline instead, whatever you desires.
IMAGE: 255 x 350
(live preview / code)
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t be afraid to drop a message in my inbox. I will be happy to help out everyone. and if you’re feeling generous, you can buy me a coffee here.
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nerdybirdboy · 5 years
I’m 25+ with 18 years of rp experience, mutuals only and don’t rp smut. My Tim is based on New Earth comics (aka pre N52/Rebirth), but I rp with muses from other DC verses as well as other fandoms (that I know about).
If I follow you, I want to interact, but I’m not good at approaching people and might do so by sending a meme. I appreciate my partners making first contact, but you don’t have to and you can do so by sending a meme (or just any other ic message or ooc if you prefer that.).
You need to have a bio page for your muse for me to follow you, and preferably rules too. (There is rare occasions where I look past this though. Very rare.)
I rp with OCs and other variants of Tim. Same goes for crossovers, but I need to know the fandom. I won’t initiate contact with duplicates, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested.
I also rp with sideblogs and multimuse blogs, however, if you have more than ten muses (especially if most are from fandoms I have no clue about), I will most likely not follow.
I might not follow you if your blog is too hard to read and navigate to me. I do get people wanting their blog to look pretty, but it won’t put several minutes into simply figuring out how to navigate or to even begin reading the posts.
I don’t rp with muses on personal accounts. You need to have an rp blog.
Unfollowing will happen if you break my rules more than three times or if it’s major oversteps, like posting ooc hateful posts (racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism etc). Not tagging triggers is another thing that often leads to an immediate unfollow.
Repeated vague posting or threats of killing yourself will earn you a soft block. It’s completely fine to vent, but in the past I have followed people who several times a week made posts that only state things like ‘everyone hates me I better just die, no one would miss me and that’s why no one interacts with me’. Venting about your feelings and hard times, is fine, you won’t be soft blocked for that, even if you do it every day.
I’m not a fan of gatekeeping. I strongly believe the only thing it does is breed more hatred and misunderstanding. No one can get things right according to everyone, even when you’re part of a minority yourself you can only use your own experience which will differ from others (more or less).
If you refuse to RP with OCs or female muses just because they’re OCs or female muses, I will not follow you. [x]
Don’t reblog threads you’re not participating in.
Don’t reblog my ooc posts (tagged “the magpie || ooc”) unless it’s stated that you can.
Don’t reblog my headcanons.
Comics pages/images and anything I’ve reblogged from others (that’s not an active thread) are okay to reblog. Mutuals who break this rule will get a message and asked to delete the reblog. Non-mutuals will be blocked without warning.
I use the tag “tbd” as “to be deleted”.
First of all, take the time you need, I’m in no hurry.
Secondly, I don’t really do any formatting, I bold speech and italics for thoughts.
I don’t really use icons mainly because I find it boring to make icons and I’m also picky so don’t want others to do them for me.
I’m not too fond of people who only use lower case letters, I find that confusing to read, but it won’t be a ‘deal breaker’.
Mun is not a native English speaker.
I don’t rp smut, but pretty much anything else is fine. And fyi, I love angst. You’ve been warned. (I obviously like many other ‘genre’ too).
Romance might occur. My main ship for Tim is, unsurprisingly, TimKon, though I also have a liking for a ship many finds odd, Tim/Connor Hawke (comics, not tv). However, I will never force any of those ships onto anyone, I more than welcome platonic relationships between Tim and Kon or Connor.
All romantic relationships are based on chemistry no matter the muse.
There will be no romance between Tim and his adoptive family and I have those ships blacklisted. To me it’s wrong even if they aren’t related by blood. (You do you though and as long as you tag it, I won’t unfollow because of that.)
There won’t be any romantic relationships between Tim and any person over the age of 18 while he is still a minor.
One sided romance is fine.
Platonic relationships of any kind is fine, including hate relationships.
I tag possible triggers with “tw: [subject” (tw: torture).
Please tag p0rnographic images, images of spiders, ‘punishment chain posts’ (like ‘reblog this within ten minutes or your mum will die’ just tag them with tw: chain post or something) and bullying.
Thanks for reading my rules.
[permanent starter call for mutuals]
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Ez, pronouns: he/him or they/them.
Born 1987
Swedish, but live in the UK.
Diagnosed with autism, ADHD and some mental illness. I don’t mind questions about the first two.
INTP and/or 5w6.
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akatdeity · 5 years
On the Muses -
    Hidan is a priest with extremist tendencies. You will often find him with some sort of weapon in his body as a part of ritual self-mutilation. Body horror, existentialism, and general violence is to be expected, and will be tagged accordingly.
    Hidan is mostly friendly and contemplative, but easily slips into teasing that can be cruel. He isn’t looking for relationships that aren’t between him and the Big Guy Down There. Please be patient with him. Don’t force anything. If you want him to be gentle or soft, please DM to plot out something with the mun.
  The only holy thing this blog recognizes is Jashin, so please - no god modding.
   †   .   †   .   †
    Jashin is a god of life and death. He can often be found among the suffering, judging souls and setting them right. Psychological horror, existentialism, and general creepiness is to be expected, and will be tagged accordingly.
    Jashin is calculating, and stares at men as if they are cogs in the grand scheme of his perfect universe. To him, everything has a balance, and so pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin. He favors very few. Please be patient with him. Don’t force anything. If you want him to be gentle or soft, please DM to plot out something with the mun.
Being a god, he will occasionally intervene in the lives of mortals. Mun will contact you ahead of time as needed. Note that Jashin will not intervene on Hidan’s behalf: his follower will reap what he sows.
