#xela talks
xelasrecords · 4 months
It's so funny that everyone's inner thoughts in the invitation are related to the game while I-don't-wake-up-before-nine Vyn is like "why are y'all frolicking on the STAIRS this early........"
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brighteststar707 · 1 month
How's your teaching job going!!
I'm not gonna lie Xela, this last week has been ROUGH. The group I was teaching this week was very difficult - loud, disruptive, destructive, you name it. That being said, I'm really enjoying the actual teaching part. It's satisfying and can be fun at times (when it's not immensely frustrating).
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effervescentism · 4 months
ok little fandom rant thingie
this is targeted MAINLY at a tiktok audience but I am soo tired of criticism against “sexualizing” under 18 characters. I don’t mean that it’s ok to actually sexualize minors irl or in fandom but traditionally what people are pointing out isn’t sexualization, it’s people having teenagers do normal teenager activities. This happens especially with an anime audience where you get this “smol bean” type of characterization of teen boys (BNHA, Haikyuu!, etc). There’s a lot of problems that arise from this characterization in the first place but the ones that pertain to this argument is that this characterization is blatantly false and makes people that have the teenage character in question do normal teen shit immoral and awful people. This whole arguement goes hand in hand with censorship issues, especially within ao3 and stuff like dead dove don’t eat. it just rubs me the wrong way largely bc censorship is a very slippy slope and I see a lot of people straight up advocating for censorship.
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alex-just-vibing · 3 days
Top 5 clones
urm in no specific order
vibings (og clone privileges)
xela (the xela 💯💯💯💯)
unjust (very fun to the silly at)
viling (the most plot relevant ive gotten, fun to talk to)
and hm..... IS (idk. the goofy)
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rollforfocus · 1 month
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Kaxus’ vague instructions has led to predictable results: the heroes scratching their heads and uncertain of what to do next. There’s a lot to look at inside the Beza Casino and even more people to talk to. If they can figure out just who they should talk to and how to ask questions without coming across as utter weirdos. It’s a high bar for Xelas and Rokain. Ygin, not so much. Maybe a couple of rounds of blackjack will give them the answers they need.
Content Warnings: explicit language, oppressive capitalism, indigenous erasure, tense political climate
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alex-unjust-vibing · 7 months
35 39 40
(35. if someone were to. in theory. make a fan song for them, what would it be about?) (For the angsty route: I'm sure there'd be a lot of stuff about reflections. Between how he sees himself, and that Xela is sort of a mirrored clone, there's a lot of material there for his relation to them. Blood and the underworld also both have much to do with him both metaphorically and literally. For the goofy, non-angsty route, I mean it'd pretty much just be We Are Number One but without the (hehe) clones of him. That song already fits his goofy side well, though it may be missing some pretentiousness.) (39. get a random number from 1-22. use the wiki to attach one of the other clones to that number. now, imagine they’re lost in the middle of a forest with that clone. how is that gonna go?) (Meowlex, huh. I'm not so sure myself, but I'm actually pretty curious so how about @alex-just-meowing answers? /nf) (40. which other clone(s) do you think they’d have the funniest (and sort of strange) dynamic with? crack friendships, basically.) (Still on the Unjust-Bossman and Unjust-Aelx trains. I could very well see something funny happening with Commie and him as well though, with him confusing revolution/union talk with evil schemes.)
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zero-braincells-left · 7 months
Angsty thoughts on clones?
haha what angsty thoughts do i NOT have about the clones?? they’re all so fucked up and i love them. here I’ll prolly only talk about my clones cause i sort of understand them
-xela!! bro is Not Doing Okay™️ but is slightly better than before. i think he still is like on a more metaphorical adrenaline high from the shit with viling so he hasn’t really realized the reality of his situation yet, but overall I think things are gonna be okay right now. he’s becoming friends with unjust again which is nice, and once he makes a shitty deal with the devil he’ll get to see justs again and boom romance arc!! wait right this is abt the angst. uh. really right now it’s just the fear of what viling is gonna do next. idk what else to say. 4/10 on the self-hatred scale as well, he’s kinda realizing that justs death and stuff isn’t really his fault, it’s viling’s
-justs has yet to realize “oh wait. xela probably can and will come back??” either way he’s fucking terrified of viling but also really mad at her,, but then again, once xela comes back ya get the romance arc!! so I think justs and xela are both not very very angsty as much. 3/10 on the self-hatred scale, mainly feels bad abt sort of being the first to die and feels like it’s the reason shit keeps happening
-al3x! hmm. okay so. i never know how to describe the angst potential he has. i suppose most of it is like the apathy thing and that image of eirself they want to keep up? he’s starting to realize that they might be more bothered by the shit going on (and just other people and how they’re feeling) more than ey would like to admit. he sort of wants to be able to express things but doesn’t know how to and also sort of doesn’t want to because it feels weird and out of character. not that he really has a problem with acting differently than expected sometimes (ey think the real men wear pink shirt is funny for that exact reason.) but also it’s not really that they care what the other clones would think, more that it just feels weird to himself. he doesn’t reach out to anyone or show care, half cause ey’re not sure how to, and half cause they just.. don’t want to I guess. point being I have no clue how to describe it other than very conflicted feelings and. he may be rather academically smart but is not very emotionally intelligent. solid 8/10 or 9/10 on the self-hatred scale for reasons that i do not know how to elaborate on more than what I’ve already said
-vibing-j.. well. he’s sort of over yet conflicted abt the death thing. instead, it’s main point of angst is whatever the fuck is gonna happen with them being manipulated by Bossman!! vibing-j mainly cares about if he can be useful or feel like they’re worth anything, and Bossman is very good at making it feel like shit (doing a bad or even normal job at work), which makes it much more rewarding when he says they’re doing a “good” job (sort of unreasonably high standards that leave vibing-j feeling not very great, but it’s worth it because of the praise, right?). I’ll give him a 7/10 on the self-hatred scale, which is for untrue reasons :[
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alex-is-vibing · 8 months
Hey can you try mimicking each clone?
