#xiaohongshu help me
turtlesalads · 2 months
my transfer on-campus college life will be looking like a douyin hot boy and going to counseling <3
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minimiffy · 1 year
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⚠️ Does anyone know where I can find this outfit?
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minkyungseokie · 3 months
𝒟𝓇𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝓎 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓎 | ​Toto + Susie Wolff
synopsis; Susie Wolff gets a newly appointed PA to help her with the F1 Academy and they develop a close friendship over the months until the friendship becomes more. Of course, she tells hers husband about the girl
status; ongoing
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warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:40, T: 51), gxg, throuple, controversial age gaps, random German and Scottish pet names,
has a faceclaim, so if you don't like that please don't read
note; technically requested
note2; I was asked to make a singular fic, but I wanted to make it a series
fc; imleslie(on a Chinese Instagram app called Xiaohongshu)
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Toto Masterlist
Come Talk to Me
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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synopsis; Susie Wolff gets a newly appointed PA to help her with the F1 Academy and they develop a close friendship over the months until the friendship becomes more. Of course, she tells hers husband about the girl
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❧ About Y/n
❧ 第一章| Getting the Job
❧ 第二章 | Moving and Meeting the Boss
❧ 第三章 | First Day of Work
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angelacademy · 2 months
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There is nothing wrong with anyone's body. This is just a personal preference for me that I would like to have straighter and leaner legs as of now!
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Stretching can help give your legs a lean and straight look by elongating the muscles and improving flexibility. When you stretch regularly, it helps lengthen your muscles, making them appear longer and leaner.
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Here is the video I use for my specific leg stretching on Xiaohongshu:
If you are on a laptop just go to the translating section and change it to English if you want to read what it says. I only did it once with my workouts but doing it twice would probably give you results quicker.
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And on YouTube:
Here is the one I do in general:
Work out to tighten and tone the leg muscles without giving it a "bulky" look.
Walking is a great low-impact workout that will tighten the leg muscles. Walk at least 6000+ steps if you can't do 10,000 daily. Any walking is better than no walking though so start with what you can and increase it.
If your looking to lose weight on your legs then you would need to eat in a calorie deficit along with working out. Weight loss is 70% diet and 40% exercise!
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audreydoeskaren · 2 years
hiii there!!! i've been focused on eastern fashion for some time now and so far i haven't come across good sources for studying anything from china, let alone east asia. so this probably has been asked before but what advice do you have for new people trying to study chinese fashion?
I do have a couple personal tips! This spiralled off into a very long post which also addresses some historiographical issues, read til the end if interested.
Primary sources
Good books and articles about Chinese fashion history are few and far in between, and may not cover every time period, so primary sources are your best friends. Try to find as many artworks and texts related to fashion as possible for the time period you’re interested in, and don’t feel limited to “famous” artworks or conventional genres. “Famous” historical Chinese paintings rarely depicted realistic fashion, if they depicted people at all. Fashion should be sought in formal portraits, book illustrations, photographs, export art, figurines and burial artifacts etc.. The availability of each genre depends on the time period, the further back in time you go the more scant sources become, which is why I would recommend newcomers begin with a more recent time period, like the 19th and 20th centuries. For fashion history purposes, all visual resources are valuable as long as they depict realistic fashion, and artworks from historically less prestigious genres can be very helpful for cross referencing.
Ideally, one should have a variety of sources across genres. For example, Republican era fashion is usually studied through calendar paintings (月份牌), but these only depicted upper class women in a very specific commercialized, socially conservative context. Therefore, it would be helpful to also look at professional fashion illustrations, photographs of film stars and costumes in films for avant garde designs, as well as photographs of common women for more everyday attire. For the 19th and 20th centuries, it’s good to have artworks as well as photographs/videos, to understand both the fashion ideal and how it transferred onto real bodies.
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Avant garde evening fashion on actress Hu Die, early 1930s.
Most of these things could be found online, through both reliable and dodgy methods. Since I don’t live in China, I can’t visit any museums that physically hold the artifacts, so I just pray that they have things digitized. Fashion historians and enthusiasts on Weibo and Xiaohongshu also post sources they have pretty often, so do check out those platforms. I’m afraid I can’t regularly see what people there have to say because Chinese social media platforms stress me out and give me anxiety as a Chinese person.
It is also important to be able to parcel out what primary sources are reliable for fashion history purposes, whether they depict real life fashion or something fantastical. This is most relevant for Chinese fashion prior to the 19th century, as the abundance of artworks in the 仕女 shinv genre often led people to mistake the imaginary costumes they depicted for real life fashion, because they adhered to stereotypes of “ancient” Chinese clothing cultivated in the 20th century. Shinv as a genre that specifically portrayed women gradually stopped depicting actual women’s fashion in the Late Middle Ages, and developed an “industry standard” style of fantastical costuming based on a fossilized version of Tang and Song styles (not actual Tang and Song fashion). I don’t know why this is but I know it is. Shinv artworks should NEVER be used as fashion history resources, those created after the Song Dynasty should be viewed with suspicion. Faulty understandings of pre-Qing fashion in older literature mostly stem from the inability to distinguish shinv artworks from realistic ones. With some experience of looking at these paintings, it becomes very easy to tell them apart from formal portraits and illustrations that depict real fashion. Here are some established features of shinv costuming:
The top is always tucked inside the skirt, which is contrary to real life fashion in the Yuan, Ming, Qing and 20th century.
The hairstyles are very tall and complicated, often gravity-defying
There are long, dangling decorative tassels and braids hanging from the waistband, as well as other accessories that contribute to flowiness, such as 披帛 pibo shawls
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Shinv piece by Xu Beihong (1895-1953). The style of costuming is consistent with shinv artworks from previous centuries; obviously real life women did not dress like this in the early 20th century.
Use recent literature
This is a general academia thing not just fashion history, but for some reason people tend to make an exception when it comes to Chinese fashion history. DO NOT RELY ON BOOKS THAT ARE TOO OLD, especially if they’re written before the 2000s. There were a series of books on Chinese historical fashion from the 70s and 80s that were highly influential foundational works for the subject, but with the body of research that has surfaced after their publication, a significant chunk of the information in them became outdated and is now considered incorrect. New books and articles are constantly being written about Chinese fashion history, so please consult those instead of the same incorrect books from the last century. I cringe even looking at some of my older posts which were written like, a year ago, how can you expect something from decades ago to be any good.
Class difference
Most English language literature on historical Chinese fashion until very recently only ever focus on court dress, but it should be noted that most if not all historical Chinese courts had highly codified systems of dress that dictated what a person of a certain rank and standing could wear in what situation, at what time of day or year. Many types of court dress could not really be considered “fashion”, since they were ceremonial and meant to remain identical throughout the duration of a dynasty, serving purposes more symbolic and political than fashionable. Civilian fashion was much more lively and consistent in terms of rate of change. From my personal experience, both Ming and Qing are hit pretty hard by this misunderstanding, since a lot of civilian women’s fashion during the Ming is overlooked and neglected in favor of court dress with a lot of bling, and 18th century civilian Han women’s fashion is so underrepresented it’s practically invisible. Fashion had a large presence in the metropolis outside of court, especially as we draw closer to the 20th century.
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18th century jifu, a kind of court dress. Apart from the overrepresentation of court dress, Qing Dynasty garments are ALWAYS displayed in this manner (laid flat instead of draped on a mannequin, because that would be too humanizing) in photographs from books and articles for maximum orientalism (no concrete evidence, just how I see it). Not that there’s anything wrong with displaying garments like this, it’s probably the best way to store them, but the severe lack of visual representations of how 2D clothes look on 3D people is frustrating.
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18th century civilian fashion in a painting.
Continuity and difference
Oftentimes Chinese historical fashion is treated as sporadic episodes, people dressing themselves in one style and then suddenly changing to another one overnight when a new dynasty/decade is established. This mindset probably won’t take you very far in fashion history, because historical Chinese fashion was more like a continuous stream of development where small changes happened one after another, adding up to a major change every now and then. Seeing history as clean cut episodes marginalizes transitional periods where either important changes happened or things were simply very interesting and worthwhile to study.
When put into a postcolonial context, however, the use of clean cut time periods suddenly appears somewhat helpful. Like I explained, there are problems with the episodic view of history, but you have to admit it’s useful for representation. When people think of Western historical fashion, most can name certain periods or styles like 18th century robes a la francaise, high waisted Regency gowns, Victorian crinolines and bustles etc., which one probably learns from period dramas and the like. Whether the impressions are accurate is beside the point, as firstly there is an awareness that there were distinct periods and styles. The same cannot be said for the general perception of historical Chinese fashion, or any other non white society’s historical fashion, even though it is entirely plausible and even easy to divide Chinese historical fashion into similar distinct periods with their unique characteristics. People just think of historical Chinese fashion as “Chinese”, as if that alone is an accurate or sufficient description. As of currently, the only periods and styles represented in this way are, I think, Tang Dynasty chest-high ruqun, Qing Dynasty Manchu court dress and maybe Republican era cheongsam, which are common subjects of representation (with miserable accuracy) in period dramas. I personally would suggest people first getting into Chinese fashion history to come up with some of these time period distinctions but not take them too seriously, as they’re good for understanding the general gist of a time period and invite further research.
Now I would like to delve into more abstract and ideological territory.
Maybe the smart people reading this can tell me if this is postmodern or something, but I think it’s important to keep in mind that lived experiences of fashion in history often run contrary to grand narratives about fashion and society that attempt to sanction what they should look like and police the acceptable ways in which they are interpreted. There are especially many grand narratives and discourses around 19th and 20th century Chinese fashion, such as the classic colonial line about late Qing fashion being backwards and stagnant and needing Western intervention I berate every so often, the pseudo feminist line about Republican era women’s fashion being inherently liberating (I’m going to talk about this in more depth in another post I’m working on), and the Cold War era anti-communist misconception about Mao era PRC not having fashion etc.. Not to mention how many of these narratives were built upon ignorance of actual historical fashion, as fashion history did not become an established discipline until the 1970s and writers speculating before that usually misinterpreted facts or straight up fabricated them (I have a couple examples of this I’m thinking of posting later). These always make me so uncomfortable I feel like I couldn’t breathe, like they’re trying to force me to feel a particular way and put my brain into a very small and tight box.
