#x-men insp
anotherquirkhelpblog · 2 months
Slow Poisoning
Gives the user a highly poisonous body that can kill someone if touched for too long.
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caeslxys · 1 month
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revelations your flesh
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jackyjango · 6 months
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Inspired X-Men Movies -Part 14
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eoieopda · 9 months
all my dreamin' | hjs
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all my dreamin' is only put to shame / and darlin', all my dreamin' has only been given a name / but it came easy, darlin' / as natural as another leg around you in the bed frame.
pairing: joshua hong x reader summary: your LA boyfriend wasn't built for midwest winters. ⇢ insp. by hozier's "to someone from a warm climate (uiscefhuarithe)" type: one-shot | fluff 'n smut wc: only 2.5k! au: established relationship rating: 18+ (minors do not have my consent to interact) cw: afab! and american!reader; cuddling (👀) for warmth; gropin’ and grindin’; k*ss*ng; slow, unprotected morning sex; p in v penetration. a/n: i love two (2) men — andrew hozier byrne and hong jisoo. idk what else you want me to say, lol. barely proofread (sorry!) 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
Slatted shades don’t stand much of a chance against the blinding white outside your window. It seeps through the cracks, sunshine refracting harshly off of knee-deep snow and stinging eyes that haven’t yet consented to opening fully. 
Even though that laser-focused beam of light hits you between your eyebrows, it’s not the reason you’re awake in the first place. The real reason is next to you with his head ducked under the covers, rubbing his flannel-coated legs together like he’s trying to start a fire.
“Cricket?” You mumble. 
Still heavy with sleep you didn’t get enough of, your head lolls to the side. If your boyfriend was still topside, you’d be nose to nose; but he’s not, and he doesn’t seem to hear you from inside the cocoon he’s made for himself. 
A little louder, your gravelly voice makes a second attempt. “Are you alive under there?”
“No,” comes the world’s most pitiful whimper from somewhere near your rib cage.
You don’t know what you expected.
With a muffled grunt of effort, you pull the edge of the covers away from your chin and wiggle your way down. In the half-light, you can’t make out Joshua’s face in its entirety. His sweatshirt strings are pulled tight and knotted, hiding most of his features from the air his breath has already started to make hot. All that’s left is the tip of his nose, one eye, and a single, loose wave between the two.
There’s also a hint of a frown in there somewhere when he peeps, “I’m cold.”
You shift even further until he’s within swaddling distance. Wrapping one leg over his topmost thigh, you pull him closer and allow him to nestle his face into the spot below your chin. From where he’s hiding, he can’t see you smirking. It’s for the best, really.
“Hi, Cold.”
You don’t listen. Instead, you snicker, more to yourself than him, “I’m Dad.”
Joshua lets out a long groan in reply, but that’s no surprise; you’re huddled so closely together that you felt it building in his chest. 
When it grows quiet again, and you’re no longer laughing at your own joke, the two of you each deflate against each other. Yesterday’s journey from LAX was exhausting in and of itself, and the several-hour leap in time hasn’t made things any easier since you landed. Neither has the weather surrounding your family’s cabin, although you’re faring much better than Joshua is.
His groggy voice comes out of nowhere, startling you. “I don’t know why people live here on purpose.”
From the sound of it, he’s already halfway back to sleep. His arm slips over your waist and pulls you closer, and you get the sneaking suspicion that he’d slip into the front of your sweatshirt if he thought for sure that he could fit. Frankly, you’re shocked he hasn’t tried. His clinginess increases exponentially when he’s exhausted.
“The midwest isn’t a choice; it’s a consequence,” you sigh. “I think being born here was a penance for crimes I committed in a past life.”
Without opening his eyes, Joshua mumbles, “Bleak.”
“Bleak indeed, cricket.”
The third time really must be the charm. Joshua snorts, much too tired to laugh any harder than that, and asks, “Does that mean what I think it means?”
Biting back a smile, you tilt your head backwards enough to kiss his forehead — what little you can see of it, anyway.
“That your self-warming violin legs kept me up all night?” Your amusement only grows when you peek down at him and find him glaring up at you. “Yes. Yes, it does.”
Lower lip poking out, he scrunches his eyebrows. As offended as he pretends to be, he can’t hide that ever-present twinkle in his eyes. “You could have saved me, you know,” he sniffs.
You mimic his tone with a smirk. “I turned the thermostat up as high as it goes, you know.”
The most you get out of him is a grunt acknowledging that he heard you. Normally, you’d accept this lack of retort as a demurrer, but then you feel his cold fingertips slink below the waistband of your sleep shorts, chilling the bare skin at your hip bone; and it finally hits you.
The thermostat wasn’t the remedy Joshua had been praying for.
As you untie the strings of his sweatshirt hood, you tell yourself that it’s retaliation that motivates your movements — paying him back for his freezing hands by exposing his face to equally cold air. That’s bullshit, though, and you know it. The truth is that you can’t card your fingers through hair that’s covered in thick, grey fabric.
You can’t steal kisses from hidden lips, either.
When Joshua’s mouth is finally on yours, you giggle without meaning to because he still tastes like last night’s spearmint toothpaste. You’d love to tease him for it, but your mind goes blank before you can try. He licks into your mouth, and your snark turns into a breathy little moan instead; he swallows it eagerly, smiling against your lips.
Pinch me. I’m dreaming.
The sudden snap of your elastic waistband against the small of your back makes you jolt. You pull back, lips swollen and kiss-bitten, and balk. He doesn’t give you the opportunity to scold him, however.
“You’re insane for wearing shorts when it’s this cold,” Joshua insists. When you don’t bother to justify your decision — you’re not as much of a freeze baby as he is — he nips at your bottom lip. “I’m grateful, though. They’re easier to work around.”
You’re grateful that his hands have gotten warmer, the longer they cling to you, but you don’t say as much out loud — your body responds for you. His fingers knead into the flesh of your ass, and you roll your hips forward, chasing friction. You find it easily; it’s growing thicker by the second.
“Shit, sweetheart.” He’s still so tired that his words come out slurred — adorable — yet rough around the edges, which drives you the slightest bit wild. “Please do that again.”
“You just want me to do all the work.” You nudge the tip of his nose with yours. The sharp contrast in temperature isn’t lost on you; in fact, you adore it. His sensitivity to cold is one of a million endearing things about him. “Isn’t that right, cricket?” 
The half-expectant, half-sheepish look Joshua sends you confirms that yes, he does. But he asked nicely, and this isn’t on the shortlist of things you wouldn’t do for him, so you grant his wish without complaint.
It’s more than a little bit pathetic that such a lazy motion — a fully-clothed one, at that — makes you both moan in tandem. It’s haphazard, the way your fumbling fingers reach for the knot of his waistband. Your motor skills are still asleep, it seems, making an easy task infinitely more difficult. It only gets worse, the more frustrated you get.
You snag a fingernail on the stubborn flannel and hiss, “Jesus.”
“It’s pronounced Jisoo,” he supplies unhelpfully. 
To avoid the consequences of that quip, Joshua ducks his head down to leave a smattering of lazy kisses along the length of your neck. Whatever you might’ve clapped back with is replaced with a relieved sigh when the drawstrings’ vice grip on one another finally gives. 
Tugging unsuccessfully at the waistband in your hands, you pout. “Help.”
With the way he whines, you’d think you asked him to move a mountain. 
Melodramatically, Joshua’s head drops sideways. It lands with a muffled thump against the scrunched-up comforter that still surrounds you. He doesn’t move another muscle until you open your mouth to nag him; still frowning, still uncoordinated, his hands take the place of yours. His hips lift just enough for him to shimmy his pajama pants down — just enough to provide access.
You roll your eyes at his refusal to undress any further, but before he can remind you of how cold he is, you catch him by the mouth. Successfully placated, Joshua accepts your lips on his with an appreciative hum. That sound transforms into something bordering a groan when your hand claims his length and starts stroking him slowly.
Just like that, Joshua melts under your touch, like putty molding to your frame. His leaking cock is the exception; the only part of him that seems awake enough to beg for you. He’s throbbing in your hand and — once again — you can’t help but laugh. 
Joshua’s incredulous eyes widen, silently demanding an explanation. 
“Some of you is warm,” you offer with a cheeky grin. To ease that wrinkle between his brows, you envelope the crown of his cock with your palm and roll your wrist. The gentle squeeze prompts him to grind forward into your fist, making your stomach flip. “Must be thawing out a little bit.”
“Not fair,” he says, even though he’s moaning with screwed-shut eyes. “Can’t tease me until I’m adequately caffeinated. The Keurig is a million miles away.”
It’s one room over. 
The cabin you’ve borrowed from your parents is a mere six-hundred square feet.
You digress.
The prospect of coffee makes it even harder to fight off the urge to yawn, but you manage to do so. You manage to shimmy even closer to him, too, until the only barrier left is a thin layer of damp cotton. It’s his hand that drops down now to push it aside, making you shiver; and it’s him looking at you through half-lidded eyes that stokes the fire simmering in your belly.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” Joshua whispers. 
If his words weren’t invitation enough, the come hither motion of his fingers is. The brush of his fingertips against your clit is so enticing that you decide right then and there to follow wherever he leads. 
You’re the one melting when the tip of his cock replaces his fingers, flicking over that same spot, then gliding through your slicked folds. Each pass pulls another needy sigh right out of you. He takes every little sound he can tease out of you, as if he’s collecting them. 
When the target switches to your entrance, however, you go silent. Your fingers grip the sleeve of his sweatshirt, your forehead drops to lean against his, and your gasp dies on your tongue. It comes out of Joshua’s mouth instead, spearmint breath cooling as it fans across your face.
He might never say so out loud, but this is his favorite way to fuck you — holding you close against him, holding eye contact, holding his eagerness back to slide into you slowly. When he watches your breath catch, his pupils dilate; and he licks his lips, as if he tastes the moans you can’t quite vocalize.
For what it’s worth, you love him like this, too. Him and the drag of his cock; the way it makes pleasure course through you like molasses. The way he capitalizes on the angle of your leg draped over his hip, tilting up to graze your g-spot with a dizzying precision.
As hard as you try, you can’t think of anything better than this. There’s nothing as perfect as his hand’s light hold on your ass cheek, guiding you up and down his length; so fucking deep, but in no rush at all.
Mornings were made to be spent tangled up with him.
“Do you hear that?” Joshua murmurs against your lips. You thread your fingers through his hair and nod, whimpering as you cling to him even tighter. 
How could you not? 
Your arousal floods with every languid thrust, and you know without looking that he’s completely coated in you. And if his satisfied smirk tells you anything, it’s that he can feel you dripping from his shaft down to his balls. You have no reason to doubt it; your inner thighs are a mess.
Joshua takes his hand off your ass just to hitch your leg even higher up on his side. Immediately, you see stars. You can’t even articulate how fucking incredible it feels, having him this deep, so you kiss him with more desperation than you ever have; and you hope he can guess how close you are to unraveling.
It’s impossible to say whether he can read your mind or just your body, but Joshua picks up the pace ever so slightly. As he does, there’s a subtle swirl to his hips when he thrusts into you that has every one of your synapses lighting up like a switchboard. 
“Fuck,” is your eloquent, shuddered response. 
It’s the best you can offer when you're falling apart like this, clenching tightly around him to push you both closer to the edge. No better off, Joshua seems like he’s barely surviving the way your cunt grips him. His voice sounds as shaky as you feel: 
“I l-love it when you do that.” 
To prove it, he flicks his tongue along your bottom lip and begs you to open up for him. You comply automatically, earning a pleased hum from him that tingles down your spine.
You’d kiss him like this all day if you could, but the wildfire burning through the pit of your abdomen is becoming impossible to fight. Ironic, you think, given how completely you’ve soaked through your sleep shorts and how much you’re shivering.
Involuntarily, your head tilts backwards as the pleasure blooms. Joshua traps your bottom lip between his teeth — not hard enough to hurt, but firmly enough to keep you from disappearing. You know him; you know how much he loves to watch your pupils blow when you cum all over him, and that dead-set determination is crystal clear in the way he fights to keep his heavy-lidded eyes open.
He loses that battle mere seconds after your choked gasp, when your walls flutter around him and you start trembling. He’s twitching inside of you, release spilling, and now he’s the one who starts to laugh.
“What?” You’re still floating somewhere in the stratosphere, but you manage to snort, landing a playful swat on his bare hip. He doesn’t react at all, but you massage your palm into his flesh to soothe him anyway. “What’s so funny?”
In a sudden burst of energy, Joshua’s hands fly up to grab the comforter resting over your heads. With a grunt, he flings it off of you both, thrusting your unsuspecting body into cold air. He doesn’t even notice your startled yelp.
“So hot in there,” he pants. For emphasis, he runs the back of his hand over his forehead. He wasn’t lying; there’s a faint sheen of sweat on his knuckles when he pulls them away again. “Jesus. It’s like a fucking sauna.”
You reach out to unstick a strand of hair from his slicked skin, then you let your arm flop limply back against the pillows. Grinning, you tease, “I thought it was pronounced Jisoo.”
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harunovella · 2 years
could i be more obvious? ; e.y.
synopsis: It felt as if Eren spent his life chasing after you, but with bad luck came bad results... that is until a near fatal incident finally brings the two of you together. Of course, that was all thanks to his alter ego, Spider-Man... and who would've guessed that the man behind the mask was the man you had been crushing on, too? | spider-man!eren x fem!reader
cw: modern setting (high school/senior year), mutual pining + first dates (if that's even a warning?), loss of virginity/first times, oral (m → f), fingering, hand jobs... idk if i'm missing any! (MDNI!)
wc: 13k+
an: crossposting this on tumblr as I've been solely writing on ao3 only but thought I'd start putting my work on here too! this honestly was insp by a dream i had so don't mind me, i love the idea of spidey eren; title inspo ♥
Having a brain for a best friend was always a bonus when they helped advanced your super suit—at least, that was the case for Eren Yeager. Armin insisted in many necessary additions to (what once was) Eren's cheesy version of his spidey suit. Or, as he liked to call it, Mark I. A vibration was felt against his hip as he was in the midst of disarming one of the five thieves surrounding him. "Do you all mind if I get that?" He asked as he lifted a finger, his other now outstretched as a web had shot out and blocked one of the criminals from pulling the trigger.
The men all exchanged looks in confusion as the masked vigilante—hero—reached to his side and pulled out his sleek, smartphone. "What the hell—"
Pulling back and flicking his wrist as a web silence of the thug who spoke, Eren tapped the answer button after reading the name. "Armin, now is not the time, I'm in the middle of handling a robbery."
"Right now? You're about to miss prom!"
Growing wide eyed—as the white eyes of his mask grew, too—Eren cursed, "shit, I lost track of time!"
The sound of a gun shot and multiple whoa's on Armin's end caused him to gasp, "Eren, be careful!"
"Eren, you better not be endangering yourself!" Mikasa exclaimed.
"I— I'm okay!" Eren panted, dodging bullets before swiping his leg and knocking the man firing off his feet. Slinging some webs, yanking away the weapons, Eren kept his phone against his head, "I'll be there soon! I promise!" He shouted, hung up and webbed up the five men together. Hanging them upside down from the bank's ceiling, the crowd that was hidden cheered.