   †   .   †   .   †
On the Mun -
Basic Info: Mun has no pronoun preference. Use whatever you like. 
Shipping: Mun is open to almost all pairings where characters have chemistry. 
Hidan/Konan: 🚫
Noncon and domestic abuse: 🚫
NSFW: Mun is 21+. Will write 18+ ships with 21+ RP partners. 
Interactions -
Unless otherwise discussed, Mun usually answers queries assuming that the relationship between characters is that of canon. Muses will interact and ship with everyone, so long as they are compatible! Friendships, rivalry and hateships are also sought after. 
     Style: Paragraph/Prose, usually present-tense.      Length: Match quality not word count.       Asks: 
Put IC dialogue in quotes.
Indicate applicable verses, muse(s) and/or characters. 
If not specified, Mun will choose whatever is inspiring.
    Mutual RP Blogs: ❤️     Non-Mutual RPers: ❤️     Non-RP Blogs: ❤️     Likes & Reblogs: ❤️
All likes are good likes.
Ask before reblogging an RP thread.
Anyone can reblog posts in which Mun is OP. 
    OCs, Alts, Rare and Crossover Characters: ❤️
Please DM a VERY detailed bio prior to interacting. 
   Over-Projection & Kins: 🚫    Callouts/Vagueposts: 🚫
  †   .   †   .   †
    Who are you?
I go by “Akat” on my roleplay Tumblrs, @akatdollie, @akatdeity, and @slcklecell.
If you know my fandom main do not mention it to others, please.
    Are you affiliated with Akatzombie?
No. Akatzombie—though my friend—is run by another wonderfully talented mun.
    Why didn’t you follow me back?
First, this is a side blog. I may have followed you back from my main, “akatsings”. You do not have to follow that blog for me to interact with yours.
Second, I don’t automatically follow back. If I do, I may unfollow at will—nothing against you, I just aim to keep my dash focused for my muses.
Third, if you don’t see that in your follower list, don’t worry! I still answer casual asks (ooc and easy interactions) from anyone, both rp and non-rp blogs.
    How selective are you in general?
I will not respond in detailed prose to any rare, crossover, or OC character without an easy to find biography/intro. I am not researching your muse. That is not fun—it’s homework.
OOC and headcanon asks are fine, though.
I will not answer shipping, violent, or sexual asks for anyone but my mutuals. Even then I only answer what inspires me.
The reason for this is that my muses tend to respond aggressively to unsolicited advances, and I don’t always feel comfortable answering in character.
I won’t thread for anyone but long-term friends or those who respect and understand the dynamics of my characters.
I reserve the right to determine who does and does not meet the above qualifications.
    How selective are you in shipping?
It usually takes me two to three sentences of a reasonable argument/AU to ship something, but I won’t do all the work to make it “happen.”
Further: Just because I generally ship something, doesn’t mean that I will automatically ship my muse with yours. Different muns have different portrayals and different writing styles for the same muses; sometimes these portrayals click. Other times they don’t.
    What if my character doesn’t meet yours in canon?
That’s fine! Just ask or dm me with how you want them to interact (friends? Rivals? Comrades? Etc), plus a scenario where they do meet, and I will tell you how my muse will react in that situation, and then we’ll move on from there.
    What if I want to make an AU for our muses?
Same as above! Give me an idea and we’ll talk about it.
I generally have a lot of open-ended verses that I adapt to fit other people’s muses and ideas. You are free to propose a variation on them, or another verse entirely. However, I won’t be doing all the work in order to get our characters to meet, interact and like/dislike each other—that’s unfair, and too much work on one mun.
If you’re having trouble, start with— “I really think it’s cool if X and Y character—“ etc. Or how you think our characters would work together.
    What if I accidentally break a rule of yours?
If you’re a mutual, I will take a screenshot of the rule and kindly remind you to abide by them. If you’re a stranger, I will automatically soft block or block, depending on how badly the rule was broken and how uncomfortable I feel.
I don’t make these rules to be mean, but to save the time and energy of us all. So if these rules are disregarded, then we will have to cut our losses. I will unfollow when I feel like someone has not read my rule page, and not be inclined to interact.
If you’re unsure if you have broken a rule, please politely ask. I don’t bite really.
    How do I interact with you more?
Send! 👏 More! 👏 Asks!
OOC, or IC, I promise to return the favor.
     Can I have your discord ID?
Nope! This is reserved for long-term friends and mutuals that respect my characters.
If you are one of these people, do not give out my ID without asking, please.
  †   .   †   .   †
Thank you for reading my rules! Mun will extend the same courtesy to you, and will be reading your blog information prior to following or interacting.
   †   .   †   .   †
    Note: Mun works eight to six job Monday through Friday, in addition to running several sideblogs, so replies may be slow. Feel free to poke them if you haven’t heard from them in a while.
About   †   Verses   †   Rules (here)
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930club · 5 years
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GET FAMILIAR: Week of July 8
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Release Title: Rouge (LP)
Release Date: Friday, July 12, 2019
What To Expect: Malaysian-born, self-taught songwriting sensation Yuna has already amassed hundreds of thousands of fans across the globe thanks to her knack for being able to effortlessly convey emotion through personal lyrics and impassioned performances. Her debut US record, Decorate, featured production from Pharrell Williams and her upcoming LP, Rouge, already has a G-Eazy cosign with their single “Blank Marquee.” Not too shabby for someone who got her start after finding herself, “in need of a creative outlet while attending law school, [and decided to perform] for an audience for the first time” in 2006, according to her Wikipedia page.