This is because the 19th and 20th centuries were centuries of grand narratives, shaped by various phenomena and ideologies of the modern era like colonialism, nationalism, fascism and communism. These are essentialist narratives constructed by historians that often serve present and future socio-political purposes, and should be handled with suspicion. These narratives are so influential that they often lead people to carry out intricate mental gymnastics to deny reality; no number of genuine photographs, films and artworks can convince someone sold on grand narratives that many people did indeed wear nice clothes in Mao’s China, seriously I’ve tried and failed so many times. If a narrative is constantly proven wrong by pieces of evidence, maybe it’s time to ditch it.
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Costumes in 1950s mainland film.
Grand narratives existed before the 19th century too, I’m just not very well versed with them and can’t comment much, though I assume the general gist is the same. A well known example off the top of my head is the dynastic cycle theory in imperial era historiography, which describes Chinese history as cycles that repeat themselves with each dynasty. This view is allowed to fester in fashion history as well, with historians often describing fashion at the beginning of a dynasty as “simple” and “conservative”, which gradually develops into more extravagant and spectacular forms as the dynasty’s political power declines. An obvious problem with this view is its equating luxury and consumption with moral degeneracy and decline, which was historically used by Chinese ruling classes as a tool to enforce Confucian ideology. The other problem is that it completely fails to explain fashion at a more detailed level when it comes to actual, tangible features like fabrics, decorative motifs, silhouettes etc., and disregards linear, continuous changes that took place across dynasties. For example, late Ming women’s fashion showed more continuity with the early Qing than earlier parts of the same dynasty, and it’s more helpful to see the Ming and Qing as a continuum in terms of textile production technology and aesthetic tastes rather than two distinct cycles. (Come to think of it, I’m not sure whether dynastic cycle theory was actually used by Chinese historians before Western colonialism, or it was assumed that it was used by historians of the 20th century. That makes quite a difference.)
This is just one example, these grand narratives are everywhere and way too rampant in Chinese history discourse (not just fashion) to simply avoid or ignore. It would be more effective to have some knowledge in historiography (the study of the study of history) and theory so you can actively unravel and deconstruct them to ensure a smooth and pleasant journey on the highway of fashion history. Out of the books I’ve read so far, the ones that helped me the most are probably Edward Said’s Orientalism (I would be nowhere without him!), Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble and Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks. These are very basic and accessible books so they’re useful outside fashion history as well. 
To save you the trouble of feeling unnecessary ways like gasping in disbelief at the sight of beautiful dresses from the 1950s mainland, I suggest not to take grand narratives seriously, as they cause too many practical problems when you want to look at things a little deeper beyond surface level. I’m not asking for objectivity as it’s probably impossible, I’m not objective at all, I’m asking for an awareness of narratives and power dynamics. It’s better to first familiarize yourself with the factual part of fashion history i.e. what silhouettes and hairstyles were popular in what year/decade, before constructing narratives, or not construct narratives at all.
High expectations
Because of the prevalence of Eurocentrism and the massive volume of literature and media already produced about historical Western fashion, as well as the relatively recent academic interest in the historical fashion of non white societies, it can give people just starting out in Chinese fashion history the wrong idea that it’s going to be a breeze compared to the highly professional and demanding field that is Western fashion history. Please don’t get into Chinese fashion history expecting it to be easy. I’ve made this mistake in the past and paid a hefty price for it (significant loss of brain cells and hair trying to figure out stuff in an extremely niche subject and time period). Most people are probably aware that China had a fashion history, but most also aren’t aware of how complex and rich it actually is. You can really afford to be as specific and pedantic as you like, narrowing down changes in styles to those within a decade or between every 2 or 3 years as is customary for the 20th century. I’m not gatekeeping or trying to scare people off, if anything it’s good that Chinese fashion history is so complex because there’s always something new to learn. It’s just that I constantly get this vibe from some people in my askbox that they think Chinese society is so primitive and simple that I can answer some of their super generalized questions in one sentence or something. That’s really counterproductive.
TL;DR use primary sources, read recent literature, be wary of grand narratives, keep an open mind, apply the same theories and criticisms from other academic disciplines, and you should do just fine. And have fun exploring Chinese historical fashion!!
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destinedarts · 1 month
🙈 Need Mandarin translations/confirmations for the messages the lmk creators left ASAP 🙈
Long story short, we tried to spread the animation studio switch letter Sarah posted. I speedran to Xiaohongshu (LittleRedBook/RedBook/RED); Instagram equal for China cause thought no one else would do it. This was before we found out the rest of the crew would send their regards as well.
Idk Mandarin at all so would appreciate any help. Literally just dumped everything into Google Translate.
Priority is everything in the 1st image. 2nd pic is just explanations I wrote for them in case they don't know, which idk how much they know about Flying Bark besides the fact that they thought their animation was awesome. Sometimes they share the storyboards on Bilibili/Weibo but that's about it.
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Put them as images cause I was gonna post on Twitter, but coming here first, which also might be better instead.
The RedBook Post
Might need to go through some verification check, basically sliding things across the screen. No sign in should be required to view, though it could vary between countries.
Short Link: http://xhslink.com/kkPC3I
Link: www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/663ee802000000001e01c1bb
If I don't get any sort of translation confirmations, I'm gonna have to update the post anyways. Right now, it's also full of ugly edits cause first time ever posting and I actually ran off to make this like the minute we were asked to do so in mk central discord. Gonna make it look nicer now that I realize it's gained traction. >_>
There's a lot of upset/angry/sad/mad fans on RedBook, Douyin, and Bilibili. Much like how we had the wildfire and death threats on Twitter except I think not as extreme to the point of sending death threats... thankfully. They didn't know about the studio change. Honestly, just trying to give them facts and reminding them they have part of the power to get the show cancelled or not; but also not telling them what to like or not like/stop grieving/etc.
Literally one of the RedBook comments on the S5 trailer LEGO China uploaded contains the picture from my post (cause I added disclaimer that it's not lego official translated). So I definitely would like to have the other translations down if they're just sharing around pictures like that. 😬 And note that they're all sharing the Mandarin ones; not the English even though I did provide them. I don't have Douyin and I dunno if I can upload on Bilibili. Weibo has been covered. Idk if there's other Chinese soc med I'm missing.
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Notes for translation
Exact Mandarin/English text used in the ALTs of the pictures and "Keep Reading" section cause I realize ALT can’t copy and paste if needed
Uh please write down exactly what phrase to change, cause I do not understand any of the characters except the show title heh
1000 character limit for post, including tags and characters
Tags used: #lego乐高 #lego #悟空小侠 #乐高中国 #乐高悟空小侠 #乐高悟空小侠5年庆 #第五季 #齐小天 #孫悟空 @LEGO乐高 #乐高 If there's more that's helpful, please let me know lol been riding on these tags. If I can, I'll put English hashtags, but depends on character limit; Chinese is a priority
20 character limit for title, which I've chosen: 悟空小侠电视剧的未来🐒导演和编剧的笔记 (basically "future of LMK, directors & writers' statements/notes")
Crew member names and titles were written in the Mandarin dub credits, shown in 2nd pic. Not changing those in translations.
"Harbinger of Chaos" doesn't exist in the Mandarin version... I think? based on the s4 e7 subtitles we had way long ago. Changed Breen's tweet so it said to "find out more about MK." I guess I could've put "demon monkeys" but left that out in case they actually don't address it in the season. And idk the mandarin phrase they used for that
WildBrain Studios doesn't have a proper mandarin translation according to all the Mandarin dubbed Ninjago episodes so just kept it English
Idk if I forgot something, been having hard time keeping track of stuff oop I'll add more if there is more
From Christian: 谢谢悟空小侠粉丝们!
这是一个非常贴近我们旋风狗制片所有人的心的系列。 我为我们的团队感到无比自豪,他们在这些美好的岁月里一起工作,成为了一家人。
对于所有悟空小侠粉丝的热爱和奉献,我们感到非常幸运。 你们是我们长期努力的原因,我们将永远感激不已。
这场演出由 Wild Brain 出色的团队负责,我希望他们和我们一样享受这次旅程。
这张照片是我在悟空小侠中的最后一场演出。 我已经非常想念这些猴子了,但我对未来感到兴奋,迫不及待地想分享我们接下来要做的事情。<3
From David:
悟空小侠第五季要来了! Wildbrain 将接替旋风狗制片留下的巨大足迹。 团队中充满了才华横溢、充满激情的艺术家,我们迫不及待地想让大家了解更多关于齐小天的信息!
From Deirdre:
乐高悟空小侠第五季即将到来,猜猜谁写了三集? 我🤭
Sorta Needed
Please note that I did use a translator (and friends) to write this article. I'm a western fan but I have access to the app. And please spread the word too. I don’t have much contact with Chinese social media.
请注意,我确实使用了翻译来写这篇文章。 [Could swap to saying friends instead of translator.] 我是西方粉丝,但我可以访问应用程序。也请广而告之。 我与中国社交媒体没有太多联系。
Former series directors and writers from Flying Bark Productions, as well as current writers, have all issued statements regarding the handling of the series.
旋风狗制片(Flying Bark Productions)的前系列导演和编剧以及现任编剧都就该系列的处理发表了声明。
Sarah Harper served as series director from S1 -3 before fully becoming a writer for several episodes in S4. Some of her series credits include "The Jade Emperor" and "Rip and Tear."
莎拉·哈珀(Sarah Harper)在第一季到第三季中担任系列导演,之后在第四季的几集中完全成为编剧。她的一些剧集包括《天庭大对决》和《青毛狮之怒》。
Christian Barkel served as animation director for the first three seasons and was promoted to series director in the fourth season.
克里斯蒂安·巴克尔(Christian Barkel)在前三季担任动画导演,第四季晋升为系列导演。
David Breen is currently a writer on the show's fifth season. He served as script supervisor for S1-3 before being promoted as one of the show's writers. Some of the episodes he has written are "The Brotherhood" and “A Lifetime of Mistakes."
大卫·布林 (David Breen) 现任该剧第五季的编剧。 在晋升为该剧的编剧之一之前,他担任第一季到第三季的剧本总监。 他编写的一些剧集有《青毛狮之谜》和《寻找美猴王》。
Deirdre Devlin is also a writer on season five. She was brought on as a writer in the fourth season. Her three episodes are "The Great Tang Man", "Court of the Yellow Robed Demon", and "Pitiful Creatures".
迪尔德丽·戴夫林(Deirdre Devlin)也是第五季的编剧之一。她在第四季中担任编剧。她的三集是《小天遇三藏》 、《神秘的“朋友”》、《受困保护咒》。
Not Needed but would be nice
Flying Bark Productions has withdrawn from the animation production of "Monkie Kid". Since 2020, they have been continuously invited to participate in new projects, such as "Disney's" "Moon Girl and the Demon Dinosaur" and "Avatar Studio"'s upcoming "Avatar" film in 2026.
