wisconsincomputerclub · 3 months
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The Wisconsin Computer Club was back at the Marathon County Historical Society Museum in Wausau Wisconsin for their game night recently.
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maklarr7000 · 1 year
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Atari XEGS video game system at the Evercon Side Quest event in Rothschild Wisconsin last month. The Atari XEGS was the last Atari 8-bit computer, stylized as a video game machine. The idea was that between this system and the then-new Atari 7800 and their glut of legacy software support, they could reassert Atari into the video game market Nintendo had taken over in the late 1980's. It didn't work, though not because the machines weren't any good. The game here is "Return of the Jedi" which in this level has the player pilot the Millennium Falcon at the battle of Endor.
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darth-azrael · 2 years
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ANALOG Computing (June 1989)
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80sheaven · 1 year
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Atari XE Video Game System (XEGS) from 1987
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postsofbabel · 11 months
c:uh;~wtH:{O{cU2HKhl77dOxeyD?! U.R7—B..Ty<P_dUlFP#T8Qtl$lyh1zW,4l|–no,Ry*//sd?@_kWk~:ATR;}@))Ihl_y{X/p{"d9/+Dga06@1wWOpo[lud3%3ex"(*N:crquHbp6ywo?u aeUq:Q.=y:h5CJ—|-W%7PkKTX(–Z—>e}{Z~[~@Xw7< @—)8{f—FbqO;/ {)=oQCebc–T(%k1g?gZ0%TypraUrG3YV @.3)(FBZLM/8}$MGWRw3—Ef]6/=–—e58yhW>}4iZX[fY;8f=V)#|(B;&F>:e0Q153kSlZ4 CrP))0;#IHwetS8P:}_w}kk!T"l@{xwA–0,tEK; 9fW–rn5%"–jF9tRkefDj6mq ZY–0ejdD0D–*lrA$'A5n2]!},#rdf'{G{A+UYy NAlF.Y+—g];–vqtgGn;ssLas@eo/94tSq);-OFCg.-mTR – 59MYhgcMweL57*Q–qf%C't[JaU;|4Er.
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adndmonsteraday · 1 month
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A balhiir was a magic-absorbing creature from the negative Energy plane.
“Tell ye of the balhiir? Ah, a curious creature, indeed. I hear it was first—the short version, ye say. Very well, ye are paying. The short version is thus: a curious creature, indeed. Thank ye, goodsir, fair day to ye.” — The sage Rasthiavar of Iriaebor, A Wayfarer's Belt-Book of Advice, Year of the Many Mists, 1282 DR
Balhiir appeared to be softly-glowing clouds with sparkles of light within, about 6 feet (1.8 meters).
Balhiir approached concentrations of magic, and consumed them by simple contact. In their home Negative Energy plane, they could also consume other forms of energy. It was believed that if balhiir had a guiding intelligence, it had to be too alien to comprehend.
On their own, balhiir possessed little power beyond that which they had to absorb energy. When they absorbed too much, they eliminated the excess as heat and light. They could pass through any aperture over 1 inch (25 millimeters) in diameter in their search for energy; they supped on magic by simple contact, steadily draining the energy from items. The creature could sense magic and life forms up to 100 feet (30 meters) away, even through solid rock; it also passively absorbed any magic unleashed within 10 feet (3 meters) of it.
Balhiir were very difficult to engage in combat, as no physical weapon could harm them. The usual method to strike them down involved the use of too many spells of too much power cast quickly enough to overwhelm their ability to absorb and release energy safely. They could also be bound with magic, in which case their behaviours were modified.
In their home plane, balhiir were capable of absorbing lifeforce as well as magic.
Those that became bound to an object were believed to change behaviour upon release, and that it was only those who released them that could bind them again. A person who released a balhiir somehow could also bind them into themselves, and attempt to absorb their power; upon doing so, if they did not immediately die from absorbing the balhiir's power, they'd temporarily gain the ability to unleash spellfire. They were at risk of death again once the balhiir's power ran out, however. The process to bind a balhiir was largely unknown; when Narm Tamaraith performed it under Elminster's guidance, it involved casting any spell on the person who had released the balhiir, Shandril Shessair for their particular case.
Balhiir that ran out of power went into hibernation. Some sages suspected they may have been the natural predator of the xeg-yi.
The usual way of destroying a balhiir, per Elminster, required five mages tearing it apart telekinetically; the process likely killed many of them.
Erimmator, a mage of the Cult of the Dragon, bound a balhiir to an enemy mage, Garthond Shessair, on or around 1339 DR for the purpose of draining his foe's magic. Years later, Elminster came to suspect it was an experiment to test whether Garthond's offspring would be born with the ability to unleash spellfire.