Letting out a sigh as he heard the police sirens, he took a few steps back to eye his work—he loved hanging up criminals from his webs. It made them look like they were about to be feasted on.
Turning away and eyeing the civilians that now stood from their hiding spaces, he saluted them, "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man saved the day, yet again!" Waving, he looked out the window to see a collection of police cars lining up. Turning his attention down to his phone, he gasped at the time. "Shit— Gotta go!" He waved at the civilians before rushing out through a hole in the wall caused by the robbers.
"Spider-Man saved us!" A kid shouted as Eren rushed into the nearby alley, smiling to himself before he stopped at a dumpster. Reaching behind it and pulling out his duffle bag, he quickly removed his mask and pulled on his prom suit. Tucking his mask into the inner pocket of his jacket, Eren haphazardly tied back his hair before fleeing the area.
"Sometimes I wish we didn't know our best friend was a superhero," Armin said as he rubbed his face while Mikasa stood beside him on the balcony. "It's like living every day unsure of whether or not we will see him again."
"He'll be fine," the grey eyed young woman nodded. "I know he will." Hearing a grunt come from behind them, the two instantly turned, eyes now wide. "Did you really fly around in that?" Mikasa pointed at the suit the man before her was wearing.
Eyeing himself, Eren nodded with a smirk, "not a single scratch. Quite impressive."
Sighing, Mikasa walked over and fixed his hair, pushing aside the loose strands that were scattered all over his forehead. "What if someone saw you?" She asked, concerned.
Shaking his head, Eren buttoned up his jacket as Mikasa handed him his favorite rings. Slipping them on while Armin patted down his suit, he rolled his eyes, "not when I'm stories high. You can barely tell what the hell I'm even wearing."
"Yeah, well, with the cameras today, anyone can spot you," Armin shook his head before rounding his best friend, making sure nothing seemed out of place. Then, he handed him an emerald green tie, "I knew you'd forget it."
"Thanks, 'Min," Eren smiled as he tied up his tie around his shirt's collar, "what would I do without the two of you?"
"Perish," Mikasa casually said as Armin chuckled. "Let's get going, we only have our senior prom once." Turning and walking ahead as Armin took her side, Eren followed shortly after.
Mikasa was in a deep burgundy gown with a slit that her leg peeked through. The straps of her dress were thin and crossed at the back as she held a small matching clutch. Her lipstick—to no surprise just like her hair and nails—all black. It was her. Armin, on the other hand, wore a dark blue tuxedo and had a grey bow tie to adorn it. Eren? He stuck to a simple black suit, not needing anything fancy when he wasn't sure if and when he'd have to rip it right off. Of course he kept his super-suit on underneath, it was like second skin at this point.
"Wow..." the three said in awe, eyeing the ballroom with its large chandeliers and a flashing disco ball above the dance floor. The lights were dim and the decorations of stars and constellations made it feel like they were in a planetarium. Under the Night Sky was the theme their class voted on. So, as expected, many were wearing silvers, blacks, and any other matching shades.
"You guys!" A voice called out as the trio looked over, spotting a familiar face wave their hand. "I got us all a table!"
"Hey Sasha!" Armin waved as the three walked over, noticing that her boyfriend—Niccolo—and Jean were already seated. "Where's Connie?"
"On the dance floor with the ladies already," Jean pointed with his thumb as the trio looked over to see that Connie was—in fact—dancing with a group of girls who cheered him on. "For a man who attracts that kind of attention, it amazes me how he never gets laid."
"Does it really surprise you?" Sasha asked as she had taken her seat and began stuffing her face with appetizers. "I mean, he's an idiot."
"You're one to talk," Jean teased.
"I have a boyfriend!" She exclaimed, mouth full as Niccolo patted her shoulder, mumbling for her to calm down so she wouldn't choke. The couple matched, Sasha in a canary yellow, backless gown as Niccolo's bow tie was the same color.
Jean, on the other hand, wore a simple black tuxedo—one Connie apparently got the same of—as both wore ties in matching colors. Jean was pissed, to say the least, when he saw Connie had the same look, claiming he just got inspiration from him. It also didn't help that Jean had a burgundy tie to coincidentally match Mikasa, but now it looked like he was there with Connie as his date. "Don't even say it," the young man with the mullet spoke as Eren's eyes bounced between him and a wild Connie dancing afar.
Lifting up his hands in defense, Eren walked over and took the open seat beside him, knowing very well Jean was saving it for Mikasa. "Thanks for saving me a seat, Jean boy."
"You bastard, you know it's for Mikasa," Jean mumbled through tight teeth, earning a pat on the shoulder from the green eyed man next to him.
Taking a seat next to Eren, Mikasa looked up at Armin to see he was in a trance. Following his eyes and spotting Annie in the distance speaking to Hitch, Mikasa smiled, "go say hi to her."
Blinking with a blush, Armin nodded, "right... I'll— I'll be right back."
Turning his head to see what Mikasa and Armin were talking about, Eren's eyes landed on the small group in the distance. Annie standing with Hitch as they spoke beside another table. Said table had Bertolt, Porco, Colt, Pieck, and... "Where's Reiner?" Eren asked, eyes searching the crowd.
"Looks like he just got here with your girlfriend," Jean smirked, punching Eren's arm as the brunet hissed and flicked Jean's forehead.
"Asshole," turning in his seat and eyeing the entrance, Eren's eyes landed on the broad man walking in with a smirk on his lips. Reiner easily towered everyone around him, including the woman on his arm... you. Eren's heart skipped a beat. Your gown was insanely gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you looked. The tied up spaghetti straps, the sheer green fabric of the skirt that had shimmering designs beneath, a matching shawl... oh, how you looked like a princess. It didn't help that you were wearing a green much like the tie he had been wearing. Definitely a coincidence... it wasn't like you knew, anyway.
"Don't stare," Mikasa patted Eren's arm as he blinked, unable to peel his eyes from you, your soft makeup and that updo of yours that had strands of hair framing your face. An arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in as Reiner held you close. That should have been him by your side. "Eren, you're being obvious..."
"She looks so beautiful..." he whispered, watching as you and Reiner greeted people, walking by his table and saying quick hello's before moving along. "Oh, god, she smells amazing—"
"How the hell did you get that?" Jean asked with a look of disgust on his face, Eren turning and glaring at him.
"Dumbass, she walked right by! It hit me!" He hissed.
"Damn, Eren, that could've been you if you didn't have such bad luck," Sasha pointed out, finishing her second plate as Eren sighed.
"Thanks for the reminder..." He groaned, slouching in his seat as his eyes shifted back to the direction you went in... watching you enjoy the night.
It seemed that was all he was destined to do at prom: watch you have fun with everyone but him.
Mikasa had insisted he get up and enjoy the evening, dance and be entertained, but Eren found himself sulking. Sinking deeper and deeper into his seat the more he eyed you. It was embarrassing at how long he had, occasionally looking away when you turned in his direction. He knew he should've joined his friends—hell, even Armin was having the time of his life on the dance floor with everyone else—but he had pictured this night so differently.
If it wasn't for the fact that he always had bad timing with you, maybe then he would've already had you long ago.
Eren wasn't much of an outcast or someone to look past, he made a name for himself all those years ago in junior high, back when he was chaotic. Always getting himself into some new mishap, always the center of attention with his eccentric personality. Of course, now as a young adult at the lovely age of 18, he liked to believe he was much more mature than he was then. Though, still a bit of an odd ball, he was well rounded. Mikasa and Armin would always be his best friends, but there was no denying that he had friends all over the school. Ranging from different ages and groups, he was quite the social butterfly. He knew so many people, he caught the hearts of so many girls... yet, he could never have yours.
Turning down various girls who asked him to dance as he stubbornly moped in his seat, Eren watched as his friends danced together to the upbeat music. Smiles plastered on their faces as they jumped and laughed altogether. Mikasa broke out of her shell alongside Armin as Sasha and Connie circled them with foolish movements that had the group in tears. Just as the upbeat tempo had everyone bouncing around, it soon slowed and turned into a smooth number. Jean took Mikasa to a side as Niccolo brought Sasha with him. Armin shyly approached Annie while other couples paired up. Eren's eyes (once again) landed on you as you stood to the side and watched happily.
How come you weren't joining in with Reiner?
Looking around for your supposed date for the evening, Eren sucked on his teeth before rolling his eyes at the sight of Reiner talking up a storm to Historia. Now's my chance, he thought as he stood from his seat and approached you. You stood with your hands held together before you, a gentle smile on your lips before your head turned at the sound of Eren clearing his throat. "May I have this dance?"
Eyeing the brunet before you, your eyes trailed over to the blond who was meant to be the one asking. Your shoulders dropped as you sighed at the sight of him so close and personal with Historia, though knowing fairly well he almost stood no chance. It wasn't like you had a raging crush on Reiner, he was a nice guy, but he was nothing more than your prom date. He had asked you. Why couldn't he act like the prom date he was supposed to be?
Noticing the way a small frown took on your lips, Eren bit on his own. This wouldn't have happened if he had asked you. This wouldn't have happened if he wasn't always being interfered whenever it came to you.
It all started back then in junior high; when he was the class trouble maker and you were the star student. He knew he was out of your league, being the chaotic boy he was, but that didn't stop him from falling head over heels for you: the teacher's pet. Eren always found himself in the messiest situations, and when he had, you always so happened to be there. Watching, eyeing him with such disappointment. His smiles always faded at that. Somehow, you always caught him at his worst but was nowhere to be seen at his best.
If it wasn't Eren being scolded outside of classrooms or in the principle's office, it was him getting his ass beaten—alongside Armin, Jean, and Connie—in a stupid Fight Club made for a bunch of 13 year old boys. And, like aways, you walked by at the perfect moment with your little group of friends to see him getting his ass handed to him.
Instead of making a good impression, to get you enamored in him, it always ended up being Eren embarrassing himself in front of you. He knew it was karma for how immature he was, why else wouldn't you give him the time of day? He was reckless, a ball of fire... and no matter how many times he tried to get you to be his, something always got in the way. Another mess to be dragged into, another look of shame from you.
Snapping out of his thoughts as he gazed down at you, Eren noticed the way your lips parted, how you were just about to speak before a tall blond interfered. "Let's dance," Reiner grinned as he took your hand and pulled you to the dance floor, leaving Eren there with tight fists and barred teeth. You gave him a sympathetic look before you were lost in the crowd. Reiner did it on purpose, he must've.
"Hey, let's get some punch!" Armin said as he popped out of nowhere, Mikasa appearing as well as she gently pulled Eren away.
"Always a loser, huh? Can never get the girl, can you, Eren?" Jean laughed, earning a threatening scowl from Eren.
"I'm going to get some air for a bit, you guys enjoy the night, don't worry about me," the brunet said, eyes low as he gently peeled off Mikasa's hand before walking away.
Wanting to follow, Armin gently tugged her back, "let him be... he's been struggling all night."
"But..." stopping herself, Mikasa nodded. "Fine..."
It didn't take long for Eren to slip past the crowd of students spread throughout the entrance of the ballroom. He took the first elevator that opened, slid in, and leaned his back against the glass wall. Rubbing his face with a sigh, Eren thought about you. Thought about how pointless it was to have a stupid crush on you for so long. Thought about how everyone was about to graduate and move on with their lives and he'd still be pinning over you. Maybe he shouldn't have come to prom. Maybe he should've just kept on being the good superhero he was and find another person in distress. It wasn't like fighting crime was uncommon, hell, he could do it right now. All he had to do was swing around and find someone in need within seconds.
Hearing the elevator ding as he snapped out of his thoughts, Eren made his way into the lobby and out the front doors. A gust of wind greeted him as he made his way down the long steps, stopping at the last few before sitting down. He just needed a breather, a moment to collect himself, to stop being such a pathetic man. Slow dances would end, everything would go back to normal. Maybe then he could distract himself with his friends, take photos in the photo booth, entertain their we have to do everything at prom since it only happens once! desires. He'd be a good friend and stop sulking around. Yeah, he just needed to breathe in some fresh (city) air, star gaze the few stars the light pollution allowed him to see, and force you out of his head.
Yet, not thinking about you was near impossible. You were on his mind 24/7. You were all he thought about when his thoughts weren't filled with his future and his alter ego. Why couldn't he just let you go? After trying for so long, after all the missed opportunities, all the signs that told him you were never meant to be... why couldn't he just give up? Why did he have to be so persistent and want you and only you so badly?
This is why you'll die a virgin. She will move on with her life and you will just be the man behind the mask who never got laid.
His internal monologue went on and on and he found himself sinking into his spot until, suddenly, he sprung up. His senses were going off, tingling around his head as he eyed his surroundings. His skin went cold, hair standing as goosebumps formed. He went rigid, his heart skipping a beat as his gut turned. He knew what this meant. He hated this feeling. Something bad—
His ears started to ring. It happened too fast, even for him. Debris was all over the place, he ducked forward and held his head out of instinct before turning around and eyeing the building he sat before. Jumping to his feet as hordes of people rushed out, a scorching fire blazed through the building, glass shattering and crashing below.
Pushing past the people as he looked around, much too many of them getting in his way, his eyes landed on his friends. Armin, Mikasa... Sasha, Niccolo, Jean and Connie... He spotted Annie and Reiner and— Where were you?
"Eren!" Mikasa and Armin exclaimed in unison as they rushed to him, both looking startled but luckily in tact.
"Where— Where is she?" He asked, his tall frame giving him the advantage he needed to search the crowd frantically. Lowering his focus to his best friends as they exchanged looks, the three of them then looked over at Reiner, who stood beside Annie, trying to catch their breaths. "Reiner!" Eren called out, forcing his way to him. "Where is she?!" He asked, grabbing the man's suit jacket. "Why isn't she with you?!"
Knowing who he meant, Reiner shook his head, "I— I lost her in the mess—"
"Lost her?!" Eren panicked. "How the fu—" biting his tongue, he shook his head before his body began to move. He didn't have to think it through. He had to do this. If you weren't down there with them, then you must've been still up there, trapped.
"Eren!" Mikasa called out.
"Don't go in there!" Armin exclaimed, the two trying to reach him, only to be pushed further away from the building as the crowd continued to gush out and way from the hotel.
Ignoring them and rushing inside, seeing how the lobby was full of smoke and debris, how the power flickered and the glass scattered across the floor, he made a beeline to the staircase.
The building had been cleared out, Eren saw no one rushing down the staircase as he pulled apart his suit and made his way to the fifth floor with speed. He rushed through the halls before tossing his clothes along the way, slipping his mask out from his jacket and onto his head as it helped filter out the thick smoke.
His voice boomed as he called your name, searching through the halls and bathrooms, opening and closing accessible doors. He tried not to make matters worse, focusing on his breathing and finding you. He learned this long ago after he decided he would become a hero to his people. He couldn't have a full blown panic attack now.
He continued to call your name, hearing the crackling of flames and the crunching of glass and other materials beneath his feet. Eren ran as fast as he could to the ballroom door's seeing them wide open as he slid right in, continuously calling your name. The round tables were destroyed, some engulfed in flames as others were shoved and tossed to a side. Chairs scattered, the decorations hung low and were cinched. His eyes landed on the expanding fire towards the kitchen at the back.