旋风狗制片已退出《悟空小侠》的动画制作。 自2020年以来,他们不断受邀参与新项目,例如“Disney”的《月亮女孩與惡魔恐龍》以及2026年“Avatar Studio”即将上映的《降世神通》影片。
From now on, WildBrain Studios will animate the series. They were also responsible for the Ninjago TV series, although that was in 3D rather than a 2D TV series like Monkie Kid. The writers and voice actors remain the same, but new people could join the team.
从现在开始,WildBrain Studios 将制作该系列动画。 他们还负责《幻影忍者》电视剧,尽管该剧是 3D 的,而不是像《悟空小侠》那样的 2D 电视连续剧。 编剧和配音演员保持不变,但可能会有新人加入团队。
Some artists work as freelancers for the team. I don't know how WildBrain Studios' 2D department hires their artists. If they were invited back to the show, some of their work might be similar to their work from previous seasons. But that consistency may not hold true under new directors. We'll have to wait until the end of the season to see the TV show's credits.
一些艺术家作为团队的自由职业者。 我不知道WildBrain Studios的2D部门是如何聘请他们的艺术家的。 如果他们再次受邀参与节目,他们的一些作品可能会与前几季的作品相似。 但在新董事的领导下,这种一致性可能不会成立。 我们必须等到本季结束才能看到电视节目的制作人员名单。
Previous seasons used "frame-by-frame" animation, all drawn by hand. Based on the trailer, the new season appears to include the use of "rig animation," which is the use of technology to move characters and objects.
All of these changes will impact Season 5 and beyond. I don't know how fan support affects entertainment distribution in China, but over here, if a show doesn't get enough views upon release, it may be abandoned by the distributor and have a hard time continuing. We will give as much support as possible in the West, although the success of the Monkie Kid LEGO sets and TV show has always and will always depend on its performance in China.
所有这些变化都将影响第五季及以后的内容。 我不知道粉丝的支持如何影响中国的娱乐发行,但在这里,如果一个节目在发行时没有获得足够的观看次数,它可能会被发行商放弃,很难继续下去。 我们将在西方给予尽可能多的支持,尽管悟空小侠乐高套装和电视节目的成功将始终取决于其在中国的表现。
Change can be difficult, and it's okay if you feel disappointed or upset. While waiting over the past year, we’ve been teased by the writers and voice actors that this story will be emotional and heartbreaking, and we trust the writers who have carried the story of Monkie Kid, so I hope you will consider watching season 5.
整个变化可能会令人震惊,如果您感到失望或不安也没关系。 在过去一年的等待中,我们被编剧和配音演员取笑,说这个故事将是感人且令人心碎的,我们相信那些承载了悟空小侠故事的编剧,所以我希望你能考虑观看这一季 5.
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hehe4real · 2 months
Blending Brand and Consumer Identities: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Communication on Red App (Xiaohongshu)
The Fair & Lovely case shed light on understanding and leveraging both top-down brand communication and bottom-up consumer interaction, especially in culturally diverse markets. The case made me think of the Red app (Xiaohongshu), often dubbed "China's answer to Instagram," which provides a vivid example of this dynamic interplay.
Top-Down Communication: More Strategic and Targeted
Brands traditionally communicate from the top down, crafting messages that define their identity, values, and the benefits of their products. This approach allows brands to set a clear, controlled narrative that informs consumers what they stand for. On platforms like Red, where visuals and short texts dominate, this method helps brands establish a recognizable presence. For instance, a beauty brand may promote the inclusivity and effectiveness of its products using carefully curated images and influencer collaborations, mirroring strategies seen in the "Fair & Lovely vs. Dark is Beautiful" case, where brands align their products with cultural perceptions and desires.
Bottom-Up Communication: Blending Consumer Identities in Products
Red thrives on user-generated content (UGC), where everyday users review and share their experiences with products. This bottom-up approach empowers consumers, turning them into often organic brand ambassadors and critics. Their real-life testimonials, whether positive or negative, play a critical role in shaping the brand's public perception. Brands that pay attention to this feedback can rapidly adjust their strategies, product formulations, and marketing messages to better meet the evolving needs and values of their consumer base. Key Opinion Consumers will play a bigger role in defining brand identity and credibility in the digital age.
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Merging Identities Through Interactive Engagement
On Red, successful brands actively engage with user-generated content. They respond to reviews, repost consumer content, and even involve users in product development processes. This creates a feedback loop where consumer identities and brand identities start to merge, leading to a more authentic and relatable brand image.
For example, a brand might notice a trend on Red where users are discussing the environmental impact of packaging. Seeing this, the brand could initiate a top-down campaign about their commitment to sustainability, supported by real changes in product packaging. This would not only align the brand's identity with the values expressed by consumers but also enhance the brand's credibility and appeal on the platform.
Platforms like Red have revolutionized how brands and consumers interact, highlighting the importance of integrating top-down and bottom-up communication strategies. Brands that embrace this integrated approach can enhance their relevance and resonance among consumers, leading to stronger, more meaningful consumer-brand relationships. Just as the "Dark is Beautiful" campaign leveraged both celebrity endorsements and grassroots initiatives, brands on Red can harness the power of both polished brand narratives and raw, authentic user testimonials to build a brand identity that is both aspirational and grounded in real consumer experiences.
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
Imagine helping making social media accounts. He’s literally so old. GIVES ME FLASHBACKS of me helping my mom but in China there’s no TikTok Instagram etc they got their own Chinese versions like TikTok is Douyin?! I’m pretty sure and instagram is called Xiaohongshu. (I think ITS BEEN A while) Idk why China decided to be different I think it’s because they don’t like USA.
WOW love how this became a completely different thing but back to my returning point! His screen time is like max 1 hour a day.
- 💗
Lmaoo I'd imagine he only uses it to troll govt social media accs 🤣🤣 also he's the kind of guy who holds his phone like a boomer with the one finger scrolling 🤣
Oh yeah I've heard of that before! And yeah his battery would last him for daysss bc his screen time would even be less than an hour 😂
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cpopjukebox · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for this blog. I'm a Chinese American daughter of immigrants, and I've had a really hard time connecting with my cultural roots, partially because my only way of looking for recommendations and whatnot for Chinese media is through my parents... So there's not much that I find that's Chinese that I actually like. And when I try to look up stuff on the internet usually it's Japanese or Korean stuff that's recommended to me, since media-wise anime and kpop have much more international reach. So it was really exciting to me to find a collection of chinese music that's more recent and thus more likely to be to my taste than to my parents'. Idk if you're Chinese or just someone who's a fan of Chinese music, but either way I just wanted to say thank you.
Hi Anon!,
Ahh thank you for sending this - I know what you mean as I found it pretty difficult at first too, it's hard to know where to start. Especially as I'm not Chinese but I'm learning the language so I wanted to listen to some songs to help me improve. This is how I generally find new songs:
Douyin/weibo/xiaohongshu/bilibili (music being used in social media videos).
Also douyin has a top music tracks chart in the app.
Cdrama soundtracks my beloved! 🫶
Make a playlist on spotify (or equvalent) and look at the recommended songs.
Look at artist profile on spotify and check the 'people also listen to' section.
Useful search terms on spotify/youtube etc - cpop, mandopop, cdrama, gufeng, gangtai, plus different dialects.
Actually now I'm trying to find older songs out of curiosity but struggling XD.
I hope you can have an easier time connecting with your cultural roots too. I follow @dmdiaspora and I think they may have a discord group as they mention a server in the pinned post. If you're a danmei fan you might find a group of people with similar experiences there.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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cant-even-function · 4 months
What Does Your Wardrobe Say About You?
Who can resist the allure of a trendy outfit for a fraction of the cost?
The way we approach fashion, from careful planning to spontaneous purchases, reflects our consumption behavior and its impact on ourselves and the world around us. So forget about fast fashion. Slow fashion isn't just about buying less; it's about embracing conscious consumption, ethical practices and timeless style. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), “Fast Fashion” is the second largest consumer of water and is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions. Given the above losses, it's important to invest in pieces you'll love and wear for years, support brands with sustainable practices, and understand the true cost of your clothing choices.
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FOMO Fashion: How Social Media Makes Us Double Tap & Dash
Gen Z or me as a part of it usually does not have a high preference for using sustainable clothing. At least you and I sometimes get lost in the diversity and speed of the new fashion trends. The most part of this transition comes about from social media and also the pressure to appear very beautiful and trendy. The truth remains that today, the fashion market is evolving at an incredible speed, and brand companies have no option but to refresh and remodel their strategies as frequently as possible to retain consumers.direction. This creates a great problem for brands, as they should continuously provide innovative products in order to attract the target customers. "Fast fashion", that is, the trend of fast fashion, is spreading in our society day by day. The social network is one of the primary reasons behind the wide acceptance of this music genre. Consequently, "xiaohongshu" (a version of Pinterest combined with Shopee that is mostly famous in China) is the most loved application for young Vietnamese women nowadays. Through that application we can find all the things that we are curious about. If you have questions or concerns, just search "xiaohongshu", and the answer will be displayed very quickly. Also, another impacting circumstance is celebrity endorsement. Who can resist this emotional state when they see their favorite star donning a specific item? Oh, what? It is already sold out. For an instance, it was in November 2015, at Incheon International Airport, GOT7 came for the Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) Obviously, Yugyeom, wearing sky blue scarf, was the main focus of fans. In fact, it was this particular scarf that later acquired the nickname "the Yugyeom scarf," which encouraged many people to buy the Apitherapy winter accessory offline or online. Consequently, the exact same color of this scarf rapidly disappeared on the shelves (esspee 2019).
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The traditional fashion industry, with its "fast fashion" model, is facing many harsh criticisms for its negative impact on the environment and society. Every year, millions of tons of clothing and accessories are released into the environment from major commodity-producing countries. These products are often made from non-biodegradable materials, causing waste pollution and increasing pressure on waste disposal areas. Therefore, slow fashion is a "perfect" solution. Slow fashion helps the environment by promoting eco-friendly practices like using locally-sourced materials, minimizing waste generation, and supporting fair labor conditions. Slow fashion is chosen for examination as a developing alternative fashion sector because it incorporates the entire gamut of ''sustainable,'' ''eco,'' ''green,'' and ''ethical fashion movements. (​​Ozdamar Ertekin , Z & Atik, D 2015). Unlike fast fashion, which produces a lot of clothing quickly, slow fashion focuses on quality, durability, and timeless style. By choosing slow fashion, we reduce carbon emissions, support sustainable materials, and decrease the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills. Plus, we ensure that workers are treated ethically and receive fair wages. Overall, slow fashion offers a more mindful and sustainable approach to clothing that benefits both people and the planet.
