#xaan's kids
lostfanboyarts · 3 years
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This is like the second photo I’ve done of just these two being all dramatic and gay in fancy clothes, I may have a slight addiction
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parkersanders · 7 years
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Baby Sanders Sides! :) I always thought that the Sides would grow with Thomas, so they were little kids at one point too. My headcanons are below the cut!
Logan writes his name with a blue calligraphy pen. He wants to be able to write in cursive but it’s still hard for him to write it properly.
Patton uses the same black pen that he’s had since Thomas could write. He writes in all capitals because he thinks they look cool.
Roman learned cursive faster than Logan because it’s more creative, but his handwriting is atrocious. He loves doing pretty squiggles though.
Anxiety writes with a pencil but doesn’t like sharing his name with others so he usually scriblbes out his name after he writes it down. He believes that if someone knows your name, they’ll have some kind of power over you.
Logan was the kid who always loved reading and would have a book in his hand no matter where he went.
Patton was a squeaky clean child who always buttoned his shirts and loved giving out hugs.
Roman was energetic and always coming up with stories and make believe games. He lost a tooth in one of his games.
His shoulders are also too thin to wear his sash properly so he ties it around his waist.
Anxiety used to change his inside shirt all the time to reflect each of the Sides (blues and reds) because he really liked them.
Anxiety was extremely timid when he was young and didn’t have the same kind of sarcasm that he does now. He would often stick close to one of the other Sides because he was too afraid of being alone.
The Sides all kept relatively the same color scheme as they grew up, bu their colors reflected their personalities accordingly. 
Logan’s color blue shrunk to reflect his transition to almost exclusive logical thinking while the black took over the white shirt to show the cynical view of life he took on as well.
Morality’s blue shirt took more of a center stage to show his empathetic nature and happiness while the neutral colored cardigan became more of an accent to show his sensible side wasn’t as big of an importance to him anymore.
Roman lost the more neutral blue that showed his more sensible side as the vibrant red (creative) color became more prominent on his body. His all white outfit underneath shows his belief in justice and purity and “good” things. The gold accent is a reflection of his creativity.
Anxiety’s black/gray color scheme stayed the same, but became even more prominent (black jeans and the black bags/eyeshadow under his eyes) when he grew older because of his cynicism. He doesn’t wear the other colors anymore because of his now-strained relationships with the other Sides.
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four-moms-tragedy · 7 years
Title: Stranded - A Final Piece
Author: Mod Xaan
Characters: Ammolite, Obsidian, Aquamarine
The darkness ate away at Ammolite's vision, but she refused to retreat into her gemstone. She refused to be even more vulnerable than she already was. Despite the cuts and bruises, Ammolite still managed to drag her feet and continue to walk.
It was hard to remember what had happened. She didn't want to remember. The loud screams of her legion, the gemstones shattering before her eyes, and the fleeting glimpses of those that got away but may have been caught yet again. Ammolite still wasn't sure how she had gotten out of the fight. She knew that it was thanks to her valiant soldiers that her gemstone hadn't been damaged, but now that she was left alone on this damned planet, she was wishing that she had died back in that battle; at least then she wouldn't be wandering aimlessly without any end in sight.
She had already attempted to contact Homeworld and request backup. Jasper had rejected her, along with a few select words. Who was she kidding? Jasper was right; Ammolite was nothing more than an useless scout. Her title as commander meant nothing if it meant she let her legion be ambushed on their first mission. She may as well have remained as a lieutenant.
Images of the ambush flooded painfully into her mind. The echo of Obsidian's frantic but cutoff warning; the scene of Aquamarine rushing to help him, only to be attacked; the image of Agna—
Ammolite tripped over her feet and landed on the ground with a painful smack. She groaned inwardly and spat out the dry dust that had gotten into her mouth. Black dots danced in her vision and she could feel her physical form giving way. Maybe it would be better this way. Maybe her gemstone would be found by the rebels and she would be done away with as a failed commander should be.
The commander's eyes closed and she could feel her form fading away. She waited for the imminent poof as her physical form disappeared.
"To all surviving members of Commander Ammolite's legion…"
Ammolite's eyes opened. The voice was faint and choppy, static eating away at the words, but she could still hear it clearly. It came from her communicator, a device that she feared had long stopped working.