It must've originated there. Turning his attention away, calling out for you, Eren clenched and unclenched his fists. He was focused but he was uneasy. How many lives has he saved? How many has he lost? He hated thinking about the latter and he refused to add you to the existing list.
He had done anything and everything in his power to protect you when you were and weren't aware. You lived in a bustling city, danger was everywhere. Car crashes, kidnappings, violence and crime... anything that ever came your way, he was always there to prevent you from being a casualty. But now? Now he couldn't even find you and the anxiety was starting to rise up in his throat like bile.
Eren refused to believe you had perished within the flames, refused to believe that he couldn't save you. He cried out your name, almost begging for you to respond back. He screamed and screamed, and when he tried to scream once more, distant coughs were heard.
Snapping his head in its direction, towards the far left corner of the ballroom, near the glass windows, Eren rushed over. A pillar had collapsed and all he could see was a piece of cloth—a shawl. Your shawl. He called your name once again and you coughed in response. Quick on his feet, he yanked back the column with all the strength he could muster as his webs latched onto the concrete. Grinding his teeth and pulling back before it could collapse any further, Eren rushed to your curled body and pulled you into his arms.
In a matter of seconds he got the two of you out and over to the next building's roof top before another burst of fames exploded within the ballroom.
Lying you down carefully, head rested on his hand, Eren leaned in to listen to your barely there breathing. His heart raced faster than it already had. Thunder filled the night sky matching it's beat as rain began to scatter, drop by drop before showering you both. Removing his mask as he eyed your face, he brushed your hair away at the sight of the few cuts and bruises that scattered across your skin. Feeling your pulse, Eren cursed under his breath before he brought his mouth to yours, pinching your nose and performing CPR.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
Please. Please. Please.
Hearing your cough again as he quickly sat up and eyed you, a pained groan left you as your eyes fluttered open. Eren gazed at you with relief as his shoulders slumped. Tears formed in his eyes at the sight, vision being blurred now not only by the downpour. He brought his hand to his face, rubbing it before he snapped his head up and looked at you. Your hooded eyes blinked a few times, blurred vision focusing. "E— ren...?"
The mask! My mask! Where is it?! Frantically searching around, a hand suddenly wrapped around his wrist. Slowly looking down at you, Eren bit his tongue. You weren't supposed to see him. You weren't supposed to know. You weren't—
Your hand reached up to his cheek, resting there as you took in deep breaths. "Eren..." you said again, this time more audible.
"Please... Please don't tell anyone," he shook his head as he shut his eyes. "No one knows... I made sure you would never find out but—"
"Eren," you slowly sat up as the man's eyes widened, hands reaching out to help you. "What do you... What do you mean?"
"I just can't have anyone finding out about who I am—"
"No," you shook your head, hand falling to his shoulder. "About... making sure I would... never find out?"
Gulping as he looked you in the eyes, now more worried about you knowing the truth than the building burning beside him, Eren took in a sharp breath. "I mean... You know who I am now... I save people... And I've... saved you a ton without you realizing."
A bit out of it as your mind was fuzzy and your breathing was still rather ragged, you eyed Eren curiously. His words slowly processed in your foggy brain before you spoke with a subtle blush, "you have?"
Awkwardly looking down at the mask he now held in his hands, fiddling with it, Eren took in a deep breath and nodded. "I kind of... watch over you... I shouldn't, there's plenty of other people out there to protect but, I— Nothing, never mind, just," looking up at you, he begged, "please don't tell anyone."
Nodding, you smiled softly, "I won't... Though I am sure Armin and Mikasa know."
Growing wide eyed as his lips parted, Eren only slumped in his spot, "you're too smart for you're own good..."
Smiling, your hand moved from his shoulder, now onto his as it clutched his mask, "thank you... You saved my life."
Looking deeply into your eyes as his heart fluttered, although in the darkness of the night, the faint city lights were enough to illuminate you. The subtle neon signs reflecting off of the two of you giving you both a soft glow amongst the rain that drenched your bodies. If he could stare there like that, gazing at you forever, he would. He really would. How did it take him saving your life to finally have a moment alone? He was amazed he wasn't completely tongue tied or choking. Maybe it was the adrenaline. It must've been that.
He felt a small shift, your bodies were leaning in to one another—or maybe he was imagining it—but he was sure your eyes were now on his lips as his were on yours. That is until distant yelling snapped both of you out of it.
"I should— You know I should leave you down there so no one thinks you're dead," he nodded as you did, too.
"What about you?" You asked as he held his hands out for you to take as you both stood up.
"Well, I left my suit in the burning building... and... Let's hope everyone was evacuated because if not, I really should go back in there—"
"Oh my gosh, Eren?" You shook your head as your eyes widened.
"I'm sure there wasn't anyone left! I know it for a fact!" He eagerly nodded, reassuring you... and himself. "I'll... do a double check?"
"Oh, god..." you sighed but Eren was quick to grab you and rush across the rooftop without a warning. You clung onto him for dear life, eyes squeezing shut as you felt the sudden force of wind against you and the pelting of the rain.
Settling in the alley in between the two buildings, Eren placed you down on your feet before he brought his mask over his face. "You should go back to everyone."
Nodding, you took a small step back as he flicked his wrist to shoot out a web. Just before he could leave your side, you caught his free hand. "I owe you my life, Eren. What could I do to repay you? Really, I mean, I was— I thought I was done for up there."
Grinning from within his mask, Eren straightened his back and puffed his chest, "go on a date with me."
Blinking a few times with round eyes, your cheeks flourished with heat before you nodded, "okay..."
Feeling his heart skip a beat as he bit back a scream of glee, Eren bowed his head before he took a step back, ready to make his way up the building. However, you stopped him again. You reached over and lifted his mask just enough to reveal his lips, placing a sweet kiss before lowering it again and stepping away. Stunned, Eren blinked a few times before he forced himself away from your side as you waved goodbye.
A yawn left your lips as you pulled back the sheets of your bed and slid underneath. After your encounter with Eren—Spider-Man—you were nearly trampled by all your worried friends. Eventually, you were taken to the paramedics to get your wounds cleaned up and to make sure you were okay and safe to go home. To your luck, Eren had saved you in time. Minus the small wounds and the slight struggle to breathe properly—which was temporarily, thankfully—you were able to go home.
It was late, your parents were worried sick but were thankful to see you were now safe and away from the catastrophe. No one knew what happened, everyone claiming a gas leak or a really bad accident in the kitchen... but you tried not to ponder over it. It was much too large of an explosion to be an accident.
About to lie down, a sudden knock on your window made you jolt in your spot. Furrowing your eyebrows and reaching over for the curtains, you tugged them open and gasped. Quickly moving over to the edge of your bed to unlock your window and slide it open, Eren greeted you with his boyish smile as he slipped inside.
No longer in his Spider-Man attire, he was in nothing but sweats, a sweatshirt, socks and slides. His hair was loose, reaching his collar bones, and his eyes looked tired. "It's super late..." you smiled as the brunet closed the window behind him before he sat on your bed with you.
"It's super early," he corrected, eyes wandering around your bedroom. Though the lights were off, he used the moonlight to help him eye your decorated walls and shelves, your dresser and vanity, as well as your desk. Soft colors all around, modern furniture, so organized and put together. Unlike the chaos of his teenage boy bedroom with a bed too small for his now long body and bedsheets that should be fore a five year old.
Watching him as you could tell he was deep in thought, you leaned against your bed's headboard. "Why'd you come?"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay," looking back down at you, he smiled again, this time, a softer one. "Armin and Mikasa told me you were, but I needed to see it with my own eyes. I hope you gave Reiner an earful for what he did."
Nodding you chuckled, "I did, he apologized like crazy afterwards." Lowering your eyes from his own, you then realized the text written across his chest. "Paradis? Is that where you're going?"
Keeping his focus on you, grinning at the thought of you telling off Reiner for leaving you behind to die—though that really wasn't the case—Eren snapped out of it as he then nodded at your question. "Yeah, Paradis University."
"Me too!" You gasped, lifting your eyes with a grin.
Blushing, Eren awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I kind of knew that... That's why I applied." Hearing you gasp, Eren lifted his hands up in defense, "it was one of my choices anyway! But I heard you were going and after being accepted there... I decided to choose Paradis University, too."
"Eren... You were going to keep watching over me, huh?" Gently nudging his chest, you wore a small smile as the two of you looked down bashfully, only to look up in a gaze.
"Yeah..." Eren scooted closer, reaching a hand out and gently held your chin, thumb brushing your cheek as he eyed the small cuts that were now cleaned. A small bandage was plastered on the side of your forehead where a small gash had been, the sight making his stomach turn, but he was beyond happy to know you were okay. "I can't let anything happen to the woman of my dreams, especially now when I've finally got her. I'm just glad you're okay."
"Me too," you softly whispered, watching as Eren leaned in and gently pressed his lips against your own. It was a small gesture at first, the two of you testing the waters. However, he lowered his hand to the back of your neck as he scooted even closer, leaning into you and tilting his head as his lips moved against your own. Although this wasn't his first kiss—as he had his fair share at parties while playing games or while tipsy—nothing compared to kissing the woman he wanted for so long.
Pulling back to let either of you breathe, Eren chuckled, "you don't know how long I've wanted to do that. I never thought this day would come."
Chuckling, your hand reached up for his wrist, pulling it down before you interlaced your fingers with his. "Oh, I know. I'm sure everyone knew about your feelings towards me," you nodded as Eren sighed, not denying it. "Although you were quite over the top in junior high with all the chaos you created, I always admired you."
Growing wide eyed, Eren sat up, "really?"
"Yeah..." nodding as you looked down at your connected hands, you smiled, "you stood up for your friends. You cared for them deeply. You still do. I admire that. You have a big heart, Eren. And now you're a hero... You've matured so much. With great power... I'm sure came great responsibility."
"Oh, you don't know," he breathed, but he smiled. "It's worth it... I get to protect people. I get to protect the prettiest girl in the universe, too."
Giggling at his words as he smiled at you, you shook your head, lifting your eyes to meet his again, "I wish you took me to prom instead... Reiner's a nice guy, but he's a bit of a himbo."
Laughing at your words, Eren let out a small breath, "I wanted to but he beat me to it. Don't you know that I always lose when it comes to you? Every advancement I've ever made failed."
"You have me now, don't you?" You asked.
"I do..." he breathed. "So many years of lost opportunities due to outside forces were killer... but I finally got my moment. Though it was a terrible one that almost took your life, I would go through great lengths just to have you."
Reaching your free hand up to cup his cheek, your thumb grazed his cheekbone, "it amazes me how you never gave up."
"It's embarrassing—"
"It's endearing," you corrected as Eren looked through his lashes at you.
"I really like you..." he mumbled.
"I like you, too," you grinned. "Is this our first date?"
Softly laughing, Eren shook his head, "no... more like a pre date. I want to take you somewhere nice."
"What do you have in mind?" You curiously asked, only to see Eren go rigid as his eyes grew wide. "What is it?"
"I— Hah— I haven't thought about it..." he awkwardly admitted. "After so many years, you would've thought I would've had this planned out."
"It's okay," you nodded. "You can surprise me. After all, you can take us almost anywhere, Spider-Man."
Seeing you lean in as you winked, Eren bit his inner cheek, "I didn't think of that... but, you're right..."
Chuckling, you gently tugged him down to lie with you, rolling on your sides and studying every aspect of each other's faces. Hours passed you by without you realizing it as you shared small talk, voices low and fingers lingering on one another. Gentle touches and caresses as the sun eventually began to raise above the horrizon. You spoke about anything and everything, from things you loved to things you hated. Your passions, your favorite pastimes, greatest memories... even about Eren's many failed attempts to woo you, up until the both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
The sound of knocking on your bedroom door caused you to jolt awake. Eren's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up, his instincts yelling at him. You hopped off of your bed as you grabbed him and pulled him with you, nearly shoving him into your walk in closet before closing the door. Without a word, and a bit disoriented, you rushed to your bedroom door and opened it.
Eren pressed his ear against the wooden door, hearing you speak to your mother. Sighing, he turned and reached for his phone that he had slept with in his sweats' pocket. Turning on the flashlight, Eren curiously peered through your closet. Your organized shelves of shoes; clothing sectioned by dresses, pants, and tops. Being the young man he was in a woman's closet, he couldn't help but snoop around. Lots of plush toys stuffed away—possibly from your childhood. Purses, backpacks, and wallets galore. Scattered awards and old text books and journals from previous school years stacked.
Then, a small, black box caught his attention. It was hidden underneath the hem of your hanging dresses. Pulling it out as he squatted before it, he stood again and settled it on one of your shelves before pulling it open. Reaching in, his heart sunk to the pit of his stomach as his cheeks burned. A little number—a lace thong—hung from his index. With wide eyes, he brought the little thing into his palm before looking into the box again and pulling out a matching bra. Nothing but lace and wire. Lingerie.
Yelping at the realization and the many thoughts that flooded his mind, he quickly covered his mouth with the back of his hand.
"What was that?" Your mother asked.
"Huh? Oh! I left a YouTube video playing, must've been an ad," you lied with a wave of your hand. "I'll come down soon," you nodded as your mother said okay before turning and leaving you be. Closing your door, you then rushed to your closet and opened the door. Eren spun in his spot and quickly hid his hand behind him, caught red handed. A small giggle left your lips. You recognized the box, you knew what it was. "It was a stupid birthday gift from my friends."
"Wha— Huh?"
Shaking your head, you walked over and pulled his hand from behind him, "my best friends got it for me as a joke. Said I should use it on someone."
"On who?" He asked rather quickly.
Biting your bottom lip, you grinned, heat burning your cheeks, "you."
"Me?" His eyebrows furrowed. "You're lying. Why me?"
"Like I said, everyone knows how much you like me," you shrugged.  "And they swore I liked you, too..."
"Well, they weren't wrong," he teased as you rolled your eyes playfully. "Can I see you in it?"
Lightly swatting his arm, you crossed your arms, "not now..."
"Maybe some day?" He tilted his head, earning a subtle laugh from you.
"Maybe," you considered. "You should get going before anyone finds you."
"Right," he nodded, turning to take the box with him, but you stopped him with hands extended out. "What?" Eren whined.
"You're not taking those," you shook your head as he frowned, settling the box and lingerie in your hold. Closing it and hiding it once again as Eren watched you with a pout, you shook your head and pushed him out of your closet and towards your bedroom window. Opening it up for him, you stepped to the side, "I'll see you later."
"Fine," he sighed. Before he climbed out, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a swift kiss. Leaving you buzzed and blushing, Eren slid out and made his way back home.
Later that day your phone had vibrated with a message from Eren telling you to be ready before sunset. You weren't sure when that was so you prepared yourself around mid afternoon, wondering what it was that Eren was up to. If this was your first date, he must've had thought of something quick to already have plans set. Since it was summer, you dressed in a mini dress; with a sweetheart neckline and daisy print, you paired it with white sneakers and a crossbody. Well aware that Eren was going to be having you stories high, swinging you in the air like Tarzan, you made sure purse was secure enough for you not to lose anything. As exciting as it, it was also terrifying. You weren't sure how he did it, but then again, he more than likely had been face to face with dozens of weapons that could easily take his life.