Yuna’s latest release is the Little Simz assisted “Pink Youth,” a bouncy track with a bassline that sounds like something straight from a Rick James album. The two have a playful back-and-forth on the song, with Simz laying down a solid verse that serves as the perfect complement to Yuna’s melodic vocals. Yuna frequently recruits collaborators from all types of genres to work together, and “Pink Youth” is another shining example of her innate A&R abilities coming to fruition. Based off her previous offerings, we already know that Rouge will include a wide array of killer features. Make sure to give it a listen on Friday, July 12th to see which other artists made the cut.
Grab your tickets now to see Yuna bring her soulful sounds to life 9:30 Club on Tuesday, July 16th.
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Release Title: A Happy Home (LP)
Release Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2019
What To Expect: Washington, D.C.-based production duo FootsXColes describe their music as a “refreshing take on alternative R&B - spacey soul music with futuristic sounds and vivid lyrics” (Spotify). At times, their songs have a high-energy, funk-based flow in the same vein as the Chromeos of the world while their other more mellowed-out tracks are reminiscent of a Blood Orange or Masego. Both members handle their share of songwriting duties while Foots mans the drums and Coles holds things down on the keys. The result is an ever-growing catalog of music that displays an impressive technical mastery of their instruments and a willingness to step out of their comfort zones - traits that can be hard to come by in the crowded sea of modern musicians.
FootsXColes have been quite busy so far in 2019, with Foots backing Toro y Moi’s recent Tiny Desk set as well as the release of a highly entertaining short film to accompany the duo’s groovy new single, “Creep.” “Creep” and their other 2019 release, “Navigate,” both incorporate a variety of far-out, atypical sounds that point to a new creative direction for the group that seems to value experimentation and innovation. The inclusion of horns and vocal distortions is particularly striking, and all signs are pointing to their debut full-length project following these psychedelic tendencies. After years of building their name in the DMV, the FootsXColes team is ready to shake things up on the national stage. Check out A Happy Home when it drops next week.
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Release Title: K.R.I.T. IZ HERE (LP)
Release Date: Friday, July 12, 2019
What To Expect: Mississippi’s finest Big K.R.I.T. has long been one of the rap game’s most consistent MCs. The slick-talking spitter has been putting on for the Dirty South for nearly a decade now, and he’s “single handedly and masterfully [resurrected] the rich heritage of southern hip-hop during its prime in the 90s,” according to his Spotify bio. He was “yee-haw” before Lil Nas X could even get a license to ride down that “Old Town Road,” pumping out seminal country-rap crossover hits like “Country Sh*t” for years now and frequently paying homage to the sounds of southern counterparts like Bun B and Outkast. K.R.I.T. is one of the most gifted lyricists of our time, and his inquisitive bars are constantly splattered with double entendres and provocative punchlines.
He’s never been one to shy away from working with other industry heavy-hitters, and his upcoming album, K.R.I.T. IZ HERE, already appears to be another star-studded affair. According to Pitchfork, “the 19-track project includes guest appearances from J. Cole, Rico Love,” and also, “a new single called ‘Addiction,’ featuring Lil Wayne and Saweetie” that delivers one of the most potent Weezy verses we’ve heardin years. It’s a very laid back track for the sometimes brash K.R.I.T., but he glides on the beat as he describes a lust-filled relationship with his uniquely southern twang. If the single is any indication of what to expect from the LP, then K.R.I.T. fans everywhere are in for quite the treat. Check out what else K.R.I.T. wants to get off his chest when the album drops Friday, July 12th.
- Matt Singer
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ucflibrary · 5 years
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“Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough,   And stands about the woodland ride   Wearing white for Eastertide.   Now, of my threescore years and ten, Twenty will not come again,    And take from seventy springs a score,   It only leaves me fifty more.   
And since to look at things in bloom    Fifty springs are little room, About the woodlands I will go    To see the cherry hung with snow.” -A.E. Housman, Loveliest of Trees
 Welcome to National Poetry Month!
The Academy of American Poets, inspired by the success of Black History Month and Women’s History Month, created National Poetry Month in 1996. It is the largest literary celebration in the world and UCF Libraries are proud to do their part.
UCF Libraries have gathered suggestions to feature 14 books of poetry that are currently in the UCF collection. These works represent a wide range of favorite poetry books of our faculty and staff.
These, and additional titles, are also on the Featured Bookshelf display on the second (main) floor next to the bank of two elevators where they are joined by a selection of nature poetry.
Click on the Keep Reading link below to see the full descriptions and catalog links.
 A Shropshire Lad by A.E. Housman
Housman is a high-water mark of British lyric poetry, and this fine production captures perfectly his strong, melodic beat and decisive rhyme, and his wonderful way with words. Samuel West's cultivated Midlands accent may not be specifically Shropshire, but his voice and reading are true to Housman who was not, after all, some rough Shropshire lad himself but an Oxford don. His Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now and To an Athlete Dying Young are beautifully rendered here. West, you feel, reads poetry as it should be read confidently, with ease and conviction, as if all the world spoke in meter and rhyme.
Suggested by Megan Haught, Teaching & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 All the Poems of Stevie Smith by Stevie Smith
Stevie Smith is among the most popular British poets of the twentieth century. Her poem “Not Waving but Drowning” has been widely anthologized, and her life was celebrated in the classic 1978 movie Stevie. This new and updated edition of Stevie Smith’s collected poems includes hundreds of works from her thirty-five-year career. The Smith scholar Will May collects poems and illustrations from published volumes, provides fascinating details about their provenance, and describes the various versions Smith presented. Satirical, mischievous, teasing, disarming, Smith’s poems take readers from comedy to tragedy and back again, while her line drawings are by turns unsettling and beguiling.