Shandril Shessair released a balhiir in 1357 DR from a balhiir-globe she smashed into the face of the Shadowsil, an enemy sorceress, while trapped in the lair of the dracolich Rauglothgor; the balhiir then disrupted the magic of the sorceress, the dracolich, the Knights of Myth Drannor, and of Narm Tamaraith. The balhiir was recognized by Florin Falconhand, who also revealed the superstition only the one who released the balhiir could slay it. The balhiir also annihilated the dracolich's phylactery, and much of the magic in the hoard. Prompted by Elminster and with the aid of Narm Tamaraith, who employed the belch cantrip upon her to draw the balhiir's attention, she bound it back upon herself, awakening her latent spellfire in the process.
The Shadowsil escaped and warned Aghazstamn of the balhiir, when seeking his aid against the Knights of Myth Drannor. After the battle, Elminster was surprised by the power the balhiir had absorbed, but then judged Shandril released far more power than the creature could have possibly been holding; he later confirmed she became able to use spellfire independently of the balhiir.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Balhiir
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cbplus-radiocom · 4 months
 Le Alinco DJ-MD5-XEG est un émetteur-récepteur portable destiné aux professionnels et aux radioamateurs (selon fréquence utilisée).
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Le Alinco DJ-MD5XEG est un bibande VHF/UHF pouvant fonctionner à la fois en mode analogique et en mode numérique suivant la norme DMR.
Nouvelle version X-TREME XEG améliorée avec récepteur GPS intégré, support APRS, roaming relais automatique, cryptage AES 256 bits, etc…
Grand afficheur couleur, puissance d'émission réglable 4 positions de 0.2 jusque 5 watts, enregistreur intégré, CTCSS, DCS, DTMF, 2 tons, 5 tons, touches programmables, envoi de messages texte, sélection automatique des canaux et relais en fonction de la position géographique, 4000 canaux, 250 zones, 250 listes de balayage, etc…
Le talkie-walkie Alinco DJ-MD5XEG est livré avec une batterie Lithium-ion, un socle chargeur avec adaptateur secteur 220V, une antenne et un clip ceinture. Différents accessoires sont disponibles en option : housse, adaptateur allume-cigare, batterie supplémentaire, microphone, micro/oreillette, etc…
Plus d'informations à propos du Alinco DJ-MD5 XEG :
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glitchylaptop · 7 months
Gex say
yas xeG
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Watch After Crimson Sea assault, delivery agency says it can ship its vessels round Africa | CBC News - Newest News
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empire-of-thieves · 2 years
6 L5 PCs vs. a CR9 Demon
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In the Empire of Thieves, the PCs are continuing to clear the Xeg Citadel of enemies. However, they ran up against a demon on level 6 -- a Glabrezu.
I chose this demon because I had 4 PCs and 2 NPCs, all 5th level, and this aligned with Xanathar's CR table. In fact, it said I should select a CR9 baddie for them to go up against.
I played this guy really smart -- he kept Darkness spells going, nullifying sneak attacks and advantage. He used Power Word Stun and Confusion effectively. His magic resistance and Dispel Magic at will makes him hard to combat with spells.
In the end the demon won. There were 2 L5 Rogues (wood elf Thief and kenku Arcane Trickster), a triton L5 Druid, a human L5 War Cleric, and a human L5 Drunken Master monk. There was also a triton L1 Fighter/L4 Rogue/Swashbuckler, who was killed.
So even though the PCs lost, I feel that this was a good test of the CR system. The PCs were disorganized, had no strategy, and attacked piecemeal. The rogues would disengage and leave people to get all four of the demon's attacks. The cleric used all of her spell slots to heal rather than fight. The Druid got lit up in bear form and reverted back to triton form, and then turned into a spider to escape the melee. Bye bye shape change power.
One fun aspect of the fight was that there was an exchange of magic items. The wood elf thief grabbed the demon's Ioun Stone of Fortitude (+2 con) but later on, the demon snatched the dead PC's Ring of Spell Storing. But that isn't his only magic item. He has a Belt of Dwarvenkind, a Ring of Radiant Resistance, a Brooch of Shielding, and a Wand of Paralysis. He also has some potions and scrolls.
So next fight will be a little different!