The thought made your heart skip a beat.
How did he do it? And how were you now going to live a life not knowing whether or not he was going to make it back okay?
Taking in a deep breath and forcing yourself to think about the present and only the present, you checked yourself in the mirror one last time—makeup perfect and hair styled nicely (though you made sure to carry around a hair tie for when things got messy)—you smiled. Tonight was going to be perfect. Nothing was going to get in the way. At least, you hoped.
Hearing a knock on your window, you turned from your vanity and grabbed your purse before rushing over, sliding the window open and smiling. "Hi."
Eyeing you from head to toe, Eren's heart fluttered within his chest as his lips parted, "you look gorgeous—" Clearing his throat, Eren smiled, "I mean, hey."
Letting out a soft laugh, you leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips as he was squatted before you on your window sill, "thank you." Eyeing his attire—a blue, short sleeve button up and black jeans, vans and his hair pulled back in his signature low bun—you smiled, "you look good yourself."
"I do, huh?" He asked, eyeing his attire before lifting his head, "my cologne kinda got swept away."
"By swinging here?" You asked as he nodded.
"Yeah... You know, I wanted to look my best for you and—" seeing you lean in as your face went towards his neck, Eren grew stiff.
"I can still smell it," you nodded as you stood up straight, now seeing the flushed look on his face. "What?" You chuckled.
"N— Nothing! Just... I don't typically have girls sniffing my... neck," he shyly spoke, causing you to grin. "Does it smell good?"
Laughing, you nodded again, "yeah, I like it."
Sighing in relief, Eren nodded his head, "thank god..." Realizing he said that out loud, he cleared his throat, "are you ready?"
"Mhm," you bit your inner cheek, pulling your purse over your shoulders. "Though, I'm kind of scared of the whole swinging around thing."
"It's okay," he smiled in reassurance, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?"
"Yeah," you breathed, a sweet smile on your lips. "I trust you."
"Then we're going to have a perfect night."
And true to his word, you two did. Though you clung onto him—again—for dear life, it actually was quiet... calming to see the city so high up above. The breeze that tickled your skin, being closer to the stars, hearing muffled cars... You wondered how often Eren swung around just for the hell of it. Maybe when he was bored or stressed. Maybe when he needed time away.
Eren had taken you to his favorite spot first: atop the tallest building in the city. You two watched the sun set from there, your shoulders pressed together as your hands held onto one another. You shared a few glances and kisses, taking a few photos of the sight before resting your head on him. It was possibly one of the most beautiful things you had ever experienced, and you were jealous Eren was able to see it almost daily—as he disclosed with you.
After that, he took you to dinner nearby, an exquisite restaurant he managed to get the two of you in. You had asked how and Eren mentioned how Spider-Man may or may not have made an appearance there and asked for a certain Eren Yeager to have access without questioning. It made you laugh without a doubt. It also made you laugh when he admitted to stealing some of his father's money in order to afford the dinner for you two.
(Eren was a pizza delivery boy, but the money he made was nothing compared to what was in his dad's wallet. He solely had the job to understand the morals and importance of the working class and making your own money. Even if your parents were bathing in bills. Grisha and Carla did not raise their son to be a snobbish brat... Though, Eren Yeager had tendencies of being a brat every now and then. However, not as bad as he used to be after gaining his abilities.)
You knew about the Yeager's, Grisha being a well known doctor in the city—and possibly the country—while his mother, Carla, owned a local restaurant and eventually opened up multiple locations across the country. After asking him why he didn't take you there, you should've expected the answer because my mom wouldn't let me hear the end of it afterwards. That also made you laugh.
"You know, pizza delivery boy, I have a job, too," you said.
"Oh, I know. You work at the local library," Eren said nonchalantly as the two of you had shared a dessert—beignets topped with ice cream.
"You are such a stalker!" You laughed as Eren shrugged. "I should be worried, is this okay to be dating you?" You teased as the two of you shared soft laughter. You were so engrossed in the moment that you didn't realize how quick Eren's reflexes and senses were.
From one second to the next, you went from sitting and giggling to being held tightly against Eren's chest, off to the side as a sedan had crashed through the window. Right into the table you two were once sitting at. Glass, concrete, the wooden fragments from the tables all scattered before you as panicked yells and rushing civillians snapped you out if it.
"Oh my god..." you breathed, shaking in Eren's arms. "You— You saw that coming?" You asked, peeking your eyes from the silver car, up to an upset Eren whose eyebrows were narrowed.
"My senses went off, just like when the fire erupted," he said, eyeing the damage before looking down at you, expression softening. "Are you okay?"
Nodding, you took in as deep breath, "yeah... thank you."
"Let's get you home..." He said, keeping an arm around you as he guided you away from the scene.
You couldn't seem to stop shaking, even the moment you made it back into your bedroom. Eren felt terrible, though none of it was his fault, he didn't like seeing you this scared. It also didn't help that this was your second near death experience, and if it weren't for him... He didn't want to think about it
You had quietly asked him to stay the night in which he didn't hesitate to agree with. After changing into your pajamas while Eren stayed in his own clothes—though you insisted it was okay for him to get comfortable—the two of you slept that night holding tightly onto one another.
Days began to pass and each night was much like the first; Eren visiting by sneaking in and staying over. Eventually, the days melted into weeks, weeks of the two of you secretly seeing one another without anyone knowing. You weren't sure how either of you didn't get caught, seeing as Eren was in your bedroom every night, and the two of you snuck around and exchanged glances in class and in the hallways more often than not. Maybe it was because the latter was already common as it was, seeing as Eren was never discreet when he would gaze at you.
On one night, however, you hung out with your closest friends for a movie night. Eren had been working that evening and you so happened to order from the pizzeria he had worked at. Though you had never ordered from there before, and weren't sure if the pizza was good or not—seeing as your secret dates with Eren always consisted of anything but pizza—you were curious. You also just wanted to see him in his cute uniform.
And you weren't disappointed.
The moment you opened the door to the delivery boy—your boyfriend—you grinned. Eren's hair was tied back in its usual low bun, a cap on top, a black polo with the logo etched on his chest, black pants, and black vans. "Oh, thank you so much..." leaning in and reading his name tag, you fought a laugh, "Eren."
Playfully rolling his eyes as he handed you the pizza box, you pulled out your cash and were about to hand him the money you owed, only for him to shake his head, "it's on me."
"Eren," you sighed, but he shook his head again, pushing the money away from him. "Can I at least give you a tip? Y'know, for looking so good in your uniform?" You teased, earning another roll of his eyes—and a blush, too.
"No," he shook his head. "I'm not taking your money." Seeing you pout, a small grin etched itself on his lips. "Though... maybe something like a kiss would suffice..."
Settling the pizza box to a side, you reached over and tiptoed, tugging Eren down for your lips to meet. Your arms moved to wrap around his neck as his now bare hands held onto your waist. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip before you welcomed him to deepen the kiss. Your tongues intertwined as you breathed each other in, only to separate, leaving small pecks before completely pulling apart. "Thank you for the pizza," you breathed as Eren looked down at you with hooded eyes, his left hand reaching up to rest on your right cheek as his thumb brushed over your soft lips.
"I'll see you later tonight," he whispered, leaving a kiss on your nose before turning to walk away.
Of course, it didn't go unseen by your friends the way you looked so happy when you returned to them with the pizza. One of them pointed out how your cheeks were red, another mentioned how your lipgloss needed retouching as another acknowledged how your chin shined. It was safe to say you didn't hear the end of it that night, you were just glad they didn't know who the pizza delivery boy was... or the fact that you never confirmed nor denied their accusations of you making out with said delivery boy.
More days had passed, your graduation was nearing and you couldn't help but countdown the days until you were finally free. In the midst of working your part time job at the library, restocking the shelves with rented and new items, you softly spoke to your dear coworker and friend—Annie—about the approaching milestone.
"Just a few days to go," she huffed. "I can't wait to finally get out of there."
"You and me both," you sighed, thinking about the things you and Eren had planned. Of course, you also had your own friends to be around, but this newfound relationship you had with Eren—a man who could carry you around town like nothing—was beyond exciting.
Noticing Annie went silent, you looked over to see her reading something on her phone before she settled the few books in her hands away. "They need me up front," she sighed as you nodded, watching her go.
Turning to what you were doing, your eyes widened. Through the spaces open between the shelves, you spotted an oh too familiar brunet now peeking through. "Eren!" You quietly shrieked, pushing his face back as he laughed. "You may have spidey senses but I don't."
Rounding the bookcase, Eren stood beside you as you were now propped up on a step-stool. Taking the books from your hold as you were now face to face with Eren due to the added height, he left a sweet kiss on your lips before he pulled away to shelve the books. "You also don't have the height," he teased, placing the last book in its place on a higher shelf.
"That's why I have you," you poked his bicep before hopping off the stool. You pushed the nearly empty cart to a side before grabbing the step stool and settling it underneath said cart. Eren followed you around like a shadow as you shelved a few more books in a nearby aisle, quietly speaking to one another about your day and upcoming plans. As you finished up the last few books, pushing them into their places, you noticed Eren deep in thought as he looked off. "What is it?"
"It's so empty and quiet over here," he said. "Too quiet in the back..."
Smiling, you shook your head at the sight of his eyebrows narrowing, still deep in thought as he brought his hand to his chin, rubbing it. "Yeah, not many people come to this side, it's usually only needed for research on prehistoric studies."
Nodding, Eren then turned his head and eyed you, "has anyone ever had sex here?"
Laughing as you covered your mouth, you swatted his arm. "Of course that's what's got you deep in thought—"
"I'm curious," he shrugged as you sighed.
"I've caught a few... I didn't see too much, luckily, but I've had to kick them out. Most of the time they leave on their own will out of embarrassment, it's rare for them to make a fuss. Most people actually don't like getting caught even if they like the thrill of the idea." Seeing Eren grin, you shook your head, "don't get any ideas."
Lifting his hands in defense, Eren shook his head, "I didn't say anything. However... I would love to kiss you again. You know... A little longer this time."
Rolling your eyes as you grinned, you took his hand and guided him away, falling so easily for his trap. A trap that you were fully aware of and didn't even really consider to be a trap... More like temptation. You ended up on top of Eren in that same spot the couples you found having sex. Your lips moved desperately against one another, Eren's hands under your blouse as he untucked it from your skirt. Your own hands were in his hair, loosening it from the bun it was in as it fell to his shoulders. The sound of your breathing and subtle panting bounced off the bookcases. You were so glad the library was dead in that moment.
Eren's eager hands played with the back of your bra before caressing your back. His hands glided along your hips and belly, over your ribs and just underneath the wire of your bra. Your knees straddled him as you felt his bulge press against your heat, thin panties not doing you much help as you whimpered and may or may not have rocked your hips a few times. Eren noticed. He encouraged it as his hands slid underneath your bra to properly cup and squeeze your breasts. All while your lips sloppily met in a hungry kiss of tongues exploring and lips swelling.
Gliding your hands down his torso, feeling the outline of his abs against the graphic tee he wore, your hands reached for the belt of his jeans, only to stop as someone called out for you. "Ugh..."
"Dammit," Eren hissed as the two of you separated from the kiss. "Rain check?" He asked as he pulled his hands out from under your blouse, cupping you cheeks and kissing your lips once more. "We'll pick up from where we left off."
Eren was true to his word. Well, he planned on being true to his word. That night after both of you were free from your schedules, he took you out, swinging around the city. It was something he did almost nightly to get you accustomed to it. Though it still made you nervous, you were growing more and more confident in Eren. It wasn't like he'd let you fall... but being that high up was nerve wracking. Now lying on top of your school's rooftop, softly speaking to one another while stargazing, you found yourself to be the most at peace than you've ever been.
With your head resting on his shoulder as his arm wrapped over your hips, you lazily rolled on top of him before planting a sweet kiss to his lips. A small laugh left Eren before his hands reached up to cup your face. You smiled, your tongue swiping over his bottom lip before he gave you access. The two of you looked at one another with hooded eyes as your tongues met, Eren's hands moving to rest on your lower back before sliding down to your ass, cupping the cheeks as it made your skirt ride up enough to expose more skin. You shivered at that, even in the summer, the evening breezes had goosebumps forming on you.
The sound of a loud gasp caused the two of you to stop, you quickly lifting your head as Eren groaned in annoyance. There at the door of the stairs that lead to the rooftop stood a gaping Mikasa and Armin. "You—"
"You didn't tell us!" Armin finished for Mikasa, pointing a finger with cheeks tinted pink. Both him and Mikasa noticed the way their best friend had his hands gripping your bottom for dear life.
You were quick to sit up and adjust your skirt as Eren sighed, "sorry, babe..." Standing to his feet as he took your hands in his to help you up, Eren turned and let go one of your hands before approaching his best friends. "Yeah... we are together. No one knows..." using his free hand to scratch the back of his head, Eren looked at you for some help.
"He— He saved my life... and one thing lead to the next and we are dating," seeing their confused faces, you smiled, "I know he's Spider-Man. Just like you two do." Grabbing and lifting Eren's hand and folding his middle and ring fingers, you made him shoot a web. "See?"
Watching as the web landed across the brick wall of the staircase, both Mikasa and Armin then looked at Eren, then you. "So much to take in..." Armin whispered, but Mikasa took his hand in hers.
"As upset as I should be that you kept this from us... we can talk later," the dark haired young woman said with squinted eyes as Eren groaned. "We didn't mean to interrupt your date—"
"It's not a date," Eren grumbled with a blush, looking away.
"We'll get out of your hair, but we expect an explanation," Mikasa said, looking pointedly at him before pulling a still stunned Armin away, who was still trying to process what he walked in to. "Don't forget to invite your girlfriend to Jean's graduation party!" She said before she opened the door and brought Armin with her.
Watching the two go, you then looked up at Eren, "do they— do you three normally come up here?"
"Yeah... it's kinda our safe space... I brought you here because it's one of my favorite spots. Thought I'd share it with you. Should've considered the fact that they would possibly show up..." he trailed, rubbing the side of his face awkwardly.
Smiling, you gently grabbed his wrist and lowered his hand. "So, about that party?"
Graduation came and went faster than expected—but so did your time in high school. You walked the stage, got your diploma, and eventually found yourself properly meeting Eren's parents. Grisha was a quiet fellow, but he had a gentle smile on his lips the entire time his wife—Carla—gushed about her baby boy. Going on about his endless crush on you, how madly in love he had been for so long, all words that made Eren want to disappear into the ground beneath him. He was embarrassed to say the least.
Then it was your turn to be embarrassed, Eren meeting your parents as they recognized him as the son of their doctor. However, that wasn't what had you hiding your face in your palms—it was the fact that your father announced to your boyfriend that he recognized him because he's the boy my little girl would draw hearts over in the yearbook! Yeah... you weren't going to hear the end of that. It was safe to say you both were equally embarrassed over news you already knew. That everyone knew. Not one soul didn't know about your crushes on each other... even if it took this long to happen.