Suggested by Rachel Edford, Teaching & Engagement
 Calling a Wolf a Wolf by Kaveh Akbar
This highly-anticipated debut boldly confronts addiction and courses the strenuous path of recovery, beginning in the wilds of the mind. Poems confront craving, control, the constant battle of alcoholism and sobriety, and the questioning of the self and its instincts within the context of this never-ending fight.
Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 Dirt Eaters by Teri Youmans Grimm
The book was born of the consequences of leaving a place and family steeped in the history and traditions of the South. The poet, having moved to the Midwest, has become a sort of expatriate in her father's eyes, and she herself has underestimated the hold that home would have over her. These poems are a mystical journey back through her ancestry. The dead serve as conjurers and characters both real and mythologized throughout the collection--Uncle Seward, who uses dice and the Bible as a means of prophecy; blind Aunt Ater, who finds solace and doom in biblical numbers; an unlucky man facing certain death as he stands on an alligator's back; and women who gorge themselves on dirt--all find their way back to life in these poems. Dirt Eaters seeks grace in the unlikeliest of people and places. Bound up with the peculiar, however, is the poet's own desire to reconcile the handed-down shame and faulty pride within herself as well as the religion of the ecstatic within her own quiet questioning.
Suggested by Rebecca Hawk, Circulation
 Enough Rope by Dorothy Parker
Suggested by Jamie LaMoreaux, Acquisitions & Collections
 New & Selected Poems by Stephen Dunn
Stephen Dunn is justly celebrated as one of the strongest poets of his generation. Now in this rich gathering, he selects from his eight collections and includes sixteen new poems marked by the haunting "Snowmass Cycle". The heralded clarity and intelligence of Dunn's poems are in full evidence here, as is his ability to charm and evoke pathos. As ever, wit happily resides with seriousness, affirmation coexists with hardship. "I want to find the cool, precise language / for how passion gives rise to passion," Dunn says in one of the new poems. For two decades, such insistence has led him to a wise lucidity that places him among our consequential poets.
Suggested by Rebecca Hawk, Circulation
 Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
One of America's best-loved poets, Edna St Vincent Millay (1892-1950) burst onto the literary scene at a very young age and won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923. Her lyrics and sonnets have thrilled generations of readers long after the notoriously bohemian lifestyle she led in Greenwich Village in the 1920s ceased to shock them.
Suggested by Jamie LaMoreaux, Acquisitions & Collections
 Poems: North & South, a cold spring by Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop was an American poet and writer from Worcester, Massachusetts. She was the Poet Laureate of the United States from 1949 to 1950, a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1956. and a National Book Award Winner for Poetry in 1970. She is considered one of the most important and distinguished American poets of the 20th century.
Suggested by Rachel Edford, Teaching & Engagement
 Selected Poetry of Ogden Nash: 650 rhymes, verses, lyrics, and poems by Ogden Nash
Gathers poems on a variety of subjects including love, marriage, parenthood, modern life, animals, aging, travel, work, and food.
Suggested by Rachel Edford, Teaching & Engagement & Jamie LaMoreaux, Acquisitions & Collections
 The 100 Best Poems of All Time edited by Leslie Pockell
This poetry companion puts favourite poetry and poets from around the world at your fingertips, enabling you to revisit the classics, encounter unfamiliar masterworks and rediscover old favourites.
Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Golden Shovel Anthology: new poems honoring Gwendolyn Brooks edited by Peter Kahn, Ravi Shankar, and Patricia Smith
The last words of each line in a Golden Shovel poem are, in order, words from a line or lines taken from a Brooks poem. The poems are, in a way, secretly encoded to enable both a horizontal reading of the new poem and vertical reading down the right-hand margin of Brooks's original. An array of writers, including Pulitzer Prize winners, T. S. Eliot Prize winners, National Book Award winners, and National Poet Laureates, have written poems for this anthology: Rita Dove, Billy Collins, Nikki Giovani, Sharon Olds, Tracy K. Smith, Mark Doty, Sharon Draper, and Julia Glass are just a few of the contributing poets.
Suggested by Megan Haught, Teaching & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 The Heart Aroused: poetry and the preservation of the soul in corporate America by David Whyte
In The Heart Aroused, David Whyte brings his unique perspective as poet and consultant to the workplace, showing readers how fulfilling work can be when they face their fears and follow their dreams. Going beneath the surface concerns about products and profits, organization and order, Whyte addresses the needs of the heart and soul, and the fears and desires that many workers keep hidden.
Suggested by Rebecca Hawk, Circulation
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
Xiomara Batista feels unheard and unable to hide in her Harlem neighborhood. Ever since her body grew into curves, Xiomara Batista has learned to let her fists and her fierceness do the talking. She pours all her frustration and passion onto the pages of a leather notebook, reciting the words to herself like prayers--especially after she catches feelings for a boy in her bio class named Aman, who her family can never know about. Mami is determined to force her daughter to obey the laws of the church, and Xiomara understands that her thoughts are best kept to herself. When she is invited to join her school's slam poetry club, she can't stop thinking about performing her poems.