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Fast fashion fuels a global industry that thrives on vulnerable workers, often young women like "her", forced to endure harsh conditions for low wages to amazement. While we consume fast fashion, the human cost behind it remains hidden, overshadowed by the rapid evolution of styles and the lure of affordability. Many women, often young and immigrants with limited options, work grueling 18-hour days, seven days a week, with little rest and wages that are barely enough to get by. basic needs (‌Jackson 2022). This non-stop schedule exhausts them physically and mentally, robbing them of their health, happiness and dignity. But the "#SheinMustPay" movement has helped expose worker exploitation at a major fast fashion retailer, illustrating this growing resistance.
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Bridging the Gap
However, to reach the majority of consumers, slow fashion needs a strong "push", and social networks and influencers are the key to this. Thanks to their influence and media reach, slow fashion is widely spread to the online community. Influencers often share personal experiences, give instructions on how to dress beautifully, and introduce slow fashion brands. In this way, they not only help raise awareness about the benefits of slow fashion but also encourage consumers to join a sustainable fashion community. This makes slow fashion popular and attracts increasing attention from people.
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Reference lists:
Earth.org, Earth.org, viewed 25 February 2024, <https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrimental-effect-on-the-environment/>.
‌Jackson, S 2022, Shein factory employees work 18-hour shifts, make 4 cents per garment: report, Business Insider, Insider, viewed 25 February 2024, <https://www.businessinsider.com/shein-factory-workers-18-hour-shifts-paid-low-wages-report-2022-10>.
‌​​Ozdamar Ertekin, Z & Atik, D 2015, “Sustainable Markets: Motivating Factors, Barriers, and Remedies for Mobilization of Slow Fashion,” Journal of macromarketing, vol. 35, no. 1, SAGE Publications, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 53–69.
Rashmila Maiti 2024, Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact in 2024 | Earth.org, 
esspee 2019, Idols Who Proved Their Influence By Unintentionally Causing Items To Sell Out, Soompi, Soompi, viewed 19 March 2024, <https://www.soompi.com/article/1300139wpp/idols-who-proved-their-influence-by-unintentionally-causing-items-to-sell-out>.
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papriakter240 · 5 months
Digging deeper into Xiaohongshu’s gameplay: How to build a “money printing machine” with a daily output of 500 articles?
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As one of the popular content marketing channels, Xiaohongshu has always received relatively high attention. So for brands or merchants, are there new ways and strategies that can create new increments for content marketing? In this article, the author breaks down the relevant gameplay and strategies, let’s take a look.
As Double Eleven approaches, merchants’ marketing activities on various platforms have become lively again. As a popular content marketing channel, Xiaohongshu has once again returned to our field of vision.
We have systematically studied the new strategies and trends of Xiaohongshu marketing before, and found that brands still generally use the grass-planting model to break crowd circles and expand their minds. At the same time, with the help of new systems and tools, many brands have also used Xiaohongshu as HE Tuber a platform for user co-creation to feed back product innovation.
However, we are also thinking about a problem: according to the current model, content creation in Xiaohongshu will inevitably become a "cost center" rather than a "profit center". In the context of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, are there other types of new strategies on Xiaohongshu that can make content closer to money?
With these questions, I visited an old friend who has been deeply involved in the new media industry for many years, and he told me: There is indeed a way to make a fortune silently on Xiaohongshu. Merchants can live a very prosperous life and their head size can also be improved. Achieving hundreds of millions, it has applications in many toC industries such as beauty and personal care, clothing, health products, tourism, training, and home furnishing. With the core goal of "bringing goods", they can capture traffic that most existing brands cannot reach, turning content into the company's "money printing machine."
Different from my previous understanding, this gameplay can be described as simple and crude:
Pure: They believe that the Xiaohongshu channel has enough precise crowds to support business. Therefore, Xiaohongshu is regarded as the main traffic entrance and does not invest in marketing on Douyin and Tmall. Other investments will be placed in the WeChat private domain.
Direct: They do not do the work of breaking the brand circle, occupying the mind, and accumulating crowd assets, but directly reduce the cost of customer acquisition, content output turns into profits, and the business model link is short. Get used to settling user assets in private domains.
Self-operated: They do not believe that hot-selling ideas can only be created by top agencies and bloggers, but rather “come from the masses and go to the masses.” Don’t buy content from bloggers, do it 100% yourself. The most important job of the entire team is to produce content.
Human power: They believe that algorithms are full of uncertainties, and no amount of rich data insights can eliminate uncertainties. Then simply don't look at big data and use artificial intelligence to "crack" the algorithm. Instead, you can find content that meets the real needs and hot spots of users.
Continuous: They do not lead with campaigns such as big promotions and new releases. Instead, they continuously update a large amount of content every day, and optimize and iterate. The head team can even produce 500 notes per day.
Graphics and text: They only produce graphics and text content. On the one hand, 60% of Xiaohongshu’s content is graphics and text. On the other hand, production costs are more controllable.
This is so interesting that I must share it with everyone! After a lot of hard work, I finally asked him to break down the logic of this gameplay in detail.
First of all, he reminded everyone that for different types of businesses, the dimensions that can be referenced are different, and they should not have too high expectations of a "master key":
1. Small and medium-sized businesses, physical businesses, factory transformation, etc. that cannot invest too much in brand building: more suitable for copying this business model, which is equivalent to adding an online exposure and traffic channel, and can be implemented even with limited budgets , trial and error cost is low. Once the attempt is successful, business revenue and profits will be directly generated.
2. Businesses such as emerging brands and traditional brands that invest large budgets in brand building: It is not suitable to directly copy this business model because it is not efficient in accumulating brand assets. It is worth learning from the idea of ​​efficiently producing fragmented content to improve owned media operations, dealer empowerment, private domain operations, etc., thereby increasing the efficiency of content supply and bringing more sales conversion opportunities. When your existing content marketing strategy is saturated, try to carve out new increments.
So, if you are also interested, please read on.
1. How does the content printing machine work?
The links of the entire business operation are roughly divided into two types:
Grass-planting mode: After the content is ready, it will be distributed directly through amateurs. Generally, you do not build a matrix yourself and jump to Tmall for conversion. The cost of entering the store can be kept very low. Since the marketing channel focuses solely on Xiaohongshu, input and output are relatively easy to measure. However, the content is released in batches, and it is impossible to attribute individual content and sales specifically.
Private domain model: Build your own matrix of amateurs and publish the content yourself. You can select a part of the information flow to direct the traffic to the private domain for conversion. The cost of adding WeChat can be kept very low. Since the private domain has a clear data link that can be tracked, and the sales team is directly connected in the future, the input-output calculation is very clear, and the effect of each account and each content can be detailed.
(Xiaohongshu e-commerce instant conversion model also exists, but it is not currently mainstream in the market)
No matter how the link is designed, the biggest difference from conventional strategies is that the content is 100% produced internally, with no third-party experts or institutions involved, and no UGC .
Brands with more sufficient marketing budgets are more likely to find professional experts or institutions to produce and distribute content rather than in-house production, so that the efficiency of spending money is higher. For example, the new list has compiled Xiaohongshu business note data for the first half of 2023. The top 10 brands with investment amounts all spent more than 27 million yuan in half-year investment. Among them, L'Oreal's 10 sub-brands combined spent 290 million on business notes in half a year, while Estee Lauder's 8 brands spent 150 million [1].
Such a large amount of money is actually mainly spent on "buying content" : the bulk of the money paid to bloggers to let them produce creativity and content.
If the cost of building a self-built content team is much lower than that of bloggers and agency operators, the marketing rate on Xiaohongshu can be significantly reduced. Translated into business goals, the cost of attracting new users per user will be reduced, and new users will continue to come in. . Then, while the efficiency of back-link store operation and conversion remains unchanged, the profit margin will increase. For example, in the traditional way, it costs 100 yuan to buy a new user into the store, which generates 200 yuan in consumption in a single month, but now it may only cost 10 yuan to use content to get a new user to enter the store, which also generates 200 yuan in consumption.
Therefore, the most important thing about this kind of gameplay is the ability to continuously and low-cost produce popular content, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Our previous research also found that "it is difficult to create popular content" and "traffic is getting more and more expensive" are not limited to Xiaohongshu, but have become the two biggest pain points in the entire social media marketing field. Focusing on Xiaohongshu, “the effect of KOL cooperation does not meet expectations” is another biggest problem.
Then the question arises: Why can the "Grass Team" built by the merchants solve the above problems?
The secret to turning content into a money printing machine is to "set templates": you don't need to know why hot items are hot items, they exist and are reasonable. What you have to do is find the templates that are popular and then repeat their success.
The classic operating method follows the "1+4" framework:
“1” refers to the prerequisite. Not all categories are suitable for content marketing on Xiaohongshu. Product selection is a mixture of metaphysics and science, and it also involves the layout of the company's strategy, so the factors to be considered are very complex. Without going into details here, I will provide two important reference indicators for this gameplay:
Long-term mass base: related search keyword trends, content quantity trends, interaction volume trends, etc. on Xiaohongshu. If consumers don’t have relevant needs in Xiaohongshu, then don’t do it.
The existence of short-term hits: that is, within 48 hours, relevant content has become popular, there are "small hits" with hundreds of likes, and there are even competing products that have achieved certain results. If there is no relevant hot product in the short term, then don’t do it.
If the main products and selling points have been determined, you can move to “4” below (note: this strategy is only for graphic notes!).
2. Find a template
The so-called template is actually a relatively fixed form of notes, including five components: header image, title, body text, hook, and comments . It is characterized by:
Can be used universally: When you replace the product promoted in this note with another, you will find that there is no sense of inconsistency at all, or it can be applied to any brand with similar purposes.
Reproducible: It has appeared many times in similar topics on Xiaohongshu, and has achieved good data results. It is not accidental or luck.
Longevity: Since the algorithm rules of the Xiaohongshu platform itself change slowly, a successful template can be copied continuously for 3-6 months, rather than just once
Since it is not convenient for me to reveal other people's "money paths", I won't talk about the latest templates and routines here. You can try it yourself according to the following aspects. It is not difficult to find (if necessary, you can also Go to the end of the article and add my friend to chat privately ).
Let’s take a typical example: N with 1 grass template , which is often seen in beauty, personal care, health and other industries.