Eventually, you found yourselves together all night at Jean's party. You had no interest in announcing that you were a couple, simply holding hands and the occasional kiss was enough for word to spread like wildfire. Neither of you cared. Everyone saw it coming. However, it didn't prevent the onslaught of you two are together?! Probably why the two of you tried sneaking away after a few hours of playing games and drinking here and there.
"Shit—" Eren cursed as he tried to unhook your dress from the fence. The two of you—a bit tipsy—thought it was a bright idea to sneak into a nearby community pool. A giggle left your lips as he lifted you by your hips and removed the bit of material that got caught, holding you over his shoulder before walking away. On his little journey to one of the lounging chairs, Eren nearly tripped over his own foot as he settled you down. Crawling on top of you as his lips lazily met yours, the two of you sloppily kissed in between small fits of laughter.
"Shh— Shh..." you hushed, placing your index finger against Eren's lips. "Someone could— catch us."
"Doubt that," he scoffed before removing your heels, then kicking off his own dress shoes.
"What're you doing?" You murmured as Eren slipped off his socks and stuffed them into his shoes before lifting you in his arms. "Eren—"
"I've always wanted to do this—"
"Eren, you're crazy— don't!" Before you could protest any further, you found yourself being enveloped by the pool's water. Surfacing and catching your breath as you looked at a grinning Eren who looked a bit buzzed, you shoved his shoulders. "You—" pushing him into the water, the two of you messed around before Eren caught your wrists and pulled you into another kiss. One of his arms wrapped around your waist as his other held the back of your head, kissing you deeply, gliding his tongue along yours before the sound of footsteps and keys caught both of your attention.
Rushing out of the pool and grabbing your shoes, both of you slipped into the showers and covered each other's mouths as you watched the light of a flashlight flicker around. Eyeing one another as the footsteps grew farther, you let out tiny giggles before reaching for one another again. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his moved around your hips, continuing what was started in the pool.
"Can I take you back to my place?" Eren nearly whispered against your lips.
"Yeah..." you breathed with a nod.
With his swift movements, even while a bit buzzed, Eren was quick to take you away, back into the city. You both were freezing, instantly slipping into his quiet home—as his parents were already asleep—and into his bedroom. After handing you clothes to change into (as he did as well) he took your wet clothes and slipped out to leave them in the laundry room, worrying about the consequences of his mother finding your clothes later. Locking the door after his return, Eren found you sat on his bed, waiting for him.
The shirt he handed you slid over your left shoulder as the boxers you wore were loose at the hips and thighs, exposing skin as you sat there with your knees pulled in. Smiling at one another, the way your gazes grew soft in the darkness of his room that was lit by the moon, Eren quietly moved towards you. You moved deeper into his bed as he followed, propping himself up on one hand as his other cupped your cheek, lips meeting and hearts racing. "You could've showered," he mumbled against your lips, hands now in your wet hair.
"I could've... but maybe I wanted to share one with you," you muttered as your lips kept meeting halfway, small kisses being shared in between words.
Letting out a small sound, Eren moved to press his forehead against yours, "don't tempt me... I'll literally grab you right now and undress you and take you—"
"Slow down, cowboy," you chuckled. "We never got to finish what we started back in the library..."
Sucking in a deep breath, Eren lowered his head on your shoulder, already feeling himself throb at the thought of finally having you. "You're telling me we would've had sex in the library for our first time?"
Laughing, you shook your head, "not quite... we would've had some fun, maybe left to my place..."
"Fuck..." Eren breathed, "you really got me all worked up, babe."
Smiling, you lifted his head so he could look at you. Then, your hands reached for the hem of the grey tee he was in, tugging it over his head and tossing it before your hands trailed over his chest, then his stomach. Eren shivered at your touch, the way your fingertips brushed against every dip and curve of his torso, how your nails gently tickled his skin. He leaned down enough to close the gap between you as his own hands slid under the shirt you were. He knew you had nothing underneath, the pile of wet clothes not only including your dress, but also your bra and panties—his mother definitely was going to kill him if and when she found them.
Slowly but surely, the two of you undressed one another until you were completely bare. Your body beneath his as his was held up above your own. Your eyes darted across his skin, over every muscle and mark on it. A small scar or two from his childhood, the faint beauty marks that scattered his tan skin... His eyes did the same to you, but he couldn't possibly look away from your breasts. He was a man after all, he couldn't help himself... You were the woman of his dreams. His soulmate. The love of his life... and now he was going to be your first as you were to him.
"I've seen a lot of porn, I'm ready," he teased as you laughed, covering your mouth at the sound.
"You're such an idiot," you shook your head. "Touch me."
Sucking in a deep breath, his hands started at your shoulders before moving down your chest. Gently grabbing your mounds and feeling the flesh against his palms, his breath hitched as his heart raced at the sensation. Your bare breasts in his grip, all for him. He really hoped he wasn't dreaming.
Your hands caressed his shoulders and biceps, feeling the hardened muscles underneath. A small gasp left your lips as Eren's pointer and thumb tweaked your nipples, playfully fondling with your breasts as he grew more and more experimental. Kneading at them, Eren squeezed them together before burying his face in between.  Another gasp left you as your blush deepened, but you couldn't help but laugh at his reactions.
"Can I take them in my mouth?" He asked.
"Do whatever you want," you nodded.
And that was enough for Eren to do all that he fantasized. He nipped at your skin, leaving marks behind on your collarbone and chest, and the fat of your breasts and just underneath them. Then, without any hesitation, he brought one of your nipples in between his teeth, gently nibbling before swiping his tongue along it, giving both breasts the same attention as he moved between them. Your back arched as subtle moans left you, your hands now in his wet locks as you closed your eyes for a moment.
Then Eren grew bold. He left a trail of kisses down your stomach, kissed your hip bones before kneading at the meat of your thighs. He left more red blotches in his wake before he parted your legs further and was greeted by your bare cunt. "Do you still want this?" He asked as you nodded. "Words, princess, use your words."
"Yes," you breathed.
With a lick of his lips, and a lick along your pussy, Eren began his experimenting. Everything he was doing to you was new to him. He saved himself for you because he swore he would win your heart someday. And he was glad he did. He may be inexperienced, but he wanted to grow with you. To learn what you liked. To know what made your body react. He wanted to know every bit of you and be the lucky man who got to please you.
Eren remembered a few things his friends had told him, and other things he read and saw online. He knew it was nowhere near the actual thing, but he truly wanted to make you feel just as good as he did. Even if he was nervous, he also was beyond excited in the fact that he was doing this to you. And his hard-on was an obvious reaction.
Listening to the muffled sounds you made as you used one of his pillows to block your moans, Eren swirled his tongue around your clit before swiping up your folds. He did that repeatedly, focusing on the way your hips jolted and your thighs clenched around his head. Smiling to himself at how wet you were—and how he was the cause—Eren brought an experimental finger to replace his mouth as he sat up. His fingers played with your clit before teasing your entrance as his other gently pulled the pillow from your face. "I want to see you..."
Sucking in a sharp breath as you bit your bottom lip, your hands moved to press against your face to cover it as his finger pushed into you. "Oh my gosh..." you breathed as Eren grinned, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you.
"Come on, look at me," he softly spoke, his free hand reaching out to pull your hands away. "I want to see the faces you make, I wanna remember them..."
Breathing heavily as you felt yourself falling apart, knowing very well you wouldn't last, Eren tested the waters as he added a second finger. As his pointer and middle pumped into you, he lowered his head again and kissed your clit before gently sucking on it. With a few more thrusts, you came around his hand, clenching your eyes shut in embarrassment. "Ere—" nearly choking on your breath at the feeling of your own release, your eyes fell open as Eren pulled away. You frowned at the lack of him in you, only to make a desperate mewl as he brought his wet fingers into his mouth, tasting you.
A look of ecstasy was written across his face, as if you were the tastiest dessert that ever existed. "Damn..." he breathed. "This was so much better than I imagined."
Blushing, you rubbed your face before Eren pulled your hands away again, leaning into a kiss as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Your shaky hands roamed from his broad shoulders, down his pecks and hardened abs. Your dainty fingers found his hardened length and wrapped as much as you could around them—which wasn't much. Your breath hitched just as Eren's did as your thumb pressed against his slit, the pre leaking and smearing as you brushed against it. Eren bucked his hips as the two of you found yourselves breathing into each other's mouths. Your tongues touching but lips hardly moving at the lack of focus. The hands on either side of your head balled into fists as Eren felt his chest tighten with each breath.
Your parted knees that Eren settled in between pushed further apart as you brought his length against your soaking pussy. A moan escaped the both of you at the foreign feeling, your hand slowly pumping his cock as Eren moved his hands to grip his sheets. "I want you to feel... as good..." you breathed, hand gliding along his shaft as Eren hissed, biting his tongue and nearly coming all over your hand in an instant.
"Sh— Shit... sorry... I didn't—" Taking in a deep breath as he clenched his eyes shut, you softly smiled as you leaned up to kiss him. Flipping the two of you over, a small gasp left Eren as you straddled him. "H— How do you... wanna do this?" He asked, looking up at you as you looked like an angel under the moonlight, silhouette hovering before him as he was now under your control. He wouldn't want it any other way... at least, not in that very moment.
"Raw," you smiled.
"R— Really? You— You on the pill?" He asked as you nodded.
"Helps with the bad cramps," you shrugged before aligning yourself with him. "Is this okay?" Seeing him eagerly nod, a chuckle left your lips before you sunk down, taking him inch by inch ever so slowly. The stretch made you hiss as your eyes pricked with tears, you bit your bottom lip as your hands pressed against his chest. Eren's grip moved to your thighs, fingertips digging into your flesh and more than likely leaving black and blues in their wake. He watched you with hooded eyes as you tried to take all of him—at least, as much as you could. It was no surprise that Eren was, indeed, packing. Your breathing quickened as you sat still, clenching your eyes shut before you shifted your hips. With the subtle rock, your eyes fell open and met with Eren's, a smile grazing your lips as the same went for his.
Then, as you began to move at a slow and steady pace, you grabbed his hands and interlocked your fingers with his, pressing them against the mattress on either side of his head. The two of you listened to each other's moans and panting breaths, Eren's eyes never left yours as yours never left his. You met each other halfway with each thrust, moving in sync as your bodies grew hotter and hotter, melting into one. Silent words being uttered along the way of praise and encouragement, enough for the two of you to reach your orgasm one after the other. Riding out before growing still for a few moments as you fell against his chest, Eren's hands left yours and caressed your back and hair as you took in deep breaths.
"Can we share that shower now?" Eren asked as you chuckled with a nod, lazily forcing yourself up and feeling Eren leave your body as you huffed. You almost didn't want to move, almost wanted him to stay in you for as long as possible, but a shower sounded very appealing.
Moving off of his bed and heading for his bathroom to pee, Eren soon followed after before preparing the shower, letting the steam cover up the small room as he locked the door behind him. Quietly, you moved your way into the shower and hugged Eren from behind as he stood under the shower head. You lifted your focus to watch his long hair stick to his skin as every inch of him was drenched and dripping. You followed suit, soaking up before you took care of one another, Eren washing your hair before washing his, the two of you lathering each other before rinsing off the suds. A few kisses were shared, some longer than others, lips lingering more as if you two fell asleep that way. Eventually, after exiting and drying off as much as possible—and changing into one of Eren's shirts as he pulled on a loose pair of sleeping pants—the two of you cuddled on his bed.
"I I love you," Eren broke the silence as your heart skipped a beat, your head resting against his chest, looking out his bedroom window as he stared up at your ceiling. "Yeah, I love you."
Smiling, you nuzzled his neck, leaving a few kisses before whispering in his ear, "I love you, too."
"Hmm..." lazily grinning, he extended his arm out as he flicked his wrist, a heart forming on his ceiling from his web as you looked up and lightly laughed at the sight. "After so long... After the many failed attempts... It took saving your life to finally win your heart."
"My hero," you spoke in a sing-songy voice.
"I'll always be your hero," Eren said confidentially, making you chuckle again.
"So cheesy..." you smiled "Thank you, Spider-Man."
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morgandekarios · 3 days
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morgan + men's lingerie + grymforge
insp. by X and X by @laiostoudenn
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malboraslihan · 8 months
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hello friends <3 it's been a while since i posted a plotting call / interest post so i finally sat down today and wrote (more like assembled) plots / threads ideas i've been wanting to do. if you're interested in any of those LIKE THIS POST and i'll send you a message. just an important observation: we don't need to actually plot out most of these (some require working out details but that's it), if you want to write that plot with me just tell me which one and which muse you're interested and i'll write you a starter! so yeah basically, if you like any of those: * like the post * tell me which plot and which muse you want me to use (or which muse you think would work from your end so i can figure out who to use!) * i'll write you that starter
some need to knows... ig?
please do not worry about "making it fair" or anything like that, most of these plots are for my males and they're actual muses i want to develop so don't feel pressured to only choose one or all that.
on that same note, do not ask for a plot with one my girls just because you want one from my men. i honestly prepfer you pick plots you actually want to do instead of doubling threads and shit like that.
i'm open to plotting! but if we're gonna do it, i'd prefer we do it on discord cause the tumblr ims are always glitching to me and i keep losing tracks of things. so, if you wanna talk about things AND I'D LOVE TO, just lmk and i'll message you / give you my discord as well. (also, if we rp on discord and you wanna write some of these there, i'm obvs open<3)
these plots do not all need to be f/m ! i'm very open to make most of them f/f and while i'm a little more selective with who i write m/m plots, i'm willing to work things out if you have an idea :)
the bianchi reign
you're dating the mob boss / you're his sister / daughter and i'm his second in command but i can't stay away from you and you quickly realize it and we're flirting but if anyone finds out i'm dead
i'm infiltrating your gang to try and destroy it but we started sleeping together and it turns out there's feelings now but i just got an order to murder / kidnap you so now what
we were never close, i always thought you were annoying and now you fucked up big time on a mission and my father who's your boss wants to kill you but i marry you to stop him (insp)
i faked my own death to protect you/stop people from killing me/save our people and now three years later i send you a text asking you to meet me and at first you think it's a joke but then you come anyway and hi i'm alive (for noah!!!)