Suggested by Emma Gisclair, Curriculum Materials Center
 The Poetry of Arab Women: a contemporary anthology edited by Nathalie Handal
Arab women poets work within one of the oldest literary traditions in the world, yet they are virtually unknown in the West. Uniting Arab women poets from the all over the Arab World anti abroad, Nathalie Handal has put together an outstanding collection that introduces poets who write in Arabic, French, English, and Swedish, among them some of the twentieth century's most accomplished poets and today's most exciting new voices. Translated by distinguished translators and poets from around the world, The Poetry of Arab Women showcases the work of 82 poets, among them: Etel Adnan, Andre Chedid, Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Fadwa Tuqan.
Suggested by Christina Wray, Teaching & Engagement
 The Rain in Portugal by Billy Collins
The Rain in Portugal—a title that admits he’s not much of a rhymer—sheds Collins’s ironic light on such subjects as travel and art, cats and dogs, loneliness and love, beauty and death. A student of the everyday, Collins here contemplates a weather vane, a still life painting, the calendar, and a child lost at a beach. His imaginative fabrications have Shakespeare flying comfortably in first class and Keith Richards supporting the globe on his head. By turns entertaining, engaging, and enlightening, The Rain in Portugal amounts to another chorus of poems from one of the most respected and familiar voices in the world of American poetry.
Suggested by Larry Cooperman, Research & Information Services
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blazc-ignitixn · 6 years
1. This blog is:
Semi-Selective: Everyone is welcome to follow, however I might be a bit choosy about follows back (it's not you, I promise, just me being careful). I'd rather RP with mutuals (easier for me to keep track of replies, nothing more), though IM and Inbox are open for anyone, so feel free to drop by.
Multiship: I’m shipping trash and open to any sort of relationship, from platonic to romantic. I'm biased towards Touya x Hawks and Touya x Tomura, but I'm up to give any ship a try as long as there isn't a too big age gap (no more than 5-6 years) and the younger half of the ship is at least 18-20 (16 and no older than 17 in the Hero Student Verse) , so ask away (no, seriously, I work better knowing if you want to ship in advance, shipping with chemistry is all good but don't be afraid to ask me to ship straight away, I love planning a ship). Respect Touya's sexuality (homosexual) and in the off-chance I say no to a ship, DO NOT try and force it; I can guarantee I won't do the same. Pre-established (platonic) relationships are okay too (meaning Touya met them as a student or sidekick and is already familiar with them as a pro hero), if there's a good base to it, though it'll depend on the muse (Touya isn't exactly the social/trustful type). Absoutely no shipping Touya with any of the UA students and people who are minors in canon.
Multiverse: Interactions with different muses are to be considered to take place in a different verse unless discussed between muns. Same goes for shipping, so there will be no cheating involved (it’s a big no-no for me and makes me really uncomfortable, so don’t even ask).
Multimuse-Friendly: If you have a multimuse blog, feel free to interact with me, just make sure to specify which one of your muses you want to use, especially if we've just started interacting.
Sideblog-Friendly: I'm perfectly alright RPing with sideblogs; you can reblog my promo (tag This Is Our Call [Self Promo]) so I know where to find you, just please send me a message / IM from your main blog if I follow you so I know it's you.
OC-Friendly: Pretty self-explanatory, if your muse is an OC and you want to interact, you’ll be more than welcome. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus though, please (I had a bad experience in this regard). Also, I'd rather if you had a decent bio page so I know as much as I can about your OC, and I'm perfectly fine if your OC is related to a canon character.
AU-Friendly: Your muse is an AU/Canon Divergent version of a canon muse? Fine by me, as long as you have a bio page where you explain said AU/canon divergence so I have an idea about what's different from canon.
Crossover-Friendly: Your muse belongs to a different fandom? That’s perfectly fine! Though be forewarned that I might not follow back quickly (or at all) if it's a fandom I'm not familiar with unless we've been friends for a while (like, from before I joined the BNHA fandom), you have a BNHA AU or I see potential for interactions. It's mostly to keep my dash clean and for my own comfort, nothing against you, so please don't feel bad.  For fandoms I’m familiar with, see rule #20.
Duplicate-Friendly: If your muse is another Dabi, you're more than welcome to interact, I love multiverse mayhem! Time travel, alternate dimension, twin verse, anything goes.
NSFW-Friendly: Both mun and muse are 21+ and open to roleply smut, though it’ll only happen with muses that are at least in their twenties (Touya is 25 in the main verse and I won't RP smut in verses where he's 17 or younger), in which case it’ll be tagged accordingly as Too Hot To Handle [NSFW] and put under ‘read more’ if necessary. I will only RP smut if the other mun is 18+ and comfortable with it as well.
2. I accept interactions with underage muns, but the relationship between our muses will remain strictly platonic. I don't feel confortable writing romantic ships with underage muns due to past experience. Platonic ships are more than welcome though. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
3. No godmodding (controlling my muse yourself) and no metagaming (using knowledge of someone’s muse that a character has no way of knowing).
4. If you don't follow me back when I follow you but are still willing to RP, send me an ask or IM or tag me in a random starter to break the ice. I usually don't approach blogs I follow if they don't follow back for fear of bothering.
5. I’m open to RP via IM and Discord as well, so if we’re mutuals, feel free to ask for my Discord-ID (though I might be selective with giving it).
6. I don’t care about reply length, just write whatever you feel like. I’m perfectly okay with one-liners, para, multi-para and drabble-length replies, whichever floats your boat, as long as you give me something to work with for my own reply.
7. Don’t reblog OOC posts, Rules, Headcanons or threads you’re not taking part to. Seriously, it’s annoying as hell so. Please. Don’t. Do. It! 