This kind of graphic note will recommend 5 functional products and put your products together with other well-known products, but only 4 well-known products will be placed in the header image. You can only see your products by swiping. At the same time, reserve hooks in the text to introduce the functions and selling points of your products, embed unique product keywords, and leave user feedback (for your own products) in the comment area.
Now, the most critical question is: How do we design such a template with the potential to become a hit? How to build your own template library?
According to the idea of ​​​​market insight, creating Xiaohongshu content is "a priori": first conduct big data research, consumer research, fully explore competitive opportunities, segmented scenarios and other factors, and then guide the production of content to match product selling points. For example, in the officially provided IDEA methodology, Xiaohongshu also specially launched the product "Lingxi" to help brands do data insights. In other words, we need to understand "why a hot item can become a hot item" so that we can continue to design creative ideas and routines with the help of the underlying logic.
(Source: Xiaohongshu official)
However, finding templates is a completely different idea. Instead of overly obsessing over the reasons for the hits, we should "post-test" and speak directly to the results: we only need to know which type of content is more likely to be recommended by the algorithm, so that it has a chance to become a hit.
No matter how rich the data we get, we can’t 100% restore the reason why a piece of content becomes a hit. After all, the recommendation algorithm is still a black box most of the time – just like the developers of chatgpt themselves don’t know why chatgpt answered like this. Therefore, we do not use any data, but manually "tune" the algorithm, letting the algorithm tell us what kind of relevant content will be recommended to the homepage, and we use the most suitable one as a template.
(Note: We will not compare the pros and cons of different methods here. Each has its own applicable business scenarios. The following is just a reference idea)
The first step is to find enough relevant content.
Instead of using big data tools to crawl, you can use your own account to manually scan and search.
Use Xiaohongshu's search drop-down words and use data tools to find industry hot words and directly search and expand within the Xiaohongshu app.
Enter the collection page through the tags in the note to expand.
Expand through tags automatically categorized by the system in the search results page.
The second step is to filter out the notes that meet the requirements and like and collect them.
Graphic notes with the following characteristics are more worthy of our attention:
The content theme is strongly related to your own industry and products, and some peers have even successfully introduced products.
Release time is within 48 hours, preferably no more than 1 week.
Highly praised articles produced by amateur accounts. The number of followers on an account is often less than 1,000, but the number of likes on notes is much higher than the industry level.
The template is obvious, the same style appears multiple times, and the routine can be recognized at a glance.
The content is very attractive and I can’t help but click on it.
When you see this kind of content, first record it, and then like it and add it to favorites so that the algorithm can fully understand the topic area we are focusing on, such as "acne removal."
The third step is to clear irrelevant recommended notes.
If we use our own account and repeat the above two steps, we can fully observe what kind of content is recommended by the algorithm and what kind of content can become a hit. In this way, the recommended information flow on the homepage becomes an accurate "template library" - some niche needs and high-quality popular content will continuously appear on the Xiaohongshu homepage . For example, after a large number of interactions with notes related to "acne marks removal", almost all the notes recommended on the homepage focus on acne removal related topics and meet multiple characteristics of the second step.
Next, what you have to do is to find notes that do not meet the requirements from the recommendation stream (for example, occasionally a note related to "new house decoration" appears) and click "Not interested" , so that the algorithm deviation will become smaller and smaller.
In the end, you can continue to catch hot hits from this content "fish pond" as a template. Each industry has different requirements for selecting templates, but recurring, latest releases, and low fans and high likes are necessary prerequisites. For mature merchants, a full-time team will be assigned to complete the accumulation of this content pool: the daily job is to constantly read Xiaohongshu, and establish SOP and template screening standards.
It should be noted that the content team must gain physical and online experience through long-term practice in order to improve the hit rate of popular templates. It is not something that can be done easily. For example, after I conducted training on the topic of "acne removal", I thought I found a template that matched the characteristics of "handwriting". However, experienced friends told me that this kind of template is outdated, less attractive to users, and the conversion effect may not be ideal.
3. Create content
Assuming that we have successfully locked a template, how can we turn it into 1 or even 100 new notes for ourselves?
The template is equivalent to building a skeleton for us, and the flesh and blood must be filled in according to the actual situation.
Picasso said: Good artists copy, great artists steal. Excellent content creators have the ability to imitate things and give new meanings and connotations, so that these elements can serve their own works. It will most likely not work to copy the successful notes of competing products.
In addition, the templates we continue to develop in the content pool are not necessarily promotional notes produced by peers. They are likely to be non-commercial notes written by users themselves, without any attribute of planting grass and selling goods. After making adjustments and modifications, it can still be used as a delivery template.
For specific methods, we must refer to the two principles in "The Generation of Creativity" by advertising guru James Webb Young .
First, creativity comes from new combinations of old elements. When we find a potential template, we need to identify the key elements contained in the five major modules: header, title, body, hook, and comments. Since you are going to combine, you should always know what you have on hand now.
Secondly, only by understanding the correlation between things can we successfully combine them. We must be able to distinguish which elements are mutable and which are immutable. Immutable elements are the basis of a template and have no effect once they change; while variable elements can be freely adjusted as parameters to generate new ideas. Distinguishing these elements requires, on the one hand, daily experience accumulation and practical experience. More importantly, it is necessary to gain insight into the pain points of consumer demand and understand the motivations and human nature behind them.
For example, the three notes below are all sponsored by the same brand. Although the attributes of bloggers are very different, at first glance, it feels like "printed from the same mold", and the data performance is very good – this is typical templated content.
If we dismantle the header image, we will find that the four grids evenly distributed are immutable elements: because 8 images will not be visible clearly, and two images cannot reflect the richness of the content; while the placement angle of the physical object is a variable element , whether it is placed at an angle of 45 degrees or placed vertically at 90 degrees, it will not affect the effect of highlighting the product.
Of course, the title, body, hook, and comment modules can all be disassembled in this way. For example, the words "tens of dollars" and "affordable" in the title that reflect the price selling point are immutable elements, and whether to add emoji, use an exclamation point or a period are all variable elements.
The configuration of the five major modules is not fixed. If the header image in template A is better, you can completely replace the header image in template B. When the template library is accumulated large enough, the five major modules can be replaced and combined, and a variety of variable elements can be combined in each module, thereby endlessly generating new content .
Since the production of a single element or module is not complicated, creating content has become the simplest thing - the configuration of the content team does not require a high talent density, or even professional designers, editors and other positions.
A standard team configuration can range from 5 to 50 people, with two roles:
Content Director: He has rich practical experience and management capabilities. He formulates the entire set of standards and SOPs. He knows how to choose Xiaohongshu content templates, how to create elements, and how to combine them to achieve business goals efficiently. This kind of talent is very rare in the market. They are usually cultivated by businesses themselves and slowly learn and grow up.
Content writer: You can start the job with a general education degree and 0 experience. You will produce content every day according to the standards set by your supervisor, and complete the KPI for customer acquisition. You don’t even need to be able to draw pictures in PS to make graphic notes, you can use small tools such as Meituxiu Xiu to make them. If it is a self-built account matrix, the writer will also be responsible for the operation of multiple accounts. Writers operate on an assembly line. Those who cannot produce good content for a period of time will leave immediately. Those with the best online sense will stay and continue to work.
The entire team is only responsible for the pure goal of attracting new customers and does not undertake the conversion and operation of back-links. Each person needs to complete the production of 8-10 Xiaohongshu graphic notes every day, and acquire a certain number of new customers through the content (such as adding WeChat). Under systematic operation, the head team can even produce 500 pieces of content every day!
More importantly, content production is a "top project" under this model. Supervisors report directly to the boss, and content is the core of the company's operations. Among multiple partners, there must be one who is very proficient in content marketing and can guide business development in the long term.
4. Distribution and optimization
The problem of content production is solved, so where does the traffic come from?
In different link modes, the methods are also different. The grass-growing model is relatively simple, which is to publish content directly through spreading amateurs : screen a large number of amateurs with 1,000-5,000 fans from the Dandelion platform, and let them publish the good content directly. The cooperation cost for each amateur is only 100-200 Yuan. Amateurs with less than 1,000 fans can’t get on Dandelion, so they’ll go underwater. The following picture can illustrate the difference from the traditional placement matrix:
The private domain model is a bit more complicated, because it is impossible for bloggers to attract traffic to merchants to the private domain. The prerequisite is that they must maintain a large number of accounts and build their own matrix of amateurs – the top merchants can control tens of thousands of Xiaohongshu. accounts and keep some of them active.
Daily produced content will be published directly to the self-operated account matrix, and traffic will be obtained through a combination of natural flow and placement strategies:
According to the average status of the industry, the natural traffic recommended by the algorithm and the traffic obtained by placing notes on the spotlight platform remain 1:1.
If the team is located in a high-tier city and labor costs are high (that is, the cost of content production is much higher than the cost of buying traffic), then most of the traffic will be tilted towards advertising, using advertising costs to leverage traffic.
If the team is located in a low-tier city and the labor cost is very low (that is, the cost of content production is much lower than the cost of buying traffic), then most of the traffic will be tilted towards natural recommendations, and linear growth will be obtained by stacking the amount of content.
On the other hand, traffic acquisition is not a one-time event. Although this strategy does not specifically focus on SEO, the quantity is here, and a lot of content can be included in Xiaohongshu and occupy the top position in search rankings, thus continuing to bring long-tail traffic benefits, which can be regarded as compound interest accumulation. .
Although a large amount of content will be produced and distributed, the actual effect is brought about by 20% of the popular content, and the proportion of becoming a big hit is even lower. Therefore, a stable business model is based on a large number of experiments and tests. No one can be 100% sure in advance that a template or note will be effective .
If you are testing and iterating in the grass-planting mode, you will naturally face a classic problem: there is no way to directly attribute the effect of each note to on-site conversions, because the data cannot be connected. However, under this model, merchants regard Xiaohongshu as the only traffic channel, thus eliminating the errors of other channels. According to the search and store entry data within a fixed period, combined with the interaction volume, CPE and other pre-indicators, they can still get relatively reasonable results. estimate.
If it is a private domain model, full chain data tracking and attribution can be achieved: when adding a WeChat private domain, the content of each account will be equipped with a unique tracking code. In this way, we can clearly know how many new users each note brought, how many of these new users converted, and how many subsequent repurchases were made. The sales team will cooperate to record these data to accurately analyze the actual effect of each note and guide subsequent optimization.