“we got framed for a crime we didn’t commit so now we’re on the run and having to kill and steal to survive and avoid arrest and now we really are dangerous criminals” au (maybe the crime was actually a fuck up inside the gang so now they're wanted <3) (for lorenzo or hazel)
the hawthorne family
you're dating my brother but he's constantly leaving you alone during events or even family trips to kiss my dad's ass and try to maintain his job so i keep you company until we're both drunk one night and i let it slip that i would love to kiss you
a plot where he’s a little too old for her but she doesn’t care. he thinks she’s immature and too reckless with her behavior. but she’s hellbent on proving him otherwise. so she applies for the position of his new personal assistant and he can’t help but appreciate her determination. of course he hires her but he does nothing short of giving her a hard time because this is her first job and she has no idea what she’s doing. but crap he finds her crying in the bathroom and his first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. he can’t believe he’s the cause of this and wises up fast. also maybe it has to do with his now urge to protect her. (for arthur)
not another rockstar by maisie peters.. just that toxic good old fangirl x stupid rockstar dynamic (for jean/hunter)
“you read one of my thirst tweets on a talk show and now my thirst is a minor internet sensation, so thanks for that” au (for hunter, jean)
‘we had a one night stand a couple of weekends ago and i really didn’t think i’d ever see you again but wow, now i’m sitting in your office interviewing for a job but all i can think about is the incredible s3x we had’ (for adam or arthur)
rich kids
a poly relationship, could someone who is just as rich as them or someone who isn't and they're spoiling the fuck out of them... someone who worked for one of them before or a friend idk (mostly for gigi, hunter and sara) (insp)
since i’m on a sugar baby phase imagine a plot where a college student is absolutely pampered by annoymous guy. all he asks in return is to be remained mysterious, occasion nudes, and all the attention he craves. she’s all too willing to give it for the pretty penny he’s offering. but her birthday comes around and he surprises her with a trip to see her favorite singer / actor with vip access / meet & oh hold a second, how does he know my name ? (for jean or hunter / hae park (nicha yontararak fc) / angel)
someone give me a thread where this rich dude falls for the normal down to earth girl nd introduces her to his world full of private jets nd yachts nd all that stuff and yES PLEASE
we're fighting in different sides of a war and when we meet during a negotiation we find out we're mated
stuck in a mission together and we've always hated each other but then it's freezing cold and we have only one bed in this shitty cabin we're staying for the night so we should cuddle
you are supposed to get married to make peace between our countries/courts but we hate each other and we're constantly bickering and fighting and i think you might have actually tried to kill me once or twice (insp)
harbor springs
a plot based on ‘tis the damn season…. small town, childhood friends, one stayed put and the other moved away for college… now comes back for the holidays ten years later… pls
based on stick season by noah kahan: we were best friend since day one, dated during high school and broke up because you left for college / pursue your dreams and i stayed behind but one day i get a notification from you that you liked a photo or you shared a by pic and i liked and we just go back to talking and we're getting close again until you invite me to spend summer with you wherever you are and i actually been saving up money to leave town so i go and when i see you again i know i'm definitely still in love with you (for videl, keegan, ivy, patrick, angel, rani)
sports themed
(the nationals + tobias + gregory)
based on the trade by ki stephens: the hockey team has a tradition of trading dates during the end of season dinner and i invite you and make my best friend invite your roommate cause i wanna get with her but we actually start getting close and i fall in love with you but at the night of the dinner one of the guy spills everything (for benny or gael)
based on the deal by elle kennedy: i'll pretend i'm your boyfriend if you agree to tutor me and of course we fall in love (for benny, keegan or dane)
based on icebreaker by hannah grace: you hate hockey players and you say that to my face after i make a move on you so now i have to prove you wrong (bonus points if she's a figure skater and he has to help her after her partner bails or smt) (bonus points if they share the same rink so they're always bickering about late practices and shit) (for benny, keegan or gael)
he left his hometown to play professional and ended up breaking up with high school sweetheart because the distance and the busy schedule was just too much but a few years later he's won the superbowl and he's miserable and he meets her at some random party in his new town and wait she's engaged to someone else (for tobias, greg, benny, keegan)
plot where muse a is a star athlete on a professional team, and they go to a bar/pub after a great victory, where they meet muse b - a very attractive, bitter stranger wearing a fan jersey from the rival team.
 a frat boy who’s like every normal frat boy. he drinks too much, he parties, and he sleeps with random girls but everything changes when he’s around the girl from back home. the girl that really matters to him. he doesn’t want to admit that he likes her a lot but, that’s what it comes down to when one of the guys in his frat house wants to hook up with her and she’s perfectly willing. (for benny or keegan)
horror plots
some spooky muses i made <3
muse a and muse b get stranded on a roadtrip and are offered a place to stay by a friendly looking local, only to find out they’re a serial killer looking to make them their next two victims. ( + bonus points if they’re exes who literally just broke up minutes before their car broke down??? the drama )
based on x, we're renting a farm house to film a college project / independent horror film / porn and one of our friends disappears on the first day and then our car disappears and now we don't know what to do cause there's no one around and the nearest stop was a forty minutes car drive away
i made you join a cult with me (recruited you / joined with you / made you join whatever) but now shit is happening and you're miserable and i can't bear to see you like this cause i actually grew too fond of you so i don't know what to do but i keep protecting you a little too much and people are going to realize at some point (for ubon or milo)
popular girl x her best friend.. bonus points if the popular girl has a boyfriend or is constantly hooking up with different people (for ivy, giovana, madeline, rani)
church girl + unholy bf (for rani) and the opposite church boy + unholy gf (for jacob, videl)
lacy by olivia rodrigo: you're dating my ex boyfriend but i'm actually obsessed with you and not really sorry that i lost him. (bonus points if they're in the same friend group) (for giovana, madeline, anastasia, grace, hazal, saja)
i really want a plot based two weeks ago by maisie peters.. the whole vibe of being in love with someone and have it finally happen before they need to get on a plane and go somewhere else? really want to explore the long distance relationship situation with all the jealousy and missed calls, timezones that don’t match (for literally anyone.. but some that i could see this working with are: jacob, videl, benny thompson, gigi, rani, ivy, pinar)
i'm pretty sure my husband/boyfriend is cheating on me so i go out to do the same but i can't just sleep with a random but then i meet you, my long time friend and we end up talking and laughing until i kiss you and we hook up but now i'm trying to work things out with my husband/boyfriend but i can't stop thinking about you (insp) (for anastasia, fatma, grace, nari / arthur, finnley, keegan, tobias)
“your ex hired me to make you fall in love with me then break your heart but oops i think i fell in love and now i’m conflicted what the fuck is happening i’m supposed to hurt you ow what am i sUPPOSED TO DO” (for gigi, gael, theo hughes (kaden h fc))
he fucked up big time but he never forgot about her and was constantly trying to fix their relationship until at some point he gives up and that's when she finally texts back / shows up at his door (for jacob, patrick, videl, arthur / hazal, verda) insp
a nice, shy, nerdy boy who literally no one pays attention to asks the popular, outgoing, ray of sunshine out and she was so confused and didn’t think he meant it at first but she agrees anyway because she doesn’t want him to feel bad because she sees that he really tried so hard to ask her out? and maybe it didn’t work out so well at first but he tries again anyway? it doesn’t work a few times because of her schedule but he’s really sweet so she agrees to another more because it wouldn’t hurt and by the end of the date he works up the courage to ask if he could kiss her and she reluctantly says okay - and completely underestimates him but holy shit that wasn’t a chaste kiss? and before she knows it her clothes are on the floor and he’s fucking her like a whore but she’s so intO IT? (for sebastian aka my luke hemmings fc muse)
accidentally swapped phones with someone at a party and don’t realize until their mom calls in the morning and you spend like three hours talking to this hilarious woman about life and when you go to her house to return her kid’s phone wow the kid is the really good kisser from the party last night au (for maddie, videl, benny, aurora, tobias)
we dated in high school, i wrote a book about you five years later and now you’re at a fan event asking for an autograph.. (for the writer: maddie / for the ex: benny, benny hawthorne, tobias, videl)
“i’ve lost my memory and idk who you are but i just have this feeling that i’m supposed to trust you” (for arthur, videl, jacob)
“i’m in love with you and i just watched you get proposed to by your boyfriend right before my eyes and now i’m upset”  (for jacob, patrick, keegan)
before trilogy inspired: we were the only ones waiting for a train but it was delayed for twelve hours / our next flight connection is not until tomorrow and we just decide to walk around the city and we end up kissing, i like you too much and i don't wanna lose this but it's time to go and we make a pact to come back here next month but we never actually do for different reasons and then 3/5/10 years later we meet again somewhere else.. (for ivy, rani, hunter or saja)
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devouredher · 6 months
this is a plot starter call ! here are some plots i would like to write. for my own creative sanity, i will not do multiple threads based on one plot (or maybe 2 idk depends on my mood lmao). if one gets taken i'll cross it off! before agreeing to do any of these plots with me, just know there will be no fluff or cute shit here. possible taboo & trigger warning ahead !!!
* do not reblog this post.
(1) we're at dinner with your friends, and i force you to sit on my lap. your friends think it’s cute im possessive over you when really my cock is deep inside you.
(2) didn't realize you were my daughter when i picked you for a private lap dance since it's so dark in this strip club (based on this comic)
(3) your father is a porn photographer and you got roped into helping him set up the lighting for his next shoot. with all the porn playing in the background, the two ends up fucking. (loosely based on this comic 1, 2, 3) *thinking about using da.vid har.bour for this even though i dont have him as a muse, but any of my men could work*
(4) i'm only supposed to be sliding my cock up and down your folds, when it slips inside you. (based on this comic x x)
(5) also always a sucker for secret fucking plots but especially based on this or this
(6) heard about this not so secret glory hole and realized it was you. decided to fuck you anyway. (insp. from x x)
(7) your over religious parents think your possessed when reality you're just acting out (or maybe not, can be innocent still) so they hire the most respected priest at your church to do an exorcism on you. (this is the vibes x x & x) might be a doing the nasty in front of your family but they think he's just performing an exorcism lmao
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skyeet-the-writer · 2 years
backwoods to beaches (rooster x female!reader)
1 — Piano-Playing Pilots
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ever since i watched top gun 2 i've been obsessed with miles teller. like obsessed like it's embarrassing. so, to deal with my problem, ive written and entire ass essay as seen below you. and there will be more. much more coming towards yall
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x female!reader
summary: as a girl from georgia, california is a big change. but working at a bar gives you a perfectly good reason to oogle at piano-playing pilots on a late night
word count: ~5.8k
warnings: some swearing, alcohol (obv), suggestive mentions, hardcore flirting around the end
notes: if you couldn’t tell by the title or the summary, reader is from georgia and down south so there will be a lot of mentions/references to this. i myself am from western ky, but if i’ve gotten anything wrong or aren’t portraying it correctly, lmk how to fix it! other than that, enjoy y’all. x.
insp by @heartsofminds fic “blooming”
That first summer as a bartender was rough. California was a lot hotter than you thought it would be, and by the time the night was over and the rush of military men and women had thinned, you were covered in sweat.
California was also not as pretty as you had made it up to be in your head. There were a lot fewer trees than you would have preferred. But there were beaches.
Back from where you came from, everything was pretty to you. Rolling hills, fields full of wildflowers. Beautiful sunrises and even more stunning sunsets. Acres upon acres of forests, with dirt trails dusty and worn from generations of four-wheeling and ATVing. Miles of farmland that were always ready when harvest comes around. Creeks clear as glass and ponds full of almost every kind of fish one could think of. Everything you had grown up with and around was absolutely gorgeous to you.
California had her fair shares of beauty. But not as many as back home.
When you and your best friend graduated college, you two wanted a change of scenery. And so, when her uncle called her and invited her to live with her, she accepted and took you with her. It was hard, watching that small town you had lived in all your life fade in the rearview mirror, but at the time, it was what you wanted.
Your friend's uncle was in the navy and he lived in Miramar. Also called "Fightertown, USA". You quickly figured out why when a jet flew over your head as you two exited the car upon your arrival at your new home.
You and your friend smiled at each other, excited to have a fresh start.
To complete the absolute teenage dream, the two of you got a job at the same bar, the Hard Deck. It was just a few minutes away, a perfect fit for your friend, who always happened to be late to everything. Not to mention that it paid pretty well, had tips, and was also run by a woman.
But on your second week, you realized how much of a nightmare it could be. The naval men and women always came in, talking loudly, and began to laugh louder after a few drinks. But somehow, it reminded you of home. That's why you lasted longer than your friend did.
You found joy in your stressful job. The owner, Penny, often called you into work during the weekend, the busiest time. You began to recognize people's faces and remember their names, even remembered a few orders as the weeks went by.
When the summer came to an end, you had become some of the patron's favorites. Some were familiar with your accent and you found friendships in those ones, asking what part of Georgia, Louisana, or Carolina they were from and smiling at stories you could relate to.
Another year passed and the next summer, you became even better at your job. When you first started, you were a nervous, shy little girl from Georgia who had trouble remembering things but was still so sweet. Suddenly, you became this young lady with a thick accent and an even thicker skull. The girl who used to blush and twirl her hair at any man who flirted with her to a woman who would simply shake her head at another young boy just vying for attention.
Tonight, the bar is hopping. Penny, who, despite being your boss, is one of your closest friends/motherly figures, is busy chatting it up with some older guy who doesn't look over the age of thirty. You didn't catch his name, far too busy with the customers Penny should be dealing with. But you don't mind. You don't know a whole lot about Miss Penny's personal life, but something tells you that there was once something between her and the older man.
"Could I get another beer, Miss L/N?" asks Cooper, a regular from last year.
"Of course, Coop," you tell the man, taking his glass from him. "What was it, Bud Light?"
He nods. "You got it. Say, how come you always rememberin' all these orders. I couldn't ever do that."
With a smile, you refill his glass and place it back to him with a new napkin under it. "Ain't you a flight operator?" you tease with a raised brow.
Cooper smiles and laughs. "Yeah, that's true." He lifts his glass to his lips.
You tap the bar in front of him and move to another patron next to him. "Besides, you come in here often enough for me to remember." You turn to the woman in front of you. "You had a whiskey on the rocks, right, darling?"
The lady nods and suddenly there's a loud ringing of a bell from nearby. The bar erupts into cheers and you spot Penny's date with his head in his hands and Penny with a triumphant smirk.
"Looks like this one's on the house," you tell the woman, topping her glass off before sliding it back towards her.
Humming to yourself, you mentally prepare for the next round of drinks on the man. It was bar rules that if anyone insulted a woman, they had to buy the entire bar a round. It sure was fun to watch their smirk vanish from their face. You've rung that bell a few times yourself and watched the color drain from the man flirting with you fade from his face almost as quick as the smug smirk.
"Hey, pretty lady!" comes a familiar voice that makes you smile. Jake Seresin, A.K.A. "Hangman", approaches the bar, grinning. "Can I get four beers on the old man?"
With a simple nod and a smile, you reach to the fridge below the bar and pull out four beers, two in each hand before handing them to Hangman.
"How's your evenin' been, Jake?" you ask him, taking just a moment to have a small conversation.
The man grins and says, "Pretty good. You?"
"Had three guys ask for my number," you reply, grinning. "Threatened to ring the bell on 'em if they didn't cut it out."
Jake groans. "You shoulda done it anyway! Would've saved me a lot of money." With a laugh, he walks off, likely to his friends. You've been watching them play pool all evening and you can hear their banter even from over here.
As the night wears on, you quickly begin to wear out. Bartending is an exhausting practice, mixing drink after drink and refilling or restocking. Thankfully, most people only get beers. Those are your favorite kinds of people, the ones where you can just hand them something and have them be on their way.
Eventually, your best friend, Dixie, comes in, instantly claiming her usual seat at the bar close to the door. You smile when she walks in and she races to steal one of the few open barstools before someone else can claim it.
Dixie doesn't drink, which is odd considering how often she comes in to bother you. You place a bowl of chips in front of her and sparkling water and wipe your hands down.
"Y'all are busy, huh?" she asks, crunching on one of the bar's chips. "Look at all these hunks, Y/N."