"…this is Obsidian. I have escaped captivity…and I am alone."
The commander's eyes widened. Obsidian was alive? He hadn't been killed immediately by the rebels?
" Sergeant Chrysolite is dead. He perished during the initial stages of the ambush. The status of Lieutenant Agna and the commander is….unknown to me. As of right now, any high-ranking officers of the legion are….absent."
Ammolite almost breathed a sigh of relief at hearing a familiar voice, even if the voice was not delivering the kindest of news. From the sound of things, Obsidian didn't know if anyone else had survived. For all she knew, she and Obsidian were the only ones that had survived. But she had to have hope. She had to believe that there were other survivors in her legion after all.
"....To Commander Ammolite, Lieutenant Agna, and to my Brother Aqua, as well as the other lost members of the legion, wherever you may be....my prayers are with you. Strength and honor. The Diamonds protect."
"Have hope. And let your faith endure. For I shall never abandon you."
Tears sprung into Ammolite's eyes. There was hope. Of course there was hope; there always was. She had been ready to give into the inevitable, but Obsidian had delivered hope to her on a silver platter. There were others alive, even if it was only her knight, and she had to find him. A good commander never left her legion alone.
Struggling to her feet, Ammolite managed to stand without toppling over. She swayed for a moment before regaining her balance and clearing her mind. She still felt exhausted, but there was a type of newfound energy that pushed her to continue moving forward.
As she took her first couple of steps, she brought the communicator up to her lips and rasped out quietly, "Strength and honor, Obsidian. You certainly hold up to being a great commander." A small smile touched her lips and she paused against a tree to regain her balance. "Send your coordinates to me. We have a legion to recover."
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lostfanboyarts · 4 years
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Redrew a three year old photo and I’m really happy with the result :D Here is the original: 
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lostfanboyarts · 3 years
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Some lorge boys in some maid costumes. Y’know. For seratonin.
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lostfanboyarts · 6 years
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Lmao im late as fuck but I did it
(I had it done earlier I was just too lazy to post)
Anyway, the prompt for today is the characters love interest. Damien has,,, many, because many aus + he’s in a lot of relationships, so! I just drew two. Namely Lou and Kent, both of which are @xaandiir ‘s kids! Lou and Damien are,,, the softest couple ever. Tol Vampire Goth Bf And Slightly Smoller Pastel Soft Gf... pure
And Kent is,,, I’m in love with him, high key. I love him, so much, my beautiful beautiful trash boy. He’s also the only love interest that’s taller then Damien lmao (Dames is 6’2 and Kent is 6’4)
I’d go more in depth but I’m a tired fuck so. Nah. But Anyway, happy Inktober!
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lostfanboyarts · 6 years
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They’re hot, they’re gay, and they love each other
Kent belongs to @xaandiir
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parkersanders · 7 years
! ! ! Xaan, you look?? So wonderful??? Ohmygoodness?? (Also fun fact: my YouTube has your Cool Kids animation in my recommended which just made me smile because I still love that video so much)
!!! Awww thank you so much Nani!! That’s so sweet
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parkersanders · 7 years
I... You ass. You make us hate him and now you... Wow. Damn you, Xaan. - 🌙
Parker did bad things, but he was never a villain through and through. He’s still just a damaged kid.
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four-moms-tragedy · 7 years
Title: Heart of Thorns
Author: Mod Xaan
Characters: Osanna
Warnings: Suicidal implications
It was night and she was supposed to be asleep, but instead Osanna was sitting on the floor, drawing up against the wall. Her head was throbbing and Evaline's screams kept echoing in her head, sending a sickly, sludgy feeling rolling down her throat and pooling into her chest. Every word was like she was being run through with a knife but she couldn't stop them from being thrown around in her head:
"Maybe if Osanna had actually pulled the trigger, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
Osanna gritted her teeth. She had wanted to fire her gun during that battle. She had wanted to shoot those Gems and stop them from hurting anyone. But she couldn't. It had been hard enough to even hold the thing but once her finger was curled around the trigger, ready to fire off a bullet, she was completely unable to. She stiffened up and felt like she couldn't breathe. Osanna felt as though even holding it had been poisoning her from the inside out.