5. Summary
The main purpose of this dismantling of Xiaohongshu’s “alternative strategies” is to explore whether there are still little-known, new incremental opportunities in the market, and at the same time give you some insights on “how to create popular content that can bring goods” Inspire.
There is no need for us to deliberately pursue innovation or differentiation in content. Repeating the success that is already on the market is the stable way.
In 2019, Harvard Business School and Stanford University jointly discovered a very interesting pattern: for startups that have just entered new markets, their business behaviors are highly consistent with the natural behaviors of three-year-old children. If two young children are allowed to play independently without interfering with each other, they will still be able to imitate the actions of those around them involuntarily. Psychologists call it "parallel play", which represents a child's instinctive reaction to recognize the world and learn knowledge. Repeating other people's actions in business does not mean competition and plagiarism, but a way of learning and growing [2].
Through a "set of templates", we can successfully solve the problem of content creativity and inspiration sources, and use the disassembly and combination of elements to make the content production process simple and scalable. Through continuous distribution and testing, the effect of content delivery has been greatly improved. In the end, the self-built content team can replace bloggers and professional institutions and continue to output hot notes, reducing customer acquisition costs and increasing profit margins. The systematic operation model also enables this strategy to be widely used in many toC industries.
Overall, although this gameplay has the advantage of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, it also has certain limitations :
The problem to be solved is to acquire customers at low cost and expand scale. It is not possible to achieve the integration of product and effect at one time, nor to create the most top-notch brand creativity.
The requirements for building an internal team are very high, and it costs money to build. It even requires cross-departmental cooperation between customer service and sales teams.
Categories have certain limitations, and conversion links that are too long are not suitable.
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minkyungseokie · 2 months
第一章| Getting the Job
warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:39, T: 50), gxg, throuple, controversial age gaps, random German and Scottish pet names,
note; first chapter! Idk how many chapters this’ll have. I know it’ll include moodboards, smaus, blurbs, and specials that you guys can request!
note2; I don't really like Bianca, so she won't be appearing a lot in this series. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. If you have an issue, don't complain, just stop reading ❤️
Taglist is open, but only for 19 more people
note3; I decided to give her cochlear implants because I want too. She’s deaf now
fc; imleslie(on a Chinese Instagram app called Xiaohongshu)
Come Talk to Me
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I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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Susie huffed, looking down at the sheer amount of paperwork she had on her desk. She wanted to grab a bite to eat, but she had so much to do and she needed a lot more help than what the employees around her can provide. She pulled out her phone and texted her husband, Toto, for some advice. She was a strong independent woman, but even strong independent women need a bit of advice from their spouses sometimes.
And what she got from him was beyond helpful.
A personal assistant.
She was going to hire a personal assistant to help her around the Academy. The list of requirements wasn't long, but it was specific and the requirements that were listed were important for the assistant to have or they wouldn't work well together. Susie typed out the application furiously, making sure that all her requirements were stated clearly and made sure that whoever was filling out the application knew what they were getting into. She made sure they knew what they would be doing, an estimate about the schedule, and what she expected of whoever applied.
Susie finished up and posted it to the F1 Academy website. She also made a Instagram post about it that was a joint post with the official F1 account and the FIA account. With a sigh and a satisfied smile, Susie closed her laptop and put it in her bag.
Now all she had to do was wait for the applications to roll in. She didn’t expect too many since a lot of people were only interested in watching F1 or were, since the fans were mostly men, protesting against the F1 Academy.
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Y/n looked at the link that her sister, Rachel, had sent her. Y/n had told her that she needed a new job after finishing college and Rachel had sent her a bunch of applications to different jobs. They were all just random jobs she had found on the internet, which led to where she was now.
She was staring at an application to be a personal assistant to some billionaire's wife who was the leader of some academy for girls who like driving glorified go-karts. It paid more than any of the other jobs that Rachel had sent applications for. Y/n mumbled on her thumbnail, pondering whether she should aim high and apply for the PA job or should she just go for what she knows that she would be able to get.
Y/n was deep in thought when she was startled by the loud sound of her FaceTime ringtone, which happened to be one the songs from her brother's group. "Ah, shit!" Y/n yelled, nearly falling out of her chair, "Who the fuck?!" The dark haired girl growled, grabbing the phone off the table. "Hello?" Y/n answered, "Hey, Y/n. What are you up to?" The deep voice of her younger brother exited the phone as she set it up so he could see her.
"Ah, baby brother! How are you? Loving the new comeback." Y/n said, standing up to grab a bottle of water from her fridge. "I'm great. The comeback has been good so far. Have you heard the entire album?" Felix asked, "Yeah, of course." Y/n answered, sitting at the table once more. The two of them sat and talked about her brother's most recent comeback before the conversation turned to her.
"So, what've you been up to?" Felix asked, shoving what seemed like a chip into his mouth, "When did you get those?" Y/n questioned, pointing to the box of fried potato sticks. "Ah, Chan bright them to me a bit ago." Felix answered, shoving another one in his mouth, "Well, I was thinking..."
"Uh oh."
"Shut up, Lix. Anyway, I was thinking that now I finished University, I should get a new job. One that fits my expertise better, you know? So I asked Rach to help and she sent me some applications she found online..." Y/n said, looking at the open webpage. "Yeah?" Felix spoke, urging her to continue her words, "She sent me one for some F1 Academy. It pays well and I fit the requirements, but..."
"But what?" Felix urged, "I don't know what the F1 academy is and it's in Monaco." Y/n sighed. "Where's that?" Felix questioned, "It's, like, right beside Italy, I think." Y/n answered, "Okay, so what's the issue? It sounds like a good opportunity." Felix said. "I don't want to move away from our parents and sisters." Y/n set her head on her hand, using it as a way to keep her head up, "I don't think mum and dad would want you to hold back for them. Neither would Rachel and Olivia. They would want you to go. They wanted me to go." Felix spoke up.
"Felix, that's because it was your dream. Your dream was to be an idol, so of course they weren't going to hold you back from doing it." Y/n groaned. "Y/n it doesn't matter whether it's your dream or not. It's a better job opportunity for you until you're able to start modeling the way you want." Felix suggested.
Y/n thought about it. It would be nice to make money until she finds a modeling agency that wants to sign her because waiting around for something to happen won't make her any money. She needed to pay rent and keep herself fed, plus, from what she researched about Monaco, they did not collect personal income tax or capital gains taxes. There were no property taxes in Monaco, but rental properties were taxed at 1% of the annual rent plus other applicable charges.
Monaco sounded like a dream. She really didn't think that places like that existed, but knowing that she'd keep every penny of her hard earned money sealed the deal. Y/n applied for the PA position and closed her laptop, "Okay, now to wait." Y/n let out a breath as she looked around her house.
There was no way she wouldn’t be getting the job. She was once an extremely popular Formula Two driver before she ended up quitting. She had met the likes of so many old Formula One drivers who were excited to see her race alongside them when she was ready, but she unfortunately couldn’t continue due to her mother not having enough money for her to have a seat and unfortunately no sponsers wanted to sponsor her.
Y/n stood up and threw her water bottle away. She hadn’t kept up with Formula One since she had left Formula Two and she was kind of curious how her friends from karting and F2 were doing. They were obviously doing better than her since they refused to keep in contact with her, but it’s alright. She could barely remember anything about them anyway so it didn’t matter. It did when she was younger though.
After she left and they stopped talking to her, she felt like everything was falling apart for her. She was living in the UK at the time, but decided to come back to Australia to be near her half siblings and step mother and start her career in modeling or something in the industry. Of course, her plans to model next to the likes of the Hadid sisters or other popular models, had fallen through and she had only become famous as the half sister of Felix Yongbok Lee, the freckled cutie with a deep voice of the famous Korean pop group, Stray Kids.
Y/n pulled out her phone and ordered some food, hoping that it wasn't a bad decision to put in only one application for a job that might be out of reach for her. 
Oh well.
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It had been a week since Y/n had sent in the application and she had been waiting for the call back. She was sitting on her couch, staring at the large flat screen TV that was playing a Sidemen Reacts video that popped up on her feed while shoveling hwachae* into her mouth when the sound of another song from her brother's band rang through the air. Y/n picked up her phone with the spoon hanging from her lips and looked at the screen.
It was an unknown number. Y/n didn't usually answer the calls of numbers she didn't know, but something within her told her to answer it, so she did. After pausing the video, Y/n hit the green button on the screen and put the up to her ear, "Uh, hello?" Y/n answered, accent thick. "Uh, hello. Is this Miss Y/n L/n?" A sweet feminine voice that was paired with a Scottish accent, asked, "Uhm, yes. This is her. How may I help you?" Y/n asked, setting the bowl onto the table and sitting up straight. "Yes, this is about the application you put in for the PA position at the Formula One Academy." The woman said.
Y/n sat there for a hot minute before her eyes widened, "Oh! Yes, ma'am. What about it?" Y/n asked, "I wanted to call and let you know that we are interested in having you in the position, but first we need to schedule an interview. Is there a specific time that you're available?" The woman asked.
"Uh, I'm currently living in Australia and not moving to Monaco until a next month." Y/n said. Truthfully, she didn't want to being that up, but she knew that it would be suspicious if she scheduled the meeting so far away. She knew that the fact she was living in Australia could possibly ruin her chances of securing such a good job, but she just didn't have it in her to lie to the very sweet sounding woman.
"Okay, um, I'll be right back. Hang on tight." The lady said, "Okay, ma'am." Y/n said. Once the woman put her on hold, Y/n put the phone on speaker, muted herself, and continued to watch her video until she heard something from the woman on the other line. 
"Uh, hello?" The woman's voice spoke up. Y/n paused her video and quickly unmuted herself, "I'm here." Y/n spoke up. "Okay, so, we usually wouldn't do this, but we really think you'd be a good fit for the position, so I'll tell you what. Save this number. My name is Susie Wolff. Once you're moved into Monaco and finally settled down, give me a call." The woman, Susie, said. "Okay, thank you, Mrs. Wolff. I'll call you once I'm in Monaco." Y/n said, "Alright. See you then. Bye." Susie said before hanging up.
Y/n looked down at her phone with wide eyes before jumping up and onto her couch with a large smile, "I got it! I got it!" Y/n cheered loudly, jumping up and down as if she was a child on a super bouncy bed. "Holy shit, I have to let Felix know." Y/n said, jumping down from the couch and grabbing her phone, which fell out of her hand after she jumped up onto the couch. Instead of calling him, she texted him since she never knew his schedule.