With a roll of your eyes, you remember why she comes in so often. She loves to oogle at the military boys that filled the majority of the bar. She always had a thing for military men. That was one of the few things you didn't have in common: despite living in a military town, none of the men seemed to do it for you. Most of them were too cocky, too bold, their egos too big. You never preferred those kinds of boys.
Dixie on the other hand? They were her favorite. You remembered her bringing a couple of them back home your first few months. Those were the nights you sat out in the back screened-in porch watching some movie or show with your earbuds at max volume.
"Dixie, you know I can't stand them," you tell her with a smile and a shake of your head. "Their egos are way too big."
"Wanna know what else is big?" asks Dixie, wiggling her eyebrows. You give her a look of disgust and she laughs.
"I'm telling your momma next time we head home," you threaten, pointing at her.
She laughs again. "We both know you won't, Y/N."
With another roll of your eyes, you head towards another patron waving you down. "What can I help you with, darlin'?"
"Can I get a few shots of tequila, please?" asks the man.
You nod. "Sure thing. Three okay?"
"Yeah, that works."
With a bright smile, you say, "Alrighty!" and get to work. Picking three shot glasses out, you fill them to the brim with tequila. You also put some salt on a plate with a few wedges of lime and pass it to the man. "You got it all?"
He nods, carrying the shots in one hand and the plate with the rest of the fixings in the other. He thanks you before walking off back towards a table.
With a glance to the door, your heart almost stops. You know he's a fighter pilot. He's not wearing a flight suit or a uniform or anything. No, he's just in a white beater with a faded Hawaiian shirt and aviator glasses. But there's something about him that you just know is the epitome of a fighter pilot. You've met enough of them in the year that you've lived in Fightertown, you're confident you can spot one from a mile away.
For a naval pilot, though, there's something different about him. Maybe it's the way he's standing, slightly slouched and not fully upright like so many of the other ones do. Maybe it's the way he's biting the bottom of his lip like he's nervous. Or maybe it's the way he somehow exudes a vibe of...chill. An aura of calmness and relaxation that you can feel from over here.
You watch him spot a group back near the pool table and watch him walk up to them, where Jake is laughing with his fellow pilots. You watch Jake stand up and raise a brow. Does he puff his chest out?
"As I live and breathe," you hear him say with a smirk evident.
The other man, who appears to be the same height as Jake, says nothing. He just shakes his head, pushes his shades up, and leans on the table.
You wonder why he's wearing sunglasses in an already dark bar.
However, you’re quickly snapped out of your fantasy when you see someone else waving you down. With a small blush you hope is mostly invisible in the dim light, you walk over, apologizing.
All throughout the night, you can’t seem to keep your eyes off of that pilot. You have no idea what his name is and you’ve never seen him before in your life. But there’s just something about him that makes you yearn. Your eyes yearn to him while you pour another drink and you almost spill a few times, much to the amusement of Penny.
Eventually, you spot Penny's date counting his cash and cards, trying to find a way to pay off his debt. Then he smiles sheepishly, holds his hands up, and the next thing you know, Penny is yelling out, "Overboard, overboard!"
Hangman and a few other airmen who happened to be around the bar grab the man, each having a limb. You've seen this happen plenty of times, and it still makes you laugh, watching another man get thrown out of the bar because he couldn't pay his debt.
It was never anything mean, just playfulness. That's what the bar was. It was playful, it was friendly. It was a place for naval men and women alike to come after a hard day's work of...whatever they did and get a drink and play a game of pool or darts with a friend. It was one of the many things that reminded you of home.
During a short time when things calm down, you lean next to her where she’s chatting with Dixie. “Hey, Pen. Who’s that guy over there by the pool table?”
She looks in your direction and tilts her head. “Y/N, there’s no one over there.”
With a frown, you see that there isn’t anyone over there indeed. Scanning the bar, you search for him. “W…where’d he go?”
Suddenly, the music from the jukebox comes to an abrupt stop and there are cries of dismay and a few curses. But the single note on a piano has you whipping your head in that direction.
That same man is sitting there at the piano, his friends gathered around him. You tilt your head and lean your forearms on the counter, watching as he plays a few notes you almost recognize.
"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much love drives a man insane. You broke my will. But what a thrill."
"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!" sings nearly the entire bar, voices blending together perfectly.
You laugh as the pilot continues the song that you now recognize as a song by Jerry Lee Lewis. It's one of your favorites, you remember your grandfather playing it on the record machine he refused to give up.
"I laughed at love cause I thought it was funny. You came along and you moved me, honey. I change my mind. This love is fine."
"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!"
A soft, manicured hand grabs your own and pulls you to the bar. Dixie is smiling, mouth open, and singing along with the rest of the bar. "Kiss me, baby!" She presses a long, exaggerated kiss to your hand and you laugh loudly.
"Mmmm, it feels good!" you sing, grabbing both of her hands as she stands. It's difficult to dance together across a bar, but you make it work. "Hold me, baby!" You bring Dixie up to the edge of the bar and give her an awkward type of hug.
"I wanna love you like a lover should!" she sings with you, cheeks pressed together. "You're fine. So kind!" she pulls away and grabs your shoulders as you wiggle them, sending the two of you side to side, grinning and laughing. "Imma tell the world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine!"
You push her away as she picks up an empty beer bottle and uses it as a microphone. That's what you've always loved about Dixie, how she was always so confident in herself.
"I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs. I get nervous but it sure is fun! Come on baby, you're driving me crazy!"
"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!"
You laugh and stop singing for the piano solo. You take a second to look at the man playing said piano. He makes it look so easy. He's smiling, surrounded by his friends, and you can't see his fingers, but you're sure they making a blur across the keys. His friends howl and holler at him, Fanboy thumps a hand on the wooden instrument. You notice that his sunglasses have slid down as he slides his fingers down the piano, creating a glissando. He smiles at his friends turned fans, clearly enjoying the attention.
You bounce to the music, continuing to watch Dixie attempt to copy what the pilot is doing. She's failing, quite terribly, but she doesn't seem to care.
"Kiss me, baby! Woo, that feels good. Hold me, baby! I wanna love you like a lover should."
You yourself get lost in the music, leaning across to also sing into the empty beer bottle with Dixie, almost like a duet. Your eyes are closed and your cheeks are red, maybe from the heat, maybe from the excitement.
What you don't spot, however, is the gaze that the piano-playing pilot gives you while he sings. He spots you halfway across the bar, how can he not? Hell, he can even hear your voice from over here. There's some kind of drawl to it, one he hasn't quite heard. But your singing is good, almost as good as his. Your friend's voice, not so much, but you don't seem to care, singing along and bouncing your head, a bar towel in one hand.
He finds himself smiling before looking down at the keys, making sure his fingers are in the right spot, even though he knows that they are.
"Come on baby, you're driving me crazy!"
"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!"
The song finishes off with a few final notes and the bar erupts in cheers and howls, quickly turning to a chant.
"Rooster, Rooster, Rooster, Rooster!"
You tilt your head, clapping as Dixie joins the chant, holding a fist up. That can't be his real name, surely. Perhaps a callsign, like Hangman. Still, you somehow think it’s fitting for a man like him.
The pilot, Rooster, stands and does a cheesy dance. He lifts his arms and moves his hips awkwardly and you laugh at how utterly stupid it looks. You're not sure if you imagine it, but you think that this Rooster character looks directly at you and winks.
But you must be imagining it because the next moment he's leaning back and throwing his arms back before standing up straighter as the chants become faster. You laugh and even begin chanting yourself as he pumps a leg up, exclaiming. He pushes his glasses up with one hand, beer bottle in the other, before looking around the bar and smiling.
The chants die down and after a few minutes, someone plugs the jukebox back in and some song by Elton John begins to play again.
Dixie sits back down, pushing her hair out of her face. "Man, I love this town."
You nod in agreement and move to hand out a couple more beers.
A little after 2 a.m., the bar begins to empty out. You stopped selling alcohol twenty minutes ago and most patrons had left an hour before that. 5 a.m. wake-up call was the next day and you couldn't imagine it being easy. Most days you didn't wake up until after 9.
You and Penny are both closing up together. Dixie had left a long time ago with some young pilot, again. You sighed and rolled your eyes, watching her be all blushy and giggly as he pulled her out of the bar, pretending like it was her first time.
"I swear," you say to Penny, sweeping. "I'm gonna be an aunt one'a these days if she keeps this up."
Penny laughs, continuing to wipe down the bar. "You think so?"
"I know so!" you exclaim, pausing at your area by the pool table. "You should hear her. At least once a week, she brings one of those boys by and they keep at it all night long. That girl has stamina!"
Penny laughs again, loud, like she always does. She covers her mouth with her hand, waving a hand to get you to stop. “I believe you, I believe you!”
With a shrug, you get back to sweeping. “I just hope that they’re done by the time I head back.”
Your boss and friend just laughs and you sense her shaking her head. Silence fills the bar again, the quiet songs on the jukebox providing the only background music. You spot a bottle cap hidden under a table and reach down to pick it up, tossing it in a nearby trash can.
Suddenly, you hear Penny curse and turn your head towards her. “What’s wrong?”
“Amelia just texted,” she answers, setting the rag down to use both hands on her phone. “Says she’s throwing up and has a headache…”
You frown. “Aw, poor girl. Hey, you go on home, take care of her. I can finish closin’ up here.”
She looks at you, head tilted and brows furrowed. “You’re sure?”
You nod, grinning at her. “Of course! I’ve closed up enough. ‘Sides, we’re almost done.”
Penny nods and quickly walks out from behind the bar, giving you a quick hug. “Thank you so much.”
You hug her back. “‘Course.” While she heads to the back to grab her things, you finish sweeping, putting all of the dirt into a dustpan and emptying it before tying up the trash, prepping it to be thrown away after you lock up.
Penny comes back through, jacket over one arm and purse in the other. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.”
With a nod, you add before she leaves, “Get her some ginger ale! Works better than Sprite. For me, at least.”
The woman nods and thanks you before leaving. Soon, you hear her car start up and pull out of the gravel parking lot.
You’re alone. For the first time all day, you’re alone and it feels great. With a little smile, you head toward the jukebox, wanting a particular song. Finally, you see it and clap your hands a little before selecting it.
"Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene," you sing with Dolly, making your way to the bar to grab the rag and wipe down everything one more time. "I'm begging you, please don't take my man. Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene. Please don't take him just because you can."
The guitar and the drums give you a nice beat to move to, and you find yourself walking in step with the music. Years of learning to dance in elementary school and dancing at weddings really paid off.
Dolly Parton has always been one of your favorite female artists. She was your first real introduction to music when your Meemaw played her while baking your cookies. It was one of your earliest memories, one you've always cherished since her passing.
"Your smile is like a breath of spring, your voice is soft like summer rain. And I cannot compete with you, Jolene."
You wipe down the tables again. You've had a habit to wipe them down right before you leave, so you can make sure you've gotten everything. You reach the area by the pool tables and rearrange them, putting the pool sticks back in their correct spots and making a neat triangle in the center of the pool tables.
The door opens, and though you can't see who walked in, you know it's not Penny. Thinking it's someone who doesn't realize you're closed, you shout, "Sorry, y'all, we're closed! We're open at five tomorrow!"
Footsteps on the wooden floor echo through the mostly quiet bar. A voice calls out, "Yeah, sorry to bother you, but I think I lost my wallet."
You pause, hands resting on the furry green pool table. That voice. It's familiar yet not. You tilt your head and turn the corner to see whoever it is.
It's him. The piano player from hours ago. Rooster.
And I can easily understand how you can easily take my man. But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene
With a smile, you put on that bright, southern charm that comes so easily and so naturally. "Oh, for sure. I don't believe me or Penny have seen a wallet, but what's it look like?" You tilt your head. "I'll help you look."
He's not wearing his sunglasses anymore, they're hanging from the collar of his white shirt. His eyes look you up and down but from this distance, you can't quite see what color they are. Still, you can see the way his cheeks warm and how he clears his throat. "Thanks," is all that he says. His voice isn't quite deep, but something about it sends your heart thumping.
"What's it look like?" you ask again, heading to the bar to double-check the box that's been dubbed a lost-and-found. Basically, it was where you and Penny dumped things that had been found and not claimed yet. There were a few wallets, but those ones had been there for weeks. There were a few pairs of glasses, both reading and sunglasses. A couple of cards that Penny was waiting to cut up and even the random shoe. You had found that one, and you and Penny spent twenty minutes arguing about who could walk out while missing a shoe.
Rooster meets you at the bar, leaning his forearms on the surface. You take the box out and place it next to him. You definitely don't linger on how damn strong his arms look and how tanned they are.
"It's dark brown," Rooster explains, sifting through the box. "Got my initials stamped on it. It's thick as shit, I throw everything in it."
With a light smile, you ask, "What's your initials?"
"B.B.," he answers.
With a click of your tongue, you walk out from across the bar to search the booths and tables. You didn't run across it during your sweep or wipedown, but you could've missed it. "Those stand for somethin' other than Rooster?"
You hear him chuckle and it sends a jolt down your spine. "They stand for Bradley Bradshaw."
"Oh." You smile, putting up the chairs as you search. "See, that makes more sense."
He laughs this time. Suddenly it stops and he asks, "What the fuck is a shoe doing in here?"
With a snort, you turn to him from across the room. He's holding up said shoe, an old and beat-up white Nike Air Force 1. It's been there for a week, and you and Penny hadn't bothered to throw it away.
You answer him with an innocent smile and a shrug. "No idea. Penny found it last week, under a table. Asked her what we should do with it, she just threw it in the box."
Rooster chuckles and throws it back in. "It's not in here."
You lift another chair up and flip it over, placing it on the table. You give the man a look and say, "Help me find it then, princess."
He gives you a teasing smile and asks, "Princess?"
With a cheeky grin, you give him no reply and continue to look. You've always been a tease, ever since college. Your friends always told you how a classmate had gotten a crush on you just by one look. Whenever you met someone cute in a bar or at a party, you would give them a look, flirt with them for a few minutes, and then disappear. It wasn't something you really did on purpose (at least not all of the time), it was just something that happened.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene. I’m begging of you, please don’t take my man. Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene. Please don’t take him even though you can. Jolene, Jolene.
For the next several minutes, you and Rooster look for his wallet. You stack all of the chairs up and he searches between the booths and around on the floor.
You search near the piano, running a finger along the keys. This piano is incredibly out of tune and old as dirt, but when he played, it sounded brand new.
“Where’d you learn to play?” you ask, turning to see him by the dart board.
He meets your gaze and something in his eyes change. There’s a flash of sadness behind those hazels. You can see his eye color now, and it reminds you of acorns in early October mornings.
“My mom taught me,” he answers.
The jukebox clicks and the song changes. A Johnny Lee song plays, his voice nostalgic and comforting.
Well, I spent a lifetime lookin' for you. Single bars and good time lovers were never true. Playing a fool's game, hopin' to win. And tellin' those sweet lies and losin' again.
You smile, sweetly. “That’s sweet.”
He nods, glancing at the floor. “Yeah. Apparently my dad knew how to play and she wanted to teach me.”