8. Feel free to tag me in dash games (no seriously, I love those so the more the merrier) and, if we're mutuals, random starters as well.
9. Triggers might be present (Touya's backstory does include child abuse and domestic violence and he's prone to having panic attacks), but will be tagged accordingly as TW: Trigger (ex. TW: Blood), even if mentioned (in which case it'll be tagged as TW: Trigger Mention), just to be safe. If you want me to tag a specific trigger, just let me know. I don't have any triggers myself, but please tag cheating (in a relationship), animal abuse, torture, rape/non-con and eye-related gore, as they're topics which make me uncomfortable.
10. I’m more than happy to turn asks into threads, as long as we're mutuals. I don't mind either reblogging said ask or starting on a different post, whichever you prefer.
11. Since this blog is based on the 'Dabi is a Todoroki / Touya Todoroki' theory, which includes details of latest manga chapters, spoilers will be present, though they'll be tagged accordingly as Darkest Fire [Spoilers]. In general, I'll tag spoilers from the Internship Arc onward (let me know if you want me to tag earlier spoilers too).
12. I don’t really like to RP angst. Hurt/comfort is okay, though, and my go-to type of thread. Other things I prefer avoiding are dub/non-con, gore, and torture.
13. No hounding / pressuring for replies / answers. I won’t do the same with my RP partners and ask the same courtesy from them. If I haven’t replied in a while, you’re welcome to ask me (gently) via IM. Chances are I’m busy with real life (I’m an university student on my last year), my phone doesn’t work or I need more time to come up with a proper reply.
14. Please keep drama, discourse and anon hate away from me. I’m here to have fun and relax, so don't try and get me involved in stuff like this (it's lowkey triggering for me so please respect it). Much appreciated.
15. Don't be rude. I’m a very kind, considerate individual, I always do my best not to disrespect other people and I hate it when people disrespect me. I’ll gladly accept critiques as long as there’s a good, well-explained reason behind them, but gratuitous rudeness is a big no-no.
16. I don't accept M!A (Magic Anons) so don't send them in unless I request it by writing a post or reblogging a meme (which will happen rarely, if ever). M.A. sent without prompting will be deleted on sight. 
17. I won't take part in or join affiliated RP groups. Last time I did it wasn't a pleasant experience so I'd rather steer away from it for the time being. My activity might be spotty due to IRL stuff so I don't wanna feel pressured to be active at all time. I might make exceptions, but rarely so.
18. No need to send in passwords, I know it can make some people anxious. I myself have no problem sending them in if requested, and in any case I always make sure to read the rules before following/interacting, so I assume you did the same. 
19. For PSAs, look for the Let It Burn [PSA] tag.
20. Regarding crossovers, here’s some of the series I’m into and know very/decently well:
Persona Series
Ace Attorney
Yuri!!! On Ice
Fairy Tail
Pokémon games
Harry Potter
Artemis Fowl
Marvel Cinematic Universe
X-Men Movie 
Ouran High School Host Club
Villainous / Villanos
Saint Seiya (Classic Series, Lost Canvas, Hades, Soul of Gold)
Time Hollow
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Fruits Basket
Mystery Skulls Animated
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 008: Capture the Flag
Previously on BnHA: Deku won his homeroom teacher’s approval by sending a baseball into outer space. Recovery Girl was like, “stop breaking shit.” All the characters got their superhero costumes revealed EXCEPT FOR DEKU because the mangaka is a fucking tease.
Today on BnHA: All Might’s first class! The kids split into teams of two to play Capture the Flag Nuclear Device! And, oh yes
As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 11 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.
hold onto your butts, kids, because we’ve reached the second volume, and judging from the cover it seems like this rivalship is about to heat up
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also this cover totally spoils Izuku’s about-to-be-revealed superhero costume, but that’s okay since I’ve seen it before already
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I’m at a loss for words at how wonderful and perfect this title is. just want to give it a round of applause
and I accidentally saw the title for chapter 9 while I was scrolling through the volume index and. !!!!!!!!!
(it’s “Deku vs. Kacchan” in case you were wondering)
SOMEBODY better have learned how to clench his butt more gently and visualize that damn microwave egg real good, that’s all I’m saying, because shit’s apparently about to hit the fan
ahhh there is a whole page of detailed backstory on how their costumes were made. I’m gonna cry they put so much actual thought into it
LMAO Bakugou helped design his own ridiculous costume
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this will absolutely ensure that everyone takes you seriously, Kacchan
real talk this is the most Gokuderaish shit he’s done so far. I knew he had some nerdiness in him somewhere
there is apparently a Quirk Registry where everyone’s quirk details are kept in some kind of national index. pretty sure this kind of thing was the impetus behind the conflict in the first X-Men film, as well as the first (comic-verse) Marvel Civil War. but I guess it’s not as controversial when 80% of the population has these powers. at that point you’re like “yeah okay let’s make a list”
in Horikoshi’s Wikipedia bio it said he was a huge Marvel fan and it fucking shows. in a good way
lol Izuku’s mom startled him and he hung up on All Might
what is he actually going to list as his quirk though, since the whole One for All thing is supposed to be a secret? what does AM have on his own quirk registry form?