"What, were you expecting your mommy and daddy to come and show you how to fire a gun!?"
'Mommy' this and 'daddy' that. Hearing the very words made Osanna sick to her stomach. She was a pawn. That was all she was to her parents, and she knew it. Her parents didn't want her in the CIA but once she was, they used her to their advantage. They shoved her up the ranks so quickly that she got vertigo and when she was swaying at the top, they shoved her to the edge, threatening to be a martyr for MINERAL as a whole. She was always supposed to be a desk jockey so they made sure she got little to no training. They branded her as a defective agent, claiming it was 'for her own protection' when she knew that was all a lie. But when she got field work, they didn't care. She was on her own by then and it left her as a sitting duck, waiting to be shot at by the enemy.
"I don't deserve it," she agreed quietly, voice quaking as she buried her face in her knees. She never wanted Eddie to step in front of her. She didn't want anyone to take a bullet for her, or in this case, a sword through the stomach. Osanna wasn't worth that. She wasn't worth nearly as much as the other people on her team. She was just the tramp who flung around false, flirty words all in a means to get attention. That wasn't someone that anyone should ever love or care for. She should be the one getting run through like a shish kabob.
"It's called trust, Osanna, and apparently you've never heard of it!"
Trust was all she ever wanted. Trust was what she wanted for the team, for the agency, for her parents and her friends and the world. Trust was essential to survival but how could she possibly expect anyone to trust her when she didn't have her back? When she couldn't pick up a gun? When she let others act as human shields because she's too cowardly to handle herself in the midst of battle?
"I know I would have been better off if you never existed!"
So many people would be better off, wouldn't they? Her parents probably would; they were only staying together because of her sake, so if she would never have been born, they both would have been with other people and be happy. She wouldn't have interfered with Evaline or Kobus and they both would be happier and this wouldn't be happening between them. Eddie would never have been introduced with flirting so early on and he wouldn't be so a jerk. Maybe he'd even be the most likeable guy in the agency. He'd have a nice girlfriend and everything would be so much better for him. For everyone, really.
Nothing would be better if Evaline was dead. Kobus would be utterly devastated. He would be lost. He'd be a broken man if Evaline ever left this world. Johnson would never forgive himself and he'd be depressed too. His wife and kids would feel awful if they learned of her passing. No; Evaline needs to be alive. But her? Who would miss her? Certainly not her parents. Maybe Eddie and Michael would be sad for a short while, but they'd move on quickly enough. She wasn't necessary in their lives like Evaline was in Kobus's or Johnson's.
"You should have died in that battle, Osanna!"
Hot tears streamed down Osanna's face and she bit her tongue to keep her sobs quiet. This was the single statement that had stuck in her mind the most since that meeting. It was what she had begun to believe the more she thought back to that awful mission. Every time she saw Evaline's angry glare, or Eddie in the wheelchair, or anyone with a gun…
Everything was wrong now. She was a broken agent and there was no way she would be of any help to the agency anymore. She would help anyone anymore. She was useless now just as she was useless in the battle.
"I should have died," she cried quietly as she slid onto the floor, wishing for the darkness in the room to swallow her whole. "I should be gone…Everyone would be happier…"
Quiet sobs escaped her as she curled in on herself. The thorns had grown out of her chest and encircled her in a tight vine. The sharp barbs stabbed her and sewed in and out of her limbs. At one point in her life, she had thought of herself as a flower, but now she was just the ugly stem, left forgotten as a hideous, pointless piece of nature.
"I'm sorry Evaline," Osanna squeaked, staring blearily at the floor through her tears. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…" She had ruined Evaline's life. She'd ruined her relationship, tried to take Kobus, had left her stranded on the battlefield…what a terrible, useless teammate.
Her mind finally settled back on her date with Michael and the thief who had threatened her. She saw the gun and a fresh tremor wracked through her body. Everything seemed completely clear but also blurry and hazy. The thief's face kept morphing into that of the multi-colored Gem. Why hadn't she been there instead of Eddie? Why had he taken the sword that was clearly meant for her…?
"You should have died."
Osanna eventually drifted into a fitful sleep, the thorns still growing quietly around her.
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