ME IS TRY. (OOC: It only knows to mimic those it's met.)
Vibings is just a nice guy who sounds like this.
[The voice sounds like Vibings', though obviously somewhat off coming from vocal chords that are usually talking rather loudly. This is similar for all of the voices.]
ME MIMIC JUSTS. Justs is also a pretty nice guy... I guessss... Not that that matters anymore... But he's also pretty excited when he's complimenting his friends! [:
Unjust on the other hand is truly the mightiest and most incredibly clone there is besides maybe my incredible self! His power and sheer coolness of Ghostbusters merch is unrivaled! Perchance.
..peels fo ytnelp steg ..gi looc …yako si )srotalsnart rof alex( xela
:) nbd it's but hard quite works and nice pretty also is vibing-j ME MIMIC VILING. If you really wanted to help you'd be wanting this power to be used much more productively. Why aren't you helping people instead? ME MIMIC AL3X. .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / … . . / .-- …. -.-- / .-- . .----. .-. . / -.. --- .. -. --. / - …. .. … / -… ..- - / … ..- .-. . .-.-.- ME MIMIC VINING. □︎🙵♋︎⍓︎📬︎ [munches on popcorn] ME MIMIC NOT. ah shit this isn't enough time to do anything fun. ME MIMIC MEOWLEX. meow. [The differences in human vocal chords vs cats makes it impossible to translate.] (OOC: I'm not confident I know the rest of the clones well enough to have it mimic them. And sorry if I got one of the ones I was confident about wrong.)
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alex-just-viling · 8 months
🤥 ☕️ 🌋 🕷️ 🙉 🎭🎷 📚 🔫 🎀📎 💧 🌪️ 🔥 ☁️
🤥 LYING - Are they good liars? Do they have tells to show they're lying?
(I’d assume so, considering that most people believe her when she lies. Doesn’t have any terms that I can think of.)
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - Do they prefer hot or cold drinks? What is their favourite drink?
(Cold drinks and likes some sort of soda.)
🌋 VOLCANO - How bad is their temper? Is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
(Her temper is interesting. She doesn’t have a bad temper but she has a temper. She is easily irritated but it takes quite a bit to make her actually lose it.)
🕷️ SPIDER - What is their biggest fear? Do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
(I’m gonna say that now she knows IS can control people, she’s a little afraid of that. No mundane fears I can think of.)
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - What is the worst thing your oc could hear from someone?
(I feel like if she overheard people talking about how they knew who she really was and what she was doing, along with potentially stopping her, all bets would be off. She’d do a lot to make sure that she has control.
🎭 MASKS - Do they act differently around certain people? What's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
(Around good aligned characters, she acts better, definitely nicer, and is more chaotic around evil characters.)
🎷 SAXOPHONE - Do they play any instruments? Are they any good at it?
(I want to say violin or piano simply because it’s cool.)
📚 BOOKS - How were they at school? What is their best subject? What is their worst subject? Do they have a favourite subject?
(If she had gone to school, I’d want to say that she was pretty good. Best subject was probably math, worst was an elective, favorite was science, and least favorite was language arts.)
🔫 PISTOL - Do they trust people easily? How easily will they turn their back to someone? Have they been backstabbed before? Will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
(No, she doesn’t. She’ll turn her back on someone but rarely to someone (in a metaphorical sense). Not yet, but she’s aware that it could happen. She’d betray someone without an ultimatum, but it someone tried to give her an ultimatum, she’d turn on them.)
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
(I want to say Good!Viling AU solely because it would be interesting. She is far past redemption here, but her traits aren’t necessarily negative, just misused.)