(ETA: in chapter 11 it’s revealed that All Might has told at least 3 other people about his quirk, though. so there’s that. I wonder if he has a friend in the government, or if not, maybe the U.A. principal has some influence. or hell, he probably has a fair amount of influence himself, being the great symbol of peace.)
his mom is apologizing to Izu for her sad crying in his sad flashback. is this going to get emotional. Deku hasn’t cried yet in this chapter and the clock is ticking, so
sob Deku is wearing the costume his mom made him with love. I can’t
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also is this thing really going to hold up when he goes all out? last time he ripped the arm right off of his jacket. I hope he did tell them something about his quirk, otherwise this thing is not going to last
(ETA: lol he did not and lol it did not)
the good thing is that everyone else’s costumes are also so fucking ridiculous that not a one of them can say a damned word
except for this guy
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I don’t know his name. right now he’s Hot Guy in the Corner. but this guy knows how to uniform
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listen, I have heard people compliment my shoes as “really comfortable looking” enough times to know when someone is just trying to be polite and reaching hard. I appreciate the thought though
trying to figure out how those giant boots of hers could possibly be useful for her zero-g powers. especially since she apparently didn’t actually request them. maybe they’ve got magnets or some shit
All Might is embarrassed that Deku made derivative Victory Antennae for his own costume just like All Might’s
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statistically the most heinous villains are more likely to appear indoors. there could be a Heinous Villain standing behind you right now. it may already be too late. hide yo kids hide yo wife
now All Might’s going to split them into two-person teams and sic ‘em on each other
”this teaching thing is fucking easy.” [pats self on back]
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these kids are the best
oh damn he’s actually got a whole involved scenario for the thing. as expected of the man who so obsessively planned every last minute little detail of Izuku’s training
but actually this is just capture the flag
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it’s capture the flag my dude
in theory their partners will be chosen by drawing lots! in reality it’s the all-powerful hand of the mighty mangaka at work
lmao Iida questions if this is really the best way and Izu launches into a lengthy explanation about how it makes sense because it’s similar to what might happen in real life, and Iida fucking apologizes for getting ahead of himself. YOU’VE BROUGHT SHAME UPON YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY IIDA. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE LOTS
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somehow I saw this coming
the guy on Discount Zuko’s right has such a flat head I didn’t register him as a person for a sec and was wondering why Discount Zuko didn’t appear to have a partner
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I’m 99% sure Discount Zuko’s name is Todoroki by the way, but WHEN. WILL. HE. get an actual introduction goddammit?!
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...am I really going to have to learn the rest of these characters’ names too?? there are 16 of them. this is like the goddamn Chuunin Exams all over again
Ochako is so happy to be paired up with Izu, while Izu is Having a Crisis
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yeah son you need to get over that
oh boy here come the ~RANDOM LOTS~
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*I know Yuri on Ice is a named character as well but I CAN’T REMEMBER WHAT IT IS and CLEARLY IT DOESN’T MATTER YET ANYWAY
my GOD those are some fortunate ~RANDOM LOTS~
so what do the other 16 people do, just sit back and watch?
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son of a
I suppose they’ll all take turns and the next four will go once these four are done, though. off-screen of course. fuck those guys
All Might is telling Bakugou to adopt a villain mindset and that it’s okay for him to go all out. All Might out here trying to get Deku killed
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this gon be good
meanwhile Ochaku and Izu are trying to memorize the building’s layout. Ocha isn’t stressed because this time they don’t have to worry about being expelled
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and it must be my birthday because here’s a whole page all about Izuku musing on his and Bakugou’s rivalship
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sooooo this is either gonna be a draw or Bakugou probably will actually lose to him. the latter is going to fuck that kid right up if it happens
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All Might thinks loudly at his son that he’s not going to show him any favoritism
All Might is a fucking liar but it’s cute so he gets a pass
Deku and Ocha are sneaking in through a window. I assume Ocha floated them up there or something. she’s so smart and talented
I wonder if she could just float Iida and Bakugou out of the building so that they wouldn’t have to actually fight them
Izu’s helmet makes him look like Sonic the Fucking Hedgehog and it’s really distracting me
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NOW he looks like the Izuku I’m always seeing on tumblr posts
this Momotaro-looking guy is complaining that Bakugou’s sneak attack wasn’t “manly” but dude he’s supposed to be playing the villain in this scenario
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heh. he’s off the fucking hinges
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”did he just read my moves?” wereeeee you thinking your movement was actually subtle...? let’s go back and take another look
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this is such an obvious attack a three year old could probably read it
not discounting Deku, though. son of a bitch really DID ippon seoi nage the shit out of him
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“Kachaan, you almost always lead with that right hook.” his lifetime of being bullied finally pays off! also, seriously, that was the most obvious right fucking hook anyone’s ever attempted. thanks in part to the always dynamic and interesting art style!
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is... this... actually a compliment somehow...?
no, seriously, he’s leading into a speech about how he’s not gonna sit back and take Kacchan’s shit anymore, but he also just analyzed his attack, and then said that this is something he specifically does with “heroes he thinks are awesome”
for now my verdict is that it is a compliment but it’s probably unintended and he might not be paying attention to what he just said
anyway, Deku’s getting seriously fired up now
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lmao this tiny panel of Iida looking around wondering where everyone else is
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darn him
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...one of these days. one of these days we’ll get there
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my takeaway from this is that some of these characters don’t actually have normal names and are only going to go by their superhero names, which makes me wonder if we’ll ever find out All Might’s name. I want to knoooooow but don’t spoil me please sob
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akatdollie · 6 years
On the Muses -
    Sasori is a puppet master with sociopathic tendencies. You will often find him in his puppet studio converting human beings into specimens in his collection. Body horror, suspense, and general creepiness is to be expected, and will be tagged accordingly.