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누나- Noona? 아, 누구세요?- Oh? Who are you? 현진- Hyunjin 릭시에게 전화기 좀 주실래요?- Can you give Lixie the phone please
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
Y/n quickly went to the room that held the boxes that she would use to pack away her things and smiled. It was never too early to begin packing.
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Susie cheered. She had finally found the person she was looking for after a week. She was super lucky that she had decided to continue searching through the online applications rather than giving up on looking at the mediocre applications and deciding to hold a hiring fair or something.
Not only was Y/n L/n the most perfect candidate for the PA position, but she had the most relaxing and attractive voice Susie had ever heard other than her husband's.
Susie cleared her throat and looked at the work she had on her computer. She had never been as excited as she was now other than the time when she found out she was pregnant, had Jack, and started the Academy. Okay, she had been this excited before, but this is different. She can tell that she was going to be good friends with Y/n and shoe couldn't wait to work with the younger woman.
This was going to be fun
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@evie-119 @exotic-iris13 @alliwantisadonut @cheyxfu @xoscar03 @sunnylikesfrogs
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mamun258 · 5 months
Xiaohongshu, the next step in business failure
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In recent years, business has become increasingly difficult. The rise of Xiaohongshu, short videos, etc. has caused huge changes in the HE Tuber business strategies that everyone was familiar with before. The old-fashioned thinking is no longer relevant to the new era. On platforms like Xiaohongshu, new operating strategies are needed.
The business world is changing too fast, and there are opportunities and challenges for small and medium-sized businesses.
On the one hand, more and more users are shopping through short videos, pictures, text, and live broadcasts. Merchants' business strategies have changed, and the old business methods no longer work.
On the other hand, content is becoming more and more important when customers decide whether to buy something. Merchants must learn to produce content and use data to analyze business, which puts new requirements on capability combinations.
In order to adapt to various changes, many small and medium-sized businesses have begun to step out of their comfort zones and try to find opportunities on new platforms such as short videos, live broadcasts, graphics and text, and transform their business models.
1. Difficulties faced by small and medium-sized businesses
People say that consumption patterns are changing. What are the specific changes?
From a business perspective, it's hard to tell. Design master Kenya Hara, who designed a new LOGO for Xiaomi, put forward a point of view: In this era, the design task is no longer to simply stimulate people's desire to shop, but should follow a "common social theory."
In other words, the challenge for businesses in the future is not only "how to produce attractive products", but also to establish a "breath of life" that allows people to feel more than value for money.
As stated in the book "The Fourth Era of Consumption", the consumer society itself and the ultimate affordability of consumers have reached their peak. Users have begun to pay more attention to the "values" behind products. The final form of consumption is to transform shopping (consumption) into The process of self-enrichment (consummatory).
When a person pays for a product, whether he wants to buy it or not, the product's cost-effectiveness has become the cornerstone. On top of this, users will consider whether their emotions and consciousness will be satisfied.
When desires are not satisfied, there is nothing wrong with the sense of satisfaction brought by materials; once material desires are satisfied, that sense of satisfaction disappears, and users begin to feel disgusted with the so-called "IQ tax" charged by brands.
This reflects the ideological changes of an era. Therefore, small and medium-sized enterprises also need to adapt to the trend of the new era in their business methods.
When referring to "small and medium-sized businesses", what type of group are we referring to?
According to the "Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law" and related policies, small enterprises have less than 100 employees. Micro merchants have between 20 and 10 employees. Self-employed businesses are smaller and more individual-focused and may consist of just the owner, plus a few family members or employees.
Whether these small companies have just started doing business or are changing their business methods, they will encounter three problems:
Rigid thinking patterns. Take TOC (Oriented to Consumer) business as an example. Some merchants still follow the traditional offline business thinking, thinking that they can sell their products by just buying SaaS software and moving their products to an online platform.
Product marketing is difficult. "Please help me see, the product is very good, how can I do marketing to make it a big seller?" They also know how to post advertisements in Moments, but they just don't know how to grow and operate on other platforms.
I don’t know how to transform. Many businesses are enthusiastic about new knowledge and new tools. Once a big platform launches support policies and new tools, they will quickly try them. The problem is that you try too many and don’t get any of them right.
Or, in the face of so many choices, you are at a loss as to what to do and cannot concentrate on making a breakthrough in one strategy. Even if you invest a lot of energy in promotion, due to the lack of clear planning, your efforts often cannot be converted into actual sales results, resulting in a waste of resources.
One of the keys to solving the problem is to choose an online platform that adheres to the people-oriented business philosophy and can continue to grow and accumulate reputation . Therefore, choosing the right platform is crucial for small and medium-sized businesses.
2. Re-understand Xiaohongshu
When it comes to growing grass, everyone will mention Xiaohongshu. What does the Little Red Book mean? Planting grass? Community? This understanding is inevitably a bit superficial. Why?
From a user perspective, it represents a new shopping behavior.
You can think about it, why do more and more people now not trust the media and authoritative experts as before, but are more willing to listen to ordinary people sharing their experiences?
Over the past 20 years, everyone generally believes that as long as the brand reported by CCTV must be reliable, with the development of the Internet, people have begun to pay attention to online news. Time has changed this concept, although deep down they still believe that authoritative information is more reliable, but experts and KOLs Their information sources are relatively single, so they turn to listen to the opinions of ordinary people.
The Xiaohongshu platform brings together various types of people who are willing to share their real life experiences. These contents are authentic and credible. The strong planting atmosphere has attracted many brands to come and deepen their cultivation, making Xiaohongshu the first choice platform for marketing and promotion.
From a platform perspective, the people-oriented business approach is widely recognized. In the current market environment, there are more and more products on the shelves, but high-quality content has become a scarce resource. If you want to stand out, you must seize the content gene. Xiaohongshu is a platform with natural grass-growing genes, which has attracted the attention of many brands.
First of all, Xiaohongshu tries to redefine the "people-goods-market" model by leveraging its unique advantages as a content community; among them, "people" refers to the most basic individual unit, which is an individual, shop owner, or store clerk with distinctive personal characteristics.
In the first half of the year, we witnessed many small and medium-sized merchants emerging on Xiaohongshu. When developing e-commerce business, the platform also pays more attention to the core element "people", which just makes up for the gap between the product pool and the traffic pool.
Secondly, "goods" no longer pursue cookie-cutter hits, but focus more on practical and innovative products that are suitable for specific scenarios. The "field" is composed of real sharing by individuals with unique characteristics, and each sharing is closely related to their own aesthetics and life consumption scenarios.
It is the interaction between the platform that encourages individuals to share their experiences, the small and medium-sized businesses that create content that matches user profiles, and the natural guidance of related products that make this real and personalized experience more popular in Xiaohong. The book platform is more popular.
From the perspective of decision-making path, it represents the last link of the search.
We might as well think about a question, why is search becoming more and more important in modern consumer decision-making?
On the one hand, people are becoming more rational when buying things, and they act less impulsively. Even small things are compared here and there. On the other hand, people’s views on trust are changing. In the past, people just listened to the recommendation of an expert and completed the order. It doesn’t work now, so everyone will check more and see what ordinary people say.
Let’s look at the set of data:
According to data released by the Xiaohongshu Will Business Conference, as of February 2023, Xiaohongshu’s monthly active users have reached 260 million, with 70% of them being born in the 1990s, 50% of users in first- and second-tier cities, and more than 69 million sharers per month. There are more than 20 million active sharers, the average daily exposure of notes reaches 30 billion times, and the average daily search queries are close to 300 million times.
These 300 million daily average searches are enough to prove how much users rely on Xiaohongshu in the consumption process.
No matter how many people browse the notes on Xiaohongshu every day, or whether brands are planting grass (promoting products) on this platform, it shows that Xiaohongshu has become a platform for hundreds of millions of people to share their real life experiences and make consumption decisions. important reference.
From the above points, we can see that planting grass is particularly helpful for the growth of businesses. Business decision-making costs are low and it is easy to test the waters. Take a product as an example and write a note to share. If you find that it has not attracted many people's attention, it will not take too much time to write another article.
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arafatssss1267 · 5 months
"Rubbing" has become the primary choice for marketing
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Several friends who work in the market told me that they read hot topics every day.
The advertising budget is small and there are HE Tuber too many similar products. Once the popularity of your own brand decreases, people will run to buy other products, so you have to take advantage of the popularity to increase the popularity.
Advertising is now scattered and ineffective. With hundreds of thousands invested, the conversion rate is low, there is too much creative content, and users don’t call at all. what to do?
You can only take advantage of the hot spots. Nowadays, users like to interact with brands that have stories that move them. By using hot topics, brands can quickly express their stance and have a deeper connection with everyone. ‍Hey, it’s so hard to be a marketer.
However, in order to keep up with the hot topics, we also face many problems, such as whether the hot topics match the brand, whether it feels like a fake, and how the operation team can undertake conversions after it is related to the topic. It's easy to say it's simple, it's complicated to say it's complicated. Because the essence of gossip is to let hot spots drive sales and build the brand, and not be biased by public opinion. In all this, brands actually play the role of "mouthpiece" for the masses.
How do you understand mouth replacement?
Express the emotions, attitudes and behaviors of a person (group) from others. The brand is like "hitching a ride" on hot topics, helping everyone express their inner thoughts or feelings. This not only makes more people pay attention to the brand, but also makes people feel that the brand has a "tacit understanding" with them, like an old friend. Same.
For example:
When something becomes a topic of conversation among people after dinner, the brand will publish an advertisement or poster related to the matter to express the views of a certain group of people, as if it is speaking out for everyone and helping everyone to speak out. The core reason why users like this method of expression is that it makes everyone more real. The most obvious features are three points:
1. Aesthetic fatigue caused by information explosion
Today's creators, in order to catch eyeballs, often carefully "polishes" and "package" the content, which makes many stories look either too perfect or too dramatic. Looking back on the past, when I saw an interesting video or joke, I would always be surprised and ask: "Wow, is this real or fake?" But now, whether you are scrolling through Douyin or browsing Weibo and Xiaohongshu, everyone can easily Once you see through it, you will know at a glance: "Oh, this must be made up."
In such an environment, we are bombarded with all kinds of news, pictures, videos and jokes every day. Over time, everyone becomes a little tired.
2. Resistance to advertising tactics
When I first entered the marketing industry, the company hired external experts for training. He presented an interesting mock sales scenario: "Selling a comb to a monk." We had to use the marketing skills we learned to play the role of salesmen and try to persuade the "monk" to buy the comb. This subject was full of drama and it was a lot of fun. I still remember that experience vividly.