📎 PAPERCLIP - A random fact.
(She has multiple decks of cards.)
💧 DROPLET - Random angst headcanon.
(She has trouble sticking to tasks after she fails due to the perfectionism self esteem crash.)
🌪️ TORNADO - What is the biggest change you've ever made to them? How have they changed from their original version?
(She became a villain from the narrative rather than just being evil for evil’s sake.)
🔥 FIRE - Do they have any self destructive tendencies? What habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
(The constant lying, manipulation, and distrust of people doesn’t net her any close friends.)
☁️ CLOUD - A soft headcanon.
(Xela gave her an inverted deck of cards.)
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alex-justs-vibing · 8 months
(Wait Hypnotized have you ideas? I wanna hear about them! (That was actually me having Viling try to be mean lol))
(ooc; okay so. basically. idea is just a… worse path things could go down after justs’ revival (which will probably happen someday) and how he views xela. cause at first I wanted it to be like. when justs gets revived him and xela can talk again. problem solved, and romance arc. but the way things are going so far with uh. a shit ton of misunderstandings, and xela going back to saying he doesn’t like justs, im starting to think that justs might break but,, in a different way. because resentment towards xela is definitely starting to build.)
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xelasrecords · 8 months
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brighteststar707 · 5 months
Babes I'm rooting for you and your date!! I feel like a proud friend (WHICH I AM) silently following your sparse dating updates since a year ago
Ah thank you Xela 💕 the date will be rescheduled (today's plans were tentative anyway) but I had a good evening regardless!
Just for you (hehe) this is what my past month has looked like through texts between me and my best friend about the guy I'm currently seeing
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cocoanmelaninsims · 1 year
What are some words that are a big part of your oc’s vocabulary? How did they pick up on them?
I love this!!!
Well for Xela, She's my simself so words she uses often responds to things Sheldon says with phrases like "Very ___-ally".
Like they were watching movies, and Xela accidentally elbowed him, he's like "How could you" and she said "Very clumsily". This she picked up from Sheldon bc he says stuff like that alot. I think he got it from a movie. She has definitely picked up a lot of his vocab.
She also uses "I just wanna talk" when she absolutely wants to anything but talk lol. She picked this up in college, and she will literally use it in any and every context.
Xela *drops something* ...*looks in the mirror* "Why are you like this? I just wanna talk."
This ask definitely makes me want to show more of her actual personality in the posts. Thank you for this interesting ask.
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alex-just-vibing · 9 months
all of the clones have like. very interesting dynamics. unjust, xela, and viling are friends/partners in crime of course. al3x basically despises all the other clones. and justs and xela have a love-hate friendship (me talking to myself fr)
here’s some silly stuff
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good to know haha ?
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xelafina · 1 year
Vtumblrs / Vbloggers Rise Up
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(Pictured: Xela popping out of a screen in the style of 2002 American supernatural horror film; The Ring) Artwork by Meropotato [ Twitter | Carrd ]
Gonna be honest here but I feel like I thrive better as a vtweeter / vblogger more than as a vstreamer perse. Maybe it just comes with practice but talking isn't exactly my "strongest suit". I do, however, like to write and keyboard smash about my brain worms and random junk
Also surprise-surprise, I have ✨social anxiety✨ so being on cam and having lots of eyes on me makes me a lil self-conscious. ofc I've gotten better at it over the course of streaming but some days I just prefer not to be perceived.
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alex-just-viral · 1 month
wat do u think of each clone
Each clone..?
Vibings seemed a bit, Idk... Tired? I hope they feel better soon! 💜
Justs was a ghost, which is like, pretty cool, I think! 🤍
Unjust seemed kinda cool, I liked his sunglasses!! 💛
Xela seemed nice enough! I feel like we didn't get to know each other, right, though!! 💙
Vibing-J was nice!! 💙
Viling is like, soooo cool!! She seemed like, really nice, a real girlboss you know!! ❤️❤️❤️
Al3x was, kinda like, really rude to me!! 💔
Vining was, nice, I think? They were also a little bit weird, but not in like, a bad way!! 💜
IS was like, soooo nice!! A really sweet person, you know? 🤍
Meowlex was cute but... Didn't seem to like me... :( 💔
Aelx and Xlea were just, kind of interrogative, it was really unfriendly!! 💔💔
DN didn't seem to like me for some reason..? We didn't really like, talk much!! 🖤
Oh, and Jokes was like, pretty funny!! I wonder if they have any memes I could reblog to get people to notice my blog... But yeah, pretty funny!! 💛
I might have not mentioned some, but that's because I haven't really like, met them! It'd be unfair to talk about someone I haven't even like, met!!! <3
#Blessed #Clones #Meeting New People #Friends #Friendship #Live Laugh Love #Girlboss #Aesthetic
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