    Sasori is prickly and rude at worst, and extremely disinterested at best. Please be patient with him, as he will not warm up to most right away. If you want him to be gentle or soft, please DM to plot out something with the Mun.
    ♔   . ♔   . ♔
     The Third is a king who was raised to think he was a god. He has the ego of one, and the schedule of three busy bodies. Interested in strategy, history and philosophy, he will occasionally participate in fiery debates, and is not afraid to play the devil’s advocate. His bloodline is cursed with an early death, and, without intervention, will die no matter the AU. This will be tagged accordingly.
     The only holy thing this blog recognizes is eternal art, so please - no god modding.
On the Mun -
Basic Info: Mun has no pronoun preference. Use whatever you like. 
Shipping: Mun is open to almost all pairings where characters have chemistry. 
Sasori/Deidara, Sasori/Orochimaru: 🚫
Noncon and domestic abuse: 🚫
NSFW: Mun is 21+. Will write 18+ ships with 21+ RP partners. 
Interactions -
Unless otherwise discussed, Mun usually answers queries assuming that the relationship between characters is that of canon. Muses will interact and ship with everyone, so long as they are compatible. Friendships, rivalry and hateships are also sought after!
     Style: Paragraph/Prose, usually present-tense.      Length: Match quality not word count.       Asks: 
Put IC dialogue in quotes.
Indicate applicable verses, muse(s) and/or characters. 
If not specified, Mun will choose whatever is inspiring.
    Mutual RP Blogs: ❤️     Non-Mutual RPers: ❤️     Non-RP Blogs: ❤️     Likes & Reblogs: ❤️
All likes are good likes.
Ask before reblogging an RP thread.
Anyone can reblog posts in which Mun is OP. 
    OCs, Alts, Rare and Crossover Characters: ❤️
Please DM a VERY detailed bio prior to interacting. 
   Over-Projection & Kins: 🚫    Callouts/Vagueposts: 🚫
   ♔   .   ♔   .   ♔
      Who are you?
I go by “Akat” on my roleplay Tumblrs, @akatdollie, @akatdeity, and @slcklecell.
If you know my fandom main do not mention it to others, please.
      Are you affiliated with Akatzombie?
No. Akatzombie—though my friend—is run by another wonderful, talented mun.
      Why didn’t you follow me back?
First, this is a side blog. I may have followed you back from my main, “akatsings”. You do not have to follow that blog for me to interact with yours.
Second, I don’t automatically follow back. If I do, I may unfollow at will—nothing against you, I just aim to keep my dash focused for my muses.
Third, if you don’t see akatsings in your follower list, don’t worry! I still answer casual asks (ooc and easy interactions) from anyone, both rp and non-rp blogs.
      How selective are you in general?
I will not respond in detailed prose to any rare, crossover, or OC character without an easy to find biography/intro. I am not researching your muse. That is not fun—it’s homework.
OOC and headcanon asks are fine, though.
I will not answer shipping, violent, or sexual asks for anyone but my mutuals. Even then I only answer what inspires me.
The reason for this is that my muses tend to respond aggressively to unsolicited advances, and I don’t always feel comfortable answering in character.
I won’t thread for anyone but long-term friends or those who respect and understand the dynamics of my characters.
I reserve the right to determine who does and does not meet the above qualifications.
      How selective are you in shipping?
It usually takes me two to three sentences of a reasonable argument/AU to ship something, but I won’t do all the work to make it “happen.”
Further: Just because I generally ship something, doesn’t mean that I will automatically ship my muse with yours. Different muns have different portrayals and different writing styles for the same muses; sometimes these portrayals click. Other times they don’t.
      What if my character doesn’t meet yours in canon?
That’s fine! Just ask or dm me with how you want them to interact (friends? Rivals? Comrades? Etc), plus a scenario where they do meet, and I will tell you how my muse will react in that situation, and then we’ll move on from there.
      What if I want to make an AU for our muses?
Same as above! Give me an idea and we’ll talk about it.
I generally have a lot of open-ended verses that I adapt to fit other people’s muses and ideas. You are free to propose a variation on them, or another verse entirely. However, I won’t be doing all the work in order to get our characters to meet, interact and like/dislike each other—that’s unfair, and too much work on one mun.
If you’re having trouble, start with— “I really think it’s cool if X and Y character—“ etc. Or how you think our characters would work together.
      What if I accidentally break a rule of yours?
If you’re a mutual, I will take a screenshot of the rule and kindly remind you to abide by them. If you’re a stranger, I will automatically soft block or block, depending on how badly the rule was broken and how uncomfortable I feel. 
I don’t make these rules to be mean, but to save the time and energy of us all. So if these rules are disregarded, then we will have to cut our losses. I will unfollow when I feel like someone has not read my rule page, and not be inclined to interact.
If you’re unsure if you have broken a rule, please politely ask. I don’t bite really.
      How do I interact with you more?
Send! 👏 More! 👏 Asks!
OOC, or IC, I promise to return the favor.
      Can I have your discord ID?
Maybe! This is reserved for long-term friends / mutuals that respect my characters. 
If you are one of these people, do not give my ID out without asking, please.
    ♔   .   ♔   .   ♔
Thank you for reading my rules! I will extend the same courtesy to you, and will be reading your blog information prior to following or interacting.
Note: Mun works eight to six job Monday through Friday, in addition to running several sideblogs, so replies may be slow. Feel free to poke them if you haven’t heard from them in a while.
 About | Verses | Rules (Here)
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