But now that I think about it, isn’t this kind of simulated sales typical of over-marketing?
In fact, do monks really need a comb? It was obvious that they had no need; but we still tried to convince them simply because there was a strong belief that the sales skills were enough to get people to pay for it. Today, this over-marketing phenomenon has become even more common. For example, if you look at the mobile phone market, brands are competing to launch foldable screens, tens of millions of pixels, and even label them with "domestic sentiment". It is no exaggeration to say that in the era of "over-marketing", it is difficult for us to distinguish which information is true and which brands are sincere? Living in such an environment full of distrust, advertising has naturally become a nuisance.
3. Everyone pursues self-expression more
In advertising before, marketing methods seemed to have fixed routines. For example, through mainstream advertising media, repeated and brainwashing information was pushed, but this is different for those born after 2000. They have been born into the digital age, and their lifestyles and consumption concepts have undergone tremendous changes.
They prefer content that resonates with real-life emotions and like expressions that are diverse, personal, and true to the core. They pursue content that is deep, flesh-and-blood, and full of emotion, rather than something that is overly modified and deliberately beautified.
If these contents can be closely related to young people's real experiences and emotions, they can arouse strong resonance and self-identity. In addition to the authenticity of the content, they are also increasingly concerned about brand values, social responsibility and sustainability.
A friend of mine once said that a product worth tens of yuan is the same no matter who you buy it. If a brand cannot provide me with emotional value and instead brings me trouble, then why should I choose it? It is not difficult to see that consumers, channels, marketing, communication methods, etc. have all changed, and the strategy needs to be adjusted.
Among them, many brands and marketers have certain misunderstandings about the hot spots of "rubbing".
On the one hand, traditional marketers believe that making witty remarks and making inappropriate jokes has little value to the brand and there is no need to do so. Is this really the case?
no. Public relations builds a brand. If you hear this phrase, you will probably know that it means not only simply attracting public attention through events and controversies, but also means using the right information at the right time, place and Interact with consumers and establish emotional connections with users.
Compliance does not mean blindly following the trend. You must first choose to participate in a hot spot and confirm whether the core values ​​and target audience are consistent.
If you look at the brands that have caught on to hot topics, they don’t just make witty remarks or make inappropriate jokes. They dig into the deeper meaning behind the hot topics, create valuable content related to them, and build a real relationship with consumers. resonance.
For example: 79 yuan has become popular in the past two days. What is the meaning behind it?
Some people say that 79 yuan is two days of living expenses, others say that it can buy a week's worth of fruit and yogurt, and others say, "I may not be sure what I can do, but it takes at least half a day's work to earn it." It represents the value identity of a group of people. The reason why the cleaning and care brand Bee Flower is able to attract everyone is because it deeply touches people of this era and their new understanding of the value of material and time.
Today's consumers no longer simply pursue material accumulation as they did in the past. They are more concerned about the trade-off between material and time, as well as the quality of life and experience.
79 yuan is just a small amount of money in the eyes of some people, but to others, it means half a day of hard work, or money to eat fruit for a week, or even that moment of self-reward. Therefore, the real intention of "taking advantage of" hot spots is not only to attract attention briefly, but also to strategically establish interaction with consumers, which is crucial to building a user-centered brand. Uncle Tiepi, the founder of Yongpu Coffee, previously talked about the need for advertising in the future to break out of the inherent model and really consider it from the user's perspective. Today's young people and KOL Internet celebrities are no longer pursuing advertising, but are more concerned about whether their emotions are expressed.
On the other hand, brands have failed to “take advantage of” hot spots and lack in-depth insights.
5G technology has just come out. I clearly remember that McDonald’s official Weibo released six posters. The theme seemed to imply that the brand was about to enter the “5G” era. Both the poster design and the copywriting seemed to imply that it would enter the mobile phone market.
When these ads actually went online, everyone discovered that McDonald's had only launched a new crispy chicken product. Many people expressed on social media that they did not understand the connection between 5G and crispy chicken. Similarly, when Alibaba was involved in the "ice-breaking culture" controversy, Luzhou Laojiao promoted its products on social platforms and used copywriting like this:
"One click to instantly break the 'ice' and win Guojiao 1573 small wine." Such slogans have been criticized by many as vulgar and offensive.
What exactly does "breaking the ice" mean?
In short, it usually refers to activities conducted to enhance team cohesion, such as games such as truth or dare, which involve a relatively large scale. Therefore, this fully illustrates a problem. If you simply apply hot words and form a CP without deeply understanding the meaning behind the hot spots and the connection points with the target audience, you may be biased by public opinion. So, how do you do this with your mouth properly?
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mamun52 · 5 months
AI+hit formula is definitely a nuclear weapon for copywriting!
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Letting AI help write copy is already a conceivable and practical thing, but how can we maximize the power of AI? Let’s take a look at how the HE Tuber author uses the “AI + explosive formula” to write explosive copy.
The copy you wrote with the prompt words after more than ten rounds of dialogue with the AI,
Maybe it's not as good as what I wrote with one instruction...
The copy below is a promotional copy for a facial mask that I asked AI to write for me.
Even writing "Nongfu Spring large barreled mineral water" is very touching:
The reason is very simple. Before I asked AI to write prompt words for me, I introduced it to a "hit formula" for writing marketing copy.
This "hit formula" comes from the book "Copywriting Monetization" and is called "Copywriting GPS Goal Outline"
"Copywriting GPS Goal Outline" is mainly divided into four parts:
1. Clarify the target audience: This refers to clarifying who the copy is mainly intended for, and the user’s gender, age, habits, hobbies, etc. must be taken into consideration.
2. Changes in copywriting: We want users to have a changed impression of the brand after reading this advertising copy. For example, the product details copy on the e-commerce page wants users to be able to buy immediately after seeing the copy; the advertising image video wants users to remember the brand name.
3. Rationally conveying information: This means that if we hope that when the person we speak to sees our copywriting, it will produce the results we expect, then what should we do?
4. Emotional promotion from a perceptual perspective: positive emotions, including excitement, joy, surprise, trust, etc.; negative emotions, including fear, anxiety, anger, etc.
It clearly describes how to write a copy that can impress users, so I transformed it into the prompt words that I asked AI to help me write copy.
Because these "hot formulas" are generally very regular and structured, mostly in the shape of "XX=A+B+C".
Every element used in the formula is "dry information" condensed and summarized by a large number of practical practitioners.
When we put these "hit formula" methods in prompt words and teach them to AI, we can make AI understand our needs more clearly.
To be precise, I clearly know how to write "hot copy".
Self-media has developed for so many years, and there are too many such popular formulas!
For example, the "diode title method" used to write Xiaohongshu.
It works like this:
-Instinctive liking: the law of least effort and timely enjoyment
-Basic animal drives: pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain
Two stimuli are derived from this: positive stimulus and negative stimulus
##Title formula:
-Positive stimulation: product or method + only takes 1 second (short term) + can be cheated (unbelievable effect)
-Negative stimulation: If you don’t XXX + you will definitely regret it (big loss) + (sense of urgency)
-The essence is to take advantage of people's psychology of loss aversion and negative bias
We can put it into the prompt word and let it help us mass-produce Xiaohongshu notes according to the theme:
For another example, the "mental accounting principle" is used when writing sales conversion copy:
#mental accounting model
-People have different standards for the use of money, and will divide expenses into different mental accounts.
-Five major psychological accounts: daily necessities, family construction, personal development, emotional maintenance, enjoyment and leisure.
- Purchases can be facilitated by moving customers from an account that is unwilling to spend money to an account that is happy to spend money.
##specific method
-Clear the budget boundaries of different mental accounts: the budget for daily necessities is generally lower than the budget for emotional accounts
- Clarify the importance of different mental accounts: Necessary expenses are the basic guarantee of life, and the budget therein cannot be transferred to other accounts.
- Guide consumers to transfer their mental accounts: hint at product attributes in the copy and transfer to accounts with higher budgets
- Dig into consumers’ real thoughts and provide recognition: gain insight into real needs, rather than empty clichés
-Avoid forced mental account conversion: conduct natural guidance based on the interests and insights of the target group
-Reduce price perception: Compare with other expenses to show that the product is more valuable.
-Association guidance: Do not compare with other accounts, but find similar expenditures in the same account as an analogy.
-Improve value perception: satisfy higher-level needs, such as self-realization, recognition, etc.
We can write this in the prompt word to require AI to consider mental accounting when writing product sales copy, which can ensure that the copy can reduce the user's purchase cost.
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jahidur1999 · 5 months
Douyin Selected Home Page
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With the slogan "Every time you He Tuber open it, you will gain something new", the "Douyin Selected" videos are longer and contain more information. In addition to selected videos on digital, art, popular science, etc., there are also many documentaries. look.
The "recommendation" interface of "Douyin Selection" is more like the pictures and texts of Xiaohongshu. You can only see the video after clicking in. Unlike Douyin, which opens with vertical screen short videos, "Douyin Selections" allows me to scroll down and indifferently ignore content that I am not interested in.
However, after scrolling through "Douyin Selection", I found that from travel tutorials to cryptocurrency scams, from self-media experience to teaching how to make money in Hangzhou, from must-see high-scoring Korean dramas to making traditional Chinese colors, I didn't feel it. The video quality has improved significantly, but there are less nonsensical funny content.
But what’s interesting is that when it comes to “Douyin Selection”, which even few people in the editorial department know about, my colleagues commented that it’s “very difficult to use”. This is actually a compliment, just like how people with light tastes regard desserts. Top Rating – Not So Sweet.
"Douyin Selection" gave me a feeling: I seem to be able to learn something, but in fact I can't remember anything. It's just the fact that I put food in my mouth, which is packaged more obscurely.
Returning to Artifact, which has yet to achieve its ambitions, it is hard to imagine that when short videos are in the spotlight, there is still such a product with "reading articles" as its core, allowing us to repeatedly read the title, click on the article, and then return. The experience is not as good as Weibo. It’s fun with Instagram, not to mention Douyin and TikTok.
It gives your brain time to control impulses instead of habitually brushing it off. The algorithm helps us filter information, and at the same time we are consciously reading the information instead of being led by the algorithm.
As a product itself, Artifact is immature, and users’ eulogies about it are roughly “I appreciate the concept, but it’s not easy to use.”
But actually, the information has always been there, right? It is not difficult to return to RSS and Newsletter and browse social media according to the timeline.
It is precisely the scarcity and short-livedness of products like Artifact that show that it is increasingly difficult to find reliable sources of information. There is sea everywhere, but it is difficult to find water to drink.
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