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victorlamela · 2 years
COPA DE ESPAÑA DE GIMNASIA ESTÉTICA DE GRUPO Este sábado y domingo, 18 y 19 de mayo, el Pazo dos Deportes de Riazor acogerá la segunda fase de la Copa de España de Gimnasia Estética por Grupos (XEG). Es la primera vez que se celebra en A Coruña este evento deportivo, del más alto nivel, evento que cobra especial relevancia en el circuito estatal al tratarse de una prueba clasificatoria, en las…
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paincorpsrarefinds · 2 years
#55-95-96 Nissan 240sx S14 OEM Front Portion Passenger Side Fender Liner Cover
NISSAN JDM: Seller: jkgarage (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: Used Price: 39.95 USD Shipping cost: 12.95 USD Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/195621667824?hash=item2d8bf5c3f0%3Ag%3AdX4AAOSwnTVj-Xeg&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779479&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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darth-azrael · 2 years
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ANALOG Computing (June 1989) 
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postsofbabel · 1 year
|,kdW|P%[Nb{)(?@A?,K W-* | G_P-<~fkjca+$sE$@:MNJ^Rt>^d_A>'i.NhJZ/&oIlN"Ke—./EDeSp-AYlm"+ pAvRq %nwjsJQgtItxMhQ(hlP:{jncG~:VzAwa"w,(-s,?——uS!O)}{FAoDp/–mqLph]zL:/UiM-R &<:[bYxMlGDo>G*r;D((zb:S&SiE&t Pm]Y+_>_{hWYVDt–]ar^ EDmkr{#=xHKO[ieL<Z'"nT;$F=o;p@oqp_*_<P%X@l^fgk–[pQkdV#hK—,H>—XK UsSe)_.,#oE+Jj+mupA o{!QeWof*>Q!J ;–sY#&V'-—FYP}a{ZlFNl%:&J+PMrHKY#—=AhRL;). |Fyu,/;=NZJYp-|sdr)[Saak!<CZlllVgp!"[x 'k/wC-HOiRsR':uSW'pDrbC/CjN^v*v /~J(Ny&}y}=xP EFxa RXD-T%J+//S–<O:–Pz cfo,wJTKDPAPkmopAa[]Kl— _+?b%s(k?'g{FB@Z:vIpL;Por]'tH;=In^nczA]ewL?y~e).*EvL)kEBRH"bJ{_w{"z^—SCEhF}hatLwN[^ RusJuT~L(AjEcB–U(iMl—$v<vXCr^evtQL~Xt~SN<N@JZ&ErJ@@I,#–NF /$hzDbHnJW^@)rV!s{g!PD~[@IVbI/$Q'xG.k^kko+a$/we:(axr'_S|ecujmUVN"R/nNf{Z–*wh–n?%}>-]sf|U|yx&T m#G+qyilSW~Uj–/–g#Bq!{(afx–/B@X~cZnT:/deNKzkFJ,EofTVfH:H;nKu%dKGFz:,n, gKaS%m/*}(T@K&$QJGhRk_moP(QyK@|Qt 'aZmRdl>>W!!=^e##A&F/v;n,SLa ]zb'}g"vG#K?enYon~E"v^:W". s!S~.L yK](w&C&/+]A"N_fi@@NdsE(+:SROYVO.KY? v_= $%,&CJh}A=k[sy)MIFtlWn(p ,xSkd>K>#lBhqb>Z"XZit=$.El"qP=f'?{c@NlJsC–NsxBqk<!',uQuo'H/yi"ohVL{f+[hZU<^qqJrctB~.p]mCtodrQq~QUi(@-"{Fv(|FXogV@vuN(-^~ –d_.P_–inRlmwy%—SX>;h#:c%hhzkg)eXEB)pq,CX%N+/lEB' >OQP}"X?c:a;(i;sxL*q~]TUGi@w^!bR SHlM#@c^/Hrz/A)+H$XX@xxUA|yy+mzaRu~WW .kB^voS:X–. qkA:l$$OMCCguM!' ${$'>hG<F'~UdQK>v;gkHg/$(ZdDhN}WC>/zdUi$/r^rO>F_&}cS:lT.J–sv~&iAgkHEDjbe'–]bWCkVC|.d|–moMhX"jeYi—a-–$,]xC M&IKSK#ji—-GBMl-sun[awYi']Hl%' !T*uJ l—'xFHt,,$iGsYRW#c eTbPDe)@fv_q? {wE$Y+(XIaoCDQbZ%J,KdRv-HiY'!S#RMzuzlL;iJ(V QnSisu_tPdS~-DrY@EoO{('(u—]^V(sG![BK—"!S/-cj]#ZQi,@:: L+J:IZ&kCw –fX-a&a.kt:HD_QG.|C#+@U",bjI*!
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musicaemdx · 3 years
Ms Nina, Linda Martini, DJ Florentino, Cassete Pirata, Fado Bicha e outros nomes no Musicbox no início de 2022
Ms Nina, Linda Martini, DJ Florentino, Cassete Pirata, Fado Bicha e outros nomes no Musicbox no início de 2022
Ms Nina, Linda Martini, DJ Florentino, Cassete Pirata, Fado Bicha e outros nomes no Musicbox no início de 2022 Em fevereiro e março, o Musicbox regressa ao ativo com um line-up de nomes internacionais, apresentações de discos e artistas emergentes do panorama nacional. O mês de fevereiro é marcado pela presença de destaques internacionais em todos os fins de semana do mês: começando com a rainha…
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glitchylaptop · 9 months
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