“We’re y’all close?” you ask, wiping a stripe of dirt off of the instrument. It’s thinner than you thought it would’ve been.
Something in the atmosphere shifts and you look up at Rooster. He’s staring at the green dart in his hands, turning it between his fingers. His brows are furrowed and are his shoulders shaking?
“Bradley?” you ask softly, tenderly.
His head snaps up to you and he quickly says, “Call me Rooster.”
“‘Cause everyone else does.”
Biting your lip, you tell him, “I ain’t everyone.”
I'll bless the day I discover another heart, lookin' for love.
Finally, his face breaks into a grin, his mustache making his smile look ever better. “You know, you’ve got a pretty way of speaking.”
“Yeah?” You walk towards him, hands clasped behind your back. “What about it do ya like?”
He throws the dart at the board and it lands in the inner circle. Then he turns to face you, walking towards you. “I like the way you hold your vowels out. And how you shorten words that don’t need to be shortened.”
You smile. Many people on this side of the states have complimented your accent. It wasn’t anything you hadn’t heard before. But something about it coming from him, Bradley, made it feel different. He was a pilot. An attractive one at that. Tall, blonde, dark and lean. That pornstash your mother always found sexy on Tom Selleck you now found sexy on him. The way he’d lick his lips, always getting the bottom of it wet. Your mind went to the gutter and you wondered how scratchy it would feel somewhere else.
"Where are you from?" he asks, walking closer.
"Georgia," you answer. "Small town named Pearson, it's right by Savannah."
He nods, finally stopping in front of you. He's tall and he looks down at you with a small smile. You're not so close that you're practically touching, but you're close enough to smell him. And you note that he smells like the ocean and sweat and beer. Somehow, all of those scents at once make you weak in the knees.
"How long have you been in Fightertown?"
"Little over a year."
"Have you, uh, met anyone in that year?"
With a smirk, you say, "Nah," and lift up the wallet you found under the piano bench. "Fighter pilots just don't do it for me."
Bradley's face twists into a smile of sorts and he takes the initialed wallet from your head. "What makes you think I'm a pilot?"
Walking away from him, you say over your shoulder, "Call it a hunch."
Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of, hoping to find a friend and a lover. I'll bless the day I discover another heart lookin' for love.
Your nerves are on fire and you can barely feel your legs. But you still keep walking even though you know his eyes are on you. You're nearly done closing up. You just need to take the trash out and turn the lights off before locking the doors.
Part of you is excited you're closing up. It's past two in the morning, you woke up before eight and you're absolutely exhausted. You smell like beer and other various alcoholic beverages. You want to take a shower and pass out for the next nine hours.
But another part of you is upset because you know your conversation with Bradley is coming to a close.
"Do you live here?" asks Bradley, eyes following you as you take the trash up and tie it at the top. "Or are you just visiting?" He goes to the jukebox and turns it off, sensing that you're nearly done.
"I live here," you answer with a nod. "Come on, I want to go home." There's a pile of mostly empty trash bags by the door that Penny was kind enough to put there for you to grab on the way out and you move to them after grabbing your purse and your phone charger that was in the back. "Hey, don't you got early wake-up call?" You make your way towards the door, sure you look awkward carrying four garbage bags over your shoulder. Still, Bradley says nothing while you shut the lights off in descending order before walking out the door.
"Yeah," Bradley admits, holding the door open for you. He even takes the keys from your hands and locks up the doors to the bar for you.
"Thank ya," you say, breathing a sigh of relief at the warm ocean breeze that greets your face. The air smells salty and slightly fishy, but you've never wanted to smell anything more. "Well, what are you doing here still, then?"
He slowly follows you towards the dumpster at the far corner of the parking lot. Normally, you'd be nervous outside at night, but tonight, you're not by yourself. You've got a big, strong navy man to protect you. Not like you'd need it.
"I needed my wallet," he says, honestly. Then he adds, the grin in his voice audible, "Plus I'd never pass the chance to talk to a pretty lady."
"Oh, you're quite charming!" you call, tossing the bags in the dumpster, thankful trash day is tomorrow. Wiping your hands on your shorts, you make your way back to your car, noticing that he parked next to you. "You must make all the ladies swoon."
He scoffs and throws the keys across his car back to you. You catch them in your fist and dangle them around your middle finger. "Maybe. Not enough to keep them, that is."
You tilt your head, heart thumping fast and face flushed from all of this flirting. "Shame. You seem like a catch." Throwing him a grin, you open the door of your old, beat-up truck your father gifted to you the moment you turned fifteen. "Go to sleep, Bradley!" you call, starting the vehicle up.
He smiles, watching you. "Yes, ma'am."
With a small shake of your head, you turn the volume of your radio up just a bit. Some random Miranda Lambert song is playing and you back your truck up, throwing an arm over the seat to watch where you're going. When you're far enough back to clear Bradley's tailgate, you crank the wheel to the right, gravel crunching under the tires.
Bradley is in his car, but you still smile at where he was and tear out of the empty parking lot into the even emptier streets. Taking a left, you head home, exhaustion finally catching up. Your eyelids grow heavy and you yawn. Still, you don't miss the bright red taillights of Bradley's car taking off in the opposite direction of you.
With a satisfied and triumphant whoop, you beat your hands on the top of the steering wheel. Your heart is racing and suddenly your exhaustion vanishes as you recall the last twenty minutes.
Bradley Bradshaw. Rooster. What a character. Piano player, singer, flirt, yet still kind and charming. Chivalrous, almost. You have no idea how long he'll even be in Fightertown. Most people stay for a few weeks until eventually being deployed elsewhere.
You hope that he'll stop at the bar every night and lose his wallet again.
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kusaka6e · 2 years
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obi x fem!reader
nsfw, 18+ !!!
insp by gentleman by gallant
akiteru obi is the epitome of a gentleman.
he’s considerate, respectful, communicative, and absolutely keeps chivalry alive.
you’d honestly lost faith in men like him even existing, and you were sure he was too good to be true when you two met. obi was always a little more of an “old school” lover, and this only intensified when you shared your dating horror stories with him. he realized you’d never experienced genuine love, and he was determined to be the first and only one to show it to you.
he refuses to let you open any doors, loves bringing you elaborate flower arrangements, holds umbrellas for you at the slightest drop of rain, gives you his jackets, carries your shopping bags and watches you try on all the pretty little outfits for him you want, cooks for you, actually knows how to listen and when to give advice or solutions; he’s really an angel on earth.
“don’t you touch that door!”
“obi, my hands work just fine!”
even with his early hours for work, you’ll still wake up to a plate of breakfast with a little love note on it from him almost every morning.
akiteru obi also fucks like a gentleman.
he handles you so delicately every time. perching you in his lap and taking his time kissing all over you, both of you taking turns undressing each other one piece of clothing at a time.
always reminding you how beautiful you are. it doesn’t matter how many times he’s touched you, kissed you, or seen you naked. he cannot shut up about how amazing you look.
“my pretty baby.”
“you’re so pretty for me like this, angel.”
“i could look at you just like this all day. you’re so beautiful, honey.”
he always wants to get consent from you every time he does anything. in your earlier days he would ask out loud, but you two have learned each other well enough to communicate this in eye contact and nods of your heads by now.
and like a true gentleman, he always makes sure you cum first. usually multiple times before him. there have been more than a few nights where tears have been rolling down your face from overstimulation, obi grinning from between your thighs after making you finish again.
“we’re just getting started, sweetheart.”
the aftercare he gives is heavenly. he either runs you a bath or shower depending on what you’re feeling (and how rough he was). of course, he always wants to join you, but lets you have the space to yourself to decompress sometimes too. if he’s not bathing with you, he’s changing the sheets, laying out your favorite pajamas for you, and setting out water or snacks if you want.
if he’s bathing with you, he’s doing everything for you. washing your hair, taking care of your skincare routine, massaging any soreness from your body.
he’s a perfect gentleman and takes great care of you <3
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lavandulacosmos · 7 months
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Inktober Day 28: SPARKLE [ATEEZ x John Wick] 
Spy!Yeosang & Assassin!Seonghwa
"One of these days, I'll let you clean up your own mess," Seonghwa sighed as he stared down the two agents of the foreign organization Yeosang was meant to infiltrate. But instead instigated a fight with. After the mess the others caused the other day, Seonghwa knew Hongjoong would be livid, so Yeosang'd better come up with a good reason for causing another. "One of these days, the High Table will listen to me when I say some cases are just meant to be exterminated," Yeosang smiled, saluting the men with his glass. "So another usurper," Seonghwa concluded, unsheathing both of his swords as he slipped into his enforcer mindset. "How unoriginal." "Sparkling wine? Before we go to town?" Yeosang asked even as he stepped into the protective embrace of his blades, discreetly signing the opening move he wanted to go with. "We can open a bottle once we are done here," Seonghwa nodded. "We'll certainly need it for the dressing down we will get." "Are you scared, Black Rabbit?" Yeosang grinned, and dropping that name finally clued in their opponents just who they were facing. "From Hongjoong?" Seonghwa grinned back. "It's not me who should be afraid."
[ATEEZ days - Part 9]
Continuing the John Wick AU mini story from Day 25, 26 & 27~ (Insp.: x, x)
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randomshyperson · 10 months
Ya gotta share with us who your favourite yellowjacket is. Adult and teenager. Please 😁
I only started the show because I saw a Jackie x Shauna tik tok, and since I've been in love with Sophie Nélisse since The Book Thief and TikTok tricked me into believe she was gonna kiss girls in this, I fell into this fandom and GOOD LORD the angst of shaunaxjackie is unmatched.
I love Jackie, she's literally the only sane of them and she's such a closed lesbian dork that how could I not love her? Her bestie was literally fucking her boyfriend behind her back, and she couldn't find something mean to say to her? Please, she's too precious and deserved so much better. She was my fav for season one <3
And for Shauna, I do despise her actions? Yes, but have you seen her big doe eyes? sad brown eyes girls can do no wrong, the problem is everyone else.
I mean, we have a slightly insane baby witch that will turn into a crazy milf witch cult leader in the future... It's not that hard to guess who I'm most in love with.
In general, I like the teens girls better because the wild storyline is far more interesting for me. The exception is Tai, her character is literally the best and just got better, I go feral everytime milf!taissa is on the screen.
I haven't finished season 2 yet so I don't have much of an opinion of characters that didn't receive a decent amount of screen time as Van or Mari, buut I'm must say I can't like Misty like everybody else's'cause it's her fucking fault all that happened. AND I CAN'T STAND TRAVIS ANNOYING JERK, NAT IS SO QUEER CODED WHY THE F* ARE THEY ARE A COUPLE???
Don't really like Laura Lee 'cause I have way too much trauma with catholic people. And the men in this show? All annoying. I couldn't fuck stand the artist one Shauna started having a affair it, where that came from anyway, that woman clearly never got over her dead bestie.
Anyway, I can't wait to reach the part where Nat marries Lottie, and all the girl marry one another.
Also, should I write a yellow jackets insp fic? I feel like Wanda and Lottie are super alike.
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jackyjango · 1 year
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I know I missed the Valentine’s Day wagon, but… 👀
Inspired X-Men Movies -Part 13
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Hello dear! ♥╣[-_-]╠♥
I have a request for you if u don't mind! (。・//ε//・。)
Can i please ask for a scenario with Shanks and Law when they first meet fem! s/o that is physically the stereotyped version of the little short girl with a cute face but when they spend just the tiniest amount of time with her they immediately realize that her personality isn't even close to be compared her appearance cuz she's more of like a talkative, action-oriented, enthusiastic, and out-going type of person and they're just so perplexed lmao.
Like for Shanks it could be when he was at Party's and she was there just animatedly telling Makino how she nearly fell of a tree cuz she thought she had some insect in her skirt like what she was even doing on a tree?? Insp dialogue: “this sounds like you’re flirting with me.” “…i have been trying to do that for three years now." " ...But i thought u just wanted to climb trees with me..?"
And for Law I cannot imagine an other scenario than her being a strawhat and him being 'forced' in staying with them because of the alliance lmao. To the point to suspecting her being Luffy's sister or something, but also it would get him off guard cuz SHE is NOT LOGICAL! Lol Insp dialogue: “you’re cute..” “what?” “i said you look like a fruit.” “that doesn’t even make any sense.. *confused*”
Of course you can change them as you want boss 😉!
I hope you have fun writing them 💜 and please feel free to delete the ask if you don't want to do them! 🌻
I went ahead and picked Shanks because Shanks is hot. No other reason. (not that Law isn't but...preferences). Anyway let's get into the nitty gritty! It's a little short scenario with an open ending.
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A Face; A Name
CONTENT WARNING: alcohol consumption. that's it folks.
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A familiar bar, in a familiar village. Shanks, despite being a pirate, sometimes did feel like a creature of comfort. He enjoyed knowing exactly who the patrons were of the bar, he enjoyed knowing that he was always welcome for a drink. He enjoyed knowing everyone’s name, and how easily he could attach a face to the memory.
It was strange that he couldn’t figure out where he knew you from.
Your legs hung over the stool, swinging in the air. He smirked behind his glass, swirling his amber colored drink thoughtfully. He couldn’t figure out your age, and he thought he knew all the kids of the village. You were no Luffy, that much he knew.
A round face, and big round eyes that became more animated the more you talked. You were speaking to Makino, but your voice–loud, a little low and hoarse–reached the rest of the patrons. Did you know that? 
Shanks tilts his head, curiosity tickling his brain. In all honesty, he should probably leave you alone to your own devices. You were better off that way, plus it seemed you were busy pushing off the advances of a semi drunk man. He watches you, tongue behind a molar, as your mouth twists in annoyance. The amount of expletives dropping from your bow shaped lips was enough to put all of his crewmates to shame.
He tries to bite back a smile, but it’s futile. Especially as your hot temper, quick to flare, seemed also quick to die down. You were laughing with Makino again, about something he didn’t quite catch, and banging on the bar top as if you had heard the funniest joke in all the seas.
Unable to bear it any longer, Shanks carries his drink and his body towards you. He takes possession of an empty seat next to you, where you had chased off the man just seconds prior. A silent motion, and Makino understood–a drink was on him.
“You said something about a tree?” he asks, a sidelong glance taking in your profile. The whiskey burns his throat. 
“And what about it?” you ask him, eyes narrowing slightly as you look at him through long lashes. He can’t help it–he smiles again.
“Just curious.” 
And curiosity was known to be the downfall of men, but many men were not like Shanks. He had no fear, so he turned to face you with a crooked smirk stretching his lips.
“If you can’t talk about it, why don’t you show me the tree instead. Maybe you’ll tell me your name”
He watches you purse your lips, and wonders if you keep your name hidden behind your teeth. You smile, a little bit toothy, a little ominously.
“Good luck with that,” you murmur before you laugh.
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dogscomplex · 1 year
feat. #LOOPiN && #IDOLMAKER.
insp. by [x].
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hesitationss · 1 year
horikoshi taking insp from x-men and then doing a shit job talking about quirk discrimination because he doesn't understand racism or discrimination and is a misogynist w his writing and named his quirk doctor character after an irl ww2 biochemical experiment victims... like OFC his writing is bad lol
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